THE DAILY EVENING TELEGUAPII rUILADELPIIIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1808. rOILIIKEI EIE1T 1FTERI00I (ststoats ncmn)i A.T XS1 Wma TKLKGRAPH BUILDING. iTO. ltB . THI&D 8TSXMT. FUN, Three Cent per Copy (Drmble Bheet). er Eighteen Cents pu Week, payable o he Carrier and Mailed to Subscribers oat of the oity et Nino Dollars per Annum. On Dollar and Fifty Cents for Two Months, Invariably la advenoe for he period erdered. - SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1868. The Le.hi Condition of the Ilepab lican fatty. Thh correppondenoe pabllahed thla morning betweon Attorney-General Brewster, City So lloitor Lvnd, and Sheriff Lyle will attraot general attention, and the steps which are about Wng taken to check the Sheriff in his Illegal action will merit the hearty commenda tion of the pnblio. The experience of the past few weeks has enabled the people to judge of What means talk and what means work, so far as the leaders of oar party are oonoernud; and When it is remembered that the only practical Btep towards saving the Republican party from fraud was made by the Attorney-General and bis assooiates, they will be glad to see that Mr. Brewster is moving in the matter. The pnblio have oonfldenoe that when he is in charge neither stupidity nor corruption will enter the oase. It is, therefore, with great gratiuoation that It is seen that he is watching the Sheriff, and preparing to hold him to a striot respon sibility for all his action. The tone adopted bj Mr. Lyle Is about fifty degrees lower than that which he assumed two weeks ago. lie lees that he is in great danger; that his sureties are liable and likely to suffer; and that it is a decidedly unpleasant thing to be brought before the Supreme Court on a quo warranto, a writ exceedingly summary in its nature, and which, when moved for by the Attorney-Oeneral, means a summary settle ment of his alleged rights. The oity need, therefore, fear nothing farther from Mr. Lyie; and the only question is in regard to the propriety of proseoating that person for past offenses. The question of the legality of the natu ralisation papers issued by the Supreme Court is one which should be settled, and we are happy te know that the Attorney-General will prooeed to Pittsburg daring the ensuing week and in person give his attention to this ques tion. In comparison with the settlement of that question the contest of individuals sinks Into utter insignificance, as the one affects only the pookets of a few the other the safety pf an entire State. For the first time in the history of Philadel phia has a systematized effort been made at the last eleotion to govern our oity by the im portation of ruffians from New York and Balti more, and the regular adoption of a plan of .''repeating" at different polls. This is, we Bay, the first time that such a thing has been attempted on a scale to be worthy of attention. The issue is now presented for the people of Philadelphia to settle whether they shall the future submit to importation, and CM oar city franchise turned into a faroe, or whether, by a series of vigorous pro3eoa tlons both of the rascals at home and by requi sitions from the Governor for the rascals from abroad, strike terror among them and deter a repetition. If half a dozen men from Balti more and a like number from New York were had on requisition and prosecuted with spirit and ability, the effect on this oity would last for the next ten years. If a hundred of the "re peaters" of our own city were thus treated, it would for a lifetime deter them in the future. Shall this be done f Will it be done ? If the funds which our citizens are being asked to give liberally are plaoed in the hands of a certain "ring," we say without hesi tation that not a man of these ruffians will evtr ie convicted. It must be given into the hands of men who are above reproaob, and who are not the intimates of the Fourth ward gang. It most be remembered that, after November 1, Furman Sheppard, Eq., a Demoorat, will be Difltriot Attorney; and if we would have any of the roughs prosecuted soma one must act whose power is superior to that officer's. It is Well to remember, also, that the Attor-nev-Genesal is the ranking District Attorney of the State, and oin enter the Quarter Sessions and pass bills directly over the head of the District Attorney Of the county; so that the Republican party has still within its oontrol an offioa whioh will prevent an unlawful influence being used by the District Attorney, even if he was so in clined; but from what we know of Mr. Shep pard we do not think he Is. Let us then have the frauds proseouted with vigor, and let us by an example deter wrong-doers in the future and save our city from a fate whioh it is fear ful to contemplate. The Wily Johnson. Thh' Pbksideht is "sly, devilish sly," as Joey Bagfetook says. His whole course proves how deep he is. What penetration I What a head t His Htu. proclamation to Ilonatlo Seymour, published this morning, shows the cunning of the man. lie has had the Intelli gencer denouncing Seymour as long a he thought it possible to drive him out of the field. As coon as he finds he cannot auooeed, he if sues his "bull" oauonizlng Horatio; so that all his influenoe and all the weight of his great opinions aVe to-day for Seymour. Poor Horatio I What grievous sin has he com mitted that requires him to bear Johnson along'.wlth him in the campaign f But while the depth of this model Rlohelieu la thus shown, he shows a treaohery without precedent. What does he congratu late Seymour on doing and urge him to go on with f Hear what he says: "I m It announced in the papers this morn lug tbat von will enter tue Presidential can vasa la person. I trutt tills may be bo. Tue Srteent position of publlo affairs justifies and emands It. It 1 Hoped and believed by your government, whether eooret or armed, wilt not be pmed.nnd that tueir arbitrary usurpation ton" tier wlib tbelr wasteful, prnflmtt. corrupt use of be people' resources, will be signally exposed and rebuked." What is this he wants Seymour to do f To swing around ihi circU lik ht didtmo yoar ago. This is the animus of the letter. This is the thorn -Jn bis side, the poison In the draught. He remembers how he was reoeived, and now seeks to saorifioe Seymour in the most effectual way. After this we oannot but believe that the Intelligmcer spoke the truth, and that Johnson is the bitterest enemy at heart that the Demooratto nominee has. The Democratic Hell-Ilroth. Mb. W. Cbopfot contributes to Harper's Weekly the following parody of Shakespeare, illustrated by the figures of Seymour, Hamp ton, and Blair, gathered about a caldron labelled 'C. S. A." and "K. K. K.:" Double, double, toll and trouble. Fire burn and oaldron bubble. Hound aunut tue heil-brotn go, in Uie motley fragment tbrowt "Hand of Treason, recking red PolNn-lnj of (Jopperoemj, Tougue aud Up or peijured Lee, Itltitr tear ol itJUne, Curse of planter, prater of slave, Bioi-som irom a martyr's grave, Rod of 'Moses,' whloti be lust When be pardoned Piiarano's boot, Skull of prisoner at Fort Pillow, Blond of I reed men at UamlilH, Hampton's torch, Fred. 1 lugiass' fetjor, Booth's revolver, Blair's letter, Toombs' wbip aud Forrest's sneer, And a nigh from Dostle's bier. Beaconed with guerrilla's oalb. "Seymour stirs tbe borrld broth Bound about bis bead a rg From tbe Alabama's flg; Clean of cinvas that tbu gale Wrested from tbe pirate's sail; Wsnd or witchery tbat bore Treason's ting lu 'VI. Willi a weird and biasing sound Rocks tbe caldron rouud and round, And he cries, ''I'M very good 1 Lol tbe cup of Brotherhood I' " Post Prandial Diplomacy. Mikiptkr Reverdy Johnson has been in Eng land scarcely three months, and during that time he has eaten more publlo dinners than his predeoessor did during the six or seven years in whioh he represented the United States at the English Court, and he has made more pnblio speeches than all the Amerioan Ministers together from the time ef John Jay. Mr. Adams, it is true, was nnier a oloud; it was his duty to uphold the oredit and honor of his country during the darkest hour of her peril; to oppose, in season and out of season, the sullen anti-Amerloanism of the British Government, that was only prevented from breaking out into open hostility by allowing the "I dare not wait upon I would," and to demand reparation for outrages perpetrated upon Amerioan commerce by British-built, British-armed, and British manned cruisers, with tbe connivanoe and hearty good-will of the British Government and the British ruling classes. Mr. Reverdy Johnson appears in England under more favorable auspice.-; the American Republlo has oome out of the satanio contest of the Rebel lion triumphant in spite of British propheoies of defeat and extinguishment, and it now claims the fear as well as the respeot of Eng lish ill-wishers. Mr. Johnson finds the Eng lish Government and people disposed to make terms of amity, but with as little saorifioe on their part as possible of the traditional British polioy of ''keep all you have and get all yon can." Mr. Johnson apparently has more to ear from British "soft soap" than he has from British churlishness and hostility. The line of polioy pursued in his oase has appa. rently been as successful as his entertainers could desire, and innumerable good dinners have put him in a complaisant and happy frame of mind, that predisposes him to grant everything and ask nothing. Mr. Johnson, at his speeoh in Liverpool on Thursday, proceeded to "lay bare his whole heart," which reminds us of a would-be diplomatist who not long ago "took his heart in hia hand." Let us hope that the one will be more successful than the other. Mr. John" eon, having laid bare his heart, informed his hearers that the peaoe of the two countries was not likely to be disturbed; that two great points of diepute had already been settled upon terms honorable to both oountries; that the third would soon be settled, and that thus would be annihilated all peril of a rupture of friendly relations. The two points whioh have already been arranged are, we suppose, the question of expatriation, what is commonly known as the "breeches question," by whioh the American Ministers In future will be able to appear at Court in the guise of Christiana, without being obliged to exhibit their attenu ated calves to the ridicule ot an assembled multitude, and the third question yet to be arranged is that of the Alabama claims. It would be eminently satisfactory to know that this vexatious matter was about to be defi nitely adjudicated to thi satisfaction of. all parties; but we have more than a shadow of a doubt that Mr. Johnson's diplomaoy will not be received with favor in Congress or among the American people. We all know what trouble Mr. Adams had to get the British Government to con sider these olalnis at all, and the facility with which Mr. Johnson has fixed matters up is certainly creditable to him, if all Is at we would have it; but, nnder the olroumitanoes, it is open to a suspicion that he has laid bare his breast nnder the influence of good cheer to an extent that will induce him to grant more than we will be willing to give. We deiuaad fall and sufficient payment for the damage done to Amerioan oommeroe by the Alabama, and we euoald not consent to any thing short of this, if Mr. Johnson oannot obtain an acknowledgment from the British Government of its responsibility for these claims, and of its willingness to pay the money due on (hem, he had better olose up his breast again, oome home, and allow some one of a more determined spirit to take hit plaoe. As a usual thing, post-praudlal declarations arc not of muoh value, and post-prandial di plomacy is not apt to give the greatest amount of satisfaction to those who are not under the benign influenoes 0f turtle und olaret. Now Mr. Johnson's diplomaoy seems to have been mostly of the post-prandial kind, and on that aooount we hesitate to accept it as conclusive. We heartily second his wishes for a perpetual peaoe between the United States and England, but we do not believe in the "peaoe at any price" doctrine; and while we accept tbe issue of a war as a misfortune, we do not oonstder it as the greatest misfortune that could befall up, and this faot we think it well that the British people and Government should be well assured of. In vino tt Veritas as a general rule is open to exooptions, and the following de claration of Lord Stanley, at the Liverpool banquet, on Thursday, shows him to be a diplomatist even after dinner: "It is a settled principle In Koglnnd to respeot srruouiou-ly the rights of every nation, the wekl aa well as the as scrupu lously as e maintain our own, to study and pieierve, in the Urtd Instance, tbe peace or Kuglaoct; next to that, as fur as lies lu ftir powt r, tun peace of Kurope and the olvUlzol world; to fe-k no narrow, no seiflsli, no exclu sive object, hut to c"Rl"pr that evca our ma terial luteretlti nre tndlfsolably connected with tbese neighboring nailoLR, who are at once our neighbor" and our cuHtomer.o; in poln's of hon-r, not too hntlly or Impetuously resent any real or imagined wrong, hut rattier to wil lingly submit to the dlRoaslonaie arbitra tion of some competent tribunal." History will scarcely sustain Lord Stanley in U above statements, but they are valuable as indications that the distinguished head of the Foreign Office has not opened his heart to the same extent as Mr. Johnson, bat that he still keeps an eye open for the main chance, even after dinner. To-NioHT. Let every Republican, young or old, be present to-night at Conoert Hall. The meeting this evening means work, and it is not an idle display of bunoombe. It is time that there should be infused into the feeble management of the Republican party some blood, for the system is about exhausted' The people demand honesty and vigor, and will have it. When we .say that the Hon. Benjamin Harris Brewster will make the speeoh of the campaign, we say no more than all the people knsw who have heard that gentleman. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. CKNTKAI. 4'ON;iti:NATIO.AIi CHbkUU. KlUHTBKN !' una WKKK.V Htreete. The Pustor, Kev. JlDWAUD UtWiiS, will preach to-morrow at to;j A. M. Interesting services lu behair of tbe Hubbu b Henool and young people will bo held a 7 P. at J F. K. sriTKS, frofeimor tiHOi-MAKKK, ai.d the t'ostor will tat part la the exei c'aei. una eri always welcome. K-y SABBATH KTK1N lIN'Ol'KE. ms A leriw) ot feabn dl-course on H .lomoii's Fools." will be delivered in NEW ALEXANDER TRES BY TKR1 .N OttUli'JU. NINK1KKNTH and OHI0H.N Sire ti, by th pastor. Rev. T. M t U.VNINUHaM. Trie lirsi of the series To morrow Kveniug. bubject The JJeaptser ol Pa rtnial Xnsiructlo". rCa NT. I'll! I.I lM CHAPEL. NINTH UV&t Street, below iiuitunwund The Anniversary Kxerclxesor iho aar dy H.hooi wilt beheld rn tue atiei uouu of the 24ih lust., to commence at hair-past 2 o'clock. The Re erenrt PKKUY BllOWN, lUe pas tor or bT. PiILIl"S CHURCH, will deliver an ad arts; ou this occasion. Tue publ'o ars invited. K, THE FORT V-NINTn ANN I VERS 4.. U ol the LD J AO PRtkAC'lleiKS ASHXJIA TioN OF f HL.i)KLPIIlA will be h-lcra: UNION M. 30. CHURCH. Tu-mcrro. Peoliing by Bi.hop B1M P-OjS 1 1 it','.; A. M Loveroaau at S aud Jvxpori ence Mt-eilDg ai7'j P. M. TTOIJJf U PKDPl.l'.'N ASSOCIATION Su ok- 'iabk.rnaulk: JiAPiidT ohukoh. Tue HiKt of t-erlos ol Sermons before this Assorts tl.n will bn delivertd I'u-murrow Evening In tbe chu't'h CHE-MOT treot, wei of n.ktueemu. by Rev Dr. PKl Pill, or the Theological ceral iiry. fHTXa- TAKEItNACLK llll'l IT CIICBCII, 53 WeSl' yHkSMJ I tlr-et. Kov. , A. t-KuTZ will r reaot; To-tU'rruw M- rntug sail alaitn sier the orcJIu&uc of Ban'timi. S-rvlr fc n -o'clock. Prof, -ypfrt wm preach lu the evening. j-jrr. CLINTON N TUEET C II 17 K C , b5? TKN'ilI 1 ireet, beio 8pruo. itev. Dr. KiRYKER wilt preach in this cnurch to morrow (bunda tVPniDg t V,i o'clock. All pai sous cn -dully Invited to attend. jn VhSTF ST. CXKJIK1T N CHURCH, TWEN TIKTa and tlllKRltY (Streets To murruw beliio; the lourtb buodav In the month, the afternoon ter li e will be omitted. Service in toe evenlag at 7 'i o'ck'Ck. (K-tx. REV. HKHBK'K JOHNSON, It. IK, A? JFaktor or the KlRMT PRKfJB Y ifitllAi CHURCH. WAS1JIMJTON rqnara, will preach to morrow at lo. A. M. and j1', P. M. W KMT ARCH STRERT PRRKRT- toa TERIAN CHUROtf. corner JCIUHTKliNTtt. Presetting by Pastor. Be v. A. A. WILLiTi, 10 A. M 7H P. M.. buoday bctiool, WFItTSPBrCB MTBERT CnCBCII. f-E VKNIKKNI H and BFRUCK Htraats Rev. V. W. LAlTA will nrtach at luK A. M. on next Hat'lXi'h 2Sh lumant, and Rev. J. WUKATON BMITH.DD. atjP M. nrta REV. U. W HI'MPURISS TtVII.Ii Ei?jrnat'U in TRINITY ti. K. UHUUoH, KKiDTH htreet. above Race, to-morrow at ln4 A M. and ' P. M. Strangers welcome, frrtt. THIRD BEFOBNED CHURCH, A'W TKMH aud' btres.s. Rev. JOHN K. AIL kn will preach Tu-morrow. Service at to1 o'clotk ;uiornlcg, anQ7,'i, evenluc. SPECIAL NOTICES. rT' WRIGHTS ALCONATBD GLYCERIN Tablet of Solidified ulycerl n lendu to preserve tbe skin trom;aryuees and wrinkles, imparts a won derful degree of softness and delicacy to tbe 00m plexlou, and whiteness to the akin; Is an excellent Oebtltrlce, siatetul to the taste aud tonlo to tbe mouth and gums ; Imparts sweetneMg to the breath, aud renders the teeth beautifully white. For sale bv ell druggists. R. b Q. A. WKIUHT, No. 624 CHE8NUT Street. iij OKK1CK OK TUE bOAUU OP ItEVI- S1UM Ok' TAXES Mo 11 Statk HotrsB Row,! PHir.apKi.FHiA.uoi. 21 18U 1 r Hie BOARD OF RK VISION OF TAX lib will meet at tbelr Ouice, No. II STATrfi HOUUK ROW, on the lollowiug days, between ihe hours of 10 A. M. and P. M., lur ttie pnrrx ee ot hearing appeals front the A sst-ksora' Returns of Taxes lor tue year ISM: , and Stcond WarUt Wednesday, October 28, Ihlrd and Fourth Wards Thursday, Octsber 29, Jtifih snd Sixth Wards-Friday, October M, 1868. keveMh atd JClgnth Ward-baturday, Ojtober 81, Icq8 4 s8th DI Tntn Wards-Wednesday, November 'Kieenth and Twelfth Wards Thursday, Novem ber 5. 1808 Tblrif ath and Fourteenth Wards Friday, Novem ber 6. 1868. Fhteeuih and Sixteenth Wards Saturday, Novem ber 7, 1861. Seventeenth and Elghtseath Wards Monday, No vember . lfcOH. Mneteenth Ward Tuesday. November 10, 18(18. Tweullelb Ward Wednesday, November II, 1888, Twenty-first and 1 wei ly-secoud Wards Thursday, Nov.mber 12. Ju8. Tweuiy-ttiird asd Twenty-lourth Wards Friday, Novtmber 18. 1H68. Twenty fifth aud Twenty-sixth Wards Saturday, November 14. 18B8. Tweuty-sfverith and Twenty-eighth Wards Mon day November 18. WILLI A at LOUliHLfN, SAMUSL HAWCRHI, 10 it St Board of Revision ui Taxes. Of VICE OF 'i UK CITY TREASURES, w-', OotoDer It, hum. NOTlCJs To Holders of City Warrants and Certificates of City I oan: Ktgibtered City Warrants aumberlng from No, 1 to Snuo. Inclusive, will be paid upon presentation at this ttuce. lotonst ceaslug from this date. Certittuates ol Loan of the City ot Philadelphia tbat have beeu left at this otlioe for registry, are now ready for deli ery. Holders of receipts are requested to present 11 e Mine and receive tbelr oei tlUoaif . Loans of the City of Philadelphia, maturing Janu ary, let. will be paid with the accrued lutsrest ou Pteteutatlou. Inttreat win cease at date of ina'iirlty. JOaKl'H N. PJUKSOIi. . 10 14 I2t City Treasurer. IS? OFFICE OP THE LOMBARD AND hOUTH STRKKTM PAB1K.NUKR BAIL wrA)f-PANY,TWJNTY-Jii.,TU aud SOUTH Tbs Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be heiu at this otUo. TUJCaDAV. Novemtier Id, at t o'clock lu J l!it 1 Hum AS f. HARRIS, Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. 3f A STAR AMONtt THH MBCF.OltS. V;KV Tiash soenu ars flahd upon th punilo, on y to pas ntoobllvinn wliti meteor-like swrtnei: mean h le, tbe atar perfume of the Western world, rlULON'S 'LOR 1S3 MAYO" has reaoaed the r.niib 01 pnblio favor, and remains the with no rlal near the thwme. Sold hy all d-mn'sts. U ITvSp THB BBCOND ANNUAL BABHATfl "-i BOIIOOC JUBlLKr, In aid er the H.ime lor tt sagi d and Inlirm of ihs M. K. church, will t given at the AUADKU Y OK HUdtU, on THUHSUAY KVKNINU Oo. S(t ItliS cooimeintDg at t o'clock. A i.timbi r of beautiful pieces win b sung bvacom I ati ol nearlv one tnousaud cbttnren. unosr direc tion of ImI. W,(l t'lsnber. Standing Tickets m d Tick t ts lor AropWlhentre. tt rem each, to be h1 at tbe M. 1C Book Boom. MN I11U A HOH Sr. in tt m K2P UBITH) 8TATB3 TRBaSUBT, PHN w- LAUKLP11IA. OTlOM. Hoioeisof thirty or more Coupons rue on tbe 1st prnxiuin can no pipsent tlieni at thla OHics for exaniinatlon, and count d ecks will be ivady on the 1st If c rrpct. ( U McKlRlttN, 10 2at AsshtantTreasoter United nta'es, KW" D13BASK9 OF TUB SKIN, WIFU their scaly, Ichorous, llohlng ue-qu .mallons, form a terle.i O' moelo'ntiiiaie, rtird-.nN )tudB 'nlnra, )lHri,iynrenprylaioud in HIIfsKf LL,'8 IKrTKK ll N I M KN iT, which Is a eiiecltlc for any l inu ot skin flmeee No matter of bow lo- g stanllng or bet tieaiment it has been ttnrtcr. U wilt he radlosiiv ctted. Sold M cenls per box. JOHNsfOS, liOEr IOWAY t COWDhN. No 6"'i ARtlH Street. 10 II (T5r THE NEW GAUINKT BEDSTEAD. l- An ehgantand p.rteciy iurulebed Uiuetead, ready (or use liiutantly. tanumes the apiiearnca ot a splrndln rebinet or library. Kasliy mauaied by tbe nicai ueilcaie ladtee. Warerooms, No. i0 C" "is OA btreet. lu lit im ELLIS' I HON BITTERS BY TUE t--' nseot these Bitters yt u earKin the olood and slve strength to the whole system. Tonlo ad pa latehle. No. 60S AltUH Street and No. 4 S. lOKIKl'tt Street lesstuth ira POLITICAL. rjiIIE RKTUBLIC AN " INVINCIBLK3, AUD AM, IOUG MEJ( OF rHlLADF.Ll'lllV, Favorable to the election of GRANT AND COLFAX, Are invited to asiemble In Convention AT CONCERT HALL, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, AT KIGHT O'CLOCK P. M. Tbe public Is Invited to attend. HON. BENJAMIN HARRIS BREWSTER rjHE OLD OAKS CEMETERY C0JITAHY or Will address the meeting. 10 ti It prv57 HEADQUARTERS REFtTBLlCAS CITf Kxfccuiivjsi coiuMirrKis. "TO THK BEPCBLICANS OF PHILADELPHIA." Id accordance with a resolution passed this day, tbe DIVISION OKU-iNiZA tiONi throughout tbe UiTY art (arnstiy requested to as ruble in their reinecttve KLB.CTION DIVISIONS, at the regular placdS of hoidii g tbe elections (or at such plaoes as may be deBlgnuipa by tho Ward Axecutlve Commltteoy. on MONDAY KVJtNINU, Ootub.r Z6h I(ki8. at ti o'cl' c, for tbe pur,OH ot THOROUGHLY OltHA N1ZINO ANL) CANVASSING TdBlll UlVIlKlNS. It has been accer.ained thi.t over a.lou RUPlTtti.r. CANS FAILED TO VO I K AT THE OOTllBKlt Bl KCTION iX large ruajo Ity of these CARKLK44 RK1UBLICAS can be Induced to come to the pj'ls and vote tor iUANT AND COLFAX, if the division organizations attend promptly to this duty. By order 01 the Committee. WILLIAM. R. LEEDS, President. JOHN L. HILL, lBerret.,l A. M. WALINSHAW. I "68 10 23 3t ggp- ATTENTION, BOYS IN BLUE I HSACQUAKTCRn fOT.DIEEs' ANO BaILOBB STATE L1KL tUHSITTKl, FaiUDKLrHU Oct. 23 1S0S. I. A stand or National and state Colors will be preeenttd by this Committee to Ihe BOYd IS BLUK ot the county polling on the 8d tit, of r uextiUH greatest pro rata increase of Kepuoiloaa vceaover the vote of tbe 13th ot October la itaut. II A stand of National aud S'.ate c .lorn will he presented by tbts Ot mmtttee to the BOYS IN BIAJ& ot tbe TowLBhip polling on tbe Sd of Novemoer next the greatest :pro rata Increase ot Republican voies ovtr the vote ot the l.tth of October instant W hat Cuunty will win both? By order of the Committee. CUAhLKS H T. COLLTH, x i Cualrmau. A. L. kl'Shfm,, Secretary. jt fJRANT AND rOI.FAT PT TTH L'irTo TV N'MTll lAAUn will ...un.kl...'UI..." DAY EVENING SEX T, 24th Ins'ant at the Hall" Streets.0' '1U1KTj!;Ji;NJ'11 na" BPiUNu GARDEN Addietses by Hon. James H.Camnbell, Hon. Henrv D. Moore, and Colonel "vniiam B. Manu. , JOHN HANNA, President. GKOSfllD IODBrK.1 OM(..iM TitOM. JL Bio alow. seoreiaries. 10 2J i COACH ! The weather Is fine, and the street is gay, Ltt ns go take a ride to-day. The Nicholson pavement li smooth and nice, As quiet as snow, and as solid at Ice. It Isn't lime to go la a sleigh, For thla Is a bright October day. Yet tbe cold is sharp t Bo let's provide Against the chill or the autumn ride. But see our coachman's new overcoat. Cosily buttoned up to his throat I With liberal measure ot circular cape, A bd pie in s lae, asd of tasteful shape. Blrong and warm, and stout and thick-, To keep the coachman from getting sick. Also, the man who drives a baoV, Needs a stout overcoat on bis backf A rid he ff els so sure, in tbat coat of his, That he never will suffer frein rheumatlil Coats for drivers and coachmen a'l, Cheap for cash, at the GREAT BBOWN H ALU FOLD Y OUR BOR9KSM Bat don't freeze to death as you bold them 1 Let all the drivers in town drive round to the door Ol cur Mammoth Store, walk in, and buy A COMFORTABLE OVERCOAT I ROCKHILL ft WILSON, " GREAT BROWN-STONE HALL. Nob. C03 and 60S CUES NUT STREET, U 4p PHILADELPHIA. FOR SALE. WEST rillLADELPUIA PROPERTliS FOR SALE OR TO RENT. The handsome BROWN STONB BKSIDENCE3, Nos. 4:08, 4110, and 4U3 SPRUCE Street, C. J. FILL A BRO 10 U tuthilm No, 120 South FBONT Street. TO CAPITALISTS -FOB SALE, A VALUA Jle,J'.'ece lu al te, ooLSlstlug of linirty and ."i!llf.AclretMruun0 ,n weutylxih ward -hi-VJJi'.S' J'h'a''hla. The fol owing streets, wben opened, wi 1 paaa tbrouga it, via.. Nloeteentn Bin, and MrKean streets, on wh'ch streets there will -.S; ft" ,,la ftlU Psrtloalars may bs had of M. IBtVf!,...BOf,li,AuoUouMr8' IM aua 141s. FO U UTH btrbbf. io 21 j( TO RENT. PHILADELPHIA. RICHARD TAVX, FSBOIDSMT, PKTER A. KRTSKR, VIOM-rsHIOSMT. MARTIN ItANDENBBlUiKK, TssAsuasa. II. II. WAIWWRIG1IT, " SICBSTASr, MAWAOKSa, XVAN RANDOLPH, BENJAMIN BULLOOK. MARTIN 1 ANDH.N BIR JKK. BIO II iRO O. RIDUW AT, RICHARD J. DOBBINS, PKTER A. KKY8KR, CHARLK8 H. MOIRUBID, JOSEPH F. T0BIA5. TO LET A TURSE 8TORY COTTAOB. LJiNi'. 2ti l BE N Street, with all the moderaoon. Vcuuncea. In good order. i. AN OFFICE TO LKT, FURNISHEDOB ticfurulahed, No. 608 South TENTH Street, lu4ulre at bur t to th altvraoon, W TIIK "OLD OAK3" CKMKTliRV Is situated on tbe Township Woe road, at th Inter section of Nlcr town late, and emoracei Slxty-alue Acres of romtnilcallv beautl'ul la id. It is theestat) known tor mai y years as "Old Oaks," late the coun try seat of John Tucker, Esq. 1 be name la taaen from ihs great number and on usual thrift and beauty of the majestlo "Oil Oak" trees now growing on the property, and which lend to It a charm and appearance of permanency peoullarly In barmony with the purposes to which tbs ground is dedicated. No belter seleo'lon of a location tor a Cemetery could have been made. All the advantages possessed by each of the other Ct meterl, s are oomblnsd In this. It Is central In situation, and easily accesiloie by good roads from all directions; It Is perfeo ly convenient to aod is but a s iort distance from Germantown, Maoynnk, Nioetowa, Frank ford, and Bildesburg.and can be reached from all parts or the City of Philadel phia by means ol Broad street, which Is now the most attractive and commanding in appearanos of any avenne not only In tnls city, but la the wools conn try, and which Is free from those interrup. Ions and delays which render private travel on most of oar highways not only disagreeable but often dangerous It extends tor long distances on both Nlcetown lane and thsTownship Line road, and will have tbres main and ornamental gateways, so as to afford facili ties for Ingress and egress from all directions, and ihs drives through the place, and all the approaches to l( ars so arranged that its embellishments aod superior advantages oannot fall to be atones seen and appre ciated by tbs visitor. It is the Intention of the proprietors to make "Old Oaks" the moat beautiful Cemetery In America, and the artificial decorations, the lakes, drives, walks, and horticultural ornamentation will give it an appear ance unsurpassed by any other ever brought to publlo notice, and will tend to allay the feeling or gloom often caused by the sombre and funereal aspect so prevalent In Cemeteries generally. Tbe Buildings on the property are well known as the most cosily and handsome ever erected by private capital. The Mansion will be used In fart as a Chapel, and the surronndlrgs beautified in keeping with the character of the place; In a word, the Pro prittors wish to do away with the leellng of repulsive Bess so often associated with G raveyards and Charnel Hcnses.and hold out every luducementto the friends and relatives of the departed to visit the grounds which con'alu relics so precious to them. The' Old Oaks" wilt be made an object of Interest to 1 trangers, as well ss residents or Philadelphia, and while the solemnity or the scene will not be violated, yet tbe Impression wl.l be conveyed tbat death is a mere separation, and tbat those who have fought "lift's battle" ate only resting from their labors, and are always kept alive In tbe memory of their sur vivors. The grounds will be open to Vlsl'ors at all hours during tbe day. The office of the Company is at No. 413 CHE8NUT Street, ROOM io. 1, Whtrt mtpi and plana ot lb. O.metaiy ean be aean, applications made for lots, and any desired Informa tion given. 10 24 81 MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS, ETC. OPENING, A Full Llue of our own Importation VELVETS, 8ATLNS. and RIBBUN9, ro match, for millinery and dress. MAKING. WOOD & GARY. LATENT STYLES FANCY BONNETS, LADIES' ASD MIHSES' HATS AND EVBBT 8IYLE OF CUT MATERIAL, WI1U FEATHERS. FLOWERS, FRAME), FOR BONJXIET MAKING. WOOD & CAR Y, No. 725 CHESNUT 8troot, 9 291mrp PHILADELPHIA. JIUllTH STREET RIBBON STORE No. 107 N. EIGHTH STREET, Four doors above AKCH Street. I have now open for tbe FALL AND WINTER SEASON, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT" OIF BONNET RIBBONS, VELVETS, HUMMING RIBBONS, SATINS, SATIN RIBBONS, SILKS, VELVET RIBBONS, 0RAPE3, LACES, HATS, FLOWERS, BONNETS, ' FEATHERS, FRAMES To which I would kindly call the attention tbe ladles. JULIUS SIOHEL, No. 107 N. EIGHTH Street, r. 8. No trouble to show goods. 10 8 rp j 8 C U R Y LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, i".w runs, LEMUEL BANGS, president OHO. ELLIOTT .Vice-President and See. EMORY MiCLIfrTOOK, Actuary, The Atbury Company Issues Policies la all tbsforms In present me, on llie must liberal terms la respect to rates, division of pre Ills, restrictions no occupation at d travel, cnmpatltils with safety; loans one-tblrd of premium, wheu desired, and mae J1 policies abao Iu'eiy Pon-forleitbl. Coiuuienclug butloess only In April last, it has been received with so much favor that its assurances already amount to over l,ouo.ow), aud ars rapidly in creasln. d.j b&d. j cr, JAMIH M LONUAURE, a anager. Nr. ..! wa r NUT bireet. PhiladHlnhla local Board ot Ktrerence in ruuaaeipnia: Thomas T. I'aaaw. James B Lniiaor, Ar.hnrO. C'oIUU. John at. Marls, I Jampa r.nnir Wlllam Divine, J aims Hunter, ,iju m. siu., 1 mm n, wwrne 18 Charles BpsBoer. P. Morrla Wain. John B. MoOreary, J. B. Lipplncott, SILVERWARE, JEWELRY. ETC. SOLID SILVER 1 Tho Increasing demand fo; Clfgart and Artistic 8Jlve; Wares has decided us tc open our New Establishment with a larger and suporlol stock to any hlthetto stiowr In Philadelphia, and wltt that view have taken the SPECIAL AGENCY for the' 8terllng Solid Silver Wares of tho CORHAM MANUFAC TURING COMPANY. The Silver Wares of this justly celebrated Company are now universally acknow-j ledged to be superior in qual- Ity, ;ood taste, and finish to any Silver Goods produced in this country. Every desirable Silver Article manufactured by the COR-; HAM MANUFACTURING COMPANY will be found Jn our cases, and a succession of future novelties has been arranged for as fast as they can be made from time to time. BAILF.Y & CO., CHESSUTaBd TWELFTH Sku. Special Agency for tho Ster ling Solid Silver Wares OF PHIZES CASHED IN R07AL HAVANA, RKNTTJCKY, and MISSOURI LOi rttRIlfiJ. Circulars acnt and luformailon given. JOHEPH BATKH. No. 7 BROADWAY. New York, Ponioiuoe Boa, iHK wijini THE CORHAM MANUFAC TURINC COMPANY, CURTAINS AND SHADES. -pALL STYLES! FALL STYLES! HOW BEADT IH WINDOW SHADES, IN LACE CURTAINS, IN Terries, Reps, Damasks, Etc. We take pleassre In announolng that onr new styles for Fallot ihe above Qoodc are now open. Oar cele brated make of FINK WINDOW SHADES, with Bray's Spring Balance Fixture (whioh require no cord), we sell at the most reasonable pile. Window bhadea as low as ONE DOLL A It AND F1F1Y OEJTS, trimmed and hut g to the windows. We call espeolal attention to our new s'ock or Trimmings, comprising in part, Cornices In Gilt, Walnut, Walnut and ltt, Rosewood, and Rosewood and Gilt, Curtain Tassels Picture Tassels, Pillow Tassels, Cords, Loops, Bauds, etc., etc . CARRIKGTON, DFZOUCHE & CO., S. E. Corner Thirteenth aud Chesnnt Sts., Formerly KKLTY. OARRINQTON A OXIiwslp FLOUR. pW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, FIRST Or TBS SEASON. ALBERT C. BOBEBTS, Dealer In Fine Grooerles, 11 7rp Cor. ELEVENTH and VI NB Streets. p A IJi I L Y FLOUR, In lots te suit UltorEKS, or by the 8IngI Barrel, for sale bj J. EDWARD ADDI CK8, Ko. 1230 MARKET Street, 10 9 tmip PHILADELPHIA, TyE ARE RECEIVINa EVERY GRADE OF F L O U It. L. KNOVVLE8 & CO., 10 10 12tp AO. 1IS MABHET TBIIET. CIGARS. p I N E C I G A R 8. Just in store, a sew and very choloe lnvoloe of gea, nine Imported CABAUA8, PABTAOAH, CAROLINAS, FIOABO. And other Brands, at prices reUuord lower than for years past. A LEO, 6, a FUQUXT SON'S MARIANA RITA. Fully equal to any and all Imported Cigars, at pride winy pes cent, lower iubu ins importea, SIMON COLTON & CLARKE. S. W. Comer BU0AD and WALNUT St. I la tnths PHILADELPHIA.' PIANOS. 6TEINWAT & BONB' GBAVW f I 'square and upright Pianos, at B1aAiWI m'.Vo. lii CHKSNIJT Street. SI at STECK CO.'S AND rTAraIE9 (BROTH h-RS' PlANOd, and MAttOM a vauiaM uiininn, ouiy i, JO. UOULD'S rn.wnw, tW hnip Ha, m CIUWNUT tjtteei,