THE- DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHIL AD EL PHI A, .WEDNESDAY,, SEPTEMBER -23, .1868.: Kl T. B URN & DO G-PIT r r - i "! " ' - ' - ; -A nHiHtont Hi t An mid hln Eatnba llaliment I li Ueatnlie of KnUklllinr, The N. V. Iribune publishes the following graphic, aescriptiofl' or Kit liiirnsr ud- TiiV populardd pit, by Oliver Dver,-author of We" 'Wlckedmt Man of New York-" And now Providence has coiDi anJTaTen hold Of Kit Hum, ami spelt his r name correctly, and Inaugurated reunions services In his doe-pit, nnd Is leading him In a way that Kit koowi not of. And the Senators and excnators of the State of hew York, and the city .magnates, and the twenty thousand vi?n bonds who have been Kit's pat row, stand nahaste nrid naxlously In quire, "Men and brethren, what shall we do that our d op-pit may benaveti r" In hunting down the "fhsd j Bide of Metroio litan Life," I cams upon Kit lturn In dne season, and found him to bo a representative roan, and one of wbnai (with his surroundine) those who wish to ameliorate the condition pt society should lake note. Kit Burn bas been. In Water street twenty eight jcur. ills sign reads: ... .,......,... in.ii.m. ; i wi'OHTsMAN'a Hall,, i BY ' ' J I 273 -, . Kit Brrmr. - 273 j Kit, when a youngster, used to run around bare headed and bare-tooted at Yankee Bulll van's, and similar placss ol resort, simply to get a sip Lit of the joun? quadrupeds that were kept at such' ctuMishaieDt&, and pat them on the bead i lie was pnssionalely fond of doss, and dogs weie loud of him; and the mutual a lie ct ion between man and dot;" tin ally cropped out In the establishment of KltM pit, which soon ex panded luto the present Sportsman's Hall, No. 273 Wa er street. Kit isaMout, portly, muscular man, with a face as quiet, plucky, and good-natured as that of h, s best blooded bull-doff. It is claimed by certain scientists and philosophers that a man grows into a rfsemb'anee of that to which ha most devotes, .himself, ani the theory holds true in Kii'p rft;e. The" barroom of "Sportman's Hall," which Is entered horn the street, is in harmony with the proprietor's individualitv, especially as to its decorations. These consist of pictures of hunt lae scenes; and of parties "Camping awhile in the Wilderness," of lithographs of prize-tights, Including the - famoas tfeennu and Say re i "mill," aud of thirty-six of the most noted prize fighters who have ever lived.. Ibe prize-fighters are repteseuted as stript to their work and In business attitudes that Is to say, in perfect readiness to punch any bead or mash any "mug" that Providence might send within their reach. To hear Kit talk, when mellowed by his favorite beverage to an oratorical mood, about these' pictured prize-fighters, is equal to any treat that ever comes off in his bar room. "Ah!" Jio says, as he stands contemplatively before one of his favorites, "be was a man. You couldn't count up his p'inta ou your finders. And then be bandied bUecIf to tidy. Nothing flabby . about him. And sich a claret tipper I He al'us sot the Tuby' flowing." From the bur-room you wind Into the dog-pit, through a pass ns ea.v of defense as that of Thermopylte. One determined man could hold this pass against a host, unless he should be shot down," This is to guard against surprise by the police when a dog-flhtor a ra'.-killing is in prorrefs. But it would make sad work if the building shoiild'tske fire when the amphitheatre was crowded from floor to root with worshippers at a prajer meeting or rullians at a dog-tight. The greater portion of the audience, whether saints or sinners, would be almost certain to be roaMed alive. t. t j - The dog-pit or rat-pit for it Is used both for dog-flgnts and rat-killing is near the centre of the room. It - is surrounded by a solid tence about two feet hleb, aid impervious to rats. It is oval in form, and about ten leel long and six feet wide at the widest part. From this pit the seats rise, in a circular iorm , as near to the ceil ing as tbe endurance of those who occupy the topmost row will parmit. The room will hold two hundred and fifty decent people and four hundred indecent ones, as indecency can alvays be packed closer than decency. The rats are kept io a large wire cage in the centre ' of the pit, and most of the dogs are chained urouDd beneath the seats, care being taken not to give them sufficient lemrth ot chain to allow ihem to reach one anouier wmi tueir teeth. The choicest dogs are kept in what might be called canine boudoirs, up stairs where they are surrounded wtth all the comforts of a home, aud supplied with all the delacies of the season in which the canine palate delights. They are fed ou the most nourishing viands. Kit cava his famous dosr Beltcber has much better food than he eats himself. Beltcber has fought twelve battles, killing seven dogs out of the twelve,' and. although now getting along in years, is still "good for his dog." A dog's best fighting days are between the age of two and three years. The price of a rat at Kit's is twenty cents, which sttm the etiquette of the place requires visitors to band him for every rat killed for their delectation. What the rats cost Kit he does not say. They are caught for blm by a young man who is reputed to have a "gift" and a "mission" for the work. This unusual young roan is said to catch the rats with his hands, in the (lark, or by daylight, with such, tongs as are above described. He goes to slaughter-houses for them,-and to other places where rats most do congregate, taking a cage with him in which to bring them home. The trick ot catching the rats i supposed to be a great secret, and not one to be teveaied. "Lots ot folks have tried to find It out," says Kit; "but 'tatn't no use. It'll al'us be aecrut." The "secret" probably Is, that the rat-catcher does not share thitt shrinking horror which rats inspire In the common human breast, but picks them up as unconcernedly as he would pick up links of sausage. Oneof the most astonishing things which the curiosity seeker can see at Kit Bum's is his daughter Kitty brandishing her war clubs. Kitty is a small, fi agile looking girl, seemingly about sixteen years old", and yet she will take a pair' of war-clubs, weighing sixteen pounds eack, and handle them with an ease and velocity which must be teen to be appreciated. In a spurring match with a friend, an ungal lant accident allowed the gentleman's ' leit" to come down on Kitty's, noee with a force which crushed the bone and spoiled the beauty of that organ; but when the girl becomes animated iu Whirling her sixteen-pound war-clubs, one's astonishment at her physical powers tor the time makes him forget her broken nose, and when she finally sets down the clubs, the- mas culine beholder finds himself Involuntarily thanking Heaven that tie women of the laud have not bit upon them as a means of solving the great question of "Womau's Rights." What could a hut band do, cornered of a morning, with his triumpuant wife s anding before bleu gracefully poising in each hand a 16-pound war club, and affectioaately suggesting to the trem bling w i etch his programme for J,he day I Kit says that Mr. Bergh, the irrepressible Pre sident of the Society for the Prevention ot Cruelty to Animals, is doing much injury to the sports of Water street. Mr. Burn does not charge Mr. Bergh with any malice. He ascribes his hostility to the recreations of the rat pit to ignorance. "Mr. Bergb,"says Mr. Burn, "calls a rat an animal 1 Now, everybody ot any sense knows that a rat is a vermfu. Bergh takes up for the rat, and won't let us kill rats, because be thinks they're animals. Wouldn't he kill a rat if he found one In a Is cellar? Wouldn't he kill a rat if he found one In his cupboard f Of course he would. Bat would he kill a horse If he found one la his yard, or even in his parlor? Of course he wouldn't. WDyi icause a norse is an ant mal, bat a rat aiut. I know rats. I know they're vermin, and they ought to be killed; aud it we can get a little sport out of their killing, so much the rotter. " Buch is the Water street view of Mr. Bergh, .nri rt rat, and ol rat Willing. The opening of Kit Burn's dog pit for noon day piayer-meetlog during the week, aad for ianMna on the Sabbath, has caused a deeper . sensation among the population of the Fourth ward than eitnsr oi toe previous cycuis iu me same line at John Allen's or Tommy Haddeu's. Hnir.nlt was looked upon as the strong- trM if the "fancv." the one cltadei of bin . rr,i.l,l not 'he taken bv the hosts O righteousness, either by force or persuasion ; and now that it has capitulated, the couvlction has become pretty esueral that no place is secure .n,i.i til inroads of the ngtrrefslve Gospfl, J i,. i. ! pome down ou Water street. The .oneiiiagof Kit's dog-pit for religious exercises is diu to the general Influence of the revival upon the locality, and to Mr. Arnold's tact and popularity with - all - classes of human brings. The price paid for . the occupancy is $175 a month, which Is about t he cheapest rent paid la the city foropet fnrpoes; - -Kit does not protest to be religiously inclined and, in fact, hardly knows what to think of the movement, or of bis own couduct. Be has gone into It under the impulsion of feellugs whlcu he -cat not analyze, and which may lead him to un expected results, it is a great thing, however. to have tinned his dog-pit Into a place ofprafcr ana loatiKsgiviDg, no matter what motives of its proprietor. y may be the EAST INDIA TELEGRAPH.:;'! r . . - . , JLECTR1C TELEGRATlt IN CULM. the east, india: TELEGRAPH COMPANY'S ! ! OFFICE,""1 ' . i . .. Nos. 23 and 25 N1SSAU Street. OBGAKIZED UNDER SPECIAL CHARTER FROM THE 8TATB O? RIW YOIK, CAPITAL. 5,000,000 1 ; 50,000 SHARES, 9100 EACH. . 1 - . 1 .- ' DIRECTORS Hon. Andrew O. Cttrtin, Philadelphia. Paul 8, Forbes, of Russell ft Co., China. . F bed. Buttibjtieu), of F. Butterfleld & Co,, New ' York f A Isaac Livebmobe, Treat. Mich, O. R. R., Boston. AIkxaxdbb HoujkMD, Treat. Am. Ex, Co , New - York. Hod. James Noxom, Syracuse, 5T. Y. P. H. Palm eb, Treaa. West. U. Tel. Co., New York. Fletcher Westbay, of Westray, Olbbs & HardoM. tie, N. Y.' - - r . , Nicholas Mickles, New York, OFFICERS. ; A. G.Cubtist, President. -- N. Mickles, Vice-President, . . - Geobge Conaht, BecreUry. ' ..... .. Geobgb Ellis (Cashier National Bank Common wealth), Treasurer, - Hon. A. K. MotLUBB, Philadelphia, Solicitor. the Cliinete Government having (through the Son. Anton Burlingamc) conceded to thtt Company theprlvi. lege of connecting the great teaport of the Empire 6y submarine electric telegraph cable, wepropoie commenc ing operationi in ehina, and laving down a line qf 900 mile at once, between the following port, viz; 1 Population, Canton 1,000,000 AIftCOI3AMaSMM HItHIHHHN 60,UO0 Bodk K.0iig.M......-.M .m.. .mm 250,000 aoo.000 290,000 Foo-ChQW....M 1,250,000 Waa-Cbn 800,000 NlDgpo... 400,000 Baog-Chean - 1,200,000 Bhaoghal..,. ..1,000,000 FINANCIAL, Total. io,ooo These ports bave a lorelgn commerce of I900.000,0o0 and an enormous domestic trade, besides whlcu. We have the Immense Internal commerce of the Empire, radiating Irom these points, through lis canals aud navigable rivers .... The cable being laid, this company propose erecting land Unefc and establishing a speedy and trustworthy means of communication, which must command there, as everywhere else, the communications or the Government, oi business, and of social life, especially In China. She has no postal system, and her only means now of communicating Information la by courier on land, and by steamers on water, The Western'World knows thai China Is a .very lc,.Mlp,t th.mala dudv vwlwli M w yet realize that she contains more than a third of the human race. The latest returns made to her central authorities for taxing purposes, by the local magis trates, make her population Four Hundred and Four teen Million, and this is more likely to be under than over the actual aggregate. Nearly all of these who are over ten years old not only can, but do read aud write. Her civilization Is peculiar, but her literature Is as extensive as that of Europe. China Is a land of teacheis and traders; and the latter are exoeedlntly quick to avail ttemaelves of every proffered facility for procuring early Information. It Is observed la California that the Chinese make great use of the telegraph, though it there transmits messages In En glish alone. To-day, great numbers of fleet steamers are owned by Chinese merchants, and used by them exclusively for the transmission of early intelligence, If the telegraph wepropose, connecting all their great seaports, were now In existence. It Is believed that Its bunlness would pay its cost within the nrst two years of Its successful operation, and would steadily Increase thereafter. No enterprise commends Itself as in a greater de gree remunerative 10 cniiimiwis, ana 10 ourwnoie neople. It Is of vast national importance commer cially, politically, and evangelically. Shares of this company to a limited number, may be obtained at IE0 each. $10 payable down, $19 on the 1st of November, and 125 payable In monthly Install ments of 2 M each, commencing December 1, 1868 on application to j DREXEL & CO., No. 34 SoutUTiiiKU street, rwiaueipiiia, i To duly authorized Banks and Bankers throughout j Pennsylvania and at the j OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, ' Nos. 23 and 25 NASSAU STREET, 8 29 NEW YORK. CARRIAGES. GARDNER & FLEMING CARRIAGE BUILDERS, SO. 214 SOUTH FIFTH STEEET, BELOW WALNUT, An assortment of NEW AND SECOND-HAND CARRIAGES always on hand at beabonabls Fiuufc& isfmwsnii CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHS. 800 or MILES TBI UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD- f Are now finished and la operation .Although thli road Is ballt with great rapidity, she work is thor oughly done, and Is pronounced by the Unite t Htate Conimissloners to be first-class 10 every reapeot, be fore It is accepted, and before any bonds, can be issued opon it. Rapidity and excellence of construction have been secured by a complete dlvlsloa of labor and by &U irtbatlng the twenty thousand sen employed along the line tor long distances at once. It la now probable that the 1TU0LE MJ.E TO ; THIT, PACIFIC lYil I BE COMPLETED LN 1869. V !;..- . . . , . . " Tb Cempany have ample means of which the Gov ernment grants the right of way, and all neoessary timber and other materials found along the line of Its operations; also 12,800 acres of land to tbe mite, taken In alternate sections on each side of Its road; also United Slates Thirty-rear Bonds, amounting to from (16,000 to per mile, according to the difficulties to be surmounted on the Various sections to be bntlt for which it takes a second mortgage as security, and It Is expected that not only the Interest, bnt the prin cipal amount may be paid In aervlces rendered by the Company In transporting troops, malls, eta ' THE EARNINGS OP THE UNIOS PACIFIC RAILROAD, from lis Way or Looal Business only during the year ending June 30, 1668, amounted to over, r ,.:. . . . -.-,.:: , i FOUR MILLION DOLLARS, Which alter paying all expenses was much mors than sufficient to pay the Interest upon Its Bonds. These earnings are no Indication of the vast through traUic that must follow the opening of the line to the Pacific, but they certainly prove that ? ", FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS i - - Upon snch a property costing nearly three times their amount, ARE ENTIRELY SECURE. The Union Pacific Bonds run thirty years, are for 1000 each, and have coupons attached. They beat anmial Interest, payable on the first days or January and July, at the Company's office In the City of New York, at the rate of six per cent. In gold. The prlnol . pal Is payable In gold at maturity. The price Is lot and at the present rate ot gold, they pay a liberal Income on their cost, A very Important consideration In determining the value of these bonds Is the length of time tltev have to run., It Is well known that a long bond always commands a much higher price than a short one. It Is safe to assume that durlug the next thirty years, tha rate ol Interest In the , United States wlil decline as it has dona In Europe, and we have a right to expect that each six per cent, securities as these will be held at as high a premium as those of this Government, which In 18(7 were bought Io at from 20 to 28 per cent, above par. I The export demand alone may produce this re sult,! and as the lasae of a private corporation, they are beyond the reach of political action. . - . , The Company believe that their Bonds, at the pre sent rate, are the cheapest security In the market, and the tight to advance tbe price at any time Is reserved Subscriptions will be received In Philadelphia by DE HAVEN" & BROTHER v No. 40 8. THIRD Street. . ! W. PAINTER & CO., ; . No. 8S & THIRD BtiMt SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., j No. 18 S. THIRD Street. ' j ASD IN NEW YORK AT THE COMPIST'S OFFICE. No, 20 NASSAU Street, AMD BY i JOUR J. CISCO A SOW, BANKEBS, No. 69 WALti Street, And by the Company's advertised Agents through out the United States. Remittances should be made In drafts or other funds par In New York, and the Bonds will be sent free ot charge by return express. Parties subscribing through local agents, will look to them for their safe delivery. ........ A PAMPHLET AND MAP FOB 1808 has Just been published by the Company, giving fuller information than Is possible In an advertisement, respecting the Progress of tbe Work, the Resources of the Country traversed by the Road, and Means for Construction and the Value of the Bonds, which will be sent free on application at the Company's offices, or to any of the advertised agents. ' , JOB N J. CISCO, TBEASVRER, . September 14, 1868. ' 5 1 fmwtf j New York. a n r r it l desse n t " - m A new and beautiful Chromo-LIthograpb, after a painting by J. W. Payer, Just received by - . A. S. IIORINSOJT, No. tlO CHEBNUT Street, Who has Just received NEW CHROMOB. NEW ENGRAVINGS, NEW FRENCH PHOTOGRAPHS, NEW DltaBDKN ENAMELS, LOOKING GLASSES, ElO. S 16) FREE GALLERY. GROCERIES, ETC. pURE WHITE WINE & CIDER VINEGAR, OBI EN GINGER, MUSTARD SEED, BPICE3. ETC, All tha requisites tor Preserving and Pickling pur posts. ALBERT C. HOBEB1S, Dealer In Fine Grooerles, 11 7rp Cor. ELEVENTH aud VINE Streets, CARPETINGS. FALL OPENING. CARPETINGS. ELEGANT WILTONS, , - , , J VELVETS, .. ... j BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIES, 3-PLYS AND INGRAINS, PARLOR, HALL, AND STAIRS TO 'MATCH, LEEDOM & 8 HAW, Ko. 10 ARCH STREET, fi 16 wfm2m i Between Ninth and Tenth S 'reels. 1868 FALL. 1868. ! "GLEN ECHO MILLS." I - ! M'CALLUM, GREASE & SLOAN I MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS. OF o ARPE TINGS. j Wholesale and Retail Warehouse, No. 609 CHESNUT STREET, FINANCIAL. ONION PACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS IW.;At102f;V And Accrued Interest. CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS i 1 At 103, '-'-;.' "' And Accrued Interest. , i ron SALE UY De Haven & Biio., No. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, SB ' PHILADELPHIA, QLENDIN N INQ A DAVIS? ; HO. 49 ITTEf TOTHD ITBEXTI Ctock and Gold Broken, QUOTATIONS OF NEW YORK STOCKS JUWATB OS MASD, f I8 B. simmmrs, n) Toms x. runs rpilE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY, For Safe Keeiiinq of Valuables, Securities, etc.. and Renting of Safes. DIKEUTOB9 N. B. Browne, J otlllnghsm Fell,! Alex. Benrr, V. H. lll.rke, O. Macalt-ster, H A. (laid well, John Weah, .W Clark, lueo. F. Tyler. i OFFICE, NO. 2l CHE9NUX STREET. N. B. BROWNE, President O. H. uLiHK, vice President, B. PATTERSON. Bee and 'iTeaaarer, 1 UwfiuJ 9 1 wfm8m Opposite Independence Hall. gT.TLER. WEAVER & CO., j MANUF ACTtJHKRa Of MANILLA AND TARRED CORDAGE, C0RD8 j TWINES, ETC., ) no. North WATKK Street, and No. Z2 North DHLs. WAKE Avenni. BUtWIM H. Fit LlCU, MlCHABi, WSAVBB, VOMUAO 7t, OLOClUMa. I Ui LIFE INSURANCE. THE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THB United States of America, WASHINGTON, U. C. Chartered by Special Act of Congress, Ap proved July 25, 18C8. CASH CAPITAL, S 1 .000,000 SUA NCR OFFICE IJV PHILADELPHIA, IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. !: DIRECTORS. : Jay Cookk..... Philadelphia, V. B. Clark FdUadelphl-a, F. Katchfobd Htarh Fhlladelphla, WM. Q. MOORHEAD PhlUdelDhln. OkokgkF. TyLKR......... Philadelphia, J. Hincklkt Clark Philadelphia, n. a. nviJLuia,,,,Ht,m, yv aaningliOD, Hkkry 1). Cookb. Washington, WM. E. Chandlkr, Washington, John ). I)kfrkes. Washington, Edward Dodge New York, II. C. Fabmcsiock -New York. D.O., D. O., D.O., D.O., OFFICERS. Dca Bills for Bale on London, Furls, Frank j ! ' fort,' Etc. Letters of Credit issued on Messrs. JAMES j , W. TUCKER & CO.; Paris, AYAILABLB OR TRAVELLER 9' TJ8E 1 , UK AST PART OF TSE WORLDb ' Stocks, Bonds, and Gold bought and sold on Commission Deposits rccelTCd, and Interest allowed. Gold loaned. Collections made. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., No. 16 South THIRD Street, O. H. Ci.Ark, Philadelphia, President, Uksky 1). Cookb, Washington, Vioe-President. Comrolttee, Emekson W. Pset, Philadelphia, Seoretary and Actuary, K B. Turner, Wash in a ton. Assistant 8eo'y. . Krancib G. (smith, M. D., Medical Director, J. Kwimo Mkabs, M. D., Assistant Medtoal Director. MEDICAL ADVISORY BOARD. J. K. Barnes, Surgeon-General V. S. A., Wash ington, P. i. HoBwrrz, Chief of Bureau ot Medicine ard Surgery, U.B. N. Washington. D. W. Bliss, M. D., Washington. SOLICITORS AND ATTORNEYS. Hon. Wm. E. Chandler, Washington, D. a This Company. National In its ohnraoter. oilers, by reason of Its Large Capital, Low Hates oi premium, ana jnbw xaoies, ine most desira ble means oi Insuring Hie yet presented to the public, . The rates of premium, being largely rednoed, are made as lavorable to the Insurers as those of the best Mutual Companies, and avoid all the complications ana uncertainties or .Notes, uiviuenuH, ana ine miHuaaersianaings wnion me latter are so apt io cause ine i-oncv-tioiuer. (Several new and attractive table re now presented which need only to be understood, to prove acceptable to tbe publlo, such as the lJscuMKrituuuciiNw truuxux ana kbiiiin PREMIUM POLICY. In the former, the policy-holder not only secures a life insurance. navable at death, but will reeelve. If Uvlnir. after a period of a few years, an annual income equal to ten per cent. (10 per cent.) of the par of hxspolicy. In the latter, the Company agrees to return to the astured the total amount of money he hat paid in, in addition to the amount of hU lit, HIilWlMUU UI UBI.UUI UUUb.UIUl.,lUK 1111 surlng their lives or Increasing the amount of Insurance iney aireaay nave, is oanea to the special advantages onerea Dy the .National Life insurance uiiupmif. -mrcuiars. Pamphlets, and full sartlonlara given on application to the Branch OtHoe of the company in mis city, or to its uenerai Agents. GENERAL AGENTS OF THE COMPANY, JAY COOKB at) CO- Hevr York. For New York State and Northern New Jersey m. XV. CLARK St, CO.. FblladelDhla. For Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. JAY COOKB 4s. CO. i AVashlactoa, D. O, For Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, District of I , Columbia, and West Virginia. J, A. KLLI8 & CO., Chicago, 111., ) For Illinois and Wisconsin. BfFUN HILLEll, It, Pnl, 8 8 ws rp For Minnesota. DRUGS, PAINTS, ETC. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., ji. E. Corner ofFOUETH and 1HCE Sts.( I PHXLADKLPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. 1 IMPORTERS AND MAN UF ACT r RZR3 OJf Ig nite Lead and Colored Paints, ratty, i Yarnlshes, Etc j AGENTS FOR THS CELEBRATED FBEKCU ZINC PAINTS. PE4LERS AND CONSUMERS BUFF LI ED AT LOWEST PRICKS FOR BABH. 1 nO BN JSXOHANOB J BAG MANDJr ACTOR Y. . . JOHN T. BAILKY A CO., ! BKUOVKD TO N, E. corner ot Market aud WATER Btreets DEALERS IN KAOS AND BAGGING itf lVAPV tit.surlsttltn. fi.w Grain, Flour, bait, tiupr.thoi'ku.i of Lime, Bona ru Aud imftll GUNN Y RAQ9 oonfitantly onlbaad n i a mu. w UWii bAtivn, iOMM T. BAELSlf, ' IlMW CaSCADSW, HNANCIAL. wm 1 ( c!'i , , rt f.'r.ui i ertf In all OoTcrnment Securities an! ' Foreign Exchange. , r : ' no PHILADELPHIA. WEI. PAINTER & CO., BANKERS AND DEALERS IN GOVERN- MENT SECURITIES, No. 30 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA, AGENTS FOR, The Union Pacific Railroad Co., AND 1 l Central Pacific Railroad Co. Wa bare on hand TIIE FIRST MORT GAGE SIX PER CENT. GOLD INTEREST BONDS of both Companies, for sale or Exchange for GoYcniment Securities. ' Pamphlets, with Maps, Reports, and full Information furnished on application. i tr FIRST MORTGAGE SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS nocflBoxnii TTAXJiitt nullltS CO. FOR SALE AT 87J, And Accrued Interest from JULY 1, 1868. PAYABLE SEHI-ANH VALLY. January ana Jaly. Tbe BEK'egate amount of thMe Boads Issued by the Company is Moe,000, opon tUelr works estimated to cost over 91,000,000. From a careful examination of the nses which will be made of the water in the city and suburbs, it is estimated that the Company will be able to pay LARGE DIVIDENDS ON ITS STOCK. ONLY A LIMITED AMOUNT OF THESE BONDS ARE FOR BALE AT THESE PRICES. APPLY TO GLENDIM1NG & DAYIS, No. 48 South THIRD Street, (4 PHILADELPHIA. JARR & LADNER, No. 30 South THIRD Street, ' DEALERS IN GOLD, v ; &T0CKS,and GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. Bills of Exchange and Letters of Credit sold on all parts of Europe. UNION AND CENTRAL PACIFIC FIST MORTGAGE BONDS, BOUGHT AND SOLD. ,29 2at AUCTION SALES. 3 DUKBI'BOW CO., AUCTIOIf.: Bank .irJZr-i?L.. .ri'Ll . UUM aaimaOft I OPBH1T1BH. FPKNCH. OERlf AH ! AD lOSi.8riO 1)MY HOODS, ' Sept. M, atlewJ! TI'U"";y orning, oflhe best lmrK.r,R,"T.?.D GLVE8, jr. biiw, and chlioren'4 white. w,n- ndftinryhoee. In all grades. 1 "own, mixed, Opt! B ' l.rflual ...4 Ml.t.. IU. cloth stoves aud R.nnileui. . Of a Viiy superior manulaoture. ' " A'so, sou geuts' luary wonlleu mauds, ' XI0 IK ZKH I.TNEN liAMBRlfl Hivnirv.. bensinchtd. "" r. nemmea, ana LABGE BALlt OF OARPKT'KOS. 200 PIEOflffl 1.1 J On Krld.y Morulng. .. about 1H) piecoa uf Ingrain, Veo-tlan. list, b".np oo '?? caruetlUKS. ana 200 ulecn. of nil cloths. t!9 6t LARGE SALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER EURO. . On Monday Wornind, l22st Bepteiuber 28, at 10 o'clock, ou luur monthj' oredlt. LARGE RALE OF t0 CASKS BOOTS, SHOES. 1U1VITII I mlr. i . . , .1 . ri. . 1 1 . , . Ou Tueaday morning, Eept, 19. at 10 o'clock, on 4 mouths' credit. 9MSt o. D. McCLFES A CO. Ho. M MAI EET Btreet. AUCTHKEEB8 lit BALE OF 1K0 CA8E8 BOOTS, B TTOES, BBCQAN8. AaiiUiVlAli' XL A Vfc . s a. t,n Tburady moruiuf , PPDlPmhftf 9A nuxin.annUn. . In ZZtjnm - ... ' wam.auoajiiiK mm IV V tvlrVA W9 Will sell brcata pme, tor caah. IGOO caara Men'i, Bora. ouina- HdOis. hhom, BrvgaDa, llalmora's, etc " '-"i I'i'ui. nu umiaoiiiMonmeuiui WOinon'a. ( ailatea ,anQ Chlldrea't cUy ninti gooes. l 4t , MARTIN BBOTHEKf, ADCTIONEEK3. (latrly Palanien tor M. Thsmaa A fon.) tso.m Clii-HMJT bU, rear entrance from Minor, . SALE OF FINK OIL PAINTINGS. . On Friday evening, September 2.1, at7,'i o'clock, at the auction rooms , S.0, WSOaeanut atrewt, by cataiogna, a collaullon ot Hue Oil Palntlnga, handsomely framed, Thecolloo tlon cooiprisea eighty pictures ola varied and pleasing character. Will be on exhibition two days previous to sale. t .t . ?B,e ' No-2,M Spring Garden street ; KJ'5G4e!T WALNUT DKAWINO-ROOM AN1 CHAMBER FUKNITCKK, ROSEWOOD PIANO fOKTK, HANLUOMJS ENGLIaH BRUSSELS CARPaTB, ETC ' , . ; On Tueaday Morning, 2Sth Iriat., at lo o'clock at No. 2124 Spring Garden street, by catalogue, the entire fumltuie, Including; elegant walnut and nliidb drawlng-ioom ault: S banu soniekulta walnut chamber furniture; oak chamber set; 8 suits Sue cottage fnrnltnrw fine tour d rosewood piano-forte, nearly new; bandsome English Brussels, imperial, and Ids rain carpets; tine spring mattiesase: : bl'nketa, cblna, kitchen utensils, elo. , ' May he seen early on morning of sale. HANDBOMK MOUKKN RKSIDEXOK. Immidlately prevloua to tbe sale of furniture will ; be sold the banosome modern three-story Brick Re sidence with three-story double Back Bulldlnga and side yard, and lotot ground, situate on thesouin side of Mprlng Garden street. No. 2124, containing In front Sit leet, and In depth 119 feet. Tbe bouse Is built In the most superior and substantial manner, and bas all the modern conveniences gas, bath range, em. May be seen at any time. 9 ln THOMAS BIRCH BON, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1US O HEtlN TJT Street; rear entrance No. 11W Hansom at 1 ' ' Sale at JX o. ldos Valeria street- ' '" "' NEAT HOtMKHOLD rUKNITUBK, BRU8SEr,9 ' AND I OKA IN CARPETS HANDSOUELIQUOK CASE, CHINA. GLASS WARE. ETC. . On Thursday Morning, - Sept. 24, at lo o'clock, at No. leos Valeria street (beiween Sixteenth and Seventeenth, below Kldge road), will be sold the Furniture ot family leaving , tbe clly, comprising reps parlor furniture, two suits) . of walnut chamber furniture, with tine mattresses; cottage furniture: fine Venetian blinds; handsome liquor case; Bruvels and lograln carpets; China, glassware, etc. The furniture la In nice order, and can be examined after 8 o'clock on the morning of sale. , , 1 22 It 1 - ' Bale at No. llio Cbesnnt street. BTJPFRIOR HOUSEHOLD FURN1TURK, PIANO- FORTKS, CAFPS-Td, MIRRORS, BOOKOASKS. SILVER-PLATED WAKE, GAM FIXf UREa.ETO. ' Oa Friday Moralng, fept. 25, at 9 o'clock at tbe auction store, No. 1110 Chei-nut street, will be sold a large assortment of superior HruBebold Furniture, comprising elegant walnut parlor suits, finished In oil; walnut chamber V.URv.E'ilKft Ina-raln. and Venetian carpets; French plate pier mriTors: walnut and oak sideboards, extension dlnlne tables: nana sent dlnNi. mn.. J chamber chairs; spring and hair mattresses; large walnut library and office bookcases; library suits: beds and bedding; sliver-plated ware: china and glass ware: piano-fortes; parlor organs; sewing machines:, kitchen furniture etc. GAS FIXTURHA Alan, several chunrtolla ...h other gas llxturea" " " . . .. SrLMIBlD KIKLK. At balr-oast 1 o'clock will baanld one snlAniKd rln with case and apparatus, made to order by Krlder. ann ciut m'fTK " i rusU'ruifiiM, Also. One rasewnnd nli&nn-fnrtA. moto ht Steinway & Hons. Also, iwo oo. do. do., by sobomacker &Co. ' PKJK8ERVB JABS. Also, an Inunlnanf irlAAa I.m for preserves. 9 11 2t 139 A Hi) 1U Q ANKINC HOUSE Nob. 112 aitd 114 SoutH TUISD Street i ' . , ! fHTI.APET.PHIA. Dealers In all GoTernment Securities. Old 5-20s Wanted In Excliange tor NetT A Liberal DuTerence allowed. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. Interest Allowed on Deposits. COLLECTIONS MADE, BTOQSJS booKbt and sold pn Commission special business accommodations reserved lor ladles. Wo will nralin .nnllf.ttnns ffr Policies Ot Life Insurance Iu tbe Malional Llie InHurance Company of the UlUltKl blatSi Jllul uuurmauuu u emos. M THOMAS & KONS, HOtS. Extensive Sale at Nos. 13B and 141 R Pnnrth .t ;' " HANDSOME furnitorm. mirrors, a PIANO- AND Ol'HEB CARPETS, KTU. - . , , On Thursday Morning. Bnt 21. at 9 o'clock. L Hih Auction Rooms, hvr.t.. logue, a larg. assortment or superior Household Fur nllure.comprii'ing handsome walnut drawing-room ara iiorary sutu, covereu who orocaieue, reps, aud hair cloth; oUed walnut chamber suits. Ssuperlnr rose wood plauo-torus, made by W libel m A eJobuler and. O. Miller. Also, 8 elegant Pier and Mantel Mirrors. assorts o. Catalogues now ready. i) 1 2t 2t EIPPltOTT, 80N A CO., AUCTIONEERS, AbllHUlibT BUILDING. No. 240 MARKET Bueet FOR SALE. i' : I. 0B SALE.-A KAKE CUAKCE. The Stock, Fixtures, and Lease of the old and succeastul Stand or tbe undersigned, located in the most central part of CH ESN TJT Street, No. 1001 ' Established Twenty-seven Years (Ten of which In. tbe present Ucatlon) for the sale of Silks, Ribbons, " Millinery, Lace, and Fancy Goods. ' The Proprietor , going out oi business. Apply promptly to - ( U JOBN WARBTJRTON, . ! I .'No' 1004 CHESNUT Street, , '' ' Philadelphia, Pa. WEST PHILADELPHIA PROPERTIES FOR SAIE OR TO RENT. The handsome BROWN STONE RESIDENCES Nos. dies, 4UV, dim, and 114 SPRUCE St. O. J. FELL A BEOH 8 28 fmwlm No. 120 South FRONT Street. ft FOR SALK SEVERAL DESIBaBLB LiaLota ot grounu. suitable for manufacturing or bunding purpose., havlug pleoty of good spring watei aud plemyofgoud building stone, situate on and near the North Pennsylvania Railroad, aud oulyM mlies out. Apply to B. U aKPER A uu 21 at No. 427 OH ESN UT Street. WEST PHILADELPHIA. FOR SALE. A Rrown-stona House, with ali modern convent. tiucea, Locust street, near roriietn. rrioe, fiu.doo. Maudsoiue double houae on Walnut street; Side ysrd. Price. m. . WILLIAM B. WEIR, 21 8f No. SlttSOHEeNUT Street. f FOR BALE A DESIRABLE HOUSE IPC -JLiVlne street, opposite Logan fcquar.; has ail incdr-rn con ven lei co, ana In pedect order, Addreas "Beal Estate," at this ofllce. SI St TO RENT. p O R R E N T, i rEEMlSES, No. 809 CHESXUT St., , FOR STORE OR OFFICE. AL0. Or PICKS AND LARGE BOOMS suitable for a Ooiuoierclal College. Apply at MU BANK OF THBBEPPBLIO. TO REN l-A HANDSOMELY FHtt nlHhed HOUSB on Price atreat. Germaniown. i-oesBloa October 1. Apply at E. CARi Jt i KCJS S.No IMS S. Till KU utrfgej. . Q0TT0N AND FLAX,oic AKDoiLwvA(j of all number, and brands; , Tent Awning. Trunk, and Wagon Cover Duo A lM?Pan Manufacturers' Prior J el is. from one to Also raper JMa""'- xiiiinir kh n-w n. tin. JOHW W. OVERMAN , A CO.. NO, 101 JONEty AiiaT.