8 THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHIL ADELPIIIA', MOffftAY, NOVEMBER' -16, '1868.,' CITY ITELLIGEHOE. CITY CRIMINAL CALENDAR. A Small Ttiert-A Pick pocket' A Bonded Warehoune Kobbetl-Illlclt Wlileky UArrolera A Ntabblntr Allray A Till Ribbed Fighters Arrested A Deadly Cba7lry Brown la M. wOlrka up M tlilnrs that come in his way. uo muuay uipnt he was standing at a bur In a rummery at Sixth and Lombard stieets, when a weocu came to and doKlred cbaiiRe for a five dollar bill. The bar tender mode the requisite change, which Charley bandied aud then left. He was pursued and vertaken. Alderman Carpenter seut him to PrSHOinel Child, alias Alfred Towne, Is the name of an individual who was arrested on Baturday, in the Spring Gnrden street lor picking the pocket of a youne Wjoti wa let containing $3. On be.., ft'?.f'! Alderman Masscy he was held in $12U0 bail lor On Saturday nlftat the United StaM bonte-j warehouse at the N. E. corner of Peun aud Lombard streets was broVeu Into find robbed of a lot of tobacco, yesterday Sergeant Broom all, ot the Third district, recovered a box of the stolen article nt the place ot J. B.Howell, who was arrested aud bound ver by Alderman Car enter for receiving stoten goods. Subsequently John tlauey and CUar'.es Glazier were taken Into custody for conimitrinn the theft. They, with two others, who Lave since been arrestel have Ven committed by Aldermaa Carpenter for trial. . ... On Paturd7 evening a wseon containing two mm and three barrels of illicit whisky was lakes in charge by a policeman at Second and Pine streets. The men irave tho names ot John Mcovern and Felix OToole. Tliey were locked up for a lurther bearing bttore the United States Commissioner, ai.d the "whisky confiscated by the United States aatborUies. Along the Delaware, after nlpht, Is becoming s danprcrous a locality as the Schuvlill was iu daysgoue by. On Saturday night I'atrick Black and a man named Burke were walking aloug Water street, and when they reached Lcmbnrd street they were attacked by a party of roughs, and 'robbed of all the valuables they had on their persons. John Kyan and John Smith, alias Waffle, were arrested and held to bail by Alderman Tittermary for niphway robbery, yesterday they were being taken to the van, when Waffles broke through the crowd and ran tn Welsh's siienr house, in which he secreted iims!lf. After a search of an hour he was se- finri'rt and tnkpn to Drlson. Last night, at about 11J o'clock, Patriok Fljnn and Timothy Owvna goi into an alterca tion at Ninth and Suffolk streets, during which Gwynn shoved a shoemaker's knite into the back of Flvnrj. The injured msn was taken to bis home. Gwvnn escaped and U still at large At a late hour on trday ntght the money drawer of the Ice cream saloon of Ur. Wilson, on Ninth street, below Auburn, was robbed of $30 and some silver coin. Yesterday afternoon William Jones and Robert Kennedy Induleed in a free tight on Walnut street, above Eighth. In'ormatlon was conveyed to Reserve Oflic;r Ferguson, who arrested both at Eighth aud Spruce streets, Alderman Jones sent them below. Yesterday afternoon William McKleve and some friends were walking along the Lancaster pike, when they were attacked by a rowdy crowd with bricks. McKieve was t-trurk two or three times on the head, and received such injuries that his Ufa is despaired of. Joseph Hurt, alleged to have been one of the attacking party, is in custody, and has been committed by Alderman Maufo to await the result of the injuries of the wounded man. Stray Thoughts. Needle manufacturers should be able to see the point, anJ, of course, Dave a good eye abont it. Grammarians aie wont to be "moody." Modern mellow-horn the whisky bottle. There are more horses than noiBe-cneauuia At f!hpnit Hill. Cloudy, dump, and disagreeable the weather this morning. Mnrringes iu this city arc on the increase Cold weather and conjugality nave a sort o afflnitv. Love warms un as mercury goes down It is said that they are. building a skaUnir Tink out Uace street by Twenty-first. In anticl pation, the boys are on their runners" every tlav. The overcoat brignde turned out In force this morniig. The fig-leaf costume can now probably be dipoed of tor the season. The managers of the Moyameusing Literary their hall. B. E. corner of Eleventh aud Catha rine streets, this evenine. at 7 ocioclc. Our red-faced friend, Mr. Todd, who popu larlv pops bv the name of "old Toddv." paid l visit yesterday to a neighbor of his an ancient, even-tempered widow Udy. Now "Toddy" lAkes kindlv to a droD of the "critter." Is espe daily fond of "old rye," and consequently as he sat toasting his feet at the widow's fire, it was the most natural Question In the world to ask her If she didn't like that beverage. In response to his query, she said: "Lawful sake no, wny r Old rye is meaner man roiien egg You kent make bread nor nothing else out ou't It won't rise any more'n our Sal at four in the morning." Toddy saw that she didn't take, and concluded that iu that respect his neighbor differed from himself. Toddy takes all the old xye he can get. Fair Opbkiko. At 7 J o'clook this evening ex-Governor 1'ollock will deliver an opening address at the mir for the benefit ot the feuu evlvauia Industrial Home for Blind Women which will be held at the Philadelphia City Institute rooms, N. E. corner ot Eighteenth and Cbesnut streets. The attention of the public is ca'.led to this fair, which we doubt not will be one of the most successful of the season. The object to aid in the establishment ot a home for indigent blind women is a very worthy one, aud the lair will be enlivened by music from the orchestra of the Blind Asylum, which has long been a popular favorite. The fair will be opened this evening at 74 o'clock, and continue each day from 11 A. M. until 10 P. M., closing cn JFrlday evening. Dfath op a Merchant. This morning Mr. Nathtm R. Brown, of the well-known clothing firm of Wannmaker ft Brown, died at his resi dence, of consumption. The deceased has beeu ailing for several years past, a portion of which time he spent in b lorida, where he had gone lor the benefit of bis health. His death will be regrettei bv a laige circle of friends. He lived at No, 2129 Spring O-trden street. Postponed. The Coroner's inquest in the care of William Martin, who died ou Wednesday night lat from the effects of a wound reeeived at the election polls, at Sixth and Tusker streets, on the J3ih ult.. which was continued from hat ardav until tL '2 morning, bad again to be post poned, tndefinikly pospoiied, ou account ot the absence of witnesses. Bad Drown ino Cahb. Ou Saturday night Jacob Wagner went to the wharf oi the Ki'-h-mond BteamshlD Company, for the purpose of rcceivine his wife on the arrival of the steamer. As his bridy wa recovered In the Delaware yesterday morning, he is supposed to have gone asleep and fallen overhotr 1. William McKibvb, who yesterday after soon was struck ou the head with a brick ou the Lancaster Pike, an account of which will be fourd iu another part of the paper, died this morning Irom the cried of the iujurj. (tyronCf Daniels will hold the inquest to-morrow. A Wait A female sVud, about three months old, was yesterday found ou a lot on Letcher street, above Orthodox, in Prankford. A Mrs. Ann Ott has tukeu temporary churge of the infant. Kilpatrlck Is to leoture in Boston on "Sher man's Grand March to the Sua," the 23d. It i not stated whether it will also be played on U tig organ. Miramon'i wife, who lives in Brussels, if a tall, slender, black-eyed lady of thirty, who takes all aha ean get from European Coarts, &4 then charge! them with being atingy. GENERAL GRANT. Ill Itetarn from Went Point. The N. Y. Times of this morning relates the following: The President elect, accompanied bv Mis. General Grant and General Dent, of his fatf, returned to the city from West Polut last evening, and resumed their quarters at the Metropolitan Hotel. They left West Point on the 4 P. M. train V;;lerday. being escorted by General GHmore to tha wh'"r? u.Leiiti orant purchased tickets lor the party himself, and, taking seats iu one of the ordinary passenger cars (and very ordi nary they are on that train), rode quietly to the city unannoyed by any demonstration whatever on the route. Probably not haif a dozen pas sengers on the train ot six or eight can were aware of the distinguishe! company in which tbey were travelling, apinsthe people living on the line of the road Vf r not expecting General Grant's return be.ore Monday, they were not on the lookout 'or "that famous cigar." During their staj Cf twenty-four hours at West Point the Prty pnjoyed ihe hospitalities of General l".'iOuer, superiiitandentof the Military Academy, at whorehouse Gen. aud Mrs. Grant enjoyed the society of their son Frederick, which was the principal object or their visit tnere at inn nme. yesterday morning General Grant, In company with General Pitcher, uoiouei ijihck, aua gene ral Dent, went out and witnessed the usual Sunday morning Inspection of the cadets on the Camput, but the remamuer oi me uay, until their departure for New York, was spent in doorsnone ot the party attending service at the chapel. On Saturday evening, while Genernl Grant r.ud his military companions were over the iiv?r at Cold Spring diniug with Governeur Eemble, the band connected with the Military Academy serenaded Mrs. Grant at the residence of the Superintendent the greater portion of the selections being, by a curious coincidence, from the music of the great composer, Rossini, Who but a tew hours previous had breathed his last in Paris. Genral Grant lnteuds to remnln In New York vint l Friday next, during which time he will pariakc of the "Hio pitaims of our citizens in a quiet way, but Is still, as ever, averse to any public ovation or lormM demonstrations ot any kind. 15f tore returning to Washington be may pay a visit to uosion, irom many or whose lead ing citizens he has received urgent Invitations. He proposes, between now and the time he is required to assume the arduous duties of the Presidency, to enjoy a little relaxation, and to visit teversi oi the leading Atlantic cities, pro vided he can be allowed to do so iu a quiet wayf DISASTER. THIRD EDITION Movements of Chief Justice Chaso EYarts' Grand Dinner Affairs on tho Faciflc Coast. FOURTH EDITION I .A. R. -A- O- XT .A.Y. The Collision at 1'iiUon Ferry, New i ora. The despatches to The Evening Tei korapii on Saturday announced the occurrence and many of the details of the fearful collision at Fulton Ferry, Jiew York, by which a number of persons were killed outright and twenty-four seriously, some fatally, injured. The following testimony at the Coroner's Investigation lndl cates that the dreadful calamity was the result of carelessness: fieorgc W. Broach, who was a witness to the occurrence, makes the following statement: About H o'clock this morning I went oa board the Union ferry boat, at the Fulton Ferry, New Yoik side, for the purpose of coming to Brook lyn; when I got on board the boat I went to the iront, wnere mere were about a dozen persons standing beside myself; shortly after 1 got there I saw the other boat, which I believe was the Hamilton, coming from Brooklyn towards the slin: the boat on which 1 was was in the slin nearest the South Ftrry, and the coming in boat would naturally take the slip on the other side when 1 first saw her she was about two huudre feet off, aud was headed directly for the boat on which I was standing; she was crowded with passengers, so much so that her forward part was depressed considerably below the iiKiial level: she kept advancing in the straight urn- lunniua iue uuut uu wuicu i was, until sue came so near that l eaw that a collibion was Inevitable, and with the others who were staud ine on front of the boat I stepped back some puces to avoid tne shock. At tne same time the pasfengers on the approachiug boat were ecized with a panic und attempted to get back out of the way, but so great was the crowd of people and wauous behind them that they could not move very lar. in a few second, and during the confusion oi the victims trying to save inemseives, tne npproucning to:it came up to the boat on which 1 was with such force that. owing to the depressions of bcr forward part,hc ran unaer tue guards, i no, striking the unier bow, was veered to one side, so that, with the force at which she was moving, the forward portion of the ladies' cabin was entirely toru away, wneu tne Hiimiuon ran under the guards of the Union there were a number of poople wounded, and a number ot ladies were also injured. What I wish particularly to stale Is, that while the Hamilton was approach ing towards the slip at a high rate of speed, and in such a direciion as made it apparent to every ore thdt a collision must occur, there was not the slightest perceptible diminution of her speed, and, to mo, the accident appeared as the result ot the most reckless carelessness on the part of the pilot in charge of the boat Allred Dorian testided that he resided nt No. 33 1 aurens street, Brooklyn; went on board the Hamilton on Saturday morning, just as sho was about to start; the boat was very crowded, so much so that one gentleman refused to cross and went ashore; caw nothing unusual until we were anout to enter the slip; saw a propeller, wuicn npnearea to ue lying in ironi ot tue mar ketslip; when we weie in the middle of the river the propeller was abreast of the ferry slip; there was a strong flood tide running at the time: have been daily crossing the ferry for the past 20 years; saw nothing unusual on Saturday morning; my Impression is that the engine was stopped as we were eutering the slip; there was a strong eooy at tne end ot the pier, which. when it struck our boat, carried us down towards the Union; I beard two bells ring in quick succession just as our bow entered the eli d : 1 saw there would be a collision, but supposed the boat would stop before she did, as me engine was men oacKine; i neard someone on the upper decu call oat for the paseng rsto get back; I looked up at the pilot-house, aod I saw the pilot, Mr. Albertnon. standing at the wheel; alterwards I heard the crash and the women screaming; saw the boy lying on the deck, with a rail Ijing across his body; I took it ou und louud he was dead. M E It It I C K &, SONS BOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, NO. 30 WA8HINOTOJS AVKNUK, iihlladelplila. WILLIAM WRIGHT'S PATENT VARIABLE CUT OFJ BTKAM ENGINJB, Regulated by the Governor. MKBRICK'S SAFETY HOISTING MACHINE, Patented June, 1SS8. DAVID JOY'8 PATENT VALVELH4S STEAM HAU11ER, I). M. WESTON'S PATENT BELF-nENTERING, SELF-BALANCING CENTRIFUGAL bUG.R-DBAININGMACiiINiS Ann HYDRO EXTRACTOR, For Cotton or Woollen MAouJsctuma. 7l0mw R0DGER8' AND WOSTENHOLM'S POCKET KMVKH. Perl and SUur Jdnndlns. of bekutlMJ tli.Uh. UOUGERS' nd WAJJK A UUTCUKit'S 1IA ZOKM, aud Hie eelnbrated LBOOULTKJB RAJ5 SClt-BOKS of tne nat quality. jit)rj. Knlvea, bcliwurs. e.r.3 Tuble Cutlery Ground and PolVhedjjkt t. iLAjUJOiiA'B, No. AU a TKNTU SUroeS.bft'.bw unnnt. ssw EAFNES8. EVERY INSTRUMENT THAT clenoe and iklll have li eutad to alst tha titiarliic In every degree of deineasi a bio, Ueiplra tors: alBO, CraudaU's Patent Oriuohe. superior to ny other la ne, at P. MADJU&A'B, No. US S TENTH Street, below tlheenot, taspt MIDDLETON A CO., DEALKR9 IN HAHLUIUH, LEHIGH, and MAUL IS VEIN IOAL. Kept dry under rover. Prepared exprmnly for teinlly line. vara. no. li.o wabiiibbiun B. Avenue. OfUoe,No.l4 WALNUT Street. 7 PRIZES CASHED IS ROYAL HAVANA,. K JlMTUCK Y, aud MISSOURI LOTTJCttlkS Clrealert lent end loformftllou (Iven. JOPRI'H BTKS. No. 7 JUtOADWAY.New Ytrt, peel office Vex, ihii, n U in FURNITURE. Misconduct of Minister Washburn lie Abandons American Citizens to the Cruelty of Lopez. FROM WASHINGTON. Special Detpatch to TU Kvtning Telegraph. Washington, Nor. 16. Chief JnUee ( hsu started lor Baltimore this afternoon to attend a session of the United States Court, to bo b for one week. General Gran, a rumber or Senators s,nj Representatives, Generals Haucock iad Thomas, rind Admirals Farragul and Porter, will go to Fortress Mon roe on tho 20th Instant, to witness General Humphreys' experiments on thermonstcr guns. The ItrltUb Government having withdrawn Its claim to the Island of San Juan, thus glvea to the United States eole con trol of Pnget'a Souad, and one of the best har bors between Sau Fraucieco and Sitka. It it said that Seven United Ktatea Senator and nil the members of the Cabinet have beeu invited to the dinner to be given, to Mr. Evarts by the New Yerk bar to-morrow. FROM NEW YORIC. Attorney-General Kvarta' Dinner Niw York, fcov. IS. General Badeau, of General Grant's staff, stated to day, in answer to a question as to whether General Grant intended to be present at the Evarts dinner, that It would depend on whether Secretaries Randall, McCul loch, or Welles would be among the guests, as the President elect did not desire to meet any ot those gentlemen. Markets by Telegraph Niw Yobk, Nov. 10. fctocks quiet end lower. Chi cago end Hock Island, H SU; Keuuiutc, ; (Joujq Co , 46; Krln, B1&; Cleveland ana Toledo, tkt,': Cllevelana and Plttahurg, fet; Fltuihnrg and Fort vVayne, lus, Michigan Central. 1H; Michigan Houihero, bi'i; New York (Antral, fit-,; Illinois Central, 141; Cumber land pruftrrcd, 86.'.: Vrglnla:Ss, 56; Missouri 6t, sit1,'; Hudson river, 12S; fr-soa, lsftt li t; do. IkM, WW; do., lsf. 107 do., new, lloikfiUo!.,;. HMoa, lot; iiold. 1M5.; Money, 4 per cent, on uovernmeuli ana 6(&7 oa oiuer collaterals; Kxcuange, 8'i. Nkw Tobi, Nov. IS. Cotton Arm; isles ot 80S bales at 24'4. Flour firmer: naiej ol suoo barre s rttate at k 6-7o(s!,7-40j Ohio at fK&fbn Western at S TOttTS; Coutberu at 7 C5(glS 25; California at 7(in a. Wheat firmer but qeiet; salvs of 16,000 bushels No. 1 at fl-SKTM. Corn firmer, sales of 42,0vS buelieia ilxtd Western at I1'14($1-1S. Oata dull at 71. Me.t Pork dull a- f28'75; briua mess, l.ard dull; lean, lsH0i6;''e. Whisky quiet. Haltimok. Nov. ifi. Ooitou dull at (4c. Flour more active; IToward street ssperHoe, IS 6U(ji71i; do, extra, SIS'5U; do. iaruily, 111) 75(il-7; city mills supeifioe, ae'60(e!7'2&; do. extra, S(uls-75; do. family, 111(2,117: Wsstera superfine, in-uiiV do. eitra, s: do. family. JlCddlO 75 doreneed qulel and held Arm t 7'. W ueat dull; prime to choice rd. $i lixvii-hd; low aradee, $1 (0(1'75. Corn firm; new wblte, ti.!.; yellow, 5c.(ul i . Oats dnll; Western. 6K(r$70o. l'jrlc firm at 29c Bacon active; rib sides, 17'8c.; vlnt sides, n(U)lU?-1 shoulders, laiidvuc iiains, 164J9c. Lard daU at 16e. The New York Money Market. From the Herald, "After a lengthened period of stringency In money ana aa unuiimiiy eeprvsaed ooadttiou or tne et-oclc market, tbe woek clonsa with a sudden ceasauou of the causts blcn produced tbe strincency lu tbe one aud tbe decline in tbe otrier. Friday last marks me uay of tbe greatest depression In stocks, tue values ot which buu contlnuea to fall in tbe laoa of an easy slate cjf money brought about as early as laBt Tees day. The reason of ihelr doing so, In coutrarlely to tbe general rule ibat prices advance when money is abundant, wes the deep-sealed distrust engendered by several previous pretended withdrawals of the greenbacks locked up by the combination of bears wbo engineered the wboie crisis, tbe effector wnicb each ilu.e .s to Induce renewed speuulatlen and consequent htavy lossea. Operations In Wall street were conuueted with a caution which produced dul lness. Those wbo riad their margins swept away were of cwurse out of the street, und those wbo hid suffered to the extent 01 a fraction, large or small, of tbelr capital, bad less to Invest, aud were more care ful about locating that little. At the aauae time, money began to be abundant in tne city. Exchange turned Iu favor ot New York Tbe use of the three per cent, certilira.es made money easier In tbe batiks; louni were scrutinized w tb more care, and a general conservative feeling pervaded Unanolal circles. Tbe combination found that tbe elasticity of buslnass was beginning to cover the gap in tbe curreuey pi educed by tbe tying up of tbe twelve or hllrea millions greenbacks. Un Thursday ant Fri day an appearance of another 'locking up' was pro ducud through tbe exchanges ol tbe Bank of tb Ctmmonwealtb. Un the latter day the public, who had commenced to distrust tbete signs as inuihas tbey bad those of an easy money market, wavered lu dtttbi, then bscame ranic-strlcken and let go of tbelr stock. Prices lunched tbeir lowest, tbe 'bears' nrcbastd, covered tbelr snort contrasts and brought tbe cieeubacks to ligbt ouce more. "Ttie rate tor money daring the week was sevea rf r cent, currency, with a lew exceptional transae lons at ibis rate In coin on Monday and during a few hours on Friday. Balances after banking hours In some Instances did not oumniaad more luaa six, and fi r tbe cash In 'short' speculations In Uovrrumeaui a higher price weuld not be paid. "The wtekly statement of tbe associated banks shows those lLBtitnllons to be richer than tbey vre t the close of tbe previous week of paulo aud gloom, and will Inspire confidence at the opening of the buslner-s for the ensning week. There fs an laorsase In lesal tenners of (4.2V,48tt. and a decrease In loans of 7,492 SM. wbile tbe falling off in deposits Is 1C 12. lbe fo lowing is a comparison of tue state ment for tbe two.weeks; . Wcv. . JVou. 14. Ioans flfiM ami f249,,iu.5s hpecie 10,446.741 lS.uVi.OiiS Circulation .Wx.37 34 wj tut lleposhs 17S.t 71S 174.161) M9 Legal-tenders. 7.17,2U7 61,4M,M from tle Tiibvne, "Oovernment bonds onened with a firmer feeling; (s Of llll solo at 1U: 5 2IW ol 1S2, IhS'.'U.ICa; dd 8iM, 7s, 11H7.; SSs, 11(J: currency S per cent, at 9. The demand was good, with a large business done at tbe oeuuters of the dealer, Tennessee per cent, stld at thV. Kortb Carolina per cent, new, Si. Hallway bonds were steady. lie1 aware and Hansel sold at 12S. I'acific Mall, 114, advanclug after tbe cU to 117. Xxprrssshaies aerevnll. Mercbauts' Union sold at 10; Adams, idii. Railway suarei were higher for all the active stocks. New York Central and JErlc were the chl. f points of Interest In the nnarket, lbe former advancing to 1 19', and the latter to 41 '4. with heavy transactions. Reading told a Michigan Koutherr (W Hi. Paul H'4 bu Paul preferred si; Bock Island waa largely dealt In at 108X to U4l4- TbeNoribweaiern eh ares were autlve, and heavy purchases were made of bolb classes or the stock, the common sehlug at S4, and the preferred atS4). port Wayneiold at 1W3, Hudson u. At tbd Btgular B iard tne transaulluns In Nw York Central, Frle, Heudlng, and Cleveland and Plttahurg were very fceav.' . F-rie preferred sold at 83, liud Bon vua. Cleveland and 'J oiado ls, Ijike Knre 9d, Chicago, Buiilngtin and Qnlticy 16'J. H'. Paa 6t'4. HI. Paul preleried Sl(afe4H: Cnlcago and Altou Mold at las fir both corunion aad preferred shocks. At tbe 1 o'clock Boa'd, New Yors Central and fl-l con tinued excited, Ihe former Bel Ing at nsu, and the latter at Alter tue Los d the oiuikHt wh active us til t e e'ese of buluri In lbe Long Kjoin, at Si o'clock. Krle mid up to 4a. receding ag in to 4S; New York On'ra' sold nt 1 1, receding to lauS; heading, 88i. Tbe Mm thw stern shares were very strong, the common selling a' sC the preferred tu.; the balance of the list was lr ax K to 1 pr cent big' er, and li e market active and eio 'ed at tha clise. Government bonds were firm throughout the attrrnonn, with a moderate bluess doing ou tbe street alter tbe boards." FIFTH EDITION THE LATEST NEWS. Hie Condnet of f.lnl'ter- Waehbnrn. Speeial Dttpateh 14 fKt JOventn TtUarvph, Kkw Yobi, Sot. 1.-The EvcniM 'ost has Important Paraguay corresponde'iice recounting tu 'afsmous outrages comraitted upon Ameri cans by the misconduct of Minister Washburn. It in asserted that Mr. Washburn left the country, and abandoned to the barbarous Dic tator Lopez, two American citizens, Porter C. Bliss and George F. Masterman, both of who n were, moreover, employed In the Legation, and we re.thus officers ot the United States. The correspondent adda still further that while the English and French fleets are hasten ing to Paraguay to rescue their people, Wash burn, has. not even called for our fleet, which lies idly In Bio, while Lopez Is torturing aud murdering at hit own sweet will. Obituary. Baltimore, Nov. 16. Thomas Armstrong, of the firm of Armstrong, Cater & Co., the oldest at tive merchant in this city, died on SaturJay, aged ninety. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF QUARTER ISBS8ION8 Judge Pelroe. Tbe second period of tbe Octooer term began this morning, ana conmaei aoie uuie was comuiuea in aisposiLg ol tne numerous applications lor exca-e Horn service made by Jurors summoned upon the new panel. Iu tba esse of the Commonwealth vs. Michael Fits gerald, charged with Illegal voting, in which tbe tilal was contluued ou Friday last, and tbe prlio ier was released noon ball, Mr. Maua, representing the MosecutloD, this morning appeared prepared to try tbe case, Tbe deieuaaut s name was called, bnt nun rrjqiotutei Air. Mann, notwunatanoing remon strances by Mr. Brooke, representing tbe defendant, tnea said that tbla waa no more than he bad ex pected wben thecontiouanoe Of Friday last was ac quiesced In; It bad already coat $-00 to bring tnls man bsre, and bow be would ask tbat bis ball be forfeited, and a bench warrant granted to br ng blm In. Uls llouor granted tba application, saying be thotignt tae defendant bad acted in bad faith towards the Court. Catharine Cato, colored, was tried for assanltand battery upon Annie Too'u, a little white girl. It waa testlhcd that tbe dsleuoaot chased tbe child as she was going to school, and struck her, frightening her so much as to endanger her health. Tba defense. In rebuttal of these allegations, prodaced evidence of good character. ClbTKlCT COURT No. 2-Jndee Hare John C Waiaonvs. The Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad. An action to recover dam axes lor iujuiles alleged to have been sustained through the negligence of tbe defendants. It was set fortu by lbe plaintirr mat bis dorse ana carriage were oeingnriven or u noy aero tbe deleudaita' road, at Tacony. aid the borne, be coming frightened at tbe engine, ran elongtbailua or tbe rcaa instead oi across, ana ine train overtook blm, killing tba animal and destroying the wag n. 'lbe defense alleged that the train was stopped In order to elve the team an onoortnnl'r to cross.aod when the accident occurred the train was g ting at tha rate of six miles aa hour, and tbe engineer had not a moment's warning of the danger. On trial. COURT OF CUMMON PLKAS-Judge Brewster. The feigned Issue list was taken up this morning a Jury being in a' tendance. 1 be Commonwealth vs. David J. Kennedy, trustee et al. This was a claim of encbeatto the Common wealth of tne prooerty now known as Larson's tea s'ore in pecena street, aooveunesnur, it onus aregea that tbe owner of it aiea leaving no lawiui claimants fin trial. COURT OF COMMON FLEAS Judge Ludlow. HIb Honor had before blm ibis morning tbeluso.veat list and miscellaneous business. UNl'l'KU KTATHH DISTRICT COURT Tudge uaa waiaoer. i ne riuvruiunr iirm ui iui wurt wm opened this morning. John P. O'Neill. Ksq., apoear Ing as United States Attorney, Uoneral Cadwalader was appointed lureman ot the Oraod Jury, and the gentlemeu of tbat body were Instructed by tbe court as to the duties of tbelr oUlre and were dismissed to business. Tbe list 01 revenue cases Indicates that the busmens or tbe term will no quite lull. DISTRICT COURT. No 1-Judge Thayer Wll liam Leon vs. Elizabeth Mettlnger. Administratrix ol the estate of John Miller, deceased. An action to recover damages for an alleged breach or contract under the foll'iwlua- alienations: Tbe plaintiff cur chased from the defendant a hotel at the Falls of tbe Rchtiylklll, and tbe latter. In the negotiation, repre sented tbat tbe water upon Ihe place was perfectly good for drinking, washing, aud other h.iue pur poses, whereas. In truth, tbe plaintiff, after taking possession, found the water Impregnated with nau seous chemical materials issuing from Powers & Welghlman's laboratory above, un trial. Sew Tork Stock quotations, 2 P. 91. Reeeived by telegraph from Glendlnnlng & Davis. Block Brokers. N o. 48 H. Third street: N. Y. Cent. K. 122U Plt8.F.W.andUbi...lOS Mil. til. i . coin osy. I. LUTZ, FROSI PARIS, No. 121 South ELEVENTH Street. Just received, a frejh stock oi fancy article or FURNITURE, Suitable for Holiday and Wedding Presents. These article of Furniture have bean aaannfao tnred to order, and are warranted to stand tbla oU mate, and will be sold lion saw flair AT A BMAIX ADYAKCJa N.Y.and E.K.... 60! mil. ana ilea, rv...iuu Mich. 8. and N.I. R. VA Ole. and Pitt. R 85 Oht. aiidN.W. com. 86 Gb.ic.aiid N. W. prt 86 Chi. andR. I.R 105'X Wells, Fargo Co. 28 U. 8. Kxpreua....... 45 Gold 130 Market, irregular, PHILADELPHIA 8T01K. K1DBANUK HALES, NOT. 10 Reported by De Haven Bro., No. 46 8. Third street BBTWBEN BOARDS 1 0 sh Read H 49'44 200 do..... Is. W6. 87K6 dO...lS.blU 49 4110 do...........lS Utl. 4' do,....8Alu.4' oB 3U0 ao.... im sh N Penna . ....... lUd Bh Phil & - 25 t II sh HI Nlrh CI 1 800 sh Head R ...blO. 49H C do CAP. 49 10 d0..M.M..JS.4V'44 2C0 do 49'il bKCOND BOARD. 81 sh Fenna B ...Is. s3H I luO .b Hestnnvllla 61 do.. 61H ion do...M......Sd.' 1H t sh Leb V A.......- 2 do... H 11 do bH ZOOsh Til Mt is. 6S too sb bbamokln CI... 1 loo sh N l'tuina....l)t(0J 8S iltla4iReadliN(....ls. 49' IDS do Is-blO.. 4T. tj 4o........... H 104 do 43 KO do. b5wnW. 49i TTTEPDING INVITATIONS, ENGRAVED IN V V the newest and beat manner. LOUIH RKKA, Htatloner and Kngraver, 91fi NcloasCHJiiiNliT btree kj t n uw it wiwws-, A Flue Assortment, $10 Per Set. A LARUE VAME1T OF NEW GAMES. Tho Dyer Investlgation-OHlec-seekers at tho Capltal-The "Intelligencer's" New Programme. R. HOSKINS k CO., (STATIONERS AND ENGRAVERS, BlmwBUm No. fill ARCH Street. THE LATtST FALL STYLES OP TARTY ANI Wi-DDINU INVITATION!. A large asiortmeut of new style of French Paper Paper and h ovelope In boxes already stamped, PaLer and Envelope stamped In Colors gratis. JOBN LINERD, 10 12 m wa No 921 BPRINQ PARPEN Btreet. CHINA, GLASSWARE, ETC. (JROUrS AND STATUETTES. TYNDALE & MITCHELL, No. 707 CIIESXUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, OFFER A FiNE ASSORTMENT OF IMPORTED BRONZES, AT 28mwfSnarp VERY LOW PRICES. iJEATH OP EOTH8CniLD. FROM WASHINGTON. fpeelal Despatch to The Evening Telegraph. WA8HmaToii, November 16. Tbe Dyer Court-Mnrtlal, wbich nipt this morning, attracted a large crowd, and the inherent In It, which had pretty well died out, teems to be revived. General Rodman was the only witness examined to day It not expected anything new will be elicit.! beyond what wai brought out by the Urdnance CommUteeg of the two hounes. IheCnban Flllbtmier CommKtee, which waa aauounced to call upon the Ptesl- dent and Secretary Seward to-ly, has not made it appearance. It is hardly probable that any conmitU'e will come here for the purpose of at-king the Government to consent to engage in such business. . SeeretarF Seward, who had an interview with the President to-day, erpremcs ihe opinion that no organization of importance exists in the United States having designs upon Cuba. Oeneral Grant' abrence from the city, and the published state mentthatbe refuses to consider applications for office, does not diminish lbe size of tbe bundle of letters received every day at tho headquarters bespeaking various places under his administration, from Cabinet positions down to petty post offices. Gen. Badeau, Grant's sec re'ary, has a way of disposing of these which, however it may fail to trratlfy tho senders, cer talnly gives Grant little trouble. The "intelligencer" of to-day contains a three-column article pr aie In f Thaddeus Stevens as a statesman and patriot. It holds him up as an examplo to living public men of all parties. FROM EUROPE. lianqnet to It. J. Affair In Spalu Pro greHH Towards a Monarchy-Ireatu of Itothfecuild. By AtUinlUs Cable, 1 ohdoi, November 16. The corporate autho rities of Brighton will give a banquet to fteverdy Johnson and George Peabody on Tuesday next. Uadbid, Kov. 16. An immense demonstration came ofl here on Saturday in favor of a mon archical form of government. Addresiea were made by Olozaga, Martoz, Serrano, Prim, fopete, and others. Not less than 60,000 per sona were -present. Pabis, Nov. 16. -Baron James Rothschild, head of the house of Rothschilds, bankers, died here jesterday. From Syracuse. Syracuse, Nov. 16. Frank H. Bobbins, for merly a confidential clerk in the employ of Frazer & Burnt, saddlery and hardware manufac turers here, has been detected in extensive em bezzlamenls. Ills latest exploits were in col lecting money from the creditors ot the firm, and there is reason to believe that he is ope rating extensively in the VVcdteru States in this manner. Earthquake iu New Jersey. Kbw Yobk, Nov. 16. Four distinct shocks of earthquake were felt in Elisabeth, N. J., lat night about 10 15 o'clock. The four shocks continued some twenty saoends, and chairs, tables, beds, and other articles of furniture swayed to and fro. Heavy Robbery, New Yobk, Nov. 16. Richards & Boas, No. 6 Baiclay Btreet, were robbed of money and valu ables to the amount of $5000, yesterday. No airests have been made In connection with tha affnir. From New York. New Yobk, Nov. 16. Officer Chailea King, of Jtney City, whs dangerously stabbed by a Ger man named ililler last night. New Tork Stock Quotation, 4 P. ta. Received by telesrrapn from Glendlnnlng A Davis. Block Broa era. So, 18 8. Third street: N. Y. Uent. K laUnl. N. W. R. prL. 87 N: Y. and Kile it... 61 r li. sua ntu. xv...... Mien. B. and si Ole. and Pitt. K. tu Cbl.AJS.W.K.com. 86 ObL and K. L K. 106 mu.F.W.and (JhLllW Gold ...l)HSi Market irregular. AMUSEMENTS. sr adHtional Jmtutmenlt te Third Pag. C CONCERT II ALL Ml KKLLOQG. J Mr. Max btrakosoh lakes pltasuca la aauuun ciug Ihe first appearancti, (luce her reiura from Ja toiie, of tbe repowned American Prima lnna, M1H8 CLAHA LOUI8K KKJ.LWdU, IN TWO UKiMl KKLXOGO OONCKltrii AKD A FAHK.VEi.1, MATINKK. fo take place during tba week corunjeuclng the 2Sd of ISovmifier, assjsied b several dltlnKulHbid arnsis. 1 he sate of tlckeis to coninieuc-t on Saturday. Nov. 21, at 9 A. M.. at Trunj piers Unslo btore, Mo. 924 CHKt-NUT Hlreet Pa'iloular. In fnfnr anvrrf.monts. 11 16 tf T HE PRINCIPAL DEPOT TOB THE BALE Or REVENUE STAMPS NO. 804 CHESNUT STREET. CENTRAL DEPOT, NO. 103 a FIFTH BT (One door below Cneannt street). ESTABLISHED 1862. Tba sale of Revenue 8 tampe ia atlll conUnned t the OlfVEfltabllabed Agency, INSURANCE COMPANIES. j UNITED SECURITY i 1KDIRWI COMPANY, j OP PENNSYLVANIA. OFFICE: S. E. t'orucr FIFTII and CIIESSUT Ste., FHILADILPH1A. CAPITAL. S I yOOO(000 DIKEOTOI18 J7Ji:PU PATI KR83N. WM. C. HOUSTON. ' H. J. HOLM. Jt ROOD. PHILADELPHIA GFOPOK JT. BTTJ A RT, IB. H. FitmRTMANT aa. m. ru i civ. K. A. DRF.XKl, WM. V. MlKKAN, THOMAB W. KVAN8, K EW VllOir JAMKB M. MOTtni-rON.Fresldeat Manhattan Banlr JOaJiPU 8T0AKT, ot i. J. bluari 4 "Bankerl BO8T0W. BON. K. 8. TOBKY. late President Board of Trade. CINCINNATI. A. V. CHAMBERLAIN, of Chamberlain A Co. CHICAOO. 1 . 7.. LKITER, of Field, Lelter A C j. C. H. UMiTU, of Oeo. C. Smith & Brothers, Bankers. LOUISVILLE KY. 'WILLIAM GARVIN, of Garvin, Bell AOo, ST. LOUIS. J-aMKSK. YBATMAN, Cashier Merchants' National NRW HAM P:iHtBR. HON. J. W. FATTEKMON. U. 8. Bsnator. BALTIIIOKE. WILLI M FRK8COTT SMITH, Baperlntendent WaKlnRttfn R,llw,y Jjlue Mew York j P. V. HHOKMAKKR. of Adams A Co.'s Xzarma. , CHB1WUN AX. Of G. W. Gall dk A. ' FKANC1S T. KIKU, President Central Bavins ' GEORGE H. BTTJART, President. . HENRY E. ROOD, Vioe-President. C. F. BETTtJ. Hecretary. J. U LUDLOW, Consul! ins; Pbyslolan. B. M. GIRVIS, M. D.. , JOB. F. KOBRPEK, M. Medical JSxamlner C. 8TUART PATTERSON. 1 KICHAKD LUDLOW, 7 Counsel. Thl Company Issues Follcle of Life Insurance upon all tbe various plans that have been proved bv tbe eznerlenc of Knrnnwn .ml BU..IM.UHII. panlas to be safe, sound, and reliable, at rates as LOW 1ND IIPOiV TEkMH AA civnpmni .a THOSE OF ANY COM ANY OF EQUAL STABILITY. All policies are non-forfeitable after the payment of two or moie annual premiums. 11 u ImwSmrp INSURANCE BY TUB INSURANCE COMPANY or tub STATE o PEMSl'LYANIA. ISCORrOKATED 1794. TEOrEETIIS OF THE COMf AATt S6OO.OO0. Firo, Marine, and Inland. HAS PAID OVER SI 0,000,000 IN LOSSES. APPLICATIONS ASKED FOR DIBECT, DIRECTORS. : nenry T. Sherrerd, (. Ijarlfs Macalester, William K bmhb, George H. Stuart, hamuel Grant, Jr., Thomas B. Wattaon, R. Da'e Henry Q. Freeman. Charles H. Lewis, George C. Carson, Edward C. Kolgbt, John B. Ausilu. Christian J. liofliaan, Benson, HKNRY D, BHIRRERD, President. WILL'AM HARPER, Secretary. U 6 fmwStrp O X - T O E C BOOTS AND SHOES. BARTLETT, o. 33 SOUTIJ SIXTH STREET, 10 1 ftnwj ABO VK CHESNUT, OPERA CLASSES. A LARGE AND FINS ASSORTMENT OF j riAlJl AD FANCY OFERA ULASSES ,aa ! I New Btylts In Pearl, Fancy, and Mosocoo Caies, i william t. McAllister, 1 OPTICIAN, j No. 728 CHESNUT Street.' lllSfmwttrp PHILADELPHIA, j L. T. W I L 3 O N,' rLUMBER AND OAS FITTER,' Jio. 8 North SEVENTH Street, PHILADELPHIA. Ill 1 mwflmr JJjJRINTINGRopMS