THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, N0YEMI3ER 5, 18G3. UllOPE. LATER NKW3 tiY 6 I'KAMKR. tho eiftot ttiu aJiress Bf nn srrivsl t the OTt of ,fw York yter- day, we navo Kuroppan advice to the Tli ul. 'lie Itiiiinliollc i:cilemcnt In KnfflH"l was UDaba'cd: Tbe coriilc papers nrl tlie lcart'tig jouraiU were very m-vero on Ret. Mr. l'urc!ia, toe J?ri?bton ritualist. I'ne arch'tencm aud riinl deans of CDivhi'tier lot wci'tlsil a memorial 10 the prlniute and to tlm inroof tbs dloceR, callinif nuriition to ih rit'iuli-Uic excesses ot tbe presfftit tiav, aua S'lDCPMioa tli it, ior taelr rcprpssion, fotue "well-consiilereoT measure i" mi?bt h tnki n. Tup Aiviivhoot Cintprbarj bas rpollnil tbat li" is deeply ppusihle of the great dauar aliicli arise troiu moll praotlcei, and iuut -lie U anxio isly cons, icriiijr wUat ouphl to w. doup to irores-t tiioin. The am ir of the HistiOK of Chirherer 1 to that tbe sentiment r-xitrc-sed in have bin cordial symna'by. Tim luiet lii Spntn. Hatters in !?p un were erowins more q'liet. Tfceie was a rumor th c General Prim iiiteulwl to accept the croi), b it tuis n nut eeiicr'ally credited. M. h-iuile Uirardiu was tbinkiiiir of co lift to Madrid "to ptrsonally siinurvhe l bo stfairi 01 tte yia'.e anfi Hil the deliberations of tbe proviti,n'l government by bis advice." l ie action taken against the Jesuits bat excited un farcraoie conrr.i-nu in many riuelifli jourual.4 whose pvedilec'ions are tiot in favor of tbe Order. A lntter tiom Madrid, in the Conn'i'u ttonne', fne: ' The libiiul iournali of tb's city ate all at tb a moment deprived of tbclr u-t'irU tditorp. At one uioaiint evpn fotne of tlieiu were on Hip point ot suspend fR tueir publira tlona for want ot wri er', nil of whom or nearly all hiivo been anp mttd to f-ituatlons lu tbe minUtnop. Tito Ibiria has been ableio nersuadc M. Batipuiiu't'i to renouifee the pot ol Govoruor ot Alioaute, to which he bad bwn uaned, lit order to tuko upou hiuiitlf the chief editorship of that iotirnai." Ill Man lies t of tbe 1'iovisioLal Uovernrueut of Spain n Isnuei in the form of ad;oloinatlc circular, which is described as very lencthy. A'ter ex plaining thu cauie of th ovcrihro v of the lale Eoverunieut, itsajs tbattue pnnciplc of popu lar eoveiPicnty. now na'.uralized ia Spiiu, is the principle of nationul life, and tht that lovcre'Eiitv will decree by i'e representatives a complete f-js.em ot 1 bcrt'e-. The manifesto states that it U tlie deir. 01 the Qovein-ueut to be on pood ternn wnu foreirn powers, anl thtt It hope to obtain their nior il suoport. If they do rot follow the ejnrop'e of Amarica it will not be due (uraied, bit will n iieily pursue its task, having no foreiirn iuwrventiou to fear. It trusts. hoAever. tbt the support will be ac corded. The Qaiette de France auuouuce tht the father ot the Kmc ot Portugal has pereinp torily decllui d to accept tiie erown of tpmu lu hu own u:m,e aua mat. 01 ma sous. A Ierniv i; V;ir. Theoreim of the French aaitiiion In Luxem burg, VAcmir, winch ia faid to b3 "mpired'' by tlie fc' consul, declares that a "def;:hive war'1 is a'joiit to be etite.-ed into by France and Austria apamst Prussia. The causes of this are to be "'.bo violation of tne treaty ot frague on the Main, aad in North Schleswis?"and tbe "duties of Y ranee iu lvp .rd to her power, safety. and territorial intesrriiy." "If Fiance ailows a military 8iate like Prasila," says L'Aventr, "10 absorb Houth Oermauy, no matter for wh means, bet power will be forever lost. If France, with hei lrontier, leaves in tne hands ot Piu-sia, Colonn?, Coblfirz, and JIayenes, aud allows thfiu Sesides to occupy llatadt, her safety will be lorever lost. If, finally, she allows the Germans to unite politically under the leaier-bip of Prussia, her territorial integrity will soouer or later be menace.!; for the day wi'l come when Prussia, emboldened by her own success and tbe inaction of France, confldiuB in her own power, and counting on French wi-xkness and lear, will demand Alsou and Liorrame, and seize these provinces by main fom. An equsl danger t!jreat"tis Austri i, who, tor Jier own ta'e'.y ud proieetlon, must stand bv the side of France against Prussia. To the valiant lemons of Fiance and Au-itria will be joined the brave artnips of the Scaudinaviau Btaus, uvd it ii to be expee ed tLat the young Italian arm y w II al;o asp'relo milit iry glory under such banner." The Avenir concludes by quotintr the official Italian psper, Estrcito, an article stavius that ttip Italian army ts already provided with luo.OOi) Cbasmpot. ltochrfort'H Iuel. There was a inmor Unit II. Henri Roclicfort had fought a duel in Brussels with Alarfuri. In accepun'i the chaileiiire, tbe editor of the LanttrneU reported to have nslied whether tbe weapon used would be a !iili-h )ok. An itbur -tuaior tn'os that Mrfori ha t;oae to Koaie to ecur lodin" for tbe tjueeti. The CnrdiMnl Jiishhp of Valladoiid prepetited hinuclt a few davs back before ti e Spanish .evolutionary Juut.i of that city, and alter bavins reiterated his entire ad becion, expressed entire patisractlon at the ruaintetiaiice ot order and the manner in which that body performed its missiou. He bf erged it not to execute lis resolve respecting the uup pressiot' ol the piovlncial college lor ecclesiasti cal studci U and of the church bclU:audhe assigned reasons la support of his application, Tlio "JimisirrH." Under ihe nauie of "Jumocrs" a new sect has been formed in West Prussia. At their "Mtr risge with tne Heavenly liridei-oom,' as th.y call it, they fall into ectaeie exptesed by wild jumpinits. The whole congregation rises at a certain moment in order to imitate David's dancing before tba Ark. ThU new sect is thieliy recruited from a Tillage near Saatzijr, where some jeais airoa virpin rommenced piopboiyinu with sicat tucce-s. until tbe Uovernment seut her to the workhouse. COLLAPSED. A Tlirntro Coaiiqne en I'p, autl the AluiiHer KeliiMt'M tu Coiue Jowii, Tbe Louisville Courier of Sunday morning contains the following: The Theatre Comiquo terminated Its brilliant career raiher Inplonously last nisht. In Miort, this popular rendezvous of the gay and festive portion of tbe community collapsed In the very zenith of i'.s splendor, leaving a large but not very appreciative audieico to mourn its un timely end and their irreparable loss. The particular! of the "musb-up" are about as follows: A few days ago, Mr. Manager Lea left for the interior of Indiaua with the cream of the com pany, and intrusted whatever was left of the Theatre Cotnique to a Mr. Davis to run to the best of bis knowledge and financial ability. Tbe departure of Mi. Lea. aud tbe bulk aud baggage of the company, gave iie to sundry grave auspicious among thsa who had an insight to the green room, and thenceforward the clouds loweied thick and faston the doomed institution. Mr. Darin soon perceived that bis was an awkward dilemma, and that the storm brewing was likely to bur-t before the week closed and wreck the entire craft. In this trauie of mind, it was not particularly strange that be soueht courage and consolation to meet 1 he impending disaster in the flowing bowl. For several das past Mr. Davis has stared ta'e in the face, and appeared quite indifferent to the culmination so uenr at hand. He teemed to care but veiy Utile whether school kept or not,'" and last niaht the Theatre Comique opened with a bold front. The flaming posters auiiouu :ed a ersnd combination of new laces, wi'h a famous Hatch comedian as the "star:' feature for the nicbi's performance. As usual on Saturday nlebta, a large audience assembled, comprising nearly every class of the male sex, from public officers down to newsboys and shoeblacks. While they were eagerly await ing tbe iti-e of the cur'mn, a icene was being enacted at tbe treamrei's ouice, down stairs, which was destiued to involve an entire change of the programme. Tho memben ot tbe orchestra having observed theeilentof tbe audience, aud knowing that tbe treasury bad thereby been replenished, Suietly talked down to tbe clerk's ollice and emaoded their salaries, relusing to sound au instrumental noU unul it was forthcoming. Tbe treu'orrr reluctantly forked over, end no sooner bad tbey been satiated than the bill poster pie-euted bW claia uni bUrnly enforced Its Immediate liquidation. Following theie unexppc ed demands came tbe rompany in force, all dematiding "pr or no pity." This was "too msuy" for Mr. Davis, and, taking h'.s Imt and money-box. "lie vmoed the rauch." The tneiiibeis ot the company, tuny enmpra. hendir k the titoatiou, went up to tbe "green room." nnt packing up their wsrdrnbss detried he buildine, leaving tne a idien-n to wait and wonder at tne unusual delay in the use of the ciirisio. , It finally laked out that the enmntny find abandoned Ihe theatre, and the trpasurer's oflice was vacant. Ihe scene that followed tuis in- erpet'iB discovery bsflles ail description. The heterogeneous mtss poured out, aud soin the ticket ofbee wai beieeed with tbe. deluded audience, somo of wnoni demauded theiinmo dtale retuin of th"ir money, whdo others tooK Iiineoiiri part, "wner. it not boiler men." ThP clamor was kept up in trontoflne huilriing tor nearlv an hour, when nome was circulated a report that there was an opicsun lunch at Scuaii's. wupu the crowd rushd nell- meilto the tumptunus repat, ouly to be sold (train. Alter the dlscooidtteil audience ba1 (ilspernpl, someboly put out the liubts aud clostd the liislitiitior. Ollieer Hob Heay wa called upon to ferret out the absconding treasmer. and in n very short time caDturod the unlucky. Davis, who was making giant strides towards his hotel. He was couveved to tne n. ami .iiouuav morning the pecoiid act will be nlaved in tbe City C inrt. aud all who wen; in attendance iat n'gnt are expected to appear rs supernuncfaries. We tutubt adii that the assets or tne. tresjtirer win (all far short ol the liabilities ot the institu tion. RAILROAD LINES. RAILROAD LINES. TAMMANY HALL. IIS Trniisuioirrllicnlloii and Ultimate "Excelsior!" say the N. Y. llera'd, "therncw Tammany Halt has eons up up higher. The I'uili-tiue.s through tlie snares oi lovely womau, have captiiied Samsoa auam and carried him otl, for his ulrenatli has again departed. Politi cally the chrisuniiig and funeral orules of the new Tammany were mixed up In ihe nomination ot tetniour and Blair, when Yalluuduriiam and Wade Hampton were tho olliciating high priests in the temple. So we go. The old Tammany Hall was a Democratic bear carden up stairs, with a Democratic bar-room dowu si airs. Ho it was: but it bas passed into a newspaoer esta blishment, hall Copperhead, half radical, with a touch ot tbe meculative cmervauvc. This is a preat chance; but New York In its building improvements is a city oi great cnanges. Chuiches are converted into theatres, market bou.'es, carriage house1, livery stables, billiard rooms, and clothing shops: and the most pre tentioui houses of the old Knickerbocker arts tocracy are revamped into ticket offices, club nouses aua oyster eaiooni. i ne trans mogriuca tn n, therefore, of the new Taramauy iroiu a Democratic conventicle to a Dlack Crook era blisbment of the order of tbe London Alnambra is according to tho fashion. Tammany dropi her war whoop, her tomahawk, and her figh'lug attitude, and puts on tbe airs ot a gay young lady and the graces of the Grecian bend. The big Indian overhead weeps at the desecration, but the big Iudiau, in a new coat of Dalnt. and with the pice ol peace In his mouth, will soon come round und tare it kindly, "tecoudly. In a financial view, it has been found out that tbe new Tamoiauy, for the exclusive business of Democratic pow-wows, didn't pay, wouldn't pay, and couldn't pay; but that, redeemed and regenerated us tho Nev York Albamora, aud devote 1 to the charms of female loveliness, gin sour and whisky straight, it wouia De a -sueni per sneuv luvestinput. And to it has cone over to the 'Devils Auction. and (be fast young sports and butterflies of Gotham bave disputed the Democratic old locies and all their btuoiditics: and tue ltbel yell, which on the last 'glorious Fourth' pio clanucd the return of the Ssutiiern Democracy to the Wigwam, will be heard within its walls no more. o fade awav tbe glorlc3 of this world. But the illuminati of the Manhattau Club would havo it so. Finding that the inauguration of their new Tammany under Seymour and lilair was a sell, they have resolved to sell the concern men; and it is sold." THE INDIAN" WAR. Prcii-aiion for Wr-Iteornlts for tlio Aew lU'iiiuietitw. I.ate correspondence from Toneka. Kansss. give thes following details of preparations for warring against the Inaians. In response to an order upou him for S'ate troops, by Central Sheridan, Governor Crawford ha issued his proclamation, enumerating tbe crimes which had been perpetrated by the savaaes. publishing the letter of Geneial Sheridan, and cainns loratne required number of volunteers, heciuitingollices were immediately established, uuu uieu ruiibieu willingly uua rai iuiy. in the oii?aiiizatiu and muster of this reel' ment into the United States service, tbe General c.ommai ding the department Hp,ioiuted Brevet liieuieiinnt-uoionei ivunnin i. ueniry, Captain Seventeenth United States Infantry an 1 acting J udsre Advocate ueocral, Department ot Missouri. to be mustering officer, to establish his office at this point, the place of rendezvous, liievet Iirigndier-Geiieial Jams M. F.rsth, Alijor xeuin uuueu o'.aies Li ivairy, inspector ueneral of the Department, in also here inspecting the horses uud equipments foimiu part of tho oigtiutauon ot the regiment. Although but little over two weel8 have elapsed since the date of the Governor's pro- clnmatior, there are now over in camp nere, i,iu recrui's are teiegrapned en route, and returns from the various recruiting establish ments indicate that the entire quota of 12uO men will bave been hiled by the present week. Verv uerij me iuu iiiiujoer oi noises anfieriuiP' ments (or tbe regiment have arrived here. In the course of two or three diS the hrst bat talion will be musered m as an organization, Th s wl l be lollowed by tbe others in four or hve days a;ter. Major-General fc?heii otiti, accompanied by Urevet Lieutenant Colonel J. bcbujler Crosby aud Brevet jeutetaut-coiouel A. J. MeGounirfle, arrived nere last tveuirg on a special train from Fort nays, tpo ceterai visited Unyei nor Crawford, with whom he held a consultation in relation to the Slate reguiifiit. 'Ihe Governor felt confident that tbe regiment would bo in the held by the first of the month. The lrraer portion oi tne men are sounir and hardy, and will doutties moke just the material to ue In co operation with tho regularj in the rigors of a winter campaign. The Geueral riurueu 10 rort nys mis morniutr, very well caiistied with the prcsress aireadv made. aDd will set the volunteers in motion as 60ou as prsdicable A week or two will probably be consumed. in training tbe men to liurbt cavalrv evolutions. Allhougb a large proportion of the entire number aie old soUiirrj, some practice will be required to get them accustomed to their licrtrs. As fcou as tbij new body of men take the field, its numbers will make a valuaolo accession to the numerical strength of the military force ol tho department, and Insure a corresponding amount ol activity in fighting me anvugva. A Notable Woman. M. Gnlzot occupies a column of the Paris Dibal with an "in Memoriam" article on the lale Countess Fov. This distiiieuisbed. lady ui'uuiiipnuieu ner nuBuauu rnrouenoui tue Pen insular war, fiom tbe yykl8'J8 to 1814, sharing in the dangers of the fie of Dttle whenever womaa's care and woman's sympathy could mitigate tbe sufferings of the wounded or soothe tbe lait boms of tbe rising. On peace being re stored to Europe tbe Geueral devoted the ener gies of bis powerful mind to tbe politics ot bis country, aud diedot the fatigue be wentthromrh duiing a prolonged debato in the Chambers, his Widow ic tired from society, and gave herself up wholly to tbe education of her cbildreu, for whom she accepted the donation oll'eied by tho Government in acknowledgment of the Gene ral's services, although she refused her own share. The revolutionary party p-Hitioued that ber youua sons ibould appear in the procession at Geneial Lamaique's funeral. Tbe Countess, although a Liberal, replied that at an ago when they could foim no judgment of their own she had no risrbt to compromise their future cureer. Her bitlliaut Intellect, suiprising memory, and jerfect simplicity made her socitty a nleasure and a privilege. . NOBTII PENNSYLVANIA BAILROAD-. '1MK HillUi-K HOuTK.-flburiml aua mosl direct Hue to Etathlnhnm. RuUin. Alltintnirn. M nnh Uhauk. HmIhuiii, WhlM Ruvhd, WllKnhrr, M bsnor City, Mount (larmnl, Plltotoo. MorDUD,UrhoD dkla, and all tb point la the JUehlck ud Wrouluf Ooal KKlnn. rksencnr Dpot in rmiaaaipnia, jh, w. corner of BB.KKB and AMKKIUAW sireew. ki.hvsk. iia! 1. 1 fKAINi On and after Vi'iliNKsDAY, Jnlr to, 1m eatsenger Trains leave the New IK-pot. corner ol BURKS and AMKHIUAN street, iially jfnndT e espied), as follow -At s-ts A.. IC. Aooommoaauoa ID Won WMh tngton. a. mi aurn'ni Aiprras inr xeinienem ana Principal Blailons un Nortu Pennsylvania nallroad, BODMBUilns at BpihlHiieui WHO ebih Valley and Lehlgb and stusiinehauna Railroads tt Ration, Al- entown, uaianauqua, BiauiiKion, saaecn unnna WeMherly, Jnanetvllle, Unzietnii, Wiilte Uaven, WIlkHibarre Klnitsion. Pliieum. and all nolnts in Le- bltib and Wyoming Valley;:liio in oonnrtotion wltb Lcbigb and MMnoy Kallroad for Manaauy Ulty; and wli.b t:aiawisa Kallroau for Knnnn, Danville Mlltwn, aatt t llllainsport. Arrive at Manon OtinuK at lzns A.u j as wilkesoartfats r. ot.;at Mananov Uiiy at Z P. M. I'aivngrs by tnm train can take tue Lenlgb Valley Train, ral ftnthlpneni at li-M A M for Eanuia, aud polow on Mew Jersey Ventral Kallroad to New York, At A, M. Aoooramodation for Doylnstown, topping at all Interiuwllale ISta-.lous, Pcssengers for Willow Wruve, Haiooro' aud HansvUlo, by tbls train take Htage at did York Hoad. At into A. oi AL-oiuiruiraniMin ror iron watning Uo,soplng at lutruiHdiate MUttlont. AilMor. m.iiRuiVD vauny r.xprnev ior tseinie hem, AllHiowu, Manch Chunk, White Haven. Wilkesliarre, Hr.lpuii, MaUauuy City, Uenlralla, Bbennnnnah Ml. Oroiel, Pliisuin and Horanton, and all print In Mabauoy ana Wyoming Uoai nogiona. At 2 85 P. ai. Accummouaiion ror Day luo town, Stopping at all Intermediate eiatlnna. At l is ir.Ba. iiiiga auu oaHquenauna Aiprwi lur BrtblehPiu. KasKin. Alientown. Waudi Chunk. WlllkMbarre, aud Mcranton. At 4'is p. M. aoo(ui ajoaaiion ror uoyiestown. rUipplog at all Intermediate stations, PaMcngers fur Willow urove. Hatnoro. aud HarUvllie take singe at Abltigton; for New Hope at Doylratowu, At 5 ini r. M. rnrougli acuuiuuiuuaiHin ror umuie hem and all Hatlnns on main lloe ot North Pennsyl vania Kallroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Le high Valley JUtil&h and Hiiiiquehaunaitvenlng Train lor Funtotj. AMemnwii Manch Chunk. Ate 20 P. M. Accommouatioa for lnaaie, stop- plug at all lutejnii-rtlHie slutlnns. Atll'80P. M. Aocommiidation for Port Washing ton. i ha inn Ann vk in rni i f tic-ur nx a. From Bethlehem at ami and 11D6 A. M.. J 00 and a ao p. M. u'liS A. M. and Z'iXi P.M. Traius uiakee direct connec tion wltb LehlKb Valley and Jliltb and Himqiifhnna trains from batou, Boranlou, Wilkesbarre, Mahooy Uiur, anu aMiiHin. Fuoseniier iavin wuesoarre at 1-43 f. m.eon- npc-t at Buthlphem atetlfi P. M., and arrive U Pblla- aeipaia at s ihi r. ju. jr rom imyipntown ai ia a. m.. b uu ana tw r, hl. From T.nnHdale at 7'30 A. M. . rrmn Pnrt w iii un ton at-. lO'ts A. M. and 1 Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 0 A.M. Philadelphia for Doyleeumn at2'uOP. M. toyleslown for Philadelphia at 7'uo A. if. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4-30P. M. Fifth aud hlxth Htreets Paesenger (Jars convey pa kHiifferft tn anil frnm LhA new deriot. Wb tecarnf Hnd and Third oireeia jwno ano Union 1,1 ne run within a short dbttance of the 'tickets mast be procured at the Ticket Office, In Order to secure lb lowest raws oi rare. ll&kk, Agent. Tickets sold and Baggage checked thron.eb to prln olpul polnn, at Wruu b Morth Pennsylvania Baggagt Depress uuice, mo. lus b. jri lit Bireet. 1UUU-FOK HJB.W YOBK.-THB CAMDEN iODO.AM) Aid bO Y AU PU1LADK1.PU1A AM) TB,fi Tln KA ILHOAl) COM PAN Y IJJNKS, FKUM PHIlilJlLijf H1A TO NU.W VOKK. AND WAY i'XCiLlti. JTKUM. WALNUT UTBJbT WHARF. At S MI A. Sa.iVut uwaoen ana Amooy ACCommo- dUou...... 42-ij At s A. M.. via cainaeu sua jersey City ix- nress il all 100 At a r.m.iTw vKuiutHj mih Aiiiwy Axpresa. s uu At 80 P. H., via Camden aud Jersey Uny ix- prtss . 8 00 At a r, in., ior Aaiouy aua lntermeuinte stauons. A 1 8 80 and 8 A. Xd., and IvtO P. M.. lor Freehold. AtS and 10 A. M,. . 8-8U and 4'PU P. M. for Trenwo. At5-0. 8. and 10 A. M.. 1, . I. 3 80. i &i. 6. and 1180 r. ai. ior norueutown, uanmgion, iieverly, aua Uelanco. A 1 8-isO and lo A, M.. 1, a, 3, 8-30, 4'30, 6, and U'SO P. M for Florence. At 6 80 ana mi a. jh., i, a, , o, anu li-ao P. M. for Kduewaier, .Kiveroiue, mverton.ana raluivra. P.M. ior Klvenon aud 8'80 p. M. tor Palmyra. At 6'20 huh to A, m. , i, s, t ao.o, aua u'sop. m. ror 'Thfand IPSO P, M. Lines leave from Market btreet Ferry tupper Biue;, At 11 A. W.. via JKensluKton and Jersey City. New York xpres Line Fare. At 7 and 11 A. hi., t so. 8 So, and 8 P. M. for Trenton and BrlutoL And at IU'15 A. Ai. lor Bristol. At 7 aua ii a, at.. 8 80. ana sr. ai. ior Aiorrisviue and Tullyiown. At 7 aua lu'ie a, jo., s au, nun a x in, ior ocaeucas and Kddington. , , . At 7 ana iu-io "i i u r m.. ror corn- welle, 'lorru-dale, iioimeourg, Tacony, Wlsduo nitng, Brldeaburg. and Jirauklord, aud at 8 P. M. lor HoUcesburg aud inlermedlate slHllous. yUOkl w jus i riiiiiUM. r it i A jjktox, vlaConnucllug ilHiiway. At 8 A. M.. l oo b j. and 12 P. M. New York Ei- .ieaa Lines, via Jersey City, Fnrefria. At i A. ju., a.mifruui Line, xare, yz. , At l-iio A. w. on Aioudas ouly JSew York Bxprees Liur. Fare. ( M. The ti'ini a. M and 6'80 P. M. jjaea will ran daily, AH others, (Sundays excepted. At -3u A. M 1m o ai. kui 12 P. M. tot Trenton, At 9 80 A, At., 6 S!l. and 12 P, Al. lor Bristol. At vi v. m. Niifht. lur Alorrlbvllle. Tullytown, PcUer (fk's,k,ddlii(:tou. Corn wells, Torrlstlale.iiolmes l)n ri. Tukiiiv. WLisinoinlu. Bridesburir. aud FraAk- fora, KYir llnea tnavlnar Kansliitrlon Deoot take the cars on i hlru or Jbilih -iireeui, aLChtuutbireei,8omluu(fcS belure de arinre. '1 he ea'S on Market struet Hallway run direct to Went Philudelpb'a Depot; Chesuul aud Walnut wllhln nue square. Cn buuUuys the Market sir if l cr will run lo connect wuu tne 80, ana 6 80 P. M. lines, RAILROAD LINES. TDBADlBlO RAILROAD. OKBAT TRUNK LirK from Philadelphia ta tue Interior of Penruylvaala, tbe Schuylkill, Bueqat banna, Cnra- neriiiu, anu nyonnng vaiieye, uie norm, niinn weel, and tbe Canadaa. Buinmer ArranvAmnnt nf raexenger Trains, Monday, AugiMt t, isas, Inarlng the Company's Depot. Thirteenth and CailowhUI streets' tne roiiowirg nonrs: NOKNlSo ACCOM MODATIUNd-AI rS9 A.M. for Keadlnc and all IntarmaillatA lUUnm and Allan town. jetnroing,v ieTe ,"f"nc (4 10 T. M., arriving In Philadelphia at 18 P, M. Lebanon, Uarrlshnrg, Pottavllla PlueOrove, lama- oua, Honoury, wiiuamsport, Kiiulra RoobeAter, Niagara rail, Bnflalo, Wllkeertan-e, Pltuton, York, Carlisle, l'lian,berahurg, llagerntown, etc. Tne im train connects at tteaoing who tne mm Peniisvlvaula Kallroad trains lor Alientown, eta., and the 8i5 A, M. connects wltb the I-enaiioii valley train tor Harrl-bnrg, elo.; at Port Clinton with Cauv wishb Katiroan trains nir wiiiiamsport, lCk naveu, Kimlra, etc.: at Harrlsbnrg wltb Northern Central, C'uDihfr:nd Valley, and HclinyiKllI and Huminehanna trains lor Nortnuruberland, Williams purt, York, CbaniberHburg, Plnecruve, eto. AKlhKNOON X PRms. Leavea Philadelphia at S'Sli P. M. lor Reading, Pottsvlile Harrlsburg, eus.. con net ting wltb Heading and Colombia Kallroad trains lor Columbia, etc. , FOTTBTO WN A CCMMODATION. Leaves Potta- tnwn at em A. M., slopping at Intermediate stations! arrives In Philadelphia at 8 0ft A. M. Keturnlng leaves PblladelDhla at 4 8u P. M.s arrives In Potto town at 6'M P.M....' " : .... ItFAUinu wjuawuii4TlON-leaves Keaning at 7 8 A. M., RiLppiug at all way stailoui arrives to Philadelphia atlu loA.M. Ketnrnlng. leavi-a Philadelphia at 815 P. M.I arrives In Heading at Si P. M. Trains lor niiiaaeipma leave Jiamsoarg at o iu a. M.. and PotlDVllle al 845 A.M.. arrlvlnc lu Phlladel- rhla at 1 P. M. Atternooii tialtis leave flarrlihurg at -06 P. M-. "! Poiteville at 8 P, AL; arriving al Philadelphia at 6'46 r. M- larrlsnurg accoujiufn-atruu it-avtw ntauini ai -id A. M., and Marrlbhurg al 4-iu f, m. fjouueciing at Heading with Allernoon Ancoiniuodallun snutb at '8ii P. M., arriving In Philadelphia at 8' 16 P. M. Aiarkei train, witn a favHeiiger car hitacDPd, leavns Pbllatielphia al M 46 uoon for Poltvllle and a,l Way Btatintis; leaven fott-ivltle at 7 A. M. tor Philadelphia and all other Way ruatlonr. All the above trains run dally, ganaays exceptea. bundav trains lMita t oitnville at 81)0 A. M... ana Philadelphia el 8 15 P.M.; leave Philadelphia for Keedlnt at s 8o A. M.. returning from Heading at 4 M P. M. CldLlvSAAXi. V A XjLtr. I nALunuAji,riwaut!ri for Liownlijgtowu and Intermediate points take tbe 7'80 A. M. ln'4r and 4 MO P. M. trnins trom Philadel phia, returning from Dowulngtown at 'W A. Al,, ruo, and 5-48 P.M. piktk UikeV-oU A. M. and 4 3P. M. irtilun fro tu Paila deiphlik, return 1 11 g froLuHclppck at 810 M.ftad 15 tr an , ni&ffe iisirs iur vnriuus uiuui id rrrnuiuiu V-Miey oounect wltn trains At uueuev)iib na Kip lltaf W. r .-.rr vn x AT WDDirau vnu urrwpa DftDi A fan lt n. V I Vtx Aiix a A7 ur a a a a -3a j au aa w 111K WHIST. Leaves Mew York at A M 6 00 and 8 00 F.M.,pataing Heading at 1T0 A M.,1'81 and 1010 P. M., aud couut-ci ai idarrumurg wun Pennsylvania ana Northern central'Paliroad Kxprees Trains for Pitts burg, Chicago, WiHIam-port. Hlmlra, Baltimore, eto. Ketornlug, Kxpreu Train (eaves Harrlsbnrg, on ar rival of Peuns Ivauia Express from Pl.tabnrg, at 2:50 and A. M., 8 36 P. M.. passing Heading at 4-44 and 700 A. M., and 1140 P. M., arriving at New V ork, lO'lO and 11-46 A. M , and ('00 P. M. Bleeping Cnrs r.ocnru- rauytsg these trains through between jersey uny and VltLKhuru. without chauize. Alan train lorjwew York leavea namnonrg at o-iu A. M. and 2'0S P. M. Mall train lor Harrlebarg leaves New York at 12ISood. . SCHUYLKILL VALLBY KAILROAD. Trains . . , , . . n . . - . J ..... 0 . 1 1 1 D f .a. leave roiieviue ai, oio ii wa. in., musi'i i, ... it turning from Tamaqua at 8 85 A, At. and 2 15 aud 4 86 MLllUl Lttl-jlJ DUOWV J. Hall A lAli KOAD. Trains leave Aubnru. at 7'66 A.M. lor Fine eravn and Uarrlaburii. and at l'A'l 6 P. M. lor Pine- grove and Treruout; returning Irom liarrlMbiirg at i-M P. AL, and from Treruout at 7'40 A, AL, and t'85 P. M. TICKETS Through first-class tickets and smt grant tickets to all the principal points In the North anu m l nil u Lniiuurw, Fxcursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Readies and Intermediate Hlailons. cood for duy only, aru aula by MornliiR AeeomuiodHilon, Market Train, Keading and PottstownSAccoouiioaatlou Trains, at reduced - ,xciirsiua a nxrii mj f-uiiantsipuiM, iuuu iur nay uuiy. are sold at Heading and intermediate iutlous by Heading and Potutown AocomiuoUatloa Trains at reduced rales. 'Ihe lo, lowing tickets are obtainable only at the Oflice ef B. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 237 ri. Fourth street. Philadelphia, or U, A, Nlcolla, Oeneral Huper lnttui'.enl. Heaulug. Comruutauon Ticket at Vt per cent, discount, be tween any points desireo, ior lauunen ana nrius. Mileage Tickets, good for'niO miles, betweea al nalntn. u tr.i-hit each, for families and llrma. Beamia Tlekets, for three, six, nine, or twelve mouths, or boldeis only, to all points at reductd Ul ergy men residing on tbe line of the road will be f irnulied with cards, entitling themselves aud wives to tickets at hal. faro. HxcurMun llckois Irom Philadelphia to principal iHtlnnB. i-.ood lor butu day, Hununy. nnd Alomlav. at reduced mre, lo be had only at tbe Tlckol UUice, at tblruieutu aud Callowhlll slreets, FHKiOHr. Odods of all description forwarla to all the above -riin's itotu the Coiupuny's Mew krolDht rici.nt. Kr.,Rd and willow sireoitt. fc'r.'urht 'i raics leave Philadelphia diiy at 4'3S A. M., 12'46iOfm, 8-fu, and 8 P. Al.. ior Keaulug, Lebanon, UHriinourk. 1'otlsvuie. ort Clinton, auu au pu:uts . ' -, . . K Uhlla,ldlnllk W,,r, . , l,M J . , 1 XUailS TJIU--W mm uv u.iotv..ui . vqw v.i.L'V IWI m 1 places on tue road auu lis nruueaes at s A, AL, aad tor the priucipui oiiUionu ouiy i i io r. m. BAC4UAUK Duuguu's K.ipiess will collect Bag- rrtv mu Lraiua leaviuk ruuaueiuiiia untKL. Orders can be lull al No. 'A ft. Fuurih street, or at the Depot, Anirteeum anu vjuiuwiihi oireetj. jHILADELfMIA, GfialUisTOWN, AD R Tliroogh Freight Department. I'll 1 LA DLL f II I A , WlLMISUTOrf, U1LTIM0KE R1ILR01D. L. AND ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVKMBKU 1, Freight for BAL1TMUHK, WA8FII NQTON, HIOH MOND, NOKFULK, PORT-MOUTH, LYNCH BLHO, and all P. luls in VIJIUINIA, TENNK8MKR, ALABAMA MIhIHMIPPX, UKOK'JIA, ARKAN SAS, and KORTH AND SOUTH CaKOLIjIA, VIA. AJLNAttESSlU LLE. Virginia and Tennessee Air Line, Orange, Alexandria, and Mniiusses Kallroad, AND BICBMOND A YOIVK RIVER RAILUOAD, WILL HE RECEIVED AT THE NEW FREIGHT DFPOT OP THE COMPANY, Comer AYusliiiiglon Avenue and Swansea Street, Instead Of BROAD and CHERRY U:reets, prtseut. as at BELVLDBHE DKLAWAcviC RAILROAD LINKS. At 7-00 A. M. lor JSIfKara Falls, isutlalo, Dnnklrk, I!mlra, Ilbaua, OwekO, HocbeHler, BliighaDimn, Os . bvraciihe. Ureal Boud. Atoutrose. WUkesbarre, fcuhooley's Aiouutaln, etc At7 0UA.iH. auu. 0 u r. 1,1 mrwikuu, o.i vuuo buig, Water dap, Bolvldere, Jtuston, Lauibertvlile, tiemlngion.etc. Tne 8 80 P. M. Llue connects direct with the Train leaving Kastou ior Atauon Chunk, Ailntown, Heth'.ehem, tic. .,.. At 6 P.M. for Lauibertvlile and Interraedlata Sta tions. CAMDEN AND BTJRLilMUTON CO., AND P3M. From Market tl. i erry (upper Hide.) At 7 and JO A. M.. 1.8-81. aud 6'Uu P. M.. for Mer- cbhPlnviile, Alooiesiown iiarlfoid.Musouvllle.rlaius- tort, Alount aio ly, euiuuviue, jLwansvuUe, Vluoen K r Blrmlugbam, and FeuiDerton. At 7 A. 11., 1 aud S'so P. M., for Lewlstown, Wright. ii, wc. coi.kUiwu, Hew KKypt, lloruemiown, Cream Ridge, imlaysiown- hharnu.aud iiiliUiUiwo, 1 I.I.I ABX XX. UA1UUVU, U'"!, Beptember 14, Una, 6 1& L.JUl'AliKLPalA, WILaILNUIUN AKU JUL L TJMORB JUA1LHOAD. '11 ML TABLE. ccimmenulug MONDAY, Ouioubr 8, 1888. Trains will i:iwe utpot corner or suuau uireet anu WA'SAt I J l 'J CIS Avenue as follows: tVuy-Alail Truln at SWA. M. (Snndays excepted) tr Baltimore, sioppiug at all Kt-gular citations, con. nictinv with Delaware Kallroad at WlLulnuUiii lor C laVeld aod intermediate Miailoos. Tralu al ira a.oi. lounnayn excepteai ror Caltlniure aud Waohlus'ion, stopping at Wllrulngiou, Perry vlilii," and liavre-de-Uraue. Couneois at Wll mluglou with train for JTew Can tie, xpresa Tralu ai 4'00 P. M. (Sundays excepted) for tialumore aua Washington, slopping at Chester, thnrlow, Lluwood, Claymout.Wlluilugtou, Newport, rtianion, Hewark, Hlkion, JSoribeaat, Charleetown, Perry vllle, ilavre-de-uraue, Aberdeen, Perry uiau's, Hdkuwood, Alagnoila, Chase's and Htemmers Hau, JNl(ihl iuxpress at ll'SO P. M. (1'ally) ior Haltlmors and Waehlugton, stooping at Chester, Tbuilow, Lin woud, Claymoul, WilnuiiRiuu, C4eark, Jfi.kton, Horibebsl, Perry vllle and Havrftde-Oraoe. raseni;ers for Fortress Monroe and .Norfolk will take tue 11,48 A, M. Train WILMINGTON TRAINS, Stopping a all stations between Philadelphia ana Leay , Philadelphia at 11-00 A. M t'80, B'OO, and T It P. M. The b 00 P, M. Train connect wllii Delaware Railroad 'or Harrington and Inlermedlate stations. Leave Wllmlugtou ruo aud S'to A, M.., i'ao, 4' 15, and 7-,u P. M. The S'lo A, M. Train will nut stop betweea Cbeuler and Philadelphia. Tbe 7-00 P. at. tralu Irom Wilmington runs dally. AU other Accommudailon trains Buudys excepted. FROM BALTIMORE lO PllilADiLLPillA. Leave Baltimore 7-i5 A. M.L Way-Mali: -88 A. M., Express; Tib P. At., Express; 71 P. M., Express, Leaves Baltimore at 7'26 P M., slopping at Magnolia, Ferryman's, Abirdeen, Havre-ue-ilraos, Perryvllle, (.uarieslown, jNortu-uani, mon, uowi, Btautuii, V iimiugion, iuuuii 48 KKNNKY, buperlntendent. Freight loaded aud despatohul d.illy by rail lines to all fcoulbern and Uuntbwssteru poluls. Cart men will find a good driveway via Front and Washington street. J0U' S. WILSON, 10?P10trp General Through Freight Agent. jpEHKSTLVANIA CENTUAL KAILUOAL). FALL TIME. TAKINO KKFJUST SEPT. 18. 1888. Tbe trains of tlm Peuosyl7.auia Central Hliread leave the Aiipot. at THiK'i Y-flHc(T ana tUAKb'l' BireeW, wnlcn is rracbed dlreully by: the Maract oireel cars, tue lant car conuecilug wun eaoh train leaving iroui aua Aiarket streets tuirty mlnutiw be fore lis departure. Tbe Cbesnul and Walnut (streets cars run wlihln one square ot t te Depot. On bundays Tue Market Street cars leave Front and Aiarket streets lul-ty-nve minute before the de parture ol eacu train. Bletplng Car Tic nets can be bad on application at tbe Ticket oflice N. W. corner Mu.b aud Cnesnut streeiB, and at the depot. Agenis oi ine union inuuiri v,-uii-mj wmmi for and deliver baggage at the depot, orders left at No. sol Cbesnut stieet, or No, 116 Market street, will receive LEAVE DEPOT. VIZ:- Mall Train a-w a, ju., Paoll Accommodailou, 10 80 A. di., 1 00, and 00 P. Al. J. Ine........ ". f' i? Erie Kxprees 140 A. M, AiarriHourg aocoiuujuuhuu.., v &, l. Lancahter Accommodatlon.. , 4ou P. M, Parkesburg Traln..,.... '30 P, M. Clncinnstl Jtxpre3 8-00 p. M. i u m aii and Kunuto Axnreaa ii "u jr. bl. Pnllauelphla Kxprens Sim Night. , r i u mh hkvi.1I naiiv. hxuhui, ouuuay. luuu uk m VDliliuniuiinrLr.nlv KiUnrll V l'iliht. Ou ISlindty lllnht passenger will leave l-hllaoeipua at it o ciocit. Fhlmoelphia txpreus leaves daily. All outer trains dally, except jnauy ng Newport, Through tlckebj lo all points Weat, Bonth, and bout west, may be procured at the Tloket Ouice. No. 828 CHAXNUT Btreet, onder the CouUueuuU Hotel, Where, a bo, state-rooms and berths In sleeping rars can be secured during tbe day. Persons purchasing t'ckeiaat Ihlsonlce can navemeir uaegage cuecaeu at their residence by the Union Transfer Compaay, TT-ftT IKKIOtlT LINE, VIA NOKIU T PKNNb YLVANIA KaILROAD, to Wllkee Larre. Mahanoy City. Monnt Carmt-1, Oentralla. and all points on Lehigh Valley Railroad and Its By'iiew arrangements, perfected this day, this road Is enabled lo give Increased despatch to merchandise toutlgued to tbe above named points. Uoods delivered at tbe 'I brougb Freight Depot, t. E. corner of FRONT and NOBLE Hireets, Before P. Mm will reaoh Wllkesbarre. UouutOariuel. Mahanoy City, and the other stai Ions in Maliauuy and Wyoming valleys before 11 A.M. of tbe siioneedlng aay HH Hl.l.lrt CLARK, Ageuk LND N0RRI3 lX)VVN. s, anil 11 iw a. At. li,, ,7 10 A. AL .810 A. M. ....8 .ii A, M P. M ,...Ji'10 P. M .... 10 P, M. ,'oe P. M, AUCTION SALES. BUNTINU, DaitBOROW CO., AUOTIOH. KKRH, Nos. Ml and t4 M AHKKr Hireet, Ojroer of Bank street. Buooaswrs tu John u. Mi era A Oo. LARGE 8AI.F. OF OA RPKTflf OH, im PiicnFI ' FLOOR OIL CLOI I14, E1'0 tin Friday Morulng, November t. at II o'clock, on Inur mnnMii' pnii about sto plwes ot tapisiry, ltrusis Ingram, Vene tian, lint . beoip, not luge, and rac carpeting: 1A pieces oil cl' lbs, etc. . . 108IM LARGE BALK OF FRFNdrt, A WD OTHER KTJRO- x-ja uni OOOD1, lilO, On Monday Morning, ZtOV. 9, at Mn'ctnt k. nn 4 oinnihV crvlt fit tit ,, u BROUHK VIENNA BHAWirf. Will be sold, On MondftT next. Nevember t. hv nrriur nf Mmr riir.kv p.nln A n a lull r liin'i pi Vienna brnnne long aud pqimr'e huu utni.upeii auu uiiqu oeairei. ill s St J HALE OF 2000 CAHFH HOOTH. SHOEH, TRAVELr LliXU HAOH, HIC ,n . . On Tuesday M .ruing, I14 5t Nov. in, at 10 o'clock, on four muiiiis' treillt. 1 ' .2 ' nrre,. dpinl),,liii. a- d builes. A iso, tbree-years' lease ol tbe cHlce. Particul Til JL OHHleToW RAlliliUAif TiAUfi TABLiK Leave Fhhttdelpula , 7, 8, O'Oo, 111, 11, 12 A, M.. 1, 1, 8. 8J4, 4, 5, bi, 8 10, 7. 8 , iu, 11, u y, ai. XJk aV e llfilUUIHinil o, I, O, O HI, , IU, 11, 14 A, III,, 1 2, 8 4, . iH, I, s, , iu, 11 tr. at. The 8 2u iiown Train, and iin aud t Up Trains will not stop cn the Geruiauwiwu Branch, Leave Philadelphia M A. M. 2, 7, 10V P. Al. Leave Ueiuiautowu S.'i A. M. 1, 0, o.' P. Al. Ill r.r, Ra ILHOAl). Leave Philadelphia 8. 8. In. 12. A. M.. 2. 8V, 6V, 7. f auu 11 p. m. Leave ChBtunt HU17'10,8. 9-40, andU'10 A. M., l' 8-40, 6-4U, 8'40, b'40 tJuA OJ'- lll. Leave Philadelphia a. M. a and 7 P. M. Leave Chestnut ma 7 60 A.M. U'4u, a 40 aud 928 P'. ' ,Aati nnnnir iptsj thliauuipuia o, v 11 u. h 1 A aud 11V. P. M. Leivve Norrisiov. n 6 40, 7, 7 &ji . and U A. M., 1, 8, .K.eK.awiwx-oN bondays. Tave Philadelphia a. m., 2 80 ana 7To P. AL Leave Konistown 7 A. M., 6'30 aud 9 P. M, i,eavew" FOR MAJMAYUNR. Leave Philadelphia 6, 1. u, aud I1U5 A. ., l.s, S, ai, ai. L: M I US lAIin 1 1 m r. Ai Team's rS'anayuuk 8T0, IX. . aad UX A. M Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M z ana in jr. sa. Leave Manai link WA, M., 8 aud 9 P. Ai. w. k. W liJioN. General Wuperln.endenl, Depot, NLNTli and UREAUS Btrects. PHILADELPHIA AND EIU RAILROAD, Tiilililiill Ai D 1) 1 RKCT ItU U TK B h. T W KEN PHILADHLrlli&i B4LUJ1UIHI1, uninouiiu, tuii.iAMSKiKl'. AND IHAi OREAT OIL UK- OlON OF PElsNttYLVANlA. Hlegaut eneepiug wrj ou m. i-,s"- --,'"", ,. On and after A10N DAY. Bepiembnr 14, .18, the trulna on the PhUadelyUia auu JUtie xva.iruau win run as follows;- ro.r.. At AIL TRAIM leavts Puilauelphla 1. .1 wiiiiamapjrl 11 arrives at Erie ERIE IXPRIfcib leaves i-bilndeiiiula ,. Wlliiamapurl..., m arrives at Erie ELA11RA MAIL leaves Philadelphia - ILliaiuatJui arrives at LnckUaveu... VAK1 WIKU. MAIL TRAIN leaven Erie 10 50 A. M. " Wiiiiamsport... 10 16 P.M. arrive at Phlluueipnia 7uu a, m. EE IK EXPRSsm leaves Erie T'06 P. ' " Wllllamiiport 816 A. M. ' arrives at Philadelphia... 6vu P. M. Mall and Kxurehs connect wilh OU Creek and Alleubeny River Railroad. BAUUAOE CHJCOKAJ) TllHOLUAi. . A I , KKH.1J Lj. 1 ll.T. l. 11) General buperlntendent. TXT EST JERSEY RAILROADS. W FALL AND WINTER ARRANUKMENT. From luot of MARKET bireel (Upper Ferry I. Commencing WEDNESDAY, Wepteiuoer 18, 1808. TltllNB LEAVE Ad FOLUlWtJ. For Cana May and stations beluw MiUvllle, 818 P. Al, For Mill vllle. Vlneland, and Intermediate stations 818 A. in., '.o r. bl For Bridgetou, biUem, and way stations 815 A. M nil U'XII P. M. For wooouury ai b io a. iu... o 10, ou, ana n uu r. ivi, Freight train leaves Camden dally at 12 o'clock noon. , . . . t. , Freigut rtwi'iveu mm oecuuu cuvvrvu humi uvivw Walnut street, daily. .OD " WILLIAM J. BE WELL, 9 15 Superintendent. FREir.IIT LIMES FOR HEW YORK AND ALL POlN'lo MUKTu aud EAHT, and tor all biatlous on Camden and Am boy ana Connecting ll.allroaaB. rrou niuuui Bireebwuari. Uflvniha3j!.if ijusraium Freight for all way points on the Camden and Am boy. Freehold and Jamesburg, and Burllugtoa County Railroads, forwarded at 12 o'clock Noon. Fur Treutou, rrliiceWin, Kingston. Rocky Hill, and all poin us on tbe New Jersey aud HelvUera Bali roads, lorwarded at 9(4 P. M, . Forew iunM u, sx, uuu 9 m. ' Freit lit received from 7 A. W . to 8 P. At, A slip memorandum, specifying the marks ane Bnmbers, shippers and consirnees, niuat In every in. stanoe b aact with each i ad of "ls. W AJ.TER FREEMAN, Agent, Mo. Ui H. Delaware Avenue, PbUadeiAiUUa The Wwrn Aronimodatlon Train runs dally, ex ot hunday. For this tralu lionets mat be pro ue and baggage delivered by 6 00 P. Al., at Mo. Ill TRAINS ARRIVK AT DEPOT. VIZ.1- Clnclm.aU Express.... a. m, Vl.llM.1all hiB. lLXUrn.HH-. H,,-"-M. -W -, 1IU piT Ammmiailon .- .8 20 A. M , 40aud710 P. M Erie Mali and Buuaio jiApi-. Parkburg Traln....... xast Aiiue ....... .-"i Lancaster Train..........." Ei le Express..,.............".- DayExpre.........u.'........---' "UMl".' . :. . . 1 Bnniu A For fortuer morn,.- Tlcket AbmIi No. wu CHAtoN DT b tree l, CAPT. F. D. MAY, Continental Hotel, FHANCI9 FUNK. Ticket Agent, No. 118 AIARKET r-treet. BAMUEL 11. WALLACE, Ticket A eon t at tbe Deoot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Comuany will not as sume any rl.ik for BasgaKe, except for Wearing Ap parel, ana limit nieir responnioiuty to ui tiuuiirea Dollar) in value, au xiagKage exceeaing mat amount In value will be at tbermk of the owner, unltwn laken by special contract. F.DWARD H. W1LLIAMW, fy V-immi Diipenui.e'uuBn AiJii;ia. r;j, WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RA1L..OAD WINTER AKRANI4EMENT. On auu alter MONDAY', Octooer 6, UiS, Trains will leave as i)iiow&-.- Leavn Philadelphia from the D.pot, TIIIRTY-IIR-T ai,d C11E5NDT Hireets, 7 45 4. M.. 11 A. M.. 2f0 P. M., 4'!5 P. At., 4 ,0 P. M.. R IB and 11 8P. M. Leave Went Cnesier tor PhlUdelplila, from Ut'POt on r nht Market street, al 8-JS A. M.,7'45 A. M , 8 00 A, M., 10 45 A. Al., 1-68 P. AI.,4'uO P. M., and S'sS P. M. Tralna leaving West Chester at stio A. M., and leav ing Philadelphia at 4 60 P. M., will stop al B, C. J 11 110- 1 ion auu Aieuia only. 1'aanemj. rs 10 or irom s:ailoa between WeHt Chester aud Ji. C. Juuctlou. uoiuK East, tv 111 tuke 1 rut 11 leavlm: Wtst Chester at 7-ii A. M., and going Went will tuke the train leaving Philadelphia at 4 60 P. M and transfer al B. C. Junc tion. 'I he Depot In Philadelphia Is reached directly by the Cbesnut and Waluul sirnel cr.i. Thoxe of tlio Market Htreet Hue run wl'.biu one Hquaro. The 1 11 in ot both Hues connect wliu eaoU truin upou lis arrival. . U3( BI'JN da vo, Leave Philadelphia at 8 30 A. M. uud 2 00 P. M. Leave Wt si Chester at 7 6 A. M. and 4 0(i P M, Trains leaving PbllaUelphia al 714 A.M. aud 4 80 F, Al. aud leaving West Chester at b uJ A. M. and 4 oil P. M.. connect alll. C. Juuctlou with Trains on P. & R. O. R. Rlor Oxiord and lutertueJiate polute. 4 103 HENRY WOOD, General Sup't. PROPOSALS. ,.10 4 ) P. M . 8'20 A. M. ,. 9 25P.M. .11-80 A, M. .. 8 85 F. M, ,. 9 o0 A. M. . 8 00 A. AL .. 8 i lJ. M. .. 7 '43 P. AL -TJll'ROVEMEST OF TUG DES MOIJIE3 X HAPIIM OF THE WllI-i-iir'PI RtViR. NOTICJC TO CONTRAOIOrM. LNllUn ISTAkKS BNOINKKa'8 OFFfCB.l , , KkOKUK, loWH. OOI. 21.1K1S. KfBleil Proposals, 111 duplicno, will be recelveu at OiUoUlce un til 12 M. WADNEbDA Y, of Novum )ur 18. IMS, lor compleilng the excavatiou ol the Prism, aud lliecunsiiucilon 01 1 e embank meut wallof thecaual for the improvement of tbe Des Alulnes Rsplds ol the Mississippi River. Tbe cat al is to be about IM miles along, extending Irom NuHhvllle, Iowa, to Keokiiu, Ijwa. Tha width at ihe waier surlace limide of the Canal is to oe from 810 lo 4'jo feel In tmbac kmeut ,-i!1 . .0 ltt lu e.icavv lien, and la low water to benv feet deep. All the material excavated Irom tbe l'il-im 01 the Canal lo be used lu building the eujl)i:Kuii:t. The latter tnrtUKhout the ureater pari o, tue d'stuuos, win be about 8(0 feet from ihe Iowaslior-. Where rock ex cavation occu s the bottom o' iu Cinai will bave a slope 11, Inches to the mile. Tm ' inuaukment lo ha builtot earih, day, and rocr; t im ten feet wlda on Ihe top, Including therlo-rap c iverlng aad to he two feet uuove high water ma:k,w t'i slopes of ', baaa 10 1 vertical in the cuin! Je, nml '.; base to 1 vertical on ihe inside. The average lhic:tii-ss of the rip rap protection 10 be 'l feet,on the ouu Itle, 2 feet on the in blue, and 1 tool ou tlie 10,1. A portion or ihe aboveba alri a ly been constructed say oue-nlnlb, the oalance cr mi much there if ai the remainder of Ihe luiida appropriated abjut tsto.l Oti will pay lur, Is 10 bn rem. All prop slilous must state t;.' prion at which each and every kind of work sne'.'ltled lu tue prooosal W to be done, and no bid will be onsld -red that te not oeflnlie lu ibis respect. A pilnted copy of this ad v.:r.l.,?uint mist be atiacbed to each proposal. The uovernment reserves tli-j il!it to rejjst any and all bliln. Kucb bid mnat contain a wrlaon or printed gua rantee, signed by two respoDbiu e prions. Blanks f r 1 ropwfals ( f ih. I rm required, with form of guarantee, will be furuloheu upou appllcatlou at this efhee. The pi Ice or prices in the co I'mct will be codbH ereil as Including the expense of lurulahlug all ihe material (excepting right of wav and land for bor-row-pi s), tmpleuieuls, und mnoiilnery, and perform ing all Ibe work according to tue plaus audspeclllna Uoiib exhibited at tbe letting. Ulleen per cent, of ihe amoirit o any work d.jne. or materials inrnlnhed, ai tbe couira'l prlue llierouf, will be leeerVHd uutll the whole work wliluli lu the subject of contract shall be eutiioly o 'mpleled. T he name or name of thepeixous iKoposing must be written out in 'uil.wlth luu'r place of residence and Post Ollice address. Plans, mai B specifications, ati' all necessary papers will oe reaiiy for examination at lias Ollice for 11 risen days prior to the date ot the letitnx. J'trttrnt jtrofioHitio to contract ore retjuented to vlilt and examine tlm location of the wore before tendinu In ll.i ir proposals should Jje addressed to the undersigned at Keosuk, Iowa, and should be endorse'!: -Pro-pnals for work on tbe Improvement of tbe Des Af oines Rapids." " J. n. WILSON. I.le ntensnt-Colonel 35th Infantry, Brevet Mnjor General U. b, A. MTM0MA8 A ftONS, NOS. 139 AND 141 B. iOURTH ST HE KT. STOCK OF L qroR. Ou Fndy ulorumi, NOV. S Al. Ill A. a. 1 .. . ki fhUrf .,,., ,, - " . . .... , ... ..... , uiiiu ntirri, niif De sod li e nuck ol Ihi'inm nf Jimii Junn. nim. prising irtMi whisky. r,nnd m Old Tom (Hu. P .rt 's at 11 4 it VH.I,'.tTuJJT;E M!,n,TC1' AND MIPCELLA.NKOU 1... - - j ... '" i.ioriries, lBi-iuiling early lriuitdaudlllnsir.iKi y rks In llue bindings . V" Friday Afteruoon, QV. , at 4 o cloek. IU 4t ITHIOMAS BIHCH bON, AUCTION EBRS X AND COMMIbMON AiEROHANTH. NrT iii. CHEtiN (JT btreet: rear entrance No. 1107 baneura e Pale at No. lmil ntwinnt il.iui PTJIFBIOR HOI bKHOLh FUR 1 1 p'tlRF. FTiJlB Ua K P K 1' P I A N ( ) FO K I K, M I K RORS, wl L V H H PL TKD WaKK. PAINTINUS, FRENCH CHINA, FINE OUN9 K rO. aux. Cn Friday Morning, CommerclLa at s o'clo, k. at, ihe anctnn itma. tn. t IlloCliesiiutsireet will be sold a large as ior. ment of superior bnnspbuld furniture, tr im lainllles dncllulng bouBtkf eplnn comprising piano fortes, by CulckT- 11 K. eciiom ifi.r, iiarumun, and osDern; suit of ele gant parlor lurnliure, covered wltb D uo silk, with . urnsHcis cari eie to match-, rosewood parlor suits. In green reps: plush parlor suns; library suits, in reps: walnut et'gnre: walnut chamber sulis; velvet Bi-us-selp, lapestiy, ann Ingrain carpets; walnut and oak Kiuetoarun: large nnraiy tooKcaie: exieu.lou dining tables; wardrobes; French china dln. er set; bro sel Parian ftgnres; French plate mauiel and pier glasses; silver lilaieo ware, palming., etc. FINE uUNb, Also, an invoice of fine fowling Pieces. 11 4 2t Ealft at No. 1109 pprlng Oardnn street. STOCK AND INHTRUMBNTrt OF A PHOTO. 6HAP1I1C OALLKRY, On Mondar, Nov. 9. Psrtlcnlars In luture advertisements. Persons having pictures at tbe gallery are requested to have them removed previous to the sale il 2 at LIPP1NC0TT, SON A CO., AL'CTIONEERS, AbHliURbT BUILD1NO, No. t40 MAHKHTC bueet, LARGE POSITIVK AND IMPORTANT SALE OF . lildLOTH AMEHICAN AND IMPORTED DRY OOOD8. MILLINHjmY GOODB HOMIEBY ooooa. LAD1EB' AND M1S3KS' MEIUNO VAwI'ei. NUTIOIMS, ETC.. By Catalogue, on Four Msntbs' Credit. On Thursday, Nov. 8, and Friday, Nov. 8, Commencing each day at 10 o'clock. Included win be touud a very large aud 'uil assoritnent of nev and desirable goods, for present and approaching sales, to which we luvite the particular attention of city and country bnyers, Paniculate In future advertisements. 10 11 61 PO6ITIVR SALE OF 600 LOTS NOTIONS, 8 fOo2 OF UOOD.i. ETC By Catalogue, On Friday Mt ruing, Nov. 8. comprising a full assortment of desirable gvbds for present sale. It FIRBT SPECIAL SALE OF PARI-J FANCY GOODS FOR HOLIDAY fcALES, ON THURUDAY. NO VEAllElt 12tb. FRENCH CLOCKS. TIQ lots fine French Clocks, now lauding, will beso'.d on 1 l.uisOay, 12 Instant. Particulars In luture advertisements. 11 8 8t MARTIN BROTH BUS, AUCTIONEERS,. (Lately Salesmen for M. Thomas A bona.) No . 629 CUKeNUT 1st., rear entrance from Atlnot, Importer's Peremptory Sale. STOCK 0V VliSH OOLDAND HlLViUl WAT0HE9. Lb Friday Morninir. At iOa o'clock, at the auuliou rooms, by order of tbe importer, without reserve, lor cash, a very ex cellent sstorinieut of line Welches: Included will be louud rlue English aud American movement-), quarter seconds, Appleion, Tracy it Co.; Uugil.h lovers, by Johusuu. lleesely aud otbe-s; laJles' line watches In line g ild cases: p aiu, fro -led, euamelled and ei glnu turned silver and other buutlug case y.Mlches,t Catalogues ready and the goods arranged for exam ination oh he moiulbg ofttalu, 118 31 BALK OF A MEDICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS LI BRARY. Ou Friday Al ernoon, November A, at 4 o'clocK, at the Auction Rooms, by caiangiie. a valuable mealcul and miscellaneous llhrury, luciuilliig many scarce medical pauipuieis. Open lor examlualiou on Thursday. 11 i 4t Peremptory Sale at the BrMgewater Machine Works, .ram nno. VERY VALUABLE MAUdlN'H PROPERTY, 8 KTfcA M- EJMilNES, BOILERS, nHAfc'lTNU, h'iKAM AND HAi-l PIPE, a La. ROW CRANES, PATlARNb, LARUE A'RAAtiii BOlLKU-HOUaiU, ETC. On Thursday Morning, loth Instant, at 10 o'clock, at the Brldgewater Muchiue W'oiks. Aramlngo, Twenty. lltlli Ward, by order of the Executor and surviving narlnerof the late firm or Hianhope ite elnplee, by c.talogiifl, the very valuable smtk ot Machinery, lucliidlug attsm eiiKiue, tweutv horse power, eight and livd horse power fleam-engines, bjilurs, ihaltlii)!, steam gas pipe, 8 lurue cranes, patterns, tools shelviag, etc. FRAME BU1LUINM Also a large frame bollsr-bousu, 63 feet by 83 feet, cupoia. etc. Purticulars In catalogue 11 8 12t OMlclal; 10 so let L. COOPER OVttRMAN. Csptalo t urpi of Euglneers. 7 ITLE Re WEAVER ft CO., 1CANUFAOTURKWR OT MAKLLLAAND TARRED CO KDAOIB, CORDS TWINBS, BTCn Ho. ZS Worth WATER wtroet, and ElO. 22 North DELAWA RJ4 Avenue, (PHUAOMLPBIA. KOWUH Hi FITI.1UI. MlOHABI, WauVVKB, lISAD . Vl "S o. D. No JU'CJ.l'ES & CO. SW Al Ai HE ! fau cet. AUCTICKEERS 111 BALE OF 17G0 CASES BOOiS. SHOES, BR03AN3, BAlMORALb, Lit'. Will bo sold by cmaiogue, On Mouday Morning1, Nov. 9, at 10 o'clock, 1700 cae men's, boys', aud yon' In,' hoots, shoes, lrogau, baloiora Si etc. Alto, a large assortment of ladles', misses', and Chllurm't el y made yoods. II 8 At CLAFK A EVANS, AUCT10EE1S, KO. 63 CHEdNCT birect. Will sell THIS DAY, Morning and Evening, A lnrne Invoice of Blanket. Bud e-preads, Dry Uooda. I lotlis, Catsluieres, Hosiery, btatlouery, Table ana Focset cutlery, N 01 ions, etc. Ciiy aud country mtrchanM will find bargains. Terms ensh, Ooods packed free of charge, 9 9 ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETC. -fifffa PENN STEAM. JfiNOlNH AND M, 'xVim, BOILER WOKEO.-NEAF1E k LEVY l ivALUtAl, AND THEORETICAL EiSUlNEERai AlACHINiBTe, B01LER-AIAKER14, BLACK.. bMITHa, and FOUNDERS, havlug lor many year ooeu In succevatul vpeiauou, and been exclusively cuaged In building and repairing Marine aud River Engines, nigh andluw-pre.uture, Iron Bjllers, Water Tanks, Propellers, eto. etc., respectfully offer their services to the public as being fully prepared lo con nect for euglu of all si ten, Marine, River, and exaliouary; iiavlug saig of patterns ot different siaee are prepared 10 execute orders with quick despatch. A.very duicripilon of titeru-mkklng made at the B-ionoAl notice. High aud Low-pressure Fine Tubular and Cylinder Rollers, ol the best Pennsylva nia cuarcoal Iron. For gluts of all Bhu-8 and kinds, Iron ano Bran Castings of all descriptions. Roll Turning, bcrew Cutting, and eli other work oonueoieil with tbe abuve business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at the establishment free of charge, and work guaran teed. T ho subscribers have ample wharf-dock room roc repairs or boat, where they can lie In perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocaa, falls, eto. eto for raising heevy or light weita 0 KEA JOHN P. LEVY. Ill BEACH and PALM E H Btreeta, i.AtieuM staaaiok, wilxxam h. AuuutioK JOB.OOHU. BOLTHWABK FOUtiDjay;, FIFTH AKC W AjsHJLWUTON bureets. e h 1 i,Au sxPB r a, MERRICK fc HONS. NGINEEKS AND MACHINISTB, manufacture High and Low pressure Bleaiu Engl nee lor Laud, River, aud Marine bervloe. Boiiers, Oauomeiers, Tanks, Iron Boats, eta Castings of all kinds, either Iron or brass. Iron Frame Roofs lor Uae Work, Workshops, and Railroad eiatloaa, eto. Retorts and tias Machinery, ot the lateet and moat Improved construction. , Every description of Plantation Machinery, al0 Bugar, Saw, and Uriel Mills, Vacuum Pans, Oil bteant Trains, Ddlecators. Filters, Pumping, En-j ''Sole Agents Ibr N. Bllleox's Patent Bngar Boiling Apparatus, Neemyth's Patent Blearu Hammer, au AsplnwaU Woolaty's Patent OeulrlXucal bn"X Draining Machines; TT I LIi I AM S. dlf"A M T. W COM MlbHION MERCHANT, Ke. SB. DELAWARE Avenue, Philadelphia, Dopont's Onnpowder, Rehned Nitre, Cberooal, ma, W. Baker & Co.'s Cliocoiale O oo. aud Brurji". Crocker, Bros. & U.'a Yellow Met! Blithlng, Bolts and Nallsk