The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 21, 1868, FIFTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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A Violent Cbap-Btole Hon! and
Waaron Lost bis WUh-An Old Of
fendr An Absconding Tblef Didn't
Like bis Arrest Assault and Battery
A Pretty Mate Female Domestlo In
A fellow named David Lamb wm arrested
this morning about 3 o'clock by Officer Tucker,
at Ho. 763 Soath Thirteenth street. He had
been exercising bis muscle upon his wife, and
wbtn the screams of the poor woman caused
' the entrance ol itne policeman heals turned
pon blm. He drew a cavalry sabre and made
a dab at the officer, bnt was secored betore
an? damage was done. Committed bj Alderman
Bonrnll In default of f 1000 bail.
Usury Cramer was arrested yesterday by
Officer Battlemas, at Twenty elRhth and Jeffer
son streets, while driving a horse and wagon
which he bad stolen at Tolrd and Green streets.
The owner of the team keeps a provision store
at Twenty-third and II are streets, and bad gone
to Third and Green streets on business, lie had
only been out of bis waiou a few minutes when
It was driven off by Cramer, alderman Hut
cbinton held the thief In $1200 bait to answer.
Barab Collins and Francis Tamer, both
colcred, have been arrested and held for a
further heating, by Alderman Swift, upon the
charge of robbing a lellow wi'.h a white skin of
a silver watch, Sarah enticed blm into a house
in St. Mary street, where Francis took the time
keeper. Officer Parker learned of the theft aud
made the arrest ....
Luke Sullivan, colored, well known In
police annals, has attain been arrested. This
time be Is coarged with lapping ihe till of a
place at Seventh and St. Mary streets of $10.
Luke milled in Giilis allay. Alderman Moore
committed him.
Detective Levy bas arrested a chap named
Michael Honlg upon the charge of false pre
tences. It appears that Michael, who lives at
the northwest corner of Eleventh and Jefferson
a'reets, had procured goods from a number of
places in this city, lor which be never intended
Say nient. After getting possession of the things
c attempted to move te Wilmington, Del., and
bad already token some of his furniture aboard
the steamer Felton, which plies to that city.
Detective Levy caogbt him, however, before his
little game was executed. A warrant lor his
arret was Issued by Alderman Beitler, at the
instance of 8. M. A J. L. Bartram, cloth mer
chants on North Second street, who, together
with the firm of Seitz & Fiseins, trunk and
carpet-bag manulactnrers, No. 813 Race street,
had been fleeced by the accused. He ha 1, alto
gether, secured goods to the value of $'235. The
Alderman held him for a further hearing on
Saiurdav next.
On Saturday night last Joseph McWorlsy
was arrested for disorder on Fran kford road,
by Police Officer Oakes, of the Eighteenth
District. Upon being taken into custody
Joseph became contumacious, and drawing a
knife, threatened to nitike use of it npon the
person of the officer. He was taken before
Alderaan Neill, who held him in $1000 bail to
Arthur Shields, for committing an assault
and battery on a couduc'or of one ot the Phila
delphia, Germantown, and Norrlstown Killroad
trains at Manavunk, has been held in $500 bail
by Alderman lUmsdell.
Henry Archer, the second mate of the brig
Waverly, from Pernambuco to this port, was
arresttd off the Navy Yard yesterday, by the
Harbor Policy npon the charge of threatening,
upon the high seas, to kill the captain and set
flie to the ship. He was put in Irons until the
arrival of the ship at this city. Held for a hear
ing be'ore an United States Commissioner.
Barbara Albright, who has been employed
for some nlDe months in a restaurant on Bice
atreet, below Fourth, was arrested about twelve
o'clock on Saturday night, while carrying off, In
a large bag, cabbages and eggs, the property of
her employer. For some time shirts, table
cloths, knives, forks, and eatables have been
Mb set), and she is suspected o1 having purloined
them. When arrested she maliciously broke
the eerers in the bag. Alderman Godboa held her
iM $700 bail.
Okoanizatiow of a New foiT. A new Poat
has just been formed In this city, composed of
veterans of the Grand Army of the Bepublic.
The object of this association Is to benefit the
families of those belonging to it when in dis
tress. It seeks out the orphans of deceased sol
diers aud provides for their comfort. The new
Post of the Grand Army of the Republic, No.
161, met at the hall comer of Ninth aud Cal
lowhill streets, on Saturday night, for the pur
pose ot installing the officer?. Colonel McLean
declined the office of Post Commander.
The following persons were nominated and
elected as Pout Commanders: Dr. . D. Buck
man; S. V. Com.. General B. F. Foust, Jr.;
A. Com., Lieutenant F. C. Garrlguei; Quarter
master, Captain F. B. Gilbert; Post Com
mandant, Conrid Stewart.
A large number of new members were initiated,
and several names proposed for membership.
After the initiation a sumptuous repast was
given in honor of Post No. 19.
Bbort speeches were made by Inspector
General Story, Colonel McLean, E. E. Murpaey,
Colonel Worrell, E. D. Uuckmm, Captain
Saurman, and Captain Robinson. Toe following
toast was given by Colonel McLsan: "General
Grant, the pole star of our Union; during the
dark honrs in the late history of our Republic
he shone the brighest; we will elevate him to
the hiehest station among men the Presidency
of the United States that after ages may point
to him as the bright star of the nineteenth cen
tury." The cdmpany separated at a late honr.
Thb Board of Surveys. The Board of Sur
veys held its regular stated meeting at noon
today, President Strickland Knaass in the
Chair. A petition to placs Tappan place on the
plan of the city was negatived. A large number
of applications for sewers and drain pipes were
preseiited, and oi these the Committees reported
upon the following: Three feet sewers on Lom
bard street, between Filth and Sixth; tsartain
street, between Poplar street and Uirard avenue;
Columbia avenue; Sixteenth and Montgomery
avenue; Chance srrreci, east of Tenth and north
of Chesnnt; and Marks street, between Eleventh
and Twelfth. A two feet six inch sewer on
Thirteenth street, from Jefferson to Oxford
streets. A ten-inch pipe ou Oxford street, from
Fifteenth to Sixteenth; on Cujler street, between
nineteenth and Twentieth: and on Sbackamaxon
street. An eight-Inch pipe on American street,
from Diamond street to Susquehanna avenue.
A petition lor a bridge, over Frankford creek, at
Orthodox s leet, was referred to the Chief
nnginetr and Surveyor and Mr. Shallcross. The
Board then adjourned, to meet on Monday next
at 10 o'clock. .
A Suicide. Yesterday morning the drowned
body of a man named Mill ward Murray was found
in a pond, at Crystal Springs near Holmesburg.
The deceased, a married man, about sixty years
of age, residing at Holmesburg. had for some
time been bent ou taking his own lite, and had
been closely, watched to prevent the accom-
Shshment of his purpose. Yesterday, however,
e took advantage ot the absence of his wife
and, goitp to the 8orings. deliberately drowned
himself. The Coroner has been no.lQed.
evening the annual exhibition of the Pennsyl
vania Horticultural Society will open in Horti
cultural Hall, and continue open day and even
lag mntil Friday night next. It promises to be
one ot the finest dicplats of fruit, vegetables,
plants, and flowers lhat ha ever Often seen in
the city. Contributions are solicited, as compe
tition will be open to all exhibitors.
Not Spcoibsfcl. On Saturday night some
thieves effected an entrance Into the office of
the malt houe ot F. blackburn & Co., EUhth
street, below Jntfereoti, and ikiempted to blow
open the sate. Though they some what dauaged
it, they could not, however, get it open.
Gunniko Accident. On Saturday last, while
running on the marshes below Mount Holly
William Fort, aaed about twenty-five yearn, lu
attempting to diaw his gun out of a boat, dis
charged the contents of both barrels, blowing
away the fleshy part of his right arm below the
nsAsnts at tub Crittbal Statio. Tills
afternoon, bffoTe Alderman Beitler. at the Cen
tral Station, John McConnelL residing at No. 707
Sooth. Broad street, bad a hearing npon the
charge of selling liquor to intemperate persons,
alto having been tioliBed to cease doing bo.
Mrs. Ann Cummlnps, residing at Broad snd
Sblppen atreeta, tcsttfled that the accused sold
liquor to her daughters; that she had notified
him to refuse it, but that he still continued
supplying them; her dangbters drank to excess;
the accused sold liquor also to the little son of
oneofkber daughters, which he after wards carried
to his mother.
Held in $1000 ball to answer.
V, B. DIBTRIOT COURT -Jii1(re Oadwalader,
The t peclnl term of the comt filed at tba adjourn
ment of last month, was opened this morning, the
samejnry being la attendance that served la July.
The tirstcese jot npon trial was tbatof Tbe United
Plates vs. The Philadelphia and Heading Rallroal, to
which a freight car was thenubjeot of claim. II was
conceded by the dale-jdanu that the oar, when selsd
by Ihe Government officials, contained frartrtuient
whisky, which adtulsstou relieved the plain tlir trom
entering lnio any proor as to there facta. The ex
planation made, however. wa this: Situated near the
railroad lu Norrlitowo is a large distillery, having a
side track running Into their yard, for
the purpose of rnnalng their ooal.corn, and other
articles to and from the depot. Not long alnce toe
proprietor of thlneslabllsbinent applied to the agent
ol the Norrletows Hallroad tor a borne car for the
convejanoeof aerentj-flve sacks of corn from tbelr
place. The agent reoiled that he bad no oh car at
his disposal, bat thought perhaps one could be
obtained from tne Reading Railroad, and at the re
quest ot the distiller he requeued the agent ol the lat
ter road to lend tbem one. Tne car was readily tent
across the bridge irom firldgeoori and lodged in the
distillery yard. On tbe following day, was the on
torn every morning, the coal and otber ears were
taken liom the dlstl larjr to tbe grounds of
the Heading Railroad, and among tbem
was this boras car. The agent, noticing
tbe dcor of tbe car standing open, and seeing no one
come In It, looked into It and discovered ti e whisky.
Like a law abiding clilr.eo he hint the car at
once set aside, and sent fir tbe United Htalei Collec
tor of tbe Dlatrli t. Into whose hands the matter was
given. In view of the facts that they bad not par
ticipated In tbe fraud, and had hastened to give tne
Hist Intimation ol Us detection to the Government,
tbe defendants maintained ' bat they should not bear
the forfeiture ol the car. The Jury rendered a verdiot
for tbe Kallioad Company.
1 he United Btaus vs. A Furniture Car and Pa'r ot
Mules, John Tbompstm, claimant. This was an In
formation lor forfeiture upon tbe ground fiat the
mnlte and wgon wucn si-laed wera engaied la tbe
removal of whi-ky In violation of the requirements of
tbe revenue law.
Ou the part of tbe claimant, Mr. L. O. Oasaldy, who
has resumed business, took tbe ground that there
was no fraudulent Intent on the part of tbe claimant,
who acted without any knowledge or tne lilega'lty of
tbe removal, and therefore he should not bojmade to
lose bis properiy.
Tbe Jury rendered a verdict for the claimant.
and Pierce, Tbe (September term of tbe Court
opened this morning, tbe current motion list being
tbe subject of consideration.
In tbe matter of tbe rule granted on Saturday, to
how cause why an alternative mandamus should uot
Issue compelling tbe fully Commi-sioners to give the
required notice ot tbe place decided upon by the
AsutBsoia of- tbe Mnth ward for tbe holding
of the extra assessment, before reported, Mr,
Isaso GerLard, representing tbe Commis
sioners, admitting tbat tbe petition of com
plainants upon It lace Jnstllled each a writ,
produced to the Court an adluavlt containing the fol
io wing averments: In due time the Assessors of tne
Mlnth Ward ret.rned to the Commissioner' oUce
tbe street lints of tazables la tbelr district, at that
time designating no place for holding tbeasneasmont:
the Commissioners, in consequence o' this failure,
actir g under tbe decslon ol tbis court as g ven by his
Honor Judge Brewster, proceeded themselvei to fit
the house of Colonel P. McDocner, Ho. 1018 Filbert
ireet, as tbe proper piace tor tuat purpose. Sub
sequently, on the SZa of Julv, a commjnlcation
signed by tbtse assessors, Messrs. Brown and Law.
less, and naming tbe house of D. B Baltler, No. ia'
Market street, as tbat In whlcbtbe assessment should
be held, was received at the Commissioners' OiBce.
after the notlllaailon ot the bouse In Filbert street
bad been given. But farther, on the 30th of the same
month, Mr. Lawless despatched a note to tne Com
ni'ssloners requesting them to consider bis signature
withdrawn trom the not'es, as he gave it without
knowing its purport In view ot this disagreement
between tbe Assessors tbe Commissioners thought
their determination should be upheld.
On the other band Mr, Van Cleve maintained that
upoa tbe face of tbe notice given by the Assesjrs,
m.lblng was to be found but evidence ol unanimity
In tbe choice of this place, and no disagreement ap
peared un'll a week afterwards, tbe date of Mr. Law
it Bs' note; and tbe testimony of this latter person was
tbat he signed tbe notice, not unwillingly, bat under
peiBuatico. Moreover, the Oommissloam did uot
wait until within ten days before the bold ug of tbe
assessment, at which time the law requires
them to give the notice, to see if then the As
sessors d is b greed; but tome six days In
advance of the time they stole a march on tbe asiss
sors audrent out this uo'ice. The decisloa of Julge
Brewster referred to was a good one, but It did not
airly to this case. f. r the circumiitanoHS under which
It was given were that the ssnesaors, up to tne very
time the Commissioners were required to have the
lis's printed and the place made puhllo, were still lu
a sute of disagreement, and Ihe Commissioners could
not have compiled with the law unless they had
named tbe place.
Tbe Judge sustained Mr. Vancleve, adding that 1'
was tbe duty of the commissioners, In case they had
received no Communication from the assessors, to
call npon tbem to name a place, and thtn, incase
they fall d to do so, they were to designate the place.
Be thought tbe Commissioners had mt done their
whole duty In the matter, and, therefore, he would
grant the writ prayed for.
The second period of tbe present term began this
morning, and a new panel of petit Jurors was la
attendance. A number or applications for excuse
trom Iservlce was made but only those were granted
that were founded upon legal grounds.
riiiladclphla Cattle Market.
Monday, Sept. 21. The Cattle Market was
moderately active this week, but prices were
without any material change. 2000 head ar
rived and hold at tbe Avenue Drove Yard at
for extra Pennsylvania and Western
Bleers; 7&i8$o. for fair to good do.; and67o.
per lb, gross, lor common, aa to quality, Xiie
following ate the particulars of the aalea.;
118, Owen rjmun, Virginia, 7iav$, gr.
iau, a. en rimy s tsro., v irginia, gt
4, jJeDgiersiiiouieeH, uueiieroj , t
116, P. McFlllen, Va. and Chester oo,
, nr. o lir,n,n,,r r-, v, I Ts&ms
a. uauiannj.uuiv, Iyc74i slunn
6, J as. 8. Kirk, Cheater oouuty, 80, gross.
60, B. McFlllen. Chester oo.. 89, gross.
90, J as. McFlllen, onto, 809, groan.-
60, E. 8. McFlllen, Chester co., 8 9, gr.
154, Ullman dt Bacbman, Kentucky, 7(39, gross.
102, Martin Fuller & Co.. Ohio, 7&9, gr.
8tt, Mooney & BmltU. W.Penna. and 7'4'?8V gt.
76, Thoa. Mooney dt Bro.. Virginia, 6714, gr.
140. John Smith, Ohio, 89. gr.
88, Li. Frank, Ohio, 6 8, gross.
IM, Frank dt Sobomberg, Ohio, 6(38 gr.
76, Hope & Co., Cbeater county, 0$, gross.
04, M. l)ryfooa dt Co.. West Va.. 6j7-5i. gross.
44, Blum & Co.. W. Penna ,68, gross.
140, James Aull. Ohio, 5&8$, groas.
40, Chandler & Alexander, Cues, oo., 7(98 sr.
18, A. Kimble, Cbeater county, 79, gross.
80, John MoArdle, Ohio, 6r$7 gross.
46, 8. Frank, Kentucky, 7U(oK grosi.
80, Beldonrldge A Kelly., VV. Va,781, gr.
125, R. Mayne, Ohio. 68J', gr.
40, J. Y. Lat la, Cheater co., 7f484, gross.
4a, C. Walker, Virginia, VA11, gross.
10, J, It. Gemmell, Delaware, 6(3)6, gross.
23. P. Martin, W. Penna., 65J4. gross.
28. James Amsley, W. i'enna., 56, gross,
lloga were In fair demand. SMi'O bead aold at
tbe dlllerenl Yards at 8H OU015 60 100 pounds,
Sheep were In fair demand at an advanee.
10,000 bead arrived and sold at4U5i. ft pound,
groi-g, for lat Sheep, and f 1 503 $ bead lor stock
Cows were also in fulrderaand. 150 head sold
at tl0s.G5 for Springers, and f4585 bead tot
Ocw and Calf.
tbe newest and bent manner.
J.OUi6 Dlik.HA., (stationer and Kngraver.
9 15 Nti. IHMCUKSNUI1 street.
for tbe coming season.
TLose wist log Cards will please call and examine
All Enrravlng and Triming executed in thebulidlag
by fltbt-Plass Aitlhts only.
Prices lower than any otber bouse la the city,
lmwe8m No. 918 AHC1I Street.
. gr.
3lf gr.
1., 6!gT.
CO., 7(3)92, gr.
rrocetjdings of Ck)ngres8-An Ad
journment until October
Agreed to Inquiries into
the Revenue Diffi
culties. .
Kt lie., Xtc, Ete., Etc., Ete.
Special Dtrpalch to Th livening TeU grapK
Itepabllcnn Appolntraenta.
WisniNaroN, Sept. 21. Hon. James O. Blaine,
of Maine, chairman of the Bepublicau Btate
Committee of that State, and Horace Maynard,
of lennessee, will speak In Concert Hall, Phila
delphia, on Wednesday night. Mr. Boutwell, of
Massachusetts, will speak at Chester, Delaware
connty, Wednesday evening. Senator Henry
Wilson will speak Thursday night next at the
Steamboat Station, Chester county.
The House met at noon. A quorum was
Mr. Schenck offered a Joint resolution that,
the 8enate concurring, both houses adjourn till
October 16, and after tba', uuless otherwise
ordered, till November 10, and then, unless
otherwise ordered, till the first Monday In De
cember. He called the previous question,
which was sustained, and the resolution passed
without a division.
The Senate.
Detpatch to th Atsooialcd Pres$.
Washington. Bept. 21. The Benate was
called to order at 12 o'olock.
Tbe Hev. Pr. Gray, Chaplain, In the course
of bis prayer, invoked tbe wisdom and grace
needful to support tbe members in tbelr publlo
duties, so tbat whatever con ran tbey pursue
may meet tbe Divine approval and sanction of
the wbole nation.
Tbe clerk commenced reading the Journal, but
on motion of Mr. Edmunds, tbe Xurtiier read
ing was dispensed witb.
Resold tlon to Adjourn.
Mr. Anthony offered the following resolution:
Retolved, By the Senate, the House of Repre
sentatives concurring, ibal tbe President of
the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
Representatives adjourn their respeo'lve
Houses nntll 12 o'clock, noon, of the 16th day
of October, l.8, and tbat tbey tben, unless
otherwise ordered by tbe two Houses, further
adjonrn their respective Houses nntll the loth
day of November, 1868, at 12 o'clock noon, and
that tbey then, unlexs otherwise ordered, fur
ther adjonrn tbelr respective Houses to tbe 1st
Monday of December, 1868, at 12 o'clock, noon.
A Qnornra Present.
On motion of Mr. Sherman there was a call
of tbe Senate, when 84 members answered to
tbeir names; exactly a quaram.
Mr. Anthony stated tbat bis colleague, Mr,
Sprague, was not present, owing to sickness.
Tbe Resolution Adopted.
The question was taken on the adoption of
tbe resolution, wblob. was agreed to, yeas S3:
nays 1, Mr. Buckalew.
Thirty Mlnntcs) Recens.
On motion ot Mr. Anthony, at 12-15 the Benate
took a recess for half an hour.
After tbe reces a message was received from
the House that tne latter bad passed the reso
lution to adjonrn to tbe 16tb of Ootober, if not
tben otherwise ordered to tbe 10i,h of Novem
ber, and tben, unless otherwise ordered, to tne
flint Monday In December.
Mr. Buckalew offered a resolution, requesting
the House to Inform tbe Senate whether a
quorum ot jaia b.r. we rm prwtcu l n t LUtf sitting
to-day. He said be was informed there was not
When that resolution was passed.
Messrf. Anthony and Edmonds thought it
wonld be discourteous to ask tbe House that
question. It waa presumed tbat the House
would not pass it without a quorum, and,tbe
sides, it was Improper thus to Inquire.
The Hotise resolution was concurred in, and
the President declared the Senate adjourned.
House of Representatives.
Continued from our Second Edition,
The Vacant Chairs.
Washington, Sept. 21. Tbe prayer alluded
to some vaoant places, reminding tne members
that all are ' pasting away," and in a short time
aecoun' of tbe deeds done or lelt'undone must
be rendered by all. He prayed for Divine aid
to tbe members, that they might rlgbtly meet
and properly settle all the questions that may
be presenter to tbem, and so arrange all things
for which they are responsible as to promote
tbe highest welfare of tbe country.
Tbe Speaker announced tbat, tne recess hav
ing expired, tbe House of Representatives had
resumed Its session. He said that tbe joat nal
of the last day's session was in print, and if
there was no objection, lis reading would be
dispensed witb.
Adjournment to October.
Mr. Schenck tben offered the following:
Hi solved, Tbe Senate concurring, that the
President of the Senate, and the Speaker of tne
House of Representatives, do adjourn their re
spective Houses nntll 12 o'clock noon on the
161 b of Ootober, 18U8. and tbal tbey then, ualess
otherwise ordered by the two Houses, further
adjourn their respective Houses until the 10th
of November, 1868, at 12 o'clock noon; and tbat
tben, unless otherwise ordered by tbe two
Houses, tbey further adjourn their respective
Houses until tbe tint Monday of December,
1868, at 12 o'clock noon. The previous question
was seconded and the resolution was agreed to
Without a division.
Mr. hebenok asked leave to offer a resolution
providing tbat, during tbe remainder of tbe
second session ot tbe Fortieth Congress, it shall
be in order to suspend tbe rules at any time.
Tbe Speaker Inquired whether there was any
Mr. Brooks (walking down the aisle towards
his seat) I object. (Laughter.)
Mr. Schenck moved to suspend tbe rnles.
On a count by tbe Speaker there appeared to
be but 105 members present. Tellers were
ordered by the Speaker, bat Mr. Schenck with
drew the motion to suspend the rules. Mr.
Schenck then atked leave to oiler the follow
ing resolution:
Resolved, Tbat the Committee on Publlo Ex
penditures be dlreoled to inquire into the
reasons wby the supervisors or Internal reve
nue, provided for in the law of July 20,
1868, have not been appointed; and also
to ascertain whether or not, since the
pasoage of said law, there has been any
failure on the part of any offloer of the
Government propeily to admiulster the
Internal revenue laws, or any attempt on the
part of aucb officers, or of any person, to defeat,
embarrass, prevent or Improperly Interfere wlib
tbe prompt and edlcteni administration of such
law, witb power, by committee or otherwl-e, to
Sit during any recess of Congress, to send for
persons aud nape s.and t) administer oaths, the
iiecesi-ary expense to be paid from the contin
gent fund of the Honse.
Mr. Spalding aald I objeot to the introdno
tlon of any general business, and I objeot to the
lntrodnoilon of that resolution.
Mr. Schenck I move to suspend the rules,
and desire to state, as chairman of tbe Coin
mlttee of Ways and Means, that there Is good
cause for tbe adoption of this resolution.
Mr. Brooas I objeot to any statement unless
there be an opportunity given to reply.
Mr. Bobenck Very well, sir; then X will have
no statement to make.
On a count by the Speaker, tbe vote on sus
pending the rules was 01 to 0, no quorum
M r. Schenck thereupon withdrew the motion.
After a pause, Mr. Schenck asked the Speaker
whether the Senate bad been beard from on
tbe matter of adjournment.
The Speaker replied that no message had been
receivtd from tbe Senate.
Mr. Bobenck then proposed a recess of half an
Mr. Brooks made tbe point of order that less
than a quorum could not order a recess,
'ihe bpeaker suggested that there might be a
quorum 'present, as he had noticed several
gentlemen not to vote on a division, the gen
tleman himself being one of tbem.
Mr. Waabbume (111.) suggested that the reso
lution In regard to Internal matters be offered
gain, and tbat a vote by tellers be bad, and
Mr. Schenck thereupon renewed the motion to
suspend tbe rules.
Mr. Spalding demanded the yeas and nays.
Mr. Brooks made points of order in reference
to doing business without a quorum, but they
were overruled by the Speaker In an elaborate
Mr. Kendall Inquired of tbe Speaker whether
it was in tbe power ot the House to perform a
legislative aot when a quornm wss not present?
The Speaker replied In tbe negative,
M r. Kandsll called attention to the fact that
there was not a quorum present.
Tbe Speaker, remarked tbat tbat would be
disposed of by tbe yeas and nays if no quorum
tben appeared there would be, of course, no
business transacted.
After soma discussion on this point a mes
sage was received at 12 80 from tbe Senate,
stating that the Benate bad agreed to a oon
current resolution to adlourn until October 18,
and from then to November 10. and from tben
to the first Monday in December, and asking
the concurrence of tbe House therein.
This resolution was in tbe same terms as
tbat passed by tbe House, but was not a eon
enrrence in the House resolution. Tbe vote
was tben taken by yeas and nays on the mo
tion to suspend tbe rnles. Before tbe re.sult
was announced Mr. Schenck Inquired whether
a quorum had voted.
1 be Speaker replied in the negative, but re
marked tbat there were several gentlemen la
their seats who bad not voted.
Mr. Schenck called attention to tbe fact that
Messrs. Hrooks. Eldrldgn, Randall, and others
were in tbelr seats, declining to vote.
Mr. Wasbburne (111.), inquired of the Speaker
bow many it required to oonstltue a quorum?
Tbe Speaker replied tbat 111 constituted a
quorum. Note by tbe Reporter Kt the close
ol tbe last session there were 221 member on
tbe roll. Since then Messrs. Stevens and Fin
ney, of Pennsylvania, and Mann, of Louisiana,
have died, leaving only 221 members on the
The result of the vote was tben announced
veas, BH; nays, 9 (Messrs. Kellogg and Spald
ing), no quorum voting.
Mr. Wasbburne (111.) inquired whether there
was any objection to concurring in tbe resolu
tion of adjournment sent over from the Senate?
Mr. Randall objected.
Mr. Mulllns moved tbat there be a call of the
House, so as to bring the absent members
within Ihe pale of authority.
A call waa ordered, and only 100 members an
swered to tbelr names.
Both Houses Concur In Adjournment.
Both Houses bave agreed to adjourn from
to-day nntll October 16, and from that day to
November 10, and from that dty to the first
Monday In December.
Are now finished and in operation Although this
road Is built with great rapidity, the work Is thor
oughly done, and Is pronounced by the United States
Commissioners to be first-class in every respect, be
fore it is accepted, and before any bonds can bs
Issued npon it,
Bapldlty and excellence of construction have been
secured by a complete division of labor and by dls
irlbatlng thetwtnty ihonzand rjcen employed along
tbs line tor long distances at once. It la now probable
that the
The Cempany have ample means of which the Gov
ernment t rants the right of way, and all necessary
Umber and otber materials found along tbs Una of Its
operations; also 12,800 acres of land to tbe mile, taken
In alternate sections on each side of Its road; also
Xintiad stM Tkliir-rw Bands, uwnnlDi so trom
i6,(KjO to 14,000 per mile, according to the difficulties
10 be surmounted on the various sections to be built
for which It takes a second mortgage as security, and
It Is expected that not only the interest, but the prin
cipal aaount may be paid In services rendered by
the Com pan? In transporting troops, malls, eta
RAlLfcOAD, from its Way or Local Business ouly
during the year ending June 80, 1868, amounted to
Which alter paying all expenses was muoh mora
than sufficient to pay the Interest npon Us Bonds.
These earnings are no indication of the vast through
trafflo tbat must follow the opening of the line to tbs
Pacific, but tbey certainly prove that
Upon such a property costing nearly three time
Ihtrlr amount,
The Union Pacific Bonds run thirty years, are for
tl0o each, and have coupons attached. They beat
annual Interest, payable on the first days of January
and July, at the Company's office in the City of New
York, at the rate of six per cent, la gold. The prlncl
pal is payable In gold at maturity. The price Is 10
and at the present rate ot gold, they pay a Uberaj
Income on their cost.
A very Important consideration In determining the
value of these bonds Is the length of time they nave to
It Is well known that a long bond alwaysoommands
a much higher price than a short one. It Is safe to
assume tbat during the next thirty years, Us rate ol
Interest in the United States will decline aa It has
done In Europe, and we bave a right to expect that
such six per cent securities as these will bs held at as
high a premium as those of this Government, which
In 1857 were bought la at from 20 to 23 per cent, above
par. The export demand alons may produce this re
sult, and aa the Issue of a private corporation, they
are beyond the reach ot political action.
Tbe Company believe that their Bonds, at 'the pre
sent rate, are tbe cheapest security In tbe market, and
the right to advance tbe price at any time Is reserved
Subscriptions will be received in Philadelphia by
Ho. 40 8. THIRD Street.
H0.M8, THIRD Street,
No. 16 8, THIRD Btreet,
No. 6 WALu Street,
And by the Company's advertised Ageats through
out the United Btates.
Remittances should be made In drafts or other
funds par In New York, and tbe Bonds will be sent
frta oi charse by return ex Dress. Parties ,nhu,iM..
through local agents, will look to them fr their safe
A PAMPHLET AND MAP FOB 1868 has Jost been
published by tbs Company, giving fuller Information
lhan is possible in an advertisement, respecting the
Progress of the Work, the fiesources of the Country
tiaverstd by tbs Road, and Means for Const ruotlou
and tbe Value tt tbe Bonds, which will be sent free
on si plication at the Company's offices, or to any 01
the advertised agents.
September 14, im. lit 1 fmwtf j Nsw York,
The House without a Quorum The
Scrgcant-akArms Searches for
Absentees Final Adjourn
ment of Both Houses.
A Hairs in Canada Popular
Feeling in Nova ttcotia.
F.fe., lite. Etc., Ete., Etc., E(e.
Bpeeial Derpatch to Tho Burning TeUgrapK
A Resolution of Inrinlry.
WiSHiNOTOK, Sept. 21. In the House, Mr.
Schenck Introduced a resolution directing the
Committee on Public Expenditures to Inquire
why the revenue supervisors had not been ap
pointed, and to ascertain whether any officer of
the Government, whose duty it was to admin
ister the revenue laws, had failed In performing
such duty. The Committee to be authorized to
sit during tbe recess, and have power to send
tor persons and papers. Objection was made to
this by Republicans, on the ground that it was
going Into general legislative business, and Mr.
Brooks, of New York, objected to its latroduc
tlon, when Mr. Schenck withdrew i.
Opposition to Legislative Ituslnesis.
There is a strong opposition to doing any
legislative bu&lneus, both parlies being anxious
to get through and go home as soon as possible.
A Uuoruru Mot Present.
On a motion to suspend the the rules, yeas and
nays were ordered, which developed the fact
tbat a quorum was not present, caused by
several Democrats not voting so as to prevent, a
quorum being recorded. E. B. Washburne has
just ordered a call of the House, which was
agreed to, and the Bergeant-at-Arms will bring
in absent members. The Democratic tactics are
'o defeat the Republican caucus if possible, so
that an adjournment sine die may be bad.
Proceedings In tho Senate.
In the Senate a bare quorum (thirty-four)
was present, and when the adjournment resoiu
tlon was pased, Mr. Buckalew voted no. Had
he not voted, the Senate would have been
without a quorum, and the resolution could not
have passed had objection been made. The
Senate resolution was sent to the House for
concurrence, and the Democrats are filibustering
to prevent a quorum voting, which they claim
will defeat it.
Tbe Roll
has jnst been called in the House .in J no quorum
is present. The Speaker directed the dcors
clotcd, and forbade the members to leave the
hall, and cent the Sergeant-at-Arms after ab
sentees. Tbe Absconding; Post Office Clerk.
Next to Congress meeting, the absconding case
of the disbursing clsrk, Olmstead, engrosses
public attention. Postmaster-General Bandall
and Third Assistant Zevely were engaged this
morning In Investigating Olmstead's account,
but nothing has transpired showing what the de
falcatlon will be, if any. Zevely was formerly a
disbursing clerk, and is well versed in the
accounts of that department. Bandall has ap
pointed William Bell, a former disbursing clerk,
to succeed Olmstead as superintendent and dls
buismg clerk, and ho is also abslsting in the
investigation. Fault is found with the Trea
sury Department for paying tbe requisitions
from Olmstead. It is alleged to bo coutrary to
the rule of tbe department, which requires that
any disbursing clerk who makes a requisition
for funds must settle all accounts relating to it
before another is honored with funds. Olmstead
has not been arretted. '
Both Houses Adjonrn.
At 1 o'clock, while the roll was being called
in the House to get a quorum, a message was
received from the Senate, announcing the pas
sage of the House resolution by that body,
which instantly put a stop to the House pro
ceedings, as both Houses having concarred in
the resolution It was now a law. The House
adjourned at ten minutes past 1 o'clock. The
Senate adjouined previously.
Who Were tbe Democrats,
Only five Democrats were present In the
Houce Brooks, Bandall, Eidrldge, Borer, and
Haight. In the Senate only two Democrats
Buckalew and McCreery. The latter came in
after tho Senate resolution had passed. Fully
120 memDcrs of tne uouse were in the city, and
a quorum would have been found, if nccssary.
Tbe Treasury Department.
Louts P. Stockdale is appointed guaaer for the
F.rst District of Pennsylvania.
The Slate of the Province.
Halifax, Sept. 21. The House on Saturday
resolved itself into committee of the whole on
the state ot the country, when the Speaker lelt
tbe chair snd delivered a violent speech against
confederation, and said if Nova Scotia was not
cet free he should continue until his dying day
to reprobate a a el condemn a measure fatal to
its political life and material interests. The
people of Queen's county presented an address
to Mr. Blanchard, expressing approbation at
tbe noble stand he has taken in behalf of the
From Canada.
Montreal, Sept. 21. An appeal is publishel
In behalf of tbe people of Labrador, who are
reported In a starving condition.
Tbe Bishop of Kopert's Land and Rev. Cannon
Balch are spoken of as the successors to the late
metropolitan, Dr. T&UorJ.
Ottawa. ept. 21. Lord MoDck has been ad
vised by cable tbat Rir John Young has been
appointed Governor General of Canada, lid
will arrive in November, and Lord Monck will
leave about the 15th ot that month.
Marine Disaster.
Oswboo, Sept. 21. The schooner Resolute,
from BelievlWe, Ontario, for tnis port, with
barley, In attempting to enter the harbor la-tt
nlebt, struck tbe west pier, and has gone to
pitcts. The ciew were saved.
Ship News.
Havana, Sept. 21. Arrived, steamships Ran
Francisco, from Mew York, and urenaua, irom
Veia Orua, and proceeded.
The Weather.
Buffalo, Sept. 21. The first frost appeared
last night.
Jfew Tork Stock Quotations, 3 P. 91.
Received by teletnrapn from Ulendlnnlng 1
ISrokers. Wo. 48rj.Tbirn street:
Davis. Block
N. Y. OenU R... lSO'C
N.Y. and E,U.w hu
Phil, and Kea.K.... 9i4
Mich. H and N. I. K. Kli
Cle. and yitu K...... 8H
Ohl. aiidN.W. com. SO
Cblaand N. W. prt Wi
Chi. and B. I. K 1032
PllU. y. W. and CM. llWJi
Toledo St. Wab..
mm. & m. p. oom my.
Adams Express Oo by.
Wells. Fargo (Jo. 28
(J. 8. Express...... 4M
Tennessee (la, new.. U
dold U3
Market steady.
Bids for Printing Tobacco and
Cigar Stamps Opened.
Ete., Etc., Ete., Ete., Ete., Ete,"
Special Detpatch to Tho Evening Telegraph;
Internal Revenue Supplies.
Washwotom, Sept. 2L The bids for printing
tobacco and cigar stamps were opened to-day at
the Internal Bevenue Bureau, but no decisloa
has been made up to the afternoon. The different
bids are being examined, and the successful
bidder will probably be announced to-night,
This Horning;' Quotation.
Bv Atlantic Cable.
Lordoh, Sept 21 A. M. Consols, 94 for
money and account. Illinois Centra), 00J.
Others unchanged.
Livibpool, Sept. 21-A. M. Cotton steady.
The sales to-day will reach 12,000 bales. The ship,
mcnta from Bombay up to Sept. 18, since the last
report, were 14,000 bales. Sugar firmer at 35a.
93., on the spot Linseed Oil, 30s. lOd.
Arrived, steamship City of Washington at
Liverpool, and Uansa at Southampton, both
lromKewYotk. '
Thla Evening's Quotations.
Lokpoh, Sept. 21 P. M. American securities
firm; Illinois Central, 90: Ertf, 31.
Livibpool, Sept. 21-P. M.-Cotton steady.
Breadstuffs firm. Pork buovant at 87s. 6d.
Cheese. 67s. Bacon, 66s. 6d. Pale Bosin buoy,
ant at 16s. '
An Editorial Excursion.
WiLstnjoTOK, Del., Sept. 21. A special train
rrom Philadelphia, with representatives or tha
press, has arrived hero, lor toe purpose of
examining tbe merits of a number of palace
cars built at the WilmloKtou shops, tor tba
through line between Washington and New
York. The company will extend their trio to
the Susquehanna bridge.
Berks Connty Fair.
Biadino, Sept. ai.-The annual Berks County
Fair will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday of the present week, and special pains
bave been taken to get up a first-class exhibit
tion. There wlU be a fine display of imported
rattle. There Is a liberal premium list, f3
being the State premium for the best trotter.
1 1
Convention of Colored Citizens.
Utica, Sept. 21. The convention ot colored
citizens will be hld here on the 6th and 7th
and not on the 6th, as betore stated. '
- Fatal Ae cident.
Lkwistown, Sept. 21. Georee Noes fell from
a freight train, at Wilton, on Saturday, and was
Latest Markets by Telegraph.
BAi.TiifOBK. appt. II Cotton quint and steady,
middlings 2h(g2;io. Floor dull and declined So:
Howard atreet superfine, Is 2 Cc(.; do. extras, iiotisll-74:
do. family. (t'2l2 6U; City mills, superfine U 50(48-76:
do. extras, ff7H4it: 00. lamlly,tij-6(ii 60; Western;
superfine, 17 60(g8-i6; do. extras, 19 2afi)lo at, Wbsat
?ui' uectaaDged. Curs firm; prime whUe, Sl-Ui
rift. Oats ilrm at S7j7oo. Kye firm at lriO(ilsT
Provisions quiet but firm. Hess pork. HO-jo. bTcoq.
rib UdM. loWe : clear sides, 17; shoulders, lienor
hams, tSo, Lard. too. '
Jaw Yob:, Sept. 21.-Oottoa qatet at UH cents:
Flour dull at Saturday's quotations. Wbral doll,
torn quiet at 1-H6tf20. Oats qulst 8C7So. Rye
Arm at $160, Barley firm at fi sj. Beef qulst. Perk
doll al 1280. JrdduU. Whisky quiet.
New York Stock lnotatIona 4 P. MT.
Received by telegrapn from GlenUlnnlna A
N Y. Cent. K........130Ui Paolflo Mall Ht. (Jo
. Y. and E. li
Ph. and Rea. B 92
miuu. r. sua n . x. rt eo
Clev. 4 PlttKb'sr R 88
Chi. and N.W. 00m
Ohl. and N.W. pref. 8i)
um. ana ri u tt......iu.ij
PIUS.. W.&Ciil. 109;
Paolflo MallHt. Oo lWflf
Mil. & SuPanl com. 9tf(2
Adams Express.... 61
Wells. Fargo Exp... 2
U. a Express Oo.... A
Tennessee.6s,new... 6t
Oold ii33
Market steady.
Beporttd by De Haveo A Btx, No. 48 8. Third strea
viiy vs. new ...,..)u4
(5600 do.ltlUD ,0Sj
sio do. N.sswa.iim.
IMiou Pa 8s, 8!)U
SJOecO A Am 8s, '75 S3
8 eh Western Bank. 92
60 th Lit beb K . U
100 nliNYA E..b3o 4
18 sb Leh V R Ji- 18
too sb Penna iUs id. 66 V
11000 City as. New.
11400 Pass. 2 series.,
87000 do.l ser
82u"0 Pa U Ira Ss..
11000 Leh 6s. gold (
8 sb Acad Music ...HO
100 sh Phil A E.....b6u. li
100 sh Penna MV
1W do .id. ss
?JJ 00 Mtf
60 sh Bealln. m II
8 do...... 4tf
200 do...... 2d. 4(1 V
f 8 46V
!W do D20. 48$
10ishCataPrf. wi
100 do....b8 u.'Z
20 sn farina It MVf
IM do..- Is. m3
zo 88)2
I00 w do .as. 8
0 ih Hestonvlile.... losj
lOSah Leu Nav..... n
1,0 sh Read 11 sio. 48
V--Ky having sofUoleot time te procure the orlntlac
for tbe Flag te be rai-d ul tbe Kl.htb Preolnot
House. N.W. corner ortSlXTIIand SINHOV Htu
tbe raising Of tbe Flag will be postponed until farther
notlee. it
W will t fret for the next BIXTY DAYS
Oar Large, Elegant, and Fashionable Stock
At sack prices as will INSURE SPEEDY BALE 3 to
clrse our copartnership.
No. 45 Booth 8K0JND Street,
911 mwflmSp Above Obesnot street, Bstk)lde.'
Brown. stoDe House, with all madtun oonvenl. Locust street, near Fortieth. Fries, $18,600.
tiaodsorue douole house oa Walnut street; side
yard. Price, IIJ.100.
9 21 St No. 6038 JH 10 HN UT btreet,
lihtrel re- ard will o givi-n ir len at HWIRit'S 6TA
1 JOB. IKY (JfOUiii, JJa UK bouih HUUHIU bl. U
For Safe Keejvng of Valuables, Securities, etc,.
N. B. Browne, I J Otlllrgbaei lfII, Alex. Henry.
U H. Clarke. O. Atai-airsier, A.daidwelL
John ' ifi.W. C.ark, lueo. V Tjlet,
N. B. BROWNE. President
U H. iXillK, Vice IVealdent,
E. PATTKRBON. BfC and resorwr. 1 16 elml
KNIVfJ Pearl and Htas Hanltes, of beautiful
20KM. and Ihe celebrated LlliuOU.L.TIilfi RAZOat
feCIhSOKW of tbe OuMit quality
Jiawirs, Kulvee. BcianorT, and Table Ontlery Ground
and P-Mli-bed. at P. stADiUiU.'B.Ku U T1CNT
surest.balow Chasnut. Vt