8 THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1868. CITY INTELLIGENCE. JFOB ADBITIOHAIi LOCAL ITEMS IE XWSIBI .rACXB, Flips from a Bdhtt Feb. Whew, how hot th weather ill We can hardly breathe, and are abont a moist outside as a melon Is inside. This ort of thing don't pay. It's an J m position on the public. .August sweats have returned, and Jsparjfue fans are In demand. "Why Is things thus, thuelj f" as the late Artemas once said. Don't know, except that the Cleric of the Wea ther, during the heated spell of summer, must have taken a trip lo the North Pole, and has either been frozen fast to that mystic post, or else hat forgotton that hit time is up, and con Bcquently neglects to come back. It Is supposed that Just bffore hn )aunt he cave out a contract for co much heat, and that the contractors, likQ Ml others ol the eume species, are holdlnfc on as Jonir. as they ran. When the aforesaid Clerk reaches hii ofiice again he will have a sweet account to settle 'or so much surplus warmth, tie can't gruniblo, thoueh, that the contractors have not come up to the terms of their agree ments. They have toed the chalk squarely, and have furnit-hed the hoitet kind of hot weather. Why, the streets are like furnaces. The country pavs more for alcoholic drinks than tor all its colleges and school, Deer tills many a bottle, and the bottle inauy a bier. Brown, who as he grows older grows a little more of the moralist, tars that the best thing a Jellow can do wlih a glass ot beer in his hand, is "to put it down." He dou't mean, however, down the throat, of course not. Brown raieed a row the other day in tryirnr to raise tm salury. He didn't use the right kind of a derrick. His cmphijer couldn't see in what way nn increue In the number of Brown's oiUprlng made Brown's services more valuable. Brown considers him a bard-hearted wretch, PoorHrown! The "Boys in Blue" of the Twentieth Ward are movine. Ttiev ate organizing a legiaient for service in the coining campaign. Tint's Tight and co-abend ! On Tuesday cveuiug their 'first parade conies off. The Pharmaceutical Conventlonlsts wound up tneir jroceedings yesterday by atrolic on the river. They had a big leed on the boat. Those drug tYllnws can worry don an astonisU inglotof "wittles." Mr?. Mohrniann, trie mother of the little Mary wboe sad late now excites the indigna tion and 85 mpathy it the community, returns her thatiks to the public lor Us kindness and interest. The chip tint took the stump proved to be a street picker. It was a cigar stump, which U more profitable sometimes than the political stump. Postmaster Bingham gives notice that on and after Monday next, the Eastern malls close at li M. Poets are born. So aro most other people; but too few, unlike poets, give any good reason in the acta of their lives wny they were born. ' Our colored brethren" are holding a camp meeting at Allwood Grove. Query Does daucmg on the green sward necessarily make a grasshopper ? "Let us liquidize" is the latest out for taking a drink. Thk Child Mcrpkr. Several arrests were made during jesterciay aud lust eveniug of parties who answered the description of the fiend who committed tuts diabolical murder of the child Mary Mnbrmann, in the Nineteenth Ward. It was asserted this morning that the right individual had been captured last night. Determined to ascertain what there wai in the rumor, one of our reporters repaired to the neighborhood this morning. On vitdtlng the Kincteenth Ward Station House, the Lieu tenant informed him that although he had several persons locked up on suspicion, there was no possible or even probable proof that any ot them was the right num. Twelve men are still detailed from his district, with instructions to use every means to discover the villain, aud to lollowup every clue. In addition to these officers, a number of the detective lorce ate also upon the ground. A watcb.lulsnrvcillaE.ee is kept npon every suspicious character, and many ears are constantly alert to catch the slightest whisper that might lead to the murderer's detection. Tne whole neighborhood for squares around is still excited. Every man, woniau, and child cm tell yon all the cirevrxuaances of the heinous affair every man, wuniuu, uu uunu appears anxious to aid the oflicers in their work. The spot where the body of the po r mutilated victim was found is pointed out with trembling flnsers; the little ones avoid it. aud the older regard it with feelings of the hottest indignation. There is as yet no relaxation in t he endeavor to trace the horrid crime to its perpetrator, and it is to be hoped that before another day rolls by he will be found. Thb Weather. The following statistics Will show the state of the thermometer for the past week as compared with that of 18U7: MONDAY. a A.M. 12 V. SP.M. 186fl ... 73 76 80 1867 ... 72 80 80 TUESDAY. 1888 ... 62 70 74 lmi ... 68 72 76 WKDNE8DAT. 18C8 ... 67 77 80 H67 ... 65 68 6J THURSDAY. 18C8 ... 72 85 87 1867 ... 67 72 08 FRIDAY. 18C8 ... 76 86 88 ' 1867 ... 64 60. 07 SATURDAY. 1868 ... 78 88 1867 . 59 70 73 Strut Preaching on Broad Street To morrow Afternoon This thoroughfare will be enlivened and pro ti ted, we trust, under the preaching of Rev. J. S. Eennard, at Broad treel and Columbia avenue, and Hev. DeWitt Taltnage at Broad and Jetfcr.ion streets; the former under the auspices ot the Young Men's Christian Association of the Tenth Baptist Church, with choir, etc.; the latter under the supervision ol the young Men's Christian Asso ciation of the city. Exerclttes commence at 4J o'clock. Fiohters Overhauled. Last night John Fltzwater and Henry Meezer Indulged in a tight at Ninth and Jayne streets. Reserves Kending and Ferguson went to the scene, wheu tho poeiliitic gentlemen ran iuto a tavern. The policemen stowed tbemselves away behind some trees, aud in a few miuutes the fighters reap peured aud tut.lcd away until both dropped into the gutter. About this time the policemen col lared them aud locked them up. This morning Alderman Ik-it ler lipid them for trial. Larceht of Cloth This morning Deteotive Levy arretted John M. Everest at a liger beer saloon, at Third and Ouikill streets, on the chaigo of Mealing a piece of cloth, the property ot Lewis, Bauidman & Co., Nos. 238 and 240 Chebnut street, it is alleged that the accused went into the store and removed the cloth from a case which whs located in tho rear of the phi ;e. He will have a hearing at the Central Station this aitcruoon. Bobbing his Employee William Hood, aged eighteen y ars, has been bound over by Alder man Beitler lor laiceny. William Is employed an errand boy b O. Suuter, picture frame manufacturer, No. 138 Smh Klgluh street. He is Irrquently en'ruuieil with bills to collect, aud it is ml i;el thttt of the vitrious amounts he has received, he hub a preprinted to his own Use tho sum oi $10. Ciukltt vo Animals. Samuel Coleman, while cruel y boating a hon-e at Sixteenth aud llrown s'reets, was remonstrated with by a Oiing man. whereupon Samuel pulled a board out cf the curt, w Mi which he assaulted the young man. A policeman arrests! dim aa(j took him before A Menu an llutchiusou who lie Id him to answer both charges. ' pnxTURBiKa a Congregation, Theresa Mo Farlan.d, while under the influence of liquor lact evening entered the church at Fifth and Oirard avenue, and disturbed the congregation in such a m'anuer that a policeman was called in. This morning Aldrmnu Egrrleton fined her lor being drunk aud disorderly.' Election fob Chief Enoineeb or thb Fibb PErARmENT. On Monday evening next the election lor Chief Engineer of the Philadelphia Fire Department takes place. Each company ends one delegate, whose vote is predetermined by tbe action of the company. The nomina tions for that important office were made tome time ago, and are as follows: Jtr Chut JDnttmrrr.T. McCnsker. MoyamMislna-. Jim Company; Oeorge Duwnev, Western .Engine; Jtrwin T. Jones Pennsylvania Hose. jittittant Knoinrtr. First District Jamns Pollock. Harmony Ungliie; William Kyao. Mrlon Hoirt William Xeveilns. Niagara Hose; Joseph Heart, U?nd Will Knplne: William L. Kortnan. weooaooe El aine: Thomas H. Peto, Hone Hone: Gore Henpard. l'erseverance Jiose; Francis Fox, lllbernla Engine Company, Bscond District aojTnsler. Mechanic) Entfne; William HtPKitart, Kmub Penn Uosp: Lewis Vie, Northern Liberty Hone; Jobn O. Flood, ;iood Will Hose Company; It. 1. Dmine'iy, Lafayette Hose; John II. lemming. Independence Eoglat; James McClellan, Taylor Hose. '1 nlrd D.ntrlct Jneepa H. Corny. Jr., Washington Engine, of Frankiord; Dnlel Williams, Franklin Engine, of Franktnrd. lonrih District Iler.jamln C. Carry, Mount Atry KDRlne: George W. Fox. Columbia Engine. Grmaa town; Charles C. Worrell, CuOgrens Euglae, Crjesaut Hill. Fifth District Oeorge W. Ilewey. Monroe Knclrie; Wllllitm Kirk, Mantua Hook and Ladder: JosepH H. Pmlth. Klngnesslng Engine; James L. Wlison, West I'linaoeipoi none. The contest waged between tho friends of the various nominees Is an earnest one aud is now the absorbing topic with the "fire laddies." The friends ot Messrs. McCusker and Downey are as busy as bees, working night and day in behalf of tbeir favorite candidates. Mr. Mc-Cui-ker, the present Chief, has instituted various retorms of an excellent character in the management of the Department at fire?. By this course he has excited the oppoHition of the roneher class of the members of tho De partment, who are working earnestly and ener getically against him. Mr. Downey enjoys considerable popularity, and Is beini strongly urged for the position by a laree linmbcr of 'friends. The result of the contebt will be announced on next Tuesday evening. Lincoln Company in Liberia. Interesting letters have been received from the Lincoln Company, made up chiefly of colored soldieri, who went from Philadelphia to Liberia about two years ago. The leader, Captain Charles A. Harrcl, writes. July 22: "The Company ae all quite well, and enjoying good health. think the lauds about our settlement will yield one hundred bushels per acre. The Government has given us a fine square tor the church and school house. The lot is on the corner of Mears and Price streets. The square will be called '-Cooke square (after the distinguished Philadeiphian, Jay Cooke, Esq.) 1 will commence building, as soon as the rainy season is over, ou the head ol Malcom avenue. I could sell any amount of poods lor camwood, palm oil, cofree, etc. The Colcondahas just arrived with 280 emigrants for Grand Uassa. The Lord has been gracious to us. The emigrants are getting along very finely." The writsr fsent over a beautiful speci men of arrowroot, of which a large quantity can be readily raised. Yoctiiful Thieves. For some time the farmers in the South Second street market have been anuojed by petty thefts which have been committed by a party of youthR. Detective Keeder this morning surprised two youngsters while drageing away a basket of corn. He succeeded in capturing only one of them, who gave the name of William Morris, aged fourteen years. He will have a hearing this afternoon. Scicide. An unknown white man, with a bald head and sandy whi-kers, at half-past 11 o'clock this morning walked on to the second wharf below Chesnut street, and quickly dis robing himself, jumped into the Delaware, since which time he bus not been seen. His clothing consisted of a pnir of Government drawers, prey pantaloons, and a while slouched bat. The articles aie at the Sixth Ward Station. Political Meeting To-nioht. The citizens of the Twenty-seventh Ward will hold a mans meeting to-night in Commissioners' Hall, Thirty-teventh and Market streets. The fol lowing eminent eentlemen are announced to spt&k: Hon. William D. Kellpy, Hon. Morton McMichae). Hon. Charles Gibbons, Hon. James H. Campbell, and James Lynd, tsq. DROWKEn while BATniNO. John Jackson, aged 30 years, while bathing at Shippen street wharf, in the Delaware, to day, was drowned. His body was recovered, and Coroner Daniels held an Inquest. The verdict was accidental death. The deceased lived at No. 630 Penn street. Whisky Seizure. Revenue Agent James J. Brooks this morning seined the distillery of Walter Barry, at Tenth and Thompson streets. The caufe of the seizure was that the officer saw two loads of whisky, which bore fraudulent marks, being delivered into the place. Ovbrcome by thb Heat. William Adams, aged fifty-five years, was overcome by the heat at American street and Colu nbia avenue, abaut 11 o'clock this morning. FINANCIAL ITEMS. The New York Herald ot this morning lays: "The most noticeable feature of builuees In Wall street cod times to be the extreme abundance of moaey, the principal dealers in Government securi ties b lng ampy annulled at tbree per ceat .while Ibe general rate tor call loans on the pledge or mlncella ueoui collHUrftis la luur. In a few cae Ave per cent, nay be paid lor nmll amounts, but trill rate la wholly excepi tonal. The foreign blauces here are large, but hardly more so than usual, and those wbo attribute the prevailing present monetary ease to the Influence or these greatly exargerate their effect, (or. altbougb they furnish caplttl, Ihey do not tncreose the currency, and It la the supply of and dtmand for the latter that regulate the rale of Inie rut. Foreign balai ces represent so much gold and excbBDge, but without currency, or lis representa tive, Ibey cannot be loaned out here. The monetary ease at this centre and elsewhere Is due to domestic) causes, aud It there was no foreign capital seeking empli ynieot here the condition of all'alrs would be about the same. Foremost among these causes is tba lact that eurrency contraction has been so loug suspended tbat the business of the country has be come adjusted to Its volume, and hence confl deuce In the stability of values, so far as the latter are lullu enced by the circulation, is resiored. and the cur rency performs wluer functions than It would dur ing a period of distrust, while renart Is had more freely to bank dralte, certificates ot deposit, checks and other forms oi curieucy than would bsihecase tinder opposite clicuniktauces. While contraction was going forward legal tender nuets to a large amount in the aggregate were hoarded, nnder the de lusive Idea that paper money ana gold would rapidly approximate in value, and that as all kinds of pro Parties, Including securities, would decline as gold approached par there was nothing so safe te bold at greenbacks. The people have fortuualely recovered from this depression, which had its remote origin In Mr. McCulloch's Fort Wayne Hueecli. and the trade of the country l now more healtbr aud condrjrted on a more conservative ban's than at auy t oe since the commeucernnt of the late war. T e facility with which collections are made throughout the Kuttern, Wentern, and MiddleStatHs.arlords con elusive evidence or a general piosperlt;, which is far moie BOlId and gratlfj lug thau the feverish apoear ance ol wealth wtiicti attended the mill ion of war limes. The con-contrac Ion policy does nut even permit or the tnrtuer cancellation of compound In terest notes without the Htxue or an equivalent amount ot three percent, certificates, which can ba held by the bsnks as l gal-lender, and counted as a portion of their reserve. " The Ban Francieco M'li kel lUvirw ot Ang, 89 says: "Onr loca' money market Is active, evincing a brisk demand l r money for legitimate operations. Jluild lug, improvements, lur roiU estate traosac luus. railroad euterprUes. moving the crops, aud the rapid txuautlon of all bumnei.s pnrNiilin employ a vast mount ol capltul, which m kept onmantly In motion and linearis a healthy vigor. Hank rtes seem to have become chronic at KtvlM I er cent, per month for call InaiiB. (lo d burs are weak at 8 0i4i8as; Hilver bars rule lrow par to U per ce t. premium; currency hills on Atlantic cltlxs have declined from 4Zi,sMi at the dale ot our lait Issue, to -lliia per ceut. pra- tu.uuj u.. ..iu, oiguw tiri.iia, puyau'e in coin, are quot able at ,,(slil per cent, premium; Telegraphlo traus fers. l(aM4 percent, rr-iiiiuui; bterling Kxohange, 4S WuVM.; Con niercial Kxrhu.ija tM.(,ia. t. i. Homing ooing in M xivau milium 'i i. ,ii,.n.ni. .. treasure from Augunt 1 la dale (exclusive of Govern ment account) have been as follows: Total since Aonist 1. I Kid 12 BIO 222 "M' total sine January I, ISM lM2"'W'Wi currei'0Ull," P"lud of 1SB7, S7,uuu.i Fiwa GLAsswABK.-Kerr'g Chlra Hall, No. 1218 C'besnut street, have the largest s.ock of flue Table Glass In the country; those In want of glassware can not fall to make selection from our Immense assort ment. Our stock comprises glass at all prices Tumblers, 11 te to 25 per dozen; Goblets, (2 to I1C0 per Doiceo; Decanters, ft to 75 per pair; Initials, crests, names, etc., engraved cn glass at an hour's notice. CLOTHING. "SHE STOOrS TO CONQUER l" No! She don't! She stoops to make bersolf rery ridlottlonsl She hu the "Qrkciak Bend.". Tbat la what alls ber. phe thinks it i pretty. But most folks think it in uncomfortable". And it U furthermore true, that it makes ber look like a sick. Kangaroo; and the young men, too, at the sight they view, Bay you may depend tbey don't Intend to marry the girls with the "Grecian Bend." But they want the girls with the merry curls, and a cheerful smile on the rosy cheek; and not with the Bend of the clumsy Greek; tbat is the style of the girls they beek. And, when they seek them, they go la clothes, riob, stylish, splendid; such as those which the beat sort of gentlemen, one and all' buy for cash at our BKOWN (STONE HALL! ROCKHILL & WILSON, Kos. COS aud 005 CllL.SNUT STREET, 1 11 ip PHILADELPHIA. pRANK GRANGLLO, TAILOR, Ne, 921 CHESNUT STREET, (PENN MUTUAL BUILDINGS), HAVING SECURED THE SERVICES OF THE FOLLOWING EMINENT ARTISTS, JOSEPH TACKEYt on Coats, ERXEST L. MUELLER, on Pants ana Vests, ENTIRE SATISFACTION AS TO STYLE AND FIT 18 FULLY GUARANTEED. SUITS MADE TO ORDER IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS' NOTICE. 6 18 Una rEE OLDEST ESTABLISHED BOYS' CLOTHING STORE IN THE VIIIOK. We have now on hand a large assortment ol very fiat Ready-Madc Clothing Tor Boys, Which will be told si cheap as the aims style and quality can be purchased elsewhere. An extensive assortment ol fine CLOTHS, CA88I MERES, BEAVERS Etc, tor gentlemen's order work. F. A. 1I0YT & BRO., ASSEMBLY BCILDIKQ8, 9 4 Ism2m TENTH and CHESNUT Streets. CURTAINS AND SHADES. gTALL STYLES I FALL STYLES! MOW BEADY IR WINDOW SHADES, IN LACE CURTAINS, IN Terries, Reps, Damasks, Etc We take pleasure In announcing that onr new styles tor Fall cl the above Goods are now open. Oar cele brated make or FINK WJNDOtV SHADES, with Bray's Spring Balance Fixture (which require no cord), we sell at the most reasonable prioee. Window Shades as low as ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS, trimmed and bnng to the windows. We call especial attention to our new s'ock of Trimmings, comprising In part, Cornices in Gilt, Walnut, Walnut and lit Rosewood, and Rosewood and Gilt, Curtain Tassels Fiotuie Tassels, Pillow Tassels, Cords, Loops, Bands etc., etc v. Cf.RF.INGTON, DEZOUCHE & CO., S. E. Corner Thirteenth and Chcsnnt Sts., Formerly KELTY. CARRINQTON A CXtSwMp GROCERIES, ETC. fJEVV MESS MACKEREL, JUST JN STORE, IN FINE ORDER. ALSO, SMOKED AND SPICED SALMON. SIKOJi COLTOX & CLARKE, GROCERS, 8. W. Corner BROAD and WALNUT Sts., 6 16 tuths PHILADELPHIA. PIANOS. CHICK E T T xt i it Grand, Square, and Uurlcbt rUNUd, 101mp No,014CHT,Tmt fW'tfVl c'"", GRAND o T I 'square and upright Pianos, at BLisi w itDK'.No. 1KI CHKBNOT Htrowt. i ur ffmxZJ. "anP J lfAMLIN'S CABINET OKUANa.011 y at V T V. flillll i . No. te3 CH EMM UT StrSot 820 Smln BOARDING. "KTO. 1121 CIEAKD EIREET, CESTRALLY located, wltbln two squares of the Continental and Oirard House An unfurnished 6KC0ND-BT0RY FROiy ROOM, with Brst-clsss Board. Vacancies for Gentlemen and Table Boarders. Beftreace required. j jj ELM6ANT ROOM8, F1RSTCLA88 BOARD No, WW WALA UT Street. 0 uvsuv, MRU, U. COR YER8. THIRD EDITION WV S IIIIVGITOIV Military Trial Granted to General Djer-Tresident Johnson to Order Federal Troops to Tennessco-Sherman to Punish the Indians. Tho Political Situation in tho Southwest. Etc, r,it Etc., Etc., Etc., El. FROM WASHINGTON. A Trial ttrnnKxl to CJonornl Dyer. Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph, Washington, Bept. 12. Special Order, No. 217, inst issued from the War Department, says: "By direction of the President tho United States Court of Inquiry is hereby appointed to examine into the nature of the transactions of Brigadier and Brevet Major-General A. B. Dyer, Chief of Ordnance, and the accusations against tbat officer contained in the report of a select committee on ordnance of tbe Senato and House of Representatives, submitted to the Senate on the 17th of July, 18C8. The Court will make a full and thorough investigation of all the mat ters embraced in said report of the select com mittee, and will report the facts developed by the investigation, and give their opinion thereon in detail for the Court, to be composed of Major General George H. Thomas, Major-Gcneral W. S. Hencock, General A. II. Terry. General J. Holt, Jndgo Advocate-General United S'ates Army, will act as Judge Advocate of the Court. The Conrt will sit in Washington on the first Monday in October." The Indian to be PanlHhetl. Despatches have beeu received at the army headquarters here, from General W. T, Sherman, asking for an additional supply ol cavalry, to be used against Indians on the plains. The 6th Re giment Cavalry has been ordered to report to General Sherman, at Omaha, Nebraska, and will Immediately start for that lendezvous. The demand lor additional cavalry Is regarded here as an evidence of the determination upon the part of General Sherman to puuish the savages for their recent outrages. The Committee o h Tennensee'EcgU lature Had another Interview with the President to day at 1 o'clock, It was very brief, nothing remaining to be done but to receive the Presi dent's ar.ewer to the petition presented yestcr" day. The President told them he had come to the conclusion to comply with the request of the Tennessee Legislature, and had prepared an order which he would forward at once to Gene ral Thomas, Instructing him to send a sufficient force of United States troops inlo Tennessee to preserve otder an3 assist the civil authorities in executing the laws. General Thomas is to call upon the Secretary of War for whatever additional force may bo necessary to carry out this oider, and it is to be furnished at once. President Johnson told the committee U was his Intention to suutaia the present State Government of Tennessee against all opposition. This will be sad news to the Ku-Klux. They have been boasting all the time, members of the committee say, that Johnson would sustain tnem against Brownlow's government- FROM TENNESSEE. Conflict Between Negroes nnd Kn-t(Inx. Hpetial Despatch The Evening Telegraph. Naehtille, Tenn., Sept. 12. A bloody tragedy occurred near Millville, Liucoln county, on Thursday night, by which a KuKlux was killed. From the accounts which nave reached here it appears that four or live negroes, who kept a grocery, had boasted that the first Ku Klux who came near their establishment should be killed. Apparently anticipating an attack, they barricaded the premises, port-holed tbe upper story, and secured quite a supply of am munition. As the report has it, a body of twelve Ku-Klux, some of them armei, visited the negroes for the purpose of ascertaining what all the ostentation meant. One of them, named High, was killed; the others are reported to have escaped. There was great excitement at last accounts. FROM CHICAGO. Col fax Retnrus from Ilia Excnraion. Special Despatch to Th Evening Telegraph. Chicago, Sept. 12. SpeakcrColfax and party, who accompanied him on tbe excursion to the Rocky Mountain?, returned yesterday, reaching here at noon, all in vigorous condition. Mr. Colfax left last evening for the South, from whence he will hasten to Washington on public business. Tbe Board of Managers of the Lincoln Monu ment Association have accepted the desi.m submitted by Larkin O. Mead, Jr., of Brattle boro, Yt. The cost of the monument will be about $70,000. Emery A. Storrls, ot this cify, who has been on a Republican stumping tour in Ma, has returned, and expresses the opinion that that State will give 20,000 Republican majority next Monday. FROM MISSOURI. l'olill'al Excitement Tenra of Armed Jlus i'rot;r'H of lte;iatratiou. Sjiecial Denjiatch to T!te Evening Telegraph. St. Lccis, Sept. 12. -The political excitement continues unabated. Startling developments aro hourly expected In connection with the subject of arming. It is ssid an attempt will bo made to-night to seize a large quiintity of arms stored here. Charles N. Chateau, one of the mo;t wealthy citizens of this city was refused registration to day. W. H. Lockland aud It. S. McDonald, proiniuent lawyers, were also rejected, on account of past Rebel sympathy. lion. George II. Peiidleton is exprcted lo speak In this city on Wednesday. Great prop a rations will be made to receive him. Heavy Ilobbery of Government Honda. Worcbbtsb, Sept. 12. B. Taft & Sou's grocery store was robbed last night of $5000, mostly in Government bonds, deposited by parties for safe keeping. There la no clue to the burglars, FOURTH EDITION FROM THE CAPITAL. Tho Septombor Session of Congress-A Second Ho cess Proposed. Etc., Etc., Etc., Ete., Etc., Ete, FROM WASHINGTON. The September Scithlon of Congress Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph. WisniNoTOH, Sept. 12. It seems evident at this time that a quorum of Congress will assem ble on the 21st instant. The subject is being earnestly discussed, and it Is tbought and Reno rally believed now that Congress will reassemble at that time, and take a recess to some day In November just alter tho Presidential election. This it tbe view taken by Senator Morgan, Gov einor Bout v. ell, Mr. Schenck and others. They hold that nothing has occurred so far to war rant congressional legislation, bnt that at the meeting on the 21st, and berore the anticipated recsss, ench measures will be adepted as to pro vide for the reassembling of Congress at any coment. This Is a precaution against any overt acts of rashness that the Prebident may contem plate or perform. I'l-ogrcss or the Vt'eMcrn RnllroiuN. The Secretary ol tbe Treasury to-day issued f 1.280,000 worth of bonds to the Central Paci9c Railroad, having received a certl9cate that the Company has completed an additional forty miles of the road, commencing at the 215th mile post, and ending at the 255th east of Sacramento. Markets by Telegraph. HlwTORK.Wpt. 12. Cotton dull t 2tk,26!i& Flour dull and declined lOia lnc; salt-s ' I by liarrela; Mlnie at I7(as-tu: Otn i, t'Si,ll: Wtwtern, f7a: Boutnern, tSSfHcAM; Calliorula, f-ft(411ftu. Wheal dull and declined 2liuS-.; sales of 250W bushel wblie Mlchlnan at lit0. Corn dnll and declined Ic : sals ot Hft (KH) Runn els at l17(flil it. Outs qalul; sales ot 2I.0UO bnbli nt Keef quiet, poik dallat S29 25, Lard dull at 20,(c Whisky dull. Mew York, Hept. 12. Stocks weak. Chicago and Bockl Island, l((r; Heading, 94". Uanton, 4; Erie, ti; Cleveland aud Toledo. iuuH: Cloveiaurt and pittsbnrK, SRI Plusbnrs and Fort Wayne. 1)7; Michi gan Central, lie; Michigan Nouthern, 83; Sew York Central, 12.1; I llnoin Central, Hi; Cnniierland preferred, Ur, Virginia Ch.M'S; Missouri Si. 82 V. Kadxon Klver lss: S-ttn. 1H2. 1I8--,: do, 1H64. ioW; do. lWi, 1I1X; do. new. Km7.: l4t, 1(H. Gold. Hi',. Money uro'nanged. Eicunnga. S. Baltimobk, tept. 12 Cotton dull, nominally 2lo. Flour extremely dul and no demand. Wheat dull but not quotubiy lower, except for low grades whluh are derlinlLg. Corn ni ui, prime while itl 21, cuts unchanged at 7(7. Ke dull at i'4,l lu. Provi sions unchanged. New York Stock ttuotniionn 3 P. SI. J Received by telegraph from Cllendlnnlng a Davis, Stock. Bickers, Ho. 48 8. Tnlrd street.- ,..my3 N.Y.Cent. K... N.Y. and EI ft.... Ph. andRoa.K 89 Mlch.B.and N.I. B..88 Ole. and PlttR... 85 Cht. and N. W. com.8( CtaL and N.W. pref...8B!V Chi. and R.I. R K0 Plttfl.F.W.and Chi. 107'x; Tol. A Wabash It... fVsi Mil. and Hi. P. com 91 Adams Express Co. 49 Weils' Fargo. .. 2452 U. 8. Express......... 452 Tennessee 6s, new.. 68-jl Gold Ulll Market irregular. Mohtalitt op thb Citt. The number of deaths in tbe city for the week ending at noon to-day was 252, being an increase ot 41 over the corresponding period of last year. Of these 112 were adults: 140 were minors; males, 111; females. 134; boys, 73; arirls, 67. Of the num ber, 167 were born in the United States, 62 were toreign, 13 were unknown, 7 were people of color, and 15 were irora the country. Congestion of the brain is credited with 10, rholera-lmantum 19, consumption ot the lunes 29, convulsions 7, diarrhoea 11, djfentery 11, inflammation ot the brain 5, marasmus 20. The number of deaths in each Ward was: Wards. Ward: First. m 14 Fifteenth 11 Heeond 18 Utxteenth 10 Third 8 Seventeenth.... 8 Fourth 9 Kighleeulh .. 9 Fifth 8 Bixth 3 Beventh ......13 Klgbih lu Math 9 Tenth 6 Eleventh 2 Twelfth 6 Thirteenth 4 Fourteenth, 2 Nlueteenth 21 Twentieth...-. 8 Twenty-first 4 Twenty-second 10 Twenty-third 7 Twenty-fourth 11 Twenty. firth . 6 Twenty-sixth 10 Twenty-seventh .11 Twenty-eighth 1 Cbntkal Ftatioit Hearikgs. A fellow named Itaac Warno;k had a hearing at 2 P. M. to-day, before Alderman Beirier, at the Central station, npon the charge of entering and rob bing tbe dwelline of Mr. George Parnot-k, No. 805 FrRnkliust. Held In $3000 bail to answer. John Kupp also bad a hearing, chareed with taking Indecent familiarities witn small girls in Bedford street. Held to bail. F 1MB STATIONERY, CABD ENGRAVING and Card Plate Printing in every variety, DRBEA, iron OHK8NTJT Htreet. TXT EDDINd INVITATION 8, ENTIRELY NEW BTYJLE3, for tbe coming season. Tbose wist lng Cards will please call and examine our BAMPLK8. A 11 Ent raving and Printing executed tn the bulldlag by first-mass Attlsta only. Prices lower than any other house In tbe city, R, HOSKIN3 A CO , STATIONERS AND ENGRAVERS, ImwsSm No. 91 S AKCII Street, DELIGHTFUL EXCDK8I0N8 T9 ULOUCt fcr It POINT dailv. iii.t.iM leave foot ot bOUTH Bireet every few mlBUten. fie lui4p FOR SALE. OU SALE. A Il.AKE CHANCE. The Ptock, Fixtures, and Lease of the old and successful bund of the undersigned, located la the U'Osl central part of CHKHNUT Street, No. loot Katablisbed Twenty-seven Years (Ten of which In. tbe prtseot location) for the sale of Bilks, Ribbons, Mllllntry. Lace, aud Fancy Uoodi. Tbe Proprietor going out 01 business. Apply promptly to JObN WARBTRTON, No 1004 CHESNUT Btreet, Philadelphia. I'a. g3 FOB SALE. SEVERAL DESIRABLE iillois or ground, ukblo lor tuanulaoturlug or I.. 1 ding purpoHes, having pienty of goo'l spring wnie and ple-ty of good bnud'uu stone, si ua e on sod ner thw No. lb fenuxylvauU Kalimitd, and 00 y I!'., milis out. Apply 10 li. 11 ARFiiit & (JO.,No. 427 CHHKCT Btreet H Cft CO UN TRY HEAT AND FARM FOBf JlALK, 60 or Hm acres. Urmtol Pike. lmm .1 . 7-u,ile none, uml ueur Tcny. Ua'imou liouw, iul.ou Bbopb. un (I dnttllliu. Inlet A pply ou the prmuhm, or to R. WH1TA K Kit, No. 6IS l,Q(ilW HI. li 2t m FOR SALE. HOUSE and LOT, BITU JLikaleil Mo, lUibCHEKKY bueet. Apply to W. rt. JONK. 6 71 No. IH25 M A UK KT Hcreet. WEST PIirLADELPHIA.-FOR 84LE, w - iiwum un xjvv vj . ouBch tai ur coriitito strei. k..mh side, f riCM f 16 S10, B 12 WAt. ii. WKIR, No. $'M ChOSUUt St, TO RENT. p O R RENT, ritEMISL'S, Ko. 809 CIIESMJT St, TOB. BTORS OR OF VICE. ALSO, OFFICES AND LARGE RO0M8 suitable for a Oumiuerclal College. Apply at Mil BANK OF TUB REPUBLIC, FIFTH EDITION FROM WASHINGTON. The President will Sustain tho Ciril Authorities in Tennessee. The Tennessee Committee Special Detpt'tch to the Evening Telegraphl WASHiKoroK, Sept. 12. The following ii a copy of the telegram sent this afternoon by the Committee of the Tennessee Legislature to the Speakers cf the llouse and Senate of the Ten nestee Legislature, and also to Governor Brownlow:- 'Mibsion accomplished. Tho President will sustain the civil authorities. Orders Issued to the department commanders to sustain and aid the civil authorities; and sufficient force will bo furnished to accomplish such purpose. Bigned-"W. H. Wisiier, Thomas A. Hamilton. J. II. Ajree." The Committee received this afternoon no. official copy of the order to be sent by the Secretary of War to General Thomas, and also the PiesUlcnt's reply to their memorial. LATER FROM EUROPE Queen Victoria at Home Again Spain Offers 30,000 Men for a Roman Garrison. Tie, T.ie., Kte., Etc., E(e Etc, Zv Atlantic Cable. London. Sept. 12. The Queen has arrived at Windsor Castle. Parts, 8pt. 12.-It is reported that Spain has offered 50,000 troops lo garrison Rome in the event of a European war. Insurgents have appeared in Ihe mountains about Rouda. Indian Affairs. Washington. Sept. 12. Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Mr. Mix, has received official despatches from Montana, stating that the In dians are all peaceable, and that there was no difetvr' ance in August among the Indians of the Salt Lulte euperlntendeney. They have pro mieed to abstain from further depredations on lie whites. The Springfield Races. Ffbinofield, Mass., Sept. 12. Tho double team race was won by Tarang and mate. Time, 2 39. The favorite was beaten, and much, money changed hands. Shipment of Specie. New Yoke, Sept. 12. The City of London took out to-day $11,540, and the Hanaa $15,290 in specie. New TorU Stork Uuotatlonis 4 P. 51 Received oy telegraph from Olendluntns A Davis. Stock Broker. No 48 H. Third street. N.Y. Cent. K mV Toledo A Wabash.. 5SJf N. Y. and E. R. Mil. A St-Paul oom. 01 Ph. and Re. R 90 Adams Express 4!)i Mlcu. r. and N. I. R. 83 Wells. Fargo Exp... Clev. 4 Plttsb'g R BAk U.S. Express UoT... 45 uni. at a n.w. oom m Tennessee (ii.new... 68: uai. at a jn. w. prer. bu uoid m tuL wan,!. n......iui Pitts. . W. A Chi. mj Market steady." WANTS. WANTED A BOY TO LEARN THE BV8U . ealtsmtin In Retail House Furnishing- ?.?.r vtfi'fft; .,BuUoa A, 41 H. JClshteeni" Biryft. Phi'saelphla. g n (( ANTED A FIEST-CLAS9 SALESMAN IM a Isrse Ketsll Hotse I urnlshinr Blore. Ad rtts A.. Box Ilo. 2S08t'hllal. foet OUlcfcll t STEAMBOAT LINES. vr7s BRISTOL LINES JJLTEO KEW YORK JlND VIA BKltiXOii, BOSTON, CAi-A. coD.no ail poiuw of raUwajr ooiuiuualosM Uon, J&si and Morlh. i-muwr n2h?,.'.wMan0 Pieao'l steamers BRISTOL and PKUVlliKNCK, leave Pier Ma. 40 JNOKI'tf KIVKlS foot oi uusl sireei, kdjululng Debrasses 6ireet ferry! I al 6 P. M., dally, bnndays exoepied, coo! neullDK wlih steamboat train at Bristol at 4 u A. M arrivlug lo Boston at A. M.. In time to connect wlt all the luurnlng trains iroru that city. The most de sirable ana pleaoaut rouie to the White Mountains. Travellers for that point can make direct oonaeo. lions by way of Providunoe and Worcester, or Boston. New torklm Tlcket Becare M otuos en pier La s 1 6m H. O. BRIQBS. General Manager, PHILADELPHIA AND TEEN -mVmt 'i' in i.l ton Meamooat Line. The steamboat t"" JottKKsT leaves A RtJH btreet Wharf, lor Trenton, stopplug at Tacouy, Torresdale, Beverly. Burlli Ktou, BrUtol, Floreooe, Kobolus' Wharf, and White 111. Leaves Ai ch Btreet Wharf Leaves Booth Trenton. Isaiurday, bepu 12, 8 A.sl Saturday, bepUI2. U it.' bunday, Kept, la, to Buriinuion, Bristol, and Inter meciluie landings, leaves Arcn street wharf at 8 A.M. aud li I', M. leaves Bristol at lo A. M. aud 4KP. M. MtilldbV. feelit 14. 10 A.JM MnnilAt. itAnt A a pu Tuesday, 16,11 A.MjTuesday, if' 8 p!m lt .. a li A M , LI .it ...... .. . " . n Wtdday, - inuisaay, " rriaay, P.M P.M Is. S 17. 4 Is, 8 P.M T bursUay " 17. 12 M. li'irtMD la I I. M rare to jkuwo.w cents each way: intermedial places. 86 cents. 4 u FOK CH1C8TES, HOOK, AND 2 WILMIISUTON-At S'SO and a SO A. u. ana a uu r. M. ihe suramer B, M. FKLTON and ARIEL leavs CHN UT otrt-et v barf (Sundays exceiueUi at 8 St ana 60 A. M., and 8'tu P, M., returning leavs Wil xaingion at 8-60 A. U U bO, and 840 p, M. btcpplng at Chester and Book each way, Jfare, lu cents b.-tnenn all points. Jixourslon tickets, li otnu. good to return by either boat. tilt wsAIEZJS D OPPOSITION TO THE COM- grZZtrf M KAlLKOAi, AJU, itl Kit Bttaujer JOHN SYLVESTER will make dally excursion 10 Wilmiugiou (ouudaysexoepiHd), louoh lug at (.hosier aud Marcus Hook, leaving ARCH btreet wharf at lu A. M. and 4 P, li returnkug, lav W l'mlnirr at 7 A, M. and 1 P. MT r I28U L, W, BURNS, Captain, r.F"ZZs DAILY EXCUK8IOK8. TH1 s i ' ii'ii nU splendid eteamboat JOHN A. WA U-isi-ik. leaves Cil KHJJ UT H treel Wharf, Pblladaw at 1 o'clock and 8 o'clock P. M., for Burllugtoo and Bristol, touching at Kiverton. Torresdale, Audalusla JL MBand''14rp m""" UlU' leV8 BxtalO' at I o'olOOK frara. 85 cents each way! Kxcnrslon 40 ots. 4 lit! rsTTir SUNDAY EXCUa8ION8.-T8B afcf'isMiii:?.Ia'pleiidld new stteamshlu TWILUiHT " 11 ..". v U. u iTUMn, r uiiaueipnia. at B o'clock A. M , aii;l V P. M., for Burlington aud Brls tol. touching at Mfnarnee's whaif, Tacouy. Kiverton Kxruntlon, 4u cents. INIU way. CaptlrvORA.WFORD. SHIPPING. fiffN LOfilLLARD'S OUTSIDB LINE. FOR NEW YORK. - From and after this date, tbe rates of freight by this line will be ten cents per 100 lbs for heavy goods; roar cents per foot, measurement; one cent per gallon for liquids, ship's option. One of the Steamers of this Line will leave every Tuesday, Thursday, and Bslur day, Goods received at all times on covered piers All good, forwarded by Kew Ytrk agent free ?! charge, except cartage. Tot further Inlormatlon, apply on the pier to ,MW Joanjp.oHL,