6 THE DAILY Ef,NWG TELEGRAPH PHIL AD EL PHI A, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1868. n 1 1 bvj r . Ilium" . UpM NUMBER CXCIII. a sirr ron mkmtal dystbpticb. and a curb FOB HY-FOCIIONDRIA, BT-FOCRIRT, OB AMY COMPLAIN! OF A HY ORDCB. TJIK A'WFAOB Of TJTK I.OXDnN XT. -tan, i:x-i-JUibtStin BY Ol Jt HEUIJCd XD1TOK, From "I'unch." La Lantericb. M. Henri Rochefort la obliged to flr from France to Trasaia, Prussia to Amsterdam, Amsterdam to Geneva, and many other places before the number appears, dodging about like a Feu Follet, or, as we should call it in Jioglish, a Jack o'Lautern. , Thr Minimcm of Industry. LolHus ia not the idle fellow his enemies and tradespeople assert. The other day his "features worked." Thb A. P. TJ. C The Rev. F. G. Lee, who was once a moat energetio advocate for the celibacy ot the Anglican clergy, but has some time since dropped the subject as one of minor importance (perhaps he will drop everything gradually for the same reason), gives a slap at the llaydock Ecclesiastics, and then gets np a ceremonial in his own Church on the anniver sary of the A. P. U. C. Do these letters mean the Association for Promoting Useless Cere monies T Not this Time. Trimingham, the great Army Reformer, setting an artiole in the Pall Mall Gazette, with the heading "Military Messes," was greatly disappointed at finding It was not an exposure of more Horse Guards Muddles. Whekb to go for yodb Holiday. Llleherg. A BLANO CATECBIHM. Q. What ia an Aristoorat ? A. A Swell, a Nob. Q. Is there a distinction between a Swell and a Nob ? A. Rayther so. All Nob3 are Swells, but a Swell ain't neoesaarily a N!ob. Q. Give an example. A. The Markis o' Aatings, he's a Nob and he's a Swell; Augustus Smith, in some Government hoillce or other, as goes about with Mar kisses and dresses no end he's a Swell, but he ain't a Nob. Q. Whence do you deiive the appellation Mob f A. From a door-handle. As there's always a'most a knob to a handle, so in sooiety it's the handle to the same as makes the Nob. Q. Into what classes do you divide Society ? A. Into Noba, which includes regular Nobs: Swells, which includea Tiptoppera, Regular Swells, Cheap Swells, Gents, Snobs, and Cockywaxes. Q. What is a Regular Nob? A. As aforesaid. Handle to name, tin, togs, and all complete. Q. What is a Tip-top Swell? A. Mostly Coves ia four-iu-'auda. From twenty to thirty-five. Q. A Regular Swell? A. He is a older cove from thirty-live to fifty. He rayther runs ta fat, but there ain't a speck on him anywhere, and his boots and tile are out-and-out. Q. The terms Cheap Swell, Gent, and Saab require no, explanation. What, then, is a Cockywax? A. It's a term of endearment, and may in clude any of the above, or may be a class by itself, without a swell or nob in it. Cocky waxes are any age. If addressing a Cockywax you qualify it by prefixing "old" or "young." Q. Yon mention Togs; whence ia this word derived f A. Undoubtedly from the Latin Toga. "Togs" means dress. Q. When was the word Cove first used ? A. It was imported by the Romans, and wa3 first used in an abbreviated form by the Bri tish whenever they B&wCvvinarius, i. e., a sol dier in a war-chariot. Q. Explain and give derivations of the words Trump, Brick, Chap, GuJin, and Bloke. Also in each case give your reference. A. I will. Walker I Exit Answerer. Heyday I Haydock ! The Papists have long taunted us, quite unjustly, with a Nag's Heal Consecration. But we fear we can't refute the taunt against a Pig's Head Ritualism. Was it a tithe-pig ? Qoebr Taste. What strange ways foreign ers havel A Congress (the latest variety) has just been held at Amsterdam, of "Low German authors 1" Only one writer is men tioned by name as having had the Conscience to be present. Ad Imperatouem. What the French Gov ernmeat ought to do with La Lanteme f Make light ot it. From "Fun." Dead Sea Fruit. From grog-blossoma. Thb Sbrvian Qcestiox. If as the papsrs are forever informing us the Servian's (S)kup's china, of what is his sauoer made f Unaccountable. A contemporary, which appears to have been in the sun, says that "a marriage is to take place between the son of Count Walewski and the daughther of" and here it breaks off and suddenly says "Count Bala." Versatile as Mr. Bala ii, and nbiquitous aa he appears at times to be, we never had any difficulty in counting him, and we fear that our contemporary's sudden effort to oount Mr. Sala is a sign of Walewski we beg par donof whisky in the hair. BEAUTIFUL FOB EVEB (?). (Au ful state of things consequent on late legal proceedings.) My Lady "Good graoious I Hodson, do you mean to say that there's no more 'Arabian JCnamel' to be obtained ? Why I'm positively tracking all over ' ' Hodson (improving the occasion) "So you are, my lady I And what's worse, my lady, it's beginning to chip off'!" Tub Ibrbi'Iiebsiblb nnnMivo-niRn TTawk Moth. A lady has written to the papers to say that she has seen reoeuilyin Staffordshire, Cheshire,and Warwickshire, "humming-blrda ' with plumage of reddish-brown speckled on the back with white. Either the good lady has mistaken a moth for a bird, or she is doing the "humming" herself. Not Sew I A young lady writes to inform us of a curious phenomenon. She has a sew ing machine which is an aooomplished vooal ist. I begins with a little "hemming" to dear its throat, and then "runs up" the seam or scale with "Should he np-brald." We pre sume it is a "Singer Sewing Machine." Bbnekit (?) of Clergy. What a name for one of the latest engines of war I "The Par sons' Converted Gun." Don 't "Dow b" with Youb Dust 1 For lining speculations are ticklish affairs to deal with. Do they fail? you are figuratively speaking "put in the hole." Are they suo otenful ? you will ever haveaoJ on your jnind. FROM EUROPE BY CABLE. Mabbid, Oct. 18 Admiral Mcmlci Nuncs has tiren appointed by the Provisional Government, Captain General of tlio fleet. Ills formcf lltl clllcer, Captain Tabo, bag been appointed to tlm command of the 8panin!i squadron In tho Paclllo. l'ho scarcity and consequent high prices of foo l and wine are abating. MAprtin, Oct. 10. The Central Junta have isauod a decree declaring all children born of slaves after the 17th lnat. free. In tho apportionment of deputies for the con stituent Cortes tho Spanish colonies are ontitlod to four representative!). Loftnow, Oct. 10 It Is understood that tho basis agreed to by Mr. Johnson and Ixrd Stuiloy, for a settlement of tho Alahaniaquestlon, Is that a mixed commission shall bo formed, which will hold Its ses sions In IOndon and pass upon all claims preferred iy Kngllsh and American citizens. London, Oct. 10 Tho London Times to-day, In an article on tho Chlncso mission, thinks that tho fact that Mr. Iliirliugamc is not a native of China will bo no obstacle to his success at the Courts to which he is accredited. They will forget It If ho docs. If he abstains from Interference with politi cal intrigues in which China can certainly have n healthy or natural interest; if ho acts as though there would bo no separate national Interests In Kuropo and America, ns Indeed there arc not, so far as their relations w ith China are concerned; anil if he accepts it as the primary function of his mis sion to discover and explain what are the best lines of trado both for China and tho western countries, he will have accomplixhcd much for China and something for the rest of tho world. No State can have as personal an hitorct't in a success of this sort as Great Jiritain, nnd none would bo more willing to concur therein. Paris, Oct. 10. Tho Senate and Corps Lcglslatif meet on the 11th of November. rARis,Oct.l0 Tho Kt' ndard asserts that Trim Is Intriguing to gain supremo power, but Kspartero, who Is dally expected in Madrid, disapproves tho inlluence of Trim in tho government, and will do hlg utmost to thwait his designs. The Gaulois predicts that tho Kuropean Powers will soon re cognize the Provisional Junta as the do facto gov ernment of Spain. BY GUI! A CABLE. Havava, Oct. 10. Sugar is llrm at reals. Exchange on London is strong at 13H premium; on the United States, 00 days, In currency, firm at 2Gr26 discount; in gold, 00 days' sight, 2ffl3 pre mium; short sight, 3 ttift premium. It Is officially announced that an encounter took place at Tunis between Spanish troops and a band of Insurgents, In which tho lattor were defeated, and took to flight. Several were taken prisoners. The party was headed by Pedro Aqullera. All tho other districts of the island arc tranquil. Advices from llayti report bitter dissensions among tho revolutionihts. Generals Dominigues, Sagct, and Kebccca havo each been proclaimed President by their respective troops. The towns of Petit, GOrtnc, Dcsallno and Geremio aro in posses sion of Sulnuvo, who is daily gaining strength. Tho latest authentic news from Tunis announces the successful progress of tho campaign against the insurgents. They appeared in that district in three or four separate bands, all under the head of Aguilcra. After tho defeat of tho largest body they all dispersed, and are trying to reach the sea shore, with tho probable intention of (hiding ships on which to escapo from tho country. Troops aro pursuing them in various directions. The bands were composed of bandits, whom Cap tain General Lersundi's vigorous measures had driven to tho mountains. There were also among them a number of persons without regular occupa tion, and ready for anything which promised ex citement. The entire number of Insurgents was about 200. The Captain General will send a man-of-war to prevent stragglers from leaving the coast. Puerto Principe and other towns in tho vicinity of the disturbance remain quiet, as the citizens aro in favor of tho present government. Tho expulsion of Santa Anna from Taboada has put an end to re cruiting and other demonstrations against the Mexican government. Lersundi declared while in command that he would not permit any conspiracy in this island against a foreign government. The weather is hot, but rainy. Tho city and island are healthy. From New York. Nuw York, Oct. 10. The Republicans of tho First Congressional district have nominated Alfred 11. Wood tor Congress. Nuw VoiiK, Oct. 10. Tho Democrat says Gov. Seymour has written a letter placing himself in tho bands of the National Committee. The Congressional Committee continued their in vestigation in tho whisky frauds to-day. Several witnesses were examined. Mr. Hinckley is still con tumacious, and neglects to produce any papers or give any information. Tho bail of Mcllenry, ac cused of perjury in tho Kollins conspiracy case, has been raised to $5000 to secure his appearance. George Atwell, a mail messenger in the New York Post-olllce, was before tho United States Commissioner charged with robbing the mails, and committed to answer. Alfred IJrodhead, of Hoboken, aged nineteen years, is under arrest charged with violating the person ot his aunt in August last. She is said to lie enciente. The distillery of Leon A. Canler, in west Nine teenth street, was damaged to the amount of S5000 by tire to-day, caused by the bursting of a receiver. An alleged counterfeiting establishment in Mul berry street was suppressed last night. Two arrosts were made, and about 11500 in spurious fifty cent stampts and greenbacks secured. The family of the late Nathaniel Hawthorne are about to sail for Germany to reside. Headquarters Department of the Atlantic have, at the request of Gen. Hancock, boon transferred to New York. Kkw York, Oct. lfi Tho match between tho All England Eleven and a selected twenty-two cricket" crs of tho United States terminated this afternoon, on the St. George's cricket grounds, in favor of the Eleven, In one innings, with eight runs to spare. Tho full score was: All England Eleven, first in nings, 14U; Twenty-two, first innings 70, second do. 45. This is the sixth and last match of the series, In all of w hich the English cricketers have won. An international babe ball match between nine English crickers, without an American base ball player, and the celebrated cx-chaiupion Union nine, will bo played on tho St. George s ground on Tuesday, October 201 Ii; after which tho cricketers will leave for England. Naw Yoittc, Oct. 10. Tho Convention spent tho greater part of this, its ninth day's session, in dis cussing the report ot tho Committee on Canons In reference to the support of tho Episcopate. Hy a decisive vote of the Convention it was decided that, before the creation of a new diocese, provision for the maintenance of tho Episcopate satisfactory to the General Convention should bu provided. A motion to striko out of tlo Prayer Book the words in tho liihliop's commission to Presbyters, "whoso sins Thou dost forgive," "they are forgiven, Sat." was tabled. A feature of the session to-day was tho reference to a committee a proposal to amend Canon 0th, title 1st, forbidding clergymen of other deno minations to officiate in Episcopal churches. A determined attempt was made by tho low church members to table the resolution, but it failed. JFroin Tennessee. Memphis, Oct. 10. The little steamer Mosper, which left here at four o'clock yesterday afternoon, with 400 stand of arms, which it is alleged aro des tined for the negroes of Arkansas, returned to this port to-day. Her officers state that while loading some twenty-tl vo miles below here on the M isslssi ppl side, tho steam tug Nettie Jones bore ill sight with a bargo In tow, containing tour men, disguised, who took possession ot tho llesper, placing guards over the pilot and engineer, then cut tho boat loose and steamed up tho river. Tho boxes containing the arms and ammunition were broken open, and tho arms thrown into tlio river. After thus disposing of the arms, the party re-embarked and started back up tho river. In at tempting to go through the shuto she grounded. The party then went ai-lioro and took to the woods'. It is said that the party seized the tug below Port Pickering soon alter (he llesper had lett this port. The allair causes great t L'itoiueut here. From Delaware. Wiljiinoton. Oct. 10 The City Hall was packed with a splendid audience to hear Stockett Mat thews, who spoke for two hours and a quarter. His delineation of tho character of Grant, and vin dication of "carpet-baggers" and "scalawags" of tho south were greeted with repeated rounds of ap plause. Colonel Matthews goes to assist in the iauvas of New Jersey, FROM WASIIINQTON. Swapping Horses. , Washihotow, Oct. 18. There Is no doubt that the proposition to put a new Democratic ticket In tho field Is received with favor both by the President and Chief Just ico Chase. The Intelligencer's editorial favoring the move ment was inspired from the White JIouso, and enough Is known of tho character of tho gout le mon gathered at tho residence of the Chief Justice last night to make it certain that they would not entirely eschew a discussion of so congenial a sub ject. Hancock has had enongh of Democratic blandish ments, and says that their defeat is now certain w hatever they may do. Hosecrans says it is too late for a change of front; that the party lias fallen irretrievably Into tho bands of tho rebels, and must sutler tho conse quences. Montgomery Blair says the mistake was in not putting Prank at the head of tho ticket. Tho Richmond Dispatch, ot yesterday, has an editorial article hinting at a change of candidates, and intimating that tf tho New York Convention had nominated Chase he could have been elected. Shipwreck. Information has been received from f lie I'nltod States Consul at Manila of the total loss of tho ship Audonbon, of Iloston, on the Island of Cotiis glilor, at tho entranco of the harbor of Manilla. '1 lie captain and crew were saved. Mr. Colin. Speaker Colfax left this evening for New York, thence to Indiana. Indian Affairs. Commissioner of Indian All'alrs Taylor has re turned from Chicago, where he has been attending the Indian Peace Commission. Postage Stamps. Butler & Carpenter, bank note engravers, of Philadelphia, nave filed at the Post-otlleo Depart ment a strong protest against the award of tlio con tract for postago stamps to the National Bank Note Company, of New York. They allege that the award has been made to the highest Instead of to them, tho lowest bidders, and that tho gov ernment will therefore bo called upon to pav 8 cents per thousand, or JWO.OOO per annum, or k 120, 000 for four years, more to the National Hank Note Company than It would have been required to pay Butler & Carpenter for the same supplies. From South Carolina. ChahI-kstok, Oct. 10 There was a largo meet ing here this evening to hear Hon. John Quincy Adams speak. In the course of his speech Mr. Adams said, If Grant Is elected it will not be as bad for the south as many here appear to think. That they should remember, however, above all things, that whether they like It or not, they could do no thing. They could not again go to war. Where would they get munitions, or even banners. The policy of the south Is peace. The north desires assurances that slavery will not be re-established, neither in its old form nor yet as a punishment for crime, and there must bo perfect freedom of speech. Then, but not until then, can there be perfect reconstruction. He added that all cause for bad feeling between the north and south bad passeil away, and he hoped that soon Massachu setts and South Carolina would again stand side by side as brothers and friends, as they had in the days of the devolution. From Georgia. Atlanta, Oct. 10. The Democratic Executive Committee issued an address to-day, denying the charge that they will re-enslave tlio negroes, and promising to protect them in all their rights. The ltepulilicans fired a salute and held a public meeting last night, in honor of the Pcpubllcan vic tories in Pennsylvania ami Ohio. Atlanta, Oct. 10 The Constitution deprecates tho suggestion for a change of standard-bearers, adheres to the principles and policy of the party, nnd urges a vigorous prosecution of tho canvass. It charges Belmont and the World with luke warmness, and an eflort to sell out to tlio bond holders, and calls for a change in the head of the National Executive Committee. From Fortress Monroe. FonTnKsa Monhor, Oct. 10 The steamers George l.eary, Lady of the Lake and Eolus, having on board about two thousand delegates of tho Com mercial Convention, passed here for the Capes at noon, and returned. They were received on the wharf and welcomed by Gen. Barry, und passed inside the fort. A review of the troops was had, and various points of interest visited, especially Jetf. Davis' former quarters. Tho party rcturue j to Norfolk at three o'clock this afternoon. Art Items. The New York Birald furnishes the follow ing information about Houdon's staiueotWasu iigton: "Eipbt ycaTS oco the Committee on Arts and Sciences, under a report to the Common Council of this city, recommended tue purchase, fortte adornment of tho CilyHall.of a copy in bronze of the Houdoo ktatue of Gejre Washington. Before the icport could be acted utoD, the breaking out of the war diverted the attention of our people to other aud more pmsiDg matters than art. and, moreover, the owDer and artificer of the copy (the late W. J. Hubard) was then livini? in Virmnla.wiih which State all compinnicatiou had been broken oil'. The work itself which had been biouht tu this city with tbe view of offering it to the njuiiiclpol authorities was never returned, but siill remains here awaiting the disposal of Mr. Hubard's representative?." Ii is now proposed, in default of the acquisition of so tine a work by the crporatioo. to purchase it for the Park by private subscvipiiorjj and it is not doubted that when our citizens shall have made tbemselves acquainted with the surpassing merits of Houdon's sutue aud this bronze fac nimiie the money will be cheerfully supplied. With the desire of contributing to the accom plishment of this end we have a le wotds to say of the sculptor, the original statue In marble, and the replica which the citizens of New Vork have nu a most fortunate opportunity of securing. Nicholas Houdon was one of the most eminent sculptors of France, and was iu tbe height of his fame at the time that he was chosen by Mr. JeUVr-ou to execute for the State of Virginia a statue of her greatest eon, the pater patrice. Houdon had sbovuin his ideal works the highest constructive genius, but his supreme excellence wai in the exactitude abd fidelity of his delinea tions of form. He rf produced iu marble with the most wondcrlul accuracy any livlog model that was submitted to him, and in the working out ot details he bad no equal in bis day. From a tlogie block of marble he carved ahumau skeleton, which is now to be seen in one ot the museums of Pari", aud which is not to be distinguished from tbe natural skeletons that surround it. In tbe vestibule of the Theatre Francais, in tho Palais Hnyal, the visitor sees bis sittini; statue of Voltaire, a work so instinct ith lile, so wonderfully vetistmi'ar in tue mocking smile that sat nlwajs ou tbe lips of tbe philosopher of Ferney, that it looks as it the living subject had been suddenly turnd into stone. Mr. Jederson, who had been commis sioned by the S-ate of Virginia toselect an artist to commemorate in soulouire the greatness of Wasbingt jo, recognized at once in this one tr lit of llouuon his marvellous truthfulness what was, above all thing, wan'ed in the important work to be done. Idealization ofthecommandiug figure ot Washington was not wanted. lo repro duce bis majestic pretence, to represent him as he moved auiorg men, to band him down iu form and semblance ai bo was, not in Uoinan toga, not as a mythical hero, not as a deaii-g'd, but wearing the habiliments of his tiuie, and as a republican c tizcu of America, this was what the sculptor should do, and this Houdon, alone ot ail cculptors, could do most successfully. Accordingly hie service" were srciircd, an i he came at once to Mount Vernr.n, nnd tbero, from careful study ot his iliusti Ions niolcl he tnaio the statute which now stawds in the Capitol ut UUbmoud, sud which has commanded, for more than eighty year, the admiration of all who have visited that city. Thirteen years ao tho late W. J. Ilubatd, himself eminent as an artist, obtained permission ot tbo Legislature ot Virginia t make copies ot this statue iu bronze. Ho erected a foundry at K chmoud, and from moulds carefully taken cf the whole figure produced three copies. One of these was iuau gursted with appropriate ceremonies at Lexington. Virginia, on the 4th of July, 1866, when Henry A. Wiso delivered an oration before (he cadets of tbe Virginia Military Institute. The secoud was purchased by the Slate of Korth Carolina. Tho third is that which it is now proposed to purcbaso for the Park. All these cop es are exact an i f'uitb lul reproductions in metal of tbe original marble. It will be admitted on all hands that the Central prk should nut be wanting in a e'atue of Washington. It fa positively certain that JQoudon's u the beet re presentation of Washington ever made, and that none o good can possibly be made beroafter. Moreover, fx. prnence has shown that tor the open ar bronxe tatnary is preferable to marble. Tbe equestrian statue of Marcus Aurellus at Home ba o:me down to us in excellent preservation from tbe age of the Ciesars, while the marble nymphs that decorate the eardens of the Roman uo bdlty have (rambled under an exposure of two centuries. The bronze copy of Houdon's statue of Washington, now odered lor tho Park, can be purchased for one half the cost of an onelnal commission, and we trust that tbe disinterested proposal to bave the Houdon Washington erected on some tine site of our magnldccnt pleasure ground may meet with public favor." Victor Nehlig Is working up a large and interesting scriptural subject entitled "Paul before Festus, and Agrippa and Wife." The principal fgures, Fesius, Agrippa aud wife are upon a tribune formed by the portico ot the pa'ace; ou either side of them are massive columns which support tho overhanging roof. Paul st.tnds heforc his Judges In the attitude of speaking, with his right arm raided and giving nttetance to his nonle defense, to wit.: "I think myself happy, King Agnppa. because 1 shail answer lor myself Ibis day before thee, touching all the things whereof I atn accused of tbo Jews." etc. Paul is surrounded by figures of centurions, and L'ctors bcnilrjg tho face9, and Komi.u citizens. The proup sitting in judgment is supioited by members of the court, senators, and priests. Hemic), the wife ot Agnppa, is a tipure drawu in tho voluptuous type ot Oriental beaut v, clothed in a gorgeous llowlLg robe which tails in graceful lines about her person. Of tbe figures, that of Paul ex presses disnity and earnestness; aud those of tbe judges are iu the attitude of attention, aud in the pereou of Agrippa is fully expressed tUe force of the memorable words which he utters at the concluMon of Paul's defense: "Almost thou persuadest mc to be a Christian," The dresses have been closely studied by the artist, and the figures are grandly grouped and full of action, and aro drawn and modelled with a studied knowledge of the human form in all its nnbilt'.y of living and breathing life. Mr. N hlig's chi toon of the "Hescuc of Captain John Smith by Pccahonias1' is now to be worked up by the artist la color. Tbe desiirn for the picture is a grand one, and tells the story in a spirited nanner. H. C. Blsphnm has just finished a new pic ture entitled "The Koman Wine Cait." The tcene is on the Caaipagna, Bnd the cart, drawu by sturdy oxen, has been haiteJ by the driver at a wayside well. The landscape is simply a reminiscence oi the Campagna, its background a range of mountains known as Genaro. The cart is of the Koman fashion, a vehicle in use duriug the time when Home governed tbe world, and has been handed down without Im provement or modification to the present dav. The patient cattle, with their wide-extended horns, are drawn with Judgment, and broadly painted, and tbe old car with its driver clad iu skins, who sits perched upon the seat with au ancient umbrella-like covering to protect hiui from the rays of the sun, is as true in its rendering of the cart oi ages auo as it is ot its modern prototype. At the side of tbe fountain a womau is standing, and a dog in the road way finishes tne tableau. Hie mountains in the background aro of a purplish hue, tender iu color, and harmonizing witn ine sKy, wnicu 19 or mat luminous texture, in eclor, a pale orango near the mountain tops, nnd as it atcends assuming a mellow bine tone. Mr. Bispham paints broadly, aud his rendering is strong iiad etiectivc. A few evenings ago several critics and art eoo(ssfua met iu the parlors of the Fifth avenue gallery. New York, to enjoy a "private view" of a new picture by Mr. Jerome Thomp son, cnutiea tiome. aweet uoaie," wnicu ia now on public exhibition at that place. The picture is intended as a companion for the "Old Oaken Bucket," ot which so many chromos have been sold. The two pictures are similar in de sign, treatment, and effect. Tlie latest picture represents a rural scene in which a small one story house in the middle foreground is the most prominent object. Tue projecting old-fashioned bnkeoven, the small windows, aud the thatched root give the bou'e a homelike aspect, which is enhanced by the surroundings bee-hives on the le t, common llowcrs and garden plants in front, a little orchard on the rigot, and a stable in the rear. In tbe distance, on the bank of the river which bends around into the right foreground, are seen the steeples and prominent bull ling9 of a considerable town. An old lady and child are in front ot the hou&c. A chromo of the plctuie has been made. Air. 8. K. Guy has on bis easel a small figure picture called "The Morning Glory,'' which represents a young golden-haired girl, who has pot up at early dawn to pick the ' morning glories" on the trellises of a verandah. She stauds in her white nigbtgown. which is partly held up iu her left hand, wuilo her right is reached out for one ot the flowers. The large, finely-veined leaves which cover one side ot the verandah contrast with the cool grey morning lieht which pervades tbe picture. ' Looking for the Light" is aoother picture which is nearly completed. It eives an ideal head and butt of a child looking upward, with hands clasped together, at tlio beams of light which come in through an unseen opuniug and struggle with the dark shadows all around the back ground of tho picture. Several statues are under way or projected in Fngland and on the Continent: One of Lord Clyde, in Glasgow, the work of J. Foley: one in Birmingham, of James Watt; one in Carlisle, of the late Earl or. Carlisle; ono of Napoleon I, in Grenoble; an equestrian statue ot Charle magne, iu Liege; ono of Charles XI I, ot Sweden, in Stockholm, aud one of Grcuzc, the paluter, in Tourus, his native town. DANK REPORTS. QENTII QUARTERLY HE POUT OF THE - KATIOBAL BANK OF TUB RaPUBLIU. Puilaukli'uia, Oat. t, ms. RESOURCKsl. Loans and I lscouuls..... tl, 175,081 '113 U. b. lioiiiis deposited with Treasurer of U. S tsooooooo Bunds on haiid HtoeOuo Real Kstate (productive 182.121' 10 SH't'J.ins 01 Legal-Tender Noit-s, Coin, aud Ceillllcatee DiC.GOVIH) National Bank Notes ll,s 7 00 Fractional Currency and bluaps 16C49'0 PieOiluius U,J5 0 Dut from otlivr Bunks M 2stt,Ml 6b 72.1,914 (Hi i-ipeLbea aud Taxes tu,41&'43 Total t'i W8.4s LIAB1LITIK4. Capital Hiock .. tl 000 000 00 Cm till. turn 417,500 00 l et calls 1,203 44318 I'll lit unU Litis 75.5S4 4.1 Total ....f2,0W 48 ii 10 b tilths 6t JOSKFn P. MUilFORD, Cashier. EAST INDIA TELEGRAPH. BOUTS AND SHOES. HAVING ALT KURD AND ENLARGED MY Muie, Ho. -iM N. NlN I'll olrtft, I luvue uwu lioo lo toy IncreuM U stock (of my own uu-u ui'e) t. tlLe Bow ts.HHOKM. UAlTKHd, JStc, of the iuw siyi's.aiid at the lowwa prlctai. v in Am ERNEST HOPP. CIOBN JtXUHANUi J RAG MADtOft-ACiOHY. JOHN T, B A I L K Y A CO., UUOVUI) TO M, K. corner ot MahKKT aud WATER t-tresis ... . PUIIftllBlplll. DKALKKH IN RAUa AND BA.GKJINU . . , Of every description, for brain, Flour, Ball, bupr-Phiphau of Lime, Bob L"ut, kuj. VSTr OUM N V B AOd constantly ou:haud 5a 51 m AlB0 WOOLbAOKw. DB. KINKELIS. AFTEB A RESIDENCE and practice ol thirty yr al the NortuweM corner or T hird and Union Btreout, has lately re Biovd to8.utli KLNVENTH Btreot, belweun MAR Ulsauperlorliy lu the prompt ard perfect cnrAOf all rtcont, chronic, looaf, and coiiHtliuUoual ad'eo Hon ot a special nature. Is proverbial. Dineaiee of Itie Bkln, aptitutrlnc In hundred dif ferent forum, foully eradicated: mental and phyHlcl weak news, nurt all nervous dobiUllea acleuildoaWy and snecoasiuliy treated. DUJoe hours fxout A. ii, t P.M. TUE EAST INDIA TELEGRAPH COMPANY. This Company hate an exclusive grant to lay SUBMARINE CABLES VKOM Canton to Tien-Tsin, (THE SEAPORT OT PEKIN), CONNECTING ALL THE PORTS ON THE ASIATIC COAST, Whose foreign oommeioe amounts to Ono Thousand Millions Annually. This Company is chartered by the Legisla ture of the State of New York, with a CAPITAL. OF $5,000,000; SHAKES, 9100 EACH. FLAGS, BANNERS, ETC. i A limited number of shares are offered at 830 each, payable tlO each, f 15 November 1, balance In rvonlhly instalments of $2 50 per share. THB INQUIRIES FOR THIS STOCK ARE NOW VERY ACTIVE, AND THE BOARD OF DI RECTORS INSTRUCT US TO SAY IT MAY BE WITHDRAWN AT ANY TIME, AND THAT NONE WILL BE OFFERED ON THE ABOVE TERMS AFTER NOVEMBER 20 NEXT. For Circulars, Maps, and full information apply to DREXEL & CO., Ko. 31 South T1I1TJ) Street, Philadelphia; To duly authorized Banks and Banker throughout Pennsylvania, and at the OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, I7os. 23 and 25 NAB3AU STREET, 829 NEW YORK. CLOTHING. j;HE OLDEST ESTABLISHED BOYS' CLOTHING STORE IN TUG UNIOS. We have now on hand a large assortment ol very fine Ready-JIade Clothing for Boys, Which will be told as cheap as the same style and quality can be purchased elsewhere. An extensive aiaurlmeat ol fine CLOTHS, CA8SI MKREB SHAVERS Etc., for gentlemen's order WOrk F. A. 1I0YT & BRO., ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, 9 4 IsmZm TENTH and CHESNUT Streets. PAPER HANGINGS, ETC. yiALL PAPERS. HENRY S. MATLACK, Kos. 11 aud 13 North NINTH Street, PHILADELPHIA, IMP ORTKR AND DEALER IN Fit EN Oil AND AMERICAN WALL PAPERS. ALL ORDERS PERSONALLY ATTENDED TO. Competent workmen sent to all parts of the coun try, Work ezecuted at city prices. It IS tuthsam. WINDOW BLINDS AND SHADES. Q LI N D 8 3 HADES. B. J. WILLIAMS SONS, JVo. 1G NORTH SIXTH STREET, LARGEST MANUFACTURERS, AMD SELL LOW TRIOE& BLIND"! painted and trimmed. " SIORE BHADKd made, and lettered laths FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES ESSffl L M A I S E If, L-U MANUrAOTUKKIlOV HRh, AND JIURGLAU-PKOOF 8 APES, LOCKoMlTH, DIOIiT.-H ANOKR, AND DEALER iH BU1LDIAU J1AHUWAKW, 1 5 No. iitt RACE Street, 1868. j PRESIDENTIAL CONTE6 FLAtJS, BANNERS, TRANSPA11ENCI1 AND LANTERNS, j Campaign Badges, Medals, and riat Or BOTH CANDIDATES. Ten different styles sent on receipt ol OosDe and Fifty Cents. i Agents wanted eyerywhere. ( Fiats In Mnslm, Bunting, and 811k, all slses, wa sale and retail. j rolllleal Clubs fitted out with everything they ft require. CALL ON OR ADDRESS W. F. GCHEIDLC. Ko. 4!) S0CT1I TUIR1K STREET, i tfrp PHILADK l.Pin CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHS. "j 'A REGAL DESSERT A nrw and bean t! fill Chromo-Ltibograpb, afttl palming by J. W. Feyer, Just retel vtd by A. S. U 0 11 1 N S O IV, IV o. 910 CiiENUr Huriet, Who has ast received NEW CHROM08, NiLW EIsaitAVIKGS. Ni.W f KKNCH PHOTOGRAPHS,' NEW DRbBLlEiM JS.NAUEL LOOKING GLASSES, EtO. . 8 I6J KKEE GALLERY, GOVERNMENT SALES. SALE OK COKDtJlMiU OUDNANCB AN OKDN ANCK TO UE4. i OlTFU'E or V. B. OBDNANOS Asnwrrr. Cor. II or si on a Uhkknic HH (entrance on ureene) ' VoKKl'iTY,Bep. 2l,ls. (r. o. Box 1811.) 1 uupnuMbe, win Dereociveu thiaotllce nmtl haTCKIiaY. (intnu.p tii ,ium .. M.. for tne tmrchaatnff of cohdumnMi can.....' ...5 shell, scrap, wrought, and cast lion, Drass, aud otht ordnance stores, located ai the loliowlug point a the Atlantic coast, to wlf.-Fc.rt Hamilton aud R. ttuubt. iorte Wadsworth, Lafayette, Columbus, aua bcuuyler, and Caoile Williams, in New York Harboi Fort Trumbull, New Loudou Harbor, Conn.; Koi Adams aud Walcott, Newport Harbor, B, I.: Pol Constitution, Portsmouth Harbor, N. H.; Fort Kuos Buckspoit, and Forts PreblH and bcammel, Portlant Harbor, fee.; Forts Plcsenand Barrancas, Penaacoli H"lbJ,r.r Mb!'; and Forts Ualnes and Morgan Mobile Uaroor, Ala. wi Tbla sale contemplates tbe disposition of 1 79 cannon In New York Harbor, estimated as weigh' Ing 47,U3 pounds: 28 cunnou In .Portland Haroor estimated as weighing lus.fiuo poundt; 42cannon In Newpoit Harbor,estimatd as wvighli,g2v.6iio pounds 19 cannon In New London Harbor, estimated a weighing 9 MS poundn; 119 cannon lu Pensaoola Har bor, fHilnia'.ed as weighing 8U,(7 pounds; 2u cannon In Mobile Harbor, estimated as weighing 19 4ofi pounds; 20 cannon In Portsmouth Harbor. N. 11 ' tstimatfd as weighing lii9,9tii pounds. Also smaller lots at Fort Niagara, Youngstown.l Harbor N Yntrl0' wec Ba ckeit' The condemned shot and shell, amonntlng In the aggregate to 1.WIM64 pounds, are In quantity at each) ot the above-mentioned turut; also, scrap wrougbt Iron, amounting lu tue aguregaie to 46,3al pouiids,1 Full and complete catalogues of the property ottered can be nad on application to this ouice, tUa Ordnance Ollice at WaHimigion. and to tne com-) mandlna officer of the diileixnt lurts. Termn. I len per cent, on tbe day ct sale, aud the remainder when tlie property is delivered. Tulrty days will be allowed lor tbe removal o! heavy ordnance; all other stores will be required to be removed within len days from cloae of sale. Tbe Ordnance Department reserves the right to reject all bids not deemed satisfactory. Prior to tbe acceptance of any bid, it will bave to be approved by tbe War Department. Bidders will elate explicitly the fort or forM where t:.ey will accept stoiea, aud the number and kinds they propote to purcbaie. Deliveries will only be made at the forts. Proposals will be addrtsed to Lrevt-t-Colonpt 8 Crispin, Major ol Ordnance, U 8 A., Indorsed "Pro posals for purchasing condemned ordnance aud ord. nance stores." 8. ckispin, Bievet-Culonel. U n. A. 9 2tw Major of Ordnance. j H O I C K MUL EIC, AT AUCTION. Dxpot Quabthrmabteb's Oprica.V w WahHiNOTON, A..U, October 9, 160. Will be sold at public auction, under tbe supervision of llrevet Colonel A. 1. Blunt A. U. M., at Lluoola Depot, on MONDAY, October 19, commencing m 10 v vivv., iu. imiuniun "ic auu unserviceable uuar termasler stores, to wit: H 4ii choice Mules. 0 Army Waguns, 6 two-hoi se do., lHpiiug Co.( 1 Ham-cart. 10 otM lbs. aborted Iron, 16.010 lbs. bteel, 9 Horses, o l arts. eo Wagon Wheels, Si) Ambulance da, 'ii fcadjies, aborted. :) lbs. 11. 8. Nails. n .... .Sw?. u c"i .inv iud. vaav-uieeu Bpsdes, Axes, fshovels, Tools, Btoves and Pipe, Buckets, etc. etc. Cart, Ambulance, and Mule Harness. Attention Is particularly called lo this lot oi Mules wfclcb are only sold lor wautof use. Terms cash, In Oovtruiuent lunds. By order tithe Uuailermasler-Ueneral. S A. I. BLUNT, Brevet Col. and A. U. M., if i5g'. Acting Depot Quartermabta. G C T I O N. Ofvics Dicpot Com missary op Sctbhihtrncb, ) Wabhinwion, D. ij Octooer s, ls8 Will be oflertd at public auctlun, at me bubslstenoe Storehouse, at blxih street wha:f, in this city, on 1 UkbUA Y , the 20th of October, at 11 o'clock a. M.. aboui: 80,000 ponnds Desiccated Mixed Vegetables. The attention of hotel aud noardlng-nouso keeper Is called to It, as It Is capable of making au excel lent, soup. Livery. liable owners and stoca-raisers are alao requested to examine IU Terms, caata In Uovernmeui funds. Hanip e can be seen al any time at tLe place oi ;aale, the Monumett lot.) on Four teenth atreet.or at the ollice or the undersigned. IU Id 61 U. BELL, O, 8,, V. 8. A, PROPOSALS. TJ EADQUAllTfcRS DEPARTMENT OF TUE XX feUClH. CH1KF QUARTBBHASTSB'8 OfFICS,! Atlanta. Ut., hept. 29, .Bus. 11 Sealed proposals will be received t mis otnee nut 12M.. Ocuber 2I.186H, lor TUA DISPORT ATION OF UUV'i.KNItti.M' TltUOPd aNL HTOKUd from, Charleston 8. C, to bvannnb, Ga., Feruandlna, Jacksonville, laiaika, 1'icolata, and St, Augustine, Florida. iiioa ahou'd be for through ra'es from Charleston to each point, and alto rales froiu one point U another. AU stores (hipped will be classified and p.ld for ao cordlog lo ihe Government cla-sltlcallon. 'I'll is contrail lo ree aln lu lores lor one year, The usual requirements tor bids will be exacted. Proioaalti saould be in irlpllcate.twlth a copy of this advertiteiueut altkched to each, and shun d be In dorsed ' l'ropotalslur Transportation," and addressed lo the undersigned. K SaXToN, im. Brlg.-Gen. atd U, M., U. 8. a., 10 It fit Chief U M. Pep .of tbeSoutb. HOOP SKIRTS. UOOi d K I & T 8, go- NEW FALL STYLES. LA PANI1R, and all otbor desirable styles and hte,4 oi our UJlLEBRVTEU CHAMPION SKIRTa. for I art lea, a Uses, ai.d children, constantly uii 1 1 1' and u-ade to r. er inifct-ti aasoriuieut la tuejinj ana specially adapted for Ural claa trade. COReilfe I COKSLTSI (JOK5B.TSI Beiallh'g at very low prices. Our assortment Is couple., embracing 'I hoiupsou's Ulove Fitting, la all giadea, ircni tt 9 to ei'3o; lieckel'a t-uperlof Fitiich Wtvtu Corsuni, fioin w.'iu to iikav; supe rior a balebune liaud made Curtets, Iroui HI oen a to '. In hlneti a aad circular or; Madame Foy'a Corset Mi lit mpp'Tltra, at eU'o. Alto. Mis. Moody's Pateut te't-ArtJndtlpg Aodont Bal Corset; wbiou every lady should examine. Corset Ciafps, O cents a pair. Wholeaate end Ketall Manufactory and Salesroom; .ltn? ACii WM. T. H0PKIN8. 7T Z U R E N E", GOXCEKTBATED LNDIUO, For the Lautdry. Free from Oxivllo Acid, See Chemist's Certldote A Talent Pocket Plnounh Ion or Kmery Bat In eaob Twenty Cent Box. 1 27 inwisia Foraale by all raaDectabla Hrncars and Drugxlats.? QEORCE PLOWMAN. CAEPSNTEB AND EUILDBJf. B-EMOVtD lo Ao. 131 1KMJK Street, PHILADELPHIA