The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 09, 1868, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. X-Xo. 111.
Hitualfsm in England -Tho At
tempted Assassination of tho
Viceroy of Egypt.
AflttirM in (lie Spanish IScpuMic.
Etc. Eto., Etc.,
Ey an arrival at New Orlenni yesterday w
iave European advices to the 27th ult.
rxlrorllnnry lUtiinlisflc Excitement
DIM. Jnmeft' CUkm I, Itrlliton.
From the 1'all Mull Uazette, Oct. 26.
The couercfcetion cau icarcely uo to St.
Jame' Chapel in the hope nt loiuin in quiet
devoilous. Yesterday morning tbev lookej like
people assembled lor divine service in a city
'Which t bcinir sliel.ed. Lvery none c.iuseu a
perceptible thrill to run through the audience.
Ibe attei darts about the chapel were con
Btuntly wandering rouuJ, scrutinizing suspi
cicutdy tlio faces ot utranaers, who u their
ptirts were evidently momentarily lo'ikm for
some tin wonted -sensa'i'Hi." Yesterday nioruiog
their belief that "souiethiufr'' would occur wus
not dif appointed. Ueo-e any prayers
were road a proce.-siou of tne persons
oflic'atiufr In tue service nunberin
xtarly thirty in all clad in vestments
ol various color?, ud preceded bv a man carry
ing across, wa ked tlo-ly arouud the church.
Mr. Puichas came nearly last, a b y a viuirtnij
incense beiore hiui. Tiie p'ocpsston had c me
nearly around the church, tho whole place
being tilled wih tne unoke of the incense, when
a man started up in oue. ot the pews and held
eloit what anpeureu to be a placard, fie at
the same time shouted out some remark, and
was tnoueht bv thoe liear him to oe about to
throw a book at Mr. J? urchin' bead. A rush
was made at biui, aud instau'ly a scene ot. wild
excitement and disnrier was wimes-ed. Tne
whole congriiratioii amsj aud lett their pw-,
the pr ests and chon-ier.i lieu precipitately to the
adnr, Mr. Purehns aaioutr them, aud the in in
wlih the placard was se'zed bv a', least score
of haids. The doorke-pers and attendants
f ecmed to be prepares for a disturbance ot ibis
kind: for leveml c them hastened to their scats
aiid brought out thick eta v -. with which they
repa ied to tbe pew where th.) tig-lit wai going
On. The none then made aud i he- cries ot tno
people threw the whole cougrezailon iuo an
exuaordiiia'-y Btaic ot agitation. There was
rhther a iharp s rupgle to gel tho man who
Ixpau the uisinrbanee out of the buildiu?.
lie lesis-.ed vlsorousiv, rlmcing Nat to the top
ol the pew in wh en ho wus sea ed, aod cryius;
at the top of his voice, 'You brutes, let lue
go." At last he was carried on men's shoulders
out of the, place, and the police were rent
lor. The i rpm was played, aod n attempt was
. made to resume tue service, s rue le
minutes the effort was very unsuccessful. Mr.
Purchas, at a sub equent perio 1 ot the service,
read a few ot the piavers, Oat in a tremulous
voice, wh'ch revealed how di eot.v ho was agi
tated. Hib ince was p. nertly white. As it
turned out, there was uo need lor these ularuu.
The oue Rturdv Proe.-taoi bavins beeu re uov-.'d
by the neck and heels, mere wai uu further
luteiruptiou ot the.herviee. Tn priestn chiuaej
tl ctr robes repeaiedlv, the hpn candies were
lighted, clouds 01 im euseua n nil d ilieciiapel,
aud at the eni Mr. Purmias was able to mate,
an anocal for muncy "tor the paitem.a
tion of the hcrvice in the chapel," in a
tolerably urn voice. In the eveutnK a ereat
number ot the iecru'.ar at'eu l iurp, as well as
sooie uuuiiteiis ot Dirauir . r!, lo rud th'f.nsi-l es
thut oat ol the chapel aiton"ther. The incident
ol tho aioruiuff was spreiiii abroad in the town
in u variety 01 e.ii'era ed aud absurd firms,
aid the retu't was iha', tot luifr the
pouring riu, a cousiaerable mob gati-rel
arouud the binl liuir. Toe d lors w.-re Hnut
before the regular hour ot service, and guarded
by the police. Witboat, a little crow! t boys
3 filed aud .hi.u;ed, much to the di-turb.mce of
tue service, no Uo ib; ; m.d if t'ie rata haJ not
be'r euded Mr. Pti'ch'i, mat ers imaut iiuve
been much w'te. It is out too ptobaole that
the peace of tb town will bu orokiu ere Ions tt
Btiine iLoditicatiOn of tue tervice is uot made.
ItiiiiNter Jufi'.iHOii and 91r, I.iitril, .M. 1.
from the Lciulun Stur, Oct 20.
Thoquesi'ou as to whether or not Mr. John
Laud. M. P., sd'iuld b niei. n'.at ihe banquet
given bv the American Ch imber of Commerce,
at Liverpool, on Thursday ban been a ru sr,
fruitful subject, oi deba'e at Liverp iOI, not ouly
in the prevs, but ou 'CbauiJ", aud amout; kit
claeseii ot sooievv in Li eruool and ISirkeuuead,
Tbe nrow aud cous ot ihe eae may be thus
stated:-The Amrmau Chanberot Oomnerce
consists almost exclusively ot nierchan'.s
eueed . with' North America. ani the
majority of them are (or were) biioos Nortn
eiLrx. In niakiuir out the list of K'iets to be
invite! to uieei the American Am ba sador, it
was touud advisable, particularly at au el'icttou
crikis, to invtee the local meiurs both m case
aud in posse, ami Mr. Lutrd bi-tnir btill the mem
ber tor Hirkenuead, it was impo-siole to omit
hint. As soon as it wa. kno wn teat be bad out n
invited, he was taken to task very snarply by
Baa iy Liber il papers, both in London, Liver
iiool, and el-ewbere; and whatever uw private
fepi rgs mav have be.'ii, it became almost unpos
Bible for him to avoid being pre eut at tbe
buuquet uoui either tacit iv ackno h'il';in
biujuei. puilty of the erave aur u ations ma le
apaiu.-t him, or lenvinu hiaineli oou as the
tarwei for eveu more violent attacks. At all
events Mr Lard aciepted ihe invitation, and
fCt to the banqiet. When be eti'ered the
Toom be appear, d bOiuevhir. nervous aud
tun en; but tevrrul oi his irieuds at once
tn'eied iiit conveit-a ion with him, aud
after a brief iutrval of suspense th
American Amb-ondor askfd to b.i intro
duced to Mr. d. Ihe lutioduc .n
ovir, M'. Johns' said he was verv (rial to
muko Mr. I.aird'.s acquuii.tance; that lie had
ciuie to Kutilaiiii as a peMceiuikr; and, as
JJorrhemers hi.o 8u r herni'ts had t-haeu hati Is
in A'utrtc.i, h was des rous t ti a - ail uDtanouisni
arisinti oui of the lain uu or uuu e - vt t war
Bhouid b considered ms bveoni-?. Tbm trauk
andprace'ul conduct, on t tie ouri of Mr. J.ilin
Bou at once restorud eae and coni lenco t the
gmliei iiicr, at (I licit da .no one was nurpvise J
that Mr. 1Uird joiued Mr. Johtisou's party duriug
an excursion ou the river.
Tim Kelilfineitt of Hie Alalmmt Clitliun.
ftom the London Observer, Oct 25.
.iwl hstandiDtr the curt cou'radiftion efven
by the Woke io the tat"neut tu tU Dot y .Vetos
in . it bBS been irr- td be: eeu Lul l s ualey
end Mr. jleverd.T JoUat-ou that the rpoeciive
cla ui o' tintirh tuUjec.. aud Amert'-au eiti
zei b arulu out ot the boutheru Ueoel'lon
fhsit be deteruiued by an iLteruuional ooiu
mirion, composed ol au equal uuinbero' Itrub
and Amer can meiLber-,'' we are assured thai
the iaiprriaut ani on nceu eut la tunstantialiy
true: tunmucb as the A provl of tbe American
Coven.ment is alone requ red to render
the arraignment between Lord Stanley and
llr. Ueverdy Jobni-iu coinple e. We hav. also
reasou to beliete tnatLd Stanley is wldtmr
not only 'that the BmUu aud Aiierican claim
eri-duti ut or tne latectvil war In tbe Uui ed
States si all be alj ;se i by a mixed couimlsioo,
to -rlt in LcudOb," but that be is als willing to
eat mil to the arbitration of the Emneror of
Jiuttte tho Jldouj (iuetiou "wheiher the
aillnf? of the Alabama from Liverpool wai or
Whs not a breach of internaton.l law."
Should the Czar decide In the negative, the
United States will withdraw tho so-called
Alhbhma claim. Iu the contrary ca-e, these
claims will be examined and adjusted by a
mixed coininlt-Pioti, which will sit in either case
for tbe adjustment of the other "outstanding
M reek and l.nm of Sixteen Lives.
The Loudon Telegraph of October 2G contains
the fcllowiiiPt i
The total wreck of one of her Majesty's ves
selw, oil the Land's Kmd, with me los of sixteen
lives, is leportcd. Ttie Devon, a liuhter which
tor some ycurs has beeu constantly eugased iu
the conveyance ol Ktf'res between tho Various
Uoveinnie'tit dnckyarda, lelt Devonport on Wed
nesday, the 21ct, with etores for Pembroke and
yueeiictowti. tide put Irt at Pulmiuth. and left
lor Pembroke ou Tbur-day cvenina, having on
board a geucrnl caruo ot d.ick slopes aud a few
pa'enperp. Hlie passed tho lionsshtp.s Ll-'it-lioiiK-,
Land's Lnd, at 1 o'clock tin Friday
ini rninij the wind beincc Iresh Irom the north
west, tho nipht dark, with occasional squalls of
rail . Tho captain, Mr. Helson, then g ive the
course north-ijorthea-t, which was lollowed,
when BUiidculy, at 14 miuntes after 2 o'clock, the
vcfel striirk on the Brissons. very oatuerout
rocks luilf a mile froai land o'lf 8;. Just.
A considerable eca was running, which
speedily beat ihe ill-tated vessel to piece. Some
ol ilie 'crcw were naslnd oa to the rocks, to
which they cluiie, exposed to the weather and
to the dmmer ot beinif washed oil, tbroutrhout
tl en.ubt. In tin; morulntr the wrpek win per
ceived, ht.d messengers were seat to sentien,
some bve miles distant, lcr tbe lifeboat there
-stationed, which was spee.iilv cot under wav
aod pulled to the Bnssons. To ob'aiu access
to tbe rocks wao tasK of no lit' le difficulty
and danger, but tbe lilebiat crew behaved with
prcat gallantry, aud succeeded in re.sciin-?
those who still survived, one ot whom was
(iiorpe Davis, actit e mate. Ilowmanv others
were lescucd, if auy, we have not learned.
Ainonrrthe sixteen drowned ire Kiebiird llel
sen. tbe master, VVi.liam Heltord, Tnoinas
t.rbbs, James Vesper, two men, one woman
ai d two children, pasneaceis. The number of
the crew drowned was ten.
A Knccennor to ihe "I-oiitcriie."
Another thorn in the side for Napoleon is
noted by the London Tcegraph:
"M. liochefort must, look to his laurels. By
means of La Lantvrne be taught hit fellow
journalists how to tu kle the ear ot Pars with
epigrammatic straws, and now souie of his
colleaffues tind thut they can perform the task
us well as himself. La Ihahte a Quare, written
by M. de Villemeesant, M. Duehesue, M. Iock
roy aud M. 'Mephistopheles.' is qui e as clover
as La Lon'erne. This is not eayiuir niucu,
perhaus: tor, iu great Ucuree, M. Koeheibrt's
pamphlet was etlective. simply because he
put into plain .langtiaae what other peo
pie fcxpref.sed in ambiguous h'ntp. Le
Diab'e a Quare has one advantage over
La 1. (interne in beicg illu-trnted. Tne rear of
ever.y sbcrt article is broueht up by desdiab eB
etdes d tab esses microscopiqufto whom, we
are told, the pen o' M. Beuassit has lent Parisian
wit and Kr elieb humor. At lcat the devils,
male bud lemale, are represen ed In somewhat
uudignitled positions. Oue is danclt.q; a horn
pipe; acotber is routing an imp in a saucepan;
a third is bowing, with pathetic humility, to a
gendarme; d fourth, who has boKed in hot
haste from a b and of pursuers, has inen end-jnt
by the tail, aud, hld back by the frantic
strength of tive 'oes, gives sinus ot oapi.ulatiou;
a bttn weais the earb of au ecclesiustij, aud
seems to (eel with much keeune-s the humilia
tion; and iu the tailpiece lour devils celebrate
tbe success oi thtir literary efforts by a frantic
Moiillesto of Die I'l-ovisloual Govern
meiil,. Ihe expected man testo of the Provisional
(loverumeut to tao nation was issued on the
2(Hh. After detailiue the events which led to
tbe e'tablthmect ot tbe present administration,
it -raj b: "The tevolutmn ha-, decreed uuiversal
Futlnige as the evident and palpable dem lustra
tion nt tne sovereignty of the pe plc. Having
proclaimed the fuudumen'al pruicioles ot oar
iuture reeinie, wbich are basi'd uuon the most
comolete hherty, aid have b 'en recofruized bv
all the juutas, the Provisional Goverumeut Is
about to oritur toueitier in one Hiugle
body the teacinntB ot tucse manre-"a'ioDs ot
tbe pub'.ic mind. Tne mst important of
all tbe e-seuti;il molilcaitons which have
hi en iutr- duced into the organization
if Spain ia the estabti-haiput of
liberu." Tbe mani'esio insis.s upon the neees
bity i.f this reform, demons' ratinjr ihit it will
not injure ibeCuthol c CUurcu, d it on tnecon
trary ortity it by toe opposition it will euco.iu
ter. It al o states that tne Government h is
tencd to proclaim liberty of pnn'iue, without
which the tt iumpas of the revolu'ion o U i
remain vain and illusory f.irmulas, aud liberty
of public nieeilua aud peacefji a-soutaiions,
which are tbe constant sources of activi-y aud
procrres, Mdding .bat ihese r. forms are reco.--lized
as tbe tuudamental docrmas of tue revolu
tion. Bpaia would be anie to advance with a
s . re step in the pa b propre?s when these
measures should come iuo operation, aud when
administrate cen.ralizat'on an mstrjoieot oi
corruption aud trat'ny should cease to weigh
upon the country. The concluding portion of the
manifesto proclaims decentralizat ou and th
pstablithnierjt of puolie liberie s as essential, and
states that the coloaies will enjoy the beued'sof
the revolution on the strong bases of freedom
HLd creuit. It continues thus: '"Snain cau
quietly proceed 'o finally choose a torm of gov
ernment. Without pretendine to prejudice such
serii us and complica'ed questi ms, the I'rovi
feioual Governnient liOtices as very sigtiilcant
'he silence maintained by the juutas respecting
monarchical institutions. Yet eloqueut aud
authoritative voice have beeu raise ! in defense
ot the republican eve em. but however impor
tant may have been the opinions they have
expressed, tlicv are not so important as toe
universal rc serve of the juntas tin tbis delicate
question, nevertheless, it tbe Provisional Gov
ernment be mistaken, if the pop ilar decision
snould be actinst a mouarcliy, the Provisional
iioveruDifUi will lespect the will of the ua
Hot bI soveietgiitv." In conclusion, the mani
festo appeals to the coumry to mamiain or ier,
and to t.ave conttdeuce in the (Joveruiueut.
which will render an account of its aJinimsira
tiou to tho Cortes.
Vil'tor lliio to the NpanlsH IVntion.
Victor Hugo has i-sued an address to the
Spanish nu iou, which concludes as toliows:
The Si an-h peoole is hems rao minted; will
it be pelty in its revival, or wdl it be great?
Such is the question. To resume its rank, npatu
Gas the pow. r. aud it can again b co ne tbe
equal ot Kr uce and ol Engl ind. An immense
oiler of Providence 1 The opportunty is
uuique. Will Spain allow it to escape? An
additional monarcLy on the roiitnent, o'
what use? raiu subject to a kng, bimsrl'
subject to tbe Powers; what a tailing away I
Besides, to establish a monarchy at present
to undertake a work which wll last,
only a i-liori time. A reoublic in Spuiu
would be a loud warning to Etroue:
and such a menace addresseu jo kincs is peace;
tl would be Fraoce and Pru-sia neutralized, aud
between tbe unliur . mouareh es war impossible
from the soi (act of the revolution being present;
a muzzle placed upon wa us upon Aister
litz, tbe perspective oi bu'cherles replaced by
tuat ot labor and fecundity; Chs-epots tet
aside in tbe Interest ol tue Jaequard loom: it
would be the equilibrium of tb continent sud
denly achieved at the expense of Actions by the
weight ot truth in tbe balance. It would be
that old power, fcpain, regenerated by the
youthtul ton e, the people; it wouH be, in point
ot view of marine aud commerce, liferestored to
that double seacoast which reigued in t lie Medi
terranean be'oro Venice, and on the oc-an before
Icglaudj U would be Industry (warming where
wretchedness lies rotting. Cadiz eq'ial to
(Southampton, Barcelona to Liverpool, Madrid
to Paris. It would be Portueal at a elveu
moment turning towards ypain by the sole
attraction ot lUiht and prosperity. Liberty Is
t lie loadstone of annexations. A republic, in
Kpaln would be the establishment, pure and
bin pie, ot the sovereignty of man over himself
a sovereicnty which is iudl putable and cannot
be put to the vote; it would be production with
out tnriff. consumption without customs' duties,
citcnlation without bonds, tbe workshop
without proletar anism, wealth without para,
f tism, conscience without prejudices, speech
without a pug, law without lies, streucr h
without an army, and brotherhood with
out. Cuin. It would be work for all,
iuMtuctiou for all, justice for all, the scaffold
lor none. It would he the ideal become
palpable. Rnd, as tliera Is a guiding swallow, so
there would be nil exemplar natiou. Ot danger,
none. Spa1 n n citizen is 8oain po verful; Hoa.n
(Iruiot ratio is Stiaiu a citadel. The republic in
Spa'n would he probity administering, truth
governing, liberty reigninu; it would be the
lot xpuei'ublc so'.erelgn reality; liberty Is tran
quil because sr.o Is iminclble. and invincible
because she is contagion. Whoever attacks
trains her. The aimv sent, against her rebounds
upon ihe desprf. That Is wuy sbo is left in
pence. Then-public in Spain would h? on the
horizon tl'e irradiat on ol the True, a promise
for all, a menace to evil alone; it would be that
giant the Lii-bt. erect In I-lurnpe, behin 1 tlie
barricade of ihe Pyrenees. It' Spain once more
becomes a monarchy she is petty; if a republic,
great. Let her choose I
'I lie Freedom of th t'rensi.
The Gazette publishes the Homo Minister's
electee P r u n i nlinnred freedom of the press
It 0'ies away with all special legislation on tbe
6ubiect, and only holds the author, ed. 'or. or
printer r manager of plays re-pon-ible for
any abuses contemplated by the common lav
and answerable to its penalt es. Tbe Minister ot
the Colonies, Looezdc Ayalo, decl-ires that the
salary of $Gi;uO which was paid to Father
Olmet, the Queen's confessor, as dimissionirtj
B'bhop ot Suotincro do Cuba, shall cease Iroui
tbe eay of that prelate's departure from
tt.e kinirdom. A iar niore important ineasurj
was adopted by tho Minister ol Grace and Jus
tice, Kenor Bohiero Ortiz, who suppressed the
appointments allowed to the Episcopal semi
naiies (8em!nari08 i.onci' tares), theological
schools established by a decree of tbe Council
of lrert in ever diocete, aud wMc'.i were for
merly endowed. Th salaries which are uow
taken Ircm them had been Kiveu in compensa
tion for ih- ir propt rty which was cmlscated iu
1843 and 185-1. The divinity f-chools in the univer
sities are also suppres ed. s-tu:itull theoloiiicil
inptriiciion in public e-tubli-biu'-u's must come
to an end. It is needless to say that measures
cuniedto such ex'reuiHii.s cannot fail to un
dergo some moJiucatton.
Tlie Atteinpteil AHwaHHlnation of the
Cbrrey)oi(fcnc of the London Times, Oct,'25.
Sir: In tbe Times of Friday, tbe 2d inst.,
there appeared, as oce of Mi. neuter's telegrams,
tbe news that uu attempt, bad been inud to
ussassinato his Iliehness tho Viceroy ot Kaypt
in a l arrow Btreet at Cairo, and tbe next day a
ftcoud telegram uppeared stntiiig that th.
attempt had been made tot Iu but Aloxuu
una. It must have appeared strange to yourreaders
that Ileuu-r's aeeiit here t-bould not have been
correctly lutormed as to the ton in which the
attempt was made, but to us, in a certain mea
sure behind the scenes,it was perleetly intelli
gible, and, as the rea on is somewhat a sinking
ore, perhaps I may be allowed to explain it.
Tbe eimple reason, then, is this, that neither
here nor iu Ca-ro was auy attempt made uoou
the life o Lis Highness. Incredible as It may
appear,. tbore mw remans no reasonable doubt
that one aud all-hs 11 ghness, the Consular
bony, the mercantile couiu uinty, and Its. iter's
acent -were the Vict m- ot a most unscrupu
lous l:0iix. The ooj-'c t was t-iuier to create a
harmless dciuonscravou ot' good-will towards
his Iliuhuess, or po-sibly to implicate some
persons not in high tavor with the government.
Tbe Viceroy assed ihroush the towtioutbo
even imot iue 22d of S-ptember. Ou that n-ght,
it is said, in front ol the oid lo..ire, an attempt
at afssiHfiimrion as iiiau by dropp ng a tpiked
ball upon his Permit me to call
to tt.e loUo-viiig weak points in the romance;
1. The attempt eceurred n the22dol Septem
ber: notbinir was known ot it urtil tne 1st of
October; on (hat day it was asfer ed to have
bi-i n made in Cairo, ou the 2i it was said that
it hppencd h re. 2. 1'ne streets were
densely crowdej, particularly at thj spot
mentioned. .No person saw the ut'.empt but
tboe in the Viceroy's carriage. 3. All Bey,
Prefect of Police, beard ot the attempt, for the
first time nine days af er it happened. He
proceeded to examine the house whence it was
asstr.ed the bomb was seen to lall, but he was
met by two of his own men, who refused him
entrance. On remonstrating be was sent up
country, nomma'lv as Governor of Esn.h. Tue
iustruiiieni emploed was a mo-it clumsy oue,
which could not. except by tbe merest chance,
have inflicted more than a trifling wound.
At U hag been sought to implicate persous in
b'trb position with this extraordinary farce,
may I ask the insertion of this letter ?
The AsmnsHiuntioii Kciiintiou.
It will be remembered that Allan Plnkerton,
the Chicago detective, coucerued in ihe arrest
of Keuo and Anderson, tue expiess robbers, was
lately tnreuteued with asassinatiou. The
following is ano lur versiou of the atlair. Tlie
Detroit tribune m the 7ih instant publishes a
remarkable affidavit iu the alleged attempted
PinkertoD assa-ema'ion. The deponent is
George John-ou, the alleged assassin, and the
affidavit is dated October 29. when be made
application tor a reduciiou ot bail. Ho declarer
that he hns been in Pinker. on's employ live
yeair, and up to ibe time of his arrest; and that
he drew tbe revolver ou said' Piiikertuu at
Pinkei ton's iequest, under a perfect understand
ing beteen them, ami not with intent to harm
Piiiker'nn, but to create a sensation nndshjw
that PiuKerton was brave, and lab ree i uu Ier
great difficulty iu ibe attest and extradi
tion ol Kei.o aud Ao h-rsou, tnat he might
receive the syieputhy and reward
offered theretor; that the shooting demon
stration was agreed on to take oluee at the
Michigan Kxchaniro, in Detroit, in ibe preseuce
ot a crowd, Pnmerton to have timely notice
that he miQht giasp tbe pistol, but that uo ood
opportunity then preseutea Welt, and the hrsl
public 'place that pieseuted iis-lf was agreed
upon, which happeued on ihe occasion oi the
arrest of the deponent. For this Piukerton was
topay John-on $1000, ano neglect to anoear and
prosecute him win-n brought tr trial. Piukerton
tuither BBteed to procure private rooms in law
for Johu'ou's com ort iu coutincmci.t, and pro
vide luxuries tor the prisoner, but has failed to
do so. Johns-m deposes that he i a de'ective
of many jear' experience, basnoill Mill against
Piijkeriou, aod that be c tu prove these lacts
Dy two renabio witnetses.
One oounty In Nevada oasts six vote3.
Detroit Is the great market for onions.
Mr. Buobanan's farm sold at $133 an acre.
New Hampshire ia all alive with sqairrela
A Portland firm has made 24,000 plan
General Reynolds Las prohibited masks in
Boston pnts up 75,000 paokages of fish a
The United States has seven million cot
ton spindles.
Mica mines are Attracting attention in
North Carolina.
Arrival of Speaker Colfax in "Wash
ington Tho Adjournment of
Congress -A New Issue
of Currency Trea
ties with tho
Fiiimiclnl rvntl Coiuinordiil
IimIIuii Treaty,
Washington, Nov. 9. Proclamation is ma le
of the unification of a treaty between the Uuited
States and tho Suucas, Sbawnces, Q.uipaws,
Ptorius, Kaskias, Weas, Piankeshaws, Mla-ules,
Ottawa?, and certain Wyaudottes. It provides
'hat a portion of these tribes shall remove from to o her lanJs or ressrvatijns in tne
Indian country, south of that State; while other
portions will dissolve their tribal relation and
become citizens of the UDited States. The
Government will give such compensation as
will be perfectly satisfactory to the Iudiaus.
K-aker Colfax
arrived here this morning. Mr. Ingersoll, of
Illinoi3, is the only other member of the House
known to be in the city. Senators Wade, Mor
gan, Camerou, and Corbett arc here.
After the declaration of the
Adjournment ol' Conron
to-morrow, Messrs. Wade and Colfax will return
to the West.
The Secretary of the Tronsnry
will order an additional amouutof three per
cent9 to be issued if neccs?ary to relieve the
money market.
SpeHal Despatch to The Koeniivt Telegraph,
Dentriietlve Tire.
Baltimore, Nov. 9. The Bentley Sprint's
Hotel, on the Northern Central Railway, thirty
miles from Baltimore, the celebrated summer
resort, was totally destroyed by tire on Thursday
morn lap. Loss forty thousand dollars. Iusurcd
for twenty tnousani.
dienernl Grnnt
passed through here very quietly on Saturday.
He mnde a short speech to some soldiers ho
greeted him at the stopping place, and said that
we would now have peace. Very few knew of
Lis passiDg through.
Session of lli Supreme bodge of K. of I.
WilmingioN, Nov. 9. The Supreme Lode of
the Knights of Pythias, a chartered organiza
tion, cmposcd of delegates Iron the State
Grand Lodges of New York, Pennsylvania, New
Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, District of Colum
bia, Virginia, Louisiana, aod Nebraska, asein
bled at their hall iu this city this niorulug in
annual sessiou, Supreme Chancellor Samuel
Bead, of New Jfisey, presiding. Tho session
will consume several days, during which the
ritual of the Order will be amended aud a new
constitution adopted. The Order numbers
40,000 iu tho States above mentioned.
Ly Atlantic Coble.
Thin .Horulnir'w Onolrtlloin.
Lonion, Nov. 9 A. M. Cousols for money,
9-1 i; for account, 91.K&9M. Uuited Swes 1'ive
tweuties quiet at 734. Amertcau stocks steady;
Eric, 274; Illinois Central, 97.
FRAMCf-oar, Nov. 9. United States bonis
stennv at 78j.
LivmrooL, Nov. 9. Cotton quiet; the eales
to-dav are estimated at 10,00;l b iles.
Breadstutls rjrtn. Com, 3Si, 3J. Flour, 27s.
Turpentiue firm.
Till Afternoon's) Quotation.
Liverpool, Nov. 9 P. M. Co' ton quiet.
Coir, 38s 6d. Lard dull at Ms. Fme Hosin,
15-. 9d.
Cotton at Havre 130f. on the spot, and 12if.
ahoat and to airive.
Abdnctton of a Girl
Sprikokield, Mass., Nov. 9. John Allen was
arrested at Cbicopee, Mass., on Saturday, for
the lorcible abduction of a girl, named Kuiuia
burked, from her home at Augusta, Maine, and
commuted to jail in this city. Allen will bs
taken to Maine as eoou as a requisition cau be
Pittsburg, Nov. 9. Allen Kramer, of the
Cim of Kramer & Kabul, bankers, died in this
city on Saturday, of apoplexy.
Kow York Stork Unottif lona 1 I. St.
Keeelved by leltk,rupli irom Oloudlaulak A
Davis, BUick it okt th. No 46 U Tlilrd mreel;
N.Y.Ceul. K 12'."
N.Y. and K. K H'Sy4
Pu. anU ite-a. H. Miy
Mich.H.una i:. 1. H. h:i "
Cle. and Pitt. It H.
Chi. audN. W. coiu b2
Cal. and".pret...8:i
Out. and K. 1. H VS
Uold m;l
Murjkel utroutf.
Anotber DeHioeriUle Flunk HnveiniMit
- 4. in ii I to lu-cmv Hie liiuuluiou Vote
ot lite t.le-triil 'ol !;'.
The New York Uera Ss t-peclal from Wash
ington cstfrday, coutalus the fodo vi.ig:
Ibe movements tu lavor o: clvnm Uruut the
miunimoiiB vote of the Electoral College eeeais
to be as-uiuing a bhape that promise resulw.
Several Democratic politicians, nio.-tly from tie
South, have put the.i heaus toiretbor andaateed
io neon. mend to tbe Electors of tbe States
which have gieu Seymour a majority
to cast their votes in lavor of Gruul for
President. They urge this step us a erand stroke
of policy lor the Democrats to adopt at the
preseht juncture By casting aside party con
MOcratioLS in tbis uislauee and giving Urant a
unanimous vo'e lor tt.e Presidency they cotend
he wotilo be lilted above all petty distinctions
ot Ijemocrat, Bepubhcau, conservative, and
radical, aud made to ti el tnat bent tue President
of tbe whole people and. as such free to deal
with the issues of tbe hour in a spirit ot
enlargid and liberal statcsmambip. Acting upou
tbis id. a which by the way, was thrown out
in these dispatches gome weeks ago tnese
Democratic politicians have prepared a number
ol letters, addressed to leadintr men North aod
boutb, suggesting the prompt adoption of this
plan. The fol'oiug is a copy of oue of these
letters which has beeu shown to me:
Washington. D. C, Nov. 8, 1868. Oenera':
In mv iudnuient the wisest thlmr the Democracv
I could do now would be to throw their entire
eh ctorl voe for Ceueral Grant, as- Indicative
of the fact that should be pursue a liberal, gene
reus and magnanimous course tue will sustain
him. It woul 1 also have the effect of not
leaving him al ogethcr in tbe hands of the
adverse faction, and would doubtless strengthen
any purpose he may entertain towards the c.iu
servative sentiment of the country This voto
cannot posibly do Seymour any pood, and
thrown iu the maoDer suegested would at least'
produce a conciliatory impressioD.
Letters similar to this have been' sent to
Governor Steprjcnon, of Kentucky; A. M
Stephens, of Georgia; Wado Hampton. General
Gordon, General Preston, Hobert Tyler, o
Alabama, aud ex-Senator C. C. Clay. . Theso ar
ail Poutheners, bat I am informed prominent
Democratic politicians in tb Norh have als
been totitled of the movement and uraed to co
irto It promptly. Whether tno movement wll
really amount to anything or not remains
to te eeen. Ibe tame objection is made
to the project as was urged against a
charge or Iront after the October elections,
namely, that to vote for (Jrant will involve a
demoralization, rank and tile, of the Democratic
party. Tbe aus.ver that the new movemeut
party mK to this objection Is that the c didi
tion ot things is such uow a to require extraor
dinary action. The national risk is imminent,
castini? a few electoral votes for Seymour In a
nieie barren compliment, whereas giving tho
tinati'mous vote of tho F.lectoral College to
Oiant is insuring the friendship of the next
President for the sufferiur people of the Souta.
The Inauguration or Our i n lui-o Prrsl
To Hie Colored People o' the Conntry Fallow
ci'lzen-:-The struagle between freedom aul
slavery is over. Freedom hai triuinnhed. Our
rti hu ai men in this couutry have be -n vindi
cated We are mm. aud a part ot tbe body
politic. For our redemption from slavery, we
owe our thanks to the great party of progress
and humanity. In the con est to deotde this
question General Graut cained our staudnrd,
and it Is to-day crowned with gl"rv, an I he is
our President. On the 4tb dav of March, 1HGI),
he is to red his luauciiral iu the city of Wash
ington. Will it not be a proper time for the
peepie to thauk the partv that aave them these
blcssinss by having delegates from all parts of
our country to assemble iu convention on the
3d of March, WJ t Tho-eof our race in tavor
of this proposition will rleae address;
OH. M. ARMII.D VVllmli.Kt'.n, c.
A. H . U AI Ij .WaY, senator 13 h fcieootorlsl Dht.
JOHN A. HYMOHst. snt(ir Warrn co., N, C
V. 1). PKARsu.V. Crven cunnt. " P.
HiHAR MIl.LKU, M SKniiver N. O.
0l. P. UoilRR . Wilmlnntea. N O.
JOHN MERCER, f.nio... O .ti.
Republican newspapers are requested to copy.
'I lie Lancashire Ie)ut In IMii
laiollila. TJNITFD BTATEs DITttlCT C-TJRT Judss
ftauWHlHder. TIhh mnrnlnir, b-lore his li.tuor Judn
CaUwniat'er, WlilUiu L. lliibt, J r , tKvU I ir ah rl
m au p Heat on nu.iiit . oe mail-! by luru u bj.ult
of Mai.?er shiD, ol tne t esu- lsieei Tueat-e, lor
mo lrjui cllnn to restralu Mrs. l-ruw Iroui ivu tun n
Ht tti A inn s feet Theatre lue new pla eutileJ Tie
jAiimtiire Laxs.
TliuJuilae ttxRei If nodce had been given to tlie
esli nilttni, nl Mr. 1 1 1 rue wm ebltred tuausvr i i
tba niiuiive. "Tlien." t aid the J u. "I cuuiioi. hnr
you until proper noi-ce Has been given. You iuy 1114
w in- bill in eiiuily If you wln aud 11 i-onusel on tJ -Mi
sides rau xgree uiion a lime for an earl beurlug, I
win try io ftccomino'J ue you "
'. bouncer ulllnr, K-q , representing Mr. Prow,
sld lie would try to come In to morrow aud argue
ibe inulier.
Mr. Hirst then Hied his bill, whlrli p forth th-t on
the 7i b ol tlie present luoniu Iim lliml Iu Hie oiltoe of
Hi In Court bin Cui.vrlght title to nig owa adnplitiloa of
hyrou s Li-nunHblie Lss." which tie luieuileu t )
iirijduee it his iheiitre, llefwas Intormvd. an I verl.y
bell iveil, that M a. ioiu-a Drew, wl'Uouo any
title to the ropjrwlit, aud wniiout aoy
license freiu bliu. pur-msed to iirusent at
lier iheairw a play eutllieil "The I.noisbt a
I. as." wnieb wis ao suhn'auilnlly n.l essentially
similar io h s adapiailou ihal Us performance at uer
ibeuire would seriously Inj ir bin rint. Tuorelora
he pra ert ibe Court to isoie a writ of Injunction
BKBlb'-t ihe said Louisa Drew, restraining her from
politicly presently ibis drama, aud uucli other
telle' as tbe Court sbi i Id deem tit.
CvUKT OK 4UAHTi;rt feE-S.-ilOVH-Jiid!;e Pelroe.
Pi bun caies were uh ore ti e Coii't ih n moriHnt;.
Jtseph Pullils. a sumll buy, plxailuii guilty io a
cliuigt of Hi" larceny o' three pounus oi b iter, lie
u- delected wn 1- Biealing It Irom a cart tioliiff over
li e Market airrei biiiiKe. To pol'CHiueu vweea
imfced Iu bis uafUire, aud one ot tneru lluuKInu lilin
uu 'In- IM, be luBio-d lolo tha arms ol tue ottior,
lakiuK l' e h .U r with him.
Jonies Ueiiii"i-"ou. a young man of nineteen or
nveiny yearn, was irlnl tor -os uilt ami b ttiery upon
Kienk Viriu-8. Ill prosecutor tesnlied ttiat uii4
-aiu.ilay icglit be was having a Utile dauce at hU
tax eiu, iu Wu er rtreet, iienr Vi te. and tlie priuuer
nce'til and b-gau uslni cb o lie la.iKiiae. tie
ordered blui io leave inn bouse, wnlcU he rrfuse.1
to do. a U lie p -rsuad -d biui to K' by apulylat; 111 J
lo. 1 lo die Ooy'n o. ck. rrisujer Uiioa lau II i
in reel sir ck rhu t.i me lace Willi a brlcK.
C'oi.ubel f ir me prisoner Hire out the ini ueuce mat
the pro; M U'or was a di-el le ot u.e not-jil Jonn
Alien, of Xnw o'lt. and the aiory was no v y
so ooli and oue si. ed the Jury cjuoiu Jeel l j reader
vetrtiet cl n i Kiilny.
Oeorae Woodward was coLvicted of a nrargeof the
larceny ot a cost. It wus ..l.etfed ihal wlilln re iertiu
lug one coal Irom a i a vubr. kor ho attiupted io
slea' anoiner, aud wa- ilHieuted iu the act.
UlsTKIl.T CiiUHi Mo. 1 Ju.ige H-.'oud. J, Ij,
Hci Kins, to li e use ot J. L. Hoiikius Ji. C-.. vs Daly
& Doyle. Verd cl bv agreement forpiaiuiHT'ot (I'J 07,
jM tkay, Ilea. lie t! U.I.V va Alexaud- r K . -.g. All
aoi iiu lo recover coujuj lniloi.8 lor the sale fa lot (it
wi lbkv s aefenn au t'a ageut Tne oefuusrt UmieJ
that ihe bad authorised tue plhluiin to make tue
Saie. On trial.
D18TKI T COURT No. 8 Judge Harn. L Duster,
Jr., vs Isaac K. rflelni. au aoilouou a prjuiiaao.y
uoie. No Orleuse. Verdict fir i'i IM.
John Orugan vs. James Walker In this case tbe
filaiiiiirJ deviated that be had a uiuie engag-id in
laulibg Cars luui the derundeni's coal yard at Broad
and Prime sireeta, aud tnat the defendant's traulc
Iroui the am et le to bi yard was ia ao daugerous a
roudliiou wuere it crossed i he gutter tbat tut mills
uuuvolaabiy lost Its looting and (ell under the cam,
wineli iikaned over It ami killed It alleging neg.
lUuece in lb attendant, he claim damage for tue
lots of the mule, ou trial.
Oyyio or -run jltknis TkLaeaAPB.l
Mouday, Nov. t, looA
To Stock Market opened tery dull this
morning, aud prices generally were un-icttied.
Ooveruiuetit securities were a tract iou higher.
104J wus bid lor 10-40; 1125 tor Cs ot 18-ti;
1U8J lor'62 5-20s: li6j tor '04 5-2Us; 1U0.J fir 'o5
5 2Us; 10'J tor July 'o5 5-20sj aud 101) I for '07
6-2Us. City loaus were unchanged. The. new
issue sold Ht luij.
K.illrond snares were the mo-t active on the
ll?t. Kehdug (-old Urgeiy at 48:ii-lSi, cljsiuj
Ht the former rate, a sbgli', decline; (Jaiudeu upd
Amboy nt 128, no cbuuge; Penus.vlvania Rjit
road at 53. uo change; and Noiristown kt 67,'
no change. 44 wu bid lor Liule Schuylkill;
!)3 tor North Penns.i lvaum; 64 tor LetiigU
Vullev ; 3d for Oatawi-e-a pieieiied: 8 lor Uata-w.s-a
common; 25 for Phiiudelidna and Kne.
City Passenger HaiU-ay snares were uu
charged. Becud and Third sold at 601; 3.1
was bid lor Fitth and S .th; 70 lor Tenth' and
Kleveutb; 16 tor Thirteen h aud Fifteenth; 21
lor Spruce and Pme; 4J forCucsuui aud Walnut;
and 11 for H. stonv lie.
Bank shares were brmly held at full prlceR,
but we heard no sales. 24 us bid for North
America; 157 for Philadelphia; 31 lor Mo
chaiiiof'; 30 tor Mauutacureis'; 40 for Con-i-oiidmion;
5j lor Cojimou Aealth; aad 119 far
Iu Canal shires there wus nothlug doing.
104 was bid for schu.vlk''ll Ndvi'.'anon com mm;
20 tor prlerred do.; 2" lor Lehigh Naviga
tion; aud 14 lor Susquehauoa Cuual.
Keiorted by De Haven dlBro., No 40 S. Third Ureet
1C0 ah Bead B. - 1 &m au Mead B bio. Wi
t3eOPa8W Ie.cp....i0!H
tiW.0 1 a ..c.l.
iilMi do. I er.lB..liH',
City m, iew.....ii..a
i;miii do-Mew lui
limll do-Mew!,
lolO do-New.....lui,
tiixio Jjek sa-guld l...c. VI
aim do......M..M n
tl U do.,M,..o. Vi
SICmO do......l. o. W.'a
ab C A-uj. ...... la..lJS
Messrs. Jay Cooke & Co. quote Govern
ment securities, etc., as follows: (J. 8. Cs ol
lNNl, 112S551J3: old 6-20ef do., lOriJWlOHJ; new
6-208, im, 1001 10C ; do.,1805, 10j 10(i 5-20s,
h Penna R. C. 6S!
BlSsh X.ooust Ml. eu
'ii au jSorilil'u.biwu 87
81 do. m U7
lonHhittlntonCoal.... -81
110 an Mead H...bokn. 4k'
1H do...i'l 4)a
ttn do U.0.4S lii
28 rto is
lua do...,.bS.VIn. 48
tlx 4s,'i
July, 186 109)1(31001; do.. lSf7. 103rai0!); no
18C8 10iiQllO; 10-40S, 104j104. Gold. 134Ja
McbsIb. De Haven ABrot Uer, No. 40 Soutft
Third Btreet, report the following rates of ex
change toKlay at 1 P. M. : D. 8. 6s of 1881, 112f
01134; do. 1HR2, I08rai08t; do., 1864, 106iri
107; do., 186S, 106JO107: do. H6, new, 10965'
1094; do., 1807. new, 1094a5109; do., 1G8, 109 r
CeillOJ; do., 6s, 10-40s, 104j(t04J. Uue Com- ,
pound Interest Notes, lot; Gold, l34J5il34J, .
Silver. 1300132 .
Messrs. VMillam Painter & Co., bankers,
No. 36 South Third Street, report the following
rates ot exchange to-dnv at 12 o'clock: '
United States 6s, 1881, 112inil31; D. 8. 6-20g, '
1H62, 1081083; do. 1864, 10tif(tl06,; do., 1866. i
lnnsiiJubJ? do. Jul'-. 1865, P 9(rilt)94: do. July, ,
1807, l004ruSl()!)i; 186H, Ul!lj(3ll loi ; 10-lOs, 10434 ,
li)4j. Compound lutereat Notes, past due4
119-25. Gold. 1343(rl3H
This morning's sold quotations, reported I
by Narr Ar Laduer, Nr 30 Sou'h Third Street: '
10-00 A.M. , 1343 12-15 P. M. . , 1341- 1
10-20 " . 1.14H3 30 , 1341 1
lt28 . 1341 1230 . 1311,
10'u5 " . 13-lJ 12 40 " . 134J ,
Fix Per Cent. CIold Inteiiiirt, Principai, Hki'ayaule in lieLu-First MoriKMira
liouds, tSfd upon tbo vkIuhOIo franchise,
g re ins, railroad, -qulpment, no., of tie Ckn-
neiiily coujp.eted. and forming one ol t ho most
ensured and proline. Ive .Hues of tralllo la lha
world. The wuy traUto al.uie la large and re
tmimratlve, lodeiienrtentiy of tire immense
tu rough Mislness nmn to follow.
A coition f this loau Is olfered to investors
at, 1C3 Biid accrued lnterimt, lu curronoy. I'be
bonds have semi unnnal Koldoouponsaltaelied
payable In January an i .Iu y.
JulOrniation, etc., to e hud of
Pit Havkn a Brothku,
Dealers in Government s..(!uriti.-s,(ii)i(t,ite.,
No. P) pj.mtu Third Btreet.
Fhiludelpliia Trade Keport.
Monday, Nov. 9. Toe Flour market U de '
elded Iy stronger, and there is more Inquiry '
jrom the home consumers, bat tne demand for '
shipment ia extremely limited. About 1000 '
bartela were taken, la lots, at $5 756 50 for
superfine; 0-75j7 for extras; J7-25(g.8 for spring :
wbeat extra fsmilj; S 3011 lor winter wheat
do. do; and tll13 for fiui-y brands, aeeordlmt 1
toqualliy. Rye Fiour Is selling at. fS8'25 bbl '
o change to not loo In O01 u Meal. '
Tbe Wheat niaiket (ee-ema no new featrtre,
the deiuHDd being euledy from toeloual miliars t
who purobttHH rriufl4i.v ot gnl mid prime',
lots. Bali s of red at f 1 uv2 05. .ti;d 280(1 hnsUeH
nnalx r ut J2-KI. Rie li at f 1 5tK$i 65 y hush. '
for Wesl.iu and Peunsvl v ini 4. ivirulsilull at
fotmer rates. We quo'e veliow at jli and,
Western mlxe 1 at tl Hi n o tta are wiib-mt
es.n lul cbHiige. m.i.h ..1 Wea ern at 68;di70c. '
No chan- e to 1101 lee in B.rley or Mall. t
l!th. Iu the BiHu-H ,,f Bile., we quote No. 1
1 Quen-liron at 81250 fl ton.
benls. Cioveisee.l r.toes from S7'S7 75 V64
lli. Timotti.v m-y ic quoted at fi&i 15. Piax.
Seed sells at 82 60ia 2 (15 ;
Whihk v Is sieso v, wth sales of 250 barrels at t
$1 0S(,l-121fl gallon, tn palu. . ,
riiiladelpltlii faille Market. .
Monday, Nov. 0. Tno Cattle Market was'
moderately ae lve th s we k. hat prices were '
unsettled and rather lower. 1900 head arrived '
and Bold at 8:39c. fur extra Pennsylvania and
Western steers; 7i7!i. for f.tlr to good do.; and
40c. Hlb. gross, for common, as to quality.
The following are tho particulars of the silos:
132. A. Christ v & Bro , Virginia, 7-i8,
8(1, DenglerA McOieese, (J.o--.'er uo 6.vT er 1
80, P, MeFllU-n, Wi slur.., S!),nr. 6
105, P. UathHWay, Ube-der o uuiiy, l(r A'tv,
100, o uo. ci. nil n, ' ni;M.ri ui mi ii i -, qa u n Kf. if
21, B. McFlllen. Wesleri). 68) a '
75, Jiioii-8 McFiHc n, 'Vectei o Hi ?,gr, '
40, K. 8. McFlilen, ,'hen:er euii y, 0 ji), gr. '
52, ITIlmun & HiieiifuHii, I'loHlei c., 80!), gr. 1 '-
105, Marllu Knlieriv i'o.. Wesiern, 7iAa, ur. o
130, Moouev &Hiuiib, Western. O'O. gr.
7H, Th'-M. Mooiie & tir. ... VI gtnia, btitoii, ar. ' .
97, H. Chain, W-Ntei 11 P-im. 5'57. gr.
40. John Hmllli & Kro., W. hiwii, H'Afyd gr. '
80, U Frank, W. aiern, Il.x7;i gr.
110, Frank & Hehi.inlieig. vV et"rn. 7n, gr. '
125, Hope A Co., Ches'er to. WaxH. r.
P8, M. Ijrvioim & Co.. Vii'i.iii 6,.M,i gr. 1
20, Hluili & Co., Virginia, l)'57 gr. .. ,
05, KI;;on & Co., Vtigmbt. 0i'-7, nr.
22, H. H--1U win, 'hi Mercy, 7.118, gr.
JH, J. Cleinson, Che-'ee e.i., 7r.S gr.
60, Mayea &. DntlV, Wesieru, S JSJ, gr. '
20, JeiiitB Anil, Wttslei u, 4afi. ar
42, Cb'Tidler t Alenandei-, Ctiea. c-i., 5'el8, gr.
41, A ICunble. Chester C'-nnev, Q'i'&lX, gr.
18, L. H0111. l)elawHie. hnaV,. gr.
20, H. Fienk, Peimsv Ivhiiih 7S gr.
20, U IllooineDt lial. Vli gl - t ., gr.
04. sjeidomrli-ge K-lly, V iigioia, VWH, gr.
Hogs were In fair Heiinmo at n attvituce
oKOO bead Bold at tbe different yards at f 1 1(a) 12 oO
per 100 lbs. net. .
Sheep were lower 0 00 head sold at Si! 50
per lb gross, aa to ooniililori
Cows were unehHiigeii 2no head sold at 540-5)05'
for springers, and f 45483 per head for 00 .v aud
m ' i
For additional Marine News tee Inside Pufes.
nmPH oyyicK
7 A. M...- 69, U A. M US. S P. M e9.
Bchr IlaitlH auiisoD, Biake, Bosiou, Bathboa
siwiiiit 10 1
Bchr Heriry Harteau, Jtaes. Bag U arbor, L Aurten-
loll Ot jQt
Btepmship Juniata, lloile. irom isew Orlnana
Via llavaua uy.. nur cotton, etc and s nil
aeugera. to Philaiielilna and Southern Mall iiJ?"
sbll. Co. Nov 7.4 -M Hat e.w oarl"" ty'iv "
2 nillea. spoke b.iqne Unniue. .aliouell. if dava r,oi
Uieuluegim bound to B ao u nor. o ItovUl Ju
supi ited her witu wba, an- wa-ited. WUT""us, aud
Jlaique schainyl. Buinn. 72 dayn rroin Leghora
whd marble, rags, etc.. tu Job. 1 Baud. Kuori,.
Br. barque J. W B-rs. lvion. 12 days from
HantHiort. with plaster ut u () van B'iiu
Mrig John h-yiai. jin,HH it laya irom Ruru flav '
T. 1. with sail Ui Jehu Jlss in AO. .
Br. hrlg "yie. i ,,v l:i iUvh irom Turk's 1st a nil
With sail to Alex Kerru,,,. " 1"rUBa
Jirlg I uarowicb. Morni 11 no days from PatrM. with
COrrat H IO Irko J -a. e .1 1 1
?i Ig Alice l.ep, FiMier. 4 days troiu Charleston.wlth
luieber. eio . oauia ii. ' "
Hchr M 11 M nsnn. 4 days from Now Bed.
ford "I'll O t" Wh'iher l lit.
hebr B'.Ma if t'roweii. Howe, 4 days from Provlnos
town, vitn mdsw tolt.S i.n.w . i,
Hchr w. H. Jon-a. 1 7 dva from Br, Mary's
river, with Inn br to K tenon 4 Tvuolncnrr. - ;
four Northern right Rui'ir. days trout Mew York
With mrlKe. to l,uiiin.i A BnrKe-a
fuhr Oeorge Heurv H..1 iohv, sdava fr 101 Rppg
fcannnck. with Inn. her to ,ii n. A H-irge
Kehr WntHUKa ll-ed 6 d a Imiu He .ruet'iTtl, H.O.,'
With lumber 10 La bbo'v. 'i1 icgermiaui A Ito.
fei rCI. Herneg li dfflu. 6 days irom DlghtoD,'
In baliaat to capialn.
hebr Banner Toa-reo-nri 2 1av Irom Iadlan river,'
Pel.. I h uri ln to 8r 11 U
Hehr Bird. No n a-. l day iro-u Lewes, Del,, with
gram to Jamn ISarraU.
Phln Cordelia. King beuce, at uroawerahavea 24tU
Hbln Tonawanna JuIIih. hnr at Itfohlln d Inat.
Biean.ship Brunette Howe, hence, t New York
hieamahlp Roman, Iltiweii, hence, at Bnaton yes
terdav. .
viiiga A. M. Putnam, aad Ciy.1e.D0w. beooe. at Boa
ton yesienlay. , , ,
Hchr Knndella B fw Peiersou, tor Philadelphia,
Cleared al Bna'OD yes. erdav.
hebrWarisre M. 8-injpaou. Hamison, hence, at
Pons njont n ft1 h tnat. .. . , . ...
hohrH B M'Cule. rain, for Pnlladelphla, sailed
frnin Purlam- n' h 1 revt'.ni to nta lnt.
rhra CWil.n Noell:H B. FranHla. Mull: 8.'
A Hammi'nd. P-me: K. W.ler. McPa-un 1: 8ur
rTr'lMi Heera: K. H'w.per fto.-iier: 7. , Adama,
lilckerain: BPa Eniarten Bm'th; J. 1 lnd Ier. Lee:
a Wats, n Wniwni Mavv Pleloher. Traoeyj Oooaa
Bird." Ke'ley: J. K. Prao, Nickeiaoni aod U. J, io
way, Thompsun, hence at Boiiua 6th luit,
Tby tklkoph 1
NbwTobk, Nmv. 9 -Arrived steamship City of
Pana. from Liverpool.
Aloe arrived, stean.ahlp VM11 frnm Liverpool,
- ( Hu Aflatutn Cablr.l
Boutham ptom, Nov, . A ilv.d yet day, steam
Bliip nheia. LI . ,
Pliuou-h. Nov. The em'grant steamahlo PaJJ
icersiou. from Hamburg for New YorB. six weelaf
out, baa reiurutd te this port la a It ooaOUloa,