TUB DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PniLADELPEIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1668.' PUBLISHED EVERT XFTERR00R (SOWDATS MOXPTBD), AT TH KVKNWa TELEGRAPH FPILDINO, MO. 1S A THIRD 8TSJCSX. Trie; Three Cents par Copy (Dannie Bbef'l.M Eighteen Cents per Wrt, payable lo the Ua-r.or ad Mailed to Subscribers onl of the olty at Nine Dollan per Annam. One Dollar and Fifty Cents for Two Month, Invariably In advanos for the p.irlod rdered. FKIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 18C8. November .'J. Or oar fifth page to-day we present a series of election gtatistfca more complete, we believe, than any whioh have ever appeared in a daily journal heretofore. The statistical history of past Presidential eleotions is not only more comprehensive than the table which h3 been going the rounds of the press of late, but it orreola several inaoouraoies whioh render the latter worthless. In addition to the Presi dential oandidate3 and their votes, the aspi. ranta for the Vice TreBlJency are also given. Iu each State in whioh there is to be a State or Congressional election on Tuesday next, the oandidates are given, in all case? Where their names have been made public in this section of the country; and in every Sute the annual vote since the year 180'0 is ijlwn, from the most reliable sources at ooaiman.1. With this series of tables before him, the in telligent reader, who takes an interest iu the fate of the country, can speculate on the re sult of next Tuesday's contest, and figure out the probable end of it to suit himself. For ouv own part, we believe that the flgure3 point to the triumphant election of Geueral (trant and Speaker Colfax. The Kebel Spirit. It Lj sometimes a disadvantage, but ofiener a great and positive benefit, that liberty of spew;h and a free press prevent any set of politicians or any political party from concealing their real intentions and ideas from the people at large. During the war the impossibility of controlling the utterances of the newspaper was often a matter of serious annoyance to the Government and to the military commanders who were desirous that the enemy should ob tain as little information as possible abont their plans and the movements, positions, and sumerioal strength of our armies. A free ex pression of opinion, however, in public and private, is so essential to the preservation of liberty and free government that, even under suoh exceptional oircumstances, it was better that the inconveniences should be submitted to patiently rather than that the Government should impose seiijus restrictions on the press. Daring the present political oampa'.gn some of the Democratic leaders at the North have endeavored to represent their oandidates and the principles of thnlr jiifoM ! would deceive the loyal people of the country as to the real intention of the party in case they obtained a victory. Thi., however, they have not succeeded iu doing; for their candi date for the Vice-Presidency refuses to be repressed, and he has gone about the country giving utterance to sentiments that have efi'eo tnally annihilated any chance he might have had for election to the ollice for which he was nominated. The Southern Rebel press, too, have declare 1 their views on the situation in the p'aiusat and most nnmistakable manner. They hope for the election of Seymour and Blair as the jneans by which they will regain their lost position of influence and power; by which the reoonstruotion measures of Congress will be overthrown; by which the negroes will be deprived of all the right3 whioh were conferred upon them by the abolition of slavery; and by which the principles of the Rebellion will be made successful after all, in spite of defeat on the battle-field. The Mobile Tribune, speaking of the pros pect of the Demooratio party siuoe the Ootober eleotions, says: "The election of Seymour and B'.alr cannot, restore a Union whioh never really exioie I Out In name. It could give us a Hi ill repose during vrhloti we should be able to repalroui- snutterta fortune; but 11 could not possibly result in ma curing to us a free uud eudurlug Ujvornnrie.it. The Houtbern man wh beretolore eullsl -.d la tbe radical ranks Is a traitor. He w:,o coos uow is a double-dyed traitor one wiioj palm ebould never be perinluei to press mat of au honaal mao." This is the true Rubol idea: the snake is sootohed, not killed; and we shudder to think what will be the condition of the Southern States if suoh men as the writer of the above paragraph again obtain power and influence In the management of national affairs. The Augusta Constitutional ist lets the cat out of the bag in the following: ''General Blair struck the true lssne of tbe campaign In bis BroUuead letter, aud although come loolluh Lemocrais bave aougtit to apolj. glze for or explain lie direct utterance, they would have exhibited far more wisdom bal tbey pushed bis Idea aggrebaively ua every lamp In tbe Kant and West. Had tlieS jnt i kept silent and worked lust oret, and Hie Nortb roused herself wllb tbe misplaced fervor aui laor of inaBouth, Fiauk limit's letter would have been no ntuuiullag-bloKk lu tbe way of Demooratio success. uut preclnlUto Soutuern. era compelled tue slinsemu Northern Dhiuo craoy to qualify their predetermined policy ot aggieaslou. and assume a curious aw.MuiH Gf deittuae. Would to (iod tbey had been u. alert or we more paiieni i" But the South could not and would not keep silent, and so every intelligent and patriotio oituen will be able to go to tbe polls on Tues day next with a full understanding of the real issues of the election, and that the suooess of the Demooratio ticket means four years of anarchy, discord, and perhaps another civil war. We oommend the following frem the Taze well Register, the Copperhead paper of Taze well oonnty, Illinois, to those Unien soldiers who may oontemplate voting for Seymour and Blair: What sort of Republicanism in that watoh would honor Generals Thomas, bheridau, aud . Miade, and degrade Generals Forrest and Uauipton T Forrest li as good a man an BUnrl dno, and a better cavalryman. No ra tioal will pretend to ay tbat llaiuptou la Inferior lu talent, virtue, and accoiiipllhhinents to ruom iH. tiainpton, Fort est, aud Lee are accessions to the DrmncraMo party. We ara proud of them ami we prwiit, tlieru with oonfl'lenoe to tbe teoplnm tlt Nnrtli. nni we sav, 'llre are on -trophies ! Tbey are worm all the bureau, anl carpel-boifKerx. and negro militia, and tax ool lectors 'ii petiv rullllary tyrants, and Riensy eontiaotorii, and fat oon iliold-rn. tbat a corrupt Connrext oho manufacture between tbla aad doomsday." Tbe?e examples, which might be multiplied ad infinitum, prove that the Rebel spirit is as rampant as ever, and tbat only by a complete and overwhelming victory for the Republioao. party on Tuesday next can we hope for th beginning of an era of peao and prosperity. In General Grant we will have a President af once moderate and firm. All the lufluenoe of bis position will be given to the pacification of the rebellious States, but we may also be sure that he will wield the power placed in hli hands to protect peaoeable, law-abiding oitl- r.ens of all shade3 of color and of all opinions, and to put a stop to tho Rebel outrages whioh have disgraced our civilization during the last three or four years. Scymout'ii Itcstraiuing Influence. Horatio Fetmour declares in his speeches that if be ebould be tlecttd President, the Republi can msjoi ities In Congress would so hamper hU administration that he would have to oon tent himself w'th re-enacting the role of An drew Johm.ou. Tbe only thing he promises is that he will "reitraiu radicalism." If tlii 4 statement were literally true, the people woul I find little encouragement in the pro.poct of re newed conflicts between the Legislative aud Executive departments of the Government. "Peace" is required at Washington aa well as eleewhere. The doubts and uncertainties whioh originated In Johnson's antagonism to Con gress have cost the business interests of the country, in hard cash, far more than the burden of the national debt. Prudent men feared to embark in new ventures while the political future was overhung with tempestu ous clouds, and thousands of useful enter prises have thus been arrested. At one time Andy seemed on the point of attempting a coup d'ttat. At another he was all submis sion. At one moment he was apparently per fecting his arrangements for an open war against Congress, and at another he was beg ging in pitwous tones for forgiveness, and bend ing all his energies to prevent his ejection from the White House. Meanwhile he was notoriously surrouuied by the most oorrupt men of the country, and .the influence he ex erted in the South was of the most baneful nature. Horatio Seymour could not easily present a less attractive picture of his imagi naiy Presidential career than that he has voluntarily drawn In his statement that he would oo npy a position similar to, if not identical with, tbat of the present Chief Magistrate of the country. When Seymour talks of restraining radicalism, however, he has no reference to Rebel radicalism. lie would see no evil in the radicalism which pro poses to forcibly extinguish the reconstructed governments which form the basis of settle ment nf tliA lata maw, an A k. M.wal1 . J - to oiler serious opposition to any treasonable movement of his treasonable Southern sup porter?, lie could culy be elected President as tbe representative of tbe most dangerous and disorderly elements of the nation, aud his boasted restraining influence would only be exerted against measures designed to promote freedom and to extend tbe reign of liberty anl law over the benighted iouth. The election of Grant will seoure the unity of feeling and action between the different branches of the Government which is impera tively needed to restore order and tranquillity While Seymour announces in advance his in tention to antagonize Congress, Grant declares that he desires to obey the will of the people. Seymour desires to thwart the wishes of loyal citizens at the bidding of the Rebsls; Grant is determined that the verdict of the war shall be enforced, and he will yield a willing ear to the demands of the patriots who preserved the Union. No man can doubt, in view of the respeot universally entertained for Graut, that hit recommendations to Congress will receive the most favorable consideration, and we hazar 1 little in predicting that, as a rule, his sug gestions will invariably be followed. Aud yet, like Lincoln, he will owe his power to his faithful efforts to execute the public will, aud avoid the Billy and stubborn efforts to thwart it which have made Johnson at once trouble some and ridiculous, and whioh Seymour de sires to repeat. There appears to be little prospect that Spain will adopt a republican form of govern ment. Her influential leaders have announced their preference for a liberal constitutional monarchy; and the most important question to be determined is who shall be the royal successor of the profligate Isabella. The strongest popular feeling generated by the revolution appears to be the demand for reli gious freedom, and for the diminution of the tributes paid to Rome. The fact is established by t lie all! lavit of a respectable citizen of New York that Hora tio Seymour said, at the commence ment of the war, that he "thought the Montgomery con stitution was a great deal better than ours, that we ought to overthrow the rotten concern v Washington, send the New York representatives to the Montgomery govern ment, and bring that up to Washington and go on under it." Simllur views were expressed by other leading treasonable Democrats of the North, and they looked forward to the success of the Confederacy and subsequent reconstruc tion of the Union, under the rule of Jeff Davis, Toombs, Stephens, and the old gang of pro-slavery politicians who controlled the Democratio party, as a consummation devoutly to be wished for. This origiual scheme hav ing failed through the stubborn and patriotio resistance of the American people, these abandoned politicians are now supporting a programme only one degree less disgraoeful. They propose to uproot the new system of reconstruction entirely, and thus to replaoa the Itebel States under the control of their old leaders. Disloyal Southern Governors and disloyal Southern Presidential eleotors would speedily compel their Northern Demooratio allies to submit to Rebel leadership, and this is the entertainment to whioh the nation is invited by the advocates of the election of Seymour and Blair. "Mr bosom's lord sits lightly on his tbrone," rtjoioed Romeo on the day that ushered him to suicide and death, and in tbe same key some leading Demooratio organs are sounding a psnn of triumph. Instead pf chanting words of grief over the mournful presage of tbe October elections, they find in them a cause of self-gratulation. The reason alleged is as cutious as it is far-fetohed: If the Democracy had triumphed it J partisans would have been lulled into security instead of in cited to activity, while tbat fatal sense of secu rity is now benumbing their opponents. Then, too, this apparent and temporary defeat has induced Seymour to appear before the public and aesnmo his great offioe the work for whioh no other man in the Demooratio ranks is fitted tbe work of explaining things I Ex planations are awkward matters at batit; and we are led to the inevitable conclusion that a party must have got itself into a pretty fix when it has only one man that can untangle tbe enarl. It is hard upon Mr. Seymour to compel him to descend from his magnificent altitude as the brains of the party to the low level of stump-orator, with the repulsive duty of "explaining things." His devotion to Lis principles could not be better proved, for Pegasus in harness is always a touching and pathetio sight. MlSlCAIi AND DRAMATIC The t'lly AiiiiiNCnieuf At the Cf esnot the Worrell Sisters wilt have a benefit this evening, and the English version of La Belle JMme, entitled Pari$ and Ue en; or, The Grecian Eioparwnl, will be presented, with Miss Sof hio as ''Helen," Mis Irene as "Paris,1 and Mi99 JenLte as "Orestes." The farce of Good for JVoilung will bo given as an afterpiece, and M tes Jennie Worrcd will appear as "A'au" and will introduce a clot; dance. I'o-morro jv there will be a nia'ince, when Tht Grand Duchtet will be performed, liarbe Bteue is announce l a m preparation. Tbe mai)afr'mont of the Cbcsnut announce that they bave purchased the nole rilit te per form H. J. lijron's new play of Ike Lancashire. Lass iu this city, and tba', it will bm. produced on Monday, November 9, with new scenery, origi nal music, startling mechanical elli-ctc, etc. At thb Arch Lotta's engagement is drawing to a close. She will have a farewell benefit this evening, when fhe will appear as "l'irofly.'' There will be a Fire-fly matir.ee to-morrow, and to-morrow evening Lotta will make her last appearance. On Monday a new p'ny, entitled He's Got Honey, will be produced Willi nc-v scenery, effects, etc. Mrs. John Drew announce tbat she lias pur chnised of I.oter Wallu'.k, Esq., the sole l'Uht to represent H. J. Byron's new play of the Lanca shire Lass in Philadelphia, and that it will ba produced in handsome style on Monday, Kovem ocr v. auo umuagi t6 ui tue aivu mm vueoaui both claim to bave the eole ritrht to brini; out this piece, aui which of the theatres bus the "only authorized version" we are unable to say at the prestnt writing-. Competition, however, is the Li'o of tiade, aud we hope that each esta blishment will cnueavor to outshine tue other in putting tuo piece uii the stage in a superior manner. At tue Walnut Mr. E. L. Davenport will have a beneht thi-i e.vmmz, and he will appear in tho four characters of "LuKe rjiroll," "Felix Kcj bauld,' ' Monianii," and "Hector an Iiivier?," in tho new senaatiou drama ol F; or, Branded. Carl Sentz and Make Hassler's combined orchestras and tho New York Philharmonic Society will perioral Mendelssohn's "Reforma tion Byniphonj" to-morrow afternoon, at Horti cultural Hall. Thcie is every reason to expect thai this tine work will be rcndcied ia a siyle equal to its merits. Tbe lollo (tins; is the programme lor to morrow a'teruoont Overture Joseph, by Mehul; Eteyic by Krust; serenade, boru and flute ohhsato, by Tutl; "Itcloroiation SyniphoDy" bj Mendclssohu. Bateman's Combination Troupe of French artists will commence a season ot opera buuj'e at the Academy cf Music ou Monday, November 9. Tbe opening opera will be Barbe B eue. in which Mad'lle lrma will appear as "Boulotte" and M. Aujac as "Barbe Bieuc" During the (eascu La Grande Buchesse d. Gf-ro'stein aud La Be le 1e'tne will be per-iormed, with M-id'Ho Tostce as the "Grand Dacha" aud "Heleue." We invite attention to the advertisement In another column of Mrs. Clara FUuer Maedr, of the Arch Etrcet Theatre Company, as a teacher of elocution for ladies. Mrs. Miedei1 is not only uu accomplished actress herdtlr', b.it fbe bus alo had much experience as an in structor. IIOE A OEOBEELE Y. lie Ieclfiie (lie C'tMiK'resslotial A'omliin lion. To the Electors of Vie Fi.fth Congressional DU trict of Alan York. f'eliowctilzeiiii: I bave been placed In nominal Ion to ropreueat you In tbe next Congress, aud timed to accept tbat nomination. Ua mature till cl Ion, I faal coa s'raiiit d, woolly on publlo grouudu, to decline, and r quest you tot to prlnior voieany ballots bearing uiy name. X btf you to reaped tbls declhlon. Two years ago belni; nom mated fjr Congress In tbe Fourth district, I ucoepted, and have ever rtj 'lced tuat X did no. X could only hope by running to add sonae votes to tbe poll of Uoveruor Kenton; aud X ttiluK tbat end was achieved. Now, If X tboup ht uiy running la your dlstrloi would Add eve a a bundred votes to tbe poll of Urant and GriHWold, X would ao-ot-pt without hesitation. But Ijudjo tbat I can belp I be m more by declining than by running, ana aot accordingly. Xnat you will clioosa wisely and worthily from anion those whose names have been or may be presented for tbls great truat, and that your cbolee liny thus In fluence beneficently tba progress, uot of our country only but of manklud, lu liberty, know ledge, ana virtue, U tbe bone and piayer of V mis, gratefully, JIouacu Uekulky, New York. Oct. 1W. 1808. The "Urnlu Corner." AVltniu tho past fonr months wheat has de clined lu Ibis market uenil.r 60 pei- oni On tbe iJOlh day of Junn No. 2 aprlug tbe standard grade closed at I J 20; yesterday sales were made at 9115 per buabel, tbe market closing Dearly three cents hlgbor. Meanwhile the amount m store at tbls point has steadily lu-creaf-ed, ml within a few days past, from 4Sd,000 to about 1,'J(K),000 bushels. Auumlug the wheat now in store to have been purchased at an average of $1 61) a rather low eailuittte the Ions to the holders will amount to about S 100,000, taking thi closlnm piloes of yesterday to be tbe prevent value; and to tbls must be added the oosl of storage and the Interest ou tbe capital employed, which will nwell tbe cost to probably more than fcVOO.OOo. Tbls loos has been entailed bv wait lug for bigb prloes In tba faoe ot a full orop bere, and a larger una than the average la the cunirles lo whioh we usually export our sur. plus. Very few or the holders were able to say that thty were not fully aware ot these faois, aud j el they held on to tbe property, unwilling lo sell while there remaiod the ghost of a ohauoo of an upward turu, Uio aocumulaUug stock forcing down prloes dally. The consequence of tbls roDise Is I hat now, on t be ntige of winter, our elevators are partially full. of grain; Just at tbe time tbey should be nearly empty. In readiness for the winter tnovomea', wnion will pour grain In by tbe railroads, while the like transit eastward li stopped up by tho loa. Cliicayo Jribnne, 27th. SPECIAL NOTICES. BURKATJ OF TUB IIOME DE.PABT- --3--' MKN I. When caHiivi uflle.ors ar rt-njncn the condition nt their various burrut. tu la-lira no verraily renare that a orpssmg-m m tnim-ni nuM be Btipiilleu wl'li PHALUS'a nw prfua-, ' f LOK DK M AVII," before iti-y can rer.gnlz . It as l-flluiaie dumeallc lusiltuuua. Hold by a'.ldnw slBtv It rjT WHIGIirS ALCONATKD GLYCEUtN v--t-' Tablet ol hondlbuU Ulyuerln lends w jer!-ve the 'kin troiuurynexg ana wrinkles, imi'Hru a won derful degree of sotiix-es and delicacy to the com. piexiou, aud wliiteuess to ttte skin; Is an excellent aeritiirice, ciaielul to Hie taste and mlo to the month and khuui ; Impart swectnofl to the breath, and ronrters tho teeth beautifully wtilto. For Bnln hr nil druBKlBta. R. & O. A. WJUUUT, No. r.l V HfcbNliT Btr.su tt fTZ'T HALT, YOUNG MKN '8 CHRISTIW At-M-cl ATION, No. !i!lt ciiKNUr Mr 'Die C'luwits lor Ikstrueilou lor I8tn mi wl I hu or-ga- Izc) the II 'hi week In fMovrint)r. as follow : Mmidny Kvouli'g. rVnmarsblu, from 7 8 o'clock, b I'loiinfiir J W. tSLiocniaki r. WinnRn y J'.veniug, K einontary Olasa In Frenoh, from 7 io 8 o'oiorie. Tiuir.Uy fveiilng. Advanced Olassln French from 7 to 8 'clock, Uv I'r ( seor J - n u. Hue, Wednesday KvpLlnK, Kiw.'uilon, from 8 to 9 o'clo k, bi l'roietisor lfius Adum. V(lij(Klc V Kveiiliii;. Vorftt Music, Irom to It O'clock, by lVolcKHor A. R 1' 'r. Fndny h venlug. lueuieulary Cssln Oeruiiin, from 7 o 8 o'clock. Hittrdav Kventnc; Ad vanep't Class In Gorman, from 7 to o'clock, by J'iileior J. W. 11 ,bt-l. Apillcailoii torr.diiit slon to be mads to the Seo-e-try at ibe Itoouis if the AbsiciwiIoi. It tf.f CITY: CtlMMISSlONRliV OFFICE, V" No 214 a. FlFlH direct, l-nilavlelphla. Ojl y bei 28 IH'8. 1 he Jodie of ench Fleot'on Dlvl'lon coranMiln? the I I y of Philadelphia will ca I at this ulllce ou hA'I IJHDaY, (irlobcr Ml, to receive the Uianks, Kt tloneiy. and Books neR'Ssary to conduct ilia Prrsi net tiki Klvctioii on tbe 3d proximo. Ittashtei rule y the tviurt of Common P eas thunbe Kiei tlon Olllccrs elected at the Ueneral Ki"0 tion, Oct ib t l:t, lnM, are iu bold the FreUuen lal ilectlou In the same year, . .. PAV'D P WF4VKR, IIKNRV O INNKIt. JUUN F. B ILLt Kit, 102931 City ConimlBslonerr'. trSZT" OFl'IGB OF TIIU LOMBARD AND (sODTll KTIfKRHiS PAKNUKR Bslli' WAV COAil'ANY.TWJfiNTY-FIlfrU aud BOU11I btrefte. The Annual Meeting or tbe Btor-kholders of this Company will be he. J at this oUic, TUi-iDAY, Novenjber 3d, ai i o'clock. In gi 'i HU.MASP. HARRH. Becretary. nrT" DI 3 EASES OF TUB SKIN, WlfU I-' their scaly i ichorous, liehing desquamations, form acerles otuinstoos'.luaie. hnrd"nsamdiBorilBra. Happily a rerneoy Isloti d In HIKKKXL'iS TKT VKtt uINli) JiNWT, whicn Is a bi eclllo for any form of skin elh:-kBe No matter of how lo' K standing or what tieimeot It has Oro under. It will be radically cured. Hold 60 cents per box. JOHNSTOSJ, HOli- I. OWAY A Ct'WDKMi No. 6Z AUtJU Bireet. 1(1 16 JQ?J BATCH EI.OR'S 1IAIK DVE. TUH IXJ splendid Hair i)ye Is the beat In tbe world; the only true and peri'nct Dye; harmless, reliable, liistautaneons; no dlnappolntmeot: no ridiculous tlntn; remedies the 111 ellcois ot bad dyes; Invigorates and leaves tbe Hair sole and beautiful, black or broivn, boid by all Dm gist and Perlnmers; and properly appl!rdae Batchelor's Wu Factory, No. 18 BO AO bireet. New Ynr. 4 87mwf CUSHIONS AND MATrKE8SK3 stntled with It nest hair or feathers are sub ject to mo. b sniel.. and dtrt. Klastln Hpinve Is uot ouly , more ecoroajtcHl bii lis mute, but is Buij'ct to noneot these muonveuiencis, is lndtfstruoilble anl I I. purity almost Immaculate. 8 3 mwf j POLITICAL. THE NEW CABINET BEDSTEAD. An altimnt.At.fi ntrrwu I V 1 iirnlnhMl HAftHiA9.it. ieeuy ior use iiisiauiiy. anauiuus iuta ui a splendid cabinet or library. Kaslly managed by the m st delicate ladiee. Warerooms, No. 26 CUfBNDr Hireet. lo 12 ltu THE ILLITERATE OLD LADY. There was an old lady Who knew of four sesoi)S, sjiring and t-ummer, and Autnmn and Fa t' And that's oue of the reasons WLy we need clothes from the GilUAT Bl'.OWX BALL! Theabnye Is a short poesi, bnt the old la-!y was thortof Information on the suhjact, and it woulda't do to sjjln too long yarn about It. Tbe old lady's lnf r rcntlon, by the way. wb tolerably goad as far as It wmt. but there wasn't qnlte enough of It, which re minds us to say that If we were to tell all we know ab.iultl e Immerse Btock of SKABONABLE CT.OTlf INQ at Wot. 603 and 6U5 CHENUT Street, lor the Unseat AUTUMN AND ALL. there would be no room In this paper lor auytulug eise. 'o we brieily Bltf. Clothes lor Autnmn 1 Bee! We've boucht 'em. JtOCKOILL & WJLSOX provide for the Altog'ther, Ibis Is the weather Whcnwenetd clothes irom tbe GREAT BEOWN HALL ! Browner and browner tnrn the Autumn leaves, gnn tKmcn; but uur Oitr A T btoWN S'i'UHK Is thexama thaoeof Brown all tbe year riuud, aud we don't leaven, aa, but ktep ou, selling yuu Clothes cneap lor cash. ROCKHILL & WILSON, Kos. C03 and COG CIIESKUT STItEET, 111 p PHILAPKLPHIA. INDIA SHAWLS AND SCAUPS. CEORCE FllYEn, No. ilti CIIKSNUT STIIKKT, Invites attention to his stock ol JSccl Iiidiu Camel's Hair SJiawls & Scarfs Alio, an eleeant stock ol eiLKI, In Blacks and Colors; FANCY SH.1C PL USUKS, POI'LINS, Bit AWLS, and FANCY GOODS. INDIA SHAWLS AND SCARFS a! teres and re palrtd, and cleaned Inainperlor manner. 10i0 2nrp FOR GALE, THE LEASE AM) FIXTL7HE3 OF THE CENTRALLY LOJATFD STORE, No. 1004 CKESNUT Street. APPLY TO 1(1 30 St JOIIW WitBrBTOI, 5 RODGEOS' AND W0STS.N HOLM'S l'OCKKT KJilVKS. Pearl aud Stair Handles, of bxautltal h n lull. ItODUfcUlH' aud WAD'tS & BUTC'UKK'iS HA V.Ot'H, aud the celebrated LKuOULTitbi KAZOB bCIhHOlta of the 11 neat quality. iiaeors, Kulvet. bclsaors, and Table Cutlery Gronnd and Peilbhed, at P. M ADiOilA'S. Ha Ua H. TKNTU Street. below CbesnnL &5p run piTiDrrDTAW a n Tri r.-. rk rJL lla ii iju t.fi, cy. v. llir. Btfamnhln I'hIIUHI IIKIIH I. n ,w Inil. ins bt 1-Oiv BAKU ttre. t Wharf, and will positively sail enSATUUDY.t)jt. 11. at S P. M. or Irelght, aiplv to K. A. MlUnER CO., lOWit Ko. srOL'K BTltteET Wlf AHP. DFAFNKSS.EVEUY INSTRUMENT THAT science aud skill have Invented to assist the bearing in every degree of deafness; also, Keplra tors; also, Orandall'a patent CruieheB, supsrlor to any others In use, at P. MADiUKA'o. tlo. 115 H I&B'IH Street, below Cbesnut. S8hp TOLET-THR1E 8TOKY BKICK HOUSE. MtilH with s (1e-jrl. No 2:CaMltb:KN t-tr.ei; lu good roer, and Ima ediaie puix.x'nn glvu, in not. R1ZKS CASHED IN HOYAL HAVANA. KlNTUChV, and MISSOURI IMltHUliii. Llrrnlars sent and Infor mail id triven. JO'iPH BTKH. No. 71 BUOADWAV. New York. Post Office Box. 10 II lu A T E N T B TV PANT3 SCOUBHD i NO kfUKKIIKU from 1 to Inches, at .Hotlet, Prench btoaiu iyelng and Scourinc, Mo. ' 4. WiXsXii buass aud Mo, Jm HAVU Wcoel I M t UNION LEAGUE, rHII.ADM.PBlA, Oot. 83, mi. HON. EDWIN M. STANTON, TJ10 Orcat War Minister Wbllo TroaKon lebollctl, and now, with GRANT AND COLFAX, The Enrncst Advocat of Tenor, Will Bddress the citizens of Philadelphia on the prtti ul coudltlon of tho couatry, aad tbe rangers which Still Ttarcatcu It, On Saturday Evening, 31st Inst., AT E1U11T O'CLOOIC, In tho Acadomy of Music. CPtne and liear the MAN IN WHOM THE GKKAT LINCOLN CONFIDED, and to whose Indomitable energy and wonderful admlnlitra tlvo ability was owing, UNDEtt OOD'.S QUID ANCE.t bo organ Izatlon of the Q II EAT AU VI I K3 which ULYSSES a. QUANT led lo VICTORY. Governor Geary, Governor Curtin, Governor Ward, and Governor Fenton Have al&o been invited to addresi the meeting. A SERENADE Will be given by tbe loyal people of oar city to SECRETARY STANTON AT TEN O'CLOCK, lu Front of tho League House. By order of tho Committee. The Farquel and Tarquet Circle In tho Academy will be reserved for the use of gentle men accompanying- ladles, until a quarter of eight o'clock. Tickets will be issued at the U N ION LE VQUE, BROAD Street, THIS MORNING, after ten o'clock. 10 30 2t COLONEL MOSS, OF MISSOURI, AND JAMES M. BCOVL OF N.TV JERSEY, will address Grant and Colfax Meeting) at the fol lowing places: V1V1U&V, O.Uh ma ITa.hM f lit , 14. J. FRIDAY KVEKISG, October HO-Engllsh's Creek, N. J. SATURDAY, October 81-Vine:and, N. J, MOKDAY, Kovembcr 2-Cafe May Court Home, N.J. 10 24: H K A D y U A E T IS K S REPL JJLIOAS INVIXCIBLES. ORDER No. 21. I. The Club will awemble at WALNUT STREET WHARF, FRIDAY, Oct. 30. 1863, at 6 o'cljck P. M., to proceed to TFENTON, New Jersey, Cart will leave Urpot at tlx forty-five P. SI, IT. Tickets for tbe round trip ONE DOLLAR, for at Headquarters after 3 P. M. of tbe 30 ;h. By order of BENJAMIN L. TAYLOR, Chief Marshal. V.7RJL Lfkens.I .,.,. ..., Hknbv'jodi). io 29 i!t jKg, isvincibles to mount holly. THE LAST TRIP OF THE CAMPAIGN. HEADQUARTKR9 REPUBLICAN INVINCI BLES. ORDER No. 22. I. The Club will assembla at theUrPER FERRY, MARKET Street, at 6 o'clock P.M., BATUIii)AY October SI, 18G8, lo proceed to MOUNT HOLLY, NEW JERSEY, THE LAST BOAT WILL LEAVE AT 6 . II. Tickets for lottnd trip SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS for sale at Uoad'inarteis after 8 p, M the S'at Inntant. By order of ItFNJABIIN L. TAYLOR, Chief Marshal. ?m rouu.' j AflUMt Marshals. , 80 n rj;0VN HALL, Q ERM AN TO UrN. UOV. ANDREW ii, CURTIN, Will address the cl leus of Qermantown, 0u Monday Evening, Nor. 1, at 8 o'clock. I,Jle esprclaDy Invlt d. 10 .19 n KfT TOWN HALL, GERMANTOtYN. ZSJ It. blOCKKVl' JfA i rilK ws, ni Bmtlainre, will addrprs the citizen of (irmantown on FRI UY EVENING, SO.h Inst,, at 8 o'Olook. Ladies are spec ally Invl'eii. 1029 2'. NEW PUBLICATIONS. mo BOOK COLLBCTOE S. .1 WILLIS P. HAARD Invites tbe attention of bnoltouytn to bis very exten sive collection of CHOICE IMPOltl'ED BOOKS, embracing all clashes of Literature, and pari'culur.y superbly Illustrated and Fine Ar l Works. History aud Biography, Voyages and Travels, 1'oetry and the D-ama, Natural Hn torv, r-mndard and Mtscullansous Works. BarJy Prlntrd Books, etc. Priced t'aialngurs grat's on application. Emits Libraries purchased lor !VS' TUE KiNULISH B jOh-srORE, lOflt No" 72lBANdOAlJiTRLEr. L00K I N C cTA88eT. THE I'HEAl'EST AND BEST IN THE CITY. ROGERS' CROUPS, bOLB AOKNOY. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, No. OI6 CHEGNUT Street, (SnnwIoiBp PUILaDELPHIA, MILLINERY, TRIMMINQ3, ET T7MUUTU HiKuirr liiiinoix aro No. 107 N. EIQUTH 8TRKEZ, Fonr doom above AKOU Street. I have now open for the FALL AND WINTER 8HASON, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF BONNET RIBBONS, VELVETS, TRIMMING RIBBONS, BATIN3, BATLN RIBBONS, BILKS, VELVET RIBBONS, CRAPES, LACKS, HATS, FLOWERS. BONN FEATHERS, FRAa! To whioh t would kindly onll the alteuUo tbe ludles. t Tirr.TrTa nrnnifr I v v "J J f VUOl No. 107 N. EIUUTa Gt " H No tronhlw lo sho-r goorlft. 10 g fJJ B M P L K O ? F A B II I o' MRS. M. A. BINDER, I Ktt ltWI CLEHNUT STIIEKT, 1 . IMP! H I Kit OP I LADIES' DItEbs AM CLUAK TRIMMINOl M!vea,iT"'.'pM' olml Bailns. Velvet T( miifg. K.bo jn., Billions, a. O uu o.jods In fun Oiilporn, CiULy, Valaciunnes, Point Anolloue 4 lari-, tjts and Bari,es. Coitrurts, Hauukerchi W hue Walots, Beithas, Dheiuliit-tuw. rrtneb, ocuich. and Uamnurg h dKlngs and In Itigs. chuli-e iniioriid, Jouin's Kid Uioves. Bo Veils ana Wreatna, Erenca Corsets, HoopBklruJ lions ana small warm. Ir.(u. and Oioak M klng In all their denartmV Bridal orders excoutrd wliu the ut most care. Mo log and travelling outti'a a-xl other trannlsnt w ci mutated at a lew hours' notice, at such rauw an nul falMo Pleabe. Sgtwfoi FLOUR. $EW BUCKWHEAT FLOUl Flit ST OF TUE KEAJSOX. ALDEBT C. BOBEBTS, Dealer In Pbie Qrooerlea, 11 7Jrp Oor. ELEVENTH and VINE tairee CTAfsllLY FLOU -1 In lots to suit UROCLHS, or by the Sliii HiiTel, fur salo bj f J. EDWARD ADDICKC No. 1230 MARKET Street, f 10 9 Smtp PfllLADELPRL HATS AND CAPS. WMAkJ 1IJI U W FAB HI UNABLE UiTIlBI nu. xa d fliaiu oureei, First door above Ubesnnt street. I TO WARBDRTON'S IMPKOTED VE tJ Uted.and easy-httlng Dress Bats (patented)? all the Improved fashions of the season. OHl WTJT Street, next door to the Post Offloe. 11 19 (6t BOARDING. BOARDING IN QFRMANTOWN. BOAR with lour larsa and wuil.fiirnmtiAri r.nm No 6S TULPKHOCEENUlreeUGerniantown. Kaf renca rfquired. lo 27 na WANTS. "TTTANTED FOR A LADY" AND GENTL1 VV M aN. a aiiltnf Tllk KM unilMdtn... r... .....J In.)! nrivaie fauiilv nreierrfd. i .... I K it.i.l. Addrees jHome,'Ubls ofllce It 2 6( PIANOS. PjSSfM STEINWAY A SONS' OBAJT Tel f 'square and nprlght Pianos, at BLASit bKOa'.No, 10)16 CHEBNOT Btreek gj j !ZV?ra BTfcCK & CO.'S AND HA 1MB ' If f ( IBKOTHERH PIANOS, and MASON I AMLLN'b (JABINET OHUANS. only at 1 r v. nknr.ivy Kr. c. ! SainnUp No. 2A CHEHNUT HtreeaJ 3 TR. BUhTON'S TOBiCUO ANTiDOTE Wan anted to remove all desire lor Ton in 1b entirely veKetabU and baruiless, and is also an e celleut appetl.or. It iiurilles a:id earlohe.i the blooj luviKOtates tbn sj sit 111 pjsifBiei great nourlstiln and streiiKihenina; pi'nr. puabies tbu stomach to t gtst the beartlf si food makes slt-ep refreaulag, an vstkhshs robust beslth. Kuink.rs aad chewura It sixty years ruied. Price fitly cents per box. Pot lre'. au lnteres Ins treatiKe ou the injurious efTaot of lobncco, with lists of teatlmantal", retcrencdS, eia Lb. T. K, ABBOT r, Jeisey City, N. J. TEaTl Mu S I VLS. From the Uniud 8iaus Treasury, Becretaryf unite. riease Benu a sapp y or me Auiiuoie. la one received has dune lis work surely. i O T. EDGAR.! From New Hampshire Htate Prison Ueuueiueu 4 iPttueuce oere navmi; neeu Ciirea 01 tue apps'iiefq lODUi'UOoy uiinn ur, unrtuli a Aniiuuie, wg a 03 ire supply for tbe prisoners of this Institution. JOSEPH MAYO, Warden ol the N. II. State frlmn. A Banker's Testimony. Ur. Burton's Antidote id Tooacco nas acoumptisnea ait uiaimea ior 11. WALTEK MANS, 1st Nat. Blnk. Naw Albanv. I ni From tbe Chief Kuirinettr of ma A llvuhai. v VaiiW Balirosd t o.rnanv. PitMhurz Pa. 1 have usod ti Autldoie llh treat succuss. It I I curing all mi friends. H. BLAOKSTJNE7! a uiergymnn-s 'jemnrjy.-uue box or AatldoH cureu my u.oiuer anu myseii. 11 never iiuo. UtV, I. W HHOKMAKEB. K'fllV. Hint Inn. !a From;tbe Police Ilesdnnartnrs, Lyuu, Masa Ibavf KBlutrd thirty liVK nouiuls nl lieah lu turea uioallia l( utln Dr. Burton's Antidote, and all desire ortobacox 11 rwuuvfu, W.U Wall'.JI. I the "Hoii'hrrn Home Journal." Baltimore From Mo. One box cl Bnrion s Antidote removed U d sire lor the wepd Irom me. I uke pleistira In reoiDa l mi's it hi an uur rf nuero. 'i. j , mi.A 1 kh, ki, i cu.u ujr mi j.riiKUiaia. ju 'Mwltuialau (Trailnumrk X Copyrighted.) lINE ARTS. Established by Yito Viti, 1815. irvn.v liwmi , . J 'rA vtlt ii ... ,.v uii inun. tiiuo tiiu fill oil rvtuHia- Iniitorlors of Italian Carrara Marble Mouiiuiontai Statuarj, L'rus, Alonuments, FtitiutaiiiH, l'arlor aud (jardeu Statuarj, French t'ompoj llion and Kcal Uroiuc Groupes and Figures, Finest Parisian Ormolu and Gilt 2 1 -day Clocks, Uisquet Fi(!ure8, Alabaster OraamenU autl Strtluary, etc., etc. rariieular attention given to speelal Importalion of Marble Statuarj of all descriptions; ami bavini? direct corres-' pondeuce ith the principal studios of Italy, enables them to import at the lowest rates. Designs of all Monumental objects of art can be seen at their office, No. Ill) Hfiuth FHOM Street, above WALMUT. 10 26 mm f st IJADAM ROC88LER, COSTUMER. No. 821 ORREIf atrset, baa lust returned fmni Paris with A NEW AND SPLENDID BTOCK Of AM, KLKD4 O ttOTIJHKB, FOR FAM:V hL1,m. PARTI EH. PBIYATH THEAlBto'ALS VKltJi, ITU, which Will be InauKl ui vkbv mcAaovABf.a wat. ftansMa WILLIAM a invriM. Ag.ut OUTCALT'B PATENT KLA8TI0 JOIST IR0K BOO and CLABKE'3 PATENT ADJUSTIBLH HOKSiV KlIUH OA I.Kli. KANDFACTrBal) SY HIIOH 4BRRORB k Oa Oilirra-uukil Hirvet, below Teutb, and No. M I.IBKAMY buwl, WWlairp