If I I ( THE. DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHIL ADELPIII A, ; FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1868. CITY INTELLIGENCE. t FB ASDITICRAl XCAL ITCMS SKK OtTTSIDS PAG MS. MORS Fbacdb. Chlf Lanion, of the Deteo tlve police lorce, In tho earl art of the week received word that a council of Kebcls and so called Democrats had been convened In Balti jnoie, where plans were matured tor the purpose or senditifr Maryland secessionists to this city to aid the Democracy in carrying; tho election. A number of leading Democrats or this city were present at that meeting, and assured their Dalit more friends that they would aid them in carry ing out their devllich desifrt s. Mr. Lamon's IntormHtlou pror-d correct, for the trains lion tae Mouumental City on Wed-nct-day night were throned wi h the roughs rent to this city to vote the Pemocrauc ticket. The Chief was at the depot with a po se of tun, and when the Hus-Cglies Blighted Iron the cars a raid was made upon then, and ten ot them weie cftored and loclied up. Yesterday afternoon they were taken beiore Aldermau Heitler, at the Central Station, where they gave tho following names, residences and occupa tions : Charles Ilatcbivs, gss Otter, No. 26 Thompson etriet. James Smvthe; hits chnrf! of Democratic hendanBrters, lives at No. 6 Acuity street. tirorpe W. Morri?, No. 5 Caroline street. Joseph Peters, carpenter, Nj. 134 Asiqulth stieet. John Rcouey, huckster, Ko. 67 McKelvey erect. J.'imeA Stanton. ailor boarding house keeper. No. 98 Thumps street. Thomas Selvage, carpenter, No. 3 Jefferson sirect. Robert Ilays, can maker, No. 128J Forrest street. Albert UeiKCshclmer, ship taiUh, No. 12 Blot street. ueorge Kenny, seaman, N . 22 Thames street. ' The prisoners were denude! oy I. Newton Prowu, assisted by two or i hrve lesser lights of tbe Rebel Democracy. Mr. tiro u took a djoU active interest in behalf ot hU friends, tho like of whom the leader, ot his purty delight to honor. The evidence which we print fIiows that the same prisoners, while on f. e train, beat Union soldiers, fang the Uebel air ot "Bonnie Blue Flag," and cheered lor their favorites, Seymour and til air. The first witness examined was Jacob II. Rich ardson, of No. 325 1 strept, Washington, cleric bupreoie Court ot thoUnl cd 8 aitn. who deposed that he came here on Wedneduy evening; that he was badly injured while on the train; recog nized Hutch ins as among the number who saog the Rebel long of the "Bonnie Blue Flag;" after this they gave cheers tor Seymour aud Blair; several of the Boys in Blue cneered for Grant and Collax; Hutcbins knocked witness sense less with a clnb; the assault occurred just oat side of Baltimore. George D. Jo!m"-on, residing in Washington, II. C, saw the crowd come In aud cheer for Sey mour aud Blair; then they sang the "Bonnie Blue Fiag;" he recognized llutchins, Roouey, and Teter as being in the catty. James T. Worruley, of Washington, testified that he was om the train coming from Baltimore, aud saw Hutching ilooney, and celvage in the car cheeilig and singing. William G. Crawford, residing In Washington, fleposed thatj he recognized Peters and Belvago as being with the party who maoe the attack. Policeman Kenny, First district, arrested Bianion; found a loaded revolver on his person; also arrerted Morris and Roouey. Chiet l.amon testided that h" ordered the arrest of defendants; that on Tuesday ho re ceived tniorajation to the enect that parties in l'-ulttmoie were arranging to tend men here for the purpose of voting at the comiug electiou; that two hundred werecnralugon Wednesday; iind that be arrested the delcn tants as the per sons who were mentioned in the description he had received. Mr. Brown requested Mr. Lamon to make public the information. Mr. Goforth, tor the Commonwealth, sal i that it would bo Improper for the Chief to state who his informants were, a their lives would be In danger in casa he should do eo. The aldermnn entertaiued the same view. He It HI all of the defendants tor a further heariug on Motday. On the arrival of the 225 A. M. train from Baltimore yesterday, the following parties were Arrested: John Deuny, Daniel Murphy, George fhali'ncr, Jacob Brown, Michael Murray, William Brown, John Miller and George Shunirick, on suspicion ot being a portion ot the roughs who have beeu sent here for the purpose of voting the Democratic ticket. One Johu Hesscn yetlerday made application to the Protbonotary ot the Court of Common Pleus lor naturalization papers. lie deposed that he was over forty years old; that he was Brder eighteen years of age when he arrived here from Iielsind and that he had been in this country fcince 1849, thus tbowiug that he was nineteen years old wheu he reached the United States, and not under eighteen, as be had sworn to. He had a hearing beiore Alderman Beitler, and was held to answer the charge of perjury. City Councils. The regular meetings of City Councils were held yesterduy afternoon. This was the business done: Select Branch President Stokley was In the chair. A resolution authorizing the Mayor to appoint for service on election day next as many special ollicers as necessity or emergency may require was 1'iitsed. A petition from the Board of Fire Directors of the tirst tire district was ottered by Dr. Kaiuerly. It protests against the reception of the vote of the Franklin Firo Company for assistant engineer. Another was received from the Niagara Hose Co. Both were referred to the Committee on Fire and Trusts. An invitation to the Chamber to be present at the reception of the "Boys in Blue" was received and accepted. A note was received from Chief Engineer Dow ney, of the Fire Department, announcing that as liis secretary he had appointed Frank N. Wharton. The appointment was confirmed. The quarterly statement of receipts and expendi tures of the Girard estate was presented and re ferred. A voluminous batch of petitions for gas and wa ter, paving and grading, was now presented. They were referred in due course to the standing com mittees. Mr. Pox, of the Committee on Election Divisions, Ottered resolutions as thus: That hereafter the Fif th division of the Tenth ward shall vote at No. 14o7 Race street; that the Sixth division of the Tenth wurd shall vote at Ko. 218 north Fifteenth street; that the Sixth division of tho Fifth ward vote henceforth at tho northwest corner of Filth and Powell. Passed. Tho Chamber approved the sureties of the now Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, aud then adjourned. Common Branch. President Joseph F. Maroer In the Chair. Several communications and resolutions wero re ceived and referred to the appropriate committees. Mr. Simpson ottered a resolution for the building of a culvert on Main street, Manayunk. Referred. Mr. Jlarpor ottered a resolution that tho city de partments he closed on Friday, ttie 2d day of Octo ber, out of respect to the National Soldiers' Con vention, now in session in this city. Agreed to. A resolution was ottered providing for tho open ing of Diamond street, from Twentieth street to Turner's lane, lteferred. Mr. Harper, of the Financo Committee, reportod several resolutions approving the sureties of cer tain supervisors and other ollicers. Agreed to. Mr. Bay, from the Committee on Highways, pre sented a hatch of reports recommending the grad ing aud paving of certain streets aud footways. Also, one notifying the Second and Third Streets Passenger Hallway to alter a portion of their track. Agreed to. A resolution was offered and agreed to granting the uso of Independence Hall ami square for tho reception of General George It. MeClellati, on the occasion of his expected visit to this city. Mr. Smith ottered a resolution instructing the Commissioner ot Highways to repave Walnut street, between Nineteenth and Twonty-ttrst street, kct'nrrnil to the Committee on Hiuhwavs. A resolution was received from Select Council liiuirni'tiiiir the Mavor to appoint a Hufftclent num ber of extra policemen to assist in preserving the tnnrA mi pltirtiiin iluv. Mr. Jlotzoll moved to postpone Lost nays30, jess 8. The resolution was tuen concurreu in. Mr. Kvhiih moved to reconsider tho motion adopt ing the resolution krautiuu the use of Independence Hall ami square for the purpose of a reception to fimwriil Mel li Han. Lost ven 8. riavs 20. A resolution was ottered changing tho place of vounu lu the Seventh division ot the f,liiuteoiitu ward. A motion wan made to refer to committee lMt-t yeas S, nays urt. Tho resolution was then agreed to. Adjourned. BfcREKADK to Jdo Brewster. Last evert ing a number of mcnib-rs of tba Bar took coaches at tbe new Court House and proceeded lo tbe residence of Judge F. Carroll Brewster, to tei.rlcr btm a serenade upon bis saf rstnrn fiom Europe. Hassler's Band ot twenty pieces iiccompaniid the party, and enlivened the occa sion with some ot the choicest airs. Gmtavus ftcmak, Esq., as chairman of the commute" Of srrhi.f fmrnts, welcomed JuJgf Brewster back to bis heme, and assured him that all the mem bers of the Bar h"ld h'm In the highest etiola tion, both for bis high chaiacter aa a man and bis fn.inrnt abilities a a Jurist. Jkds Brewster repouded to the compliment, his fpeecli abounding with term of gratitude forlhehieh consideration manifested towards him by tbe members o the Bar. with whom he had such pleasant associations for a number of jeats. The rsrly returned to the city after partaking of the hospitalities extended, highly dclighUd with the;r trip. Kf.tstokb Club Riotrrs. Last evening the members of the Keystone Club assembled at their headquarters, Cbesnut street, below 91xth, and commenced very noisy demonstrations, in , suiting every one who wore a uniform of tho Boys in Blue, and using most blasphemous and indecent language. A lew ot the soldiers would not stand their insolts, and tbey drove tho Cop p rheads into their den. In a short time a gang of Keystcners came out armed wi'.h axes, and made an indiscriminate assault upon every one within their reach. The police were quickly on the ground, and arrested the following rloters:-8tate Senator Morris J. Naglo, W. U. Murphy, with pistol; John Devino, with an axe; J. F. Cosfeldt, Joseph Ambrose, John McCunncy, and W. II. Gillespie. Tbey were all locked up at the Central Station for a heariug. MARINE TELEGRAPH. Fbr additional Marine Newt see Vint Page, 4I-MANA0 FOB 4UN HIHKS...M. SUN BCTW PHI LADELPH IA THIS DAT. JS'117 MOON ilHBII.MMMM.a.,.(, 6"J6 ,.5 4ll HieH WlTKa. i-u PHILADELPHIA. JBOAJU) Off TBADB, j-Monthly Oomkittkb. Town O. Jam Jobi PH C. Uhubb, John D. Tayluh. MOVKMKNTS UP OCEAN BTKAMERS. FOK AM1KIUA. ..Lomlon...iew Vork.u.M....l Atalanta., Kiua. ..Sept. 19 ..Liverpool. ..New York Aleipo.............l.lveriool...ISew York.. H , t.t.i ti .1 Uniilh.ranllili Mum I'lW ...Llverpool...New York ...l.iverpool...New York....... ... Llveriool...New York Aunlrlan... Llverpool...Queb-c .Hepu 24 nnuiuvuitti.DuuiiiBiuiiiuUH.iiew 1 U1K MMH,HndUh JA Minnesota., O.ot Pari, Denmark.. Seuu 19 leui. 21 Sept. 21 Sept. 28 ....Hnpt. 25 .MHepl go ....Kept. 2d ..-ben, M -Oat. Oot. ..Got. -Out. ..Oct, ..oat. ., ,Oct. Oct. Iowa.. ......UIm8koWm...Nw York. Vlllede lJrli....brei.... ...... New York (..ofWanhlDKtou. Liverpool. ..New York.. Java Liverpool... New York., . rou KUKOPB. 0.of Antwerp...New York...Liverpool... St. Laurent .New York...Havre......... Hlbernla,.m..New York.01ang;ow...., Krln ....New YorkLlverpool... W"m. Penu New Y'ork...lAnlou Westphalia New York...llmburii.... O. ol N.York.New York...Llverpool., vuor r.ew rork... Liverpool Oiiy ol Paris. ,.New York...Llverpool , auripa...... iew l ori...uHKow Pioneer -.Pbtlad -.WUmlngion..Oct. Santiago deCubaNewYork...Aplnwall net. Junlai..MM...PhIlad,....New Urieaua......Ocb, Clunjbla........New York...Naasau-. Oct. M Blln ft. i n turwftrilMl hv ava-w tcu.nn.'..'tk.. .a.iiB. lines, 1 he steamers for or from Liverpool call at Vliieenstown, except the Canadian line, which call at LondnDdeiry. Tbe steamers tor or from theUontl neut call at Southampton ... CLEAKBD YESTERDAY. .h P Tuscarora, Kowlaod. Mobile Cope Bros. mi k &OKDieR, Parsons. Biwton. John Kommel, Jr. nriKniorismiio, Morton, UostoB, Tyler &Oo. lij i Ay iioid, Mlnniss, bu John, N, li.. Warren A BrlK Manson. Ollker. Portland. i- bebr HorleiiBla. Norton, Bohioo, L Aadenrled dk O) rchr Ocean Wave, Baker, Providence, J. Koainiel.Jr. ISchr Morning, Ireland. Btonlngum. do. debr Heading RK. No. id, Toralto. Mystic, do. fsclir GleDwcod. Lawrence, Fall Klver, do. Hcbru. W, Krebs, Canlale, Baltimore, Lennox & Burgess, Pchr J. W. Allen, Doane. Boston, do. Bcbr J. B. Moore, Nlckersou Boston, Wannemacher A Co. Bchr J. Maxfield, May, Boston, Caldwell, Gordon 4 Co. Schr Sarah. Cobb, New Bedford. Blaklaton.QraefT&Co. PL 1 1 1 r . nwiuiti'Buicip uu.buu, viiaiu. bchr Tremont, Young, Piovincetown, uinnlckson & Parg'e Beading BR, No. 78, Flllman. Norwich, d0. Hhium KefidluK No. 80. Blooumhurv. im. VnrV rt M'r Dtcaiur, Koblnsou, BaltitLOre, A. Groves, Jr. esi r a. j. oiiuicm. miui, inew lorn, w , p. ciyoe&CO. M'r H. WllllnR. Cliudin, Baltimore. A. Uroveii. Jr. Tug TtiOS. Jefferson. Allen, for Baltimore, with a tow ABBIVKD YK8TERDAY. N. O. barque Plora. Gramlth, 76 daya from London. wltb mane, to Jdenry Baralen. jj. U. naiqneODkel. Homager. S days from New York. In buUast to Workman & Co. BrigTiifrS. VVa ter. Kohiuson, io days Irom Berraoa. In ballaKt to Moro Plilllips. Brig P. Larrnbee, Crowed, from New York, la bI Itm 10 Warren A Grtgg. nrig ftcmioi, rsruons, rrom New York. Bchr Win. Tice. Tlce. 5 (lavs from NHwhern. with lumber to Norcrnss A BheeiB. Hcnr J. w. Alien. Doane, irom New York, In ballast to Lennox A Burgess, bchr Ocean Bird. Trnltt. 8 dsvs from Ponnmnir. ilver, Md , with lumber to Collins fe Co. tour riortersia, Norton, from New York, in ballast 10 Warren A Gregg. bchr Annie K. Lerrlckson, Tnnnell. 2 days from Lenes, Del,, with gram to Moore, Wheatleydk Cjt Hugh am. hchr Frank Herbert, Chase, from New York, with salt to Calvin B. crowell. Kcbr War Eagle, Crowell, from New York, with tan to A. Kerr Bro . r?cbr YeomaD, Laws. 6 days from Concord, Del., wltb lumber to Moore, Wheatleydk Cottingbam. l-chr fcewell. Bennett. 1 day from Indian river, Del, wltb bark toColllns &Oo. BcbrMaryJ. Fisher. Fisher, 5 days from Norfolk With lumber to Collins A Co. bebr Wm. lownsend, McNItt.l day from jTrederlca, re', wltb grain to Jas. L. Bewley A Co. Bchr J. M Ciayum, Thomas, 1 day from Frederlca. Del., with grain to Jss. L. Bewley dk Co. Bchr Clayton A Lowber, Jackson, 1 day from Smyrna. Del., with grain to Jas. L. Bewley A Ca. Bchr F, Keating, Daniels, from Delawaie Break w'. . . Bcbr Mary O. Farr, Maloy, from Boston, Bteamer A. C. Btlmers, Knox, 24 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co. Bteamer Black Diamond, Meredith, 24 hours from New York, wltb mane, to W. M. Balrd dtCo. Bteamer F. O. Bid die, MoCue, 24 bou a irom Dew York, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co. TugThoa. Jefferson, Allen, from Bait. mere, With a tow ot barges to W. P. Clyde A Co, MFMOKAKDA. Pteemshlp Utility, 1 aigo, hence, at Providence 29th ultimo. Bteamsbip Fanlta, Freeman, henoe.atNew York 3t lh nit. Bteamshlp Frcmetheus, Gray, ben;e, at Charleston B eamtblp Not folk, VKO.lieaoa.at Richmond 29th UII'DjO. Bt amtblp Roman, Baker, for Fhlladelp'a'a, cleared at HoBion suth ult. Baique Linda, Hewitt, sailed from MiUnias2lst ult , for New York. Barque John Bonlton, Lindsay, sailed from St. Jaro lilh ult. lor Bremen. B, rqne Bcud, Crosby, for Philadelphia, Silled from Lenta loth ult. Baique Irma, CnmmlDgs, 13 day fiom Sagua, at New Yrk 80lh ulu lirlg George 8 Berry, Foisett. 20 days from Zaza yta Delaware Breakwater, at New York With ult. Brlii Si. V. Merrick, Norden, hence, at Zaaa 13th ult.. vlaKeyWfBt. , . Prigs Aunandale, Coombs, and Eurus, Wiley, hence, at Boston yesterday. JMg Bea Fi am. Coombs, hence for Boston, at Holmes' Hole 29ih ult Bcbr J. j. Bpeucert Fleming, hence, at Cardenas Bchrs N. Jones, from Matthias, for Philadelphia, and Mi. J. Ueraly, hence tor Beverly, at Uolmei'ilole "icfcriV Blew. Peterson: Jas. Allderdlce. Wllletta. and Mary and llia, W hiting, hence, at Boston 3uth Ulc-chr"M. M. Freeman. Howes, for Philadelphia, cleared at BosUn 8Hb UlU WeanierB. C. Walker. Bherln, for Philadelphia, cleared at New York yesterday. HOOP SKIRTS. SPECIAL NOTICES. fiOfi HOOP SKIRTS, JOS NEW FALL STYLES. LA FANIER, and all other desirable styles and 4Vlo of onr CELEBRATED CHAMPION SEIRT3, for ladles, D-lases, and children, constantly on hand at a mane to in er irji wauriuinn iu tueuiiy ar,0 specially adapted for first claas trade. CORBETBI COKbETSI CORSETSI Betalllug at very low prlcea. Oar assortment Is complete, embracing 'I'hompsou's Glove Filllig. lu ail giadea, Irom tin Hi to laao; Beckers tuperlol Fri,eii Woven ComeUj, from Si'lft to SV9U; aupa ilor w haiehne hand made ConeUi, from Ml oen' to M In .Oleic, and circular gore; Madame Foy's H J "el bklrt huppurtera, at Si-aO. Also. Mrs. Muodi's Patent Beif-Adjntlng Abdomi nal Corsei.; whim every lady should exauiluu, 4'oisei C.ar 4 rem a pair. Wholee.le and lteti.li Manulactory and Ralearoom. Ahtli B.rctt . DjSjy Wt. T, liOPKINB, ipEgr wuKjiirs alconatkd glycerin Tablet ofBolldlded Glycerin tends to pretcrvt tbe skin tromldryneM aqd wrinkles, imparu a won JerfXil degree or eofioeM and delloary to the com plexion, aud whiteness to tbe skin: la an excellent dentifrice, giatelnl to the taate and tonlo to the month and gums : Impart swewtnen to the breath, and renders theteetb beautifully white. For CHEBNUT HtreeU 4 frT- KOTIC1. DELAWARE AND BARI Tan canal com pa n y. . Taascrviw, Sept. 29 1S"S. On ard arte October S. the througU toll on anthra cite c al will be as follow: On that pausing through from the ontlet at New Hope to New Brunswick, forty-three (43) cenu per ion. On that pawtlng through from Ilordentown to New BruLSWIck, Includltig steam towage: From Fairmount to New York, seventy-two (72) cents per ton. From Richmond to New York, sixty-seven (67) cents per toe. W ithout steam towage: By barges aud boat towed by steam, sixty (60) cents per ton. By sailing vessels, forty (40) cents per ton. JOHN li. HTrCVKWS, 8Pt Engineer and Superintendent. fT" AT A MEETING OP THE BOARD OP iy MANAGKHH OF THK PHI LA DKLPHt A. GKRMANTOWN, and N0KRI81OWN KAILROAD COM PA MY, held beptember 10. 188, a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT, on the capital stock of the Com pany wm declared, payable, clear of taxes, on and alter tbe 1st of October next. Tbe Transfer Books of the Company will be Olose.l on the inh lust., and remain closed uotll the lstot October. A. E. .DOUGHERTY, 11 ftt Treasurer. OFFICE M'CLIKTOCKVILLF PETRO LEUM COMPANY. No. 417 WA LN UT Street PHILAD1CI.PHIA, Hfpt, IS, lim. The Annual Meeting of the Htocaholaers will be hfldat their Oflice on TUEeDAY, October 6, at 12 o'clock. Noen. B 26 st ALBERT L KERN, BecreUty. tT BATCUELOR'S UAIR DYE, THIS Splendid Hair Dye Is the best In the world; tbe only true and perfect Bye; harmless, reliable. Instantaneous; no disappointment: do ridiculous tint; remedies the 111 eflects of bad dyes; Invigorates ud leaves the Hair soft and beautiful, black or brown, hold by all Drnrglsts and Perfumers; and properly applied at Batchelor'S Wig Factory, No, 16 BOflD btreet. New York. 1 87mwf ITS? MESSR8. STEWART CO., s-' Upholsterers, Brooklyn, N.Y., state, In regard to Elastic Bponge, that tbey "furnished several cburcbes with cushions to the entire satisfaction of the parties Interested, after putting it to tbe thousand and one testa of Chnrch Committee. 8 3 niwf DRY GOODS. SELLING OFF ! TO CLOSE BUSINESS. lease, Fixtures, and stock FOR SALE. Established Twenty-Soyen Years, (TAN OF WDICn IN PRESENT LOCATION. MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS, ETC. "y E OPEN TO-DAY NEW LINES OP MBBOAS, SATLNS, AKD YELYETS FOB M1LL1SEKY AND DRESS TIUMIIINO TUWOSES. FEATHERS, FLOWERS, CRAPES LACBH. and a general amortment of MtLLINKRY OOOD3 WBOLEAALE AND BKTA1L. , 8. II & T. STERN, t wrmlm ' No. TS4 AROH Street, fJJ E M P L E 0F F A B II I 0 N. MRS. M. A. BINDER, NO. 10S1 OHESNUT BTREET, IMPOR1KR OP LADIES' DRErsa AND CLOAK TRIUUINQ9. Jnst received, Fringes, Gimps, Batlna. Velvet Trim ming, Kibooni, Buttons, aud Lace Goods In Thread, tiulpore, Cluny, Valenciennes, Point Applique, (Jol larr, Heta and Barbes, Coitl'urts, Uaudkerchlets, White Walsta, Berthas, Chemlsettna. French, Bcetcb, and Hamburg Edgings and Insert Ings, choice patterns. Jouvln's Kid Uioves. Bridal Veils and Wreaths, French Corsets, Hoop Hklrta, no tions and small wares. Iirees and Cloak Making In all their departments. Bridal orders executed wltu the utmost care. Mourn ing and travelling outfits and other transient work c mpleted at a few hours' notice, at such rates a can not fall to please. 23 wfm24t CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ETC. 1868. CLOTnjOUSE. 1803. W. T. SNODGRASS & CO., o. 34 South SECOND Street, Kespectfully announce that their stock of WOOLLENS, FOK MEN'S. LADIES' AND BOYS' WEAK, IS COMPLETE, Wa especially Invite the Ladles to call and set onr extensive assortment ot FABRICS FOR MANTLES, 6ACQTJE8, and WALK INOtsUIlB, From a Velveteen to a Montagnao Velvet Cloth. FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, We have every style, from a mixed Coating to the FINAST CHEVIOT. BOYS' WEAR In endless variety, 9 24 lm rp CLOTHING. The undersigned announces to the public that he wll sell, at ana DELOW COST, HIS ENTIRE STOCK, CONSISTING OF SILKS, RIBBONS, SATINS, RUCHES YELYETS, FLOWERS, Etc ALSO, A LARGE STOCK O F REAL LACE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, IMITATION LACKS, GLOVES AND FANCY GOODS. TO BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST. TO CLOSE THE CONCERN, WARBURTON, No. 1004 OHESNUT St, 9 7mwf lm pnuADELpnii. pOR THIRTY DAYS I WILL SELL AT A GREAT SACRIFICE rait SURPLUS STOCK, Brought from the Old Store, COBNEB OF SEVENTH AID CIIESNUT AT THE NEW STORE, No. 1128 CHESNUT Street, T WO DOOBS BELOW TWELFTH. f smwf 6m JAMES M'MULLAN. QARD TO COUNTUY MERC II ANTS. tsi aeWl-i K3 We have established a Department for tbe conve nience of COUNT KY MERCHANTS who do not wish to boy whole pieces of fine goods. We Will cat FINE SILK3, DRESS GOODS, LINEN GOODS, CLOTE6, and CASSIMERBS la such quantities aa will best suit their sales ,aud con venltnoe, at the regular wholesale rates. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, CENTRAL DRY GOOBS STORE, (On.EIOUTU AKD MARKET ST BEETS, J 24 6m PHILADELPHIA. CARRIAGES. GARDNER & FLEMING CARRIAGE BUILDKR8, No. 214 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, BELOW WALNUT. Xn asBortmcnt of NEW AND SECOND-HAND CABBIAGSB always on hand at reasonable PRICKS. m"m RODCEKb' AND WOSTEN HOLM'S POCKET KN 1 V KS. Pearl and biax llanditw, of bnantlful lliilnh KUUUIUia .nu nawa u du iniLK n HA' iUHH, nd the neli-brated LMX)ULTU1 KAZuU bCIhKOHWOl tbe tliiwil quality. hMoni Knives, Holssom, mid Table Cntlery Ground and i Po'lihed, at P. MADEIRA'S, Nu U& H. TtNTU ueet.below Cbesnut. Sort PATENTS D. PANT8 SCOURED AND hi ItVTCHKH from 1 to 6 luchea, at Motutt, French t:-am Uyelna nd Hcunrina:, No. Bit N, 'JJIIE OLDEST ESTABLISHED BOYS' CLOTHING STORE IN THE fJHIOST. We have now on hand a large assortment of very fine Ready-Made Clothing for Boys, Which will be sold aa cheap aa the same style and quality can be purchased elsewhere. An extensive aaaorunent of fine CLOTHS, CASSI MERES, B&AVEJBS Etc., for aenUemen'a order work. F. A. 1IOYT & BRO., AEBEMBLT BUILDINGS, Btfsmtm TENTH and CHESNUT Streets. LIFE INSURANCE. E. W. CLARK & CO., BANKERS, No. 35 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA, GENERAL AGENTS FOB TUB National Life Insurance Co. OF TUB UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, I OB IDI States of rcnnsylvanla and Southern New Jersey. a TIIE NATIONAL; LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY Is a corporation chartered by Bpeolal Act of Congress, approved Jaly 25, 1SC8, wltb. A CASH CAPITAL OF 0E MILLION DOLLARS, And Is now thoroughly organized and prepared for business. Liberal terms ottered to Agents and Solid tors, who are Invited to apply at oar office. Fall particulars to be bad on application at our office, located In the second story of our Banking House, where Clroulars and Pam phlets, fully describing tbe advantages offered by the Company, may be had. E. W. CLARK & CO.,. XO. 15 SOUTH TniBD STREET, 8 8 tuf tf PHILADEDPHIA. PAPER HANGINGS, ETC. ALL PAPER 8. WE ABE NOW RETAILING OUB I M PI E N 8 E STOCK CP PAPER HANGINGS, FOR HALLS. PARLOUS, Kto. NEW GOODS constantly coming tn, and first-clas workmen sent to any part of tbe country, - HOWELL & BOUIiKE, Corner of FOURTH and MARKET 9 4finw2m PHILADELPHIA. WOOD HANGINGS. fTUB MAGNIFICENT NEW RJOMS J. or rai WOOD HANGING COMPANY, Ko. 1111 CIIESXUT STREET, Are now open i where tbey are prepared to respond io all oideis at tbe sburitst notice Tbe public are Invltod to call and examine tbe beautiful effects oi WOOD UA.U1KU in WALL DEC0RATI0S, Arid get correct and reliable Information In reference to lis adaptation, cu., aud all partlouUrs roapectlua Ibesaiue. MmwMuirp NEW PUBLICATIONS. EW PUBLICATIONS. From tbe Press ot CLAXTON, REMSEJi & II AFFELFtNG ER, Kos. 819 and 811 MARKRT BTREET. rCBMNIIED THIS DAT, NEPT. 21, L A HISTORY OF THE NEWB'jH lOL.anaoribe qnstlona Involved In tbe disrupt n of tbe Pieabrte rlan Chnrcb In 18.1 Br Samuel J. Jalrd, U D. 12m o clotb, l?. 1 CHILDREN WITn THE POETtS. By Harriet B.UcKeevtr. author of "Twilight Muslaga," "Bon shlae," "Edith's Ministry," "Woodcllu"," '-Fiounoed Bobe," eta e'e. 12mo, cloth, fi so. CALLAMDRA. A Movel, By Julia Pleasants. 12mo, cloth, -7S 4. THE BACHELOR OF SALAMANCA. Trans lated from tbe FreDcb by the author of "Oil 111m," "Devil on Two bucks." etc etc By James Town send, 2 TOls., 18 mo., cloth, 8lto. IN TRKSS AND WILL BE PTJBLT8HED SHORTLY I. TIIE VON TOODLEBURGS; or, The HMoryol a very Dlstlngnlshed Family. An Historical Novel, By F. Colburn Adams. Wltb Illustrations from origi nal designs, i2mo, clotb. II. A TREATISE ON THE IIORSE'S FEET, their Diseases and bow to treat them. By Dr. L. A Braley, Chief Veterinary Burgeon U. & A. Wltb alzty-Bve engravings, Illustrating the horse's foot In all Its points; aa well aa tbe diseases to which It Is In cident. HO pages, 8vo. III. TALES OF ALGERIA From the Veloce Of Alexandre Dumas, By Richard Meade Bache. With five original lllnatratlons. 12mo. clotb, extra. IV. LIVE-S LOTTERY: OR. LIFE AND ITS AIMS. A novel. 12mo, cloth. V. SOUTHLAND WRITERS. Biographical and critical sketches of the Living Female Writers of tbe Bouth.wlth extracts from their writings. By Ida Raymond. VI. GHABDAIA. Or ninety days among the Bnl M'aab. A narrative of adventures on the Oasis of tbe Desert of Sahara. By Dr. O. NaphegyU 12mo, clo'.h. VII. SILVER THREAD. By Miss McK sever author of "Children with the Poets." Umo, cloth. VIII. MAROONERS' IBLAND. Ba the author of "The Young Marooners." 16 mo, cloth; Illustrated. IX. GLOBE BYRON. The Poetical Works of Lord Byron. Globe edition; complete In one voL 16mo, X. THE DISEASES OF SHEEP explained and descrlbtd, with tbe proper remedlea to prevent and cure the same. WITH AN KfeSAY ON CATTLE EPIDEMICS, especially dedicated to the nse of farm ers, sheep owners, etc By Henry Clok. V. 8., gradu ate of the Royal College at Berlin, Prusia, and late Veterinary Burgeon-ln-Cblef of the U. B, A, Umo. Clotb, Illustrated. XI. WASHED ASHORE; OR, THE TOWER OT BTOBMODNT BAY. By Wm. H. Q. Kingston, au thor of "Peter, the Whaler," etc., etc., 16 mo, Cloth, extra; handsomely Illuminated. XII. THE LITTLE CHILD'S FABLE BOOK, Arranged progressively In words of One, Two, and Three Syllables, wltb Blxteen Illustrations, By GeorglnaBoweis, Engraved by Joseph Swain, 8mo. Clotb. Extra. XI1L THE BUTTERFLY'S GOSPEL and other Stories. By Frederlka Bremer. Translated by Mary Howltt, Umo. Cloth. Extra. XIV. TOLD IN THE TWILIGHT; R BHORT STORIES FOR LONG EVENINGS. By Sidney DaryL With Illustrations by Gulsse Brldgman. 16mu. Cloth. Extra. Orders from the trade solicited. CLAXTOX, REMSES & UAFFELFIX'GER, Fubllsbers, Booksellers, and Stationers, Nw Sis and Silt HAHEET s:reet, 1 21mwf6t Philadelphia, MEW PUBLICATIONS. X BEN BOLAND S GARDEN. 16mo cloth, 90 tenia, A story tbat will be found deeply interesting to tbe more Intelligent classes of Juvenile and other readera. Tbe wilier bas sbown bow the rich and poor may meet together with delight and profit to both, when influenced by tbe power of Cnristlan love. PILORIM BTREET: A TALE OF MANCHESTER Lit jy. ijytneaninor ot "Jessica's f irst Prayer,' ' fern Hollow.'- etc. ISmo.. clotb. 65 cents. A most touching and beautiful story. Tbe bonk Is iu ti oi patnos, ana we wtuia commena it to our reu ers. oia and vouch. U'eeklu Review. The American Sunday . Hcbool Union, No. 1122 chk-m i' Mrtet, rniiaaeipuia; iso. out mkuad- wax, xvew i orx. w wiaat CARPETINGS. p A L L OPENING. ELEGANT WILTONS, VELVETS, BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIES, 3-PLY3 AND INGRAINS, PARLOR, HALL, AND STAIRS TO MATCH, LEEDOM & SHAW, Ko. 910 ARCH STREET, 9 16 wfm2m I Between Ninth and Tenth Streets. 1868. FALL 1868. "GLEN ECHO lliLLS." M'CALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS CARPETINGS, Wholesale and Retail Warehouse, No. 509 CHESNUT STREET. 0 1 wftnsm Opposite Independence Hall. FURNITURE, ETC. AMUSEMENTS. ) R I C K ' E T AKD 13 .A. & IS 13 A. la KXTKAOIIDINAIIY I riilladclphla tf. AIl-EngLmd. Uultcd States ys. All-England. ATHLETIC T8. All-England. These International Match. ni .n B.n DAY NEXT, October I, at Ji A.f.,and closaoa MONDAY, October 11. FIB8T MATCH, October . 6, 8. Twenty-two AmerlcanLofPhiiuiainki. v n.w ProlesslonaL ' " 6E00ND MATCH, October , t, 10. Twenty-two of All United Btatea th. Knirii.h lesslonala. third MATCH. October II. Athletic Nine rs. Koglltb Prolenlonals, TO BH PLAYEt , C IN TH GERHANTOW Take cars at Ninth and Ureea, Trftlr . .t 1. ID. II. II 1. 1 I'M t in . . . Muu . wm a ion opposite Cricket Field. Excursion tickets at reduced a eaacvf A m la Inn v flnnl nl.lfnrm. t..H..V.H-..MM..MMM,.MM -..W...,.....,.W Of Notb. No season or reserved seat tlckeU are transferrsbe. Tickets for sale at CHAS. W. A. TRUMPLER'S Music Btore, No. 928 CHESSUT Btreet, and at JOSEPH PARKER'B. MAIN Btreet. Qermantowa. Tbe Germanla Band has been engaged. Restaurant and Refreshments on tbe Gronnd. t at q-EW CUiSKUT EIBEI THKATJJB t'r.u., October I, MAD'LLK MAK1 K BONFAHTI, LAST NIGHT BUT ONE of the Beautiful Legendary Romantic Drama, , , UNDINE. The theatre entirely crowded irom pit to dome. i'AhiSWiU, OF BONi'ANTI. Immense rush for secured seats t .."RUI FAREWELL WEEK. Delight at the BEAUTIFUL WATER LILY BALLET Great enthusiasm o er tbe CARNIVAL I) B VENIBE. Unmistakable plraaure of everybody with the NEW IsONOM KKOM BAKBK BLEU. NEW HuKUd FROM BAHdU BLEU. Farewell of all the Company, Remtmbei the verr lastwet'kl Kecnrs j our bo. is I ADMISSION-Dress Circle, W cents. Orchestra. IL Family circle, 26 centa '" bAiUHDAY BKNB.FIT OF MAD'LLE BOHLKE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, ONLY UiSDINE MATlNEfi, MONDAY. Octobrr 6, BOUCIOAULTB DRAMA, "FOOL PLAY." Stcure seats sli days la adv.uce. MRS. JOHN DBEW'S ARCH 8TRBET THE ATRE. Begins al quarter to 8. LAST COMEDY MuUT BUT ONE. THIi (Friday) EVENING, October 2, Bnckatoae'a comedy eui Hied LiliPYKAB: OK. TiiK LADIES' PRTVrT.WQ-B! illns O'Leary .M rs. JOHN DUE rV QREAT DARGAINS IN jrXJIlISflTUllE. We will cfler for the next BIXTY DAYS Our Large, Elegant, and Fasliloaable Stock of FUKMTUHE, At sach prices as will INSURE SPEEDY BALE3 to close our copartnership. ATWOOD & 1I01TEK, No. ii South BSC )ND Btreet, 0 21 mwflmSp Above Cbesnut street, East Hide, JAMES S. EATILE & SOXS, No. GIG CHESNUT Street, Invite attention to their stock of LOOKING-GLASSES. Which they offer at tbe very LOWEST PJUOKS 1 he best manufacture only. nEW CHROHlO-LITnOGRAPHS 01 every character. Works of Birket, Foster, Ilioh atdton. New Chromo alter Peyer, etc. ENGRAVIIiGS picrcna fbames, WINDOW CJRNICEi, ETC ItOCiEKS' UltUll'iH, War and Humorous Butjects Bole Agency. Oaliwy cf Palutragsonfreesxblbltlon, fmw3aisp I Aided hv Hit Full CnmDftnr. After Which THE BVVlbtj WAINd. R-setU MUa FANNY DAVENPORT bwlg...... .....Mr. R. CKAIljt MONDAY LOITA Li t TLE NELL AND TBE MAROHIONEaa. ALNDT ST. THE AT KB, BEGINS ATi To I THIS (Friday) EVENING. Oct. a. ' BEWKFIT OF HUH F. W. LANDER, who will appear for the t FlbbT TIME IN PHILADELPHIA, In Mrs. Frances Kemble's translation ol Uchlllei'a gltat historical tragedy of MARY BTUART, QUEEN OF BCOTS. Mary btuart...... ....... Mrs. F. W. LANDER lu rehearsa1, Reed s tragedy ot MAK1E ANTOINETTE, QUEEN OF FRANCE. OOLEY'S OPERA HOUSE, BJEVIENIH. Bueet, below Arch. UOOLEY'd MINSTRELS iu a NEW PROURAMME. SECOND WEEK, ARDIMtfKiNgE HUCOttua OF 9he grand duohk88, third week of tm e dutuh comedian, job emmett. First week Of THE TERPSICHORE AN WONDER. MASTER WTEVIE ROUEHri. 9 28 St MUSICAL FUND HALL. CARL 8ENTZ 8 GRAND OHCUEsTKA M ATTNEE9, EVERY BATURDAY AFTERNOON, FROM Oct. 11. Subscription Tlckeu, adniitilug to thirty Ooucerts.i). Package ot four Tickets..- i. Bltigle Admhs lon.... -....so cenia. Can be bad at Boner's store, No. llitt Cbesnut street, where engagements m be made for Concerts, Com pjencements, Private Parties, etc. io l R. THUNDER'S CHORAL CLA5S WILL hold their FIRST REUEARdAL on WED NEBDAY EVENING, October 7. A few vacancies yet to be filled. Applicants wll please apply to Mr. THUNDER, between 2 and! o'clock, at No. m B. FOURTH Btreet. 18 6t FOX'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE, 4 EVERY EVENING AND SATURDAY AFTERNOON. GREAT COMBINATION TROUPE, In Grand Ballets, Ethiopian Burlesques, Bongs Dances, Pantomimes, Oymuast Acts, etc. WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETC. ' FRENCH O LOCKS. G. W. RUSSELL; KO. 22 K0RT1I SIXTH STREET, Has Just received per steamer Tarlfa, a very large assortment of FRENCH MARBLE CLOCKS, Procuring these goods direct from the beat maun factnrere, tbey are ouered at tbe LO rVEBT POS3I. BLE PRICES. 6 2B FOR SALE. JiOR 3 ALE. A It. A It E CUAKCE. Tbe Stock, Fixtures, aud Lease of the old and succMaiul biand of the undersigned, located In the most central part of CHEBNUT Street, No. looi Established Twenty-seven Years (Ten of which In. the prteent location) for the sale or Bilks, Ribbons, Millinery, Lace, and Fancy Goods. Tbe Proprietor going out ol business. Apply promptly to . . JObN WARBURTON, No 1004 CHESNUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa, TO RENT. F O R R E N T, PREMISES, Ko. 809 CIIESKUT St., FOR BTORE OR OFFICE. AL"0, OFFICES AND LARGE BOOMS suitable lor a Ouicuiaicial College. Apply at MU BANK OF THE REPUBLIC, AN OFFICE TO LET, FURNISHED OR uniurulsbtd, No. 6w boutu 1 EM I'll Btreot, lmiulre at 8 or 4 lu tbe afiernuuu. lua TRUSSES. "BtELII'8 HARD RUBBER TRUSa, U No. Ii47 CAEBNUT Htreui. Tbu Truss oor rw tly applied will cure and retain with eaae tbe ttiwi dimculi rupture; always clean, litfbt, easy, sale, and oomrorlable, used in bathing, fitted to form, .never run ta, breaks, soils, become llmbnr, or move, front place. No strapping. Hard Rubber Abdominal blip porter, by wblcli tbe. Stolhera, Cotpuleut, aud Ladles Battering with Female weak new, will And relief and perlect support: very llKht, neat, and ell'eotual. File Instrumeuui BhouJder Braoea, JtluallO Blockings fa weak ilmbs, Buapeo.lous, etc. Also, larg. ito.jk bea Leatber Truaaea, bail naiuu prloa. Lady In attend, fcoe. mwfm, Q C O R C C P L O W M A N. CARPENTER AND BUILDEX. REMOVED To Ko. 131 DOCK Street, ' PHILADELPHIA