The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 26, 1868, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. XNo. 15.
i 10 p i int r im wurnR. wrnm litrm, ia w iv.i .
a s
VytnareioffoTlng, or have eufferfrt. what effect
rtoa II produce upon your general hraKb I
.Do ym feel weak, deb'lllated, eaMiy tired 1
'Doe a little txtra exertion produce palpitation of
Tie hartT
So yonr liver or yonr kidneys frequently gt on
Of order ?
to yon have epelli of short breathing or dyspepsia?
Are yonr bowele constipated T
Do yon havespe.Uof falntiug. or rnihesof blood to
the head f
Ie year memory Impaired?
Ia yonr mind constantly dwelling np-n this subject?
Do yon feel doll, listless, moping, tired of company,
or of Ufa r
Do yon wish to be left alone, tj get away from
e-verybedv t
Does any little thing make yon start or J amp t
la yonr sleep broken or reitteesT
Is i he lustre of your eye m brllllantr the bloom
yonr cheek as bright T
Do yon enjoy eoolety as well T
Do yon purine yonr business with the same energy?
Do yon fel mncb conQdence In yoursell?
Aieyonrsplrlts dull and flagging, given to flu of
oelancn.lyf Ifso, donotlay it to your liver or dye
Have yon reft'esi nights f Yonr back weak, yonr
knees weak, and have bnt little appetite, apd yon
attribute thle to dyspepslaor liver complaint?
Now. reader, the organs of generation, when la
perfect health, make the man. Did yon ever thine
that ibote bold, defiant, energetic, persevering, -soo-cessral
bnslcess men are alwajs those In whom these
organs are In perfect health ? Ton never hear of soon
men complain of being mllancholy, of nervousneesi
Ofpalpltatlon of the heart. They are never a (ram
tbey cannot SDOceed in business; they don't become
ad and discouraged; iny are always polite and tlea
ant In the company of ladles, and look yon and them
light In the faoe-none of yonr downcast looks or anv
Diseases or these Organs Require the Use
of a Dloretlc
And Is a Certain Core for Diseases of the
And a diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether ex
let lug In Vale or Female,
From whatever causes originating and no matter of
how lor g standing.
If t'ea'ment la submitted to, Oomumptlon or
Ineanlty may ensue. The reoords of the Insane Asy
hunt and the melancholy deaths by Consumption.
baa ample witness to the truth of these asseitlons,
la Lunatic Asylnms the moat melancholy exhibition
appears. The countenance la actually sodden and
qnlte destitute neither Mirth or Grief ever visits It
Should a sonnd of the voice occ-r. It Is rarely artlcu '
With woerdl measures wan Despair
Low, sullen sounds his grief beguiled."
Our fl sn and blood are supported from these
lOuices.andour health and happiness, anl thato'
Posterity, depend npon prompt use of a reliable
Mail U titer to Sojt. is.
Spanish Finances and the First
Symptoms of tho licvolution
llussian Opinion of an Allied
Diplomacy with Franco.
Etc.. El..
By an arrival at New York yesterday, we
nave European ad nces to the 15.h instant:
Symptoms or the Coming Itevoluf Ion,
The Paris (Sept. 14) correspondence of tbe
London Times my. :
There Is talk ol a small loan or 50.000.000f.,
which tbe Manl-h Uove'ninpn. u in h-,,
of obtaining irotn the group or banl..r forininit
the Credit Fonder. Although it has been re
leaicdly raid that Spain should imvo .,-
credit on account of ber nefarious treatment of
her previous creditors, It appears that Indi
viduals will always bo lound to give wav to the
seductions her embarriuf.ed
her to employ, nnd to lend her small summon
exorbitant terms. One of these days a crash
will come, and some of thp ucmiom.. -,.n
burn tbcl. fineers.
Nothing can be worse than the stale of affair,
in Bpain; noihioff more infamous than tbe
tjranny of her Government. It was honed
about seven rears airo. that th mnnin
takine a start; there weie tome blight biros of a
revival soon after the II
hope was speedily dissipated, and since then the
country has been sunk In a slough ot depond.
All trade and enterprise have declined; many
persons nave been ruined; nobody knows what
to expect or how soon a terrible convulsion mav
come. By some of tbe refugees lraporttnt
events have been predicted lor the present
month, but there is every appearance 'hat it will
j.ase quietly in Spain, ns elsewhere. Ibere Is a
report that Dulce will shortly return to Spain
Irom the Canaries, but although on more
than one occasion he has shown himself a
man ot considerable drinr mH m,ai..iu.
be is not well adapted to head a revolution. He'
Marshal I Serrano, and his npbew, Colonel
Loper Domlnguez (who commanded a batterv
ot mountain rifled gun?, carried on mulebacK
with much distinction duriDg the war in
Morocco), and Major-General Serrano B-dova
are in the Canary Islands; General Zabala is at
L.VFO, in Galicia; none of the generals latelv
were sent, that I am aware of, to the
Philippines, althou-h It was at the time re
ported that they had bsen. But tbev are none of
them men of much mark. In O'Donnell and
Jaivaez, great though their faults were, and
numerous the cruelties th
Spain nnqnestionablv lost ih t. ,.
getic and adroit men she possessed, and the to
ot Kiissa." it adds "Tbe In'ernVlonal
ABsuuiaiiua cans upon workingmen to
prouounce atrainst war, to oppose It by ail the
u uieix pwcr, to retuse to countenance
asassination, and to organize a propaganda lor
tbe education of the poor." Tbat labor, in fact,
has no country is tbe fundamental pr nciple of
.-buviiuuu, vuai toe proauce oi laoor ought
to be tbe property of the proincer, that tbe
brotberbood of labor ihould hn ti.o ho.i. nr
foclely, and tbat the workingmen of all conn
tries should throw aside their party jealousies
and national antipathies, and make co union
cause with each other In their struggle wiu
cupl-al these are tho dominant ideas which it
was the purpose of tho Congrea to Inculcate.
In the .radical result the Congress at Brussels
may be called a success, though tbe conditions
uuiM-r wuicu tne aiscossion was carried on pre
cluded tbe possibility ot very vigorous or lively
debating. It Is very easy to ridicule tbe uto
plan tone of the resolutions arrived a, but it
would not be at all easy to prove tbat tne prac
tice of Uuropean si a ernrn Is wiser than the
preaching oi European artisan?.
The Annexntlon of Iteiglnm.
The London Examiner asserts that rumors
gain ground every day ihatdesmns are manuring
for the gradual and eventual annexation ot Bel-
j'nu uy rrttnee. ot oy resort to arm-", if it be
yu?.-iiB to aoia it, out by the use ol diploma -y,
whose versatility and eloqueuce will os rein
lorced by the glittering dn-play, not a'ar oif of
u iiMiDie army, xne only son of the Bel
gian king is sick and rady to die. All the ans
ot nienical science have been exhausted in the
Vain atlemnt tn rontnr aiilmahAn ,n A .u
fill hfttM rt ri ... . 1 , . I . .
T, uu to me innguia itmos. A lew
weeks, or even days, may release the bovtsu
suflenr from bis lot of pain. Two daughters
"... Tuim mi m opnia ii, ana already measares
are preparing, it is sai l, to change the Salic law
ui succession, as was done in 8oain, and. as in
the case ot the Spanish prince-si s, with the
... rci;urmir ma nana )f one of them
iur u rreunn nrinpp Tho ..nntii r ,
ueirs and heiresses has never stood in tbe way
of political betro'hals, absurd as such betro-
uciiHeuriij (.pcme i, ana aboittve for their
ruusr, as tuey nave almost invariably proved.
Ihe brotaer of the Belalan King is not a man
iiiteiy to mage any eflective fisrht for his ore-
.,r luun uauee; out now popular fee ing
Will ennnf , ( . 1 f MAMiM- . . - .
.-uvtt mbiii icum ux fl nn fi(ifn. r tta
to s sv as the'f lest words. TwrnM liba t ... ...
iivr "iu.'. u jury or toe Judge
wbi convtoud and seutouced me for my crime. In
"'u w ,u vri ivauq ur tne wiinn, nn ther tes
timony I ranuot eay thai they swore to wht was
' -j "HBriwu m iiit ana torn m ire
than wai rUbt. In retard to the execution of my.elr
- wjui.n, i. wuuiu db naimai for
me to s It nnoer then circum.tauoMi hat I do not
etancea. I would say. as we have miird-nd Mr.
nominli'tis death anit 1 it'iiiiiiiip ihu ...!l
Int an trnom nliua death, and in the same cateeory
it . rl, aouoraanoe with
iuo it", hi jni?iirnD'ii j tnat we ara tn it
Justiapd In tho eyes of ond or net. Tne Rtata
Of Msssacrnsett!) might make laws li- execute every
man who stole four dolars' worth but I bat would nut -wuiu w juBiiiivu in tneeyeeor Uon.
du. -.ii u. io ii'. kit upon inese Doluls. as I
".'" i n-viesa io laiK about It now. Hut I
wcnld sav. as we are uibiwn.ii iiul ....
ll..lA . !. .
j i. inemseives as secure as we do
Mime. iuo eway oi a remaie sovereign, they
might po-siblv pormit the cbanire to bo uiada in
tbe funoamental law of the kingdom without
uiuv-ij icBiBiuuce. jjui it the notion once gets
into the head of the miu thai v, .
ihe matrimonial annexation of their country to
t ranee, tney wlll be very apt to appeal audibly
lr,r rm.'i, ' " V "F'iiuuuiyiy
V" -j"'Fmjr una abidance to Datlle
Tbe DOliCV which mr-anrlKir,o
aco erected Beleium Into nn inHn,i, i..,.
t81 8ate,reialns substantially unchanged.
either Knglaod. Holland, nor Prussia can be
expected to asent to the incorporation of tbe
Low Countries with France. Tne talk about
neuotiations for a Customs TTnion had never
i-vuciLuuy or lnieiugioie meaning in it.
jumister Johnson and the Prince of
The London Court Journal of tho 14th of Sen.
TTinPf Onnnnn.a H !. T i , r
fprlne tbe eame lifnomlnlnna iio&tt. ti.A u m...
sntTerrd, and onr death la lu the same clrc.e uf trio
innreiore i say mat 1
tit rallv IusliIIa.i I.. .
?' O"0- Ton koowQiid says Thou snalt not kill.
I know that I ha net dona in. h..i,n., k... .
course, when we Oo wrong all e etn do la to repent
ol.,.oor ,0i and He has prnnlsed that He
will receive repentant elnners. For ears "He
that bell, vee in ma ndooih truly repeut.abail hav
everlas Inn II. e" Hut 1 A,, nd ... .r..i ." ' ' "l
Berlpture; but . I wi,n to say that, although I a1., i..
eccordanre a Ith the lawsol Masauhusli, I have a
kino word for t ie otlloirs of the prison, wuo have
luy sincere tnanks for ibvlr uipmin.,. i'J7.T
return tbanks io Mr Carter, the Uilor. Hi has been
very good to US. auU iluna nu r t.n hi. 7
qulrto. I would a t o say a g od woru lor Mr. Mhlo
Jrn; '"I Jf several other ministers who bave
visited us, aud tried t cultivate iu ua religious feel
!C" i":.1" n '"'"k ' heavenly th. g" und biit
ibiukot tuojs tilings w&lcn are so much 5l a lailaoy
here on earih. anu nave tola us io iiUoour miuus
onhfavtniy things, and God wou'd be wltn us. I
SS. 'JI'A'Yk"110?,"5' "yihlng more to you to
oay. aud 1 bid you all fareweil.
Alter the condemned nid ceased, Mr. John A.
Daba, assistant clerk ot the county, read the
deaih-warrant, tbe sberiB's deputies, meHntim",
adjusting tbe nooses, blaca hoo Is, aud prisoners'
Jiuibs. 1'bet.e prepara.ions having boea com
plettd, the signal was given, hilns was stauding
bolt upright, while Cnarles had his laco turned
upward and was moanin;; piteously, "Oh. Ood
bave nificy ou my sojI," when one or the depu
ties touched the sprlug with his loot, tbe dtop
fell, and tbe co jbius shot througb the opening,
fellas was killed instautly, as bis neck bad bi-en
broken by the i a) I. CbarK-s whs beard to breathe
four minutes after the drop fell. At the expira
tion of about sixty or eishty seconds bis whole
Inime trembled violently. At the end ot six
minutes the movements ceased entirely, and the
bodies which oid not cl ish. us mitrht hntm Ku,n
feared, hung stationary and lifeless. The nui
rauiiumiuu uy a Dhvsician wan mean iha
bodies.hung nearly half nn hour i.
cut down and placed in coilins to await the
arrival oi friends, who nin hnr - , .
liven uivauyv icu, n, i.
rarthqnako Shocks In. the Sand
wich Jslands-Another Fxecu
tlon Orderod-rrobabilltieg
of General Batler's
Rcnom (nation.
Fliianclnl and Commercial
Etc, Efe., T.te., JEt.,
Affairs In the Randwlcli iNlitiuN-Sluklnir
?- lJnor'" r iwrell-Earthniiakea
mei'il" tfA 1l,lIM'"o Auuiuuce-
8an Fbanoisoo, Sept. 25. nouoliilu advi.
to Septexber 6 conflrm the renort of the Blntin
ot the southeastern shore of Hawaii. Tbe s tme
occurrence was observed at Port Iliin. Th
sub?ldence at Hawaii in soma nlr.p. i.
f w .0 nwiu
" o ieet, ana m others from six to
seven ieet; while at Hilo the greatest suhd
I'llll'l nOllCeU VM nnlntrvht nnl.. T
Poia, and Lalsirole trom cne to five earth!
queues nave occurred dailv. ConaiWahi-
moke wasrisluir irom Kiinan o h.
OB hn II. .-:u7- t0
luc OfCllWllonfl or tna ana t TT.,1 i .
h-- Z ' wcrcremarKiDie. .'or the three
days tbe sea rosn n ri foil vn, i ...
foc - . . ." uivo to iour
m "J tvn miouies.
--..i 7 " cn i mister publishes an official
Dotice warning Amencaa ship-owners and ship
Esi" R.ia,li8t Participating in the Coolie trade
ThP hi Bir Si u -1 other ports.
XUe fnlD Eldnrudn -i n1 u,i.i. t. .
An-Mist Sl. Th -T"." "J iiMl
i . v vvuivvuu uuws is unnxt
In port at Honolulu, United Steamer Ma
jiociro, Hamburg barques It. C. Wviie and
Kobert Lane.
Kears are entertained for the safety of tbe
barque Clara Butie, now 41 days out from
Ovnoa or tbm Rvaniica mBm-r i
, Baturuay, Sept. 26, ism"'
There Is no material chsnge to noUce in th
"JMM' taM ,oansa'- quoted at fis
eDUi pr,a,e 'o'nmerclal paper ranges from
6(37 per c-nt. per annum. ' irwH
The stock Market opened yerr dnll thU
morLing, bnt prices were ateadj; Govern roe. t
jecnrities were firmly held. City 0Z , "eVe in
Hallroad shares were inacHve.
Avnuiunu noiu itk ooi. nn
chansre; Keadins at
474. a slight .dyancjM.Vehlll .T57i.rocha
Klmlra common at 30, no change' and
Oeniral at 49i. no r.h,tn:."he.r-
f?,lCK 8P1dAmboy:44i for L.ule Hchuylk fij
L5Jfi.No,r -Pennsylvania; 41 for Elm Ira pre-
preferred; and 25J
shares were dull.
wbo were most skilled in the art ot 'government i?""' announces Allulster Johnson's presenta-
i..iii' ? "irange to give even praise thus vttZX cT.ul"r:?,lu.B:
utiaiiueu to sucn a nionn.ntniT.od
pulous roan as Marvaez. of whom h -..
goes in Spain that when his confessor, standing
by his death-bed. adiured him tn fr--i. i.i
enemies, he replied, iu accenta woair trnm 4i.
appioach of diaaolotion, that he had nont-i
naa snot them all." But some allowance must
be made for tbe circumstances rr thotimo-i
the peculiarities ot the Spanish character; and
ceriaitilyif anythiuc could nnminin mo.L
u gret Marvaez, it would be the fact that he has
Tl Imperial Diplomacy aud Relations
u -rrance.
The Moscow Gazette
the following:
The true and well-understood Interests ot
France and Kussia are not at all mntr-r. t h
one to the other, and there Is not a bingle spot
on ihe terrebirial clobe where thn.o i-i.rI.
ay not be In accord, fir Uhnr 4tloa . .
Powers mav not be in a Dositinn tn uit- k
other reciprocal co-operation. The en'tn'e be
tween France and KuaBia wouia hn tho Hat
guarantee of European equilibrium and general
uwuu, ...... iiu, U 111 11 f I HE I II Q T DlXtnn tl
of the 9th Inst, contains
Prepared by
PHICE-lrw per bottle, or six bottles for l so da
llveied to any address. Bold by Druggists every.
- Blt
1 Kone are genntne unless done np In steel-engraved
Wrapper, wlthc tinUe ot toy TJhemloal Warehonse,
JU. t. ISI,MB3XiD,
i u.u BTenue ana eeveniy-siztb street.
Central P.rk.
Da, H. T. Hblmbold:
i wo Domes oniy or tne package ot yonr valuable
Buchu presented to the Institution have been need by
sne eniicren. and wiuj perieot success, in the case of
oar nine i.ieaienant A. hU pride Is no longer mor
t iled, and be Is free (rem the dally morning aoalhej
xoas oi in cnamoermaid wbo has charge of his bsd
dlr g. I feel that a knowledge of tbe resnit or onr nse
ot Bochowlth the children nnder oar charge may
ssve many a Superintendent and Ma'ron or Board.
)sg Bchools and Asylums a great amoont or annoy
ans and many a poor child, suffering- more from
cakBss than from bablt.maybs soared nnni.h.
near, that I (not knowing It as a weakness lostead
of a bud habit) most unjustly luflloted noon them
Ttanklng yon on behalf of the children, and hnnin
others may be alike benefited.
I am rtspeotlully yonrs,
General Bnpt. and Director.
Jane it. im.
ObkatBait L.hbOitt.
Jaouar as, uss I
r r, ii, t. iii.MBOLr
Dear Bli: Your commnnlcatloa requesting onr
wrms of advertlalrg was duly received, but from
prjad'ea I bad formed against advertising "onrea
br icre' dlsesiei," It was lelt nnanswered, During
ii aceldental conversation In a drugstore tbe other
kvenlng, my mind was changed on the character of
four BUOHU. It was then highly recommended for
kl i dlsfases by two physicians present.
! Inclosed pleas flod onr rates ot advertising;
i Yours, eia,
1 Editor and Proprietor ef
tat i Pii7 and weekly Telegraph.
euouiu oe eBiaousned in a solid and durable
manner two conaitiona
The first is. that trance nhnnlrl -.m,,..
irom her sight the phantom of a Dre
tended resurrection of Polaud. For it is
ueoessary that at Paris peoole should try at
length to understand that what is called Poland
,4?ot.aJpeop!f.Dat a ,eudal taste which has
detached itself from the npnnio ,h f
nearly half a century a handiul of fjudal an.
archists has abused the French nation aud all
the successive governments at the Tuileries in
making them believe that the re-establishment
or Poland was possible, and that France was in
terested by ber traditions and ber principles in its
re-eatablithment. Doubtless, if such an assertion
were true it France, in order to reject the
phantom of the resurrection of Poland, bad to
sacrifice even the least of her interests, and if it
were necessary to place herself in contradic
.n A national exigencies, we should
not think for a moment of modifying her
p.'.i!eDt manner of seeing or her present
attitude; there would no longer be any rea
son to speak to her of an entente with Buosia.
and we should have nothing to do but to Dlace
ourselves on the delensive. But happily it is
not so, and the contrary is the lact Progressive
and liberal Frauce, the France of 1789, could
bave nothing in common with tbe Polish arls
tocracr. and there is not onn nf th - n,
y. rm-it, uui. uuc oi ner national InteresU.
tnat can lequire ner to replace under the yoke
of tbe Polish nobility, whom they abhor, the
iuiaimuo luuBuiuug me oauKS ot the Vistula.
jiTouuum epeaaoi tne western provinces oi
Kossla, where tbe people have never spoken the
Polish language.) France would abjure the
finest pages of her history if she were to en
deavor to nndo facts accomplished forever; tbat
j, ut . uiu vi iuo x-oiisu aristocracy and
tbe regenera ion of the Poli.h people blended
4 . v A w n a J w j i 3 a - .
With regard to the Eastern question we onlv
ak that .ranee shall not place herself in con
tradiction to bersell. and that she do not think
only of her own particular interests. In tbe
-w, as ever wnere. we on v attic ni t'n. .
do what ebe owes to herself. We do not wUh
either to torn her from the care of ber interests
ur iu ueceive uer; we wisn only mat she should
retake tbe road which she ouabt never to have
jcn, nun on wuicn we are ready lo accompany
her as ialtbrtrl iriends. Dtoridid she will mftrr.S
luwnros mat ooiect wdicq is our, that is to say
tbe pacific aud lioeral develoDmeut ot the nh-u!
Han populations of Turkey, guaranteed against
Closing or the Ijibor Couarreas.
Frotn the London Star. Sept. 15.
I Tbe International Coneress of Workmen was
closed on bund ay allertoon with a speech fro a
tbe President. M. Dunnm. a i,itPiin -nu
resident in London.
The final resolution takes the following shape:
Tbe I utei national Workmen's Congress re
comnjends tbe workinRmea to abitalu irom ail
work in tbe event of war breaking out in their
respective countries, ihe Congress reckons
Upon tbe SOlldHntV Of wnrln, irm-n rt -II
countries for tbi strike of the toni ,.umt
war." The sentiments were embodied
even more strikingly in an address to tiio
Congress Irom the German auxilmrio. i,i..h
especially denounces a war between France
ana Herman y as "a civil war for the orodt
w- v
Tbe United fttntan Ml
n,.u" ; r"'" "luusur
wasLit; luib hi ernnnn. nnn uroa mtrAri nn
alesty by Lord Stanley, Srcreiary of 8tate for
"".c,"AU,,,rsi aon presented his credentials.
ne ranee ot Wales contemnlales a visit to
tne African continent. 8houll the Prince curry
out ibis iuteution his Kojal Highness will visit
fijF" nun iue uaiarac.s oi the Mile.
Ko Prnsao-Auatrlan Alliance.
ine journal ae fans asserts, as of its own
knowledge, that the Austrian fi ovprnmnnt. ta.
cently informed 1's aeents abroad that in case of
a wr oetween rrance and Germany, Prussia
uiust not at an count npon an Austrian alliance.
ine empire having above all things need of
pruur, a war nreaking out on the frontiers
would bo of itself a most serious cala-nity, In so
Jar as it would tend to re'ard the work of the
riL-uusiruciion ot the monarchy, and Anstrian
diplomacy would do its utmost to avoid tho
unugers oi sucn a contiaaration. It is ad led
-'. jucnt-riMJu enncr uaa renewed or
win renew to the Emperor Napoleon pacltic
nnnlu.ailimB In . I . .
uvuaiBuuui ju ijuc uuuvo Bense.
Italy Vneaay.
Iue Italian Government: .... o lnito-
Florence, is disconcerted and uneasy on acconnt
vi me uiim-u.i vtbii to rontaineoieau aud the
eon oi mMi niaae aoout t rancls IPs brother and
ui. wiic ut iue rrencn uourt. it is remembered
that Italy one was never the Napoleonic project.
Buaa great wars and great events come, who
ton ivivBt-K wuai may db in store for tho south
ern provinces?
ine itepnbiieniiM AnibiiHheil ana Urn.
iniiy AHHitsialiiateu.
The Albany nirronnnndpni. nf tiA xr,.
York Iribwie write.-, on the 2Uth inst.. as follow.
r. l . 3. '
ui in. irvrui ixiusiiaore:
1 hasten to lav be ore vonr renrlpra
ui iue recent laiporunt events In this section.
uu the 15ih inst. Captain William P. Pierce, a
ntuiuiiii.u oy Dirtn. a eanant oinjer or th
Union armv durlnsr tbe late war. a mminrh re
publican, and the reeul ur nnmirtPA nf thu U.i-
fjuuiitans or mis t.stconii) Congrefslooal dis
trict lor the United 8ta;es Congress, pro-
vecucu iaj Aiurituuti. numipr pnnnr.v a tnwn
but a few miles from Anderson vine, for the
purpote ot making his first speech in the
canvass ot his district. He was accompanied
by Mr. John Murnhv. a native of Inriimiu -.,
uuw - unru buu lueeueriu elector this county,
elected by a Republican majority of about 700
aa sa livii ui nuuut x.uu. lt.Rir 11 inT Ainnnom
they registered their names at the hotel. Five
minutes thereafter they were inlormed by the
piuiJin-iui mm ma ooitraers lusistea unon his
.uiuiug luiue geutiemeu oat ot the bouse.
ney were raatcais, they must leave, for he
vouiu not oe lanuiora ot theirs. Tne gentle-
uj.i iruiiuu. JIUrO
A Treaty of Peace With tbe Indian.
Despatch to the Attotiated Prett.
WiBHTKOTON. BepL 26.-ActinR Commissioner
ui ii.oiun tuairs, air. mix, received the follow
Ing telegram to day:
"Virginia Citt. Rent. nnrnmt.
I - - w-kv -rftwuv J igj Ull'
nn.a KT T O.-il-- a - .
-we e vuiiru vuu iDVPir rnnn inna.-i a
JS I or V witli several Indian tribes of
ouuouuucb, DttiiDocEP, ana onpppeatera jester-
uiave iuii i.uilc.Jl Jl'l L ifir YY HQnlnryrnn th a
morning. James Tafts,
"Acting Oovernor, and ex-offlcio
. "Superintendent of Indian Affair,?
Tbe lndiacs with whom the. twnr.v n mLi
are in Idaho and Montana.
The Sarratt Case.
Dlr-trlct Attoro-y Carrlneton has Drpnarnrl.
a brief in support of the nnrm.1 tnlion
counsel of the Government Iron the decision of
Judpe Wylie in the Surratt case. It is suh.
mittedtbat the Court in ilnchur-Hn- a.,--,fa
erred in lis ruling. First. Bee. use the statute
of limitation as a defense to the alleeed crime
was not and could not have been rmfir ho
Execution of Charles T. and Slla Jamea ZlZ. K.itu colo,ed man, recently a mem
lor ibeliurder ot JoeiVl. u. Clark?2 ,er of Georgia Legislature, but who
Huii.hii..ii 1 " IO was eXDtlled on r.nnr.t i t,i- ir'V
. i . wwwwiw v. uin UUHiri.
uhnnr iDir.nt.H,.A .l i ' '
icu. raH i ii r nnmAa i r. mi unn- i . . . : r. wcu. uuivia iue
books." Shortly alter this they addressed K 1 on .v6 Pledmgs as they then stood, and
the colored BeJubUcans, amid fhe mter-
iue, ana curses or the white ctzens,
who were In toivn in force. Alter speakine;,
tbey went, by invitation, to the house of H. K.
siCUOT, a -teouolican and aa.-nntatn i'hi,.r
wutnue oi tuo Bia:e. While there tho nn nr,.l
-tepuDlicans attempted to march through the
uuunu o.inaic wiiii arums inn nt iin,i,h
unarmed. They were ordered by the Judee of
vum -ujiruui iaiuii, luc-j in eesiion, to stop the
noise, meaning that of tbe drum and flie. Borne
colored man. not hearinc hp oni..- i-.f hn
i.. : .. . y. ,ug
-uurc, nor comprencnaing the cause ofthe ces
sation oi tne niubic, called out "go on with
the music,'' whereupon tbe whites drew their
pistols, sbot-euns. knives. etr .
colored men from the square. Messrs. Pierce
uu niurjiuy, snowing notnin? ot this, ap.
proached the public square, paying Utile heed
to the warnings ot.the colored people, who told
them that the whites had sworn to kill then
Yesterday, the 19th inst., Mr. Pierce accompa
nied by Jrfr. Murnhv. th Rp. v p i.
Philin.fnnin ia i.nliuo.1 .. '
.v10.6 Tribune's correspondent attending
the double execution at Worcester, Mass., yester
day, gives the following description of the scene:
Tbe hanging of the Jameses hereto-day was
the first event of the kind ia Worcester since
1845. On the evening of the 28th day of last
tebrnary Silas and Charles T. James, who came
here irom Providence, R. I., ostensibly in search
of one Henry James, a brother ot Charles, who
bad deiaulted his bail as an illicit distiller, en
tered Joseph 6. Clark's gambling rooms, with
tbe deliberate intention, it seems, of killing and
.w..,f, ..,, aud- UBU oeen in rne city tbre.
or tour days, and had calmly and deliberately
ril i i i j.uc younger cousin,
vuoiics, uuu purcnasea a small board, and
h--.j .wi ivVv, uoia oi which were
JiT "r,.,"' AS tne7. entered
""a-e xuuins iney lound him
sealed In a cnair in front ot a stove. Whtle
feilas engaged him in conversation, Cturles
uinuc ui me H.e aeep in the skull. J
brief slruBgle ensued, when the victim's watch
cnain ana tne tope were tied about his neck,
and tifibteucd by tbe use of a poker. A woman
uraio mo oiocit lieara tne noise, and
knocked on the dour. Hhn w vn-n
Eaion, also as Mrs. Thayer, and was on intimate
TAriTIB at ith f 'Inwlf flit...- i - . ,
.... -iiuioi., ia. interruption lorced the
murdereis to remain quiet in the room with the
dead body nearly an hour, at tbe end of which
time they lilted the corpse, and bore it to an ad-
j",-iu' -uuui, buu miu it on a oed, alter hay.
iVfift i u. ,0H.0. "'ao-ond pin worth
$600, a valuable wa'.ch, $800in bank notes, and a
lew gold coin;. Here they added to the crimes
of murder and robbery tbat of arson by pourlnir
kerotene oil over the htad ot the body and on
iv- u.u, auu uiiuk me same, iney then coolly
withdrew, muftled in (lnu.a -n.i o,- . '
depot to take the night train tor New York. But
i,.,-.T 7 .lu? ?r inajer, saw them go out;
?JrJSll.e?lTd PlHrlf'8 T00' -nJBasceri
taaed tbat be bad been murdered, and gave tbe
alarm almost Instantly. The police were prompt
i.m.. a. lueir uuty, ana tne elder
I i. 7ii. ' i at tne aepot. His cousin.
& abraresearfled.the W
All things being in readlnes. at 11-2. the
Prisoners were led in. with ihe.r bandsp.nioneS
behind. Beth were firm in walk. B.lai appar
ently unconcerned, aud Charles with a dejeoted
look. As they neaivd the gibbet" Bllai wts
staring at vacancy, but Charles looked uoat tbe
struciure In an imploring and earnest manner.
Tbey weie placed on the drop, and both stood
firm. When they had been n h i
SberifT Kuowlton, who stood nenr the reporters,
and teemed deeply ailected. addressed ii,
foners. Bilas bad nothing to say. but thanked
the prUon otticers for their klnduess. Chtrles
tbe .ounger cousin, made a
follows:- " "
.i1 J wo' ,h, 1 wUh r as people
ale ays like lo tear i hat persons who arwhuughuve 1
- , u oiicuicuic coiurvu men, aD
proacuea me town of Cam la. Miuhn
county, where Messrs. Pierce, Murphy, aud
Janin were to address tbe colored ttepubllcans.
tourailes from Camilla they were met by a
White men. named James Jnhn .hn t ...
ttated tbat he was in searcn of a "doctor" to
attend a colored man wbo had been injured by
a tailing tree. As soon. howtrp u h.V.....i
the characler of the party approucbing, be de
clared himself a"courier," sent to notify Mr
Muiphy that the people ot Camilla and ol
Mitchell COUntV would nnrmlt nn NrfUol . i.
ing in Camilla, that tho couuty was theirs, and"
Mr. Pierce, In a buggy, with Mr. Putney, pro
ceeded towards the town, followed at some
distance by the rest ot the party. With thee
latter was a plantation wagon, drawn by lour
moles, containing the colored baud, consisting
of two drummers and a lifer. Messrs. Pierce and
Putney drove into the town, dismounted from
their buggy, and hitched their horse at the
Court House. At a hundred yards from the
Court House the band-watron was met by tha
Yl n Ttln -Il. . .1 t I . ... J W
ubii vvuus, wnu a uuuoie Darrenea shot-gun
which he discharged into the wagon, wounding
two colored men. Upon this there rose np from
either side of the road upon which tbe colored
cumc o -wruacmng me town a large
uuuu;i ui nunc ujcu, wuo uaa teen concealed
iu mo utoergrowin, wno opened a cross-fire
uimu luciuiweu people in tne road. A tew of
iue tuiui-u pcuiJiu. naving pistols, endeavored
lo delend themselves, but a majority of thpm
fled. Messrs. Pierce and Putney rushed towards
the contending parties, Mr. Pierce tbrowingup
his hands and calling upon the freedmento
stop, sating "don't do that, don't do that."
Upon this the - whites, or a portion of them,
turned npon Pierce and Putney, aud fired
wounding Mr. Pierce in the leg, and Mr. Putnev
in the elbow and shoulder. Both, however took
to the woods and escaped, reaching the planta
tion of Messrs. . lagg and, two gentlemen
from Massachusetts, at 3 o'clock this morning.
To return to the battle or mo ,.--.
The lieedmen wbo wero armed having emntied
tholr ntatnU HoH f,.-.l.l. i.-. "1UK emptlBU
iue,, uvea sucn as bad
not already been placed horadnnm.
tbe wounded on tbe ground. The whites pur
sued, sone of tbem first Bm-i-. .. .
tbat those colored men left on the grouwe
dead by repeated shots at their prostrate bodies;
Markets by Telegraph.
Fa w Fbavcihoo Bpt. J v Flour, li-l&itt it Whut
rtul -. 11 Ten tors. 71. ' " W"M
BitTmom, bepu Sl -Uotton nnlst- mMdimr.
r on,n, i- 6C i'lour very dull nd
Wheat dull, except lor higher snute sales ut ?olio!oi
rd at .70 nrm; whlfe, I ll VJf Ii. "low
. ajrv UUI1 at I niMnUI't-A
i. Juaivin. i ik miAmm ui,-. " .::'T., "
1-J.o.i shoulders, j,'a, hams, aisiwala'. rTrd. llii.T'
The rloe-LIrdS haV lft thai nan.l t.mA
and attacked tha oatarnlilar in v.
fleldj, beeoming savior instead of deatroyera.
not oarrea oy tne Statute of Limitation. The
most serious obiection to the mitm- nf h
Court is found in the verv Rtntntn r r i-u..
tion which is quoted as authority for tbe dis
cbarge of the accused, that the Statute does not
extend to any nersnn or nprnn Hnin- im
justice. It is certain that the United States
f noma have had an opportunity of knowin
that tbe accused was eirpntpd tmm tha -,r,-.
lion or the Statute because he was a persun
fleeing from Justice. Tha nitrint Aitnma. ,.n
tnbmit a new indictment to the Grand Jury.
This Hornlug's Aaotatlons.
By Atlantic Cable,
London, Bept. 26 k. M. Consols. Oil fnr
money ana accounr: rJne Uailroad. 33: At ant
ana ureal western. 39! United Rtat Pica.
twenties, ininois uentrai, 03J.
rBAKKFOBT. Bent. 26 A. M rTnllo qia
T . . - . .,..,
r ive twenties, isf 970.
Paris. KeDt. 26-a. it Th Rnnn.i.
Rentes closed last evening at 69f. 2c.
Liverpool, Sept. 26 A. M. Cotton dull: the
sales to-day will reach 10.000 bales. Bed West
ern woeai, los. no. spirits of Petroleum, Is. 3d.
Lokdok. Sept. 26 A. M Snoar to nrrivA firm
V SsISm UU. Ull. X30e
ATA ein .
uvuerai tanto's lonnectlon with lh
W ...... a. r ..... . .. "
..rniu ui i mvui ueetluic or tJon-rreiBH.
sy vuoa vaoie.
Havana. Sent. 26 The KnanUh ! nr..
, , - r . w vv.Muava MA A
sena, tjaptain Munez. has arrlvei it tim nrf
Irom Vera Cruz. She brings dates from the
latter port to September 20. Her advices from
me capital are to jseptemoer 18 by telegraph
from Mexico city to Vera Cruz. The Mexican
vuiin 11 ua aseemDiea on ine 17th in.t an.
cording to Drevious arrangement. In n,i-a-.
Oeneral Cauto, who was arrested on account oi
iue ruuuen aeaxn or uenerai fatont. had been
srraiened. strange reports are afloat about his
bav'Bg claimed to have, acted nnder nrlvnra
orders. Tbe first cession of the Mexican Con-
prrr-n nas Deen a secret one. dpizootia prevails
u .iuvu;ii-i.
Uenerai Butler's Anticipated Renouil.
Special Despatch to the Evening Telegraph,
boston, sept, as. The opposition to General
Butler's renomlnatloa lathe Fifth District seems
to be rapidly disappearing. Meetings were held
in Ealem and Newbnryport last evening, at
which delegates were elected to tbe District
tuuviuimu, i. 01 wuom are pieugea lo support
The Grand Lodge ol I. O. O. F. Meet I no-.
ope-KM wiKum u -'. mvmmg IMlegrapt.
t v' Bept. ..-TbeOdd Fellows'Grand
Lodge adjourns to-day. and probably will accept
ibe orler to hold their next meeting in 9aa
Francisco, which, if agreea noon sn
cucans give a bonus of 10, 000.
Governor Gearyl Istaes Another Death
fened; 33 J for Catawisra
tor tmiaoeipbiaand I rle.
City Passenger Itaiiwn
60 was bid for Second and Third; 70 for Ten th
and Eleventh; 15 for Thirteenth and Fmcernb
4! fpr Cbesnut and Walnut: 10 for HeVtonvVlle!
38 lor Germantown; 22. for Spruced nd Pin:
and 31 lor Green and CunVs. '
Bank rbares
? 1 PvT,C;t b.ut w? h(mr of no BlR8. 240 was
bid lor North Amer rn? lint tv.. c. "2
Mechanics'; 60$ for Con'merl; 107 for South-wa'k-61
'or Girard: 31 lor Manufacturers'; 73
inrCltV: 45 for OoilRolldntlnn. 71 n. L
change; and 121 for Central Nation.
in Canal shares there n nm -
nient. Navigation sol f at 221 no
change. 10 was bid for Scbuvlklll Na.iili.u-
common; 20 for preferred do.; 70 for Morris
Canal preferred; and 14 for 8usq.iehanna Canal
PniUDElPllIA STOCK Ucnisac hii.. t n..
Eeported by De Haven A Bro.. No. to 8. Third street
iuesbienna H.ii. Mu
150eh Klmlra H.T i" So
lOOshN V AMld...l. 8t
SOOsh Read 47
ine following are
quotations, reported by Narr & Ladnf. Nn. aa
Kt " ' w-
101 do.
luo do
mo do...
ttio ah Leh Nav.
iue do.
loo do,
M..-blU 47 3
mimil 47 y
,.,.. .
.-e-Ht. 22V
.-.SStt. Wi
this morning's gold
Bonth Third Sticet:
10-00 A
J""" " 1421
10- 15 . 142
11- 30 . 142
1154 . 1424
12- 03 P. M. . 142(
Messrs. Jay Cooke
ment securities, etc., as follows: TJ. 8.6s. ef
1B81,1141144: old 6:20s, do., 114faii4i; new
Jnlv IBfil 1nfifw.1nn. j' ,. i?,?iiV."
1422 12-10 P.
142J 12-13
12-15 '
12-30 '
12-32 4
12 34
& Co.
142 (
18C7. 108.1001: do.
ltt). lUi.,Blui; 10-40.S 104;104c. Gold, 1421
Messrs. William Painter & Co., bankersw
No. 36 South Third Street, report the fallowing
rates of exchange to-day at 12 o'clock:
rnited States 6s. 1881, 113f 3U3.; 0.18. 6-J0s
ISSK.??34513" d0- 864' mWOOi; do., 1865.
llOISIloi: do. Julv. 1865, l0Bl08f; dol Jrtlv
1867,108il08i5 1868. 108&109.; W ft
change to-day af 3 P. M.:-U. 8. 6s of 1881. im
u.i.4; qo. ihu., 113.aU4: do lRtil inoieS
iflli i t' i8' " I86.nehw.
1081 ; do.. 1867. new. Iiiri annoi. A ico ,!Lr
io9i: ao., 6s, 10-40., iwismrn
pound interest Notes, 1191 ; do. Oetnr-v
1865, 118i. Gold, 142i142K SUwT 13601a.!'
Plilladelphla Trade Eoport.
SATtjbday, Sept. 26-Thera la nr. 1
ment to notice In tbe Flour tr.t
.kV6 m081 ln "PP- Sa,e of 600
barrels to the home consume at t.sA,T..
superfine; ts38fi0 for extra tniTT-
eprlng Wheat extra family; 19 75310 25 for old
do. do.; SO 60a 9 75 for Mlnn.? T'
for Pennsylvania and Ohio do. do.; and o
14 for fancy brands. annnri- I"...94?9
K . -w uusneis amber at ta v.i.
ye is selling at tl 60 for WaJiJ. ? 5ui?i?,
Bale, of 3Wbnbe VVisfS. S lJ0?
yellow at tl TirjIS8!??? n.J. .PennHyivanla
buabela Western at 777o.; anlsouulK
Ko change to notice In Barley or Malt
Bark is ln good demand, witS f sale of v- t
Qoercltron at 660 f. ton. M 01 N0, 1
Whisky la aeiiini- at ti uiat re
paid. " ' " r gai., ux
latest snirrusa inteujgesce-
tbr additional Marine New tee Inside Paaee.
-TAT. 0 THIBHOUtTKl if -g. .VaHIO,. , '
ro --. v w r AJJB.
68 1 U A. ... lip.v
r". Uray. Cnarleeton, a A. 800.
Oov. Burton, Ludlfm.tB.X5rrS.? 5...
tu, - uui was
BcbrAmenoao Eagle. Bamsev wki- . . .
nd. Nnn. n jb i m,e' WashLoBton. Anden.
genr K, a. Thomas, Crockett. Bneton
Bcbr D. 8. Mersaon. Ayres. Chelsea
bebr a. I). Finnn 'rL.i "r":
tjcbr John BnarWrtrTnVB'.l.m:"-"'
Hcbr D. Feust, Lord. Boston.
Hcbr Mary atcKte, Wlsier. Portsmonth.
Atik T' AiDU,M- C-rion. Bisiou.'BIaklstoo.aeir
Bcbr Lottie Beard. Perrv. New Bedford. -bebr
Cexio Oordo, Uousdoa, UaverhlilainnloSn
Bcbr Reading BR No 42. Rodan, Norwich. i.
bcbr Cherub.' L-ym.n, WMbfnStonfSlSwXualrdon
Bcbr Bey Btate. Seabnry, Bneton T i a rv.
ricbr K. it Urabam Hmilh, Boston, dnT
meuil ,U" llJ-Na J0M- H'"1. John Ron
Bcbr Florence, Hudson. RaMi?nannock, Cantaln.
BchrCbarm Hiarr.AlaiKn.ln
Bcbr J. W. Vanneman, 8barp, Boston.
Hobr N. H. Uase(new 241 Iooh), Keiobnm, Boatan.
Barge heading RR. Ro. to. Johns, New York, do.
Bteamshlu Rmn-iia ir- .'
To,:aiimr.. Tsr. n-K," uu om w
rrn r ... r. ,i . i.rn
oaiiesi to J, M. h.t'i
rctir uov. Burton.
Jjbr J.T. Alburger, Oireon irom Biwton,
lt?' ii' iJ- """"nun. xriics, rrout Hueton.
nobr IS, B. Oraham. builib. rroui Bos ion.
gbr Heading RR. No. 48 K-sa from Norwich.
Hcbr Hunter. Craue. from lilnbton.
Kcbr N. H., Ketcbnm. Irom Milton, De).
Hobr C'erro Gordo. Hodgdon. from Newborynort
Hcbr B. H. Cady. Wood. Irom Provlnoetnwa.
bcbr Jane O, ilcMhaln, Globs, trom Bridgeport-
'"wm Kllsworth,Me,l
1. Lndlanl, from Boston.
Tl FlsiitTR(i. Rr-nt. .a rinraM n... v..
Ifsued the death-warra.t far th- --i,.n
Thomas JlcCarty, sentenced to death in Venaueo
couitv. on the 1st lustant, for the mur ler of
David Barry. The execution is to take place on
Wednetday, October 28th.
JJnrned to Death.
. BrBruoriELD, Mass., Sept. 20.Mrs. Ellen
KneiderbolT wai burned to death yesterday at
Mlunui tan a
Bblp Anrora, at tbis port vesterdsy from Botterdan.
reports, lvib ull. let. 4 is N.. long. It 40 W , while lay
Ids to in a beavv SW. .i ....T.-. - i..J - ..T.
poed that a bo t was started, making i lnob of
waUw per bonr since that time; np to the Banks had
heavv wester calm. h i ...... T. Vi, J
llsbtsnutberlv ind ..r-.i"X-T."-Xl r.i:V
liarane Prlua -.n
141b Instant. '
ng John Welsh, Vnndsy.henoe. at Bagna 15th Inst,
Brls H. H. Kmarv ii'ltm hram at M IKth I, .at
Bobr J. W. Wh-lM i.VHv.l.irPnll.ri.lnhi. -il
from bagna 14 in inst.
rv t.-oiiv t
Saw raAwnaco.cieiii.VA. cleared, ship Bine Jacket,
for Liverpool, with 8 000 sacks of wbeat; snip MM
night, fur New York. Mailed , ship John P-ul, luc
Buarow, Bept. M.-Arrlved. steamship Blberla, froni
w osi, Bept, U Arrived, steaauhlp CHty of
A-ttwerp, iruna Liverpool. ..3.iy vj vt