THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1868. 5 CITY INTELLIGENCE. ClTJ CRIMINAL CALENDAR. Fcift1 Thieve A Till-Tipcr An ANMnlwr-l'robiible Homicide). Inn Anderson .Mid Rose Carlej were jester flay arrested In the Twenty seventh war for stealing a number of books from a residence oa Choanal street, above Thtrtv-slitb. Alderman )lanle heard the caso anvl committed the aocated for trial. Joseph Hsrvey, a lad, jester Jay went into a taTcrn at Sixth and Lombard streets and robbed tbe till of a small amount of roouey. lie was ent to pribon by Alderman Carpenter. Frederick iauler, while under the lnflaenee of strons drink, yesterday beat a tavern kt-eper at Laurel and 8t. John streets. On being re monstrated with by Policeman Like ke turned on that individual and hammered htm. He was finally seemed, aud oa being taken before Alder man Eggletnn was beund over to answer. lieu r j Bcattereood, who resides at LeUh ffow street, below Georee, was hit on the back of the besd with a blunt Instrument, at Third and Beaver street!", on Saturday evening. He fell to tun pHveinent, kis head strikine the curb atone with Ktich force as tj fracture the i kill. He Is now ljing in an injennible condition, aud the probitbmiy l that he will die. Last night John uonway was arresiea ior maiing ma suit. He will have a heariug to-day at the Ceatral Btatiou. TJllITBD STATBS COMHWSIONBRH' IlBARINaB. At noon to-day, bniore United States Comnm eiorer lleurj fnillip, Jr , tbe case of fdward McCoJlagtan, eburKed with tn Illicit distillation of wbitky, m up on a continued hearing. Revenue Oflier Hellman testified Visited the premises No. 1628 Bustmont street on Oct. 6, In tbe morning; saw 12 taog?heai ot molasses mash, and a hull In operailou; cmi'teay wbetber the delendant was there or not; the property is assessed und-r the name ot Jonn IcUollaghaa; Ed w aid Mceollaghan resides there. John Tuouipsou, wuo served the warrant upon defendant, testified: that he never kuew htn nntil he served it never saw distillation koidk oa at tbe place; never saw defcudant in the kouse. Delonciant discharged. Also, at noon to-da?, oeiore United Btate Commissioner Aubrey H. Hmiib, Charles Don nelly had a kearlng upon tbe cbartje of unUw fnlly removing distilled spirits te a place other tian a bonded warehouse. Police I'flicer Kobert Falelsy testiacd: On Ennday evening about hail past (even o'clock I keard a heavy wagon running near Hutchinson and Master streets it backed np to the curb stone in front of Owen Donaelly's place, aud then I saw defendant and auother man roll a couple ot barrels of whisky out of tbe whjou; they said to me ''Let up, rfflcer, and we will make It all right"; tk-n wita tae expretsion tbat "the wagon was bis" defendant jumped np on the aeat; I ttaen told him to drive otf at his peril; a number ot persous were arouod; I anticipated treable; sen for another officrr, who came aud arrested Dounelly; Denuelly undertook to drive the wapon away; a third rann assisted to roll the barrels iuto a yard; It was dark at the time; the place into wbicti the barrel were rolled is liquor store; I went inside the rte; it was op n; went up to tbe man inside, who was push Jtg back the secoud barrel. Pol ceOflicer Kelley testi fled When I reached the place a large ciwd of people were present; eaw wbat I took to a buret of liquor on tue pavement; Officer Fadelej tried to put up the slide board or the wajon, when de en lun- attempted to take it from bis hand-; shw detendaut In the wurob: I'alrlev arrested him and handed him Over to me; the horse and wagon stopped oppo aite Donnelly' vises no, the defendant's plase, bin tus brother's, I believe. Police Lieutenant Jscoby sworn Was at tbe Station House when defendant was brought in: was not at tbe scene ot the occurrence mjseit; believes that tbe de end ant lives in Prospect street, between Thompson and Master; tbere wers no mirk on the burrth; the barrels were brought to ihe Btation Home. Delendant held to answer in the sum ol $1000. TnB Wickedest Man in Nkw York. Not the wickedest mm hitself, but Mr. Oliver Dyer, tbe author of the very effective ske'.cbea uuder the above title, which created such a seusatiou ' n few months ueo, will lecture this evening at Concert Hall. Tne title ot the lpcture will be "The Wicki dnei-s, Romance, aud Utiscality of New York." Those who cava reaa Air. users articles on the Water street dauce-houses and other subjects of like cburacer need not be reminded of tbe fact tbet he has both the experience and ability to trea'sucu. a subject as he anro-,uces ior uis lecture m a fcirimuK aud eflVc'ive manner. For fourteen sears Mr. Dyer ba Ofeu engited in investigating the haunts ci vice and misery and the abodes ot Eoverty in New York, and we ore conttdent that is adili"? this evening wili be one that our citizens vill listen to with roBt. Mr. Dyer will endeivor to suggest some remedies lor the evils wbiflb afflict our great cities, and his views will be e ititltd to respectful consideration. His Honor Judtre Pierce will preside, and tbe plat form will be reserved lor the clergy. Tickets can be irc-cnred at the wuio siore of J. k). Gould, tt. 723 Chesnut street. Firbwx's Riot. Last night, while return lng fiom'.be Are at Ra( e stieet wharf, two rival tire comptn es met a'. Twenty second and Vine tree is aid indulged in a riot, during whuh bricks anl other missiles were used. Four o? live nisto tboti were fire.). William Eckcn- brine, a neraber ol the Nor.brrn Libertv Engine Company, was badly bea eu nruuttno neAd. Cabuaiy. George Weissman, a driver, Was throwi with considerable force from his cart, tbis nomine, at Passvutik road and Catha rine street. He sustained pevere injuries ab)ut the head, aid was taken to tne nojpttai. Firb Ths Morning. The alarm of fire at a quarter bdore 8 o'clock thi mornlDg was caused by tie burning of a barrel of coal nil at Baldwin's works, on Uirard avenue, weit of the bcnuyiitiii. Tempkra.cb Mbbtino. Tc-night a series of teniperanci-mrctines will be luauguru'.ed in the touri oi tuuiueu i lias ruuui. CSTBICT OOUBT. No. Jaiige Hare. Qruraa TS. WlUo. action to recover for the Ions ol a male ibmuthib alled uKlijenc ef lb a itlia unl. Ut-firv-cported. Jurvoiu tblllp II. lnc, cemnili' of Elisabeth TouDg, laaat.o v. Jem H. Climhrn. An aUo to reoovnr grouuareai. Xbf aiensailega aayuttat, ui irlul TTTEDDlNi INVITATIONS, ENGRAVED IN w w me r " ana oeu iuauiibr. iODia Uli.Ii.KA, KtH(iiir and Knirraver. fl . luaauxilitiNirr btrvot.. THIRD EDITION WASHINGTON. General Grant not to Resign nntil Ills Election is Oiliciallj Proclaimed. Speaker Colfax's Departure for the West. TR. BUKT'lN'S TOB4CCO ANTIDOTE, XJ WariiU4 to remove all desire (or Tooacco Is entirely vtnwtlli aau Harmless, sua Is alto au ex celleut appt-tliu, It uurlrlee euricbee tbe blond invigoraiea tbe system poeiifsiea great noorlaaluK and airengibenlid power, enables tbe stomacb to dl Ktat tbe bearltrl((iod. makes Bleep refresulusr. aud alakliabearoboa bealtb. (-mokTu and cliewer lor sixty jeara eared l'rtce fifty cents per box, Poat tree. An luieras lug treatlhe ou the injurious eil'rtoia of lobaoco, witb imw oi leaumouiaio, reierences, etc., Sent irte Akmwaaieu. Auuruw Ub.T . K. ABBOT r, Jersey City, N, J, fKBTIMuNIAtB. Trom the TJuttd Biates Trraiury, Secretary' Oflice. PleawscKl a Supp.y of be Antidote, Tne T O T. EDQAR From Kew Hampshire Stale Prison (ieatleinen ol Irfloence bere liailnir been ujred Of tbe auDtnllfl for tobacco bv u,ii)Xltr. Biirum'd Antidote, wa deairs a sujipij ior tbe iid'Ouera ul ibis lnsiuuiKin. JOSKPU MAYO, Warden ol I ho N. II. Ktat HrUuri A Banker's Tuatlmony. lr. Buitou'a Antidote tor 'Xouacoo naa auuoaipinnea an ciauuea ior it. WALTltH MANN, 1st Mat. Bank. New A lhanv. I ml From the Chief KnKluer ol fie Allegheny Valley Hall road Coaipauy, I'l'.UbtirK Pa. 1 have used tbe Antidote liu great tucco.-a. It I louring all my Irleuda. i H. BLa(!KhTl1N hi. A Clergyman's Tentlrony.-One ilux of Antidote curea mj b.oiber auo uyttu. n never lain. . lav. 1. W HHOh,M AKEIt, t Fromihe Police Head m.irter, Lvuo, Mm-1 hve gained tl'lny live ponrta ( f lleuli In teres niomba br unlng Dr. l'uruiu'a Attiaote, aud all ilenre or tobacco la removed. w, I W A I T. J a. romitt -tMiiuberi Hume Jo.inial." Baltimore Mil.-Oi e bo f K'irai a Antiduie removed all da . aire lor the weed irom ne. i mte pleastira In ren iiu jueroiru ii v K' riador.i. 'J', Y.KLATKI-, 10 I. bold by all Druriilxie I inMmiaisu i'l radoiunrit z Ctipyrtgliiei).) FJIOM WASHINGTON. Special Deipmteh to The Evening TtlegrtrpK WasniNOTON, Nov. 10. The) Seamlou of Congreu was tery brief, tbe entire proceedings occupy ing aboot five minutes. Not more than half a- docen members were present, including the Speaker. Tbere was quite a number of specta tors In tbe galleries and on the floor, of the Iloase. After Spenker Colfax declsred tbe Home a1joarned an l left bis chair, he was TOKrmlj- C'nngrrMtnlrttrit by tfcoe pre.-ont, tbe hand-3haklng continuing for nearly an hour. Tbe Uembera from Pennyl vitniia present were William D. Kelley aud Charles O'Neill, together with O. J. Dickey, who sue" seeds Tbad. KteyeDt. Speaker Colfax and Senator Wade leave to-day for the West. They will stop to night at Baltimore, where it is ex pected Colfax will be serenaded and make a speech. It is understood that General Grant does not propose to resign as General of the Army autil his election to the PresiJaucy is officially proolaimed by the Electoral College. Latest Markets by Telegraph. KiwToh. Not. 10. Cotten dull at i4o. Flonr firaaer and ol vended 6iiuc. baiea ol u0 barre a nperfine ai 5 IS: extra, Td6i(cS7 10: cuo:e, S'7i (u7CS; lanay.f7(a)7; Callro'ula, -S0((vlO If. Wheat Urn er and holders demand an dv .ace. Cera firm; eales of S6.00S bualrlM mixed Wetm at Jl'l.-.ttyl 17. Oata lower ami nominal at 7Av7iHe. Reel quiet; new meaa iu eous s-an; extra men, im 68 si i-. New raraa pora nominal at -5 va. i.ara aull at tono. Whmky quiet. Hew Tork Stoek taotatlon, 2 P. M. Beoelved by telegraph from Ulendlnnlne A Davis, Htook Brokers. Mo. 48 S. Tntrd street; N. y. Cent. K VX) Pac. Mall s. Co IIVX N. Y. aud K. K.....M. SO loledo A Wab 6S Phil, and Kea. K.... Vd.'i Mil. & St. P. oom. 70'2 Micli. H.and N. I. K. 81- Adam Express Co 47M Cle. and Pitt. R 834 Wells, Fargo k Co. iS ChL and N. W. com. Ohlcand N. W. prt b2H Chi. andR. I.K ltisV, P1U. F. W . and Chi. ..108 U. S. KxpreHa....MM. 4- feun. tit, new 6'J Oold Uii Market -wealc. The New York Money Market. from the Herald. 'Business In Wall street onened vesterda ninmlni DDder tbe luflunuce of that ajDer secjud thoagbt wulcli was wauling ou Saturday, aud prices far Ujv eronient sucurlties. gold and ra'lway sbares, abowel a cttcllue of abeut one per o nt. from those currant at tne dote on Saturday; but aubuq icutly tbe Treasury ricg wtnt to wo k again am frebfi H'ml-ultl 'Ul a:oet-Jobblng report were recs ved from Wash ington, Mr, MuL'utloeli appareuciy lending bis lulluence iu b.-holf ot a WU sirel clique tu create tbe lmpreanlon tbat the cu'reuey will be lu- uateo, aiiuouga ne is wen aware int cue law will not penult blm lo reatora a dollar of ou -ronoy to cir ouiailon thtt baa bitoerto neeu wubJrawn Iivjiu It. Mucn a nranda'oa'j abuse of ollloil puinloii to aid spetnlatlvtt o .eratluns has nerer before b?en known, aud f er ibe many other evlJeoces of Mr. Uul ullo 'b'a .(Ooipucl'y wil'i stock. -J'lobem tbat we bare bad, Jt is uUb lime that uih Pi-, hljeui sus pended him, and ordered an luvesilgail n l. to toe aria ra ul lilt department. It la Slated, notwubsiaud lg ofUcial rnutiadlotlons, that the Trdttury sold eight millions of Five-'. wentlet secretly a;ly ia tue Mie'ni mouth In order t i embnrra". tne money market and depress Oovernmsnt stcur,il-d and other slocks, lor ibe purpcHe or enabling ibn 1'iea.ur.r ring to buy oneaply, and as late as Friday tue AKHiiciated frest was mad the vehicle f'.r a seuii otDclal dHSnau'h from Wash nvton of a iln. conraglng character, to the ell'ci tuat the Hreratarr nnu no rserv wnicn ne oou a uie I ,r ' par pose whaievtr exceiitiLR the small remaining suti ot a third of a million. But on Sa'urd.iy morning ueuoiu tue uuttant: iae currency resources Ol tu Trcatury were au idenly magiiltlxd to au extent walcb toi k Wail stroei by buriirlee, a d damaged hose Who bad sent letters oflnotiirv uuon tue nii n Jett to Air. Alc.l.'ullooh a few duvs prevlouily, aud oepn miormru oy nim in repiv thai ne was entirely wlibout power t relieve tbe money market, aud iuui mr uuuaa were to oiaine ror tne Htriugeticy, auu oi ibe Tieatnry, they haviuR exteudnd tneir lotus on speculative slocks so tar as tu be uuable lo nfl'urd auy rtillel id ihc money market, Kulllie inrpoaoul tun I reumry rliiK was served, and lhky,d'ub ! with al-. AlcL'ullr ch, chuckled secretly over their trlurxpli. It IB utfdusR, however, lo sav tbat uch C ui'luct ts thin Ualraud upen the public and a urosa nauuual scan dill, li Is reroritd lhat fr. Mcfulioch ha hisiruc ed Mr. Tan Dyck lo reissue len millions ol tin three pr eent. ceriltlcali-a recently mceemoit; but this is a tttelcli ot authority wl bout warrant undar tbe law. 'ev-rtbeles. It we auanlt it to bpjusrliiable as a mi-re txredlem, we full lo see how it ctu relieve the monev n.arket If relief Is necessary, biiaue llime certifi cates can only be used by the hanks, and the hinm. In order to obtain lliem, will h&va to buy Ibeni wl.b cnrreLcy or Its equivalent.'' Vem llit Tribune. Mnty was easy and la full supply at 7 pir cent' In currency. At the close tbere wee abundant ofl'dr ltiRB at that rain; large amiuuts of ourrency wrn re ceived heie Irom the West to-tUy, rrllevlog the uarke: sensibly, "Werllrir .xcharge Is firm at quotation!: London 0 days. ue.'.,li.1tV LoudoD, Right, Klsi(IWH': lon den, prime commercial, lii8V(61Pi; Pa. U lou, B-I8 ',' (S l'ar.s, short, 6.1 j-.a; Antwerp, iim 6 18J.I- "We republish the following siigjotlon of Josa Thompson q., made lo Senator Morgan In Febru ary laM, which II t'euKresi bad acted on, wontd bave tavtri us two uioney panics this year, and saved at leaat tiOO.COO (00 depreciation lit properly. It Is to be hoped ina. at tbts session It will be ne ed upon, as it I the simplest and cheapest way of elrlntr elasticity ,to the currency. it d Dtoiiuia apparent mat an eiasticny in the active currency of the c uuiry muil lie p.ovided fur In one way or another. Place 2,oo ot currency (treenbackt) In ibe haudaof the Hub-Treakurer l i .bis cliy, who orders to loin Iton Government bonds and stocks at 7 per cent., and on call, taking th bonds as security at SO or K5. Tuts borrowing would be availed of In a bad time 'or tuoaey. ani such Ivans would be sire to be paid off and 'he greenbacss restored to ibe Treasury oa the Uru ease la the money market." INTERNAL REVENUE. T HE PRINCIPAL DEPOT ron TBE balk or FOUHTH EDITION A Short Session, Litllo business, and Oood Fceling-The renn sjlrania Members of the House Present. REVENUE STAMPS No. 304 CHESNUT STREET. CE'TUAL DEPOT, No. 103 B. FIFTH ST (One door below Oheonut street). ESTABLISHED 1862. Tbe aale of Revenue Stamps Is still continued at the Old Katabllatied Agency, Tne stock comprises every denomination printed by the Government, and having at all times a large enpply we are enabled to fill and forward (by Mall or Ezpresa), all orders, lmme diately upon receipt, m matter ot great lmpor auoe. United States Notes, National Bank Notes Drafts on Philadelphia, and Poat Oflloo Orders, received In payment. O 0 NORJ2 S S. A Short Nplon A Nmstll Attendance) and Little Rnslnens, Washington, Nov. 10. Bknatb. The Senate met at 12 o'clock, noon, and was called to order bj the President pro tern. Members present: Messrs. V7aJv, Corbett, Harlan, Moreno, aud White. Prayer was male by the Cbaplatn, Rev. Dr. Gray, In which he re turned tbauks to Almighty God that the cnantry had been safely carried through the exciting ordeal of the ballot-box, and prayed that from this hour tbe wounds of oar land may begin to heal, and prosperity be restored to all sections cf the country. The journal of the lait meeting and ooncjr reot resolution of September 21st were read by Mr. McDonald, Chief Clerk. Tbe Presidnt thm said: '-In accordance with the resolution which Las just been read, nnles it be other wise ordered by the Senate, the Chair will de" clare the Senate arljournei until the first Hon. day in December;" and no objection being made he so ordered, aud the Senate stands adjourned till Dr-cember 7th. House. Speaker Colfax, of Indiana, Me-srs, Kelley and O'Neill, of Pennsylvania, Mr. Kel logg, of Alabama, Mr. Dewees, of North Caro lina, Messrs. Lincoln and Stewart, of New York, and Mr. Ingersoll, of Illinois, were the only members present. About a hundred pertons appeared in the galleries. Tbe Hon. O. J. Dickey, ".accessor ot Thaddeus Stevens, was present, but did not qualify. The,Kev. Dr. Boyntou delivered a prayer, in wnlch he thanked Ood for tbe good result to which He had brought the great issue before the country. "We believe," he said, "T'dott hast lospired the people to come to right eon cl'JiioDt, and we already bail the beginning of peace and prosperity, which it is be lieved throtifih Thy blessing will be stable and enduring, and we commend to Th e those who have been chonen to rule over us. May their lives and health be precious in Thy sigbt. Preserve them from any attempted violence or injary, and sutler not the country to be agaia brought to mourn as it was by violent hanrls." Tbe Speaker then said tbat the recess having expired, the Hou-e. resumes its s sslons. If there be no objection the reading of the journal of the last session will be dispensed with. The Clerk, Mr. McPberson, by direction of the Speaker, read the concurrent resolution of Con gress under which the adjourned f-s-iou was held, and as the House did not now order other wise, the Speaker aid the adjournment wo aid be without a ly, the nest session cotnmenelng by law on the first Monday of December. On motion of Mr. Kellev, the Ilouso adjourned. Suspension of a Bank. Ft. John, N. D., Nov. 10. The Comnerc'al Bank of Kew Brunswick, at St. J ohn, stopped pa j men t this morning. Much excitement pro vails in this city. rillLAIIELPUIA STOCK KICII A.MIK X0T. 10 Reported by JJe Haveu Jt Br, No. 40 8. TUlra strew BKTWEKS BOAKOS. tlAO Pass, Sarrim 1 8V l"(i sta Keadluff . itou du. l ani' IMS' 7oD uo Is.nmi.. 4i (500 Bel Del 2 m 1)8.... 81 ltiu ZHbOAAra. 12y ice 100 h t'ala ft b.'IO- 81s, K0 1 u all M M...lio. b' li.O bKCOfiD BOARD. f 1'50 Pass. 1 ser. 11'4 9 au i'eiina R.. SMi t uy wi, ew..lsii?'f, 16 d...d ssu&lfcli Bk S'.'.S IDS do KOblililiiMt ten. nii 48 do do... do .lo do ''Illl 48 ) IH'n -2d, SI'S i,l' 61 14 60 DRY UOODS CJUOIAXIO.NS. aierrluiRCk, W...,. AirrliuaL'k,l C'oclitco, L bprgu Patilic Aiiierii-ttu iMiiueUu Aliens Waucliesier........... I're-Maans.M ' Bribes, - IS ininohkcag m... M'4 1 Lowell , ,i3i i v uniKUi. .li(. ,...1Z), ,...12i ...-12. ... IVi ...121, ....It. ...Hi), NHhiittU ........ID), , T I ...... . V iui.'i J ..,... WaureMUU. Arnold Uumlltou ...... ., Hlcbuiona t.oacesier . HoruliiK Lancaster Oileotnl.. ..,.., LawroncB, I X... ii O .. ii At.. H. Pwiiic. tow... .4-4., .4-4., ....4-1.. ,.,.4-i.., .,.7-8.., .. .8-4.., ,...3-a.. U. Xi.. Allutlo, A. ' J I. L. V., P. ...15' ...16, ,..14 ...12S ...US ...16 ,..1& ,..13 16 ..4-4., ...4-4., ...4-4., ...4 4 ...4-4 18 ...:V4 li -4 liii Superior JXL...4-4 14 hi.mi mut C 4 4 16 Aaawai". F.. 4-4 U hiurk. A J MiUjecliUBi.ltf...-4-4 14 BB.44 18 " K...7-8 12S Indian Bead 4 4 16 8-4 11 Exuti r, A 4-4 13 b 7-8 12.S Hedlord 4-4 14. A UK lib III 4-4 H(i " . 7-8 18 Oilhoa.... 4-4 18 PiUBllelo, A ..4 4 12 Kennebec 4-4....l(i, Kveit-It, A A. 4-4 It bbanuon w4-4 14 Bedford. R 8-4 loH (JODestO CO.. E...-8-4.. Pocaet..."v s ... ..4-4... -8-4.., ,..ia .n ... ,l0!i ...II ...U'-s ...14 ...12,, ,H ...12 ...12X .11-, Pepperell, 14, '...M..., ...10, o. N ... Mi Y-l.., ......8-4.., 9 4... 10 4... ..4i ..17 s Boit, 8 ii 1 1! Appletoii, A 4-4 ),. Lacouia, It 4-4 .j M .,, J 3 ML. 1.1 Lyman. K 41 14 -t., ,......4-4..,,l 5 f4 d.i 13 ttlca, "44 !i0 ireiuont, (j. 4-4..M..Ii luUluu Orchard, A.....8 " " 4-t 18 ' na....i2 " w iiu Great Fall., H....."."" cot' w:::r:::::;ti ..1-t....Mli BIiAUii MU8LINU. New YorK alius..- it) DwlKUl, 4.4 1 Hell,,., . Warns utt. .4-4. .S-4. Tuscarora -4-4., WllllalubVllle 4 4. Bates... 4-4. W bite Bock. -4-4., ForeHldalt. -4-4., Indian Bivtr, X...... " XJL, Attawaugan, X MsS(iOVllle......4 4. Biaokstoae..,M,..4-4, 1 o l 4-4., Laukdou - 4-4. mi ,8U .! :m ,18 ,17 ,16 ,2L, ,14 ,12H .15 ,17 ,15 .14H ,14 42-luch 18 ..4-4 18 ...14j ,12 ....17 ,17 ...14 a " 46-lucn 21 Wauregaii .... .-4-4 17 Pi'l,.eill.. -4 8U 9 4 f0 ..10-4 61 Dllca 7-8 20 ,.4-4 MX .9-4 2i 111.4 676 Boot, It 8-4 KlS ' B 4-t 14H .'' Vf B-4.....18 AndroscoKglii 4-4 18 Ouuoe 8-4 8' i Lanraater Bt-rkslitrn (Jak-doula , ,.14H ia " ......7-8, Lonsdale 4-4 uatiiDrlo., mil mil -., " - 7-8., Bartlett. 8-4. " sa-liich........ " II. nh JamosBt'm Miliisr. QreatF.U.V::: -7A Red Bank.... Ji Walthani.X...". J iu U kioh.....i5X .. i jiH 9-4 W) Franklla u't'i' 'Cu4t""'uu Bay Mill. 4 I It f4ran -B"- 8 "H A moskeag "aV.V,"-' whnensvni.':::::.J"J:; s.78.i GINUB a. MS. 1 Hrtford ........, it-.i.i(ow.,.m ;;;j6 18 1SU 18 IS 14H ,12H UUs Compaoy, CKJ,, " " UB M " AA Warren Brown.. I.hw ibion, Brown.... Uolutnblau. ...20 ..'tl ,..18 Amosfceag 2'J York -i II 'uc 11 ill 18 N.rilill-ld , 15 OHklanil. ,...'Z0 Wnrklnn Idnu's 2fi Dulou 17 JJKLAINE8. PaplflR hum, wl I UjwI1. ........ ,. M20 Uiinillton I S 1 Mpragne - 18 UaucUvutor Artauru M..'a-ili ...... ....M.MMM.2.4 FIFTH EDITION THE LATEST NEWS. General Grant Again Declines a Demonstration-Judge Kelley has an Interview FROM WASHINGTON. Special Detpoteh The Evening Telegraph. W19BIKOTON, NOV. 10. Grant Does Hot Want Any Demouatrav tloasi. A committee representing the Boys in Blue and citizens of this Disttlet called upon General Grant at his headquarters, and teadered him a public demonstration In honor of his election. The General, in reply, said: "I am vety glad to meet you all and receive your congratulations! but I hope yon will spare me any public demon stratlons. I live here tn this city, and will at all tlmss be glad to see my friends, without making aoy display whatever. It has always been my desire to avoid demon strations here and elsewhere. If I had my way I would have none, it would be much more agreeable to have any of my friends who wish to see me call at my house or my office here, and I shall always be (lad to see them. I fully appreciate the feelings which prompt these demonstra tlons, but I am wllUnc to take all that for granted. (Laughter.) Public displays and demonstrations are disagreeable to me, and always embarrass me." At the close ot Genera Grant's speech the committee withdrew, con si dei ably disappointed. Uu. VHlIlnm I. Kelley had a long interview with General Grant, at his headquarters, this moraine;. It is said Grant will invite Judge Kelley to a seat tn his Cabinet, and that he will be plaeed at the bead of the Navy Department. Kelley has been a member of the House Committee on Naval Affairs for several years, and is thoroughly posted about all tbe affairs of the Department. It is generally conceded that Pennsylvania will be represented in Grant's Cabinet, and promiuent polltioiant BHy Kelley is likely to be the man. LATER FROM EUROPE. The Iaanes Helween Uie:it Itrltaln and lie IL'ulted fetiiU'S. By Atlantic Oubte. London, Nov. 10. The Times o( to day ha an editorial article, giving the basis of settlement and the present ttatus of the questions at Issue between the United States and Great Britain. A mixed commission, consisting of two members from each nation, will be appointed to adjadcre all questions orisiug since 1853, the date of tbe last commission. England's responsibility in the matter ot the Alabama claims will be re ferred to Prussia for arbitration. If tbe decision is in favor of America, a com mission will then investigate tue claims. Ame rica has withdrawn the question of the recogni tion of the Southern htate by Great Britain during tbe war. The San Juan business will be referred to the President of Switzerland for arbitration. The I.ntent Quotations. Liverpool, Nov. 10 3 P. M.-Cotton easier. Tarns and labrirs at Manchebter are dull. Peas, 4Cs. Cd. Flour, 2Cs. 6J. Corn, 39s. Wheat dull. Bacon quiet aud stealy. Rosin dull. Tallo? quiet and steady. FROM IT II AQ A Arrival of Profokor UolUwln SmitU. Ithaca, Nov. 10. Professor Gold win Smfth artived here thin morning, and will ut once enter upon his dutiet in Cornell University. His course of lectures on English History will commenca at the close of the course now being delivered by Protesr Agassiz. Ah York Stock Quotations, 3 P. M. Itaceivcul by lelegrapu from Uleuuinuiiitt A JJavlM, Btocfc Brokers. So. 4 H.TlUrd streets N. Y. Ufem. K iWi Toledo ft Wabash... m M. Y. and Kile H... 3D j ill!. A 8t.Paui eom. 70 1'h.aud Kett. K Wl4' Adams Ecpre 47-v Vlch.8 and N.I. K. 81 Wella. Kaio Exp... i f.l a T.4 . . I tl ' t J M Bn , J , 1 V uio, iuju rilib A o7, u, o, iLiprvM'ju.,., ill. A -. bOJa Cni.AN.W. K.prt. H)t CU1. and K. I.K 13 ritu.f.W.fcUdChilU8 I reonesaee Hit Uoid .Ui:)i Market unsettled. &)t FOR SALE FIH8T-CLAS3 COUNTRY titKA'l' 01 ttl aciev. wlin lurna new Unuiioi. liuchruof. and evpry muderu eonvn:aoe. lug burrouudlLB combine all desirable fia.urei ot a i-jeci roral home ater, snrubttery, aoaUn, and tlowere. The grouuda are extensively plaatad with choice iraitH row In bearlug. Appioaclies aud nalgli horbooc ery desirable ana improvlug Fried, S S.ote. Full particulars will be tent on application to 11 lust K. MOKKia, BUHuINTON, N.J. 7 I R E-P ROOF SAFES. $16,000 In Money, raluable Books and Tayen perfectly preserved tlirgugb. Ike fire or July 20, 1808, at Dove's Depot, South Carolina, In one or MAliYLYS SUES, owned by DE L0KJ1E Ss DOTE. 50,000 feet or Lumber destroyed In oar riauiug Hill In Brooklyn, May IS, 18(iS. All our Money, Tapera, and Books, eavod In excellent order In a ALUIYLVS 8a1 Alum and Dry Flaster. UEAEMAJ( BBOS. Both or the aboie tt ere TEKY SEYEKE IES1S. A PERFECT SAFE MAEYI1TS C1IK031E IRON SPIIEEICAL BUHGLAE SAFE Cannot bo Sledged ! Cannot be Wedged 1 Cannot be Drilled I CALL AUD KKB TUKU. UB BESU FOB DO- MARVIN CO., I'KUSCIPAL 1721 CHESTUTSTn AW liOL StS, I (MaHoulc llaU), TlUIa., 3 UIIUiUWAV, MEW fUUK, IUH H i Mi alBELT, CI.KVELAND, O., Aud (i-r asie by our Agc nta 4n the prlnoipal cltte LrouaU(.'ttt be DulMd fetattja. SllmwOuj GRAND SALE OF DEY G00DSL BY HOMEIl, C0LLADAY & CO., 818 and 820 CHESNUT Street, SALES TO COMMENCE NOVEMBER 2, COMPRISINO i,?11533 000D3. SHAWLS, CLOAKINO CLOTHS. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES, LINENS AND WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY AND QLOYE3, MOURNING GOODS, ETC. Owing to the vdd reputation of their House, It U needless to detail the oharaotr of thel stock. Jl., c. & Co. would merely state that their Importations of the- present leastav WHICH MUST BE SOLO PREPARATORY TO REMOVAL TO THEIR NEW MARBLE BUILDING, CHESNUT Street, a&ore Broad, M Hare never been snrpassed In Philadelphia, containing an ENDLESS VARIETY of texture tm Medium Prtoed Goods, as well as the CHOICEST NOVELTIES OF THE SEASOX H., C. & Co. would advise all desirous of obtaining GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS To lose no time before inspecting their stock, feeling assured that the UNPARALLELED PRICES At which the entire stock will be disposed of must Insure RAPID SALE HAMRICK Ac COLE:, WHITE IVIARBLE BUILDING, No. 45 NORTH EIGHTH STREET WILL OPEN ON MONDAY, NOVEMBHR 9, CLOAKING TE L."V T At 110-50 and 12 00 per yard, WARRANTED PURE SILK. SOLE IMPORTERS OF TUE GOLD EDGED LYONS CLOAKING VELVET, C. PONSON, MANUFACTURER, im 1LUIKICK & COLE, No. 45 North EIGHTH Street. fROM AUCTION OPEN- Ing This Day, Twenty-flve Pieces OTTOMAN CORD POPLINS, at 75 cents per yard, worth SI.OO. STRAWBHIDGE & CLOTHIER, Corner E1U1IT11 aud MiltKET, meet Philadelphia.. nOOPER Ail A(ti( and Mmrkrt, & COWARD, J. (VI S.ri Mill wet rv v , hare tnurkid aoicn the prices of many of their Gv dt. ' are fUinu tfielr entire Uvck al iie very lVuett'""'.or'''Vn''rM', ..,... .... 11 Ofi( rvjHllt. yu'iu u', .JJ,- JJcavy HUibtd l'oplinii, 8i"25 up. trench .Mlc and Moo Fop' ins. Kiripid Pvpllnt, vera arnlrable. HU H J'laM I'oiilin for Afiss'H' Wear. vheap Lirrs tituff', 1!S to H7 Willi. Jliavy Poplin lulirici, OT lo "5 cents, irrnch Mn-inoen, 73c. lo i -J5 reduced from OHCJSI75. Te are. determined to clone out our Merino atock, and offer inducement! to buyers, FRENCH CLOA KINGS and line Black treneU CU't'ts ant Jjoeiktim.jrmn Benkard & Mutton' t leu'- auction tale at prices in currency about what titty east to land in poll. JU3t oientd -10 piece! choice and extra rl-ie Mncl; and lulmed V'hiurt, and Jitacfc real AUraeiant and Ailvn- Jilnck VMnchUUtt, Hack Velours, Jilack Castors 0ick Aslracnans, Jilnck Doeskins, Black bilk Velvets, Jllack Velveteens, White Cloaking!, 2'ancv Conking. COOt HE COKART), 026 fttuSmrp Jiin'h and Market, 1868. JOSEPH H. THORN LEY Would rcapectral'y present his claims lor a share of public patronage by oU'orlng U'9 lollowlu Indue nieots, via.; An Attractlro Stock. A Spleuilid Assortment. Prices Put Down to the Lowest Notch. SPECIAL ATTENTION INVITED TO Paisley Shawls. Croche Shawls. Silks and Dress Goods. Blankets and Flannels. Cloths and Cassinieres. LfNENS, QTTILT8, PIANO and TABLE COVERS, 6KLKTS), CCIKUXU, ETC. ETC, JOSEPH H. THORNLEY, N.E. Cor. EIUHTUand SPKLNO UAKDO, 9 M 8m Bp PHILADELPHIA. 1"0 PROPRIETORS OF HOTELS; BOARDING-HOUSES AND SHIPPING. We have a special Wholesale Department for sup plylug LI FN AND CO ITON fcHKlCI ISO, TOW KLfi. NAPE1NU, BLNOLE BED AND BERTH BLANKKTH, and other gauds parllcalarly adapted to your wauts. All the above kinds ot GOODS made up at short notice It doaired, S1RAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, CEMUAL DKY UOODS STOKE, I'ORi ICISUTII ARB HABUET STBERTM. DRY GOODS, From Late Importations, at Low Pres. Owing to tbe decline In Uold, and the Immenaa 1omb eubmlUKd tn by Importer, in the AlCTIOJ BOOMS, Weaie prepared to exhibit an attractive stock ot HEW AND DESLUADLE FALL & WINTER GOODS, Iur.sfeDcu",vIs raiM ,o compea As we ncoo.y a chean location, and are nnder oor rFHpondlng ezonsee, wear. deterniinid to retain our laigr and increasing trade by low price. ITRWESITODDABT A BROTHER, NOM.430, 43S ANU434jf.aEC02VD STREET. JTST OPENED, TWO "TnOrSAND YARDS PARIS VKLO0R la chclc coloia, which will be sold at le.s than nsaal Pilots.. CURWEN STODDAHT & BKOTHEK, MOS. 450, 458, AND 431 ti. NECO.X STREET, J1 T8 ABOVB WILLOW. FALL AND WINTEB DKK33 GOODS FROM AUOtlO.N. Pt16pLI?0c.llLK F0UD HEAVY PLAID n?ttWf?aMI' STYLES, a. POFLIN AM'At'AH of 11 the shades and qualities: fti 87,',, 44 acd 0 ruin. Our ati oi I)IUa GOODS now comprises th btst bargains we ever offered CIKWEN M0DDART & BK01IIES, NO.430,43,AND454 M. MEC'ONDMTRJBET . 117 3t ABOVK WILLOW. RICH BLACK SILKS. Onos OBAIN8, S2 00, UHOH OHAIN4, t'.-lS, UMW OKAINH, 12 25, UROH UHAINS. Si-do. Wlch a full line of superior grades at less than usual prices. CUBWEN STODDAHT & BR0., KJM.4BO,43tANI434N.6iECONDSTUEETlk 117 8t AB9VK WILLOW. JALL OPEJIDiU-SUAWLS, ETC E1C. EYRE & LAfiDELL, POURTU AND ARCH, HAVE OPEH LYONS VELVETS, BKOCHK BHAWL8, KOYAL POPLINS, BLACK RIB.BKD POPLINS, LAROE BLANKETS, DAMASK NAPKINS, 101Stnthl3m HOCSEKEEPINO QO0D9 INDIA SHAWLS AND SCARFS. GEORGE FRYER, No. OlO CIIKSNUT STREET Invites attention to his stock ot Ileal India Camel's Hair Shawls & ScarSfc Also, an eletant stock of eiLK?, In Blacks and Colors; FANCY . BILK PLUSHES, POPLINS SHAWLS, and FANCY GOODS. INDIA SHAWLS AND SCABFS altered and ra paired, and cleaned In a superior mnner. 10 so lmra s I L. EXTKA0RDI5AKY BARUAINS IN Especially Adapted to this Season, Representing the most extensive and varied assort ment In this market, at tbe extremely low prices luutid.'it to the great shilnk. ag.iol values During tlio Period of their Utmost Depression. KICKEY, SHARP & CO., Xo, 727 CHESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA