THE DAILY EVENTS TELEGRAPII PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 0, -1868. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC City Amnicmcnh At tai CnisV" H J Bjron's new drama, In proloffua n4 t'cnr ac. of TAc Lanoishire Letts, will bo this evening with new ecncrv, mechanical effects, and appointments. The manngetnent promise tut the piece shall te pat upon the stage In the hftiSdionieit style, Justai it is at the Queen Theatre, London, rhere It has already buen performed over ono hundred nights. AT thk Anon another version of the same drama wi'l bo brought out, with nc scenery fcn I appointments, and cist to the full strength ef the compauy. Both the Cbejnut and Arch Btreet Theatres claim to h ive the only genuine and authorized ver-dou, and those who are curious on the subject wojld do well to see loth, sons to ho able to judc wherein Is the difference between them. Wo will notice eah perforaiatice, and give ei'.h the credit to which it may j u tlvbe entitled. At tiib Walnut Mr. E. L. Divert port will appear this evt'uinjr as "Long Tom Coffin," in the naatieal drama of The I'Vol, and as "Kob Jlov" In the Scotch drama of that name. On Wednesday evening Mr. Thomas J. Hemp hill, the Burners Jlamijrcrof the theatre, will have his annual benefit, when London Asmrann and The I'ito will be performed. Mr. lavcnport has c nsenU'd to Hs!pt on thin occasion, and Wil appear in his Cue person ilions of "Dazzle'' fcnd "Long Tom Cofliu." Mr. Hemphill's ser vices as an accomplished manasjer should re ceive a bun Isjmc xecogtlUon at the handiof the play-golnsj public, an I we bope thit tiif house will be crowded trim pit to done on Wtdncsday evening. At the American there will be an attractive Ta lety cntertainnieiit thu evening. At thk Acadkmt op Mcsic Oilenbach's opera houffe of Larbe Lime will be presented this evening by Mr. Batemau's troupe of French &rists. The cast will be as follows : M'lle Irma as "Boulotte," Mons. Aujuc as "Barbe Eleue," M'lle Marie as "Princess Ilermia," M'lle Duclos as "Queen Clementine,'' Mons. Dar. dignac as "Prince Faphir," Mons. Francis as "King Bobcche," AIous. Btnedic as "Count Oscar," Mon Tholer as "Popjlini;'' and Mons. Edgard as "Avarez " None of theie artists havu as yet appeared in Philadelphia. The opera will be brought out in the same stlo of elegance as has characterized the previous efforts of the management, wit!i appropriate scenery, handsome costume, an efficient ballet corps, with Ma 1'lio Do Eosa as premiere dnneuse, a full chorus, and an orchestra ol forty musician. Thb Germania ORCHEsraA will give a public rehearsal at Muucal Fund Hall on Wednesday afitruoon. CITY ITEMS. BFSTtUT. BKSTMAUKjBKSTFITTIN'O I! EAf) YMAril Clothing in ike city, cq'iitl to cus-ouier work in every resnr-ct. Also, choice stock of selected styles Of Piece (iixult, l j oe tnaue to onl'T. AU prim guaranteed touitr titan the lowest elsewhere, and fall tntttfcvtltm guaranteed every purchaser, cr the lale canrellcd and montv ref undid, Mail wa.i between Gixtn tireeis.j iu. ui .u auk ov., f HII.AUKLPUU, A Nil Ni. H TtitQA nw y. Navy Vouk. l'ASiT ' 1 (IO.SE CUt to lit. r..i I ' onus cut fashionably. l'aataloons cut i'i the Jfreich style. fantaloous In lie Knglish style, Tbf HOT FAltTALOON CU'ITEK in tub UnIuX is at C'llABT.KS STOKKS & OO '8, Ho. bJ l Uliesnut s'.raet. ) Hh.s l;tt A Co., y 'UiWfaH Halt., Wast of Oob BooT.-Th Mt of the dlflfaren functlots of our bodies bv those or as who are fi quently over-tasked, requires to ba miitl up with nutritious food tend tnoh s imulants as fve to aid nature In Us recuperative effect. We' eai, with pleasure, recommend Speer's Standard Win Bit ters" as par ereeiience to give health and strength. Sold by druggists. Thy oni, A suit made from the Kbit Colored PcotohCi( voits and Irish Fbkizk, as they are gotten up at No, 821 Cheauut street, Is far ahead or anything In that line In the country. Try one. Cnit,w RroKBS A Co. Trknwith's Kkwh Ubpot. lately opened on Ons nut si., wt of -iljilii, Mi. bM Is a modul es.ubllntiuit'nt ol Its Mind in every respfci. Nely UMel up. itiry, llplii, end convenient, goons cousptmiriiMly (llHiilnyert, evo.ythlug In rerfnet order, It Is rtally m p ennirrt t) stop in hln I'Ucc We have Just recinvt'J fro u hliu 'lliirppi's W't'fkly" nntl "Monthly," till "A'lauilo Moniiily," "IVmio MoDthJy," eU In adlltlin to these all the othr pr-rlo'.l!ls domi'Stlo ami foreign, the dully papers pnnllinod hPr, Id New YorK, sad othiT plhncn, nl tlin lutcvt bunks can lie found nnou biscountuis, iHPtieHfrvfH mn:c(-3S. and will ecurelt. Flkask Notick. We are rtoulvlug d lly tresh Instalnn nts Irnni our own wrk-roums elegant guoJ nmdH iiiider our owu xuiiHrvlmon, and or Bss irnurtnt will be kept up iintwilticlHD'llnif our Ininieune nulpi. We take n nrlun in Imvimr tn but mock (Do Hi of rjjen'. and bfV cliilblii).) fi n'rlt ai Ihtchrnii'. l nriy CiitiprH Bud tii've.i buuilril hanoe are still nc tlvcly m gfid lo rtpifiilxli nur counlprs. A vlilt will verify i bi uy Oay bjlweeu the hours of 7 A. At. ard SI'. M Our force of sole men lit Inre. no as to RfT irfl every facllli.v to our rnstmuHBi whether lonkliiR or tins I n if. l'eople who wut id save buying uvercji.B sliouid te tLe Heavy Cihreterflelds. Hrvy i:nesier4ulds. Heavy ChfcsicrlleiiU. (Khcrfl will prefer Our Wt.yllbU J)-ubli-hraH"d ftcVa. Unrtlylltll IMUblc-breat pd t-nokl, Our My lHii 1 oulie-bra8ied "iacki tftTlM of new ro 's rec ,vlu dll. We nr de tToiiupfl to eeli them all out, ttnd have lUt ielvie n urk.d the prlooe low. 'Alitige to c of slpmen to glvogool ntt ju tiou to all, either louk m: or bnylni WtNAMUM 1 BROWN, THK LAKUKVr CI.U i'H I NU UUUdE, OIK 1141,', The cornprol BIXTU and jIARKKT Streets. IIKKAFTK TlATKS Novpmber i, by tbo Rev. WII nni it. woiio. rar.JDll r. t irj to fldLISi 1XAM IS A 11 M. BaTKH, both of Camden. HMITH-WU1TLAND. On the evenlni of rthe 2d iminui, tiy V e Ke . Sttimu-I liiirhorow. HOVKND J.V HMI I II loilAHLDA MUKTLANli.boUl of this city. DliiD. BECnTEt,. On the 7th Instant, SARAH, wife ot Bill liecUiel.anudauifhLer of Mm lutu J.ihn unit Min Becber. 1 lie relatives and frlnrtn are Invltnd la (onrt hav ftineral, from the res'deuce of her husoaad, No. 4 S "" icui, jvuiuorougn, on weaoejuuy, lue mu Instant, at 2 O'GltlCk. InUirmont ill l.AO'Arlnirl.i.n Cemetery. BI RD. On Saturday morning, the 7th Instant, at VUlBlre. W. III.. AIAKY U n'lilnw ,,lln,l.r.i Hubert MOIIte, mf.rv Bird. M. II . anil rlmirhlnrnrt!,. late Kv. Philip k ilaver. D. i. Her trleiidH and relativea &re rennprtrnllv Invltail to aitend ber fuanral, from the residence of Dr. ( buries HclmU'er, No. l.'l', Arch street, on Tuesday, the luih Instaut ai in o'clock A. M. KW All). On 8aiurdav morning, the 7th Instant, CHAlU.h.iS I. KWAi.D. Ill the 671U year ot his age. ne remnveo null iru naa ot t:ie ihiimy are rmpect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from liin Kia rtwt. denco. lso. 421 N. Klulnh street, ou Wednesday after- uour, idb tun lUHiaat, i 1 o cioi'r. KFNNltny.-On Pun.lay, the 8th Instant, Mrs. ABM, LA. willow of the latcJobn Kennedy, In the Ih ear or her au-e. The relat'vea ami friends ol the famllv arn remirnu fully Invited to aumid her funeral, from ber i-tle resl rieiicp. In A blntrcion, m We inesdr, tue Utb laitant, at 1 o'clock F. flf. iir.rrleiiea will be as Jmiklutown Ktatlon to mte' the le,1.. o'clock nalu. THOU BAT. At K;.!nr.v. near I'arH. rrannn. nn tho 19th of Ju-e. Mr. i'KANI.I.S 1. TKL.U11 IT. in ma A7lIi ppr of his ace. nis iiinerni win iai;o rince on Tuesday morning next, at in o'clnctr. 'ritntue reslieuce of his brother. AO. m i Wallace s rtet, VPGELJIACU At Fteadlne. on the dth lni'ant. iA' Y f, aged l'J yfaar j aud 3 mouths, wile of . r . vckb oxen. J-'uiieral Tueiilav afternoon, from bpr sliter's renl. flence. No. :iu B Third ii'eM. Ktadlnir, Pa Kolatlvei and filencs Invlled, Cars letc Depot, Tuirtcenth feiid Caliowblil streets, at 7'3u aud 8 15 A. jl. Economy t-hould be piactlred bv everybody In all things. Ore dollar expended now In purchasing a bottle of Jaytie s Expectorant, by tbo:e troubled with a slight V ,ui,'h or lloaraeneas, or Bore .Throat, may save the expense of a doctor's bill. A neglected Cough of ea cuds In Consumption, A slight Infliin xnat.on of the lining of the wind tubes, fie oius symptoms of which are a Sore Throat and a Fain In the Breust, will soon lead, through wautol atteutlon, to BrouchiilM. A day's delay may entail mon'.hs of suffering. Lot the allllcted try at once Jayue's Ex. ptctorant I' Is a standard remedy, and Its cara'.lva propertlei have betn tested by tuouuauds of persons who have Hoovered their health by i is use. Bold by all Drug Ms, Is Pick .vk as Avoid-ulk.' Thousands toss on 8ick-bed'. to-day, who might have been well and hearty hid they taken due precautions for the pre servation oft! atniost preel jus of earthly blesslngi, a lound mind In a sound body, bicknejs, to a greater extent than moot people aupp-be u anUdable. When the tody Is lanruld, tho spirits depressed, and the nervous rystem unnaturally sensitive. It should bi taken f r grantEd tht mltehli-f it brewing. These tints at d wara'uiis, vouci.Bafrd rg Buch by a kind . Providence, ought n.)t to ba d sroiarded. If they are lighted, as Is too teneray the ca;-e, the next thing xnay be a fever, a severe bullous attack, or somt Other for n of acute dlseaso. Thty Indicate as clearly us If the I- tlmat oa were given la articulate language, that the animal functions are disordered and the lystem dfb.lliatrd. Under these circumstances, the oiif.v thing to be done it to rtintlate and restore, and the bett rinduting and rex'.tiiative preparation eivr tutd or the prevention of ttrknett is lIosTarrKB'tt Btomach BirTKBs, In this way. bilious remittent fsver, chills and f iver, spasms, nervous paroxysms, Viola, t attacks ot lndiges. Ion, an J all the ordinary epidemics, may almost certainly be averted. They sire usually preceded by the symptoms described, and surely H is wisdom to forestall them by resorting to nn antidote at once harmlpss, agreeable, and In vigorating. Moat assuredly, It will soon dissipate the unpleasant fjelln '-'8 referred to, which, of course, Is desirable, even if they were not likely to lead to something worse. The cloe of the Fall Is usually accompanied by unhealthy fogs and violent atmo spheric changes, aud It is therefore a season when la Vlgoratlou is particularly needed Movkity. Pbikck or Walks Walking Coat, cut by Faiuchjlh, Tub FKJNCKOlCOATCi'rTtfKS. A perfect gem of the art. Call at Chablks Btokcs & Co.'s. No S':4 Chesuut street. Astounding Ksu'uaTs. (HO CASKS Or CONSUMPTION CURED, Frofestor Trosseau, of the Children's Hospital Paris, reports that, In two thousand cases of Con sumption, la which the foimnU for Upham't fresh JJtat Cure wss uied, It curd nearly every oae. it allays tbe cough, heals the lungs, and gives a new lease of life, bold 1 per bottle, or six for 15. Jju-v- bTo, Uoi.i-oway t Cow kn, No, 602 Arch struct, JWE.aY.-Mr. William W. CasMdy, Ko. JZHnith Pecoud street, bM the largest and most attractive assortment of tine Jewelry nr. a silverware In the city Purchasers can rely upon obtaining a real, puie aril cle niriilbhed at a price which oannot be ev'iblled lie al:it hi a large stock ot American w alone in n:i varifil. a,fl at all prices. A visit to bis store Is sute to result lu pleasure and profit. Pbinb the famous Arctlohnrta Water, and road Tub EVkMNU TlXKUBAPH. at tUllUXMl S iillVI ttiUl, 4 DRY GOODS. Life Insurance Coppany Of Fhiladelpblat H. F. Coruer Fcnrtli aud Waluut StreetSe iff-TJiis Jns'Muticn has no suvcrtori?! the Dulled tSttMS HI (I DRY GOODS. H, .8TEEL & S O 71 Uavln? made large purchases of Dress Goods at all he recent auction sales, at I rices lrem 3d to so per c.'nt. below cost of importation, are able to uOor A LAltMl KTOt'K F lkBt: CIUUO AT AM LOW CKfCKS AKASYIIbYUIIUDs "OI'SKIN TIIEt'ITT, lix,At lA nss,HSi TUB ItlCWT ltl(i:.s, 1'OL.Oltr.U SILKS. IIOIt'H HlI.lK4 I.TOiNtl CLOAHIXU VKL.VETS, UHMT M 1KF.4, SILK FLfSHIK, UOICE COLORS, TKtiV ETEliXS. A large assortment of all colors, from, thelowest grade to the finest and richest made. MIA WLN. Bargains In Paisley Lone aud Square Shawls. Bar Rain i In Broths Long nd b'quarn bhavvls, , Bargains in Luplu's Black Thibet Shawls, Plaid Woollen Hhawls of every varle,y. Shoulder shawls, ?u o llterent ntyles, at low prices. Misses' end Children's fctbawle In great variety, BL.tNHKTM AND O.UILTM. A large assortment of the best makes of Blankets, in all and qualities, at the lowest prices. Warseilles, Uoueycomb, and Lancaster Quilts. Msrbeltles Cradle and Crib Qui ts. Heavy colored Counterpanes at low prices. II'ML1HM AH1 COTTON 1 LlKAtLK, Pine yard-wide b.eached Muslins at 12c. Yard-wide unbleached Muslins at 12', c. Bbeetiug and Pillow Case Muslins at low prices. all tub m:r ukin of cinton FLAHRKLN ru.n 14 TO 00 CUXTM. Good Calicoes lor Cjmfortables at 7c. New styles Calicoes at lOo., 12o , He. "HOYLa'S" YARD-WIDK DJUBL12 PIUPLE9 at 314C. YARD-WIDE i'BENCII CHINTZES at 23c, WORTH 510. Flannels, all colors; Table Linens, Napkins, Crashes. and IIout-furnUhlng (ioods of all kinds. AT THE LOWEST PRICES, It tiOK, 718 An 715 N. TENTH NTREET, QRAN D OPENING OF LYONS AND GERMAN MANTILLA YELYETS, Purchased at TWENTY PER CENT. LE3 i THAW B Kb C LA It PKIC'Et.aud btTsrlng at (he same dl count. 1JLAIK A5D COLORED VELVETEENS, In great variety, at prices that cannot be undersold, NOW ON EXHIBITION, A mugnlficeot and extensive stock ot l'AKIS AM) (JEI5MAN UKESS UOODS, In Ml popular and novel textures. Prices guaranteed less tLau our competitors. A M l L1W DISl'LAY OF SHAWLS IN ALL GKADKS, Comi rising ralaley, Ctialnlalne, Broclie, BUnket, t ic, etc . at lMcELROY & CO.'S, Kofi. 4 nutl 0 t'Vth EIUIITH Street, 10 it Wfiulmrp AtfOVE MARKET. A REVOLUTION C( TBI DRY GOODS TRADE Has been caused by ths Intngoratloa if tha "FAIR VALUE FOR MONEY' BY6TKM ADOPTED BY THE " BEE-;UIYE."J Old Blocks of dear-bought goods are reduced to 'Ouc-lfalf tliotr Former Trice?," AND ABE STILL "TOO DEAR BY HALF." THE "BEK-HIVK" IVKS NOT ItEQUIRIC TO lit LUC K THEia PKICKi, TUfillt M OCK All , 1 J ought at tho Bottom of the Market, and Sold at Fair 1'roflts, Outranks tho supposititious bargains fulsomely pionilsed by "Uraud Sales" and "Iinportant Xotlccs." 1 HE "BEF.HIVE" Is now ofTerlrt BOA FIDE BVhUAlNs IN ALL THEIR HE FA RTM SNTiS to ratchrenny trill s lo mlNiead, but a pure aud ua ocal (uoderatlon lu prices; In other words, "FAIR VALUE FOR MONEY" Will be found to pervade ail tho stock. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., THE "BEE-IIIYE," No. 020 CHESNUT Gtroot, 11 6 fmw PHILADELPHIA. DRY GOODS. 3 L A N K E T AND FLANNEL ESTABLISHMENT. SEW FALL GOODS. All descriptions of the best makes UNSHfilNK--, ABLE FLANNXLtt, as KCOEBV ENGLISH PATENT. liEAL WELSH AND PAXONY, BA I.LAHDVALE AND ItOMET, fcilAKER, BOTH WHITE AND HKD, PLAID AND PHINTED OPERA, GlLliEUT d OiEllA, all colors. Doniestle, White, Red and Grey Heaviest English and American CANTON FLANNELS. ALSO, SUFEK10K QUALITY BLANKETS All-Wool acd Extra widths, for best family use, MEDIUM BLANKE18, For Hotels, and Public Instltutiocs. CF.IB AND CKADLE BLAKKE'16, mmm, m mum & mm, Ko. I CCD CHHSNUT Street, 10 21 wtnilftrp PHILADET.VHIA. mLLiicEtys umeh stohe, Ko. 823 ARCH STREET. SEVERAL CHEAP LOTS OF TOWELS, TOWELLNGS HI THE YARD, TABLE LLNEAS, .NAl'KIXS, LLNE' HANUKEIttHIEFS. The largest stock or LIXE GOODS lu the City. BMwfmj "JJO PROPRIETORS OF HOTELS BOARDING-HOUSES AND SHIPPING. We have a special Wholesale Department for snp plying LIN EN AND COTTON SHEETING, TOW ELB, NAPKINS, SINGLE BED AND BERTH BLANKETS, and other goods particularly adapted to your wants, All the above kinds of G00D9 made op' at saort notice If desired. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, CENTRAL DRY. GOODS STORE, COR, FieilTII ANI MARKET HTBEET8. INTER CLOAKINC8 IV French Velvet Cloths, Astrachan Clothe, Heavy Heaver Cloths THE AHOVE IX ALL COLORS. JQIIIV W. TI103LVS, Nos. 405 and 407 N. SECOND St. MEDIUW BLAfK SILKS FOR SUITS, l;75, BLACK 8TLKS, J2 OJ to 12 50. HEAVY ULA' K SILK6, U 7S to fS 50. BLACK ftlLKS, l 00 to 15 50. The above Black Silks have bnpn nnrrl,rf uinoa the recent great decline In goods, aud will beluuud me uuKLtriLSi- ui iEHEl) for jsais. 8 2rp PUlIiA.DKLlaii. REDUCTION! REDUCTION! E. It. LEE, Ko. 43 AORTII EIGHTH STREET, WOULD irrv7JE SPECIAL ATTENTION meat to his st.Pck. of DRESS GOODS Closing Out at Reduced Trices, IX OBDEB TOH1KR ROOM FOB lie LI - r UOODK, FRENCH BEP POPLINd, ELEGANT QUALITY, 5o. and sc, reduced. FRENCH STRIDE PorLIN8, 38 and 45 ceuts; cost over 60. BLACK GROUND GOLD STRIPE P0FLIN9, 8S and 45 cpuis, cost go. DOUBLK WIDTH BLACX OROUSD GOLD BTRIPE HEAVY FOPUS1 reduced. lack Silks! Black Silks! Dlack Silks ! lack Silks! Velveteens! Velvotoen3 ! MEDIU.M AND HSAVY BL4.CK3, HANDSOME BROWN, LIGHT BLUE. PURPLE VELVE IF.HNS, ETC. DEMONSTRATION IN VELVETEENS. Kid Cloves! Kid Cloves! BPEOIJLTY IN KID GLOVES, Klegant Shatfes Real Kid attl lo. 700 dc r.ea Party 0 llnrs, isuper Kid, 1'23. HANDbOME OPERA FANS. LadKV Hosiery, all grades, chear. Men's Half Hose, 25 and ill ceuts, and Jou Men'. Underwear and Ladles' Underwear, LYONS CLOAKING VELVETS. l'onson's Black Velvets, Reduced. Medium Velvets, Reduced. LINES COLI.A.HS AND CUFFS. Ii 00 dozen New Styles. Striped (.'jllars and Cull's. Great Bargains. E. R. LEE. No. 43 Xorth EIGHTH Street, 117 2t PHILADELPHIA. D R GOODS, From Late Importations, at Low Prices. owtnc to th decline la Gold, and the immou.a losses .I'bml'ltd liv imnnrtHrx la ilie AllTIU.N KOOMS. Wenie j rppfred to exluliU an attractive stack ol AM) DESIRABLE FALL A WSWTER GOODS, Tri'm recfnt at rates to comnntn wKh nv IliiitH' in tho city. ah c occui y a cneao location, and a'e undnr co--PMiot.tllut ni Ubi-". vp ai f djtruiind ta ratu.iu nur 1 ii.' and liicrtaslnK traue t y low prlcev. ( riti;Moiiii.T v nnoTHER, K OK. 130, I3 J 4M 11 1 nT. SKt OXU STUJOIOT. jrST OPENED. TWO THOUSAND YARDS PARIS VELOTTIM In oln rolois, whlcn wlu bs sold at leu usual CURWEN ST0DI5AUT & BUOTIIKH, NOS. 450, 151, AND 13 1 N. SKCON O STRLET, 1 1 7 St ABOVE WILLOW. TJULL AND WIN T Kit PKESS CiOODS FROM Jj AHMIO.S. ,60 YAItDS DOUULE FOLD HEA V V PLAID ri'FLIMS. ai SO cents. A Lalt'lK HTOUK OF DKSIHACLE STTLE3. at 25. 2S. Wl. Kfi. 44 and 6u oeuta. POPLIN A LPaCA of all tne shades aad qualities M 37' j, 44 at.d HI CPllH. Our strra oi I1H1S0 OOODS now comprises the lit st bargains we ever oC'ittd a'KWEN kTODDAUT & BUOillEIJ, KOH. 450, 458,AN1 154 K. SKC OND STREET, II 7 ilt ABOVE WILLOW. iCH BLACK SILKS. OUOS OBAIN9. 2 00, (UlttH C4HAINS1, !'16, UhVH UKACI, 2 24, UltOs 14KAINM. fi-M. With a full Hue of stipt rl'i.- raaes at lesi tiian itsuitl prlcea. curavnx stoddart & bro., NOS. 450,45, AN I 434 N.fcElON DSTKEET, 11 7 St A ESVE WILLOW. STRAWt?RIDCE CLOTHIER Winn to kr.EPix tiew 7 TH" """"""""""""'Mibbim TANTJ.T OFFERIHCI A lu. AUD WEIL ASSOBTEO STOCK Or NEW G 0 (D S, Comprising some TCry desirable makes, which Sm bo fonnd itt tt oilier ritiladelphia House, all of which ro offer?1 at lh9 LOWEST PRICES OF THE DAT. Thcj call especial attention at this time to a verj larger stock of LADIES' CLOAKING, WHICH IT IB BELIEVED EMBRACES ETEKT DESIRABLE STYLE OF JOREION A17 DOM1H TIC UOOIS AND ntk SENTS AN ASSORTMENT UNSURPASSED IB' THE COUNTRY, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, LINEN GOODS, HOSIERY. HAM RICK & COLE, WHITE 3! Alt ULE UUILDIXU, No, 45 North EIGHTH Street, Invite Inspection of one of the largest ami beat assortment of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, CLOAKING VELVETS, SHAWLS, ana GENEHAL DUY GOODS, To be found In this city, In a stock comprising GOODS FOll EVERY WANT, And It Is needless to particularize. To our pa trons and tbe public, we would simply state that our purchases during the past few days of. UNPARALLELED DEPRESSION In Importing and Jobbing Circles fit ua TO ANNOUNCE REDUCTIONS OF FROM TWENTY TO FORTY PER CENT. On the earlier prices of the season. HAMRICK & COLE, Ii7sai2s Ko. 45 N. EIGHTH Street. INDIA SHAWLS AND SCARFS. GEORGE FRYER, No. OlO OIIKSNUT STREET, Invites atteutlon to his stock ol Eenl India Cnmcl'tJ Hulr Slumls & Sciufji. Also, an Pletnut stock of f-ILK), In Bltcks ami tolois; 1AKCY bll.K PLDSHEH, POPLINS HUAWI.B and FANCY OOODS. IN MA KB AWLS AND EC'ABFS altered and re j Mn d, ai d cluantd tn a snpurlor uauner, to 30 2uirn CLOTHS, CLOAKING3, VELV3TEEN3,: SHAWLS, BLANKETS. ALL THE ABOVE IN GREAT VARIETY, AND C0.rARI3C?i OF PRICED" S0LICITE9 TJITU ANY COMPETITOR. STRAWBRIDGE CLOTHIER, CENTRAL DRY GOODS EMPORIUM, CORWEH EIICS3T2I AND MARKET 8TREET8, 117sm PHILADBLPlIIAi GSAHD SALE OF DRY GOODS BY II 0 51 E IJ, COLLADAY & (JO., 818 ami 820 C1IESKUT Street. WHICLH SALES TO COMMENCE NOVEMBER 2, COMPRISING SILKS, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKING CLOTnSt LACES AND EMBROIDERIES " LINENS AKD WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, MOURNINJ GOODS, ETC. " OwiDg to tfhe wiie reputation of their nonae, It Is needless to detail the oharaoter of thai' stock. H., C. & Co. would merely state that their importations of the present season, UST BE SOLD PREPARATORY TO REMOVAL TO THEIR NEW MARBLE BUILDING, C1IESNUT Street, abore Bro id, Have never been surpassed in Philadelphia, containing an ENDLESS VARIETY of tex-.ure In iutaamui x iiueu urooas, as weu as me ciioickst xovi:rni:.s of thk se.isox. H., C. & Co. would adrise all desirous of obtaining GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS To lose no time before inspecting their stock, feeling assured that the UNPARALLELED PRICES At which the entire stock will be disposed of must insure RAPID SALE S. IIMIfclCJIi: c: COLE, WHITE MARBLE BUILDING, No. 45 NORTH EIGHTH STREET WILL OrEX ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, CLOAKING VELVETS,. At $10-50 and $12-00 per yard, WARRANTED PURE SILK. SOLE IMFORTERS OF THE GOLD EDGED LYONS CLOAKING-. VELVET, C. TONSON, MANUFACTURER. HAMRICK & COLE, No. 15 North EIGUTII Street. 1177t s I L. EXTKAOKDLWiY BARUAISS is DIIESS GOODS, Especially Adapted to this Scasou, Kepreseotlng the most extensive and varied assort ment la tbls market, at tbe extremely low prices Incident to the great sUrlnk. age ot values During tlio l'erlod or Utclr Utmost Depression. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., Ko. 727 CHESNUT Btreet, PHILADELPHIA. 1868. JOSEPH H. THORN LEY Would respectful'y present bis claims tor a share of public patronage by ollerlng tbe loilowlng Induce nients, Tlx.; An Attractlro Stock.- A Splendid Assortment, l'rlces Iot Down to tho Lowest Notch. fcPECIAL ATTENTION INVITED TO l'alsley Shawls. Droche Shawls. Silks and Dress Goods. Dlankets and Flannels. Cloths and t'asslmcrcs. I.INFNS. OriT.TO rrANO aid TABLE (X)VERS, bKliati, COKbEls, EIC Ji'IU JOSEPH II. THORMLEY. N. E. Cur. ElUUXU aud Sl'UIMi UAliDO, 91;m5n VUlLXVUWm. JOHN C U R rt S'f No. 247 S. ELEYENTll STEEET, ABOVE SPBtCE. IN CiOlDI FAI.Ii IN PBICESt ororf as low as thev werb in issjl Will open this morniLic, dlroct from New York th ohei .i SiOckot Llneii and Houss-furnlsbluir 'n v Goods lo be luuod In ttipctly. ' 6(0doz-n WiiiHon & Armmrong's Fine Damask Nan. kins, li to per dozen, warranlsd ibe cliepe.t JS.Dkiua lu tbe country. 1. yards wide heavy Loom Damask Table Linen, too. 1 yerds wide Watson A Armstrong's Fine Tabia Daniakk. 874c. 2 ymila wide Watson & Armstrong's Extra ltd. Damsitk. 1 oo. 1'4 yrd wide heavy Pillow Case Llnnn. 6O0. 260 dozen All-linen Towels, from loo. to Sim Uvy Twilled All-Llaen Cr&sb Towelling, VZic ItLAMliKTM AND FL,ANKLM. All-wool Flannels. 2 II. 87!-f . and 46c. Ysrd wlile aud Shaker flannels, 50c. Canton FibubcIs lu every ftrade, Irnw Via m tuc All-wool lilankels, 2 yurdsjonic, t',0. All-wool BiaokelH, 2, yards long l 5J. Best $5 All-wool iiiuunew In the city. COTTON AND WOOUEN M0.9IEItr Gents' lie.vy All-wool Shirts, (1 25. L'urlwr Kht it Warner's celebrated FnallsU M aHuo Bhlrls aud Drawers, Ladled' eztia heavy Merino Vests tltX. Ladles' regular-made KugliBh Merino Vests, IJ-J5. llujh' aud Mlssts' Merino Vests. S7io lad Ips' genuine Dalbrlggau lioso, all sIzm, 87MC (Bilk Kmbroldered.) Ladlt-e' h.avy Iron FTRme Hose. 4So. Heavy leiiulnr-uiade Halt Hose, 2oO. tienls1 English supersiout Halt lioae, best Imported, 8'li7saiJt JOHN BURNS, Ko. 247 B. ELEVENTH 1st., above Bpi ace. JO COUNTRY UERCUANTS,Y' We have now In store a very large and vaster M sortmtntof LAPIE&' CLOAKINGS By calllog on os yon can not enly see all f as .tylee In vogue, but be supplied lu quautltles ta iUlt at the lowest wholesale rsttts, Ckimpail wu of stock and irloei with r ay wholesale house solicited, Baiupli'sseni by mall wh 'n desire STRAW BRIDGE & CLOTHIER (OK. KIUIITH AND 'jntm;x KT I1KETS, mSlA PUILADKLfUIA,