The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 25, 1868, FIFTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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Citt roLinoB. Tha following political
Meetings are announced to take place on the
mentioned: a
Union Jbeagw lfrrinj.-Tberewlllbe oiier
fenge Republican meeting to morrow n Rht at
Concert Ball. Governor Blchard. Y ales, of
Illinois, and Senator Kellogg, ot Louisiana, will
deliver addresses. Mi
Second Vongrestional District, Th6 Republi
cans of the Second Congressional District will
assemble at Broad and Fitzwater streete to
morrow evening. Tbe meeting will be addressed
by Hon. Cbsrles O'Neill, Colonel William 13.
Mann, lion. Charles Gibbons, Hon. T. J. Coffey,
William Moian, Esq., and Colonel William
fourth Congressional District. Th9 evening
Peter JlcUall, Esq., and James B. Nicholson,
Eq., will address tbe Democracy of tbe Fourth
Congressional Dl-ttlct, at Athletic Hall, Thir
teenth street, above Jefferson.
On Monday niigbt a Democratic mass meet
ing will be beld at Broad an1 Coates streets.
Hon. Johu T. Hoffman, of New York, Is an
nounced as tbe orator of tbe evening.
Fifth Ward. A mass meetini of the Repub
lican citizens ot this ward will be held to-morro w
cveuin? at Fourth and Union streets.
The Fifth ward Democracy will assemble to
morrow evening at the house of Jerry Nolen,
feecond and Kelicf streets.
Tenth Ward. A Grant and Colfax mass
Meetintr will come off to-niprht at Twenty-first
and Arch streets. A large banner will be thcown
ta the breeze on tbe occasion.
Mighteenth Word. Bobert Pale,horp, Eq.,
will (peak: on the approacbinc Presidential elec
tion, in tbe Hall of tbe Jamei Price Library
Company, Girard avenue and Shacltainaxon
street, this evening.
Jfine'eenth Ward. A. maps meeting of the
Democratic arid Conservative citizens of the
nineteenth ward will be held at Frauklord road
and York 6ireet this evening.
Tvocn'y-srcond Ward. Hon. B. M.'Boyer and
Hon. J. W. Wall will hold forth to-night in the
Democratic wigwam In this ward.
Twenty-seventh Ward, The Republican citl
aeus of this ward will meet to-morrow night a,
the Blue Bell Hotel, wheu addresses from
Mayor McMichae), Hon. William D. Kelley, and
ethers may be expected.
Txcenly eighth Ward. There will be a grand
tally of the'Uepublirane of this ward to morrow
night at the house of Louis TUsot, Falls of
A large Grant and Colfax flag, measuring
18 by 26, feet will be raised to-morrow afternoon
from the residence of Martin Borneff, in the
Fourteenth ward. Mr. Boraeff was well known
as an "old Harry Clay Whig."
The Republican lnvtncibles will parade to
morrow night, and attend the meeting in the
Second Congressional District.
Caught at Last. For some time past, paa
aeDgers on tbe Philadelphia, Wilmington and
Baltimore Railroad have been relieved of their
satchels, carpet-bags, etc., at the Wilmington
JUalion. Tbe robberies were commiltei aoout
tbe time the travellers would leave the cars for
refrefhmeuts Otlicer William L'ggs. stationed
at the depot in Wilmington, has been keeping a
harp lookout r the thieves. Yesterday, ha
caught an individual named Howard Lee in the
act of carrying off a carpel-bag belonging to one
f the pa'seng'M. Tbe prisoner had a hearing
before Mayor Valentine, and was committed lor
trial. In addition to a prisoner receiving sen
tence for an offense in this section of the coun
try, he undergoes a severe lashing at the New
castle Jail.
Ukpbofitablb Amusement. William Cox
amnsed himself at Wissahlckon yesterday by
throwing stones at tbe driver of an express
wagon. He was under the influence of liquor,
and not being able to strike the driver, he con
cluded to pepper the horses, which he succeeded
in doing, but was brought to his sense? by the
appearance of a blue coaf, who took him Into
u-tody. Alderman Kamsdell held hlai to
FbiohteneD Off, About half-past ten
nviork last nitrht. an attempt was made to rob
the dwelling of Mr. Meminger, on Twentieth
treet, below Hamilton. Mr.Meminger's family
i out of town. An entrance was euectei into
the premises through the cellar izz, and while
jautting at tbe door leading to the kitchen, the
ihUves were frightened oil by Mr. Meminger,
who was sleeping in the house at tbe time. The
fcurglurs left behind them a coat and chisel.
Sebiouslt Injdked. William Moore, aged
wenty-three years, while engaged yesterday in
plastering the walls of tbe new Germantown
Bank, Germantown avenue and School street,
111 off a scaffold, and was seriously Injured. He
was removed to his home in the immediate
Postponed. The match game of base ball
"between the Athletic Club of this city and the
Union Club of Morrisanla, N. Y., which was to
take place to morrow, has been postponed until
the 3d of October.
Stole a Coat. Margaret Hughes stole a
aoat yesterday, from a store at Eighth and
Catharine streets. She was arrested with the
property in her possession, and was committed
by Alderman Bonsall.
The Gkemas Theatre. A meeting of gentle
Men interested in the establishment of a Ger
man theatre was held last night. $12,500 of
the amount subscribed was paid to tbe Trca
t are r. The sum promised is $90,000.
Ictnre by the " Wickedest Man" Au
thor. The New York Tribune of this morning pub
litkes the following account of Oliver Dyer's
lecture at Cooper Institute last night on "What
1 have Seen In New York."
The lecturer was introduced by S. S. Packard,
In whose Monthly he first called alteutlon to the
oiisteuce of John Allen's dance-honse in Water
atreet, and awakened an interest in the popular
mind which seems to be daily increasing. He
opened by remarking that it had taken him
fourteen years to learn what he knew of tbe
lark side of New York life, which would
require at least three times as long to
Impart. One of his last experiences
among tha poor, naked wretches that
bide the peltiDg of the Vltilcrs storm whose
houseless heads, and unfed sides, and looped
and windowed raggedness cannot defend them
from the cold of winter was with a'poor sewing
woman in Fish street. He found her plying her
needle in tbe open air. It was a bitter day, yet
her dress consisted of but one thin garment,
and her head, aud neck, and feet were bare.
Down in her dark and cold room, nuder crround.
was her babe, a mere skeleton. A little boy of
live jeuis was roc ting tne craaie, ana amuinz,
tbe child by jingling two tin cups, through the
handles of which be bad thrust his tblu arms.
The mother was obliged to sew outside, for
tbtre was so light within, and aiedlclne and
food for her suffering children had to be earned.
She told hr visitor that when times were good
abe conld earn $4 a week, that she paid $1'25 for
her room, and that when her little ones required
much ot her time, or whf n way-It was scarce, or
when the fell ill with tbe cold. It was hard to
keep alive. A woman in Tenth street with two
children, ene paraljzed lioui the hips down
ward, worked out bv tbe day, and as no family.
not even the best Christian family in our city,
aid the speaker, wishes to have the serving
woman's children in their house, she was forced
to leave them at home. When she started out
to woik, she would place upon the floor a bowl
t water and a plate of broken bread to supply
her children's wants during the day, and, lock
ing them In, wonld leave them till evening came
ana neriou w iver. misuuor creature earned
latt enough to pay ner rest ana to provide
Aer little family with their needed food. One
day is the dead of winter be noticed near
lbs city mil a mite gin vu crutches
elllna pnny songs, lie accosted the
olid, and asked her why ine was
thos engaged: 'To get bread lor my
other," was tbe reply. On questioning the
girl he learned that her mother was slek. and
that lor a tang time she hud been able to do
nothing for lerxeir. With the little Couple as
his guide, be found his way to her home, .
wretched cellar in the filthiest partot the Fourth
Ward. Passing through the subterranean apart
ment, crowded with abject creatures of both
exes, he groped his way Into another, Into
which no light penetrated, and no air, except
tbe noisome vapor from the cell in front. lie
struck a light, and to his gaze was revealed a
most sickening sight In the middle of
a room recking with filth, the walls
oozing with damp, the fetid atmosphere
almost Jpo !!ck to breathe, lay a
omftnof middle age, dying by inches, with a
most loathsome disease. He left the place, try
ing bard to induce the child to go with him, but
she wonld not leave her mother. In a few
days, after receiving every attention from kind
hearted women, the Door wretch died. Her
body was properly prepared for burial; but
during the night thieves came In, cut the hair
from the head of the cornse, stripped it of the
clothing in which It had been robed, and left it
covered only with a ragged, dirty counterpane.
A wake was held by the miserable inmates of
the den, and in their orgies they rolled the body
over tbe floor until It reached the feet of the
crippled'child, now almost paralyzed with fear.
Her screams attracted the attention of people 1n
the street, and a gentleman who entered
with the crowd carried her to
the Howard Mission, from which initita
tion she was sent not long ago to a Cgood
home, Mr. Dyer gave a mans of statistics of
destitution and crime in New York, and argued
very justly that the mi?eruble social condition
of the very poor of the city is duo in a great
measure to the shine of the island on which we
live. His description of the modern tenement
house, with itt 1200 inmntes, and his statement
that below Twenty-third street dwellings of this
kind give shelter to more than 600,000 people,
took his audience by eurprlse. and prepared
them for the earnest remark which inllovoe.l
that "There is no use in prcachl'ig the Gospel to
firtne crowucu loeemer izuit in one nouse;
there is no cure for their moral and physical tils
but to unpack and scatter them where they can
breathe God's pure uir, and live like human
The f. H. District Attorneyship.
walader. This moriiiug this matter, wblcli has lor
so long a time lieen pending la a state ot tbe most
uui lf hbdI and emoarraHmug uncertainty, was Inior
mally before the Court, tboiiga couuiel representing
Mr. O'Neill ana Mr. Ulipia, tne two claimants to the
oil i re, were in attendance.
The Judge bad a written review of the whole diffi
culty before him, Irniu wblcb be read tbe racia as be
understood them. Touching upon the form oi and in
cidents to tbe appointments of United Uiatea Attor
neys and their aHNlitanta. be mentioned tbe regular
appointments of Mr. tillplu and Mr. Valentine, tbe
expiration if Mr. tlllpln'a ot oUlce on tbe ltsth of
March last, and tbe provisional nominatien by the
President ot Mr. O'ftelll as his aucccHsor, which re
ceived no action Irom the Heuute. His commission
was, by Us trrms, to continue onlvunill tbe expira
tion ot tbe tben next session of tbe Senate. Mr.
U'JS'eln's application to have tbe oath of omce admin
istered to him by thet.'nu'i; the refusal to do this
because ot ihe tfoubt euterialned as to tbe validity of
the appointment: bis receiving tbe oalb from a Ootn
Mlssioner; tailing upon Mr. Ullpla tor tbe surrender
of the documents penalnlni: to tbe oftlce, and that
gentleman's declining to do so on tbe ground
Ui at Mr. O'Melil'e claim was In direct viola
llou ot the spirit of tbe Constitution aud
the Tenure-or-cilllce act all these details,
which are laminar 10 the tub Ic, were gone over.
TlieJudne tben west onto say that the doubt, the
wbole question In bis mlud, was as to whom was the
Incumiient drattt of th oftlc Mr. Gilpin, wno was
to bold over nnill the lawful creation of bis successor
the assistant, Mr. Valentine, who waa tbe appointee
of tbe Aitoruey Oeuerat, or Mr. O'Neill, wboie cum
mleslon was tolast until the close of tbe sesMon of tbe
r-euate next lollowing bis appointment, tbe Beuate
having inttaud adjourned on the 21st ef tbls month.
Mr. Hirst, rrpreseailng Mr. O Nelll, stated that ou
the lft: b Instant Mr. o'A till had made! formal de
mand upon Mr. Ulloln for the books aodpapesof
tbe Wovernnient. la order that be might euter Into
tbe discharge of the duties of the olllce, aid Mr. Oll
pln bad In writing declined to c imply with this
eemand. saying that be bum considered Mr, O'Neill's
Clslm Invalid; and. moreover, out of respect to tbe
Jadge's desire to rave tbe qui slion Judicially settled.
A copy or this answer was transmuted to 'lie Attor-riej-Oeueral,
who wrote in raply on the 12d, the day
lol owing tbe adjournment of the Senate, that Mr.
Ullpln's views were already Known and couh:-,,",d
errtrifous: th this term of oUlce had expired and
Mr. O'Neill was expectsd to talc, pcewsslor. of the
wt'i7.wuitfl.WM qu'uu,!d nd 10 wbJcl h
y&jid,?e.r.,?ik'e4 ihai ,h,s lltfir WM ,n th r
of the lact that the Senate ha t assemhled ant al
jnorno. w.ul39" having nassed npon Mr. O'Neill's
case, ny wniou ma couimiinioii ?xpiren; auu setiued
fuitber to conipllumv iu uir.
Mr. lirlgbtly. appearing lr iff. Ollpln, suggested
thai If the validity ot Mr. O'Neill's appolatmeut by
tbeFresldsnt was established, this would put an end
to Mr. i-ilpln'a claim.
Tbe juuge replied tnattnee two qnrs'.tons ine one
Involving the validity of Mr. O'N -Ill's commission,
and tbe other the Incumbency ie facto at tbe otllce
though distinct In decislen were yet blended In argn
roeuu But be wished merely to have tbe views of
counsel upon ihe law applicable te tbe case, in order
to aid the Court In coming to such a conclusion as
Would put an end to the ddtlculty, and he would be
pleased to bear tbetn at any oay convenient to mem.
juoouay next was agreeu upun,
'William H. ttuddlman. Prosecuting Attorney. fa
tbe case of tbe Commonwealth vs. Antboay Currau
and Thomas McConnell, csarged with tbe larceny of
sbiu-ropts, before reported, the Jury acquitted Mc
Connell, and convicted Curran of receiving stolen
goods, tbe second count In tbe Indictment. Tbe latter
was sentenced to tbe County Prison for nine months.
Tbe morning Bf tslon was taken up by tbe trial of
'William B. Skinner and Frank bklllman for assault
and battery upon John O. Brown. On tbe part of the
prosecution it was alleged that Brown called to see
friend at Mrs. Bklllman's bouse, where he had for
merly boarded, ana upon crrssing tne threshold
iurloua attack was made upon him by young skin
man, assisted by Skinner; in wblcb be wus severely
beaten. Tbe defense set up that Brown bad been told
never to enter the bouse. Upon this occasion be was
ordered to leave, upon bis refuial to do which he waa
put out, no more violence ueing usea tuan uis resist
ance reudered necessary.
The N.Y. Herald ot this morning says:
"There was no material change la the tone of the
money market, but the exceptional transactions at
nve per cent, were somewbat more numerous. Tbe
general rate for call loaus on mixed collaterals was.
however, four percent , and tbe principal daalere la
Government securities were, as usual far many weeks
past, enabled to borrow all they required at three.
There Is very little currency being sent westward
from tbls centre, and small and moderate amounts
of currency are still being received from Western
cities. A Chicago Journal ttf Tuesday says that mer
chants tbere are borrowing very little from their
bankers, owing to tbe cttab system of doing business
that prevails, and tbat the aggregate demand for
money Is rather lluhl, although at the banks where
large grain accounts are kepi It Is reported active,
while there la a strong disposition to ravor those who
draw against tblpmtnls. The Southern cities are
better supplied with currency tban Is usual at this
season, aud a New Orleans Journal of Saturday
remarks tbat the money market tben was growing
easier. All Ihe Indications at tbls centre are still lu
favor of continued monetary ease, and the quarterly
statement of tbe national banks are likely to be
mane up wlthoot causing any disturbance whatever,
although before long a temporary advance In the rate
ot Interest Is not Improbable; bui strlngeacy Is Impos
sible. The operators for arise on the Stock Exchange
have, therefore, unthlng to tear from this source
The dry roods auctlou sales were moderately at
tended io-dav, but bidding waa not very spirited and
prices wet e on tbe wbole steady."
Tbe New York Triount ot this morning says:
"Money baa assumed a firmer toue, and no near
bunlukua Is reported undnr 6 percent., aud a large
number of 4 per o?ut. loans was marked up to-day.
Government brokers continue to have large oalaoues
left with tbem at a(a 4 per cent, but on the street
there was no desire to lend at these a ten, or to make
long con. ractB at 7 per cent. 1 he (five anient have
appeared in the market as the seller of gold, which,
added to the rumors of locking up of money by the
bears, his produced great distrust among speculators
aud Increased caution among money leaders. Wltula
is mom In there have been three succemlul oornera
worked on the money market by hordlng, aud, as
the present eliorl Interest is verv heavy, there Is but
little doubt that tbe attempt will be male to break
down prices by the sarre o -une tbat bas been so suo
eeiterul In the past. Wer tbe eflc s of stringent
u,,ny C' n fined to Wall mreet speculators alone it
would be of alight coasetiinioe, but last exporience
basshown that the mere utile aud manufacturing
interests sutler most, as was shown lait year wheu
tbere was nut a failure on ti e Stock Exchange during
the pressure, but Immediate lalluree in business
circles; aud It la to b lioeed tbat Mr. MoOullooh
will not be tempted to withdraw a dollar more cur
rency from the street Ihuu Is absolutely necessary,
and thus assist a ring of speculators who have ouly
their own Interest towarraut this movement at tbe
expense of the business of ihe entire country, as well
as the Government itself, hloh loses large reveuues
from tbe depreciation csused by these money
spasms. There Is more demand fur money at the
West and It lapronable that there will bv an la
creased demand next week to move tbe grata de
layed by the storms."
. Mrs. Stanton and Miss Anthony have
evolved a Worklngwomen's AssooiaMon,"
and chosen the latter as delegate to the Work
Logmen's National Convention.
The ,ondon Times correspondent figures
aatbeclowa Id the "Attack on Pekin," now
playd at the Ambign tUatre, Paris.
tbe rieweet and best manner.
10U1B 1KJKA. HteUloner and Kn graver,
1 1 No. KISS CH F.INOr Htreo.
for the coming season.
Those wishing Card will please call and examine
All Enrravlng and Printing executed In thebolldlag
by first-class Artists only,
rrlces lower tban any other house In the city,
lmwasm Na ll ARCH Street,
Ihe following statement of tbe condition of the
Company on the 16th of Beptemner, 1868, Is published
In accordance with an Act of Assembly
Authorize! 1200,000
Paid In full 200,000
Value of Real Estate beld by Company y cow
Cash on hand.... OSt'M
Caih deposited In Franklin Bank of Haiti-
timore............... ... 16,880 0
Cash in hands of Agents and in course of
transmission ,.... 7,687-27
It Western Maryland Railroad Bonds, First
Mortgage, common, par value liooo,
market value 8t........... 10,02CM
t Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad Bonds,
Eecond Jlortgtge, common, par value
11000, market value 177-50 i.eVOO
10 Tennessee State Bonds, ( per cent , lb6t
and lies, par value, llooo, market value
t7-GC ... 6.7M-00
Bills receivable M 13.773 el
7 United Btatea 5-20 Bonds, par value (1000..- t7,C0O'0O
Virginia and Tennessee Rsllroad Bonds.
car value 1000.... I.OOO'OO
50 shares Merchants' and Mechanics' Fire
Insurance Company stock, par value fit MIq
Loaned on 'Warehouse receipts for Cotton... 11 Sio-oo
Do. do. do, Grain... 2,400 (g
Amount of assessments on stock of Com-
paey called In, due and unpaid: will be
paid October 1 m 83,800-00
Amount ot Interest on Investments made
by Company, due and unpaid.......... tit) 00
Looses doe and unpaid gj-on
Claims for loss In salt e.soo-oo
Amount ot losses paid during tbe year 12 Oi3'V8
Amour1' ?! losses during tbe year not yet
settled............ .,., )i 00V09
Amount of Dividends declared...... e.OvO-OJ
All lotses unsettled it la believed cau be
settled for f lo.oeo.
A mount of cash premiums received ss, IK'0
Amount of premiums earned... 28,176 U
Amount of Interest money received from
investments of tne Company t,lll'3t
Amount or Income or Company from any
other source t.SWSl
Amount ot loises paid during the year...... 1,033 09
Amount paid and owing for reinsurance
premiums 613 33
Amount of return premiums, whether paid
or unpaid !,477 04
Amount of dividends paid during year 6,003-00
Amount ot expenses during year, Including
commissions and fees paid to .the agents
nd officers of the Company 15121 M
Amount of taxes paid by tbe Company.... 2,019-0?
Amount of all other expenses and expen
ditures of Company . 13,230 85
Amount of promissory notes beld by tbe
Company as psrl of the wbole of the
capital thereof...... 1,000 oe
WILLIAM HUUbBN. President.
. CI. nil.ES, Vice-President.
T. S, BHBTT, Secretary.
orth rcnnsylrania Railroad Company's
No. 409 WALNUT Street,
Joseph Tillinghast.
David . Hilt.
At 7 o'clock, Sharp.
By order of
Alabama to Ask for Troops-Tho
resident's Organ Assails Gon.
Dix-Awarding Contracts
for RoTcnae Supplies.
Advice from Canada-Investi-gatiDg
the Cattle Disease.
Eta., Et., Etc., Etr., Etc., Eta.
Special Detpatoh to The Evening Telegraph,
A Contract Awarded.
Wisbikoton, Bept. 25. The contract for fur
nhliing cigar and toburco stamps for the In
ternal Revenue Bureau, was awarded to-day to
the Continental Bank Note Company of New
York. Some modifications have been made by
Secretary McCullocu and Commissioner Rollins,
in the bids put in by this Company. But they
art not important and do not affect the prices.
Alabama Aaka for Troops.
A telegram from Petersburg, Virainia. from
the committee appointed by the Alabama Legis
lature to wait upon the President and ask for
troops, was received here thi9 morning. It
states that the committee will reach here to
night. Robert T. Lincoln, who was married last
night to Man Mary llarlun, left on the noon
train to-day with hit bride and a few friends,
for New York. They will go as far north as
Boston, aud from thence to Chicago.
A Savage Attack.
The President's organ here, which eome time
ago was extravagant in praising General Dix
is out in a fierce attack on him this morniug, on
account of his letter in favor of Graut and
Ilic Provincial Exliibltlon-A torn,
lulasloner to IiiveBllK'uto the CatU
Hamilton,, Sept. 25.-Tue Provincial Exhibl.
tion here is a great success. Twenty-five
thousand tickata were sold yesterday. The
Bhow of cattle lu the best ever had in Canada.
At a meeting of the Agricultural Association,
Hon. David Christie "wa deputed to visit the
United Btates, to investigate the cattle disease.
Hon. Lewis Allen, commissioner lrom New
Yoik, andMr. Hall, of Chicago, and other Ameri
cans, had an informal meeting with members of
the Board in relation to the disease, and
decided that no action be token to withdraw
the restrictions until Mr. Christie's report is
Montreal, 8ept. JV Accounts from the inte
rior of New Brouswijk speak of the potato
dleease, which makes great ravages. Fields
art completely blackened within a few hours.
A fire occurred in Casson't stables last night,
which, destroyed three howes. L, $3000.
The Government has despatched a special
agent to Labrador, to inquire into the dUtreas
This Evening's tuotntlons.
London. Sept. 25-2 30 P. M The financial
maiket is unchanged.
Lwaapooi, bent, lb l :io r. M. Cotton
dearly. Manchester advices are less favorable,
and tau'e a dullness.
Breadstiiffs mil). Corn easier, but not 0 no
tably lower; Wheat dccliuiut;, at 12s. 8d. for
California white, and lis. (or red Western; Peas,
4(is.; Outs and Bailey easier; Spirits of Petro
leum, to arrive, is.
Arrival of Shipwrecked Passengers.
New Your, Sept. 25. The ship Jacob A.
Stainler has arrived with the passengers aud
crew of the sttamer Melita, burned at sea.
Latest Markets by Telegraph.
Hl York. Bent. 25. Cotton aolet at USC, J6c. Flonr
dull and declined KglOe.; Ohio. S USJ10 o9; western,
l6-ttti,irJ0: aonibtro, s 35j14: California, SSSOOIODS.
Wtasat eatter; spring at ti "Bffil 75. Corn dull aad de
clined lo.; sales at l'Ml l. OaU dull at 75c. Beef
nnlet. Pork doll at l'.!8 Lard dull at 19,'.19;.o.
Whisky quiat.
Baltimork, nepi. h. uoitoii auii, pominaiiy 25C.
Flour more active; Iloward street snperllae, U 26A9;
do. extra, ttutaill-95; do. family, l2(312-0; city mills
uiDertiue. n-(X38-75: do. extra, la 76(I2: do. laniilv.
tvi SNo)lB: Wsiern superfine. 7 W4-Z6; do. extra,
i9Sti0S5. Wbeat firm; good to prime, '2'2affi'2-o.
Corn firm: white, $ril'20: reilew, fi-?7. Oats
dnll at se75c Rye firm at tl-su&l-so. Provisions
nrru; mess i-orx, asu-ov; oaron, rm siaes, lii'ac ;
e'ear sides, K.'4c,; shoulders, ll.'a; haws, 21 ',o.
lard, S0t,c.
Hew York Ktock ((notation S P. M,
Received by telegraph from Olandlnntng
Davis, Stock Brokers, No. 41 S. Third street:
N.Y.Cent. K 127 iTl. Wabaab. K... rW
N.Y. and . R..
Ph. and Rea. R...
Mil. and 81. P. corn fvl
Adams fCxDrasiUo. il2
Ulatl MIR kolValla t'arirn -XI
Cle. and PltUK.......87 U. H. Express..... 50
Chi. and N. W. eom.87 iTenneasaa 0s, new.. tri:'i
Chi. and N.W. prel...87'4 Gold U2i
Chi. and R. L R 10! Market steady.
ritU.F.W.audCkl.lOU 1
Not long sinct, General T. F. Howie, a
leader of the Democratic party in Maryland,
made a speech at Baltimore, in which he said:
"If there be any set of men I would soouer tax,
It would be those men who furnished the means
to carry on the most uuholy war in history. I
would not tax them as property, but I would
because J can read upon the face ot these bond
a contribution to an unholy aud wicked pur
pote." In a speech In favor of the electiau of Gene
ral Grant at Wheeilne. lust Saturday evening.
Senator Carlisle, of West Virginia, said tbat
Grant "always was a Democrat, and voted tor
Buchanan in 1R6C; and Democrats may choose
between him and lil.iir, who always was an
Senator Wilson sajs tha', he worked hard and
faithlully ia Maine, but he believed the great
victory there was due as mncb to Mr. Fendle
ton's efforts as hie own. He hoped, for the good
of the Republican cause, that Peudletoa may
be continued on the stuajp,
Several Republicans of Buffalo, N. T hav
ing been peverely Injared by the attacks of the
Ku-Kiaxes while maichinc iu procession, lion.
D. H.Bennett, Congressional candidate, pays all
the expenses attendant npon their illness.
A Southern bullad-mouqer has shed new
right on the causes of Lee's surrender, iu the
following verse;
When gallant Lee, exhasted by
The v lotorles he had won.
Gave up bis sword and stacked his arms
Ulysses' work seemed dons.
jn xj R o p 22.
Speeches of lXoyerdj Johnsnn Com
mcnied On The Nlcaraguan
Trcaty-Tho Czar of
Russia to Recall
the Prussian
Kl. Etc, Etc., Etc.,
Etc, Eta,
Palnclpal Depot, No. S04 CH KM NUT ttlreei.
Central Uepot.Np. lot S. Fit TH Hireet, one euor -lowChesuuL
Ktabllahed IhL
Jlevenne stamps of every deaorlptloa so as lankly
n hand in any amount.
Orders by Hall iaiess promptly atUndidta.
by Atlantic Cable,
London, 6ept. 26. The TimtB and Telegraph
publish articles on the speeches of Reverdy
Johnson at Leeds. They exult in the good sense
aud pacific toac of Mr. Johnson's utterances,
and say If he, who knows tho wbole case, Is
certain of an adjustment of the pending differ
ences, the public may be sure of it.
Paris, Sept. 25. La France says that the
rights gained by the United States in the
treaty with Klcaragua were aho gained by
Fiance and Englana by a stipulation in the
tneaty of 18G0.
8. Pbtxbsbtjbo, Kept 25. It is reported that
the Czar will recall the Russiau Minister at
Washington, for Instructions in regard to the
new policy about to be pursued by tho Empire
Paris, Sept. 25. The Momteur has the fol
lowing: Parin, commanding the Royal troops.
is marching his forces to attack Seville. His
men are in good spirits.
Cantelll is appointed Minister of the Interior
and Pnssati Minister of Pablic Works,
From Canada.
Montreal, Sepl. 25, Owing to a rain storm.
the Cricket match was not renewed to-day, and
is therefore a draw. The All-England Eleven
scored 310, and the Canadians 23 in the first
inning. The "All-England" Eleven go to Bos
ton to-day.
Marriage of Robert T. Lincoln.
The Washington Chronicle of this morning
"5 s-
i,ast evening, at bo ciocic, miss Mary iiarian.
danghter of Senator Harlan, was united in mar
riage witn itooert 1. Lincoln, son of the late
Prehident Lincoln. The ceremony took place.
at tn residence 01 senator Harlan. No. 306 II
street, near Seventeenth, and was performed by
Bishop bimpson, of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, in the presence of about thirty persons,
none but the parents of the couple and imme
diate friends of tbe family being present. There
was no ostentation or display whatever npon
the occasion, the marriage rites being solemn
ized quietly and with simplicity, tbe lriends of
the pair congratulating them at tbe close, and
me enure company tnjojius a ucuguiiui lete-a-tete
for an hour or two afterward?.
"Among those present were Senator and Mrs.
Harlan, Mrs. Lincoln and little Tad, Secretary
McCulloch and lady, Secretary Welles and lady,
Mr. Stanton, son of the ex-Secretary ot War;
Rev. J. Peyton Brown and family, and many
others. The happy couple will leave to-day on
tne lA'ju train tor tne norm."
New York Stock Quotations, 3 P. I.
Reoelved by telegraph from Glendlnning A
Davis, Htook Brokers, No. 48 S. Third street:
N. Y. Cent. B. lSTJi'Toledo A Wab. . 69li
N.Y. and K.R...... 60 I Mil. A lit. P. com
Phil, and Kea. K.... 03l Adams Express Co 61!
a. w.,1., rntv as w. m
Cle. and Pitt. R 87iU. B. Express......... 60
CbU arid N.W. com. 87 Tennessee 6s, new..
Chlcand N. W. pr 874 Go'd 142)2
Cbl. and R. I. R 102 Market steady.
Pitts. F.W. andOhUOfl
Beporled by De Haven A Bn No. 40 8. Third street.
I'M '62-rg KSS
tmiuo Pa K 1 m. ss...2d.
Sltuu Cam A Iutr RUs- So
lab VA Am ..1'J9 200
!2sbI.UHcb B - U'i' HU
KOshLehNav as. 22H 108
190 sn Uead M.beo.4ti 8
400 an Bead B Is. 40'
100 do.......s.ta. 4KV
I u qo... .Blown.
.nwM in 1
bis. Wi
3C0 City is. New
s;i00 do.Old.2cl.l0l
11 sriC A Am ..Is.l2
UO nil NY M 8-W
200 sli uceaD Oii...Bo. H
7 stj penna R.
82 sli Lett Nav,
15 DO.
60 do....'
pbia and Heading Itallroad daring tbe week
ending Thursday, Bept, 24, 18U8:
Torn. Cwt
From 8t Clair 88,593 OS
Fori UarooD i,no w
Foltsville 2,740 03
BchuylklU Haven 81.148 08
Auburn 4.848 06
Port Clinton . 7,07b' 01
Harrlaburg and Dauphin 6,511 14
Anthracite coal for week 09,403 15
Bl van Inous coal from Harrlsburg and
Dauphin for week.. 7.618 03
Total for week paying freight....... 106,981 18
Coal for Company's une 8.030 08
Total all kinds for week 110,012 06
Previously this year 2.447 256 07
Total .2,557,268 12
TO Thursday, Bept. 12, 1807 2.696,058 01
(One door below Chesnut street),
The sale of Revenue Stamp" la still continued
at the Old Established Agency.
The stock comprises every denomination
printed by the Government, and having at all
times a large supply we are enabled to fill and
forward (by Mall or Express), all orders, lmme
dlately upon receipt, a matter of great lmpor
United Btates Notes, National Bank Notes
Drafts on Pllladelphla, and Post Offloe Orders,
received In payment
Any information regarding the decisions of
the Commissioner of Internal Revenue cheer
lully and gratuitously furnished.
Revenue Stamps printed npon Drafts, Checks,
Receipts, etc.
The following rates of commission are allowed
on Stamps and Hiamped Paper:
On 126 and upwards 2 per cent.
100 " 8
Address all orders, etc., lo
all kinds, and STAMPED ENVELOPES, con
stantly on baud.
From tho Plains-Battles Between
Indians and Infantry A
Double Execntion in
Bt Kte., Kt., Et.f Eta., El,
The Indian Wstr-A ifport from General
Despatch to the Associated Pre it.
WASHntciTON. Rpnt. 2.1 ThA fnllrlnr
grams were received at tho War Department to
oaytrom Lieutcnanv-Ueneral Sherman:
Bt. Loui9. EeoL 24. To AHutant.f!n..i
United States Army. General Sheridan report
wis uay a description or the fight between hit
ald-de-camp. Colonel Forsvta. and the In.iinn.
on the Upper Republican river. Several other
omer columns are moving to the came point.
ana 1 trust the Indians wi 1 receive a lust nnn-
Fobt Hats, Sept. 23.-I have lut heard Ibut
tbe report sent here to-dav is substntlniiT cor
rect. Lieutenant Beecher is dead and Forsythe
wounaca, as Ddore descrlbed.but the party is all
right, although surrounded bv Indi ans. ami ran
hold out, as they have plenty of ammunition
ana muie ana horse nesu. They have given tha
Indians a salty dose. Forsythe has lost Lieut
Bee cher, and Dr. Moore, mortally wounded-1
2 killed and 18 wounded. He reports thirty-Ova
Indians killed and manv wounded. Fnrjth
eajshe can whip the party and come on if It
was not tor his wounded and having his horses
all killed.
P. H. Sheridan, Major-Cencral.
To W. T. Sherman, Llcutenant-General.
Itonble Execntion for Harder.
Worcester, Mass., 8eDt. 25. Silas and Chs.
J. James, who murdered Joseph Q. Clara, on.
rtDruary 28 last, were hanued to-dav. Charles
confessed that both wero eniltv. He rliprt harri
but Ellas Instantly. '
Kcw Torlt Stork Quotations. P. Jf.
Davis. Stock Brokers. No. 48 8. Third street.
N.Y. Cent, R 127J4 Pitts. F. W. A Chi. 109
N. Y. And K. K MlU:TolaHn As U7. ....... in
Ph. and Kea. R 04 Mil. A Sf.Paul com.
Mlch.B. andN.LKSI Adams Express 61(2
Clev. & Pittsb'g R. 85 Wells, Karo Exp... 20
Ohl. and N.W. com 87:Tennessee's,new... 68i
Chi. and K. L K 102i2 '
Ijsk. muadeipbls ta trie Interior of
-.rBrt-omJnB Valleys, Uie NorthNorth,
west, and the Canada. Bummer Arrangement ot
Passenger Trains, Monday, August 8, 1868. llavlna tha
?,0h?,Knr'S, Tblrte'ntn and Calttwbllu&eeU?
Philadelphia, at the following hoars:
ih5,uK5,?NQ AttMMODATHNS.-.At TK9 A.M.:
town Intermediate stations, and Allen
. Retnrnlrjg, leaves iteadlB B p. w axHvlna
. MOKNLISU KXlKlt8H,-At 8-18 A.M., fc Beadtnc
X-tbanon, Harrlsbtirg rottvllle. Hue 6Sve7fam5.
qna, Btiubury, Williamsport, Klmlra. HoohMter
ritfi llUk' ?nn?10' wfteaoaiSS , nustoa York.
Carlisle. Chamberebnra-. H&vnrntn ' w,"
Tho 7-an train mnnniu - T 1T.V .w. .
rj7Y? SlSi lor illentown.
S2SnU.'e."2r5 A'. conn.e" with the Lebanon Valley
S5?JiVSP ?arribn' e.M5,;"t ,Port Clinton with Cata
l ' Sfr''SA'S1"" !l w"msport, Lock. Haven.
m,hB',ttoar".1Harr,8Jnrf wl,n Northern Central;
5"l2.-eriSd "y. and eschnyiaill and bojqaehanns .
trains lor Norlnnmberland, WlUlajuapork York,
taanibersbnrg, Plnegrove, eto. "J""i'u ,
..AjKri S?VNT,I,'XF,tlC8s- - Leaves Philadelphia
at g-80 P. M. lor Beading, Pottsvllle, Harrlsbarg. etc.,
E.SS0 ?fwHhKi KeMl'n nd Columbia Haliroa1
trains for Colnrubla, etc.
town at s-48 A. H stopping at Intermediate stations:
arrives in Philadelphia at t'OS A. M. Returning leaves
PhUadelphla at 4 80 P, M.i arrives la Poltatowa at 40
M -f P.f CWMMOTJATION-Leaves Reading
at 7 80 A. M., stopping at all way stations: arrives la
Philadelphia at 10 15 A.M. '
Heturnlug. leaves i Philadelphia at 5'15 P. M.; arrives
In Beading at 8 06 P. M.
Trains tor Philadelphia leave Harrlsbarg at 810 A.
U.. and Pottsvllle at 8-45 A.M., arriving In Phlladel-
rhia at 1 P. M, Alternoon trains leave Harrlsbarg at
06 P. K., and Pottaville at S'lt P. M.: arriving: at
Philadelphia at 646 P. M. m
fiarrlsburgaooommocatlon leaves Beading at Mi
A, M and Harrlsburg at 410 P. M. Cunneoilng at
Beading with Aiteruoon Accommodation south at
6- 80 P. M., arriving la Philadelphia at 816 P. M.
Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leaves
Philadelphia at 12 46 noon (or Pottsvllle and ail Way
Stations; leaves Pottavllla at 7 A. U. tot Philadelphia
and all other Way Btatlons.
All tbe.above trains rnn dally, Bandars excepted.
Sunday trains leave roliavllle at 8-ot) A. M and
Philadelphia at 8 16 P. M.i leave Philadelphia tot
Reading at 80 A, M-, returning from Beading alt M
tor uownlsgtown and intermediate points lake tha
T-80 A. M 18-46 and 4-sn P. M. trains lrom Philadel
phia, returning bom Downmgtowa at 680 A. M.. 1'bS,
and 645 P. M.
PKUKlOMKIf BAILBOAD, Passengers for Ool
letevltle take 7'0 A. M. and 4 80 P. M. trains front
Philadelphia, returning iromCollegevllleat8-Z7 A. M.
aud 148 P.M. blate llntia for various points la Per
klomen Valley connect with trains at Collesevllle.
THK WKBT. Leaves New York at A M., 8 00 and
8-00 P. M., passing Reading at 1 A M., 180 and 18-10 P.
M., aud connect at Harrlsburg with Pennsylvania and
Northern CentrarRaliroad Kxpress Trains for Pitta
borg, Chicago, Wililamrjuort, lmlra, Baltimore, eto.
Returning, Kxpreat Train leave Harrlsbarg, on
arrival of Pennslvanla Jtxpresa from PKtaburg, at I
aud 6-26 A. M., 8 88 P. M.. panning Reading at 4-48 and
7- 08 A. M and 11-40 P. M. , arriving at New York, 10-10
and 11-46 A. M , and S'OO P. M. Bleepluc Cars aooom
panylag these trains through between Jersey City aud
Pittsburg, without change.
Mall train lor New York leaves Harrlsbarg at 8-10
A. M. and g-06 P. M. Mall train tor Harrlsbarg leaves
New Yerk at 12 Noon.
leave Pottsvllle at '46 il-80 A. M., and a- P. M.. re
turning from Tamaqaa at 8 86 A. M. and 3 16 and 4 86
BOAD, Trains leave Auburn at 7'56 A. M. for Pine
grove and Harrlsburg, and at 18-16 P. M. for Plne-
S rove and Treraout; returning from Harrlsbarg at
-80 P. M., and from Tremon? at 7 0 A. M., autf
P M,
TICKETS, Throngh first-class tickets and eml
grant tickets to all the principal poluut lu the-JNortlt
and West and Cauadut.
Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Beading
and Intermediate slatkms, good for day only, are sold
by Morning Accommodation, Market Train, Reading
and PotUtowatAcoouuuodatlon Trains, at reduced
Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day
amy, are sold at Reading aud Intermediate btatlons
by Reading and Potlstown Accommodation Trains at
reduced rates.
the following tickets are obtainable only at tha
OtUceef 8. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 837 B. Fourth,
street, Philadelphia, or U, A, NloolU, General Bupee
Inteudent, Reading.
Commutailon Ticket at tft per cent, dlsooant, be
tween any points deelred, for famlllea and ttruuk
Mileage Tickets, good for 8uu0 miles, between a
points, at 858'M each, for families aud Urma.
Beasos Tickets, for three, six, nine, or twelve
mouths, for holders only, to all points at reduoed
Clergymen residing on the line of the road will be
furriwued with tarda, entitling themselves aud wives
to ticket at hall fare.
Excursion Ticket lrom Philadelphia to principal
stations, good for Batardey, Bunday, and Monday, at
reduced rare, to be had ouly at the Ticket OUloe, at
Thirteenth and Calluwhlll street.
PRfclOHT. Ooods ot all descriptions forwarded
to all the above points from the Company's Mew
JTreight Depot, Broad and Willow street.
Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 4'8S A.
M 12-46 noon, 8-00, and 6 P. M.. (or Readlug, Lebanon,
Han is burg, Pottsvllle, Port Clinton, aud all points
"m aUs'close at the Philadelphia Post Office for all
places on the road and It branches at 8 A, M-. aad
tor the prlnclpul btatlons only at 216 P. M.
R AUG AUK. Dnugan' Express will collect Bag
gage tor all train leaving Philadelphia Depot.
Orders can b left at No. ICi6 kk. Fourth street, Or at taa
Depot, Thirteenth aud CallowUlU streets.