F 6 THE DAILY Ev TELEGRAPH PHIL AD ELrfll A, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1868, NEW YOIIKISMS. aaBB.BaaBWaBaaaBaBBaaa from Our Own OorretponOent. Hit Yokk, Oct 9, 1868. Miss 8un B. Anthony Is certainly Indefatiga ble. Etae is constantly doing the work of a dozen ordinary women, in superintending con ventions for the benefit of her sex, making peechei, editing the Revolution, and upholding the spirit of her faint-hearted sisters. She loves the work in which she is engaged. She calls upon the downcast and trodden-under of her ex to cast to the winds all care of what the newspapers may say of them, ani to go on boldly in the work of revolutionizing, as if there were xo such thing a a criticizing public. Hhe is most emphati cally one of the most origUal and startling isms of New York. She docs not expect to see the good she works for developed during her gene ration. She Is only planting the acorns from Which another generation shall produce the oaks. Around her all the different branches of women's work are constantly forming nuclei. She is the irresistible force sweeping agilnst the Immovable body of public prejudice. Supremely Indifferent to anything but the attainment of her end, vl2.. a large pay secured to the toilers among her ieT, this purblind spectacled, and most assiduous lady tolls day and night with tongue and pen, and works not ouly with all her soul, but with all her body, too. The opening of the Fall Meeting at Jerome Park was badly attended. There were no long lines of carriages; there were no crowds of spectators. About one-fifth as many peoplo aa ought to have been there, were. Ctuse un known. The weather was lovely. Tne sky was imported from Italy, and the atmosphere had passed unchallenged through the celestial custom-house, and direct from the south of France. Everything was propitious except the people, that mysterious entity whose edict is more tyrannical and tiiunder-toncdtbau the mandates of the sea. Among the women present a few magnificent toilettes were perceptible. Bat, then, the women were so few. Where there should have been crowds stood only knots, and where interminable lines of car riages should have brimmed with babbling fashion, two or three sleek and solemn vehicles stood demurely side by side. The thing was a failure. It might almost be said that no betting was done. livery heart collapsed beneath the chill of its individual wet blanket, and when the racing was over slow-going coaches bare solemn visages home. Some celebrated per soniiges were present, but then the presence of a few celebrities does not render the opening of autumn races successful. A score of celebrated caterers, commodores, aud cricketers, presi dents, prize-fighters, actors, "end" men, and bo forth, do very well as points of relief among a heterogereous crowd; but on Tuesday they were more like pillars, measuring the breadth of vacant interstices that should by rights have been thronged. Some of the principal merchants of Fulton street have ben getting up an indignation meeting, in order to heal the nuisances inflicted on them by the "ropers-in" employed by the gift enterprise establishments. The ancient hawntof these gilt swindlers was in Conlandt street. Their operations there, however, having become too notorious, they removed one by one into Fulton street, where they are the terror of all the respectable tailors and hatUrs. The "ropers-in" are the most irresistible functiona ries extant. Any "young m an from the coun try" that they can lay hold of they carry almost by force in the gift-swindling dens, and he who enters there leaves hope behinJ, the hope of coming out with as much as he took in. The vicinity of the respectable Fulton street merchants' shops has therefore been seriously harassed. No man, woman, or child could pause for a moment to look in at the windo w without being pounced upon by these importu nate "runners." A committee of the respectable merchants waited in vain on Superintendent Kennedy and Inspector Dilks. All the satisfac tion they received was that no satisfaction could be received, unless they indicted the respective swindling establishments before the Grand Jury. All that is left to do, therefore, is to grin and bear the Rift swindlers doing the first, and the respectable merchants the last. The Water street movement, which might bet ter be called tho Bum street movement, seems gradually to be losing lis activity. now and then a converted pickpocket makes a pious ad dress, and proves as eager to steal the hearts of the public as he once was to steal their pocket books. Some of the rum-sellers, who do not aide with John Allen, got up a demonstration of sticks and staves the other day, and mauled some of the more prominent members ol a pious meeting. If Mr. Beecher's opinion on the "Water Street Movement," be worth anything, it is satisfactory to learn that be considers it one of the most extraordinary phenomena of tho day, uud that he only regrets that those can verted are so low down in the scale of depravity that they will be no better than lame mora' convalescents all the rest of their lives, Jonn Allen continues to mingle drinks and dot ologles in equal proportion. I am not ver.ed in toilette slang, but my ob. nervations along Broadway inform me that Scotch material is coming more into use for ladies' dresses. Costumes of thick quilled tissue are much worn, overhung with tunics trimmed with black taffeta. The tippets accompanying this style ot dress are often made so that the Beams are heart-6haped at the back. Lawn skirts of pale red, with tanics of pale blue crape, are also frequently seen. The panier style will be the chosen one during the coming wiu ter. In full dress plush will play a prominent part. Even blue and green are getiing to be worn together. Fashion Is blessed as a peace maker among colors. She misce genates thoae that seem born to be kept asunder, and brings discordant hues into as harmonious proximity w bosom friends. I consider the success of Fanny Janauschck la this city,' and in other cities of the United States, to be an extraordinary dramatic event. One year ago she came here with scarcely a premonitory word. She cama in the la 36 of Bistort's prestige, and after that artiste had ' already made herself sure of the heart of the Ameiiun people. Two weeks before Janaus. , .ehek . cavie here, I don't believe twenty people In New Toi', outside of ne wspaper tircles. had ever heard ol her. Her pictures give the Idea of a woman ol stupendous energy and will. Her physique, as witnessed by an audience, con. ' firms that impressltn. er pictures are bold, . swinging, massive; er strides are gigantic, nd her gestures ponderous. She is immense In every way. She is a better specimen of suc cess, independent of puffery, than even Itistori', A pupil of Matilda Union debuts as "Cumille, on Saturday evening, at Jerome's Theatre. Un fortunately, "Camille's" day is ovsr, and the announcement of that pulmonary heroine upon the bills is only too suggestive of the advertise ments of pulmonary syrups. Last evening and this evening the lovers of Black Crookistn liave the sad opportunity of bidding fare well to Bonfantl and the other fleet-footed bountel-B who for the last two years have de lighted New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and Chicago. Kost Bell , is a taller, more decorous more dignified, and altogether less pleasing "Duchess" than Toitee. I believe these Items con clude the budget at present. Au Baba. LITERATURE. REVIEW OF NEW BOOKS. Little Women. By LouiBa M. Aloott. Pub lished by Roberts Brothers, Boston. Phi ladelphia Agents: Claxton, Remaen & UaflelflDger. There is perhaps no branoh of literature which requires more tact and discrimination, or which presents more difficulties, than the wilting of Btories for children. Persons who would hesitate long about publishing works addressed to an adult audienoe feel them selves fall oompetent to entertain and in struct young people, without pausing to think whether they are really qualified for the task or not. And yet there are no keener crltios in regard to all the essentials of story-writing than children; and the inoulcation of good moral ideas will not compensate with them for dullness and insipidity in the characters and adventurea of the heroes and heroines of the miniature romances which are written for their edifloatlon. Of late years there has been a notable improvement in the character of juvenile books, and a class of writers have entered the field who appear to really appreciate the importance of their mis sion, and who are impressed with the idea that moral and religions principles can be best engrafted upon the minds of their readers by not being too prominently brought forward as the main objeots of their books. Miss Aloott has written a number of stories whioh are deservedly popular. She has a fresh and graceful style, and a hearty sympathy with the feelings, hopes, and aspirations of boys and girls. "Little Women" is a pleasant story, whioh girls will like to read, although in oar opinion a little less preaching would not have made it less instructive or entertaining. We believe in books of this kind being good bat not "goody," and the principal fault we have to find with "Little Women" is a trifle too much of the last-named quality. . From Smith, English & Co. we hare re ceived a sample part of the Amerioan edition of Dr. William Smith's "Dictionary of the Bible." Published by Hard & Houghton, New York. The American edition of this standard work is edited by Professor II. B. Hackett, D. D., with the co-operation of Mr. Ezra Abbott, A. M., Assistant Librarian of Harvard University. The original work will be given entire, without abridgment or change, exoept the correction of misprints and mistakes in quotation. An improvement will be made by incorporating the two appendixes of the English edition into the body of the work. Contributions will also be famished by many eminent American scholars, and the work will be made as complete and perfect as possible by the verification of numerous scrip tural quotations, the extension of the system of cross references, and other improvements suggested by experience and researches made since Dr. Smith completed his labors. The Dictionary will be published in numbers, by subscription, each number to contain 112 pages, medium ootavo size, and to be issued monthly. The entire work will be comprised in about thirty numbers, at seventy-five cents per number. From J. B. Lippinoott & Co. we have re ceived "Wilson's Book of Reoitations and Dia logues." Some of the selections in this little volume are new and good, bat many of them are the old standbys whioh have appeared regularly in all the "speakers" and reading books that we have any knowledge of. From the same house and by the same publishers we hare "Brudder Bones' Book o( Stump SpeeoheB;" a collection of humorous leotures,Ethiopian dialogues,plantation scenes, etc., compiled and edited by John F. Bcott. "Petersons' Cook Book" is quite a stand ard authority with housewives. It gives use ful receipts for concooting toothsome dishes of every description, and it also offers some prac tical hints about the arrangement of dining rooms and dinner-tables, the management Of domestics, and household eoonomy generally. Published by T. B. Peterson & Brothers. Messrs. Peterson also send ns "Old Cari osity Shop," a volume of their cheap edition ol Dickens' works. The story is given una bridged, at the very low price of twenty-five cents. "The Citizens' Hand-Book for Phlladel. phia." Published by William White Smith, No. 800 Walnut street, contains the boanda. ries of each Congressional, Senatorial, and Legislative district; the limits of each eleotion division, with the plaoe of voting, and the offloial vote and majorities of both parties in Philadelphia for 18GG and 1867, and other valuable information. Prloe, 25 cents. F. E. Remont, No. 1338 Chesnut street, has just published ten hymns, whioh conati. tute the seoond part of a new collection in course of preparation by James Pearoe, Esq., organist of St. Mark's Church, Philadelphia. J. P. Shelly & Co., No. 21S. Seventh street, Bend ns "Ursula's Girlhood," one of the best written and most interesting juvenile Btories they have yet pubUBnea. SPECIAL NOTICES. BOOTS AND SHOES. TTAVISG ALTERED AND ENLAKQK1) My , i btore, mo, ieu ct, i m eireet, invite atten lion to my Increased stock (of my own manufacture) ol one boots, shoes, gaiters, juo., of tne uui to' ERNEST BOPP. COAL. BM1DDLETON 4 CO., PEALEttS IN . HARLEIuH LEHIGH and EAULat VE1M IXUL, Kept diyonder cover. Prepared expressly fur family use. Yard, No. 12SS WASHImuTOA ATWM. OOU No, ait WALNUT Street, ft tCTSf- WRIGHTS ALCONATED GLYCERIN s-iy Tablet of Solidified Glycerin lends to preserve the ok In rronj;ory ne and wrinkles, Impart a won. derful degree of softnem and delicacy to the com plexion, and whiteness to the akin: la an excellent dentifrice, grateful to the tanle and tonlo to the mouth and gum. t Imports sweetness to the breath, and renders the teeth beautifully white. For ale br all drngglsla. a. O. A. WRIGHT, Mo. ttt CHESNUT Street. tj JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE FOR l Y-FOUKi II HaV4lON. Tbe Introductory Ad drew will be delivered by Pro. feasor J. All KEN MKIHtl.od MONDAY EVENING. 1'ilh Instant, at half-pant 7 o'clock. The regular aeries of Lectures will conomenoeon tbe sext.day, TUESDAY, the lath, at 10 A. M. SAMUEL HENRY DICKSON, M. D., 10 7wfm4t Dean. PHILADELPHIA UNIVERSITY OF MED1CLNE AND SURGERY. NINTH and. LOCUST Ktreels. Int'Oduomrv Lecture. WEDN Ki DAY EVENING, October 7, at.7 o'clock. Fnyst clans, btudents and the puhllo are Invited. The regnlar Fall ana Winter Session commences ou TJUURSDAY MORNING at 10 a'clock. A few per petual Scholarships for sale very cheap. Apply at the UNIVERSITY, or at Professor PAUSE'S Private kM.n Im fiuO A Vt 'IT Ui.aAl Kal nr n t km at hnllNnr l ud 4 P. M. 10t trZZT' UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Sy M RD1CAL DKfARTM KN V, ONE HUNDRED AND I JUKD SEXTOS 18CMI9. 1 be retular Lectures ot this (school will commence on MONDAY, October 12, aud continue uotU the 1st ol March. Fee tor tne lull course. fi4o XI, m, UUliKlUS m. u., log fit Dean Medical Faculty. BATCHELOIi'8 HAIR DYE, THIS s? splendid Hair Dye la the best In tbe wotldj the only trne and perfect Dye; b armless, reliable. Instantaneous; ne disappointment: no ridiculous tints: remedies the 111 etlects of bad dyes; Invigorates and leaves tbe Halrsoh) and beantlful. black or brown, bold by all Drusf Ists and Perfumers; and properly appllttdat Bachelor's Wl factory, No, 1 Ho fib btreet. Mew York. l7mwf 33J- BEDS OF EASE, COMFORT, AND cleanliness, of superior and permanent elas ticity, and at less cost than any other good beds, are made from tbe patent Klastlo Sponge, This article possesses no leltlng properties, and retains Its elastic softness, being more durante than tbe best curled hair. Hmwll CARPETINGS. NEW ARRIVALS. Opening Dally, "Wiltons, Velvets, Brussels, OIL CLOTHS, ETC. ItEEYE L. KMUHT & SON, 1222 Chesnut Street. 1868. FALL. 1863. "GLEN ECHO MILLS." M'CALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CARPETINGS. Wholesale and Retail Warehouse, No. 509 CHE8NUT STREET. 1 8 wftnSm Opposite Independence HaU. p A L OPENING. CARPETINGS. ULEQANT WILTONS, VELVETS, BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIES, 3-PLYS AND INGRAINS, PARLOR, HALL, AND STAIRS T9 MATCH, LEEDOM & SHAW. 'o. 910 ASCII STREET, 9 It wfn.2m Between Ninth and Tenth Streets. FURNITURE, ETC. QREAT BARGAINS IN JJ TJ JXmiTJIfc 13. We will offer lor tbe next SIXTY SATS Oar Large, Elegant, and Fashionable Stock ofrUliAITUHE, At socb prices as will INbUKB BPJCEDY SALE 3 to close oar copartnership. ATWOOD & iiorrEK, No. 45 Sooth SECOND Street, 21mwflm8p Aboe Uheanut street, Bast Hide. JAMES S. EARLB & SONS, No. 81 6 CHESNUT Street, Invite attention to their stock of LOOKING-GLASSES. Which they offer at the v iif LOWEST PRlOBd l'hs btat manufacture onlj. NEW CHROMOLITHOGRAPHS Of every character. Works of Birket, Foster, Rich ardson. New Ohromo alter fteyer, eto, ENGRAVINGS PICTURE FRAMES, WINDOW O'JBNICEd, ETO ROGERS' GROUPS, War and Humorous Subject Sole Agency. Gallery of Fainting on free exhibition. 9 M f mwSmSp CHINA, GLASSWARE, ETC. -g-YNDALE & MITCHELL, IMPORTERS OF FINE CHINA, GLASS, AND STAPLE WARES, No. 707 CHESNUT Street, ABB NOW RECEIVING THEIR FALL IMPORTATIONS, WHICH WILL BE SOLD V AT GREATLY REDUCED TRICES. POLITICAL. JJISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, OFFICE OF COLLECTOR INTERNAL HtVKN OK, Second District Pennsylvania, No. UK DOCK yueet.' , POSTPONED BALK. Will be sold ai fublio bale, ou SATURDAY, Octo ber to at 11 o'clock, at the U. H. ltUNuKO WAtiK IlOESa), PKNM aud LOU BA KU Htroots.S largo iilae Copper Htllls aud S large s'se Copper worms, seined uuder warrant tit dlmralnl, and to be Bold aa tbe pro party of M loliael II urpby lor Uulted males Internal kevenu. taxes du aud unpaid. JOHN H. DIEHL Colleotor. Samvju. O.Cook, Auctioneer. ivit INSURANCE COMPANIES. rHlLADKLPHIA, Oct. 6, 1803. NOTICE. W II ERE AS, I have received offlcl! Infor mation that ORGANIZED BODIES OF EYIL-UIS- 170SED MEN, LN THE CITIES OF BALTIMORE, NEW YORK, And other places, have made preparations to visit the CITT OF rUILlDELl'IIIA TO TOTE AT TIIE NEXT GENERAL ELECTION In various Election Districts of this City; AND WHEREAS, It is the;determlnatlon of the constituted authorities to make every effort to DETECT, ARREST, AJiD 1'UMSII, With merited severity, all such oflendors agalnbt the laws of this Commonwealth; Now, therefore, all such persons are hereby notified and warned against any interference with TUe Rights of the Legal Voters And Citizens of Philadelphia, by presenting themselves at any election poll in the city of Philadelphia on the day of the General Eleo tion, And I do hereby call upon all Police' Officers to be active and vigilant In ARRESTING ALL SUCH PERSONS, With a view to their SPEEDY PUNISHMENT. And I further call upon all railroad agents and good citizens to communloate to the Mayor of the city, without delay, whatever informa tion they may have In relation to the said IN TENDED VIOLATION OF THE ELECTION LAWS of this Commonwealth. 10 84t WILLIAM B. MANN, DISTRICT ATTORNEY. UNION RErUBLlCAN TICKET. AUDITOB GENERAL. GEBXBAL JOHN P. HARTKANFT. BUBVBYOR QBNEBAIi. GIB1KAL JACOB M. CAMPBELL. CXI V HCJU1T. V A TOR GENEEAL HifiUToR TYNDALE EECEIVBB OK TAXES. K1CHAKD PKLUZ. CITY CONTKOLLEB. BAM (JUL P, HANCOCK. CITT OOMMIBSIONEB. MAJOR ALEXAMIKB MoCUEN. PB0TB0NOTART OF COCBT OF COMMON FLEAS. CAPTAIN KIOUARD DONAUAN. DISTRICT ATTOBHBr. CHAKLK3 GIBBONS. CITT SOLICITOR. THOMAS J. WORRELL. PRESIDENT JODOB OF THB DISTRICT COOBT. J. I. CLARK UARBS. ASSOCIATE JDDOB OF THB DISTRICT COUBT. M. RUSSELL THAYER. CONOBBS8. First District BENJAMIN L. BERRY, Sececd District CH ARL&3 O'NHILL. J bird Dlslrlct-LKONAUU MYEIM. Fourth District WILLIAM D. JtKLLEY, lUlU District CALEB N. TAYLOR, STATB SENATORS. Bccond District A. WILSON HKNPZEY fourth Dlatllcl UEOKUK CON NELL, BBFRRSENTATIVRS. First District DAVID FOY. KecuLd DUtrlot KOBKHT C. TITTERMARY. Tblrd Dintilct WILLIAM P. HAMH. Fourth District OEOBUE W. MYERd, Jb. Filth District JOtiEPH T. THOMAS, fclxlh District ( OL. CHABLKS KLECKNER. Seventh District J A M S SUBKR4. Eighth District JAMES V. STOKES. Ninth DlBlrict CAP1 . FRANK LOUO. Teutb District COL.EL1SUA W. DAVIS. Eleventh District WILLIAM U. BUNS. Twelith Dlstrlo; ALEXANDER ADAIRB. Thirteenth District KNOd C. KKNNEH. Fuurlmnlh District JOHN CLUUD. 10 8 t Fltieenth Dlxtrlct JA MES HOU4ATH. Slzteemh District COL. MARSHALL O. HONQ. stTenienth District COT . JOHN CLARK. Eighteenth District CAPT. ROBERT HERVEY. MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS, ETC. yE OPEN TO-DAY NEW LINES OP GIBBON'S, SATINS, AND VELVETS IKI3IMINU FOB BIILL1NEBT AND DRESS PUKPOSES. FEATDER9, FLOWERS, CRAPES. LACES, and a genorsl assortment of MILLINEUY GOODS. WliOLESALE AND RETAIL. Si II. S D. STERN. No. Tt4 AROH Btreet. t ?J wftnlm T EMFLE OF FASHION. MRS. M. A. BINDER, NO, 1CW1 CHESNUT BTREET, IMPOR1ER OF . LADIES' DREbS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS. Josi received, Frlrges, Gimps, Satins. Velvet Trim iuiuk, Riboous, Buttons, aud i e Ujods In Thread, Guipure, Ciuiiy, Valttucleunes. Point Appll'iue, Cul Urc, bete and Barbes, Ooillurts, Uauukerchlets, Whlia Waists, Berthas, OheuiUelles. Frtocta, Bcsicli. aud Hsinourg Edgings and I"rt Ings. cbolie patterns, Jouvlu's Eld uteres, Bridal Veils aud Wreaths, Frenon Corsets, Hoop bklris, uu tlons aud small wares. Dress and Clonk Mklog In all their departments. Bridal orders executed wltu the utmost care. Muuru lug and travelling outfits aud oilier transient work a mpleted at a lew hours' notice, at such rates as can But fU 1 ylvase, 'i4 IflMM 1"ILLINCHA8T A HILT '.8 INSUBANCE BOOMS, No. 400 WALNUT St. AGENTS AND ATTORNEYS FORI Home Fire Insurance Company, NEW HAVEN. CONS Springneld Fire and Marine Inn. Co., SPRINGFIELD, MAB6. Yonkcra and New York Insurance Co., NEW YORE Peoples' Fire Insurance Company, WOUOESTER, ICASS. Atlantic Fire and Marine Insurance Co., PROVIDENCE, R. 1, Gnardlan Fire Insurance Company, MErT tobk Lumbcnnan's Fire Insurance Co., CHICAGO, ILL iBsnrMoa affected at LOWE8T BATES. AU losses promptly and liberally adjusted at their Office, No. 109 WALNUT Street, H PHILADELPHIA. TTELAWAHE MOIUAL, BAFfcTY IJSSUH" J aui jurn. rn.ii , xuuurporatea by the Lel ture ot Fennsylvaula, 1888. u" iB1 Ofilce, Bontheasi corner third and WALHttt Marine U4ciURAx.c'ir On Vessels, Cargo, aid Freight, to ail parts 01 the . WorlK INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by river, canal, lake, and land carriage, to all part, ol the Onion. ' . KB" On merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling House. ,eto. ASSETS or TUB CO M PA If T Novemoer 1. lr7. 2fl0.000 united states Five Per Cent. Loan, 10-4US .u 201.0O6'OO 120,000 Tjniied States Flv. Per Ceut. ' w Loan, lKttl - 1M.400-O0 (0,000 United States 7 8-1U Percent. Loan Treasury Notes . BJ.662-50 too. 000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent, Loan 810 070 00 1Z0,UUU Viy Ul rUIIWil-lULHOM TBI IMUli, Loan (exempt from tax) 125,628 00 59,000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cout. Loan ,, 161. 000-00 sv.UUU rennsyivania jnauroaa f irst Moitgage SIX Per Cent. Bouda. 10,800-08 SS,000PennH7ivaula Railroad, Set ond Mortgage rilx Per Cent, bonds. 2S.875 00 SDiOUU fv nwrs renD.yivADis pmirusa Six Percent. Bonds (Prnnoyl- vanla Railroad guararMed... 20,000 00 80,000 State ot Tennsssee fve Per Cent. Loans... 18, 000 -00 7uuu oiai ui xeunessse dix rerueuf. Loan....... 427000 e,0uu,suii snares stocx of uermantown Oas Company (principal and Interest cuaranteed by tha . . clly of Phlladelphla)........M- 15,000 00 lfiM lBo Shares Stock of Peunaviva- . . . nla Railroad Company. 7,800-00 8,000 lOo Shares Stock of North Penn sylvanla Railroad Companv. 1,000-00 w,uw ou enares hiock r-nnaaeiphia andHonthnrn Mall Stcamuhln oni wi t Company IS.OOO'OO sui.wu xoans on BondR and Mortgage. first liens on CHy Property ,. HOl.WfOO 11,101,400 par. M.ooo-Q Mrke' VAJne. i,iti2,8osi-so BeA'KWAte. Bills Receivable for insurance t. .. ai.136 67 BaUnces due at Agencies Pre miums on Marine Policies Accrued interest and other debts due the Coupany 3,S3fU Btock and fcrlp of sundry Insa rance and other companies Cash l Bant07"005 'ta v.?(Sl":;0 ,'017'00 INSURANCE COMPANIES Thomas o. Hana, DIBKC j2S a Hand, John O. Ijiou ' iHoimiui l U 607,80s l5 John O. L.vl. Edmund A. bouder Joseph H. Seal, ' Thooptiilus Paulding, Hugh Craig Edward Darlington John R. Penrone, H, Jones Brooke, Henry aloau, George 6, Lei per, William O. Boulton, Edward Lafourcade, jaueu wegei, Samuel it. Mtn.o. James Tiaquair. ' William .11 Jacob P. Jones, "' rfiues a. MCJiarland. Joahn& V 1. ... ' John Dl 1 ,v tbpenoer Mc'lvalne, Uienry O. Dallett, Jr., ueor.e vy . iiernardon, D.T. Moigau.puuburc V """.Fie, a. si. iierger, " HENRT VYlJW. &ftt2i? Vice-President. HENRT BALL. Assistant Secretary, UN 129 C1U11TEB PERPETUAL. Franklin Fire Insurance Co. OF PniLAlt&jLPlIIAs OFFICE: ios. 435 and 437 CHESNUT STKEET. ASSETS OJt JAM CAHT 1. 19.S, 08,003,740 00, CAPTTAl. ... ... 4wO,OO0-t AWSUJCJ) aUIWLVS ,isUkS) f U&U1 Uj8.. ..1,1S A,a)4ttw UNtoETTLED CLAIMS. INCOME FOB law . , OOtt-. IiOSAKM PAID SINVB 18SB OTJKJB 06,600,000. PerpetnaJ and Tempoiary Policies on Liberal Terms. , DIRECTORS. Charles N. Baucker, .fciuuige Pales, Tobias W uglier, lAllrou FUler, Samuel Uraut, I frauds W. Lewis. M n Ueore W. iiiohards. Thomas Sparaa, " Isaac Lea, amiam S. Oraut. CHARLES P. BAJNCEER. President, tah W .Ft V.cPreaT,fenuea'' jab. vy. jHCALiioisit, Secretary pro tern. Exoept at Lexlu.tuu, Aeuiuuay, Ulia Oouiuany has no Agtucies rM. of pLisoutg. t,P;t't FHCEKIX IMsUBAACJB COMPAHY OP PtoiLADELPiilA. MU OJf US CORPORA TED ISO CHARTER PERPETUAI No. i44 W A Us Ui bireet, oppciie the ExchsuJ-r' This Company Insures from iun u( damage by FiRE, on liberal terms on buildings, merchandise, rurnltara etc.. for limited perioas, aud permaueauy ou build. Ings by deposit of premiums. The couiiiauy has been in active operation lor mora than SiATY VE Ra, during which ail losses hav. been promptly adjusted sud paid, in ukCiXJRft. John L. Hodge, , David Lewis, ai. y manoiiy, John T. Lewis, William S. Orant, Robert W. Learning, D, Clark Wharton. Lawrence Lewis. Jr. Benjamiu Eltlng, Thouias H. Powtra, A. R, MoHenry, Edmund Lasililon, -amuel WUcox, Lewis O. Norrls. i ... I UD win s v, a io JOHN R. WDClHEREii.Pra.Id.Ht. SairaBLWlXOX.Swr.aam Ktal FIRE INSDKANCB EXCLUSIVELY THB 1 KNNIS ViiV ANIA FIRdi 1NB0 KANOE COAC 1-ANY-lnoorioraled Charier Perpetual No CIO W AL UT bun et, opLoulie Inuepeudenoe Square This Company, favorably known totn.oummuuity for over forty years, Continues to insure agulutt loss or damage by Ore on Publlo or Private Buildings, Mther permanently or for a limited lime. Also on Furniture Stocks ot Goods, and M ere hau diss gene, rally, ou liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fond Is Invested In the must csrelul manner, whioh enable, them to offer to the Insured an undoubted security In the case ot low. DIB1.IVIM. Daniel Smith. Jr.. Alexander Benson, Ixaao tlSKlehurst, Thomas ttooins, John Deverenz, Thomas omith, Hnry Lewis, 3. rilllln.l.-n. Vail. . DANIEL KM1TU. J..PrsWnt WM, 0, CKOWtXJLa Secretary. ' lW S8UBA1SCE COilPANI NOR TIT AMERIQA, . Ko. 232 WALNUT STRKET, PIIILADA. IS CORPORA TED 1794. CHARTER PERPETUAL, llarlne, Inland, and tiro iMinata, J assets January i, i8G8, - $2,001,266-7 $20,000,000 Losses Paid in Cash Blnoa JU OrganliAtlon. i niiutirroaa. 1 Arthor O. Ooffln, (feorge L. Harrison, Francis R. Cme. Iso ward H. Trottar, Edward S.CIarka, T. Charlton Henry, Alfred I Jntup. John P. Wiille, Louis O. Madeira. Samnel W. Jonc John A. Brown, Charles 'lay lor, . Arnbros. White, Wllllara Welnh, Mcnnrd D Wood, S. Morris Wain. Jnhn af&ann. A RTF tTR O COFFIN, President. rnAKi.ni Platt heoreiarr. WILLIAM BURHLKR, Marrlshnrf, Pa., Centra! Agent for the Biaieof Penns Ivania. 125 i STRICTLY MUTUAL, PF.GVIDEWT LIFE AKD TRUST CO; OF PHILADELPHIA. orril'E, So. Ill H. rOLKTII STREET, Organised 10 promote LIFE INSURANCE amon meuibers ot the BOCIEnr OF FRIENDA Ocod risks of any class accet'teo. Pohcits liisnvd npou approved plane, at the lowest rates. j resident, 1 BA1ITEL R. MUIPLET. 1 Vice-President, WiLLiAM C. LONOST liETH. 1 Ac. nary, ROWLAND PARRT. I The advantagee offtred by this Coiuoarur are noi awn..ll.rt JOl 1 NEW PUBLICATIONS. NEW POBMOATION S.-J BEN BOLANDS UARDEN 16aio cloth, M cents, A story that will be round deeply lulereslln to the more Intelligent classes of Juvenile and o'he. reader.. The wilier has shown bow the rich ana pour may meet together wlih delight and profit to both, when Influenced by the power of Christ Ian love, i PILORIM BTREET: A TALE OF MANCHESTER LIFE. By the author ot "Jenslca's First Prayer,"., -Fern Holiow,' eto, IBmo., cloth, 06 cent. 1 A most touching aud beautiful story. The book 18 full of pathos, and we would commend It to onr read', era, Old atd young. Wtkly Review, I 1 he American feunday . hchool Union, No. 113; in jv-imj i rnrret, i-nuaaeipuia; lo. au niifl6w xorK aiwlst N. EW PUBLICATIONS. TUB TWIN RJSE3. lmo. Cloih. ii-2S. i A finely written book, presenting a well-drawn cnn. tram between a wise aud unwise training-ofnhiidren J atd c malDing eiemeuls of Intense Interest to older, as well as younger readers. J CI1KKRY, TUB MlBHloNART; or. the Church In' the Wilderness. By tbe author of "Story of a Chinese Hoy," etc. urns, Cloth, art cents, , AMERICAN HUN "AY 8UUOOL VH ION, i No. U 22 CHESNUT etreet. Pnlladelphla: i 10 8t 6i) BROADWAY, New York. a TBE E N O L IB II BOOKSTO RWJ . A large stock ot Engllsn editions of Books la every department of .Literature, particularly t hiauoard Rooks la plain aud hue bindings, Eleganily Illustrated Works, choice copies. , Books on Natural History and the Sciences. -Children's Books, a charming collection. 1 The store having changed proprietors, a large pt Eortlnn of the stock will be cloned out atVE-iYRE-LCKU PRICES, to make room for new stock coming In from the recent auction sales In New York, 10 6 No. Tit BANSLhM Si'RBET. ANOTUEtt OF MRS. WARREN'S DELIGHT ful Domestic Storlts that every young house, keeper mast read, HOW 10 FURNI8EI ; AND ADORN A HOUSE, WITH SMALL MEANS. CO cents bnys It at any Book Stoie or by mall, from 10 7wfm8t LORINO, Publisher. Boston. CLOTHING. rjBB OLDEST ESTABLISHED BOYS' CLOTHING STORE in tiie ration. We have now on hand a large assortment ol very fine Beady-Made Clotliln? for Boys, Which will be sold as cheap as the same style and quality can be purchased elsewhere. An extensive assortment ot fine CLOTH?, CASSI laKEES BEAVERS Etc., for gentlemen's order work. F. A. IIOYT & BRO., ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, 9 4 fsm2m TENTH and CHESNUT Streets, FOR SALE. WEST PHILADELPHIA. HOUSE FOB ale, south of Ataiket street. Easy terms, Prloe. teuuo. WILLIAM B. WEIR, lu 81 Noatwa CHESN UT Street. TO RENT. p O R R E N T. PREMISES, No. 809 CHESNUT St., FOR STORE OR OFFICE. AL0, OFFICES AND LA RGB ROOMS Sultahle for a Commercial College. Apply at I4U BANK OF THE REPUBLIO. AN OFFICE TO LET, FURNISHED OR unfurnished, No. 60S South TENTH Street. Inquire at 8 or 4 In the afternoon. 10 a ""watches, jewelry, etc. -tYUS LADOMUS & Cb; DIAMOND DEALERS JEWELERS. WATC11XS, JIWlLBt A MLTKB WAkk. " .WATCHES and JEWELRY REPAIRED. OaChetnpt St.. Phi. Wonld Invite particular attention to their large and elegant assortment of LADIES' AND GENTS' WATCHES . of American and Foreign Makers of theiilnest quality In bold and Sliver Cases. A variety of Independent X Second, for kortt timing. Ladies' and Gents' CHAINS ol latest styles, In If and 18 kt BTTTON AND EYELET STUDS In great variety newest pattern. BO LID SILVER WARS for Bridal presents; Plated -ware, etc l Repairing done la the best manner, and war ramed. 1 lHp FRENCH CLOCKS. a. RUSSELL, Ho. 22 K0RT1I SIXTH STREET, Baa Just received per steamer Tarlfa, a very large assortment Of FRENCH MARBLE CLOCKS, Procuring these goods direct from the best nana, factnrers, they are oUerod at the LO WEST POdSI. BLE PRICES. SB HOOP SKIRTS. 628. a0JZ?n 628. LA PANIER, and all other dealrable styles an slse ol our CELEBRATED CHAMPION SKIRT'S, for ladles, r Uses, aud children, constantly on hantl ai d n ad to oroer. Largest assortment in the oily ato specially adapted for first- class trade. CORr-ETSI CORnETSI COR6ET8I BeiaillLg at very low prices. Onr assortment la Cou.i le e embracing Ihompann's Ulnve Pining, la ail glades, iroai ta a Ki AS); Beckel's "uperlot Fr.i.ch Wi vin CorwUi, from 0 to ; sups. I lor V bairb. u baud mule Cornel., from t oems to a. MO In tM.li s aad circular gurel Mauame Foy'e Corset rklrl supporters, at l-SO. Aim. Mis. Moody's Patent Self-Adjusting AbdOmJ. lial lorst-ih! which every lady should examine. - Cor.et C,aiis. 0 cents a pair. wimlenaie and Retail Manufactory and Salesroom,' No. one) ARCH Street. I I aui WM. T. HOPKINS.