The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 19, 1868, FIFTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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A Demonstrative Fox-lte Larceny of
Sack lUver Thieves A Pickpocket
Last night the Fox Democratic Club, of the
Seventeenth Ward, made a street parade, and
Qn thoir roote passed the house of John llsrbl
t Bon, at Front anl MsHtcr streets, the headquar
ter of tbe Republican Club. When about one
halt of the line had crossed the street, a brick
was throwm at tbe transparency which haag4
from the second-story of the bowse, but missing
Its object went through a window. There was
quite a commotion tor a httle while, when
Policeman Graham, of the Tenth District,
arrested John McClusltev tor heaving the mo
tile, lie was locked up In the station, aud this
morning whs given a bearing before Alderman
Kgrleton, who required him to enter bonds ia
$'2500 for his appearance at Court.
John Wilson wai last night taken la custody
In Gillcs' alley. In the neighborhood of Sixth
and Lombard streets, with a lady's sack In hi
possession, which he U alleged to have stolon.
Alderman Carpenter committed him for trial.
Yesterday a hawser and a set of harness
Were stolen from a boat lying in the Schuylkill,
at tbe Fairmouut locks. The hawser was sub
eqaently found la the possession of one Jsmes
Connell, who was bound over In $100 r7 Al ler
man Pancoast. The harness was taken by a
confederate, who escaped.
Robert Cberry was before Alderman Beltler
this moraine:, charged with having plc:ked thi
pocket of a lad r named Cheescinan, In the South
Second-street Market, of a book containing $3,
lie was 6ent below for trial, in default of $2503
Oua Podhida. The Yonng Men's Keystone
Club parades this evening 1 In honor of tbe De
mocratic pain In Maine!" Everybody iu the
city is laugblDg at tbem. We had thought taut
the young men ot tbe other, or Loco.oco party,
were possessed of heads too level to b j deluded
by tbe pitiable averment tbat tbe Democrats
had gone a round or two np the political ladder
In Maine. We happen to know that there are
a number of sharp chaps who belong to tbat
organization, at least they were sharp before
they donned "Keystone." capes and lit "Key
atone" lanterns, and it is a matter of tbe most
poignant regret tbat tbeir brains have become
muddled by the mere fact of joining so badly
muddled that they can no longer count ten on
eight fingers and two thumbs. Many
of them are just fresh from tbe school rooms;
but, alas! their lately learned arithmetic has
gone I Tbe old fossils ot that persuasion, who
Save forgotten everything and everybody save
the great Democratic party and Andy Jack
son, and who, like the Bourbons, can learn
nothing new, may be pardoned on tbe
score of imbecility, for credulously receiving as
truth a ludicrous perversion of tacts and figures
which would sbowa Copperhead gala in tbe
Pine Tree State: but for the young of that party
what can be said in excuse? The old saw again,
"You can't play with coals without getting
blackened." The sad condition into which these
young fellows have lallen should be a warning
to all others not to enter the ranks of the Demo
cracy. Once In aud jou are gone, gone every
way your brains go first.
As everybody knows, there is to be a grand
National Convention ot lojal soldiers and sailor
in this city on the first and second of October.
A lengthy and stirring call has been Issued for
this assemblage the drum has been tapped,
and the "boys" will answer it. Appended to the
call is a nofa btne tbat ' Wade Hampton, For
rest, Buckner, Pike, and Semmes will not be
delegates here." Thai's not bad. We guess,
however, tbat our men wouldn't care much. If
the "unrepentant" live meutioned were to put
in an appearance at the Convention, tbe place
might prove ratber warm for them. In all like
lihood they would be served like bottles of poor
champagne be shaken up and have "heads"
put on tbem.
Women can talk much faster than men.
Their tongues are on a pivot in the centre, and
wag both wajs at the same time. Tboush tuts
is so. It doesn't nccessaiily follow that they say
the most. Words are not always ideas.
We bear tbat an attempt is to be made to
play the White Fawn in costume. We predict
tbat it .won't draw. Our people don't like tbe
principle of looking at trees without seeing
The alterations and repairs in the Morris
School-house having been completed, the
schools to occupy tbat building will be opened
on Monday morning next.
Tbe Democrats are still engeged In throwing
"Seymour and Blair" flaes to tbe breeze. They
hadDetter keep them out of tbe breeze from
Vaine, or away goes the bunting.
Many people seem to regard a "little truth"
much alter the manner of a "little learning"
as a dangerous thing, and so have nothing to do
with it whatever.
The great Republican Campaiarn Club of 'CO
and '68 parades this evening. It starts from the
City Armory, Broad aud Race streets.
The Republican citizens of tbe Seventh
Ward are going to organize an equipped cam
paign club this evening.
Many a man who couldn't find an equal in
his own sex has been matched by a womtn.
The Bethany Mlstlon, at Twenty-second and
Sbippen streets, wants more teachers.
How to get up in the world take a resi
dence on the Highlands.
The worst give give up.
Thb Wiathbb The following statistics will
show the state of the thermometer for tbe past
week as compared with the same time in 1807:
6 a. m. 12 m. 3 r. M.
1808 .... 71 73 68
18G7 68 72 72
18C8 6S 73 74
18U7 64 69 71
1808 . . . . 08 74 72
18GT 64 7$ 77
1868 . 60 68 61
18C7 68 83 84
1868 .... 60 62 63
18GT 70 77 82
18C8 .... 51 67
18li7 . . . 73 85 87
Reopesiho or a Chobch. The Fourth Bap
tist Church, of Philadelphia, coruer of Fifth
and Buttonwood streets, ha been closed for the
past three months, during which time a com
plete renovation has been made through the
energy, tact, and taste of the Board of Trustees.
The steeple has been repaired and covered with
slate. The exterior and interior have been
thoroughly repainted and regilded; the ceiling
ud walls bave been handsomely frescoed; the
t, is fixtures reburntshed; and the audience
room newly carpeted. Tbe whole is done in a
vrcikmanlike manner, creditable alike to the
contractors and the Board of Trustees, and will
-compare favorably with any of our city
cburcho. Tbe house will be opened tor public
worship to-morrow at 10 o'clock A. M. and 7J
o'clock P. M., under the charge of the pastor,
liev. A. J. Sage.
Anothbb Republican Flag. The citizens of
the Sixteenth ward have recently hung out a
large flag, 33 feet in length, at Third and Heaver
streets. It bears portraits ot Grant and Colfax,
each four feet six iDches In size, betides the
names ot tbe candidates on tbe Congressional
and Council tickets. The Republicans In tbat
ward aie working enereeticaily. They wlil
make things tell in the coming elections.
Identified. The clothing of the man who
several dajs since committed suicide by drown
ing, at CliecDut street wbrf. was this morning
IdentiQi d as that of Sampson Nellis, a baker at
Wo. 1630 Fltzwater street.
Dbowbed. Robert Millr, aged twenty-eight
years, was drowned lnstnlgbtin tbe Saliuylkill
at Alanayunk. He resided on Church lane. Tbe
body has been recovered, and the Corouor noti
fied to hold an inquest.
Comhuwionbr's Cash At noon to-day, be
fore v. a. tJuiiiiuii,nMi,r rhllilps, Jacob Klllncer had
a bpftrlny m n lit charts ofaiwMilllns; and ormruot
Injr Jorrn LattVriy. an Internal Revenue officer, la tbe
UobarRol his oii'jr.
John LaH'erty eworn-I am a spool! revenns officer
Ofllie First Dim net ot Pen on lranls; to-day, about
to minutes before 7 A. M., 1 saw a furniture tar coma
op Ninth street with two men mm I turned Into
A,"T?i,,".t"lVUll,, 8 hrrelsof whisky In in I
caught the bora by the head, and told the man that
i..-w. -k ulna tbe barrels: tbe defendant
ti?' . ol" "nrt rn towards me; I thought he was
join $ grab me: I pulled out a pistol: hesaldtha
wtilaky aa all rlgMi I replied that I wanted to ex a
nine H and satisfy roysHl; I got on the waron and
round the barrels were full; there was a smell of mn-
Mura wbt.k): I saw what appeared to be stencil
marks on tbe barrels; but when I leaned over losee
the Inspector's i am, defendant ran up and pulled
me off the wagon; while be and I were tuing, the
ffrlverofihe wsgon went away up Kllsworth street;
tbe ttencll marks seemed to be blurred, and looked
a If they bad only recently been put "a; when I found
the man had tot away with the Whisky, I detained
tbe defendant.
Defendant was held In lliiflo hall to answer.
raiswKNT Roiibbts. linn. J. j. Roberts, the
6rivt Pre.lrlent nf tha UnnxMln vf f ii.k.1.
riVai! at ltaltlmni-O In Ilia fllnnnil. n .nn'nt
dav In Phllfirletnlilo , KU . - - t n.n II a
left Petersburg, Ya., about forty years ago', and
rose rapidly in tbe colony of Liberia till he
uv..iiiv uuT.iiiui iur ms. jwiB, hiiu was uuuar-
qnently elee'ed President four times, holding
office for eierht years. He Is now tbe President
oi a nourishing college, lie it accompanied oy
his wife.
Tub Soldiers' and Sailors' Conyintion.
Telegrams have .been received from tbe fol
lowing roads, that delegates to the Soldiers'
and Sailors' National Convention, in this cltv.
on October 1 and 2, will be carried at one cent
per mile, as agreed to by the Pennsylvania Gen
ttal and Philadelphia and Erie roads: The
Steubenvilln and Indiana Koad, Camden and
ABjooy ianroad. Michigan Central BAiIroad.
and North Pennsylvania Railroad.
Ilia Letter Accepting the Democratic
Af otninntlon lor Governor.
A despatch to Tbi Evbnino Telbobaph yes
terday gave extracts from the letter of Hon.
John Quiucy Adams, accepting the Democratic
nomination for Governor of Massachusetts. In
addition to these, he comments on our national
currency and the Reconstruction aott of Con
gress as follows:
This dishonored paper which we are all com
pelled, as I mink unconstitutionally, to accept
aa money, is not only a standing disgrace to tue
nation, bat 11 Is destroying the auolent habits
of economy and tbrllt, and undermining our
old-fashioned honest ideas, by the constant
spectacle and example of an insolvent Govern
ment, it lays upou me poor man a burden
heavier tban he can bear. It in.turea trade, in.
dustry, and all productive Industry eaou year
more man me wuoie sum oi aouDtiui gain
which might aocrne from cancelling our dubta
by promises to pay wbion, we do not redeem.
If persisted in I think It must result in repudi
ation and bankruptcy. In that event tue re
sponsibility will rest primarily with the party
wblsh made tbe notes and then retased, when
they bad tbe power, to make tbem good, and
next with the Demooraoy, if they are tempted
to follow tbat bad lead. It is with peculiar
pleasure, therefore, that I read your d ess ana
for a sound and honest currency. But even
It I differed with yon on this aublect. an. I
saw any relief In the party chiefly responsible
for onr present deplorable financial condition, I
regard the second or vital question of auob mo
ment, tbat any political action would be gov
erned by the attitude of the opposing parties In
reference to that alone. Tbe issue wnlob, In my
mind, dwarfs all others Is, Shall the Constitu
tion or shall a party mandate be tbe supreme
law of the land T Fidelity to the Constitution
should be the final test of political affiliation to.
day. But to act with tbe party wbioh haa ruled
tne conntry wnn supreme dominion ror three
years past, 1 must aicree with them
that the Constitution contemplated an
ultimate absorption of the most important
functions of the .Executive Department by
uuuKrces; wmi ita lair cuum motion wilt au
thorize that body to wrest from the Judlolaty
Department the Jurisdiction ia cases where
Its Judgment upon constitutional questions of
the first magnitude may possibly conflict with
that of a majority therein; I mnst stand ready
to fix my name to a declaration of polltloal
faith Wbloh ezpreaaly m.k.i approTal or Ibo
Impeachment of the President a test of party
fellowship; and, finally, I must be able to say
npon my conscience that I ooastder "recon
struction," for the sake of which all this and
muehmore has bean done, la wise, statesman
like, and constitutional. Now, I have always
thought with Mr. Seward that the wisest way
to treat the wounds left by the war was to let
them heal "by first intention." But "recon
struction" has torn them open day by day, until
they are now a mass of well nleu Incurable gan
grene. I believe that true statesmanship would
have imposed on the Southern leaders the task:
of bring their people back: into the Union
by frankly and confidently offering to them,
the day they laid down their arms, the
right band of oblivion of the past and recon
ciliation in the future, which they mlgbt reject
If tbey wished or dared. "Heoonatruotiou" has
scorned their protests, repelled their aid, In
sulted their misery, and Inflicted on tbem an
abasement which they felt to be lntoleraote, in
posting over them their slaves of yes,Lerday to
seaure their pledge of submission to the Con
stitution. But for tbls ungenerous and suspi
cious policy I believe we might now have been
a truly united people, the Southern white re
conciled to the Inevitable, the negro secure la
bis civil rights, and attaining polltloal privi
leges as he grew fit to use them wisely, and the
North ennobled by a victory more noble than
any feat of arms the conquest of Its o wn pas
sions. I will not argue the unconstitutionality
of "reconstruction." The almost unanimous
disinclination of the Kepubllcaus In Congress
to allow It to undergo tbe sorutiny of the
Supreme Court would seem to ooufirm the re
ported statement of the lamented Stevens,
"that only tbe d d fools lu tbe party be
lieved tbe Reconstruction aots to be constitu
tional." Kvenlf they were so, I should deem
tbem unwise. The Union they impose Is to
my eyes no more like a true union of
hearts and bands than a galvaulzed oorpio re
sembles a bealtby man. All tne doings of men
are governed by the laws of nature. The attempt
to subordinate tbe trained and able classes of
white landholders at tbe South to the poor,
Ignorant, debased, and landless freedmen, Is
one of those futile struggles to repeal Uod's
law by statute with which history abounds. It
must fall, but It is of great moment that It
should be stopped at onc). Every day It lasts
it is encouraging false hopes ia the negro and
rendering a resumption of a true relation be
tween the blaoks and whiles more dlttloult. I
think tbat neither tbe Instincts nor the deitlny
of this people will allow any permanent domi
nation to the African race lu any Slate of tbe
Union. But the Republican party is irrevocably
pledged to tbls Idea. They have staked their
existence as a party on Its triumph. To this
Idol tbey sacrificed their constitutional obliga
tions in tbe past, and for it they must lind frenh
offerings in the future.
Tne UHiial baluiday miscellany wai before iua Ciurt
tlila worulug.
II was represented to bis Honor by Mr. Vannlevs
tbrt Wnllaaa Brown and laaao J. lawless. Aiimtn
of the Nimh Wa-d having sullen upou ta,i rtsldenae
of D B. Bi 1 l3r, No 1619 Market alrt-et, as the place of
holding tne extra assusuiHut, made wr.tweu return of
Ihat fax t to the Ulty (JntntuliiHloner.
He then urged that It was the Commlsntone's
duty lo give Ihe lequlrtd notice of this
decision: sut, Instead of this, be weut on to slate be
had given notice tbat tbe assessments would be made
t the house ot J. McDonnegan, Ne. 111 Filbert
street. Therefore tbe geutleman atked that a uiaa be lstued to compel the Commissioners to
make the proper retura ol the Asbeesor's deulslen.
Ibe Court granted a rule to show etuae why an
alternative Mandaiius should not lstue, teturaable
on Monday next. .
A bearing was bsd npon a writ of habeas corpus
sued nut for the dlsrhsrgo of a boy, Jacob Kburly,
from tbe Home of Itetpge. In return to the writ the
bollc'lor or the House set lorlh that the boy was
known as an Idle, bad boy in his neighborhood, and
was supposed to to a band of juvenile tlileres
slyllng luemcelves "The JTor y 'lbleves;" In support
of which allesatloas be offered tbe testimony of
several policemen. In benaif of tbe young man. or
rather bis mother, who appeared to be the moat In
terested parly, a large number ot witnesses were
examined, all of whom staled they bad always
known the boy to te sober and Industrious, aud haa
never hears anything Injurious to bis character.
The Judge. In reviewiug tbe stesilmeuy, s.ld he
thought U showed tbe boy to be a (It subjct for re
straint and cor-reatloa; but that, owing to an order
previously nude by Judge Ludlow, he would con-'
llnueihetsM until next Haturday, allowing his dis
charge It satlwaoiory security lu Ii00 be entered la
tbe ueautlme.
Mr.Ij.O Mull. so long tbe efficient assistant Of Mr.
Dure, the lately deoa.ed crier, has heeu appointed to
till the position led vscant by thatgeuth nian'sdea'h.
Andrew J. eio.ulub and Washington UolTiuaa, ooa
Vivtea during lbs week 0J MU aliempt to commit fc
bnrglery, were sentnet; Hoffman, whsw fault or
mis oriune was his being found In bad oimoany, to
County Prl-n six mnntris and Rtiulbb, who wm the
chit I mover In the crime, to County Prison lor fifteen
month, aud required to give security In IjOQ to keep
the pease,
Schenck'a Mandrake Pills for Liver
A substitute for calomel.
If your bowels are costive, try them.
If your breath is bad, try them.
If yon feel dto way, try them.
If yon are low-iplrlted. try tbem.
If you bavs a slca headache, try them.
Bins mui and other preparations ot mercury
actaally produce more suffering and death than the
diseases wbloh tbey profess t care.
And yet this corrosive mineral, so denounced by the
Allopathto dscters, it prescribed by them almost
universally In casts of liver complaint, consumption
ef longs, etc
The "Mandrake Pills" are eomptwsd entirely or
roots and herbs, obtained from the great siorehonse
of nature, and their ss'utary effects will appear as
soon as the medicine Is brought to the test of a fair ex
periment, Bohenck's Mandrake Pills do not produce
any censes or sickness of the stomaeh; but when
given for dyspepsia, It may be proper to nte tbem In
connection with Hchsnck's Sea-Weed Tonic. By this
judicious treatment, the digestive faculties are
speedily restored to tbetr fall vigor, and the worst
case of Indigestion may be cured,
When we reflect that the liver Is the largest later
nal organ or the body, that to It Is assigned the Im
portant duty of altering the blood, and preparing the
bile, tbat It Is snbjsot to many disorders, and thati
when It la dl-eised or Inactive, the whole b-dy suf
fers sympatuellcully, It Is not surprising that a medi
cine which can restore the bealtby operations of the
liver should produce such wonderful change! In the
general health, and effect cares which may appear to
be almost miraculous. Headaoheof longoonttnuance
severe pains In tbe side breast, and shoulders, aching
of tbe limbs, a feeling of general weakness and
wretchedness, and other alarming or distressing
symptoms, Indicative of Imperfect or disordered ao
tloa of the liver, are speedily removed by the use o
f-cbenck's Mandrake Pills. r
Cottlveneis, piles, bitter or sour eructations, and
that Indescribable feellog of oppression, snenta
anxiety, languor, lethargy, and depression of spirits
which unfit a man for the management of business
and the enjoyment of life, are all relieved by the uje
of Bcbenck's Mandrake Pills.
Prepared only by Dr. J. II.Bcbanck, at bis principal
nice, No. II N. Blxlh street, corner ef Commerce,
Philadelphia, and for sale by all druggists and dealers.
Prloe, 25 cents per box.
To the Public!
It becomes onr painful duty to acquaint the public
of the decease of tbe late L. Q. 0, WIshart, M. D. pro
prietor of Wlsbarl's Plae Tree Tar Cordial. " "Worm
Eugar Drops," "Ureat Amerlcau Dyspepsia Phis,"
and other equally popular proprietary medicines
bearing his name. The object oj tbls not'ee Is t9 an
nounce to the public that for a considerable time pre
vious to his feath, tbe la'e I Q. C WIshart M D., Im
parted to bis family the valuable formulas for the man
ufacture ef bis medicines and that their man- faoture is
being carried on by bin el Jest son, by whom the busi
ness will also be continued tor Ibeturvlvlng family in
the unchanged style of
I. Q. C. K IBHABT, M. D.,
as heretofore, at the popular Family Medicine Store,
No. lii N. Becoad street, Philadelphia, Pa.
the newest and best manner.
LOUIS DKKKA, Stationer and Kngraver.
9 IB No. lOMClHKSNUT Street.
fir tbe coming season.
TLose wishing Cards will please call and examine
A 11 Bntravlng and Printing executed In the building
by first-class AitlKts only.
Prices lower than any other house In the city,
eim-weem Xfo. la ahuii tnreoW
S. W. Corner BROAD and WALNUT Sta.,
6 16 tnths PHILADELPHIA.
lor Blueing Clothes, is pnt up and for sale at ALFRED
WILTBERGKR'S Drug Store, No. 238 N. SECOND
Street, Philadelphia.
will color more water tban any other Blue la tbe
Is free from add, and will not Injure tbe finest article.
dissolves perfectly clear, and will not settle on the
clothes or make them streaked.
The Label Is copyrighted, and reads, "Ba-low's
Inclgo Blue, prepared atd for sale at Alired Wiltber
ger's Drug Htore,;No. 2i8 North Mecond street, Phila
delphia." Barlow's Indigo Blue Is sold to dealers at
a pi Ice tbat pays them lo keep It.
It on trial to be the most economical and handiest
article ever used tor Blueing Clothes. Barlow's lndli-o
Blue Is put up at Wlltbergtr's Drug Store, No. 'lii ik.
Second street, and ntwhere else.
Is made In the same way It was fourteen years ago,
and docs not contain any ac:d.
dissolved In a mineral watar bottle of water, will
make the best Liquid Blueing that can be n.ude,
does not require nv rags 10 tie It up In.
A few grains of Barlow's Indigo Blue on Ihe end ot
the fluger will color a tub ot water. 9 is L.t4p
Sign of the Golden. Lamb
Are now receiving a large assortment of
Cert vers, Cliinclillla, and other Overcoat
lugs. Also, a full line of 31 and 6-1
Black Docbklus, all of the best makes.
The attention of Merchant Tailors and Clothiers are
specially Invited t 18 s
91 N.e.coRner or rTNUrXc..
Cotton Receipts in Georgia
Governor Hold en's Bon
Makes a Denial.
The Now Hampshire State Fair.
Et.,, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.
Despatch to the Associated Preni.
A Contradiction.
Wahhinotok, Sept. 19. Joseph W. HoldcD,
son of Governor Ilolden, U-leirraphsfrom KaU'lpb.
tbat tbe despatch relative to his speech at a mass
niectlnp there is fnl-e; tbat be rave none or the
incendiary advice attributed to him, nor did any
one else.
Cotton Receipt at Macon.
Macon, Sept. 19. Th; Teegrnph publishes a
statement showirg that tho Southwestern Bail
road received last week 3400 bales of cotton from
the southwest and west of Macon, tor transpor
tation over that road. Of this amount 3068
bales were received lor through ehipuient, that
is, for Savannah, New York, and other Eastern
cities. The remainder were received f r delivery
at Macon. The receipts this week, judging from
what wa received on Monday and Tuesday, will
far exceed those of last week.
A Destructive Conflnsrrntlon.
Special Despatch lo The Evening Telegraph.
Saw York, Sept. 19. it about 3-30 this morn
Ins; a large fire occurred in the spinning rooms
of tbe carpet factory of E. S. Iligpins & Co., at
the loot of West Forty-third street, which de
stroyed an entire wing, 250 by 50 feet, with the
stock and machinery. Tbe latter was very
valuable and probably the finest in tho country.
When the fire was discovered by one of the
watchmen be called his comrades, tour in num
ber, and endeavored to extinguish the flames,
but to no pnrpose. Had the alarm been given
when the tire was flnt discovered, It would
probably have been extinguished with trifling
damage. The loss is $26,000, not fully insnred.
The companies have not yet been asci-rtained.
New Hampshire State Fair.
Manchester, Sept. l!). The New Hampshire
State Fair closed yesterday. It was tho most
sncceeslul ever beld in the. State. Tne receipts
amounted to $13,000, and over $6000 wus given
in piemiums.
MoCoNNELLsnuRO, Pa., Sept 19. Jacob Bar
mnnt, a respectable larme', iesidm near tais
place, hung himself in his barn early this morn
Ine. No cause is assigned lor the act. II j leaves
a large iamily.
Mew York Stock UuoliiUonn-2 P. 91.
Received oy telegraph iroui tillendlnnlng A
Davis, chock tsrotters, jno. 18 s Thlru street:
N.Y.Uent. U 132 Hltts.F.W.andCUl.llO
n. x. ana i. it.........
Ph. and Itca.R.. JN. i.
Ol. ud fltt.K 8ttU
Chi. and N. W. ooui.Ul
Chi. andN.W.pref.. n
Chi. andK.1. H 10
Market sUong.
Tol. & Wabasli K... Ml
Mil. aud bt. P. com tmi
Adams Express Co. 51
yJlsiF"rKO 28
U. 8. Express wy
Tennessee Us, now.. 6K
Gold M iuyt
commencing BUNDa Y.r-eptL'uioer 18, 1W, Trains will
leave Depot corner of BkOAO blreet and WASH.
IJNuTON Avenue as follows:
Way-Mall Train at M) A. M. (Sundays excepted
for Baltimore, stopping at all Regular stations, con-Q-ctliie
with Delaware Ralirond at Wilmington for
Orlbtteldand Intermediate biatlous.
Kx press Train at 11 45 A.M. (Suudays excepted) for
Baltimore and Wanhlngton, stopping at Wilmington,
Perryvllle, aud Ilavre-de-Urace. Connects at Wl
luuifcwu wivu train lur r bw vusi.iv.
dianton, Newark, Elk ton, Northeast, Charlestown,
Perryvllle, ilavie-de-uraco, Aberueen, For ry man's,
Kdgewood, Magnolia, Cbuse's and Htarumer's Kau.
Mght Express at 11'30 p. M. (Dully) mr Baltimore
and Washington, stooping at Chester, Thuilow, i,la
wood, ClaymODt, Wilmlnstuu, Newark, K kton,
K on beast, Perry vlU and ilvnda-iraue. Connects
at Wilmington (Mutardays excepted) with Delaware
liallroad lne, stopping at Mew (Jaule, Mlddleiown,
Clayton, Dover. Harrington, Bedford, Salisbury,
Princess Anne, and connecting at CrisUold with Boat
for forties Monroe, Norfolk, Portamoath, and the
f ansengers for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk via
Ba'tlmore will take tue;il.t5 A.M. Train. Via Urlsneld
wlU lakJ the 11-so P. M. train.
stopping at en. etatluna between Philadelphia and
Lev Philadelphia at 11-00 A.M., s-tio,
T St P. M. The b 00 P. M. Train connect with Delaware
Ballroad for Harrington and Ihwh mediate stations.
Leave WUmlnclou 7'UO aria s-iu a. m.., fit), -lg, and
7-.r0 P. M. The s in A, M. Train will nut stop between
Chenler and Philadelphia,
Ihe 8 lu a. M and 7 uu P. M. trains from Wilmington
run au"J- Au other Accommodation trnlus Uundrtys
Leave Baltimore Vtb A. M Way-Wall: s is, A. M
Express; Tib P. M., txpreris: S i5 V. M.. Kxpreas,
Leaves Baltimore at 7'26 P. M., Slopping at Magnolia,
terrymau's, Aberueen, Havr-auraod, Perryvllle,
Cbarientown, 0rh-Ka6t. K kton, Newark, blanton,
Newport, Wilmington, Claymout, Lluwooa, and
Through rtlckfits to all points West, Sonth, South
west, mar be procured at the Ticket Oihce, No, szs
CH6NUT S'.ruot, under the Ooutluenlal Hotel,
where, a: so, state-rooms and berths in sleeping can
can be secured during tbe day. Persons purchasing
tickets at this oUlco oca have their bagguge checked
at their residence by tbe Union i Transier Company
t8 H. If. KF-NKKY, Buperlntendeut,
PHlLADKLflll-K.BALIlilUKJj;. Ill A rtRISBUKii.
Kiegaut bleeping Cars on ail Nlgbt Trains.
On aud etier MONDAY, bopie.iibdr U, .1868, the
trains on Ihe Philadelphia aud lute ltu.lroad will
run as follows:
KAIL TBA1N leavtu 1'hllaaeipbla 10 4) P. M
" ' WliilamBpirt (-iA,M,
arrives at Erie 9 25 P.M.
ERIE BXPRJtSS leaves i-uiuaelpuift 11-80 A. M.
" " Wllllamhport 8 8SP, M.
arrives at brie B-6U A. M.
ELMIK MAIL leaves Philadelphia., 8(0 A. M.
' Wliilanisnort 8 28 P.M.
" arrives at I.ckhaveu 70 P. M.
MAIL TBAIN leaves Erie 10-50 A. M.
" " WlllUmsuuri 10 16 P, M,
arrives at fhlladelphla 7U) A.M.
EE IK KXPEEbg leaves Erie, f -aS P. M.
" " Wllllamsporfc 815 A.M.
.. .. arrives at Philadelphia... 8-00 P. at.
Mall and Fmrebs connect with Oil Creek and
1 II Qeueral Superluteudent.
J- Philadklpiha Jaaoary M, 1808,
Tbe attendlDg Managers are:
B. Morris Wain. No, in South Delaware avenue.
Adolpb K.Borle. No. 158 Dock street
Attending Physician Dr. J, H. Da Costa, No, 1001
Sprue sire et.
Attending Snrgeons Dr. Addlnell Hewson.No. 138
South Fltteenth street; Dr. D. Hayes Agoew, No. 18
North Eleventh street. m
The Physicians and Surgeons attend at the Hospi
tal every day (Sundays excepted), to receive appli
cation tor admlHsloD,
Persons seriously injured by accident are always
admitted U brought to the Hospital Immediately
thareaff r. surt
NTItKTSJHKI from I to 6 Indies, at Mottet,
Frerir h hteam Dyeing and Boonriug, No. e N,
NlNlilblcttA au4rxu,Ts KAUtUueai, mil
wv h iiiixori:oiv
A Quorum to bo Present on Mon-dny-Treasury
Exhibit for tho Week.
Etc, Ef., Ete-, Ele.
ltfontlity Next.
Special Despatch to The livening Telegraph.
Washington, Sept. 19. Prom present appear
ances, It acorns as th )ugh a quorum of the House
of Representatives woulj be present on Monday
ueit. Leading members here have received
letters from a large number of absentees, now
lul filling tbeir appointments In tbe political
canvass, statins tbat tbey will undoubtedly be
present. From what can be learned in conver
ration with the leaders In the House, it Is poa
Bible that the only business done, if Congress
meeta, will be to provide for another recess, and
a reassembling in the latier part of October.
A Special MiSNlon.
The Secretary of War has directed Colonel
Gibon to proceed to Philadelphia npon a special
pervlce connected with the business before tbe
the Board of Claims, having dlicharced which,
he will return to his past in the War Depart
ment. Treasury Department (Statement.
Despatch to the Associated Pre.
Washing ton, Sept. 19.
National Bank Currency issued for
the week t9l,500
Total to dnte 80!,790.376
Mutilated Bills returned 9,133,020
Insolvent Dank Notes redeemed 808,329
Actual Circulation at this date 299,819,027
ri actional Currency Printed lor the
week 842,500
Shipped to Assist. Treas., fit, Louis 1,000,000
" N. York 1,000,000
" U. 8. Depositary, Chicago 60.000
" " Cincinnati 60,000
Fractional currency Issued :
Assistant Treasurer. Philadelphia, 50.000
U. S. Depositary, Cincinnati, 60 03
Do. fittsburg, 60000
To National Banks, 385,613
Securities held lor circulating notes, 341 921,700
Do. Ddeposlts of public money, 38,052 350
Fractional currency redeemed, 483,000
From St. Louis.
St. Louih. Sept. 19. An Omaha despatch says
a party of Government surveyors were surprised
by Indians on the Republican river, south of
Fort Kearney, on Wednesday. Edward Malone,
a flag man, was killed, but the remainder
escaped, vtiih the loss of their instruments and
one team.
The Denver 7ri'btme makes Bradford's majori
ty lor Congress CG, with two towns to hear from.
New York Stuck .notation., 3 P. M.
Received by telezrapU from Glendlnnlne
Davis. Stock Brosiors. No. 48 H. Third Htrfc
N. Y. Cent. R. J31l4i I'acltto Mall3l Co..ll2V
n,i.auarj,n 4U'i
in,ii Uau m oi.
MicU.H.aml N.I.K.
Cle. and Fltt. K 8S
I'hl. aruIN W rnm aiVU
Chic and N. W. prt
Chi. and R. I. K 104
Pitts. K.W. and Ohl 110
Toledo & Wab a.'2
Mil. & St. P. coin.., 07?.
Adams Express Co 61
Wells. Fararo A no. in
U. 8. Express......... 47
Tennessee 6s, new.. 69
Market steady.
, Mortality op thb Citt. The nnmber of
'deaths in tlifi city for Ihe week eiidim? at noon-to-day
was 202, belne; an increase of 16 over tbe
corTespcndimr period of last year. Of these
111 were adults; 161 were minors; males, 150;
females. 112; boys, 90; girls, 61. Of the num
ber, 199 were bi rn in the Uni'ed States, 62 were
foreign, 11 weie unknown, 7 were people of
color, and 19 were Iront tbe country.
Congestion of the brain is credited with 6,
rholera-iniantuni 28, consumption ot the lungs
22, convulsions 12, diarrhoja 8, dysentery 7,
loQammation of tbe brain 4, marasmus 22.
Tbe deaths In the various Wards were as fol
Soventh ,
Tbiiteenib ...
..10 Fifteenth
..12 (sixteenth
.. 8 Ki-venteenth ,
.. 8 Eighteenth ,
..11 Nineteenth
.. 2 Twentieth
.. 4 1 Twenty-second
- 5 Twenty-third
, 71'rwenty-fourth
. 9, Twenty-fifth
.. 6Twenty-Beventh....
1 1 1 Twenty-fig hth
... 8
, 9
, 8
, 7
, 6
, 8
, 7
, 3
Hbarirsb at thb Central Btatios. This
afternoon, before Alderman Beltler, at the Ceu
lial Station, Margaret Gates had a hearing upon
the charge of larceny.
Mrs. Henrietta M. Hotter, residing at No. 1315
North Twelfth ttreet, testified that a Dumber of
articles of wearing apparel had been stolsn from
tbe boose, and that the accused looked very
much like a person whom she had engaged as a
servant and whom ehe suspected of taking the
Jacob Denlzer, living at No. 155 Poplar street,
testified that a silver watch, a pair of gaiter,
and some money bad been stolen from bis
bouse about five weeks since; he positively
Identified tbe defendant as tbe thier; bis wife
had engaged the accuted as a servant, but the
only stayed some three or four days.
Henry Iiartmann, employed as baker at Mr.
Deutztr's, alfO identified the accued.
Mrs. Deutzer also corroborated tbe foregoing
Hold in 11400 ball for her appearnnce.
lupoited by D Haven fe Br , No. 40 a. Third street
83000 Susq bs .bS. 6a
loutU W Jer Klis
t sn far & Mech a.
old Block- AS
lMsbLeblVsv 2i?i
ISO do. o. ii,7,
2o do ... 2' '
luo sh Psnna K....bitt. bf'i
ISO . dOi,..,..,. 8o
lov do. ts
( AOs INN 66
2000 W'eBt Pa It 6s.... J 1H b lted B .
8 an ImIi V R...C 55V
10(1 un Kend B brlu. f'l
ao oeu. 43
do Is.b30. 48
ao......ia.bii.. 48
..-8(1. 4(1 48
... bWI. 48
2iX. 48
(0 sb Olrurd Bk....iJ. 81
500 Lb !..- BjH
Dish A,ll ecu H....IJ0- 44g
100 su Leb N be. Ti
ltosbfeuna V..... 88
1H7 do. .Is. 88
100 sb Ocean OU - Hi
4(1 lj
.Id, to yi
,.a:w. 40.','
blO. 48 81
HS4rt 48 HI
ALL t-OINTb NOKTU and KAfiT, and lor aU
Jons on Camden and Amboy and OonneoUna
Kkllroads. from Walnut street wbarf,
Freight for all way points on tbe Camden and
Amboy, Freehold and Jameaborf, and BurllusjloB
Lonnty Railroads, forwarded at 12 o'clock Noon.
For Trenton, ATluceton, Kingston. Kocky 11111. and
all polula on the New Jersey and Jielvidato) Kail
xoadB, lorwarded at 8H P. M,
For New 12, 2. and 8 P.M.
Freight received from 7 A. M . to 8 P. JC
A slip memorandum, speclfylcg the marks and
nnmbera, shippers aud conslsnees, must la every la
stance bt sank wltb each lad of f oeds.
Ho, X B. Dviawars Avenna,
barre, Alubnuoy City. Monnt Carmel, Oentralla, and
all points on LehlgU Valley KaUroad and lu
branches. .
By new arrangements, "perfected thla day, this road
1b enabled to give Increased despatch to merchandise
coirsigufd to tne above named points.
Quods delivered at the 1 bronh Freight Depot,
ft. K. corner of FRONT and NOBLK hireets,
Before 8 P. M will reach Wllkesbarre, UouuiCarmel,
LlHlimioT City, aud the other stations In Muhanoy and
Wyoiulug valleys before 11 A. M. of the suooeedlat
day Itf ail fcl.I.Irl U.aRj:, Atui.
A Qaorum Certain to bo rresent
5Tho Legislation Proposed.
E-, El., Ktc., El5t Kttf
Special Despatch 6 Th, Boening Telegraph.
A Qsorum No lA,ng,r In inbt.
WASHinoroit, Kept. l9.-Oeneral Schenck a.d
Senator Morgan are In receipt of telegraphic
de-patches from Rrpabl.can members of Con
gress which remove all anxiety abouta qnoram.
There will be a sufficient number here on Mon
day evening to form a business quorum, withoal
the aid of any of the Democratic members.
What Cong rex Will Do.
Speaker Colfax has been In consultation with
several Republican leaders respecting the drafla
for ailita-y bills for the South, In orJer to pro
tcct the Union party at the Presi Jeniial election
in the reconstructed States. This business, and
tbe adoption of legislation for the relief of the
Rollins and McCulloch dead lock in the Revena i
appointments, will constitute the chief topics e
tho session. Many leading Republicans, how
ever, deprecate any legislation Involving ten
days delay for a velo, as tbe absence of Con
greastnen from their constituencies at thla period
of the political campaign may cost maoyo
them their scats.
Tbe proposition to limit tbe action of th?
extra sesolon to a resolution of adjournment
until October will be strongly opposed, and may
not be pressed, many members being of the
opinion tbat any legislation in October will be too
late for producing au effect upon the Presiden
tial issue, and do mote harm than good.
A all of the House to be Made.
Senator Morton telegraphs that he will bet
here to-night or to-morrow moraine. Very few
members arrived to-day, but they are expecto
In force to morrow or Monday morning. Speaker
Colfax has settled all doubts as to a session
being held by stating in advance that he will
allow a call of the House If a quorum la not
The SiiervlorMhlp.
There Is no truth in ihe report telegraphed
from here that General Hcbenck has advised Mr.
Rollins to comprjmise with Stcretary McCulloch.
about the Supervisorehtps.
l'ostal A Hair.
Postmaster-General Randall has prepared a
circular of instructions to postmasters, requiring;
them to enforce the provisions of tho new postal
law, which will be Issued as soon as printed.
Postmasters are directed to stop all letters and
circulars relating to lotteries and gift enter
prises. At the White House.
General Kilpatrlck arrived this morning from
New York, and bad an Interview with tbe Pre
sident this afternoon. Alexander H. Stephen!
was closeted with Mr. Jobnson a long time to
day. Sanios Acosta, the new Minister from.
Colombia, was received by. the President at
noon, when the usual speeches were made.
Secretary 8eward accompanied Senor Acosta to
thn Whira ITousa.
Safety of the Steamer Northern Light.
Nbw York, Sept. li. Tbe Commercial Adoer
User has news that a telegram, received front
Cowes, announces the arrival there of tbe
steamer Northern Light, heretofore fearellost.
New York Stock Quotations 4 p. jf.
Received by telegraph from Glendlnnlnar A
Davis, Block Brokers, o. 4 H. T&ird l Mreeu
N. Y. Cent. K 131,Paolflo Mall St. Oo 1I1U
Y. and E. R ....... 46 Toledo & Wabash! oK?
Ph. and Rea. K 94 Mil. t 8U Paul com" 97-&
Mich. . and N. 1. K Adams Express ..
O ev. & PltUb'g R fsy. Wells, Fario Exd " 2
un . ana N. w. com wy4, TJ. 8. Express ud... 6
Ohl. and N.W. nrf III
Chi. and K. I. R 103
Pitta, k. W. & Cbl. 110
lennessee ... m
Gold .... H4
Mttritet steady.
Id., I 80 P. M., 4'1S P. M 4-80 P. M T P. IfTlllp' it
JLeaveWest Cbeetar tor PhUadelphla, from 'ueima
On east Market street, at 816 A. rib 1 u PZ
A, II. , 106 A. M,16P. M..4-S0P. aV., 8-58P l
On and after Monday, June 15. an additional Train
piintf.?6 W pIm8.1" ft"t Le1J U(1 rmedlaw
Trains leaving 'West Chester at f80 A, M audi
leaving Philadelphia at 460 P.M., will stopat'B.Ou
Junction and Media only. Pasbeneera to or tram
station between West Chester and B. O. Junction
going Eaet. will take train leavln. West Chester a
7-16 A 11.. and going West will take train leavlnc
Philadelphia at 4-80 V. M and traaaar at B. Ol Juni
The Depot In Philadelphia la reached d tract r bv
the Cliesnut and a W a.Hul btreet curs. Those ci tti
Market Htreet line run within one square. Tha
cars of both linos connect with each train upon Its)
rrlVfc1' OS SUNDAYS,
J,eave Pblladelpbut at 8-uo A. M. and lO0 P, K.
Leave V. eet Chester at TiS A.M. and i-0U P. M.
Trains leaving Philadelphia at VISA. M. and 4' 80
P. !A and leaving Went Cheater at 7H0 A. M. and
4 80 P. M., connect at B, O. Junction with Trains oa
P. A B. V. li. It., for Oxford and Intermediate nolnla.
Paesen.erB are allowed to take Weariuc Apnaral
only, as hut gate, and the Company will not In any
case be responsible (or an amount exoeedlng one uvua. V i.' xr Xr tuufctaufc is maae mom
rilIBUriiUi8 IS A81 ASJOOe
Leave Phll'delphlas, 7, 8, 8U6, lo, n, 11 A. M.. l
8Si. 8X. 4. . ' X. 810, 7, 8 , 10, 11, 12 p m. '
Leave Gei man to wn 8, 7, 7, 8. 81io, 9. 10, ILUiu.
1 8. 8 4, 4. 8, 8, 7, 8, t, lu, lTP. M7
The 8 au Down Train, and 33 and 8V TJp Trains will
not stop on the Oermantown Branch,
teave Ph ladelphla a. M. i, 7, 10X P. M.
Leave Oe mantown KA, M. 1, 8. 81 P. M.
anH P. m! elphl A' M- X 8X1
leave CUeBtnnt Hill T'lC, 8, 9M0, and U'10 M. 1-sa
840, 640, 8'40, 8 40 and 1040 P, M.
Leave Phlltieirbta 8 a. m. 1 and T P. If.
Leave Chestnut HU1 7 0 M, 12-40, (HO and 9
Lave Philadelphia 8. V, and lTui A. M? 1
4,8.,,u "w W.I.
Leave Norrlstown 6 40, 7, 7 "60, V, and 11 A If iu a.
, W. and . t. MoN U
Leave Philadelphia A. U., 2 ao aad 718 P. 1C.
. ifYe.M.MaynJF t,10' w ,'ao" w' J4UA, M..
Leave Philadelphia A, M., X and TM P. H,
Leave Mauayuuk 7 A, M 8 and H P. M.
W, b. W1USON, General Superintendent,
Depot, WIN'l'H and UBKhJS wtrseta,
From foot of MARKET btreet (Upper
Commencing WKDNKaUAY, Meiiteiuoer 16, 1888.
For C'epe May aud statloua below MUivme, 8 ta
r Mlllvllle, Vlneland, and intermediate station
Slid 8 al P. "hi. wmt..jiA, M.. 8-18,8 80. and 81X1 P. M;
FrJlytralu '" Camden dally at M o'oloos:
,IOFie'iBht receive second covered whasf below
Wa'mui 1 lntifrJiyjio. South Delaware avenue,
jreign Denver" . WJ1X1AM J HKWKL,4