s THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 18G3. NOVA SCOTIA. Her IUly to J rent itrimiti'n ltfonl or HclMiiovcriiiiiriiti In ftcoinmnuication to LU Kscellenoy, Majot General Charles Hastings DovIh, Lteuteuaut Governor and Commander of II. M.'a troop in aud over the province of Nova Scotia, th Executive Council of that province say that they Lave read the despatch, hU Grace the Duke of Buckingham in repljr to the address of the Representatives of the people, for a repeal of the Act of Union, with mingled emo tions of surprise and regret. When the Representatives of the people nnanimouhlv informed the Queen that Con federation had been forced upon the Province, Without in any manner consulting them, it is ftstoDibhitig that the Colonial Minister should take the liberty of contradicting them, aud of asserting that Confederation li rut originated With the J.fginlature of Nova Scotia. Thi-i assertion is uiiriustained by the slightest foun dation in fact. The Legislature never oll'tred en opinion in favor of Confederation by vote, resolution, or any other action on the subject Lefore the Quebeo scheme was published. Confederation was deviled altogether iu Canada, and the scheme was never in any manner submitted to the people of this Pro vince, 8ud every expression that they hive lieen able to give of their wishes on the sub ject has been directly adverse to the measure. Vhni it was brought forward in the session of lSij,), no less than i"i,0(Mi of the people peti tioLecl against it. Wh-n it was ascertained that the leh'b rs of the Government and of the op position had conspired to have it earrl-d through ihe Impeiial Parliament, upwards of thirty -iue tliousainl petitioned against it, and delegates were tent to Jiugland to oppose its past-ue. triure tLe Constitution was conferred on the Province, upwards of a century ago, the laws were iuinle und all taxes were levied by the representatives of the people iu their owu Legisia uie. The Legislative Councd in th Upper Hi audi were appointed by the Sover eign under the ad 'ice ot the Executive Coun cil, who, fciuce the introduction of responsible Government always possessed ihe contlilence of the people. Their whole Legislature Were, therefore, either actually or virtually ohosen ly thenit-eives, aud the members of that lian h, i y which the taxes were imposed, had to render an account of their stewardship, at least once in tour years. The regutatton of their trade and commerce was in ihe hands of the jeople through this Legislature. They had the exclusive management aud control of all their taxes. The revenue was regularly and rapid'y increaMng, ai,d they had ample lueaue o! Uifeting all their li .bi'ities and main tainii g all their public eerviues. Tliey had the exdu.-ive liht ot tlieir li-iliKries, aud all their public prcpi-rty was in their own possession 'ihegeLei.il prosperity was so great that alow tarill was Miilicient for raisng, by indirect taxation, all the revenue that ras required. uch was the happy condition of the pro vince up to lSti7, wheu all wa3 suddenly changed; and without rjn?aiting the loyal people ol Neva Scotia, aud iu spite of every thing that they could d to prevent it, an act of Parliament was passed to strip them of all them under a new constitution that a few Scheming politicians in Canada had contrived these inestimable rights and privileges, and place for the subjugation of this province, and which ihey accomplished by corrupting the faithles public servants of Nova Scotia. lutteai'. ..t hi.7iug our laws made by a Legis lature of Nov fc-cotiaus, responsible to and Eyuip.thi.;ug with us, they are henceforth to le nmke by a Legislature of Canadians, com posed of a llouie of Commons and a Senate, with a Governor General at their head. This llou.se of Commons cousists of lsl uiemhsrs, whereof Nova Scotia elects 19. The rest are elected by people of other, and to us strange countries, and we can have no control over the remaining majority of Jiili. in the Senate our representation is a mockery. There are in all 72 members. - of whom are. by a curious fiction of the l uion act, said to represent Nova j fccotia; but tne Las nothing to say in their appointment, aud they are the nominees aud creatures ot the Lxecutive Couucil of Canada. All direct communication with our Queen has been cut oil, and our allegiance has virtually len transferred to any subject that the Colo nial (i;;e may hvreafter appoint to rule over us. How has confederation operated upon Nova Scotia already I It has been in exist nce one year; we have already had our tarill raised, and our inlirect taxes very largely iucreased, we have been saddled with vexatious stamp duties, with taxes on newspapers and a tax upon our buk circulation. Our railroads have been taken from us, and uuder Confede ration can be s-Id, aud the price taken into the Canadian chest. We have had all our revenues of customs taken from us, and we Lave Weu placed u a trilling allowance which is totally iusullicieut for our support. The refusal to renew the Reciprocity Treaty and the conseijnent closing up of our coal trade, and the general fctaguatiou of commerce, are probably chargeable on Confederation and its natural elici t of excluding the manufactures of the United States from the Maritime - rrovinces Ly means of a high Canadian taritf. If confederation is entailed npou us, we shall be compelled to submit to direct taxation to raise a r-ullicieut revenue to carry on the public business, an l to enstaiu our ro i ls and bridges, whLh are already greatly in need of repair. J'he statute requires Canada to pay us eighty cents a head annually until our population reaches m (hki so that when it doubles or increases to -lno.l'Wr, and our expenses have also doubled, we shall have forty cents a hea l. That is, wLi-u oir expeuses are double we tLall have only Lalf as much to meet them; and so, as our population an 1 expenses in crease, our means wltl diuilmoh iu an espial ratio. In other words, direct taxation must increase iu proportion as our limit 1 allow ance fails to meet the augmuted expenses of the Goveimiitnt. Here, tLu, we have the prospect of an eternally increasing direct as well as indirect taxation. The people have re. t-ived a valuable an 1 admirable working Constitution from tliir ancestors, and they are bound to transmit it Unimpaired to their children, (or whom they Are but temporary trustees. An arl iirary and tyrannical attempt has been made to deprive them of this Constitu tion, aud they conceive that they are bouu t to resist the attempt by all constitutional and practicable means. All that they require Is to Lave their Constitution restored, and though they are neither willing, nor if williug, at pre sent prepared to resort to any kiud ol fore or Violence to extricate themselves from an op pressive tyranny, they u ill pnively re-ist the usurpation, aud with a firm purpose will abi i their time, and avail themselves of every practicable means of setting themselves free. We w ish to be dittinctly underotood, that all We ask for is the restoration ol our constitu tional rights. We have ever teu faithful subjects of the liritish Throne; we ar leutly debire to remain so; aud w will not attempt to withdraw our allegiance until we I'm I it. t the Queen intends peiiu..n-uCy t j l.-piveii Of her projection. W e nave liittii.iuii..-'t n 11 -i i.y i:.'..-r. Mir-- with the puople of the United Mu-4 of Au-vii- ca, and our daily expandinij ooiutnrcisl deal ings with them make auy interruption of peaceful relations iuiprobabl, if not impossi ble. .We admire that great, energetic, aud In telligent nation; but our habits, onr Muca'loo, and our feelings have always been favorable to monarchical, and adverse to democratic in stitutions. We are, therefore, in no manner desirous of changing our political constitu tion, but will not willingly allow ourselves to be bronght into subjection to Canada, or any other country. We will have no confederation or union with other colonies, excpt nprm Uruis of the most exact equality; and there Is no change in our political relations that we Miould not prefer to the detestable confedera tion that has been attempted to be forced upon us. We shall proceed with the legislation and other business of the Province, protesting against the Confederation, boldly aud dis tinctly asserting our full purpose and resolu tion to free ourselves from the trammels of Canada, and if we fail, alter exhausting all conf-titutioual means at our command, we will leave our future destiny in the ban 13 of Him who "will jude the people righteously, aud govern the nations upon the earth." WlM.IAM A.N.VAN'D, Martin I. Wilki.nh. W. 13. Vaiu R. A. MiIIkitey, I'vOIIKRT Jii'llKUHO.f, .1. C. Tiioor, IC. 1'. Fl.VNN, Jaks Cochiiax, John Feuui'sso.v. FRO 31 SOUTH AMERICA. Imported fall of llmiinltu. Lisbon, Auc. 28. One of tbe steamers of tlio regular mail line 1 euvci 11 liio Janeiro unci this port arrived Into last evening with advices from Ki to August 8. H'T news is highly Important. Tho tuctics of the allied forces in attcinptiiig.to rcctiec the i'urairuavan lortrcss of llmimiia hy starvation tiiise bteti entirely succesiul. Ttie l'liruti'iuyiins held out to llic lusi moment, and on July 21, when their stores wi re exhausted, evacud'ed the posiiioti. nnd the nliiffl forces murched into Iluniuila tbe next day. To 1 un.ired aud tifry ciiMion, and a large qtiautltv of afcmuuilion, small arms, etc., which the Paraguayans were compelled to ubanrlnn, were captured by toe allies. The retreating Puni'jua una were puiMHcl, and loar thou-und ot them cut oil fioin tlie nmin body and sui rounded in Giau Chtieo. They lornied in line of buttle, and in answer to n demand to suriender, empuatif ally reinsert. Three of the ISrazliiiin iron-clad? lorced their way tlirouph the obstruc tions, and pbt the batteries on the Parana, mid b.id joined the lleet in the boir.barJincnt of the position ol Pieident Lopez nt tlie mouth ot the ii Diguury, aid AiurMiiil axiai, the nllied com manoer, was al-o advanc.nu; troops on Looe. ironi the land side, and as tin: gnus of the allied fict conimanded all routes of retreit, it was exi ected that the l'araguaans would soon be Ii reed to surrender their position. It was re pnited that the Paraguayaus had also evaeua'.ed thu important dcietisible town of Tunpo. Iu view 01 all thpse adviintitees ginned by the allies, the opinion was general throughout Brazil tli.it the war was vciy near a suecesslul termination. Iheie were no new developinents in leard to the. niiliculiy between Mr. Webb, the American Ministci, and the Uraziliuu Government. A lormioabte revolt hud broken out in Para guay, but it was fciimraarily put down, and many ot the ringleaders were captured. Tvvo ol them, Bcraes and Carreuus, were tried and shot. The tii-ot named was formerly tho Para guayan secretary of I'ore gu Ailaits. Theneiv miuii-tiy of the Ilraziliun Government is remov ing the Presidents or 1 he nroviiicns, nnd up pointing ottier in their places, which action is opooseit by tlie Liberal party every svberc turoughoul the country. 1'iiriiuii.ynii AreoiiulN. I.oNnoN, Aug. 30. Accounts of tho recent events on the. Itio Paraua bave bceu received iiotn Puisguajan sources. The Paraguayans claim that the allies received severe checks iu two buttles on July 1(J and 18. The fortress was tubsequcutly evacuated without the knowlede ot tue enemy. All the heavy guns were spiked, utd the arms, uaiinuuitiou, und stores, were removed. The governments of Chill and Bolivia have olleml tlieirgood otlices to Lopez, as niedialors. The Pans Jfa ne ban Paraguay advices which explain that Uumaita was abandoned becau-e l.opizhad completed bis new defensive hue of loMibcations on the Ttbicuary. The Paraguayans weie confident that the allies, though holding the river, would not at tempt to enter the interior ol the country, and they believed that the war would soon be brouL'ht to an end by the lassitude of the com bined powers. DRUGS, PAINTS, ETC. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., Corner of 1WKTII and KACE Sts., PHILADELPHIA, ' WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. IMPORTERS AND llAUFACIUREiV-J Olf Yliilo Lead and Colored Paints, Tutlj, Yamlslies, Etc. AGENTS FOR TQS CELEBRATED FKOCll ZLNC TALMS. DKiLERS AND CONSUMERS BTJiPFLIED AT LOWiJsT PU1CJJS I'OR CAISU. Sltft FURNISHING GOODS, SHIRTS, AC H. S. K. C. Harris' Seamless Kid Gloves. KTEHY 1A1B WARKANTED, KXCLl'blVE AOENT8 FOR GENTS' GLOVEd. J. W. SCOTT A CO., tri p MO. li t'llIXNUT NTHEET. IDATLNT BHOULDEE-SEAU III HIT MASITAlTOBr, AND OENTLEMEN'S FURNISfJINQ STOBK. MH'kCT flTTINO HH1HIS AM) DftAVvElW m.iiv iic.iu u.anreiuul ' vi-rv Bliuri nonce. All oil-.r Kr.iulr. ol Oli-N 1 LH.ME.N a DRE iU """"WINCUKSTER&CO., II i Nu. 'vn I'Hl'-SAL'T blrut. LEGAL NOTICES. IN lllr: IH-sTKlCT t'OUHT OF1HK UNITED 1. r lain lur ll. t .M.-rn ln.iir.cl ol PeuuiVkhia, IN IIANKKCPICY. At Plillw.elphiK, Juue 21, li e unilt-riltii iri,l) given nulice of lili ap I ..mini. ii ut ax'kneM ol rouiuel K. AtluuiH of Phlla ,,, i i,ia, iu ilia I'imiiiv ol 1'iuiadelphla and rilulu of p. i i. u ai la wlihln .'In n, a u id, who has tieeu hi 'ii i(.eil a ii.nkrupi up'in Ih.oau pelliiou by the I'.s.iut i obil ol d Uiiirh I. LkWls WAl N Mll ll, AnslKnee, Nil '-J WALNU I' fireet. To Ibe i-rtditir Ol said bankrupt. t -I il 31 at IN illrMilfPlIANM-uUKT TdUTIlK CITY AM il OK PIIILAOKl.PlllA 1A1K('I VAKV II A M 1 1. 1 ON, Hecpaspd, 1 1 Aoilnnr . pollard liv the Court to ainlil settle, and aojiol lb a. roil n I ol J'IU.1 KI.LIOI'T. Kx i, -or w HI and 1 1 inieiii ol M A It V IUMI I. li'N. 1i I. ami lo repi rv ilNtriinulon of the I ! in toe t.o ol 11, e aci-otintaut, will uiwHt Ij.h .lllrl ll.ti lnleil, !'r tllV plllplMe ol bin Hp- i.oli u. ml. n .iiiiNI'AV oi i i lt H o'clo It ' M Ui till ol I II. Ill tl.l', No, l-i l i.ii.I. it. . i, l t;,p li wf fuiiA'tcpliia. RAILROAD LINES. . V'fJHTH PENNSYLVANIA KAILI50AD.-. X 11IK MIUD. . Itut 1 K duont-ti d.i ui.xii ocrrtt ilni to H-i tilfhem, Kmuhi, AllPntnwn, Mam-I: lnnK, H.r.lcKni, hlte llr ven, IIK(,trr, M. bni 'ltj. M'riniK'Kru rl, HlttUn. McrHnton,Crhoii. dale, firt .11 lb. poiuM la the Lnblch and Wyoming I'oh1 Id'Kl'jn rwcHKpr IvpjM.t In Pnlllpphl, N. W. corner Oi BfKkK nd AM f KH AN itrra. M A' K A liHANHill KN'T-KLKVKN DAILY TRAIN: i)n .d after MONDAY, My 2n. 1S6S. Pkikhi gnr Trains Iphvp th! few pppot, cornTo Ii f Kkc i'd AMKKlvJAH iitreew, dully (tsund.ysox eepii iD m loilnw: A i '4A a. M, AcconunodMton for Vurt Wst Ingior aU IIA M. Mornlnr K'i-foT BetJiInhfnl nnd Prlnc-u.l HUiilon. uu ISurtu FHun.yi v.iila ivaHronU, 'OKimlliiK .1 lii-llilel.tmi Willi LolilgU Vilc- nd Ililth iid Hhkui li.nna Rilro.i.n hit Riwton, Ai Ifiituvto, mlAHauqii., Hlktlniirloa, Munch O'uinlt Vfkih.-rl , Jc.umvlllH. Hitaiewm Wbite Hnven, Wl.tiniu-i c Klngi.ion. I'ltWKiu, and all points iu Lv liivh and M yonui K Vullpys .Alio in Cuini.v:non with I, IiIrM and HbliMifiT hullruad nr Maoanny (JUy; and lih rtia Hailroao lor Unpen, ()nvllle Villon and W ll!.uiiiM'rt Arrive al Mtu?!t Ctiniiic at I2 i,; A. N ; ar W III h unrrr al 3 t. M.; al VaManov City ai Z P. 11. 1'.'nent;ri Oy thin tmln cn:i takn tho LelilKU V'allry Tmln , awning Miihifli'ru at lto A M. lf .Biu., and iiolula on No J Central Railroad ui Ne iprk. Al H'5 A. M. Arcimiruodaunn for DoylMUiwn, Ii piling ai all luleiuiHaiatv CHb.loiiB, pRfw6i)KOrs fur Mliiow nve. liati'Oio and iiarmvlUo, by tnli train lake Hiftgp at old York IVHd. Al Kiti) A. M AM-iiuiui'tiiaiiiio lor Fort Washing. 'on.i.'ii'l 'l at liiii-riucdlntH matlons. Al rd P. St. Llil:h Valley Kxirn for Bethlo. Iipm, Mli mown, Manet) Chunk, While Uuvhii, Willcerburr, Hitr.'Plon, Matianoy Clly, O'ltralla, HhciiimOi itU, Ml. I'armnl, 1'IItnlon and Hcrnmon, and all r ln In Mahanoy aud Wyoming Coal UpkIouh, At : P. M. Accommodation for ItKiyieilown, lopping al all liilpruicdlaio tuatlouH. Al d 16 1M. Lehigh and HiiBiiHiiun Rxprpin for ilpthlphm, Eanlu. Al.Miiiuwn, Mant'li Chunk, WlikPKiinrre. and craninn. FMHenePM for -rpoi!. vIllH'tnRp thi train to yuakertowu, and for Huaiuey town to iSorth al-. Al 4 15 C. M. Accommodation for Doylontoiyn, Hopping at all IniermPdlaie itaiions, PbaSfngprs for Willow ruve Hain.,rn and Haruvllip lakt lBK" at A blncion; lor New Hope at Doylestown, Al Kimi p. W. 'I hroiiiih acuoiuinouaiiou for Heinle. tipui and all nlallons tin main lino ol North Pt nimyl v.uila Kulirouu, conDP'tiig al lifthlehpin with Lo hlh Valley Ltlilh and bui'H'bni'uij;veDlilg Train lor KhPton. Ili iuowD MaucD Chunk. At Bio P. M. Aci'umunouaiiou ror Lansdnle, stop. plDgai all tnu-rcipdlato bikiIoiih. Aill'MiP. m. AccotumcHlaiion for Fort Washlno " TRAINS A RltrVE TW PHILADELPHIA. Froiu liftnlehHiu at v w aud ll'Ua A. M,, 2 00 aud S M P. M. iPt-S A. M. nd 2'iM) P.M. Trplns mak! d1rct conoMV tlon Uh I.chlKh Valley nnd Lehigh and Himqupiiknoa truliiB Irom Khhiou, iscrauUin, W Ukeeourre, Mahooy City, and Hazlt'tou. PaHHPiiKPrn leaving WllltPsbarre at I'M P. M. oon nct ai il.-thlf h-ni at 603 P. M., aud arrive in Ptilla dclplila at 8 Hii P. M. Prom imylPHtowu at 8'2S A. M., U'OO and 700 P. M. From Larmdale at 7'n A, M. From Ion WauhlngUin at'30,10'i5 A. M. and '1 ' W ON HUNDAYB. Phlladrtlpb! for Itpthlehpm al -S0 A.M. Plilludplplila for I)oylPiU)wn at 2t P. M. JJoyltBlown lor Philadelphia at 7'nu A. JM. Jti-thleliem for Pliiladulphla at 4'3UF, M. Fifth and Sixth Strpeu PasseiiKer Cars con vcy pa HiJicrrM to and from Hih new depot. White Cam ol becund and Third Htroeta Line and Union Line run wlihlu a abort distance ol the depot. TIckPtH nmst b procured at the Ticket ofllce, In Order to secure the loweit raies of fare. ELLla CLARK. Agent. TtckPln mlrt and Bngciige checked ihrouu l" Prln ClpRl points, at M ann'R Morlh Peumylvanla itafc'gHvt ExpruaB UUice, No. 105 U. k lt TH otreel. WKST CIIKSlEIi AND PHILADELPHIA KAlLliUAD.-bl MiiiiH AKKAiNUUHKMT, Uu aud alter MONDAY) April Vi, lt6, Traiua wtil leave ioiiow9: Leave Puiiadelpbla from the Depot, THIRTY. FHbT and CiiiJSliT Street, 7-16 A. M , 11 A. Sl ., f.lO P. M 4'15 P. Id., 4'oU P. M 1 P. li., 11 P. M. Leave Wmi Chester tor Pblluoelpbta, from Depot Ou eaat Market street, al fib A. M.,7'15 A, M , 7'M A, W., Iu 46 A. M ,166 P, M..4-.DP. M., 55 P. it. Uu aiid arter Motiday , June Id, au adultloual Traill will leave Philadelphia for Aledls and Xnteriuedlats 1'olniB aib'so P. M. . , Tralus leavlug West Chester at T-80 A. M., and leaving Philadelphia ai4 uo P. M will stop al B. (J. Junclloii nnd Media only. Pauneogera to or irom station between WeHt Chester and H. V. Juuctlou, going Kant, will take train leavlug Went Chester at 7-16 A. M..and goiug West will mxo train leaving Philadelphia at 4 ou P. M and ttauufer ai B. U. June ""'he iwpol In JPhlladelptila In reached dlroctly br the Chttiuul and a W a.uul Btreel cars. Tliooe of in Market street line run wlihln one Bqitarb. Tlio cars vt both line couuect wuu eacn train upon lta arrival. ON BCNDAY8i Leave Pblladelphia al ou A. tl, aud I'OO P. M, Leave W esi Chthler at 7'4 A.M. and 6'UlP. M. '1 ruins leaving Philadelphia at 7 lb A. M. aud 4'CO P, M aud leaviug Vteai Chester at I SO A. M. and 4 So P. M,, connect al B. C Junction with Trnlus on P. S B. C. K, K., lor Ox lord aud Intermediate points. Paseii(4i.-rs are allowed 10 take Wearing ApDurel only, an lianpane. aud the Company will not iu any caue he reponnnte lor an amount exceeliug oue hundred dollars unlM" a special contract Is made lor the name. I1KNKY WOOD, Ueueral Bup t. Philadelphia, April 1st. 1868. lo CAPE WAY VIA WEisT JEUSLY RAIL Jj hUAU.-rruiu loot ol MaKKM' treei (Upper ierry). Couimeucluit MOSUA Y , A ugusl is, lsw. Trains leave as loliow. lor Cape M: U lili A. M., C'aiie May Kxpiess. due at 12-25 (noon). 8-15 P. M., Cape iday PfcSseiiHer, Oue ai7 01 P, M. 4 V0 P. 1. 1' b.ii Kxpress, dun al f.)5 P, M. KKTt'ltNIMU LKAVK CAPK ISLAND. 6'8o A. M.i Morning Wall, due at 10 'W A. hi. 6 (0 P. M ., Cupe May press, due at N'22 P. M. buuday Wall anil Passanger tralu leave. Philadel phia al V'15 A, 0). Kunming leaven Cape Island at S'lo P. M. Kxcurslon Tlckels, fi. Cape May 1-reight trains leave Camden dally at &1U a. M., and Cape Island at H ia A. M. Con nmlailon lli keis between Philadelphia and Cupb Uuy, al the following rates: Anniiid 'llckeis, (tuj; Uuarterly Tickets, f 50, for sale at the cilice ol the Company In Caiudeu, N, J. IbrougU Tickets can be procured at No. 8M Chcsnui ulrett (uuder the Ornliueutal JJotel, where cun-racrtu also be left for Baggage, which will be cailed lor aud checked at iculueuces by the Union Trausler Company Wb'i JKUBKY RAILROAD LINES. For Bridgeiou, baleni, Ailllvilie, Viuuiaud, and In ternitd aie B nations, t S'OO A. M. aud 8 3u P. M. For Caiie May, tl'OU A. M. and 8 16 1". M. W oodbury Acconimoditlion tralu at6 uu P. M. Undgetou and isuleui i'reitUt Train lea vos Camden dully, ai 12 (uoun ) Ctnuuiuiatlon checks between Philadelphia and all ataitout at reduced rates. WILLIAM J. HJEWKLL, Buperlntendent, Jnly 2, lbfao. PIlILAIiltLPHIA AND BALTIMORE CKN TkAh RAILROAD bUtdMl-at AItllANo)Hi. ill EN T. On and alter MONDAY, April U, loss, trains nlll leave the Depot, THIKTY-FIKaT and VUt Bi VI' Streets, West pblludelphia, ad follows: At 7'lb A. M. and 4'6u P, U aud leave Rising San at j'lo A. M , aud Oxlurd at 6 A. M aud leave Oxford ai 8 25 P. M. A Uarket Train, with Passeuger Cars attached, will runtjou TCI1 DA VB and FRIDAY H, leaving the Kislog bun at 11 116 A.M.; Oxlorti, u 45 a. M.j aud benuett, IP. M.; couuecilng al Went Chester Juuo liou with a tralu for Pulladelphla. On WtiiNKblJAVa aud UATtTRDAYB Train leaves Pblladelphia at 2-j P, M.i runs Ihrougu to Tb'e train leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A, M. con nects at Oxlord who daily Hue of Btagt f or Peaoh !ottom, In Lancaster co'iuiy. Returning, leave Peacb Bottom to connect at Uxford with Ajflernooa Train lor Philadelphia. The ilram leaviug Philadelphia at 4'50 P. M. rant to Rising ban, Maryluud. Passengers are allowed to Uke wearing apparel only as baggage, and the Conipany will uotln any case be responsible for an amount exceeding one hundred dollars, unless a special contract be made forthesame. HAJSJiY wood, Uu General buperluiendont, BALTIMOKK AND OHIO RAILROAD 'Irauis beiwem WAHM1NHTON AND H.VLTI. MUKK. and WAbKIMUTUN AND TUlli WKjJT aril now run as loUows. viz.: FOR 11ALTIMORK. Leave dally, except hominy, at 7-ou, 745, and 12-30 P. M.. and 2'bu, and 4 an aud b 45 P. M , f OR ALL WAY bTATIONS. Leave dally, except Uuuday, at 7'UU A, M., and 2'0C and bMS, p. Al. FUR W AY bTATION BOCTH OF ANNAPOUS J L NCTH N. Leave at 6 15 and 7 00 A. M., aad at 2'00 and 1'cJ T' M' FOR ANNAPOLIS. Leave at 7 00 A.M. aud 4'U0 P.M. No trains to 01 fi0mAuuaVOiUouHnuduyijDATi FOR BA L I I MORE. Leave at 7'4fi A. M.. and i sn und o 4i P, M, FOR WAY ST ATI UN H. Loave At 7 l) A. M., and 4'ilii and tt'15 P. M. FOR ALL PAR1H OF Til l'j WIT. Leave iiuily, except baturday aud bunduy, at 7'li A, M.. 4-Xnaud H 45 P. M. Ou Mituruay ai v a. m., anu z-jn 1-. ax. On bunuay al 4'Hu aud t 4f P, M. only, connecting al Relay btunou with trains front Baltimore to Wheel, lug. Pursersliurg, etc. Through Tickets to the West can be had at the Washington biatlou Ticket Olllce. at all hours lu tue oay. as w ell as al the new olllce of the Bunkers' aud Brokers' leleg aph Line, JSo. aid Peuusyivaule avenue, tielv een tixth aud Heventh streets. For New York, Philadelphia, aud Boston, see ad vertibeiuent ol 'Througn Liue," r HTllwliNT Tl, - lf TpnilBmi.t..! Inn L. M. COLK. Heueral Ticket Aki nL 25t OKOB(Jh) b. KoOiSTZ, Agent, Washlngtoa, rpiIK ADAMS KXI'IU'.SSCO.Ml'ANY, OFFICE J. No. Bid CllrJSNUT Hlreet, foiward Parcels, 'Kckge, Merchaudise, Bunk Kotei, and Impede, either by Its owu Hues or K. connection with oil.r l-jpr- i-d (kimpanles, to all the pilnclpal townu aud Clues IU the United Htuun. W 401LN BiNUUAM.BnperUilenaehi, HAILROAD LINES, RBADINO BAILROAD. GREAT TRUNK LINK from Philadelphia to tne Interior of f , """ylvania, the bchuylknl, Uusqoehanna, Cnm berlaud, and W yomlns; Valleys, Uie North, North west, and the C'anadaa. bummer Arrangement of iHVKel. Tralne, Monday. August 8, Ihsh, leaving the FD !,IP,," Tblru entb and Callowhlll street, rv o?,f.rJ' at "'' followliif honrs: ih?uKIN,i ACMMODATn)NH.-AI ISO A. M. town. g knd UMume4l' stations, and Allen Returning, leaves Reading- at I to P. M.. arriving In Philadelphia at n P. M. ' mTT",u MOKN1NU Jt PRKhW.-At i' A. M., for Readlnf Lebanon, Harnsbnrg, Potwvllle. PlneOrove, l ama Jiia, bunbury. WlllaraBlor FJuilra. Rochester, Niagara Falls, Rnllalo, Wifkesbarre, Pulsion. York. Carlisle, ( hambersbnrg, Ilagemtown, etc. The 7Hn train connncta at Reading with Ihe mast Pennsylvania Railroad trains lor Allnntown, eto., and Uies'iB A, M. connects with the Lebanon Valley train lor Harrl-btirg, etc.; at Port Clinton with Ct wlssa Railroad trains fur Will1nmBtnri, Lock Haven, Kinilra, etc.: at HarrlBbnrg with Northern Central, Cnmber.and Valley, aud bchnylklll and Bnnnehnn trains lor Nortnumberland, Wllllamsport, Xork, ChaDibersbnrg. pineerove, etc. AFTKRNOON .X PRkss. Leaves Philadelphia at k-;i p. M. lur Reading, Poltsville Harrlnburg. eu:., connecilng with lteadiug and Columbia Railroad trains for Columbia, etc, POT1W TO W N Al tXIM MODATION. Leaves Potts ton n al s-46 A. M., stopping at Intermedia) ntatlnns: striven lu I'lillndnlplilaat M'lii A. M. Returning; leaves PhUaoelpbla at 4 3o P. M,i arrives lu Pottstown at 0 4J RKADmu ACCOMMODATION Lee.TeK fading st 7 81 A. M stopping ai all way sUilons; arrives in Fhllauelpbia at id 15 a. M. Returning, leaves Phllndelphla at 5-15 P. M.; arrives In Reading at H i& P. M. Traiua lor Pbiiadeluhla leave llrrlnhnr at R-in A. M.. and PottMvlUeat B'4A A.M., arrlvlug In Philadel phia at 1 P. M. A Her noon trains leave llarrlxliurg at 2nd P. M.. awl Pniu-viUo at 2 4 P. M.j arrlvlug at Philadelphia al t'4A P. M Itarrlsourg iuvoinni'3tlon leaves Reading at 7-15 A.M., and Kbrrlbtiurg at 4'10 P. iii. Conuecilng at Reading with A llernotin Accommodation south at B an p M., arriving lu Philadelphia at 9 16 P. M. Market train, with a Passeuger car attached, leave Phlladeljihij al U 46 Loon lor Poltsville and a. I Way rttaiions: leaves Putv:v:il3 at 7 A. 11. for Philadelphia and all other Way btations. All the above trains run dally, pandayn excepted, bunday truliis leive r'nllaville at him A. M and PlilliKleiphla al8iR P.M.; leave Pnllu'ieipbla lor Rending a; s $o A, Mm returning from Reading at i 1& CHEHTKR VALLRY RAILROAD. P;sengers for Downimtowu and Interundlate points litxe ihe 70 A. M,, li'ls and i-.w P. M. trains Irom Pnilartel phla, rH.urmng from Dowulngtown at 6'M) A. M.. l'UO, and 5 45 P. M. 1FKK1UMF.N RAILROAD. Pasnengers for Col legevllle lake 7'n A. M, and 4 :tn P. M. trail's from Philadelphia, returning lromColp;;vllU-nl s-a A. M, and 1 4U P. M. btte lines lor varinu points in Per kiomeii Valley connect wuh tialns aiColletieville, NKW YORK KXPRKHrt FUR PI PTsBURO AND THK WbXT. Leaves New York at A M 6 011 and 8 00 P, M passing Reading at 1 A M., 1 50 and lli'lO P. M., and connect at Karrlsburg with Peunnyly-uhla aud Norihern Ceutrai:Ruliruad Fxprens Trains for Pitts burg. Chicago, W ililamrport, F'.lmlra, Rnitimore, etc. ReturnliiK, F.xpress Tralu leaves llarrlsburg, on arrival of Fenns, Ivanla Kx press Irom Pt.tAburg, at 8 aud 6 6 A. M., U X6 P. M. passing Reading at 4 41 aud 7'08 A. M aud 11-4U P. M, , arrlviiiR at New ork, 10-10 and 11'46 A. M , and 5'un P. M. bleeping Cars ancom nauy ipg these trains through beiween Jersey City and PitlsburKi Vi llhout chauge. Mail train lor New York leaves Harrlsbnrg at 8'10 A.M. and P. M. Mall train lor Harrl&burg leaves New York at 12 Noon. SCHUYLKILL VALLKY RAILROAD. Trains leave Potlsvlllp nt 6'4i 1PW A. M and 6'4H P. M., re tarnlug Irom Tamaqua at b 85 A. M. and 2 15 aud 1 85 P.M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL ROAD, Trains leave Auburn at Vu5 A.M. for Pine, grove and Harrlsbnrg, and at l'JR P. M. for Pine grove aud Tremont; r'-turuing Irom Harrbtliurg at 3'3(j P. M.i and from Trftmont at 7'40 A, M., and 6 '86 P.M. TICK KTR Tbrongh flrst-class tickets and eml graut tickets to all tho principal polnuj in the North aud West aud Cauudas. Rxctirsion Tickets from Philadelphia to Rending aud Intermediate stations, good lot (lay only, are sold by Morning Aocommodutioti, Markel Tralu, Reading aud Fotlslown; Accommodation Trains, at reduced rates, Kxcurslon Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day en ly, are sold at Reading aud Intermediate stations by Reading and Putlslow n Accouuniodullun Trains at reduced rules. The following tickets are obtainable only at the Olllce of b. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 237 b. Fourth street. Philadelphia, or 14, A. Nlcholla, General ttuper Inn ndent, Reading. Couiniutailuu Ticket at 6 per cent, disconut, be tween any Points ueslred, tor lamilien and tiiuii. MlieaKe Tickets, good foi 2-KXJ miles, beiween al points, at 152'dO each, for families and hrms. seasoa Tlckels, for three, six, nine, or twelve monthi, for holders only, to ull points at reduced rut es. cierK men residing on the line of the road will be furnished with cards, entitling tbemaeivea and wives lo tickets at hal) lure. , Kxcurslon i'lckeui irom Philadelphia to principal stations, good for balU'day, Sunday, and Monday, at reduced are, to be had only at the Ticket OuTce, at Thirieenin aud Callowhiil streeto, FRlilUHT. tiooUH of oil descriptions forwarded to all the above poicui lioru the Company's New Freight Depot, Broad ond Willow streets. Freight Tralrs leave Philadelphia dully at 4-85 A. M 12 1.1 noon, 8'PO, aud H P, il.. for lieading, Lebanon, Harilsourg, Potwvihe, Port Clinton, aud all poiuts b,Ma"s'ciose at the Philadelphia Post OiHceforall nlhcea on the road and Its branches at 6 A, M., and tor tue principul ntatlons only atria P. M. BAHHAOK-Dungau's txpiess will collect Bne imiim. n.r ll traiim leavlua I hlladtlphia Dopol. bruers can be left at No. 2.5 W. Fourth street, or at ihe Depot, Thirteenth and Callowhlll streets. 'PKInKSxLVANIA CMiTRAL KAILUOAD. XiISiER TTMK, TAK1NU KFFEOTMAY 11, 1SA8. The trains ot U.e Pennsylvauia Cenlial Railroad leave theDpol,atTHtRTV-tlHbT anu MaaKuT StrteiB, whluu is reached directly by the Market Si.net cars, me last car conuecilng with eacu truln leaving Front and Markel streets lulrty minutes he fore us cepartuie. The Chesnul and walnut etreets cars run wnblu one square of tue Depot, On Sundays The Market Street cars leave Front auu Maikei streets thtrty-hve minutes before the de nartuie 01 each liain. , ... sleu'lng Car Tickets can be had on application at thellckei olllce N. W. corner Ninth and Chesuut Birc-1.8, and al Ihe depoU . AKtuis ol ihe Udiuu Transfer Company will call for aud deliver baggage at tue depot. Orders lelt at Nu. will Cl.esntil sueet, or No. 118 Market street, will receive .ttentn. leaVE Mall Trait 8"00 A, M. Paoll Accommodation, No. 1 l0u A.M., Fasl Lliie.....M..... ! rl h 1 III frill Paoll" -com.'Nos. 2. 3, aud 4-1 0U. 6 w aud W so P. M. Jlarrlsourg Acconimodailou 210 P. ii. i.am-ater ceou.uiodation 4 on P. M. Parktsburg TralnM. " P. M. Clucluuktl Fxpresa 80.1 P. M. Rile Mail ' Pbllauelpliia Kxpress 11 la P. M. At'icniuioilatlon .....U 80 P.M. rle Mail leaves dally, except Saturday. pliilauelpbla p x press leaves daily, All othertralns "ienccoymmodatlon Train runs dally, ex J,i JbOm. For this train tickets most tie jiro ruVed and btage delivered by 5 00 P. M., at No! 116 "raTn's" ahhIVK At'dKPOT. VIZ.t Clnclui ail xpresn... 1 s A. M. ... i.;b k vnress..... 7 10 A. M, I noli At coiumooailou, JNO. File Mai I'urkesiiurg Tiaiu Fusl Llue Lancasier Tralu - S 20 A. IU, ...7 10 A. M. T0 A. M. , ;t6 A. M. ,....12N(0 P. M. Paoll 'a.-J. mmodatlou. No.. 2 aud Wod7-lu P. M1 For furtmi IfflhS. Ticket Agent. J No. mn C'H UT oireet, FP.ANClrt 1 U N li . T Ickel Ageut, No. lis MAKKK1 timet, BAMLt-1. It. WALLACE, Ticket AkppI at ineDeiiot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Conipany will not as sume any risk lor i.ttfcgKe, except fjr Wearing Au- tarel. aud Hunt tlisir respouHioiuiy to Oue Huudred 'oJiars 111 value. A 11 LaggaKe exceeding Dial amuiiul lu Value will be al the rma ut the owner, unlaw mkeu by special couiraol, KDVVAlluli. WILLIAMS, 4 2I Uenernl buperiuleiideut,AlloouB, Pa, P lllLADET.PUlA, G ERMANTOWX, AND NOnkRloTOWN RAILROAD-TIME TABLa, FOR OERMANTUWN. Lrave Phlladelpnia b, 7, b, ouo, 111, 11, 18 A, M 1, 1, a. 4.5,5?, 8 IU, 7. 8 9, 10, 11, 12 p, H . ' Lave tit iman town , 7, 7,',, s, io, 11, 12 A, M 1 2, a 4, 4,3. , () 7, S, 8, 1". Il P. M. , Tne 8 2u Duwii Train, aud 'i ami b Up Trains will not stop on th U"" 'J, 4 y tttl Le ave Philadelphia VU A. M. 2, 7, Mi'i P. M. IaVeUermautowu8!4 A. M. 1. 6. ' P. M. IhhP'I'KUT II1I.L BaILKOAD. I.eavfc Ph iladelphla 8, b, 10, 12, A. M., 2, X 8V. 1, ""Leave'chestnttt H III 7'lt, 8, 9M8, and U'10 A. M., 140 8-40.6-4o,8 40l8 4oaloP.M.,B Leave Philadelphia i.l4 A. W. 2 and T P. M. Leave Cbeutuut D-I'l 7 60 A.M. LT4u, 6 40 aud 916 FOR CONSIIOHOCKEN AND NORKISTOWN. Leave philauelphia 8, 7.'., t, and 11 05 A. M. l, 8, 4vT 5'i, tii, s i.e aud n, P. M. Leave Norrlstown 6 40, 7, 7 60, . ud 11 A. M., IX, I, t,6a.auds P.WjN BUNDAY8. Lf ave Philadelphia 8 a. M., 2 8n and 7 16 P. M, Leave Norri9l,wu 7 A. M ., 6- 'nai.d 8 P. M. FOR MANAUNK. Leave Philadelphia 6, 7;; . and lit A. 1S. S, 4i. 6, 64, !''. urt ' . ... l!eaveMauayunk81o,7 8', Vi, ud ll A. M., 8,.8.,6.654,audPoM.hCNl)AVB Leave Philadelphia 8 A. M.. 2S nd T P. M. Leave Mnuay uuk 7 A. M aud 8-, P. M. " h. WluSON. Oeueral Superintendent, Depot, NINTH and KRfcEN hlreel. . . . l w ovir, in. riET THE BEST 'I'll E HOLY bIHLK-HAKO 1 j lug's Kd It loiu Family, Pulpll aud Poekei liimp In hekiilllul fsiyle olTurney Uoihuo mJ autiijo b'ndlngs. A new edition, arraued lo( puourl lllr r-KHKT.8 01 "' w H A RDINQ, PblUher. ITVO, MCJiHiiiiUX Urw4 baits; FiMriH RAILROAD UNES. iQftQ -FOB NRW YORK.-THa, CAMOKlt IfOO.ANfl AM ROT AND PHI L A L v LP HI a AND TltfcNTe'N RAILROAD COMPANY Link. FROM PHILI)KLPHIA TO NEtV YORK, A:(n Al1lLA:ha' VKOH. WALNUT blRKKT A t R'30 A. M., via Camden and Amboy Aocommo OAiton.....,.,MM ..tM.., ..M......M..M..M..M.... (...M.$2'25 At 8 A. M., via Camden aud Jersey City itx press Mall At 3 P. M ..TlaCanidnn and Amboy Kx press... I1M At 8 80 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City ltx Press a-00 At 8 P. M., for Amboy and Intermediate station. At H0 and 8 A. M.,2iind M P. M for Freehold. At 8 and lu A. M 2, S-Snand 4 80 P. M. for Trenton. At 5'8, 8, and 10 A. M., I, 8. 8. 880, 4-,w, 8 and 1130 DpIhuVo rdentown, Burlington, Beverly, aud forXFenc2.,OA'M''1',l8lS 50. -8n, 6, and U 80 P. M., At 6 :tu and 1(1 A. M., 1, 8, Iji, 6, and 11-30 P. M. for Klgewater, Riverside, Rlvertf.n.imd Palmyra. 8P.J1. ftir lilverton and 8 :t0 P. M. tor Palmyra Al5 :tliaudloA,M.,l, 8, 4,80,8,aud ll'IOP. M. for 1 lti lione. The 1 and IPSO P. M. Lines leave froui Market Street Ferry Hipper side). FKO.H Ke NSINOTON KIOT. At 11 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, New Yoik Kxpreas Line Fare i. At 7 and l A. M.,2 mi, 3 Jo, ends P. M, for Trenton and Rrlstnl. And at lirlS A. M. for Bristol. At 7 and 11 A.M., 8 CO, and 6P.M. lor Morris vllle and Tullyiown. At 7 aud M IS A. M 2'30, and S P. M. for Bchencks and I'Mdlnkton A 1 7 ami Tins A.M., 2'8n, 4, 5. and t P. M,. for Curn wells, Torrl"dalo, Holmpsburx. Taconv, Wlsslno nilng. Rrlilesbtirg. and Fruukfoid, and al 8 P, M. lor Holiiitsnurs aud iuleriuiMllnle st.vtlous. IBDM WIUHT PHII.AORI.rHfA DBPOT, Via Connecting R illway. At no A. M.. 1 Hii. s mi. and 12 P. M. New York Ex press I.lnps. via Jersey Clly. sre l 2.1. tt 1 a. at., p. migrant J .me, fare, 12. Then :tn A. M.. aud S Iki P. M. Llui-s will mn dally, An others, Sundays excepted. At 8-1 A. M l'ui, 6 811, ami 12 P. M. for Trenton, At 9 Mn A, M 8 til and 12 P. M. for !! lslol. At Pi ! M I Viol, tl for tlMUl.vllle. TllllvtOWn. fchenak's, Kildlnfioii. Cornwells. Torrisdale,Uoitu 1'ing, lacony, Wtasloomlug, xtrinviuurg, anarraua. lord, For lines leaving Krnlntnn I)t-pnt take the cars ou Third or p ill Ii si reel 1. at cn --nil street. M minutes before ilei an ore, Thecu'son Market street Kali way mn direct to Went Phllndelpb a Depot; c:i'.sniit and Walnut within one square. Ou und)8 the Market street curs will run to counecl with tue V'80 A.M. aud 1 80 P. M. lines. EELYlDEJlE PEtAWAHK R VTLROAD LINES. .From Kensington lepot. At 700 A. M. for Niagara Fails, ttuHalo, Pnnklrk, Flu.lra, lilu-ca, Owexo. Rochester. liluiJiiaintoii, Ol weRo, sracuse. Ureal Bend, Moiit.'oue, Wllkesbarre, Scbooley's Mountain etc Ai 7 On A. U aud 8-80 P.M. for Hcranton, sirouds biiig. Water Oap, Uelvldere, K.istnn, Lamberlvlile,, Flemlngton, etc Tne a an P. M. Line connect direct with the Train leaving Kaslou lor Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, etc At 5 P. il. for Lainbertvllle and Intermediate Bta tlons. CAMDKN AND BURLtNUTON CO., AND PKM BLRION AND Hldll ImTUWN RAII.itOADS, From Market bl. Ferry (upoer side.) At 8 A, M., 1. 4, and S'lR P.M.. lor MerirhanMvllle, Moorestown Hartlord.Masnnville. Ilainsnorl, Mo-int Lo'ly, SnillbvlllH, Kwarisville, Vluceutowu. Blr till ehaui. and Peiubt rtou. Al I and 4 P. M.. fur Lewstnwn, Wrh-htstown, Conkstown, New Kgypi, lloruentowu. Cream Ridge, Imlaystow u, bharou, aud Jllghutiuwu. Fifty pounds of baggage only are allowed each pnsieuci'l. passengers are proUlhllnd Irom taking an thing ss bai,Hge but their wearius apparel. All bxygage ver llfty pounds 10 t pui.t lor extra. The Company Hunt their ipsponslblllty for ooKKage to one dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount bo ond tiMi, except by special contract. Tickets sold and baugami checked direct lb rough to RoBton, Worcester. sprluKlleld, H rlford. New Haveu, Providence, Newport, Albany, Tmy.baraUiga, Uilca, Rome, Syracuse. Rocnester, iluUalo, Niagara Fails, and Stispenslou Bililge, ad orfriitiooal Ticket Olllce Is located at No. 828 Cbesnut Btreat, where Tickets to New York aud all important points North and Jasimayoe procured. Persons purchasing llckeis at this odlce cau have their bbKgsge checked Irom residence or hotel to destination by Union Tranwler Br-Kgage Kx press, LINKS FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA, Will leave Irwiu loot ol Courlland street al 7 A.M., 1 and 4 p. M., and 12 night via Jsrreycuy and Cam ten; at 6'i P. M. via jersey City aud KensliiKton; at lu A. M., 12 M und b P. M. via Jersey City and West Philadelphia. From Pier No. 1 North River atS'SO A. M. Arcoout modatlon, and 'I P. Rxpress, via Aiubty aud Caiudeu. WILLIAM IL UATZ.Ufc.rl. 16J Agent. "CTnLAl'iiLPrllA, WILillNUIU AND 13AL 17 UfAORit RAILKOAD. 1 1 M IU 1A11IJII, oommeiiClng MONDAY, April i,t, 18IW. Trains will leave Depot corner of BROAD bueet aud WAbU INiaTON Avenue as follows: W ay-Mall Tialn at S iiA.M. (Snnday excepteo) for Baltimore, stopping at alt Regular stationa, cou Qictiun with Delaware Railroad ut Wllmlugtou for Ci'lslield and Iulermedlate biauouk. Fxp.eis Train al 12 Ou M. inuudays excepted) foi Baitluinre and Wa-ihinglou, stopping at Wlimlngum, Perryvllle, and Havre-de-Grnce. Couneois al Wll uilnglon v.ih train lor New Cantie. Express Train ai 8-tn P. M. (buudays excepted) for Baltimore and Washington, snipping al Chei.pir, Thorlow, Liuwood, Claymout.Wnu luton, Newpu.-l, Hirnton, Newark, Klklou, Noruieaat, Cliarltiiown, perryvuie, Mavre-ae-wraoe, Auerueeu, rwrjuiaii n, Udgewood, Magnolia, Chase's aud ate turner's Run, Nighl x press at 1P00 P. M. (Dallyi lor Ballituure and Washington, stopping at Perryvlllw and Havre-dot-Irate. Connects at Wilmington (Saturdays ex cept! 0) with Dt law a re Railroad Line, slopping at New Castle, Middletowu, Clayton, Dover. Harrington, beaford, Halisbury, Priuctss Anne, and counei'iliiK t CrisUeld with Loai for tor tress Mon roe, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and the South. Passengers lor Fortress Monroe and Norfolk via Baltimore will lake the 12.00 M. Train. Via CxUdeld will take the ll'iu P, M. train, W1LMINUTON TRAINS, Stopping at all, stations between Philadelphia and Wllmln&ic-n. Leav- Philadelphia at 11 'Ou A. M., 2 30. BOtf, 7D0, anc a -Mdally) P. M. The 6 tn P. M. Tra'u connect with Delaware Railroad lor Harrington aud Inter mediate stations. . . , . . Leave W limiugton 7'00 and 8T0 A, M. (dally), P30 4-15 and 7 "in (dully) P. M. Tb6-WA. M. Tralu will not stop between Chesterand Philadelphia. FROM BALTIMORE TO PHlLADh.LPHIA. Leave Baltimore 7'26 A. M Way-Mall; '4o A. M., Fxpress; 2 26 P. M., Express; 6 36 P. M., Expresa; tt'65 P'W'bLlsLAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE, Leaves Baltimore at 8 06 P. M stopping at Havre-de-Urace, Perryvllle, and Wlln.iugtun, Alio stop at North-Kast, Klklon, and Newark ui take pitsseogors for Philadelphia aud leave panseu.ers irom Washtug ton or Baltimore, and hi Chester U leave passeuger WashiuKton or Baltimore. west, may be procured al the Ticket Oltice, No. 828 CHEbNUT btreet, nuder tho Contlnenial Hotel, where, a. so, state-rooms and berths In sleeping car can be secured during tho da;-. Pcraous purcunslng ticketu at tills olUce can bave tlieir baxiiage checked at their residence by the Union Trsnsier Company a igi wtwiuw H KEN N ltv, Superintendent. CllUhTLST KOUTK TO THK SA-SII0EJ CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANOKMKNT. TIVE TRAlJSo DaILY TO Al'iiANliO CITY. 1 nrougn .llcaeiB iu an imm1- " ""' "'"-"i""""! On and after SATURDAY, Juiy 4, trains VIN & btreel Ferry as lohowa; will leave Special nxcursiou Mall Ffi'lght, with passenger car atiacbiid xpress (through lu two hours; Atlantic Accoiuu-odallon. Relurulug, leave AUun.lc Special Excursion ..816 A. it, ...7 -30 A.M. ..8 l A. M, -2-O0 P. M. -4 16 P. M. ..518 P. M ...4 20 P.M. ,11-40 A. M. ..710 A. M. .60 A.M. KBII ' i reigut, wuh passenger car i xprcss (ibrougU lu two hoars) ccummodallou Junction Accommodation lo Ar-o and In- leiniedlaieBiailous, leave Vine street 5 SO P.M. Returulug. leave Axco 6"2o A. M. HsddonHeld Accommodation Train leave V ine street lo io A. M. aud 2 00 P. M. Leave JUdduutleid ....roti P. M. aud 815 P. M. Sunday Mall Train to Atlantic, Leuves Vlue Btreel - Leave Allautlu. .mmm....- 4 20 P.M. Fare to Atlantic, 2. Round trip ticket, good only lor the day aud train on which they are Issued, ft. rH Philadelphia Local Express Company, No. 625 CD EbN U l btreel, will call lor baggage lu any part of the city and subutus, aud check 10 hotel or collage lAuRMifuVl'cket offices have boen located In the Reading Room ol the Coatiueulal Hotel, and at No. 826 cHEsN UT bireeU p R MpND y A g)nU TiLvlLAUELFillA AND LLIE BAlioAj).- BFMMER TIME TABLE, Throokh aud direct route beiwteu Philadelphia, halumore, Uarrlsburg, WllllmKpt'". to tne xVorth iest and he Ureal Oil Heglon 01 Pennsylvania. V i.Et A N I SLEKP1NU OA R-S on all Nlgui Trains, on aud alter MONDAY. May 11, lsss, the iralus oiVtbe PhUadelpliUi w4 Byroad WW ran a follOWS' WVXTWABO. V til Train Philadelphia ..11'18 A, M MU ir'0 im vAllllamsoori 8-2U r. M nt Ail Train leavr 1 m.. a, leave W lllliusporl.........M... 8 "20 r. M, m " arrive at Erie - 8 6u P. M, . .1,. 1. .i.rt-at leaves Puiladelph'.a .......12 10 noon k.rie J-,1,1 leaves WllllamBport 8-60 P. 6f , u arrives al Krle 10 116 A. M, ri ira Mall leave Pblladelphia 8-00 A. M, riuiir le.VH, willlaiuspori......,.., 6-28 P. M. M t" arrives al U k Hsviiu, 7 45 P. M. umwikfii aan Train leave Erie m..mm..J1'00 A, M; e e leave W llllauis4irt m..i0'16 P. M r.rilvea at Philadelphia. 7 Id A. M. Lrle Express leave rle 7'4n P, M. i, Iwvw WllllauiSport 8 16 A. M, a h arrive al Pli;iadelphla 6 10 P. M, Msllaud Kipres oiut-w-l W illi OU Creek and Alio- gluny lusfcf Aoaiioad, 188,".'" '5?u.Vrlu JU eteaarai HuperloWudeait AUCTION SALES. LlllV.M'?2T PON CO., AtVTiONKKBa AshnrstBalldlng, No 140 MARKET Wree8 " Z t issimeres. . loaklng.' rde'V mhmfrtLil J Vf" i-n lUndkS?. mints eiclT, 'd'rd Kld oves, Notlous, Trlia We will Bell, l0" irrtember 2. pTks J .Vr.r,.1r Mqrnlnf. mouth' credit, at our ssi",; J,aJ.a,p','?'wn "jjo Blret. Ihe lollnwlmt rtelrRhi V.?,n.' N,' 2 Mrke four I. Ihe Iniiowinu rto.i..Krr.'",n- No, 24) Msrket salts: iPtlnd.d win he found, v ,ur ihe Presen. Ll Nil N I'lMkllll' 11 1 V i.r c. fiCO dozen 8-8 liemsil ou.d r. 11 ii..,hi,.A' 10li doz 6-8 hemBidched a C. Hdkfs.. l'"kQf ten dn.... ... ,u" H Q"lltl. n.P 8-s plain borueitd " do.' Z'. Z I(5-8 do. do. do. So. 1(H0,' lo. no "o Sm "o;-8hf mined do. 00. 2 loin. 1-4 do. do. do do 600 3-4 prlr ted bord.r to. So dn KMBkOlDKREn LAWN KDKFS. Alan ii.n it.. . " '.Uttt 7'. Irrnin.toh.iklsT uui uneoo A bo. au Invoice of linen nnpklns, towels towel. nK. shitt fronts, pu.pprup,,. stiininiMlnen,. IJmSa lineus, ladles' and nems' lurnlsliinir ko ids J. uulon tun DOZEN K 1 1) iU)VKi , ' . .i?'1? lil?Ss.'!!15'' ,u ,p,"lr invilc-eof sunorlor hk.Ii. i.iinniuMiwn, juni laiiueil, Cntunrstmra mtist desirshle assortmeul ot sizes, and of iha choicest riilmi. liiiDorteil .inoel. 1 1 m retail sales. ' CLOTHS AND CLOAKING1?, lonpteres 1 rencli and Oerrnsn Ciotf-s, crimnrlMnr flnp 10 n:Ftiuiu hlsck and colorpd beavers, 11 im iu iiiedluin dubiia clotns super C. W. all wool cloths Biitiernne blark doesk Ins. Una to superfine tricots and clilnrhlllhS super limey tssliii-re, suner all-wnol cloak lugs and wool plaids, suparUae Italian clothi. eic eie. Hi op Skirts and Corsets-Full and complete sasir' ment ol isdles'und missi' honp skirts and bulmri. r .!'. ' r.", h M"1 Arr.eilran corseti. pmlu mid enib'd. ltlnimlngsand Nolioiii 30rf lots Paris trlmnouri. bullous, unions, etc, 8 31 2t On Wedne Oav Morning, Sept. fi. 1 -s, by Older of Messrs. li, Dlament A Co.. of New ork. " The LarsreNi and Rlch'st Asnrtmnntnrentlrplv new TRiaiMiixtis imnoNs notions '7nBW l'ARM FANCY ttoODS. ETC.. ' Evpp ofTered al auction In this city. Is'lSt 1 he goods sre now land'UK Irom etesmer. aud lull parllrnisrs will be given lo future advertisement. UNTINO. DUHUOIJOW ,t CO., AUCTIOB EERti, Nos 2.and234 MARKET Stree. co uer of Lauk street. Hucceasor to John B. Myers k Co LARGE PEREMPTORY HALE OF 1.-.00 CASES LOUrS, BHOErt. TKAVKLLINO H(i!j, Etc. On Tuesilny Morning. September 1, at lo o'clock, on four months' credit. 8 10 6t LARGE S4LE OF BRITISH, FTIENTH GERMAN AND DOIMFSTIC DRY UOODd, "'"tua-" On Thursdsy a- ornlnir, Sept, 3, at 10 o'clock, on four mouths' credit. L8 28 6t LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF CARPKT1N03, 250 PIECA.3 FLOOK OIL CLOTH, ETC. . On Friday Mninlug, Feptenilier 4, at 11 o'clock, on four months' credit, about 2i'0 pieces of Ingialn, Venitlan. II. I, hemp, ct'tlsge, and rag carpeting; 2. 0 pieces oil cloths eto. c. IL WrCLt'KS A Co. ISO. 606 MAI RET Street AUCTKSEr.K8 HI BALE OF 1500 CASES ROOTS. BHOEI?. BRQ OAKS, DALMOKALB, ETO. . Ou Thursday mon.lng, September 8, at in o'clock, we will sell bv Catalogue, fo i cash, a larne asonnieut ot Roots, shoes, Rrogaii. Ralmoia b, etc. Also, W oment'. Misses', and Children's cl'ymade goods. 8 2U t M ARTIN LROni iCKti, AUCTION EEK8. 1 1 ale lv Rif'Hioeii for Al. Tlmn.iu, .h No .520 CH ESNUT St., rear entrance Irom Minor. NOTICE. Oor Regular Weekly Sals of Hotneholtl Ferniiure. e c , at the Auctlou Rooms, will bs heidoa W EDjNEsDA Y, Instead of Monday, as heretofore. Sale No. 2020 Wallace street. nAOTfOMK WALNUT KUnNITURB, ROSE WOOD piano, Mantle m i krok. fire proof r-afji, HA.NDhOME VELVET CAR PETS, ETC Cin Tuendny morning, Sept. 1, at 10 o'clock, ut No. 102o -v allure street, b CutaioKUe, the eul Ire Furniture, comi-rlslog rosewood aud bricaieiln parlor null; superior waluui chamber luruhure; oak dining-room luru"ure; rosewood piano forte; rrintli plate in.utle Dili ror; fire-proof chest, IjT Evans.' VVai',iu.' Iiamini. v.ivi nud Urusset carpels; remgeri to.-; coi.k.ug uienstls, eto. May be seen earl) on m irumg of sale. S 21 7t Sale at No. 528 cbesnnt stren. H A ND:OM K WAi NUT HOUSEHOLD FURNT 'JUhE, FINK r'HKNPH PLATE MIKKOK4. SUI'KKlOlt ROriEvVOuD PIANO FORTE, HA.NdI SOME ROOR-CAnEa, FINE BRUSSELS AND OllllR CARPETS, SUPEHIOR FIREPROO SAlEb, E c. On Wednesday M iming. September 2d, at lo o'clock, at the Auction Rioms," No. b-M CltBiiiii street, by ca'nlogiie, an excellent a.ioriiueni of vet) supeilor iloUHehold Furu lure, nuns 'vrluut pnrlur mrniiure, baudsoine walnut chamber sulis, limshed iu oil, superior rosewood plano-lorle, liue Frencn plale pier mirror, buperior Ur proof sale, made by Lillie, elegant walnut bo k cae, superior eak aud walnut bullet sideboards, wuluut extension tables, rei, Igerators, hue Urusieie biiu iiiut'i tiiiKiB, wura u-ucu, oeus ami beridiae;, riattrt-ssiB China and g'ass ware, superior harness, revolver, lite double barrel gui s, etc. Also, u Bet of llue muthemailcal instruments. 8 II 2t l'r niplory Hale at 2212 ane 2211 Filbert street BIA. VALUABLE STEAM ENUlNEa AND BOILEIM. On Saturday Morning, Sept. Glh, at 10 n'ck ck by calulou.), at 2212 and 221 i I'll her' street, without reserve, six valuable t tea:u en gines ol th fo lowing power: is, is. 12, 8, 6 aud 4 horse; large pt riable boilers, three stationary boilers, lwi poiiuble boilers, tn oke slacks, frames, eto. May be seen at any time. 8 25 4t M THOMAS 4 BUNS, NOS. 139 AND li H. KOUK1H Btreel. THOMAS LlRCH A SON, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISblON MERUHANTS, Nfl, 1111) C HESN UT JJtreel; rear entrance No. 1107J3anoia St- "engines, machinery, etc. ill-v't ut i r wrir-v-n . -T n r, if. a u . , cxuAJA. APijJf BOILER WUUks.-NEAF1 k; A T.u wv . ...At A itt. ...,,,,,. r I.. ............ i MACHINIST. ROILEK-MAKERS, BLACK. bM IT Ha, and FOLN DERM, havlug lor many years been lu successlul opeiation, aud been excln lively engaged la building and repairing Marine aud River Euglue. high aud low-pressure, Iron Rollers, Water Tauks, Propellers, eto. etc, respectfully oifer tbeur services lo the publio as being fully prepared to con tract fur eukiu.a of all sixes, Marine, River, and Stationary; having seis Of patterns of diUoreui sum are prepared lo execute orders with quick dospatch. Eviry descripilou of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Luw-prtwure Fine Tubular and Cylinder Rollers, 01 the best Pennsylva nia charcoal irou. Forglngs of all size and kinds lion aud Brass Castluis of all descriptions. Roll Turning. Si r. w Cutting, and all ether work connected W lib the above bubiuesn. Drawlugs and BpeclilceMons for all work done at tiietstabluhmenl free of charge, and work guaran teed. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for repairs of bouts, w here they can He In perfect safety and are provided with shears, blocks, fall, eto. eta! for raising heavy or light weight. JACOB O.NEAFLK, Joll.N P. UVV. 8 1 BEACH aud PALM ER btreet. j.VAUSUNIIXX'MCIi WILLIAM H, MBJIBICK JOHM B. roe. SOUT11WAHK r'oUNLnr, FIFTH AND W ASHINWTON Street. f HILAl'ULPHI. MERR1CE dt SONS, ENGINEER AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High aud Low preosnre bleaui Engine lor Laud, Rlvtr.and Marine Service. Rollers, Oasonietera, Tanks, Iron Boat, eto, Casnugs ol all kinds, either Iron or bras. Iron Frame Rootii lor Ua Wora, Workshops, and! Railroad tdaltous. etc Retorts and ua Machinery, of th latest and moat Improved constiucilon. Every description of Plantation Machinery, alM Sugar, Saw, aud Grist Mills, Vacuum Paus, OU Steam Iralus, Defecators, Filters, Pumping, Eo- bole Agent for N. Billeni's Patent Sugar Bollln Apparatus, Nesmyth's Patent Sleaul Hammer, aud Asplnwall Woolsey's Patent Centrifugal buicsr Draining M achluts. 8o COAL. B nt rmiT.irTnM rn . df.at.rrs IB ll, ti i irtnriu -nil k'.lll.s VEIM COAL. Eept dry nuder cover, prepared expressly tor family use. Yard, No. 1216 WASHiefuTOil Avenue- OmoeN 814W ALNUT Btreet, W A Z U R E N E, t'OX'EMRATEl) 1M)I(,0, For the Lautdry. Free from Ox:tli0 Acid. Bed Chemist's Cut t Ideate Patent Pocket Pincushion or Emery Rag in each Twenty Cent Box, 7 27 utwtam For sale by all respectable Urocers aud Druggist.; JOHN CRUMP. CARPENTER AND BUILDER, SUbl'Ni NO. Bill I.I41K hTHKl.T, AM WO. 1711 CIIJ.NM T NTItKKT, 52 PKILADELPILU;