THE DAILi EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 18G8: NEW YORKISMS. From Our Own Oorreirpondent. New York, Oct. 2!, 1803. It is characteristic of HOIUCK GRKKLEY tliat he declines t3 rnn for f'onnress 1n the Fifth District, find leaves the (Imputation of that honor between General Nelson Taylor and John MorriMPy. He accept, however, the nomination of the Repnbllcon County Convention for tho ofUce of Register, and has fur his opponent the lion. Slichael Coujliy. Ills conduct needs no explanation. Its aim U simply to Ktreurtheu the Uepublicau ticket, m it will cer,t'n!y d), by an inureusod nntnber of voters. Tuo a'loiidfMce at the Investigation of the ROSKNIIKRH NATURALIZATION FRAUDS. iu the room of the Unl e 1 s.nt District Attor ney, before CouiiiiissLiivr Cs'joiii, bin bt;eo crowded daily. On the purl of the defen.-e an attempt was TJn8uecesfully mode to oSt iiu u disni'mml of tho case, on the RroaiU tbat tlio act nnJ!r which the proceed inur was Instituted applied only to eamen and their nf.nrnlizaMon papers. Meanwhile arrauztueui9 have beeu made to arrest, under warrants from the Dulled State Coart, every person prc-entini a fmuJulont naturalization paper. Aside from this system of fr.ul, the names o four thousand persons have, been dipcovernd Who (to not livo In tho localities whenco they were reRletered. i Consequently, an extensive force hsu been orgouized, whose fole buMnr--; it will b to iu quiro into the right to vote of crcry person rcglhtcrerl. On Tucsdity evening CMOS SQL' AUK and its sutrouiulincs were occupied by abou twenty thousand people n.'s juib'.ed to listen to the utterances of the great and giftel G jneral Frank P. Blair, Jr. Ue arrived rather lute, but was received with violent nercams, which geeiucd like endeavors to choke off that tall talker, Mr. James N. Thayer. Ttie tall talker, however, refused to be choked off, and talked on until be had bad his say out, and the orator of the evening cajie forward. Perhaps there are no such things as omens. Otherwise it wonl 1 seem a little singular that jut a be did so the great calcium light should be extingubhed, and tue gas-light spresd-eale should ' go out," all except his bill, and stead, fastly rcftire all attempts at lcillumlnation. The trappings ineide Titmmany Hall and out side, arouud Union square, were expensive and lavish. All that blinding lights, flaunting streamers, deafening bells and cannon, and brazen music could do was done until midnight came. Before the meeting broke up specimen "Rrlck'' Pomeroy soliloquized aloud, Gil the same evening the BROOKLYN BOYS IN BtA'E bnd a masrniticent turnout, and were joined by thoi-o from Jersey City, UoboKen, ana Newark. The line, of the procession was indicated by those intermittent tire spouts, in the slipe of rockets and Uoman candle?, which are the universal expression of political emotion. Superintend' nt Kennedy, by-the-by, has for bidden any election bon tires to be lit, and has ordered the confiscation of all boxes, barrels, hogshead", etc. accumula'ed lor such, purpose. The POLICE COUUT9 are at orcent biy with a ba'.ch of burglaries, forgeries, Urcenie?, bomiciis, malicloui prose cutionc, and what nor. To wilt On TuesOay afternoon a number of deputy collector, among whom was Frederick B. Lawrence, visi'ed ItUu.owii, iu the Ultii ward, tor the purpo e ol makiugaraid upon some illicit distilleries there. Au improvisoed crowd atlacked them with sticks and stones, and Lawrence. Qiia it pistol in self defeuse, accidentally, though U is believed not fatally, shot a woman who was taking uo part in the Retribution in a very swift form overtook a voune blackguard, ascd fourteen, who was In the habit of applying the iiltuiesi epithets iu the F,ve Points dictionary to ttie wile of a coal-barge captain at one of the East river piers. She put an end vo it and htm by bhooting him dead with a 8l)Hrp'ii revolver. A Mr. It. u. Alexander has been running up a bill at the Filth Avenue Hotel, and presenting a forged check in payment thereof. John fcpicer, accused ot complicity in ths lar ceny of $45.01)0 worth or United States bonds from the Sub-Treasury last July, will receive his doom this morning at thu Lauds of the Touibi magistrate. You iemeraber the robblu? of a dray loaJ of trunks belonging to Mr. Black, of the firm of Ball & Bl ick, jewelers 1 All too trunks except ing four and a tiu box whose contents ore valued at $2000 have come to light in a whimsical mnnuer. At dtU'erent hours of iucceesivenights they were di-covered by the police, abandoned at a dozen different point along Fifth avenue and Broadway, and niotof teem repainted aud the articles of dress transfeired. A thiet named Uough bus been lmitatlcg the audacity of the Ball & lilacs thieves by cu toring the bed-room of two ladies living iu Bleecker street, and snatching and making otf with watches aud diamond rim's (o the value ot several hundred dollars, while their owuei'd were en dushabill and iu bed. A six thousand dollar burglary in Canal street has likewise been frustrated. Tne burglars, two in number, had hired the unocctipb-d bssemeut of the premiei, under prcteuso of opantna a trunk stoie. During the ni"ht they concealed themselves in theirnewly biied basement, and from the store above conveyed six thousand dollars' worth of leathers aud satins into a small instalment ol trunks. As thy were removing these at six o'clock next morning, one of the lew Argus-yed U. P. '6 capped a stopper on them. In the Brooklyn Supreme Court Mr. Leonard O. Klinck, in his suit apainet Charles L. Hard ing auu otheis for $30,000 damages, has received a verdict of $500) in his favor. His suit gre w out of the defalcation of Folger & Tibbs, two years ago, when that Brm bougbtSlOO.OOO worth ot goods on credit, and immediately disposed ot them below cost to various Western firms. 6ome ot them were traced to the store of a Cincinnati auctioneer, to whom they hd been consigned by Mr. Klinck. Oue of the results of the protecutton instituted Bfra'mbt the firm of Polger & Tibbs by lis creditor, wan the im nrlBonment of Klinck, whose suit for malicious prosecution has just been triumphantly (for himi Ipimlnated. And these put arraphs would be strung out to a weariSiime lengtn were I to aeta'.i tne prov able murders and certain homicides that ntve loomed up within the last two days. THE TOtJHOER TYHO has excited the ire of the Rev. 8. M. Rice, rector ot Jersey City Grace Church, by announcing his Intention to preach next Tuesday evening iu the mlouiHin of that metrooolis. The Beveiend Rice, indeed, goes so far as to accuse him of waywardness and eccentricity, and thinks he would bo bet'er employed in Visiting his etc ana Durymg nis ueau, iu rendering nimseu once more nauiu k au euuic coL.til trial and admonition. But young Tyug, in his way (like Henry Ward Beecher In his), smiles at Satan's darts, whilst be laces a frowning woria, ana ssys, --iai ou brothers, taut on: uaveii an your own waj. For the last two days the subjeclor RITUALISM has been discussed In the Protestant Episcopal CouvcnUou. f-omo of the clergy thought tLut the tendency towsrds Ritualism ran into Inde cency, snd some tbat tbe less sud about It the I"h would be known about u, and the less known about It the better. Yesterday wa the clojini up day. ANNA DICKINSON id fhortly to lecture here on "Wbrkingwomen." The lecture Is to be for the benefit ol tbe "Work InBwomen's Centiol Association," and Cooter Hnll is to bo placed gmtuitounly at her disposal. The lectures on comparative anatomy by TROF. F. O. LEMRROIRR ere drawlne large audiences at Cooper Institute. All the ealient points arc illustrated by masriil fled models, which he dissects, and which are of suehaize fbat nj process ot the Uu:octlon is lost upon any ln'olliuent listener. These models arecallPd "Clastic Models," and wer prepared expressly lor Prof. Lemcrcier's use by Dr. Augoux. of Paris. The latest sensation In which MR. EEKon's DBTECTIVKH have fleured n stoppin?a Jog-0ght that was in proprcs in William-burp. A choice collectiou ot the laney were there; but tiic detecttvci use t their reolvets o Judiciously that tbe 8. P. C. A. triumphed, una tue principal malelactors were arrested. Misa KM.r.oao bus been finding in what by the happy exag geration of compliment is called opera. Witli the solitary exception of Miss Kellogg's the singing and acting have been execrable. A exhibitions of herself hor voic. her cul ture, her dramatic sentiment her every appear ance has been a success. As an exhibition o! any artistic good in her support, ttiey have beeu failures The dcbire to fce LEOTARD has caused every seat for tonight at the Aca demy of Music to be taken. From the line of ticket purcbaners visible at the various places of sale, you ini;ht think the ninscular Christians of the nineteenth century were turning In.o tho Gymuosophlsts of the ninth. An Baua. MUSICAL AM) DRAMATIC Tlie Oily Aiiinscments. At tub Walwdt the new sensation drama of F; or, Branded, will be performed this evenlngi with Mr. t. L. Davenport in four distinct char' actcrs. At tub Ancn Lottn's engagement will conclude at the end of the present week, so that there will be but a few more opportunities to sea her. Mrs. Drew announces tbat she has purchased the sole right to present in this city Mr. H. J. Byron's drama of the Lanoiahire Lass. This play is now being very successfully performed at Wallack's Theatre, New If ork, and It will be produced at the Aich on Mctduy evcuing, No vember 9. At tub CnESNtrr the last evening perform ance of The Grand Duchess will b? given to nleht. To morrow the Worrell Sisters will have a benefit, when La BeUe Uc'ene will be produced. Tbe farce of The Good for Nothing will be given ns an afterpiece, with Miss Jennie Worrell as "Nan." At thb American there will be au attractive miscellaneous entertainment. At Carl Isentz' and Mark Hosier's Orches tral Matinee, on Saturday, at Musical Fund Ila'l, Mondel-sohn's "Keformation Symphony" will be performed. A delegation from tne New Tork Philharmonic Society will assist. The rehearsals of the "Reformation Sym phony," by the combined orchestras of Csrl Sentz, Mark Hauler, aud the New York Pail barmonlc Society, are being conducted with great care and vigor, having reference to itg production in h stylo of iuiaiituble nud unsur passed grandeur and elliciency. Musical Fund Hall will doultle.3 be crowded ou b'uturday tittcrnon. Tub Season op Oieka Eouffe which wil coiunience at the Academy of Jluic on Monday, November 0, promises to be a brilliant one. Mr. Buteman bas two companies iu the field, and in addition to Tostee, Duchesne, Leluc, Ltgrill'oul, and the other artists who have already estab lished their reputations in th's olty, we will have an opportunity to mke the acquaintance ot Iruia, Aujac, and the rest whose fame has reached us from other quarters. Tho seasou is limited to twelve nights, aud Barle B'eue, with Irma and Aujac in the leading to'es, will be glveu during the first week. The sale of re served seats will commence on Wednesday, November 4, at the Academy of Music aud at he music store of Messrs. Boner & Co., No. 1102 Chebiiut street. CITY ITEMS. Mkn's, Youths', Boys', and Childbin's Cloth ing rtadv-made finest assortment in the city; also, choice stock of selected styles of Piece Uoodt, ta be made to order. ktlle, fit and xivrK-manship of our garment! turpmsed bynonerqiiallrdbjfew. AU price ouaraUr.e(i lower than the loufit elsewhere, and full talisanion guaran teed every purehater, or the tale cancelled and money re funded. Half uxv Mveen 1 Bknnbtt A Co., fuihand Tow kb Hall, Sixth streelt,) So. 81H Mabkut St., PlTILADKLPHI, And No. COO Bboadway.Nbw Vobk. OllSBBVK. l'lm quality of material, tltbt-clfiss woikuiunshlp, Latest style, Is the IKttity-mude Ciotblng at C'UiBLTS PTOKES it C'J Jl'hT USING OI'KNED. All new, Brown, I)rab,nd Oreen-mlxed Irlih Frel.e Coatlues. Dark nd Llfibl BroA'ii ftud Ureeu bcolcb C'hbvlots, for salts. B.'atk, Brown, Dahlia Blue, and the beautiful NlW Colobed Bbavkbs, for Wa'klog and Kveulug Coats, an elegADt novelty foi Cienta' wear, to be fouud only at C'UABLKS HTOKKS & (JO.'B. An endless variety ot Fancy Casslmeres. Iinb Fbkmcb Calk Boots and Gaitfrs. The man who bas never ezperleneed tbe pleasure of wetrlcg a pair ol bools made by William II. Ilelweg, Is to some extent an object ef commiseration. We peak knowingly, hvlQi worn Eelweg's boots for years. Tbelr comfort, however, is not their only recommendation, as they are made of the best mate rial and In the very best manner Holweg will no employ an Incompetent workman; therefore bis work is always U rat-class. Ills store and factory Is at WO. 636 Arch Street, neit to the corner of Blxtu, Jbwklbt. Mr. William W, Cuddy, no. 13 Booth Recond street, baa tbe largest and most attractive assortment of tine Jewelry and silverware in tbe city. Purchasers can rely upon obtaining a real, pare arti cle furnished at a price which cannot ba equalled. Be also bas a Urge stock of American watches In all variants and at ail prices. A visit lo his store Is sure to result In pleasnre aud profit. CAsravrs Housekeepers (and especially country merchants and farmers visiting the city) will Uud it to tbelr interest by calling at 3. T. Delacroix's whole sale and retail carpet warehouse, No. 16 South Beoond street, above Cbesnut, betore purcbaslug elsewhere Bee advertisement in another col am o. MishKh' and Chilubkm's Dbbss Makinu In tbe latest Fails styles, U. Bkokmakbb fe Co., No. 1024 Chsanut street. Dbinx the famous Arctlo Soda Water, and read Tua Kvkkino TLLBflBAPH. at HUliiiBn's News Hiand, at Norlh Pennsylvania Depot. Gbovkb A BAKBB'a Ulghest Premium Bewtng otachluett. No. 730 Chesuut streot, Mabkl's Mistak a, by Mrs. Abo. 8. Stephens, Author ofFsahlon and Famine," "Doub'y F'te." etc. It Is ODly a few months since we chronicled the publication of "Doubly False" by tblj popular au thorera, but althoagh tbat book created as enthu siasm wLlch ptrbaps no former work ol hers ever surt.assed, we flad tbe volume before ns In many respects worthy of blgber praise tbsn Its predeoessors In point of Oramitlo eflsjt and thrilling lotereit 'Mabel's Mistake" Is fully Pa fqal, and, regarded In an artUilo point of view, we think it superior botb In Its range of oharsclers and power of portrayal. Tbe heroine. Mabel, Is one of the most beautiful concep tions we remember Id any bonk, and the lesdlug as sistant dramattt ptrtomr are drawn with a vigor and vividness that make them fitting auslllnrlcs. Ttie ebaracter of Jazzes Harrington, la saorlflalag whom alorg with herself to she believe! duly Mabel's Kit take consisted, Is a not:e, man'y creatiou, that stands out before us as clearly as the men moving about us dally. For sale byT. B Peterson A Bros., No. 106 Cbesnut street. Trknwith' Nkwh Dspgt. lately openni on Ones nut ai wet ofMxtn, o. t14 Is a model es'bllsnment ol lis Bind in rvry repor. Nea'ly lined op, mry, ll(tlit. and rouvrnlniit, gom s conmilcuniMiy nisulayeil t-eiyililiR In perh ot order, It im r. ally a D;Hvir ti sup id lila plp . Wo hav J tint received from bim "Ilarppi' Weekl" and "Monthly," tbe "Atlantic Monllily." "O.nilo Monthly," etr. In addition t) these all Ihoo'her ptrlonlosls domrntln and forelvn the dMlly Jd ers publlsht-d here, Iu Ne YorK. and other plfcces, rnd tn latest books can be found tino i his counters, h e deserves success, and will secure It, iryWi! h avk eoi.n ho fast 1,5-W IC HAVBI niLD U TAT -Wh utvn auLD so -at Arf'VN K HAVK NuLU o AHT Ut'B Fall kd Wintrr Ci,oTHiNi)t uib Fall akd minibu (Ii.othi.nh , Oiib Fall nii Wikiks CuiTHiNU'j j t)i'R Fall ani Wintku C'ljiuinh-Ij jSB-Wji ark ow bckivin JlfWlt ilH NOW BBOBIVINO) SJ'VVS A UN NOW B.t)KIV0 j-W ABK NOW RK.OK.1VINO THK KlCII.VI) iNHTALMRVT'ia Tan mkcund Inhtai.mknt -ift Tim (SiLCo.wn Imhtalmk t'm jt THS Sut'ONB iNHTAI.MUN-r-uil JSTT-BBACTIKUI, Kuk.h Uonos. -Bk.aUTIKiti. Frhsii Hoods. m-Hk.autikiil Fbkmh Uoons -BKAtlTI'UL FBKSH UOillM. jabi. We have a rp enoid stnek of the very newat thludu on our counter and thnugti our site are so larRR we have fun J- cutters aud ouveo hundred bauds tokep our Balesrooms tilled. Tuete fBCts are open for in Irsptctlou of any who will oil and see for themselves. i-Tbe New (loods Just receiving are: Fall Overena'4, from 77o to flA. Indl-tpct'sable Buits, Htreet Jackets. Heavy Hacks (to do without overcoati). Fancy Over Backs. Stylish I'hesterllelds. Youibs' Cnoi-terliHlds. Roys' Double breasted Ba' ks. Youths' and Boys' Butts. Children's Uaribaldia. Children's Blsma-ks. Children's Prince Imperials. Child en's Chamberlains. Cblldi en's Fancy Overcoats. t-A large fo'ce of salesmen to give good atten tion to all, either looking or bnylug. WANAMAKKR ft ERWN, THE LARGEST' CLOrillNG ltOU8B, OAK HAL fa. The corner ot 8IXTH and MAllKKT Btree'.s. MAnniED. MFXCH COFAY. On Thursday evening, the 17th InniaRt, by Rev. J. Houston Kccles'on. at bo rest tlenc or the bride's parents Mr. JOHN B MKLUU to Miss MABY A. tJOFFAY, both of this city. BTODDABT GILBERT. On Tuesday evenlnr, Oc-ober 27, by tl e he. A. A. WlUita I). 1.. Mr. CUH WKN BTODDART Jb.. to Mis- KATJfi il , daughter of John Gilbert, tag., all of this city. DIED. BR1KDKNHAHT. On the 27th Instant, JOUN C. BHl.inKiNUAKT. H:a relatives and male friends, aud also tbe mem beis of Udge, No. 61. A. Y, M -aud to O der gene rally, u ruhpeciiully Invited to attend his luueral, from hla late realdenee. No. I0S cneauut street, on baturday morning at 10 o'clock. li CALVERT. On the S71U Instant, after a lingering illnesx, KICHAbl) T. CALVKKI', In his Sllh year. The relatives and friends of the family, also Kistern Star Lodge, No. 1K6, A. Y. SI.; U iluuibla MhtK LoigD, and the Cider In general: also Beck's Putlaielplila Band, and the musical fraierulty; also the Columnla Hose Company, are respectfully invited to atteml tbe funeral, from his late residence. No. 2t N. Ninth street, on (Sunday alter noon at 1 o'clock, 1KAY On the 2th instant, Mr. WILLIAM GRAY, aged 81 yeatr. Tl.e relatives and ir lends of the family, also mem bers of 8t. AU!TUStine'4 St. Patrick's Bunellclal unci ty. r iDyiua o itiua tti., fuuernl. frtttu uts la'e residence, No. I7 Qirard aveuue, on baturday morn ing a1. 8.'; o'clock. PAULUH. On tbe27lh Inst., CHARLE9 PAULTJ3. aped 3 years. The relatives and Mends, and Wl'llam B. fchnlder Lodge, No. Sltt, A. Y. M.-, Columhla Mark, No. si; Ks plre Lodge, No. 104. 1. O. of O. V.: and all Hie societies ol which he ws a member, are Invited to attend tbe funeral, from bis late residence, No, is t Oouirress street, on Hominy at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Hlxlh street UnlouyaultJL AmericaN Life Insurance Company Of Philadelphia. 8 E. Corner Fourtn and Walnnt Streets. KfThi Institution has no superior in the United &aics blu CHESTNUT ST.XX FAMILY SEWING-MACHINES. AMUSEMENTS. tar additional Amusement see Third Page. ARCH STRKET 1 II E A 1 li B. THK LANCAHIHK LiA.lsS. MH8, JOHN DKi:W begs lo announce to the publlo that she puicbased from Lestsr Warack, Keq tho sole right to present la "Ills city li. J. lUr m's succesful drama called THE! LANC'A blllltK LAB", as biiou a' the manuscript play arrived In this country. The drama (atw be'ng acted at Wallack's, New York, with tbe greatest suc cess) will be produced a', tbe ' aSu;h htuekt theTrk ON MONDAY KVKNINt. rJoVHmberfl, WITH NKW HCKNKKY, RIU1NAL MUSIC, MKCHANIOAL EFFECTS. AND GREAT OAST, 10 2H 4t MEDICAL. UDE BHEU3IATI8M, IN 13 U R A. T-.OIA. lVarrnuteil rennaneutly Cured. Warranted Permanently Cured. lVItliout Injury to the System. Without Iodide, Fotassla, or Colchicnui , Uy Ublus Inrrurdly Only DR. FITLER'S GREAT RHEUMATIC REMEDY, For Rheumatism and Neuralgia in all its forms. Tbe only standard, reliable, positive. Infallible per manent cure ever discovered. It Is warrauted to ooa tain nothing hurtful or Injurious to the system. WARRANTED TO CORK OR MONEY RBFUNDXD WARRANTED TO CORE OR MONEY REFUNDED Tboosands ot Philadelphia references of cuaes. Pre pared at Jio. 29 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Smtulhtt BKLOVY M.ARKKT, DRY GOODS. 1868. -JOSEPH H. THORriLBY Would reepectlul'y present his olalms tor a share or public patronage by offering tba following lodge ments, Via.; An Attract! re Stock. A SDlendid Assortment. 1'rlccs l'ut DoYin to the Lowest Notch. BPECIAL ATTENTION INVITED TO raisley Shawls. Urcche Shawls. Silks and Dress Goods. Blankets and Flannels. s Cloths and Cassinicrcs. r.tNKNs onr.Ts prAvn .niTiRrjrivtriia BKLU'IM, COliahilH, KIO. K1U. JOSEPH II. TKORMLEY. N. . Cor. E1UIIT1I and SPRUXU GARDEN, te am 6p PHILADELPHIA, 0 PROrillLTOIlS OF HOTELS, BOARDING-HOUSES AND SHIPPING. We have a special Wholesale Department for snn plying LINEN AND COTTON SHEETING, TOW iuLU, CiAflLlIsa, HLNULB BUjO AND BERTH BLANKB.T8, and other goods particularly adapted to yoor wants. All the above kinds of GOOD3 made no at short notice if desired. SI RAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE, COB, EIUIITII AND BIABKET STREETS. 727 POriLlR PiUCES 727 IOR X JZ Y GJ O O X S. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., Ko. 727 C HE SHUT STREET, Importers, Jobbers and Retailers, Have now on exhibition THK MOOT EXTENSIVE AND DK8IRABLK STOCK in this market. Tbelr stock la unrivalled for EXTENT, VA RIETY and general adaptation to the wants of the trade They are ln.constant receipt of BARGAINS, which are freely offered by the yard, piece, or package. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., No. 7427 C&E3NTJT Street, PHILADELPHIA. JJOUSE-FUHNISHING GOODS IINIiN DAMASKS, LINEN SHEETINGS, DAMASK TOWELS AND TOW E LINOS, NAPKINS AND tOILlKS IN EVERY VARIETY, Together with our large stock of DOMESTIC MUSLINS, CRASH, ETC. J0M W. THOMAS, Nos. 405 and 407 N. SECOND St., g 28 rp PHILADELPHIA. ALL OI'ENISU-SIIAWLS, ETC. ETC. EYRE & LAN DELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, HAVE PEN LYONS VELVETS, BROCHE SHAWLS, ROYAL POPLINS, BLACK RIBBED POPLINS, LARUE BLANKETS, DAMA6K NAPKINS, 10 13 tutlit,1m HOOSKKEEPINQ GOODS r0 COUNTRY MERCHANTS. We bave now In store a very large and varied as sortment of LADIES' CLOAK1NGS. By rallieg on na yon caa not only see all the styles In vogne, but be supplied Iu quantities to suit at tbe lowest wholesale rau 8. Comparison of a too and rlcei with any wholesale house solicited. bampleasent by mall when desired, STRAWBRID6E & CLOTHIER CEMRAL EMPORIUM, COB.EIC1UTH AND BIABKET STBEETS, 8 24 6m PHILADELPHIA. SOLD AT A SACRIFICE. BLACK H1LK VELVETS. BLACK KKUL1SH CAAPK9, BLCK FRENCH CRAPES, BLACK KaULISH CltAPhi VEILS, BLA1K TARLATANS, BLACK HI LK NETS, BLACK REAL Til HEAD LAOES. BLACK IMITATION LACES, BLACK RIBBONS, BLACK CRAPE RIBBONS. BLACK O LOVES, ETC. Em, Will be sold at CLOSE BUSINESS. WARBUKTON. 10 lOtt Na 1004 CHESN UT Hureef. DRY GOODS. HNANC1AL. WINDOW BLINDS AND SHADES. QUN D 8 8 HADES. It. J. WILLIAMS & S038, No. 10 NORTH BIXTII STREET, LAEOEbT MANUFACTURERS, AND CELL LOW PRICES. BLINDS painted and trimmed. BIORE BHADESmadejuad letters jDmthsiui m f?. LEE, Ko. 43 1V0RTII EIUIIT1I STREET, OF K NED Tun DAY FROM AUOTION, SOpleres EXTRA HFAVT AND EXTRA FINE fcTRITH POPLINS, 3S and 45 cent; coat over it ts Import. FINE DOUBLE WIDTH FRENCH POPLINS. U cents and 1 1, HAND.SOM I BILK KPIS&LINK?. StrilKB BLACK BIKARirZ CLOTH. 3HEAVY. 1-4 HCUOE UMU'Hd FIJU HJ11S. lack Silks! Black Silks! BLACK SILKS FOR SUITS, lt7. W, $J15. HEAVY HLA .'K Hi lK4, 1 S0,i 7j, anJ J. HOPERB BLACK SILKS, 1 1 SO to li, CIHKAPK-T BLACK SILKS IX THB MARKET. SPECIALTY IN BLACK blLK". lot) doaea BLACK KID QLOVES from aiotton fI0. ' Also. GENUINE JOUVIM KID GLOVE'. ZOdozfn Men's Rial Kid, DArk Ojlors, H'tf. Job lot Gents' Wolte Dot Olovei, 11. A splendid line of Laaw Mariao Hosiery. Ladles' Hemstitch Handkerchiefs, Ure Bargains Men's Colored Brdsr Hdkb,, r, 4, and so CAati. . Ocouioe Bslbrlggan U )ilory; very low. Ladle.' Hemitlicb UJkf. , a apeoiatty. LOMKTAND ALL-WOOL FLANNEL In va riety. CANTON FLANNEtS, Bleached and Brown. Ladles', Uenta', and Children's Merino Underwear. Black Alracas.obespestla ths olty. 50 pieces Merrlmaa Calicoes, ll.'i cents. 4 4 EDgllsh ChlntBM (Hoyle's) 2 and 11 oents. 100 pieces 6-1 FRKVCit SHEI'ill MULL, for I'.on log Dresses S7S cents to II- Co it doable. O jly 10 yards In a dress. Vclvetoons! Velveteens ! PRIZES CAHTIED IN H07AL HAVANA. KENTUCKY, and MISSOURI LOll'EUlKi. Clroulurn atot and Informati'in dlveo. Jot-EPH BATES. No. It li ROADWAY, New York, Pott oruoa box, tiOt, IV H liu VELVETEENS FRO If AUOTION. VELVETEENS, ALL SHADES. VKLVETHENS. HANDSOME BROWNS. VELVETB ESS, ELEGANT BLACKS. LYONS CLOAKINU VELVETS. BEST IN THK MARKET. PO&SON S BE3T VELVETS. Housekeeping Goods, a Full Liue. Damask Table Ltoenr, extra heavy. Napkins, Towtls, Doylies, etc. etc Dress Goods! Dress Goods! OREAT BARGAINS IN DIIKS9 Q03DS TJ RE DUCE feTOCK. UANDfcO.ME LACE CURTAINS CLOSING OUT1 E. R. LEE, No. 43 North E1UI1TU Street, It PHILADELPHIA. IJAMRICK & COLE, No. 45 North EIGHTH Street, OPENED TO-PAY FROM YESTERDAY'S 8ALES, HEAVY SICILIAN TOl'LINS, DOUBLE WIDTH, Brown, Blue, Pnrple, Green, and Wine Colors. At 41 Cents, Cofet G5 to Import. Also, 25 1'IECES IIEAVI POPLINS, I'orlw Kfrliwvii. aII colors, at id cent, cost I'icenls to laud. ALSO, ONE LOT DOUBLE WIDTH SE11UES, 7i centp, cost 60 cents, ALSO, ONE LOT VERY 1UCH SILK SEKUES, Most Detlrable Colorings, at f 1 SO, leas than coat to import. . HAM RICK & COLE, No. 45 North LKiUTH Street. 102Jthstu3i PHILADELPHIA. CARPETINGS. Ja T. DELACROIX, IMPORTER AND DEALER IX CARPETINGrS sraltlngs, OU Cloths, Rugs, Etc, Wholosalo and Retail. WAREHOUSE. No. 37 South SECOND St.. ( 12 stutbSmSp Above Chesnut, Philadelphia, FURNITURE. SPECIAL NOTICE. TO BE SOLD, AS SOON A3 POSSIBLE, $100,000 WORTH OF FURNITURE, t prices much ielow usual rates. GEORUE J. HEN li ELS, LACY & CO THIRTEENTH and CHEiNUT Streets, 627 tbltu2mrp PHILADELPHIA. QIGAR NOTICE. Particular attention Invited to our choice stock of CIGARS, comprising loading Imported Brands and Fuguot's "Mariana Rita," and ' Era Dlavolo" brand. These fine Fhlladelphta-tuade Cigars are proving standard articles, by reason of the r Intrinsic merits and moderate prices. Bmokers who bave not made their acquaintance, or fairly tried l hem, should do so now. Bold In original packages at lowest flguret. SIMON C0LT0N & CLARKE, S. IV. Corner DROAD aiid WALNUT Sts., 10 21 6l6p PHILADELPHIA. UNITED PTATES BEVENUR STAMPS. Pilnclpal Depot, No. 904 OHKNOT Street. Central Depot, No. 103 8. FIK l'll 8ti eet, one door below Chesnut. Established ltMM. Revenne Stamps of every description conatantly oa sand hi any ainouut Or.ier. br Mali or Express prorantlr attended to. United States Notes. Dratu on I'bllad.lphla ur Net Toik or current funds received In payuieuu Particular atteutlon paid to small order. The decision, ol the (joiduiIuIuu cau ba conuitej aud any uitvru.aUutt raii0ihK law tjUooriuLI Yv. . Dealers la all Gotenuncnt SecnrIU9 BlUJi O.V EXCHANUK For Sale on Loneonranlfart, Tarls, El. We Issne Letters of credit ok Messrs. JA3XE3 W. TUCKER &JUO., Tarts, AVAILABLE TOR TRAVELLERS TJB THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, Harlng now direct prlrato comrnnnlca lions by wire between our New York an! Philadelphia Offices, wo aro constantly la receipt of all quotations from New York, and are prepared to execnto all orders with promptness In STOCKS, BONDS, and HOLD. BUmi, RANDOLPH & CO.. No. 16 South THIRD Street, TIP PHILADBDPHIA. yNION PACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS At 102, AM) ACCRUED LXTERE3T. CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS At 103, AND ACCRUED INTEREST. FOR 8AI E BT No. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, e la PHILADELPHIA. GOLD BOUGHT. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS or GOVERNMENT SECURITIES No. 40 South THIRD Street, 10 8 til 18 PHILADELPHIA. WHI. PAINTE2 & C0.t BANKERS AND DEALERS IN U0VEKK 3IENT SECURITIES, No. SO South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA, AGENTS FOll The Union Pacific Railroad Co, AMD Central Pacific Railroad Co. We hare on hand THE FIRST M0RT (SAGE SIX PER CENT. GOLD INTER ESI BONDS of both Companies, for. sale or Exchange for UoTenuucut Securities. Pamphlets, with Maps, Reports, and full information furnished on application, i itf E3 A N K I N G HOU8B OP s Nos. 112 and 114 South THIRD street PHILADELPHIA. Dealers In all Uorerament Securities. Old 6-20s Wanted In Exchange for Mew A Liberal Difference aUowed. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. Interest Allowed on Deposits COLLECTIONS KADS. BTOOSa bonsM Wt4 MM tn Commission. Bpcll kails ess ftooommodstiom reserre m IMllea, 10 1 tm Wa wm reeelr sppllostlons tor Pollolns ol Li'a Insorsnoe In ttie uonI Llie Insarsnoe Company o QLENDINNINQ A DAVICJ no. s no inn tbibb mrvxxzi Btock and Gold Broker.1 QUOTATIONS OV NEW YORK STOCKS ALWAYS 00 UABfa INW , fiwporiraiiu f IOSk M MTI1