THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 18G8. BALTIMORE AND THE IHESArtfAKE.' A STEAM OVSniMllS TO THE ('lllSAPUAUr. roi.icii Occasional Oarrtspondenre of Evening Telegraph. Baltimore, Sept. 20., 18GR. The groat sheet of water called lr the I oil inn Of old tinus "the Molher of Water," or Cheia pcake, him iesunjeJ la recent days almost the relative commercial importance that it had two centuries ao. Explored bj John Smith bofore an J other bay in the present United States and o accurately explored that with that navlja. lor's maps jou may steer along all the Jagged borders ol it now, and up the many rivers, it was populous with sails when the Delaware wai still vlipln, and had beon a theatre of natal Warfare bciore Swede or Dutchman or Quaker liad made your "Kivcrof the South" an an chorage. Ihe licanpenke In Old Times. In the reigns of the StUHrtf", and in the time of lie Et fli?h Conirconwealtbj the Cuesapcaso Visa sort of colonial ocean, where a complete drama ol empire was enacted. The fleets of Jtaleigb, Drake, aod of most of the ereat navi gators, were overhauled here. The little green Island that you see to the right of the bridge over the Susquehanna, at Havre-de-Grace, wa, with the fi tile island of Kent, on the Eastern Bhore, the foothold of Virginia in Maryland her Fortress Monroe, so to speak, whence she held the Culverts in check. There wa3 then no Baltiinoie, the theatre of action being much further down the bay, around Aunapolls, St. Mary's liver, Accomac, and south of the Potomac. In the evolution Baltimore wai of bo little consequence that the fleet of Howe, bound for Philadelphia, sailed Btraight past her. But bctore this parts of the Chesapeake were probably more actively navigated than now. Along tho Eastern Shore, where scarcely a steaaihoat ever goes nowadays say in Accomac the Governor (Berkley) sought refuge from rebellion five years before Perm's fleet arrived off Chester. Jamestown had finished Its history, and expired in the flames, five years before Philadelphia was founded. That history Of Jamestown, yoa must rememser, was nearly as long, and covered as many administrations, as this of the United States; for we have been a nation only nineteen years more than James town was a city. In this history of Jamestown everything that marks the life of a nation happened. The first stock operation, corresponding to onr recent oil fever, was that of 1C08, when, upon the basis of enthusiastic! companies organized in England, everybody on the Chesapeake went gold-mining. Then there was the matrimonial market, where women were wcrth their weight In tobacco. Then the slave trade, w hose first cargo was an. chored In ibe Chesapeake the very year that the first abolitionists got oil the Mayflower. Then there was the first overland expedition, when John Smith, trying to get to the Pacific Ocean by way of the Chickahomiuy, stuck in the mud like McClellan within eight of Richmond, and flanked out through his watch crystal. In the year 1G20 nearly thirteen hundred emigrants arrived hi the Chesapeake, as many as have probably arrived in 1868. The size of the bay you can begin to comprehend whan you recol lect that Smith sailed 3000 miles within it and Its river?. And tne Delaware river was named by a Governor of the Chesapeake seventy-one years belore Pennsylvania had an owner. You Can't compare grey hairs with this part of the World. Our Virginia forefathers bad cheated three generations of Indians at thimble-rig and three-card monte before a broal brimmed hat appeared in Kensington under the treaty tree. Revive to yourselves the picture of the Chesa peake in those days vessels arriving from England with imported bricks, said bricks landed carefully by darkeys; the first hod. carriers tending theoi np the sides of great houses, such as still remain along the Chesa peake. Oiber vessels come to with discharges of cannon, and proceed to land church plate old port wine, fox-hound?, sheep of certain breeds. Then a lot of whaling vessels come in, ad set up an oil factory, while they harpoon whales in Elk river and in the Gunpowder. Finally, a pirate ducks in between the capes, chased by a frigate, and buries Spanish specie In sacks at Big Bethel, where General Butler afterwards found it. Packets are running "every which way," from the Pocomoke, the Patuxent, the Mattapony, to Jamestown, to St. Mary's, to Hampton, to Norfolk. 'That was the sort of Chesapeake that we used to have before we were born. In those days came the grandmother Of Washingtcn over with hsr prayer-book. The CUcnaiieuke In 1S08. Eee, now, the Chesapeake, in 18C8. A steamer clears the lorjg lobes of the bay every teu days for Bremen or Liverpool. For the first time in a hundred and filly years, direct immigration from Europe to the shores of the Cheapeake hts been resumed. New towns are actually being founded. Tbey are to make a city of West Point,'up the r.ver York. Norfolk is doing a better trade than it did at aay time before the war. The Chesapeake U being flasked on both sides with railroads, which will reach from Point Lookout to Point Deposit, and from Elkton to Capo Charles. The Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad is to bo completed, as it has already been consolidated, and will ba the Bal tlmore and Ohio's big rival. Down every neck of the old Eastern Shore a railroad is being laid, and Baltimore, in self-defense, mast ran ferries to the termini of these. From Crisrkld to Norfolk the Chesapeake is ferried by five ocean steamers, as from Balti more to Norfolk by the old Bay linei one of the moat profitable inland marine com panies iu the world. On the waters of th Chesapeake and tributaries there run, according to the best authority, one hundred and forty steam vessels, sot including Government boats Towns and settlements are springing up on both sides of the bay. On the Eastern Shore, alone, there a-e thesa new towns, just callsd into existence, viz.: Harrington, CiaytOD, Wyoming, Morton, Mount Pleasant, Kennedy ville, and Crisfleld. The late General Charles G. Halpine and friends started uear Dsnvillc a town called "O'ltelllyville," with a basis of 12,000 acres of land. The richest man in Virginia ar d the rr.ost pushing, is General Mahone, late ol the Rebel army, President of the great con solidated lino between Norfolk and Knoxvllle, Tern., and between himself and John W. Gar rett, of Baltimore, tb i enterprise of the Chesa peake basin U well-nigh divided. TheChesa peako valley or basin is the largest basinin America east of the Mississippi valley, and it comprises the most ferlile lands, To it is tubutary, by tho natural lines of water level, one half of the- 9 ate of Pennsylvania half of West Virginia, Ohe-fomtu of New York and the whole of KaPtVneinia and Maryland. 1 Five millions of people live in this valley. It Is the aim ol the city of liaKiraire to admit do partner in the trade of this valley, and heico PreMdtut Garrett refuse all oilers on the pirt of New York to accept money for the control of the capes of the Chesapeake. Highland an! Firo Islatid Lights have put Baltimore in communica tion with Europe, so that she is altogether an independent commercial city, loading up oil and grain at the well and granary, aud break ing bulk but once between the Ohio and the North Sea. The population of Baltimore is 300,000. B. yond her commercial value, she figures as one of the largest dispensaries of fre-h fruit, game and fish in the world. South of the binltsof Newfoundland there is no fishing ground like the;Chcsapeake. Her bssln is the Amerisan B lr. gundy as an orchard and as a game preserve; her waters are, like PuRCt Sound, the favorite V. i. - .V. 111 .1 1. . 1 .1.. 1 - 1 uauut Ul I LIB WLIU uuus. UU lUU ICCSd UlCUUa of migratory birls. Within the past thirty years thso vast and choice endowments of nourishment and luxury, so giateful to the sink, so coveted by the epicure! have been ruthlessly and wustef ully despoilad by human cormorants of all latitudes. Swivels, loaded with duck-iliot, have slain the gamo by tbo ton. It is now dlflicnlt to approach a duck so advised has the species become of its unhappy value. In like manner the oysters have been taken with dredges which destroy what they do not capture, aud the rarest of the viandes of nature wns rapidly disappearing, when, luckily commerce, at predating what economy had lie glected, hastened to save the oyster for pelf sake. The oyster trade of the city of B4ltiuiore is worth upwards of two millions of dollars a year. It employs above a hundred vessels aud several thousand sailors, openers, packers, etc., All the year round the wh jle of the great West turns toward Baltimore at lunch tiato and says: "I'll take a dozen raw." Half the eontinen1 with its mouth open, and Baltimore losing its oysters by the svstematio thieving of all the other Atlantic elties, was a subject of sorrow next to conscientiousness. The result is on th stocks, nearly ready to be launched. The Oyster Police Ktenmboil, There is nowhere in the world a steamboat built for such a purpose. It demonstrates the value of the Chesapeake oyster beds butter than statistics. It cost about thirty thousand dollars, side-wheeler, armed with carronades and board. ing pikes; manned with a crew that koows every hole aud inlet of Maryland waters; pro. vided with boats to slip wherever a smack cm shelter, over tho shallowest bars, this vessel is to be a sort of municipal man-of-war, like your city ice boat, aud she will overhaul, with or without pitched battle, every foreigner seen in Maryland waters, capture and confiscate vessels, and carry prisoners to Baltimore. So, also, sho will enforce the sanitary and produce lairs, which are necessary to the oyster's full develop meat acd to the preservation of health among oyster-eaters. Carrying the State flag, she will be a legitimate man of-war for State rights, and possibly will afford in season, for those tortu nate anough to know her officers, a cruise of the Chesapeake, comparable for scenery, asso ciation, and provender with any inland voyage known to navigation. Fancy such an excursion 1 We set sail from the broad natural dock of Baltimore, aud while the monuments recede behind us, and the flag that inspired its own national song at Fort Mc Henry goes by, we see ahead the deserted castle of Fort Carroll, where our millions of masonry lie sacrificed, incapable of rebutting the arguments of modern armaments. Then the great shoal light, off North Point, biases like a neuralgic and befevered sun. We head down tho Chesapeake. Yonder, .up the Severm burn the lights of staid old Anna polis, that never recovered heart after Washington's Farewell Address. They eat oys ters there when the wolf is at the door, and with stewed oysters think themselves poor as the shepherd ot bauisoury nam. flow we explore the Patuxent, where the British fleet ascended to burn Washington, and Admiral Cockburn, sitting on a mule, ate Patuxent "plants" on the half-shell, and, barbarian that ho was, sighed ior Bnglish "natives." With such a taste, any man could burn the Capitol Now we are off Point Lookout, where the Kobe1 prisoners, like Don Quixote, sighed for the days of chivalry, and some scolloped or toast, with "flxius." St. Mary's river, cradle of tho State, now reduced to a chew of tobacco and an oyster b?d, basks in the contemplation ot its own an tiquity, like a skipper in a cheese. Turning up the Potomac, we pass many a cretk at whose cool bottom the oyster, open-mouthed, lazily sucks like a marine pig, and seeing a black bass coming by hungrily, shuts up it shell aud gur gles ior mischief. Quite a populatiou of oysters there are, so far down, "All that tread the earth A its but a baudful to the tribes That slumber la Us bosom." Here Booth crossed with Harold, so near the birthplace of Washington, which great chief, in the height of his power, used to have a darkey fill a bushel measure with "salts," aud he ate them, as they were opened, with the point of his immortal sword. The story of the hatchet and cherry-tree is not half so effective as this. The one makes you cry; at the other your mouth waters. Sad, iudeed, weie the sacrifices of Wahington. At Brandywlne, when the day was dreadfully hot Sparks curiously omits this story Lafayette observed the General look in a nielanchoiy way to the South. "Vat is dere, monperef" he said. "At this hour," said the Geneial, "I always miss my three fry with tomato catsup, and two ci ackers thrown in." To this Lafayette replied in a remark since historic: "The world's my ojster." He is said to have lived so long that this oyster soured upon him. From the Potomac across to the Eastern Shore easy transition. Ploughing through tho celebrated archipelago off the mouth ot the Pocomoke, we come in sight of a stealthy fleet ofcanaibal. By the cut of their hulls we in stantly perceive that they hall from Dock street wharf, Philadelphia, Then we pass the order, "Man the cutter." The end of all this trip is that Price, Torap klns.Gray, etc., lose their orders for Chesapeakes. We proceed iuto Baltimore vHh a Philadelphia vesrel, and the honor ot Baltimore is viuli caUd. G. A. T. COAL. O MIDDLFTON A CO.. DBAL1BS IS J. HAHLElt.H LKHIOH and EAULSr VEIal EAST INDIA TELEGRAPH. JLL'CTR1C TELEGRAPH U CHINA THE EAST INDIA TELEGRAPH COMPANY'S OFFICE, Ncs. 23 and 25 N1SSAU Street. ORGANIZED UNDER SPECIAL CHARTER FROM THE STATE OF HEW YOtK. CAPITAL.. 5,000.000 DO, 000 SHARES, 9100 EACH. DIRECTORS iron. Andrew O. Cpbtin, Philadelphia. Paul B, Volume, of Russell A Co., China. Fkf.ii. BuiTiutyiUJ, of F. Butterfleld & OoNew York Isaac Livkfmobb. Treas. Mich. O. R. R., Boston. ALxandh Holland, Treas. Am. Ex, Co , New York. Hon. Jam fs Noxon, Syracuse, N. Y. O. H. PaI-mkr, Treas. Went. U.Tel. Co., Hew yotk. Flktchkr Wkbtray, of Westray, Olbbs & UarUuM tie. N. Y. Nicholas Micklbb, New York, OFFICERS. A. G.Curtijt, President, N. Wicklkb. Vlce-Pre-Ident, Gkobob Comant, Secretary. tiKoaea Ellis (Cashier National Bank Coniruon wealth) . Treaure r, Hon. A. K. MotLDBH. Philadelphia, Solicitor. the Chinese aowrnmciU having (through the JTon. Anion JJurlingamc) eonreitrd to thit 0mwny the print, lege of ctnmr cling the great traportt of the Empire by rubmarine electric UU graph cabtt, weprotoie commenc- Uio otirratwAi in 61 ma, otid tuy ing down a line ut 800 mile at once, between the following pw tt, vU; jvpwaritm. Canton - i,w,uu Macon. - eu.mxj Hone Kong 250,oo bwatow...M i 2KI.000 Amoy 2i1(,'0(" Foo-Chow....... 1,250,000 Wan-Cbu SOO.OOO Nicgpo 400,000 H ang-Cuean l,2"0,ooo Total ..510,OW These ports have a foreign commerce of tMO.Oio.OuO and an enormous domestic trade, bexldea vrhlcn we. have the immense Internal commerce of the Empire, radiating irom theae points, through Its canals and navigable rivers The cable being laid, this company propose erecting land llnew and establishing a speedy and trustworthy means of communication, which must command there, as everywhere else, the cummnulcatlont of the Government, of business, and of aoelal lire, especially In China. Bba has no potta! system, and her only means now of communicating Information Is by courier on land, and by steamers on water, Ibe Western World knows thai China la a very large country, In the main densely peopled; but few yet realise that she contains aoore than a third of the human race. Tbelateet returns made to her central authorities for taxing purposes, by the local mags trates. make bar population ibw Hundred and bur fern Million, and tMs la mere likely to be under than over the actual aggregate. Nearly all of these who re over ten years old not only can, bnt do read aud write. Her clvlllzatlen la peculiar, but her literature la as extensive as that of Kurope. China Is a land of teacheis and traders; and the latter are exoeedlutly quick to avail tlemselvea of every proffered facility for procuring early Information. It Is observed la California that the Chinese make great use of the telegraph, though it there transmit! messages in En glisn alone To-day, great numbers of fleet atsamera are owned by Chinese merchants, and used by them exclusively for the transmission of early Intelligence, If the telegraph wepropoee, connecting all tbetr great seaporia, wete now In existence. It la believed that Its business would pay Its cost within the first two years of Its successful operation, and would steadily Increase thereafter. No enterprise commends Itself as In a greater de gree remunerative to capitalists, aud to our whole ceople. It la of vast national importance commer cially, politically, and evaugellcahy. (Shares of thlscompaay to a limited number, may be obtained at i0 each. $10 payable down, 113 on the 1st of November, and $25 payable In monihly Install menu of (2 50 each, commencing December 1, 1868 oa application to DREXEZL & CO., No. 34 South T11LM) Street, Philadelphia, To duly authorized Banks and Bankers throughout Pennsylvania, and at the OFFICE 01 THE COMPANY, Nos. 23 and 25 NASSAU ST BEET, 8 2 NEW YORK. FURNISHING GOODS, SHIRTS, Ha 8a Ka Ca Harris' Seamless Kid Glovo3. liVEBT PAIH WARRANTED. EXCLUSIVE AOIMTS FOR GENTS' GLOVES. J. W. SCOTT & CO. 1 MNANCIAL. 527rp HO. 14 CHF.S1TJT ST BERT. FINANCIAL. mwmm Dealers In nil Uorernment Scenrltles arW Foreign Exchange Bills for sale on London, I'tuls, Frank fort, Etc. Letters or Credit Issued on Messrs. JAMES TVs TUCKEK & CO., Paris, AVAILABLH FOR TRAVELLER 9' U6K IN ANY PART OF THE WOIlLDb Stocks, Bonds, and Gold bought and sold on Commission. Deposits received, and Interest allowed. Gold loaned. Collections made. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., No. 10 South THIRD Ctroet, T10 PHILADELPHIA. 820 MILES AUCTION SALES. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE RONDS At 102, And Accrued Interest. OF THE .RAILROAD Are now On tubed and In operation Although this rond Is built with (real rapldny, tho work I thor oughly done, and la pronounced by the United States ClrumissloneM to he flrsVclahs In every respect, be fore It Is accepted, and before any bonds can be frsued npon It, Eapldlty and excellence of construction have been se ured by a complete division of labor and by dls Iribulng the twenty iboucaud neo employed along the line tor long distances at once. It la now probViie that the WHOLE L135E TO THE PACIFIC WILL BE COMPLETED L 180'.). The Cempny have ample mean of wblch the Gov erument (rants the right of way, and ttll necessary timber and other materials found along the line or lis operations; also 12,S(0 acres of land to the nine, taken In alternate sections on each aide ot Its road; a'mo United 61 a tee Thirty-rear Bonds, amounting to from 16.(10 to 148,000 per mile, according to the difficulties to be snrmounied on the various sections to be built for which It lakes a second mortgage as security, and It is expected tbatnot only the interest, but the prin cipal an. ount may be paid In services rendered by the Company In transporting troops, malls, etc THE KARNINOS OF THE UNIOS PACIFIC RAILROAD, from lis Way or Local Business only during th year ending June so, isss, amounted to over i FOUR MILLION DOLLARS, alter paying all expenses was mnch more "RL?J.,N,,5 IWWBOJIOW & CO.. AUCTION. A ii.. t vx'2 ,",(, :tt M K h K r 'r et, roruer oi nai.k airet, Buccmnota to John B MjersiOo. LAI;(JKS4I,rTOFnKimn, KrtKN' H OIIKMAS. AM J. J..8T1L! DKY OOODS, ' n , , . . On '1 lidrsdxy s or nloK. wet. 1 at Jf. rVI rk.uB :uur ninnM.H' credit Isiiit x.,..',00 ""ZKf HO-IKKY ANIMH.MVKS M DATES! 8 II OULDEJsi-SEAll bhikt naairsiioai! AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STOBE. PFkFJOJT FITTING BHIRT9 AND DRAWKIW niKila irom miuuiiiiut at very short notice. All Olbvr ar Idea 01 UJtNTLlLAUit'tS DREiS GCObb In lull variety. , . YYIXNUllUBTJiri ot UU., M9 No. 70aCHESUT Street. WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETC. EWIS LADOMUS & CO? 'DIAMOND DEALERS & JEWELERS. WATCHES, JHWELKY m 81LVEH HAKK. .WAT0HE3 and JEWELET EEPAIEED. j02 Ctesfant St., ThU Wonld lavite particular attention to their Urgs and leganl assortment or LADIXH' AND GENTS' WATCHES of America, and Foreign Makers of thejllaeit finality In Unld aud tillver Case. A variety of Independent X Becond, for horse timing. Ladiss' and Gents' CHAINS ol latest styles, la 1 and IS kt. BTTTON AND EYELET BTUD9 In great variety newest patterns. SOLID BILVERWARS for Bridal ereeenta: Flated-ware. eta. Kupairlna- dona U Lue beat manner, and war ranted. llfP FRENCH CLOCKS. CENTRALPACLFIC RAILROAD FIEST MORTGAGE BONDS At 103, And Accrued Interest. FOR SALE BY De Haven & Bro., No. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 25 PHILADELPHIA. WM. PAINTER & 00., BANKERS AXD DEALERS IN GOVERN- BLENT SECURITIES, No. 36 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA, AQENTS F OR Tho Union Pacific Railroad Co., AND Central PaciSc Railroad Co, TV9 hare on hand THE FIRST MORT GAGE SIX l'ER CENT. GOLD INTEREST BONDS of both Ceinpauies, for sale or Exchange for Government Securities. Pamphlets, with Maps, Reports, ani lull Information furnished on application. i FIRST MORTGAGE SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS OT TUB ROCHESTER WATER WORKS CO. FOR SALE AT 87i, And Accrued Luterost from JULY 1, PAYABLE SX9XI-ANN UALliYi Jnnuary and July. Tee aggretats amount of these Bo ads issued by tae Company la 400leoof npou thulr works estimated to coat over Prom a careful examination of the rises which will be made of the water In the city ami suburbs, it la estimated that the Company will be able to pay LAKOB DIVIDENDS ON IIB BCOCK. ONLY A LIMITED AMOUNT OF THE9B BONDS AbE 1011 BAJJC AT TJiJbJ P KICKS. APPLY TO OLENDINNING & DAT1S, No. 48 South THIRD Street. 14 PHILADELPHIA. VMch th: 11 tr Ph Si t.l.lii fluuiai tllll llnpfl H'm' wl, lis hrnivn. Cronoh H hi,.. roix.d coilon hnlf hoop. ' . I'll Hum oy'. DilHscV, and child pti'd while, Jr,n, luixtd fancy bone, Law aud ibreq larier iKe. Kail linrs mch's, women's, and children's si'a. Lisle clolb, lli rllu, and tii'.j3 "vm, AI.HO. an nnusu.lly large line I imported woollens. A LHO a v-y large lot of bleached aud brown prlut olit.hs dHti.HKOd ai the late Hie. IS.iUi LAPOK HA LR OP tnKHKT'NnS. INTILUUINO H'I1 UMIL SH TAPI MI HV Blt'JHsKLs: ALSO. Hu ll'X'Ha PLUOH nil. ULitTHS, un Krliluy WorDliig, October 2. at It o'clock, on lour mouiliV credit, nb( ut a pieocB ol liiKraln, V-nt tin. list,, Im.up cot leiiH, kid rag cnrpeiingt, liw pUcel of oH clulhs, elc. 9 28 61 LJIiaKSiLTTOFFRW'lI7lT AfDfirHER KUIJO PKaN DKY HOOIW. JOt U. On BI'Mirtny Mo Oclobf r 6, at iu o'dioo, i n lour luunltiV credit ItliCtTLAlt. LAHOK. BPKCIAL AMDA i I KAOTIVK BALK OF" PiHIS HH A WLS. lleBte. It. II h INNKIJCIN t CO , will Ht-ll thron.h ISUNTINC4 Dultli JKllUvV fc CO., u fmir nmnth crul'.i, . ...... n MnNDAY.IIciiiterS, A.. Kvr' AN,) UIMl'l.lVI'K AHillTMNr OP 1'LAIA 1U1B KT AM) MKitlNO 8HAWLS. AND , Kt'H i'Allls BRIKH1K HIUWLS, oi inelr own well kuown manufa'iLure and exclusive , . dnilnH. Tliev will olTer at this nnle, for the nrsttlms ail their new patterns ol Ibis flcanun, which are Very rich and Ml1ct). TliesalH wIIicoonIki ol A lull line or plain blnck and merino shawl, In K'UK and Kjnare. wool Irii ft". In alt kUelr varioimcjtiaiilies. from meil'tim to lluutt t(rit. Oraud loud ard open centres siiuard aud long si aw In, black and st ar l.-t. fans brocl.e nquare and lorg shawls In groat va riety, or very choice Designs and utinlltlt-r. I'arm br clip rqure and long C.Hhmere shawl.. A gait rie and lond uioyeu niire ami long .limvlR. 1 oinprlslng a very cliooe and lull line ol new and df Mrable nl lex and qiiHllties, Including many of the rlclitat ft' one lojpi rtnl. This olT, ring of rbawls Is r"?npoed entirely ot nnimoMhe niannlBCiuie ot MeVs. H. VlJNNK. VINA lO.. Burl nf deHlmiR exclusively nn od will he toiind ntiMirpansed In variety aud iyle by 2St 11. HKNNEQUIN A CO. dnnjn In JtuTopeT bllii we Lave a right to expect that Hch six per cent, securities as these will be held at as high a premium as those of this Oovernment, which n 1857 were bought Iu at from 20 to 24 per cent, above par. The export demand alone may produce this re Bult, and &s the issue ol a private corporation, they are beyond the reach oi political action. The Company believe that their Bonds, at the pre sent rate, are the cheapest aecuilty In the market, aud the right to ad vauce the price at any time Is reserved Subscriptions will be received In Philadelphia by DE HAVEN & BROTHER No. 40 8. THIRD Street. W. PAINTER & CO., So. 88 8, THIED Street. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., xiu. id e. xjsxtiu. surest. ASD IX KEW YORK AT THE tOHPANV'S OFFICE, No. 20 NASSAU Street, AND BY JOHN J. ISC A SON, BANKERS, No. 58 WALu Street, And by the Company's advertised Agents through out the United Stales. Remittances should be made In drafts or other funds par In New York, and the Bonds will be Bent free ol charge by return express. Parties subscribing through local agents, will look to them for their safe delivery, A PAMPHLET AND MAP FOB 1868 has J tut been published by the Company, giving fuller information than lepoBSible In an advertisement, reipecting the Progress of the Work, the Resource, of the Country traversed by the Road, aud Means for Construction and the Value of the Bonds, which will be sent free on application at the Company's otllcee, or to any of the advertised agents. JOHN JT. CISCO, THEA9UBEB, Bept ember 14. 1868. 1 fmwtfj New York. OOAL. Kept uiyiihdiT cover. Avuiue. OOioa No. Ul n'AUSUT bUtttt. cover. Prenared eoroaiy fur family oh. Yrc. lo. 1:"6 WAbUIMal'09 a. w. bus sell; Ko. 22 KOETH SIXTH STREET, Has just received oer steamer Tarlfa, a very large assortment Of FRENCH MAHBLK CLOSES. Procuring these goods dlr.ot from the beat rcann fact urers, tbey are oOered at the LOAJlST POS9I. BLKP1UCEJS. JOHN CRUMP. CARPENTER AND BUILDER, (Uiorttt H4. l LOIIUK .TttKKTi AS wo. aa tuissi r mtkki, (2 tllUtAULLttf-lJU RANKING HOUSE JayCooivE&iQ). Kos. 112 and 114 South THIRD Street PHILADELPHIA, Dealers In all GoTermncnt Sccarltles. Old 5209 Wanted In Exchange for Ken A Liberal Difference allowed. Compound Interest Notes' Wanted. Interest Allowed on Deposits. COLLECTIONS MADB. STOCKS bought and sold On Commission. Special business accommodations reserved tor ad Us. "to We will receive app'lcations ti t Folloles ol Life Insurance In the Muuonal Llie Insurance (Jiiaiiany of Urn United fcuiut. iuii UifottuuUun i,lven at out QUiOtti QLENDI N U I NQ & DAVIS. HO. 48 SOUTH THIBD STBEBTI L'tcck and Gold Broken. QUOTATIONS OP NEW YORK STOCKS ALWAYS ON HABD. I lis M. ttinpnnnss, rml IOhm g. datis fJillB SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY, tor baft Aeejnng of I aluables, securities, etc., and Renting of Safes, N. B. Browne, C. H. ( larke, Jonn Weisb, DIBECTOR9 J Gllllngham Fell, I A lex. Henry, O. Biacaiesier, is A tiaidwell, lfi. W. Clark, lUeo. h Tyler. OFFICE, No. 421 CHESNUT STREET. N. B. BROWNE. President C. H. uLsKK, Vice President. E. PATTERSON, bee and ireaaorer. liSwfml AUC1ION SALES. M THOMAS A SONS, NOS. 139 AND 141 . b. iOUKTH STKKKf. nNDPOME PCRNITUKB, PIANOS. MTRRORS, CHANDKMEItti, 1IANDHOMK VKL.VJLT, ilHUb bliiLB, AND OTHKlt CAKHKTd. ETC. On 'i'bursday Uornlng Oct. 1, at 8 o'clock, ui the Auction itooms, by eta locue, a lartie asHortmeni ot superior Uouiehold Fur iiliure, couprlnlug handsome walnut par.or and library suits, covered with brrcatelie, rep, and hair clothHi oiled waluut chamber suits; two slegani teuch plate pier mirror., 108x26 laches; elegant French plate (uautel mirror, Dam Inclien; lour supe rior rosewood plauo-fores made by Wllbelm A Soiiu )i,r, 11, Vogt, and others; tward robes, 0 joIc-c.bku, Bldrboards, cztennlon tables, tchlua, gl.SHware, beds, and bedding, ollioe furniture, piatlorm scales and weights, sou pounds wblie lend, plated ware, twenty five bronze aud gilt ctiandellem, handuome velvet, lirusiels,aud other earpwts. etc. elo. Sitvat HANDSOME FURNITUIIK, TtOSEWOOD PIANO, UIKauH, BKUELtt CAHPE PtS, Ei'O. ETC. On Friday Morning, Oct. J, at 10 o'clock, at No. l.til N. Fifteen' h street, by catalogue, the euilre household furoitiire, com- Jirisitg walnut, parlor, dlnlug, and alttlag-room iirnl ure, two suits waluut chamber furuliu.'e, French plate, pier mirror, china and (Unaware, linn hair mattresses and bedding, line Brumols and other carpets, kitchen furniture, refrigerator, etc. etc. 0 3iiai o. LA BOB D. MoCLEES CO. No. Dot MA1KET Btreek AUCTIONEERS Hi FALL BALK OV 1SC0 CASES TtOOTS, bHOH, BKI UANb, MT'J. uu Tiiureaay moruiuv,, October 1. ecuiinieuclrg at lu o'Cock. we will sell bycataotue, lor cash, a prime dtwlrable aesoit uieiitol Mhi'i, lloja', aud Youil'a' Bjous, oliOb), itru lacs. llalUiOia'i'. t.tu . , , Abo a larbe I.p.dUs', liibuts', aud C;;IMreii a Wiir. . Siti'U ALE OF J0(0 CASES. BOOT8. PHOK3, TltAV- Oct. 6. at Id o'clook, mi 4 months' credit. So St ARTIN BEOrilEKS, AUCTIONEtUS.- il atelv Pnicen eu lor to. Themas A (miuh JS o . 62 CD FblNCT bt., rear entrance from Minor, Larirp Sale No. 2ti8 b. Fourth street lUrERIOK HUUKHOll) FUKNITURS, FIWR! IFKKNCH MANTEL ANli P1EK M IRKOKH UNE BKCbbELti CARPELS, MATTitAboEli! E1C. On Thursday Morning. (October 1, at lu o'clock , at No. 2tti . Fourth street catalogue, tbe entire nrulture of tnlrty rooms. In- uuiug fiariur luriiuure, .upeiiur w.mut auu cot Jne ciiainber furniture, dining room furiiittiro, flue encn piaiv uiauiei anu pier uiinom, nauasotnely iQ,er; superior wardrobes, hair u' treasej, a large antliy of blankets, conilurtable. stove, tahia b,,.i Id Hum, China aud glaasware, kuch.u furniture lay be seen earty on me morning ot sale. 9 20 It h-.CIAL BALE OF On Tljursuay A Iter noon, ,BlA.IOBRY rANCT October 1, at s o'lIock, at th auction rooms, by catalogue, a quantity ol stationery, laucy gooda. eta. PllOTOUHArll ALRIIMH. " Also, ail invoke ot photograph albums, of va-loua slate. Fale No. 102fi Cailowhlll street. BUPERIOR UOCSEUOLU KDaa Il'URE, FIMB JlKCc-BEtJ UARP4TS, ETC. On Friday Morning, Oe'.ober I, at Id o'clock, at No. )o'2b Cailowhlll street tbe surplus furniture, waluut parlor furniture, cliatu.' ber aud dlulcg-room furniture, hue Brussels carpets china, kltchtu utensils, etc. ' May be seen on then.orningof sale at 8 o'clock. Sale No. 529 mi t street. LA ROE H ALIO OF FIN t'. OIL PAlNTISQg. On Friday and Saturday Evenings, Oct. 1 and 3 at 71, o'clock, at the auction rooms (se cond sioiy salesroom) by catalogue, a collection of line oil paintings, uaily framed. Upon for exhibition twodats previous to sale. L2i8. Fale No. 1506 summer strent. HOUSEHOLD FUJIM i UltK, Jl )EWO0D PIANO. On Saturday Morning, Octobers, at lu o'clock, ut No. lies Hammer street, between Race aud Vine stree's, above F,ftetutn, Carter atd chamber furniture rosewood piano, made y Penneylvauia Manulactnrlng Compauy: foathor beds, carpets, kitchen utensils, etc & ay be seen early on mornlug of sale. 9 29 u Rale at the Auction Rnnroa. EXTRA FINETKll'LE (SILVER PLATED WARB. On batut day Morning, Octobers, at 11 o'clock, at the auction rooms, by catalogue, a very desirable assortmeut of Hue triple S'lei-plated ware, Inclualng tea sets, colleeand tea urns, epergnts, Ice-water pitchers, tea trays, sulvers, dinner aud breakfast castors, tureens, vegetaole dishes taoie, dessert, and tea spoons aud forks; ivory handle knives; fine table cutlery, lu cases; te aud call-bello, egg boilers, toast racks, cake baskets, berry dlshe-, elo- ' These goods are frots one of the bed manure, -Ho. rers In tnls cliy, and all ot the newest patterns aud latest d signs. May be seen early on tbe morning nf sale. 9 25 7t HOMAS BIRCH A ISDN, AUCTIONEERS AMD COMMlbHION MERCHANTS, No, Ilia CHEaNOT Street: rear entrance No, 1107 banaoja aM Hale at No I61.7 bummer street. FLEQANT ROWEWOOD HOU8KHOLD F0RNI. llhK, FIA1NO-FOKTE, LAItGE UIKittiK CARPETU, ETC. "ivuj, On Thursday Morning, October 1st, at 10 o'clock, at No. ltiu; Summer street; will be sold, the lurnlture of a ftmlly decllulng house keeping, comprising rosewood plaao-iorte, made by Relcbeubacb A Sou; suit of rosewoud parlor furniture, velvet, .Brussels and Ingrain carpets, French Plata mantel aud pier mirrors, walnut chamber and sitting loom furniture, beds and mattresses, dluing-rootu furniture, china aud glassware, mocking bird and cage, kitchen furniture, eta The Furniture can be examined at 8 o'clock on tho mcrnlng of sale, - Catalogues will be ready at the auction store oa Wednesday. i 2t LirriNCOTT, eon & co., auctioneers AbHHCRbT DUILD1NU. No. 24U MAiUCili'af blieel. I. A HOE POSITIVE SPECTAL SALE OF PARIS FANCY OCODS AN I) NOTIONS. Comprising lvoo Lois new aud desirable Ooods now Uuolng, by catalogue, ou four months' credit. Ou Ihursday Morulutr, October 1, at 10 o'clock, consisting In part of Paris morocco wallets: fancy purses; morocco travelling begs and ea. chela; companions; ear-ilu aud brooches; Jet, steel, and fancy gilt sets, pucket cutlery; table cutlery; rssors: sleeve buttons; pearl studs; hair, nail, and tooth brushts; ladles' aed children' elastics; acctrdlous; hatmonlOHs; pencils; thimbles; toy w atches sou II aud tobacco boxes; pipes; pearl ana laucy buttons, tic. I.D 29 2t LARGE POSITIVE SPECIAL HALE OF FALT, K'l RAW GOODS, FELT AND VELVET HATS. E1C. By catalogue. On Friday Morning. October 2, comprising 26U cases newest Fall styles' lor ladles', mlnneV, and children's wear. 29 3t CLABK A EVANS, AUCTIONEERS, NO. C33 CHEbN CT Street. Will sell THIS DAY, Morning and Evening. A large Invoice of Blankets, Bed Spread., Dry Uoods, Cloths, Casslmeres, Hosiery, btaliouery, Table aud. Pocket Cutlery. Notions, etc. City and country merchants will find bargains. Terms cash. Moods packed free of charge. 2t HOOP SKIRTS. 628. HOOP SKIRTS, 28 NEW FALL STYLES. LA PANIEB, and ell other desirable style and a-lse. of our CELEBRATED CHAMPION SKIRTS, for ladles, ulsses, and ohildren, constantly on hanfl aud a ade to orcer. Largest assortment In the city ana specially adapted lor first class trade. CORdETbl CORSETS I CORSETS! Retailing at very low prices. Our assortment ta couiule.e, embracing 'IhoinpBou's Glove Jutting, 1st ail itiadea, iroiu t t- t0'5u; Ueckel'. supurloe Fre"cU Wovtu Coru, lioni H'lO W SWS; aupe ilor vt balebuiie baud made Corsets, Irom SI cen s to fcUWO In bhlelus aad olrcular gore; Uauame Foy'a Ctii heibk irl Mipportera, at . Also. Mrs. Moody's Paleut relt-AdJostlug Abdomi nat Onsen.: whlou every lady shoaiU examine. l-t.ikei Uim-y cni a pair. ,i. m W hle.aie aud Re'Ul Mauuiaclory and Salesroom. VV b Sra At,CH B-rfc1, WM. T. HOPRISS. qotton'anufIaxndoanva8i of all nuuilier. and brands. Tent Awnlna. Trnuk, and Wacon Cover Duck J,Twi.r? imifici urers' Drlor Felm front one to vi.Lf'tJ 1 u e- Pa' ,11. ar Belling. Hall TwKrn. ew. eeveial led wae, J KVEhMAN A CO.. NO,Lt JUIOI' Alia.