The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 26, 1868, FOURTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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Cirr Politics. The following polltl-al meet
ings are snnounced to take piuocoutne dates
' lE0& JftWirv.-Thcre wilt bo another
We Brpobllca- mteunff VT"' tm.. r.,1
Hall Ooveroor Richard Yates, ot Illinois, and
Benior KeK. of Louisiana, will deliver ad-
d'rW Cenarcssional Da'rict.-Tbo Rcpubll
e.f tbeTcODd Coore'BlouM District will
""enable at Uroad and water streets this
"vemn. Tbe meeting will be adJrcssed by Hou.
Charted Ocelli, Coloocl William B. Mann. Hon.
Chart, i liibbons, Hon. T. J. CoiTey. William
Meran,1C?q., and Colonel William oIcMichacl.
second Word. A mass mei-tingot the Demo
cratic citizens of the Second ward will be held
to-ntsht, at 8 o'clock, at Eighth and Carpenter
"bur'i Cvnirfisional Dis'rict.Oa Monday
n'Kht a Peiuocratic mass meirtina wilt be held at
Broad and Coatos streets. Uon. John T. II off
man, of New York, is announced as the orator
ot toe evening.
Fifh IV'ansl. k mass meeting of the Hpubil
can citizens of this ward will bo held this even
ing, at Fourth and Union streets.
The Filth ward Democracy will asnmble this
evening at the house of Jerry Nolen, Second and
Beliet streets.
Twentieth Ward. k Democratic mnss tnr-ettng
of the Twentieth and arliolntng wards will bo
held at Twentieth and Cambridge streets this
CTJoVuj:srt)fnWi Ward. The Republican cttl
eens of ibis ward will meet to-night at thn Bla
Well Hotel, bin addresses from Mayor McMi
cbsel. Hnn. William D. Kelley, and others, may
be experted.
Tweny-fighth Ward There will bo a grand
rally oi the" republicans of ibis ward to-nielitat
the bouse of TiOuis Tist, Falls ot Hchuylkill.
IIhs morning Cliesnut street, in front of the
Elate Etoute, pre-euti'd an exceedingly lively
appearance, in consequence of the activity
beirrr; exercised by toe vurious Naturalization
Comojittfes In niakinp: citizens. Toe pavement
waa nioLopotlztd to such an extent that pedes
trinns were compelled to tiike to the street.
Tne offices of the Clerks of the Supreme Court
one" the Court of Common Fleas nave been nlled
with the loreien element and their
ouchm, and the judges ot the6e two courts
have had but Htt'e time to attend to any other
business. It is calculated that twice as many
new voters will ninke tbelr appearance at the
polls at the comltig election tUan at any pre
ceding one. In the Fourth ward the estimate
is tentj-nve to each division, and these of tbe
ieniocTatic patty alone. Wnen we consider
how clopcly tola aard is built up, it seems impos
sible that there should bo such an increase
except It is accomplished by iraud. It would
surprise our readers did they but pep into one
of these offices and see the number of loreigners
olv individual will vouch for.
A. large meeting ot the Boys In Blue of the
Nineteenth ward was held last evening at
Frsnktord road and Adams street. A permanent
oreanization was eilected by the iloction of
Isaac F. Hhaner President; John II. Uromley
and Frnk (Jubler, Vice-Presidents; Joseph (Jra
bam. Treasurer: and II. V. Buckley, Secretary.
It i calculated that the wurd will turn out a lull
regiment in the coming display ot the Boys in
Blue on the 2d ins.
A large Urast and Colfax flag, measuring 18
by 26 feet, will bo raised this afternoon from tbe
residence of Martin BoraelT, In tho Fourteenth
ward. Mr. flraetf was well known aa au "old
Harry Clay Whig."
The Republican Invincibles will pirale to
slpht, aud attend the meeting in the ticcond
Congressional District.
The Berry Campaign Club will assemble this
even Lit; at Seventh and Catharine streets lor
The old Campa'en Club nnder the marshal
chip ot Colonel Willimn B. Maun, will make a
street parade to-night.
The citizi nsof Philadelphia are requested to
decorate their residences end places ot business
on the 1st and 2d of October, wtien the soldiers
and sailors of tbe Republic will assemble in
mass convention to reuflirm tho principles for
which they tooght.
A Bakoain. Mr. Knrtz resides at No. 1223
Oediu street. Hi has been in the habit of
pi icing all his surplus money in an old stove
kept ou tbe premises, and yesterday he de
posited $136 in that quarter. Ho left the house
on business, aud returniuglate in the afternoon
found the stove missing. He inquired of his
wife its whereabouts, aud was surprised to
learn that she had dhpo?ed of it for old Iron
au individual having called at the houe aud
purchased it of her. She did not know the
party to whom she had made tbe sale, nor co'ild
sae give a description of the purchaser. Mr.
Kurtz is minus his $135.
Iktirebtiko Tempeiiancb Mhbtiwo. Not
withstanding the storm which prevailed last
evening a large number of the friends ot tempe
rance assembled In the lecture-room of Rev. Dr.
fchepherd's Church, to Its' en to addresses on tbe
ssbjict. Rev. Dr. Shepherd presided and mide
an address lavorlng the movement. Eloquent
addresses were als-o made by Tbon as M. Cole
man, Fsq Hiram Ward, Esq., and Messrs. Lin
coln Lndwig, Castle, aoa Feuton. A number of
signatures were obtained to the pledge. Ihe
Bieetlngs held in this place have been among
the most successful of any similar meetings held
in. th Is city.
A Bold Burglary. The residence of Joseph.
D. Thorn'on, on Tenth street, below Oxiord,
was entered yesterday morning at an early hour
and robbed of a gold watch and abont $70 in
soney. Tbe burglar effected an entrance
through the back building, and, alter ransack
ing tbe dining-room, proceeded up stairs to
the bed-chamber of Mr. Thornton, where he
obtained the articles above mentioned. Mr.
Thornton's pocket-book contained checks to
tbe amouut of $2500, which they left bi-Qind.
A pair of pants near the bedstead, in a poccet
of which was a roll of bunk notes amounting to
$600, they did not examine, and left undis
turbed. Teb Waoneb Free Institute of Bciescb,
corner of Seventeenth and Montgomery avenue.
Tbe lectures of this college will be resumed on
Monday, 28th Instant, at 74 o'clock, in the fol
lowing crder: Monday, Chemistry, Professor
Deal. Tuesday, Geology, Professor Wagner.
Wednesday, Anatomy abd Physiology, Profes
sor llaxsoo. Tnursdav, Botany, Pro'csor Ger
hard. Friday, Mineralogy. Professor Wagner.
All are lu-vited. Admission free. Reserved
seats for ladies. Fiiteenth street curs are tbe
most convenient conveyances.
Military. Company I of the Grey Reserve
Bsglment wilt leave the city on Monday morn
lg at H o'clock, accompanied by the Liberty
Cornet Band and full drum corps, for Readme,
where they wilt be received by tbe authorities
al the depot in that cty. Toe Company will
leave Reading at G.J P. M., and arrive In this
, city at 915, where tbey will be received at the
depot by other companies of the regiment and
escorted to ineir quarters.
The Germans to tbe Rrscdb. The returned
German soldieis of the war have formed a
K'htary organization under the title of the
Boys ia Blue." and have tbelr headquarters at
Tbird snd Buttonwood streets. Tuey will take
psrt iu the Soldiers' Convention to be held in
October, .and expect to number by that time a
full regiovent.
Body Rcoviued. Tbe ody of Pilot Kelley,
who was blown Into tbe Delaware at CbeUer,
from tbe barqe Sunny Routb, of this city, last
ighf. was picked up this morning, opposite
Chester, by a.fiorthward-bound ship, and taken
to that city.
Fob Grakc A rote taken ia the Clearing
Bouse of tbe Associated Banks of Philadelphia
this morning resulted as folloirti-Grant, 3a;
Seymour, 2.
Slight Fire. Yesterdav afternoon the
lampblack eeiabltshoiopt on Brldgewat'T street,
btlow Callowhlll, w slightly damaged by are.
DaftwuED. An nnknown man was found
1 Jrowoed In tle Pvlaare at Poplar street whatf
I thin mnrulnir.
Robbed Drnnken Man Inciting to
Riot Btlin- ChlcUeoa Uresny
Reekless Drlvlnr-AnulUn- an Offl
cer 8api"li of Larceny Interfer-lu-
wills the Police Descent.
One of tbe policemen of the Second District
last otgbt noticed an Individual leaning over a
drnnken man at Third and Monroe streets. He
artested tbe party, and tound that he had been
pilfering the pockets of the inebriate. The
latter represented that he had been robbod ol
ten dollars. The person gave tbe name of James
Foster, and was committed by Alderman Titter-mary.
Last night a young man namea iuoma
Lau'hlin amused himself by throwing stones at
a large Republican gathering at Twenty-first
and Arch streets. A blue coat caught Thomas
in tbe net, and conduced him to the lock-up.
He had a hearing before Alderman Jones this
morninr, and was sent below.
George Lockard arrested, about five
o'clock this morning, upon the cbarge of lar
ceny. He was passing the Odd Fellows' HU,
Malu street, Frauklord, with a bag containius
chickens, when captured. The fowl were
sioleu from a firmer residing at Fox Chase.
Geo rue was committed fee trial.
Yesterday a .man felt m a fit at Fifth and
Poplar streets, and while in that condition au
individual named Wilriam Fetters came along
and helped bimtelf to tbe valuables of the un
fortuua'e man. Hewn noticed, followed, and
arrested. Alderman Toland committed him.
Anthony lie Hate was arretted yesterday on
tfee Cliesnut street br duo for reckless driving.
It is aliened that be drove agatnst and rati over
a ludy near the bridge, liut lortunately she was
not s riomdy injured. The prisoner was taken
befrre Alderman Ynrreu and held, for a further
In July last a dis'.urbancc occurred nt
Tweuty-tiith and Biddl' streets, during which
Oil'K'ef Mead was rouuhly handled by one John
Mcl'abe. Tbe latter iiiinapcd to make his
ttcape, and unce tbut time has evaded the po
lice. UHicer Mead cinie across his man yester
day and took him in o custody. Alderman
l'aucotist committed him.
Jaccb Schnell w..s arrested yesterday on
suspicion of the larceny of a horse, which he
was driving at the time, uod which Is supposed
to have been stolen. Aldermau i'uncoast held
him for a further hcarnnr.
tidward Hughes aud John McAleer were
arrested at Seventeenth aud Callowbill streets
this morning, for interfering with a police oflicer
while in the diFcharjre of his duties. They were
held to answer by Alderman Pancoast.
On Thursday nighi the police made a de
scent on tbe house occupied by Fanny Smith,
on Wood street, nbove Thirteenth, and captured
all tbe inmates. Tuey were heid to bail to keep
the peace.
An Uekkowk Drowned Man. Yesterday,
the body of an unknown white man was found
floating in the Delaware at Poplar street wharf.
He was five feet eight inches high, had sandy
hair and goatee, and was dressed in dark sack
coat, blue shirt and overalls, prey undeisblrt,
red Annuel drawers, and low shoes. Coroner
Daniels took charge of the bodv.
Collector of Poll-Tax. Mr. Richard Peltz,
Receiver of Taxe , has aoaointed George W.
(.roves an additional Collector of the personal
tax for the Eighth division of the Twenty-tecond
Pnrtlenlnr of tbe llnrnlnjf of the Ntenm
aliip Mollta ltcHcueol the Crew.
The K. Htrald of this morning recounts the
A lew days since we published a brief account
of the bnrning of the s .i amship Melita, Captain
James Sumner, of Liverpool, on tbe 6th inst.,
while on the passage from Boston to that port.
By the 6 hip .Jacob A. S amler, Cantain Georse
Sampson, which arrived here yesterday, thirty
nine days it om Hivro, having on board the
caotain, second and third officers, surneoo, chief
and second assUtant engineers, steward, and
flti -lour of the passengers ot the ill fated toupI.
we have full paiticulars ot the disaster and full
assursnce of t be satnty of all who were involved.
Tbe steamship Melita left the port of Boston,
on August 27, under as fair auspices as ever
vessel went to sea. with an aegregate of 108
souls on board. Without toretnougbt of disaster
or prescience of ill tate in tbe minds of crew or
passengers, she proceed! d on her voyage, and at
two o'clock on the morning of the 6th instant
had reached latitude 48 eg. 61 min. uon a,
longitade 29 dor. 20 inin. west. At this time,
and while boutmg steadily along over the great
wuste ot water stretchiog to the horizon on
every side, a large part of the ere and most of
tbe passengers being wrupped in undis
turbed slumber, the cry of "Fire!" was
The fire gained head tray, and daylight broke
upon a doomed vessel aud llluminatsd the spec
tscle ot de.-peiate men vainly struggling against
a terrible late menacing them beyond ail hope of
escape. Motwithstatidiug the apparent helpless
ness of battling aeainstwbat seemed inevitable
destruction, tbe fight was bravely maintained
through tbe first boors of the new-bora day;
every being anxiously, ever and anon,
turned towards the horizon on either side In the
anxloas hope ot descrjiug some friendly sail,
drawn to tbair relief by tbe column ot smote
wLich bore testimony for miles of their despe
rate strait. As may naturally be supposed, the
gnatest alarm and consternation prevailed
araoDg tbe female passengers aud children, and
cries and shrieks ot auony mtugled witu tbe
crackling of the fierce flames, increasing the
gentral distress.
At about half-psst eight o'clock a sail hove in
sight. At its fust appearance tbe joy exhibited
by tbe struggling was beyond de
scription, but was soon changed to a terrible
dread, and faces blaucocd again at the thongbt
that perhaps no r otice would be taken of their
situation. This fear, however, was dissipated,
and feeling of thanktulaess aud gratitude
too stieng for demonstrative utterance
took possession of all when It became
appa-ent that they bad been perceived
Had that the sail was bearing down en them.
Tbe v ssel proved to be tbe American ship Jacob
A. Stsm'er, Captala Geo.-ge Sampson, from
Hat re, bound to New fork, and in response to
a signal from Captain Sumner lav to for their
relief. All hope of saving the Melita had long
since been given up; but to stay tbe progress ot
the flames until tucti time as the passengers
mostly women and children and crew could
be got off called tor every exertion. No time
was had to save auytbiLc: indeed, the passen
gers, being wt'h ene exception In the steerage,
bad before this lost their all; bat boats being
speedily got out from coth vessels the wort
of transferring the women aad children
commenced, tbema'e passeneers aad crew fol
low sg.trjeothcersibwdrn igthe burning vessel
in ths iht extremitv. Tweuty bours were oc
cupied in t iis work, and at 4 o'clock A. M. on
September 6, both voxels drifted somewhat, in
iHtnude 49 deg. 4 mn. north, l mcltade 23 deg.
30 min. west, the Stamlcr cot under way a?a'u,
lighted on her course by the glare ot the burn
ing stramer, now complotely wrapped in flames,
wbich folded her ie a fierce embrace as thouh
tilami hlng in a savase glee, having won undis
turbed povesslon of belr prey. The next
niornii'g she bad entirely disappeared.
Ill Reply to an Invitation to Vlstl Mas).
TheNewbrryport (Mass.) Herald of tbe 24th
lusi., publishes the following:
An one the letters received at tbe Salisbury
ga k ring vas the folio Ins; from General
Robin B. Lee. Tue Committee inform us that
they have extended an invitation to him to be
present next year, abd as that Invitation, unlike
ths one tor the present year, is not open to the
chsrgeot not belug in saison, we may hope to
her irom blm at tbe next gathering-.
Lexington, Ya.. Sept. 10, 1868. My Dear Sir:
Your letter of the 1' h lubt., addressed to me at
the White feulpher Spiing, has benn received
tuts morning. I am very much obliged to tbe
coinmiiiee which you reoresent, for their kind
invitation to attend the ' Salisbury Bann Festi
val" on the 16th lusi., aud beg that jou will
accept my sincere thanks for the cordial manner
In wblch it has been communicated.
Were It practlcnble for me to be absent from
Washington College juBt at the
resumption of
studies, 17ih inst., it would be impossible for
me to attend your time-honored festival, from
the lateness of the hour that I have received
your letter. I shall therefore be deprived ot the
pleasure of being present on the occasion.
With great respect, jour obedient servant,
R, . Leb,
Mr. Isaac Ilale, Jr.
Rev. Henry Hart Hitman, 1. D.
We learn by cable that the Very Rev. Henry
Hart Mi; man, Dean of St. Paul's.died at London
yesterday at the age oi seventy-seven. The de
ceased was the youngest son of the late Sir
Francis Blilman, Bart., physician to Gregory lit.
He was boin in London Februnry 10, 1791, and
was educated at Oxford, where be graduated in
due course. In 1817 he took orders, and shortly
afterwards was appointed Vicar of bt Mary's
Reading. His trairedy of Faw was acted with
socoees at Covent Garden, and still remains a
stock play. "Samor," a heroic poem, ap
peared in 1818; another poem, "The Fall
of Jerusalem," founded on the narra
tive of Josrphus, in 1820. Tbey were
followed hy "Anne Boleyn." "The Martyr ot
Antioch,'' and "Belshazzar." But his literary
fame rests chiefly on his great historical works,
which bcloug among tbe best of this deoart
ment of Kngilsh literature. A "Hlrtory of tho
Jews," published in 1H35; a "History ot Chris
tianity," in M40; a "Hiitory ol Latin Chris
tlantty," In 1865. Other works of Milman are,
"Notes and lustrations to Gibbon's Decline
and Fall," a "Life of Keats," and "Hebrew Pro
phecy, a Sermon," published in 186S. Us also
edited an illustrated review of Hoi ace, with a
Life ot tbe Poet, and was a frequent contributor
to the Quarterly Review, fn 1821 he was elect-id
I'rotes'or of Poetry in the University or Oxford.
Subsequently be became rec orot St. Margaret's,
Westminster, and. iu 1819. Dein of St. Paul's.
In church questions Dean Milman waj one of
the leaders of the Broad Church party.
Tho Election Difficulty.
in tiie mailer of tbe petition lor a maoilamus cona
ptlllnK the MherlfTto Hnue supplementary proma
niailoD, and Ibervln namnthe bouse or tit. McM ti
ter, noribeiiai corner ot Twenty-f nrib and Oliow
li III slretir, wbicb was mad on WeUoeada? last, ibon
ippomd, and continued until lo-dav, the S'lerllTibls
morning appeared lo Court by counsel, and, assum
ing Hie alternative BoanuamtM to have oeun granted,
prtBiirted tbe lollowiug- alUdavn explalnlug nla
On the 15th day ot September, 1881, be placed In ths
hands ot a printer his proclamation 'or thee ectlon to
be held lu October next with directions to prlut a nut
ilcUnt number of pouter ana bam) bills of tbe sa.ue,
lor posting In tbe most puollo place in each eleotloa
division, aud received tbe same printed complete
on tbe letb dT of beptembr, lt6i, and bad
them posted throughout the city on tne
same dy. On the 21st instant he commenced
advertising the same In tbe Dewspapera as required
bylaw. Intheaald proclamation, as published, tbe
bouse of John Kane, at the northeast corner of
Twenty-lourib and Bprlng Garden streets, wi named
as the plane tor holding the election for ihe eveitn
division ol the Fifteenth ward, aad was so Inserted
In lb sld proclamation, uuder tbe following
circumstances: On eaptmber 'o, 1863, tbe depooeut
received a not ce signed by K, M. Porter and Uur
Jacobs, constables of be Fifteenth ward, of wblcn
copy la hereto annexed, which paper was band-id,
together wltn all other papeis uieu in the
preparation of tbe said proc amatlon, to J. Alex
ander Simpson, Kiq , to whom. Q account of
bis great experience In such matters, depoueut In
trusted ihe compilation and preparation or tbe said
proolamaiton for publication. Tbe said blmpion
fuond on Hie In the Froihonolary's office of the Court
oi Common 1'leas all necessary official documents,
showing teat an election oyihepeiole of the said
division bad been held on the luth ot H-ptember, lses,
In due form and In strict compliance with the
law In such cse made ao1 prnvlde4,
and tbe place tor holding such election
was changed from the bonsu or Kit ward Hubb to that
ot Jonn Kane, at the northeast corner of Twenty
fourth and Spring Garden streets. The deponent
furiber sa that ou or about tbe Mtb Insr. be received
a notification tbat an ordloanoe of Councils bad been
passed on lie loth Inst., changing tbe place lor hold
ing Ihe said election to tbe houiH ol Mrs. Monaster,
at the oortbeast corner of Twenty -fourth and rtaltow
Xi 111 efeeti, which noiihcailon wai Immediately
placed In tne bands of tbe said Mmpioo.
with Instructions to give It Its dne weicbt
In determining which plaie should be named In Ihe
aid prooiomailon for holding tbe sail elsci'O".
With the ssio papers before bi n, tue said esimpson
expressed tbe opinion that tbe vote oi tue peume
Ibeuld prevail, and accordmgii la Ihesild proclama
tion tbe house or Mr. Kane was named as the place
lor holding tbe said election.
Coutsel on each side expr ssed the- different views
on tbe subject but it wti made to appear to tbe sails
fHdlonof (be Onurt that tali election cl the people
was actua'ly being held at the same time taut tbe
action of City Cornells was taken li tbe mattr.
And, though eiceptlous were taken to cert-tin In
fornralliles In tbe notices and returns made by the
constables ol the ward, the Judge said tbathooiild
not ob nlud th' fact that the citizens had themselves
taken this matter lo baud and express-d luelr wish,
which should be respected; 'hat when thecitlziuaclioie
lo t'ke steps and designate a place for holding their
election, the act of 1839, which wS'e enamel aoec'ally
for this city, and which gave the people therlgbt to
make tbls selection, to Ibis extent susoended meaut
of 1H54 tlvltiK to City Councils the power of takiag
steps In the mailer; and finally, that the Bherlff had
acted as fairly and honorably as any officer co nd
have done In placing tbe matter In the hands of
learned cnunse), with Instruction to give everything
Its due weight, and anting In accordance with his
views; and ,nr der all tbn,nlrcumRtanoes, tola was not
a care calling lor a mandamus, which was, therefore,
The New York THoune ot this morning says:-
"Money continues easy at ts percent. Govern
ment brokers continue to have large ealaunea left
with them at S(j.4 per cent. Capitalists decline
making any time engasementa, and a general leellng
ol distrust Is observed lrom tbe fear tbat tbe demand
from the country banks for greenbacks to make up
their quarterly statement on tne 6th of October may
be followed by a locking up of money in the Interest
ot operators lor a decdne In stocks. Tbe rigbt of the
owners of money to draw It from bank and bold It, no
one disputes; but tbat banklog Inst nations, holding
their charters from the National or State Gov
ernment, should allow speculators to borrow tbe
money of tbelr depositors on certified cheolcs, or by
paylna tbe Interest apon It and allewlng It to He Idle
in their vaults, tuns crippling all legitimate business
as well as depreciating tbe products of tbe whole
country, Is beyond the com prehension of straightfor
ward rualneas nan in approach was made to one
of tbe leading banks on tbe street to loanalargt
amount upon certified checks, but the applicant was
coolly directed to the door. Before the close ot bank
heurs tbe rate ' money declined to 4 per cent., with
large balances offering oa miscellaneous securltlea,"
The N. Y. Tlmtt this morning says:
"The Foreign Exchanges, owing o thescarc'ty of
gold for present delivery, tell oft to lOsHC'VlOa1 per
cent,, ihe very best So-day ollia on Indon oelng
ottered at or within this reduo-d quotation. One or
more of the standard banking bouses wer anxious to
draw at Ui per ceit. It Is understood tnat aoms
Southern cotton bills on England are already aomlng
loiwaid for resale In tbls market, and the figures for
Ibis class of exchange open low,
'Tbe market lor Money worked aasy to-day to ths
brokers at I(a4 per cent. Irom private lenders, and 4
45 per emu at bank. Mob of tbe large Banks and
Trust Companies are Quoting, at S per eent as the
lowest rate at wuicb tbey are making new loans, on
call, and ibis wt o d certainly Dot be eleenaed an
extravagant rate unuer any circumstances; bat
tbe lower terms of 8&4 per cent , made br
outside lenders ihlefty the banking houses
and Ihe general ass of enpply seem quire conclusive
to-day against any effort, as we 1 as against al ne
ceisitr lor maklug a tempnrary pressure upon toe
market on the eve of the quarterly oauk statement
next week."
the rewest and beat manner.
LOUIS DKKKA, tstatlouer and Kngraver.
I IS No. H'aiCH hNU r Htret.
for tbe coming season.
Tfcose wlsLlng Crrds will please call and examine
A 11 Enrraving and Printing executed In the building
by Hint-class Artist only.
Prices lower than any other house in the etty,
lmwsBm No. SlSAKCU Street.
t ft eirps No, It North THIRD S :reet
The Alabama Delegation at the
Capital-Governor Smith one
of tho Party-He Thinks
Federal Interference
Elc.t Etc., Eto., Etc., Ete.
The Alabama nclcgistlon nt the Capital.
Despatch to the Aitocialed press.
Washikiton, f-cpt. 26. The delegation of tho
Alabama Lepislature bavlDg ntglt'cicd to bring
an authenticated copy ot the lesolution under
which ihrv are acting, will wait 1U arrival br
mail belore otliciaily vlbitinir the President.
Governor Hmlth is with tbe party, by request of
tbe Legislature, to advise and support the dele
gation. Ue has no oflicial lutctlons to perlorm
here in connection wita tbe application for
troops, lie is of the opinion, however, that
the action of the Legislature, ihougn unusual in
its lorm, meets tbe reqtilrenienAit tbe (Joustitu
tion In the matter ot securing Federal aid
for Alabama. He does not fully sympathize
with ihe Legislature in its call for additional
troops, aid expresses ronddence iu his ovu
ability, by civil machinery, tj maintain tbe
peae of tbe State. Tue people desire peace,
and he has tbe asrurauce from men ot bom oar
ties of support in bis efforts to that end. There
is some disorder ou the line of the Tennessee
river and north of alobiio, bat eUc where
throughout tbe Male there are no indications of
disturbances and Tio disposition to resist tbe law,
and in no other poitionof th Stale has any
officer wbo has been regulitlj installed in oftiue
brvn resisted in the periormance ot his duties.
Tbe Governor is apprehensive that during the
excitement of the coming election the oppor
ing parties may commit acts whch will lead to
seiious disturbances, unless restrained by some
assurance from tbe President tbat they will be
promptly put down by Federal authority. Be
yond tb's a-siiraoce Governor Smltb is inclined
to think no Federal interlercnce is necessary at
A Murderer In taken from the rnstody of
CouHtttblrs and J.ynrlied.
Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph.
Chicago, Sept 26. At Desmoines, Iowa, last
Sunday, two men named Kelly, alias Farley, nnd
James Kern, while in a house of ill-lame got
into an altercation, which ended by Kelly draw
lt g a revolver and shooting Kern through the
heart. Tbe nnlortunate man lived but an hour.
Kelly made his escape; but on Tuesday after
noon was captured on tbe prairie, near Lewis,
and brought to the city. The examination
resulted in his being held for trial, anl he was
placed in the care of constables.
Soon after flit -en men in dl-guise burst into
the room, placed revolvers at the heals of the
constables, and took the cowering wretch in
charge, carried him to a tree the
city limits, and hung him. it was ihe intention
last night to burn tbe house in which tbe murder
took place, and treat the person in control to
tar and leathers.
One hundred and seveaty-four and a half mil
lion dollaie Is tbe assessed value of Obicauo real
estate, and nearly flity-three million dollars that
of personal property.
OfeoatKFH in the inblnet m. CantoUl
Appointed Minister of the Iuturior.
By Atlantic Oable.
Floeence, Sept. 26. There hnve been some
charges in tue Ministry. M. Oantellt has been
appointed Minister ot tbe Interior, aud 11
i'asivi Minister ot Public Works. Ibis approach
to a reconstllution of tbe Cabinet is preparatory
to tbe issue of thejloau based on tbe tobacco
bonds. It tends towards a orabinttion
betwren the members of the Eight and those of
the tun-parii.
M. Cadeina resigned the portfolio of the
Interior, aisign)nr ill-health as the cause; but
be really quits office bcaus bis old political
friends, MM. La Marmor.i, Lnnza, Brtgnone,
Sella, in fact all the Pledmontese, voted against
him in the late discusi-ioa on the Tobacco bill.
M. Cant el 11, who replaces Ca lorna, b-longs to
Central Italy. He is modest, active, and
esteemed, and never had any other po l.ical
bias tban his constancy in agreeing with the
M. Mordioi la said to have accepted the De
partment of Agriculture and Commerce, which
the retiring Minister held ad inUrim. Tbe new
member of tbe Cabinet was formerly the soul of
tie Left, the triend of Garibaldi and Pro-DicU-tor
in Sicily. He had altuost retired from
politics. After havlnc, in company with II.
Despretis, constituted in tbe past sejsion a sort
ot hybrid tiers-partt, he passed over to the
Ministerial camp, sayinir, 1 have oonadence in
tbe Government." Those tew words placed a
portfol o at h's feet. M. Mord'ni conspired In
1848. 18G9, and 18G2, and now has a seat in the
Commencement of the Mechanic' Fair
Concobb, Sept. 36. The Mechanics' Fair com
mences In this city on October 6, and promises
to be a great success.
Geneial Pierce ia very feeble, aad hss recently
been troubled with a cough. lie receives the
calls or but few friends, tils nervous system is
qnite shattered, and it is very doubtful if he
will be able to gel out this fall or winter, if he
ever docs at all.
Excitement In lludaon City-Doing of
the liii-Klux.
Hudson Citt, N. J., Sept. 28. An excitement
was eansed in this city this mornng by early
risers finding what wa believeJ to the body
of a neero, with a block carpet bar in his hand,
banging from a tree. The police were on the
alert and cut it down, when it was found to be a
sham mask clothiug Oiled with saw dust, e c.
This Afternoon' ((notations.
London, Sept. 26 P. M. Erie, 33; others
l.ivEEP0OL,SeDt. 28-P. M. Cotton somewhat
firmer. Sales 12.000 hale.
IliVBE, Bept. 26. Cotton, tres ordinaire, 1221.
Liverpool, Sept. 26. P. II. Breadstuff's
quiet, liucou, 67s. Lird 72. Pork firm. Tal
low 46s. (Id.
Lohdom, Sept. 26. -P. M. Sperm oil, 06.
Terrible Disaster in the Delaware.
Wilhinqxon, Sept. 26. Tbe brig Sunny South,
Captain Byley, cleared on Tuursday last lrom
Philadelphia, for Bremen, loa led with petro
leum, was struck by liu-litninv, near MarciiB
Hook, lat evecina abjut half-pat nine o'clock,
aid exploded In fifteen m notes, totally de-troy-inn
tbe vest-el. Tbe captatu aud mate are svd
to te badly iujurrd and the pilot killed. Tbe
rest of the ere escaped. When the steamboat
A pel passed Marcus Hook at quarter past ten
o'clock this morning, ih vefl was totally dn. masts being visible, but flames were
Issuicr out of tbe water where the hull is prob
ably aground on ihe bar.
Hiirglary at Worcester, Mais.
WorcbutsB, Mas., Sept. 28. Biomp' oil's resi
dence In ints city was entered by burglars lust
night, and a large amount of property in Hue
jewelry and watches stolen.
Prom New York.
Ksw Toaa. Pent, an. An Englishman, for
merly a member of the Queen's Body Hoard, was
looad in Hudson City, early this morning, with
murdered, j '
Latest Markets by Telegraph.
Www Tom, Rpi is. tooka Arm. Chicago awd
Book Island, li2Hi KMulInc, Oantoo, 47 Hi
Xm, 4Si Cleveland and Tolodo, loj;4; ttlevaiaad anu
PlttsbarK, SS; I'lltsborf and Fort Wayoa. UiS'i:
Mlrhlran Central, IIS; Michigan HoHthern. 8S!
w York (ntral, 12S; I'llnois Central. W. Oom
berlasd profemd. Mi Virginia M, ba; SHartsoo
Klver HO; ft-sns, mt. 114; do. IWi, 1P9V: do. 18S
do. new,; inV: la40s.UK, jQold. Money ua-
cliar(!(1. Exchants. SS.
Maw Tobk. Boputs. Cotton qnlet at Wt eta. Flonr
flml and declined lo cents Hia. and NVeswrn, )
Phln. 86n)0'9; Boulhrn. S 0(d14; Calllornla,
ftMil07fi. Wheat dull. (Vim dun at fiv0l 18.
ais bey at 782 rents. Berf quiet. Fork dnll at
M ! Lard doll. Whisky qulat.
Hew Tork Stock tnotatlon 3 P. M.
Received by tleraph from Cilendlnnlng A
uavls, Htock Brokers, No. 48 8. Third street:
N.T.Cent. K
N.Y, and E. R,lnM M
Mlcb.H.and N. L R..2
Ole. and PlttK
Chi. and N. W. eom.MVi
Chi. and N. W. praf.. 8!ni
( hi. and R, I. K...10l
Pltiw.F.w.ndc:bi. 1(W4
Tol. & Wabash R... 60'
sin. ana ti. 4
Adams Express Oo. b'A
Wells' Fargo.....M M
U. 8. Ex press... .. 50
Tennessee 6s, new.. !
Gold.... U2i
Market irregular.
Por additional Drain A'oticet see ths Fifth Page.
K I UK E.-Friday, Pppirrabar 2, at bis lite real
denrr, I be is v. UfiOROK KIBKK, In tne 74th sar
Ol bis age.
uiial frem Bt. Jam" Chnrch. Downlngfown,
J?a , Weonesday, telemn-r a o'clock P. M The
relatives, l Wrtj n rally, and frinnds ot tna family
are tvt rcifiilly luvlted. r-ervlics at a ao precisely.
'I lain Itavealblrty-flrat ard Marks; street (Penn-yl-vaula
BallroaO), atliMOA. M.
I. Tbe Clnbwlll assembte TUESDAY, Beptembs
9, lies, at I M P. M BBARP, to proceed to Quaker
town, Pa.
II. Tickets for tbe i onod trip (tnclndtng fare via
Union P. B. R. from snd to Cbenut street), 75 cents.
Tor sals at Heat) quartets after 3 P. M., 29th Instant.
III. Citizens, not members of tbe Club, are Invited
t participate. Arrangemsnts bays been mads for
ihslr accommodation.
IV. EVERY TORCH belonging to tbe Clnb MUST
BE BETORNED to headquarters for this demon
CUUf Marshal.
I ?VfJ:) Assistant Marshals. nn
On MONDAY Evening, Bept. 28, at S o'clock.!
Worklrjgmen, Bally Around yonr Standard Bearer!
Tbe Meeting will be addressed br
a. tl. WAHKINEH, hMO.,
J.T. Pf ATT, Jiiq .
liEKY HUUN.Esq ,
By order Ward Ezecmlve Committee.
9 2S at Cbalrmaa of Committee on Meetings.
United States of America,
Chartered by Special Act of Congress,
Approved July 25, 1868.
Where tbe business ol tbe Company la trans
acted, and to which all general correspondence
should be addressed.
Clarence H. Clabk,
Jay Cooke,
t Ratcbford Btabb,
George F.Tylek,
J. Hinckley Clark,
K. A. Rolliks,
U enry i). Cooke,
Iohn D. Defrebs,
Edward Dodqe,
H. C Fabnxszogk.
Clarence H. Glare, Philadelphia, President,
Jay Cooke, Chairman Finance ana Exeoutlve
Henry 1). Cooke, Washington, Vice-President,
Emerson W. Peet, Pniiadelphla, Secretary
and Aotuary,
E. B. Turner, Washington. Assistant Ses'y.
Francis Q. Hmith, M. X).. Medical Director.
J. ewinq Meabs, M. !., Asslstaat Medieal
J. K. Barnes. Burgeon-General D. B. A., Wash
ington. P. J. HoEwnt, Chief Medioai Department
U.S. N., Washing! on.
D. W. Bust, M. V., Washington.
Hon. Wm. E. Chandler. Washlneton, D. a
George Harding, Philadelphia, Pa,
Oflered by this Company are:
It is a National Company, chartered by spe
cial act of Congress, 18418.
It has a paid-up capital of 81.000,000.
Itofleislow rates ol premium.
It furnishes larger Insurance than other com
panles for the same money.
It is dtflolte and oertalu in its terms.
It is a home company In every locality,
lis policies art exempt from attaobmeat.
There are no unnecessary restrictions in the
Kveiy policy Is non-forfeltable.
Ppilcles may be taken wbloh pay to the in
anred lhlr full amount and retnru all the pr
mlums, so tbat Ihe Insurance costs only the in
terest on tbe ann ual pay mt nts.
Policies may be taken that will pay to tbe
Insured, alter a certain number of years, during
life an no ual income of one-tenth the amouut
named in toe policy.
No extra rate Is charged for risks noon the
lives of females. 188 wsrp
It Insures not to pay dividends, bnt at so low
a cost ibat dividends will be impossible.
j&s Cm & As PEQUICNOT.
(XAaManniactnrers of WATCH OaBBS. ana Sealer
la American and Imported
W A T O II E 8,
Ho. U South BIXTH Street,
CI SirplnUu) Hmttfattory. Jfo. t3 & T1TIB ttrsct.
Treasury Department Exhibit
Foreign Advices roll tic al
Affairs in Massacho setts.
The) Treasury Department.
Washington, Bept. 31
Fractional cunency printed for tbe
vcek, I5C8.C00
Fractional enrrency shipped to na
tional bans 513,45$
Fractional enrrency, Assistant Trea-
snry, Fbiladelpbia. . . . 850,000
Fnlted States nt tes shlpood to banks, 3J7,699
United States no:es shipped to As.
ststant Treasurer. New York, . . 100,000
BecnrUlPsbcld lor circulating notrs, 341,970.900
Becorltles, deposits ol public monrys, 38,102,350
National bank currency issued for
tbe week 80,000
Total to date . . . $ 309 870,376
Mutilatfd bilN retnrnrd . . , 270
Notes of insolvent banks redeemed . 883,339
Actual circulation at this date . . 299,840 777
Fractional cnriency ml cmed . , 141302
Total loss of n Rnaalnn Nsnof.tVar
The Progress of tbe Spanish Bevola
St. Petbbpbubo, Sept. 26. There Is rooch ex
citement ia tbis city, occasioned by the receipt
ol the n ws of the total wreck of the Russian
frigate Alexander Newsk', off tbe town of Har
bore, Denmark. Tbe Grand Duke Alexis was oa
board the i 1-fated ship. Tbe latest despatches,
however, hold out strotg hopes that all hand
may be saved.
Pakis, Sept. ?0. Tbe news from Spain is
mengie. The official reports received state that
the news favors the Government.'
The Emperor has invited Prince Napoleon to
Paris for consultation on Spanish affairs.
Republican Peloaates Decide In Favor
or Mr llutlcr.
Boston, Sept. 26. Tbe publicans of the
Fifth District, in enncus at Salem, last sight,
chose a full delegation favorable to Benjamin
F. Butler, to the District Convention to be held
on Monday. A Republican caucus at Newbury
port chose sixteen delegates favorable tolfr.
Butler, and adopted the fallowing resolution:
Jt8olved, Tbat, confiding in the ability and
patriotism of our Representative, Benjamin F.
Butler, tbls meeting exoresses ' its preference
for him asthe candidate of toe Republican party
lor re-election in tbls district.
Mobtalitt of thb Citt. The number of
deaths in the city for the week ending at noon
to-day was 241, being an increase ot 7 over the
coriespondinar period of la-t year. Of these
It. 7 wereadolts; 134 were minors; males, 118:
ft-males. 123; boys, 60; girls. 74. Of tbe num
ber, 179 were btrn in the Uni'ed State. 63 were
foreign, 9 were unknown, 6 from tbe Almshouse,
9 were people of color, and 9 were lrom the
Ot tbe causes 12 were from rbolera-infantum,
32 consumption ot the lunes. 10 heart i)lpae
6 iollaniaiation of the brain, aud 14 marasmus.
The deaths lo tbe various wards were as fol
lows: Ward: Ward:
First 10( Fifteenth , 15
ged J 'ieenih........J: 7
TnlrJ- a Seventeenth 7
Fourth. 12; Eighteenth 5
S,"1 10 Niueleentb 18
Blxth 5 Twentieth. ..13
Seventh -....MiTwenty-flrat a
Klgbth 4! Twenty-second IQ
...m 7 rwenty tnird
8ewenty-fourth 9
2! Twenty-sixth 10
.... 9Twenty-aeventh..... 9
glTwanty eighth 1
Eeakins at thb Cbktbal Btatioit. Mi-
ct a-Ji Honlg-. cliarred with sec-ednc Roods wj In
tel. t o deirsnd hi creditors, had runner bearing
betoie Aldtrnwan Beltler ibli afiernoop. Isaac Bar
tim. of the tirm ot 8. M. &J ii.Bartrsm: irpiin
Mn afire?, Wlil am Buby. at tbe N. W. corner 0
H c rd and Cbef nuistreeu; William R. Craft, of No
S 8 Pace street; JCrce.11 B.nclce. and J. H. Karle of
No. 8 S Cbsnu street, were tbe wltt.e.sps aa-alnst
blm. Tbey testified thai Bouts; bonrbtf oods 01 'nam .
on thirty days' credit, bnt bad (ailed to pay si tbe ei
liratlon ol tbat time. The bills In every Instanoe
mourned to over one bandred dollars. The Roods
were sent to Eleventh aud J. Oemon streets, but be
fore tbe thirty days were np be nsd left tnecliy, Mr.
Kane Ustlfled 10 tbe prisoner Having amnlued pawn
ing some of tbe Jewelry unreb s-d ot him.
Detective Levy testified lo axiebtio Honli la W1J.
minaton, Del.
ihe accused was held In I18M ball to anawtr.
New Terk Stock Quotations, 3 P. tf.
Received by Ulettraph from Glendlnnlng A
Toiedoa Wab. 00
mil 41 tn. v. coxa l
N. Y. Cent. K. 19
N.Y. and K.IU. Mi
Phil, and Kea. K.... ti
Mioh.&andN.I.K. tf
Ole. and Pitt. B . S
Chi. and N.W. eom. -s'J-Ohlo
and N. W. prt C9
Ohl. and R. I. R Itl
PltU.F.W.and Chi 1091
Adams Express Oo bl 7
Well. Fariio (Jo. 2S2
U. 8. Expreas.... 60Vi
Tennessee 6s, new- ty.Z
Gold .. ,.....112V2
Market irregular.
pnuiDEirniA stock eichakck BALKS, RKPT. 3ft
Beponed by Se Haven A Br, No. 10 8. Third street
tSflO City 6s, New. KKfi lus sn Bead B..bS0. t l
fioo ao. rew....iuji
$4o(iO doNew....luii,4
iiiKKirillsb'gSf bs. so
81000 Leh Sh. BR 1...... 88
4 sb Cam A Am -12i7
14 sb Leh V K.C sax
M do.......c MJi
loo sh rnna B. bs. 8S
IHi tW
ice Mi,
1 do... ft",
20 sh S7H
104 do...0..47 8-lS
loo sh Leb N...
t09 do.... bl. 22J
i do.. bsa. JJ'J
do. I.. i '2
ie do IseSUu ti'2
Id do..S0doa30. VilZ
10 do.. S40, 2SV
sS sftt l7Z
121 do.Ja. hs. tt
2 do .M. U
llo City 8s. T7aw.u.iW4j
tl4 Leb 6s gold !... tu
imio uea n w, h bo
! IdiiO dooi a. 85
I' IK) do.......opg. 85
(Osh Beadlnc.nMMM. 47
IS abw ....... 47
100 do.-... bsn. 47
t 0 sb Ocean OIL.... tt .
iiwsaiJeoav.....j.'ii. 13
1 de so. 23
28 da,,.,n. 88
1i do...b0. 33
too, u
1 do .,. is
1(M) do....... 1 (1. 88 :
V rruclpal lx(i. No Su4 UHKaNTJT (Street.
Central letHt, No. lim Kout b FIFTH tstret, oaedoof
bt'luw (Jliesauu Ba4nllabed Una.
Revenue trtamps of every deacrtiiUoa ousia4aatlyoa
baud In any amouut.
Orders by AtaU or JCxptess OlXMapHf rlHtiflriUl.!