THE DAIIY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY, OCTOBER IT, 1863. 6 MUSICAL AM) DRAMATIC The City Aitnixoment. At tub Ohkhmvt tbe Hanlou tronps will tomneiee An engagement of six nights on Monday. The Hanlons ate capital performers. and when tbey appeared In lb Is city last season they attraoted large audience. Thetrcnpe hu been enlarged and Improved, nnd It now contains some of the best European acrobats and gym nasts of tbe dny. Webavo no doubt but tbat the entertainments at the Cbeanat next week will be largely palronl.od and much appre ciated. At the Arch I.otta will personate "Little Nell" and the 'Marohlonesi" lor tbe last time this evening. On Monday tbe Fire My will be produced. At thk Wai.nct Mr. Cuanfrau will appear as "8am" (fir tbe last time this evening, and as "Jeremiah Clip" In tbe Widow's Victim. Mr. K Ik Davenport will commence an engagement on Monday. At the Amrrtcan there will be an attractive miscellaneous entertainment this evening. At Hoor.EY'g Or it R A IIousk tbe minstrels Will give tbelr laH performance tbls evening, ThbFikht Orchestral Matinkb by Oarl Sentz's and Mark Uassler's comblnod orches tras will be given thld afternoon at Musical Fund Hall. CITY ITEMS. Mkn's, Youths'. Boy', and Children's Clothing, ready-made, finest assortment In the city. A. In, a choice stock of selected stylet of Piece Uxidj, to be made to order. Style, tt. and Workmanship of our Oarmen's ir passed by none, equalled by few. All vrices guaranteed lower than the louest tlsewhere. and full sattsfaetinn guaranteed eiwy purchaser, cr Vie sale cancelled ami money reundtd. Half way betireen 1 Bksn-ktt A Co., nfthand V Towbh Hall, Sixth streets,) No. 5ii Markkt St., Philadelphia, And Wo. 60 Broapwa y. Nbw York. A Want suprLixn To know where to buy the numerous articles of Dry Goods constantly required by every household has been a frequently recurring problem to all our citizens. We have for years felt the need of some Central Emporium, where not only a general assortment of goods could be foand, bat the character of tbe bouse give assurance that the prices were beyond doubt as low as the same goods could be found anywhere. Much time has been con sumed by every housekeeper In going from place to place, not only to complete the assortment needed, but to ascertain by comparison whether the prloes were right. How often baa the wish been expressed that this were not necessary that we had one place where all kinds of Staple and Fancy Goods could be comfortably selected, and the prices lmpllollly relied on as being as low as tbe market affords. Strangers, especially, have often felt this need, and persons from tbe surrounding country well know haw Irk some Is a day's shopping when many places have to be visited Instead of one. The Central Do Goods Emporium of Messrs. Straw bridge A Clothier has been established with the view of supplying this want. To build up a business on a scale that will afford low prices, and constantly maintain a reputation for fair dealing (without which any success Is a failure), Is the determination of this firm. Withholding for the present further notice of this new enterprise, we refer our readers to the adver tisements of Messrs. Btrawbrldge A Clothier, and to a personal Inspection of their new establishment a Eighth and Marke' streets. ALitbSbwinq Mackinb Establishment. We have for some time past observed with Interest the tine Improvement in progress In the front of the Grover A Baker Sewing Machine Warehouse, No. 780 Chesnut street. It Is now completed, and pi esents a beautiful appearance, rendered deub.y ornate by the brilliant display of triumphs and trophies In the bulk windows. Tbs proud award received by the repre sentative of the Grover A Baker Machines at the Paris Exposition, In the form of the Star of the Le gion of HoBor, is elegantly framed, and Is now dis played In the west window, together with other splendid testimonials. But the chief feature of tbe attraction yesterday was a superb bouquet of flowers, all of wh'ch were wronght, In various colored silk, by the Grover A Baker Sewing Machine. This bouquet ot flowers Is the moat surprising triumph In sewing, machine handiwork that has yet been achieved; and It speaks volumes In praise of the Grover A Baker Instruments, for It mnst be remembered that the high excellence and recognized superiority attained by these machines In the finer and more artistic classes of needle-work are fully equalled by their superi ority In the performance of every class and kind of aewing required In the family. We regard the Grover A Baker Maohlnts as the most inestimable house hold blessings of the age, and too muoh credit cannot be given to Mr. George W. Eddy, the energetlo and popular agent of tne company in Philadelphia, for his enterprise and tact in Introducing these Invalua ble machines to the public In tbe most Intelllgen manner. Becausb a Pbkson has a Bad Oocsh U should not be Inferred tbat Consumption has set In, although a esse of Consumption Is rarely met with unaccom panied by a distressing Congb. Where, however, a predisposition to Pulmonary disease exists, a Cough if left to Itself, strains and racks the Lungs and wastes the general strength, and soon en tab' Isbes an Incurable complaint. In all cases, then, It Is the safer plan to get rid of a Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness wltheut delay, and for this purpose no remedy acts more promptly or surely, or with more benefit to the organs of the Chest, than Dr. D. Jayne's Expectorant,n artlole scientifically compounded from carelully selected drugs, and which, on trial, will always be found worthy or its world-wide reputation. Sold by all Druggist. Don't Get Kxcitjco! Men are not wlss at all hours, and there Is no use whatever in aggravating that fact .by entirely forgetting oneself in the re sults of the election. Lay la your winter stock or coaL Alt, although he didn't run for a political oflicf , Is the successful candidate In the estimation of sane people. His Immense coal yards are at No. 951 jr. Ninth street, where he receives all orders, and In fact all friends. In the most affable manner Jbwklbt. Mr. William W. Oassldy, No. 12 Booth Second street, has the largest and most attractive assortment of fine Jewelry and silverware In the olty. Purchasers can rely upon obtaining a real, pore arti cle furnished at a price which cannot be equalled. He also has a large stock of American watches In all Varieties and at all prices. A visit to his store Is sore to res alt in pleasure and profit. Cabfets Housekeepers (and especially country merchants and farmers visiting the city) will find It to their Interest by calling at J. T. Delacroix's whole sale and retail carpet warehouse, No. 85 South Second street, above Chesnut, before purchasing elsewhere. Bee advertisement In another column. Dbtkx the famous Arctic Soda Water, and read Thb Evxmino txxbobaph. at Hlllman's News bland, at North Pennsylvania Depot. GaovBB A Baku's Highest Premium sewing Machines, No. 7H0 Chesnut street. A NlfWOU BY MBS. ANN b. BTBPHBMS-T. B. Peterson A Brothers, No. 3M Chesnut street. Phi ladelphia, will publish on Wednesday, Outober 28. an .Lira now wnrt liv Mrs. Ann H. HLHDhens entitled "Mabel's Mistake." The heroine, Mabel," Is one of tha moat beautiful conceptions we reraeiuner in any work, and the leading assistant dt umnlii personie are iinii viih a visor aud vividness tbat make them luting auxiliaries, from the Ural page to the last the interest n.ver flags, and the plot will keen tbe most experienced novel-reader In suspense to the denoue- Bisnw Tmou Mb. A. Wimoh, or No 605 Chesnut street, we are In receipt or the latest numbers of the London Kinob" Pun," aud "Keyoolds' Mlscelleuy." V I nob's collection of periodical literature Is unri valled in variety and extent. Go and look at It 11 you have ooubu) on m- u-;e:v. B.rm i.w Tinn-a awd Suoss. We desire to call the rarly attention of buyers to the large and attractive xi,...iio mnrtiinir. October IV. at 10 o'clock, by (J. 1). Motnees A tto., Auctioneers, at lul( store, No, see Market street. Carpkt Uproutbbiito. Osyrnets flit sd and laid by praotloal workmen at a moment's notice. No delay, no disappointment. At Patten's- No. 1408 Chesnut sk CtTRTAms of every variety, cheap, handsome, and finest Laos bought at auction. To be sold at anotloa price, at W. Hknst f atthw' w. No. 1408 Chesnnt sk Lack Curtains and White Shades done up equal to new. at Pattbm's. No. no Chesnut street. Old Fubnitukb Kkuphoijitbrkd, varnished and made to look equal to new. at Fat tan's, No. lios Chesnnt street. ALL ton S2K-0O A Suit of Customer-made Clothing-. at cihas Btokkm A Co.." A Wkll-known Pact The Ready male Clothing at Cbas. Mnkes A Co.'s Is belter cut, better made, and better trimmed than any la Philadelphia. The prloes the same as bero-e Thb Was. A Bi'LKNDiD Suit for ttfoo at No. sit ('iiiwNrt Struct. Fall Ovkrcoath Jrali Overcoats. all Overcoa's. Pa' I Overcoats. A splendid assortment of new style Fail Overcoat now ready at . , Chas. Stokics A Co.'s Customer made. Tbrnwitr has everything In the literary line that readers can wish lor. Ills popular news denot, (t No. 117 H. Third street, Is tilled aloiMt to surlelt with romauces, condensed biographies, novelettes, ridiculous serials, faablon plates, literary periodi cals, and travels, Illustrated and news Journals. He recolves all tbe New York Journals or the daylong bt tbe regular mall comes In, and furnishes them to tils readers at a very moderate rate. TlfO 8 TA TEMEXTH. BRAD this and Tins Fiom Thk aob, October : From Thb Pkims, October H, lb88. IHI. ''Attracted partly by the1 ''The great excitement crowd and partly by tbe atHlxtb aud Marketstreeis advertisements which we of wblon we hear eo much, have lately Inserted not, as some mliriit sjd Wenamaker A Brown,pose. mere 'talk' got upfor we stepped Into their Im-aavertlst-ment purposes. meLse hcuse and took a but a veritable fact, of hasty glanoe at (heir Fall which any man msy assure stork, It Is really Infinite himself by slmpiy walking In variety both as to male-; past and looking Into tbe rials and styles, and In crowded salesrooms of made op wltn a degree ol.oax nan. Ana ii any one care and taste which we. at least, have never before seen In ready-made cloth ing, vo see it. wnetner wlllsten In and exainina tbe goods and their low prices, he will readily un- aersrana mis unusual la- ion bin inv of It or not:' terest In clothlnK. It Is a credit to our elty "This we have done, and to hate such a stock ol we gladly bear testimony clothing offered to Its I to tbe truth of ail tnat haa Citizens." ueeo aaia in lubso columns oi me oeauiy ana excel lence or the garments which Wanamaker 'Brown are now offering tot Fall and Win Mr wear n THK LARGKST CLOTHING HOU8K, THK LARGEST CLOTHING HOU-K, . THK LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSK, THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE. WANAMAKER A BR WN, , . OAK HALta, The corner ol SIXTH and MARKET Blree A DIED. AUBTIN.-On the 15th Instant, Mr, JOHN AUS TIN, In the f 8th year of his age. Tbe relatives and friends oi the family, Franklin Lodge, No. , and Lalaveite Encampmeut, No. 5, 1. O. pro. F., are respectfully invited to attend tbe funeral, from his late residence. No. 13:n S. Tenth street, ou Sunday afternoon at S o'clock. To proceed to Pullan throplc Cemetery. BKA?D,T'8u(,(,enIJr on the 15th Instant, FRAN CI8 BRANDT, In the 20th tear ol his age. His relatives and friends are respeoitully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his motner. No. 1832 Fltzwater street, on Hunday afternoon at 1 o clock. Interment at Mount Moruth Cemetery. CA8CADEN. On the 15th instant, JAMES CAS0A DEN, In the 3tb year ot his age. Hia relatives and friends. Eastern Star Lodge, No. 116, A. Y. M., and Motee Lodge, No. 66, A. P. A., are respectfully Invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, Beimont avenue, opposite Manayunk, on Monday, tne 19ih Instant, at 1 o'clock. Carriages will leave the office of E. b. Barley, undertaker, cor ner of Tenth and Green streets, at 12 Si o'clock, to con vey the friends to tbe funeral. " JACOBS. On the 13th Instant, WILLIAM D. JACOBS, In the 27th year of his age. Tbe friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, Glouces ter city, N. J., on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. LAWSON.-On the morning of the 17th Instant, HENRY LAWSON, His relatives and mole friends are respectfully In vited tottend the tnneral, from his late residence, xe abiu Birent, xNornstown. on i ueaaay morning, uo tober 20, at 11 o'clock. McGRATH. On the 14'h Instant. CHARLES 8.. son of Dr. John M. and Eliza C. McUralh, aged 4 years and 2 months NATHAN. On the 16th Instant. JACOB NA THAN, aged 85 years. Tbe relatives and friends of the fhmllv are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late rcsiaence, no. ivm mount vernon street, on Kunaay, the lsth Instant, at a o'clock. (Pittsburg and New castle. Pa., papers please copy.) PEN FI ELD. On tbe Uib Instant. CARRIE F.. wife of Edward C. Penlield, The relative and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband. No. 2u23 Mount Vernon street, on Monday mornlux next at 10 o'clock, without further notice. AT-NIAGARA HOSE COMPANY. The hono rary, active, and conttlbutlns members are requested to meet at tbelr HALL, TO-MORROW (Sunday) AF TERNOON at 8 o'clock, to attend tbo funeral of our late members, EDWARD and CHRISTOPHER BYRNES. Dress Black sui's ana wnite gioves. BAMUBL B. MURPHY, Bncratary. AmehioaN Life Insurance Company, Of Philadelphia- 8. Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets DRY GOODS. 3T7it Institution hat no nmeriorin the United Slales 610 V CHESTNUT ST.X&X FAMILY SEWING-MACHINES. J, T. DELACROIX. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN CARPETINGS JTaltiugs, Oil Cloths, Bags, Etc., Wholesale and Retail. WAREHOUSE, No. 37 South SECOND St., U stutbSmfip Above Chesnut, Philadelphia, 1MPK0VEU 1ULTIM0KK FIRE-PLACE HEATER, wiTn Illuminating Doors aud Windows, AND Magazine of sufficient capacity for fuel to last 21 hours. Tbe most cheerful and perfect Heater lu use. BOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY J. 8. CLARK, VO, 1C08 MABKET STREET, U M lmrp B.ll A DELPHI A 8 OPENING or WINTER DRESS G03DS, J. M. HAFLEIGH, Nos. 1012 and 1014 CHESNUT St., WILL OP FN ON MONDAY, Octobor 10, AT REDUCED PRICES, A OUEAT VARIETY DKESS U00IW, CLOTHS, CLOAK Di US, BLACK SILKSr COLORED SILKS, SERGES, ETC. ETC. A f,MO, Green and Blue Plaids, FOR SUITS (NEW). 101T8t DRESS GOODS AND SILKS. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, CENTRAL DRY GI00DS STORE, Corner EIGHTH and MARKET, HAVE NOW OPEN FOB EXAMINATION RARE BARGAINS IN SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. 1 case Elegant Plain Silks, new shades, at $195. Good lilack Silks at $2 and $215. Very Rich lilack Silks at $3 and $3&0. 1 case Empress Clotu Poplins, 50 cents. 1 case Empress Cloth Poplins, 75 cents. 1 case Very Rich Epinglincs, $150. 1 case Silk.Cliain Epingllnes, $175. Rich Chameleon Poplins, 50 and 75 cts. Rich Silk Serges, $1-50. Very Elegant New Wool Plaids, 73 and 87 cents. We are determined to keep our itock of DRESS GOOD3 So large atd attractive, and the price of ever; article so low, as to make It tbe interest of evtry l4y to) make our establishment her headquarters for shopping, DRY GOODS. STItAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, Corner EIGHTH and MARKET, PITILADKLPniA. yELVETEEXS, POPLINS, PLUSH LS. Plain and Veloar Velvet ecus, Heavy Velour Poplins, Silk Plushes, In ail colors, for Ladles' and Misses' Walk ing Suits, TOR PALE 11 Y JG1II W. TI10MS, Nos. 405 and 107 N. SECOND St., S2rp Piin-ADErrHfA. REAL GUIPUUE LACES, BLACK On band a vtr Ittrge stock, uiuun uuUer regu lar prices. BE)ACK ,,IIiH: Ltcei, Among the la"gu asiioriujeut may be found a Lane, 1 Inches wide, fur Vlfi ceuts a yard, same quality tliat the Importers are eeillng at 1 1 a dozaii by tbe piece. OltKl'laM MfcftO A.1SJUM SIULLAIIM, S iDchts deep, largest slxe. 60. each: SOo. a tlozD. From the manner In which this shape collar praises on the back ot tbo neck, the wearer will gracefully pitch or lean forward; not to be had eluewbere. KKW TIIUKill lAtll tlOLLtBH, An awortment of near and beaalllul Collars, at very reasor able rates. Ills A L. VALEStiESJIB I.ACB ItDHFM , I end over $3, uuuully good far the price. AOTTIIfHtN 1jA'H SJVHTAINS. Mtf llKUUAJH lAC'IS, for Curtains, by the ' AOTTTWfln.M lf B TIDIES, KOTI1NU1IA91 I'ltLOWDAdlH IilCES, a very large stuck, under regular prices, at U 7 V OltWK SI, No. N. KltiUTH Htreet. SOL 1) AT A B A 0 E I V I C E. BLAOK bll.K VRLVKTH. BI.AC K KNULIHU CBAPK9, IlLaCK niKNOH OllAFKS. BLACK :iN(iLIHH CKAFK VKILS, JiLAt K TAKLATANa, BLSC'K SILK NKT8, BLACK ItKAL THREAD LA0KH. BLACK IMITATION LACKtt, BLACK KIBBONH, BLACK OHAPK KIBBONH. BLACK OLOVKH, JTU KIO., Will be jkjuo to 0L0WR BTJ3INKSS. 10 luU No. 1004 CaiWtt U i Mtreet. PRICE a WOOD, H. W. COBJI EB KIUIITn AID FILBEBT, BABGAISS IW rL&KWEUU All-wool ,aunels, 15, 81. SS, M, 40, , and to cents. T-S and i t Ballard vale Flannels. Heavr AU-wool Shaker Flannels, cheap. Dome Flannels, U. ir. t IS, t8, II. II, M, 45. Mo. Bed and Qrey Twilled Flannels. Plaid Shirting Flannels. Bcaxlet and Colored Opera Flannels. Best makes Bleached and Unbleached Canton Flan aela, Canton FUnaels, 12i, 1, 1, 20, It, ti, , r. 44, and to cents. nvMuasi niraB.ina t Pblrtlng, Sheeting, and l'lllow-case Mosllns at the very lowest market prices. BLANKETS t Bf.AKH.ETSt t All-wool B'ankets at very lowest market prices. Bargains la Table Linens, Napkins and Towels. Handsome Marseilles Qulltn, cheap. A large assortment of Ladles' and Genu' Merino Vists and Pants. Youths' Vests and Pants, e'o. Ladles' and Gents' Hosiery Ladles' and Oenta' Linen Hdkfe. Gents' Hemstitched Colored Border Hdkts. Ladles' Hemstitched and Tncked Handkerchiefs etc. etc. PRICE & WOOD, K. W. COBHEB EIWIlTn AND FILBERT. N. B.-Joavlu's Kid Gloves, best qna'ity Imported choice fall colors. 10 Hw 1868. JOSEPH H. THORNLCY. Would rospecttul'y present bis claims for a share of pnbilo patronage by ottering the following Induce ments, vis.; An Attractive Stock. A Splendid Assortment. Prices Pat Down to the Lowest Notch. 8PECIAL ATTENTION INVITKD TO Faislcj Sliavtls. Droclic Shawls. Silks and Dress Goods. Blankets and Flannels. Cloths and Cassimcres. LtNFNS. QUILTS. PIANO and TABLK COVEItS. KKlltTsi, COitMilS, KTC. Ii.TC. JOSEPH H. THORNLEY, N. E. Cor. EICiHTIIand sriiLXG UAliDEX, 9 86 8m Bp PHILADKLPniA. J)EI'ARTilENTS IN SECOND STORY. COOPER & CONARD, S. E. Cor. NINTH and MARKET, Exhibit In their commodious, retired, well-lighted, aud easily tccetslole rooms in second story, a most attractive display of BOYS' CLOTHING and LADLES CLOAKS AND BH AWLS. It will be Observed: They bny by the package of first bauds; That they buy mainly for Cash; That they bay only reliable fabrics; That they employ best talent In manuf acturing-, Tbat they keep a large, select stock: That they sell tor small proiiu. u Hojs' Fine Clothing, Jackets and Pants, Garibaldis, ULsniarks, Ladies' Fine Cloaks, Ladies' Medium Cloaks, 1000 Ladies' Shawl;, 9 X fctusmrp ETC. ETC. prvorniETOiis of HOTELS, BOARDLTiG-HOUSES AM SHIPPING. We have a special Wholesale Department for sup. plying LINEN AND COTTON SHEETING, TOW ELS, NAPKINS, SINGLE BED AND BERTH BLANKETS, and other goods particularly adapted to your wants. All the above kinds ot GOODJ made up at short notice If desired. S1RAWBRID3E & CLOTHIER, CEM'llAL Mil GOODS ST0EE, COB. EIGHT n AKD ltf ABKET HTBEETS. 727 POPULAR PKICKS 727 13 Xi Y FOB o o o r s. KIOEEY, SHAKP & CO., Ko. 727 CHE SHUT STREET, lir porters, Jobbers and Retailers, Rave now on exblolMon THE MOST EXTENSIVE AND DLtilttABLE STOCK In this market. Their stock Is unrivalled for EXTENT, VA 1UKI Y and general adaptation to the wants of the trade They are Inconstant receipt of BARGAINS, which are frtcly oUered by the yard, piece, or pajkage. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., Ko. 727 CHESNUT Streot, PHILADELPHIA. JALL OPtWLNG-SHAWLS, ETC. ETC EYRE & LANDCLL, FOURTH AND ARCH, HAVE OPEN LYONS VELVETS, BKOCUQ SHAWLS, ROYAL POPLINS, BLACK KIBUED POPLIN.S, LAItOE BLANKETS, DAMASK NAPKINS, lOlltathiSiu HOOeKKEKPINa QUODS SHEPPARB, VAN HAELIHGEU & ARRIS0H. LINENS. 1JLANKETS, FLANNELS, MUSLINS. ' ' AND EVERY VARIETY OF HOUSEKEEPING DRY GOODS, CUETAINS, CURTAIN MATERIALS, ETC, ErC. NO DRESS GOODS. Being the OLDEST Establishment for the BPS CIAL, BALK OF THE ABOVE QOOD3. we oaa give to oar potrona the advantage of a long experience and thorough acquaintance with tUU Bpeolal Department oftheDUY GOODS BU8INE33,and making all oor PUROHASB1 FOB CASH, seoure to them the LOWE3T P03 BIBLE PRI0E3 at wblob the same qualities are sold, either In this or the New York market. No. 1008 CHESNUT Street Philadelphia. PARIES & WARNER, No. 223 North NINTH Street, ABOVK RACE, Here Just received Bargains In Broobe Lone Shawls, U. Blanket Shawls from anotiou. Plaid Poplins, 75 and B7Xo. Oay Pisld Oathmeres. Uo. Marl Poplins, changeable, 50, Black Alpacas. Black Alpaca Poplins. 160 pieces fast oolor Oallooes, UXa. Uancbester Ginghams, ItXe. FLANHEIA. One bale all wool Flannel, zoo. " 8i& " ' " 7K'o. " " 450, Extra, all-wool, hill yard wide, 60c. Extra super all-wool Shaker, Ho, Full Une Ballardvale Flanne's. Cotton and Wool Flannels from Hi; to n Orey twilled Flannels, U, SI. 7Ho. Bed at all prloes. Plain Red and Yellow Flannels. French Plaid Cloaking Flannels, soc. Sacque and Bhlrtlng Flannels, etc. CANTON riiANMCU, 5 cases extra heavy Canton Flannel, 25 Unbleached Canton Flannels, 12,'i, IS, is, 20, ii, 26. etc. Whlto Canton Flannels, iO. 12, 25, 81, 35, 37'i, 4 and soc Ml'MLIWn. lOC'ses Blescbed Muslins. All the but makes ew York Mllis, Wamsutta. Wllllamivllle, Forest dale, Semper Idem, Amoekeag, Oxbridge, Ark wrlght, etc. etc. Yard-wide Bleached Muslins, 12., 14, IS, ID, 17, Is 20, etc Pillow Case and Bhsettng Muslins. 8-4, t-4, and lu-4 Bleached Sheetings. OKIILKACIIKO MUatUNM. Best l"'c. Unbleached In the city. Yard-wide Unbleached 12X, 14, IB, 17, e c Vnbleacbed Sheeting, all widths. ALL WOOl. ULAKKET4 At all prices. Beat Water-Proof C'OBklngs. HEBIKO tiOODS. Large and comple'e assortment of Ladles', Oeuts', Misses', and Boys' Merino Underwear. Misses' Merino Vests, all sizes, 800. Boys' Merino Shirts and Drawers. Ladles' Merino Vests, II, irmi.lfM, tl-87,', li-so tVSZH. 17. I1-87H. 2. 2-12Ji. 2-25. 2 37.';, i SO. Ladles' Merino Pants. Gents' Shirts and Drawers, "5c. up. Gents' Bibbed Shirts and Drawers. Hosiery at oor usual low prices. 60 dosen Silk Fleeced Gloves, 250. JouTln's Kid Gloves, fall colors LINEN JODt. Bleached and Damask Table Linens. Power-Loom Table Linens. Apron Bird-eye, Nursery Diaper, etc. Linen Doylies, Napkins, Towels, etc Ladles' Hemmed Handkerchiefs, 11c Ladles' two-tucked lUnUktrchleis, 160. Ladies' Hemstitched, 25, 81.87X, 50, el'i. and 76 j. Ladles' and Gents' Plln Linen Ilandkerohlefi. Linen shlrt-lrout.25. 7,' a, to, 58, (Ui, and Tic. Handsome assortment IIA91IIURG KDUKHN AN INHKRTIXtJ French Dimity Bands, ViKo. 300 pieces Daisy Kullliug, 'io. FARIES & WARNER, No. 223 Nortli NINTH Street, It ABOVK It VCR. QX) COUNTRY MERCHANTS. We have now In store a verr larte and varied a sortmtnt of LADIES' CLOAKINGS. By calllrg on os you can not r nly sea all the styles In vogue, bot be supplied U quaLtitlei to suit nt tlie lowest wholesale raits. Comparison of stock an'l l rices with any wholesale house switched. Samples sent by mall v, Ii n desired, STRAWBRIDGt & CLOTHIER CLMKiL LMl0IUU3I, COU. ElCiUTn ANI MIBHEI MlttKTM, 824 6m PHILADKLPniA, FURNITURE. BTECIAL KOTICB. TO BE SOJ.D, Ad KWN AS POSSIBLE, $100,000 WOfiTll OF l'TUMTCKC, t prices much oelew osoal rates. ULOKUE J. 1IEKKCLS, LACY & CO. TH1BTBENTH and CHESNUT Streets, 827tbsla2mrp PHILADELPHIA, RODUEUS' AND WOSTENHOLM'S POCKET kMVtK Pearl aud bum UandinH, of baullfal finish. ItOOUtatri' and WAl'Ji A UUltJHKH d MA IOHH, and the celebrated LKOOULlBJli VJlZOU bCUtMOUH of tbe floest quaflty. iiasuni. Knives, H lunorn, aud Table Onllery fl round and PolUhed. at P. MADKIUA'H, Kitt U B. TKNTU etreel.below titieannt. (k.r E. R. L E Ef Vo. 43 WORTH EIGHTH 8TKKET. IAS NOW OPEN FBOM AUCTION, ELCOANT BLACK SILKS. MEDIUM BLACK SILKS. LOW PRICK SILKS. BLACK SILKS, CHEAPEST IN THB CITT. CLOAKING VELVETS. PONSON'B AND OTHER LEADING MAKE OF BLACK CLOAK LKQ VELVETS. IIHAVY COBDED BILK EPINOLIPf E3. PLAIN 6ILK FIIESCU POPLINS, BsauUftal ehades, FiNE FRENCH REP POPLINS. New. 80 pieces OMBRE BTBIPJG MO HAIR,, heavy for Suits, klcentr, cost over 80 cents. . 4-4 B1RIPB FRENCH FOI'LINS SO cents. DBESij GOODS IN GREAT VARIKtY.very low. Velveteens! Velveteens! lUne, Purple, Scarlet, Hrowu, and Lead. SPLENDID QUALITY BLACK VELVETEH1M4 SILK FINWH. . LIKEN ITDKIb., lor Ladles. Great Bargatna. BLANKETS, KTO. KfC. NEW STYLE LINEN COLLARS AND CUF1H Plain aud Ktriped, C. R. LEE, No. 43 .North EIGHTH Street, PHILADELPHIA. NEW PUBLICATIONS. fj E A R L Y READY A NEW ItOOK sr MRS. ANN 8. STEPHENS. MABEL'S MISTAKE. Br MRS. ANN S. STEPHENS. Author oi 'I''asbIon and Famine," "Doubly False," "Soldier's Orphans." "The Gold Brick," "The Old Homestead," "Silent Struggles," "Mary Derwent," "The Ilolrees," The Wile's Secret." eto. MABKL'S MISTAKE will be pnbllsbed on WED. NIOSDAV, Octobers at tbe Cheap Bookselling and Publishing Houie of T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS. NO. O0 CHKSSl'I S111EET, PUIIiADA, "It Is only a few months ntnce we chronloled the publlcaitun of 'Jioubly False' by this popular authoress, but although that book created an euthu siani whlcn perhaps no former work ot hers ever surpsHsed. we Bud the volume before us In many mines worthy ot higher ur.lae than Its predejestur. "In point of draiuai'o etl'ect and ttirlHlnj iutereit 'label's Mistake' Is fully its equal, and. regarded la an unit tie point of vle4, we think it superior both In Its range or characters and power of portrayal. The heroine Uahe, Is one of the most beautiful concep tions we ii member In any book, and the leading as elHmut dramatis pertowe are drawn with a vigor and vividness that moke them lining auxiliaries. The character ot James II arriogtou, lit sunrlllclna whout along with herself in what she believed duly. Msbel'a unmake cou ilii'.d, Is a noole. tuauly creation. lat manos out belore us as cieaily as the men movluc about us dully "We shall attempt do delineation of the plot enough tosay tbut kdioiik outer prominent perton K8, i he oherat'ters ot the old father in bis luxurious teltlrliness. toecrulty quadroon, contrasted wltn the two young lovere, Lena aud Ralph, are all managed with oouNunimato smlL From the lirxt i-eve to the lest the Interest never flags, sud the plot will keep the must exprIeooel novel resder In BUHpeime to the denoueaiaut. Thr. are descriptions oi t-cenery wli!ch aru exquisite plo lures In tlinnkolven. and pKHSntet oi pathos and streimtli that aie poerim, thuuKb uorhyiued. TheiH aie exhibited all the diverse phases of life whith Mrs. Stephens excels in por ruyiog, from tne ciiilei Urm-lmuMe to the stately hulls of wealth aud lash Ion, and all the cliangts so artfully nt uaad tuat the varied parts aie Mrougnl Into one beauUiul aud complete wutle." Compete In one Iavh Duodecimo Volume. Price, $175 in Cloth; or, $l5Uln Taper. T. B. Peterson A Bros, have also Just Issued anew, complete, and nnl crm tdtilou ot the other popuU' works by Mrs. Ann t. Stephens Their names are as fc.ilowf. Price of each 1 80 In paper, or 1116 lu olota JjOHBI.Y FALbK. 1'ilE fcOLDIKk'j OKPH ANM, THE KKJKTiD W1FI8. T1IF VVIKK'S ttKCKKr,' BILJ NT fcTRUGGLES. TUE GOLD BRICK. FAiSdiON AND FAKIMH IIIliOLl H0ME8TKAD SI A 11 V rE It WENT. THE HH'KJi! BookNellets are sollnlled " order at ouos what they nmy wautol nt ineanove M,k. Mt free t iplee ot any ot the i..v .lt PATENT ED.-PANT8 SOOUUKI) A 1) bTKKTCIIIcU from I to 6 Inchea, at 'ot'L Prenob Hteau Dyeing and tiooarlng. bio. C'W til MKliItce eJa46io.Tt RAOirwi IMlt) ot postage. .u ecHi '"' ",t, momeal ill Hooks Piild.i'erf"p,,;jK, IhevMre Ihsmd Horn the l ir w oouka you fall In poibou, or -aut, to T. It. rKTKBKON - BBOTHKIW, H4p 'yo! 808 VUWSV Mtreet, Phllsdehibia, Pa.