TIIK DAILY EVENING TELEGRAl'lI PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 18C8. PUBLISHED EVERT AFTERNOON fSUNDAY XXCBPTKD), AT 1UZ EVENING TELEGRAPH BUILDING, JOT). 10S A THIRD STREET. .THoe, Thr Onti par Copy (Doable Bht). or Eighteen Cents per Week, payabM to the Carrier, lad Hailed to Subscribers out of the olty at Nine Doha rper Annum. Oue Dollar and Fifty Cents for Two Months, lnvarlbly in advance for the period Ordered, ,. ' MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 18C8. ' '" General Grant's Administration. Whilk General Qraut'i election oannot fall to XdUtore peace to the nation, he will be fortu nate if he does not become the most sor&ly fceeleged man iu the country. Oiliee beggars Will dog his footsteps, hungry intriguants will ionttnually seek audience, and every clique of ambitious politicians will seek to prove that the glory of his Administration will depend npon a prompt recognition of their petty j Claims to prominence. He will be deluged by ft mass of correspondeuce and petitions Bet- ting irth elaborately the cluims, sacriflues. Bervicea, nd patiiotisin of an army of aspirants for place scarcely less numerous thtn the troops he oomuiaud-d duiiug the war. lie will be told that if A, 13, or C doc'3 not go into the Cabin t, D, U, or V will be mortally offended, and Hint the (ate of the nation depends upou the degree of favor he bHstows upon tbe friend3 Of soiiio .sarcastic Siiitor or the ooLlnoss of his di-Uitanor to the followers of eome conteu tiourf ('oogresrUian. If there ever was a time ' In the modern political history of the country when this sort of arrogint non- Sense could be properly and safely ignored, this in t he appropriate period; and if we ate ever u have a Prteident who, without being ; arrogant, can carry ut his own convictions i tespet ling the will of the people, but disd:un- ; Ing the counsels aud ktepiug out of the trap3 j Bet by professional politicians, U. S. Qrant ! Will pove to be a man of that stamp. He j bwes nothing to partisan tricksters. He has ( reoeived the Preideney as a free-will olTdr- Ing of the Anieticau people, and he j is as fr-e from pergonal obligations to the so- called lenders who followed public sentiment . in advocating Lis m-n ination as he is to those Who opposed it. While he csn afford to view with contemptuous indifference the petty Squabbles of the professional politicians, we have an abiding lAith in his unflinching devo tion not only to the iutt iesta of the people, hut to the Republican party, lie cannot fail to remember how gallantly and heroically it Sustained him alike through the war, in hU conflict with Andrew Johnson, and in the triumphaut political campaign which has resulted iu his reception of the highest honors of the Republic. While ho cannot fail to remember with gratitude these flattering marks of conlldence, he cau Jiot forget, on the other hand, that while he was !.idi'g Rebel foes iu the field, Copperhead trait i:s were striving to create a fatal diver sion in his rear; that the enemies of the Re public have maligned his character by tie most outrageous aud indecent libels; and that the Democratic party resorted to the mo3t Shameless frauds and the most desperate dia bolism to secure his defeat. Grant has not Only proved invnluerabl to the assaults of his military and political foes, but he will ba insensible to their blaudishments. It will be as difficult to capture him by the arts which lei JohuHon back to the Democratic camp as It was to vanquioh him in battle. True to the people and true to the Repub lican party, the worst enemies General Grnt has now to fear are the cormorants hungering for power and for place, who wiah to giu a .controlling influence over his Administration, end to fetter his clear, calm judgment on public men and measures. His training and experience at Washington during the ex Citing events of the last four years have given him an insight into civil r.fftir3 which few politicians acquire in a lifetime. He is no novice in politics or statesmanship. He dis played in the selection of commauders and assistants for his important campaigns an in tuitive knowledge of the strong and weak points of his military associates, and a capacity to put the right man in the right place, which Will prove highly useful in the White House. With his strong common sense, his powerful hold npon the confidence of his countrymen, and the universal faith in his integrity and patriotism which has been inspired by hia past career, he can well afford to fight out his Presidential term on the line dlotated by his individual judgment, departing tharefrom only at the clear bidding of the people, and disregarding the clamors of pro ' fessional plaoemen. 15 pursuing this policy he will be enabled to devote his time aud attention to the true iuterests of the nation, carefully considering all vital questions. By avoiding the petty squabbles and consuming jealousies of the partisan raanagerp, he will esoape the fate of those Presidents who, by heoomiug engrossed iu snch disputes, have fare! but little better than the fabled hunter who as devoured by hia own hounds. Wish ''General" Henry A, Wise, some ' time Governor of Virginia, whosa greatest achievement in the military line was the hanging of old Juhu Brown, has announced that "he would not touch eUher of tbe parties with a ten-foot pole." The slight tinge of .profanity which is perceptible leaij S3 to believe that this announcement Is not a forgery, and that Wise has finally deter mined not to have anythiug to do with poll tlos. We are not familiar with the mot.vei Which have lad the ex-Governor to this deter mination, but we should not be surprised if the aversion which he professes for all parties Were found to be reciprocal. Certainly the Republicans would not touch Henry wi'h a ten-foot pole, and the Democracy have surely Hi eaon o! him ani I1L3 fi.'llorE:'-,eU is Inoline them to keep at tho samo distance. Under these circumstance Wise doss well to abandon politics. If Wade Hampton, Cle ment L. Tallandighm, Batcher Forrest, and Frank Blair will pursue a similar oourse, they will rival Wise in their wisdom. . Not Dead Yet." Wa refer to the famous Arlthmetio Man of the New Yoik World, the announcement of whose dem'te by the New York Tribune on Satur day appears to have bsen premature. The Aritlimetio Man is still alive, and this morning he shows in the columns of the World that he is still in a remarkable state of physical aoti' vity, although it is very evident that his mind is shaky. He figures out General Grant into "a minority President" iu the following fatbion: K-ymimr. Topnlwr vote f Slates voting m ism .... 2,233,11:0 Man-" voting lu IMiS, uud r,ol in 1K1 417,970 Unieenrjxtructed Ht.nieH, wli'oli did nut. vote in IHIiN.UUl which won d liavoidveu 321,8'U 1 ilhfriinclilsed Keliela In t wel - e H'n'fN, who did not vote In fc(8,but would huve Riven... Glr,2Sl Oram. 2,77,00 ' 413,.r)::!) 110,877 Totals., ...as'ji.cvt 3. 10.!, HO :;,MJ,liu Mnjorlt.y for Seymour I'il,0i7 Tliig is truly wonderful, and we doubt not that General Grant, as noon as the figures o' the Arithmetic Man are brought to his atten tion, will con'.emplate a resignation of Li" minority-conferred honors, wuh the view of becoming an active partner iu the tanu'm.r concern of Jesse D. Grant & Co. But we should be doing the Arithmetic Mau a gro;a injustice if we were to permit our reaiers to believe that he is not capable of a still more brilliant mathematical feat. Iu today's World we find a disclosure of "hoT the Electoral College would have stood on a fair vote," from which we find that Horatio Seymour would have received 1;0 votes and U. S. Grant 157 only, giving the former the astounding majority of 3. This result is brought about by counting Alabanu, Arkansas, Florida, Missouri, North Carolina, Oregon, South Caroliua, Tennessee, West Virginia, and three uuivconstiucted States for Horatio. We hope the Arithmetic Man will attempt something else before he gives up the ghost. Like Mr. Ward's pet kangaroo, he is "a most amoobin little kreetur." Let him, we suggest, take the expurgated vote of this city, giving Grant a majority of 5812, and figure it into a Democratic gain of seventeen millions. The thing can be done, and for ocular proof we refer him to Mr. William A. Wallaoe, patentee of Wallace's doable-action bottomleas coffee pot. When the Aii'.hiui'tic Man has achieved this greC feat, we shall be prepared to attend his funeral and not before. Flouida is in anythiug but a happy state. It has two Governors in full blast, aud at sword's points. But fortunately they are lighting out their quarrel in the court?, aud do not threaten to take each other by the ears. It seems that the Legislature ha3 attempted to impeach Rted, the regularly-elected Governor, of "high crimes and midemeauors," included among which are the very serious charges of embezzlement, lying, and wholesale selling of oilicial positions. Ponding the impeachment the Lieutenant-Governor claims the privilege of acting as Governor; but Reed knocks the wLole scheme sideways by declaring the Legislature Illegal, and prosecutes the Lieutenant-Governor and Secretary of Stats for conspiracy. Thus the matter appears to stand, the merits of the controversy being obscured by distance and the unreliability of the re ports by telegraph. It is to be hoped, how ever, that the trouble will soon be terminated, and in a manner which will prove satisfactory to a majority of the people of the State. It is time now lor the entire South to put asLitj all dissension and enter earnestly upon its grand career of peace, prosperity, and progress. hie it.i:sidi:m ial ellitiox. , discovered that the Indians had gotbetwMn htm and tbe station, ntid were enii-avor'uir, to blockade the track. He bad a triitv Soenoer Hlie with him, and with that he fought the Indians off, and cot back to tbe station. lie Immpniatelv telecraplied weit to the coram? passenger train and stopoed It. Thus it and Its precious Irfielitof human lives were mvrd from a honlolo death. Mr. Nichols is dCFprviug of ereat prnise lor the promptness aud coiiroce with which he acted in he case. Mr. Nichols nho telegraphed to F r Bedit wick lor troops, and a company of Pasrne scouts and a battalion of cavalrv under Mlor Ilnehes were dpatclie I to th place; hut when thn.v arrived the ho-tllu In-lino were all Bono. Mr. Mchols snys that whn lie arrived at the scene of tlin dita-ter fiere were aoout a hundred iudrinn concr sa.cd on uni djaretit hill around a bonfire. Vers quicklv a'ti-r vaul he hw similar bonfires I'cliiH successively. s sijinnl Hcli's, on the distant hills, around each ol which lie rould kpp bmd ot Inai iri". II CHlciilutPH th-it their who p force amounted to a thnu-'Miid warrior-". Tlic-e Ind.nus were Jioux and Chpjpnne?. an a trT. I. u text IU-t urns of (.lie Vote. TIsp New York Tt ibune Qguivs out the result of the Presidential and State elcc.iou us lo lows: Grant's majority, 71,-35. Sejmour's majority, 82,311. democratic exec;1, 8100, Hollmnn is elected over Ui-iswold by a wojor ty of 23,830. The vote iu Missouri, by the latest returns, pivts Grant a majority of 17,828, wi'.u counties to heur from which will increase this result by 3500. The vote in St. Louis r.-sulted In 16,222 for Grant aud 13,338 lor Seymour, giving the General an excess of 2S84. The vote of New Orleans for President re sulted in a ninjority for Ecjmour of 23,621.' 'Jhc result in Ciinrleatown was lor Grant, 5560, and for Sejmour, 3601, giing the farmer a niuloiity of 1355. Mobile gives Seymour a majority of 810, In a popular vote of 0002. Tllti INDIANS. XIip.v Capture n Itnilroiul Train. Iewiiy lite '1 rut-It, itnU Commit Ouirii&ea. The Omaha Republican of November 3 erlve the tolloiu5 account ol the capture of u rail road truin by the Indians, previously reported by tcicpraph: We huve received intelligence that confirms the report of the capturo oi a freight train, on the Union 1'ucinc Ruilroad, la t HuturJay mornltL'. Ins'.ead ol being at tiraud l-laud. however, it wa a nnlo or two wi Bt of .alkali Sia'lon. Tbe ludiiics ell'ee'. d the capture ol tbe train by rutting the t es in the centre, and thus spreading tbe rub. to that when it came alonj', nbout 2 o'clock in the morulug of the day sitiieo, it, w poet up ioiieuer, auu mane a perfect Aleck, lu the d'tarer the hrcman was killed, he beinu jammid iu between the loco na tive and the tender, where tor three hours ho sullcrcd the hi rriblc torture of scaldiiig, wheu dcH'h catup to his relief. All tLe men ot tbe train hVd when the disaster occurred, to tscHr elrom the luuiau;, but the piigiDOpr, who rcmuiiicd with his tiiviuan, and dm eirrvthinx iu bis power to release the pooi1 (eliow trout his horrible situation. Uutlmun atded cilnris co'jM arc jniplivu nothicor. While niUetii.g tin s toitures tCo tin maa bi prcrcd the riiuMicrr to kill him. but the la'.ter could not liuil it in hit heatt to Hike a hiiuian life. Hie ludians then burned tho railroad brld-re i ear y, lor the upacnt purpos-- of d' s'royimr tlio pus,em:cr truin that was toon to tollo w I hn lieii'ht inuii nlri-udy uestroved. Hit .Mr. Nicholf, the divir-ion su)eriuteii(lent, hai co ne down to the reek from Alkali, with a loco- ii;o i; iipi-ni in tvitsiiinuioii -visit iii II'iiI(jiiHi'('i-M-lliH Int cations. GrticrMl (jrnnt, our President elct, arrived in Wafhinpton on Satur lay oveniug. Tuo Ntn York Iribune'a rpecial says: Ho cmie so quietly an I iinos'ont.a'io'ilj', ai is hi.i wont, that it wa-. not mull this uttcrtjoou, when bo appeared ou tho aveuue in co iiuy with a liicn I and took a leisurely fjiro'l aoo.it tt.e ureets, that hid pn-eucc in thn civ b(iutc generally known, lleatrivvd at tue 'depot, at about 8 o'clock, in a i.'c:al train, accoinp iled by his iM't; and children, wvclmI rnombcM of his nulitnry lanr'y. m.cl one or to frien N vlio have been with him sii.ee ho too;i the c ai'i ,t (iukHH. 1 r Hou. Mtno'i I aiiirroii an 1 the IIoo. .1. P. Cameron, He?iii ut of' the Njriliern t'f ulral Kwilioud, ncconipauv I th i par y troin Hurrisburc. So quiet was the Ocu-ral'-t cornuu that he wafi i.ot rccogntxed at tic depo; her ; until his name wa discovered on an old viillhe which had In en with bi n trom Vicksourg to Anpo'iiat os. Tlio dii tovery was made l)j a rec onstrnctcd htcKiuau, who shoute I at t tij top of bis vov:e to au associate, "Hallo, Sam ! Seymour's pardncr is soinewhiir' here. There's his carpet-hair." The inny was rapidly driven to the General's nsi'Jciice on I street, which had becu niidc ready lor his occupaucy. To-dny he spent two or three hours at his headquarter, lookinir over ihe records aud papers oi the office, ud cxaTuiiine Hiich matters ot interest as h td not been lorwarded to him at Galeua. He al-o spent au hour or so lookint; about the city, and TiMnnrkin! upon the Improvements which arc everywhere apparen. In appeurniice he is lit I lo chanced. There is less ot tne fatigued, perplexed look about the lace, but in the MinplTlty of his dres and manarr he is, as beiore his election to the f re.-ideucy, au uuob trusivp pcn'h iiifln. ' A ipw of the General's most intiinitc frteu43 calle i at his houe to dav, and it li'in been snjr pestpd to him that from this time forth until t'ae ilo-eot his ndiDinis'ratlon he will not kuoa quiet moment, iu which he cau be at peace, wuh the olbce-seekera. It is elvt said that he bus under cousuleratiou a t-uircestion of a Irieui bavlnu pomp kn wln Ige of the subject, that h keip a li-t of oil who aoproacii hiaa ou the sub ject of ollice belorn his inauguiation, aod that be make melancholv examples of them by re fminir to app int any ot lhin. It is thought that this co'irse mav prove bcucScinl in the future. it is tt.o Geiieral's lnleutiau to reniHiu in this c'y d.irintr ths winter. The question oi the lesifruation ot bis otlicp as O'cneralot tne Array is aivea:lv tli.-cussed in the newspapers m well as In mili tary circles. This question Fuema to be next in Importance to the ai poiutmcnt f bis Cabinet, ro:arasthe Democrats are coucctned. Tb?y d..hiie, first, the selection of a suitable Cabinet, and, liuliuj in that bis rcsicnation Iroiu the iiriiiy, to take Piled ot mice. They believe that ni'xt to tbe siibjeia ol the Cabinet no.hin! cm do more townrds conciliatiucr tie South and rrmovins all reasim lor humiliaaou than Gram's givinir up his co-n mis-ion to Preside ut Jnbuon. The course which the General will pursue has not hnen nade ki,o vn, except by the Di'ii ocrat-. Some say that he will resisu this week, to take eflect Much 4. 18G!, and others that lie w.ll take to steps iu the premises until the asscmb!ii g of Cnirresi. NEW ORLEANS SPECIAL NOTICES. '1 lie Hi ml of Pence that Rein Tliero, TlieNew Orleans ltpuh'.ican speaks in this strain, cn November 3, of the sort of peace which reigns there: The city of New Orleans presents to-day a sad Fper.tucle. It is the day oi a ereat election a dy when tilent ballots are to deti-rmiue a na tion's late. And ycr, in the face of the imminent need tbat that every good man and true should aid the right on this day ot contest, thoas tads are quietly at their homes. In the lace of the fact tbat there cxbts iu this State a registered ItppubPcau .majority of more than 15.000, d.ibb less the Democracy will poll a majority of 30,000. The polling pi ices are thronged to-day, butouly with Democrats. The reijn of terror and mob violeuce which lias terriled even the instigators of the storm has done its work too well. The intelligence, the organization, the equipment was largely with the Democracy, aud in cae of a collision there was littbi ques tion which would go down. The Kepublicans, therefore, as we deem wisely, tonclu led not to furnish material tor another "negro riot' in New Ot leans. Cat no GiHorme was cut in several places and seveiely wounded, at the corner of CaronJelot Walk and Treme streets, about S o'cloca last eveniijp. He was t'iken to the druu; store corner ol Mtirais street and the Basin, wueuce he was removed this morning. He had two cuts in his abdomen, one in his breast, one in his buck, and three elsewhere. He is capmln ot the schooner Catueriua, lying at the Old Buin, la the oynter trade. Another Bicdian was found dead by Officer Sellinan lasteveuim?, about 9 o'clock, lie was nabbed through the heart, and two other stabs were initicted, one above aud ono below the heart, either one of which would have caused iuiii.tdiiUe death. SPECIAL NOTICES. fTI" WRIGHT'S ALCONATtiO GLYCERIN Tablet nt huiiddleil (JlvcHriu lends to pruaurve the skin iroui.ilryueas ami wrlnkl, nuiiaiwt a won Ufcrlul degree of sufiueaa aud dellcucyto Ine com ple lou, and whlienww to tlve akin; Is an excellent dentiirlce, grateiul to the tuule and tunic to the mouth aim kiiuis ; lujpurm B'.veetnnau to tlio bif iitb. and rPuclHD tlietti'ih boaDtu'nlly white, hot Hale uv all drugulaUi. JK. fa U. A. WUIliHT, No. 624 CilKISM'T B irt-et. Z ffT UNION LEAGUE H Q TT 9 E, NOVKMIIKB 2 1SC. A rocellng of the UNION LEAUUK OF l'UILA J)F:M'HlA will b held at the Lcanus House, on TIlUItfeUA V, Nl v. 12. 1HCS, at S o'clock P. M., lor tho piirpcsa of nouilnailuK candidates to bs voted ror at Uieuibi'iR of the ltoa'd or Directors. lty oid'rof ibo Hoard ol Directors, OiJUQK U IlOKER, 11 7t Secretary. tTF?" A TAIU FOK THE BENEFIT OF TnK P.NKtiYI.VMA XNUU-TKtAO H.Mb; FOJl BLINU WrHJji w I ih HfM in Hie PHIL, A-KH-HiIA CITY INaTirUTK CUKSNUI" and Kt till tKTH sirecu, nouimeuclng on MONDAY hVKMNU Nl. I', 16 U limuiit aud uloaluou l-'Hl-DAY iVi-NIMi. tliH ii'.h. Th iarouK) or Ilia public Is eariKHUy BOM. llld. BeaiOU Tluaai-, '.'iuo ;t bliikle'l'ckeis lvcbuia. llllimvlJi e-pr POST OFFICE, PHILIDISLI'HIA, k-J P., l,vtmbr 7, llfiS. Mall lor HAVANA. p-r stoamer ST AH AND RTKIPKH, will cl(ie at ih' OOloe TCKslHY, No vember 10, ai 7 A. U. UlCJSKi II. IU NU HAM. jt p.iitmaiter. ff AN ADJOUUNbl) ANNCAL MKRI. tt-s of ti u lsii.eKholil. rHOt itmLOMU VHO AM ROITII 81'RKKIB PA RNll B.11 KbAV UMI'AYwlil lu ielU IUK-DAY. Noveiaonr la, IHiiN. i 4 n'c'ui k l' U. ai the tUou ot tliu Company, TWJtM'l'Y U ill aaabt-tJlHHirePU. 7J IMPriRTANT STATRMRJT 1 TT4Tf PR! to mf hi.... f r I r. il k r. i, r. . . v . n a I n t) h 1 1 .. .1 I ibla tpmnd thai I Rhon d thus pnbllcly Rt'.e that iu not any longer ejnnnctrd wl,h IhdOo'ton Do tM AdKi.clailnD of thti nity, a tlialr oral r, but am now operr ti k In my own ullloe, whr I conit ma to make txtractln te-ih without pain, by altrona oxt s (an. my vpecUay , devoting hit wnnl practice m thl porile.u.ar braneh. Tim ml Ian I nar eminent eentiemea In the dental orolaaiilon iieud thHlr raiaa of aitrac'tinv leelb to nie: " DIV'DENDS. EX3?OSITIO JSl lr. J. I. Whlla Dr. David Uoherti, Dr. Jamm H. (illnam. Dr. H. Wintprbottom, Dr. Irfinl Jark I t. 11. F, Kelusteln, 11 9 mwtist Dr. Dantpl Nealn. Dr. Mablon Klrka, Drr C. K. Jt K. E. Uop- klHK. Dr. Kin. Townnend, and mint ntliArn. xieilH-uiiuny, D. F. R THOMAS, OrtlerNo in.7 WALNUrsirpdl, T II E rOI.TOW DKNTAT, ASSOCIATION origins. eu the aii'Htliilo imp of MTKUUS UXluK OAS. Admit lter It lu tl.a moat approved mnuupr. Do noibtuK hut KXTRACT TH KTH and they Cfr.alul'y do that without' pain. Sj lt.OOO patltntti teBiliv. hbp tbeir liriiaMirB! a', m OKt'ICK, No. 7J7 WALNU e M'KKWT. 11 DmH;tt Below Kihth. FJ OLIVER D Y E R, y Ainnnr of the article entolpit 'THK WICKKiiKsr Y IN NKW YORK,'' and oilif r piibiu a lovn on kinnrn l tupitt. wh cli live (rfattrt ncli a pioroiind KD'natluu thruaeuuui tbe touutr' . liftH win in'rtl to d M er ONh, LUulUbK IN PHKiAOni.PUfA US T K K W1CKEDNK8S, ItOM A.SOK AXO KAS ;ALITY Ol' W K V o . K. Tho Iiccture will take pNoe at (MM'KIlT UALL ON Tt'FSD y KVKMN4. No. I'l, at 8 o'clock. hiio be folium d on Inc.n rirc'iMiMtxnoi'b and iiielilu r.il widen b(iv c mie uiiiIit lint Iiuoid.i I ' no ica of ra.-, l'j r dnrliiK toiirtoen yenrs ot liivcutlna'.lm I j '.n Iihuiiih ol vice aud thj abJtiei ot puvurty in Njw Y"rk. lln rfellal of the apiiarinBOrlmei nmon? the nijults and rli'lilr u reared tn alH:iencH an well In piveiy, arc hiicij .1 1 i-wukoii tti tnirr.r.t of ail p-cni f.r the future cliaranri-r aud welfate of ibe inembn ol Ibelrotvn IioiiipIioicih. Hi iHili lpfilu lan iliw) ft,nr b'fn sorely Htrlokon avd tliclr hou e c r iles deao a ed by ih frign'inl rnaobi a1ons and alliiretiitnt) of vied and Uuilnation. H id ibis eeichrattd riirlmiaii pulia.HuroueH will ulcurn soup urenea ihxt my lad p ir. nts to app'y mo iui anu iiK o'Hry to nave their rhlinren fmni inimn aiid Di.sery kiijun to exist hero as well at lu xis r Yerk Is TToror .TrnVr P,ilroo will pieHldo, Ihu platform will bn renorvel for the clergy. Ti Ki:rrt, 50 l KVTS. Ft r'filat the Music Wture of JVIr, J. I). O juld, No Ei'.'K Cle emu furut-l. Ni iiriiClmrj( for reserved eaa US'hnntn4t Ol- Fl' E OK TIIK SALEM C JAL COM- PAftYO.hMliKCU'Nl'V J-.XUHANUK. l'lllL.MKt.lMllA, Nov. 2. ItHU. A Special Meftl"Kof tne Stoi'liuldtira wilt bd be.d on WK1IM-.SIMV, ti-.e li b Inst ,at 1 P. M . at tbn otllce oi lho I'nmi.any, lor the pnru .hoi ele.tlii D rcc'otR aud lakiug order on the prusunt Hiate or tae C mil any. A. L. M 1 isfiY, llKTi Secretary. t-p-r- OFFICE OF TUB OK EES AND dOiUw- NI'RKk'f PlIll,ADKLPIir PAS SFNf.FH PAILWAY (HMPANY, TWENTY. iUlltlU ana UOATJS.H Ktrnli,. PHIbAUKLPIirA, Nov. 4, 185S. We rre prpparort to put t -urun of A'lvertler.i In the cnri. t( UiIh Hue. for terms apply ai tho oince ot tba Coini'Pr.y. 11 i ti. JOSUPA OAItSBD. S-rretary. BATCUM.OUS UA1U DYE. THI3 t--55 splsutlld Hair Dye In tbd bfat In tbe world; lM oidy true aud parl'ect L'ye; bitruiless, reliable, 1 gtantaueuuH; o diNappolnLuii'Et; no ridiculous tletr; inniedles the 111 etlHOlR ol bad dyes; tuvUoratea and icHVta tbe Ualraolt and beautiful, black or brown, bo o by all DruapliitB and P'-riumoni; and properly applied t;( Bi inelor'a Wig j)"aoiory. No, IS BO AD blrnet. Now York. 4 87aiwf KJ5T THE NEW CABINET BICOSTEAD. r An eUKantand pt ricci ly lurnlhhed Uelsteud, rJRdy lor use iiiHthntly. Assume tbn appuarnuca of acpleudld cublnel O' library. Kaslly matinund by the rui Ht (leilcuie ladies. Warerooins, No tfioUHfc'ssur Street 10 12 )m jrrsr- THE MICDICAL FACULTY ALL -' unllo lu sayliiK tbitt mattressts b iiII'.mI wall Kinetic .-pmiM aro conduclvn to g.jud bfaau. ami jMt.vbl be ubed by allslck persons, h 3 "i tv f j ''LET US B2 FKIEXDS i" A good Idea It wat, too la Hartford, nfcht bororp lus' ibe Orunt auil l ollax t'lub and ibo 8,tvm,iur and B'alr dub clubbed. Not lo Buy iliat tliy cm bund eac'i o' tin's beads, ob mliUH havo men t-xi -oat, l; mi, iB, lolniC hiiinlx and ui.iti-d lo'Ches.lu u great rocL'seloi anU tbu buuni rs were lni-crlbi-d auu tuo u UH Jw,; i. K1KNDS!" It la prcpos' d tliai a coi HOliilated prooostlon lko. l,f.j) oc id tbrougb the BtreoU ol' Pbiiadeliihla, cour- UljsKl Ol T11K ItF.PCBLICAN IN VrNCIBt KH." lllK YOl NO MKN'fl Kh.Y-TO.NK CI.TJB " 'lilK I'Ajil'AMN lijUH " und ' "THK AalbHlUUis CLUU," To carry oat the Idea ol "LET US BR FlttF.NDS !' ' jt nd llifj'h b expre.sslu' it; Tney'Ii uiuet on WrouU, near ('honiit, am! neueeliilly thev'li muri.lt llibi ilnwu to Kintli and Arch, A n 1 theu go arm In roi, NolUitonl. Knv bHrm. And vraspinij bana with baud, (We also midiM-Mand.) Every mau and every bnilber. I u oue etri-Hi ami down iin'UDer, Till ibey hall ii-lorn t:.e door Ot the cvli'brater. H'oro Known as "ORKAT K11UWN HALL " Wllh lis eiottiliig fur iheni ad Then they'll wave tlie (rlomlly banner In a uiiy anil J.ivlti' nmnajr, H'rglM?' all's well that well ends! Let 8 f;o In aud Hue our filendii!" Coire In. fileids, aud wa will supply you wl:h clottits lu an eminently AatlUaciury uiuuaur all rouud Your Irlui.Cs, ROCKHILL & WILSOW, Nos. 603 aud 005 CHESJiUT STlltET, 1 11 4p PHILADELPHIA. TR. BChTOX'S TODACCO ANTIDOTE XJ Wan anted to remove ull deslro for Tooicco f entlrel vene abl' aud barmlens, aud H alto an ex cellent appetizer. Tt purities a.id eurlcnes the bio id lrivvoiateit lb system p'tssesies great imuris Inir and Birei K'benliiK power, enables the Ntomacli ti di g) s. Ibo beartleBl food makes Bleep reliesMug. and eHtiiMiKlns roliiiBi Lealib. r-uiokera ana cliewers 'Or Blxty jar cured. Price filly cents per buk. Poit free. A n InlereH'lUK treatise ou the injurious eil'mn.i of tobneco, with IIdIh of tenuuinnl.ili', rutereuces, etc., Beullitc. Agents wanteil. Addrens Dh. T. K. ADBOTP, Joiaey City, N. J. TESTIMONIALS, From tbe Umud Mates Treasury, Bocretary's Cilice. Pleaae Bt ud a Bupp.y ol tbe AuliUoie. Taa cuu recelvtd lias done Its wurk surely. O T. EDGAR. From New TTampshlra State Prison Ouutiunmu of Ir llueuce here having been cur.'U ot rue appeiiie for tobucco by leliiu Dr. lliirlnu's Anndote, wa deslro a buppli fur the lull oiifcraotihU Institution. JOsKl'lI MAYO, Warden ol tba N. II, btate Prliun. A Banker's Testluioiiy. Dr. Builon'H Aulldute lor lubucco bJ actompliabed all claimed tor It. WALTER MANN, 1st Nat. Bii'k, New Albauy, lud. From tba Chief Engineer ol tue AlleKlieiy Valley Bullioud t ouipany, 1'iilHburg Pa 1 have used the Antltloie wllh great uuccuuM. It I leurlug all my trleiiils. 11. BLACKBTONK. A l'lerRj-mnu'8 Teattranuy.-Otia Uox of Autldote cured my b. other aud myself. It never fail". KfcV. 1. W. HUOHiM AKEIt, Killey'aMiatloii. Pa. Fromtthe Police Ilep.dqnnrterB, Lvnu, Mass. I have gatntd llility-livti ponuds nl llrnh in tLree mo itus by ntlng jr. luirlou's Autldote, aud all desire or tobai co la removed. W. L. WAIT. Ja. KronMho "Boti'hern Home Journal." Baltimore Mn.-Ore ho t f Jl ir'on a Antidote removed all da B're for Iba weed Iroiu ina. I tuke pleusurH In recoru n.n oleg It lo ail our readers, '1', V, klatkh, El, tu.d by all Drbuglla. T I" 2S fuiUtSp (Traduuiark x CopyrlfibteJ.) A. THE STEAM Kit LORD LOVEI.L. JONES, MAbTiK. will all for HAVANA on bATUBDAY MORNINO, Novembtr Htl) at H o'clock A. M. ii i'itlt'bior Pasege apply to A MKRTNO, 119 41 No. HO South FRONT Mtreet. KUDtiEHS' AND WOSTEN HOLM'S 1'OCKfc.I IiMlVrM. Pearl and blag Handles, of beautiful liiilBb. KODOEKa' and WADE t liUlOHICK'rl KA iOhb, aud tbe ril. b.aled LKOULiitU; liAZOU bt'IfcfcOlu of the Mueat quality. ivaznn,, Kulves, bclw orn, e'ld Table Cutlery Oronnd and P. lhh.Hl tit P, MADlUBA'U.Ma 16 rl. TEN'l'U atraet.helnw i.lbej,nnt. DFAFXKS. EVUtY INSTRUMENT THAT iciencv- ami skill have Invented to aalat tbe bearing in every Oegren of deafness; also, Ke-plra-tor: als,, DraudHU'a faicnt tlruiebeH, superior to anv other In tiKe, at P. MAD&JUA'S. No. IIS b TltN'l H hi reel below Cheennt. 8i,n PA T E N T E P. PANTS SCOURKD 2ND HTII;T4'IIFlt from 1 to 6 Inches, at .'ollet French Steam Dyulng and H'-onriug, No. "XI ti PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 60M- PANY. TaF.AsnBRn's Dsfabtmbnt, Philadklphia, Nor. 1, 168. J NOTICE TO BTOCKUOLLKR8. The Board of Directors have this dar daslared . Brml-annul Dividend r FIVE PER CKNT, on the capital stock or the Compani , clear of National and Btaie taxts, payable In cash, co and after November 30, 1Mb. iilaok Powers of Attorney tor collecting Dividends can be obtained at the Ollice or tba Company, No. 14s 8.T1 IKD btreeU Tha Office will be opened at 8 A. M. and closed at 4 P.M. from Niv. hj to Dec 5, for the payment of Dividends, and after that data Irnm 0 A. M. to 8 I' M. THOMAS T. flKril. 11 W't TreMiirrr. rT FMiMKHs' AND MECHANICS' NA- TIONAL BANK. i iiir,i)Ki.rittA. Nov. s, Hfis. Tha Board of Director, hav, tins ly deoiar-d Ilvlectid of FIVE PER CENT., pava.lH,in demand Clear f lax. W. llOsil TON . J .. 11 fil Ushler. Til E COMMERCIAL NATIOWT. BANK OF PH..N NaYL Y A K I A. I'HIHIULnlH, Nd, II lW. The Il iard of Dlrrct' rs nave tins day nVrlarari a dividend of FIVE PHU CKN T.. cler of all taxes, pnvholo on domund, U 3Bt F.O PALMfK rshlnr. IwjT- MECHANICS' NATIONAL BNK. I'ki i Aimr.eni a, N' vi-raber 8 ittn, The Boar of I'lr.cii r i Hps Bank bava deolri'I a DIVIDEND OF SIX PltK tlEN l' and l'V I'KH l EN I' extra. payubb-oH demand, freo of tajtot. 11 i 6'. J. WlKUANl), JB.. Cnshler. TO BEST TIIK IIAND15OME DWELL- iP.Ko. J7ivLUCU5STHtei. . HViiZ NEW PUBLICATIONS. AKIAN UAliLAND'3 NEW NOVEL NOW Bl"Ir. RUB Y'G HUSBAND. Oae Vol. llmo. price ft 79. Tula' la Marian Harland a ORF.ATEW NOV8L. An unusually Ion? time lim bean Hpeut in Its prnpi. ro'ion.nia in every dHiall It has been elaboratel Ith tbe utmost c ire. Mrlan Hariand now atauua at Hie Lead tt .a merle j Female Novelists. NEW EDITIONS OF 5. Nemesis n 11 73 Huks 1-75 Snonvimnu 1 75 Tne lliddt n Path. 1'75 A'one ......... i' MtMn isuie, - 175 Miriam 1 7" liuabauas and JIomee.,1 lb "MaMsn Harlard wrltei for tha multltuce and tha al e appreciates itielr wa- Is the marked success ol her procuc HiLS snows JNew York limes. Either of the abova works sen by mall, postpaid, on receipt of ihe pilce. 116fm?t SIIKIDON & CO., Ncs. 4U8 and 500 BROAWAY, NW YORK. R C. J. TRICE L. 17ns Iteinorca lo . 723 SANS03I SlreiM, Directly oppoalle his O'd Staod. where he will con tinue Ibe Importation of EugliMii, French, aud Uornun Dooks, l'c riodlculs, Klc, to order. A lnrca and i ntlrely new stock of the boat FnjlMi Piandard Literauire Jun. received. Arc:ilte:tiiral, Mecnntcsl. and hcleniltlo Hok4 always on n (I. 'j ,e cbo'CHt new pubilcaUous recaiva as iBsatd. Foreign Hoiika, Paciudicalaj etc., loipor.ed to o.-dr, ve kiy, by a eamer, H9Ut E W il O fj K s", of 14HtI. and KEI.MillOl Kl ru tlttt lilt, fr 4.111.miLN AA1 VOll'll, pub IIh' en bv ' ha A ,11 Kit 1 CAN HMIAV MfllUOt, UNION. Alao or sale, ltIltLi4 aud Dl.VOIili.V tli K44KSor the ditlereul denominatmnr. UHialoUtfH ' til-iSjctotT'd PuhilentioiiB aud aatupla onples or Its Period calrj fur united i-raiuiiouily at the DjpUBltory, No. Mil t il EsNUT iSireet. Philadelphia 1 1 8 muiwif BOOTS AND SHOES. B A D I E S' SHOES. NEW STORE. HENRY WIRE M A Nf MANUFACTUP.EIt AND lMPOltTEB OF I ADIEV 15GOTS AM) SHOES, Xo. 118 South TIIIIMTEMII Sheet, S. Wt Corner Sixth and But toa wood Sis., PHILADELPHIA. AND 487 Lie vent h Street, Wasklnston, D. f., Bas t pned hia El EGANT NEW STORE No. 118 South! JUKI KEN I'll utreet, between Ciiesoat and Walunt ftieeU; wlih a largo B8ortin-int ol the P.M1ST QUALITY OF LADIES' BOOfd AND t-HOEB, of bis own uianufactare. Also, JU8T ItKCEIV'ED SKOM PARIS, Iaree Bfcsortlueut of Ladies' Boots, Shoes, and Slippers, Made expressly to order by the best ud msstcele brated manufacturers, 11 7 lmrp O X - T O E 8 BOOTS AND SHOES. BART LETT, So. SOUTH SIXTH STREET, 10 18 fmwl ABOVE CHE8NDT, HAVING AI.TEKKD AND ENLAHOED MY bture, No. 'ISU N. NINTH, street, I Invite at tea -tlon to my Increased stock (of my own nianufaature) Of Hoe BOOTb, bllOEb. AITKU8, Etc., of the latest KRNEHT BOPP. , POI NT BREEZE PARK. " POINT BREEZE PARIv. TO-VORROW (Tuesday). Match lieofi. Double teams, mil" heala, beut 8 lu fi. Puatponed Irom Tuursdriv last. J. Dovett names g. IKONi-lDirs AND jrATIO 31. buodwin nan is HAY MAKE AND MATE WEDNESDAY, November 11. Purse cd Blake, l&uu. itla heatd, best iu 6, In har ness. J. Mrrmifrer enters l. tn RUBY X. D, Hlelson tUlerss. Dim... 1.AUV t,10t H I I'ODT w, iar.-on enlers b. g 1KJ'1K M. Ooudin en'frisr. - UENKHAL THOilAS TllVltDAY. N ivemoer 11. Purse and Stake, 18 0. Mil beats, best 8 In 5, under saddle, catch weights. J. Turner enter, b. m EANN Y ATXTCN J L'rVrll eut.is g. illO.xsi UHH M m.oiilu enters b. m .... MAKY J. Pelt t ecu is s. g. iltj UAKli V D. or NEW AND ELEGANT .DrtY GOODS. Kecluction: of Prices. AGAZ.N DCS MODES. Ko. 101 1 WALNUT STREET. 0 JONES, TKMTLE ft CO.. V A S 11 1 O N A H 1. Jk U A T T E It , N0.1W8. NINTH K reet. Flrat doer a'luve Chr sutit atreaf. 4 9 ETDVVIN HALL & CO. Invite tho attention of their Cailomorg aad the Fubllo to their KE1T, LAKUE, A XI) SI'LEMMD ST0IK OK LADIES' DRESS GOLDS, The prices of which have boon GREATLY REDUCED. And are now -prepared to exhibit Fancy Silks, Colored Silks, ''"'""""i' i : Tcloiir Poplins, French Poplins, Stripe Poplins, Empress Clollu. 2 SILK C011DED P0PL1XS, KEPS, AND Heavy Wool Corded Toplius, With a great variety of NEW FABRIC3 for Ladles' Dresses and Walking Suits. Silk Velvet, Cloth, Plnnhcn, Velveteens, anal Nbatvl. Wc O'narantee lho lowest Prices and tha Kewest Uoods. LADIES' DRESSES made to order In the newest and most fashionable mauner. EDVBN 3SALL & CO., Xo. 28 SOUTH SECOND STilEET, "n2t PHUAEELPHIA. For the better convenience of her Patrons, MliS. PROOTOIt HAS REMOVE O HPlt DBESS:M AKINQ ROOMS To Ko. 1011 WALNUT Street, Where she will be happy to see her irlands. Tho GENERAL LRY GOODS BDSINE3?! will ba continueU aa heretofore, at No. 020 C &E-1NU r St. J. W. PROOIOa t CO. lflSSKS'AKUCHILDUENNDURSSMAKINa GROCERIES, ETC. QORN AMD TOMATOES. 150 Cases Vi'iurlow's Corn. 150 Cases Fine Tomatoes. JUV THE CASE OR OOZu;N. SIMON COLTGH & CLARKE, S. TV. Corner lilOAD and WALKUT Sts,, 11 7 1 1 PITILA DELPHI A. FLOUR. SEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR Flit sT OF THE &EAKON. ALnr.BT C. UOBEBTI, Dealer In Flu. Orooerlea, 11 7Jrp Cor. ELEVENTH and VISE Street, pAMILY p L O U R, Iu lots to Buit UIIOCEIIS, or by tho Single Kiirrel, for sale bj J. EDWARD ADDICKS, Ko. 1230 KAKKET Street, 10 9 Smip PHILADELPHIA PIANOS. STEIN WAY & H JNS' OBANO TTK i I liquare and upright Plaai., atBLAttlU;! iiKO?.' Wo. iwfl t'H KHNU 1' Htreyt. h 1 tf -f'"PgM STFPIC t CO.'S AND TTAIWP5 rnTTl ' BHOIH KYW PIANCW. and UaSO.M A j liAJa il JN o LAJUiXAi unAna. only at J. E UUULD'a New Btora, 8 20 8m4p Ho. VilCUEdNUr blrout. tZ?m C II I 0 K E R I N G III I tl Oraud, Square and Upright PI AN OH. nUTTON'S, 11 stf No 914 ClIK-iNUl Street. HATS AND CAPS. PniZKS CASHED IN ROYAL HAVANA. K1.NTT. CKY. aud MI85OUUI LOl rEltlKi. Circulars atut and lutoriuall on itlveu. JUiltPH 111KM. No. 7 liUUADWAY. New fx WAKBUUTOV3 IMPROVED TENTI Uf laled, md -Uulna l iens Jlais (paleotfdi. la all the loii'rnvtsd fHhlons ol tti aeasou. C'HttJ. Mil' btivet, UKil dour to lho l'ot OOlce, 11 lu