AFFAIRS IN BALTIMORE. From Our Own Otrrexpanttme. ' Baltimorh, Sept. 37. Political matters are now cotiMdornbljr active. The Kepubltcan aro In fine spirits, aad determined, though worKlng ga'nst odds, lo do all in their power towards btlDging ont the vote. There are no longer any differences or disputatlans la the party. They will. work, together wtlh unprecedented har mony. The conservatives, who a year szo united with the Democracy, have nearly all came buck, and brought with them many irssh recrulti from that oarty. Whatever strength there may be in unity, it Is now with them. There U also a deleriiiinntiou to bring out every voter.' When the dayot election comes, if wa mistake not, urfriendiln othtr States will besurpn&ed to see bow well Maryland has done; how nobly she ls su'tdiued our great military chloltaln. If Democrats wish to save their money, or keep from losing, they bad better not expect too high a majority for Mr. Seymour In this old Comnionweultb. We hope to poll at least forty thousand votes lor Grant, If not more. It is amazing and almost melancholy to observe how chop-tallen Democrats have become. The best of them do not hesitale in cciicrdiutr a Republican triumph at the coming rmiueiiuui eltcuon. Mane has taken the vim out ol them. The tiutu is, they are thotouehlj demoralised. They nea their errors when ion late, Afiiliatlng with, and catering to, Rebels, hsve killed them and their ptrty. It Wade Uumpton and a lew more such were to coiuc here and repent their tpeeches, even Baltimore, .S3 cophaiitic as (he has Deo a in toady ing to setehsionisTii and traitors, would give a Itepablicuii mnjority. As it 1, the vote pro mises tj be comparatively close. Admiral Bemmnf, ihe Rejal pirate, Is now bere arranging, to publish his book. If he could be induced to appear in public and make a few treasonable speeches, it would hulp vastly to cut down w.c Democratic majority, lu all my life I bave never seen a party so completely dumb found od and noseless as are the Democrats in this latitude. Tuey have really ceased to brag, and aie caving in like whipped spaniels. Ta Biake tho rauiter worst they aro divided and quarrelling amsug theoisalvei, wiih significant lndicaliuus upon the part ot many to unite with the ltepuoiicau!. Chivalry bus killed tho in, and their kindness to it has been like the farmer's Viper. , The Grand lodga (Odd Fellows) of the Uutted fita e3, after being in session a week, finally ad journed esterday, arefing to hold its next annual meeting in Ban, and accept the $10,00:) prodered tor so doing. It was J 1 oble body of men, comparing well, in point of intelligence, repectability, etc., even with the Congiess of the United Sinies. The delegates were highly pleased with their visit to our city. There will bs a large representation of our Boys in Blue, or soldiers and sailors, at the prand jub-lee in Philadelphia. The old war and Grant spirit is up aaiongst them to high-water maik. It is a rare thing here to find a soldier or sailor who says be is going to vote for Seymour. Those who once had thought of it long since abandoned the idea. They say thev canuol do so unnatural and ungrateful a thing as to go in opposition to him who led them to victory and saved the country from being ruled by treason and trailers. We have bad dull, cloudy, rainy, disagreeable weather for several days. It still threatens rain. Business is improving. Tell your Key stone bojs that from this time to the election our Maryland Bepublicans will leave no atone unturned towards securing tiiranta large vote. SPAIN. lneen Isabella. Isabella II, of Spain, whose troublous reign seems to oe about drawing to a close, is no longer vouua woman, blie Was boru at Madrid, Oc tober 30, 1830, and, consequently, one month htnee will have completed her 88th year. Tne daughter of Frrdiuand VII of Spain, she is a Bourbon, aud being the only sovereign of that house which the revolutions of the last eighty years have left upon a European throne, with her downfall the world will in all probability see the last of the race an event which the world will certaiuly have no reason to deplore. The circumstance attending her accession to the Spanish throne weie of a peculiar kind, and have doubtless exerted a powertul influence both upon her personal character and upon the fortunes of the nation subject to her rule. Through the in trigues 01 her mother, the notorious Maria Christina, the order of succession to the crown of Spain had been set aside some months before the birth ot Isabella, through the suppression by Feidinand of the law excluding ana alts from the throne of the kingdom, tl'hree years afier her birth Ferdinand died, and Isabella, his oldest daughter, was proclaimed Queen under the regency of her mother. But there was anottier claimant to the throne in the pereen ot the late King's brother, I)on Carlos, whose pretensions were supported by a lare f arty in Spain; the consequsuca of which was that immediately after tue King's death a loimldabla insurrection broke eut in the northern part of the kingdom. This was the commencement of a civil war which lasted for nearly seven years, and which ended at leagth ia the triumph of the Christina party, as the ad he rents of the Regency Wfre called, over the Car lists, or suopmers ot Do Carlo. This was in 1839, when Isabella was only Bins years old; but she was not destined to enjoy the tu'.ilage of her mother, whatever that was worth. Previous to the close ot the war the supporters of the Regency had become divided into two great parties, the Moderados, or Conservatives, aud the Ixalladoa, or Liberals Between these par .ties the lirgent oscillated, but the la'.ter had succeeded in extorting Important conces sions from her In their lavor, asaong thete a restoration of the Constitu tion of 1812. Me sooner, however, had the war ended than Christina, believing hrelr firmly established in power, began to withdraw the concessions she bad made, the result of which was an immediate popular reaction against her Government, endiog in her being compelled to flee the kingdom and take reiuge in France, leaving her daughter behind her. The regency then devolved upou Espartero, whom Christina had been compelled to summon to the bead of affairs, and the guardianship of the youcg Queen was entrusted to his ft lend Arguelles. Her career and tue fortunes of her kingdom might have been very different from : what we find Iheui. had she re mained in the hands of those men, who wsrs solicitous to prepare her, by a proper course of training befitting ber station, for the duties awaiting hrr as a sovereign; but the downfall ot Epartrro in 1n43 restored ths Mode rados or Conservatives to powsr, aud led even tually to the retarn to pain ot Mnria Christina. This latter event took place in 1n;5; but ia 1843 the Cortes had bv anticipation, eleven months before the time fixed bylaw, declared the majo rity of leabella. Oa her arrival in Spain, then, Christina found ber daughter in actual posses sion ot the throne, and the first care of the mother was to provide for the marriage of the young Queen. There were several aspi. rsnts lor her hand the Infante Francisco d'Assis, her cousin; the Connt de Trapanl, son of Ferdinaid II, King of the Two Bid lies; the Count de Montemolin, son of Don Carlos, sustained by Russia and the other Courts of the North; aud, lastly, Prince Leopold of Cobourg, presented by England. French influ ence, which was favorable to the first-namad candidate, assisted by the Intrigues of the Queen mother, prevailed, and Isabella became the wife of her cousin. The match turned oat to be an iil-assorted one. Of uncongenial diapoBitlons, Isabella and her husband have never known what domestic peace means, aud their repeated estrangement have given rise to bo end of pain ful scandals about the Queen. After her mar riage, which took place October 10, 1846, Just before she had completed her 16th year, Isabella seemed to lean towards the Liberal party in fcpain: bat this was only for a short time. Com- Idetoly under tbo Influence of ber mother, the loderados soon succeeded in making her their own, and a deculelly reactionary policy was adopted by the (ioveruuient both JTHE DAILY EVENING TELEGK APHPglL AD ELPHIAMOND AY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1868. With retard to fnen,'n e.lC. - .1 ...l- affairs. Isabella brjke with Enalayid; she stsbltshed diplcmstic relations. with Austria and Prusia. whlctj had both of tbem up to that time refUBcd to rCcoguize ber as the legitimate sovereign of Spam; ami she sent an army to aid in re-establishing the Pope upon his thn tottering tbroae. At home the most severe measures of repression were amDloyed against t ha Liberal party. Such a state of things, however, could not endure. . The seeds of lib erty had been planted In the soil of Spain; the spirit of progre-s whloh Is the spirit of the age -had penetrated Into that country! and the issue of the contest between freedom and des potism in the old borne of the iDquialtion be came oaly a question of time. Heuce it is that for the last twenty years Spain has toad bar.lly a single year of nnbroken internal peace, popu lar tumults aad revolts following t?ach o-taur in rapid succession, provoked bv the attitude and : .. ui hw uuviTuineDt 10 war as me Liberal party. In the presence of the.o dis turbances, Queen Isabella has generally shown a disposition to yield to the popular demands; but the immediate daneer passed, the iosuneo tion quelled, she has never faileJ to return to the policy which she seems to bave learned only too well from ber unprincipled mother. The reign of Queen Isabella has beeo a stir- 11111? riTlsw irnm If vmm m 4 4 u .( . w a UiJ UUi liJCUlCllirilV tU lUC Piesent time, and unlike her royal sister of iutmuii, eue mud nave experienced to tne lull toe truth ot the apothegm, "lneasy lies tho bend that wears a crown." Her Infancy and youth were spent amidst "war's alarms," and her riper years have been troubled by incesssnt civil commotions. Considering the unfortu nate training she received, it is difficult to de termine whether she is most to be commise rated or most to be blamed; althouth. unless she has been treatly belied, the sinister in fluences by which she has all along been surrounded, have been powerfully seconded bv n II narvurolt f,.UInn II J ....... v ,'.. tvkti.j vi i I3ri9 till II. iici rpfvn Vi a It on mnilnH Kn mtiantm I t'onal importance, foremost among which must Krt 1 1 n : . I. i , . . -"uiru iud war wiiu iuuruuca, wuicu lermi Unfed an frlnrintilv fnr IVia Kn?ntah tKa , r trnann of Santo Domingo, undertaken to recover pos- ""'vii vi Luat ttuuicuv uuiuny oi Dpain, out ending In disaster and disgrace to the national arms; the Intervention, jointly with France and England in the republic of Memo; and the f 1 1 1 ia ftftmnta r,f Rnun 4 nn.r.. . V. ..Ul I . of Chili and Peru. In person Queen Isabella possesses nore of the charms peculiar to her sex, being both very stout and very plain. FINANCIAL. EAST INDIA TELEGRAPH. JLECTR1C TELEGRAPH L CULM. TEE FAST INDIA TELEGRAPH COMPANY'S OFFICE, Ncs. 23 and 25 NASSAU Street. ORGANIZED UNDER SPECIAL OHAKTKK FROM THE STATE OF NEW YOiK. CAPITAL. $5,000,000 60,000 SHAKES, $100 EACH. DIRKCTOPB Hon. Andbkw G. CnaTiiv, Philadelphia. Paul B. FoHBKS.of Kusselt A Co.. Cbiua. Fbbd. BuTxaariaxs, of F. ButtarUeld A Co,. New York Isaac Livbbhobk. Trear. Mich, O. B. R-, Boston. AUiiNDW Holland, Treas. Am. Ex, Co , Nw York. Hod . James Noxojr, Syracasa, X. Y. O. H. Palm kb, Tress. Went. TJ. Tel. Co., New York. Flktchkb VTkstbat, of Westray, Qlltbs 4 Hardou- Nicholas Micklbs, New York, OFFICERS. A. G, Ctjbtiiv, President. N. Micklm, Vice-President, G kobob Com ant, Becretary . Gkobob Ellis (Cashier National B&nk Oommoa. wealth). Treasurer, Bon. A. K. Mollubb. Philadelphia, Solicitor. She Chtnae Government having through the JTon, Anttn Jittrliiioame) conceded to thit Company theprtvi. lege of connecting Ote great tcaportt of the Empire by tubmarine electric Ultgrath cable, wepropoie commenc ing operationi in CVitna, and laying down a line qf oo mllct at once, between the following portt, vi; Population, CADtODt tt .. I(w0(0u0 Macon 60,000 HODg Kong 250,000 Bwatow m. 20000ft Amoy - - 280,000 Foo-thow..M.. 1,250,00ft Wan-Cbu SO0.0O9 Nii'gpe 400,000 Bang-Chean 1,200,000 Bhaoghal, ,1,000,000 Tota.......................-.............................w,oeo These ports bave a foreign commerce of and an enormous domeelio trade, bealdea which we have the Immense internal commerce of the Empire! radiating irom these pomta, through lis canals and cavlgable riven The cable being laid, this company propose erecting land 11 new and establishing a speedy and trustworthy means of communication, which must command there, as everywhere else, the communication! of ihe Government, of busmen, and of soelal life, especially In China. Hue has no postal system, and her only means now of communicating Information Is by courier on land, and by steamers on water, Obe WteternWorld knows that China Is a very large country, In the main deuHely peopled; bat lew yet reallae that she contains more than a third of ths human race. Ibe latest returns made to her central sulhorltlea for taxing purposes, by the local magi. traits make her population bur Hundred andnir teen iliUloni, and tbis is likely to be under tun over the actual aggregate. Nearly all of thene who are over ten years old not only can, bat do read aud write. Her civilization Is peculiar, but her literature Is as extensive as thai of Europe, China is a land of ttacbers and traders; and the latter are exceedingly quick to avail tleniselves of every proffered facility for procuring early Information. It la observed In California that the Chlnete make great nse of the telegraph, though It there tratsmlts messages In En gllBh alone To-day, great numbers of fleet steamers axe owned by Chinese merchants, and used by them exclusively for the transmission of early lntelllgenoe, If the telegraph wepropoae, connecting all their great seaports, weie now In existence, it Is believed that its business would pay 1U cost within the first two j eai s of lu successful operation, and would steadily Increase thereafter. No enterprise commends itself as In a greater de gree remunerative to capitalists, and to our whole ceopla. It la of vast national importance commer cially, politically, and evangelically. Biiares of this compaay to a limited number, may be obtained at fjtO each. 110 payable down, (is on the 1st of November, and !5 payable lu monthly install menu of 2'50 each, commencing CeoLinber 1, lbOg oa application to DREXEL & CO., No. 31 South TII1ED Street, Philadelphia, To duly authorised Banka and Bankers throughout Pennsylvania, and at the OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, Nob. 23 and 25 NASSAU STEEET, 2 NEW YOBK. PAPER. 50 TONS 60 TONS Wrapping Manilla, and Hardware Taperi, OF DESIRABLE B1ZE9 AND WEtGHTd. PRIOkS GREATLY REDUCED. C. M. UiBBKTT ItHOTIIEB, I hurpl Parer Manufacturers and Dealers, Warehouse, Nos. u aud it DJfiUATUtt bueei, 020 MILES r tbb UmQiM PACIFIC .RAILROAD A" B0W Inl.hed and la operation Although this road la bnllt with great rapidity, the work Is thor oufhiy done, and Is pronounced by ibe United States Ommisaloners to be flrst-class In every respect, he ft re It Is s copied, and before an bonds can ha Issued open Ik Sapidity and excellence of construction have been se ured by a complete division of labor and by dts Inbrilog thetwtnty thourand aen emplored along the Hue lor long distances at once, it la now probable thai ihe WHOLE LINE TO THE PACIFIC WILL HE COJITLETED IN 1869. The Company have ample means of wbloh the Gov ernment granu the right of way, and all necessary timber and other materials fonud along the line of lis operations; also 12,800 aorea of land to the mile, take n In alternate sections on each aide of Its road; also United Siatea Thirty. year Bonds, amounting to trout lis.oio to 113,000 per mile, according to the difficulties to be surmounted on the various sections to be built for which It takes a second mortgage as security, and It Is expected that not only the Interest, but the prin cipal an. ount may be paid In services rendered by the Company In transporting troops, malls, eta THE EARNINGS OF THE UNIOS PACIFIC BAILBOAD, from lis Way or Local Business only daring the year ending June 80, 1868, amounted to over . FOUR MILLION DOLLARS, Which after paying all expenses wat much mora than snGlclent to pay the Interest upon Its Bonds. These earnings are no ludlcatlon of the vast through trallio that mnst follow the opening of the line to the Pacific, but they ceiialnly prove that FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS Upon such a property costing nearly three times thtlr amount, ARE ENTIRELY SECURE. The Union Pacific Bonds run thirty years, are tor f 10CO' each, and have coupons attached. They beat annual Interest, payable on the first days of January and July, at the Company's office In the City of New York, at the rate of six per cent, la gold. The princi pal Is payable In gold at maturity. The price Is 10S and at the present rate ot gold, they pay a liberal Ineome on their cost. A very Important consideration In determining the value of these bonds Is Ue t length of time ttey have to run. ,' It is well known that a long bond always commands a much higher price than a short one. It Is safe to assume tbat during the next thirty years, tte rate ot Interest In the United Stales will decline aa it has done 'in lurope, and we bave a right to expect that each six per cent, securities aa these will be held at as high a premium as those of this Government, which In 1857 were bought la at from 20 to 2s per cent, above par. .The export demand alone may produce this re sult, and as the issue of a private corporation, they are beyond the reach of political action. The Company believe that their Bonds, at the pre sent rate, are the cheapest security In the market, and the right to advance the price at any time Is reserved Subscriptions will be received in Philadelphia by BE HAVEN & BROTHER No, 40 8. THIRD Street, V. PAINTER & CO., No. Hi S. THIRD Street. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO.. No. 16 S. THIRD Street, AND IN NBW YORK AT THE tOMPASV'S OFFICE. No, 20 NASSAU Street, AND BT JOIIK JT. CISCO A BOS, BAIKHEBM, No. 50 WALu Street, And by the Company's advertised Agents through out the United States, Remittances should be made In drafts or other funds par In New York, and the Bonds will be sent free ot charge by return express. Parties subscribing through local agenu, will look to them for their safe delivery, A PAWPHIET AND MAP FOB 1868 has just been published by the Company, giving fuller Information lhan Is possible In an advertisement, respecting the Progress of the Work, the Resources of the Country traversed by the Road, and Means for Construction and the Value of the Bonds, which will be sent free on application at the Company's offices, or to any ol the advertised agenu. JOHN J. CISCO, TBEASVBER, September 14. 18B8 S l fmwtf i New York. FINANCIAL. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS At 102, And Accrued Interest CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS At 103, And Accrued Interest. FOR SALE BY De Haven & Bro., No. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 5 PHILADELPHIA. RANKING HOU8B r JayCooke&(J. Nos. 112 and 111 SouUi TIIIBD Street PHILADELPHIA, Dealers In oil Government Securities. Old 5-203 Wanted In Exchange for Ken A Liberal Difference allowed. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. Interest Allowed on Deposits OOLtlOTIONa MADS. BTOOKft bought and sold an Commlasloa. BP al business accommodations reserved tor lad1. mm We will recelva applications for Policies of Life Insuraooe In the National Lite Insurancetloupany of the UutWsd btates, full luioruiaUun Uvou a out mo. THE'CREAT ; ... , r PACIFIC RAILROAD, ' . 7 - ' ' ' -. Recetvlnt the aid and supervision Of theQovernmsnt, and cairles forward by the rxtrairoinary resources and energy ot the powerful Corporations to whom It waa entrusted-ls rapidly approacblnr completion and It Is sate ti sy that N V YORK AND BAN FRANCISlO WILL BE tOtfNBCTllD BY Ri.IL BY THS TOUMH OF JULY NEXT. Mot fan two-'Hrdsof ths Tbrongh Has and Ilrani lies between the lal sonrl River and the PacUlo Ocean re constructed, at acost of nearly om: HUMMED MILLIONS, And ibe remainder la being poshed forwatd with vigor. THE CLWTHAL PACIFIC BAILKOAD CO., To whom belongs the Western and Principal Portion ot the Main-Stem Lion, tmm n,. rri.i , . aawM VU W fciatfs Government, I. The right of way thronzh th Tnt-rHn-io win, ft,. nne or timber aud materUls along the route. II. At, absolntfl ffrant nf Li.An.v .u.tlnn, MA 12.800 ecr) of tke PUBLIC LA ND8 on the line, the minimum valoe of which is no fixed at Ij super acre. 111. A sneclal Ism of TJnlt.d Sto. m riant Bonds, at the averse: rat not l:ts ana tr miia iimixnut as the work progresoet; which, the Company are al lowed to rtpay within thirty j ears, mainly by trans portation service. IV. Authority to their nm trimt mi.. Bonds to tbe same amount, having the preferred Ilea tnperlor to that ol the Government, V. It rtcelves, In addition, donation and subsidies from IheBtate and Cities ot California, amounting to more than ts.oop.OOO in cold: Or an aggregate of Cash Resources for construotloa Of MOBK THAN SiXTY MILLIONS UPJN 715 MILE 8, Independent of the ten millions of aores of public lacds, and farther subscriptions to the Capital Stock. Tne early completion of the enterprise is therefore beyond all donbt. This Company bave already carried their road suc cessfully across the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and are rapidly extending the track across the Bait Lake Plains, and have already a valuable way tralllo thereon. Betldea a mileage npon all through bail nees, this road having the test lands for settlement, the most productive mines, the nearest markets, and belrg exempt Horn competition, they will alwaya coavmard a-ge revenues. The net earnings npon tbe completed pottlons are more than double the total annual Interest liabilities to be assumed tbeunpon. 1 he uiderslgntd oiler lor sale, and recommend to Invest' rf, the First Mortgage 30-Year Gold Bonds OF TUB Central Tacific Railroad Company, b'arlbg s'x per cent, per annum Interest, both princi pal and Interest payable lu "TJNITEDSTATEd GOLD COIN." Ihese Bonds are the first lien upon one of themrst productive and valu.ble railroad lines in tbe world-a lice which will be Uulsnel within twelve months, and which is already earning, alter paying operating expenses, more than twice the annual ctarge of Its Bonded debt. They are already widely kiown aud esteemed In this country and Europe, and it Is believed the remainder of the Loan will speedily betaktn. A limited amount will be disposed of at 103 icr cent., nnd Accrued Interest, lu Currency, The Bonds are of $1SOO each, with semi-annual gold coupons attached, payable In Jul; aud January. Tbe Company reserve the right to advance the price al any time; but all ordois actually lu transitu at the time of aBysuch advance will be filled at present price. At this lime they pay more than eight percent upon the Investment, and have, from Na tional and mate laws, guarantees superior to any other corporate securities now oUered. We receive all classes of Government Bonds, at their fu'l market rates, In exchange for the Central Pacific Railroad Bonds, thus enabling the holders to realize irom FIVE TO TEN PER CENT. PROFIT and keep the principal or their Investments equally secure. Ordeisand Inquiries will receive prompt attention. Information, Descriptive pamphlets, etc, giving a full account of the Organization, Progress, Business and Prospects of tbe Enterprise furnished on applies' tlon. Bonds sent by return Express at our cost. SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED BY BANKS AND BANKERS, AG EATS FOB THE LOAN, AND BY BO WEN & FOX, Special Agenta, No. 18 MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. DE HAVEN & 13RO., Bankers, No. 40 south THIRD Street. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., 1 No. JS South THIRD Street. All Descriptions of GOVERNMENT SECCRITIES BUUGHT, SOLD, or EXCHANGED, at our Office and by Mall and Telegraph, at MARKET RATES. ACtiOUTd OS BANKS BANKERS, and others, received and favorable arrangements made for de sirable accounts. FISK & HATCH, UuuUcrs and Dealer In Government Sc. curitlca, and FINANCIAL AGENT3 OF THE CKNTRAL PA CIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, No. 5 NASSAU Street, Mm4lJ NEW YORK. PJARR & LADNCR, No. 30 South THIRD Street, j PEALEBS IN GOLD, MOCKS, and UOVERJiJIEST SECURITIES. Bills of Exchange and Letters of Credit sold on all parts of Europe. t UNION AND CENTRAL PACIFIC FIB ST MORTGAGE BONDS, BOUGHT AND SOLD. 129 2m QlXriDINNINQ & DAVIS; DO, S S0UTII TIIIBD BTBEBTI Utock and Gold Brokers. QUOTATIONS OP HEW YORK STOCKS AL WA TS Oil BAUD, I H 8 k. UUSDIKSriM, IMt loan H. DaTlB FINANCIAL. ilTHMHDOLPPJ Dealers In all Government Securities and Foreign Exchange. Kills for Bale on London, Taris, Frank Tort, i:t. Letters of Credit Issued on Messrs. JAMES W. TUCKEB & CO., rarls, .VJlABLJl tor TRAVELLER 9' p&H I AMY PART OF THE WORLD. Stocks, Bonds, aad Gold bouirht and raIiI on Commission Deposits received, and Interest allowed. (Sold loaned. Collections made. S3IITII, RANDOLPH & CO., Wo. IG South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. WH. PAINTER & CO., BANKERS AND DEALERS IN GOVERN- MENT SECURITIES, No. 36 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA, AGENTS FOK The Union Pacific Railroad Co., AN1 Central Pacific Railroad Co. W haro on hand THE FIRST M0RT KAUE SIX TER CENT. GOLD INTEREST BONDS of both Companies, for sale or Exchange for Uorcniment Securities. Pamphlets, with Maps, Reports, and full Information furnished on application. i F I R 8 T MORTGAGE SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS ROCHESTER WATER WORKS CO. FOR SALE AT 87J, And Accrued Interest from JULY 1, 18G8. PAYABLE SEMI ASHCAlLt, January ana July. Tn aggregate amount or th Roads Issued by ths Company Is 0400,600, npon tuelr works estimated teoost orer f l,oo9,et. Prom a careful examination of the oses which will be made of the water In the city and saburbs, it la estimated that the Company will be able to pay LAKOS DIVIDJCND8 ON ITS SPOOK, ONLY A LIMITED AMOUNT OF THE8SS BONDS ARB FOR BALK AT TBJCBBl PRICKS, APPLT TO OLENDINNING & DAVIS, No. 48 South THIRD Street, ; PHILADELPHIA. rrniE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY, f or Safe Keqnng of Valuables, Securities, etc., and Renting of Safes. DLRKOTOxts N. B. Browne, IX QHllDgbsni Fell,! Alex, Henry, (J. H. Clarke, O. Maualusier, let a. Caldwell. Joiiu WbjUj, 1 al W. Clark, Ueo. F. Tyler. OFFICE, No. 421 CHESNUT STREET. N. B. BROWNE. President O. U. uLakK, Vice President. E. PATTERSON. Heo. and j rtwsorer. 1 u lm FURNISHING GOODS, SHIBTS,&0 H. S. K. C. Harris' Seamless Kid Gloves. EVEBT PAIB WABBASTED, K2CLUBIVI AGKNTS IOK OENTB' OLOVE8. J. W. SCOTT & CO., 27rp HO. 014 CHKMllPT MTUEBT. PATENT 8 II 0 U L D E E-8 E A 1 IIIIBT KAKUFACTsBT, AND GENTLEMEN'S FU&NISHINO STOBB. PKUFhAJT PITTIJSQ BHIK18 AND DRAvyliiiU nitwie irom mvasnrement at Vf ry abort notioe. All other arilolos ol 14k.nti.ii:m DKBiB CKiODB In fall vaxleiy. WINCHESTER & CO., U Mo. 7U8 CMKSH DTjltreet. CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHS. ' REGAL DESSERT." A new and beautiful Chromo-Llihograph, after a painting by J, W. Peyer, Just recelyed by A. S. 11 OH INS ON, No. io CHBSNUT Street, Who has Just received NEW OHKOMOH, H1.W BORAVINOS. HiW FRENCH PHOTOGRAPHS, NEW DltbBDEN JtN A K1KL9, IOOKING GLASSES, KtO. Sit, FBKB OALLBRT. AUCTION SALES. D. MrCLEES CO. ACJCTICNEEEi Mo. 60S WAiKET Street. lH LAT.GB FALL BALK or 1C0 CASES BOOTB. toidOKl., BKI'UiNb, KTO. On Tbursday luurulug, October 1. ceuiniouclug at 10 o'clock, we will sell bycata'ogue, lor csbU. a prime and duslrsbla atsnrt Biebtol Men's. Boys', auu Youibs' Uuols, blioes, Kro sans, Uhlu ora s. eio Also a large Uuelof L,a Us', Misses', and Children's War, M4l o AUCTION SALES. Oct. ,. HUftfSS&SSF t K Otohor . t Mi'J' about awpiecpBof iS5i2rk,.r0n ,m'r months' credit. Coins, eta " '"Pe'iDgs. W9 pieces or oil 2SH 1VT lni1sA3 & RONS, NOS. 139 ivinn Pent 5 . ,Jnpor Moriiinu, una plalsd sara fliJ , iT-iV i. It, Tr dr,,t"i china, gia (r-aliTand olbtr carpeu ill mothT-. ed"' leiilgeraiort: etc. ' clolb, Wllcbou iBrnlture. 0,.. & ttlttU' B. PI atfi EPiA b'l'ATF. 6TOCK8 K TC OKEiVHi,..?'1!' nonn' '"elude U' l.fsBiKftJ?,? '""-Mo" Kesm.nce, is he, den". MliJlBlu' Ko- (North)-Modsrn Beet. d.ce?TT S,tC0NI W0"'") No. ,27-Modern Reel. Si1"'111' No SM (8outh)-V.1Uable Bus.nea, JUTH (North). No.. 16.7 and ll9-Carrl.,e Faa. e.Vr.i and Dwelli,, K. nd 22- OAKPhATL tt w5 !. DwK'' 172U' ".S.Tr'isVa.-Brlck 0X$liffD T0BK' N- Corner-Lot a, HUNTINGDON AND SKPVlVA-Loa. 68 shares National Bank ol tue Bepublta U BLares M estera National Bans. Isbsres Ac.uemy ot Music. 1 snare Aradeiuy of Music, preferred. 6 'bares North Pennsylvania Ballro.d. MlDeulll and Bchuylklli Haven Sshares Lehigh Coal and N. it. , Loin ll!lro"l llisbarrs Philadelphia and It Bad Inn 4 shares Hi.rtlculiursl Hall. ' 1 . S are Arch Street '1 h e, 1 share Point Breeze Park. liii.H'OKUubetivilie and Indiana pprcsiit tmxmLeblKb Navigation Kallroad Loan 1 sbsrePhlladelpiila Library. T.S3 abaies Muallllan OH Company. li 0 snare Oeniral Trausp'irlailou Companr 120. hares Cap May and Millville Kallroad luo shares West Bangor hlate Mlnlug Cjrui)anr lai ' hi. res Paoiae and Atlantic Telearanb M'"y7 Sbsbarea Delaware Division CauaL IHi abates Bbamokin Coal Co, 20u kh 1 liutvllie Oil Company. Catalogues now ready. r9 i5 Jt HANDBOME WALNUT PARLOR DINING-ROOM AND CUAMUKlt JfURNlrORSi ALKUAiy I' BBUfcSKLBCABI'lcrB. ETC. " . KWAK1 On Wednesday Morning, September so. at lo o'clock. t No. isao Wallace street, by catalogue, tbe entire household furulturk locodlpg handeome walnut parlor ruraliure.covnf wl h green plusb, made to order by Allen: dlnlni. room luralture, elegant sldebo.rd, elegaua sruulii carpets, chiua. aiais. and Dinted ware: 2 .mi. f some walnut cnamber furulture, bouquet and centra tables, marble tops, Hue hair mattresses, kliohe" a at ARTIN BROIHEaS, AUCTIONEERS No.648 CHKBNTJT tt.,rear entrance from J4jjog, Bale at No. 2121 Spring Garden street. ELEGANT WALNUT DMAWINQ-KOoSf CUaMBER 1'UHNITUKK, KOSE Wuo pri m,? On Tuesday Moi nine. 2thlnst.,at 10 o'clock, at No.illm Hprlnr n.Mu street, by c atalogue, Hie eullre furnltu.e. II,r..,,,I, ncfi.n, nmtmut maii I'losli drawlOK-xooin nuli. . i?a,nST seme suits walnut chamber furntture: oalr 7h Pu set; S suite hue cotiage lomlture: line loued rtH?bar plaiio lorte. nearly uew; handsome English Brn. Ood imperial, aud Ingraiu carpets; due spriuj 'Lt ?"e' blankets, chiua, kitchen uteDsils. etc. "''Messes; May be seeu early on morning ot sale. HANDbOMK MODEKN KUMIDBNCK Immediaiely pievlous to the sale of furMltn win l esoiu ihebaacsome modern tbree-story BriSV ui sloence whh i three-story double Back buHdlo hIiIa vard. and lot nf urnnni! uli...tu .u -'""gs ana souiu side St In front Both Instant at 10 o'clock, at the anmiftn . ue. a very desirable assortment of IQiturJ eg Haadsome walnut n.rir r...r Ju,ei .. ,1 .... .. . . , ... r - - - luruimrft. side yard, and lot ot ground .situate on the sou"u d of bpnng Garden street, No. 2124, containing r In f! ! n ieei, auu iu uepiu no moi. ia. liouse la hull. the most supeilor and substantial nimin, ' J" ail the modern conveniences gas, bath rn water-closets, etc May be seea at any time, li w it ' Bale No 829 Ohesnut street. HANDSOME WALNUT HOUSEHOLD FTTRvr TUBE. FKENCU PLATE MIRKOk" S V?kv BUl'ERIOR MKEPKOOP BAFES, FINE VEI vK AND BBUaSELa CAKPETrt. KIO. VELVET vn weauesutty Moralug, cat a ok Incluali H 1 i.......iiu umi viotn; 4 suits ll.udimnJ walnut chamber furniture: wrdr,,h. .?"" dlulng-tables; French plate mirrors; eunertoe twZ proof sales, made by M vans & Wateon, im ie inT others; hue velvet, Brussels, and lugraln .ain.?a mattresses; leather beds; china asS frlaI?..t,; counters; cooking and cylinder stoves; handaoujenii table cutlery; duble barrel guns, eto. SPECIAL BALE OF BTATIONERY FA vnr GOOD8, JtTO, ' XA3,ur On Tbursuay Afternoon, October 1, at s o'vlouk. at the auction rooms h. alalogue, a quantity ol statlonr rv. fancy guods etrL WlOTOOhArH ALBUMS. '."'""i Also, an Invoke of pbotogtapb albutus, ol valona t8' Itiiik Bala No. 629 Ct emut stret t. LARGE BALE OP FIN u OIL PAIN Tiff On Fnaay Evening "" October 2. at Hi o'clock, at the auction rooms fa, cond story salesroom) by catalogue, a colWoilon nf line oil palutlngs, n-aily framed. Opeu for exhibition two daj s prt vious to salt . J ! B Hale at the Auction Roorrs. EXIR k. FINE TB1PLK SILVER PLATED WATin . Oufcalurday Bloruing, October!, at ll o'olonk, at the auotlon rooms bv catalogue, a very desirable asaortnieut of tlaatrinia s lver-plated ware, Including lea sets, coffee and ib! urns, epergues, Ice-wuter puubera, tea trays salver, dinner aud break.ast castors, tureens, Veuelaoh. dtehes taoie, dessert, aud tea fpiKius aud fork? lvurv hand e knives; line labia cutlery, lu cases-tea anil call-bell, egg boilers toast racks, cake basket, berry d'sbe . elo These goods aie trotv one nf the beat manu'antn. rer. in this cl.y, aLd all ol tba newest ptterna and ' .Igus. M ay be seen early on the morning oi sale. 2j n THOMAS EIRCII hUS, AUCTIOXFKRa AND COMMl&blON MEHoHANTB. NoT in? 0 Hi.teN UT btreet; rear entrance No. 11U7 tuxox u. Bale at Ko. 40 . Kightennth street. HOUBEUOLO FUKNITUKB, Ei'U Ou 'l uesila Uuinlug, September T, at 19 o'clock, al No. 409 9. Klghteenth street, whl be sold tue furniture of a family decllnlnv housekeeping, comprising Brussels aud Insrraiii t aruets, Wanut Chamber and Parlor Furuitura Beds and Beddlisg, Dlulng-rooui Aurulture, China Olaotware, etc. " Alao, an assortment ot Kitchen Furniture. Bale at Horticultural Hall. LABGE COLLECTION OF CHOIChl AND BARK HOT AND Git 10 EN-BOUSE PLANTS. On 1 ueaday Morning, Beotember 49. at to o'oIiil-k. at llortlcnltnr.t tt.ii Bioad street, below Locust street, will oesold, a large Mid valuable collection ol Hot aud Ureen-housa Phlladendran Pertuosum, Lageetrt,mlas, HapbM. KUododendrons. Bananas, ieatudlnaria Elepantlps. ;ypreiiedlum, 4 Varieties, Plants. comnrlNli e Ort bloaceous Plants, Azallaa, Camel las, Pomegtanstes, Varlrg ted Pine Apples, Ficus Elasllcus Diacolna Braeelences, Together with a latge miicellaueeus oolleailnn that bave beeu selected with great oare. Tbe collection will be open lor examination theday previous to sale. It M It LIPPINCOTT, SON & CO., AUCriOXSERS, AbHUTJBbT BUILDING, No. 240 MAKK.ET Bueet. LAKGK POSITIVE BALK OF 8(0 LOTB AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY OOOHH, MILLINERY GOLlH. BOSIEKY GOODS, PARIS FANCJY GOODS, NOI'IONb. UTC. By Catalogue, on t ur Months' Credit. On Wednesday Mi rnlng. Rent. SO, commencing at is o'clock, comprising a large and full asuonnisu' of new aud desirable go da, well worlhv the anecial attention of buyers, le 26 3t large i Vomitive balk o hibbonb. FKKNCH PlyOWAKH, FEATHEK0, AND MIL- Y GOODS. Included In our sale oa Wed netday will bs found. rlz ' lit, rartons rich French artlUclal flowers ef aewesfc ui's'rii'ns black aud assorted colors ostrich aud marabout feathers. cartons trimming and bouuet ribbons. cartous black aud colored silk velvets. 9 ti H