THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1868. PVB BELIQlOUa COLUMN. od Glorified in the Heart. Lovelier to look upon than ny gnrden of omtrtU the heart wbich God has bcaullQcd ith salvation. More bpautrtil than any mato al thiutrs are Ibo ttdoroiujjs of Christian IiRtactrr. These Rouen of pracc, exotics ona tho heavenly paradise, made by the Holy plrit'a Influence to bloom here below, do huch to mke an Eden wherever our sln-pol- ited atniofphere i pci fumed by their swect- r- or our wane wilderness guiaaenca oy leir beftiitv. Wherever ft spot of earth smilei 1th flower, eecially wherever the de3crt loKsoms w th the rose, tbcro we look with un riug plpaniire. And wherever in tho world the iauty of Christ Is een in sinners saved herever among Batan's thorns one of the wlour's lilies grow wherever Is shed the fra rance of the roo of Sharon wherever a man ike Enoch walks with God wherever a homo cheered by Christian joyousness wbcrever a mm unity of btlievcrs adorn tho doctrines of e Gospel there God's eye rests with delight. 'Cheyne beautifully remarks that Bethany wai lied tu heaven "the town of Mary and her Mer Mitba. God U pL riflcd In His people more than in I Ilij works of nature. ''The heavens declare e dory of God, and the firmament showcth s handiwork. l.ny uuto day uttereth speech, id nlatit unto niifht fhoweth knowleJgc." it nature's praise is either silent or lnnrticu te; while the new heart sings forth Its glad- 8s not oaly audibly ami distinctly bat thauk- lly, and tho lovellnet of grnce manifest) elf m (iid-glorilylng actions. Sunday Scftoo Keslst Beginnings. The trees of the foreat held a solemn pnrlla- put, wherein they cousulted of the innumera- e wrongs which the axe had done them; there re they enacted that no tree should hereafter bd the axe wood for a handle, "on pain of ling cut down." The axe travels up and down forest, begs wood of the cedar, o;ik, ash, hi, even of the poplar; not one would lead fcn a chip. At last he desired so much as fwld serve him to cut down the briers and lahce, alleging that those 6brabs did suck ay the juice of the ground, hinder the growth d obscure the glory of the fair and goodly es. Hereon they were content to afford him Sniuch. When he bad gotten bis handle, he , down themselves too. bese be tho subtle reaches of sin; give it but ittle advautage on fair promise to remove the hublcs &nd it will cut down thy soul also. crefore resist beginnings'; trut it not in the st. Consider a sin, as indeed it is, a crucify' of Christ; wilt thou say, I may crucify Christ ttlpf f mnv trnurpp His flpflh. wniinH TTU K, rierce IIis heart, a little. What man who es the Lord Jesus would either say it or do CunMtler thy falling into sin; will thou say, k ay break my neck a little? Consider it a ting thyself into unquenchable fire; wilt thou I may burn my soul and body a little? As Jeriijg we think the least misery too great, so niBg let us think the least iniquity too great. TUomas Adams. Do Christian Missions Vajl Another satisfactory reply to this oft-repeated stion is given by the Christian Instructor. c group ot lslanJs called Samoa by the ivts and Navigators' Islands on many maps, i a population of 34,700. They were flrt Lted by missionaries of the London Society 1836, though Mr. Williams and some Tahiti an khers were there a few years earlier. Now whole nation professes Christianity; a third Jthc population can read; 6000 adujtshave u received Into church fellowship, and 4000 Ire are candidates for the eamo privilege. itrihutlous for the support o? native teachers bu.Lt to $10,000, aud $6000 in cish are con- kilted annually to the London Missionary lety. Where commerce was before unknown (export trade ot some $25,000 now exists. uch a glorious work as this has been accom- ihed by Christians. "Therefore, my beloved Ihren, be ye steadfast and immovable, always lununm In the work of the Lord, forasmuch e know that your labor is not in vain in the d." Increase of Light. d Master Brookes teys, "If you only have (tic light, bless God for it, aud He will give starlight; when you have got starlight, seGod lorit and He will give you moonlight; d you have got mcoulight, rejoice in it and will give you suu'igbt; and when you have .sunlight praise Him still more, and He will Le the light of your sun as the ligbt of seven for the Lord llinuelf shall be the light of i' tpirit." UM51AR r" OF K KL I G 10 US WS. EPISCOPAL. The Rev. W. Giiswold Doane, of Albany, 11 1 is, lias received rue unanimous call ot vtsiry of t. Murk's Church, in this city, to bine rector of the W. G. Stewart, late a deacon of the Proteg- El liebpal Church in the dijeese of Vir- fa, bus been lormaliy deposed by the BUhop tiai Mate. Tue Itcv. Joseph I. Elsegnod has resigned rectorship ot Trinity Church, Er$ ou, Pa., fHU incumbency or more than scveuieen Mr. E. Capers, iormerly an officer in the e Jciato arrov. has ueeu ordained do.ioou by od Ouvi. of South C uoliiiH. The BUIiod ot Ohio liai displaced from tho istrv Mr. J. W, Ciucraft, lute u preobjter of diocese. BAPTIST. iVfollowlnsr are Baptist propositions from 'Short memoa," Dy Dr. uibcox: Tbe Bible is our oulv irulde. souren of pledge, Hnd standard of authority iu mat ot rellpton. Whatever is taudt in tho ytures is to bo believed: whatever is tbro 'ued, is to bo obeyed. Aud what li there uer eujoined nor taught, is not to ba iui- d ou tbe ruitn or conscieuce oi uny uiau as i-liuious obliiiation. Tbe rieht of priva'e judtrraent in the ititer- kttiou ot the Scripture. Kvery inuu bas tbe t to lead aud explain tne B.uie lor utmseir. u; refpouslble to Uod alone for the correct Jrpretation ot the sacred word. Freedom of conscience, livery one has the it to bold such religious opinions us he may Ive tbe iiiulH teacne, wltbout hinoruuc or fction irom an;; eu iouh nt nc aoe-i not iu- i upon or interiere wiui vne rlgots aud ill pes of others by so doing. Liberty ot speech. All men possess tbo t not only to bolicvo but also tu profess weclsre openly, HLd without fear or harm, pever jelisrious opinions they may cntcrtnlu. tirierl thpv urn not contrary to common kl'tT. ... ... the rmht or wov?nip. avery man uas a to worship God according to the dictates ils own conscience and the word ot Uoa, as nderntauds it, without bindrauce or moles hi; bo Ioiik as be does not Injure or interfere t the right or others. .Civil governneuls, rulers, and ro;;lstrates o bo renpeoted. and tu all temporal matters, icoutiary to conscieuce uud tho wortlot God, ro to be obeyed. But they have no Jurisdic tion in spiritual concerns, and have no right of dictation, control, or interference in matters of religious laitb and godliness; but are in duty bound to protect all citizens in the uninter rupted enjoyment of their religious privileges. 7. Tbe Christian Church is Independent of all hun an authority, and under law to Christ alone. It neither ought nor of rleht can have any organic connection with the State; and tor kings, princes, or priests to claim headsblpovcr 1t is a usurpation of Dlviue prerogaUvei aud treason anoinst God. 8. None but repenera'ed persons ouht to bn, or properly can be, members of tue Church of Christ, whirh is a spiritual body aud separate from the world. I. Pastors are not to bo Imposed upon churches, nor taken from them, without thmr coruent; but are to bo chosen by tticm without constraint, as by free men iu Chrlt, who have a rleht to the choice of their religious touchers. 10. Christ is the only lawgiver in His Church. CoLcequeutly the churches cannot make laws for themselves, but only execute those which He has piven. Nor can any man, or bodyot men, legislate for the Church. The New Testa ment alone is its fctitute book, by which, with out change, tbe body ot Christ U to govern itself. The Bnplit Church at Doylestown, Pa. (tho Bev. William Wood pastor), have commenced tbe election ot a new nicoling-houso. from designs prepared by David 8. Gendell, of this city, architect. The new structure will be in the Italian style of architecture, two stories hiyh, built of bricks and rounb cast, The size is 46 feet 6 inches by 'JO feet 6 inches, exclusive of enmr anile (tower) ou the front Itev. Jab?z Ferns, late of Stamford. Conn.. hrs accepted the call ot thoMauajunk Church to become their pastor, and has entered ou his juuors. rKESBTTERIAN. The Norris Square, or Niu'.h United Pros bytcrlau Church of this cttv. of. which trie Rev. James Croe is pastor, was lormaliy opened anu oenicateu to tne worsnip ot uoa on paouain, the4thinst. The services were conducted by I hn rau t rr nrtrl tt in a Kit VlnnAat r9 1 Kn1iinl Drs. Coop-r aud Dales, aud Rev. Dr. McAuley and Mr. Galley of the Reformed Piesbyterlan i-uurcn. At mo cio&eoi each service, morning, afternoon, and evenine, a collection was taken up to help liquidate the debt. Tbe nastorstated that tbe cost of tbe building as It stood was is.ijou, ana ot tnis sum $12,000 had been paid, leavinu a debt ot SGOuO ou the building. Tho colkctioi'8 during tbe day looted up almost $3000, having now a debt of only $3000 on this beautiiul and commodious church. t'n the 30th of August tho Arbuckle Church, Weft Virginia, a new and beautiiul little chapel, was dcalcttted to the worship ot God. Services coiiduced by the Uev. B. B. Blair. This house, which is an olT-priiig of the mother churcli ut Buflalo, is at once au ornament to the neighbor hood and a monument to the enterprise of one of the most zealous elders in the Valley of uu m wtifl The WBtmlutcr Church of Utlca, N. Y. (Dr. Fisher's), are moving iu the matter of a church ediOce lor their mission enterprise, in tbe eastern part of the city. The foundations ate already being laid, aud it is intended to put up a building to coat about $12,000, so con structed that it may easily be enlarged whun neccfsury for the future wauts of the congre gation. God has greatly blessed Midway congrega tion (Clarendon district), South Carolina. Twenty-nine have proressed their faith in Christ, and were added to the church. Some of those received into the communion of the church are heads ot families; others young man and wo nun; and others again members of tho eabbath .School aud Bible class. Mr. Stephen G. Hopkins, a son of Professor S. ftl. Hopkins, of Auburn Theological Semi nary, a licentiate of Cayuga Presbytery, has accepted a call to the Presbyterian church in Corry, Pennsylvania. Corry is a young city, of seven or eight thousand people, situated on the borders of the oil region. Air. William Getty, of this city, was nomi nated lor Moderator ot tho United Presbyterian Synod of New York, at its late session at Broadalbin, New York. It was an unusual feature to nominate a ruling elder for this otlice. He lucked but a lew votes of being elected. On tho 2'2d of August the Rev. Messrs. J. C. Brown mid B. B. Blair organized a Prcsbyteriau chuich at Coalsmouih, a growing town on the Kanawha river. About twenty members were enrolled, and two elders nnd two deacons elected and installed. The Christian Observer learns that the session in Union Theological Seminary, Vir ginia, opened on the 14th ot fepptember, "with more than twenty students; several others are expected. Of those now here eight will uuish the course this year." The Rev. J. G. McKee, Superintendent of the Freedmcn's Mission at Nashville, Tenn., died on Sabbath, the 27th ot September, at Ilarshavi'le, Ohio. Tbe Rev. 11. F. Stewart, of Jamestown, PtniiFjlvama, who not long since entered upon that charue, has been called away by death. The First United Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio, has given a call to the Rev. John Kinnear, of the Presbyterian Church, Irelund, now visltine this couutry. A new Presbyterian church edifice ou Berke ley meet, Boston, Mass., has been commenced by the Rev, Dr. Blaikie's society. GEBHAN REFORMED. In 1818 the German Reformed Church had but a single congregation in this city, wbtch worshipped in the church in Race street, below tourtb. Upon the Introduction of tbe tiuglish language, the Geiman portion of the congrega tion lett, and in 1819 erected the church in St. John street, below Green, or which Dr. II. S. Bibighaus was pastor fT over aquurter of a century. In 1851 this congregation commenced colonizing, and since that time six other Ger man congregations were organized in various parts of the criy. The first was iu Howard stieet, above Thompson; the t-ecoud, Zion t hurch, in Sixth street, above Girurd aveuue. The membership of the latter is 700, wnilst the mother congregation, Saleuis. in ht. Joho street, numbers moie than twice as mauy members. At a late nieeliug ot tho l'resbviery of Muiieie, the Rev. C. K. Kuester took a 'letter of dinil?nou, to uuite with the ludiu'.a ClasU of the Western Ctrnian Reformed SyuoJ, UETUODIST. At the opening of tho Nevada Conference, BMiop Scott said: During Uis lormer tay, teu yen!- ago, lie could ouly secure the use of a viiutul IihiI nsa preaching place. Now we have beie fix churches, erecied at un average cost of $14 lCtTCli each, urd ten pursouages, Bt au ive rageroBtot i!76 each I be total church property valuation boitg $!4.760. Ten years ago there was no Suuday School in this region. Now thcro are 21 schools, 121 otliecrs und teachers, and 877 members. The Rev. O. W. Landreth, appointed at tho last tension of the Philadelphia Conference to Cbribtiuna, Delaware Circuit, has withdrawn lrom the ministry and membership of the Metho dist Kpiscop&l Churc h, und united with the Pro tetd.nt hniscopal Church. The Rev. J. Kuox, tbe widely knwa fruit grower, has arranged und nuidly. hi ted up a tmrel, in one ot llie Duii.iiues mi his trnit larni ou the hill above Mrniiugmini, near Pitlsourg, , Peun dvlvuniii. ! UNITARIAN, A Unitarlfin Convention was sitting in No Yik this week, side bv side with the great Council of tbe Episcopal Church. It had little to do in any practical way, to it set about amending the coustltutiou ol the body, adopted Bon e, years ngo, and amended it in u way wh'.ch we coiuinen I to Mioe who are clamoilug lor doctrlual libcriy. The article a lovted is us joliows; , "Article 9. To secure the Urifpst unity of spirit and the widest co-optimum. U iu titratiy undxra ood tliat mioeulirlloi;sol Hi in tjou'wuuce iuolu.lloii the ir nuibld aud coDstlluilou, ar exprtPkluua only or lm njhjorlly commluliiK n no deif-"' tuoNO wiiu o'-lcut to mem Ld depnuuiit wholly lor lhrt erl'uat uo u tliecouneiitlhpy eomiu.uu itivirowa menw frum IbecircUof our (ellowBliip." u,a A constitution is only the opinion of the ma jority ; the minority may believe as Us members please. What a rope of sand such a constitu tion must be 1 Dr. Bellows spoke warmly aeainst tho amendment as "au attempt to shake off Christianity," Intimated that he would hereafter have to Use ft "solitary way ;" but ctuo back alterwatd", and said tht he was rea ly to go with tlirm to the end of the way. But Is not this the logical result of the eilbrt to establish a "cieedlrer," religion? Uniiailanism has gone to eeed in liberal Christianity. I'rcs'iylerian. LUTHERAN. The R"v. O. Basler, President of the Gpne rnl Council, and Dirccor of the Farm School at Zelionople, Pennsylvania, died on the even ing of the 31 iQbt., having been la feeble health lor seme time. The chair of tho Professor of the German language in Pennsvlvnnia Colleae, vuaatcd by the rcHcnatton ot Professor Wi'kin, has been temporal tly supplied by the appointment ot the Rev. William Notz, Ph. D. CONGREGATIONAL. The New Bethel Misslon of Plymouth Church, situated on Hicks street, near Fulton, Brooklyn, was formally opened on a late Sib baih a'teinoon, a large attendance ot ladies, gentlemen, and children connected with the mission being present. The Rev. Frank Russell, late of the nsrt ford Theological Seminary, has accepted a call to the church recently ornani.d by American residents at Hllo, Sandwich Islands, ut a sa.ury of $1000 iu gold, and a parsonage. The Congregationalists have nearly coti- fleted a new church a few steps from Congress lull, in Saiatogu, New York. It is a plniu but neat fanctuary. which will scat about 700. Mr. W. P. C. Wright, a graduate of Oberlin and Union Seminary, was ordained as pastor of the Plymouth church, m this city, October 1; sermon by the Rev. W. B. Brown, of Newark. The Trustees of the Theological Institute at Ilartlord, Conn., have placed the palaries of the lour Professors and of the Fniuncial Secretary at $2600 each. MORAVIAN. Fifty acres of laud, unincumbered by any condition, has been given to tLc Moravian Church at New Dorp, SUten Island, by Com modore Vanderbilt. RAILROAD LINES. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. FALL TIME, TAKIKO KKFECT SEPT. 13, 18W. Tiio iruiuB or tfae flimsy Irauia ttomral Kaliruad leave me J-'fpot. at TUlKTY-D'IKHT and MArtKl' Bireels, wblcn la readied directly by; the art, t tir-et cars, toe last car oonuecllug wnu eaou ttolu leaving Front and Market streets lulrty mln.ttns be fore lis departure. Tbo Clieruut and Waluut btroet cars run wlihln one square oi tue Depot. Uo (Sundays The Market bireel car leave Front and Market streets lUl-ty-ttve mlnulea bolore the de parture ot eacli train. blepplug Car Tickets can be had on application at thM Ticket cilice N. W. corner Wluib. aud Cllieouat streets, and at tbo depou AgtDta of the Union Transfer Company will call for aiid deliver btigeage at tbe depot. Oruors leu at No, mil c-besnul Biieui, or Ho. lit Market (.reel, will receive aUenUo ylz. Mall Tralu 8-00 A, M, Faoil Accomiuodaduu, 10 SO A.. Al., 1 00, aud k uo F. M. Fast, i-U.e U 40 A. M. Kile Kxpress ll'lUA. M, IlarrlBtmrg Aceoiuiuoiiaiiuu 2 kO F. JU, LaiiennU'r Accoruruodallou m. 4'iki P. M. Farkesbure Train 5'SO P. M. Cinclnuwtl Fjipre 81KI P. U, KrlB Mail ana tiurlalo JtxpruBS ,... U 00 F. M. Fbllaoelpbta Express UfOMlirtit. Krio Mall leaves dully, except Sunday, ruuulr, io WllliHniHpori rnly baturdcy ribt On Hund y uibt paesecgera will luave Fblludeipblu at 12 o'clock. Fbllauelpbla Kxpress leaves daily. All owier trains dally, except Haudty. , . , ... Tbe Weniern Accommodation Train runs dally, ex cept bnnday. For this train tickets must be pro cured aud bag&age delivered by 6 00 P. M., at No. 116 """tUAINS AR1UVB AT DEPOT. VIZ.: Clncini.aii Jfcxpres...--. ............14S A. M. Pbllrdeli hla ItxpreHS. ...7 lu A, in, Faoli Accoruruoilatlon .--,8 20 a. M , iHOa'id7'IO F. M. Krle Mall and F.utlalO iixpreba..w...............7 10 A. At. Pnrkcubura Tralu 10 A. M. Fast Line ;if A M, Lane4ier Tralu...........,","-,""" ....1M0 F. M I,.ri ii.inrHM .........510 P. M Iay Kxprnxn 6 do P. M, RAILROAD LINES. llarrisnnrv Aceoinmodatlon.... , trsOF. bi. For furtber luft.ion TIcket at Ko. 601 CUiisA UT aireei. CAPT. V. 1). MAY, Continental Hotel, FRANCIS FUNK. Ticket Agent, Ho. IIS MAKKSI r-tree!. BAM DEL H. WALL4CI., Ticket Agent at tbe Dopot, The Pennsylvania Katlroad Company will not as. en me any rlxk for Baggage, except for Wearing Ap- arel. and limit their rfspounlbliay to One Hundr d 'ollara In value. All Baggage exceeding tbat amount In value will be al iberinlc of tbe ownir, unle: takea by special contract, KDWAIU) U. WILLI A MB. 42h General Superintendent Altoona, Pa, WEST CHESIEK AND PHILADELPHIA KaIL-nOAD WIN'IKK AKKAMIEUENT, On and alter MOJN'DAV, October C, Uiib, Trains will leave a follows: Leave Philadelphia from the Dopot, TIIIKTY FIBT aud CUKSMJT btreeis. 7 45 A. M.. 11 A. M... 2 fo 1. M., 418 P. M 40 P. M.. 615 and 11 8' P. M. Leave weatuuester tor Pblladelpbla, from Depot on est li arket street, al 6'26 A. M., 7 45 A. M , 8 00 A. M , 10 45 A. M., l-.S P. M 4-60 P. V., and 6'6S P. M. TruliiB leaving W ent Cbemer at 8 no a. Al., and leav ing Pbiludelpbla at 4'uO P. M., will Rtop at li. C. Junc t Ion nnd M cu la only. Passengers to or Irom station between West Chester and 11. C. Junction, goiun I'.ubi, Hill take train leaving Wts. Cbejter at 7'45 A. M., and going West will lake the train leaving Pblladf ipbia al 4 CO P. M., and transfer at 11. (J. Junc tion. Tbe Depot In Philadelphia Is reached directly by the t:hesnut and Walnut blreet era. Tuone of tbe Market blreet line run wltblu one Bquuro. The cars ot bulb Hues conucct w lib each train upon Us arrival. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at M A. M. and 2 0 P. M. Leave Wrsi Chester al 7 65 A. Jt. and 4 00 P M. Trains leaving Pblladelpbla at 1V a. hi. and 4 SO P. M - and leavlug West Cheater at s 00 A. M. aud 4 60 P. M.. connect ai 11. C. Junction with Trains on I', it B U K 11. , lor Oxford and Intermediate points. 4 log HEJN11Y WOOD, Cjeueral Sup't. STEAMBOAT LINES. rnTN PHILADELPHIA AND tken. Jmi i Til ii i ! ton bteamooal Line. Tbe sieambuat jlj ti jfuuiiKoT biavea AHcll btruei Wbarf, tor Trenton, stopping at Tacoiiy, Torrendale. Ueverlv. Burlmgion, Briuiol, Florence, Koboluu' W harf, and White Hill. Leaves Atch fctreet Wharfl Leaves South Trenton, baiurday, Oct. 17, 1 l'.tw Saturday, Out, 17, a 1. U bnnday, Oct- IS, to Burlmgion, Bristol, and lnor ruealme lnutliig, J. Vt Arcu btrevi wharf ac 8 A.M. find it P. II : leaves Bristol at H'1; A. M. and 4 'i P. M. Monday, Oct lit, 1H l'.M Mundav, Oct. lit, 6,' lueeuay, " 20, 'i'.i P.M 'lu.sduv 2o, dou'-g't Wea'uay, 21, S F.M j Wed day, ' 2., 7 A.M Hmrsday ' 2 8 F M I lmisday, 2S, SAM Friday, " 1U, don't ft Friday, ' 'ii, AM 1'ai e to T rentou, 40 ctuuj eacb way; lnturnudlate places, it5 cents. 4 11 . u-"T' F01i WILMINGTON, CUESTEtt, .i-Jr'lir i-oott.. Fro, luwua. iixjar- iuz?4S2; nio tloneis, lliiinina, l.e Aivirij leavts OtC'il'iN'UT Street W barf at 8 46 A. iA ana rettiruluK lbuvi.s Wilmmrf ton ui Z P.M. K.K urlnu Ik kd m. 1,) ivi'H, ine Bie nit r d. at. Iti.'iUis I .-uvea CilE&NUi' Wbarf al If li. Faic, 10 cms. 10 1 2,v CJCZA OPPOSITION TO TfIR t'OM- ulamjulkli ill v - Ul kj 1 JOHN BVLVKSTUR will muka rtrl.e jj.iuio.unn Hi niiuinigiuu (nunuayext.oiHt; ..oorli lng at and Mmcus Hook, ieiivljg AUCI1 iien.iian aimi a.m. andn-w P. tu i reluming, 11 tV imu,t' ' ,; A- u- ftd U so P. M, Light trtnguia taken. . tstr Cfti.uiiu. e KZZS DAILY EXCUKSIOK3. Till -antSTV--Trria splenuiu eteaaibuat JOHN A. WA.U i!n. jti.vt UtilusisUT blrecl Wnarf, Phllada., at I o'cloek aud o'clock P. lor Burlingion a i Brmtol, touobltig at Ittvenoxi. Torrejdato, AtiUaius.a, and"? jJl'lu:ull''' leVO JiilaUtl 1 O'oiooa Fare, ti cents each way: Kxonrsloo 40 cm. 4 11 U p n.TT-N FOR NEW YOUK-SWIFT-SUBB tmm liTr"""T,'rtiMtnn Compauy Doepnicb a u oiiiuio Llueu, via Delaware and ltitriian Canal, on and alter the lr,tii ot March, leaving dally at 12 m. Kid 6 P. M.i, eountcilug wiiu all Moriueru aud Eolern l.nes, I r tn iKbt, which will be taken on aooommodatlni terms, apply mi "h."jia m. m, jiaiku hiu HI No. Lii h. LkLAW Ai :rh SUNDAY EXCURSION. C'heHiiut sire: t wharf at 4iXi.CllANe.K OF hit. . ...i 4 u J L, toil i leuves i iu'hiuh sire: t wharf ai Hi AJI., auu 2 F. M., lor Burlington aud Bruttol, toiiehliig ai Tacony, HIViTton, Ainlaliisl.t, aud litf villi,. LekVliiL l.nolol al 10u A. M. aud 4 IV trf. Faro. Fxcursiou, 4o ceuis. lo 10 all COAL. BMIDI'LEI ON A Cl)., DEALrta IS . HAKLKIhH LEHIGH and JsJLULU VR1 ni'AI.. Ke.t diyuudt.r cover. Prepared exprft'-sij i fur iwnu.r fi. ro. 1.13 WAHiiXb:i sVvuuua. uruoa no. an whiwu i bhiw. i .iohn o n u r.i p. CARPENTER AND BUILDER, a:mii no. sis liOUOB tsiurcKT, am 0. 178 CIUhKVT TBKET, tit FHII.ADltl.PHIA. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.-" IUK VIDDLK KOtTK.-bortn anH mont oireot Une to Bethlehem, Faaton, Alleotown, Mauob (bonk. Baxleton, White Haven, Wllkeebarre, Ma banoy City. Monni Oarmel, Pitt ion. bcramon.Oarbor lale, and all the polnM in ths Lehigh and Wyoming Coal Keglon. Paiieiif er Depot In Philadelphia, gf, W. OOmer ol BKKliB and AM K BiUAJ streeuT kikvkn DalL.y TKAIN4 On and aftor WHUKKSDAY, July to, 1M. passenger Trains leikva the New Depot, corner 01 BF.RK8 and AMBttlOAN Street, nally (Hnndayasonpled, as follows; At 4'46 A. It. Aooommodatioa fox iroxi Wash ington. At 7-45 A. M. Morning Kx press for Bethlehem and Principal Stations on North Pennsylvania Jxallroad, sonneotlng at Bethlebeni with .Lehigh Valley and Lnblgh aud Husquehanna Kaliroaua for KHiton, Al lenlown, Catasaaqua, Slatlngton, Maach tlhnnk Weatherly, Jeaoonvllle. Haxieton. White Haven, Wllatharre. Klngnlon, Plttsion, aud all points la Ln bl jh and Wyoming Valleys' ;alno to cunnaotlon with Lebigb and Mahnoy Ball road for Mahauoy City; and l:hCatawlfr.a Railroad for Rupert. D,nvllle Mdion, and Wl!IIarr.r,port Arrive at Manoh Chunk at 12 no A.M i at Vt likeribarrr at 8 P. M,; at Mahano City at t P.M. rasseni-.ers by this train can lake the Lehigh Valley 'fain. raRlig Kelbli hom at 11-55 A M. for F..HU.IS, and poinu cn New Jeiscy LHintral Katlroad to JNow York. , At 845 A, M. Accommodation for Doylostown, stupplng at all Intermediate Wauons, Pr.swoi'aerpf'ir billow Wrove, ilallioro' and Fiarisvllie. by this wain, take rtnge at Old York Koad. At 10"0 A. M. Accuiuru OaU(iu for Fort tlBshinc uiu.i'npi Uii at liiieruivdlale btatlons. Atl'4'iP. M. Lehliih Valley Kxprew for Lothle ben', Allentown, Manch Chunk, Whllo i'aven, UJlll'.U.B.r. Il.ilal..i. Mal.Bn.u ('111. .n. ....... 1 1 1 Hhriiandt a.' M t. Curuiei, plttsion aurt Kcrnnton, aud an nr.ii is in manauoy ana w yomtng ooai nryions. At tub P. M. Acconinindailon for iwyio-.iown, topping at all lntorruodlnte s '-a' Ions. ai 1 1& jutnigu ano Pimqueiistoa r.ipreis Mr Ei.lMeh,ni. liaiwil. Al.enuisi n. llujcli Chunk. W lllkesharre, and Scrauton. At i-16 P. M. Accouiuiodatlon for Doylestown, Hopping at all Intermediate stations. Passengers for n mow urove. itairoro, ajo tiarisvii.e laan tlageat Ahlngion; for New Hope at Doylestown, At 6iki P. M. Through acoomuionaiiou for Bi'lbla hem and a',1 ntatlons on main line of North Pennsyl vania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Le h'gh Vailuy Leblgb aud Smqnehanna venlng Tralu for 1 prion. lleunivcc Uaucb Chunij. At t w P. M. Aucomiuwiatloa for LansdAle, stop- r!l.gai all InternienlRte Btntlons. A i U'8u P. M.. Accommodation for fort W aililnj. ton. , , lliAlKU SKKIVE IW PHIL.ADJKBPHIA, From Bethlehem at ami and Hits iVT.. m.i anil a : P. M. il'i A. M. and 2-00 P.M. Trains rnalcra dlrer-tcnnneo- tl'.in l'b Lcblgh Valley and Jjehlghapil Himgu 'l-.auna rnlns from B.aston, BciaLtuu, Wlikeabarre, MUouy SJlLv, and Hazletou. l-anttengers leaving wiixesnarre ai 145 P. M. con nect at Bethlehem at6u& P. M.. and arrive In 1'hlla. delpbia al8'il 1', M. itoiu ioyiestiwn a M,, cou ana 7'0u l. m. From Lanndnle at T A. M. From Vnrt Waahlnaton at8'30. 10'45 A. M. anil -1 P. M. Philadelphia for Beth lebem at 980 A.M.. Pblladelpbla for lioi'ltiuowu al2'00P. AT. Doykstown for Philadelphia at 7-00 A. M. Betbleberu for Pblladelpbla at i'HO P. M, Fifth aud Sixth Streets uizcr Cats uoQVcr ta seDgerB to aud from the new depot. woitecnrsof Keccnd and Third cireeMHiine ano rjulon Una rnn within a short disianca of mo depot. .1 legem Dinsi do proenreu av ins iicket OIUCO, in order to secure Uie lowest rules ol fare. Ilcketn Bold and Bat-race checked thronirb to tirln cipal pointB. at Mann's North P. nnf ylvanla Bgag Ktpress Otlioe. No. 106 H. FliTH -Street. FOB NRW YORK. THE CAMDEN 1COO.AND A id BOY AND PHI LA It KL. Fit I A A.D TltKN'le N Hi ILKOAD .HJM PAN Y LINEd. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW VOi-tK, AND WAY PLACJid. Fl'.OM. WALND'A' Hl'lUiLUX WHARF. Alb-no A. If., via Camden and Ambov Accom mn. datlon m irm At 8 A. M via Cam don and Jersey Cilv Ax- press M all 800 at x r. ill., yiauHmuen anu Ainooy ILxprein... g'OO At 8 80 P. M., via Camden and Jersey Fjr.- press................ 8'00 Ait r. M., ior Amouy sua iniermeaicie uiuiljns. A 1 5'BO and 8 A. M., 2 and P. M.. lor Freehold, At 8 and lo A. M 2, 3'Su and 4'ao P. M. for Treuton. At6'8ti.8. and 10 A. M.. l. 2. 8. x-811. txn. fl r,,l 11 so P. M. for BoiUeukOwu, Burlington, Beverly, aud . A 1 6-, ana 10 A. M.. 1. 2. 3, 8 0. 4-30. 8, and 1 1 3fl P. M.. for Florence. At 6 30 ana 10 A. M., l, 8, 4 so, e, and ll-so P. M. for KUkPwater, Riverside, Rlvertou.and fulmvia.. 2 P.M. for Rlverton and fiso P. M. tor Palmyra. Al 680 aud 10 A, M. , 1, 8, 4-30, 6, aud IPSO P. M. for Fih HooBe. The 1 and 1180 P. M. Linos leave from Market Street Ferry (upper ido). X luiii A.xnirMu i; i . At 11 A. M., via Kensington and Jeraty City, New York Hxpt ens Llue F'are At 7 and 11 A.M.. 2i, 'iiO, aud 8 P. M. for 1 ronton and l.rlutol. And at lU'lft A. M. for Brlatol. At 7 and 11 A.M., 2 80, aud 6P.M. lor ilorrUiVllle and Tully town. At 7 aud 10-16 A. M., 280, and 6 P. M. for tSobencks andF.ddlnguu. . , At 7 auu tu'io a. a., out "i u. buu o r, m, nr ooru wells, Torrlbdalo, Holaieebuig, Tacony, WiH'iiuo tiIi.u Tiririmburs. aud Fraukturd, and ai8 p. M. for Hbimeuuurg and luu-rnjedlate atuilous. Via Connecting Railway. At -80 A. M.. l oo 6-80. ana 12 P. M. New Yorlc Kx- pr ent, Lines, via Jersey City, Fare 8 it5. Ah l A. AL., jamigrau jiut,, x are, t& A f. 1'IUi A ll.nn Mnitriava nnlv Na YurlC KXOrspa Line. Fare,f3'25. 1 be -80 A. M., and ta30 P, M. Lines will mn dally, All others, fcunoays excepted. . . . ' . . . a.'ui .. ... I I t D ILr Iris Al -W A. JU.,, 1-I U o ou, auu i . .. .uim a t u-ha a m im and 12 P. M. tor Bristol. At 12 P. M. (Nlghl), for Morris vllle, Tttliytown, Bchei.'ek's.Kdtllnrtou.W'rnwelltt.TorriHdale.lloiaies burir. l ura.nv. W lhsUiouUng, Bridesburg, and i tatLk- lord, Por lines leavlnK Kensington Depot take the can on Third or Jjitib -meets, aiCbeinuiHireel,8 minutes before departure, '1 he cm s on Market street Railway run dirtct to West Phlladeiph a Depot; Chesuut aud Walnut wiibln one square, un UiiutiB lueiuaraei street cars will run to connect with tue 8 80 A.M. and 1 8U P. M. lines, BKLVIDKBK DKLAWAKK RAILROAD LINES. . . . . .'I...... . ... . I . I n b llr A, 7 w A. ill. IU. I.SII, X'Kiia, JUU..U.UI .. . . , Hicilra, lihaca, Owe;o, Rocheuter, Biug'iamtou, Os kir......i.H. I4ti.aiki.iiJ. M.iinrriAM. W ilir.e.iiLiai're. bcbooley's Mountain, etc. Al7vOA. Mi ana s ow x. v mipuwu, l-mwuu,. bnrg. Water Gup, Belvldere, KaHtou, Lauionuvnle, Flemlngtou, etc Tne 8 80 P. M. Lino connects direct ,i.k ...o Trin loavlnc Kaxton lor Mauch Cuuuk. Allentown, Beiuleheiu.oto. At 6 P.M. for Lambertvlile aud Intermediate Si-tlous. r i'DEB ART) BUJtLltNOTOn CO., AND PEM. iiJiltTOk aNDHIOH IH'IOWjS RAILROADd, a t 7 ami in il.. i. 8 8 . auu fi-8u F. M.. for Mer- ctsanihvuit', Muoiestown tiariford, Mason vllle.tTalus IOit, Mount Ijo ly, buiithville, KwantiVllle, Vluueu towr Blrmlugham. and PniubDiton. At 7 A. M., 1 and 8-30 P. M., fur BewtBtown, Wrli'bts lowu. cookbiown, buw Kgypl, lioruemtown, CreAin Dose. Imlaistown. Ntiarmi, ana Jtt lenmiowii. WILLIAM JLUA'lZMJUt.Ayfnt. Bi'ptemher 14. 18(18 15 jUILaDH LPHIA, W1LJ11NOTON AND liAL )' TIMOlilU KAlLivOAD. commencing KO.VDaV, t),- 6, lset. i' wlil Kve l epui corner or iiuut euei auu tviAAX- INUTOJS Avenue as follows: u. v.Mu.11 i ruin i g'uo A. II . (Hnndavs evcr.i'tqS) f ir lu.ltiiuore, su)piug at ail Regular tslatlitns, cou. o. cting with Delaware ivauronu at vnwmawu lor CiluteUfcud Intermediate ritailous. i.x (eB iratn aiii io a. in. duhuiv mui.i ior naltluiorear.d Wa.iblngtou, r.toppiug tit WiiUiaigtin, Perryville, aud liavre-de-Urace. Ouuueoia at WU Dilnkion with train for New Uivitle, nxpiuus Train a. 4 01 P. M. (Kuudays excepted) for Fsliimore and WaBUiuatcn, suipplug at Cheater, Thurlow, Lluwood, Ciaymout.WllunugUiu, Newport, bianton, Newark, Klkvon, iSorUieasi, Uhorleslowu, Perryville, Huvre-de-oracti, Abt-rucen, Putrymau s, ri'ltewood, Magunlla, Chase's and Kiemruer's Run, Night Lxpreus al 11 80 P M. (Dally) lor Baltimore and Washington, gtonnlngat Chester, Tnorlow, Llu wood, Cluymout, WilniliiKtou, ewark, Hi kiou, Noril,eNt,FerryvtUo ard Havre-dB-Orace. Paibeugers for Fortreus Monroe ana Norfolk will take tueli.46 A. M.Trntn . " WILMINOTCN TRAINS. Slopping at Bii tUoui btstwevn Puhadelphla and WLev"gphiladelphta at 11-00 A. M., -80, 6 00, and 7 tu P. M. The 6 ou P. M. Train oouneotn with Dalawaro Railroad for liar ring wu and lntormodlate slailouo. Leave Wllmlngtou ?no and trio A. at., rao, 4'16, aud T-oii P. M. The 8lo A. M. Tralu will nut stop between TO?. ilm Wilmington run. dall7. All other Aceomnioilatlon tralim isunuys excepted. FROM BALTlMOKlli TO Pllll.ADha.PHlA. Leave Baltimore 7; A. M.. Wtw-MfUli riBA. H.. Exoresn: 2'Z6 P. M., Kx press: 7 26 P. M., Kxpress, tUJNDAY TRAIN FROM. BALTlMOKm, Leaves BalilLiore at 7 26 P. M., stopiilug at Magno a, Perrymau'sVAberdeen, Havre-oa-Orace, Perryv lie, t barlesujwn Norih-Kasl, K'.klon, Newark, fctautou. V&iZy,WWUm'u!?ioF Clajmoul, Liuwooa, turf Clhrou-h ticket lo all potnUWest. Bonth, and Bot," n ay bi procured at tbe Ticket Ofllce. No. W CHNLT Htreet, under tbe Continental Hotel, whereto, siate-rooms and berths In sleeping cart can Le SM-ured during the day. Persons purchasing irekeuaublsolho. caa havethelr baggage cbeck5 at thelVrs&UaDoe hv the Union Oomiiauy, 48 H. i. K.KNNBY. BuperlnUtndeut. RAILROAD LINES. TTAST FREIGHT LINE, VIA NORTH J FKNNH YLVANIA Rail. ROAD, to Wilkes Larre. Mahauoy City. Mount lrmol, Oentralla, aud all oluis ou Lehigh Valley Balixoad aud lu brByCnewarTangemenU, perfected th! day, this road Is euabled to give Increased despatch to meroiiaudiM coimlKUfd to ibe above named poiuia. Uuods delivered (at the Through Jfretght Depot, , to, K, corner of FRONT aud NOULJb! UlreeU, Before P. M.. will reaub Wllkisbarie. UouutCarmel, Mul.kuoyt Ity. and Hie other Btalloun In Mahauoy aud Wyoming valleys butoro U A. M. ol the succuedluf day mluT j,! ti l.I.Irl CLAUK, AeuU TDBADINfJ BAlLROAD. GREAT TRUNK J-V LINK from Philadelphia to the Intorlor of Pennaylvaala, tbe Bchuylkul, Hasqnehanna, Cum berlaad, and Wyoming Valleys, the North, North- went, ana tne uanaaas. Hummer Arrangement of . ii-iubfliuui.1,71 AUiifll.i inn IHVIIi .un CompanT'i Depot, Thirteenth and Callowhlll streeUj' me rollnwlng hours: MORlalhlil iluinuimi.rnnj A .a A M fo V. BV.IUIKIllla 1 :ui,kni ' ov " . r lUftlltl. .nrf All InlMml.l.M.tlnM Anil Allttn town. Jtietnrnmc, learns Blading at (-S0 P. M.. arriving In Philadelphia at 18 P. M. 'MORiMUMO ir.xrKitjH.-ll 8' is A.M.. for Reading Lebanon, Harrlabnrg, Pottavllle, Pine Grove, I'aiUa- Ona. iSUnhtirv. b'l...l Unnl..D, NlfgafaFalu, BnfTalo, Wllkest-arre, PltUtou, York, Carlisle, Cbambernburg, Hagerstown, eto. m tu, i ou train oonnecis at Bawling wltn ine r;asi Pennsylvania Railroad tralun tor Allentown, etc., ana the 8'IS A. M. Innn4. I . . ,,. A I ..... Vol! ..W i,JJVlIir3?'rrV'-bn,''eto'! ' Port Clinton with (iBta- i mTr. . .1 wimamaport, Dock waver;, ..J.m.Ka',eU!aft..,Urr,',barf wlh Northern Ontral, CurnberlandValleytand Hchuyiklll and Hiuqnehanna ern, i,, ",Mlui wiiiiamsport, ior, "aP?r,,r",r. Plneerove, etc. .til?2' V0", hx pRH. Loavoa Philadelphia at 880 P. M. for TtAiilIn- i. 1. ... . ,.. connecting with Reading and Columbia Railroad" trains for Columbia, etc. POTTSTOWN Al)COMMODATIOX.-LaTM Potts town at 6-45 A. M., stopping at Intermediate stations: arrives In Pbllndelpnlaat S oS A. M. Rnturnlng le.tvea Philadelphia at 4 80 P, M.I arrives In Poitaiown at 6 o KKAwnu AcvuimiMonATION-L-Aves Roadtng at 7 80 A, M., stopping at all way statlouu: arrives in Pblladelpbla alio la A.M. KelnruiiiK. leaves Phlladelchla at 8-1S P. M.i arrives In Beading at 8 05 P. M. Trains tor rnnaaeipnia leave narriBonrg at B'lo a. M., and PnttHVllle at 8-1S A.M., arriving In Philadel phia at 1 P. M. Afternoou tralun l(uve HarrlRlmrg at 2 05 P.M.. and Pousvllle at 2'U P. M.! arriving al rhllBdelphia at 6-46 P. M- Harrlhburg atoinmniltlon Insves Blading at 7-18 A. M and Harrlsburg at 410 P. M. Conneoilng at Beading with Atternoon Accommodation south at 6-80 P. M.. arriving in Philadelphia at 16 P. M. mareiir,tin, wun a rameuger car aitacnea, loaves Philadelphia at li-45 noon for Po'tivllle and ail Way Stations: leaves Pottsvllla at 7 A. M. for Philadelphia and all other Way blallons. All tbe above trains run dally, pnudsyi excepted, ttnnday trains leave Pottsvlti at 8im A. M., and Philadelphia at 8 16 P.M.) leave Philadelphia for Resdiug at 8 W A, Um returning frum Beading at 4 li CUE8TEB VALLKY RAT LI'O AD. Passengers for Downu-gtown aud intern; od late points lake the 7 HO A. M- '''" and 4'Sfj P, M. t ruins from phlladel phla, retnrulng from DOWuliigtuwu at 680 A, M., P00, auu n-n Mr, m. PKltKlOMKN RAILROAD, Fassengers forBklp pat k take 7-0 A. M. and 4 8j P. M, tralus from Phila delphia, returning from Skipjack at g-io A. M.anJ 1-21 P.M. blase lints for various points In Pergiomea Valley connect with trains at coilegevllle and okip cark. KKff YORK EXPEK88 FOR PITTSBTJRGI AND THK WKfeT. Leav( New York at It A M., 6 00 and 8 00 P.M., passing Beading at lTo A M.,1-84 and 10-10 P. M., aud connect at Harrlsburg with Pennsylvania and Northern CentraljKallroad Kxpreas Tralus for Fills borg, Chicago, Wllliarm port. Klmlra, Bui II more, etc. lUilurnlng, Kxpress Train leaves Ilarrlsbnrg, on ar rival of Pennsj Ivama Kxpress from Pl.taburg, at 2:50 and 6-26 A. M., 86 P. M.. parsing Reading at 4 44 and 7- 06 A. M and 11-40 P. M arriving at New ork, 10-10 and n-46 A. M , and K-00 P. M. Sleeping Cars aocom pauylng these trains through betweun Jdrsey City and Pittsburg, witbont cbaufre. Mall train lor New York leaves Harrlsbnrg at 8"10 A. M. and 2-06 P. M. Mall train for Harrlsburg leave New Yt-rk at 12 Noon. KCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. -Trains leave Pottavllle at 6-45 11-80 A. M., and 6'40 P, M.. re turning from Tamaqua at 8 5 A. M. and 2 16 and 4 86 BCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL ROAD, Trains leave Auburn al 7'55 A.M. for Plne greve aud Harrlsburg, and at 12-16 P. M. for Plue grove and Treu.ont; reluming from Harrison re at 8- 80P. M., and from 'Fremont at 7'40 A, M., ana 6'3S TICKETS. Tli rongh flrst-clnss tickets and eml grant tickets to all the principal points lu the North and West and Cauadas. txcurslon Tickets from Philadelphia to Beading and intermediate sla Ions, good lor day only, are sold by Mnrninri Accommodation, Marlcel Tralu, Rending aud Pottaiown; Accommodation Trains, at reduced rates. ixcuralon Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day oaiy, arc sold at Kiadlug and luicrmodiute stations by Knauiug and Pollstown Aocommodailon Traini at reduced ratos. '1 lie 101 lowing tickets are obtainable only at the Ofhceef B. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 27 8. Fourth stieet, Phlladelnhla.or U.A, Nlooiia, Ueneral bupor Intendent, Beading. Coiuiiiutation Ticket at 26 per cent, discount, be tween any points desired, lor fi'inillea and ttrnu, M ileage Tickets, good for2 00 miles, between al points, at ti2-60 each, for Uuillita and Urms. beasoa Tickeu, for three, six, nine, or twelve monilia, tor holders only, to ail point at reduced rates. Clergymen residing on the line of the road will be furuiHhea with cardu, entitling liiciuseivea aud wives to tickets at hali lure. Kxcuroion Tickets lrom Philadelphia to principal stations, good for MtUiuday, wumlny, and Monday, at reduced iare, to be had ouly ai tlid Tloket Oulce, at Thirteenth and Callowhitl etrefcUj, FBF1UHT. Ooods of all descriptions forwarded to all tbe above poluia frum tu Company's rssw Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. Frel.;lit Trains leavo Philadelphia daily at 4-36 A. M., 12-46 noun, 8-00, and 8 P. M., fur iteadlug, Bebuuou, Harilsburg, Pottavllle, Port Clinton, and all point b1Salls'close at the Philadelphia Post OlBceforall places on the road aud It bromines at 6 A. m., and tor the prlnclpul (station ouly at 2'16 P. M. BAGOAGK, Dungan' Kxp.ees will collect Bag gage lor all tralus leaving Philadelphia Depot, Orders can be loll at No. 225 B. Fourth street, or at the Depot, Thirteenth and Callowhlll streets. PHILADELPHIA AND EUIB RAILROAD, TH ROL'OH AN D DIRKC I'ROUTKBtfil'W K KiH FHILADKLfHIa., BALTIMOHK, .HAltRISBUUll, WII.LIAMBFORT. AND THili UKUiAT OIL BH OION OF PKlsNiiYLVANIA. Flcgant Sleeping Cars ou all Night Trains. On and alter MONDAY, September 14, 180S, the trains ou the Philadelphia aud Fjle Itudroad wlil run a follows:- WISTWABD. MAIL TRAIN leave Philadelphia 10 40 P.M " Wllllamspjrt 8-20 A. M, arrives at Krle 9 25 P. M . ERIK KXPREBa leave Philadelphia 11-80 A. M. Wllllttuisporu....... 8 35 P.M. arrives at 9 '60 A. M. ELMIRA MAIL leaves Philadelphia........ B OO A. M. ' " Wllllamsport 6 26 P. M. ' arrives at Lockhaven...... 7 '46 P, M. KAHTWAKO. MAIL TRAIN leaves Krle 10-60 A. M. " " Wllllamsport 10 16 P. M, " - arrives at Philadelphia 7-00 A. M. EI IE KXPP.Efaa leave Erie T-6 P. M. " " Wllllamsport. 8 15 A. M. " arrives at Pulladelpbla... b-M p. M. Mall and Fxpres connect with OU Creek and Alletiheny l'.lver BaiUoad. BAGUAOK OHKOKKD ALFRED L. TYLER, 11 tieueral Uuperiutcuddut. I PHILADELPHIA, GELMANTOWN, ASD NO;JAlbTOVVN BAUiBuD-TlMh, TABlia, Foil llURMAJSi'OWN. I ave PbllHdclpula 8, 7, 8, mm, in, 11, ul a. M.. 1. 1 -8Ji . 8, 4, 6. 6?i. 610, 7, 8 9, 10, 11, 12 p. a . Ltave Uermantown 6, 7, 7i, 8, B A), 9, 10, 11, 12 A, M 1 2. 8. 4, 4?, 6, 6, 7, 8, , lo, 11 1 . M. The 8 ?o Lowu Train, and 3Ai J t Cp Trains will net stop ou tue Qermantowu .1 anU, v ON hUNDAVrt. I,, ave Philadelphia v.U A. M. 2, 7, ltijf P. M. Luave tiermantowu b;2 A. M. 1. fi, u. f . Ai. Clil'ijlNUT UII.L I.AlliKJAD. auu'fiVP PJh"IMlel)m fa i l A' '" a;' 7' Leave Cbeetnnt Hill 7'U', 8, 9-4U, and 1110 A. M.. 140 S-40, 6 40, 40, b-40 and 10 40 f. iu. ON BUNDiVH. Leave Philadelphia V A. M. 2 and 7 P. M. lA ae Chestnut lihl 7 su A. L. U'4o. 6 40 aud 9-23 luit I ON8KOHOCKEN A Ml JS!ORKI3iO VN. l,tave Philadelphia 6, 7U, 9, aul 11 oi A. M. l!t, 8, 4. b, -", 6 0b and 11;. l'.M. Leavit Korrlmown 6 40, 7, 7'60, . and 11 A. M W, 8, iii, 6. and bit P. ifa HVflDA y It ave Philadelphia 9 a. M if ,v,i a-rl 7-lu P. u. Xve outownu7 ab-u, sua a p. u. 1, tle in una: unk 6-10, 7tf, rto, W, and 11 A. M., 2..4.6,6X,ana8PijM.BuKDAV(i Iif-ave Philadelphia 9 A. M r,i and 7.Y P. K. Leave Manayuuk 7H A, M., baud 9 P.M. W. b. WltJSON, General Hnperliuoudenl. Depot, N IN TH aud UliKKN btreeis. AUCTION SALES. WEST JERSEY IiAILROADS. FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. From foot of MARKET Btreet (Upper Forry). Commencing WEDNIlnDAY, Septemoer 10. 18G8, TRAINS LKAVK A 4 FOLLOW For Cape May and slatlou below Millvllle, 815 P. M. For Mtllvllle, Vlneland, and lutermedlate stations 815 A. M..8-.6P. M. F'or Brldgeton, baiem, aud way stations 815 A. M and 0P. M. For Woodbury at 8-15 A. M 8-13, 3' 80, and 6 00 P. M. F'relght train leave Camdeu dally at 12 o'clock noon. Freight received at second covered whoaf below Walnut street, dally. Freight Delivered, No. t?8Routh ew,,r,eyrfl1nu WILLIAM J. 8EWKLL, 8 II Huperlntendeut. FREIGHT LINES FOR NEW YOKE AKD ALL POINT b NORTH, ai d EAST, and for all blatlou on Camden and Am boy and Uonueollug Railroad, from Waluut street wharf. ,kUU ' FNCBKAbKD DKiiPATCH. Freight fox all way point on the Camden end Amhoy. Freehold and Jamosburg, and Burlington County Ballroads, forwarded at 12 oVlock Noin. For Trenton, Princeton, Kingston. Rooky Hilt, kllfl all point on tbe New Jersey aud Belvldtue Ball roadB, forwarded at 8 P. M. . For New York,l ll. IX, and 6 T. M. f reight received from 7 A. M. to P. M. a .lip nieniorandum, speclOIng the markn anr numbers, shippers and oonblgnees, mnst lu every lu tauc be ent Wl' h ear:h load of soeAla. WALTKlt FKKKM AN, Agent, No, J6 b. Delaware Avenuj, PbUadelnUta. BCT1N(J, DUKBOROW ft CO AnrTIOnT. F K1W. w'ot. va and 284 M A RK KT Vt reel corn of Bank street. Bucoessor to John B. M er. 4 Co. LABOK BALE OF FRENCH AND OTHKR B-rrnr. IE AN DRY OOOD.4, KIO. R KDIM Oof to .nn.'!" Monday morning, vi.1. is, at 100 clock, on 4 montha' credit. 10 18 M LAKOK HALE OF jjn. vah BOOTS, 6HOBH. . . On Tuesday momln Oct. 20. at 10 O'clock, on 4 monlhsredlt. 10 14 Kt LARCiK3ArEOFBTtTTlsH.FRENCltT ORRMaw AND DOMESTIC! bliY WOODM KB3IAN Oi, n iinnd.. Air....!.,.. " rw. 00 . . . 1 unmoay morning, oci. ii, at 10 0 clock, on four mouthi' oredlt. 1018 FLOOR Oil, CLOTHS, Kl'J., n,n... a. . Un l-'fhlny Morning, o'cloct. on four months' credit. coile and J.-' lnRr,,n- Venetian, list, hemp! ch thS It? crPetlngs; 2m piece floor oil - tL- 'c-. 10 17 61 JL AND COMM1KCION E1U HA NTH NoT CHKbNUT btreeti rearwtrance No. HOT banm'ii UTOflv OF FlNkl bTATIONFItV. PAPFll Trrnf Couuttr. Bhow Ca-es. Private I.ibr'.Ji " uLlSlSj. neons Books, eta uw" On Mundsy Morning, sirV u.1V1n' at the auction store, No. 1110 Chrannt romt;.ri"gX,Va,ln'5tOC,t ' U9 w"7r5! looeito nfateh8 r.V.."nl,'0le PBpe'': wllh "" le, l pnS1.1 wor'k bo,". e?c! Wu"aail and counter connt. " Aiso, a private library ofMlscetlaneon Booki.' 2' FURNITURE. "UUSBHOLD rw n ... ,.n Tuesday Mortlng, beTn'irt Vm '? h clock- Ko- ml nols streot, will hHn. 2A0,.,'he r'-nil,es.ail that neat lbresior ge. Imm,,. HOUsxHOin FURNITURE. oi?KS ' ? MM ,un B,e 01 ttif house will be b? nArwIU.nJ.lDire- comprising a general aH.onmen! far ' cbauiuer' diniug-room, and kitchen fur ",: 10 17 21 BALE Or REAL ROTATE AND'flTO0KLi Dweiniig. vortn;, jmo. 62-atore and DweiilrT.i. A...HU.US5, auup ana 4 .Brick i.' fYHC"- toValuBble Residence. MARKKT. No. 107 Valuable Btore. iyVNT KNOtt, No. 11119-Mod.ern ResldPn DAWK, No. E-Valuabie Store. wsiaenoe. llrg. .utiiiuM auu AsrickDwel iXz'irS (North), No. 528-'Htore and Dwelling 1TNK, No. 1129-Frame Dwelling. "w"in;. i'A'K0 2411 nd 2-i r ck Dwelling. v.ViS1,&0L: "'" 21io-lirlck DwelilSg. nirlmS- 1031-Store and Dwelling, i A f,ftf?V.No- 4:-Brlck Dwelling. ' ill mn A,.buT . . -r, t oT.A x. i. ... ' nooer , x arm, ana Hemloak La.a-7McK'n. and Cumeion counties Fa. gag'e bo. ds." 'nd Indln "road first mort- i-ew imo. na i. i,nke's Chnrch. c "OyPhiladelphla and Bouthern Mall Steamship 4 tuio bonds Philadelphia Commercial Wharf and Ralirnau Company. "" una 2iK) shares Central Transportation Company. lhrePhliadtlpbla Library. "UIt,ur 10(0 h he rea Mount Farm Coal and Oil ComDanr. 4UO0 shares McMillan Oil Company. 11 sbaies LoouHtOap Improvement Company. lOusbareA A.irli.n i.imia ua... .. w l . Company. u" j iseasf n tickri Arcn btreet Theatre, lioo Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad 6 shares Academy ot Aluslo. with ticket. 10 share Horticultural Hall. loo shares Commercial National Bank, 16 shares Tioga Railroad Compauy. Ido t bares pad lie and Atlantic Telegraph Company. um 0 shares American Gum Paint Company. two shares Northwest Coil and Iron Company. 1 '. HlmrH Krt. .....U.L1 . ulu a .i .. f.. Company. 10 16 81 86 shaies National Bank of Commerce. LABK & EVFks, AUCTIONEEES, NO. 630 CHKHN OT Btreet. Will tell THia DAY, Morning and Evening, A large Invoice ot Blankets, Bed bpreads,Dry Ooodn. Cloths, Catalmeres. Hosiery, btat.'onery, Table and l'ocaot cutlery. Notions, etc. City and couutry merchant will find bargains. Terms cah. Hoods packed free of charge. 9t 1 D. MeCLEES & CO. ACCTH KEEBfl J. No. 606 MAF KKT bueeL iu BALK OF 1700 CASKS a BHOKS, BROQARS, On Monday Morning, October 19, commencing at 10 o'clock, we will self, by catalogue, for cash, 1700 cases meu's, bojs' and youth s boots, shoe, brogaus. balmoiai, etc. Also, a superior assorlmeut of lades', misses'i aud chlldrecs' wear lo 15 St BALK OF 16C0 CA8E8 BOOTS. PHOKa, BRC QAN8. BALMORALS. KTC. "s Ou Thursday Morning, October 12 cemmenclng at 10 o'clook, we will sell b j cats ogue, tor cash, lsoo cases meu's. boys', and. youth' boopj, shoes, brogaus, balmora s, etc. Also, a large aesortmeut of ladles', misses', aud children's city -made gooes. 10 17 4t ART IN DROTHEtlS, AUCTIONEERS.-, (Lately baienren lor Al. Themas fe bona.) No . lilt CHKbNUT Bt., rear entrance from Minor. Eale at No. lla Vine street. EANDPOMK WALNUi- HOUBKHOLB FORNI- T L RK, OAK D1N1NU-ROU61 bUli' KlhXiANf BPLcbKLb AND VKNA1TAN CAUPKTd, FINK CHINA AND GLABbWAHK, KIO. On Tuesday atornlng, October 20, at 10 o'clock, at No. lum Vine street, by cataltgue, ibe handsome oiled walnut lurulturek -Including suits handsome walnut panor furniture, covered wltn line crimson re pa, oiled walnut cham ber suits, line mattresses, elegant oak sideboard, ex tension tr.ble, walnut hull stand aud chairs, superior bedstead, elegant Brussels Venetian, and other car pels. 0I1 cloths, line F rench vhlua aud out glassware, kitchen furniture, utensils, eto. etc May be examined on the morning of sale after o'clock. 1014 6 L' 1PPINCOTT, fcJON &. CO., AOCriONEEUS, li 103 T BU1LDINU, No. 240 MARKKT bueet. LAROK POSITIVE BALK OF 816 IOTS AMKBICAN AND IMPORTED DRY titiODb. LI N FN UuOUk, WUHKboODd. HO V GOOUS, MILL1NKHY UOJUi KTO., By Catalogue, ou our Meutiis' Credit. Ob Wedubiiduy Moruing, Oct. 21, commencing at 10 o'clock, comprising a full and complete a.isonieut cf deBlraHle goods, lor pre si lit ai.0 approaching le, L10l7 It DRUGS, PAINTS, ETC. c JODEllT SHOEMAKER & CO., N. Corner or jc OUETII aud HACK Sts PHILADFLPHIA, I'JHGLCSALE ORUCCISTO. IMPORTERa AND MANUFAOTCRKRn O White Lead aud Colored I'uluts. I'trttj, Varnishes, lite AUFNT9 FOR TBI OKLKBRATKU FllOCU ZLKC PAINTS. DFLKR8 AND CONSUMKR8 BUPPLIKD AT LOW KbT PRICES KOR OABH. 104 STOVES, RANGES, ETCe NOTICE. THE UND E R8 I O N KTi l.1 would call attention of tbe public to hi "t'.'il NA.W jtAUUUi If URN ACK, tvUa Thisisanemlsely new beater. It 1a ao oeo- siruuted as to at once commend itself to general favor, beag a c-injbluaiiou of wrought aud cant Irou. J 1 very simple In Us construction, and la perleotly alr tight; soli-cleanlLg, having no pipes or drums le be taken out aud cleaned. It Is so arranged wltn npriff lilies as to produce a larger amount ol heat froia th same weight of unal iriii any lurnaoenow lo nae. The bygrouiet rlc ouudluon of the air as produced by Diy newarraugemeutol evaporation will aiouoeasv moutraie tha. it Is the ouly Hot Air Furnaoe kna wlil produce a perfoclly healihy atuiosphere. Thore In wntof a complois Heating Apparatus! wobid do well to call and examine tr'8,0. ol den h!, UHARLKS W1LI.I1JIS, - "M "IWlfl. A large assortment of Cooking Ranges, l? Ftoves, Low Down Urates, VemUators, eta,alwajf 01iB!Jobbtng ofell alod prompUj donaiilOl W WMMIbHlONMs-IlOHANT. Ne. S S. BKLaWAKK Aveuue, PUiladelptl. FKiponf Onnpowdtr,"BeJined Nitre, lh,"JJ' ", W. Baker A Co.' Chocolate Cod-, and Brmua. locker, Bro.A Co,' Yailow Metal ttiiAtliiisB Bolt and Naurs