THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, ' FN IP AY, SEPT15MHKH 1, 18G8. 3 FROM WASUIXG-TOK The Trcnswry Deportment. Washington, Sort, 3. Tlio fullownig regiila liotisnro iiriMTilicil ly tlio Treasury lep;irtmont to govern tlio tiaiiiiertiition of nn'relinmllso coaet v. ire littwecn tlie Atlantic mid Pacific ports of the V tilted Stntes ly cither of tlio isthmus routes: Kvery tiiickiiere shipped for transportation, in order to lie emi'lcd to tlio privileges of coatwiso freight, must, Ixl'iiro shipment, bo corded and sc aled, and properly nianil'cHted, in cohlorniity to tlio fuliowinjj rules: MerehnndiH" In bond will continue to lie corded, Sealed, sample. I and marked, as hitherto required, nl the respective bonded warehouses from which it Is taken tv.r transport iition. iH'iiuo' tie cx'oit" not In bond, nvdor tho Internal revenue lawn, n:iil I'orciKH goods not dutiablo, or on which duly linn been paid, may, if susceptible of it, lie corded, scaled, sampled, manifested, etc., In like manner at the dock of tho receiving vessel, beforo shipment from the port of departure, if desired by ti e shipper or I ransporn r, on payment by him of the expense charged, at the rate hitherto applicable to bonded koimI. (ioods in bulk and articles rot cipnlilo of lining pealed inn v bo entered on tho manifest, with a state ment ol the reason why they aro not sealed. Shipowners, transporting merchandise of either description in this manner must provide suitable aceomniodatioiis on their respective docks at both rnds of the route for the convi uieiico of ollicers entrusted with tho execution of these provisions, and for the sale-keepinK of merchandise. Special liianilc sls will lu; pn, pared by customs otliccrs in charge of the sealing, in triplicate, of (ill goods so shipped coastwise, accurately de pot ibinjr the cluiiiu lor of tho pa. It ages, tliLir mark ft and conlilils, which will lo eerliiled by the col lector under his hand and oll'n ial seal. This certi ficate must avow the accuracy of tho manifest, specify the tun ticulars of cording and sealing, and iiidiculo am! describe such articles, if any there be, necessarily shippi d unsealed, us incapable of being thus secured; il there be wines or liquors in casks, tho proof, quantity und quality must be Indicated 11 the receipt. All copies, except that delivered to accompany the goods, will indicate nl.-o the disl inguishiii.f marks impressed iipon tlio seal, Careful discrimi nation must be Made between goods in b.uid and goods not in bund, and they w ill appear upon sepa rate manifests. These special manifests are to bo prepared by customs ollicers, and are to bo additional to and in dependent of the usual general manifests required of the master. One of the triplicate copies will bo retained on lite at the custom-house at the port of departure, one will be sent forthwith by overland mnil to the collector at the port of destination, and tho third will be delivered to tho master ur agent, to accuiu Xanv the goods. oil arrival at the port of destination, tho articles will bo rigidly checked olf by the manifest, and the cords, sealsaiid packages carefully scrutinized. in caso of goods not in bond, tho contents of the packages may be subjected to an examination, if necessary, suilicient to satisfy the otlicers of their identity," before delivery to the consignee. tiood's in bond will bo entered for warehouse, and examined and treated in all respects as are goods transported in bond in other cases. J f there is appearance of sen Is or packages having liccn tampered with, the fact will bo promptly re ported by tho collector of the port of arrival to the collector at the port of departure, and to tho department, and all goods not in bond upon which pixh nppei.r.'Uiccs aro found, as well as all not cor responding euutly wi'h the manifest, will bo con sidered as foreign and dutiable. All goods likewiso not appealing on special niunif.sts will bo consi dered, of course, dutiable. Foreign goods, therefore, airivinp;from abroad at Kew York, destined fur immediate transhipment, by way of San Francisco, to the t'nited States, or foreign ports on the Pacific, or at San Francisco, destined in like manner for ports en tho Atlantic, will not bo subject to these regulations; and the regulations formerly prescribed by the department on that special subject will continue to be enforced, except so much as relates to nn examination on the isthmus. The seals must in all cases bo cancelled and removed before tho delivery of goods to con signee. The execution of these provisions at New York and Snn Francisco will be placed in charge of a deputy -collector at each port, and inspectors not exceeding tho number hitherto employed lu con nection with this subject will be assigned to assist him. As It Is expected that this method if properly ad ministered will afford ample protection to tho reve nuo in such cases, it is thought proper to dispenso with tho examinations hitherto made upon the Isthmus. Passengers' baggage may bo secured In this manner by cords and seals, and if arriving in tact, w ill bo passed without examination. Of baggage so treated separata manifests must be made in the manner as above indicated, and all bargago not embraced in manifests, or bearing tho appearance of having been opened or tampered with, must be treated as other baggage from for eign countries. Special records will bo kept by collectors at the several ports of nil merchandise so shipped and re ceived, distinguishing such as is in bond from that not in bond, and quarterly returns of the same will be rendered to the liureau of Statistics, in addition to all other returns now required to be tuado to other ofliecs in tho department. The cords encircling the packages should bo placed with caro in such a manner as to protect every possible point and mode of access to the con tents. They should bo knotted lu such manner as to prevent their being slipped aside, and should bo sealed at every point where it would be possible to untie them, or where they have been cut. Tho number of seals on each package will be specilied on the manifest. 11. iMcCuLt.ocii, Secretary of tho Treasury. The Status of Commissiohcr Rollins. Commissioner Kollins remains In Washington, engaged in tho duties of his ollico, and has no in tention whatever of leaving tho city on any busi ness connected with tlio charges against himself in New York. His opinion Is that tho District Attorney of New York lias entiro charge of tho matter, and there is nothing whatever pertaining to it which can require bis attention either personally or othcrwiso. Secretary McCulloeh, in response to a telegram this morning from the District Attorney, inquiring whether the latter should appear, replied, "it seems to me that under tho law of 1713 you should appear." information has been received hero that tho Dep tity Marshal, who has warrants, has been instructed by Solicitor Hinckley to make no more arrests at present. It Is understood that tho rcsponso of Secretary McCulloeh to tho District Attorney at New York takes tho matter ot the prosecution out of the bauds of Hinckley. The Hurcau of Statistics. In accordance with tho law of duly 28, ISfiC, tho Director of the Bureau of Statistics has awarded numbers to 'i,"'ir vessels belonging to tho mer ehant marine of the United States, and to all of these vessels which are sea-going he has awarded signal letters to enablo them to communicate their numbers to each other when passing at sea. Tlio number of sailing vetsels is n.u ti'; of steaiu vessels 21-12; total toniingo of both classes combined, 3.10!,2ti7, and the number of unrigged vessels 4751, with a tonnage of -11:1, "ii;i, so that tho grand total of tonnago of tho merchant marine of the United States, If no account bo taken of tho vessels lost UuriJtg tho past liscal year, amount to 3,500,028. Presidential Appointments. Tho President to-day appointed Heno J. Foil go ray Assessor of the Fourth, district of Pennsylva nia, vko Thomas Forsyth. The JNavy Department. Commander MeCunii is ordered by tho Navy De partment to the Philadelphia Navy-yard, and lieu tenant Commander Fitch, from command of tho Marblchcud, and Commander Ad ins, dr., from the Philadelphia Navy-yard, aro both placed on wait ing orders. Tho Navy Department lias. In accordance with the reduced amount of appropriations, and tho will of Congress, reduced the penoiiel of tho navy to what it was before tho war, namely Kroo men. Tho Secretary has dispensed with tho services of almost all tho masters at each of tho navy-yards, only two or thrco of the most. important beingrelainod at any yard, but tho duties heretofore porfonnod by tho masters will be devolved upon a qiiarternian or a foreman, thereby saving u largo and useless ex pense. The Washington Schutzcnfcst. Tlio Schutinfest continues to bo largely attended. The rope-walker, a mere boy, who fell from a heifeht of forty feet last night, tho rope giving way owing to tho loosening of the guys, it was at first mpposed had sustained no injuries, but on ovauil Jiaiibn to-day it was ascertained that ho had broken a lib. Consul Ilccognizcd. Tho President has recognlzsd Stephen Iligglna as Vice Consul of Urazil at liootoii. From Chicago. CmoAoo, Sept. 3. Tho Republican Congres sional Convention of tho Third District of Iowa yesterday nominated Wm. H. Allison lor Congress. A section of tho tunnel in process of construction under tho Chicago river at Washington street caved In last night. Tho temporary railroadbridgo on west Water street, one of tho immense derricks nd ori'.'iii'-s ntt ielieil went down In the mini. 'J,'US Ives Is vaiuiutvJ Vs t&V cvuwactw r; $20,900, I roni California and Mexico. SN 1'itASt I'i'ii, Sept. 3 Mii.atlan advices of August 2.1 say (lenctnl Pattonl was assassinated on August IS, in the city of Duratigo, by the ollicers of the sin II of (1cm ral Canto, commanding the garri son. Pattonl had been ordered by Canlo to report to the military headquarters, nul not complying Immediately, was shot dead In the liouso of his lriend. His murder caused n strong reeling again-1 General Canto, and on receipt of the news, Oeicrnl Corona dispatched a courier with ohicial instruc tions to the authoritii s, ordering (leiiernl (loerar to take command of Diii anco, and to arrest and im prison the ollicers connected with the assassiiiati n, iiic lulling Canto. It was feared the latter would 1 k iionnee against Corona and tho supremo go vi mi::, nt rather than submit to arrest. The nt ws of the reported purchase of Slnaloa bv .Secretary Seward created a sensation anungst tliis ollice-holders, they being opposed to the sale, but the owners of property and tho masses of the people would W( Icome the A inerlcans. Tho press of the country is alimncd nbout the reports of filibuster ing movements from Cuba, New Orleans, the Rio Grande and the Paeilio coast. Santa Aniia,liOsada and Marque, arc said to understand each other's movements, and are iletef mined to destroy Juarez's govt riinieiit. I.osada, it is reported, has issued a strong pronunciamciito against the general gov ernment, declaring himsell treo and independent, lie bus immense stores of corn and war material, and it is believed the government d iro not attack him. Governor l.ubyhas been officially notified that tl c riL.oinus pKivincial registration laws must bo enforced with regard to the clergy evading the same, which legislation makes more than half tho people vagi ants, by declining us such all persons without visible means of support. Two A merieans have secured the right to pur chase t-4. lion acres of land near Altata. Lower California advices of August 23 state thnt two reducing mills in that country have suspended woik on account of tho high rutes of duty on tho exportation of silver. General l'avolas. Military Governor, refuses to surrender the control of ailulrsto the newly-elected civil authorities. l.a Paz intelligence reports that tho news of tho purchase of the State by Secretary Seward caused much di.-ciission. and there was a strong sentiment fi r and against the purchase among the different elassi s of the people. It. is repoited that tho superintendent of tho Philadelphia Mine,- nt Abulias, was mortally wounded by another American, who immediately shot himself. Philip C. Pelez, engineer of tho United States steiiiner Lackawanna, died on August 21st, on tho steamer Ajax, otf Carmen island, and was buried nt l.a Paz, Cower California. The funeral was at tended by the American residents and tho Mexican military authorities. From tieorgla. Atlanta, Sept. 3 Yesterday tho Houso passed n resolution to bold two sessions during tho eligibil ity discussion. This morning, Turner, negro, spoko niid held the lloor during the whole session. Ho said ho was entitled to his scat and would not cringe for or big for it. Theie was in the history of the world no parallel to tho Issue presented to-iliiy; never be fore were men arraigned beforo the Legislative body for an offence committed by Almighty God himself, lie did not know until tho past three weeks the imbecility ot the Anglo-Saxon race. This momentous question could not bo settled to-day, but would be handed down to generations us long as tho sun goes down. Who lirst took up recon struction under Congress? It was the brawny black man. This is his Legislature? Tho gretil question is, am 1 a man? If I am, I claim tho lights of a man. Tho Democratic principle is never to find their level until they lind them in negroes of Pluto and Proserpine. The Democratic leaders ndvised the people to re main away lroni the polls, and then blame the peo ple because negroes find seats on this lloor. Kvery State has been reconstructed under the act that no discrimination should be made on account of color, race, or previous condition. If every scalawag anil carpet-bagger could rido into power on tho backs of black men, and ask Congress to take away tho bal lot and submit tho question to Congress or a Con vention, when made he would abide tho decision. The Constitution of tho United States does not re cognize a God; His namo is not in it. If this mea sure is carried, 1 will call a Convention of my peo ple nnd send for carpet-baggers, scalawags," Yan kees, and anybody, for a Legislature, except Geor gians. You may drive us, but you will light a torch never to be put out. You will make us your foes, and you will do all you can to poison my race against Democracy. This thing means revolution. Lookout carpet-baggers. When wo go they will turn you out, impeach Governor Huilock, and up set tho constitution. In tho afternoon session several members partici pated, and on a vote being taken tho negroes were declared ineligible by a vote of S3 yeas to 23 nays, thus unseating twenty-livo negroes. Four remain, who claim to be white men, and their eases will bo investigated. Turner walked out and brushed tho dust front his feet. The other negroes bowed to tho Speaker, ami waved their hats to tho members. A heavy rain has prevailed hero for two days. Savannah, Sept. 3 A white boy, who mysteri ously disappeared, has been found murdered by negroes near this city. His gun and clothes were gone, anil it is supposed ho w as killed for them. An inquest was held, and a verdict rendered that ho wns killed by some persons unknown. There is much excitement in the city, and parties have been out three days hunting the body. They met armed bodies of negroes, who halted them with military precision. Parties are now out scouring the coun try in bcuich of the murderers. From Europe ly Cable. London, Sept. 3 Tho Standard to-day has au editorial on the American treaty with China. I says: "We cannot share the jealousy nnd suspicion w ith which the Times regards this treaty. In it we see nothing which shows that tho United Stateshavo acquired a monopoly of privileges, nor does tho treaty givo nny evidence that China Is fastening itself on the rock of sloth and stagnation; but on the contrary, gives proof that the Chlneso are prepar ing for an advance by opening windows in the great wall which separates tho Celestial cuipiro from western civilization. London, Sept. 3 Tho contractors who built tho Metropolitan Underground Railroad in this city have made u provisional oiler to construct the pro posed underground road in New York city, and to furnish all the capital required to complete the road which tho projectors may fail to obtain at homo. From Maine. AuorfTA, Mo., Sept. 3 The Kcpublicans of tho Kennebec Valley held a mass convention hero to day, being tho largest ever held In this county, lu the morning a Hag was raised, and lu tho afternoon delegations were received from tho surrounding towns, and all then formed in a procession, three miles long, after which tho meeting was held, pro sided over by Governor Morrill, with ex-Governors Cony, Williams nnd Colowln for vice presidents. Addiesses were made by tho Hon. It. G. lugersoll, of Illinois, and others. Another meeting was held in tho evening nt Grant Hall, which was presided over by tho Hon. W. P. A. Dillinghniii, and addressed by Senators Fcssenden and Conness. An out-door meeting was addressed by Senator Wilson, Mr. Ingersoll and the Hon. J. G. Hlaino. Many private dwellings were illuminated and decorated. Lkwiston, Me., Sept. 3 A largo Republican meeting in the park in this citv to-night was ad dressed by Israel Washburue, Or. Tcu thousand persons were present. At the same time there wns a meeting of tho Democracy on llayinarket Square, which was ad dressed by'H. It. Hradbury, of Hollis, andUeneral Thomas Ewlng. Jr., of Kansas. LhWisToN. Mo., Sept. 3. A public political dis cussion w ill take place on Friday, September lltli, in this city, between tho Hun. Washington Gilbert, of Hath, and Dr. A. Garcelon, the Democratic can didate for Congrtbs. Mr. Gilbert was tho chal lenging party. T he political excitement in this part of tho State is intense, und muss meetings aro held duily. From Lancaster. LANCAPTiat, Pa., Sept. 3 Tho Evangelical Lutheran Synod of tho Lutheran Church ol Fast l'ennsvlvania commenced Us twenty-seventh an nual session at St. John's Church, In this eity, last evening. Tho synodical sermon was preached by the retiring President, tho Rev. Mr. ' aleiitino, D. D., from Hebrews ti, 13. The thomo of the dis course was Christian progress. Hull' an hour was spent In devotional exercises. Tho Synod met at nine o'clock this morning, and wiis opened with singing and prayer. The atten dance of clerical and lay delegates was quite largo. The following new members were received by certificate from other bodies Uev. F. Klinefelter, from tho West Pennsylvania Synod; Kevs. A. Hol nmn and Joliu Fathcnuan, from tho Allegheny Svnod. Dr. Valentine, tho retiring President, read bis report, which was ordered to bo referred to a com mittee. Tlio Synod then proceeded to tho election of clllcors tor the ensuing year. Tho Kevs. 1'. itahy and J. Stall were appointed tollers, and tho elec tion resulted us follows Secretury, II. O. Shlndel, tf MU' XlVtlClUW, iYi iUiVJliSj Vt Lebflngu, Obituary. llArtTFonp,Conn.,Sept.3 Kx-Oovornor Thomas H. Seymour died nt his residence In this citv, at S.iwtlus evening, of tvphoid fever, aged slxtv-one years. Ho was educated at the Mlildletown .Mili tary Inst itute; studied law, and practised tho pro fession; wns Kcpresentntlve in Congress from this State from 113 to 1M.V, in isle, lie went to Mexico ns n major In a New Lngland regiment, nnd was promoted to a colonelcy; in ho was elected Governor of Connecticut, and was re-elected thrc.i times; wns Minister to Kussia during Pierce's ad ministration. Ho was a prominent, member of the Masonic fraternity nt the time of his death. CITY INTELLIGENCE. TOR ADBITIOJTAL LOCAL JTIUS IXQ 0OTSI1IB PASKH.I Political. The Giant and Colfax Club o; tlie Twotitv-eixth Ward gave a Rraiid picnic yes terday at Knsttvick Park, on the west side or tlio Hchuylicll river. As the day broko Hio clouds were lowering, but this did not deter t Iks matia prrs from opcuinsr the erounJs to the largo crowd which h;ul Bumbled. Hie Iffdivitietj eontiuuc.l until nbout 12 M., notwithstanding that occaiioual sho vers ot rnlu seti.plmies compelled the guests to repair to the shtds lor shelter. At thnt time, however, tin; rain ennio don in torrents, and t he managers were rciuctuntly conjuelled to order t!iu )ot FLLcnient of the pteu'e until Monday next, wb( n, II tho weather pernios, the Purk will be nrn'ri reopened. The Union Kep'ibliean cUlans of the Fifth Ward met lust evening, nt the touthcust corner ol Third nnd Gaskill streets, for the purpose of organizing a 1 lorry Campaign Club of the Fifth Wuid. A litrpo number were in attendance, nnd wilhin a lew nutiutes nfter the opening ot the rolls some sixty names sub-cribed. Au election wns then gone into for ollicers, which iesnlte(' ns follows: Cnptaiu, Charles McKiu lej: lieutenant?, II. II. Lvh Joseph liotitetupj, George llnrton; sergeant, Henry l.ea) beater. A filorlous gathering will take place on the 15th ot the present month, iu front ol the Uniou League. At the Union Republican Convention at Chew's 1.0L.dii.g, N. J., jestcrd ty, Ittiudul E. Morgan was noniiuattd for Sheriff. Au enthusiastic mass n Celine, imUitlistaudinit the unfivoriblo condition ot the weather, was held lu tho after noon, which wns addressed by uble speakers. The State Central Committee of the soldiers nnd sailors are lmy inakine; urrxngemonts for the reception of their comrades, who meet here on the lft and 'id ol October. The cUiinnan has been authorized to appoint a cotnmiUeeof fifteen to carry out the details of the demonstration, nnd will meet every Wednesday und Saturday until their duties arc completed. The republican citizens of tho third divlMon. Twenty-fifth wurd, Hridesburc, have organized a Taylor Cauipnign Club, and elected the follow ing named ollicers: President, Mr. Henry Pratt; Secretary, Mr. George Drown; Chief Marshal, Mr. Dartou II. JcDks; A'si tant Marshal, Mr. Thomas Dick.-or; Captain. Joseph Schall'er. A lnree nicptlupr ot the Grant and Colfax Club ol the Tenth Ward wa3 held last eveuiiiGr, at the hall, Bioad nnd Kuce streets, J. M. Kerns in the chair. Alter the appointment ot a Marshal, who had the power piven hini to aopoiut other ollicers, an address was made by Hon. Charles O'Neill, who alluded to the private and public career of General Giant, th-; nominee of the party for President of the United states. A. Wilton llenszev. E-n.. nl-o (lelivnrod The meeting, which was to have been held last evening at Howard nnd Oxford streets was post poned until 1ueday evening next. Smith, Randolph & Co. lurulsh U3 with the lolloping list of Americaus registered nt the banking-house of Messrs. Jarucs W. Tucker & Co., Paris, for the week endiutj August 20: New York Mr. Henry T. Curtis an t wife, Mrs. Denroslee, Miss Dames, Miss Harris. Mr. i'. D. Curti, Mr. Henry B. Dnrnes, Mr. W. L. Cochinn, Miss Catherine Spencer. Mr. C. S. Dunuii.g, Mr. II. C. Sparks. Mr. Joseph Dell, Mr. George King and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Morton, Mr. L. P. Morton, Mr. Albert Crane, Mr. nnd Mrs. Marshall Pepoon, Mr. Sylvester lirush nnd family. Philadelphia Mrs. J. D. LSudd, Mr. Morgan Budrt, Mr. Irwin Bud 1. Dos ton The Misses Daniell, Mr. and .Mr. Tuomas P. Kieh. Miss Busuu D. Hogtrs. St. Louis Mrs. J. Christy. A Qcertion yon the Courts. The question whether the bonded warehouse whuh the Undid States Government Is c m-dructinsr on the elic ot the Pennsylvania Dank is within the operations of the State Building Inspection law, will toon come before one of our Court. No pernilt having been taken out the Superinten dent of Construction was notirieJ of the require ments of the law, but being of the opinion that the State liw did not apply to buildings in the course of crectiou lor the United SUtes. he did not comply. It is understood that tho head ot the Treusciy Department sustained him iu that position. The Duildiug Inspectors have taken btcps to have the matter legally settled. BnoTnEnnooD tiF tub Union. The Grand Circle ot this organization in Peunsjlvauia wil; meet in this city next week. There'are twenty six subordinate Circles in tho State, and five Home Communions. Of tho entire number fourteen uiett in this city. The following are tl:c Chiefs and Ollicers of the Uraud Circlc:--9. C. W., John Wise; G. C. G K. Z. Scitz: O. S. K., William V. Denick; G. O. F., John T. Ktchener, G. C. Fulton, John V. Bhapel; G. C. G., Job Rulon; G. Treasurer, John M. Larkins; O. W. D., John P. Wehrheim; G. W. N , James F. Williams; G. II., Thomas J. Moore; G. C. W., Jedin Fining; G. Met., David Harris; G. Mar., Joseph Myers. To be Contested. Thera lia3 not been any change in tte somewhat novel condition ot things at the ollice of the United States Attor ney for this district. Mr. Gi'pin remains in possession of the office, and the business is trans acted by the assistant, Mr. Valentine. The question touchini: the validity of the appoint ment by the President has not been brought fotmnlly to the notice of Judge Cndwulader, who left the city on the day followiutr the presenta tion by Mr. O'Neill ol his commission, and only returned a day or two ago. It is uuders'ood tLnt Mr. Gilpin will contest tho claim of Ur. O'Neill to the office. Another Whisky Seizure Revenue De tective James J. Drooks and his assistant, Wil liam II. Herr, 6elzed sundry barrels of whisky on Wednesday, which, it is alleged, were in packages not properly marked. One load wa seized iu Dillwjn street, and the other at Arch and Second streets. The driver lu charge of one of the loadp, when he found the ollicers approaching, put the whip to his horse and tried to nittko his e scape, but he did not succeed. This Lorse and wagon was seized, as well as the whisky, because the conduct of the driver implied knowledge on his purt that the whisky w as conti abaud. Dismissed. Horatio G. Sickel and W. L. Williams had a hearing yesterday afternoon before Recorder Given, ou the charge of forcible entry and It appears Daniel R. liatiL'h, keeper of a fat and hide establishment nt Mo.YnuieD.Bing avenue and Reed street, had been charged with maintaining a nuisance at ti e place named, and his establishment was closed, the order being carrlel out by the accused, who are ollieerc of tlio Hoard of Health. In the dii-cltargo ot this duty, it was declared by Raugh that they had been guilty of lorciblo culry and detainer. The case was dismissed. Hospital Item?. Yesterday afternoon John Brunt, twenty-eight rears old, a carter, residing at No. 4li)l) Westminster avenue, was run over by ids own cart, un bighth Btreet, above Jetl'er (on, and had an arm and leg broken. Ho was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital. On Wednesday night, Lawrence Knne bad a quarrel with a tavern keeper, iiuei Donohue, nnd In a sculllc which ensued, was knocked down and bad one of his legs broken, lie was rf moved to the. Pennsylvania Hospital. Final IIbarino. Davis H. Hoffman, charged with tcl'ing lottery policies and annuls and battery, had aflual ucaring, yesterday alteinuon, leloro lCccordcr Glveu, and was held in $1500 bull to answer at court. Post i on ed. The Fuflblk Park races, which WC" advertised to con otf vcVcnhiv, wejc poetpouea on accpun oi s'.oraj j weatJicri Recover! of a Valcahlg Shawl. Mirgur Sullivan, alias Maiani-0 Mccarty, was hi. re the Recorder Yesterday en the chug J or Ceding ni India fhawl with a pine anpl b .rder, vai l i a 1 The accused bad lived at Fifteenth an I Pearl streets, where the stolen proo-rty wu lound. f-he wai held in $1000 b il to umwr av court. MARINE TELEGRAPH. additional Marine Seivt i.e First I'mje, ALMANAC FOB PHILADELPHIA THl-i DAT. flair S Moon Ttisic.. 7-31 UM bBTB BZS,l:IiaH YVAI UH 8 1.1 PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF THAJJJS, Jam h.n T Young, ) Ioatm Walton, J-Montkly Comhittsij ?HeHAI PoTTJLB. J MOVEMENTS OP OCEAN STJsJ.VJIEltS FOlt AHKKICA. Propontls....,...LIverpool...I!"siiin Ani 11 T'lpoll l.lveriiool...New York Aiw Is CulnuihU tJlasKOW.-.New York An. 21 Colorado Llveroil...JN'ew YorK Aiw z Tarlla litverpool...New Yorif Au5 2.5 ('. id London Llvernool...New York An. 2H AtUmaniiln.Houtlianiton...NtiW York -Alii "g Moravian. Liverpool. ..(ineb'-c aiu ' -27 fscotla Liveruool...Xtw York .Auit 2'l City ol Cork Liverpool. ..New York... -AuS ay FOR KU HOPE. 'ew Yorklironi.'n ....8ipt. 5 Helluna New Yurk...Lotidoil SbuU 6 City ot raris....New York...I.lvcrpool b ferelre JNew York.lIavre se,,t. b I New York...tUnsitow -.Kept. 5 . lrJ',lI."a.-7 New York... Liverpool.- Sep-,. 5 C.ofW fiRhlDBtuiiiSew York.. Liverpool -Sept 8 (iermanlft Now York...llainl)iirit s.pu 8 Jva ..New York...Ltverpool M.Se it. 9 Huiipb New York...Hremen 10 0. ol Loudon.... New York...l,lverpoul Haul, u , COAfTYVISK, DOMESTIC, KTO. Wyoming Plillada Havar.nali .Sept. S Pnntliigo rtee'ulmNewYork...Aspliiwall K -pt. 5 Btamauilbtrlpesl'hllada Havana Wbou 8 Alaska. New Y'ork...Asplnwall Seut. y olim blH.. New York....Nasan... .Sept. Jo 8iin fcianelflco...Now York... Vera Cruz hept. II RtaroftlieUnlon.PIillttda.....New Orlen spt. 17 '- ..Pbllada WIUulnRWu Sept. r B"'UJ?' New York...lfavana (Sept. it) Malls are forwarded by every steamer In the rseular iikm. Itie steamers for or from LIvnrpo M cud at ejiief-nstown, eicopt tho Canadian linn, wuleb call at Londt Dilerrv. Tte steamers tor or from the Conti nent call at, Southampton. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Br. briar LM U, Le Blanc, Lltlle Olace Bay. L. Wta. tevppard A Co. Scl'r lleraty. Meredllb, Boston, Caldwell, Gor- Fchr Wake. Oandy. Dlgtiton, John Rommel Jr Bebr Porto Rteo. YV'euiworih Newburjport' di bclir R. 8. Dean. Ccok, Dljchlon, 1 ' So fcehrL. C. WHuart, Alaaun, Boston, Latnbury. Wickersham ACo. " Pctir C. W. May, May. Boston. Day, Uuddell A Co. Kt'r F. Franklin, J ler:on. Haltiamre, A. Grovm Jr fct'r D. Clley, Davis, JSew York, V. M. JJatrd A Co,' ARRIVED YESTERDAY AAF&itilfiliSo.' dBy8 trom Jame9 "'or. to n'ScIms 2 BhU?u? Uat1' fr0M Norfolk' wltu lur sebr J. 11. ballaher, GallaRber, ft days from Nn, tolk, with shingles to Patterson & Lt p pi lie j 1 1 u ly, .BuinlriK. 5 days from Jum'es river, with lumber to Collins A Co. "Miivir, fccbr Tycoon, Cooper. 1 day from SmyrDa Creek Del .with grain to Jos. K. Palmer. UJ'rua crceK, Cider, A ydoluite, 2 days from Indian river with C01 11 to Collins fi Co. ' Kehr Clayton ft Lowber, Jackson. 1 day from Boiyrna, Del., wltb grain to James L. Bewlnv'.fc 1 Hebr C W. May, May, from KoMon. "owlu' a V"J' frcbr Annie May, May. from Benton. Reamer Tacony. Nleliols 24 hours from New York w lili mdse. to W. M. Balrd & Co. MEMORANDA, instant? Norfolk' vnc.. henoo, at Richmond 1st 1. .',B.m,8hJP H' ?,' Davison. French, reported from u?u'rrec,K cSe0..69' VM 'Ut 8iiqt?Lrno':rl0ht0n' c:eBr8d Bt Caaneston 13rtrJo,mUtt1.5'oasL,nd6 Bt' 3'' Cnbn' Barque Reunion, Collins, at Clenfueeoa 23d ult .from Anpluwall, and sailed 2!itb. lor Boston. Brig Five Brothers, Tbutlow, hence for Stettin, at Bwlneniunde2lst ult. iirig Minnie Miller, Anderson, hence, at Portland ISt tllBta Prig Charles V. Williams, Thompson, was loading at Trinidad 25th ult. " lirig J. Mclntyre, Haskell, hence for Portsmouth. wr.s spoken aisi ult -no lat., etc. Hchr Plat dome, EuwardB, lor Philadelphia, sailed from Charleston yesterday. Hchr Belle Conway. Wnorter, salted from Washing ton. D.O., 2d lust , forii iorb'etowa, to load coal lor iiilladelplila. tehr Denry CroBkey, Rackett, for Phlladolphla. sailed from Providence 1st Inst. hebrs Wm. B, Mann, Mtanturd, and Emma D. Fin ney, '1 little, for 1'nilaUulphia, were loading at Cbarlos ton Slf-l ulu b-chr Cieu, Grant, hence at Richmond 1st lust. bebis American Jtagie. bhnw; Kate V. Eiward", AlltD; E. Sluiilckson. Wlnsuior.: Josnpli Hay JIaih away; J. Burley. Williams; and Julian XSelsoii. Cava Her. be 11 ce, at Providence lit Inst. bchr Bertha Bonder. Woosier, for Philadelphia. Cleared at Windsor, N. 8.. 22J ulu t-chr Annie Ulllesple. Mlicliell, for Philadelphia,. Cleared at Wluilnor, N. 8.. 'iHli ult. febrJ W. Webster, McV.-y, sailed from Havana 2flh ult. for 8sgua, to load tuj hhda. sugar lor a port ir rib of Hatieriis at $5, bebr Hiawatha, Newman, for Philadelphia, Balled from Newbnrj port 1st Inst. fecbrEvaF. Cinwell, Howes, hence, at Boston 2d InUBnt. Brhis Martha Mcrln, Dean, (rom Providence; Morn ing Light. Ireland, lroni New London; Annei Uep pller, McFaddeu, from New Haven; Sman McDavltt, McDevitt. Irom Mlddleton; and J. Comp'O'i, Ootids, 1 cm Fall River, all tor Philadelphia, at New York 2d It'BU bebr J. Truman, Slocum, heucs, at New Bedford 1st belir Henry Tlobart, hence for Boston, ashore on Bl'Ck Island, is bilged aud nearly full of water. The cnptaiu has engaged ass:staijce, and a strong force was at work on her on Tnesdiiy. There Is very Utile probability, however, ot saving her f teamer U Comxtock, Drake, for Philadelphia, cleared at New Yorkyestrrday. NOTICE T(7mARINER9 The Danish Government has given notice thnt the Robber Ground Llghlvessel BaUlc entrance, has been ii'oved one and a half mile In a WE. by K. direction, (she now lies lu 10 fathoms water, and her position is In lut. 67 E 62 N., long. 11 22 46 East from Green wlcn. (The bearing is magnetic. Variation 15 degrees Westerly in l8t,s ) By commaud or their lordships. GKO. HENRY RICHARDS, nydrographer. Hydrcgraphlc OUice, Admiralty, Loudon, Aug. lu, 1S63. Commander O. A. J. Heysham nt the English war vessel Fawn, has discovered a shoal, with 8 fatboms of water, at the south or the passot Turk's Island and to which be gave the name of Fawn shoal. It Is Bltuiued in lut. 20 51N., long. 71 29 SOW. Of Greenwich. VATCHES, JEWELRY, ETC. "V.EW1S LADOMUS &C0. 'DIAMOND DEALERS & JEWKLEKS.1J WATCHES, WAUk. II sWATOEES and JEWELRY EEPAIEED. J02 Chestnut St., Philtv Would Invite particular attention to their large and elegant assortment of LADIES' AND GENTS' WATCHES of Ame-lcan and Foreign Makers of theltlntst quality In Gold and bllver Cases. A variety of Independent M Second, for horse timing. Ladles' and Gents' CHAINS ol latest styles, la 14 and 18 kt, BTTTON AND EYELET STUDS in great variety newest patterns. SOLID SILVERWARE for Bridal presents; Piated-ware. etc. Repairing doue In the best manner, and war ranted. 1 ig-ip QPCCIAL NOTICE. UMIL SEPTEMBER 1, 18C8, I WILL CLOSE DAILY AT h 1 M. 6. !Y. KUSSELLf Importer and Dealer In French Clocks, Watches Fine Jewelry, and Sliver Ware, No. 22 Kortli SIXTH Street, 6 26 PHILADELPHIA. QCORCH PLOWMAN. CABPEKTEB AND BUILDEE, REMOVED To Ko. 134 DOCK Street, rjri.f.r)lgraiAs RELIEF ASSOCIATION. I orricr: npTiiR niAMttTrAS co ope- 11AT1VI1 hELIIlC ASNOCIA1IOV, No. 432 WALNCT 8 TREE T, FHILADSLPIIf A. OcJK.cT. The objei't o' thin n Rsonl.ttlon Is ti eo ire a cann .vu:eul wuhiu fony iIhth atur the neiith of a nieuiberoi as ninny aoi ar s mere ore uioiubi'M In the class to v Ineti l.u or ik oeioiH. to t'ie holrs. ll.Ll'KTKATIOM Cla A" has 6i(H) mule uioni jem. A nifrnilii r dim. The Assocl.u 11,11 ia;n over muin forty ilajs to the widow or hotr1, and ltn r. nuiliiiiij; nn-mbers forward witulu ti.irty rtai-oii Oo'lwr m.u ten (ems each to the Association to m Imburse I'. Falling tos-nul this rum. they lor'rl. t Uie SNf.r.mtlon all moneyu puld, nud i.lie Assneia Inn supplies a new member to 1H1 Ihe pluud of the roltrtutf one. TfcN CLASSES FOH M KM AND TEN FOK WOMKN. C'i.abbfc. In Class A all pernors botween theait'S of if and ltd years; In Cliu-B 11, all per.ions between uie evtsof in and ti y- art: In t'lisi C, a'l person be tween ibe Bges of 2-1 and 80 years- In C ais D, all per sons bi lweeu Ihe ajesof mi ami 3 yars: in Class K ad persons between the age's of 35 anu 4o yert; In Clans F, all ptroous between the uges oMO and 4 1 years; In Class G, all rerous between tue ages of 41 aud 60 years: In lIhsk H, all pernons between the agei of 5u and AS years; In I lass I all per.sous between the at; ts of 66 and t'.o years; In 1'lann K, all peisons between tue etifs ol W and ." years. The (Usses tur wnmeu are the u we as rbove. ShcIi class is limited to 6i0 members, 1-sch person pais six dollars upon ba couili g a aeuiber and one dollar and lea euU eucli time a member dies bnlongli.g to the samu c.hsi he or she Is a member of. One dollar got a olreet to the heirs, ten cents tj pay for collcct'ng, A member otone cls cannot ba asiess id tli 8 dollar If a member of another cins-i die". Kaoli elf fs Is lue'epcndent, having no eonneotlon with any other. To beeome a member it Is neoosiary To p ,y biz Dollnrs Into the treasury at tha time of tuaktog the ni pllchtlon; tr pay One Dollar and Ten Cents Into ue treasury upou the dealh of each and auv member of ihe cIhhb to which he or she lieloug, wllhln thirty ilajs after date of notice of such death; to give your Name, Town, County, rttate. Occupation, etc.: niho a mtdleal cerllll?ate. Kvrry mtnlHter Is axked to act as agent, aud will be paid isgiilar rate. 1 LIKDS. Circulars will explain fully In regard to funds and investments, (;irculars giving full expla nation und blank lornis ol application will he sent, on ruiuentor upon a personal appUeatlou at the oUlje of the Association. 1 KUSTEES AND OFFICERS. K. I'cMCRDY, l'"t,. K T. vvitmuT (l'resldent Star Metal Cx) Vlce 1 resilient. W. 8. CARMAN (President Stuyvesant Bank), Tret surer, I.EWW SANDKRS, HoCretry. I. K. WANOAJ1 (I'resldeui National Trust Co.) 1. (S. DUNCOMB, No. 8 Fine street. The trust finds will be held tu trust by the NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY. ' No. DJfl UroiUway, New York. .A certs wanted for this city. Address WILLIAM LIPPINOOTT, Gmfrnl Agent, Muuhaltan Co-operative Rllef Assuciauon, 0 2Jlu No 4.12 WAIiNUf btreet, P.iliada. STEAMBOAT LINES. BETWEEJi BRISTOL LB FIE SEW T0KK ASD U0ST0., VIA BRISTOL, For PROVIDENCE, TAUN TON. NEW BEDFORD CAPli. COD. and ail poluts of rullwuy commuulca lion, ICast and North, 'Ihe new and splendid steamers BRISTOL and FROV1DKNCK, leuve Pier No. 40 NORTH JU V KU foot of Canal Btreet, aeljoii-lng Dcbras.tes Street Kerr, New 1 erg, at 6 P. M., dally, buudays excepted, con necting with Bteamboat train av lirlbiol at 4 He A. 61 , arriving In Roslon at A. M., In time to connect wUb all the morning ualns from thut city. The most de siraole and pleasaul route to the White Mountains Travellers lor thai po.nt can make dlreci conaoo tlons by way of Providence aud Worceiler, or B.wtou. Hta'.o-rooma and Tickets secured at oUice va pier 1 ork. 618m H. O. BF.TGG8. General Manager. , rillLADliLPIIU AND TliEN Im ton bieaniooat Line. The Bleaiubout j!UtiRfc,3T leaves ARCH olreet Wharr, lor Treulou, slopping at T'aco.y, Torresdale, lleverly. BurliBgion, Bristol, Florence, Kubalus' Wharf, anu While Hill. Leaves At ch Ptreet W harf Leaves South Trenton, batutday, bepl. b, 1? P.i I Satorday, Bept. 6. b," P.M bunday, riepu 6, to Burungion, liriHtol, aud inter meuluie laudingi, lecves Arcu street whart at 8 A.M. und 2 1'. M ; leaves Bristol at li.3 A. M. and 4'JP. il. .Mouooy, eept. 7, z'a r.jii Mouaay, acpt. 7, s,'ai'.M Tuesday, " 8, 54 A.M iTueadar, ." V, 9 A.M. Wed'duy, 1 bursday. troay, 0. B A 111 1U, 6 A.N il, weddiiy, " u, 10 A M Ibuisday, " lu, lo A.M Friday, ' 11, litf A.M 1'aie to Treutou. 4U cents each war: luterm-dhim places, g5 cents. in rrtiC F0K CHESTER, HOOK, AND JhSA'iSra WiLMINGTON-At 8'30 aud U 60 A. M. The Bttauier S, 11. FKLTON and ARIF.L leave CbKbNUT btree't V barf (Suudays excep'edj at b no aim Von A. M., and 8'i.U A', id., rutiirulug leave Wil rjlngtuu aitt'50 A.U., li'W, aud 8'iu I; a, Ktvpplng at Cbeuter and Hook eavh wjy. Faro, Id cents between all points, Fzcurslon tick eta, 15 ceuls, good to return by either boat. a a if UlTTN OPPOSITION TO THE COM ggSraW foaafe BljNKI) lvAlLKOAD AND Rl Kit bieau-er JOHN SYLVESTER will make dally excuislons to Wilmington (iunoaysexcened), loneh lug at Chester and Maicus Hook, leaving ARCH bueet wlia.l at lu A. M. and 4 P. L. reiurulng, leave Wl mlngtir at7A. Light frglgUts tbkeu. i2 U"'J"35ZL DAILY EXCUHSIOIWS tttw splendid steamboat JOHN A. Wa u. leaves Clil'.bNL'T btruet Wharf, Phllada.. at s Bristol, touching atRlvertcn. Torre-idale, Andaiiisia and Beverly. Reiurulng, leaves Bristol at 7 o'clock A. M.and 4 P. M, Fare, 25 cents each way: jKxcuralon 40 eta. lltl LEGAL NOTICES. IN THE ORPHANS' COUKT FOR THE CUT AND COUNT Y OF PHILADELPHIA. EcTa'IK OF MARY HAMTLlON, Deceased. 0 be Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and hUJust the account of JOLUN KLLIOI'T, Ex ecutor ol lust Will aud Testament otM AH Y HdlllL TON, deceased, and to report distribution ot tlio balance In the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties Interested, for the purpose of his au polniment. on MONDAY, September 7, at 3 o'clock P. M at the oitlce or E. H. TI1ARP, No. ti a THIRD Btreet, lu the City of Philadelphia. 6 28 fmw 6t TK THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED X BTATKtt FOR TUB KAtJTiiltjM DlaTRIiiT OF PENNSYLVANIA, IN BANKRUPTCY. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint ment as Assignee of P. isTHAUd, of the city of l'hiladelpbla, county or Pbiladelpula and blute of Pennsylvania, within said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by Uie Dlfltrlct Court of Bald District. JOHN ROBEKT3 Assignee. No, 128 H. BlXl'U btreet. Dateei at Phlladelphla.AuBuut if, taw. s 21 rat DRUGS, PAINTS, ETC. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., N. E. Corner or FOURTH aud RACE Sts., PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURER'S OP Wliite Lead and Colored Taints, Taltj, Yarnislies, Etc. AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED EREXCU ZLC TALMS. DE4LER8 AND CONUMERQ SUPPLIED AT LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. 6 Kit P. JOHN C R U M CARPENTER AND BUILDER, snor)! no, ia lddcu ktkket, ah ftO. 17S3 IIIUNI'T 8TBEKT, . 52 PHILADELPHIA. E N A U R CONCENTRATED INDIUO, For the Laundry. Free from Oi:illo Acid. See Chemist's A Patent Pocket Pincushion or Euiery Ra inaach Twouty Cent Rox. 7 187 mw!8m For sale by all respectable Orooers aud Drunl:a. TXT I L L I A M B. GRANT, No. 8 8, DELAWARE Aveaue, PUUadelpula, AUUNT FOB Dnpont's Onnpowder, Refined Nitre, Charcoal, Etc. W, Raker A Co.'s Chocolate U iooa. aid Hrouia. Cr. tkcr, 11 cs. & U.' ii)S ilWU BUi.lna, AMUSEMENTS. NTlllf ? wSTf STUEET THEATRE. THE WH1TH FAWN, prononrctd by the entire i'hilaite puis nress In hn iho most msnnlllc.nily produeed play that has ever been wltneisedluPhlla leipbli. uas ever been will be presented u. T11K WHITE FAWN, with an i s ro'RMOi.B s: ener, superb wntumes elabo ra'ejewe s anrl pn neriies. "w Abo Jrre. t aud Palmer's combined PAHS1ENNE AJND VlfcMAOiaE BILLET headed by tho hPBiittrui ' . UOM FA N TI AND BOHLKE, fnpported by KlesUT H-1CIPAL DANSVUKM. VCfKVY Cnn. YPHKFH AND C1KPS DK B LLKe TIip nioM eoun lete Ba'lwt Troupe 1 N THE WORLD A DM liSrlON, Dress Circle and Parquet. 75 ce jlh OuhiMra Seats, $1; Fa nil v Clrele. 2B oets ' NO FXTNA CbaKhK FOR RKH KKVKD REAT8. . bATCMDAY AFTEKvilON-MATIiSKH. ?Al)MlbSU)N TO tUTINKK FIFTY CEN Ml WALNUT STIIEKT TIIEATKE, BE(HNSAT8. THlM(rrlday) KVftNINei, Aept. H, l NIMIKUEliKinTKI i h UCCKSS. Inereastd exeltenient attnrtM the ulLhtiy renresen. tiitlon ot Ibe l-rLd Kunmimc Drauia. In live aeu m ,i a prologue by CharlUHade. K q , eutiiled frrm ihe celebrated work of Charles Reade ani Dion Rouclcanlt. View of ihe Bay and Cllvof HobanTown. Anitralio. THE LOKK'rt I KA1'. ' THE SHIP 18 SCUTTLED AND UNIfs hlORM ON THU, PACIFIC OCEAN. Rescue of Hazel Irnin a whu ry ktkvh. (IRANI) TA liLK.l 11. BATURDAY AFTERNOON, AT 4 O'CLOCK. FOUL PL A Y M AT1N KK. HOUSE, SEVfNIII Sole Proprietor HOOLKY'9 OPEUA Miet-t, below Arch. i. JU. HOOibY WILL RWIP.V FOR THE FALL ANU WIN TEH SEAS JN ON MONDAY KVENINU, Sept. 7, with the World-renowned HOOLKY'd MINSTRELS In tLelr CHALLENOR PROGIIAMME. ORAND MA'IINKK 9186 KVKRV BATURDAY AT 2 O'CLOCK. "IT-OX'S AMERICAN VAMlETY THEATRE, F.VERY EVKJN1NW jiMI) SATURDAY At PER V OO N. GREAT COMBINATION TROUPE, In Orand Rallets, Eth'uplau Rurlfsques. Bonss Dances, PantouilmeSjOymuast Acts, etc. SMIPPIIMG. LORILLARD'S OUTSIDE LINE. FOR NEW YORK. From and after this date, tte rates of freight by this Hue will be ten cents per 100 lbs for heavy goods; four cents per foot, measurement; one cent per gallon for liquids, ship's option. One of the Steamers or this Line will leave every Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur day, Ocods received at all times on sovered piers. All goods forwaided by New Yirk agent free of charge, except cartage. For luriher Information, apply on the pier to 8 2i6m JOHN F. 03L, iff FOR LIVEUPOOL AND QUEENS VsZatZt TOWN.-lunian Lmu of 1u.l1 hi , n.v "I I"".". " . qui. ... H'l un B. CI1" CJ'l CITY OF RALTIMOKE, Saturday, September 19; . 'J. ait lunA, lueajuy, repiemu'.r it, ard each succeeding isaturd and ulletuale Tuesday, at 1 1', M., from Pier 45, North River. RATES OF PA MS A UK nv lga MAIL STKAMKB SAII.1KU KVaBY (A1URDAV, Payable in oold. pe.yable In Currency. FIRfeT CA BIN. $100 STEERAGE .1S to Londoi. 1('5 10 London M.. 41) to Paris Hi I to Paris 4; l'ABSAUK HV mm TCkSUAlC STKAMKB VIA Jl FIBhT CAllIN, STBKKAOa, . I'a able 111 Oold. Payable lu Currency. Liverpool .m DO Liverpool -....!30 til V OF PARIS, Saturday, 'September 6: CITY OF WAKHINOTON, Tuesday, t eptember 8: WW OF LONDON, Saturday, feptenibor 1A CITY OF RAL'I IMOKK. Saturday. Sentenilier 1 Halifax ft. John's, N. F by liruLch Steamer.... lalllax. It. John's, N. F- 1 y uruucli Steamer... 15 SO PasceiiKers also fcrwarded lo Havre Hainliiiri"rirA. men, etc, at reduced rates. 'tickets can be bought bere by persons sending for their filenda, at moderate rales For furiher Information apply at the Company's Ollires. JOHN G. DALF, Agent, No. 15 BROADWAY, N. Y. CltO O'LONNuLL & FAULK. Ageuts, No. 411 CHESN UP btrtitt, Philadelphia. rtft KKW EXPRESS LI N E ALEX. UteiCjandrla. Georgetown, and Wellington! D. c;1 via Chespeake and Delaware Canal, with con. motions at Alexandria from the most direct routa lor Lynclibnrg, Brlotol, JKuoiVllle, Naahville. Daltoa aud the Southwest. ' Steamers leave regularly every Saturday at noon from the lint wharr awe Murka street. Frtlght received dally. r, WM- p- CLYDE A CO., . No, 14 North aud Sjutu Wuaiviw J. B. DAVIDSON, Agent at Georgetown. VWU M. ELDKILGj!; di Co., Agents at Alexandria, Vlr. g'kla. a 1 fC'f AOI1CE.-FUH NEW YOKK VIA D UAWAilK AND RA KIT IN A V A L Js.APRJloa SIEAMBOAT COMPANY The Sitam Propellers of this line leave DAILY from lirst wharf below MarKetsti eeu THROUGH IN 24 HOURS. Gonds forwarded by all tho lines going out of .Ti -Yerk. Nenh, East, and West, free of commisoiuu. i remhts re'.eived at our usual low rales, Y,'U,Li,AU-,E- J'-YDK dt CO., Agents. No. 14 S. WHARVES, Philadelphia JAMFS HAND, Agent. so? No. lltf WALL street, corner of South, New York; fff'tft HORTU AMERICAN bTEAMSUU' ZmM rtkCOM PAN Y. WbrousHA Llms to CaltforMla via Paatama Hallroad. NEW ARrtANOEMENT. Bftlllng from New Ymfc on tfce BtU and 20th 0f EVERY M ON Tai, or the day before whoa theaedata! tall on Sunday . . Pi-suoge lower than by any other line. For Uiiormutlou address D. N. CARRINGTON, Agent, Pier No. 46 NORTH RIVER, New York. ... Or THOMAS R, SlfiARLE No. 117 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Pa. W. H.WEBB, i-resldeut. CHAS. DAN A, Vlce-Prea Otlice-64 EXCHANGE Plaoe. New York. 8ni if I'AS&AUE TO AND FUOM GRBAJ? IL 1 .L7 Itlll'I'.IM INI, lUhT.ilun BRI I'AlN AND IRELAND Ai oliAMSHlP AND 8AIL1NI PAOKHT. AT REDLCleD H A'l KX DRAFTS AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT ENfJ- T 1 VI. TX t' r .K:fk I-, IT . t . i r . . For particulars apply to TAPcJCOTTf, BROTHERS 4 CO., KO. 86 SOUTH Street, and No. 211 RKOAUW A Y, Or to THcMAS T.SEARL1S, 11 No. 217 WALN UT tftreet. efrf PHILADELPHIA, IUCH1I(JN EZ&LlZ AND NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINK. TllJtiutUH FREIGHT AIR LINK TO t2Lb SOUTH AND WEST. m EVERY SATURDAY, Street00"' fW1 WHARF' above MARKET THROUGH RATES and THROUGH RECEIPTS to all points in North auu South Carolina, via Sea board Air Line Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth aud to Lynchburg, Va., Tennessee, aud the Went, via Vlrglniu and Tennessee Air Line aud Richmond aud Danville Railroad. " " Freight HANDLED BUT ONCE, and taken at LOWER RAT S THAN ANY OTHER LISA The regularity, saiety, aud cheapness of this route couiiueucl 11 to the public as tue most deelrable mo diuru for can.vlug every description ot trelchu No charge for cumuilaalou, drayage, or any expense Of transfer. Steumbhlps Insured at lowest rales. Freight received daily. WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO.. No. 14 North and fcouih WHARVES. W. P. PORTER, Agent at Richmond aud City Point. T. P. CROWF.LL A CO.. Agents at Norfolk. 6 1J w ih-inr" 'R iVKw YOUIv-SWIFfSDRQ a, u hwlit sure Lines, via Delaware aud Rritan Canal, on and niter tue Utn ot March, leaving dully at 11 M. and 8 P. M connecting wuh all Northern ana Eastern lines, ... . For lrelcht, whlcn will be taken on accommodating terms, tppiy 10 WILLlAit M. BAIIU) tt CO , 1 XI No. litf S. DELAWARE Aveuue, STOVES, RANGES, ETC, K0T1CE. THE UNDERSIQEB f.tfc would call aiteiuiun of tne public to his trrstit NEW GOLDEN KAGLK FURN AUK. Ki-sr. ThlB a an e ntirely new heater. It la so con structed ?B to al 01 -c commend lteell logeneia! tuVur, bell g a combination ol wrought aud cast lrou. Ills very bin pie In liu construction, aud la perfectly air tight; sell cleMili.g, hcvli:g no pipes or dr. tins te be tiikPti out and cb ui'ecl. It U so arrauged wltu up.fghl hues as to produce a laige-r amount of beat tron me vbme weixnl ci etal tuau auy lurnaoe now In nsa. The bygui.:uirlo ct L.H1I0J en the air a produced by n y new arrungemtut of evuuoia.Iuu will aniuc de. niorfctrato uai it is Hie ouly Hot Air i urnace that will proJuce a perfectly healthy a'ujosphera Tliwc in wniicf a complete Iteuthig Appecatus would do well to call l,j'x1"ulBwfi"'l it Nos. ii iud il iiiS A largi wsortment of Cooking Kge. lr-bord Btoves. Low Dcvtn rUa, Veu-llalurs, tc,iay "k. R'.-Jobbli!g of an kind promptly done. . 1 1P , COAL. BJIIUT'LITTON CO., DEALERS IN HA l LEIGH LEHIGH and EAGLW VEIJI fv,Ai Kent dtynudor cover. Prepared exprenahr