TITE DAILY EVENING TELEG It APII PHIL ADELP1I I A, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 18G8. 3 NEWS SUMMARY. I .oral AHnlr. Yesterday afirmoon al ao'i hick tbo twenty srvpntli annual tuccune of ibe Mercantile Hone flciul Aio-ocutlou was litM, ut hevcutli and 8n eoni streets. Oo-h ti. Hu.by, Eq., wai called to the chair, uud illmu A. ifoliu, Km., up pointed yrcri'tary. Tlie Hoard of M-iaaiters gubmltted their annual repot t, and ibe Treasurer of the nsoniutioii pr.veuied the following: Receipts from due ol member". $2101; receipts from lute) est on Investments, ?l:i!)0'45: piiymt.-iita bv Committee of Wats and Mean and Relie. f"U50 22. Asee'.s of the Auocimion t our bond nrd nioTra.'ige, H!lui: two pround-reuts, SM30b7; Untied Stales loans, $7003; City and btate loHn, $70(10; cash In bnuk, $271. Total at-netf, $!i4,6H)M8. Increase ot hsscih over tU correpou Jiua period ot la-tjear, $20j7(KJ. The Association then went U.u ilui titinual election of mumsrers , when tlif follow ins were oliiein: William C. I.ud!f, JJiuicI S't-iinneiZ, Anp. H. hli-nley, bniiin liwon, Willium ll. Love, A. L. Bjoiiailon, Job u '. Sip u-r. T'loran son licjuoldN Louis J). Buueli, Henry C. llowoll, William ll. l'.ucon, L'ais lla.-liu'en, I'biirlfs ti. OiTi'en, Tli"ni Alliumi, Cd'irle.s Bmith, Ilownrd IJincbman. Edward M'.cr, lieu jiunw K. llii'lrij, H. Iaic lu'iisoti, T. Rurll D.twsou. T'jo l!oird of M iiin?ers bold a ruci.Hin? for trie put pose ot oruainzni! uud s.le'tiui a President, Hcrtelary, and Treasurer on Monday evening next. A ineeui.c; of tin? Feu 'an ortrao'riMon, to ftTanK'! fur tbe rceep'.iou ol tbe oVIeprives to the Convcuttdi to be li Id in this city, couhip ncnig Nov. i'4. win hid I lust tieninc, iu tho ball, Nu. 12 South lironrf stteet. John Dii'an-in, District Centre. Hi the chair. It wa decided to have a mi itaiy and c.vic piradu ou TbaiiKs'vins !)iy, nud to hold a ma-s mei-tiner in tt.o evcuius, lor Yvbicb rational Hall Iihs been cntr ied. To ibe military tome twuty-t)ve huadrerl tiuiiorms have b.-en already ltiuel. Tb tiih and 21' li Kejrjiiiouls will wear a blue uniform with preen iriiLniiuiis, uud the Otb tne same, encept that the jacket will have yellow facin.!-'. Tbe m'iori.,v ot the men will be armed with bretcli-loaders umtiu'iic ure 1 by the oriuiiz tion. A tcatnre. in tbe civic proc-fsiou will oe a large cavnlcale ot uicuih. rs of the order. lk-Jcpalions iroiu circle in a number of Bister titales lire expected to pariieip.ile. Tbe delcRatcs to tbe Couvtinioii will comprhe representatives Irotu Eim'iiud, scooUnd, Iru lai.d, Bnd Australia, l'a rick J. Meehau, Kq , editor of the- irist American, a tdre-ed tue nieeiis brii rly, coutiM-lliLa effective wont, in uttai ot paradiim; and uttered a Burtincei that tbe mistakes ol tbe pat would be avoided in tbe future. Addrefeee weie also made by Ueaeral John O'Ntill. Piefideutor the Feuiau Brother hood, and Mr. Gibbotis. The Apprentices' Library, orner of Fifth and Arch suceu, havme; oeen reiuodcilcit and lepaiied, will heopcued to the readers on Satur day evening next, Noyeoiberl4 Au invitation li extended by rbs Board of Man-isers tu sub scribers aid triends ot tho Library, aud to citizens ceeerally, to vir.it and examine the liiiiary rooms on Friday cenng. Mr. (Jeoit'e W. Ford, for many years a claim nud pension aeent, died yestetday, a;ier mi 1llnp-s nf several wet lr.-i. his (i'w ue beins enlargement of the beurr. Mr. Ford has been 1 quite active as a politician, trst in the JSUtive I American and atterwards in tuo uepuoiicin party. The following; are tl e officers of the Supremo Lodge cf Kuifibts of l'ithius, now hoUiucj its eesbious la W.iminutou, Del.: Wilbur 11. Myers, ol Fa., S. V. P.; Samuel Kead, ol N. J., S. I'.; Jauies f. Hayes, of Ujl.. S. V.O.; Cla rence M. BiTton, 1). C. H, li. and O. 8.; William A. Po.ter, of Ph., S. B.; O. F. Abbott, 8. G.; .Harry Krouhenuer, D. 0., H. i. 8.; Frederick CcppeB, of Pa., H. O. S. The Comrollers of Public Schools met yes terday atteruoon, tbeir recular day. Toe a tendance was full. President SUippcu filled tbe chair. A voluminous ba'.cb of communications was recced Iroui the sectloual boards. Lilte Oliver Twlbt. most of them waut "niorti" iroaa ttie appropriatiou lo the whole. The Second hectiou presented n moviD appli cation for tbe mow hly issue of warr.iuts for the raiaries of male teachers. This waj duly re lei red. The Fouith section f ent in a corresponding document, and it toolc the sa'ne course. The tiixih section clamored for repairs to the tumble-flown building m Fifih utie t, above Bace, an J lor pavmg m trout of the new scuool house at Cio vu and lU :s stree s. Tbe beventh wauted a transjer of all the coal at the school at l-ilteeuth and Lombard street, In excels of three tons, to the school-house at Beveuteen'h and Pilc. The Ninth aC that the Keystone School bouse shall be tiralLed by a culvert. Tiiey also wuut mi appropriation t..r a night sctmul. Tbe Tiuib ak that tne cbildr. n may be al lowed to take tbeir bjoks and do their studying at borne. The 'twenty-second ward wants the city to buy a lot in that district tor fcuool purposes. The loeality is near to Allel: street. TheTAer ty-fltth tciion Mibniitted resolutions Btkmg provision lor more efhuol-houses or ac commodations. As mutter niw are, tnere is not room cuuuuh to accommodate the pupils. All of tneoe were reterred. The res.puaiiou ot President Shlppen was now received. It is c niehej in tuese ta ran: PuiL&DELrniA, Nov. 10, 1808, southeast corner Sixth aud Walnut. To tbe Controllers of tne Public Scbool9 ot the First School district of Pmunjlvauia tjeLtieu.ei: ft n dde to you that I advise ou o' my resignation, transmitted to the Honorable Judtres o the Court of Com mon Pieas, as tbe Controller from tbe Eighth section, to take etiect on the 1st day ot January next Accompanying this communication is a copy ot my letter ot recitation. Durtug the past tiftten jears I have devoted a very con aiderable portion ol my time to the public ser vice in educational mailers, at tho Baciiice of private business aud duties, aud I now feel it due to myself that I sua'l reliuqiush further participation in public school affairs. 1 will ever bear in pleasing .nd grateful memory the distinguished boi-or you have con feired upon me 1u culling me to tne Presidency ot jour Hoard, the coar'tsv and kinduess which huvcalwa.vs marked cur otue al n I priva'e re'auonB, and, a'love aU, the eameit veal, in telligence, aud lHithfulne.'S to public inicresis vhicb hate so signally characterized the term ot service of cacn men, her ot yoar B ard. Believe me thit I dissolve our official reUtious Tvhh tne irrea'esi reluctance, but uot without matured deliberation. Our private relations Ki'l r main undisturbed. Keceive singly, geu letiicn, the assurance of my b uci re wishes 1 r jour happiness, and for the continued success ot ths great taiue so happily ctmnde I to you. uud Oeiicveine, very rebpcctlully, yon obedit-nl cervaut, Edward Shippe.v. His resignation, wh'ih was uo nuex,iecied, was, oi' motion, referred to a committee ol turee. A commuuiea ion win received irom Select Councilman iiatl iw, who rents to tne city a bull line lor actio il purples, on Mx' h bireet, bflo Tusker, lle'avs tuat berea trr be must Lave a thousand doLui s a year rent tor it. Ba1-k-irt-d. A note was received announcing that N ). 425 Louiburd B'reet, reuted lor school U9e, was nauted or Uie owner. Ko hing fuithcr of public interest was trans acted. J"NKW TOHK " Lat evening Oliver Dyer, Esq , author of the "Wickedest Man iu Now Vorn.'" delivered a lecture at Conceit Hull on "Nojv Yorti.'' Uo Jerrius to tbe tenement fynteni, be mid you frequently lind twelve hmnired people living iu one house, a popula'iou which would niHKe up a "ripht smart cbHiiee" of a village. In aldi tion to tho dense popuiatiou which cr -nvds tue building Itself, beiow is a deep. d;iup, dark cel lar, reached by 'ome dozen ol rickety steps, m hicn jou may olten s;e lur timidies liviuir The numoer of persons wbo dwell iu brs-cel lars reaches ibe bturthug Hgnre of 15,UH5. Of course, iu these cel'ar every vice is nursed, vices that cannot be mentlond. There are al-o in tbo t it v 5500 rura hole, 2600 Mamblimr bells, and 1709 b Hiard rooms. Besides, thu government of the city is one of tbe most iieianous 'bat could well beimugiuei, composed ol men who uuke it the r whole b isi lieck to stenl. They eau naturally 30.000 per- wain cn dy. We are bo uud hand and loot tberr ; wt can 0 J no kiog. Wiih (ome few remarks In reference tob' motive in undertaking this in vestieation, t'ie speaker continued: I have sometimes thought t lint a great city is a coujiotneiation ot force which, in their operation upon individual' are as meiciltss as tbocutaract of Niagara. Tuey swaliow up all in a maelstrom. Tb ;y inane thousands of abandoned ons and dangivcrs. 1 have tttken the trouble to get some duures, aud will give jou tho number of Pennsylvania an 1 Philadelphia fumtlics lepreseuled by runway abandoned daughters in tbe city of Se? Yort, PeniiHj Ivanla lamtlics are represented by one huudied ar.d twenty-three rltueliters, and Pin In delpbiu families by seventeen dAugbters. Tbo speaker then dwelt at rome length ou Die horrid degradation of tnoie preoinc's In New York city kuown as "I'ne Gates of 11-11." ".Murderer's Lane,'; Five Points, " etc, etc., and detailed some most heait-rcndinir. scene which be had witnessed. Tuere are 7000 absin doned woiiicn iu the city of Now York; over 20,0t.0lii the Union; 21,u8t women were hi rested In that city but vnr; 1118 of thorn iora-siult aud bu'.ttry ; CO of lUein lor a.temnts to kill; 6 of 11, em lor accomplishing a killing. Police SuperiiitriuUnt Kennedy bus ma Ic the r-mark tbut in tweuty jcars New York city will hive to be given over 'to ibe "thieves, vagabonds, and cutthroats." Mr. Dyer thou leferred to the mob riots of New York' In 180J, saying that persona living outside of tbiit city knew aoUiiiu abitit tue objeftof tho-e riots, and that even thd ci i.ens tin' n. selves were hardlj better nnormed. I was a lluhl bttnein ruti'miilsm and law. Tnea ruflian!Fm, (or Hie fir-t time, di-.covered thl it bud a mu'-ter In the :Metropoll'aa police. That jiol'ce loice. under Superintendent Acio i, saved the city iiot only atraiiist the rioters but also again! Horatio" beymour, who wanted tnem diawn off fiotn the 'nnjoeent" people. They are our Fa'cguard, and protect us, even thojgh nil the police justice?, the Mayor, two Ju lnes of tbe Supreme Court, tbe city Judge, and a Jnrice ot the buperior Court, aro on tue side of ruffianism. The speaker, (heu rnnnrkinij that XewYok wis rot nlto?e'her burl, alluded to the ni tuy cl arities vbicli she supports uul her institu tions ol (ar-icachmg beLeucetiC''. He concluded his lecture by goinj over the w ll-knowu his'ory of "John Allen, the Wicked est Man in New York." l;oinh(lc Afritlrs. Gold closed jesterdiry at 134J. Tbe Dyer court martial has adjourned over until Friuay. Muionty fnr Grant aud Colfax in Pennsyl vania, so far, 28,(42. Hon. Kuwn M. Stanton, ex Secretary of War. is sojourning in Baltimore. The Irish Keput licau Club of this city have disbanded until the next cimpaigu. The Cnmmercul fcank ot New Brunswick, at St. Johns, stopped payment je3terday mornti g. Admiral Farrtmut went quietly to his rooms josteiday iu New Yorii city, and maintained strict privacy. Tbe "cejmour and Blair" Club of Washing ton have c hull ted their name to the "National Democratic Club." Ibe Udd Fellows of New Orleans had a giai.d proces-iou jesterday, and dedicated their uew hail with due ceremonies. Hon. John A. (iris wold declines to alliw bis name to be used iu connection with tho United Stales Seuntorship from tew York. Captain Chandlr, freight ageut ol tbe Fredericksburg Kailroad, was f uud deal in bis bed ut nichn oiiil on Monday morning. Twelve coal-laden crs on the Morris and Essex Kuilroad jumped tne truck Sunday night, owing to an axle breaking, and were de molished. The Fredcrlckt burg and Gnrdonsvlile Rail road is to be tiUdhed by a Philadelphia com pDy, of which H. C. Wainwright is to be Preeuienf. By the explosion of a locomotive Monday afiernoou ueur Uoli Inysburg, Robert Patter son, engineer, uud Philip Davis, fireman, were killed. Governor Brownlow's message was road yes- trduy in ibe henate of the Teunesee Legisla lute. He advises tbe sale of those railroads which have lailed to pay tbe interest on their Indebtedness to the State. Pmidmt Jay has called a meeting of the Trustees of the Gettysburg aud Antieia.u Ceine- leries, to be held at wuiard's "Hbbitt tloue," Wabbinuion. Di ceinber D. It is thoiicut that ibe quistiou of the disposal of the Rebel dead will thin oe niiaiiy oe'ermniea. from wash ma TON. (eiieral Grant iukI tlie M'aslilngtou Pull iieiaiiD. Waspington, Nov. 10. This afternoon a com n i'.tee, ctnsistingof delega es iroui tue Soldiers find Sidiors' Republican Comaiiicee, oiiicers of tbe Boys in Blue, the Piesideut ef tue Ceurral lraiit Oiub, the Mayor ot Wahiugtou, and aldermen and citizens, called upon Geuerat (rant by appointment. The object ot the vmit is stated iu the tollowiug address of the Major: 'UiLeral Grant Iu behalf of tbe c'tizens and ibe Republican organizations of this city, wt have cul'ed to lendtr our nearly cougiatu la'inr.s on the result of the tecent election, aud tomuke known to you their wi bs tnat tiey be permitted to attest their feelings of hrppi nes ond joy by a proper public demonstration, we coming jou as tne Praideut elect to the cnpiul ot the nation. As they wero deprived of that pleasure ou your arrival here by u sort of hunk movemen', by which jou stole a march on our people, all indulge iu the hope tuat you will cow accede to their request, and tiame a time nod place that will be moat agreeable to you lor such a demonstration.". General Giant repouded as follows: "I am glad to meet you all, aud to receive yo.ir con eram a'ious, butl hope you will spare me auy public demonstration. 1 live in tnis city, and like to avoid demouBtiatinns Here us elsewhere, and with my eouteut there cannot be any. I am always ready to meet such gentlemen as may call upon me at my office or house at any time, without public display or demonstration. This would be miicb more agreeable to me, and I licpe it will be ag'eenble to you." Tbe Major iepliei: "Weshall certainly study your ideasure in tbe nutter." General Groit said: "I am not unmindful of tbo teel na inttnued to be di-pUjed by a public denu nstrntiou. You must lake all this fur 'granted.'" (Laughier.) A lew moment were pissed in conversation, and tt'e cummitiee withdiew, each member ol it taking G:aut by tue baud. Ti'Cie is much disappointment at the refusal ol (ienerul Grant to accept u public demonstra tion, ms tne pre.uirnary arrnuaeiiients bad beeu mace for a grand rlispl ty. General Gr mt was at L s office to dai, li'"ui 9 A. M. unt l 3 P. M., tor the nerloi icance cf official duties, thojgn cou ttantly iiitirpted b vi'itors. lEon. UlllliiMi 1. Uelley had a lcrg interview with General Grant, at his Headquarters, this moruit.s. It Is s ii 1 Gruut will invite JuriL'C lvepev to a seat iu his Cabinet, and that be will be placed at the bead of thj Kavy Df-rtitment. Kedey hs b-pu a member ot tne Ilnuse Cciiiui t ee on Naval Ailairs lor n veritl j ears, aud i thoroughly poateii abo. it all the aVans ol the ticpnriuieiit. It i-i generally concc'cd tliat IVi'tisj uauia will bo leprcsenied 'li Crar.i's Cubini t, and prouniient politicians Buy Kelb y ih I Uely to be Hie man. la Ti:n'FjwMmJi ope. London, Nov. 10. Tim Times of to day has an coronal m!h I-, giv.ni the b is of se tleiueut nud the pri'M ijt i tatub ot the q ic.iti'ius at isue be.t ren the Cnited Ktati s and Great Britain. A mixed comiiiUs'Pii, eons stni'! o( two memb 'rs from cadi mil ou, vill be appointed t adj jdtre nil quesuoiiR arising sit'Ce 185'J, th'i d ite of tue lai-t coniuiiss on. Lnglaini's lesponsioiliiy in themiierol the AlibHioa claims will De re lerred to Prussia tor ai nrration. It tbo decision is in favor of America, a cim miss'ou will then niieiisa'e tUeclaims. Ame rica has withdrawn the question of the recogni tion of tbe Southern ute-t by Great Bifa n during tbe war. Tbe iui Jaau business will bo lenrnd to tbe President of bwt'Z'.rluid for uibitration. London. Nov. 10. The Lord Mayor gave a banquet at the uil I bull last uigbt. Amone the f'ets piesent were Disraeli and Reveriy Joln iCB. Ii the coarse oi iep'j to u tuast, Mr, Johnson said: ''I have been greatly critlc ze l for the manner In which I have received and o tiered civilities while In this country, but irh strictures on my conduct have not atlected the negotiations which sre in progress. However dissatisfied the people here or at home may be, tbey will find that there Is to ground for sncfi feelings. Tbe questions at Issue between my Covrrument mid that of her Majesty are no settled, without touching tbe honor of eitier nat'ru. If diploma1 Ic relations in thu future are carried on In the name spirit, war between Eneiand aud the UnLed States will oe impossi ble." D. uracil made an able speech, and a'lu llng to tbe subject introduced by Mr. Johuson, suid tbe removal of our ailliculties with the United Stales gives good ground for ttie hope that no future misconception way ocour. He reviewct tbe state of aUa.rs in Europe, and admitted that the superficial gapt-ct was t!ircateniui, but de clared that tbe Ministry could see no apparent pretext for vi ar. London, Nov. 10. There Is every reaon for believing that tbe statement of u Convention made lor the settlement of the Alabama clacvis iu the limes of this morning is lucorrect Tbi; fourth ' artjele Of the Convention, to which the Tinid particularly re cis, reads, in fuct, us tol-lows:-C'' 4 The Com miss-loner sbail Iirtg poTcr to alju. ilicnte.npcro the class of claims refeired to lu the tflioial correspondence between tbe two govern ments as tho Alabama claims, but b -lore any of snch cliiiais are taken Into cons:dera'i n by tham, the to high contracting parties shall dx unon seme sovcirign or heal ot a men lly va'e ns aii arbiter in respect ot such claim'', to wlwn such cla-s of claims shall be referred in esse the Comtiiisii'P r ih'ill bo nnable to co-ne to a unniiia ous decision up m the same. This opera every question involved inthos" claim", whether that of the rlirht of tne KinMis i Government to a knowlec'go the Soa'.h sxs belli gerents, or any other. The limit speaks of distinguished publicists wbof-e jiidtnn nt will aid tbe King of Pr.isun. The-e are doubtless Gssmer and Ilcpfter, bo'h leadii g writers ou international law, and eu gnpcdiniLe Ueiliu administration (tne former in 'he Foreign Office), win have sluce the war advoca'ed tbe American vles ot the pern ling questions. T'in-y concurred at the time in pro nour cing the seizure cf Mason and Hidel! as a lus'itiiibio Hct, and denounced tbe selhshness ot the Bri'ish principles of neutrality. The Marquis of Hastings died lo day, ngert twmfysix years. His namp has beu much braid ff recently iu -connection wiih racing matters. Madrid, Not. 10. Tho Correfpondinoii says there is reason to expect that th i Spanish Gov ernment will, at n early day, conclude tren'i's of peace with Chili and Peru. It attribuie this happy result to the mediation of the Uni'ed States, ond to the sympathy aroused in puin in consequence of the desolmiop in Peru and Chili caused by the recent eartbquukes. Arrival of Profe-mor Hold win Smith. Ithaca, Nov. 10 Professor Goldin Smith anlvcd here this morning, and will at odcj enter upon his duties in Cornell rniversltv. Hiscourseof lectures on Kuulish Ilistorv will commence at the close ot the course now beings! delivered uy rroiessor Agassiz. California has yielded $90,000,000 gold and silver in ten years. LIFE INSURANCE. THE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CQiV3?A;Y of rcc United States of America, Wasiiisutox, i. c Chartered by Special Act of Congress, Approvctl July 25, 18G3. CASH CAPITAL, 8 1,000,000 BRANCH OFFICE: riliST KATIUSAL bask cuildlmj, I'HILADELI'UIA, Where the business ot the Company la trans acted, and to which, all general correspondence should be addressed. DIItKOTORS. Cl.ArtF.NCR H. O.ARK. J A If KlOKB, t llATl'llFURD HTARR, W. O. AlOOKHEAD, GKOROE F. TV LKM, J. XlIJSKLY CliAitK, 10. A. KoLLItffl, Hknrt U. Oookk, W m. K Cham olki., Iuhn D. Us:S'KlCcJ, "Odvvakd Hoduk, U. C Faunesiocic. MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Marine Newt tee ftr aje. ALMANAC if OB FUILAUELPHIA-THI8 DAT. 30N Hieaa............S 4i Miwn Kisics.........,. 3 is 'iuw Hkth 4-SiHih Vatkb n Ji PHILADELPHIA. iOAUU OF TilADB. MONTELT CCXIM-.TTKa. CDVUND A. SJOUDHJt, buoBUK J j. hi: my, SiMIHL K. bluKKS, MOVEMENTS UP OCEAN 8TK.1MK11S. 1UK AMi uiCA. Cella LonUon Mew v ort.......O0fj 7 Hiliff ula... .oiHsow......iew York.......,..Uct' 21 -luerla. .Liverpool... ew Voric Ouu' 21 JCugiaml Livei'pol...New York ooi, as LieUella- Liver iiol...New Yorlt Ooi, s luriipa...,. uiasKuw....,New York Oct go -lva Jjiverpool...New Yoik.....M....oo; a1 Vm. P-tm.........Loiidoii New ork un ai Alenpo Liverpool.New York Nov a MloriHntrt Llveuool...New York ,. N tv Heiuiiirji.....fcoulljauiiou...cw York.. Nov" a KUK KUKUfK ' Manhattan New York...LiverproL. Nov 11 Oiina New York. ..Liverpool -.v 11 Aoietlca iN'ew York...ltrtuiu Nut i-l luiuu................ievt york...Liverpool Nov. u Aiy 01 i-bnu..Aw York...LlvrH)ol ,v u hi. Lnureiil A:rw York...Hvre....M...........Nov' 1 lllLtruia .New York...(JU8gjw Nov. - rr ui&,uuiUUIIIM, mxtiXlV, 14 rl)i.... New YorkLivriKM)J.. v.v 14 New York...Livorpool m.N.iv" 17 WeHipbklla iXew York...Hnrubui rtov li Jv -...New York... Liverpool Nv! is VllleOePri...New Ynrk...llvr .Nuv vi Ii'W New Ynrk.Hlafu-ow- ...Vov 2h Win. Pciin .Kew Ynrk...Lotidod Njv 2H t)AsTWIhK. DUMK-iTIU, K-'fO. Morro ( utle.....ISew York... Havana Nov i youjh,g Pbllad......isVBi;rili Nov'. 4 ?',"' S,TW ) "'it-New Orleans .Nov. 14 Jiitii.;iM...Phtlaaa.M...Nw Orien.....M..Nov 18 "a?I:-, hnrt. WPrnlBta Z.ov. S -. Aniertea New ork...R'o Jaueiro ....N.jr. 28 Aifclls ;e forwarded by every sieuiuer In mjreirulr llne. 'J be steoiuwra for or from Liverpool call at r A 1 1 ncllau "ni, wblou call ai, uniF, iiairRiui-jB iur or ifiira iuc nent call at Honlliauipiou tbe Uonil- CLKAltHD YtSPKitDAY. at an.shlp B-ntH aua tjirlpes, aoluies, Havana, Tbos Waosnn & buus. " Unique Kate, Craig. RnttBrrtara, Workman A Co. .Hit t iara d".wn. lllnol. alaunxag Warren ltCiree 8enr K M. Hamilton, biulib, Portlaud, Jimauioa, Scbr til a F. Crowell, Howes, Boston, L. Aadentled A Schr R. C Tbomas. Crocket, Boston, ciuur nvi JOB;, nicuaras. bjcid. do. HrhrADoa B. Hayes, Lore, Fortress Monroe. D. Cooper. Ht'r F. Franklin. Flersnn, Raltlmcre. A. drove Jr Mt'r Ann Itllza, Rlcbarda, New York. U . v. C'lyilnA 00, TogTlios Jt-flTsou, A ilea, for Baltimore, wiib a tow ai bargtt. W. P. Clyde Co. ' " ",w ARRIVKB YJCelTEKDAT. BteamBhlp W Plrlwlnd, Oeer, B hours from Provl. deuce, wnb mde. to L fci, ssieison A (jo. Scbr Kojoia 1. Finney, Tuttie, B days from Savan jan. wnh lumber 10 T. P. Ualvlu fc Co.-vessel 10 Lfctubuty W'lekeiHhum A Go. " Bcbr RisIdk Bun. Mooie, 6 days from Norfolk, with lumber lo T. P lialvlo A Co. ' K br KvaUay, Rlcbardg, from Falrbaven. Ktei.nier liiauk Dlaruoud. Meredith, 24 hours from New York, with muse, to VV. M. Balrii A Cu. hie nier M aj flower. Fu I ta. 24 boui sirouatfewYork. wl'h ii'iiiw lo W. P. Clyde & Co. ' Tug Tlios. Jotterson, Allen, from Baltimore, with a tow oi barges to W. P. Clyde A Co. Ship Alaska. Breail, hence, at Mobile eth b;iiislilp Promelbeu-i. Ury, lor Pblladelphta. ailtO from Cliarititun y8teriy. ' . ,rM."ll",.'s!'r"h. Hiapies. ttaples, for Philadelphia, clear, d at LoliVh) yoib nit. liurque Kitka. Krone, bence.at New Orleans 9th Inst, s, 1 , 'llckluurB' Pendleiou, beueu, at Porilaud oi It 1 1 W I WrikiucyA. B'oMpm, ratdeld, hence for Ports nxiuin. ai New Yoik 0 b Inst. rl Kiiua McNeil. Bjuali. at L'ota 17th ult. troyn liMicHma. B ig hmuupI I.lndtev, Wl'son. for Philadelphia, bailed Imi" Llvcriiuiil h ulu Sci"J B kruwles Ho. tt; Jaenb Kienstie, 8tenl 11 an; ai d wuj, H. iiuwe, Wullleuio.e, huuos, at Ujs ten 8 b lest. Hcnr M. N. Lludsey, Latham, hence, at Norfolk 7th IriNiaht. b. i r Job n Beat ty, Seward, hence, at Norfolk 8th lilh I Kill. bchr Jan ani Mary, I.andon, bencs, at Wasblntc t 11. 1). i'.. liin P St. Kciir May auu, for I blladelphla, salted from Nor wich 61 li 11 n. 1 ttcfoa Mary K. Amsden, Bmlib, and Josela Wllsoa, C'oiinal'.v. hence at Uua 7if) lum. be firs Jan e Marilu, Fuller and Neptune's Bride, Chan.-, li r l'liUadeli iila. oiearel at Itrmion 7 h Inni, Sehr It L. 'lay. Bker. cleared at 11 iiou 7lU lust, fur 1 an ' cove, to load fnr PtillailHliihia. chis Ibho KIoii, :rowell; Levi Chester, Oonkln; Ann Dam Kelmy: H . Brooks. Lane; Win. Walton, Keevm; Jmrne h. Knillb: Henry CroHkev, Potter; Jona Farnvaiu. Kelli-y: (!lyde. (4age; aud J0U11 It. Freuoa, Lnri fs". Iieine a' tioHtnnsiti int Sm'i r haikb. ( nbh. hence, at Newhurypirt 8 b Inst. rteli 1 a J. H. Perry. Kelley: Oolden l'4iiie Jlowe: ai d J l ruoian, Oitiha, lor Phiiadelpbla, sailed irou Mew Bnltnrd Tin luut, sclif A, j. Faliens, Bragg, hence, at Newtinryport 7lb lust Hol.r d. C Noyea. Bradley, bence, at Newbury port S h l"st. Sichr Hrah Ct.rk. Orlffln. hence, and J. 8. Terrv, Ba 1. or. irm Provideuc for Philadelphia, at Niw j ori H'h Iiiri. r-chM(:laa Jayne. Parker; H G. ITanrl. Tavlor; and Jl. J. ('hanwick Chadwluk. benoa. at Haleni 7ih lint. HehriW U. Rlileu. Burseta: A laiiaiua. Vaaid d-r; St Helnin. Hand Olheila, 10'driiUn-. and HaraH J. K'tttLt bbaw, lor PhllaJolpUla, sailed Uoia caleui 7ih liiaiani. r-cbr 1) O. Bearne nodgdon and B. II, Bbasnon, Dlika hence, at Haleu mh Inst. Bchr Mary Price Harris u. benos, at Plymouth iOth 111. and cliareil again 8d Inat to relnru Hchr K. J. lleraiy. Meredith, for Philadelphia, Cleared at Plvrucuih 4tb Init. bum r!i'w Vc.k. Jcucj. bcr.ee, aliMXMjWd, X, C, h lust. OFFIOBUS. Clabekck H. Oi ark, Phiiedelphii, President, Jay Cooke, chairman Fiiihuoo aud Kxecutlve toiuin Itiee, Ht.NKY i). t'ooKrt, Washington, Vice-President, iJAifcKtsoN W. 1'aET, Puiiadelphltt, jcreury and Aotnary, K 8. XtRNKR, Washlnfton, Assistants ee'y. Francis O. Knitm, M. I)., Medical Director. J. Kwinu Mjcarm, Al. X)., AsalsUut Aledioal Dneolor. MEDICAL ADV1SOIIY BOAU1). J. K. Barnes, Snigeon-General U. S. A., Wash li Kion. P. J. Uorwitz, Cblel Medical Cepartrnen U.8. ., WMhlngton. D. W. ULitja, M. Watihingtou. SOLICITOUS AND ATTORNEYS. Hon. Wm. E Chandlkr, Washington, D. C UitoliOJi liAHDiNW, Phlladelpnitt, Pa. THE ADVANTAGES Oflered by this Company are: It IsaNatioDal Company, couriered by spe clul set of Congress, 1HU8. li t88 a paid-up capital of 1,000,000. It t-tleis low raltfi of ptemiuur. Ii lurnlaties larger inaurauce than other com peulesfor the same money. It la deflnlie and certain in lie terms. It Is a riome company in every loeality. ltspoliries art exempt from attaeuiueLit, 'lbere are no nnnecessary reainotlous lu the policies. livery rolioy Is rjon-forfelable. Policies may be taken wblen pay to the In sured ibelr full amount and return all the pre miums, so that the Insurance cos is only the In terest ou tbe annual payments. Policies may be taken that will pay to tbe Infilled, antr a certain number of yenrs, daring life an annual Income of one-tenth the amount named lu tlie policy. Ko extra rate is charged for risks upon the lives ol feiuiilesj. 83 wsrp It lnsnrtB not to pay dividends, bat at so low a cost that dividends will be Impossible. WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETC. EWIS LADOMUS STcq DIAM0XD DEALEIiS & JEWELERS.! WATCHES, 4EWEI.11Y A HI1.VKII W.tKk. v WATCHES and JEWELRY REPAIRED. JOlestnnt St., FhThv Would invite particniar attention to their large and elegaul aaaortinent of LADIUS' AND GENTS' WATCHES ef Ame'-tcan and Forelga Makers of theUinest qaal t lu bold and silver Case. A variety or Independent X Beeond, for horse timing. LaiileV and Genu' CHAINS of latest styles. In 14 and 11 kt, BTTTON AND KYF.LET BTTXDS In great variety newest patuiraa. BOLXD BlLYKBWAJUg for Bridal presents; Platd-ware. eta. Repairing done la the beat manaer, and war. ranted. 1 ifrp FRENCH CLOCKS. a. W. RUSSELL, KO. 22 K0ST1I SIXTH STREET, Importer and Dalerln FINK WATCHB3, JKW 1LRY, AND fclLVKM-WAKJi, offers the largest assortment of it &a FRENCH CLOCKS In Phlladeipula Wuulesaia aad Retail. FINANCIAL. ONE QF THE BEST INVESTMENTS. NEW PUBLICATIONS. R C. J. TRICE L. Has Removed to No. 723 SANSOM Street, Iilrecily opposite his O il btuud, where he will con tinue the loiiiortaliou of Euglibli, French, and Gemuu Books, Po riodiCiilH, Etc., to order. A larire and i-htirely new stock of the beat Enilliu S milliard Lueraiute Jnnt reorived. Arouliectural. Mecb.ulcal. and reienntlJ Uojks always ou iiautl! 'ineihotcbt hew pubilca'lona tecelveU M laiid on Inn Hooks, periodicals; etc., imported to ordr-r, wttkiy, hys eau er. liUdt n- o BOOK COLIiBCTOB 3.- A. WII.LIK p. HAZARD invites the attention i l lio.ikiniy.r. to his very extau Hive col'e lon oi CHOHJK iMPlllUKll BOOKS, euibraclUK all elaa en oi Literature, end part, cumriy biiierbly IDuH'.rBt. d aud Fine An. vorhs. lllslory ana Bi grapliy, Voy.ix-8 aid IravelH, I'oelry and tint U'ui.i, A.iurn Hia ini v tiMidrtd and Alisceiluue ma Woika. iariy I'ruittd liuukii, eic. Priced aialciiues grat's on application. Luiii e LU)'! les pur lii-eil lor o igh. TliiS J'irtOLlSU UjUKMMRI, 106! No. 7il BANSOM. biHl'-b.r. M E W B OO K SlOltAI. am! HI.I.K.IOI N C" AR.tCTtUl. for 1IIA.1U.M A.l YObill. l'lillllhl HI liv Hill AJtl llItAM H.MIAY NtililUL (JNIU.. AUo lor sate, It I It aud hl.teiiOAAIi r.OOIi of the dirTarent dn- III UilllollOI r, t aia'o.ue o' the Hociely V Puh!tvutlinH aud sample K (.lit of Ita l'erli d e a liirn -tl'-.i i raiun tm ily at iue iiecbllory, 1122 Ciii-rtMIl' i'.., Pbiiadu. ilSuuuwif W()ODI-AND4 CEMEXKKY COMPANY . 1 lie loilontug Maiineri aud OlUOtira havf Oet U e'LCled li l Hie yen" lhiio; r.i.1 it, ritlOB., r-reiueui. Wni. H. Mooie. t-snu m l t. a'con, Ul III - Mill u, r.owm m toie, Win W. Keen. Fmiluiid J. x reer, Oe rtje L liuiiliy, a. a.. Kiiig"i. t-ecrrtaiy and Treannrer-JO-4. B. ToWNsKNT). I he IHanak'erii have paisod a renolu toa rHqnlrlii both l-otht Id. ia aud Vl'-liura lo preHonl Iichmi.i il ilii eniraure lor ail a ihhIou to tne CeDieiery. -Ic e may he had ai the cilice of I lie Omipauy, No Si- hi H "ire-t. or ol any of the M anaer 7 l TlMIlD S1ATE.9 RLVRNUU PTAJ1PS. t.J Palnclpal Input, No ao'i t!H I'M NOT Mreet. Central Dei oi.No m 8, FIF 1'H Hireei. ouedoor be Wiw . heanut. Ktahlleued ihK. Pevenne hii'ii of ev-ry description constantly uu iiaau luauy auiouiik Orders ty Mall u JOvprese prompUy atteodtati nil FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS or THE mmi pacific RAILROAD CO. 800 Miles Completed. A limited amount ot tbe First Mortgage Bwasof the Union Paciilc Kailroad ( on jjtry ate oflpieJ to the riiblic as one oi the safest and rutst prcll ablo lu veatmenta. I. Ti ey are a first mortgage upon the longest and meat luijoriBnt lal'rcadln iheooumry. 8. By law tbey can beirsntd lo trie Corapauy i nly a Hie cad la completed, so that they always re pre sent a real va.ue, S. Their amount Is United by act of Congress to FIHj Million Iollars ou the entire P.cillu Hue. or au avemge of lias than I'JO.'Hti ter niile. t. Hon, JL. I). Morgan, of tbe United Btatps Heaate, and Hod. Oakes Amu. ot tbe Unl.ed Biates House ol hi rekeutatlves are ti e trusties for the bondholders, lo bi e that all ibtli interests are protecied. 5 Five Uoverumeiit D r.ctoB, appointed by the Pretliieut f t the Util ed Slates, are resiiontilbiu to Uie couutry for the iuanageueut of its aUalrs. 6 .'ihree Uul led t tales Couimiselouers must certify that ibe re ad is well built and equipped, and iuall rejects a BiKt-clutis railway, bt It re any bonds can be Imued upou IU 7. The United Btates Governmeut lends the Com pany lis own bonds to the same amount that lbs Ci mi BDy lakuts. for which it take a aecoud mo.lag j as Bttuiliy, ft. As at)ditloDl aid, ltmkes an absolnte donation of 12 fc'Jli acits of laud to tbe iuile, lying upon uajli aide of the road. . IbeBotds ay BIX PER CENT. IN GOLD, and Ihe tiiuclpul la alao payable In gold, 10. 'J be eariilngs lioui tne local or way business were over iOUil MILLION HOLLA Ka Jaat yoar, wuich, alter paying otwrailug ezpensee, waa uucb u crt than sumeleut to pay tbe lLteieat. Tuese taruii gs will ee vastly Uxreaitd on tue comtiltilou ot the tmliehhf In lStf, II. t. polillcal action can reCuce the rateof Inte rest. It wuet reciRin for thlily years tue ptr cent. per annum in poid, now equal to between eight aud ulue per etui, lu currency. The i,ricipal it lien payable in void. If a bonC, with such guarantees, were Lsued by the Oovemuiebt, lis market price would not be letia tl an Ireiu iwtuiy to twenty live per cent, pre mluu . As these tends are lsautd under Governmeut authority Bud supeivlslon, upou what Is very largely a buveibnieht work, tbey muat ultlmate.y approach Uoversmeut prlcta. Ko other corporate koudj are made so secuie. 12. Ihe lbbue will soon be exhausted. Tho sales have sometimes beeu 1 alf a million a day, and nearly twenty millions have already boen sold. About ten millions more may be cller.d. It is uot Improbable that al tome lime not far distant all tbe reuialuder or the Lohds tbe Company can lhsue will be tkkeu by ome combination oi capitalists and withdrawn irom the market, except ai a large advance. The long lime, the high gold Interest, ana the perfect security, must make these bonds very valuable for export. - All ti e predictions which the olnoers of this C im pany have made lu relation to the progress and busi ness su ccess ot their enterpilse, or tbe value aud ad vance in the price ot their securities, have beeu more than conrirnjt d, aud they therefore suggest thai par ties who desire to invest in their bouds will fiiul it to licir acitai((ip to do to at once. 1 be price for the present is '02 and accrued Interest at six per ceut. irom July I. IMS, lu curreucy. bubscrlptlous will be received in Philadelphia by DE HAVEN & BROTHElt, No. 40 B. Til HID Bireet. W. PAINTER & CO., No. 88 B. THIHD Street. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO. No. It 8. THIRD Street ' AFD Ul NEW YOBK . AT THE CO JUTANTV OFFICE. No, to NASSAU Street, AND BT JOHN JJ. C 11 CO 4k HOW, BANKUBS, No. 69 WALi, Street, And by the Company's Advertised Agents throng fc. out the United States. Bouds tent free, bat parties subscribing through local agents will look to them for their safe delivery, a NKW PAMPHLUT AND HAP WAS ISSUED OCT. 1, containing a report of the Progreaa of the Work to that date, aud a more complete statement U relation to the vaine of the Bonds thau can be given lu an advertisement, which will be sent free on applicant n at the Company'! ouloea, or to any oi the advertised agents. JOHN J. CIV CO, TBKAh UK Kit, Novi mber 1, 1868. 6 1 fmwlf j New York. FOR SALE. m PI BMC SALE OP COUNTRY RlSSI DKNCE FUKNirURE, KTU., IN DELANCul illiKLlNGiON COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, Will besoldatPubllo bale, at 12 o'clock, nonn, on HiULBOAY, tbe 12th day ol November, ou tbe pre mises, a Ihree-Hory double frame Dwelling, with two-et ry back build ngs, and lot of crarly tiirae acres of ground, lb projierty or F. W. Mali ?.et, Esq., fronting on tho lOnoocas river, five niinutc-b' walk t.oni Ihn t amiluu and Amnoj RM1 road epot aud wh rf. forty-five mlnuiea' ride from l'hliade.pb a and thiea hours fr m New York. Lnwo on the river, abaudaiioe ot shade, gravel beucu every variety of li n't, fmrcsdlately alter Ihe nljive wlilheaotd Plan. -forte, Mahogany and Black Wal uut Parlor, D. ring-room, aud BoU-ioom Furniture I'ooklua Uieunlls, Ja'duiiig Tools, eto eta. Ferrous winning to examine tbe p.operty before the (ale may apply lo T. B. &. C, E FLKTCI1ER, 10 19 mwf DELANCO, N. J, FOt HALE-FIliST-CL.AS'S CODNrRYSH tit-KAl 6l 21 acie, wltu larite uew Mamui..,t'.I I in.ohr ol aud every modern couveuienod. luo am roui dings combine all (lai'nliie f,a.ure ol a He.tct rural home -aler, siirtiblif ry, auailn, and Hotter. 'Ihn sroiinds are exieuMiveli' pUutHd wan lui.ee Iruua I bW lu bearing Appioaonet au.l ni-uo-hi rluio. v erv dt-airahle and Inniroviiig t-rlox, t o uio. Full particulars w ill be tent ou application to 11 Hist E. MOBKIS, BUilt.IMjti'ON. N.J. TO RENT. p O R RENT. rKEMISES, Ho. SOS) CHESAUT St., FOR BTORB OR OFFICE. AlHO, OFF CFH AND LAUOK KOONS suitable toi atou m. rciul colli K,J. A only at J4 f nNK OTJI'llB REPUBLia AN OPUCK TO LLT, FURNISHED OR iu IumiIhIi'U, No. tos boulh '1 EM I'll Btreet. Inquire. b..r In the afternoon. log TO LEjiT THE IlAXDiQilU D.VSLL. Irg No 13H i-CCwUST BirW Ulh AMUSEMENTS. A C A D E M Y o r MUSIC. N H. L. BATaM A N..: Lemeft and Manairer BA1 Fd AN'3 OfuKA KOIIPKM-. POSITIVELY TEN N lull I'd ONLY. AND TWOMA1INEJS. WEDSEfDAY kVKMflii, Nov. 11, haKRU BLHUE, . (Blue Bemd.l Opera Bcnffr In 4 ac s bv J Ofieubach, prodimed wiih ibe iiio.i perfect nute rn trrne. UOKOEOUM Mwvv i-AlllsTAN COSTUMED. API'KopuiAlE M'I'.N' KB Y, PPl.hNDil BALi.KT TKOIU'tS. dtAMi t'HilkUt OW SA VOIilKS. . FVLL OKCHiSTKA OF Ij MUaiClA.V.'i ana ibe following , , F.M1NEST ARTIST3 In ire principal rutt: Alad ileiruia . Bjtilotte oi s. AiJ.c. aa ti.ua Jieue Mau oe Ainrie an Prince m Merutla .i.au oe iiurlon s (J i. en oin'iientlua aim.s. Ut.rd Kuac an Prm i Haplilr b rik. i runolr.. ... .....a K lm Itouoohe Moim. '1 holer . Popolanl Mous E(Jrd a- ...avare DUilliVO THE FOUtlll AC1'. GP AND BA 1' Dl VER1 iStl.a.MKNT, danceu by Ai.li .l k de ro.-A Preml re Danseuse Supported by a , COMPLETE BALChT THOUPB, tmiimring a nuuioer ot the iirni dncei-i la the ( up try. hunocal I lrclor M. ADOLPTT TlTPrj SKLD ADMlbbloN ONeiUOLLAtt (rieoerveu fcais. Fit y Certs extra.) I anil y Circle. ...... ... .75 crnts t,l l''Iy W cents A.APy ", d BORER'S MUelU 61'ORE. No. 11U2 t llr UT Hired. bLCCE.M bLCCEid Or THE GENUINE LA So.nllllll4 LAHS. At. J. RYMO.M'S ICW UKU, Ttit. I.AiNCAMilKH, i,A K NI W AM) MaO jFlOoi.NT SCEiVKKY. 'Ilia ' OLD 1" e 11" A V KuKKAlOA 1'. i.lVrHIUOL DO KS. THE NIGHT MolT U.NU.iiK FULL, rfRAQWAY AtTSTKALilA,! UaEf FARM. NEW Di.AMATIO CjMPAN Y. The Cast will be ibe blliOiNOrST IN T11H CITY. M:ss Ilrnrleaa IrviUK as Iluth Klrby r-Hioia Elonarita DCarlano iw Kate On ulna Mies Br.Ble toudlow .......Fainy D411 villa Mr J. Jl, Loiitrm at Farmer Klrby Mr. K. Ihdiie as Nl Cay toa Mr. J. B. bltaley ..aa.A Party by the . . name ol Joiinnon J f T. Ward. spuy Mr. .1. W. JennlngH aa Jelllclc Mr. E. L, ill ion an...ltorert liedbura A nd ni' inUi-m oi tlie U unpany. 'IHE LaNCASUIUiC CAS.-, as presented at ilua 1 heutru will be lonud iuteaselv IMeieMlt g, whilst lu all pro(l..e.iius. so far, In ibm counti), tue stoiy Is uusaiialaclory BlU ulaoju hfctni. 1 he Horses nsed In the Hheop Farm are loaned by DANIEL OA hDNKR. Kry. M ATlKEa. SATU KdaV AFTER SOON. WALNU1 ST. TUEATrlK. UKOIN8 AT i To 8 THlei (Weuutaaai, EVikNINU, Nov. 11. last night hut (hrea ul MICE U DAVENPORT, AM ANNUAL BENEFll'OF MB. InOJlAi J. Hi' lilLLi, BnaHiem Munager auu I reiiurir, who presentb lu his menoa aud the palruus of tha saluut u" THE FOLLOwlNU HKEAT BILL 1 be pi rfoi m -nee a ill couiuieocd wil l Dion Boucl cauli'apiei.uid C'ouirdv, iu dVHacls, of LOiNDU-X aUkaNCK, Tsr.zle, Mr. K. L. DAVENPORT lo cone aue ivnh ihe huinauiic Nautical Drnmaof BE PL or. LongTnm CcfTIn Mr. Pi L D WEN PORT FRIDAY h A Bib W l LL BKN blFI P J)f MB. E. L. DAVEAPOKi1. m MHS. JOHN DREWS ARCH STREET THE ATRE. Beiua at bnli-pait7. TUE L0N1 AhHIKHi LAV8, by Mis. JOHN 1 Ile-W aud i omoau. MONDtY, A Mi V KHY EVENING, H.J. B; ron's great.orlgina Play, now playing al Wei ll ck s. New V 11 k, THE LANCASHIRE LASS, with every tioeua New, t , New Mechaalo J Edicts. Great Cast. All the Core y and MRS. JOHN DRB ff. HORTICULTURAli HA LL. U RUMANIA UUCH Ef I'n ! U B L 1 O KEUEAKSALS ii VKKY WEDNEaDA Y. at Sf, P. M. Tlokota sold 11 tbe floor, and all principal Music Stores. Paekagefl ul five toi (l: blnkle, XSct-iiia. Fugagemei'ts can be uiace by addremlng G. BAS TEU'l. Ne. I2UI MOSTKK-Y Street: Wltlig's alusle biore ISo nut Chranut street; Andre's Musio buve, No. liin Cbesuut aireeu lu is 3in FERDINAND PAUWELS' GBEAT M iltJNAi. PAlNTIiSU, 'i HE NEW KEPUBLIC;" OK EMANCIPATION IN IHE UNITED STATE?. N w on Exhloilion In ihe fenuaylvanla Aca teuiy Of t Ire Arlb ( fan urn naiWIei.) JO 'at av FOi'8 AMERICAN VARIETY TOEATRB.J EVERY EVMNu ..Ml BAlUKUAY AllEBrOON. GREA t COiH bIJSA I ION TROUPE. In Grand Ballets, tub plan Burleaiiuea, Songs Iiam en. Pauimiilniea (4mi ant out. etc. ClAbL SENTZ' AND MARK UA9SLER'. OR J lb E-THA MA 1 I.n M.VKHY SA 1'UHBAY alt'i .M1N Mlt-iCAL KUM1IULU elinicleAd uiicbinu. 1 11 1 1 ih. Jrarau.eol-t tickets, (1, alB mer'a, No, li(2C'HEiNI T M.. and at ibe Door. 114 If CARRIAGES. Q ARR I AGES. Notice la respeot fun giveu to customers and others deslrlrg CARRIAGES ut the MANUFAOTUltE WM. D. ROGERS, OF CHESNUT STREET, To place 'heir order as aooa as possible, to Insure their completion for he SUITING SEASON OF 1SG9. CaBRTageh RRPAirfd In the most heat and txpenliuiiiH ii'inmr iaIUUAOiEs bTvjRKD and Insurance effeoted. WM. D. ROGERS, lVos. 1009 and 1011 UHESJfUT Street, )16fmw2m PHILADELPHIA. GARl'JiER & FLEMING OAltRIAOE UUILDBRB, Xo. 21-1 South FIFTIX Street, BELOW WAINUT. An BRgortaent of NEW AND SECONDHAND CAEKl AOKB always va baud at REA-ONABLE Pi. J asimwsjt OEORCE DOLL & CO., TOl'N, FASur UOtMS, Heerpohanni Pit ta. Cauex N iVelll.s, elc, NoMO and blXlll Ulieet, mxive varkeu KEM'iVAI. We br to announce ihi e have removed frnm cur old Blai d No U m.MX'l'H bireet. to the large and ctimuiodlona i ew Mure, Jui. l and H N. SIXTH rtrent, COaNbluOK ClIMll ttliCK. wlie'e wn have nfui.y un'r.a.e'l fouilltles far trans acting hUnliuHH. and a al be m at happy lo gruel our Ilk to. and cu tun - is Verv repec1 f M'v, ii g 171 it nei.ii jr. JOXE8 HOUSE, IIARRISliURG PENNSYLV.a.VlA. The tin i r ineil having-leas-u the ai iv ropular ai d we-l 1 in wn ho. inn. whlou tins b-e i Hi irnug iir rei aired and gnatlv loipr v d. as well as enlin-ly rcfiim Blinl Ihrriikihnut wp h ,cli-aiit ue ln-iitnir Includluu all ihe spi op inienis l a rlrsi-eliiai Hot will Ut- re- cy lor n.e ri-"cit o.i of uealt un a'd a' the lhlh ot Noviujhe- liwi .,. . . Ill Slim THO ' H FARLEV. Proprle C OTTOS ANI Fl-X. 0ds. Ui iU kail ia ad 0V k. , Tent A wnlns-. Trunk, aud Waou noy0e,eW. A'so I'aner Msuulaclii era' lirlor itit yij .eVerafleel wl: toi I0 JNO. 1V8 J