TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1868. teuton fttltppfc PUBLISHED EVERT AFTERNOON (scirsATi sxoBrru), AT TBB KVKNIH8 TELEGRAPH BTJILDINCJ. BO. 1S a THIRD BTMXKT. Price, Three Cents pot Copy (Double Bheet). eighteen Cents per Week, payable to the Cfe'rter and Helled to Subscriber oat of tbe city et Nine Dollar per Annam. One DolUr end Fifty OenU for Two Months, Invariably In advanoa (or the period Ordered. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1868. The Sopreme Court and Naturalization. This mottling, as will be seen elsewhere la our paper, Jastioe Sharawool, after hearing argu ment on the subject of the publication of the lists of naturalized citizens, their reaHenoea and Touchers, granted the necessary rule on the Trothonotary to allow aooess to hla books. Mr. Snowden expressed his entire willingness, and we will at once commence the publication in Tub Evening Telegraph of these mo3t Im portant lists. The value of these lists are fully appreciated by his Honor, and he very properly stated that he deemed it of great public importance that they should be made public It seems hardly necessary fjr m to lay before intelligent readers the reasons which make these documents of such value. In the first place, by the publication of these lists, with the residences, the exiutive oom. mittees of each precinot will see exactly whi) have been naturalized in their precinct, an 1 will be enabled to investigate the legality o' the so-called citizens. They can see if they have resided the one year in the State re quired by law, or if they have been imported from Mew York for the purpose of casting a vote. They will be enabled to find out the perjurers (of whom we have good cause to believe there are several thousand), and as soon as they present themselves will have them arrested. We kuow that in that case the Republican Executive Committee intend not only to arrest but to prosecute to convic tion these criminals; so that some of them, at least, will get their deserts. In the second place, the name3 of the vouch ers being made publio will enable the lav offioers to lee who have been vouohing tor these patriots by the wholesale. When we find the same name appeuring as vouoher for a score or so of foreigners, oomiog from different nations, we will know there is per jury, and can take steps towards punishing the men who would thus make cheap the rig'ata of an Amerloan citizen. All this will be gained by the publication of these lists, and they will be laid before our readers with all speed. We cannot commend too highly the action of JuBtice Sharswood in this matter. We cannot state that it causes any surprise, for his reputation for honesty has been unques tioned and unquestionable; but he might, like some judges, have delayed the settlement of the case until it was too late to accomplish any good results. Bat by his prompt action, in go decisive a manner, we see that he de sires heartily to have the frauds detected. It is but juit to Mr. Snowden to say that he pro fessed his willingness to do all he could to aid in the publication of the list, as soon as the Court intimated that it was best for him so to act. Vance on Scalawags, Dog?, and fVar. When Moses blessed the ohildren of Israel before his death, of Zebulon he said, "Rejoioe In thy going out 1" This benediction is sup posed to have had no reference whatever to the oase of Zebulon Vance, sometime Rebel Governor of North Carolina, for Vance has determined "not to go out." In truth, he is quite as rampant as he was in the days before Appomattox. "Hell 1 blood I fury I thunder 1" cry the radioals, aocording to Zsbulon, "You are disloyal I you mean wart" While we repudiate tbe expletives of the irate ex-Governor, we oontess that he conies very near the mark in what follows them. Zebulon "means war." If he does not mean war, what does he mean when he excising : "I, Zebulon Vance, don't intend to live in a land where I am disfranchised, and I don't intend to leave it 1" What does Zebulon propose to do, if he doea not propose to fight f If he were familiar with the Soriptures he would take up his arpet-bag and depart with our blessing. But he evidently is not well read in Holy Writ, and he declares that he will neither live in a land where he is disfran chised, nor leave it. Then he must either die the death, or fight for his worthless life. For, as matters now stand, there is no prospeot of his being enfranchised, lie is too bloodthirsty for the ballot. Yet he longs for it, yearns for It, begs for it. Although lineally descended from his own grandfather Zebulon asserts this remarkable circumstance as a positive faot, and we do not care to question it al thongk he has been governor, and "worn the first honors," he can't vote. And he don't intend to leave. Ileuce his mind is unsettled, and he divulges the faot that "the negro is naturally an aristocrat, and hates a scalawag." From all of which we inter that Zebulon re gards himself as a scalawag, or something worse. But for all this disrepute, he don't Intend to leave. "Did you ever burn a dog's nope with a cigar ?" cries Zebulon again. No ? Well, Zebulon haB tried the experiment, and observed tne curious result. "Every time he sees jou he'll tuck his tail and travel" the dog, not Zebulon, for Zebulon declares that he "den't intend to leave." Thunder ! fury I nd blood t man, you must mean war I aaaaa Historic Doubts. It turns a pity that after having beoom amlliaiized with the idea that certain char- fao'ers have been heroio and others despicable, we should be obliged to reverse in many in stances our verdicts, and in other oases have all our fond beliefs converted into doubts; tut spch Is the fiat of.hibtoiio research; every thing is undergoing severe slltiug, the most trifling as well as the important event of history is now investigated with a rigor to which olden times can offer no comparison. Motions for new hearings are now oonstantly being made. Whether the new verdiota will stand is another question. Neio, whom we were all accustomed to regard as synonymous with wickedness, has received a very fine coat of whitewashing of late years, and the story that his grave was frequently covered with fliwers is by no means overlooked In those who ask for a favorable opinion of his charaoter. Ilenry VIII, frequently designated as the wife-killer, has also been taken in hand, and another and quite different idea of his charaoter given by M. Fronde. A nice contention is even yet going on between the adherents, or rather the admirers, of Mary, Queen of Scotland, aud her opponents the discovery of some letters of hers in a casket, now generally admitted to be genuine, having imparted a more favorable opinion. Julius Cie3ar, taken hold of by Louis Napoleon, who, to a oertain extent, inculcates Bonapartism, or rather a justification for sundry acts of Bonapartism by parallelisms with that period of Roman history, is also undergoing a severe investigation from whioh come gocd to historical truth may yet result. So diilicult is the truth of history to be got at that if ever the allegations against oertain historians are true that they sometimes sacri fice a little for fleet, we think there is abut dant cause for thankfulness even for this; for we must get seme truth, some real facts of history in the midst of this fine word painting. If we reflect on the difficulties of attaining a correct account of what is passing sometimes under our eyes, we think the worth of our ob seivation is evident. When Sir Walter Raleigh was writing his history of the world in the Tower, happening to hear a disturbance out side he asked the cause. All his informants told the story differently. He was so disap pointed that he threw down his pen, saying it was impossible to write a correct history of the world when it was impossible to get a correct account of what is passing under my own observation. Even some of the sayings of history which have become household words, merciless investigation has shown to be fables. Thus the famous La Garde ("La Garde menrte et ne se rend pas") attributed to Cambronne at Waterloo, was a few years ago, shown by a Fienchman to have been inserted by a M. Rougement, and published in the pages of the lnddpcndant. Talleyrand's faying that speech was given to man to con ceal his thoughts," has been traced to Vol taire in one of his dialogues, and also a couplet by Young: "When Dai ure's end of laneui ge Is disguised, And men talk only to conceal their mluj,' a similar saying, ia to be found in "Southy's Sermons," and in Gold.-mith'a "Citizen of the World." Tlfe younger Pitt was for a long time supposed to have said on his dying bed: '0, my country !" Lord Macaulay says it la certainly a fable. One of the wittiest of Tal leyrand's sayings, that Louis Philippe having asked Talleyrand if he suffered; "Yes, like the damned," Dfjbl which the dying man re venged by giving to some one near him some startlicg revelations. Yet the same repartee is contained in one of Le Brun's epigrams, and has been attiibuted, among others, to the physician of Cardinal de Retz. Everybody has heard of the words of the Abbe Edgeworth to Louis XVI on the soaffold: "Son of St. Louis, aeoend to heaven" and yet when the late Lord Holland asked the Abbe he told him that he had no recollection of having said them 1 Even 'the pretty story of the EDglish and French commanders bowing to each other and saying, "You oommenoe firing first, sir," has been despoiled of its ro mance. The Duke of Wellington's "Up, Guards, and at them t" was also never uttered. He said so, we are told by the Chaplain-General, to the 85th Regiment, "You must keep your ground, my lads, for there is nothing behind you." It seems hard, but even the verses attri buted to Mary, Queen of Soots, beginning, "Adieu, adieu, plaisant pays de Franoel" which all romantically inolined people so much admire, have by the perseverance of diligent inquirers been brought home to a M. de Querton. The dreadful last crossing over the "Bridge of Sighs," so profitable to the writers of the grotesque and horrible, is also undergoing considerable revision, and a palace and a prison on each hand, disenchanted of much of its old fearful romanco. Richard the Third has been, by tbe active exertions of many recent explorers, relieved of the bump on his back, and also of a great deal of the wickedness imputed to him; but if we go on in this strain, example on example crowd on us so rapidly that we shall hardly know when to stop. So we shall reserve a great deal more of like gossip for a future article. Thb Supreme Couht Vacasct. Now that Governor Geary is in the city, we beg leave to urge him to at once fill the vacancy on the bench of the Supreme Court created by the resignation of Judge Strong. The exigenoies of the situation demand that this vaoancy should be filled at once, and we doubt not but that the unanimous choioe of the Republican party of the State, if it could be tested, would point to the Hon. Henry W. Williams, of the Allegheny Connty District Court, as the proper person to be elevated to the bench. Judge Williams was the chosen leader of the party in the contest of 18G7, and if none but the legal voters of Luzerne county had gone to tbe polls, he would now be on the benoh. He is a man of deep and thorough culture, a lawyer of large experience, a jurist whose decisions have at tained a wide celebrity for their impartial jus tice and intrinsio merits as exponents of the present state of the unwritten law. In every essential required for the proper disoharge of tbe duties of the position he is fully qualified, and we trust that, before the end of the pre sent week, he will be plaoed upon the bench, to which he will prove ft useful aud ornamen tal aocesbiou. SPECIAL NOTICES. Kgf- immortal kuacjrancb. -flow- s-jr in are ephtBienl: ihev awe thilr odor lo ihiummpir end die: but In Pit A LO S'H ne pur fume, "H.OR IE M4 YD," th O loroui Queen ofm Mexican valley bequeatu to lasliton hr delloious nreaih, en Imperlnhai leiracy. Hon cname; Unie roll in.) but ib perfume of that toilet ml race lain same a ways: rUi uertieluaJ Bold vy eli drug, Ism. It jggf- PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. Offloe Ho. 127 8. FOURTH Street. Philadelphia, May 17. 1868. NOTICE To the holders of bonds of the PHILA DELPHIA AND RKADINO RAILROAD COM PANY due April 1, 1870. The Company orfnr to exchange any of these bondi, of iionoeach, at any time before the flat) first day of October next at par for a new mortgage boud of equal imoaat bearing seven per cei-t. latere I. door of United States end Bute taxes, having twenty-flve Tear to ran. The bonds not surrendered on or before the Int of October next will be paid at maturity. In accordance with their teuor. 8. BtiAll'OIU, S8tol Treasurer. OFFICE MTL1XT0('KVIT.LF PETRO. LkLM COMPANY. n Ul WALMUI-ttt-eet . ..... PHII.ADBI.PHIA, pt, IS. IMS. The Annual Meeting tit tne mom nol.iers will on hud el tnnr Ofllce ou I LK. 1) VY, Ooiuoer B, at 12 0 c ork Non, AT.BHRTL KEi-N, Secretary. BATCH k LOU'S HAIR DVB. TUI1 splendid Hair live Is Him rveet lu tne wo Id; the only trne and perfect ye: harmless, reliable, li stautaneons: no dlnnpnolntment; no ridiculous tlntej remedies the III eUwiis of bsd dyes; Invigorates nd leaves tbe Hair soli and beautiful, black or broum, fcoiO by all DrutglMs and Perfumers; aud properly appH.d at Ba'chelir'a Wig Factory. Mo, 1 HO U fctreet. New York. CTrowr CUSHIONS AND MATTKE3SKS Stnlled Willi II,. tM hair or frailieis are sub ject to mob sinel' unci dirt. Kiaulo -i iiire I not only auioreecoromlral sursiiiute, but is null ot to nonenl thenn incon venlenots, Is ludestruo lble and 1 is purny almost Immaculate. s s m v 1 1 OCR (JKAKD FALL OPENIMJ. Ring out tbe Intelligence! Open tbe doci; Tbe people are coming A Ufver belo e; The public are rushing, With lapturous burst Of Joy o our onnln. OClOBKU T UK FIRST. Great piles of ( hlnchlllaj , And Cbtvlot Hacks, And Oveiooat Heavi. For o.e er inlks' backs; And, while he's ahum it, Kft !b father ei Joys Getting con's, vests, and tro-sers For all of bis boys, 1 0 low are tbe price! As flmoH to Hhock To crowd ot fo'.k pressing To look at be stock -So great the Inducements, liiat giod people all. Are rutlilng fo-clnthimr. ToourUKEAT Bll.WN HALL. ROCKHILL & WILSON KIBPECTFOLLY PAY THKIR REGARDS TO THE PUBLIC, Iuvitlng the Soldiers, the Stl'ors, and everybody eli lo come and bny just as much FALL CLOTHING as they wnt. GREAT BROWN CLOTIIINO IlaLL, Nos. 603 and 605 CIIESSUT STREET, 111 P PHILADELPHIA HATS AND CAPS. JONES. TEMPLB A CO., VABHIONABLE HATTERS. . No. 25 b. NINTH Street. First door above Oheanat street. 1 9 GWARBDKTON'S IMPROVED VENTI. lated, and eaay-rJUIng Dress Hats (patented), In all tbe improved fashions of tbe season, CHE8 rPT Btreet. next door to the Post Offloe. iggp PIANOS. BTK1NWAY A. BON8 GRAND tanare and ODrlptit Plauna. at Ri.m.iiu IKOH'.No. lo CHKHN OT Street gi I N G 101m4p C II I C K E R Grand, Square and Upright riAflug, DUTTON'8. NO. 914 C1TKSNOT Street. rT5r-4 6TECK & CO.'S AND HAINES r? H ifB KOT H KRH' PIANO, and MAdOitf A HAMLIN'S CABIN KT ORGANS, only at J. E. GOULD'S New Store, 820 8m4p No. 928 CHKSNUT Street MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS, ETC. "Y"B OPEN TO-DAY NEW LINES OF BIBBOXS, SATIJfS, AND YELYETS TRIMMING FOB MILLINERY AND DRESS PURPOSES. FEATHERS, FLOWERS, CRAPES LACES, and a general assortment of MlLLlNEitY GOODi WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. S. H & D. STERN, No. TM4 AROH Street. 9 28 wfmlm T EMPLE OF F A 6 II I 0 N. MRS. M. A. BINDER, NO. 10al OHESNUT STREET, IMPORlFR OF LADIES' DREoa AJSU CLOAK TRIMMINGS. Jnst received, Frlrges, Gimps Satins. Velvet Trim ming, Kibo n, Buttons, a- d lare Goods lo Tbread, Guipure, Ciuiiy, Valenciennes. Point Applique, (J il larr, bets aud Brbeg, CuiHuris, Hauukerchlels, Wnne WalBts, Berthas, Chemisettes. Frencb, Sceicb. aud Bamourg 4.dglngs and Insert Ings, choice patterns, Juuvln's Kid Uiovei. Bridal Veils and Wreaths, Frenon Corseu, Hoop Skirts, no tions and small wares. Drew and Coak Mklng In all their departments, Bridal orders executed wltu tne utmost care. Mourn ing and travelling outriis and oiber transient work oi nipleied at a few bourn' notice, at such rates as can not fall to please. 9 23 wf JX'ZU PERSONAL. C1AI TION TO THE PATUONSOF GOPSILL'3 DIRECTORY AND THE I'UBLIO OF PHILA DELPHIA GENERALLY. The lubabliunis of Pblladlphla, and more particu larly the nieri:uaiits, are hereoy cau.loued against I aylngany monev i r giving contracts lor advertise Eueuis for the Philadelphia City Direct ry for MM, as It bus come to tbe subscriber's knowledge that a number ol swlr d.ers are going round the o ty with lale representations tor the purpose cf swindling t le merchkuta. At pres'nt Mr CKAKLKs MuGii.Lls Uie only authorized agent for collecting advertise ments, for hlch ne is not ail wd lu take mouey la arivuure. The neneral canvass for names will com mence on tbe flril day or Octob r,Vf which;du j no ice vtlilbeglven. 1AAU C"8 t'A R, 28 at Compiler. CHINA, GLASSWARE, ETC. TYNDALE & MITCHELL. IHrOBTEBS OF PINE CHINA, GLASS, sND STAPLE WARES, No. 707 CHE8NUT Street, ABB NOW RIOCKIVINQ THEIR FALL IMPORTATIONS, WHI?n WILL BE SOLD AT UREATLY REDUCED PRICES. DFAFStSf.-EVtaY INSTRUMENT TIlAT science aud skill bave Inveuied to a.slst the bearing in every degree of deatuess; also, Re'plra tor hi also, Cramlall's Patent Uruiclie.it, suimrlor to any ntliers In use, at V, MADKJttA'd. ISO, Us S, i&ATH btrett, beiuw Cuutuut, t&p POLITICAL. JJIIE MANUFACTURERS, MECHANICS, AND 'MERCHANTS Of PHILADELPHIA, Who arc In favor of tho peace and good oitlt r-of a roHtorod Union, and In favor of eiiHtnininn; tho Nntlonal Credit, and of tho Klbctiow to tho l'RKfHDRNor and Vioa Pr bihknot of UKANT and COLFAX, both hon fst men, of raltn Judgment and persistency of purpoHO, purity of diameter and patriot Ism of the most exalted kind, respectfully recommend our business men to assemble in Mium Miietlnir at CONCKHT HALT,, at H V. M., on WUDXKS DAY KVKN1NG, SKlTKMUKli 30rn, 1HBS, for the purpose 'of expresalnff our opinions upon the Importance of the eomlng Presld.in t ill L'ninpn lii, mid to tako such action as will ilimly f'Htnlilish peace, prosperity, and conll- iicnri' in our oiisiness reiat ions Willi lite worm, Lewis Auilenreltl A Co llniiimett, Nell) Co., HhvIh. I'euiHon & Co.. Kit ler, Weaver A Co., Iullouell,Itians'nACo James Kowhtnd A Co., Kield A Keehmle, Thomp'n, ClarkA Yo'p; Piunucl JiisphiimASou Chambers A Cat tell, Jacob nickel a Co., Martin A tlnrrett, Harrison Pros A Co., Donmn A llro., Peter Wiiuht A Sons, I nmbert, ThoimisACo ThoH. Watlfon A Sons Alex. AVliilldenA Hons, (iilU'snir, idler A Co., Jordan A llro.. Dtipuy A llubliard, John 11. (iniliiun, Wm. W. Paul A Co., Mather, Kolb A Co., James !. Hand A Co., Kooiih A ltiilnewuy, Albert It. Jarden, S. V. Campbell, (of Ben 8on, Campbell A Co.), George V. Wanlell, lialley A Caseadden, 1). It. Taylor A Hon. J. T. Audenried A Pro. WaUon, Blal one A Co., K. J!. Kd wards A Co., Noreross A Sheetz, Taylor A Hetts, Dodge A Co., A. TV Cay ley, C. W. Paeon, Jr., Chus. Kvans & Son, W.C. Lloyd, Ihuhc K. Landcll, Miller A Bro, Jlem-y Davis. Shaw A Brother, Heeve A Kaner, M. M. Marple A Co., J. T. Buyley, James Cascadden, Henry ,. Urtgp;. LippincoltA 1 rotter, V. II. Shinn A Son, AnB,ui'li A Stanton, Scott, Walker A Co., John Millies A Co.. Dovey, Buckley A Co., J. A J. Dovey, Son A Co., Krederlck Fraley, Newton L. Orrick, Adems. Atkinson A Co J. Wood A Bros., George P. Little, Kiehard M. Lea A Co., A.J. Derbyshire, T. C Negus A Co., E. C. Markley A Son, King A Iliiild, Keyes A Co., Justice, Bateman A Co Yarnall A Trimble, lAidwig.Kr.cedlerACo, Peipcr A Markley, Win. S. Stewart A Co., Vntson A Janney, Van Camp Bush, Laing A Miigiunes, Horace F. Btinn, P. S. Dewald A Co., Brenciser A Atkins, D. IS. Newcomer, Bush, Miller A Co,. Gruvbill A Co., Graff. Wat kin A Co., Chandler, Hurt A Co., Geo. F. Hoe del, Shields A Bio., Beates A Miller, Shik A Kaub, Thos. Cralge A Co., Starr Mills, Porter A Dickey, Park Mills, Moore A Bro., Nelson Gavit, fitting co., Will in in lliimm & Son, Stuart A Bro., E. A J. Baker, John Wright, Thomas Allman, Bilker A Hami, Wetherill A Brother, John T. Lewis A Bro., Win. Crump & Sons, Henry It. lluiisicker, William W. Cookman, Coopi r A Hogers, Thomas Dolan, G. KesMer A Son, J. Taylor A Sons, J. S. A K. L. Perot, W. S. Smith A Co., William Murphy, Champion.SoutierACo. Joint O. Foerliig, William Vey, Fiea. Wldemayer, A. Dant, John II. Shadowals, John Bromlev A Sons, John T. Sliean, J. P. Stldman A Co., Win King, J limes C. Adams, John K. Cope, 11. H.Bartol, T. C. Wood, Chas. W. Kidgeway, t bus. C. Knight, Moss A Co., 1. McManus, Horace S. Potts, Chits. P. Ferry, Wm. 11. Wallace, Peler A. Keyser, Jr., Conrad S. Grove, Philip J. Aubin, Gregg Bros., Heiskcll, Shaw&Walk er, Solomon Kneedler, William Allen, James Bowker, Isaac Wilkinson, William Davenport, A. W. Givin, A. C. V recline, J. Boyd, Chas. K. Graff Co., Alexander Lackey, Thomas Wyatt, John Wlnpcnny, Nicholas Kiltenliouse, John J. Thomas, John A. Dosterman, Jesse Pearson, A. Klwood Jones, ltobert T. Murphy, Jbincs Statroru, John M. Cook, Keegun A Brisbin, Siimuel Lehman, Thomas Ie, K. C. Knight A Co., W.P.Walter A Son, James C. Prleliett. Dun woody A Kobert- son, James Barratt, Kli Dillon, D. j. McCammon, Wm. 11. Nassau, John M. Kennedy, K. A. Woodwaid, Hood 8. Somers, Chambers A Bro., Cottrell A Ayres. Geo. C. Mitehell, Se cretary Philadelphia Coal Co., Van Dtisen Pro. A Co., Castner, Pinckuey & Wellington, 8umuel Castner. JohnKonimel, Jr., Joint Donaldson, Pre sident Girard Mam moth Coal Co., Wm. F. Donald-ion, President St. Muho Jms Coal Co., E. W. Clark, K. M. Fellon, Wush. Uutclicr & Son, X I .... .. 1 ri' L . hum i i. imnri vir.. Buck Mountain Coal Co A ud enreid .Norton ACo Stokes, ('alii well A Co., Ilenry Crokcy A Co., Klrkpat'i,Kinsoy A Co Beiij Bullock Hons, Taylor, Gillespie A Co., K. C. Fly A Co.. Koekhill A Wilson, Hoffman A Kennedy, McCullough Iron Co., K. A. Souder A Co., H. J. Comly A Jo , F. A. Ilovt, A Bro., Iteeves A Parvin, D. Foeht A Co., Held A llai'dic, David Tham, William S. Or.tnt, David S. Brown, James 8. Monro, T. Morris Perot A Co., J allies W. Carson, Latham, Lewis A Co., Sinclair, Trimble A Co Joseph C. Grulib A Co. Samuel Barton, A.C. Mitchell, (of Ilo- gers A Mitchell), J. W.GaskillA Sous, Daniel Trump, Wm. 11. Trump, PattersonA Lipplncott Wm. A. Levering, Gill A Lukens, A. A J. Goiger. John Galbratlii, Vereo A Mitchell, Brown A Woolpper, Nathan Young, Haines A Jossup. Schall A Bickel, J, S, lviivj A Son, Galloway C. Morris, Bancroft, Lewis A Co., W. T. Carter A Co., Georgo H. Roberts, Lewis liothermel, Wm. S. Johns A Co., 8. M. Hoaton, Cain, Hacker A Cook, Win. M. Davidson, Wm. F. Dean, William Ksher, Haas, Brcnulser & Say. tier, Bond A Biddlo, Henry Sloan A Sons, Kennedy, Stairs A Co., D. C.Clarke. 'I hornpson Remolds, (irovc A Brother, M. R. Harris, A. C. Paul, Wilcox A Dixon. Brooke, Colkct A Co., Edward Siter, T. Horace Brown, J. H. Michener A Co., William B. Thomas, Henry Geiger A Co., Bull in, Gerhart A Co., Jordan A Ross, Iungerich A Smith, Joel J. Bailey A Co., W. A II. R.Raiguel, Jones, Warner A Co., Roop, Kibbe & Co., Samuel Fox, Smith A Seltzer, John Keakirt A Co., Daniel K. Grim, 1. A. Weston, Geo. W. Blabon A Co., M. Baltd A Co., Win. Hellers Co., H. C. Oram A Co., Matthews A Moore, Thos. Kills A Bros., J. W. Taylor A Sons, W. C Kent, S. Malone A Co., Wm. Stewart A Soils, John Bowker, Buzbv A Co.. Crowell A Coillns, Christian A Co., Elias K. Freed, Godfrey Keobler, Isaac Smith A Co., Waples, Hawey & Mil- Francis C. Hill, McFadden A Thomp son, Bumm A Bro., Elwood Mitchell, J. A J. Gladding, E. A. Hunsickor, J. 11. Shelmordiire, E. A J. C. Leeds, Koous, Schuarz A Co., J.M.Patterson, A K. Samuel, Gillender A Bennett, Wm. Schollenberger, W. J. Uhlinger, Irvin A Stinsou, Chas. Phillips, John C. Stockton A Co. Prevost A Herring, A. II. Franciscus A Co. Wm D. Frishmutu, Buttle A Bros., Coates Brothers, Edwd D. Potts A Co., Gri tilth A Fago, John B. Ellison A Sons, E. Lafourcado, Irwin & Co.. Lippincott A Johnson, Ed ward T. Steel A Co., Ellis A Ilarrop, Molllev A Bodiue, Troth A Nell, Win. llutton, W. A. Simpson, B. II. Simpson, L. G. Gratf A Co., Jacob Martin, A. Flanigan, Wood, Lo ia i no A Co., William J. Givin, William J. Crawson, William Fowler, T. B Buchanan, J. 8. Gilton, J. F. Meredith, William M. Runkel, Campbell A Pollock, John Johnson, John Harris, Jr., James M. Mageo, James Smyth, Boothroyd A Coatos, William Buggy, T aomas Ken worthy, John W. Williams, J.JurdenA Nephow, Gtillith A Grillltn, John 1). Heft, David Wallace, N icholls, Alexander A Co., T. M. A IT. Brooke, Martin Buehlor, A. Parvin, J. R. Finley, W. K. Simpson, Geo. Truman, J. P. Hutchinson, Thos. Hughes, J. II. CoyTo, J as. C. Mulligan, Thomas R. Gill, Geo. V. Neville, Sainl. T. Canby, II. C. Alexander, Win P. Cox, Thos. Chesntit, George Payne, Win. C. Young, Jas. Doake. James DittlO, R. B. Ott, Heaton A Donckla, J. E. Stedfole, Jesse Leo, Jas. P. Wood, B. M. Tettwell, J. M. Simpson, R. II. Harvard, J. T. Fine, N ickerson A Mo.-ioly, J.S. Wiunor, "William M. Abbey, Joeeph Biooke. Jas. Manll, Jr. A Co., Win. F. dishing, N. Helling A Co. Howes A Bro., Harrtl. K. Gelsman ACo. Chas. W. Fpting, Joseph E. Wost, Chas. 8. West, A. F, Cuedsbrough A Co., John Afreet. A Co., Clark A Kolierts, Edward C. Piddle, F. H. Jackson, Geo. A. Wood, R. B. Wlgton, Josiah M. Bacon, Mactter A Steel, C. D. Colllday A Co., C. F. Norton A Co., Blaeklston,GrnlTA Co. Keakirt Bro. A Co., Wm. H. Sowers, Randolph A Jencks, Joseph Wooil, Thos. J. Duflleld, John Doerr, Robert Neill, J. K. Mair, Clarke A Co., George Mc.Dade, William McDade, R. A 8. Homer, Wm. Hunter A Sons, Christian Hollerung, Paul Gesner, M. Rundoly, Aug. Spm-li. Tliomas Baker, Alfred Oliver, Jnines Graham. Charles Krause, J ulius Kunt ze, George Treude, Hugh Young, Samuel Biggerstaff, John Ixiolholz, Joshua Matloley, Jr., H. Coleman, John Boggs, 1511 North Front street, Thon as Boggs, John Wilson, John Ramsey, Andrew Smith, John Riddel, John Surgnor, .Initios Neely, Win. O. Wilson, John Kelso, Thomas Murphoy, panics W. Allen, M nun fact urers. riNeh Schir, Wm. McMuBin, George Johnson, Thomas Plunkott, John Wilson, George Galbraith, John Richardson, Patrick Mangcn, Siimuel Moodlo, Robert Thompson, Davil Allen, George MeClure, Wm. MeClure, Wm. McCartney, wm. j. bcott, Tho. Field, Thos. B. Supplefl, . Saml. C. Holmes, S. E. Hlaymaker, Jas. Motzgar, K. MolTett; M. D., M. Cambridge, Fry & Co., Humphrey A Currle, A. C. Roberts, Jas. McDado, Saml. C. Young, James Armstrong, Alex. Dickey A Son, Win. Barnett, John Sehofleld, Henry Beavor, Win. Dawson, John Flanlgan, David Wallace, Jacob M. Peterman, Junius Flanlgan, Ed. Slrouso, I). W. Hcrstlno, Saml. L. Ward, T. B. Beck A Sou, David loyd, John Houston, Francis Martin, Win. Wagnor, Charles I'app, John Maier, M. J. lohn, Charles Storke, John Hausorm in, William Beattey, Naao Stead, J itnios Coope, Wood A Rilil, Pollltt A Madeley, Georgo Holland. I I-Her A Co.. I James Davison, August utnko. John Lettfel, Louts atremmel, Charles Moylan, Gabriel Wolf, Krcdorick Laeh, William Coleman, David Cameron, Andrew Wright, Samuel Smyth, Joseph Slosa, John MoCnrdy, Matthew Nelley, John HammllUii, James Martin, James BrUtln, John Lyttlo, Thomas Bay land, Andrew Blair, Georgo Berry, James Craig, George McDade, James McDade, James Davidson, Wm. McAfee, Wm. McClain, James Scan Ian, John Scanlan, Robert Steenson, James McClellan, Thomas Caves, John Doerr, Robert Savage, Hugh Morrison, Robert Beatty, Wm. Lafferty, Robert Dal las. Operatives. I Josenh A linn Son. Tho meeting will be addressed by Hon. WILLIAM K. DODGE, of New York, Senator ALEX ANDKR G. CATTU.LL. GEORGE H. STUART, Esq., M. R. HARRIS, Esq., GEORGK L. BUZBY, Esq., E. HARPER JEFFRIES, Esq., JOHN PRICE WETHERILL, Esii., Hon. JOHN P. VEKRKE, FREDERICK FRALEY, Esq., and otherg. 1105 CHKSNUT STREET. PHILlDKI.Pirn Qan "U (una The CommUtee on Huppiles acknowledge tbe fo. lowing additional contributions to fetd Tbe Bars In H.u:" W M Scott, cbeee. Waroer. Mbodes A Ox, rrustard. Lipplncott fe Trol.er. coffee. George O Napby, oash. Levm & Broil er, herring, W. Murpbv. herring. Croweli & Collins, cssh. Pettlcher A cltud, oueesn. Kennedy A etalr. codfltb. Trimble A 8t. CUIr. cotlee. E : by A Co.. rice, H. V. VV'ardell, rice. Boyd A Co . crackers. Darrab A Flwell, bams and pickles. Collected, flour and bu ter. Mrs. R Harmer, sugar, Cltlr.eo areagHln requested to seed lo at once any contributions, eltber money or provisions, to the C mnilllte. at Naitonat Hall, MahKKT Htraat. be tween Xwelltb and Tblr eenth, from 7 A. M. ml 6 P.M. JAMES B. RON a,Y, Chairman, 1 homfson Bktkolds, ' ecretary. The FINANCE and RTJPPLY COMMITTEES will report promptly at 4 o'clock Tills AFTJCKNOuN, at national, club homs. HBORl D. MOOBE, Chairman. R. Tl. Cohsow, Secretary. it gggp TO THE CITIZENS OP PHILADEL- PHI A. Dnrlnc the Natlonel Convention of the "Boys lo Blue," about to lassemble here, will -be a grand pro cession, In which all tbe soldiers will desire to take part. Among the strangers who come tons as guests there will be a number who bave lost a limb In tbe defense of the nation. In order that these patriots may not be debaried from participating in the demon stration, tbe following gentlemen bave been ap pointed a committee to solicit from our oltlJiens the use of ambulances, private oarilsges, or other con veyance: LB WIS WALN PMITH. Esq., Chairman, GENERAL LOUIS WAGNER, ANDREW HAGUE, Esq. The Committee confldeully appeal to the unfailing patriotism and liberality of Phlladelphlant to contri bute to the success of the movement.' HENRY D. HOURS, President. BoniBT B. Cobsom, Secretary. Communications should be addiessed to the Chair man of tbe Committee, 922t No. 1105 CHE3NUT Street. SOLDIERS' AND SAILOR NATIONAL CONVBNTION, OCTOBER 1 AND t, 186 8. Tbe citizens of Philadelphia who daring the late armed Rebellion muulllceuuy supplied provisions to our comrades ot tbe Army and Navy; who teuderly relieved to em In tbelr s ckness aud wouuds; who generously supported tbe.r widows and orphans: and wt.o. by tneir vi tes, tbelr lnflueooe, and tbelr means nob y sustained tne bonor aud Integrity of the Na tional liulon are now requested to deoorate tbelr re idencts and places of business on tbe 1st and Id cays tf October proximo, when tbe Soldiers and bailors of the Republic will assemble In Mass Con vention, at Independence Hail, to realllrm tbe prin ciples lor wblcb they fought BAM B. WYLIR MITCHELL, KOiiKRr It. iiODIME, JAMEd W. LATTA, 9S64t Committee tn Flags, i"coratlons, Kto, ggpi- HEADQUARTERS ONION REPCBLI- CAN CITY .EXECUTIVE COMMIT1EE. GRANT AND COLFAX. Tbe Chief Marshals of all the Campaign Clubs througbout the city are requested to meet tor send a representative) on THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, September to, at 8 o'clock, to No. 1105 CHKSNUT Street, to make arrangements to participate In the Great Demonstration of the BOYS IN BLUE," On FRIDAY EVENING, October & WILLIAM B. LEEDS, fre.ldent. HEADQUARTERS REPUBLICAN INVINCIBLES. ORDER No. 18. T. The Club will assemble WEDNESDAY, Sept. 80, IHB8. at 7 o'clock P. M., sbarp. lor parade aud to attend tbe First Cmreenloual Mans Meeting, FXFi'il aud WAsUIAUTtiN Avenue. By order of BENJAMIN L. TAYLOR, Cblel Marsuab DRY GOODS. Ff.KA LrBUS, A ,.,. w.nh.l. I. IlKNSy 'l 011, It rj&T' 1105 CHE8NUT STREET, -" Hki'Tkmhkr aw, ittig. The COMMITTEE of tbe UNION VOLUN I EE8 BKFHkU U h NT HA LOON wlllbeat NATIONAL HAIL allot TO DAY and TO-MOKKOW, to rer-elve coutiibuilous of PiovlKlonn to feed the Hoys In Blue. JAMEi B. RON BY. It cuslraiau Committee. KEW AND ELEGANT GOODS ton THB AUTUMN ANDJVINTER, 18G3. Wa ate bow prepared to offer oar Splendid Stock of New and Fash ionablo Goods, CONSISTING IN PAB1' OF CHAMELEON f-ILKS. CHAMELHON POPLt"5MitL,COW lCK FBENCH SILK POPINS0' IRIJH Mp". HEAVY CORDED vfiSZl01'1' With a treat variety of KEflr FABRICS FOR LADIES' HOUSE DREiSEJand WALKING SUITS at sucu rmciis as will insure KAl'ID SALES, Thai offering extraordinary Inducements to Ladles to select from our large Block of THIS SEASON'S IMl'OKTATIOX. Ladles can l ave tbelr Dresses made to order at the shortest notice, and in the most fashionable styles. EDWIN HALL & CO., No. 28 SOUTH SECOND STBEET, HsmwftUp PHILADELPHIA. CLOAKS. C-OAK OPENING. THURSDAY, October 1, 18C8. CURWEN ST0DDART & BROTHER Respectfully annonnoe their display of PROMENADE AND OrERA CLOAKS, SACQUES, CIRCULAR. AND sriTS Aa ABOVE. By the employment ot acknowledged taste, and with Inoreased facilities In thta Department, com bined with tbe advantages or a cheap IockIoq for cocdnctlng onr butlneas. we are prepared to offer de cided advantages to buyers, CURWEN ST0DDART & BR0IHER, NOH.4ao,4SS,ABrD4S4N.SECONDSTREET, ,t ABOVE WILLOW, SUITS, MANTILLAS. ETC. OPENING. J. M. HAFLEIGH, Nos. 1012 and 1014CHESNUTSt.f WILL OPEN LADIES' SUITS AMD MAISTJLLAS, WEDNESDAY, September 30.' BONNETS, ETC. BO ft NET OPENING. J. M. HAFLEIGH, Nos. 1012 and 1014 CHESNUT St., WILL EXHIBIT FRENCH BONNETS and HATS Wednesday, September 30. BOARDING. aWO TMKD-BTOKY FURNISH KD R00U3 aid B' couu su'iy bai k romu ; uaturniNiied, lor if ot, lib llrst class board. Licllon l'l N Hi Birl, above Miilb. Ad0rens ' b. U ," at lbl ollice, U WOOD & CAR Y, OPENING OF FALL and WINTER BONNETS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1868, No. 725 CHESNUT Street, 1 2 t.'rp POINT BREEZE PARK RACES. POINT BREEZ 3 PARK. Pall Meeiluj THUrWDAT, October 1st. Mile Heaw, best three In II vs. Luwmuoa. Good uuy aud track. Humes to atart at I o'clock P, at precisely. J, Toruer enters s. (. Barry D. s. R. P. Rletson enters b. m. (iazella, J. Rutsrll enters s. a. Frank. Owner euters b. a. Liu 1 Put. B B. Htetson enters e. m. Lady LIhtoot. Tbe privilege of a member Introducing a mala friend wltboct pay la suspended. Admission. u It TIIE POIHT BRREZR PAHK AaOOIATIOM will Kive a seilt or Obmce and select KxhljtUous on MUX- . it, iino oy ol Ooiolier next., lor the )ini"iit of iliflr luii rov nietit Fund, I'jtrtlt'olttrg keroar nr. Tbe pauouaua ot tbe public la uuilclltd. Vn ,