TI1E DAILY EVENING TELEGKAPIrniLADELPIIIA, SATUUDAY, N0 EMBEtt 14, 18G3. 0121 RELIGIOUS COLUMN, One Tttlont Workers. It Was doubtlfsa not nndrtlRiied that ho Wb had bnt n niDRle talent is rrprcsenlcd n the one of all others who went and buried it, hid it in a napkin. Such a one has most temptation to do to. Be naturally thii kt that he has bo little to invest for Ood that it is scarcely worth while to invest it. If he bad only higher endowment, each as are worthy of God's gieat cause, then he might well employ them ior God. bat the yield Cf his li'.tle investmcut would besolnslgtillcant that it would amount to nothlnir, either for God or himself; it would scarcely honor either. In fact, as he reasons, it would be belter to let Ihoio work who can work better than ho. His feeble effort, his nnglfted words, hla pittance Of hnrity cutiuut amount to anything In swell ing the surrogate ol heavenly successes. So the Devil helps him to wr ug his Master of hla due, to rob his God. and thus also secures the luac'ion of a large part oi the Church. It is a horrid lullaby bummed by fiends in Christian cars. But we must awake. Ten talents scat tered nmon ten individual can in some re spects yield more than ten talents concentrated In one. If all CUilitlans were buy forGoi, each to the almost of bis ability, the Church would at once increase an hundred-fold her power. The giants are working, but the waste of power is with the masses; the eloquent are speaking, but the stammering tongues are silent; the rich and abb are giving, but the men of moderate means have not learned as yet to tithe unto the Lord. Before the millennial can reach its noontide, the consecration and activi ties of the Ctiurch must become uulversal. KorlliWis ern Adtomtp. X A Word on Family Prayer. W T0tliia iaha r t xnn anv I mn an lrnr,r.iit . ... ..... . . .-j, ... ' that it is no qood trying to have prayer in oar family." You make a mistake there. It is qpt grand words that Sod wants, but honest hear'.s. God oilers you Ills Holy Spirit to help you in your prayers and to teach you to pray. Jesus says, "If je, then, being evil, know how to give good gifts ju'o your children, how much more shall your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask. him?" Ask God for the help of His Holy Spirit, and you will Had that is far better than all the help that any man can give you. Bnlish Workman. Beautiful and True. Education does not commence with the alpha. heW ' It begius with a mother's lo-jk with a father's (-mile of approbation or sign of reproof p-with a slater's gentle pressure of the hand, or f a brother's noblo act of forbsarance with a I, handful of flowers in green and daisy meadows I with bird's nesU admired but not touched I with creeping ants and almost impossible eoi- vmets with humming bees and glass behlves, I with pitasant walks and shady lanes, and with thoughts directed in sweet and kindly tones and words to mature to acts of benevolence, to deeds of virtue, und to the source ot all good to God. Himself. Frazcr'a Hagatinc. "Where Is your Boy at Right! The practice of allowing boys to spend their evenings in the streets is one of the most ruin ous, dangerous, and mischievous things possible Nothing so speedily and surely marks their course downward. They acquire, under the cover ol uigbt, an unhealthy state of mind, vul var and profane language, obscene practices, criminal sentiments, and a lawless, riotous bearing. Indeed, It is in the streets, alter sight-lall, that boys acquire the education and the capacity lor becoming rowdy, dissolute meD. S UMMAR r OF RELIGIQ DS NE WS. sriscorAL. A case of disobedience to Episcopal autho rity has lately occurred in Brighton, England, i - .1 .. .. 4- U H 1 i . . I. U .. .. . . . Iuore pianiiK mau turn ui uuuuam, ui Westeriv. liev. J. Purcbas. rector of at. James' Chapel, has been conducting ritualistic services cf un extreme tvue. De bishop or cuicnester vMt last summoned resolution, to inhibit him from I officiating. But instead of meekly submiltinir to f the godly admonition of his bishop, on the next tabbath he ostentatiously repeated his offense. jThe services were unusually gorgeous and (Histrionic. A procession of cassocked boys, I carry ing lighted candlei in their hands, filed iuio the choir, tollo ed by a long line of choristers land other a'sistants "acolytes, thurlter, crucl- I Jfer, banner-bearer, ceremonariu9," etc. the two jiffirlutinir niint. Rpv. J. Pnrchas anrt hid curate, bringing up the rear. Mr. f urchas was vested ia I ebt colors, and wore a ap, on which Dimi. orobablv crvsta a. teemed to slitter. The ioceure was kindled, and presently clouds of scented emoke, which shut out Mr. rurcnai ana his curate from the gaze ot tiie curious, De;au to ascend. Then the eervise began, not with 'When the wicked man tumetn," or any other passage of Scripture appointed to do read, but with a procession iu which the afore said cassocked boys acolytes, thurifer, etc, matched round the aisles, the inceuse bearer ewiuizin his censer and the choristers chanting a hymn. The processlju bavin reached the cuancel. "matius" commenced, and there were toe usual groupings, vestmeut charging, genuflexions, and inceubings cus tomarv iu ritualistic churches. When the matins were brought to a close, "high celebra lion"' lollowed. aud the service was most elabO' ratelv Derloimed. The Bishop of Kelson is troubled with a similar refractory priest In our own couutrv a ritualiziusr presbyter in item phi is rctuslng to obey the iuh'bitiou of the lilshoD ot Tennessee. Thus it will be seea that the rebel aeairt authority are not all evan eelicnl. Independent. The Emtoovauan, eavs: "The freshest no Tpltv iu the leadmu KUuuliat chapel uptown, in Kew Yoik. is the oreaniza'ion of a toctety of voune ladies called 'Tha Sisters of Kt. . On fcunday morning ihey are all diened in white, Vflth a large cr.i lmpiint'jd on their erarments in front, md(1 come into the chapel with folded bands aud downcast eves just like a procettioa of nun, when one of toetr number is going to take tht-white veil. Ttiev then all koeel down one b hind the other in front of the altar or r.har.ccl. and eav a tiWt Draver. after which. with tliH usual seuufiexions. ibev proceed to their seat-. Tle work ot the sitters on week- days is to minister to the wants of the poor, and to perforin such other acts ol charily and eue- volenc, under the d'lecuon of their rector, or father.' a occasion may require. Before 'J n rut nias and Easier, ru'nor has it, we shall have divers other eccltMast cal theatricals of a not i dissimilar character." The new FpKcopal diocese to be set off, from Western Htm torn is proposea to oe called tb Uioc-e ol Syracuse, from tue princt nal citv. 8t. Paui'a Chorcb ot that citv is ottered a the cathedral church, and a strons desire is eiDrc-eJ that Bibhop Coxe will elect to take that a his fee. -In tbe EoiscoDBl General Convention the Bev. Ir. Oy.i W. Whutaker, now rector of 6t. Vaul's Church at Vircinia City, was do ul nated bv tho Bishops to Ihe House ai Missiooarr lilt bop ot Nevada and Atuoua. ine nomination was eonarmtd after some dabatn. The nw Church of the Good fhepherd, built by Mrs. Colt, at Haritord, Connecticut, will De nnibiica auf r.-ady for conecrat'ou on Christmas. It has cost $160,000 aud is con sidered one of the finest churches in the Aourtrr. ItiKhnn Till Up. tho Protestant Episcopal Hoard, like Bishop Hob- crtson, teceuuy t iecieu limuop ot the D.ocene of Mihoiiri. is of Methodist parrntase. Bi-hoo 1 1 4 I I .. t ... n ......... ' V. luiwe is ouij iuii i. j in vat ui nge, V FRFSBrTKRIAN. A la'e S,m rrancisoo nancr renords Ihs f.il- lowinsr remarkable instance ol lltieralitv! "In building ihe Uoard Presbyterian Church, ou illusion street, between Third and Fourth, a debt of BOout fifty thousand dollars was In curred, nut which up io about a week aeo had bpon i educed to $16,47'77. Last week Dr. Scudder (ilie paMor) and Cras Palmar (one of the deacons) called upon various members of the confTieation, lovilmir them to subicribe money, in order thnt the dbt rnlnht be na d: and the result was, notwithstanding the fact that a lark ot time preveute.l them form calling upon all Ihe members of the church. In fo'ir days $46.CGO was subscribed, ixnu $J2'23 more than the sum required, to liquidate the debt." In the narrative of the State of Rcllelon in the Syood ol laci'lc. wo rini the following p'atemeut In recard to ti e buildinu of churches: Within our l oiiuds one new church la orsa- nlaed with 21 nieraberif. Tliree church edlflces one at lemalox. one nt Bjdcg-i, and ono at Psnta Uo'a ate bing erected at a cot of $22,000. Calvary Church, Ban rraocisno, is also erectinu a new edlOc at a cost of $120,009. Under the cure ot this church, there has al to been creeled a church building ou Howard ttreet, bstween Twenty-first ami Twenty second, nt a cort ot $7000. Arrangements are made to oreai.ixeachuicti here in a lew weks." The K''V. Muniu MoQ'iri.n. writing t) the North Carolina Jfnshytorian, of a revival In Liiion iinirt n, ot w nieti lie is pastor, says: Our meeting commenced on Friday beloro the second Sabbuth in October, and the interest was so grant that it was neeetsary to continue it till me weuncB'iiiy ionoin. iruriui; mis time over forty persons made a profefBn of their faith iu Jpsus Christ. Ou Saturday and Sabba h two weeks, the door was opened to gnt'jer in the Irulis of the meeting, when fifty memb n wpre addeil to the church, and two, who had been suspended irom church privilesres, were restored lo the communion." At a recent nu etiuu of the Presbytery of Long l.limd, the pastoral relation between the Itcv. T. 8. Wytikoop and the Second Church of Hunttrcton waa dissolved, with the view of allowing acceptance of a call to missionnry work lu India. Marly in the present vear ihe brethre n of the Furrukhabid misaion presented an urceut call to Mi. WnknoD to couie to their aid. This call he felt it his duty lo accept, not withstanding the uuauimous remonstrance of a most harmonious and loving people. with whom he has happily aud succensfullv labored tor four years, lie sailed on Thursday, the 12th iuttant, for India via Kngland. A cor respondent ot tue New YorK itoante- lisl. speaking of l.ane Seminary, says: "We find great improvements iu the buildings and grounds of the Seminary. Th'i new boarding, house is jukt completed. In sizo, arraugements, and finish, it is all that could be desired. A member of tbe Board of Trustees (Itev. V. Van Vleck) prop sed to the Botrd. if they would furnisu $10 0;0, he would superintend the build ing and pay tue balance of the expense. Our good brother has buiit the house at the cost of $18,01.0." Jn the Hyrod or rtica, the rew church at West Ctica has doubled and (hat at Camden trebled its membership, and still Knottier church has been formed at the Hope Chaoel lu Ctica. rhe church m Will amitoffn has removed a debt, and is buildiosr a parsonage. Tbe churches at Evans Mills and Camden are ereoting bouses of worship: Mex:co, uoonviile, ana ortskany have repaired the'rx. ine uermon rresovterun i;tinrcn. corner of llain and Harrison t-treei, Frank lord, Pa,, was oreanixed last weefc. and thirtv-two mem bers were received, fen being: ou profession. Dr. Leake was elected, ordamed, and installed elder. Thelit'le church of few Bethanv. in Lex ington Pre.-bytery, a pri sent supplied by Mr. J. H. H. W'iufree, l umbering not more than thirty or forty members, has purchased a house n3 a manse, with twenty acres ot land attached as a glebe. inecnuicnes oi Smyrna ana tsetnany, in Atlanta Piesfcjtery, under the care of the Kev. Henry Quigr, have recently been again enjoying tbe reviving presence of the Holy Spirit. Seven teen members were reccved into tne bmyrna church and sixtceu into Bethany. Nineteen persons were added to tho F rst Reformed Presbyterian Church, New York (Rev. Dr. McLeod's). on Sabbath, October 25. Thirteen ot theBe were received on profession of their faith making thirty one (eighteen by piofesslon) within the last six months. The Rev. W. A. Hamrle, lately p:istor of the Third Church, Memphis. Tennessee, has received and accepted a call from tbe church at Fort Smith, Arkansas. This church was hie first charge. Ihe rtev. Dr. joser n o. Btues nas acep-.ea the position of evaugePat of East Hanover Pr&sbjtery, and will enter at once upon his duties. The Kev. Otis Thatcher, a recent eraduate of Princeton, is to take charge of tbe Presbyte rian cbuivb of Tioea, Pa., made vacant by tbe death of the Rev. J. J. McCullough. The Theological Semiuary at Columbia, South Carolina, has opened its winter term with twenty-five students. BAPTIST. The Youne People's Association of the Taberracle Bup'ist Church, Eighteenth and Cbesnut streets, have inaugurated a series of special monthly sermons, by the most eloquent and popular pantors of the day. The first sermon ot tbe series tor tne winter was delivered last month by Rev. G. D. Pepper, D. 1., and the eecond sermon will be deliveted on Sundav (to morrow) evening, bv Rev. T. Armitaae, D. D., of the Fifth Avenue Baptist Church, New York. We doubt not that tbe well-known ability ot tne speaker, tbe excellence of the choir, and the attractiveness or tue place ot worsoio win ensure a very full houue to morrow eveuluc -Ihe ianta uura (latiiornia) jvnos lsxne authority for the statement that the Rev Addi son Jones has been expel lo I irom the Baptist church or that place tor hdmmidterms aud participating in the sacrament at the Proobyta rian Church, whereby he made hiauelf an open commumoniM, The vote for expulsion st'od eleven to eleven, and the chairman gave the catdinu vote auaiust him. The cost ot erectme tbe new Baptist cuurcii at the corner ot Broad and ?pruce treets. In this city, ia much heavier tba.i was at first antici pated, ine present isumaies lencn me sum oi $175,000. The Kev. Phineas stowo, me wen if novo chapibin of the Baptist Seamen's Bethel, in liostou, was-BCDnseiis. nas oecu piueuu at me incline atylum in Somerville. MBTUOPIST. At the Tenne-see Con'erence of the Metho- diM tpitcopal Chujch South, recen'ly held iu Shelby ville, thiiteen preacheis weie admitted on trial, eiabt into lull cumection, two read milled, four received bv transfer, three located. oie had dud, aud tjur were trausierred too her C'CD'erences. The statisllcol returns male at the late session ot the Upper Iowa Contereuce show that dunuK tbe Dast year tmrty-two new AleihodiEt Episcopal churches were dedicated. John A. Gardiner, Fsq., a member of Dr. Wedt kind's church, in the city of New York, has preaeDted, as bis jubilee gift, to Ihe Euli-di Evangelical Lutheran Church, in the city of Brooklyn, tbe Rev. I. K. Funk pastor, four beautiful building lots, twenty-five by one bun dred leeteatb. Toe lots are located to one of the best Deivbborboods of Brooklyn, and their present market value is from teu to twelve thousand dollars. The only condition ot the gift Isibatthe congregation khsll erect a church w ithin u specified number of years. The tivangelical Lutheran congregation of Ft. Michael's chnrcb, Htra'burjr borouah. Lin ChsUr county, Pennsylvania, have unanimously elesud the Rev. H. H. BruuinB, Principal of the Concstoga Collesiate IaatHute, in tue city of Lancaster, their pastor. OEPMAN BEFOBUED. At Ihe late meeting of the German Re'ormed Syi od Ihe Rev. D. Gans, 1. !., ot Norristown, Pa., was elected to a Proiesorship in Mercers bure Theolouicul Huanuaty, aud is toeuter upon his duties as toou aa the endowmeut fund is raited to 30,000, It had been feK and ex-j.iessc-4 tliai. the educational policy ot the ( bi rch houll be definitely fixed, and that it should be known early us to w bat Is to be her future in this direction. A helping to reach theconsnmmntlonBlrnedaf.lt w? revived ta move the Seminary at Mecerbnrg tV Linestcr, Pa., as soou as the waja and meaui pau be so cut ed.l i . k CON0BR0 1TION4I.. The Congregational Union of England and Wales held its aiitutnual setsiou in L;y i?. Among the poiuts of Interest was the reading of a paper by oue of tue clergy, advocating tai Uoc'iiue ot restoration and denouncing that of eternal punishment. It was tolerantly received, though tew ol the members were ready to accept Its position". Much time was slven to the dis cuksion of la)-work, ani thn general sentimeDt was that it should be grea ly increased. A good example was cited of Dr. Raloiah'a church, bv which, during the IhsI year, three ministers of the Gospel were supported in throe places of worship. Four places had been jept open for evangelists! one bundav ai.d three lagged schools had beeu kept In netive operution; two day-schools bad been sustained; one hundred and sixty vol uu tary mid three paid teachers were employed; two Bible women and 120 meiuben of the chuuh wi iv regularly crgMMedin house to house visiiatirm; fifteen rooms in vsnnm locilitiei were open several t-raes a week lor readiug tiie Word ol God and tor conversation on tiii portion of Scripture read; four mother' niuptino4 vera h.KI 1111 1nr IhA nlranlinn nf nine ladies 1500 persons were gathered every i N Sabbath Into the churches and iniosiou-roo ins , foi wor.-hip: tiie school and nijht-classes were atleuded by 1300 children; and th visitation of the poor had ereatly increased. Them wore no fewer than 20CU individuals receiving Christmas dinuers, and iu vurious other ways the poor were being attended to. owo1l this involve 1 an outlay of 2 100. Tne Union did not hesitate to put itself riitbt on tho temperauce question, and by uu eid:cit resolution advised all its cuiihti uency to vote for the Liberal party. Independent. The Rev. J. W. Ceacraft who recently withdrew Irom the Protestant Episcopal Church at the late meeting of the Onrejational Church formally connected himself with tint communion, and, it is understood, will at once eni:nse in it ministerial woik. lhcro are 71, Contrregational churches in Minnesota, with a membership of 259d; 3S3 having been addod durine the past year, 180 by profession and 197 by letters. Tbe Rev. James Wood, receutly of the Pretbyterv of Benicia, has accepted a call to the Congregational church at Autioch, California. SPANISH ROMANISM. . All monasteries, convents, college', convo cations, and other relitrlous establishment!) in bpam, foundedsince 1R37, are to bo immediately sup; ressed. All their property, movable and immovable, Is to become the property of the Hate. The monks and nuns beiougtng to these institutions are to go, without any pension from the Government. The conveuta established before 18.17 are to be reduced in number by one-half, and tho-c left are forbid henceforth lo receive novices. The monks and nuns thus released from their cloisters will, however, be permitted to enter tbe conventual establishments which are not suppressed, or they may return to secular life. In this case they can claim back the money made over by toem to the convents at the time ol their eatry. The Jesuits are expelled from the country. General Prim is reportet ai haying said to three Protestaut refugees: "From this day forth there shall be liberty in our country, real liberty; every man shall be master of Ins own conscience, aud shall profess tue laun wnicn is neoi in uis own eyes, xou, gentlemen, may return to your country by the nrsi steamer; and you are at noerty to enter fcpa'n with your Bible under yoar arm, to preach its doctrines." The exiled Jews are pre par. ne to return to Spain from Germany. Independent. CXRPETINGS. Jb T. DELACROIX, iiircnTEn and CBaLkb is ' " C A ; It P E TINGS 51 at I in , Oil CloUis, lings, Lie, Vholcsalo and no tail. WAKKUODSK, No. 37 South SECOND Ct.. 12 stutrsmsp Above Cliesnut, rhlledelphla. MEDICAL. LIFE INSURANCE. THE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE United States of America, WASHINGTON, O. C Chartered bj Special Act or Congress, . Apprevcd July 25, 18G8. CASH CAPITAL, 31,000,000 BRANCH OFFICE: FIKST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, PBH.ABKI.PHIA, Where tbe buslneas ol the Company Is trans, acted, and to wblen all general correspondence Bbould be addresbed. DIRECTORS. Claeknck li, Clahk, j ax luum, F. Kaicufubd Btabb, W. ti. 4jookiiad, Gkokpk i 1 Yl.Kll, J . UlR lii,,Y Ci.AKK, K. A. Rollins, H 8NRT D. UOOKB, WH. K OHAMllLEa, John D. Dbkkkiw, Ddwaed Dodo;, li. C KAHMJUfOCJL E U JLZ A. L G I A Warranted Permanently Cured. Warranted Permanently Cured. Wlllionl injnry to the System. Without Iodide, l'olnssla, or Coichicum By Usiuff Inwardly Only DR. FITLER'S GREAT RHEUMATIC REMEDY, For Rheuniatism and Neuralgia in all its forms. The only (tAodard, reliable, positive, Infallible per manent cure ever discovered. It U warranted to eon tain nothing hurtful or Injurious to the tyaiem. W ARK AN TED TO CCRK OBKOSKY RKFDSDXD WAKBANTJlDTO OCHKOU M.ONKY RKM UKD Tbonoanda oi rhlladelpbla relerencea of euros. Pre pared at No. 29 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, 822stulhtl BELOW MARKET. SHIPPING. T rnTT t a orna TifiMnfP t.twb t AiVAtlUAJ A A. U U UIUUWUUU M&itlAJI FOR NEW YORK. From and after this date, tbe rate ot freight by this line vi lil be ten cento per 100 lbs. lor heavy goods; foot cents per foot, measurement; one ceot per gallon for liquids, ship's option. Oun of the Steamers of tb'S Line will leave every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sa'.iu day. Gtods received at all times on covtrei pier. All goids forwarded by Kew Yurie agent free 01 charge except cariage. Fn further Informailon, apply on the pter to 8i8BiU 3QHS F. Ollli. fS-fffS Fult LlVEKl'OOL AlNl) QUfchNS UlciUsaa TO W K.-liium lane ot Mail ttUMiueri ai Mpitoinied to sail an luliowa: CIO .OF f Aula, bauirday, November H. 11 N A ( via iialuax , J uirnoay, iSovouiber 17. CITV OD' i OiNliOM HaiurUfty, ov. 21. CITV OK BALI I M OKli, (Saturday, MovnmberSS, till i' OF JN fc-W YORK, Tuesday, Juectjuiuer 1, ai d each bbteetumg hauutl audaiieruate 'Tuesday, at 1 P, hi., Irom Plur 4, ISuilli Miver. KAii-tt OF J'AfbiUK BY TUH MAli. BIKAMMb bAILLSe 1CV KMV HATUIHUt, payable lu Uold. Fttyauie lu Cur.eucy FlIUtT CAitlK...,......tl(Hi LU JVIiUUU.M il H) to Tans Do STfeUhjiUl!. tit tO LrfjliUUli- w lo l'aris 4; PASHA HV TUK TUi.3ilAX BTKaMKU VIA HALIHAX riknT Cabin, buvuhauic, l'aj aulo lu uoid. Payuijio lu Currency. lilvct pool.. ?90 ILlvsr pool ....t3 HailiMX 'A tiailluj 1 ot, John's, JN. F I I 'Sk. Joun's, JN. F. I o. by JUrauch bteatuci.... I iiraucU wieuaif r... J Fabunitjtii-a ai tcrvvarueu vo ilavje. ilaiuimr, are men, etc, ai reduced ialt. 'llckeht ciu be boiuiil bete by persoud seuding for tliclt iiieiiua, at nn oexa e raica. For turiher luiormatlou apply at tbe Company. OUices. JoBN O. DALE, AgeDt, No. IS BROADWAY, N. Y Or to O'JJOiNJN cJuLi 4i FAUClv, Ajieuls, No. 411 CllKfriN U'l nirtu, Ful.aUwIpula. JX11.VV JiAr-ltKbrt LINE TO ALLX. .andrla. ObOiketowu, auU Wadhmaioii i via Cliwoptiake and Delaware Oaaal. wilu cou nectloiis at Aibzauuria from the inout dirttt r Jul lor io nchburg, juris; ui, KnuxvUie, JNadUvlile, JOallon and the eouthweak. teteauiers teave regularly every Bamrday at noon from the Am wbarl au"t ilar Art, atreot. Freight received daly. WM p C'LYDHi A CO., No, 14 JSorth and uonih Witarvea, J. Ji. DAVIPbON, Agent at Cleurgeiutvn. hi. DLltitlljOJ). S Co., Agents at Alexandria, Vh giiila. 1 1 AUllCiV-Jf-Ult &KW IOUK, VIA IgJ.k.-lih.LAWAhlli AMI ttAkLl l'..v CaIn Ail jj.AJt JrtJ0.mB b'lJb.ji.jilJuOAT COiufAJSY, The ttieaui fropelltra or mm iiue ievo DAILY from lirhi wuarfLelow JUarjiet nLrou THKOUOH 1 U ilOU.KB. Ooodr jorwaraetlby all the lines going outof Yrb, North, Jutnt, and West, free 01 couiuUtvilou. Freights received ai our uauul low rules. WlDJUlAM Jr". CJLYDK ct CO., Agonu. iNo. 14 e. WHAKViJiS, J?hiladeiphuv JAMES UAjSD, Agent. sol do. 119 WALL Htreet. corner of Mouth i New York OFFICERS. CXABEHCB II. Oi.ARK, Philadelphia. President, Jav Cookk, Clialraiau Fluauoo aud Cxooutlve Conimiltee, 11 knky li. t'ooKR, Warfbluston, Vice-President, hMfciiHOH W. Pjkkt, JrbiiiMlolpuiit, ooreutry nt,d Actuary, E b. 'if un it k, WaBblngton, Asslataats eo'y. FiiANCiia U. Hmitu, M. V., Medloal Director, J. Kwino Mkako, M. i) AssisUut Medloal jUntclor. MEDICAL ADVISOIIY BOARD. J. K. Barnes, Surgeon-General U. S. A., WasU- p. j. Horwitb, Chief Medical Deparlmeu U.S. M., WahblDguiu. U. YV. Bliuh, Ai. li., Waaulugton. SOLICITOKS AND ATTORNEY8. Hon. Wm, K. ChandIiKB. WabhlnKtn, D. C. UfcoKUJK JUAMiitt, It'll uaUelphla, Pa. T HE ADVANTAGES ' Ofltred by tills Corapauy are: It Is a jN at local Company, chartered by spa cisl aot of IXiDgress, 18U8. . It baa a paid-up capital of (1,000,000. It ollora low rates of premium. It fin n in ties larger Innurauce than other oom pa nits for the game money. It Is tlefluite and oertaia In Its terms. It Is a home oompauy In every locality. Its policies are exempt from altachmeuk There are no anaeoeaaary reutrivUouu la the po) idea. Kvery polloy Is nou-forfeltable. Policies uiay be taken wbioa pay to the ln Burcd their full amount aud return all the pre niluDiu, so that Ihe Insurance oogis only the In terest on the annual pay mi nt-s. Policies may be taken that will pay to tho Insured, alter a certain number of years, daring life an annnul Income of oue-tenlU tho amount named In the polloy. Mo extra raui in charged for risks upon the lives of fbiuales. 188 wsrp 11 luMirts not to pay dividends, bnt at ao low a cost that dividends will be Impossible. WINDOW BLINDS AND SHADES. L I N D 8 8 HADE 8 i li. J. WILLIAMS & SChNS, Ao, 1C NORTH SIXTU STREET, LAiUKVr MANUFACTURERS, AND UKLL UOW PKItJlil, BttNDB pstnted and trimmed. ' ' 61CKH tH ADF.U made, and loitorwl S29mttuZai fxlli.ADJB.JUl-jaia, ttiCUAlUiNJJ uZ AND iXUKKOLK blMvAJMSUJLr LINK. AtAwUlyUil FKikiUliT A1K LUSF. TO ItUtltiAIMUWJWl, 1VF.KY BATUKDAY, At noon, from FliCJT W rlAKi above MAKKA'J Street. TUKOtiGH KATBfi and THROUGH RKOJKIJfTfe to all points in ISorth ana Nouib Carolina, via bea board Air Line iuuiroad, conuecilng at Portsmouth auu. to Lynchburg, Va., Tkuuebsee, aud the Wmi, via "Virginia and Tennessee Air Line and Rlomnond and Danville Kaliruhtl, FrelKbl HANDLED BUT ONCJS.. and taken at LOVtF.ll KaTIA THAN ANY OTiikll LINiL. The regularity, aateiy, and cheapnesaof this roots comiuepa it to tne puouo as tue most aeslrable me dium lor carrying every description ol IrembL No charge for commission, draage, oz auy expens Ol bra:Jier. Hteamahlps Insured at lowest rates. F relsal received dally. " W ILXIAM P. CLYDK A .. No. 14 North and fcouih WHAKVKH. FOLTLit, Agent at iUohmoud aud City W. P, Vl lilt T, P. CKOWELL ds CO., AgeuU At Norfolk STEAMBOAT LINES. tun Bieaiuooat Llue. Tne su aiuboal ijvi. oxUilioT leaves Altcil .Street Whrf, lor ireuiou, Slopping at lacoay, lorresaaie, ueveriy. JUurlU giou, iirloiol, Florence, iiobjlus' Wharf, aud wnue am. Leaven Aich Street Wharf Leaves Wontb Trenton. KAi.urdav.Nov.14 1U A.M Haturdar. Nov.14. g P.M Monday, - IS. U. N. '.Monday, '' IU, 4 P.M lumoav. 17. 1 I'M Tueaday. 17. 5 P.A1 W ed'Uuy, " Is l)i P.M I Wed day, " IS, don't go Thursday " ' i-'a r ji i nursuay, ia, i a m krluay. " 0, S P.il Fnoay. ' 2o, ?.. aH Fare to Trenton, 4'J cents each wity: luietui. Jlaie places, 5 cents. U OPPOS11TON 10 THE COM U1NKD JKAILJHOAD AJSD KIF.H MILLINERY, TBi'.yM'NGS, ETC. No. 107 N. EIOHTn STltht Fonr doors above AROU Street I have now open for the FALL AND WINTER SEASON, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF BONNET RIBBONS, VELVETS, TRIMMING RIBBONS, BATINSi BATIN RIBBONS, SILKS, VELVET RIEBONH, ORA-Peb, LACES, HATS, FLOWERS, BONNETS, FEATHERS, FRAMES To which I vftmld kindly call the attention tbe ladles. JTJLH7S BICHEL, No. 107 N. EIGHTH Qtroet P. B. No trooble to show goods. 10 8 rp U.Ul'liL fcUMtiiier JOHN BYLVEoTLB will make dally excursions to Wumlugton leanUaysezocvted), coucn- I .. Bl . ........ B . . 1, Kt .. ....... 11 . . . . 1. I I . . .. . II. 1 1 l.'S VIIOIIOI WniblW UVU HMT1I1, l.V... UueetMbaif at V 4S A.M. and a-u P. Al t returning, it. vi uiingu.i at v a., m.. ana it to jr. jsu Light frsigLU taken, w bOHSB. tUW Captain. ?Ct! STEAM I It AUIEL. ON AND alier MUiMUV, JSov. itt. the steamer 'AKtFLwlll dlaoontluue her trlut to W iiuiiugiou, Cliebter. and iloolt. 11 IS it CUANGB OF UOUR.-TO WIL- M.1WUTON , CHKs.TF.ri A M U UO JK. ' VMftf lo cems. uuauii aiier MOJNJUAY. N'V 16. the steamer B. tf iFI.'lON will leave Chesuut Blreut Wbarl at i V. M. luatead ol S o'olocK, as at present. 11 lilt .jriTH DAILY" EXCURSIONS. TUB sfiaii i i ii ii Till i "'"" steauiooat JuUN A. WaH iii. , JH F.SJN UT bireet Wnarf, Fnlladelpbla at o 'clock F. M.. ior uurungton aua uriswi, touon. lug at Kiveriou, Torreadale, Aiidluil,und iltverly. Keturnlug, leaves iirlaloi at 710 o'clock A. M. Fare, CrUts tacu way. jAcuraioii, iu ceaia. til FOS KBW YOUK SWIFI-feURB JiMis ii'i i iumlm " " f " " 1 1 Company Despatch auU bwllt-sure uiuea, via Delaware sou naruan Canal, on and after Ihe 16th of March, leaving dally al li at. ana s r. ai., oouueuuug witu au o or morn 1,'ANtArn ItiiMtt. For irelkbt. which will be taken on accommodating - .. . .1 II II... m. ........ ..u. eruiS. aiiDly Ml n4iiiia n, Ji.iri;w.i 1 ji pyljr o. m ti. DKLAWAlOS Aveuaa. .T a, SUNDAY EXCURSION.- JliX.l TIIAMIE OF TIMS.. The siilendld biettuier i VVlI.lUHT leaves Dbexnut strert wbarf al bSt A. M., aud I V, M., for JUurlinglon and Bristol, touching at Tacouy, Kiveriou, Andaluula, aud Be verly, leaving hiistol at 104 A, iU audi F, M. Fare, i oenla, lUourslou, MeeaPt, 10 10 a V BOOTS AND SHOES, L A D I E 8' SHOES. NEW STORE. HENRY WIRE M A ti, MANUFACTCBEIt AND 1MPOBTEB OP LADIES' 1SOOTS ANI SHOES, Ko. 118 South T1IUITEMU Street, ' W Corner Sixth and Bultoawood Sts., PHILADKLPJ3.IA. AND 487 Eleventh Street, Washington, D. t, Has opened his KLKGANT NEW STORE, No. 118 (south T 111 U TEEJN TH btieet, between Chesnnt and Walnut street: vHh a large assortment of the F1N1.6T QtJALlTY- OP LAJDIKa' BOOTjl AND fcllOJttf, of his own manufacture. Also, JUST IUXEIVD jVllOM PARIS, a Urge assortment ot Ladies' Doots, Shoes, and Slippers, 11 ade expressly to order by ihe best and mettcele- braled manulaLtureis, 11 7 lmrp HAVING ALTEKED ANl ENLAKQED Mlf t-tore, JNu. Mo iN. JSIN 1 H otreet. lluviteatieu tion to my Increased stock (of my own uiariu(aeure) ot Hue Buu'ls, bllOKH. OA1TKM1, FwU of the latest sty.ff, and at tne lowest prices. w id am iiiiutijm j' Burr LUMSER. FALL, 1863. F. H. WI LLI A LIS, ScTeuteeatli and Spring Garden Sts. Calls the attention of Builders and others to his Stock of SEAS0HED LUMBER, CONSISTING OP Uenilock and Spruce Joists, Carolina l looriugr, all grades, White Tine Boards, all qualities, Shingles, Flustering Lath, And all kinds ot Building Lumber. 10 8 thsto2m AT LOWEST Pit IOSt,. I8b8. &I'IiUCI JOI6T. isFaUck Jumr, MJb.MLUCiC, iiltAlLUCK.. 1883. iCfiQ tKSSOMDD tLKAK PINE, 1 BfiQ lOUO bKABOiNFIJ CLFAK F1"K 1000 CHOlOF. FAT1F.HUI F1K BPAMbii CF-L'Alt, KOK FAi'ilillNS. KB.JU CEUAli. ICfii FLOK1DA FLOOHINO. 1 OPQ J.OUO Fi.OHllA FLOOlU.SW. JLOUO CAKOL1JSA FLOOUi.U. VlKOilA FLOOltU. DIlLAWAUK Fi.OLllUJNO. AHU i LOOK lis li WALNUT FLOOKINfl. FIOltlliA ISTifiF BOAAD9, " ' ItALLFLAKK. IkflK WALNUT BI'S AND PLANK. 1 Qf!Q WALJNUT UOIlOb. WALJSUT FLAjMH. TJKDKiTAKEK LUMBSR. 1 QfiQ AOOO UAAlitKTAK!:KH, LUilBitrt. AOUO iir.U CklJAlt. WAUUX AMD FINK. 1Cf;o KAHONKU FOPLAB. 1 OfiQ AOUO fakAcioJNFI CUEttUY. XOOO WHITE OAK FLANK AND BOARDS. HiOKOttY. ICf'Q C1QAH BOX MAKEHH1 IQflQ lOOO CIliAK BuX AlAKliKV AOOO kpambu ceoak aox boards, FPU EALE LOW. lOfiQ CAROLINA BOANTLINQ, 1 QfQ lOOO CAltOLlWA ti. 1. WILLS, lOOO fruit WAY ECASTL11SU. lUl'O CEOAK bUlNHLES, IQflO AOOO CYFIlFSdbUINULK-4, lOOO WAULE, BHOTIIFR A CO., 1 H ' o. neuoMOUl'llMireeu T. P. GALVIN & CO.. LUMBER CGfiXilGSiON MERCHANTS bUAlKAilAAU SlliX VYllAiLF, BELOW SLOA'PS MILLS, (sa-CAiXKD), FMILaDKLPHIA. AHKMl HFOnBOTTTHiWN AJSI KAM TKKN Mas iKUturers oi Y ULUW FrNJC and UFKUCiiiTTMJlk,va BtAHl, etc., shall be hai py to lorui.U orders at wiuoieaule rates, deliverable at any aocet alble port. Constantly reoeiyiUK aud on hand at our wharf bOU'lUKKiN !AOAirSU, WJSNiUNU, HH1N i i I La. Li Ak'PkaXI 1 a 1 ' U va Dli.17 An'iw l a.1 rv il. r a ru bPJKUCJt. H KJU LOCK HkVLKOT MICHIGAN AND CAftiAJJA rij&ISH. AINJit liOAUUa, AMD H AO WAT CO bllLf-KMEMi, 1 si Stuthl A A I. or WUKU WIIJL. BK DE1.ITEUKJU AT AMY PAIlXOr THHtITt VtiOAPTLT BOARDING. NO. 1121 GIRARD ETKEET, CBNTBALLy located, within two squares of the VOntlnenlal andOlrard Bouse An onrurnlahed BHCOND-BTOHY FRONT liOOM, with first-class Board. Vacancies for Gentlemen aud Table Boarder. fcelt-rence required. til nCORCE DOLL & CO., TOYS, FANCY COOHS, Mronrr-aum Pines, Canes, Novelties, etc., Noj. 10 and liSi. telA.iJi bueet, anove nsrxub Wa h.i to annniiiiR ihat wa have rnmoved from rur old stai d ho. 14 . blXTU bireet, lo tue large and commodious rxew More, Hut. iu and li N HIXTH fr treet, i rw.iiwu s-kV niUMUKrH, lnnrva.ed faoliltles for trans acting butliits. and suaU be must happy to gruel our trie uus aud Ciuiomera ' ' Very r"P1' '"'i UfiUt sjioliWE DOLIi A CK AUCTION SALES. BUNTINd, DmtBOKOVV CO AirrTinw FHH. N'os. m and 4 M 4 K KT WrmJKiV f Baak street. Buocessors to John B. Mjers'tv LARGE HALF OF FRKNCH. AND OTIEIi rmn. nriL n Monday Mornlnn, ot. atlOoclotk.ontmoniha'creJIt, fit lost JALK OF 2000 CASKS BOOTS, SnOKH. THAVKr LIO KAI-H. fclO ' lnAVK or. i? 10 o'clock, on fonr monins' credit. 1 AM) DOMFwTJc LKY ttOODrS. (In IhlirRllav Mnr. l.. Nov. 19. at 10 o'clock, pn lour mouths credit, (u 1, s, LA 11 3 RBAr.lt nv riA 1. ViCTrvna wrr. ixoTffA. dm ' wn wu Knv.n.H.H, n1''y.B',Mo'B.1'". ... - " ' ....... .-.. . T-nt t- u, 1 I i nm 11TIWU11T, BON A CO.. A I J (J 110 V RF.ttB J AbliHUltrtT BUILDING. Nof 240 All KKBT 8V.' KOTTONS KTfi AHLl.lJHtY OOODd, By CaiRlovue. on four months' credit. 1. on VtednpHOay Mornins Particulars lu luiure aUverliaemenUi. n u .t AT LAEriK POSITIVE BP OIAl. Wevlllseii ilSSX.. "ch Pari. lieSe Bfinrtli ftras tinn 1 .wl!.... .. . """iim-miuw, 11 l.tSt LA A 1 Fa '1 e 1 M. THOMAS Jt HONS, Not. B. tOUJKlH 6'lliF ET. 139 AKI J41 (la Monday Mornlnir, FOV. IS. at 111 n'rli... h. ..... ui...!..a -. fPrucefcS-eet. hy order of exwiiton, The e.Hlre fnrni" ture. coniprWiigciiiteot elpaut roVewood drawinJ room liiriiliure. covered Willi green aatlu: Fra,fn Plaie mantei and i,i mirror., .",..reucn iiirriiir n iiiti, Ih.i.iiii. i.... . Ufd Kkf. fii.tt nil .,ul...,. k.. u.' yer, M't'"hir t'hauiber iuruitnre. Hue balr miurwiS .T. rt ' " wu 01 cotM ua lo eoMs of ,00a' . 1118 21 . TcfAt? ,7 BEAT. .bTATR AND STOCIfa nraH"i7' M """k.noon.at Ihetoohamr.. MOUNT VV RTCOTJ Ql.nn, Wa .on- r, . jj, ' .oU1 cteuieei DweU- DveTlni: u 'wtieiu-Frami TWFLF7H (North), No. etS-Modorn BsiilAn . P?' N"-1 f-odern K8sldenC?.",enoe- ' .n,',ft.V AviIUM o . 1.10-Alodrn Utsldenca. LOCUST, W. 1119 -iloderu KHlUeuoe F.IUHT H (Norib), Nr. 1531 Modern Benlitenea WILLOW Avenue. Oermant jwu-SiOMKeaWA-SHA K-WO(ID.Ni). S2l7-Oenteei Dwellh.K n0e CALLOWHILL, No. 237 S.one Dwellintr ' j-j - "v -cv.wuu valuable; OTAK10lue Lots of Ground. . For account ot whom it may concern. Company, v, liti three overdue coupons attached 1MI fhHriH rlRnntlll uid 'I'l.l.x .. u- Bail way Company. For Other Accounts. 8 snarss continental Hotel. 1 share Point Breeze Park. ' S shares Academy of Mu.lc. with ticket. . lto sliarta lusurai.ee Co. of North America, 81 sliares Central Trai.sportatlon Co. 2b shares Klitann.nx Coal Co. itouabares Clly National Bunk. luv shares Idaoimolh Vein Coal and Iron Co. 14 bbares Union Bank of Tenneaaes. 40 shaies Camden aud Atlantic KaUrosd, Preferred. Caia.tgues now ready. us at Bala No 14(9 ic. TQlttM nth dtront' BTJrPHIOR W ALNUT l'A KLOIi AND CHAMBER FUAN1 1'l'RB, LaOIS CUltTAlib, FlUH CABr raio, ji.i.j. On Tuesday Horning, Nov. 17. at 10 o'clock, at No. 14 40 N. Thirteenth ' street, below Jefferson slreet, by catalogue, tbe en- ine lurnuure euuiprisiug nanuaonie suit or wainus parlor furnltuie. green reps oaveis; superior oak ' dining room luruitura: extenbion dining table; china ' a&d guaawaie; lace cunaluB; suporlor v.aluut and roitane chauilier lurnlture, and hue Brussels, Impe rial, aud luicrata carpets, nearly new; also, iha klicheu lurnlture, etc. 7 lu u n Pale 1121 lb -flnnt slr'Ot. VALUABLE OIL rAINTIXOa. BRONZES, BTO, ,T Ou Wrduesi ay itvenli.g Nov. 18. ai 7 o'clock, at tbe store No. 1124 Ohtsnnt sirtu, will he sold. bj otaiof ue, tbe valuaMe private coliecilpn of J oh a W. orlBg, K-q ,, who Is about lear lDgioriurop'. Tna collection cjmprlsas very caoice cioaera palutiugs by ce'ebrated ariisis, rare French brontts, line engravings, photugrapbs, etc.. being Ihe brat private cjllecUon that has b.en offered la this city for' many years. The works v. 1,1 ce on exhibition on the 12th Inst..' and dally until the sale. UI 14 gt . MARTIN EEOTilfittS, A UCTIONEEHSUa (Lately Binesrr.en lor Ai. Thomas A bona.) No . 621 CHKtlN UT bt., rear entrance from Minor. VALUABLE CTIOICR AND ELEflANT B00K8. BlNDINUr? It,LC81'KATBi' 1-N HANDS UALa 'On Monday Afternoon, ' November 16th, ai t o'clock at the auction room, by catalogue, without reserve, a valnable collection of choice and elegant workt, lncluulng: Tbe Aldlna Bilileb Poets, with portraits. 61 volumes; Dickens' Works, Wavtrlev; Dou Quixote; Meyricke; National" Portrait Oalii'iy; Dugarth liluslrated, and many hundsome aud novel books, illustrated with photo. ' graphs; Dore's II lusiraleo Works, e'o. Catalogues readv, and tbe books arranged 'or ex amination on Friday and Saturday, lull and 14th, Instant. 11 lot . H Peremptory Bale at the Brtdgewater Machine Works. ' Aramiiixo. VEKY VALUABLE AlAOrllNB PROPERTT, BTFAM-KNOINKH, BOlAih.lt3, eUAFTINO. bTXAM AND (JAM PIPK, 8 LAROH CKAN&k. PATTitlRNtj, LABOF1 FKAMHi BOlLIiKilOUcOfi, On Thursday Morning, ,' 19lb Instant, at 10 o'clock, at ilia Brtdgewater Machine Works, Aramlugo, Twenty-tilth Ward, by ordtr 01 tbe .Executor ana surviving Dartnerof tbe late firm of bianhupe & buplee, by oatalogue, the very valuable bwck ot Machinery, Including stAam-' engine, twenty horse power, eight aud five horae) power 1 leaui engines, bjllers, snaitlug, steam gaa- ' pipe, 8 large oianra, patternx, tools, shelving, etc FKA11K BUILDINQ Also a large lrauie boiler-house, 56 feet by 8S feet, cupola, etc Particulars In catalogue. 11 5 lit mUUMAi iJIKCH A 80, AUCIlONEHBg JL AND COMMlbblON WFKOHANTrl. No. Ui OUKdNUT btreec rear entrance No. 11UT bacsam atl Bale at No 1127 Callowhlll street." ' BOTJSEfiOLO FUKMl Uiil!i. INUKA1N AND VB. NbllAN CAUiiib, CHINA, UL AiSSWAKK. F.'i C. HTC. On Tuesday Morning, Nov. 17 at 10 o'clock, at U17 Callowh 111 street, will bs sold, the bUance ul Furniture of a family reaiov lug comprising hair c olh parlor furniture. Ingrain and Venttlau carpels, uhlua, glassware, eto. The 'urulture amy be examined alter s o'clock on the morning of sale. II 14 Ik CLAFK & hVAMi, AUCTIONEERS, KO. S CHFJsNOT btreet. Will seU THIS DAY, Morning and Evening,' '. A large Invoice ot Blankets, Bed Hpreada, Dry Oooda. , cloths, Catslmeres, lionUry, btaUonery, Table ana I'ocaul cutlery, Notions, etc. Cliy and couutry merchanu) will find bargains. . Terms cash, Ooixih packed free of charge ! D. Hctl.FES A CO. AUCIltMEEaa E. Q. Ml At KKT btreet. la BALE OF 1B0O CABBI1 BOO T-. SHOES, BR03AN3, KTO. KTO. On Monday Morning, Kn 1(11 V, gnmniannlnif IU O'CIOOK, We Will Sell . . 1 .. 1 . n..it .itiu.ln, .a.ii.i- ny caiaiLgue, lor catn.ajara" men AIM goods. BALE OV 17C0 OASES SHOES, BB0QAN3. On Thursday Morning, Nov. 19 commencing at 10 o'clock, wlu be sold, by catalogue, without reserve, a large aid. superior assortment 01 Boots, bboes. Brogaos, Balmoral, eln. AUo. laules', misses', and cuiidreu s city inada fiaim. JJ-i'J?-. FIRE AND BURGLAR PR00FSAFE8 O. cataltgue, lor cath.ajarge anu upeuui- mvn n 01 boots, shoes, brogans, balmoia s, etc. Ho, ladles', misses', aud children s ol-ymsdi idn. .1 S IWr, 0. L. M A I B Ajy!JU M ANTTTAUTUa Kl vw jflKb. AND BUUGLAK-PKO0P SIFES, LOCK.aM.lTH, BELL-nANQER, AND DEALE& omllN'BCl"W HABDWAKKi. I5J No. 434 BACK Street, n a J SAO manDfactoky. JOHN T. BAILIT. M. X. corner ot IIABKLT and WATEB BtreeU, 4,1 Philadelphia. PEALKHB IN BAOb AND BAQQINa 1 Of every dmcrlpilun, fur Grain, Floor, bait, boner-pbnepbale of Lime, BOM Dust, Kto. Large and small GUNNY BaoB constantly niCh" III Also, WOOL UAtKU.