I. 1 THE DAILY EVENING yRAgPMLADEL FBI A, TUESD AT,SEPTBM jm. .LITERATURE. IlKVIliW OF NKW BOOK Frkamof Fortvnk, and Mai or Rrbar. By Oliver Optln. Published by L' o A Shnoarii, Hosion Philadelphia urouU U. V. Pucuer, No. 808 Ooemnt street. the writer of tbese stories bti obtained much popularity with a large clrrle of jureuilp read ers, and bit obect Is to Inculcate Rood moral and religious piluclples j presenting tbo n 1n a ihape tbat will attract rather than repel the class to which they nr addressed. It Is not every one wbo knows bow to lay on with skill the sugar coating of tb ptll which the young sters are effected to swa.low, and those who succeed In doing so are entitled to credit no Cordinjrly. Oliver Optic's style is not the best, and he seems Inclined to Instruct more by precept than by example. So far from cons!, dering aujr pology nceseary for the Intro duction of cxjitiuir adventures and incl. dents In such stories as . those under notice at present, we think that therein consists their chief merit. Tho craving of boys for books of adventuro Is a natural aud healthy feeling, which, within proper btucdn, should be en courxgrd; and the more of such books the better, we pay, so long as they are good and Yvbolpsome In ton, liojs are generally pretty Rood critics, and the object of the writer might be accomplished better by drawing such charac ters as "Uncle Nathan" and "Levi Fairfield" as bad or good, than by telling the reader that they are so in as many word?. This Is tho great defect lu Oliver Optic's wrltinps: he does not draw charncters, and (he consequence Is that his examples of perfect morality and total de piavl'y c'o not make tho sane impression that they would if the writer was a better artist Dickens docs cot take the trouble to say that "Qullp" is a mean, contemptible little brute, but we understand his intentions well enough; anl such character-drawing is enjoyed by boys a; much m grown readers, while at the same time it stimulates the intellect in a style that Oliver -Optic's portiaiturf s never can do. Those who devote themselves to the tusk of writing for the youDtf have a great responsibility on their shoulders, and the bet work that they can tuin out will never be too good. We wish siacerely that the lis-1 of really ab'e authors of J lvenile books could be largely increased; and while we believe that much better stories than those of Oliver Optio might be written, we are not dis posed to crltlcizo them too closely, because we believe that they in a great measure accomplish the purpose of the author in combining amuse ment with instruction, aud iu interesting his readers. Tales of Algeria. TranlatPd from the "Veloce'' of Alexai.dre Djmas, bv Bichaid Meade Bache. Published by Claxton, liemsen, & HalTel-. finger. Mr. Bache has selected from Damis' "Veloce" such portions as he thinks will be interesting to American readers. The sketches of Algeria" life, manners, custom, and adventures con tained in. this volume were written by Dumas Tf mie on a cruise in the French corvette Veloce, and they appear to have been dashed off on the epur of the moment, in that free but graphic Btyle for which the grea; French novelist is famous. Mr. Bache has preserved the spirit of U.e oriulnal in his translation, but further cur tailments might have been made without seri ously diminishing the interest of the book. From A. Winch, autbor's agent, no. ouo Chesnut street, we have received the "Exit of Caliban and Isnjlock," by which title appears to be meant the exit of religion, morality, and common sense. The author has undertaken to grapple with the great social questions of the day, and has failed, as many more able men before him have done, to find a satisfactory solution for the difficulties that perplex him. He indeed does attempt a solution, but most right-thinking and cool-headed persons wi'.l be apt to consider his remedies worse than the diseases they preteud to cure. J.'iifflish and American Ladies. Ergl.sh women have their out-of-door sports ne will as the men. They low, they ride, tiiey have archery meeting, and, more than this, they walk outiu every kind of weather. Iain not about to repeat the old cry tbat American ladies wear thin shoes, fade quickly, and die early. This cry was never quite true, except in regard to ladies ot lathlon; aud such ladles are very much alike aB over the world, wearing the same attire, living the same lite, and coming to the same end. But, unquestionably, tbe opening ot the New Yoik Ceutral Park which rendered all American parks suddenly fashion able and the Enbsequeut and consequent Intro duction ot Enirlhh waiting boots, have greatly benefited American women, and have blessed, line a new Providence, the American children. I have had the honor of Introductions to Eng lish matrons who appeared quite as young a their daughters, and have met an English iady who assured me that she was a grandmother, although she looked youne, handsome, and charmme enough for a maiden of eighteen: but I tbink I could hud similar phenomena in Ame rica, and I have encountered some English girls who seemed old enough to be their own mothers, not to bay grandmothers, and ut?!y enough to eusgest tne theory of demoniacal influences. The truth Is that American ladies, m a rule, aie as handsome as ths Enirli-tb, aud lost just as lonu; but their Is a different style of beauty, and each man has bis own ideal. 1 do not want the American women to look like tbe English, but 1 want them to be as healthy, and to Introduce to the world as healthy children. To accomplish this they should wear warmer underclothing, wait more, be more independent of the weaiher, live moie lu tne open air, aud use borsebtck exer cise reuularly. Almost every English My kLOws how to ride; tbat goes without asking; but in America, altboagh you may be sure that every lady can thrum tbe piano, not one in fifty can ride. Croquet is not exercte for which reason, I presume, the Ameiican women have been willine to alopt it; but gardening is a healthy amusement, which most Americaus neglect, and in which English ladies take the utmost delight. Foreigners who reside for anytime in England eoon learn tbe pleasures ot a garden. I have seen an Italian prima donus, for whom tbe critics cannot find sufficient praises nor tbe public adequate applause, liigcicir away with enthusiasm and a trowel at 6 o'clock in the motuiug; and it is astonishing how much inte rnet American residents here take in an occupa tion which they scarcely thought of in their own country. Better this than foruimr women's clubs, or agitating for women's rights by de claiming women's wrongs. Far belter than resorting' to waterins places every summer in truest ol rest and strength, aud returning lu the autumn moro fatigued than ever. English people go to watering places also; buttbey go for tbVwater, and flirt incidentally; tbey bathe, they trot around on the beach, they make walking excursions into the adjacent country, they are not so particular about their toilets as in town. Tbe American ladies go to flirt, and take the water incidentally; they pass the day in frequent changes of dress for tbe bieaklast, lunch, promenade, drive, dinner, aud evening dance; go to bed when they should be thinking of getting up, and commit more lollies in a few weeks than tbey can satisfactorily repent of during the remainder of the year. Tbe first duty of a woman Is to be handsome and healthy, and the average EnglUh woman per forms her whole duty faithlully; the average American woman fails after the handsome half, TWey'a AJagaune. MEDICAL. IMPORTANT TO INVALIDS IROX IN Tl IE BLOOD. A PERMANENT TONIC, TflTnOUT ALCOHOL. HEALTH roil THE SICK. STRENGTH TO THE WEAK. VIGOR FOR THE FEEBLE. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP. Protected Solu tion of the Protoxide of Iron, strikes at the root of disease by supplying the blood with Its VITAL, PRINCIPLE OR LIFE ELEMENT, IRON, glvlBg Strength, Vigor, and Hew Life to the whole system. PERUVIAN SYRUP PERUVIAN SYRUP PERUVIAN SYRUP PERUVIAN SYRUP PERUVIAN SYRUP PERUVIAN SYRUP rjSKUVlAN SIRUP PERUVIAN SYRUP PERUVIAN SYRUP PERUVIAN SYRUP PERUVIAN SYRUP Is a Protoxide of Iron, Makes the Weak Strong. Contains no Alcohol. Builds up the Broken-down. Cures the Dyspepsia. Invigorates the Brain. Cures Female Weaknesses. Cares Spring Debility. Vitalizes and Purifies tue Blood. Restores tbe Vigor of Youth, Is Pleasant to take. Being free from Alcohol in any form, its ener gizing effects are not followed by correspond ing reaction, but are permanent. Stimulants only afford temporary relief, and have the same effect as giving a tired horse the whip instead of oats. The true way is to invigo rate tbe debilitated system by supplying the blood with Its Life Element IRON, thereby infusing strength, vigor and new life into al parts of the system, and building np an IRON CONSTITUTION. Thousands have been changed by the use' o this remedy, from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, bealthy, and happy men and women, and invalids cannot reasonably hesi tate to give it a trial. PRICE. Large Bottles, (24 oz.) $200, or 3 for I5-00. Small Bottles, (10 oz). II 00, or 0 for Jj 00. If your Druggist does not keep it, send direct to me, and It will be forwarded promptly by express. A 82 page pamphlet sentree to any address. P A TTrPTfiTJ 1Q purchasing tbe PERU J&J 1 lUn VIAN BYRUP, be particular to set tbe Genuine, and not one of tbe many Alcobollo Elixirs of Peruvian Bark, or Bark and Iron. See tbat Pe ruvian Syrup is blown In the glass. FINANCIAL. J, P. D1NSM0RE, Proprietor, Ko. 80 DEY Street, New York. For Sale in Philadelphia by JOIISSTOX, IIOLLOWAY & COWDEN. Jio. C02 ARCH Street, FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., AND BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. 71 iS WV3 financial; UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS At 102, And Accrued Interest CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS At 103, And Accrued Interest. FOR SALE BY De Haven & Bro., No. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. QLENDINNINQ & DAVIS? HO. 43 SOUTH THIBD IIBOII Stock and Gold Broken, QUOTATIONS OP NEW YORK STOCKS ALWAYS OS BAND, ItfBn . LisTDrmrTire. rm; loanr r. da via EAST INDIA TELEGRAPH. JLECTR1C TELE0RAPU IN CULM. TUE EAST INDIA TELEGRAPH COMPANY'S OFFICE, Nos. 23 and 25 NASSAU Street. ORGANIZED UNDER SPECIAL CHARTER FROM THE STATE OS MEW YOZK, CAPITAL. $5,000,000 60,000 SHAKES, 9100 EACH. DIRECTORS Hon. Andrew Q. Cdbtin, Philadelphia. Paul 6. Forbes, of Kusaell & Co., China. Fbkd. IiUTTXiitij, of 7. Butlerfleld A Co,, Mew York Isaac Livebmobe, Tread: Mich. O. R. R-, Boston. ALKXANDiB Holland, Treas. Am. z,Co , New York. Hon . James Noion, Syracuse, X. Y. C. H. Palm kr, Treas. West V. Tel. Co., New York. Flktchkb Wkbtbay, of Westray, Glbbs & Hardoaa. tie, N. Y. Nicholas Micklbs, New York, OFFICERS. A. G. Curtin, President. N. Wicklks, Vice-Pretldent, O Rosea Con a nt. Secretary. Gkobqk Ellis (Cashier National Bank Common. wealth)'. Treaturer, Hon. A. K. HotLUBB, Philadelphia, Solicitor, The Chinese Government having (through the Son, Anion Burlinoame) eonceacd to au nmjtnnt thu prim, lege of connecting the great teanortt nt wtmiarOte electric UU graph cable, wepropoie commenc ing oiieraUonM in b'hina, and laving down a line of foO miles at once, between the following ports, vw; Population, Canton - l.ouo.uuo Macon...- . 80,000 Hong Kong 250,000 Ewatow 200 000 ADJOy - 240,000 Foo-Cho w 1,250,000 Wan-Cbu 300.000 Nlngpo - 400,000 HaDU-Chean ..................1,200,000 Shanghai....... .M.1,000,000 Total........... ...5 sio.OOO These ports have a foreign commerce of 1900 oco.OoO and an enormous domestic trade, besides which we have the Immense internal commerce of the Empire, radiating lroin these points, through lu canals and navigable rivers Tbe cable bslng laid, this company propose erecting land llneb and establishing a speedy and trustworthy means of communication, which mnst command there, as everywhere else, the communication) of the Government, oi business, and of social life, especially In China. She has no postal system, and her only means now of communicating Information la by courier on land, and by steamers on water, Ihe WtsternWorld knows tbat China Is a very large country, In tbe main densely peopled; bat lew yet realize that she contains more than a third of the human race. Ibe latest returns made to her central authorities for taxing purposes, by the local magis trates, make her population Jbur Hundred and Four teen MUiions, and tLls Is more likely to be under than over the actual aggregate. Nearly all of tbese who are over ten years old not only cau, but do read and write. Her civilization Is peculiar, but her literature la as extensive as that of Kurope. China is a land of teacheis and traders; ana the latter are exceedlntly qnlck to avail tt emselves of every proffered facility for procuring early Information. It is observed la California that tbe Cblnme make great use of the telegraph, though It there trarsmlts messages In En gllsb alone To-day, great numbers of fleet steamers are owned by Chinese merchants, and used by them exclusively for the transmission of early Intelligence, If tbe telegraph we propone, connectlug all their great seaports, weie now In existence. It Is believed that Its business would pay Its cost within the first two years of lu successful operation, aud would steadily Increase thereafter. No enlerprl.e commends ItBelt as In a greater de gree remunerative to capitalists, aud to our whole people. It Is of vast Malarial Importauce commer cially, politically, and evangelically,- Shares of thlscompaay to a limited number, may be obtained at V0 eacb. f 10 payable down, (is on the 1st of November, and t'2s payable In monthly Install menu of 2 BO eacb, commencing December 1, ws on application to DREXEL & CO., Ko. 84 South THIRD Street, PWlailcIphla, To duly authorised Banks and Bankers throughout Pennsylvania, and at the OFFICE OV THE COMPANY, Nos. 23 and 25 NASSAU STREET, B 2 NEW YORK. FURNISHING GOODS, SHIRTS&O H. 8. K. C. Harris' Seamless Kid Gloves. ETEBI PAIB WABBAHTED. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOB GENTS' GLOVES. J. W. SCOTT & CO., srlrp HO. IMfllESlCT STREKT. TDATENT S 11 O U L D E R-S E A M ftHIBT MAHUrACTORr, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 8T0BE. PKKFKCT FITTING bUIRTS AND DRAWEHS made iioni nitabureiueol at very short noiioe. All ntlixr ar.lnies Ot UnNlLAAlJUN'tS DKEJti GCOtb In lull variety. WINCHKSTER & CO., Ill N 70tiCUEajxUT Street HTumniinAiniiftj Dealers la all Government Securities anl Foreign Exchange. Bills Tor Bale on London, Tarls, Frank fort, Etc. Letters or Credit Issncd on Messrs. J AXES W. TUCKER & CO., Torls, AVAILABLE FOR IBiVILLIltV TJ6B IN ANY PART OF THE WORLD, Slocks. Bonds, and Hold bonght and sold on Commission. Deposits received, and Interest allowed. Hold loaned. Collections made. SMITH, EAND0LP1I & CO., No. IG Gouth THIRD Stroot, T10 PHILADELPHIA. AUCTION SALES. I ivf ! L 0N9. "OS. 130 AND 141 HANDSOME WALNUT PAKt.OR DINING-ROOM &a.Ki,TP,iii . . On wrdonday Morning, Reptember to. at lo o .loi-k. at No. (Mo Wallaoe street, by catalog!!, tbe entire taounehold furnltur. loo udlrc haadmme wainnt parlor rarnHiir., rovr1 wl'hgreuo plush, msde to order by All.u; dlnlor room lurnltiiro, clesant slrtebourd, elccant ruwu carpets, china, (law, and pUled warp; 2 suits of hand some walnut coamber furniture, bonq'iet and centre tahles, marble tops, Hue bair matireises, kltcliea utensils, eto. I zs at IIANnsOMR FPRNrTURw! TIAN09 MIRRORS. CHNhKI,llR.S, H A Ni)MM K VKuVJCr. BKU MKLS, AND UTII 11 V, Rf KTS. E1U ' . . . .On Thursday Moinuif. i ' '"'lick ai tbn Auction Rnom, bv cta lORiie, a large asnortment ot superlo' Houitihold Fur tiliiire, couiprlsliis; hanUsome walnut parlor aud library suits covered with bricatelie, rep, and balr clotbn; olied walnut chamber snlto; two eleeant Jreuch p me pier mirrors, nmxve Inches: elKant irencb pla.e nianel mirror. 6HK4S Inches; loursnu rlor rosewood plaoo-fones made by Wlihelm & Hiba 'VV J1' yc'' ""! others: wardrobes bwk-cuii, V"??,' "'"""'"n tbles. ichlna, gl.sxware, bAli and bedcllnB, ollloe furoiiure, piatiorm scalen and weights, Wo pounds wlilie ).d, plated ware, twentr five bron.e aud ailt chaodillers, handsome velvet. itrustels, and other carpet, etc. wo. 29 it WH. PAINTER & CO., BAJiKEKS iSD DEALERS L UOTEBX MEKT SECURITIES, No. 80 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA, AQENTS FOIJ The Union Pacific Railroad Co,, AND Central Pacific Railroad Co. Wa hare on band THE F1EST MORT GAGE SIX PER CEA'T. GOLD INTEREST BOKDS of both Companies, for sale or ExCliango for GoTcrnment Securities. Tamphlets, with Maps, Reports, and full information furnished on application, tiu m , FIRST MORTGAGE SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS or THB ROCHESTER WATER 1Y0RKS CO. FOR SALE AT 87i, And Accrued Interest from JULY 1, 18G8. PAYABLE SEMI ANNCALIT, January and July. Tbe aggregate amount or the Boads Issued by the Company Is 9400,0001 upon (heir works estimated to cost orer 1,000,000. Prom a careful examination of the uses which will be made of the water In tbe city and suburbs, it la estimated that the Company will be able to pay LAUGH! DIVIDENDS ON ITS bfOCE. ONLT A LIMITED AMOUNT OF THESE BONDS A HE l'XK SAXii AT THiLBA PHICKd. APPLY TO GLENDIMING & DATIS, No. 48 South THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA RANKING HOUSE OF Kos. 112 and 111 South THIRD Street PHILADELPHIA. Dealers In all Gorernmcnt Securities. Old 6-20s TTanted In Exchange for Ken A Liberal Difference allowed. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. Interest Aliened on Deposits. COLLECTIONS MADS. BTOOKS boognt and told an Commission. Bpcclftl business aooommoaAtlona reserved foi adies. ftlm We will receive applications tct Policies ot Life Tnsurano In the Mauonal J.li. Inanrauce Company of the United latatea. Full Inlorniatlon blyen at gu JARR & LADNER, No. 30 South THIRD Street, DEALERS IN GOLD, STOCKS, and GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. Dills of Exchange and Letters of Credit sold on all parts of Europe. UNION AND CENTRAL PACIFIC FIBST MORTGAGE BONDS, BOUGHT AND BOLD, 128 2m o. 1). MrCLEKS A CO. ADCTICJiEEBI No. 60 HAi.JtJT Htt. ,y LAKOK FALL BALR ) loco CASES BOOTS. . . . n Thursday uiorulng, October 1. cemmenolrg at iu o'clock, we will sell bycata onue. lor cash, a pMme anil desirable assort ment of Weu's. Boys', and Yuuihs' Boots, Bhoes. Bro gana, Ilalmora s, etc AIro a large lluejof Ladles', Misses', and Children's Wfr' . t4t CLCTVBCTI0NEER3' N- 630 Will sell TniH DAY, Morning and Evening. A large Invo ce of Blankets, Bed Hpreads, Dry doods. Cloths. Casslmeres. Hosiery, Htat'onery, Table and Pocket Cuilery, Notions, etc. ' u0 "uu City and country merchants will find bargains. Terms csh. Ooods packed free of charge, , 28 pitOPOSAL 8 FOR bTATlONEIir. iiOUSB 0 BKI'RESKNTATl VK8 UnIT;D BTATB3, , - . a wrivni. rryk. i., inns. I ef,,?,r?,,i.P0p,0Bal" w,u be "celv.d at this olll wD"!,.?iyjli?1,AVl "' ,5,h day of October. liis. ce at ..r . t mrmnun'K eacn Of ine rllowlnir articles of Htatlonety for the use of tue House ai finfaTnUlnd!16 QU"U' l'r' extr UP" wfder"d.W,Ue QuMt0 Po8t PaDer' extr uperflae ISO reams white Commercial Note Paper, extra superfine, faint lined. '"'or, extra 40 iranis white commercial Note Paper, extra superhue, plain. extra 76 reams Fancy Note Paper. jjWreams Fooltcap Paper, extra superfine, faint Untd'eml1 LegftI Cap PaDer' extr uperflne, faint lu reams Journal Paper, white heavy, extra auner- fine, Hxi7 ache., ruieu to pattern. super 1U0 reams toll Manilla Paper. lutio reams Manilla Paper, 12rl9 Inohes, flat verv tcuRb and smoo'.h, to weigh eleveo pounds per ream Sou reams Manilla Paper, 19x24 iucliei, flt verv tounh and smootc, to weliih twenty-two pounds per MO reams Manilla Paper, 7i,17 Inches, flat varv tough and smooth, to weigh fjrty-two pounds per 4(tr packages Blot.lng Paper. 12 sheets to a nackairn. 60,000 white thick adhesive Kuvelopea. mi-v"-Incues. toooo white thick adLeslve Envelopes, 6,'u u.uoo white thick adhesive Envelopes 8!ira" Inches. 14 su.coo white thick adhesive Envelopes. sr.'xS' lmliep. lo.oiju white thick adhesive Envelopes, tXxvs Irjche., luooo white thick adhesive Envelopes, ie"x4u Inches. ai.m-e lancy Note Envelopes. 1H giObS Congress Tie Euvelnpes. 100,1 uo buff adhesive Envelopes. 74XSV Inches 20.000 buff anbeslve Envelopes, S;'ixL inohes. l,wm,(X0 buff Envelopes, aot adhe.lve,.;,xSi lucha.. 26gio8sOiilott'sPens.No.404. "Jcaes. 'it gross GUloti's Pens, No. Sua. 2k gross Perry's small 3-poinied Pens. 60 grusa Mark Levy's Commercial rens. 2 uor.en Uold Pen Nibs. 8 di.eu Uold Pens, various kinds. 1 gross 4-lnch flat IukstanOs. 1 gnss lnkstaudr assorted styles. 5 U07.en Arnold's Ueuulue Wrillug Fluid, halfplnta 8dtr.en Arnold's Oemiine Willing Fluid, DlnU a uuneu iuiu . ueuuiue w r lung lulu. 4 ur t. 3 dczm Carmine lnx. 2 dijKen (Jeuulne French Copping Ink, quarts. 2 d zen Ueuulne French CopylUK ink, plum. . 6 do.eu Jet Black Ink, quans, pints, and i Dlnti 1 roHS Hubber Penholders. No. 8. 10 gioss Penholders, varli.ua kluds. 10 cv.ea Kubber Pencils, short, propelling. in dozen Kubber Pencils, Ionic, propelling. I dozen Kubber Propelling Peuoils, gold mounted IS gross A. W. Faber's Black Lead Pencils, No. 2 hexuKOii and round. lu arxtu American Lead Peucll Company's Car--mine and Blue Pencils, hexagon. 1A dozen a. W. Faber's Carmine and Blue Peuclls hexagon. ' 10 tk .en Diaries for 1869, 6 dozeu Autograph Books. iSdczen bebt White Aiucllage, flat, 8ouno9 bottles. I dozeu line Porttollos. VI dozen Lawyer's Taate, silk. 2-J dozen Paper Folders. 100 spools Pink Tape. 20dosen Pocket Knives, good qna'ltles, Rodger)', W osieuholm's. Crook's, and beat American mautittc ture. 12 dozen Scissors, a'i to 8 Inch. 8 doten HpoDg. Uups. 8 d' zeu i-aper Weights. 6 dozen Heady Kettfreoce Files. 12 dozen Erasing Knives. is dozen Purtemoonaies, v axiom kinds. 10 d zen ilulers. , . , , M dozen packs Visiting Cards, cut from the Bristol Boaru, in box's, , 7o gross Kubber Bands and Kings, 20 pounds Artist's Uuui. Its o skins Parchment, 18x22 Inches. KOCO pounds Thick, Bolt, aud Hard Twine. Is dozen Memorandum, jtlauunorlpt, and other Blank Books. 0 dozeu Pen Backs. 1 beadhenive envelopes must beextra well gummsd, wl'h pure while gum, or they will Dot be received; and samples of all kinds of envelopes must be sub. mined iu moh boxes as they are 10 be delivered in. All white envelopes are to be delivered lu boxes con talnlng not over '0 each. Boxes for bull euve'opes lo contain not over 6c0 each, and to be sirongiy made. In the supply of goods comraci'irt will be rigidly rtqulr.d to furnish articles lul.y equal to tbe sample, Propofcals must be accompanied by the names of the sureties luleLded to be olloied. and a bond in thesuui ot Slot 0 that parlies will furoUh sucu aillcles as may be awarded lo them. ...... As required by law, pr.fentsce will be given to pro ductions of American Industry. 11 equally utieap aud of as good quality; aud all piraon making proposals to supply auy class of articUi will siate wheiuer the same are tbe manufacture ot Hie O titled stales. The articles are to be dell v red free ot any charge tor carriage at the office or the Clerk ot the House of K preseutailves, on or belore Ine lclh day ot No vember, Isoh, , . , . , Each proposal to be Indorsed 'Proposals for Sta tionery lor the Houieot Keoi seutallvesoi tue culled biaies," and addressed to the uid olane 1. butiicleul specimens of eacb ul o'ms articles pronoied for must accompany the proposal, maiked wuh the name of the bidder. the weight per ream of all writing papers, ex cept fancy note paper, muat be stated upon the t.ninla Ibe person offering to furnlth any class of articles at the lowest price, quallly couxltfered, will receive a contract for tbe same, on txeuuliug a bind, Willi two or more sureties, satisfactory id the O'eik of the House of representatives, lor the puriormaace ot the same, under a forfeiture of twice toe coutraut pries in cue of failure, which bond b usi be filed lo fie olrlcs ol the said Clerk wlihln ten days ufinr the proposals have been opened aud the res iH declared. euwakd Mcpherson, 0 82tu4t Clerk eflhe Bot.se of Itepreseoiatlvei. TDEOPOSALS FOR C0RX AND OATS. liKAlQO"TEKS D18TBIOI Olf THB IMDIAV 'iAMlKHUAY, LSIIV yiUKTKi Penlfd Proposals In duplicate will be received at this (Jmce until noon ou MONDAY, the 6th day ol October, lb68, for furuishlog the Quartermaster's liepartment Willi supplies, to be delivered as fol low h: FOKT GIBSON, Cherokee Nation, 10.CO0 bushels of Corn. FORT A F BUCKLE, Chickasaw Nation, 80.000 busliels ol Cnru. J-OKT AltBGCKLB. Chickasaw Nation, 6000 bushels ol Oats. t . Ail bids to furnish the above must be for sound merchantable Com or Oats, subject to the Inspection ot the office or agent of the Uuited btates receiving Pt'oposals must In all eas's specify the kind and quan 11 y of Corn or Oats the bidder desires to fuulah, whether In racks or bulk. T , , . . kach bid must be accouYpanled by a good and soffl clentsuaianiee from two responsible parties selling foiih tnal in tbe eveut of us acceptance, they will give ample security for the faithful performance of tbThe'Viyiit to reject any or all bids that may be offered Proposal's must be plainly Indorsed "Proposal! for CnKr'-pT-osaU for Vats," as the i case may be, aud adoreased lo the onuerslgued at Fort Uibsou, C'lVment to be made In Government funds pn de liver olliie Coru or Oats, or as soon thereafter as JxiVd. hall have been received for that purpose. Delivery to Vouimenoe on or bsfore Nov. f w and to ct'minue at a rate ot uot ls than 8000 bushels per month mull thecohtiaolls tilled. By W't!1ev.,MMor.o,neral H. B. ORIKriHOS. A w nncH wri.1., llrcvil Lieu'. Oil.. A. 4, M. U. b. A. , t h tl 4 W. IJi.iilcl ludluu Terraory. MVU IB IMDIAV ) t'KM ASTBa'S ( :OiBaoN, O. N. f August 22. 1H63. ) AUCTION SALES Of Bank sir el, Buccessors to John B. al iiiil)o, LAKQKSil, OF BRITIHH, FRKNfiH OEKUArT Oct. I at Id re-V?. 3 n""rtJ' ornluir. homines women's wi.ub bro.n 1L.. lAlVRZ . . Otitic n nose, plain fleecw,e',rowa'oolord Andmlxesl Full lines men's while, browa ...i ' . . , mixed cotton half bose, o'0'. French, and bin Full lines boys', misses', and evtit.n'. h.. brown, niixtU fancy hose, half muiVrt Fail lines men's, women's, tma. children's silk, r mi. cloth, Berlin, and KHton gloves. Xa . ALSO, an nnnsuilly large line of imported woollens. A LMO. Kill! KMJL'HH TAPhHl-KT BR08SW& ALSO? 100 PIECES JLOOR Olb UU)THs,imA AL.3U, . . On Krld.y Morning, c?o"til..?io.d " m'Pl"iucVi LABGESALKOFFRRvciI AND OTHER HIIRrt. trun PEAN DRY HOODS, Era? iSJRO' On Monday Monilng, Oc'ober 5, at lo o'clocs, on four montbV credit CIRCULAR. LA EOF,, SPECIAL AM) At TRACTIVE SALE OP P1KIH HHAWLH. Vessrr. H. iiknnkquin A CO., will sell throush BUNTINM. IURB)RROW A CO.. on four mnn'hs' credit, . ...irT .On MONDAY, October 8, PLA1A THIBET AND MERINO Mil AWLS. ANJ3 .ti . PARly BROUHK HIIAWL8, ot their owu well kuown manufacture and exclusive They will offer at this sale, for the first tlms ail their new p interna of this season, which are very rich "O sty lish. The sale will consist of A lull Una of plain black and merino shawls, In long and square, w th wool frli gea, In all their various qualities, from medium to flnestrailes. orand fond ard open centres square aud lonjr shawls, black and scarlet, Paris brocne square and long shawls la great ya rlety, of very choice designs and qualities. Paris bmcbe tqusre and long Cashmere shawls. A gait rle and fond moyeu square and long shawls. Comprising a very choice and lull line ot new and desirable styles and qualities. Including many or the rlch.stgi oils luiprned. This offVring of shawls Is composed entirely of goods of the manufacture Of Messrs. H. HENNK y(JN co and of designs exclusively their own, and will be found nnenrnassed In variety aud style by any ollerlug ever made at auction. 2 as H. HENNEQTJIX A CO. MARTIN fcROTHEBS, AUCTIONEERS. il ately Salesmen for M. Thomas A 8ons.l No.ftftCHFbNUTIst. .rear en trance front Minor. Sale No. i29 (ibesnnt street, HANDSOME WALNUT HOUSEHOLD FURVr. TURK. FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS. 8 VKRY fell PERIOR 1 1 REPROOF 8 AFEU, FINE VELVET AND BKUBetLS CARPETS. ETU. On Wednesday Morulog, 80th Instant at 10 o'clock, at the auction rooms by oata'ogue, a very desirable assortment of Furoiiure. Including Handsome walnut parlor furniture, covert d In tiu reps and haircloth; 4 suits handsome waluui chamber furniture; wardrobes; extension dlulng-tables: French plate mirrors; 6 superior lire proof sales, made by Kvans A Watson, Llilie, and others; fine velvet, Brussels, and ingrain carpets niaurtrfsrs; leatlier beds; china and glassware' counteisi cooking and cylinder stoves; haodaouiecaii table cutlery; double barrel gans, eto. u ti xt Large Sale No. 2C8 e. Fourth s'reet. SUrF.RIOR HOUSKHOLl) FUKN1TURS, FIWH! FRENCH MANTEL AND PIER MIRRORS FINE BKUbCELtj CARPETS, MATTRiU&aEaV On Thursday Morning, October 1, at 10 o'clock, at No. 266 . Fourth street by catalosue, tbe entire i nralture of thirty rooms In cluding parlor furniture, superior walnut aud cot tage ctiember furniture, dining room furniture, Una French plate mantel and pier mirrors, handsouieir iramefl; superior wardrobes, har ma'.tresses, a largo quantity of blanket!, comfortables, stoves, table and bed lint n, China and glassware, kuchen furnitura. refrigerators, etc. May be seen early on the rrorulngol sale. 29 it SPECIAL BALEoOPATIONKBT, PA NOT On TL u ma ay Afternoon, October 1, At 8 o'uloca, at the auction rooms, bv .ataiogue. ItLi tilti'00' Also, aa invoke of photograph albums, of vaMousi sUsis. . liHt Pale No. 1028 callowhlll slrest. SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD U r.NI PuRB. FINK BKUebEU CARPaTS. ETC On Friday Morotng, Oo'ober 2, at lo o'clock, at No. I02& Csllowhlll s'reet tbe surplus furniture, walnut parlor furoiiure, Cham.' berandoii lng-room furniture, hue Brussels carpet china, klicbt n utensils, eta r 9 2o .r'' May be Been on the morning of sale at 8 o'clock. Sale No. 529 Cnesnnt street. LA ROE SALE OF F1N OIL PAiNriSQi On. Friday Evening. October 2 at 7i o'clock, at the auction rooms (se cond storv saleuroom) by catalogue, a uolltctlou 1 of lino oil paintings, neatly framed, op eu for exhibition iwodays previous to sale. L2j6t Fale No. 1506 Hummer s'reet. HOUSEHOLD FUHNI t OKK, Ra-EWOOD PIANO CAKPE1S, KTO. On Haturday Morning, October 8, at 10 o'clock, at No. I606 Snramer street, beiween Race and Vine stree's, above F.fiecutn parlor aud chamber furniture rosewood piano. mde by Pennsylvania Manutacturtng Cjuiuauy: feather beds, carpets, kitchen utensils, etc. It ay be seen ear.y on mornlug of sale. 9 29 it Rale at Ihp. Auction Roonns. EXTRA FINETK1PLE SILVER PLATED WARK Ou haturday Morulug, -.. October 3. at 11 o'clock, at the auction rooms, by calalogne. a very desirable assortment of rice trlrrta silver-plated ware, including tea sets, coffee and tea urns, epergues, ice-water pitchers, tea trays, salvers, dinner uud bleak. am castors, tureeus, vegetable dishes table, dessert, and tea epoous aud forks; Ivory handle knives; tine table cuilery, In cases; te t and call-bells, egg boilers toast lacks, cake baskets, berry dlshei-, etc- Tbese goods ate from one of the best manu 'ado rers In this cliy, ai d ail ot the newest patterns anil latent d signs. May be seen early on the morning of sale, 8 25 7t THOMAS BIRCH & SON, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MEKOHANTH, No. 1U1 CHEbNCT Street; rear entrance No. U07 Bansoxn at Bale at No r 7 summer street. II EGA NT KOWEWOOD HOUSHHOLD FURNT 'lUHh. HANU-FOKTE, LARUE MIRIlJIi. carpets, etc. Ou Tbnrsday Morning, October 1st, at 10 o'clock at No. IH07 dummnr street, will be sold, the lurnllure 01 a family declluing house keeping, comprising rosewood plauo-turle, uiaue by Kelcbeuriach A .Son; suit of rosewood parlor furniture, velvet, Biustela and ingrain carpets, French plate msn'.l aud pier mirrors, walnut chamber aud sitting loom furniture, beds and mattresses, dlulug-rootn furniture, china aud glassware, mocking bird aud Cflee, kitchen furniture, etc. Ibe Furniture can be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning ol sale. Catalogues will be ready at the auction store on Wednesday. Bin LirriNCOTT. EON A CO., AUCTIONEERS. AbUHLRbT BUILDINO, No. 240 MAREE'P bueot. I.AFOK POSITIVE SALE OF 8.0 LOTS AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY (JOODS, MILLINERY GOODH, HOSIERY OOOD. PARIS FANCY 0OOD8, Mil ION 8, ETC, ' By Catalogue, on F. ur Months' Credit. Cd Wtdnesuay M rnlng. Sept, 80, commencing at 10 o'clock, comprising si large and lull asso- tmeu' of new and desirable go da, well worthy the soeolal attention of buyers. l 26 St LARUE PoHlTIVE HALE OK RIBBONH, FKNCH FIXJWEBS, FEATHERS, AND Mllr L1NERY GOODS. Inc uded lu our sale on Wednesday will be found, vlr 7to cartons rich French artificial flower of newest f''io cartc'ns black and assorted colors ostrich and narkbout leathers. , carious trimming and bonnet ribbons. cartens blurk ana color d silk velvets. 9 28 tt VELVET HIBliONS. 250 cartons tpl ad id quality silk velvet ribbons, choice aasiried colors, aud ot tbe celebrated Jockey brand. n HDKFa. ETC. An Invoice of ladles and geuts' l L.C. bdkrs., plain, hemstlicbsd, hemmed, aud new style solid V AlBOsen's'sTiIrt fronts: ladles' furnlsMnggoods.etO. ' HOOP BKIHI'S ANU COKHKl's, A full line of ladles', msse', and children's newest shar e steel spring hoop skirls; nttohaulual wbaUbsne) cortets, etc TARGE POBITIVB SPECIAL BiLB OF PARIS FANCY OCOD3 AND NOIIONs. Comprising 1000 Lois new aud desirable Goods, now landing, by catai.gue, on four month.' credit. ' On Thuwday Morning. , October 1, at 10 o'clock, conaistlug in part or ParU morocto wallets: fancy pur.; u0,0??0rttJ"vJ'' ln bags aud satchels; companions; ear ilass aad brooch; Jet eteel, and fancy gilt .ets. pocket cutlery; taola cuilery; raior.: sleeve outtou.; pea'l studs; hair, nail, and tooth brushes, ladles' and children's eiastlos; accord um; haruioiiloa.; pencils; thimbles; t waaC; snuff aud tobaoco boxes; pli)es; ptrlM Uuiy buttons, sic lisl x APnir. POMrTIVE SPECIAL HALE OT FATffj Kl RAW GOODS. FELT AND VELVET UATi. E1C. "Friday Morning. October .romprlBltig2M cases uew'st Fa I lyr lautvs', iuU.es', aud uuildreu's wear. l t s