8 THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1868. CITY INTELLIGENCE. ITOB i DDI XI OH AX LOCAL ITEMS SIKINSIDB PAOB1, CITY CRIMINAL CALENDAR, larceny of a Sk iff mid a IO ft a of Fot loo Ncr-i-o TilNTnppers Slallcloa.f MlscDicf A Stabbing Amur, Yesterday Harbor Policeman Grimes ob erved thice suspicious looking; characters polling a skiff laden with potatooi around tile Point Ilotisc. He balled thorn, and on coming ashore they could Rive no satisfuotor tion as to bow they bud oh'-'" . ...lornm- thcia. lie r"'- ' ued possession or ..uu them and locked them up ui the Second Patriot Station. It was after wards discovered that the men had taken the boat from Cheater and r?one to Woodbury, where they stole, the potatoes troni a vessel. The accused were taken betore Alderman Titter BDary, who committed them for trial. They trnvc the names ot Michael Sullivan, Philip Morton and William Abbott. The store at Twelfth and Christian streets was entered yesterday by lour neprocs, who re lieved the till of its contents, amounting to $11. They then left and were followed to Eleventh utreet, where they were taken into custody. Being Riven a bearing before Alderman IionsaU, they answered to the namd of Joseph Stout, William Kobinson, Robert Hook, and Robert Palmer. They were nil bound over to answer. The charge of malicious mischief was yester day preferred against one Patrick Clare, before Alderman Hcins. The complainant aliened that while drivinir a horse and carriage aloiii? Ger mantown road he was run into by a heavy ve hicle b( louring to the accused, who admitted the fact but claimed that it was occidental. The former Insisted that it resulted through the nppllpenceof Clare, who was required to enter bail tor his appearance at Court. Last night Will run Wilson, a boarder at No. 923 Wallace street, wa9 stabbed in the hip at that place. It seems that a party was given in the house, and all went aloug smoothly until a late hour in the nipht when a Iracas occurred, during; which Wilson was cut. John H. John son, who Is nllr-tred to have inflicted the blow, was held In $1.101) ball by Alderman Mossey. Town Talk. The city is drearily moist to day. Our streets are mud sloughs, our gutters running mud-burns, our sidewalks glib niud Btretcnes, everjthiug is mud; horses, vehicles, aud citizens are niud-beeplaltered. This, how ever, is only the softening of the ancient dirt another day's rain and Its removal will be etlci-ted. We will then all be clean and nice. Old women are in tribulation over the aching of their pet corns, old men over their buniony excrctcences. The weatherwise complain that the "Kquinoctiul" is ahead of time. Pretty Schuylkill again washes further up its batiks, and pours its overplus ovr the barrier dam. Trees, grass, and shrubs k'ow more deeply green and fragrantly fresh; wearied, sun Uliehted flowers raise their heads and open their leaves to embrace the trickling drops. Bare-footed urchins f lash in the raiu pojls, baic-footed little g'rls laurrli at them. A rapid jouth of twenty-cue was found stea dying himself last evening auaiust one of the city lamp pc-ts. On bring asked by a police man what be was about, he replied. "Sir I (hie) I'm don't jou know, you nig'ramus I'm prac'ising the Grecian bend, I am." He was permitted toUni&hthc exercise at the Station House. The Republican flag raising and mass meetin? which was to have taken place last evening a Howard and Oxford streets, has been postponed cntil Tuesdny evening next. The heavens spouted, o the speakers couldn't. The Street Contractor up town would do well to look alter Cumac and Fawn streets. Their condliion, to say the very least, is nasty the more so, as the other streets in toe vicinity Lave all been swept aud shovelled. The fait style was introduced yesterday on 1 Chesnnt street, A lady hit her foot against the curbstone and measured her length, as well as breadth, upon the walk. The veteran legisla'or, Simon Catteron, re turned from Atlantic City yesterday. He is sunburned, hale, and hearty. A seaside sojourn lias renewed bis vigor. Golden ornaments are the rage upon the heads of ladit s at the present day. ' It would be a much pi enter novelty to have a golden orna ment in the pocket. "Grant and Colfax." The Republicans of tbe Fifteenth Ward meet to night lor the pur pose of organizing a campa'pn club. "Lady Thorn and Mountain Boy" didn't look yesterday at fcutlolk Park but they will on Monday next. How to see a star without going to the theatre run your head against a lamp-post. Unpalatable Lunch An acquaintance's cold shoulder. You preler other mutton. Resumed The drills aud meetings for the season of the National Guards regiment. A man of spirit He who has just taken bis tod. Chakoe op Conspiracy. Before Alderman Beitler, two men named Edward B. Sullivan and Dennis O'Neill (alias Robert Short), have lad a hearing upon the charee of conspiracy to defraud John Dorian, doing busiuess on Willow Btreet, out of wbi3ky valued at $321. O'Neill went to Dorian's place of busiuess, represented LimEelf as the proprietor of an establishment at Second and Prime streets; bought tbe liquor, and said that the casg would be paid tor it on delivery. The whisky was delivered, but the cash was not paid. O'Neill then tells Dorian to come at a certain time and get his money. Dorian goes, and while in the place Sullivan enters. The latter insists on having a bill due him by O'Neill paid, and succeeds iu getting the money which should have gone to Dorian. A bar-tender by the name of Melon, who was present at the time, disclosed the fact that the two had agreed iu the following way, to keep Dorian out of his money. Sullivan was to stuud upon the opposite corner, and when he saw Dorian enter, was also to come in; it being arranged that ho should not be recognized by O'Neill. He was then to present a bill and de mand its payment, thus securing the money 3ue Dorian. Melon also deposed that the establishment was owned by Sullivan, and not by O'Neill, lhe latter said after the transaction "Didn't we nx the thing lice ?" Sullivan was held in $1000 tail to answer, O'Neill in $1500; Cobokbr'b Invkstioatiok. Coroner Daniels this alteruoou held an inquest on the bo.lv of Robert McCormlcir. who died at the Hospital from injuries received in a quarrel at Urowu's Btables, on German street, below Third, ou the 2Gth of August last. It was iu testimony that HcCormick aud a man named Robert Dougherty pot into a tieut, during which Dougherty struck the deceased over the head with a pl'ch fork. The quarrel was startfd by McCormick, who charged Dougherty with having been the cause of a fiuht between his (McCormick's) son aud another boy. The jury rendered a verdict that the deceased came to his death from violence received ut the lands of Robert Dougherty. The accubed has not been arrested. Tub Cit? by the Sea. Atlantio City, as well as all other watering-places, will soon bo left to echo in loneliness to tlie dreary murmur of wintry billows. The vi litors are fast leaving. Tha Ightning express train to that plaee goes to-morrow morning for the last time, returning on Monday morning. Sudden Death. Samuel WasseD, 8 carrier, was found dead in bed this morning, at the Black Ho'se Ilolel, Second street, below Cal lowhiH. He was hlty-five yeurs of age, and bis death is attributed to consumption. Larceny. Charles Oolditein, with an alias, has been held in $700 ball by Alderman Bottler, to answer the charge of stealing $7, the property of one Binsan Brandr, residing in Bhlppen street. St. Ionia has boy garroters. New Orleans has furnished "champion heart-breakers" to the watering-places. Disraeli says women can vote In England if the revivors of the election Hats are wilting. A Glasgow museum ia to hare Stonewall Jackson's uniform. AMUSEMENT NOTESj At the Ciiesnttt Street Titeatrb the grand pectacle and ballet of the Wliile Fawn continues the attraction. A matinee will b given to-mor. row afternoon. At tub Walkpt Struct Theatub Charles Reade's dramatization of Foul Flay la bow in good workiDg order, and the public appear to appreciate It as highly as at first. It will be given at a matinee to moirow afternoon. At thk American Th"'"' - - .ro8Tasine will be given every v. uing, uu at a inatincc to morrow. Hooley's Minstrels, one of the best troupes of the kind in tho country, will open the winter season, at the Seventh Street Opera House, on Monday evening net The programme is rich with laughable burlesques. PEACE OR WAR. Tbc Great liieti:i Now Agitating KllifP'pC. The Courricr drs Flrts Unit, of Sept. 2, in a leading article upon the condition ol Eu rope, snjs: What the French want, without an exception, nnd from their innermost heart, and even at the cost of their blood, Is the reintegration ol France in its natural frontiers that is, what was taken from her by the European spoliation of 1815; that which was refused them by the surprise, not to say the trickery of Prussia in 18IJ0; In one word, it is revence for Waterloo and compensation for Sadowa. If the restora tion is fallen It is because France wanted the Rhenish frontier and could not obtain it. If Louis Philippe fell it was because he wanted to lower France in foreign opin ion, nud that under his rule the Ithcniuh fron tier was out of the question. If the republic is fallen it is because it did not know how to march resolutely ou to the Rhine, and thus con found the greatness of Prance with its own. If the earth trembles under the foot of the empire, it is because the nation chafes and demands the Khine; and if It anus, and if it is, as Marshal Niel states, the only European nation that is equally piepared for war or pence, it is because it dem'an'Js the same as the nation. The Rhen ish frontier peacefully if possible, by war if necessary. Yes, the Imperial government has a line of politics that is quite iu harmony with the French nation, uud it knows well that when it abandons those principles the French people will abandon it in re turn, as it abandoned the Bourbons, tbe Orlennists, and eveu the republic. And this is why Europe is not quiet now, because she kr.ows this as well as we do; because France has been the victim of great iniquity ; that the iniquity still exis's; that France is not inclined to be trodden upon; that she will use some day. when she shall have found it expedient, and when once on foot, eveu in the lace of a giunt, she will not withdraw as long as a drop of blood is lett in her arteries; and before this rich and abundant source is exhausted, the whole of Europe will be weak lrom loss of blood. These are well-known facts, nnd the only uncertainty is the propitious moment for the display of her pent up anger, and in which direction to let loose her does of war. This is why Europe is on a volcano until France reeuius her Rhenish frontier. It is not because France has ii reconcilable prejudices against tbe interests or conveniences of others. She would willingly admit any modifications suggested by just susceptibilities or conveni ences of her neighbors. For instance, she would be ealisticd, instead ot t.iKing forcible possession, in which she has no material interest, to agree to the organization of a neutral line that would keep guard on bir frontier and protect her eecurity; in one word, she would be satisfied with any arrangement interposing the Rhine between her and Germany. Is this asking for tco much? No; there is no disinterested power that could raise such a pretence, and, and, per- naps, mere is not one uat ooos not aesjrc it. FINANCIAL ITEMS. -The New York Tribune ibis morning says: "fcluie bonds were active una blunt-r. Tennessee, fx coupon, bo. d atOs rew bundi, tit?,,; Virginia, ex coupun. liti 'a ; new bunds, ii; North Croilnaa, ex roupou, 73: new bouda. Tii; MIsaoi.rl 8 per cents, 02;,. Kiilirnud buuds of ml classes were In demand at hlKtu rates. Central fucilio continuing In acilve de mand, wltn sales largely la excess ol tne needs ot the CutAiiaiy ai KM. l'atilW6s ot Mlisourl sell freely at Ho aiilvHccrned Iniemt, with lame sales to Inventors. Another Mock will b p!ucd In i. urope within a tow days, and Nie loan c'.osecl out within a short time. KxprebSbbatv were higher. Adams sold at 5 J; Wella A Fari'i 2'(,Merchauts' Union. 22: Uulted dtates, 41; Bankers autT-Siokt rtt', 1U6, l'acllio Mail was Uriu at lvi4. "Jtuhway shares opined buoyant, with an adrancs on all the leading nlmrtw. New York Central sold at liT.V, .ne prelerred, 7ii; Hudson, Hu?4; Toledo aud W ft i. iim. 63?,,: St. l'aul common, 7,; the prelerred, 8f; Michigan Soutuern, 6t. Cleveland and Toledo, lu:U4. Itock Island was In sharp demand, selling at loi. Northwestern s Lures were buoyant, BellluK at Sf-;.:. Keading was strong, selling at S3. The dealings In Krle were very heavy, and large block or stock changed hands. The street continues In the dark ai to the movements of the stock, aud the dealings out Bide the cliques who are menacing It are extremely light. Fort Wayne, Hj'J1.,. At the 1 o'clock Board prices were a shude oil. o. Paul common wai higher, selling at so. Cleveland and Pittnuurg 87;. At the close the market was unsettled, with a recession lu prices Ironi V'ft'j per cent, from the highest price f the dav. Michigan i-oniliern drcltued to Si'. Bock Island, ou heavy sales to realize declined to 102i. "Money continues In superabundant supply at 34 percent, on call, and loam ara made at tne loweut raieB In the majority ot cases. Commercial paper Is wanted, and lliHt-class names pais at (i(a)7 per ceat. The banks report a Humour of 4 per cent loans paid oil to-day, and are unable to reloau at tuat rate. The shipments or iurrency to the West, are begluulng to he more active, and Borne of the banks report tuey have shipped freely tor the past three days. "The Hock of cotton ou hand la Galveston Sept. 1, l-c.7, was 2 67 bale; the receipts ihlswesk are 227 baits; received previously, 97,770 balex; received at other Texan poits, li.'-J7 bale; exported to tireat ISrlta n, st',t',0 balee; exported to France, 1S25 bales; exported to other contiuei tal pons, 2o,c39 Dales: ex ported to New Orleans. 11, 27 bales; exported to iUld inore, 188 bales; exported to New York, 34,574 bales; exported to Koeion, 4S Dales; on hand aud on ship board (Dot cleared), 172 iales. Tbe accouuta from all prls ot tbe biate concur In representing that thli teatou s crop will far exceed lait year's; and a gene ral Impression prevails that 176,000 bales will be re cdved at this port. "The receipts of grain at Chicago lrom September 18 to NoveioberlS, 18b7, aggregate, 20 702 000 bushels: aud ot this amount the Chicago aud Northwosieru curried 8,031,too bushtU, or 40 per cent, ot the whole recelp'B. ''The receipts of grain at Chicago for the nasi three djs have been as iohow- tne barrels of Flour being reduced to bushels at the rate or rive bushels to ibe barrel, fceptemberl, total rtcelpts 603 000 bushels, of which amount the Northwestern transported 171. nuo. bepltmber 2. 40 (00 bushels, or which the North western carried irr, m. September 3, 497,0 "(i, and of this amount thu Nortuwesteru ituud carried 131,000 bushels." -Tbe following are tbe footings of tbe Boston bank repot t compared win those ol the two preceding ug. 81 Aug, 21 AuM7. Capl'al. fii.sun (loo n iwj.txio i?,3oo,ikw Loans U3 6'i ,OJ0 IVi f,U ,7)l lo3 9. iiOS Hpecie : 7-7 BID 77U.1W 6tU,1i Legal-loutletB lBMn, i(j lB,ilu 3.'3 16 054 6':0 bue from buuks...- 14 3.1 '22.J 13i7.37 15, 12,18) Dae to banks 1J.7U7 2-7 10,' 6 i.hi'i 14 H7J .2tt Deposits . . 4l.21t.tM7 t 3(14 049 43,702 Sol Circulation (Nal'l) 2u,ii'7 .001 25 21165(1 25 182 Sog Tbe XnvYorktr JlifuhlZcitung. the Herman-American lluanilttl and cernn erclal authority of Nnw York city, mokes the following ejiluiutecf theUnltid Htates Roid-benrlug h-mns not permaueutly placed oa thin side of the Atlantic: The total issueol Government gold bond '..12,038,000,000 'ibe national hanks have deposited, as se curity lor circulation and Government deposits - SSO.OOO.OOO Leaves v l,708,ooo ooo The aaviiigs hunk In the Kiainof New York held f "8 ,225 8oo; Hie amount, hHl by all the Having banks In the United Htates we believe to be within bounds If we estimate It al 2vt ooo.ooo Leaves tt,45o,O00,O00 Uy Insurance und Trust Companies there Is nt least held a further amount of (0,(00 ik o. and ho permunent Invest ments of capitalists and all other claH.es of ( ii r prpuiatlon will certainly amouut to 1510,000,000 together 700.000 000 Leaven t75O.0O0.OO0 If we dtouct lrom tn:a the minimum amouut held lu Kurope, say 600.000,000 There reaiaint a tothl of i50,ooo,ooo O' which a largo tsrl Is held by bunks and tbe mijrxerous dealers In i.ovi rnment securities, who are nbilKed to keep coubltnuly a certMliHixiouut of bonds ou hand. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. WTy TAIlKItA'I.R HiPflNT (II IT K II -CHfciSMj 1' (Street, West of KlUHTKENTH. IhlBplaf' of worMilp, hvlor been closed for re P?,'IMt.1,1,ik evfl weeks, wilt be re-npeoed on l,N.)Y.,il', uiit. The l'istor. Jtev. M. A. rbLJ will . reach In the moruluir at 10,'i o'clock, and In the evening at 7; o clock. 21 THIRD EDITION VIRGI NI A. Gathering of Ex-Confedoro SeSIais at JCi SwooTv Springs-Commonta on Rosoorans' Mission. Affairs in tho New Iomiiiion. T.tc, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Et. FROM VIRGINIA, Ontlicrlng: oT Southern I.onderfl nt lied Kncct Nrliirs Ucncrnl KoHccrMnV Bllnnion. Ued Sweet BrniNas, Sept. 3. Hon. Alexander H. Btcpbens and Jeremlali Morton arrived here to-iloy. Wr. Stephens is much Improved iu health. General Beauregard and General Brent are al-o here. General Beauretrurd has not been in Washington for three months, Washington, despatches to the contrary notwithstanding General Robert E. Lee, Ex-Senator Conrad, Assistant Postmaster-General Zevely hare gone to Hot Springs. Hon. Richird Y. Merrick and Ks-Sccretary of the Iuterior Stnitrt have left for home. The numerous special despatches and letters from the Springs to Northern and Western journals about General Eosecranst mission to prominent representative men of the South, are amusiug to the gentlemen hero who signed General Lee's letter to General Rosecrans. Tho statement set forth In said letters and despatches ol special correspondents is guess work or sheer inventiaa on their part. Not one 0! them have seen the correspondence, and all the signers of it are bound in honor not to reveal the contents. When the proper time arrives tbe correspondence is to be made public by General Rosecrans. General Lee has the original in hit possession. Bince General Rosecrans' departure Hons. John B. Baldwin, and Thomas 8. Flournoy have affixed their names to it. Upon the anival at the Springs Alexander H. Stephens remarked to a friend that the most correct and truthful account of General Rotecrans' conference had been given by the correspondent of the Associated Press. Secretary Browning will remain at White 8ul phur springs until the latter part of September. Visitor aro beginning to pack up for home. FROM THE NEW DOMINION. Threatening Speech or tbe Attorney. Uenerul of Halifax I jiou the Coiifede ration Scheme. Halifax, Sept. 4. Attorney-General Wilkins yesterday made a Tiolent speech, lie said th composition of the Senate was the only barrier to the acceptance of the confederation by Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia wanted another concession the liberty to secede when she wished without civil war or bloodshed. ne doubted the wisdom of accepting the situa tion. The new constitution was merely a still born abortion, destined to be drowned like a supernumerary puppy. Mr. Wilkins concludes thus: "I now give notice to England and Can ada, if before the next session redress is not given and the constitution restored to the people, the people will no longer submit. Wo will have no more of gentle and constitutional means; after that we will pass revenue laws, tend for a collector of customs, and order him to pay into the local treasury." Mr. Blanchsrd, leader of the Opposition, asked who will obey tbe law? The Attorney-General answered "If we need it, we will, in that event, appeal to another nation 1 " The Speaker immediately cleared the gallery, amid great uproar, and declared the Assembly adjourned. The speech makes intense excitement. THE E UR OPE AN MARKETS. This Afternoon's Quotations. By Atlantic Ouble. London, Sept. 4 P. M. Consols, 94J for both money and account. American securities steady. Stocks firm. Liverpool, Sept. 4 P.M. Cotton easier, but not quotably lower. Stock of cotton afloat bound to this port, 672,000 bales, of which 3000 are American. N Manchester advices are less favorable and causa a dullness. Breadstuds dull. Flour easier. Corn easier. Wheat easier. Naval stores unchanged. Provisions generally unchanged. Lard, however, has advanced to C7s. Sd.'J London, Sept. 4 P. M. Calcutta Linseed dull and declined to C2s. Petroleum firm. Sugar quiet and steady. FROM CONNECTICUT. Demise of n Ilailwny OHIoinl. Bbidoeport, Sept. 4. Charles Waterbury, for over twelve years Superintendent of the Nauga tuck Railroad, died in this city last night, from a concerous affection of the lungs. The funeral will bo solemnized on Sunday afternoon. Euncrnl of Ex-Uovernor Seymour. Hartford, Sept. 4. The funeral of Ex Governor Seymour will take place at 2 o'clock on Monday afternoon. All public societies, and military and Maeouic organizations are pre paring to attend tho funeral. Latest Markets by Telegraph. New York, Pept. 4. Cotton dull at 3t)c. Flour Bteafiy: Bales rt tiCOO barrels istate, fS'UU&hrMO; Ohio, H'16i,ll'"t; Western, f( Mit'8i; Hnuthiu, fS'StifisiU'Sti; t'alltorala, fu 75(412. Wheat quiet for RprliiK, de cIIuIdk for winter: Bales of IihjO buuhels red Western, t'2ill; white Michigan, v0. Corn dull and deollned le; sales ol 4i,n 0 bimhela at 5(i;i7o Kye dull; lales of lux) huahels Western at l-l5fttt-6a. Beef quiet. Po k dull at t-SU. Lard hrot all9,',(tKl9,,1;, Whisky dull. Baltimobk, 8ppt 4 Cotton dull and nnchangel. Hour iiuiet and unclmuged. Wheat dull and un changed. Corn dull; whltu, f I !:tf1.2i; Inferior, $1-10 (ml 12. Oata dull and unchanged. Kye steady, at tl a(cl-4u. ProviBlmn firm aud unchanged. New York Mock Quotations, 3 V, M. Received by telegraph from Gleudlnningr a Davis, Block Brokers, No. 48 S. Third street: N. Y. Cau It. lSiDjJ Pltts.F.W:nd ChUUS N; Y. aud Erie It... 40U;Toledo & Wabasn.. bWi Ph. and Ilea. U 9I' Mil. & Bt, Paul 00111 7SHi mien. (5. ami 11.1. xw. H nuauia .express iv Die. sua tlU. xt. M;- Obl.&N.W.K.orni. 85 (Jhl.A N.W. H. prf.. 85 Chi. and H. I. K mX Dull and steady. Wells Kro 25)4 Teunessees, new.... M'i Oold luyl rOUHTH EDITION The Mammoth Cave ia attractive this season. A Masonio Congress is to be held at Havre, September 18. Deception of the New Austrian Mini8ter-Tho Senate to be Convened on tho 21st inst.-Aflairs in tho Revenue Department. Eic, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. FROM WASHINGTON. Another Letter from Robert OnM. Special Despatch to The Evening Teleyrtrph. Washington, Sept, 4. The Intelligencer has another item this morcintr only three columns long regarding the exchauge of prisoners durin? the war. Another column letter is published from Hobcrt Ould, dated Richmond, September 2, in which he attempts to answerthe statement of General Meredith, and a letter of the same length irom a Colonel Hatch, of St. Lauis. The Next Netiftlon. Mr. Wade has written to parties here that he will return from his Rocky Mountain trip on the 18th or 19th of September, in time to open the Senate on tho 21st, in case it is decided to convene Congress on that day. The letter states that his health is much improved. Nenntor Kye, who went to Paris some time since to consult physicians regarding nn affection of the throat will not return before November. Keveimo Noinlmittnns. Commissioner Rollins has prepared a lis of supervisors for districts not hitberto sup. plied, and will send them to to the Secretary of the Treasury to-day or to-morrow. Like the first batch sent in, they are all Republicans. This will complete the business, so far as the Commissioner is concerned, and It will then rest with McCulloch whether they shall be appointed or rejected. Out of a large number of appli cants, the Commissioner has nominated only those who are supposed to have qualifications for the position. Baron Von Lederer, the new Minister from Austria, was presented to the President to-day by Secretary Seward. The usual formalities and speeches were gone through with, after which the President held a social interview with the new Minister. Al'hilnielphlnn Appointed Storekeeper, Secretary McCullouh to day appointed W. D. Broad head, ot Philadelphia, Storekeeper, under the new Internal Revenue law. Commissioner Rollins Intends leaving in a few days for New Hamp shire, to visit his family. It is probable that before he goes the matter of appointment of supervisors wi'l be settled. FROM ST. LOUIS. Movement of the Cheyenne Indians. St. Louis, Sept. 4. An Omaha despatch says it is reported that a large force of Cheyenne Indians was moving Korth, intending to take the Pacific railroad between North Platte and Julesburg. General Augur's troops are endea voring to intercept them. Railroad 1'rogrrcss. The Government Commissioners have accepted another section of the Union Pacific Kailroad. A Denver despatch says three men were killed and one wounded, by Indians, near Colorado city, yesterday. New Tork Stock Quotations 3 P. HI. Received by telegraph from cilendlnnlng A Davis, Stock Bickers. No. 48 S. Third street: N.Y.Ceut. K 120?MiTol. ci WabanU R... C'l'' Mil. ana hi. i'.cotu 7i'4 Adams Express (Jo. 4!) wellH' 'argo U. B. Express 45 Tennessee 0s, new.. 0o,'i Gold Market dull. ft N.Y. and E. R, ru. anu xtea. it. w-' , Mlcb.B.and N. L K.tio1- C'e. and P1U.R StijU. B. Express... 1 1 "VT TIT n . fir 1, . V U i , HUU It . TY. UUUl.OU Chi. and N.W. pref...K5 CM. and R. I. R 102 Pltts.F.W.andCM. 108 100 sU Lit Bch II 44 IN all Leh Nav. 21 (' do.... stitf. 21 ' 3( 0 do -Is- 2l?i ouu so ileaa it a. in raiLADKLPMA STOCK KIllIAMiK HALES, SEPT. 4 Reported by De Haven & Bro No. 40 , Tnird street BKTWKEN BOARDS. (1900 Fa 6s, 1 series. 2d..iu4 t:i(i0 do.l serles.104 I'i.O tlo.l ser.2Uioi4 lf,8-(i8 Ps6h, '70 b fltioornil&KrleSs.... 01 iii'iio ma 6s.goid l.bA, m tUKiO do b' teuo do .-. 875 lw an Fentis K .....in. M'a 3 do. 63 lco do ...bea. bv,, A ah Leh V R I)'. &5 bECOND linno I.eh Val Rss s -.!(HI AArn in h,'8... Oli'i ti'M Went l'a K 6s S2 1 ah (Jum & Am )'J:i 10 Uo........b5.U9 Will iua lUO 210 mo 100 dO...h8i..lR. 4 do..0lbuH. 4S do..6udoal0 44 du b6U 4S do .83 WD. 45 81 do 46 BOARD. IS h l.oh V It M 0 all 2d and 3d ... 61 7i loo sb Fnu & k... 24 100 do......bt0. Zbli Amount of eoal transported on the Philadel phia and Reading Railroad during the week ending Thursday, Uept. 3, 3bn. Cwt, Prom Bt Clair 55 05 t rorlCurbou 10.31S I I - Poltsville 2,518 14 Bchuylklll Haven 40.2.'ti 07 " Auburn 4,911 03 " Port Clinton 28 872 04 " Uarrlsburg and Dauphin 4.031 04 Anthracite coal for wenk D1.02D 13 Bituminous coal from Uarrlsburg and Dauphin for week 7,285 00 Total for week paying freight 1)9.215 01 Coal for Company's use . 3.U9J 11 Total all kinds for week 102,908 13 Previously this year 2,129 412 07 Total To Thursday, Bept. 5, 18U7 ,..2,282,321 00 . 2,41o,b'J2 05 POLITICAL. -Hon. Thomas D. Eliot, of tho First District, Massachusetts, alter ten years of service in Cou press, proposes to retire. Amoiiir the caudida'es named for the successor are: Hon. Mr. Bullin. ton, who has previously served the district; Hon. William T. Du is, of Plymouth, and Cap tain Prince S. Crowell, President of the Cape Cud National Batik. Hon. Aided Lly has declined to be a candi date tor Congress in the Rochester DWtrict, nud recommend tbe nomination of Judee Koah Davis as a candidate of the highest character and capacity, whose unanimous Indorsement by the County Convention of Orleaus, he says, ex presses the uncontested preferences) of the people of that county, as well as of a very large proportion of the Republicans of Monroe. Tne World before Seymour was nominated, thns pave an expression of its opinion of all who assail General Graut: "His career is a lesson in practical Democracy; It is a quiet sa'ire on the dandyismand puppyism, and tne shallow atl'ectation of our fashionable exquisites, iu well as upon tbe swagger of our plausible, glib toncrued demagogues." General Carl Pchurz has arranced to visit Ttuffnlo on the 10th instant, aud speak to his German fellow-citizens on tbe noliticitl ques tions of the day. He also speaks in Albany September 7; Syracuse, September 8; Rochester, September 9. Tllti MARKETS. Jffct rollc-wlng are the latest quotations for the .rloufl artloles designated: ABHEij-DoxYl Pot. lBtf8t:inoiig'2X8 l'earl. 1st sort CAMlJsiJi)0Tyj 2XC Pperm, f ft... 4S (3 43 lH),ptLP4co S8 a DoDoJ'd&My M Qi 64 Adum'ne City 21 W 22 Adim't Htal oh COAL-DOXY! 10C. (a 115 ion. I.lv.Orr'lVton Rldney.,n fft Plcton m Anth. 2,Kt. 6'SO 7 '60 cocoa-Doty; S e, W, Warc'o gldlubd Masyaq'lT " BkalO Far. " a tt. liom o i" a COFFKE Pttty; 6c, th. JftV,wh'e,Vttg'd,2l'llB2H P1rrI, fold a Manuift, v gold 11 a Jut, gold. ... ( Amer, unu a isimihihoiio Do. drwed...27(i,xia290,0O IIIDBH Dutyi io cent. d valorem, gjld B,U.AB.Ayres UnblttJow 11 a 11 Do.do.gr.sltd.,. 21S M Oronoco.MMMn.. 19 a lu1; Ban Jnsn .-IS a 18 Havanllla. etc .12 ft 12 MaracalbosAd 14 a 15 Haranb. oxeto 11 a 2H MatHmoras..,.. 15 a ls;J P. Cabollo. ... 14 a 15 Vera Cms IS a 16 Dry Mouth gld., 11 a IS California -20 fe-ai,'i Calcutta Buff, gd ll fift in ni,Bi(JOT-n feu-Jl DK'dli.aki'UO. KltiBTHDce 14 ,rtm Jamaica M.ta 15H Do. green 12 6513 UBKP7i.ii, in vjrurii oawgn ((u 11 Maracnlbo 16 a 17 HU 1 ioni, .casb. 14 a Ui COPI'KR (KfPfKR Dptys Flf aud Bar. 2ic. and HhcHtblng, to. h. Atu'ran Ingot 23,a 24 Hlieal hi'g new (8uiui))i m. 88 a Blieath'g.old, 18 a 20 Hheatli'g yel. 26 a Fig, Chile Bolts 83 ft AND DYKH A'cohol ft A lot-8, V th-... 21 a A iotsuc trine 75 a -85 A luui 8Sa a'i Ant'jtPK. gld ll.'4 ArgulN ret. gld i.i',a 21 Arxenic. iu'r.g8 a AtHnleiida 1f a 40 Bnlff.Ill( nplvl 85 s Halraru Toln... 130 a BaiHiim Fern-. a 8 60 lien ies,Ppr8.gl327 a 81 Frrrles, Turlt. a lll-carb.HoMH, ctf a 4'; 1'orax, relinttt Hia 86Si Hnmatoup.roll a Hrlnis one.llur a 6li Brim'p.Vn.Kdwoo a laniph'rltpinbil.g a Camphor, ref l-2o a (aiitliurlucs... al'65 Car.Aiuuionla 17 a C artlBinoms. a 8 2.1 Cantor Oil a 86 CbamouilleFl. is a 60 Chlorate l'ot- anli, gold -81 a 85 Cochltifal Hn gd a 90 Coch.Mez. gold 78 a 75 Copperas.Am. i Cream Ta. g d 80 a 31 Cubi-bs, Jfi. 1... a so Ctitch 16ija 16 Kpaoiu Bults... 854 a 4 Gamboge 1-75 aZ'OO tiom Arabic, B'ts 81 a 85 Cum Arabic, pkd . 45 a-75 Oum Benzoin SO a 85 Uum Myrrh, K, I a- - Gum Myrrh, Ty 55 a Oum Trag.,st 85 a 4n (4m '1 rag.. II. gd 60 a loo JUyd. l-ota i:ng. and Fr., gild a-70 a8'9fl Iperucuauha, lir 8 P0 a376 Jalap Id bd gld ss a 90 I.ao Dye..... 25 a 65 Licorice l'asu 37 a Madder, Dutch gold 12a 13 M.ddtr, French gold 15a Uiuina, small Hake 95a Manna, large lltike lTOa 175 Nutgalift, bl. . Alfp....M.. 35 , Oil Istrg't 6S7,'ia 8-f0 Oil Caxbla a 3 60 Oil Lemon....4,00 a 4.60 Oil repperm'l a 660 Oil Orange a Oplum.Ty.g'd s oo a 820 (X. Arid M lb St a fhosphorua- Ma 95 Prus, rotash. a 85 ' Quicksilver,. 7 a Khubarb, Chi- 2 i5 a8"2.5 ftlu larnhia n ll w P B. Am'iau. g d 8 a B)i B.Hoda,goId.-l,624a 16o Karbft'llia, Hon in bd gold. 25 a 80 Baraa'llla.Mex. In bd gold... s 14 Benna.K. 1-. a ISeuna. Alex. 25 a 28 (Shellac 87J.a 60 Bsda As fcOtf C.KOld ?-2'J?4 6. Lead, w.gd a 25 isulph. Qnlo. a 2-au Tar. Acid, g 62 a 62H Verdigris, g.. M a Vlirlnl TlliiB... 10 a 11 FKATHKliH duty: aoiac PrinicWesi'n A5 a Tennessee...- 7(5 ylH Duty! Mackerel. tt: HerrlngMl; riUnioti, l Other pickled, 60 f bbl. Other Fish, pickled, Dried, or smoked In suiuller packages, 60 CI. V lwlbn, Dryfodicwt.7oo a 8 0o . PU'kt'dMtule. 600 a 6 2d l'lcklt'd Cod- 6'25 a 650 Mackr'INo.l. a Mackerel No. 1. small 20(0 a2l 00 Mack.aoS.M.lO'lO all) 50 Mack. No.3M. HI "15 aid 60 t-aitu'tPic js.vsoo aauuo bui.ric.is tee a blind. Ct.Ko.l, hf. bb) r Her'gl'h k'd. a- Iler'gwe'i'.b'x. 81 a P0 Herring, No.l 28 a -25 F LA X D 11 t y : $15 ton. Korth Jtiv.t'lb 1 a 24 FI.Ol'K AND MKAL Duty; 10 cent. Bour 7 00 a 9-80 Jix. Au.ticr") I In.. Ohio, V 10-30 all 00 & Mlcb...J dipping. 9 00 9- Ohio ix. bds. 9 00 alS-40 OeuefcHee do..ll SI aiaio Canada hup- a lanudaexira a Branay wine. a Cleorttelown. a Calllor'a tli0.40 a'2-2S Oregon...-""" Alexandria... a Balt.lluw'dst a Bye Klour 7 25 alO 25 Corn Meal 26 a do. Brandy'e,6-75 a do. l'uncU.,.27 2a a'JS'BO FKC1T Duty: Dried, 6c; Almonds, ftMlin-. shelled and not shelled: other Nuts. 2c: Dates, 2c: Par- dlneB 6u, Orupes 25, ana CityHlBtighter IS (5 18V rtiiiNKY duty: 2oc.fgau Cuba, (0) gal., duty paid. Ctibtfobond gn ?tt.? -uty : b cents 12-- - - liiiVarlUDs 20 ad si! WH-Doty; lo'cent. Ox, B. A. & B., . 0 8fl5a7.00 INDluo Duty: frk, Bengal, V lb...l iu a 2 05 Madras gold.-93 a 1 10 Manilla. kOlil..7n u Carncc'S.gold so a l-o uuai.euiaii.,gid-fliia 145 1f-rt,,!?Yi i.,nr 17; H. " ' p im jioiier and Plate, IV, n ; jund, P.a d Scroll, iv,$ PI, , Kugl ah. a' p'outch, W ton, 43 00 a 46'C0 rig, Anrcan.. 40tK) a 42 00 Bur.Eng. ref..luii 0o a Bar.KnK 'ui... mi-Ik) Bheet, K'lt-nK, iHt qcml. "H lb a 14 Sbeet,i:ugl!Hh ac amirican a 12 75 V, UK) tit- Galena a Ifpaulsh, gold- 6 80 a 8 40 Bar, net ic uo a isheiit&Plne.ut aloao uiAi'HEK-Duty: Bole. 85 ITnrtHr. sil 01. Oak(S)Lt.B.-88 a-42 Oak, nlddle..88 a-46 Oak.htavy 40 a-46 Oak, crop 12 a-4J neiu oeK,ilglit28 a-30 Hem 'k.heavy-as a-28 1 Mi" uf;am-i a-27 LdvaT UT5fi 10 cen, Bock land.com al'lfl J. ump - . ..,, UMBKilj-DiTTYi'.Wct u vai. wnoiesalePricpa Timber, W. p. ""'""ices 'Mcubio fiiot Timber Oak, Oo .- Tlmber.UaVP (Dvcaripicft a F.aHt'n Hpruce ner 61 is-on n. Ph'gles.bch a xio.suaveu. v, bdl. m M.) a Pobav'd'iiM. n DoCfd.2 It. IHt qnai., M,. a Do. (Jypreusa, 3 foot a Lai lis J-I A 6L 2 00 a 8'( 0 BWS'P a275 00 "W.O.bbl. alfio-00 Head'g W. O. aMo-oii MOLASSES-Dut y:c.p g N.O..lgal 2Ka-r," Porto ilico 4 iJ Cuba Miiscov...42 a 611 Barbadoes 60 a 51 iN AlLS-JJPTY.- Cut. l'i- i A V A I. s 1 OKKS D ut Y Hlits.Turpeuiluo, i cte Scstakiivr Turpet. Hf-, N. Coty,lj(280ibs m-23 Tar Wll- nilngton...... B4 25 Tar, 4 bbl ISO. 8 25 as 75 riicn ma a iteain-coin. old2 77 a ao DO. N().2niSll.h .l-ikl n 9'o: sulrlls 'J ur... 44 a ii Oil-ditty: Palm lo.oiive It, Seed, 23 cents; perta (foreign flsherle! ,i7i Wha a 1-08 a a 85 a-uo a a a a , a H7 ft UT f,M,u Hal, ,.. elgn), 20 Bceut. ad va lorem. 1 Ollve,l2bbAb 4-00 a ll.ve.';'0;VB--2 35 a 2 40 Tgul Linseed. iLuu. Whale j ' Kef. Win Itet. H'g. ei'vui, crude 180 t. L-nrcii, a 15 iV a, city dis tilled 93 L'd OilHtfeW. KeroHeiiH iv . iurVui.Kifix,DTV: Thluoirton. a7on Crude. o. H..f .., Ax' Crude,40 7 garity ' Reuuea reo L.is7'4 M- to white (tlo 125 tHl. Ml- Bellned In ootid' " L.O. to white ,(115 test) 82 a Relined la b d. whit (115 Lo test 34 Naptua, rollued (6063 ga. rity) is a PKoviSiojls-uoTT; VnrtaVP f,lb' oaud and Lard 20. V jb. BeefMs.ob ntb a " " City " Mosj ex.20 60 ao-00 " Prime cy a Porarlsob aassf.' .. fl.me " 'u a75 .. "-to: a2j&( vicar f hhouid.sait ia Va Tn' Beetham, in la-ls1 a 4) a 32 a- a 18 Fruit In Bugar, Byrup f-araprruHtm 18 a 19 and Brandy, 25 cent, i""". itit a Kaisli.f'.cK a" a BaH.bthAlyr4 0(l a 4 07 Cur'uis,Zu tt-U3i a-12 Cltrot a 28 AUi'onOa bid ly soil shell.. 18 a 17 Aim's shell U. a 60 FCBBAKDbKlSH Furs dreshed or tuidrt'ssed, on bklns. 10 V cent aU val.: Beaver. V poe.' " Northl'tb 1'50 a 4-00 Bouthern 1 t o a 2to ' -Westeru. 1-00 a 8 00 OiterNo'lhpceBOO a 7-10 W'eBteru- b-uo a 5(0 Bed Fox rVth -75 a 1 50 Baccoon B'tu 10 a west.com 'io a 49 North . So a 1 00 MlukNorth'u J 00 a 8 IW Western.. 8 00 a 7 00 Marten, K'th 6 on a20lHi Ooat.Curacoa-S a -63 Mex. f tt a Deer,Blsalf lb -48 a M6 " H. Juan....--H a 41 OR A IK Duty: loaaicts. WheRlOfbu a 2 60 Cala... a 2 60 " Ohio a 11 Mich., w- '85 a 2 60 Chleugo.No.l. a 2 08 do. No.2, a 2 01 do. No 8. a Mllwa'k.No. 1 a 2 17 do. No. 2 a 2 10 do. No. 3 a Rye btate lto a 1 fJ Corn, Bo. w.y, a 1 21 ' yellow J-24 a " mixed ,.. 1.00 - Western118 Barley . a Barley id alt. a Oats, Hi ate... 83 a 84 " Ohio... 83 a 81 " Jersey a Pea bie.-2hn a OHNPOWDKR- Duty: 4 cents 'ft s, and 20 1 ct. ad val. BlaHtln?,126m- a 4 00 tlilniilug..... a 4 60 Bille 660 a B A Y NKInblB10nll 75 H EM p Duty: RusslaflO: ManlllatV6; Jute $15: Ha llun. $40; Bun aud BUai, 16 V ton. RuBslacllH'n.gold a24B-00 IllCklH.KI.M Beef.huio.-pib ."".Oraug-gj H(.niri0J,r 80 VJII III. . C'heeaw i Carolina, i'jo m' Rangoon, dressed (Ki-r 8-40 aio-o.1 1"0 tts; built. IS ela & Turk's Island, 4 bush a 48 Liverpool, Or., S8i?Vk-;-T-1,78 ' $ H gglns'... a 2 90 pAshum's g2'60 a StoKDc-DoTv: Mnssed. l'.o., Hemp 2o. to, ca naryiiVbiish.orsoiba, 23 val'"8" Woed W ct Clover ( ft -llVa14 llmothybu.2oo a3-25 'HA'nvrgii....2 80 a BHO I Duty: 2'io, W S DpJtUk(c)Virj--liJia- RiickcoiriDicl -l boa p Duty; 25 ' cent au vai. Casille I6,a'a lnw 8PKLTiR-(ZiNN7i Duty: In Pigs, Bars, and Flatej. l-60 V luo lbs. Plntes gold 6-37 a 60 BPlOK.s-DuTY:6a&0a.Vlb- a -52 a 11 a-95 a -ss a -24 MH. aid (liiig'r.ltacegld'll Uaco, gold.... 90 Nuluieus, No. 1, gold -? Pepper, gold.. -M Pimento. Jamaica (c) gold... a-2t Cloves (o) gld 27 ' a -27'- BUOA RH-DuTY.aSclli New Orleans a Cuba.Mrlado 07 a 18 Porto Bloo a -121. Hav'uawhlte -113aa 12 Hav, B.fcy. a Manilla......... a 11 Loaf, a Crushed......... a 1, YeUow.....M... a 14,1 FIFTH EDITION EUROP Tho Annual Feast of Cutlors at Shefflold-Ministor Johnson's First Address. Eld Etc., EUr., Etc, Et4!., Ete. By Atlantic Cable. 1 ox don, Sept. 4.-TL6 annual feast of cntiera t PhefEelJ occurred jesterdaj. Iteverdr John ton, the American Minister, who was present as a Rnest, made his first address in England, la response to a toast of "the health of the AmerU can Minister." Mr. Johnson, after expressing thanks for the high honor conferred upon him, Eald he came to this country as a messenger of peace. lie was glad, he said, to recognize evcrywhera in England strong proofs of friendship, and which he was certain was reciprocated in hU native country; for no people under the sua had America kinder feelings than her Mijestv's subjects. They were really one people; had like laws and like institutions, and in both, countries freedom was tho base of those laws and institutions. In their Joint hands liberty would live forever. Mr. Johnson reviewed briefly the causcst course, and triumphant termination of tha rocrnt civil war in America, and continued tha war had tlua compensation, it ended slavery. Xone but Tree meu now trod the soil of America, nnd history would say that atl was well spent ia erasing this blot, transmitted from a common ancestry, tarnishing our fame, and belying the Declaration of Independence. lie then alluded to th? marshaling of forces for the coming Presidential election in Ame rica, saying that however the present canvass ended he could personally vouch for the next Tresldent as a warm friend of England. He then alluded to Sheffield cutlery, which he said was famous throughout tho civilized world, and spoke familiarly and encouragingly of the annual gathering of the Cutlers' Com . pany. He was listenad to throughout with the most marked attention and his assurances of peaceful and friendly relations between Europa and America were loudly applauded. Now Torlt Ntoek Quotation 345 p. jr. Keceived by telegraph from OlendlnnlnK A Davis, Btock Brokers. N o. 48 8. Third street. N. Y. Cent, K 12(i West. Union Tele... 84 N. Y. and K. K 4Ji Toledo & Wabash... 63 Ph. and Ilea. K 92'x dev. and Tol. II 102V; Mich. . and N. I. K. 86 ; Mil. & St,Paul com. 7!) CU v. A PittHb'g JR.. 86 Adams Kxpren8 49 Chi. and N.W. com 80 1 Wells, Fargo Kxd... 2534 Chi. and N.W. pref. 85 U. 8. Express Oa... 44 Chi. and K. I. K 102" Tennessee 6s,new... 6812 fltts. K. W. & Chl. 108 I Gold ......7..."l4i " l'ae. M. S. Co....,..K22 Market Irregular. DRY U00DS QUOTATIONS. Merrimack. W ... Mvrrlniack. D...... Clnchpco. L 14 Bprague -l?i Paullio i:;; American lHj Dunnells.,. Aliens - Ihh llancli enter. reeuauB. 13 BriKRA 1 ) 1 Nassau 12i PRINT8. ...lt,S Lowell , "!iS2 AmoBkPSg, A. Lawrence, v, I; M O .. M. ii BKOWN BHKBTING8, ,....4-4 17 W HIIIHIILm Vlctorj .i Waureuau, 1 Amo Id ............I Hamilton. 1 Til oh mnnil OloDceater 1 mouriiinK.,.,,,.,,,,,..,..! Lanoaster 1 uriemai.. .4-4. .4-4..., 7-8... .84... .8-3.. ..ii ..13li ..184 xa 0-0 raciuc, Kxtra....4-4......l(iv h 4-4 IhU 1,... Atlantic, A ' li I. V, N... .14 .17 .16 ...1HS ...lo. ..14 ....4-4..... ....4-4...., ...4.4 .4.4 14 M..3-4 14 H OA ,IW a- -7a Ptinprlor. 1XL...4-4 IS htiawuint, CI 4 4 IA Aiawum, F.........4-4. Hinrit. A Uabiacbusett8....4-4. ' J'.H 11 I 1., a' ",.., S:l'0 Indian TTPad 4-4 17 H.4 1.1 ...4-4 13i .-7-8 1'Z.'i ...4-4 15,'i ...4-4 16i ,...4-4 18ls i-lltnneld, A ..4-4 18i Kennebec 4-4 10 ..T,rV, AA. I" t IO Shannon 4-4 14 Bed lord. R 3-4 11 L'oneaU) Co.. K... a. 0 01NOHA.M3. Lancaster m 18 I Hartford. prknl)lre......... 18 lUianoke. viaieuonia Exeter, A wea rora Augusta, ntthn"""" Pittnlie'idTA PocaMet...-.......4-4......l r 0- ,1 Pepperell, K...M ..i T MM 1 N 1 ,7-4 ...Mn..B4.,,,4 ...n9 4....1. 4 Boot, 8 ! A ipletonr.V.V"tt'7.Jl i-aconla, ii ..4-4 li 0 1, Lyman, E." it"" ni.ift. " r. v'- H..v-., Indian Orchard, A.., C Great Falls, H....9-8.'.'.'." Al Cabot, A. DwIdht.A"".'. ,...4-4.. ,4-4.. .4-4.. ...4-4., 4-'?".'."' ..4 4 -4-4.., A mmkeair , York.. 30 Blue Hill 15 North Held 18 Oakland..., 20 Working Man's 2li Union..........., 17 18 blaseow u DENIM8. Otis Company. OO 23 ." ,f BB 2 AA. Warren Crown VU1UIUUIIIU, .30 18 ......80 Amnakeasr 24 York 2.)i UnckBVllle.. 15H Anierluan M Hj, Hanilltou .....24 i-verett,... is &TBIPBD 3inRTING3. Wkllteuton, A Z.tn ;; bb ia Kacle Thorudlke. 222 FINE STATIONER T, CABD ENGRAVING and Card Plate Printing In every variety, DRKka; 1038 CHESNDT Btree. rpPIE OLDEST ESTABLISHED BOYS' CLOTHING STORE IN THE UHIO. We bave now on band a large assortment ot very (Ice EcadyOIudc Clothing Tor Boys, Which will be sold as cheap as the same style an& quality can be purchased elsewhere. An extensive assortment of floe CLOTH 4, CA89I M1KES, BKAVtltS, Etc, for gentlemen'! order work. T. A. IIOYT & BE0., ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, S 4 fsm2m TENTH and CHE8NUT Streets. JJ- EBIUCK & SONS BOTJTIIWARK FOUNDRY, No. 430 WASHINGTON AVENDB, Philadelphia. WILLIAM WRIGHT'S PATENT VARIABLH ! CUT OFF HTAM-NaiNX, Regnlated by the Governor. MERRICK'S SAFETY HOISTING MAOHINa, Patented June, 18 D4VID JOY'S PATENT VALVELEiS STEAM HAMMER, ; D. M. WESTON'S PATENT SELF-CENTERING, BEL7-BALANCINQ) CENTRIFUGAL SUGAR-DRAINING MACHINS AMD IIYDRO EXTRACTOR, For Cotton or Woollen MauutactuttiK, TlOoa ip