The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 04, 1868, FIFTH EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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flltislc Mill SlllfVllli?.
In the RicHttranHfonintmiiB Christianity m i-t
undergo in laid new world, music mi l sinn-uisr
arc clcnrl.v uinin to take n prcat pl-icn. xiie
Church oi Home, with her iniirvi lions .sutieity,
errs this, niiri is bom line lier.-eif to the t.i-k, m
she alwnjs docs, of winning the people 1)7
Whatever way site perceive they chu be won. I
would not lor that, reason ny li ct tbe simo ri-eat
uponcj, but would (;ivr Unj brightest and oest
and truest lakh, as 1 believe to be, on lb1:
cartu, at least an i.innl a '1 vantage, in this
respect, with any other. And yet this should
not be tho proa reason; is 'tint which lies
la the inbjia beauty and eoidnesn of imislo and
Biuttlng to the human soul its adaptation to ttia
needs of nicn to lighten liuiuan burdens and
eo'ten human lirorti to uiake 113 all more sirou"
and hih and true and go. d.
It was noticed that when the. hapless Mirio
Antoinette mood before tho judges to receive
her sentence of dc:itb, as h'T hands reste 1 on
tbe wooden bar before brr, her fltiper wnndcred
as if tiny were touching llioeh r ls of an or.'an,
I think It must have beeu that in Her oxtremiiy,
When heart aud Ik-sh luilel, r be found relume iu
FOiue prcat melody that, heard by no soul bave
bcr own poor lady ! lilted her up above her
cueniUfc, an I helped her to keep that brave looi
at which they could not bin wonder; and so,
through, God w is the strength of her
heart. So may souli ftill find cuccor, in their
dire need, in tho trial of and for their life. I
tan think ot no soul quite lorloin and hulplets
that can call up und icei tho power of areat
ppalin In Its trouble. God gnu er as surely trim
finalng as true prayer: ami I believe that, htlf
tho time, if wo would sinp: wbeu we pray,
instead i.f prayin, our burden would not lie
nearly so heavy upou us, or the world be bo dark,
about us.
And so, IriciiJo, in our cliurcbc? wo should do
two things. Kvcry soul ol us, and every soul
that will come to cs, thould take a far deeper
iiiteicat iu concroantional singing th:in we h ive
clone tiuu all the hymns iu our service iu as
fine accord as we eanrr that last hymn just now.
Oh, how grandly jou did ship that last hymn!
And then do our best to procure lor every
cburch an organ that will migblilv ail our
Bluffing. That will till, first, our hearts, and
then our churches, and gradually our wholo
nation with melody; will be ot themselves a
means of giaee; will Bound across the dUjorlj
of our "rough and ready" lite with the parent
find noblest creations of preat musical souls. I
long to fee this done, as one of thi surest ways
of filling great churches wiih preat congre
gations, aiid thru pouriurr over them the
pure blessings of heaven. For music to
me Is like gold in tho mine; and a
poor n-,i rude ornan is like the first
poor and rude contrivance of tho miners
to take the gold out of tbe sand and mtca.
They get s-omethiug, but then tbry lose a great
deal, too; and so iu a poor oraan you loe a
great deal of the finest music; but the perlect
instrument is like tho quicksilver, that will send
its subtle and delicate feelers after every grain
and atom ol gold, and give to tho seeker the
full treasure. We want, D?rlect or?an3 lor tlice
two preat ump. To quicken and inspiro a wholo
congregatiou to sing with its whole, heart every
time and then to open out the treasures hidden
for U9 iu the mines ot the "Messiah," and "Crea
tion," ami all oih-'r work 3 ol tae masters, and
the simple ballad tuuts ol the people for a thou
sand jcais.
My sermon to day was a word first to my own
people loi such an crgau In our new cburch iu
Chicago; but I wanted to say it asraiu In this
city, where jou bave done to well in this re
epect, especially in procuring by far the best
aud noblest organ on tbe comment for your
JIuf-ie lla!l-a prophecy, I trust (as so many
good tliiiiis are that you do here) ot a movement
that shall till the whole laud with melody. One
Other ttep now, I think, Boston must take;
because Boston does so well iu all she under
takesand undertakes nothing she cannot
do well and succeeds in everything when
she only tries to do it that .-ho must make,
if she can, the music of Ler great organ as
free to the people as tho waUr they tliiuk at
the free fountains; no half-dollar nor half
penny to hear it, any more than to read
the books in tbe free library. Don't let it be an
aristociat of an organ a 'bloated uiiitotras,"
off iu a coi ner. Free music you must have, as
you have iree reading, aud music that all can
feel and understand. Let the people bear their
own melodic; nay, more tbau that let them
come iu aud nil Music hall at least
once a week, and sing our sweet old bal
lads and 6trong battle-songs, as well as our
noblest psalms and hymns, all together; and
that would set the tune to the whole continent,
lift the burden for a while from thousands of
heavy-laden souls, keep hundreds away from
evil places, and give a new breadth and deep
ness to those clu exhortations to "raaKe melo ly
in the heart unto the Lord,'-' aud "rejoice at thi
Bound of the organ." TOoert UoUyer.
A Character at Hie "Ticbbiitlcu Gamins:
A letter from Wiesbaden, published in the
Londou Telegraph, tells tnia story:
"Among our notabilities of the eccentric sort
not tbe least blLgular in her behavior io tbo
Countess C o, an aged patrician of immeuso
fortuue, who is as constant to Wiesbaden as old
Madame de K f is to Ilorabur ou the
Heights, hike the last named lady, 6bo is
daily wheeled to her place iu tho Black aud
Red Temple, and plays away for eight or nine
bojrs with wonderful spirit aad perseverance,
fcho has with her a suite of eight domes
tics; and when she wins ( which is not often),
oi returning to her hotel at night, she pre
sents each member of her retinae witb two
pence ! 'not,1 as the naively avows, 'from a feel
ing of generosity, but to propitiuto Fortune.'
When Blie loses, none of them, save the man who
wheels her home, get auytbmg but hard words
from her: and he, happy kliow, receives a dou
tion of six kreutzers. hue does not curse the
croupiers loudly foi her bad luck, like her coa
teaiporaiy, tbe once lovely Kussinn Anibassu
drees; bui, betug very tar advanced in y.ars, ?.ud
of a tender disposition, sheds tears ovor her mis
fortunes, resting ber chin on tbe c-dge vi the
table. An edifying sight is this ve:iorabltf. dume,
bearing an exalted title, as she mops aad mo .vs
over her varying luck, missing her stake twtcj
out ol three times, when fibe fain wculd push it
with her rake into BDtne particular Zectiou of tho
table! She is very intimate with one or two
anttdiluviau diplomatists aud Warriors, who are
here striving to bolster tbfmtelvea up for
anotbr r year with the waters, aud may be heard
crowing out lamentations over her fatal passion
lo: play, Interspersed wit bi'.s of moss-groan
Scandal disinterred fron the social ruius of au
age loi g past. Uado'.zky, Wmuslnw (te beau
sabreur), the two Sc-'awtirzPiiberfjs (ho of Leip
tic, ami ibe former Vrime Minister), Paul K?ter
kazy, Wraiigel ami Bluctier were iriends ot her
youth. Judging from her appearauee, oua
wculd not be surprised to hear that she ha 1
received a 'poulet' from Uarou Trenck.or played
whist witb Mirla Tberer-i. Sbe uas outlived all
human f'L'.i-udsbips or utleeiious, an 1 exists ouly
lor tbe ehinlc of the eold as it j ngles on tba
eamii table. I canuoi help taueying thai ber
last 'worns will be, 'itnn no va plus 1' She is a
great and convincing moral if one but interpret
ner rightly.''
Animal Intelligence
The following observations, which we copy,
sajs "Once a- Week," verbatim Irom an "Old
Curiosity Shop," have reference to animals, aud
exhibit their at least apparent knowledge ot tbe
Bcienees; also their proiessions, occupations, and
cniojmi nts: Bees are geometricians; their cells
are so constructed as, with tbe least quautity of
material, to hve he largest Maed upaces and
the least possible loss ot interstices. So, also,
is the ai;t-bou; bis futnel-slmped tra.) is ex
actly correct iu its conformation, as it u hnd
been made by the most skillful artist ot our
tpecica. with the a'd ot the best instruments.
The mole is a mfteroloHt. Tho b'rd called
the nine killer is an aiithmetician; so,
also, is the crow, tho will turkey,
and some other birds. The torpedo, tho
lay and tae electric eel are electricians. Tbo
nautilus is a navigator; be r tlsc3 aud lowers his
tail, cain and weighs liis anchor, and performs
other nautical evolutions. Wholo tribes of
birds nr.' musician. 'J be. bjaver 4 an architect,
builder, and woodcutter; be cuts down tried,
ami crecs hoa-es and dams. The marmot is a
civil cneim-er; he not onlv builds hoti.-e. but
coutliiets aqueducts, und drains to keep them
cliy. The VMii'.e uuts uiuiu'.aiu u regular auny
of soldiers. The East India ants ore horticul
tural;!, s; tiiey make mushrooms upou which
they feed their youiiL'. Wasp3 are paper
iiinnurncturer". Caterpillars are silk spinncre.
Tbe hiid ploccin texlor is a weaver; he wavfM
a web to make his nest. Tho primia is a tnilor;
be sews the leave together to make his nest.
1 be squirrel is a ferryman ; with a chip or piece
of bark for a boat, nnd bis tail for a sail, ho
cros.-ea a stream. Dos, wolves, jnckals, and
runny others ari hunters. The black bear aud
Iieiou nio fishermen. The ants have regular
day laborers. The monkf.y Is a rope-daneor.
Tbe association of beavers presents us with a
model of republicanism. The bees live tinder
tt monarch v. The Indian antelopes furnish an
exmiplc 01 partriarebal government. Flephants
exhibit an aritocrHcy of older. Wild horses
arc said to select their lender. Sheep, in a wild
state, are under the control ot a military chief
I'ish Culture in Aimt Hampshire.
A gentleman who has recently pall a vl dt to
tbe "lisli works" of Meredith, n.-nr L ike Wiuni-pit-scogeo,
writes to the Boston llcml;
Tbo works ara located in a fine, naturally
shaded dell, say lrom twenty to thirty feet deep,
tilty rods in leimth, und trom a dozen' feet to two
or three rods in width. Thronsh this there
oncinally r.ui a small brook, proceeding from
living spriners of crystal water oozing out of a
rocky hill at the upper extremity. Tho water is
clear and cold, not varying three degrees in
temperature either in.suinnier or winter. The
works consist ot a hatching-house near the
upper end, raceways with gravelled bottoms
below, and two substantial dams, well timbered,
loiming a couple o! small ponds, with brooks
between, alive with several thousand trout.
There, was originally but a single dam. This
was unlorlunatelv carried a-vay by a heavy
shower early in June, and a large, number of
irout made their exit into tbe brook and lako
b'low. New dims havo siuoo been i-recteJ, of
Buflicient strength to guard against future
Tbe hatching house is furnished with all the
necessary tanks, troughs, and raceways, with
gravelled bottoms, lor spavuing and propa
gating the young flsh. In one of these there are
several thousand land-locked salmon, h -itched
out last February, brought from New Bruns
wick. They are now about an inch in lcngh,
very lively and doing finely probably the
lareest collection in New Kugland. In one ol
the tanks there are several yearlings, brought
also fiom New Brunswick, three to four inches
long. Mr. Uobinson told us that they increase
in vigor and activity with their growth, lie
originally had twenty-Gvc, but most of them
hate managed to jump over at the outlot of the
tank aud made their escaps into the ponds
below, and are probably in Lake Wisnipisspoee.
lie thinks tint a special pond will have to be
constructed for the large number of small fry
he has on baud. Mr. liobinson seems to be we'll
posted in every branch of the propagaiing busi
ness, which he explained to us in detail. The
trout in the pond were led with beel and beef
liver. They took the bait eagerly some of tho
lnrcer ones jumping nearly out of water. Last
fall several minnows from the lake below were
put into the pond for food, nearly all of which
were fed ou during the winter.
An ingenious arrangement for feeding wai a
large piece of stale beef suspended over the
pond to breed mascot?, These drop into the
water as they increase or are blown off, and are
eagerly seized by the trout. Tbe fish ara found
to thrive best ou these, flics, worms, otc; and
for that ieasou as little as pos-ible has beeu
clone in the way of cutting out the trees, roots,
and removing the decayed vegetation on tho
banks and In the bed of a pond and adjacent
brook. At the lower dam there is a hydraulic
ram, vsed to force water into the new cemetery,
ou the level plateau of laud a few rods above
the pond.
The Drama In London Xcvr Theatres.
Thirty year3 ago, says the Londou Te eyraph,
theatrical property had reached its lowest point
ot depreciation. A stern theoloeictl renctiou
Evangelical on one side aud Fiiseyitical on the
other and tho detractions of the contest over
the first Ueforui bill, were uulavorable to theat
rical business. There were spasais of expensive
speculation, followed by dreary intervals of
dullness, but as a rule ninnaijers were ruined,
the public was indifferent, and tne staudard ef
actirg was low.
The English Opera House ha l tried English,
opera mid failed. The mountebanks and tbe
animal diama were the raire. Kveu Mr. Bra h am
wrecked a fortune in his theatrical
speculations. Tbe Queen's Theatre '.lecuuie the
'home ot tbe uvmldiest enterprises," and the
Fast End theatres drugged, out a -Aisora-bla ex
istence. Now, however, the two eyremive Italian
opera enterprises may lose money, but fhe rival
manaucts continue to raise salaries and mcreaso
expenses yearly. The llymavket aud the
Adclphi are both prosperous. At tho Lyceum
Mr. Falconer is reported to havo male 20,0uu
by a sintrle piece.
Tbe Je inraph fays: "Of the Princess' what
need is there to say more than that Mr. Boucl
cault is constantly m.akiug Mr. George Vining's
fortune and bis o-al The dice hopeless little
Strand has becom' a fashionable place of enter
tainment. The orst despised 'Miss Kelly's,' now
the hew Kojal'A, has, under tne generalship of
Miss Oliver, Ukou the favor of theatrical
patrons by rjtorm. The Olympic is still popu
larly freqireuUd. Tbe St. James is thronged by
aristocravio amateurs of a remarkable genre of
cntertalnrtier.t. The dobbins bave, it is true,
deter'.od Astley's, but is not a 1 raged y by Mr.
Disraei.i in course of performance there ! The
former 'Dustbole' of Tuttcubam Cross road is
now the delightful l'rinco ot Wales" whero
Mi'.-s Marie Wilton continues 1o present the
public with dramas of modem life, so admirably
wil'ten, and acted with such polish and ratine
nient, that a strani?cr ininht imagine that tbe
lords aud ladies among the audience had walked
bodily trom the stalls aud the boxes ou to tho
stage to let tho groundlings and the gallery
know what Caste aud Flay were like. Iu addi
tion to this resuscitation of the old theatres iu
addition to a new and bUbly improved Surrey,
and to the large, and popular, aud vigorously
matiaged bouses of ike East tlnd we have, or
we ate promised, half a dozen new theatres in
London. St. Martin's Hall has become The
Queen's; an inn yard and a factory iu llolborn
have been merged into a theatre and an amphi
theatre; Old Lyon's Inn is to bp turnud into tbo
Globe, and the Strand Mueio Hall will be, next
Christmas, the Gaiety Theatre."
The Infernos of Germany.
An Frglisb old lady, at five sessions, has just
won 100.UOO florins at gaming, in Baden-Baden,
says the journals, and a young lady correspond
ent vi rites us of tbe unnatural and almost un
earthly fcpectacle of those surrounding tbe
parmn'g tables, as tbey kept on playing. A pic
ture ot one of these attractive hells, where more
consciences have been drowned than the f mious
waters outside ever cured, is before us. Hera is
a bedizened countess, with glassy eyes, aud
nervous, bony fingers aud excited over the
game, she is betting heavily and losing. A
liveried servant holds the smelling suits to her
nose. Witb her great estates, she cares not for
ii- i ...... v . . .1. ... . t .
a )UULt; J ill ib-uii rroi u numuu, jjiny mu ittlciy,
with a small, red leather bag at her side, iro'ni
i i- i.j : . . i ! ,j I J
nuicu pom is euiuru uu iuc uuiu uua it-
Idetuabed with a jewclikd hand. She has lost
ler f ui tune in a night.
At Wieslmdeu is the " Kersaal,'' a palace
built by tbe gamblers at an enormous expense,
and coverirg more ground tbau the ttoyal
I'alccc at Munich, or Ibe 1'itli l'alace at
Florence. Its saloons are hung with tapestry
and lich paintings, and pendant from tho
chtmdelier are oceans tf roik crystal like
diamonds sufpended iu sunlight. Tbe frescoes
are allegorical. Art is everywhere displayed
in the monaic floors and frames of tbo rich
Venetian mirrors. Tbo eliects of light aud
shade are studied to steal away tho seusra aud
make men and women forgot home, and plunge
into tie whiilpoolof play.
Here, through loug days and nights, ns
siiiibled tbo-c who have counted bugs full of
gold, and Ihete is so much of it that it is hau
dled with loug ruses, wLich at every turn of
ti e cards reach out over tne tibics to draw in
li e poliien pieces in a glitteiinu ina-s. And us
lust us they Uiuij pour iu lie coders of the tum
blers, there are a hundred fools ready to replen
ish their piles.
By 11 A. M . tho palaces which surround the
Square of Wiesbaden, are thrown open, and
from the parks in the rear comes the sound of
music muslciansjborn to their art with music
tbateoothes and almost ravUhcs the senses.
Fountains rising in spray a hundred feet de
souid melodiously into basins whero a thousand
poldtish and emerald speckled trout laugh in
the crystal waters. Flowers prow luxuriantly.
Cool vistas ol trees lead far off into the Black
Forest, reaching to the Ithine and to Austria,
tfn tho rustic benches sit gaily dressed men an 1
women, girls and boys, while others promen
ade the shady walks; watching the swans In
the pools, tbe fishes, and each other, and
upon all this loveliness Gf bcautilul nuture
opens the treat "Kersanl," tba creat gambling
bouse of WicJbiden. Tbo origin of all this
was far back in the last days of Nassau, when
someone discovered warm mineral springs at
Wicshadon, Homburg, nnd Badeu-Biden. The
water attracted crowds Horn all over Europe.
Deriving large revenues from gaming, the Prince
of Nassau encouraged gambling in his territory,
and under the patronage of tho sovereign the
gaming tables of Ilniiburg bnve demoralized
ami ruined many of the wealthiest princes and
nobles of Europe. This was before Bismark. and
It so happens, tor the interests of civilization,
that tbe Ptuseiun King, as well as the famous
Count, do not like gaming at all. An order is
therefore promulgated, that, after the present
season, it shall close altogether. Those who do
not see these lions this year will not see them at
all; and we thank God that the sight of so much
attractive sin and misery will be blotted out,
atid,it is jioped, fur ever and ever.
ilireclllueto KtjtHeliera, Knmon, Allfniown, Muunli
i. i'iV?-! it ""I1-1 ' ' " -w h 1 10 JIkvpu, Wllkeaburrfl, .Ma
hunoy City, , MonulCnrmel, Plitaton. Scramon, Carbon.
I ft-
ui rkk'K.'ATYI .l?fE5a,,.fi,ph'1' N- w- comer ol
W KhH una A M f .KKJA N ntreia,
TltAIJSfcl-On R.iU nfUT MONDAY, May l. ISfiS,
rftSingnr Trains levo lijo Ktw Deuot. corn: of
UK UK ti and AMERICAN otreou, daily lOanaayn ex
a Plea) na follcws:
At a. W Accommodation for Fori WmI
At 7-45 A, iyr.-KorntnR Kxpreio for Ketblebem Bod
rrlnclvl lUutloim on Aortli t'OJuByiVBnm tallrocd,
conoec.-iiiir. nl Buthlelioui wlta Jhleu VnlUty and
Lehtgh ana Siis-juehaiiiiB It'vilioaUa for Eiwton, Al
leotown, tatasaiiqun. blnttugton, Mniieh Clmnlt
Wtalherly, Jr n,,o8Vlllo llazieun, White lliweu,
WlUesi.arro- Klutftilon. ritieton. aad all poluta la 1,
li!h ri.(I V. Va'leyp ;al,so in cnuctlon with
lMel and ilnliuuoy ailroAd or Uahauoy Ulty:
aud wrhh t'atsivitna Jialiroad for lii:jru JjanvUla
lulltOD and WintRmsriiirl. Arrive at aIloa Caunlc at
Uvb A.iii.iH "Wllkf-Kunirei3 t. M.; at iia iauov .!ity
W2 t.M. PftsaenetB by this train c.i take'hr Xililefj
Valley Train, ifv,sln Jt(.hlFiem n lltw A M. rb?
FbHtuh, biiU points oa New Jeisey uentrul iullroad
U Iew oru.
At 8-46 A, M. AcconTmo-lotfon for Doviestown
Btcpplng Ht nil intermediate biailoos, raHHpiiKeni for
Willow jrove. Hntnoro' Bed HaruivUlo. hv ti ln
train take btage r.t Old York Koau. ' y
At lfl"u A. M. Ateounu'jdBtloii lor Koit Vasblnc-
tOU.R'.OPl'lllK Ht lllteruu;UlM.W hUHoill,
Al 1-4& V. 51. J.ehUb Valley KxpreM for Bethlo
hen), Allentown, ftiaach Chunk, While Haven,
WUkesharre, Jlazietnn, MiOmnoy City, Centiaiia
bbemirjdoau, ill. Cafmel, piilsiuu aud Serauwn, and
BiJ points In Mahanoy aud Wjo-jiIej Coal itejloaa.
At 2'35 P. M. Accommodation fer IDoyiestown.
topplce et all Intertuprtiate staitons. '
At 8-18 P.M. Lelnyh and susqueuauna Kzprswi
Bethlehem, f:astou, Aliemowo, Maiieli Chunk,
Wl'.bmbarre. and Kcranton. FeSiieniiom for r"n.
ylllertBke this train to yaakertuwn, aud for Sumuey
town, to worth VialfS, '
At 41b P. M, Accomaiodilon for Doviegtowa
stopping Rt all InterDii'dlate stations. Panaenifers tor
Willow (irove. Katlmro, aud UnrUTilie tj
stage at A blugton; for New IIovu at Doy leutowu.
A t 5'iia P. M. ThrouKh aocouimodanou ror Betule and all Btatioun on main Hue ol North Peuabyl
vanla , Kallroad, couiiectlnK at limlilehem with un
nigh alley Lehigh and Suequehanna livenlnz Train
lor Fton. Ueniown, Maueh Chunk.
At 6 ) P. M. Acconiiunuaiioii for LanRdale, stop
pi a g si all InterneiUato aiBtlon.
tA 1 11-8U P. M. Acoutaaiodatlon for Port Washing-
B-30PM SetLlouem Bt 9 00 ttud 11-05 A- 'W a
ll'ie A. W. and 2-OOP.M. Trains make direct connec
tion wltli l.tblh Valley arid Lttittih and HnsuuiUaiiua
trains from Canton, tscrautoa, WUkjbnrre, tlaiiouy
Ci'.v, and Hazlt too.
P iobeegers leiivlnc Wtlkubarre at 1-45 P. M. con
"eet at iietl,leiittn at i 05 P. Ai and arrive In PUlia-deipl'-iu
at 8-MO P. II.
Pvoni Iioylesiewn at 8-?5 A. II., 6-00 and 7-CO P. M.
From J c'-ndu'e h 7-.;o a. m.
From turt Wash! listen at 9-30, 10-46 A, M. and '1
P. M.
FHlHdoIpli! lor BfltVileheui at tf-SO A.M.
i'li UHUWplila for Jboyiesuiwn at il.
IjcyU-Biown lor I'liUiiiielphlH ui. 7'i0 A. 51,
lieilileliem for Phllodeliihta r.t P. M.
iitili aniibixth btrcou i'asRHiiKer Cars convey pa
SiiiKers to find from the npv dopot.
WbtteCarnot fipe.,nd and Third Streets Line and
Union J.lno run wltrilu a snort ULsuuue oi tue
Tlcke'o must he proenrpd. at the Ticket offlco, lu
order to Becure ice lowest riueti of
KLLlti CLARK, Aent.
Tlckete old and Bajfra'?e cheeked llirousrb 10 prln
clpal poluoi, at Mudu's orth Pi iiiiey Ivaula iJatii
Klit(ltilni. No. Ins 8. KI KI'H St.raet.
Cm and alter tioNDAY, April in, lxi, Tralna will
Leave Pfci.auelphlB from the Depot, THIRTY
FIi;BT and CllihAUT otreets, Via A. M., 11 A.
ill., WM) V. W 4-.b P. Id., 4 cl P. id., 7 P. 11 P. M.
l.euve Wtsi. Cbedter tor Pbliauelphla, from Depot
ou unit Market street, Bt -i6 A, M.. 716 A, M , 7'iC
A- It., 10 46 A. M , 1 58 P. M., fc 0 P. M., -& P. M.
On nud alter IJoLday, June 15. au additional Tvaln
will leave PLIiad'.-lpbia lor Meal and Intermedial
points at 5-i) P. fit.
Irairi!, leaving west Chester at 7-SO A. M and
leaving l'blladelpbla at 4 ou P. M., will slop at B. U,
J auction iid JMudia only, i'bi.eiiterii to or lrom
nation between Vest Chester aud B. C. Junction,
going Kaijt, will take tialn leaving WeHt Cnemer at
'-la A.M.. aud going West will take trum leaving
Plitladelphlu ati'iiu P. M and transfer al. C Juno-
Tb'e Depot In Pbtladoipb'.a la reached directly by
the Chtsnut nnd a V a.uul btreotCHis. Tiiose of P'O
.MRrki-t btrcet line run wuliui one Equnre. The
cdraot bom Unes connect Willi eauit train upou lu
Leave Philadelphia at 8 w A. I&, and Z-OS P. M,
Ltavo W ebt Chenler ut 7'45 A.iif . auu 6-Cii.P. M.
Trains lebvliig Philadelphia i.t 7'1S A. M. aud 4'6(i
P. 11., and leaving VVeta Chewier at 7'o0 A. M, aud
4 6UP. .M., connect ai ft, C. Juuctlun with Trains ou
P. & II. C. K K., h r Oxford aud intermediate points.
PuBBeuLeru are allowed to take Wearing Apparel
ouly, a Butane, and the Cotupanywill uoi. lu uuy
case he retjouBible for Bn amount exceeding one
hundred doi-ara uuleso a Bpeclal contract la made for
the mme. HHMIV WOOD, Weueral Bup t,
Phily-delpblB, April mt. 18H8. 4 loj
Jj LOAD. Prom loot ol MA11KKT street (Uouur
ierry). CoBJlueuciug MONDAY .Auguslsi, lboU.
TrbinB Have an fol.owa lor Cupe luuy:
9-1H1 A. M Cope May Kxpress. due at uiii (noon).
ft-lsP M.,CupeMay, due at 7 uP. M
d j. iu., muiuiui iiitii,uue ni iu uo 1. iu.
Sunday Wall aud Passeuuer train leaves Philadel
phia ut '.M5 A, M. K turning leuvad Cape Lilulid at
6-lu P. M. ixcurslou Tlckeia.V,
Cape 1.1 ay treight trains leave Camden dally at
9-iU A. 11.. i.nd Cape Island at B ib A. M.
CiiniLuiitatlon 'lickeut between Philadelphia and
Cvpe May, at the following rates:
Acuual llckeiR, tlwj; ctuarterly Tickets, 1 50, for sale
Bt the cilice 01 the Compauy In C'auiUeu, N. J.
'IhnuiKh TltktlB can be procured at No. 828
Cheuniit btrett (under the Ci nllupulal Hotolj, where
i.ioer? cn bIbo be len for Baggaije, which wta he
ca leu for aud checked at realueuces by the Union
Tiausler Ci mpapy
Per Brldgelou, fcaieui, Ar 111 vlli, Vli.biaud, and lu. aiestatluiis.slS OUA. M. and 8 Mu P. M,
t ot Cape May, 'cu A. M. and 8 15 P. M.
Wocduury Accummoaation traiu at buO P. M.
Bridiielou ana balem 1'reight Tralii Itavui Oamden
dully, bi 12 (noon )
1 1 uiuii.iaiiou cheeks between Philadelphia and all
BU liOLS at reduced ruled.
WILLIAM J. BKWELL, Buperlntendent,
J? ALL POINT8 NORTH Bid HAST, aud for ail
blatlouA on Camden and Amboy and OonmjctlU4
ABllroads, from W alunt street wharf.
Freight for all way points on the Camden and
Anihoy, Freehold aud Jameshurg, and iiiHlliifcioo
Couuiy Railroads, forwarded at 12 o'clock Noou.
Pur Treulou, Princeton, Kingston. Rocky HID. and
all poiuu ou the New Jersey Bud lieivideia,
forwarded at t', P. M,
Per New York,.at VI, 2. and 5 P. M.
PrelKhi received from 7 A. W. to 6 P. M",
A eflp memoraumim, specllylug the marks anu
numbeis, shippers and con ntueee, lu everyla.
s-.auce bti sent with each load ot geeds.
Ko, Si fi. Delaware Avenue,
barre, Mahanoy Cl.y, Monnt Carmel, Ceutralla. and
all points on Lehigh Valley Railroad aud iu
By new arrangements, perfected this day, this road
Is enabled to give Increased despatch to luerchaudlue
coi signed to the above named poiniH.
Ciouds dellvereu at the 1 hnnigh ! relirlit Depot,
ts. K. corner of FRONT and NUIII.U Htreets,
Before 5 P. W., will reach WlikeBharre, Mmuili'ariuel,
JMuliniioCil.aii(lilieii,liesi-iloiiB in Muhamiy and
Wyouil.' g VBllevs he.'ore 11 A. M. ol the succeeding
any. 17 2il HLJUDJ CLAIiK, AgouU
LINK from Philadelphia to the Interior of
Pennsylvania tue fcchuyiklil, Banquet) anna, Cum
berland, and Wyoming Valleys, the nrth, North.
rrfn1 Jh. tiintM. Bummer Arrangement of
fvmn'.T,r,Rl."8.'".',8y' "o"'ts. IWiS, l"vlngthe
Company's Depot. Thirteenth and Callowbiil streew
ror Reading and BU Intermediate utatlons, and Alien
Returning, leave Reading Bt 6t0 P. M.. arrlvtns
In PhllRdeiphla at 915 P. M. ' ' r"vul
. JMOKMixvo HAf KlvcW. At 8'15 A.M., for Reading
Lebanon, Harrlstmrg, Pottflvllle, l'iue Orore, I'Brua
ana, bunbnry, M illianu.pnrt, Klmlra. Rochester,
Nlngara Fallf,. R11IT.1I0, Wilknr.i.arre, Pii.tstou. York.
Carlisle. Chat; bershurg, HaRersiown, etc.
The 7-.i train oonneas at Reiutlng with the East
I ennnylvanla Railroad trains for Allintown, etc.,
and the 8;ift A. M. cennecU with the Lebano.i Vhey
train for Harrliihiirg, etc.; at Purl Clinton with Cata
wIbnb Rahroad trsii.s for Wllll-rusnf rt. lck Haven,
Hlmlra, etc.: at Jlarrlshorg wlin northern Central,
J nmbfr.andV alley, and r-clmylklll and Husquehanna
.,t.MdiVJ0I. Nor;niiDibr!a;ii, WPUamBport, York,
Cuanihersbnrir. Plnecrove. e'o.
AFTKKNOClN A fHWiS. Lr BVOS PhlladolphlB
Bt y M. lor IteMlliiK. fultsvlllA. Vlerrlsli'Tif, etc.,
ponueriliig will; l-.erdlng aud Coiumtila Radroad
trains fur Columbia, etc.
town at fl'45 A. M stopping at lntermeii(fit statinns:
"Iveslu PhMadelphiaat A. hi. Retiirelrg leaves
Philadelphia Bt 4 8o P, M,; arrives In PultSiAwu at 6 40
f "MODAT.iON-IifBVes Reading
nofct'irrK1 w-
Trains tor Philadelphia leave narrtsbnrg at 8'10 A.
M.. and PotUvlile ai 8 45 A.M., arriving lu Philadel
phia utl P. td. Altercnoii trains leave inn rl,b:irK at
?;V5.,I,1!",?"l,,u,.Yli,!? "l 815 M.i arriving at
Philadelphia at 6-4u P, iu.
IlnrrlBburg accoiumcuetlou leaves Reading at 7-15
A.M., and fJarrisbnrg al 410 P. U.. t.'onnrci.lug at
Reading with Alteruoou Accomruodatiou south at
P. U; arriving In Philadelphia at via p. M.
Market trull', with a Pa'snngi'? car iUtn:ihed, leaves
I'hlladeinhla nt 12 4R 1,1, .in for p,,nvu 10 n,i ,. 1 ua
fc tatloiifi leaves Pottcivl'le at 7 A. M. lor Piiilhtelpbla
p.. mi n.iit'r Tray oihi.ii.iiib.
All the above trains run dnt'!'. Hnndays excepted,
hunday trulins leave rotlsvl'le at 8-rO A. IJ ai.d
Philadelphia at 8 15 P.M.! leave Philadelphia for
ReadlnC Ski H'9i1 A Kr.. .aei.tilllD frr Hntt l,o n A 'JH
r.M. "
for Donnlrctowu n ut inlermertlnto rninia tuk 11. p
7-SU A. M., Wii and 4-.10 P. M. tralna lrom philadel-
pniBi ro-.nrning from Downlngtown at fj'W A. M., PuO.
aud 5-45 P. M.
PHKKIOiMEN RAILROAD. Paosenircrs for Col
lejevllie lake 7'aO A. M. and 4 80 P. M. trules from
rhilBde'phlo, returning fromColleitevllleal HY7 A. M.
and 1 4 J. M. blage I, Dew for various polum I 1 Per-
kiomeu Valier connect with tralnB at CollKvlih
111K WHb'f. Leav Now Yum it a A M.. nunmJ
B 00 P. M pausing Reading at 1 A M., 1 SO and ! lu P.
in., ana connect at nairiBOurg witUi'oni Bvivp" snd
Nonhern t entmlX.MiroaU Lepras Tialmf.,. -nu-burg,
Chicago, Wllliami-porl, i.lii,Ir, lUi.'ei ,re, ric.
Returning, ExpreM 1riln lenves llarr'shnr, on
arrival of Peuns; Ivania Itxpr'-bS trom l'iiiMtirs, at S
and b"2h A. M.. 9 85 P. M. Indira Itinrtinir at 4.1 at,,i
7t A. M and 11-40 P. M arriving i.t iNn ork, ln-10
and 11-4.'j A. M , and 6-uil P. M. bleeping earn a.'nni.
piwy iug luese irain? inrongn DOlweeu Jer86y City and
pittubure, without change.
Mall train for New York leaves narrlpbnr'r at 8-10
A. M. and 2115 P. M. Mull Ualn lorHairlabuigleaVuS
New York at 12 Noon.
leave Poltavllle at 6-45 ll'Sli A. M., and H'tii P. M , re
turning from Tumariun at 6 aj A- id., and 2 lu aud 4 36
P. H.
RCAD, TraiiiH leave Auburn al 7'bb A. Al. ler Htue
vrove and HarrlsborK. and at li'lS P. M. for Pine-
grcve aud TretnoiiM returning lrom Uarrlsonrg at
,s hp. ju., and soni xromoni at A, m., and 6-ii
'i'lC'KEm Through flrst-cls-is tickets and emi
grant tickets 10 all Mie principal poliilu In the North,
and West and C'anudh.
Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Rending.
and intermediate Biatlons, good lor day only, are sola
by Morning Accommodation, Mar' Trai.1, Ueiidhig
and PotutownlAccoiumodatlou Tiaina, at reduced
Excnrelon Tickets to rhlladilplila, good ror day
euiy, are sold at Reading and intermediate -stfitlous
by iteaulhg and PotfituvNU Aucommudaiioa Trains at
The. loiluwin tlckeia are obtainable only at the
OtUceof H. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 1237 B. Fourth
m-ieet, Philadelphia, or a, A,NicUolia,Qoueral sJuper
lntendest, Rfadlng.
CommntHilou Ticket at 25 per cent, discount, be
tween any points desired, lor lamliles and liruis.
Mileage Tickets, good for 2UW miles, between al
pcintB, i.tf5i-5u each, for lam II if -s and firms.
season Tickets, for three, six, nine, or twelve
otoliths, for LoldeiS only, to all points at redacted
CierKjmen reuuiui pn me line 01 tie roauwinne
fumishi a wUh card:-, enlltilug tnemseiveii and wives
to tlcaets ai 11 ;u. lare.
i.xcurslou t icket!, Irom Phlludelphia to principal
staUciiu, toed lor batutdsy, bunduy, and M.ond:iy , at,
reduced 'are, to be had ouly nt tho Ticket Otfice, at
Ihirteenth and cUowhi;l atreeis,
FlvkloHT. ooodB ol all descriptions forwarded
to ail the above polnh ln ni tne Cooipuny'B Sxew
Freight Depot, Broad aud Willow BtreeU.
FreinhtTiaiiis Lave Philnttv'pbta tlaity at 4-35 A,
M., pj-43 noon, 8-00, and 8 P. M,. fur Reading, Lertuou,
HamsburK. PotUvlile, Port Cliulon, aud all puiuiu
btMHns'close at the Philadelphia Post OlLcetornll
Places oa the road Bnd lis bruiichent 6 A, AI and
lor the principui dibucuh ouiy in. ia r. ii,
BAGOACiK Duugau s E.p'ens will collect Bag
CMe for alt tratua leuving Ptiiladelphia,
Orders can be left al No. 2 b. Fouilh sutel, or a the
Depot, Ihlrtetfuth ano Culiowlnli Btreela.
The uains ok fc. e reuuByivauia wuum xaitroaa
.... 1 ..... .. Ill'ltV. L 1 L-W'll L.I., .. 1. ...
leave iup 1.CPU1. . mj.i a , ...... nuu u... iv r. a
blreeta, which is reached directly by the ttarKtt
bireot cars, tue lunt car connecting with encu train
leaving rron'. auu jnaraet Bireeiu luiriy nmiura be
fore iib departure. The Ciie.-nut and Walnut btreeu
cars ruu wlihin one square of the Depot.
Ou suudajs The Market bireet card leave Front
and Market streeis thirty-live minutes before the de-
parture 01 eacu iraui. ,
bleeping Car Tickets can be had on application at
tiiH -ticket, olUce N. W. .corner Uluih aud Chosuut
Bireeis. and at the depot.
AgeUiS Of lUe L U1UU i irUJi' -'"'1'"" J Will Wll
for and deliver baggage Bt tue depot. Oruejs iBn at
No. Del Clieauul slieet, or Io. 118 idarket Sirect, will
receive altentiim. T. j.-. vry,
1 ii.AX O '
Mall Train . ,B,Q0 A.M.
paoii Accommodaliou, No. 1 li.'-oj A. M,
Fast l ine f'UU AL
Erie Expre ..I4 U0 M..
paoll Accom. Nob. , 3, aud 41 OU, S CO and PI 30 P. M.
JHnrrlttOiirg Accommodation 2 tu P. ti.
Lauciw-ter accommodation - 4-oo P. M.
Parkeebuig Train............. B'i0 P. M.
CluciuuMil Express 8 00 P. Ii,
Erie Mail l P. M.
PLUaneipnia js,xprei m r. in.
Accoiumouallou .......11-80 P. M.
Eiie Mail leaves dally, except Saturday.
Philadelphia Express leaves dally. All other trains
ue Wtern Aoiiimodatlon Train runs dally, ex.
,t butuiay. For thin train tickets must 11a pro-
cured P.nd bapSage delivered by (00 P. M., at 1N0. lis
Clpclui all ExpreuB.... 1;5 A. M.
l'Jndeh hlH Express 7 10 A, M.
PboIi AccSmmouallou. No. 1 8 20 A. M.
Erie Mi l.1 $
ParkfrBburg Tralu 0 A. M.
Fust Line......... A.M.
Luucasier Traiu U M P. M.
b ri Kir i)rS9 ' " w
Paoll Accommodaliou, Nos. U aud i..3 40aud7'lu P. M.
Dav V ku reus 5 t0 P, M,
HHtrle urg Aceommodatlou.... v&t) P. M,
'unfer ln.oM,aUou a.-ply.o
Nr. Uiil C'H KbA UT oirset.
fBAlSCia FUNK, Ticket Agent,
No. US MARKET Mreet,
Ticket Agent at the De-poU
The Pennsylvania. Railroad Company w ill uoi as
sume any hk for Burgage., except lor Wearing Ap
parel, and limit their iv&poiiHlbuity tu Cue Hundred
Doliara in value. All LuKuukje exceeding ihbt amount
in value will he al the nic ot the owner, unless tuken
by special con tract, EDWaRwIL WILLI A Ms,
4 2 Ueneral Buperlntonaent, Allooua, Pa,
LeavePhll"de!phla6, 7, 8, 8'05, lu, 11, 12 A, M., 1, 1,
8li..4,6,6Ji. 610.7, 8 , 10,11, 12 P.M.
Ltave German tow n 6, 7, 74, 8, 6 -fu, , 10, 11, 12 A, M
1 2, 8 4, 4J4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 111, 11 P. M.
The 8 'A. Down Traiu, and a; and 6 Up Trains will
not stop en the Oeruiantown Branch,
uviwv ON bUNDAVS.
Leave Philadelphia B4 A. M. 2, 7, 10J P. M.
Leave Oeruiantown 8'4 A. M. 1, b.U'aP. M.
chfjtTnut bill Railroad.
Leave Philadelphia 8, 8, 10, U, A. M., 2, X'4, BX,1,
UI.eaveCheatnnt II 111 7'10, 8, 9-40, and 1W0 A. IS.., P40
8-40,6t,S40.8-40 Bdl0 40KPM.s
Leave Phlladelphli 64 A. M. 2 and 7 P. M.
Leave Chestnut 1114 7 60 A.M. 1240, 5 40 and 8-26
P. M,
kcu 1 7.,o.ivj'..Jv Ann noAiuQiuwjili
Ut ave Philadelphia , 7 9, and 11 OS A. M. !,, 3,
6S, HJ. ,,','6 bud U' 1 M
IUvh Norrlsiown 6'4U. 7. 7-5,1. 9. and 11 A. M.. iu. 1
.w 1 .nilRUV.M.
Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M 2 30 and 716 P. M.
Leave Norritown 7 A. M., b-wi aud 9 P. M.
LeavePhtlHdelphla6,7;: 9, aud 11-08 A. 1X, 8,
Leave aianayunk-lo,7H, 8'20, BndU; A. M,,
Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M 2'i and lii P. M.
Leave Manayunk 1,A, M., 8 aud 9, P. M.
W.b. WI1J5ON, Oeunral Huperlntendenl,
Depot. NINTH and OREEN Htreots.
y lng's Editions Family, pulpit and PiMiket Bible
In beau tlfUl fsty les ol Turkey Mororsio aud antluns
btndiuKH. A new edition, arranged f.'r puotographir
Wf'ralta of tamili",
WO, IliCiiEtiNUX bi,4 tlfcitiW Fooj'U
At6-;tOA. M.,vl Camden and Amber Accommn.
naiion iiA
At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jerioy cVty Ex
press Mall p.,-,
Al 2 P. M., vloV.nilen Hid mbov'lkr '1?"" i-ivi
At 8 30 P. M., Via Camuen and JeS, J,VJT.'
pT.Vp"Vr"7";"AU;K;-;,-;-;,,,i,v:;;-,:--.-,iv a-oo
At 5 ao and 8 A. AI., 2 end 3-.S0 V. M fr Frwhoid.
At8 and lo A. M 2, 8-80and 4-au P. M. fur Trenton,
At 5-30,8, mid 10 A. M., 1, 2. 3. 3-.' l. 4'W, 8. nnd li 30
Delan'ro Uon,e"lown' Bur:lngion, Beverly,
for i-foTpm 10 ' M" 11 ' 81 S 3"1 4 ?n'8, "nil 11,30 P' M
At 6-30 and' 10 A. M.. 1. 8, 4 i, 8, and ll-3n P. M. for
ElL:ewaler, RljerH'Oe. Rl verto,i,:n.,i ri.Imyra. 2 P.M.
for Rlvermn and 8 ;i.i P. tt. tor P-tlnivra
At 6-30 and lo A, M.,1, 8, 4 30, 8, and IPSO P. M. for
Flnh Houe
Tim 1 aud ll-W P.M. Linen leave from Market
Btreetffen-y (HrerMCe).
,.A 11 A- u- via iienmniiioo auJ Jerdty Clt.V, Sew
prk Express Line Fare
At 7 and 11 A. M 231, 8 10, s n J 5 I. M. fori ronton
and Bristol. And at I11-IS A. M. 'er Bristol.
7 and 11 A.M., 2 80, aud a P.M. lor Morrtsvlllfl
At 7 nd in-18 A, M., 2-30, und 6 P. M, for Bchencss
and ICil.llni.toii
At 7 and lii-is A. M., 2'3n, 4, 8, and 8 P. El. f"r Corn
wells, Torrt-dale, llolmesburg Tucony, Wl-,'no-mliiK.
r.rUleiibiirg. and Trniikfoid. and at 8 P, M. for
Holii ieshnr and IntermedlRte utAtlons.
aoM west lMiinoKi.ri r obpot,
via ConnectlPK Railway.
At 9-10 A. M., 1 80. 6 30, and iii P. i;ow York Et.
press Lines, vln Jersey City, Ec-v
At 1 A. 1,1. , Emigrant Line,, fi
lheti-30 A. M., and 8 iOP. M. Lluud will mil dully,
All others, buudnys excepted.
At 9-30 A. M l-3ii, 3ii, and 12 P. M. for Trenton.
At 930 A, M.,8 311. and UP. St. I. r Hilstol.
At 12 P, M. (Nlehl), fi r Ko-r'svllle, Tullytown,
pciie!itk's,r;(l('",lorinne!l,,. I'or nailttle.iiuiiupi
burg, Tacony, Wluslnomlng, B'ldosburg, and Piuuk
ord, For lines leaving Feuslngton D -pot take th? cars
on Third or Finn streets, ki Che -mil, h; rent, 3 'ninues
before den arinre. The ears ou .M .1 i;et Htreet Kahway
run direct 10 Went pliiiadelph'u ii 'i nl: C' aud
Walnut within one square. On -siunlajs tbe Mwet
street errs will run to couueel wim lue 9'30 A.J, and
8 80 P. M. lluoo.
.From Keuslugu.i'. Depot,
At 5-OOA. M. lor Niagara l alt-i, ijniJalo, Dnnklrk,
Elmlra.lHiBca, Owe.fO, Roche-ler. Blnghnrutnn, Os
weo. byracufie, Oreat HuuJ, Mou'roso, WiLkeahajre,
bchooley's Moiintaln. etc
Al 700 A.M. and 8-30 P.M. for fscranton, strouds
burg, Water Cp, Bclvldoie, K; ston, La-ibo.-lf lile,
Flemli'K'on. etn. The 8 30 P. V.. t,lne coimects direct
wUh liio Tram leavlug Eiv;f.u tor Mauch Chuuk,
Aiientown, eiliieheiu,cto.
At 6 P. M. for JUuabertvllle trid Intermediate Ht
From MHrkelfcU l-'eivy v.ipiier siae.)
At 8 A.M., 1,4, and 8-15 P.M. tor ML-ichantsvlUc,
Mooreatown. Jrtarllord.MaBOuville, 11 aiiiHi.ori. Mo'int
Holjy, bmlthvllle, i; utisvillt, V'lucetitown. Bir
ilrgtam. and "ei iberton.
At 1 Hnd 4 P. M., for Lewipt iwn, vrrI?ht"'own.
Conkstown, New F.gypt, ilom'riiown, Crcu Ridge,
Luilaystown, fcharou, and HighiBiuwn,
Fifty pounds of bagjjsge only are allowed eatsh
pasreoger. PBssunsers are pro..!bliod from lj&iii
anything RB baunge but their wearing appurel. All
bBs'age c ver buy pounds to lis pi ' for uxfa. The
Company limll their leipoiiMbilny for D3i; ii j to one
dollar per pound, and will uoi b,i llab.e for auy
sniounl beyond lo0, except by epe.cial contract.
Tickets sold mid clie' direct throiish to
Boston, Worcester. bpriugiielU, lirti tiord, New Haven,
Providence, Newport, Albany. rroy,baratoga, Uilca,
itome, hyraeiiHe; ltoehemer, B111U10, Niagara Falls,
and buBpension Bridge,
Ancfdltlouai Ticket Oflloe is located at No. 82S
Chesnnt street, w here TickoUj to Ne,v York and Bll
important points North aud Fast may be procured.
Persons purchasing TicKeia a; Una onioecnn imve
their baggage chi-cked irom residence or hotel to
destination by Union Transfer i;ngage Express,
Whl leave tr..m fool of Court lhd street at 7 A. M.,
1 and 4 P, M., and li! night via J .;r..ey city aud Cam
Oeu; tt 6-8u P. hi. via .leiaey t.'iiy and Kensington; at
10 A. M., 12 M and 5 P. M. vl Jersoy City and Went
From Pier No. 1 North Fiver at 5-30 A. M. Accoom
modatlon, and 2 I. M. Express, via Amboy aud
Caunlen, WiLLlAiu. 11. OA,
615 Agent.
e.)nimenctng MONDAY, April 18, wen. Trains will
Di put corner ot BROAD titreet hud WAbii.
li-''lt'i-i Aver.ue as follows:
V. ay-Ma!l Trrtlu at 8-30 A. M. (SJitinlays excepted)
lor Baltimore, mopping at all ., U.t tcatlou.H, con
u'citiiK with iJelar.ari! Khiivci-ai at Wilmington lor
CiiiAeld aud lutei medlate t):u:iou4.
Expieht Train al n iki M. ihunys ee.ept;0) for
Baltimore ftua Waahington, stvpp'.a- ut W!iiuiCj;iit:
Peroviile, and liavve-de-Orivei.. niiecis at WJi.
U'ingtou with train for New C,r; r
Express Tr!n at 3-3'i P. H. (.-iui.days eicepuC fer
Si.ltimoro an'-. WtRcluKtoii, B!onnii ut Cn. .atr,
Thnrlow, Liuwrod, Ciayiuont.Wltuilngtori, Kowii:xi,
BlAtiton, Newark, Ii.ikum, w'ortheiMl, Cburleitown,
I"erryl!le, Uvre-de-urice, Aberdeen, Perryiunn'a.
fcdi.ewood, Magnulla, ChaHe's uua o'mwr'a Hun',
Ni, ht Fxpre.iii at iron P. M. (iu';. lor BsiTimore
and ahlugtin, stopping it V'-try vlllu and Uavra
divGrace. Connect fct WUmingtou (tsaturd.ys ex
cepted) with Delaware Railroad ijlue, stopping
at New Cantle, MlddloLcw,i. CUymn, jyover
Harrington, bealord, (Swiiebury, I'rmceis Anne, ii
couuivtlug at Cusileld whu Be'M f ir i'ortrtSvi Mon
roe, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and tno booth.
Passengers for F'oxnees ilonrne and Norfolk via
Baltimore will lake tbe 12.C9 M. Ti.Jn, Via CrU!U'.Ud
wiU lake the ll-t 0 P. M. tTaln.
stopping Bt all. aitttlons beiwoeu i and
Lev - Phliadelplila at 11-OJ A, II., 2-30, 6-00, voii,
and ;1-( daily) P. M. The S uo if. M. Tralu coiiii-xm
with Delaware Raiiioaa lot lUrnugtou and lutcr
mauiaie stalious. m.
Leave Wllmlr-gton 7-CO and 8 J0 A, M. (dally), rso
4-15, an0 7-3H''lly)P. ti. Thjs isA, M. Train wlil
nwt etop betweeu Chester and i i.iluuelphln.
Lease Baltimore 7'iS A. M., Vav-Mall; 9'4o A. M.,
Fxpretn; fiu P, M., Expresii; fi'iu P. tu., Express s i0
Leaves Baltimore at b'uo 1. M., uoi ring at Havre-de-C4roie,
l'erryviile, and Wilmington. Also Btopa at
Moitn-Kaat, Elkton, aud Newa.k to tke pesHSiiiein
for PniianelphlB and leave pini .ieis rrom vt-.shiug.
ton or Baltimore, nnd a! eiiwki Ui leVd P iuengei
from VVaflhlUirton or Bnltiuioru
'Ihrougb rticketa lo all points 'rt est, South, Hoath
wa, may be procured at thb picket Ohico, o. 8
CUKs.NCT bireel, under i;ie continental hoi
where' ninn. sLute-ruoms and oer:-s in sleeping cars
be secured during the day. xeraous pu.cli aing
tickets al thla otUe.o can havet'ielr baggge chocked
at tnelr residence by the Union l riii.ior Company
t8 XL. 3a'. jtERIvf.-i . bupe.-lntnudeut.
Through Bnd direct rouib boiw.en Philadelphia.
Baltimore, liarrisburg, VVlillai.i' irt, to tbu NortU
weBt, and thGrer,t Oil Region o, Penusylvuii'.t.
F LKaJANT SLKEi'i KU OA n BU Night Trains.
On and alter MOAhAV, AUy 11, ltCo, the trains
011 tbe Philadelphia ajd Erie la-jrod wlil ran as
follows:- WKfcTWABl.
Man Train leaves PhlludelphU .......11!8 A. M
1" levea Wllltamupor' 8-20 r, M,
airlvea at Erie 8 50 P.M.
Erie Express leavet, Pniludeip. ). Ic0uocu
ii 0 ft leaves WlUlantspo. t 8-60 P. M.
ti n arrives at Erie u..,......lou6 A, M,
ElmlTB tlBll leaves PhllaUeiphla 8 00 A. M,
II 11 leavee Willlamsp..rl....M,.... t' P. M.
s arrives at Lock HMven., 7 5 P, M.
a Ml Train leaves Erie .......J1-00 A, Ml
leaves Willlamsport M..1H-15 P. M,
" " tr rives at PhlladelpVi.a.....,.mM, 7 lu A. M,
Erie Express leaves Erie mu w4l m 7-40 P. M.
leavee Wllllamapiirt 81B A. M,
" arrives at Philadelphia............ 500 P. M,
Mall and F.xpres.-i connect with Oil Creek and Aiie.
gheny River AUlroatL Baggage checked throngu,
III (tennral HnperlnWuilnut
On and titer MONDAY, bepieinber 7, tralus will
leave VINE bireel Ferry as follows:
Mall M......M....7-S0A, M.
Fielht, with passenger car auu;hed. ,9 )a A. M.
Atiaullo Accommodation 41J5 14..
Returulug, leave Allan tlo
Mall 4-20 P. M.
Freight, with pauseuger car 1140 A. M,
Accommodation ,5-60 A. M.
Jnnctlon Aecoromodstlon to AUo and In-
teiuieiilate stations, leaves Vine street 5 80 P, M,
Returulug, leaves Atco 6-25 A. M,
EBddonQeld Accommodation Train leaves
V ine ttreet ....10-lri A. M. and 2-nO P. M.
Leave liaddouutid 1 uo P. U. aud 3 ia P. M.
Bunday Mall Train to Atlantic,
Leaves Vine street ..........7 30 A. TS,
Leave Atlantic ..,..4-20 P, M.
Fare to Atlfcntlo, f2. Round t.-lp tickets, good only
or the day and train on which they nr iHsuod, $3.
78U D. H. MUNDY, Agent,
J ar.d praciice ot thlrly yars at the Northwest
burner of Third and Union hi reels, has lately re
moved to boulh ELEVENTH blrcol, between MAR
KETiidCHl.bNtlT. lllssuperlorliy In the prompt ard perfect en rn of
all rtccut, chronic, local, aud cnnsiliu.luual ail'uo
llnrB ot a special l ulnro, Is piovmbial.
inpeases of tne bk in, uppeui inn in a nunnroa oir-
THOMAS A 80Nf, N03. 139 AN'D Ul
MIltKOH. El'.'. '
b .. . . ," -Monday Mernl.ig,
, 7'M'nO No. 211 Carpenter street bv
ratBloiue the mat walnut and mnuJiy niT
kun'.rv?' d'"."IK T,00,u '""'Hare, piajo, Vtrr rr
also, the kitchen turulliiie, e c 9 4 2s
wVih,,'ie-i- nt 12 'clotk- nuou- B'- 1,18 1-Achaug.,'Ko!'- 111 "", "3-Four.iorr
E. Nn. l ,ar-rertern Reslil-nen.
xi V i'.!jSi,50v-"'-1''nr-ljry lirlcH Store.
xiAuvii.I-,JL',Kl' t''-M nielli Dweill-ig.
iu (n 1x3N',"- r'".1""1 '-viui.!e store.
I i M p a!; M ic 1 r, !' r a H Blilence.
1 HANK! ORO r. IAI. Kw mil ""i-
Hotel, btMi,., hprl DwelllnK. 1 '
Iiw"MnBis.AWAXOM' W0S 1:18 ,,J ia-F-ae
O'ihKoti, No. i'UO-Oenteet Iwellinir
3,1,,.'V N- Ji,,n1.1 Uhhi-Ri-cU Dwelling
AM KN-1 wo hrlrk DweliOiKB.
(UtAV-lwo llilek DwMlihiKs.
BPOWX Two Frame Dne linm.
OROUND Rt-Nr-(7"nyPar.
MONiUOMEItY CiL'NI V-Forni and Oranery
':) Keren. 1 '
1 slmre Point Brer z Park,
bhed No 27 Point Breezy I'ark.
81 shHres Union Bank ot Tunfsee.
liBlmres I'lhi.ter.s' lliitik or Teuuesjeo.
1 share Academy Fine Arts.
1 share Phi aiielphlrt Llhrarv.
7 Bliures Cape Mnv and Millvllle Rnltrnnd.
St'O shares Yongt.leKlieny iron and Coul Cj.
6 shares Mlnehlil lliiilrond.
?il shurts Cliesnut nnd Wnlnnt Htrents P, It. R. C).
100 r hares Central Traiinporintldii Co.
MlHharos Oreeu and ConeR P. It. It, CO.
67 CO Wyoming Valley Canal C . ( percent, binls.
t 0(.u First Morigi go Bouus bteubjnvillo aud iu
tilnijaR. R. Co.
ill o ;iy C per cent. Lorn.
tii Chesapt-ake and Delawpre Canal Loin. 0 1 St
Anhurst Building, No 210 MARKET blrrie;.
On Wedne-dny Morning,
B-pt. n, If-ra, by older of Mt8f,rs. B. DInment & Co.,
Of New York,
'iho Lercesl and Rlch'st AssorfiuentnferitlrJlyuew
1'ARtS FANCY (lut)IH; ETC.,
Ever ofTerFsl at aucllon in tins city. 8 IS St
Ti e goods ere now luud'ng from vtenmer, and lull
particulars will he given lu future advertisement.
EE Kb, N'OS, tifclld 234 MAREET Miee'.. tr
ner of m: tei. Succeeiors to JohnB,i"y;
On Monday Mornirir,
Sept. 7, at 10 o'clock, on lour mouths' ere lit. 9 1 5t
On Tuesday Morning,
bept 8, at 10 o'clock, on four montus' credit. 9 2 5t
On Thursde.y aornld':,
Sept. TO. at 10 o'clock, on lour months' credit. :i 4 5t
D. McCLFErl A to.
No. M'8 & Ki.T b.reeL
On Monday mormng.
Ff ptemher 7, couimeuclug alio o'clock, we will sell
by e'liiuioKiie, j,. t cash, HeO esses Men's, Boys',
and Ycuih's Boots, R ho(s, Brogans, I'.alniora s. otc.
Also, WomcuK', Misses , and Clilldrun s wear.
fi rent forms. tulBlly eimllcttud; mentul e.nd niivnle A
wi i.knea. Bml all neivous ilebilltieM scleiaiiiculiy
and Huec.snlu'i.v lli,ted. llive hours ll'Oui 8 A. M,
10 V P. Mi
(Lately Hroesmeu ler iu. Thomas ft bonn.)
No .o2 CHEsNOl bt., rnnr entrance irom Manor.
I'frr niptery Pntent 2.T2une 22M Filbert street.
BOIL El ;s.
On Snturday Morning,
Pept. 5th, nt Id o e'eek. by uatalogue, Rt 2212 and 221
Filter' street without reaerve.tlx vAlimble : loaui en
gliica ol iho fo lowing power: 18, 18. It!, 9, 6 and 4 horse;
large periable bcl.ers, three stallouary boilers, two
pot table hollers, suoke slacks,, etc.
May be seen at any line. 8 25 4t
Important Sain at Cue Auction Rooms,
On Aiundfty Aliernoon,
Pf pter-.her H, ut 4 o'clock, at tho auction rooms by
CBltt (bUB, 1 it
nrnnTUAs i:ir;cir a, fi ArrTrnviriTo
i. AND COiMllibiON fill- Lc'UANTi.s. No. iud
OJirraiA ijij3irLeirear eiitiajice r,o. lur? bf.micm si-
CN0irjS, MACHirtlERYTifcT
-riiiika. Boiler woREb. neafie t levi
i'l-i-JVAV; L Asu THEOREriUAL iiX(iiNERs!
blklliHb, and FOL'N DERM, haviug lor muny years
been in successful ope.atlou, auu beeu excitt-lveiy
engaged hi building and repairing Marine fnd KlvtJr
Eiilues, high and Iow-presaure, Iron B.jllen, Wutor
Iituks, Proi ellers, ei. etc., reptctfuliy oiler their
Siii vices to the public as being hilly prepared 10 con
tract for engines of all Bizen, Marine, River, aud
b'.utioiiary; having ae.s of patterns of dlfi'urent s..ea
hro prep&red lo execute oruers will, quick dteuicii.
Every dei,crlpl;ou of paileru-maklng msdo at laa
s.iortesi noiice. High Lowpresf ure Fine
lubulnr and Cyliuder Bollcira, 01 the bet t feu nay I va
nla charcoal iron. Fersings of ail size and kinds;
Iron auu Bruai Casiiug 01 all descrlutioa. tuill
TurDli.g. br.r-w Ctiltlrg.and Bit olhbr work conUcifd
with Iho above hunluess.
Drawings and bnecLicttlona for all work done at
ttlablmhmeut f tee ol charge, and work guuran-
The subscrlbei-s liave auipi wharf-dock room foi
repairs of bna.s, wh"re they can lie lu pm feet nsXti
nnd ere provided wmi suear.s, blocks, falls, etc til
fi. rbin.iiu 1e,vuhp ll.e.t. u.MIITlilM.
j acob o. nia fie.
John p. levy.
EKACII and PALMER blreeta.
O WAiHLNOTfcN btreeis.
mannfiicture H lah aud Low Pressure, bteatu Engines
for land, River, aud filarlrio Hervice.
Boilers, Oiisomoiers, Tanks, Iiou Boats, oto,
Catings of ail kinds, either iron or bnis.
Iron Frame Room lor Oas Work, Workshops, and
Railroad btatious. etc,
Retons aud Oua fViachlnery, ot the latest and moat
Improved eonntructlop.
Every description of Plantation Machinery, also
bngar, Paw, and Grist Mllla, Vacuum Paus, Oil
bteam Trains, Detecatois, Filters, Pumpiugi En
gine., e'c.
bole Agents for N. Btllenx's Patent rltignr Botllna
Apparatus, Nesmylu'd Pateut bteuiu Hammer, anil
Asplnwall fc Vvoulaey's Patent Ceutrlugul bugAr
1'it.lcli.g Mi'.cblnes. t.i
pnorosALS von cokn and oats.
Oi-i tcie, i'our OtBso.v, c. N. f
August 22, IHiiJ. )
feolfd rropotsla In duplicate will be recolveu at
this Ollieo unlll noun ou MONDAY, the Uih day of
Oc;elM, li-68, for iurulshiug ihe (Jtiartermsster'a
Lepartmeiit with Biippiies, to be dullvered as foi
lewb: FORT GIBSON, Cherokee Nation, 10.000 bnshela of
lt'KT ARflUCKLE, Chlckasftw Natlou, 20.000
tusl.els ol Corn.
FORT ARB UCKLE. Chickasaw Na Ion, S0O0 bnshela
of Oais.
All bids to furnish the above must be for sound
merchantable Coru or (U.b. sniijee.t 10 the inspection
of the ollicex or egent of iho Uuued btates reueiviug
llie raine.
Propo-als must In a'l c( ss specify the kind anil
quaiili y of Corn or Oais the bidder dtsltes to iurulah,
whether In Packs or bulk.
Each bid mual be accompanied by a gr.od nnd snfti
e'ent tuarsmee trom two responsible panics Belling
fin Hi lu the event of its a cepiHiice, they will
give ample security for Ibe lultluul porforiuauce of
ihe Baine.
The right torejtct any or all bids that may bootrarel
Is r Kervtd,
1'roposaU must be plainly Indorsed "I'rojtosals for
Cut n," or 'Jl upu.icU fur Unit," us the cas my be,
aud addressed to the undersigned at Port Uibsou,
C. N.
Payment to be made In Oovernment finds on de
livery of the Corn or 0ts, or us N'iou thereafier sa
lui dn hall have bsen received for thut purpose.
Lu livery to commence on or before Nov. 1 is j, ana
tocortlnueat arateot not less tbau 8otw bushels per
month until tue contract Ij tllleJ.
By order ot
A F,
xj w rcruer ol MARKET and WATEB FstreeU,
M, E. corner or "j.j,,,,,,,,,,
,1 cv rr d. s'-i-tpUnu, fijr
Grain. Flour, fca't. r-iiin r l'ln.'.plibte of Lime, Bou
I ne f,
LMe and sniall nt'NN V n-us cwat. ou.hand
c 22! I i l', OL bAt 1 si.
Jt-ui T. BAILk... JJiiH CASCAPIt!.
UIU" Brevet M,Jor Clener.l B n.oniERSf)N-.
.Rockwki.i,. Brevet Lieut. Col., A. Q.M. U.W. A.,
tfcl C. M, District iudiaujrrltory 1 1 0 J