THE DAILl EVENING TELEGRArH PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 18G8. THE INDIAN WAR. Colonel Wynfeoop'n Letter to the Iudlitii 1'OIIIIIIIhMOII. Daring the recent session of the Iudian Ponce Commission In Chicago, Colonel Wyukoop, who ins been commanding on ttio Plains, tent la the following letter: Colonel 8. F. Tappan: Dear Sir I am in re ceipt of jour communication of Suurlay, and regret that It Is Impossible for me to furnish you With the details which you require, for the reaison that I have not my letter book with me. My opinion if, In regard to the present Indian war, that the tame could have been prevented bad the Government continued to ke.'p up the supply ol subsistence tout had been furnished to them during the spring and early summer. 1'hny nad gradually got weiiucd from their old habits to that extent that they depended upon the provisions which 1 Ixsuud to them, nud, con sequently, it was liot necessary for tnem to scatter out In little binds all over the cojntry for the purtoeo of finding game, thereby run n Inn risks 01 com In? In contact with white men, and aUo being subjected to temptations when Jiunf?rj; but soon t'U r tbesupoH'-s were stopped. Had 1 been ul lowed to tssae the arms aud aoimuoltioT) to them nt the tine promised, they etill would have been coutenterl, troiu the fact ot their having the means to procure game, jjjt the failure ot the Government to fultll its promises in the latter respect naturally incensed some ot the wilder spirits among; tliciii, aud con sequently the outrages commuted upon the Sal me. immediately upon heariui; of the said outrage, I, anxious to have the guilty punished, and by that nu anj save those of the different tribes who old not deserve punishment, saw two.of thochiefsot the Cheyenne viz.,',' MeJi ciue Arrows" aud "L'ttlu Itouk" aud Ue jnanded that they deliver up the perpetrators of the aforementioned outrage, wuicli they promised positively should be done, but bPlore eutliciunt time had elapsed lor the n to fulul their piomises, the troops were in the field uud the Indians in flight. The Kio a aud Camanche Indians, up to the prcseut, have oueu at peucj, but I have no doubt they will soon Join the Chejennes. and thus create a general Indian war. My reasons for believing that the Kiowas aud Cum diic lien will, this late iu the seat-on, engage in this struggle, is that J do not see how tbey can possibly do otherwise. In consequence of their having been restricted some mouths since to assemble on the Arkansas for the purpose of waiting to see their aent and receive their annuities. They have been waiting for months in a state of 'destitution, and no agent or L,oods had made their appearance up to the latter part of last mouth. They are then told, without seeing their agent or receiving their croous, to leave and eo South immediately; to travel right through the country where tbero are troops in pursuit of hostile Indians, and with Whom it would bo impossible to tell a Kiowa from a Cheyenne. The consequence will bethat all the tribes of the Upper Arkansas will bctore long bo engaged in hostilities. SIR JO UN FRANKLIN. Another Clue to tlie Mystery of III Fate. Another clue to the mystery enveloping the fa e ot Sir John Franklin and his fellow voyagers mind the icebound regions of the Arctic Zone seems to have been discovered. By the lecent arrival irom the Dolar res-tons of Dr. Goold of Dublin, htte aud interesting intel ligence is afforded respecting the search now , prosecuted by Captain Hal I for traces or re mains ol the Erebus aud Terror aud their crews. In Augiibt. 18G7, Captain Hall was at Repulse Hay, preparing uu expedition to Kiug William's Land, where, from information obtained from the Esquimaux, it seems bejond doubt that important records and some relics of the Franklin expedition are Bttll pre-erveft. The point to be reached was 460 miles north of Repulse Bay, and In a country the inhabitants ot which, were known to be hostile to Europeans and to the Esquimaux living at Repulse Bay. It was the opinion ol the latter, who arc known as King Albeit's followers, that Franklin's men bad been killed by King William's mei. According to native inlbrmation, the lact tlx survivors of the party built a cavern or rude vault of stones, and deposited In it some documents and such arti cles as they had uo ue for, or would be an incumbrance to them in their journey south ward. It is Dr. Hall's object to reich this depo sitory, and from his well-known reputation for intrepidity, energy, and enduiance, it may be presumed that no dangers or hardships will deter him from his purpose. It will doubt less cauee a thrill of mini! led surprise and sorrow to learn that after all that has been done to recover the Franklin expedition, two of its member survived to as recent a period as 1864. These were Captain Crozler aud a steward of one of the lost vessels, who died near South ampton Island while endeavoring to make their way to that place, in the belief that they would there find a whallntr vessel which would carry them borne. Dr. Hall is conflueutof the identity of Captain Crozler with one of the men so de scribed to have perished, and has in his posses sion several articles that bclougcd to him. The fate of these two uulortuna'.e men who, after eighteen years' wandering through the Arctic wastes, had so nearly reached a place within reich ot civilized man, forms one ot the saddest chapters In the melancholy and mysterious fctory of the lost expedition. JV. Y. Hun. POLITICAL. The Richmond Enquirer sajs: "We are In receipt oi numerous letters from all sections ot the State, making inquiries and suggestions iu regard to the vote of Virginia in the Presiden tial election. The tenor of itU these letters is decidedly in favor of giving the people an oppor tunity to ca't the vote of the State, and leaving the question of having it counted to be deter mined hereafter." The Madison (Ga.) Auditor says 8enator Hill is impioved in health. While iu Washing ton Mr. Hill received the most marked atten tion irom the first ineu of the natiou. Loyal Senators and Congressmen bave au abiding confidence in bis fidelity to the Union, aud pre dict that he will take his seat without the slightest semblance of opposition. Ihe Jonoaboio (Kast Tennessee) Faq sits: "Ku-Klux Klaus iu 'these parts' went down like a gircaic oi vreusea lumiuuii!. uuuer me uvuruti v jic pressure or ino 'leuuessee Lcgi-iaiure. Whenever thev show their hvdra-heads the officer of the law nab them." -The Lansing (Mich.) Repub'ican says: "We have the most cheering news irom every por tion of the State. The wot k goes bravely on. We medsct thirty thousand mnioiity for Grant." General Blair declines to addresB the Demo cracy oi South Carolina, as tUe canvass in the Western States will require hii presence there. CITY ITEMS. Mbn's, Youths', Boys, and Children' Clothing, ready made. Finest assortment In the city. Also choice stooic of selected style of Piece Goods to be made lo order. Style, Fit. ond WorkmaiuMp of our Garmen'i ir- patted by none equalled by few. A'l vrleri yuarantrtd towtr than Ihe to it cut eltewhcrc. and full tatltuilion ffuaratUeed entry purehavsr, cr tte tale cancelled and money refunded. 1 MalfUKiy between " Bunuktt Co., Hixth ttreett,) No. nit Mahkht St., Phh.auicl.puia, ArD No. 60 Broadway, Nhw Yokk. Coal is Goitre Up I This, of all things, It the least gratifying to our citizens. It la the unalterable des liny of coal to advance In pries when wintry weather aets In, Tola fact Is of ltselr suulclent to warn our reader, to avoid the trla's ot mch an event by storing tbelr coal bins and cell are now. Ia this case the flloentar not alarmed; but : when It comes to the oorer olatsee, who bave limited earn with which to purchase tbelr winter's stock of fuel, the qnestlon "Where to get It f" assumes great Importance and gravity. All trouble may be avoided by going William W. Altei'e Coal Yard, Ho. MT N. Ninth atreeU where the beet ooal tot ihe least money oan always be bad. bo popular I he that two oierke are busy almost day and night In filling the orders made upon him for bis beet of coal. Fob Bali, a private collection of Oil Palatini, Ka eravlnitt. Painting on Glass, Brr noes, alabasters, eta, To be seen for a few days at No. 100 1 Pine stceet, VfVA Philadelphia, from 9 to 11 A. M, Th Conditio or Thousands. No appetite; no refreshing sleeps no cheerful thoughts; no disposition to labor; no Inclination for society; no Interest In any thing; no desire to live, even; and yet no speoldo ail ment whloh oan be classed as a positive disease. Thousands, ay, tens of thousands, are In this condi tion the martin of disabilities to which pathology assigns no technical name. What Is the source of their dlaoomfort, mental and bodily? Tobpor of xna SiOMACH. and, consequent npon tbat, Uingnrof tlte circulation, weaknett of the ntrvet and a clouded brain. What does common seme suggest as a remedy for this deficiency In vital power? Clearly, a bi-vitalizibio medicine-something that will stimulate, tone, and sustain the broken-down energies of nature. TIooteitkr's stomach Bittbbs meet the case exactly. In this beneficent Tonic are combined all the Ingredients necessary to ohange the condition of the system, aud bring the dormant organs Into healthful action. In the tall of the year, when tbe night-dews are chill and heavy, and the mori Ing logs are charged with miasma, the body, dtbliltated by the beats of summer, Is peculiarly sus ceptible to unwholesome Influences. At this season, of all others, therefore, f)irf(;oraton Is required, both as a safeguard against fever and ague and other ma larious disorders, and as a preparation for the search lug cold of winter. Dyspepsia, bilious complaints, nervous disorders, and distressing aiructlons of tbe bowels are always more or less prevalent lu October aud November, aud the surest and safest means of averting thorn Is a course of this purest, mlld?st, and most efficacious of all tonics and alteratives. What is Moke Common ob Ijihtb hsino than a Bilious Attack? Who Is not familiar with the well-known symptoms, oppression across tbe sto mach and chest, low spirits, restlessnexs, gloominess of mind, weariness, dull headache, dirty, greusy ap pcarance of the skin, yellow tinge of the white of the eyas, loss ol appetite, and costlveness ? Few, Indeed, of the more ordinary Ills of life are more widely prevalent than these bilious disorders, and yet they may readily be got rid of by using Er, Jayne's Sana tive Pills, by whose operation the liver will be rapidly restored to healthy action, the vitiated secre tions of the stomach changed, all costlveness removed, and tbe whole system assisted in recover ing lis normal condition. Bold by all druggists. Our Chii.drkn at tbissesson of the year are often troubled with Worms, tbo remit of eating nnrlpe t-ult and a weak olgeetlon, which seriously affect tbelr health. Uolloway's Vermifuge Confections, an agreeable remedy, will expel the worms and restore I be digestive functions to perfect health. Bold at 25 cents per box. Johnston, Hollowat & Cowoin, No. 608 Arch street. Jbwblbt. Mr. William W. Cassldy, No. 12 South Second street, has the largest and most attractive assortment of fine Jewelry and silverware In tbe city. Purchasers can rely npon obtaining a real, pnre arti cle mrnlshed at a prloe which cannot be equalled. He also baa a large stock of American watches In all varieties and at all prices. A visit to his store Is sure to result In pleasure and profit. Bpkeb's Standard Wins Bittkbs, made of pure native Wines, combined with Peruvian Baric, Chamo mile Flowers. Calamus, Snake Kott, wild Cherry Bark, Ginger, and other herbs and roots, assist diges tion, give an appetite, and Impart vigor and tone to tbe system. Bold by Druggists and Grocers. All fob 28'0o A (suit of Customer-made Clothing. at Cuab, Btokjcs A Co-" A Well-known Fact . The Beady-made Clothing at Cbas. Ptokes & Co.'s Is belter cut, better madti, aud bettor trimmed than aDy In Philadelphia. The prices the same as before Thm W ar. A BrLKNDiD Suit pok 26 00 at No. 821 Chksnct Stbket, Fall Oveiicoats Mah Overcoats. iall Overcoats. Fail Overcoats. A splendid assortment Of new style Fall Overcoats now ready at , Chas. Btokus A Co.'s Customer made. Dbink the famous Arctic Woda Water, and read Thb Kvknins Tllbobapb. at HllUuait's News tttand, at North Pennsylvania Depot. Pali o Boots and Phoks We would call tbe early attention of the trade to the large and attractive sale ot Boots and Shoes to be so.d by catalogue, tor cash, to-morrow (Thursday) morning, October 15 at in o'clock, by C. li. AlcUees & Co., Auctioneer, No. 608 Market street. Tbxnwite's Nkws Depot, at No. 107 8. Third s.reek Is the place to hod all kinds of reading mat ter. Be keeps on naua a conBiauv nuupiy oi mi mo periodicals, magazines, pictorials, fatihlon piatwa, and every description of fight reading. If he dons not bave wuai you o sire. u win emm mi . n jo wish tbe New Yore papers Trenwith's Is the place to obtain tbem, as be has perfected arrangement whereby ne receives luem toag oeiuru kuniniunt mal e arrive. Tiro 8TATEMEXTH. BRAD this and this Fiona Tbb ab, Ostobtr From thbi-kkiis, October a, iteo. , ', -a ttrontui nurtlv bv the ''Tbe treat excitement crowd and partly by tbe;atSxthaud Marketstreeis overtiremenis wuicu we y uiu nun, .umutu. have lately lnseriea ior uui, uuio uiiiuir mp. Wanamaker fc Brow n. pose. mere talk' got upfor weatepped Into their lm- aovertlsement purposes, muse and took a but a veritable fact, of hasty glance at their rairwnicnnyuininayssure DRY GOODS. stock. It is really Influlte In variety bum as so mate rials and styles, and Is made up wun a uegree oi care and taste which we. at leatt, bave never be lore seen In ready-made cloth ing. Do see It. whether you buy any of It r not; it is a clean to our nj to bae such a stock ol clothlDg ollered to," himself by simply walking past and looklof Into trie crowded salesrooms of Oak IlalL And 11 any oue will step In and examine the goods and tbelr low prices, he will readily un derstand this unusual In terest In clothing. "This we bave done, and we gladly bear testimony iu, to the truth of all tual h ueen aaia in tueee uotumiis of the beauty and excel lence of the garments which Wanamaker A Brown are now olferl og (or n Fall and Winter wear.1 TITR LA RGTMT CLOTH INO HOUSE, TI115 LAllUKhT U..OTHINU IIOUK, TH K LaKUFBT CLOTHING HOCdK, THJ LABUJM3T t'l.OlHlNG HOUSlil. WANAMAKEU & R'WN, OAK UALC, The corner of SIXTH and MAKKKT Slree'.s, PR IOC & WOOD, ir. w. cobmxb Eiemn aud fixbcbt, BABOAINS tn FaiANNELfk. All-wool Flannels, 25, 81. S3, 85, 40, 45, and CO cents. 7-8 and 4-4 Ballard vale Flannels. Heavy All-wool Shaker Flannels, cheap. Domet Flannels, 12, ls?f, n, 25, ,8, 81, t 10 45, 50o. Bed and Grey Twilled Flannels. Plaid Shirting Flannels. Bcarlst and Colored Opera Flannels. Best makes Bleached and Unbleached Cnton Flaa nels. Canton Flannels, 12,'.', le, 19, 20, 29, 28, 81, 8 , S7.'. 44, and (0 cents. MARBLES. MEAD Hi NNI8. October 12, by Rev. William CU cart. Mr. WILLI AM O. MEAD to Miss LOOlbA U ANN1H, Dotn or tins city. TOM LIN BON SCOT P. On Ootober 1. IBM. at tbe ItanllHt Paraonaue. lu B 'Btleton. Phlladulphla. by tne Kev. W. V. C'ornwel1, Mr. JAMK8 m, TOMLINON IoMIshANN KL1ZA BETH. HOOTT.botUof Buttle- ton, Phllaaeipnia, i-a. DIED. rvW tTTT a a. -4i.A.. T.. AnimHt Xa 11 ap MJ i ' l. A M VUCHCli I'TUBnilQ bUUUtt Iw iVUir her 10. Kev. JAM1U4 Dki PUI. Tne relatives ana menus or tno rarany are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, Ir.tiu his late resi dence, Fourth Blrcet, CheBter, ou Thuruday, October is. at o'cim;k. without further notice, s-rvtces at St. Paul's V. Cbti'cb, LhfStcr, at Vi o'clock. Funeral to proceed to Chester Kural Cemetery. FlTOCET. On the mornlnir of Ocloner is, lsdS. TKPHEN DALLKTT, sou ol William U. and Eivlly Frguei, agea zi monms. if LYON. On the 11th instant, MABT G., daughter of Waller T. ana Baran J. i-yon. Th. i-iiim ami irieuna of the family are Invited te attend the funeral, from the residence o' her l.uLer, No. I38 Oirard avenue, oj Thursday, the ISih iustaut, at 10 o'clock. Interment at Laurel mil. " WINSLOW. On tbe 14th Instant, BETH E. WINS. i i a in ilia ULk, Akr ol hla aite. His relatlvea and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his aou-ln-law, Ueorge liiuuimond. Ui20erujautown avenue, on Friday at a o'clock P.M. Hl'SLIHSt iitTi.iais i Shirting, Sheeting, and Pillow-cast Mailtos at the very lowest market prices. BLANKETS t BUSHETsll A 1!-wool B'ankels at very 1owst market pr'ces. Baigalus In Table Linens, Napkins aud Towels. Handsome Marseilles Quilt, cheap. A large assortment of Ladles' and Gents' Morluo V sis and Pants. Youths' Vests and Pants, e'o. Ladles' and Gents' Hosiery. Ladles' and Gems' Linen Ildk's. Gents' Ilemslltchi-d colored Murder Hdklii. Ladles' Hemstitched and TuJted Huttdkerclilefs etc etc, PRICE & WOOD, Pf. W. COBNEB KIOI1T1I AND riLnEBl. N. B. Jonvln'e Kid Gloves, best quality Ituuortnd choice fall colors. llissw JOSEPH 1868. H. THORNLCSY DRY GOODS. LADIES' CLOAKINCS. STRAWBHIDGE & CLOTHIER. Would respect'ul'y present bis claims lor a share of public patronage by oileilug the following Induce ments, vis.. An Attractive Stock. A Splendid Assortment. Trices Tut Down to the Lowest Notch. SPECIAL ATTENTION INVITED TO raisley Shawls. Uroclie ShaTTls. Silks and Dress Goods. Blankets and Flannels. Cloths and Cassiuiercs. LINENS. QUILTS. FIANO a id TABLE COVKILS. SKlltlU, COiUSEm, E'lU. EiC. JOSEPH H. THORMLEY, N.E.tor. tlGUTHaud SI'ItL UABDO, 9 te 8m 8p PHI LADELI'JI IA. 727 P0PILAU vmm 727 ion X H Y C O O 1 S. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., No. 727 CHE SHUT STKEBT, Importers, Jobbers and Retailers, Have now on exhiol'lou THE MOST EXTENSIVE AND DESIBABLE STOCK In this market. Tbelr stock Is unrivalled for EXTENT, VA RIETY and general adaptation to the wants of the trade They are ln.cormtaut receipt of BlEKUINS, which are freely ollered by the yard, piece, or )a ;kage. We call especial attention to our line of these GOODS, being the Most Coniplch) Assortment Ever Offered in Philadelphia, And Comprising Every Style and Make. LYONS VELVETS, BLACK VELVET CLOTU, . BROWN VELVET CLOTH, DAHLIA VELVET CLOT II, BLACK ASTEACHANS, WHITE ASTRACHANS, BROWN ASTRACHANS, STEEL GREY ASTRACHANS, PURPLE ASTRACHANS, BLACK M03C0 W BEAVERS, COLORED MOSCOW BEAVERS, BLACK CASTOR BEAVERS, COLORED CASTOR BEAVERS, BLACK CHINCHILLAS, BROWN CHINCHILLAS, BISMARK CHINCHILLAS, PEARL CHINCHILLAS, STEEL GREY CHINCHILLAS, PURPLE CHINCHILLAS, LIGHT BLUE CHINCHILLAS, WHITE CLOAKINQS, SCARLET CLOAKINGS, DIAMOND CLOAKINGS, SILYER-F0X CLOAKINGS, OPERA CLOTHS. dry goods: RICKEY, SHARP & CU., Ho. 727 CHESNUT Street, -HlLAiKL-HLA TO PROPRIETORS OF EOTELS; EOARDING-HOUSES, AND SHIPPING, We bave a special Wholesale Department for sup. plying LINEN AND COTTON SHEETING, TOW ELS, NAPKINS, SINGLE BED AND BERTH BLANKETS, and other goods particularly adapted to your wants. All tbe above kinds of GOOD3 made np at short notice IX desired. . S1RAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, VEKTBAL DIM GOODS STOKE, COB. EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS. Q R E 8 8 GOODS. BROS. & C0.'S FIBST QUALITY IBIH POfLINS. In all colors. CHAMELEON P0PLIN8, BILK AND WCOL POPLTNS, 81 lK AND WOOL.BUkGIEil, PARISIAN BTB1PED POPLINS, PLAIN AND UOilDKn FOPLIN3, OBEPE AND EMPMEbH CLOT Ho, PL AIDS, MEt INOI24, CAtHMEBKH, AND DE LA1NES, AND EVERY VAJlIEriT OF Seasonable Dross Good3. JGHA W. TUOMS, Vfta Af nnd A(n "v KPrnv f ilVOt IVU UUU I KiMJVVXIA' tJV S 28 rp PHILADELPHIA. c ARD TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. AmebioaN Life Insurance Company, Of Philadelphia. S, & Corner Fourth aud Waluut Street. -r7ii JnMtvtim Au no superiors the UnVed StaU 0i(j We bave establlnhod a Department for tha conve nience of OODN'IKY Mt.KOH AN1S wp.o d not wish to boy whole pieces of fine goods. We Will cnt FINE BILKS, DBESfl GOODS LINEN GOODS, CLOTS 8, and CASSJMEKE3 In sucn. quantitieaas will best suit their sales .and oon venUnce, at tbe regnlat wholes! rates. STRAYBRIDGE V CLOTHIER CESTR1L DUY GOODS STOKE, t'OB,BICUin AND MARKET STREET 821 6m PHILADELPHIA. OLD AT A 8AOEIFICB.- BLACK H1LK VELVETS. JiLAl K EM1LIMU CUAPKS, BLACK EMULIHH CRAPE VEILS, BLAt K TARLATANS, BLACK HILK NETS. BLACK REAL THREAD LA0ES, BLACK IMITATION LACES, BLACK RIBBONS, BLACK CRAPE KIBB0N8, BLACK GLOVES, ETU KtiX, W'U bIIFICE. TO OBUSTNESS. 10 lOtt No. loot CUEoIS U S ttireW. CLOTHS OF ALL COLORS. BLACK, PURPLE, WHITE, SCARLET, DAHLIA, BROWN, BISMARK. VELVETEENS. BLACK, BLUE, PURPLE, BROWN, GENERAL OPENIHC IN TBI FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS AT TBI WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS STORE, No. 020 CHESNUT Street. J. V. PROCTOR & CO. Hare now open full and complete lines of 'ctt and Attractive (Jioods In the follow ing Departments, to wlilclt thej luvilo the attention or CASH EUYEKQ, B01U WHOLESALE k RLTA1L. Wholesale Buyers, Country Dealers, Buyers frr Charitable IosMtatlona, Hotels, etc.. will lind tbe niuet enlarged liber ality In the scale of pries auoptet for thtlr Uie. Country Storekeepers Will fiud an opportunity of "BORTINO UP" their Htocls and buying a MNOLE DHKss PAT TERN AT WUOLE PIECE PRICES. We shall offer English, French, and Oern.aa Hunlery, In Co1 Con, Mertun, IN TTTE elc etc.. li.r Ladlee, Uenta, and C ill BOHIERY dren; Merlun Uoderclotblug of every AN1 GLOVE descrlpiion; KngllaU aud French PK.PART- Tariau Hosiery: Ladine'. Gen is' MENT and Children Oloves of all kluda. jooiou oi uieae uoous oonmauiij otlorlDS. OPENING OF CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS AND WALKING SUITS WILL TAKE PLACE ON TUESDAY, OCT. . Will include Rval aud Imitation liUti ami liiHertioin of all kind'; Point AppliqiiH.ValenclemiMi.Cluny and Tbrcud Colla-s; hi llandker chiefs, Bm be j, and Coltlurert; Haua burg EdKHu and IuHertlous, Caul brio KdKlufttand Insertions, M jnlln Edtiliifts ud lusertloos; nevr eyles Linen Collars and CulT t new strles ITIIE LACE EmbroUUrtd Llnn and Ctubrlo KMBROIOEUY eels. Collins and cuffs; Heuisllicied AND Linen. Lnn and Cambric Hanu- FANCY OOUllB DEPART-UENT SCARLET. ALL THE ABOVE GOODS IN THE VARIOUS GRADES. Also, just received,, a largo lot of Ladies' and Children's Cloaklngs, WHICH WE OFFER AT PRESENT FROM $2 50 TO $4 PER YARD. THESE GOODS SOLD LAST YEAR FR0H $5 50 TO $8-50 PER YARD. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, CENTRAL EMPORIUM, Corner EIGHTH and MARKET, 10 10U PHILADELPHIA, 'ke'cbloic: Kwbrrlderfd Hanker- chiefs Iro'ii W;. to flu; M idles' PUlo and Embroidered Haadkercbl-f Boys' Culorsd Bordered Handier chiefs; Ocnls' Plain Col'TtHl Bor aereu anil uemsiucnea JUanclker clilels: Veil BureR lu (irenadloe nd TIB8U-: eiilc Tlea and Hearts In all color; Half Mourning Kis and Cullars; Monrnlu Handkerchiefs: Bullllnsn ol all kind-: 4-4. 8 4. 12-4 Hllk Illusions. Illusion Sleeves, Habits arrt W.isUi. Linen Collars and Cutis slightly soiled, closing ont at less than half price. ColU's 60., Cuffs loo. UU pair. OPENING OF CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, AND U1 SUITS . WILL TAKE PLACE ON TUESDAY. OCr. (. In this department will be found Trimmings, Fringes, Ornaments mltMt AND and Buttons for Cloaks, Dresses, and DREBa wuiis; jfrlnites and Trlmminis maue aniM.M.lN38. to orders Dress Braids in all colors itt and shaddii, loo. tbe piece ot six yards. Will bo Innnd complete In all Its varieties. Chameleon Herges, Rou balz Poollus. Panama Olntha TiBESH GOODS Striped Werg os, Poplins a' Kcoarn)', iDEPART- Velours Bu'se and Ottoman, Poplin MtKl. numma, Alpacas, monairs, Oxo nlans, eto. etc ; an exquisite Assort ment In filoee ranging irom 7,'o. to THE DUCHESSE" AND "LA BELLB" SKIRTS ABK SPECIALTIES IN THIS DEPARTMENT. Including Rusnett Cloths, Broobe Serges, Cuene Oxonians. MIk and MOVRNINQ Wool Ottomans, Irish and French . . . . i ,o Pun 1 1 II llnmhavlntiB IJ I 1 1 . 1 DEPARTMENT, DFPART-MENT KEEPING 5 KP ART-MEN DRY GOODS. frslLUKEN'S LINEN STORE, Ko. 828 ARCH STREET. WOW OPR6T. Ollt FALL IMrORTATIONS Poplins, Bombazines. Rlarrlls. A I. pacas, Mohairs. Merinos, Crape aud Australian Cloths; Grey Mixed Goods, etc. etc,; also English Cmpas lu 4-4, 5-4, and 6-4 widths; Crape Veils, Collars, aud Bets, eus. OPENING OF CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, AND no WILL TAKE PLACE ON TUESDAY, OCT. . Will embrace tbe p-oJuols of tbe following eminent manoUoturers: Bonnet & Cle Ualnet & Cie, Pon sou. Belioa. Paule et Condaarrlor. and others. All tne desirable makes Or os Grains, Taffetas Parisle' ne, Oros de Paris, Ccbemlre Hubilm. etc., from la to ST -50, will be found roiresenteo. inoludlng, a. so, Colored Tafl'otasiaud Poult de Solus Chame leon Ola es Fall Colors in Cheuea, btripes, uu. eto. . . . OPENINO OF CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, AND ur SUITS WILL TAKE PLACE ON TUESDAY, OCT. . Will be round to be an attractive feature, covering every reoulremeot of the domestic household. Extra Heavy 8-4 and 9 4 Do 'ble Barnsley Damasks from il 24; 7 4 and 8-t all Linen Damasks from 75e.j s-8xB-8all Lluen Napkins, from tbe best bleacnenes, $i 60 to flu per dor.ju; elegant Kxblbitlon Pattern be1; Cloth Napkins and Doylies, Brown's renowned manufacture, np to M a set. All the leading manufactures nNlH ANDof Irelaud, England, Frauce, and Linens, Hucks, Towels, Towelliugs. etc. etc. Domestic Cottons tshlrtlnus, and BheelluKa, 4-4 Wllllamavllle, WamsulU, New York JSlills. and other oeleiated makes, retailing at wholesale pi ices. Blankets and Quills In ilie most attractive makes, at prices lu ihelnterestof the buyers. Heavy Domestic Ribbed and Honey comb QuU's. Bales' pattern. Si 60 and 1. nsaalW sold at II andt:t60; Mar seilles and other lu ported Quilts, 10-4. 11-4, and 1 In white, buff, pink, ami blue, with Toilets to match, all at favorable prices, OPENING OF CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, AND SUITS WILL TAXE PLACE ON TUE9D 4.Y, OCTOBERS. An eleuant assemblage of tbese fssblonahlx ooveritigs, from the com mon "Plain " Long aud Aaiiare, to the most recl.erche productions of the Looms ot Paisley, Edinburgh, Nor wich, Par s, Nlsin'i, etc. We bave recently opened about SOU Long aud Kquare tliawls. the maunfauture ot the renowned ' Henuequin," pur chased under circumstances more than usuHy favorable, which we are euabled to soil at 1ms than gold ptlces for currency. This is equal to oue thlrd less than value. OUR FUR DEPARTMENT, now In progress of manuiaoture. will, in ane time, ne louoa wormy or meat tt-ntlon of buyers, Tbe same stand' ard or equity In prices and repre sentation of taesa comDaratlvelv little-known articles of Ladles' Cos tume will be paramount with us as heretofore. For Ladles desiring to bave their own ami dhlldran'a Over-Jarmeuta CLOAKlHUtt. made under their awn supervision. we shall offer an elegant collection of fashionable CLOAKINGS, embracing all tbe European noveltlt. fbr sale by the yard. . OPENING OF CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, AND SUITS WILL TAKE PLACE ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER . Tabic Linens, Extension Tabic Cloths, SapMns and Doylies. HOTELS BUPrLIED AT IMrORTEBSJ' rACKAOE nAiEa 9 30 wfm CLOTHS, CASSIMEREsTTfcT W. T SNODCRASS CL CO., UH0LEISALE AND RETAIL CLOTH STORE, Ac 34 South SIXO.ND Street. r EXTEW8IVE STOCK AND EVERY VARIETY OR LADIES' WEAK, MEN'S WEAK, and 8 24lmrp BOYS' WEAft. PANTALOON 8TUFF8! JAMES & LEE, MO. II M O Bill MKCOXD HTBIII, Sisn of the Golden. Lamb, Have now on hand a very large and choice assort ment ot all the new styles of Tall aud Winter Fancy Cassliucres IN THE MARKET, To which they Invite the attention of the trade and others. Isttir, AT WmH,MAI.E AKB BETAIL, CURTAINS AND SHAPES. pALL 8TYLE8 ! FALL STYLES I MOW HEADY Ifll WINDOW SHADES, IN ' ' LACE CURTAINS, . IN .. Terries, Reps, Damasks, Etc. We take pleasure In annonnclnr that our nn si. tor Fall Ot the above Goods are noaronnn. rn. brated make of FINE WINDOW SHADES, with xi y epriDB .tiaiance f ixture (whloh require n cord), we sell at Ihe most reasonable prloes. , vv iuuow enaaes as low as ONE DOLLAR AND FIF1YCENTR trimmed and hULg to the windows. We call especial attention to our new s'ock of Trimmings, eomprisln In part. Cornices In Gilt, Walnut, Walnut and lit, Rosewood, and Rosewood and out, Curtain Taasela Picture Tassels, Pillow Tassels, Cords, Loop. Band etc., etc . , . .. CARF.IKGTON, DEZOUCHE & CO., S. E. Corner Thirteenth and Chesnnt Sta., roimtrly KELTY. CARTtlNOTON A C?.tSws4n BHA?tJrA CLOTH9 a Mi) J. W. PROCTOR & CO., TIIB 'BEE-IIIVE," No. 020 CHC8NUT Street, IMW i PAPER HANGINGS, ETO. PltrLADELPniA. yf A L L P A P C R 8. WE ABE MOW BETA1XIXCI OVB IMMENSE STOCK OP PAPF.R HANfrTNOS FOR HALLS. PARLOUS, Kto. NEW GOODS consuntly coming In, and flrst-ola workmen sent to any part of the oountry, HOWELL & BOURKE, Corner of FOUBTII and MARKET i fmw2m PHILADELPHIA. CIGARS. ppUUUET & SONS' STANDARD CIGARS, Tletalled bv leadlti rrnnara anil AAftl.M, ..nh ka trade-marked. Under "MARIANA RITA" brand, nineteen varla. ties-genuine "ALL HAVANA" CIGARS, the le our Importation. Under "FRA DIAVOLO" brand, five varieties! J1 hih d Mit. univi Ni.niT.if B nrra a tju We continue our Importations ot HAVANA CIUA-RS by each direct Havana teamer, 8. FUQUKT 4 SON 10 1 W Bp So B B, FRONT Street. mlLB iSJSYJiMU NATIONAL UANK. ... -f . IT. W. corner FOURTH aud MARKET fit., Solicits the accounts of Merchants, Manufao'urera, and trades in general. Prompt and oaretnl attention given to the Interests of our Depositor sn4 Oorresi pendents. . IB ImSp E. .'lTAt.Kt CAWniKH. TPvEAFNSSS. EVEKY INSTRDMBNT THAT XJ soienoe and skill have invented to assist th IiMarlnff in averv dwrea of deatuMuu alMA. KMttolim. tore; also, Crandall's Patent Crutchea, su parlor to any others In use, at P. MAD JURA'S, NO. 1'itNTH btreet. below Chesnut. tatyt RODGEBS' AND WOSTENHOLM'3 POOKBT ILNIVKS, Pearl and tHtas Handl. of Jbaatlfus finish. RODtiERH' and WALK A BUTCHKU 'SEA.' KOHH, and the aelebrated LKCOILTRJI RAZUtt bClhOR Of Hie finest quality. nMnnM Rasora, Knives, Hcissors. and Table Cutlery OronM and Polished, at P. UADiillUA'S. M. US B. JINt t str,bviow Uiesnul. '