8 THfl bAILY EVEN1KG TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1G,: 1868. gOSSIP FROM PARIS, Jtrm OUT Own Qorrtwondencs. Pibii, Bf pi 4, 1869. The last story afloat regarding the visit ef the Corjl and Countess Glrgenti to France la that the Count is here to establish an offensive and ttefenslve alliance between Pranoe andBpaln, "which was to have been concluded a few weeks mo, France engaging to support the present fipanlsh dynasty if threatened, and Spain ' placing forty thousand soldiers and part of her navy at the disposal of France, if a war break out. Then, again, some pcoplo say that his Itoyai Highness is entrusted with a confldential mission from hit brother, Francis II, to the Xmptror. However these things may be, noth ing at all certain Is known as yet, except that the illustrious visitors hove received the heartiest welcome from the Emperor, lie entertained them yesterday to a magnificent banquet at the Cha teau of FonUlueblcau. he fetes came off with great ec'a. Altera splendid drive In the forest, dlnaer was served in the magnificent aallery of Henry 11. Afterwards there was a theatrical representation by tho artistes of the Ihcairt Francois, which was followed by a supper. At 3 A. II. the guests, one hundred in number, left by special train for Paris. Though all wa9 exquisitely done, no extraordinary eiiow was made, for the Emperor had used a very simple form of Invitation to his royal guests: "I s all be glad to see you, and expect you will come sans ceremonies Men wre allowed to dispense with uniforms, and so all wore black coats. M. Kochefort has now declared war to the empire, war to the knife. His fourteenth Lan terns, issued irom Brussels and circulated widely in Prussia, Belgium, and throughout the whole of Germauy, is being secretly sold in Paris by thousands in eplteof all attempts at suppression. This number contains the author's full and per fect expresbion of that passionate hate of th? empire, which he has always shown even in hi8 earliest writings.. But in them it was necessa rily a fire that had to be half-smothered, lest It should burn Rochcfbrt's own house down. Now that he is in tree air, and can let it blase, It is pleasant to note his almost boyish enjoyment of his liberty and his bonflre. Ho will not suf fer himself to be imprisoned if he can help It. That would be to give up the game when all the trumps are in bis bunds. He says: "To sup pose that aoy good can be done with the men of December 2, by stretching out your wriste for their handcuffs), and raying, 'Here I aai, do with me what you will,' would be stupid, in deed. I shall redouble my blows In order to precipitate the denouement. You sen tenced me to sixteea months' iroprlfonment. Bore is my answer. I condemn you to two years of the Lanterne. The only way to. extin guista the Lanterne would be to expel your Slerlous Emperor from the Tuilleries. I am qaite willing to leave off writing, but Napoleon must first cease to reign. Now, I announce this that every Saturday the Lanterne, Illegally strangled in France, will appear in some foreign country. It will filter through the French frontiers and be circulated in Paris to an extent that will a-tonish jon. My domicile will be Jiere and there and everywhere. I resign myself to play the part ot the wandering journalist and a liteiary poacher. One day I shall date the Xan'ane irom Geneva, another from Baden, Heidelberg, Ostend, or Cologne, and when you come to demand my expulsion you must apply to some fifteen Governments, of whom fourteen at least will laugh in your face. So much for the Lirferne, the bitterest enemy the Emperor has ever bad to face." Many people who only began in admiring the clever writer, now be lieve in him, and are his firm dieclple:. The Emperor has a clever duellist for partisan, Ca9agnac. Why cannot he invent a writer to jival and put down Itochefoit? A statue was erected to Greuze last week, by subscription, atTournus, the birthplace of that most insinuating of pointers. M. Rongelet who sculptured the work, was bora in the same house as Greuze exactly one hundred years later. At the inauguration M. Arsene Houssaye, the art historian, delivered an elegant speech. As there is nothing particularly striking just now, let me give you a little gossip regarding a family everyone knows, if not personally at least by hearsay. Baron Nathaniel de Rsths $hild has left his habitation in the Rue Taitbou andha9 built tor himstlf a wonderful hotel In the Faubourg St. Ilonore. M. Rothschild has not been more than six months in his new hotel, which is wonderfully and deliciotulv adapted with every luxury, and already his courtyard looks at If it bud been the scene of an earthquake, that is to say the pavement and stones and asphalto composing it are now heaped together in pre-Adamic chaos. Every cne is asking if he ha? inherited the mania of the old Bsron Solomon, his uncle. Perhaps jou may cot know what the particular mania of the lamented ancestor was. Baron 8olomon, from Vienna, brother of Baron James, came to reside in Paris at the ripe age ot seventy-two, and chartered a fine hotel in the Rue Lafltte. The Baron, notwithstanding his great aje, wat good hand at the fork, and breakfasts 1 at 9 A. M. and took his dinner at 6 in the evening. As gourmands love to tell, he remained each time an hour at table.and ia that space invari ably absorbed his six courses. At half past seven, his last mouth 'ul scat cely shallower!, he introduced himself into what the French call his pocket-book, or in plain English, his han xiock or four poster. Auy other than he with a letjinje like this, would have gone off in apo p'exy or psralysis. Not so the Baron, who t il einuty-turee oever had Indigestion. I must also tll jou that be had foroflicorof supply Adolpue Dueleie, an artist than whom no emperor or queen ever possessed belier, as he had more than lalent be had peniu3. (Joiner to bed at Jiall-pist seven, thy Huron roe attnreelu the mr ruing, and at first coiilt find nothing to occupy his time at such an ho'ir. That may be understood. Con pel led to seek, he dm-hi-d by finding soroetuimr which brouuht him to his "breakisst hour, Ih's was to continue constantly tranbvlnniinsr tte trees, the croups and the -runu aenerally of hs garden. At three iu t e morning the tfanJeuers arrived, and worked till 9, ,en the Buron left them to pto -to brpskfas. givw them a rendezvous for iiext .day. Toe rich bailor w, Uapp for a time, but only lor a time. Tu-r tt, Mlf the da? to bo .imposed of. It was then Uappy inspiration biuret on him of having his oourt-vard Daved t.Uten op and repaved, from the r0mmncemeut of the year to the end. bornotime,,. tDeT raiBe(i it a foot, sometimes they lowered it"a i0ot an I a half. Briefly, it was never right, and ihig wag all which the excellent Baron wanted, in this way all hi time was agreeably taken up. Tired with circulating millions he moves about pave stones, end, won Dteu who knows if, in certain positions ot fortune, one does not arrive at an qual indifference in pushing about what chsm ia's call those inert substances, metal or stoue, fold or sand, a million ol dollars or a million ft pave-stoneif Who knows? CITY INTELLIGENCE. VOB ADDITIOKaX LOCAL ITEMS BBS XMta PAQSaJ Smith, IUrdolph & Co. furnish us with the following list ot Americans registered at the banking house of Messrs. James W. Tucker A Co., Paris, for the week ending September SO, 1868: New York Mr. George Kemp and family, Mr, Henry K. Kno, Mr. U. 8, Ooddlngton, Mr. Orasa Whitney, ir. Jj. H. Untnelle. Mini Loal.a 8. Wainelle, Mrs. O. A. Wlilete, Mrs. K. K. Foot, Mrs. J. Bisbon, Mis. J. M. While. Mr. and Mrs. It. O. IMvy, Mr. and Mrs J. K. Ford. Mlaa ford. Mrs. Amos R. Kno, MlH N. Kno, II r. W. P. Kno, Mi J. Lode r. Mr. anil Mrt. John L. Ludlum, Dr, J, H, Douglas, Mr. J. JS, A. Urls wold, Jr. Jtrooalyn Mr. George C. Tvlor, Mr. O. H. Marian. M'Sion Mr. and Mrt. M. W. RIchardaoD, Mist LotileT Lane, Mr. George J. John-ion, Mr. U. J. Wil liams, Mr. H. W, Uliclicock. Mra. W. M. Hnnl, Mr. end Mrs. John R. Duff, Mr. Beniaioln F.blevena, Mr. Henry V. Woven. Phlladeloula-Mr. W. B. Faster. Ohio Mr. V. V. Palge.tor T'lomas B, Wells; Byrs cu Mr. nd Mrs K. Wtckn; V oroester jlr. Cns L. Potnnm; MMnchaetts dr. Wa-shhurn: Norwlcn, 'on Mr. Henry Ktugirs; Wnnblngtoa Mr. W. U, Gunnel; Knlilmore Mr. and Mrs. Juhn P. Kennedy, Mlns Gray; New Orln B. Wood, M. J).; Ctli clnnntl, Mr. Kit-hard U. Mlt-hell, U. tt. A.., Mrd. I'ox; Pail- Mr. J. W. Grano: -iooi-h tin. Tlx-opul lus Flbke, Miss Lnln Fluke, Muster Joha I. Funs. Lirsra Penvjb. Well has it been said that "Oor climate Is only uniform in want of unifor mity." A day since we were sweating even in our shlrt-sleee9 to-day we are barely warm in great coats. The weather, like a politician, blows both hot and cold at the same time. A nice time for the ailing. Everybody yon meet is prumbliDg everybody wears a face as gloomy as the ekj everybody's corns are aching. Toe unfhod bootblacks will have to put on their shoes again and "shine" themselves; the news boys will have to run more nimbly to keep warm, and our pretty priu'lera of street music will have to encafe their chilly fineers In mit tens. The mercury in the thermometer like the hope of the Democrats is running down 1 down 1 down ! Winter come9 on apace. The Democrats in this city were r.ither demotalized last night, consequently they hold meetings in the Sixteenth Ward this evening in the endeavor to mend their shattered rank. Alas for them, they are pretty thoroughly straightened out. A certain newspaper which we have In our eye, lately said in an article lauding its issue, that it went where a great many other sheets did not. Thai's just whit's the matter. It wouldn't be exactly prudent to tell the 'where" ot Its go. There has been a n?c in the price of coal oil since last evening. The many thousand torches of our Republican clubs did away witn a startling quantity of that same liquid. They set tho fires of victory all ablaze. His hones pulled six musicians In an omni bus around the streets this morning. The latter rendered into a sort of jinaling tune the words: "Lady Thorn and Mountain Boy trot at the Park this atternoon." Kick Philadelphia P-mocrats this morn ing. Tbey had the spots knocked out of them by the Republican meetlne last evening. They'd have to try lon and hard to equal it. The Sons ot Labor hold a pranri mass meet ing at Broad and Market streets this eveninc;. Many celebrated champions of the interests of industry will be there to speak. Black Jum A cluster i t darkles wedged in the crowd at the ureat moetintr last night. They were all square on the right ticket though. Everybody Granted" them that. It is eald that during the coming week Philadelphia will increase m pooulation about twenty-five thousand. "The mothers of the nation make the nation." Many persons have nothing to do but to kill time. It is one of those exercises in which practice does not make perfect. The more done the worse done. The lady up town who tried to make a sponge cake out of an esr plant is sister to the one who tried to ra'.se bread on the early beans of the (y)east. The Department of Arts in the time-honored University of Pennsylvania opened tor tuo arst teim of the academic jesterd ly. The conventional advice for people to strictly keep tnetr promises is bad. Perform them, don't keep them. A monster affair the Republican mass meetiDg hist evening. Ueueral Slcklea called it a "big thing." A prudential ware Be-ware 1 The Home Missionary Societv. This exoel lent and eiliciently beuevol jut institution has now secured a permanent location, by the pur chase of the property No. 633 Arch street. It9 central position eives it the opportunity of ramifying its workings to good advantage: tor convenience of location always a:ds eHiclency. There is probnbly no other society in the city which more intimately appeals to the public than this. It is a purely benevolent organiza tion, void of anything like sectarianism. Its officers are: George H. Stuart, President: Alexander G. Cattell, Vice-President; Rudolph H. lloeflich, Secretary; and Thomas T. Mason, Treasurer. These gentlemen, in conjunction with the Board of Managers have rendered the tnetltutionhat it is, an honorto the city. The General Aeent of the Society, Mr. Emanuel U. Toland, and the Missionaries. Messrs. William W. Walter nnd Albert G. Rowland, will soon commence their annual calls for aid. and it is hoped they may meet with liheral responses. Attack ok a Campaign Club Four Man Injured. Last nlgut, as the Sixteenth, Seven teenth and Nineteenth Ward Campaign Club were returning from the demonstration at tne Leanue House, they were attacked at Second and Race streets by ft ctowd of men. some of whom ran into the house of a neighboring fira company. This party was pursued, ana the attacking party ascendel to the roof, and show ered bricks on the heads of those below. A piitol shot wa9 also tired, the ball striking Thomss Kelley. of the Sixteenth Ward, In the arm. William Lawson, of the Seventeenth Ward, was struck with an axe on the nose, and Henry Bucher, and James Hneerty, of the Nineteenth Ward, sustained injuries Irom the flying bricks. There werarseveral others slightly bruised. A CoprEHH bad. Yesterdaj, daring the progress of the fire, Lieutenant Franks, of the Seventh District, took one Jamei Murray in charge for drunken anl disorderly conduct. After having beeu contined in the cell, the accused abucd the Government at a terrible rate, asserting that he had been a Rebel, and intended to exert himself at the coning election in behalf of tbe Democratic party. Alderman Toland held him to answer. Clotiiino Thieves. John Bnyder, James Elter, atid William Farrell, were takea Into ctts tody yesterday, at Eleventh .street and Oirard avenue, charged with robbing the tailor stora of John P. 8U-r.au, No. 610 North Ninth street. A tiair of pantaloons which had been abstracted Irom the place were found on Earrell. Aldr mau Hood gave them a bearing and boa id them over tor trial. Tub Apsault on Policeman Cahac. John Casey was ameted this morning and id eu titled by Police man Cam ac an the niau who bit his note on the nit-lit ol' the 18'.li of August, when be was assaulted by ibe crowd at Water and Walnut mieti. He will have a hearing tula afternoon. MoTiKEEiiH The pnlioe of the Seoond Pifl trict proceedc to tbe Ls.aretto this niorolng, and took in c'od Cim les Strickland, William Goodrich, and John li Hilary, seamen aboard a brig, bo are chanted wl h mutiny. Tbey will have a hiring beioie a United 8tate3 Coin miebloncr. INJURED AT TJ1B 1'l.lK YBSTEBDAT. Eli Pedrick, while on a l ou. in the vicinity of the fire jCBterday, at New Market and Callowhlll streets, fell to thp gro'iu I and sustained severe injuries. He was taken to his residence No. 1521 Poplar street. A Reoatta. To-morrow the third annnal repatta between boats nT.ee u and uader, allliug t kill's of all fcizes and eigoteen leet deckel boats, will come ol!'. The star. log point will be Point Airy Inland. Slkiut Fikk. At half-past 12 o'clock, this mot ninir, the spice mauufiictory of Welokel A Smith, Ko. 137 uorlb Eront strtet, was slightly damaged by fire. UiAatVo Baron thi United Statu Com missioner. At noon to-day, before United States Commissioner Hlbler, John Bnmbnry, William Bodwick, and Charles Strickland had a bearing upon the -charge of mutiny upon the brig Amy A. Lane while upon the high seas. Andrew L. Carver sworn I am master of the brig Amos A, Ine; I own an eighth in the Teasel: aba belongs to bearaport, Maine; we arrived here yester day from Leghorn: onr voyage occupied ninety days: welettthla port the 10th ot Maroh: tbe oiut-nyoc-oor red our WMjtg,g0 lMt Ha arday; whhe I was at dinner, Ibe men went forward a'ao at dinner: two of ibe men wanted to see me; one of them eald (Charles Strickland) he wanted to know Ibe reason be was kept on deck: two of them were on deck; It was because he wonld not mtad the seoond mate; be "aid that tbe second mate told him to remain on deck I I told htm that I bad no hand In tbe matter; think the second mate bad the thing la charge; he tben said that be was tuat as good at aoy on board the vessel, and could dr Juet aa ranch work; be then said that he was man enough fur me; Bambury then came olT the poop and aid, Doa'l go forward, we want to settle tbe dilll cnlty here:" be eald that be was aot going forward: Htrlckland and my bp If tben punned hot word, anil blows were strnck; we struck together, the enter mate tben tried to held hlra off; attbeaame time ltumbiiry said. "I'll rip your bowels out:" the mate was near him and asked him If he would do las he aald; be aald "yea:" Bumnury bad a sheath-kntfe M hla band at the time; be struck at tbe mate with the knife; the mate warded them olT: than Htrlckland said be would atop If I would; I held oil, and Htrlckland began striking at the mat-; I then told the mate to hit him; I had gone forward to aanlat the mate: I then bit him and he rnt me with hie kuire la the bead; I bled very much, came very near b'eedlng to doath: I bled a quart of blood; I waa so weak by this bleeding that I eould not stand; the thud man, Uodwtck, oame along with belaying pins In bla baud: I did not bear him say anything I heard Strickland aav If the reason why be was kept on deck was because he wonld not obey t he second mate, be weald not stay on deck. K. P. Dixon, the first mate of tbe vessel, aworn. I aaw the occurrence detailed In the cap aiu'a evidence; I apoke to the captain, and he said that h had heard tbey wonld not ooey the second mate's orders, and that he had come ont to see about It The mate then detailed ih clicumitanoes of the aft ray, corroborating the tes'lmony ot the captain; he said in addition that he taw Bodwick hml a belaying pin at him; It went over hla head: that la all I saw Bod w Irk do; tbe mon a'lerwarJs Went forward; I got Irona from the cabin, and golag to tbe forecaula put Strickland and Hnmhury la them. Harry O. Watnon aworn I saw the captain strike tbe first blow; afterwards saw Btrlcklatd strike; I din not see a knife; I aaw the mute rush In: X was In noch a position at tbe wheul that I conltl n see tbe whole occurrence. The steward of tbe vessel was also sworn and cor roborated the tnstlBinny already given. Defendants Bamborr and Ht'lcklend were held each In vooo bail, and Bodwick In Siooo to answer at Court. Before U. P. Commissioner Phillips William II. Mahoney was heard upon the charge of aid ing and abetting in the illegal removal ot dis tilled spirits to other than a bonded warehouse. Revenue Deuct've James Brooks aworu: On the morning of 12th Inst, bit ween elRbt and nine o'c'ock, I detained three barrets nf whlxky having upon them counterfeit Inspection marks, at tbe st ire corner of Tenth and Jefferson street; predion to the aeltare another wagon lead baa been standing In front ot the same store for several minutes, but was removed aboot one block further up Jefferson stree ; ttitt load I afterwards raptured, the barrels, four or them, having counterfeit Inspection marks; tbe same day before Deputy Collector Forb's of tbe 4th District. U. Mabenay appeared as a witness. He claimed to be the ownerof tbe barrels of whlikythu captured, and that be was removing part of them to Mrs. Alex ander's, corner of ldge and Columbia avenue; and tbe remnlnlDg portion to Mark Brlggs. on Kldge ave nue, below bevenieeuth street: at tbe time of the seizure ol spirits at Tenth and JeflVrton streets. I saw William H. AtaUonty In the store. Tbe delendaut was held In ItflOO ball, for his ap pearance. An Kxccrpiom Tain will leave Camden Sta tion at 8 60 A. M. to-morrow, to attend the He publicau Convention at Salem. Fare, $lr0. ALASKA. The Present State of Affairs. The Alaska Herald gives a sad account of the present state of affairs in Alaska, from which we make the following brief abstracr. The Herad says: 'That on the 28th or April last, Prin.de MaxnluQ turned over to tho agent of Hutq-ilnson & Co., of this city, the magazine, all the buildings, property, and provision of that settlement, real and movable; that the Incom ing agent immediately proceeded to eject the inhabitants from the booses, and drove them to the shelter of the woods, where they improvised tents; that the price of flour, which had been furnished them lor fifty cents by the Russian Company, had been raised to two dollars by its succeFsor; and that the new company, when appealed to by the people to supply their want a at former prices, were denied ana told to go to work tor tho Company at fifty cents a day. "It is also alleeed that Prince Maxuton hat been guflty of swindling the United States Gov ernment in the most outrageous manner by turning over to the Government only what was iu eight, but concealed the valuable effects hidden in the magazine, wulch, it is hinted, should also have been delivered, but were sub sequanily sold tj Hutcbtnson A Co. Tne Rus sian schools have been closed and tke children allowed to go at large. Intoxicating liquors are sold to boys eight years of age by Americau storekeepers, and they are fast becoming ad dicted to the vice of drunkenness." Finally, the Herald sums up its list of griev ances as follows: "So far, by the chauge of administration, our houses have been desolated, our iudustry checked, the resources of our labor have been cut off through wanton destruction by unpracticed hands. Our wives and daughters have been subjected to the brutal instiucts of a licentious soldiery, and the tyranny of a des potic government has been transferred to t'ue baer and more sordid tvrauny of moneyed monopolies. Our youth have been corrupted and defiled, and driven from the school Into the streetn, and a state of destitution his supervened that threatens our ultimate destruc tion." BANK DEFALQATION. A Sensation at Taunton, Muss. The Tauuton Republican gives tiie following particulars in relation to the defalcation iu the Taunton National Bank, which has baen the local senation ot the past week in that city: On Saturday last Mr. Tweed, Treasurer of tbe Taunt. n locomotive Company, aud also a Di rector oi the Bank, bad occasion to refer to the books of the Bank to ascertain the balance he hud on deposit. He found it smaller that) he believed it to be, and on returning to his office took down the exact amount as credited on his deposit book. Tbe next time he visited the Bunk (on Monday) be compared the b tlaoce as shown by his deposit book with that on the books of the Bank, and found that they now agreed; but also discovered that $2000 had been credited to his account siuce he looked at the accounts on Saturday, and not having made any deposit in the meantime, he at once suspected that the bouks had been tam pered with. The cashier immediately com menced an investigation, when Mr. George F. Champiiey, the Teller, coufessed to having api ro ris'ed to his own use not only funds depoilttd by the IiOcomotive Co jipany, but also other sums of various depositor?, amounting to $10,C.r0. Darin? the part eight yeats he has been in tbe habit of taking small amounts from the accounts of leading deposit orr which he was able to conceal trom the other officers of the bank by always mailu up their bank hook) him-elf. Being alwavs pre sent, he wbs able to escape detection. Had be been absent on the first ot any month, when the books weic halauced, the discrepancies would sorely have bem discovered. Tue bank loses nothing, Lis bordemen being holden for the amount abstracted. They are Mesrs. I.. J. Wilraurth, William Reed, Otis Allen, and Ira W. Maxriam. Ilr. Champuey Las been regarded by the officers ot tLe bank, aud by every man who knew hla, as a man ot strict integrity anl ex emplary habits, and the discovery of hit ah tractions is us surpii lug to the community; as it is deplorable. WEDDING IN VIT ATI ON J, ENG KAVED IN lite i mew and best manner. lOL'lb DitliKA, Hiailoner and Kngiaver 21 Na. lumJHMj r blrt Ty BDDING IMVITA tT(7 N 3, ENTIRELY NEW BTYX.K-, (or the corning arasou. Ttoee wisl lug Cards will pleas call aud examine eur 8AMPLK8. A II Em ravins and Printing executed In tbe balldlag by ttrst-lasa Aitltls only, i'rlces lower than any other bouae In the dry. B. H03KINB fc CO , BTATlOHKBg AND KNORAVflltH. I imwseua Wo. n AMCU. Huresb THIRD EDITION rXXII WEST. Troops for Tennosseo-Celo bration of the Mexican , , Independence Ano ther Disaster on the Lakes. Etc., F.tc, Ete,, Etc, Etc, Et. FROM SAN FRANCISCO. Celebration of tti Independence of Mexico. Sam Fbancibco, Bept. 10. To-morrow being the 68 lb. anniversary of tbe Independence of Mexico, General Halleck directed that the flag of the United States shall be hoisted on the forts in the harbor, the national buildings in the city under military control, and a national salute be fired at noon from Alcatraz Island, Admiral Craven has also ordered the United States ships in the harbor to be decorated with national flags. The State Fair openei at Sacramento to-day. The United States steamer Saginaw has arrived from Victoria. FR OM CLEVELAND. A Rehooner Stranded nnd Wrecked. Cleveland, 8ept. 10. Tho schooner Echo, from Buffalo, with coal for Cleveland, stranded here last night and breaking up one of her seamen was lost, the rest bein rescued by the life boat. The Republicans of Cleveland last night cele. brated the election in Maine by firing guns, speeches, etc. An intoxicated man was burned to death last night by the burning of a shanty la Franklin street. TEE EUROPEANJIARKETS. By Atlantic Cable. Tbls Morning's (notation. London, Bept. 10 A. M. Consols, 94J for money and 94a944 for account. U. 8. 6-209, 121. Illinois Central, 91J: Erie U-iilroad, 30J. Frankfoet, Sept. 15 A. M. U. S. 5-20s 75n76. Liverpool, Bept. 16 A. M. Cotton stead r; the sales will probably reach 10,000 bales. Bread stuffs quiet. Other articles unchanged. This Afternoon's notations. London, Sr-pt. 16 P. M. U. S. Five-twenties qniet. Erie Kailroad quiet and steady at 30f. Illinois Central qniet and steady at 91. Liverpool, Sept. 16-P. M. Cotton flrsaer and more doing. The sales will reacn 12,000 bales. Pork firm at 85?. Lard qntct nnd steady. Troops for Tennesse. Lykcbbubo, Sept. 16. The 6th Cavalry, U.S. Regulars, under command of Colonel William B. Royal, possed through here this morulDgou a Bptcial train en rou'e for Tennessee. Not Dead Yet. New Yobe, Sept. 16. The epecial despatch to the Commercial of yesterday, stating thai Gene ial Butler had been defeated in the renomlna tion for Congress is incorrect. No nomination has yet been made. Another Assault on Republicans. Troy, Sept. 16. Some concealed rnfflana as saulted a Republicau procession last night with stones. Twomen named Van Mess and Thatcher were badly lpjured. Shooting Affair. Rochester, Sept. 16.-Johu Wheeh3r shot J. McLean last night in a political dispute. Tbs wound is Btrious. Markets by Telegraph. Msrw York, Bept. 15. stocks strong. (Jhloaro and Rock Island. l'Jj,; KeadlQK. 81: teuton, 48; Erie, i,Ji; Cleveland and Toledo, 102; Cleveland and PliteborK, Plttaburg.and Fort Wayne. liis.S Michi gan Central, 118; Michigan Southern, S4; New York Central. 125','; Illinois Uflutral, H;l; Ontunnrlaad prelerrrd 8;; Virginia 6s. 64; Missouri in. 9:1; Hudson Klver, M: 6-fc), IbU'l. 118'i; do. 1S64, M; do. IKHd. Ill; do. new, IPS; lOSOs. 1WV. Qold, 144. Moner nrchaiierd. Exchange, 0. Kiw YoKK.bept. 16. 3ottnn firmer at li-Tha'Co. Flour dull, and declined Kmp.; aalea of RS'O barrels Btate at SH Wiia.9 86; Olilo, S 4iKlr87; Western, t SOW 16-10; Califerela, (9011 w. Wheat dull; aales of 2C,0u burbels Michigan at M-2ui-t'W. Corn easier aalea of 42, W O busnela at t-l&l-i",. Oala dull; sales OI26IHX bnsheis at 6837Sr. lieef quiet. Pork dnll at i:8 7tCtfs8J4- Lard heavy at ivVftit'c. WhUkr flrmai7io. Ualtimobk, Sept. 16. Cotton dull at2lc. Floor doll and unchanged. Wheat doll and unouanged. Ckra dull; choice and prime white, fl 20; yellow, I 25:t$l 27. Oats C nil at 70(L73f. Kre Arm at f 1.40. Provisions easier. Vena pork 11. Bcon. rib aides 17; dear do. 17 U: sbnuldurs, II; bams, 22. Lard. 20. Han Fbamcirco. Btpt. i5. Flour, 5 &0(9-59. Wheat, t 81(4(1 86 lor choice ahlpptaa;. Laial-tendera, 70''. Kcw York Stock Quotation, 2 P. M. Received by telegraph from Glendinnlng a Davis, Btock Brokem. No. 48 8. Third street: N. Y. Cent. R........125 Toledo & Wab.. 2J tMMMkt . nik N.I.B. uy. N.Y. andiiK Phil, and Kea. Mich. H.and Cle. and PltU K 8H a. l. . .a u i i r con Ohlaand N. W. prt 8l ( hi. and H. I. K 102i Pitta. F.W.and Chi 109 Mil. & bt. P. com. 07 Adams Express (Jo 4Wi Welts. Fargo (Jo. 2t II. 8. Express. 47 Tennessee 6s, new- 6B Gold U4g Market atroBg , LEGAL INTELLIGENCE COURT OFQUARTKB hEHSIONH-Alllson P. J. Wlillamll. buddiinan. Prosecuting Attorney. Prl ,ob rases are before the Court, acd me docks arc still crowded, I the case ot tbe Commonwealth vs. Louise Psh ring, charged with larceny, belure reported the jury rendered a verdict of guiitr, and the prisoner aas entencrd (o County Prison lorlS woniba. James Farrell was convluled of a charge of the larony of two sacks ot wooi.va.ued at two dollars belongli g to fratDuel Lee A Oo. Ofllcor Unmeailaie teailtied that in oonspqusnoe of certain com plaints made to hi in of repealed Hit f is ol fiua! I quamiilesof wool from the alorea In tbe neighborhood of Frnntand Marael aireets, lie deter mined to keep a special watfb there, About 7 o'clock oue morning In the early part of August while stanoing at Front and rob atresia he saw the prisoner carry iw atudnd aacki from a store a few doors above Market, into a Junk shop fui Iher down tho street. lie went to tbe gbop, ana. tindlDg tbe doora lurked, knocked aeveral Uiuei for adiu'ablon. but without saccea. la a few mumeuis thedooia were thrown, oueu and the prisoner ran out. A u aiHlniIng officer pursaeu and captured hiiu. while Ibe w linens went Into the shop aud recovered tbe oacks which were fliUd wl'.h wool. At the at lion house the prisoner acknowledged that i lis wool belonged to We sis. I.-e & Oo , aud some of that Mrm Identllled the sarks aa tbelr p'opwny, John Wrod a las Turky, and Henry Newton allai (klimle, young uien, were tried for burglary. Itwai tesiilled thai In Ibe latter part of Jul ibe residence No 764 Komh Tenth atrtet was entered ev burglars, and robbed of many articles, t the value of tlto, none of which have ever been recovered. Tt ere wai no evidence however M connect tne pr'sonoia wlin tbe crime. The District Attorney, alatlog to the Jury that tbe principal witness for (he Oo mm on wealth lia'l abo'iidrd, aud could not be fouud. submitted the bjjl lo the Jury, and asked for a verdict ol acquittal which ai rendered. diaries O. Wartb p'eaded guilty to a charge of larceny, aa clerk, lie was Receiver for the Heaton vlile and Mantua ltu'lwey Company, Iu whose em ploy he had been curing inree yeara. and, aa wae tes tified, f ome time since be disappeared auddenly, with a deficit of 7(0. He wai arrested by Detective Hoert hmltb, at naeeaey's Hotel. New York, on tbe 8th of this month, aud on their 'return to thla city he acknowledged that be bad atolen tbe money. Josephine Bloxey, colored, waa convicted of a charge of stealing a dress from "a poor, Ions woman With five children." Km 1 1 Cubtenta was convicted of a charge of tbe larceny of a toll of clotb. Tbe goods were stolen from abop down town, and afterwards found In tue Erlsoner'a poeeelnu: and be, refusing to give either la name or aoy explanation ol his poasuMloo, was correctly marked as the thlaf. FOURTH EDITION THE LATEST NEWS. Affairs in tho New Dominion Applications for a New Trial of Whalen. Etc., Ete.t Etc., Etc., Etc, Et. FROM CANADA. AFPllcnUca for a Nrtr Trial A Kllle To urn anient. Ottawa, Bept. 16. Application for a new trial In tbe case of Whalen will be male to the Judge at Toronto, in November. The ground on which the application will be based, is that the Judge on trial refused to allow the chal lenge of jprists before tho peremptory chal lenges were exhausted. Prominent lawyers tlilck the ground a good one. Months al, Kept. 16. The rifle tournament opened at La Prairie yesterday. About 15,000 volunteers are encamped tbe.e. FR OM NE W YORK. Curious K ii m or fit the Kew York Sjiolti Room. Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph. Hew Yobk, Eept. 16. Various rumors are circulated In the room calculated to induce thebujing of gold among others, a story of tbe death of Louis Napoleon, and another of war between France and Prussia. Ship News. New York, Sep'. 18. Arrived, steamship Eaple, from Havana, Fobtress Monbob, Bept. 16. Passed op, brig Dath, from Cardiff for Baltimore, hailed, barques Capella, h r Cadiz, Eldorado, for Liver pool. Brit? J. Paltedo, lor Matanzas, and a large fleet of coasters. Bi Francisco, Bept. IS. Cleared, ship Aana, for Manilla, with a cargo of breadstuffs. Sailed, Theodore Lucas, for Cork. Kew York Stock Qnotntlons 3 P. M. Received by telegraph from olendlnnlng A Davis, shock moatis, jno. 48 H. Third street: Pitts. F. W .andChl. 109! i 1UI, IX w auasD tt... Od Mil. and Ht. P.cora Uh N.Y.Ceut. K..........126- N.Y. and E. K...Mm. 4 Ph. and itea. K. )i Mlch.U.andXX.LK.65 Vie. and Fltt.K 8rt Chi. and N. W. cotu.8KU!U. a. Express ChL ai)dN.W.pref...8Sj8l l ennessee (is, ijni. ana a. i. rv....iu;2uoiu.. Market strong. Wells' Kargo. .:..... tH new.. 0s; IH-X rniuDELpniA stock eichaxge sales, sept. 10 Beporud by He Haven & En., No. 40 a. Third stree1 ilJI.rwf.li.JM BOARDS. 12000 PaSs.8aerU.sa.lW5 20uu fa Kim 6b....Is..i0iiX live ony aa. Mew ......103 'ik o Li (a.gold I. to I 9 ii I'iO Head m es,'43-80. CIS ten ram.Aa,...m.ii S sh Fenna i(. 65 IS do .ls.c 65 .0 do 6S 100 do.......bWi. 6fiH BEOOND BO.VBD. fi 0 an Head. ....... .bw. 45 lofO lo......ls.al0. Aa!i SU do....ls trf 46 ho luo do.)....bso i:,K lft) de ....Sd.ts.s 10 dO....S6iSc:n.46 is loo do. .... 'i 100 Sh Phil JE...bK0 Ta& lt)0 UO.......DS0, 264 12000 Ches A Del fis.ls. 68 isOUOLehS'.Kold 1.2U i let) itarUfl 70 SCO Bb fenna it.la.bfj, M i da... bt too sb Bead K...ao.t5 91 loo ah Head R 45 ot lot do UK". ib7i 2uo flo...la..d.44hi 100 do.......s.to. mu 100 dO.......l)30. tH SUu do....ls.b.J. 43 POLITICAL. The Tribune, leferrinfr to the votr in Maine, ytalerday, seya though he may bave heara fen dlelon and Cox, he remembered the boy who died at Antietam, and the sacrifices that had been made for Union. He sa in the men who controlled the Democratic party the same Toombs who led Georgia into secesion, the same Cobb who made Andersonville worse than the Malebolze of Dante's hell, and held high command over the starving ekelotons of his neighbors and kinsmen; the same Hampton who marched an invading army into Pennsyl vania, and above all, the tame Seymour whose moaniDgs and croaKings mingled with every victory, and whose exultations were reserved for the rioters of the Five Points and Macker elville. Tbe Richmond Enquirtr tearfully says: As we have frequently declared, no word from Virginia may affect this most momentous con test lor tbe life of the Republic. Her voice is denied a bearing. Her oppressors have mana cled her limbs and forced her to sit by the battle-field silent aod motionless, and in the conflict cannot he heard even her moan of fear and trembling: but she feels, from herraountaln to her sea-sbore, nnd every true son upon her bosom feels that "the only hooe for the paee and tranquillity of the country," In all the coming jers. is the election of Horatio Sey mour, acd the defeat of the Jacobin conspira toie who have made Grant their standard bearer. it Is Icps than twelve months since the public first knew of the existence of a mysteri ous oiganlza'ion in the South, which worked in darkness, and did tbe deeds of darkness, v W members wore ma-ks when upon duty, and were upon duty wben engaged iu assassination. Its geueial purpttr-es, its internal machinery, and its numbers were unknown. But day after day, now from Texas, now trom Tennessee, came repotts of its doings. Now it was a negro wnom tbe Ku Klux Elan hung without a trial, now a lojal white man, whom it butchered m cold blood or forced into exile. A correspondents at Hastings, Barry county, Michiean, writes to tbe Detroit Fo.t that Barry county will give 1000 majority for Grant and Colfax in November next. This is 400 better than she ever did before. Another correspond ent of tbe same paper writes from white Fleeon, St. Joseph county, that you may look, out for 1200 Majority for Grant and Colfax in that connty lit November. Tbe highest Re publican majority ever given in the county was U00. Slo-cum Legion is the very appropriate name of a Democratic organization in tugU keepfie. Recruits on that side come very slow. CBPET.NGS. FALL OPENING. CARPETINGS. ELEGANT WILTONS, VELVETS, BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIES, 3-PLYS AND INGRAINS, PARLOR, IIALL, AND STAIRS TO MATCII, LEEDOM a SHAW, o. J) 10 AKCH STREET, t It wfn.2in Between Ninth end Tenth S rests. RODGIIiS' AND WOBTENHOLM'B POCKET KM VKH Pearl and hla Handlea, of hHautlfui finish. kODMElta' and WADS fc BUTCHER KA ILOVh. aud the eelebrated JLEOOULTRJS JtAZOIl bC'lr-BUlUS of the B nesl quality. Xar.ors. Knives, bclsaora, and Table Cutlery Qrnnnd and Polished, at P. MAUKUtA'S, o. 116 b. TENTH eueet. below UieannL toal DEAFNESe.-KVERT INSTRUMENT THAT aulenoe aad skill hare Invented to aaalat the nsaruiK in every argree of deafness: also, Ueiplra- I tors; also, Craudall's Patent Uruiciiea, superior to I any others In use, at P. MADEJilA'tt. ISO. Ua b. I FIFTH EDITION FOREIGN. English Importation of American Hay M. Guizot en tho Euro pean Situation Review of the Prussian Fleet. Ete., Etc., Eie., Et.t Efe E By Atlantic Onble. 1 oxdoh, Sept. 18, The importation of haj from the United States will herercafter be allowed only under license from the Privy Couno'd. Tbe prevalence of the cattle disease In various part of America is the cause of thla step on the part of the Government. Paris. Sept. 16. M. Oulzo the distinguished historian and author, has an article in the last number of the Revue des Deux Monies on the state of Europe. While he has no doubt of the desire of Napoleon for the preservation, of the peace or Europe, he urges on him the redaction of the army as the only effective pledgeof peace. Bkelis, Sept. 16. Bismark has been ordered by bis physician to Englaad for his health. Kiel, 8ept. 16-King William will review the Prussian fleet here. Tw York Miork lnotntlona 4 p. ftf Reoelved by telegraph from Glendlnntna A Davis, Hloctt Broker. No 48 8. Third street. I' Veu.lirtl;; 1'y Toledo A Wabash.. 63 N. . ami K. R 4i;i , Mi). & Sr-Pauloom. 93 Ph. Hiid Kea. R 9I?J Adams Kxpress.... 605tf Mioh.. and N. 1. R K4j Welts. Fargo Kxp." 26j2 " -- I ITU I1UC Ohi. and N.w. pref. WOt Hold... Cht. and K. I. R ion Market Arm. Pltls.. W. dUJbi. 100!il ' 48 684 INDIGO BLUE. jgARLOW'8 INDIGO BLUB, lor Bh elDs Clothes, Is pat op and for sale at ALFRID WlLTBKRGEIt'8 Orog Store, No. 23S N. BEOOND Btieet, rhlladtlpbla BARLOW'J INDIGO BLTJB will color mors water than aoy other Bine la tha market. BARLOW'S ISDIOO BLUB Is frf e from aold, and will net Injur the finest article. BAKLOW'8 INOIOO BLTJH dissolves perfectly clear, and will not settle on the cloihea or make them streaked. The I.ahel la copyrlsbted, and reads, "Barlow's I nulKo Biue. prepared aad lor sale at AHred Wlltber RHr a Iu fcttore.'.No. 2a Nortb becond alreet, Phlla dt lpMa." Bailow'a ludig ) Blue Is sold to dealers at a price that para th.m to keep It. CONSUatEUB WILL FIND It on trial to be the moat economical aad handiest a'ticle ever naed tor Blueing Clothe. Barlow'a Indlzo Hiuela put np at Wllibergr's Drur Store). No. 23d .fit. Second street, and ntwbere else. BA BLOW'S INDiOO BLUE la made In tbe tame way It was fourteen years ago. and dot. not contain any ac d ONE F1VI-CNT BOX OF BARLOW'S INDIGO Bl.CE, dissolved in a mineral water bottle of water, will tutkt the best Liquid Buying that can be made, BtIlLOW'8 INDIQO does not rpqnlra any raas 10 tie It op In. A few graloa of itirlow'a InSigo Blue on tha end of the Unaer will color a tub 01 water. 91612t4j . - . -A , NEW PUBLICATIONS. JUST PUBLISHED. i in iris LIOIA. A VOLUME OF POEMS. BY ADAH ISAACS MENKEN. lemo. Neat Clotb , 1 1 00; Paper Cover, 75 cents, With Tortralt of Aniuor on Steel, anl Autograph Letter from llr, CHARLES DICKKNd, fcoxa ' hteel En graving. Fine Clolh. Gilt top .....ll'SO Forealeby allBoiksallers. or will be sent by mall, postage iree, 011 receipt oi prloe by J. B. LIPPINCOTT A CO., PUBLISHER 3, Kos. 715 and 717 MAKKET Street, S 18 ws2t PHILADELPHIA. INSURANCE COMPANIES. flLLINCHAST & HILT';& IKSUBMCE BOOMS, No. 409 WALNUT St. ABENTS AND ATTORNEYS FOHJ Ilome Fire Insurance Company, NKW HAVEN, CONDI. Springfleld Fire and Marine Ins Co., SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Yonkers and Keir York Insurance Co., NEW YOBK Peoples' Fire Insurance Company, WOROBsrjUB, MASS, Atlantic Fire and Marine Insurance Co., PROVLDENCK, it. I, Guardian Fire Insurance Company, jtw tokk Lumberman's Fire Insurance Co., CHICAGO, iu Inuoranoe effected at LOWEST BATES, AU losses promptly and liberally adjusted at UMlc Ofllce, Ko. 409 WALJiUT Street, t PHILADEiPU lAi TNSUBANCE COMPANT NORTH AMERICA, No. 232 WALNUT STREET, PHILADA. INCORPORATED 1794. CH AKTEB PERPJETCAI,' BInriue, Inland, ana tire Insnrasieo. ASSETS JANUARY 1, 1808, - 2,001,266'72. 120,000,000 Losses TsAi in Cash Bioo Ua Oranixatlon. DIRECTORS. Arthur fl. Gnffln Samuel W. Jones, John A. Hrewa, t liarlee 'lay lor, A mbroae white, William Welah, lilt-hard I Wood, P. Morris Wain, John Maaon. ARTHUR O COFFIN. Presldeak CmRLKS Piutt. Beoreiary. "eaiuoae, WILLIAM BUEHLEK. Harrlabur. ?., Central Agent lot tit, Stat, x Peuulvauia. ' j m George L. narrisoa Franols it. Conn IWward II. Trotter. Kdward b. Clarke, T. Charlton Usury, Alfred 1). Jeaaup, 1 John P. While, Louis a Madeira.