THE DAILY EVENING TKLKGKAFIT PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 18G8. 3 CITY INTELLIGENCE. TOR ADDITIONAL LOOAb ITBMB OUTBIDS PA8BS. Capualtikr. The following persons were jreterrtay admitted to the rcnusjlvauia Hos pital: John Falcy, aped 24 yeare, rcpldinpt in Filbert Mr' et, near tfeventh, Injured by blows inflicted ty pome unknown person, vhile a.ilcep. Dolly Jloi to, apro'l 15 ye-irs, raiding In Gillis btreet, biidly henton by lior liii'iiand. Iharlcn McAiiitnp.T, au'i-d 2N years, livinu in Brarli street, arm broken in two places by being thrown from his wunon. Henry Tupiu, uured 13 years li vinnf on Chester road, injured by immh:; j mimed between two t ars at tl.p Media Mutioi;. Jolin t'iooiioy, age 1 11 je:irj, resldinff in Hns toinille, Fcrionsly" injured uhdo trritidini? flay at Jones' brickyard, on tlie We.-t Chester road. Kdward Kan', aired 12 years, liviiu? near I'ltz wnter and Twelfth btrcls, arm broken by a tall. Wary Jaeksnu, iiod H years residing in Loin bard siieei. nrui' Seventh', rutin tin: hand with a razor, while engaged with her husband in a quarrel. TiiEYorsfl Mrn'h Christian Association.- The Alcmhly Meetinir ot the Young Men's Christian Aocintlon was held last evening at their hall, No. 1210 Cbeinut street, l'eter It. Pin.ons, K-q , Pirvilent, w;i in the chair. Alter the optrniiu rxtreises an aldre;s was given by J. Henrt Sinytli, Ks.i , on the subject of '"Facts about Life." TIim win followed oy a debate on the question, "Winch ii the stroiuet tlen .cut in forming charaeti-r, education or constitution?'' It was de'oa'el by Meir. fcuiytli, Ward, Dale, nndjuthers. Twenty-even new members wire elec.ed lo ilie A-'oci:ition. An intercHting htwetnent ot r !i work of the A'-'ociation in the Wo-t was made at the close ot' the nicetuu by 13. 1". Jacobs, K-i., Oonv-p'ind-Jng Secieiar.v 'l the Young (.Urn's Curistiau As sociation ot (Jhicami. School of Design. Th prospectus of tlie Philadelphia School of Dosis."! has jiiit Ivjen issued. It states Ine total receipts up to Juue 30, lMiH, to hi na vmn'?, S.v3S'j'4 1 ; cash on hund, $lti(i(J":il. Of tUc receipts S-17j2 were from subscriptions and donations. A I true number of valuable articles hare befn donated, aniontt which are drawing", paintings, etc., Irom the (ioveniiiient ot i'rii-pia and "the Science aud Art Department" of (Jrent liritaiii. The order ot studie s is divided iu'o fourteen Ktaues, in addition to which there will be live lecttms by I'rotcssor T. W. Braid wood, and tw Ive lectures by . R. Thomns, M.D. Ti.e prespictus clo-es with a loniz catalotrueof trotk.s of ill posse-sion of the seliool. Aicipknt to A l'liiLAitRuriiiAN. The Chief of Police yesterday received a lelegraiit from C'ambridL'c' S'ation, P.i., giving information of an accident which occurred at that place to a man whose name is suppo-ed to be James Van Holland, and a resident of Philadelphia. Tlie ncc dent was cause. I by the u. r-ou in (piostiou try 1112 to pet on the mail train while in motion, lie tell, and had Ins ii:;ht am aud jaw frae tuirri. and skull ball.y injured back of the right car. His arm was ampul il.ed, and every possible atttntiou paid to hi case. Attempt at Homikky. The office of Dor ran e it Doran, on Mill stiect, in bristol, was biokeu into on Sunday U'irlit, and an attempt made to blow open tiie tire-proof, which was not successdul. A lioln was bored iu it and po.vder insf ited, but tlie lurce of the explosion was not sutlictent. Seriously Is.u'itEi). About half-past 1 o'clock, yesterday at : moon, a horsa attached to a wagon ran oil' at Eighth an I Locust streets. A email boysf afel in the vehicle was out aud serioubly injured. He removed to his parents' residence. Si.ionT Fike. About half-past 1 o'clock, ye-terday atteruoou, a sliuht lire took place ai Mo. lull Aortli Fourth street. Aiioetlute or Dr. Parr. The London Athvnouuii says: "Mv.iy must have heard the late Leonarl Homer tell the lollowiua story ot Dr. I'arr, whom he knew intimately. We incline to rpniembcr that Mr. Ilor.ier was piesent, but we are not sure. At any rate, the story is worthy ot recoid, morally and physically. Dr. I'arr and others were staying at' a country house. Amonn the quests were two Americans, who made no bones of dill'eriug from the Doctor. So I'arr said, 'l'o you know where you come iron), genliemeu ? you come from the place to winch' we used to send our thieves!' This made the host, ausry, and he pave the Doctor a sharp rebuke lor his rudeness, which made: Lim quit the room in high sulks. The re-t of the company walked out 'on the lawn, wherj they amused the Americans wi'.h stories of tlie Doctor. There was a heavy black cloud over head, and suddenly there came out of that cloud the word lham (fair-lisp lor Stm) iu the Doctor's voice. The company stared, a word or two was spoken about the curious directions which unexpected sounds will take, niid the conversation proceeded. Presently the awful word was agaiu thrown from the cloud. " 'And nearer, clearer, deadlier than before.' There was now surprise and alarm, and all the party set oil to find the Doctor. They lound him in his bed-room, and the explanation wai more sufficient than satisfactory. In bis mood he had chosen to sit down with his pipe on the top bar of a very deep old-fashioned grate with a high mantel thell. Here he had tumbled backwardn, and was doubled up between the back and tlie fcars. His only way of calling for help was by sending his voice up the chimney; and the warn ing was the echo from the cloud. It we could but think he bad heard the previous conversa tion by the tame channel, the poetic, justice of the calamity would be enbauced. say mat no tumbled hv leauiug backwards to listen to it, hut do not say w told the Btoty that way." PeatU of a Noted Blockade Ennner. v The London Morning S ar, ot August 11, says: "The celebrated Captain of the Emily At. Pierre la dead. The news was received in Liver pool yesterday from Aden to the effect that ttio bhip Glasgow, of which vessel the deceased had been captain, had arrived at Aden, and that Captain Wilson died on board whila on the voy age out from England. There are very few of our readers who will latl to recollect tlie occur rence which brought Captain Wilson into noto riety. A lew months alter the Houthern ports wtie blockaded by the United States licet, Captain YViUon, in command ot the Emily .St. Pierre, approached the entrance to Charleston with a cargo of nunn.y cloth liom Dombay. lie was chased and captured by a bloc under, and a prize crew were put ou board. Captain Wilson esplaim d that be was uuaware of the port being blockaded, as he had saded from Ilonituy before llie uews reached that pert. The expUuacun was of no use, and the captured ship was ordered to liuston. A lew days alterwards Cap tain Wilson, having watclied his opportuuity, "bo' tled" his captors, abered his course, and In due time reached the Mersey ulL well, wherp his arrival wai bailed with dtdignt both by the owners of the ship aud the underwriter. A few flays uliernaius hand.-ome and valuable tes timonials were pieentcl to Captain Wilson, bit cflicers, and men from Ihe Under writer Asso ciation and tUo lortiuiato owners otths ship. The di ceu?ed gentleman was highly tsteeuud in Liverpool. Foreign Items, It is well ki:on in India, I hoiiL'h uot so ot home, that Dr. bhau Daji, a tkillej uUvp phy ticiau in Uoinb.iy, has for wLuy years made tiio cure of lc rosy a special object of investigation, with so much success as to untitle bun to bo regarded, according to local i auers, as '"one of the benetacuirs ot the world." Latterly, Dr. Pbau has striven to establish au taosoitl solely tor lepers, where Ida treatment and regimen can be rigidly administered, and, therefore, mure thoroughly tested than her 'tolore. We learn from a tiustworihy eyc-witnets that there are a, pre fent eeveuty cases under tuis treatment, '-oino iuite cuied, ami others in all stages of cure." It is stated that "the cine is slow, varying with the stage of the dis' use. the aye and constitution ct the patient, etc., but that iu lour to eight mouths wonderful tlUrts are produced;" and that Dr. liiiau is saneuine, not without pond jeason, "that the worst cu.-es cuu bu cuied m twelve months." One "bad" cae instanced is t hat of a student, who under very careful ordinary medical treatment lor eight months received no benefit froni it whatever, bat havincr no tried Dr. Bhau Daji's regimen and medicine, for three months, says he feels sure be will be q iite cured by tLem, Bud is already not tinQt to ap(ar in public. Tbo?e who know what leprosy is In India, and how to'nlly Kuropcan skill and the Ingenuity of native viml hn've failed in trotting this proverbially loathsome aud dcspcrt'.e dis ease, will look with Interest on the progress of Dr. bhau Daji's very hope'al experiment. -Zoultiknr, Egyptian Minister of Forelen Affairs al in crim, has officially communicated to the representatives of the great Powers, a circular dated the 2uth of July, that the Sultan bdtil-Az's has raised to the ri'jruity of Vizier the eld si son ot tlie Viceroy. The Prince Is uot quite seven years of age. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Fashion baa introduced square sunshades. Napoleon has sent wore troops to Rome. Wise is unwisely writing his memoirs. Croquet is the rage at Long Branch. Ilrignoli drives a pair of chestnutd. General Spinner has gone fishing. Dr. liellows has returned home. Troy has a Sorosis. A menagerie alligator has escape.i in Illi nois aud developed an appetite for chickens. Train got out an "extra" from the Mar shal: -ea on O'Connell's birthday. Tlie New York Jockey Club will race for a 1 200 enp at its fall meeting. A large number of Beard'd paintings are to he exhibited at Cleveland. Mrs. Keiuble begins her reading tour at New Haven, Iseptember 1. Switzerland sends two million gallons of absinthe a year to Paris. Hailstones as big as hens' eggs have been falling in the Pyrenees. le Pull's daughter is on the point of marriage in Norway. Thurlow Weed is better, thank you, and will go to the Alps. Whales are very plenty along the Massa chusetts coast. A female fortune-tellist is money-making at Saratoga. Sothern is not coming over until after Christmas. France has a Protestant population of l.lXHV'i 0. Maz.oleni will leave Paris this winter for America. Saratoga has ('1,500,000 worth of diamonds just now. raron Uaussman ha3 perquisited $20, 000,000. Mapleson can't get the money to come hither. Heenan won $20,000 on the Saratoga races. A man in California hasn't worn a hat for 12 years, under a vow not to cover his head until Fremont was elected President. Walis and wife are to go a shooting iu Scotland, if he can tear himself away from the seductive Schneider. The King of Prussia is drinking mine ral water at L)ms. Wonder how many ems are his take. Cholera bombs, sometimes called water melons, are being thrown into inaikot reck lessly. MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Marine Xcws see Firnl Page, AI.11 ANA (J iOO. PHILAOELPUIA THIS DAY. Scn P.ihkh rein Moon ir-i i Hun surra B-I4 Hihh Water 7'43 rillLADKLi? HI A jbOAJiJO Oi' XJAAJjii, J.MFM 'J'. YulTNQ. t OATKH WAI.10N, '1 n n as JottilHi j-Monthly Committer. MOt lOaiiMS OK O CIO AN STEAMERS. Itellono Loudim York ..Aug. 8 lJro-(iiUis........Liverpoul...Bo8lon Au. 11 VlrKlida Llver;)uul...New York Aiiu. li l'erwro Havre New Yorlc A114. H AUDI) lull Liverpool. ..Quebec -.Aug. 1 1 Jowu Glasgow ISftW York Aiijf, 14 Uhnjmoula.S3uutlituiuloii...New York Au, 14 CUIih. Liverpool... Mow Y'orl; All.;, 16 C".olWiUihluKtuu.LWerpool...Mew York Au. l.-i (4i rniany Ltvei pool. ..Quebec Aug. 11, Tupoll Liverpool...IS'ew Y uric Au. is Cot Farla Ltverpool...New Y'orlt Aug la Hlheruian Livorpool...Qiiebeo Aug. Jttvu Liverpool. ...New Y'orlc Auk. 21 I'OH KUKOfK Soxorila New York...HamlurK Auqr. 21 Kina. New York...Liverpoul Aug. 21 C'liln. New Y'ork.-Llverpool.. Au. M fcilberm- New York...Llverpool Auk. l'7 New Yoik New York...Brenien Aug. 'J7 C.of Aniwerp...New York...Mvei pool ..Au. vil Perelre ..New Y'ork..llavre Aug. 2!) iJumjmk ..Kew York... Liverpool .Aug. V!i Kuropa New Y'ork..UlaHgow au, w Jlanimonitt, New York...llaniburK depv. 1 Mluiieuoia New York. ..Liverpool Hept. 2 Cuba New York. ..Liverpool ..Sept, i Aleppo New Yoru... Liverpool Sept.. S City 01 iJarlH...Nevv Y'ork...Llverpool H..Bout. 5 COAbTWIRE, DOMKST10. BTO. Missouri New York... Kavuua fe Nas Aug. 27 'lonuwanda -Phllada Huvauuali H....Aug. a Wanpoba New York...New Urleaus Aug. 29 juiimva..,........rniiaaa New Urieaus Sept. 1 Pioneer Plillada .Wllmluguju...........bpl. 2 Kagle New York... Havana Sept. 8 Matin are lurwarded by every Hleumer In tbe regular tints. The Bleamera for or linm n.iil at Quet-QRtnwn, ezeept. tlie Canadlau Hue, watch call at juuoi'Diierry. -me steamers lor or lroiu tuecoau ueul call at Soutl.aiupioii. CLEARED YESTKRDAV. Greek barque Lord ilyrou, Kiuburlcos, Uremen.Work- f-cnr J. H. Hblndler. Lee. Morbleliead, SlnnlckaonACo fckit H. Law, York, liystlc rtlver, do. Hclir It. U. Wblldiu. Kobluou. Vail River. rtr Belir H Newell, Uould, Newburyport, Weld, Nagle A Pc8. M. I). Bcull, Steelraan, Charlestown, do. bi'r J. b. blirlver, Jjeuuls, Baltimore. A. Urovee. Jr. ARRIVED V ir.KTWRTl V Brtg Walter Howe, Plorce, Id days from Bangor, hebr Tvccon. Cooper, 1 day from Brayrna Creek, I)el.. w ild Krai 11 tu Jas. L. Uewley dt Co. rjcbrSurati vtarreu, 'lerry, 1 day Irom Magnolia, XJi., Willi KrftHI LO JHn Li, cuwiey CB IjO. Htbr Allibaoel. Lcachum. 4 davit from Annoman Va.. wltb lumber to Wo. if, Wlieaney di Cotlluguam, ci nr farau rurvei, j"iiea. irom uriMlol. u. 1. belir b. JU blumioLS, tiaiidy, irom Buaiou. Bhln Adelaide Noma. Held, for Philadelphia, salted frouj Livt rpooi Ulb lusi beiore reporie.l b'IhJ 7ib, lubtaur8 Llll,ly. frg0, beuee, at Pxovtdeuce Harqiie Wm. Van Name, Craig, at Boston 22d Inst., from BmUnjore. Barque Amle. Morrison, hence for Bhangbae, was BpoktU 14lh Ult. lal 84 41 N., long. 8., 18 W. Barque Annie Youni;. irnin Liverpool 2fith June for PIMIHoelphlH, wbb spoken lliib ult. lal, 4i :il, lung US In. Baique 1 liomas iiallmt. Duncan, hence lor Kio Janeno. was spoken Huh ult. lat. ;;u;aN long. 8iH0 W. Baiiiuo Wariln w. Brett, Thurlow, at blilulus otti iiibl.. iioui tiavre. Barqiirii Louine. Tornvlk, and Terpsichore, Pedor sen. lieuce. ml frotiHiuiU 4Lh limt. Brig Juuuh k. Clark, Wliituiore, hence, at Gibraltar 4lli ii. n. . Brig b. & w. Welsh. Watsou. hence, at Leghorn 5th Brig P. M. Tinker, Barnard, at Sombrero 6th Inst. Irom Port Hualn. to load lor Pblla'lelpula. nr'g Hve Bro heis. Tnurlow, heucd lor btettlu, was spoken 2d lllnl. iai ft i,.., u Brg Johle. Peuigrew, lieuoe for Marseilles, was npiinrii mil mi , uu ai etc. Brig Hildeguiu, Wickburg, benca, la Copenhagen Brig C. B. Kuw-ra. Ballard, from Genoa for Phlladel Plila. w aB lownl iiirnuub lim 4i,uii. wmi. ,.n Brtg Pomona, Brown, lor Philadelphia, sailed from tall lllver vlsi iiikt. m:br H. L. Wlug, lienoe for Beaton, at IIolmei'Holt i'2t lllht. fc'cbr I.avlnla Bel). Bayles, for Philadelphia, sailed frcpi I' u'l Klver 2lt lust. Hciir Besilt-hs. Baiter, for Philadelphia, cleared at BoHiou - 2d Inst. Ku.r Lujuia D. Finney, Tultle, hence, at Charleston ymierciav , nl'll r A. r. vrniiini, ."nuiuni, lur ruuaueipniU. a'leil Ih ui Full lllver 2id Kcliid H. ii. Wilson, iiarrls, from Fall River, and I. W. H Ine, l ane trorn Hartford, both for Philadel phia, at New Y ork 2M Iuhl tcbr F. H. Cmir i:d wards, Ireland, at Wilmington, N, C.i 2UI lutt., Irom BiiBtou. Brhr John C. McSIntip. Johnson, for Philadelphia, BBIltd from Hlchmnnd 22d lo't. Brlr Fpiiraim and Anna, Ureen, hence for Boston, at HnlmrV HolxKM Inst. l-clir Vrme, Mr.min, and Clara Davidson, JefTj-s. hence for Boston, at H'lmea' llol 2lit Inst. f chr Caroline C, Hants, for Philadelphia, cleared at Calais "ih Mist. f-chr Willie Mnwe, mitnn, hence, at Eastpart 13th Inst., and cleared for Windsor. fchrs Hbrk1" Jeflcrson, Jefferson, and Chowan, Dniiithwalle, lor Philadelphia, sailed Irom Norfolk Wh Inn. . N'hr L. BurHngKruo, rurltngamn front Paw tucket lor pl.llivK'Ipuia. at New York lost, Himmer Honolnte relumed to Nirlo!k 2iiri Inst, frt m the wreck of the scbr Mary H Kellenger, hay. liKSlilpped iirr of her masts and s'andlng rigging Thrvrsr-ellN breaking up, and having suci a large rat go of cr al In, tiie llrsl easterly gale she will dls api enr en lraly. Her tfaterlal will )v slil tills wek toclOKetl n ralvnge tccount. Blie lies In a very lUn gerous lncalliy f"r ve.spli entetlng and dpartlng from Ihe hrv. The 1,'ghthnuse B lard Imi biri In p rniiri of the rPceoaUy of placing a large buoy to maik her ponitlon, DOMESTIC PORTS. KkwYoek, Aug. 24. l t.e L'. Btramer Da Bnto (side w heel), rniuirtnre Charles S. Bogx-i command ii g arrived here yn-lerriay morning, and anon ired i,fl the Bnltery to await orders. The Do Soto left At pinwtill rn Ihe oth Inst., end Mopped at Port au-Prlnce Utpp or four tlaya r ii rotif. Btiewill probably go out tii mmmlsslon, having been a long time In acilve service. NOTTCK TO MARINERS. The srhr TldoraCo UeB sunk In C jinprake Tiiy In fifteen fnti:cnis nl watpr, with Smith's Point L'glit vo sfl bearlt.g W. hy s , distant 1 'a miles. The mnst hrsds ol ti e wreck are about twelve (12) feet below tfce Burft.ce ot the water. AMUSEMENTS. VTEW CHtPXUT STUERT THEATRE. XN '1 fUS KVK.NINU th k w ii iih; ! aw n, T11K WH1TK FAWN, At:d .TfT'elf and l'ulmer's combined PAriSIKNNE AND VIKNNESE BILLET Tltori'EH. MAH'MFS BONFANTI. MIIILKE. ARDRIOV. CUti nH.LE. OBKltl l, MA.,hl, Fit YN CISCO. P1N.UT1I, and LA PH 1 1 1'K S( "If LAO Kit, MJPIOKTED B 411 CO HYPHENS, And a Orivtitl t.'orps de linllt l. The Scenery Is the most lluaut'ful and Costly ever nn-senied lit nny theatre In the world. Hill. COIiTL'Ml.H TUK; MOST BttlLLIANT EY'Eli SEEN IN AMKRICA. AHJf IBSION. Dress Circle and Parquet, 75 cents; O't'ln ' 'rn Seals, Jlj I a'nllv ( Ircle. 25 ce is NO KXT'tA CHAlKJfT; KOK 11ESEIIVKD HEAT3. SATUB DAY-WHITE FAWN MATINEE. WA LNUT STKS KT THEATIt E, UEC, 1X8 AT 8. THIS (Tmsdtiy) EVKNINO, Aug. is, Second Night of tlie great Burlescuie Actor. LEt'FI iNU WELL, who will appear In two of his specialties, BKPPO. In Byron's Burlesque ot Kra Dlavolo. and ItKMKO JAFF1EK JENKIi-H, br u;ayert bv him over 1 V, O HUMiltED AND FIFTY NTOT4T3, iu Fdmurd Falconer's Nonsensical Farce "f TOO MUCH FOHOOOO NATUItK In prei aralion, the Drama entitled FOUL V LAY, from the celebrated work or Charles Reado and Dion I'ouciraint, in six acts, by (Charles ltade, TTiOX'ri AMERICAN VARIETY" TI1EATSE. J? KVH.KY iiV-NINO AND BATUBDAV AF'IKHNOON. ORFAT COMBINATION TKOCPK, In Grand L'nlleis, Etlilnplan Burlquea, Bougl Daai'es. Pantomlmea. HvniTiunt Acio. etc. PROPOSALS. T3I10rO'-ALS FOR DELAWARE BREAK- United Statks Enuinker Office, y No. 2iw H. sixth S'.reet, - ruiLtDKLI'HIA, AufcUSt 15, lh'H. J Penlcd Proposelp, in duplicate, w.ib a copy of tuts ar vertisiment attached lo euch.willbo received a-, tbla Ot'lce uiiill Ihe luili nay of September, ISM, for the Stone necesnury lor tue campluUon of tha Delu ware Breakwater. li in to be distinctly understood that the quantity ot btone of eacti cliia,, spnsilii'd horeln, may be lucreasf d or dluili.lbUtd, by the United Stales, If iitc fitery. CLAt-b 1. Some 12,f00 tons, ot 2249 pounds eaob.aro nqnlred. OI ihls umouut, about four-lilihs, lo be In b ocks ol not lem thun iwo tons cacli, nor over llvo and oLe-luilf tons; the remainder, In blocks ot up weids ot one lonrih ol a tou. All stones of tins claiH to be delivered at such points of tne works as may be desiguated by thu t nlted HtttttrB ng-nt. I Lass 2. come 1H (HO tons of stone, In pli'CPS of Irsi Hian ene-ionrih ton in wr Ight, are required, lo be t hrowu ovei board, m nccord.tnce with the lnstruo Hons ol the Culled biaii s aceuts, near the extremi ties i f the works, In water not leas than twealy leet Iu depth. All nones spot to he of the hardest and most dura be quality. Iree from Beams, etc.; to be subject to rit nl iLbptciii.u, and will be received or rot., us the l.iigitie r or 1'i.l.ed suites agei Is shall find them to ncioi d r r not, as to quality and size, with tho r.bnve tU scripllMi. ioue can be sent from quarries con di mntd heietolore The rate oi delivery of each clasi of f tone to be regulated by the Eenlneer In charge. The delivery ol either class, or ol both. If desired, to commence upon arproval ot coutiacl, and to be completed by October li, 1W9 s'ate tho rate per ton of 1st CUibs ol UMies Celivered al -the works, as above; alto, separately, the inte both per ton, and per percn ol twenly-live cubic feet, of stones ot the 2d Class dellve ed. in f lace, overboard. Iu g-neral. rionen should not be sent In vessels di aw lng over ten feet. A if servatinn of twenty per centum, on pym.pnts, will be made durlug the delivery of stone con trnctid for, tell proposal must he gnarautned by two respon sible persons, whose signatures are lo be unpended lo 1 ho guarantee, and who should be ceriilied to, as being good and sullicleut security, by the United Stuies IUutricl Judge, Attorney, .Collector, or other public t Hirer. For blank forrrs of proposals and other laor ma ton, apply at Hi's oflire. Envelopes to be endorsed "'Proposals for Btone for Delaware Breakwater." BUM w ill be opened at 1? i clock M,, on THURS DAY', S'epteiLber IU, Ibnn. Bidders are Invited to be present- 1 C SEAFORTH STEWART, 8 17 7t Lt.-Col. of Engineers, "IMPROVEMENT OF HELL GATE, NEW JL 1U1IK, Unitkd States Enoinbke'h OrncE Office, y tw Viikk, y (ust 20, ltJ NO. 27 WtsT HOUSTON Sl BKliT, ISK Auuust For the Informntlonot thoBe intending tobld Tor the removal of the rocks In Hell Oate. It la necessary to stale that the coutiacl will not necessarily be assigned to tbe lowest or to auy b.dder. The time which the bidder proposts to consume In performing the work, as well s the character ol his proposed mode of ope rations us to practicability, will likewise becousiderud lu ausiguing the contract. JOHN NEWTON, Lieutenant Colonel Engineers, 8 24 mlw 4t Brevet Major General U. H. A. GOVERNMENT SALES. G GOVERNMENT SALE OF SUBSISTENCE J ItTOltFS. Okfick A. C. B., Foht Monroe, Va.. August 17, 1H1H. ; Will be sold at Public Auction, ut Fort Monroe. Va., September l. lbus. at 1 o'clock P. M. t4 boxes French uncooked mixed Vegetables, 9200 pounds, mote or lees. 264 boxes American uncooked mixed Vegetables, iU'.-HU pounds, more or lens. 2i btxe-M American cooked mixed Vegetables, 8U,4tjU pounds, more or lets. 'I he i rei en Y'eKeiaules nre in tin cases of 55 pounds each, the American lu cases ot 70 pounds eucli. They were selected in in a large lot in excess ut Ibis depot and have been recently repacked In new strong boxes, two cnaeg lu each box, and are in excellent shipping oruer. bioies delivered on (iovemment wharf free of ex pense. Terms oali iu Government funds. By order ol CcmmlbBary-Oeuerul of Subsistence U.S. A. JAMES CUltltY'. 8 21 fit Becoud Lieutenant HU Art. A. C. S. PAINTED PHOTOS. NEW THING IN A 11 I,- B EH LIN PAINTED PHOTOS, A. S. ROBINSON, No 910 CJJESN UT Btreet, 11 8b Just received a superb collection of Ld'.CLIN PAINTED PflOTOUOAPUa Off FLOWKKS. Tbey are exqulslto gems of art, rivalling In beauty, naturalness of tint, aud perfection ol form a great variety of the choicest exotic flowering planus. They are mounted on hoards of threo sites, aud sold from 2o rents to t'i and (4 each. For framing and the album they are Incomparably beautllul. 8 ibi JOHN CRUMP, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, IHOPNi NO. H13 1.0I1UH wtkekt, an 0. 173 CI1I MMJT HTBKET, 5 5 PHILADELPHIA. WILLIAM B. O R A N T, IA1M MlhMION MaltCHANT, JSe. 8 S. DEL A WAKE Avenue, Philadelphia, AIIKN'T nm Duprnt's Otinpowder, Kelined Nitre, Charcoal, Etc, W. Laker V Co.'s Chocolate Coco, a'ld Brum a. ( rot ker, Bros, lib t'y.'i Yellow Mutal Uluttahlng, Bolts and Nallt, W insurance companies. FirE Insurance. LircrpooL and LondoN and GlobE IusaraucE CompanYi SEVENTEEN MILLIONS. Short Term, reriK'lual, Floating, and Rent rolicies Issued on favorable terms. OfScc, o. 6 MERCHANTS' EXCH1NUE. ATWOOD SfillTLT, ( 15 15m GENERAL AGENT. El. AWAKE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU1C A CE CtiMPAN . Incorporated by ttiu Legtf lure of Ptnusylvaula, ib35. OUlce, Boutheast corner THIRD and WALNtT Hireeis, Philadelphia. marine iNsuitANCES On Vessels, Cargo, atd Freight, to all parts ot the World. INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, hy river, canal, lake, and laud carriages to an parts o. ine j.j JjJ." INSURANCES On merchandise generally. Ou Stores, Dwelling Houses, eto. ASSETS UP TUB fOMPAST Novemuer 1, IriiT. tzriO.fOO united btates Five Per Cent. Loan, 10-4118 201,000'00 120,000 United Htales Five Ier Cent. Liau, lrthl 134.400-00 60,000 Culled Stalevi 7 a-10 PerCeat. Louu Treasury Notes - B2.5fS2'60 f; 0.000 Stale of Peuasylvaula blx Per Cent. Loan 210 070 00 125,000 City of Phlladelpblahlx Percent. Loan (exempt from lax) 125,023 00 69 000 HtateolNew Jersey Mix Per Cent. Loan - E Sl.000'00 20 000 Pennsylvania Itnliroad Firbt MottgageMix Per Cent. Pouds. 19,800'O0 ZE.OOO.Pentisyivanla Railroad, Sex on d Mortgage hlx Per Cent. Bonds. 2J,373"0O 25,000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad fcilx Percent. Bonds ( Pennsyl vania Kaiirna-1 guaranteed) 20,000 00 80,000 Stale ot Tenunmee Five Per Cent. Loans 18,00000 7000 State of Tennessee Six Percent. Loan l:70'00 6,000,300 shares slock of Oeraiauiown Uaa Company (principal and lnterent eunrauteed by the city of Philadelphia) 15,000 00 7.5C0 150 Hhares block of Pennsylva nia Railroad Company. 7,800'00 6,000 loo tsliares stock of North Penn sylvania Railroad Coninanv. 8,000"00 20,000 80 Shares Block Philadelphia and Houthern Mall bteamship Company ....... 15,00000 201,900 Loans on Bonds and Btortgage, first Uens on City Property 2ol,90f00 fl,101,4l0pM, , Market value, f l,102,8o2'5U . Cost, tl(to!),fc7 20, Real Estate. 86,000'00 Bills Beceivable for lusuruuce V"o 219,1.15 67 Balkiires due at Agenc es Pre miums ou Marine Policies Accrued interest and other debta duo the Company 43,33136 clock, andtrcrlpnt sundry Insu rance and other Companies f.. . foO76'l,0! estimated valoe 8,0.7 00 f.?? i!;B.ank $io3iii7io Ca:ili in .Drawer 2.ih 52 18?,815-2 DIRECTORS. ,lw's Thomas C. Hand, .James a Hand, John . Davlu HuLiiiiii v uil.. Edmund A M,!.i. James Tiaqualr, William O. Ludwlg, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joseph H. Heal, ' j neopuuus rauldlug, Hugh Craig. Edward .Darlington John R. Penrose, H.Jones Brooke, .IiiRhtin P. ir.vfo John JJ. lay lor! iencer wcnvalne, I fnm n Itullie T. xieiiry Dioan, George O. Lelper, Ueorge W. Berna'rdou, wn.iam u. Bouitnn, Edward j'. i, uioigau, iituurg, J, B. Hemple, "' Jacob Kiegel, -fiTT-w-nv .vTiSi1 DAVLS, Vice-Presidont, HKNRY LYLBIjIIN. (Secretary. HENRY BALL. Assistant (Secretary. 12 30 1829-C1UKTEK PEItPETUAL. rrapJiliu Fhc Co. OF rjJII-AIHiU'UI A, OFFICE: Nos. 435 aud 437 CHLSNUT STREET. ACiSKTS ON JIMHRY I. 186S, CAPITAL. . 8100,000-00 A IVll lD 6 IS , I.OtBt.NU.l'M'J I'liEZU VMS. 1,18 1,8 ID-AO TJN6ETTLED CLAIMS. I"COJE FOR I808 3.t,U0a-i4 933v,00U-00. i.osm:s paid mxtx isao orit 15500,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies ou Liberal Terms. DIRJiCTORS. Cnrles N. Bancker, Tobias Wagner, bamuel Orant, Ueorge W. Richards, laaau Lea, CHARLES IS Ueorge Fales, Altreu Filler, Francis W. Lewis, M. D . Thomas Sparks, William U. Uraut. BANCSER, Prtsldent. OHOltUH FALEa. Vlce-Presnlxnr JAB. W. McALLl-sruit, Beotetary pro tern. Except at Lexington, Kentucky, this Company has no Agencies West of PittsDurg. il'li NSURE AT HOME IN THE rcrai Mutual Life Insurance COMPANY, No. 921 CUESNUT St., riilladelphla. ASSETM, $11,000,000. CHARTERED BY OUR OWN STATE. BIANAWED BY Ol'B OWN CITIZENS. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. FOLK'IEM 1SSI E ON VABIOVS 1'I.ANH. Applications may be made at the Home Office, and at the Agencies throughout Ilie State, t igj JABI F.N TUAIJAIK PRESIDENT fAM K. fc'I'OHEf ViCliPIlE--IOENT JKO. W. MOBSOlt A. V. P. and ACTUARY ItOKATIO H. KTEfllliMH Sd-CItitlAR Y pBOVlDKM UF AgDTRUSI COilPAKY No. Ill & FuUiUH htieet, INCORPORATED in MONTH. 22, 18R5 CAPITAL, $160,000 PAID In. Insurance ou Lives, by Yearly Premiums: or On s 10 or 20 year i remlums. Nou-lorielture, Aruulileagri-med ou favorable terms. 1 erm Policies, Children's Enuowmeuw, This company .while giving the insured the secnrlty of a paid-up capital, will divine the entire proiiuj of the Lilo busliiess among the policy holder. Moi,evs received al Interest and paid ou demand. Authorized by the charter to execute Trnsi a, arid to act as .Executor or Administrator, Assignee, or Uuaidlan, and lu otuer.Uduclary capacities, under u polutmeutot any Court of tuis Commonwealih, or auy person or persons, or bodies poUtlo or corporate, JJjRktOTOHSt BAMUEL R. SHIPLEY, iHENRY HAINES, LUAiU) tAcDBA0RY.8 WILM AM HACKEii, BAMTJEL B. BUIPL Y, ROWLAND PARRY, B President. Actuary WILLIAM C. LONt-WTKJCTH. Vice-President. THOMAB W1STAR, M. 1., J. B. TOWNftEN O, 7 Medical Examiner. Legal Adviser. P11CENIX INSURANCES COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. LNCORPORATE1) Idol CHARTER PERPETUAL jSo. fA WALNUT (Street, opuo;te the Ejtchnge, ' This Company Insures from loss cr damage by j! IRE, on liberal terms on buildings, merchandise, furniture etc.. for limited periods, aud permanently ou build lugs by deposit of premiums. The Company has been in active operation for more than (SIXTY fUnlW, during wWuU. all looses fcave been promptly adjuated J''d1,if'd. John L. Hodge, David Lewis. M. is Aiauony, John T.Lewis, . William H. Urant, Robert W. Leamli'f , Beiilamlu Kiting, Thomas H. Powers. A. R. Mclleury, Edmund Cast 1 1 Ion, Hamuel Wilcox, I .e wis C Nnrrls. I. Clark Whart(U, Lawrence Lewis Jr, JOHN R. W COHERER. President. am a I.WluX'X.becretarM i&J INSURANCE COMPANIES. flLLINCHAST A HILT'8 INSURANCE ROOMS, 1 SP p No. 409 WALNUT St. A9ENT8 AND ATTORNEYS FORJ Home Fire Insurance Company, NEW HAVEN, CONN. Springfield Fire and Mcrlnc Ins. Co., BPRINUFISLD, MA38, Youkers and New York Insurance Co., NEW YORK 'copies' Fire Insurance Company, WOKCK8TER, MA38. Atlantic Fire nnd Xarinc Insurance Co., PROVIOffiNCK, Ii. 1. Unardlan Fire Insurance Company, NEW YORK Lnmljerman's Fire Insnrancc Co., CHICAQO, ILL Insurance effected at LOWEST BATES. All looses promptly and liberally adjusted at their OfUce, No. 409 WALNUT Street, g8 PHILADELPHIA. INSURE AT HOME. GUARDIAN FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Ko. 420 WALNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA. CHARTERED CAPITAL, . . $500,000 I'AID IN CAPITAL, - - . $100,000 NO LOSSES OK DEBTS. Insure against loss or damage by Fire on Bniidlng Merchandise, Houoenold Furniture, and an Insurable property, and also take Marine, Canal uu luiuu wavigatmu it.ags at tue lowest rates oou slsteut with security. W. K. OWENS, President NATHAN HAINES, becreiary, s la gaj BEN J. F. O'BRYON, (Survey , UT r , V rwan. Arthur Maglnnls, Wm. W. ii'eu nor, Dr. 2d. MoEwen, Hoii. Oeo, V, Lawrence, Hou. Htrphen T. Wilson, jriiies V. Kirk, R. C. Wortliington, " Wm. R CrehSHu, .Tolin Sixlck, Edward N. Grat'on, llKllUM W I L 1 1 Li ,l Howard a. Mickle, I. Kemp Bartletl. Uiji. K. McDoniul. TNSURANCE C 0 31 P A S J X. o NORTH AMERICA, Wo. 232 WALNUT STREET, PHILADA. INCORPORATED 1791. CHARTER PERPETUAL. BXarlni, lalaisd, a-ad Fire Uiursacs, ASSETS JANUARY 1, 1S68, . $2,001,2t;6"72 120,000,000 Losaea Paid in Cash Siaoa its Organization. DIRECTORS. r1"1?,0?"11' I ejrit I Harrison, FiauclR it. Cotiit John A. Brown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose white, William Weluh, Richard D, Wood, B. Morns Wain, John Mason. Edward 11. Trotter. Edward b. Clarke. T. Chariton Heury. Alilred D. Jessup, John P. White, Louis C. Madeira. . co'JfiN, president!. CHAM.B8 Platt, becretary, WILLIAM KUEHLER, Harrlsburg, Pa.. Centra Agent for the mate ot Pennsylvania. ' i aoj Q X D O N IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1SOB. 1'uld-up Capital and Accumulated Funds, 8,00O,0O IN GOLD. LOCAI, UIRKI TOKS: E. M ARCHIBALD, H. is. M. Consul, Chairman, A. A. LOW, of A. A. Low & Bros. E. K JAFtKAY, ot E, tt. Jallruy & Co. HICHARn IK'IN,of Kicbard livin .t Co. DAVID SALOMON, No. 11 W. Thirty-eighth St. J. j.dUKtii AN JOHNSON, or J. J. Johusou at Co. JAM EH HI U ART, of J. J. Utuart & Co. K. W. CUOWELL. Itesldeut Manager, No. 40 PINE s reel, N. Y. PltEVOST tfc HEKKINU, Agents. 8 22 lm No. 107M.T1IIK1) Htreet, Ptiilada. FIRE JXSUKAKCE EXCLUSIVELY. THE PENNHYLVAMA FIRE INSURANCE COM. PANY Incorporated 1825 Charter Perpetual No UU WALNUT btreet, opposite Independence bquare, This Company, favorably known io the community lor over tony years, continues to Insure against loss or damage by tlie ou Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or tor a limited time. Also on Furniture, blocks of Uoods, and Merchandise gene rally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Pn'ptos Fund, Is invested lu the most careful manner, which ena bles them to oiler to the Insured an undoubted seen rlty in the case of loss. Daniel Smith, Jr., John Deverenx, Thomas Buillh, Henry Lewis, J. Ollllnham FelL Alexander Benson, Isaac Hazlehurst, Thomas .uobuins. naiilel Haddock. Jr. DANIEL SMITH, Jfu, President. WlIXIAM B. CBOWiLLbeoreiary. i M GROCERIES, ETC. rpo FAMILIES RESIDING IN TIIE RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretolo .to supply families at tbelr countr rebidences with every description ol FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, ETC., ALBF.HT C. HOIOsMlTS, , Dealer In Fine Groceries; miry Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Hts, if 'EKTN.-'rilK li F.ST ItOAH VF.I CUF. J KJ H.k; ever bold lu Philadelphia, at W I t.S US 'H old esiublmhed Tea Warehouse, No. JJ CHENUT Street. OA F.WTN.-UOOJU NIBUN1 KOtSTEO OU lOllliU M ll.NO.V S, No. 2.6 CH Ivsn U f street. fTfX 'KMTM.-JAVA t'UI'l'EK, IN L.AKUK OO OuverniuHiit sacks at I !. iii',. I,-Nil.ISH (IIKHOKY, 1'OB MAKINO j Collee ncU and Hiruug. For sale al tVII.S '.I old esiablluhed Tea Wu.eliouae, No. Clii-aNUT street. CO f'NTN PKB POl'XD.-ClOODNTROSG OU uuiu u;a, w ii.i-.o v, No. Z3fi CH ESN U 1' btreet. OltANtJK PKHOK AM I.ISII IIHRAK lAdTI IH, at IVIlAUMt Tea Warehouse, No. U6 CH ESN U T btreet. SIFTI! IIK lt:TTK4M IN TIIH 1 lor sale to-iluv at Vt I l.-tOr-t 't.s IMllistoHMt KITED STATES KEVKXUB STAMPS. I'llnclpsl Depot. No Silt CUESNOT (Stroet. tiutrul Depot, No ln:iH. Fir ill Street, one door below Cheanub Established lbtii. Bevesue Stamps of every description constantly on oaud In any amount. orders br Mali or Express promntlv attended to. I' m led htutes Notes liraitu on Phliudiiphla ur Not Turk or current funds received In puviticuu funicular attention paid to mall order-). The dci'ldlotis ol the Com hIshIou cuu be consnltn-f nd any iitloru.Atlou ruHfrOlug uk :aw cheunuH g.veu. . MEDICAL. IMPORTANT TO HWALIDSt IRON IN TIIE BLOOD. A PERMANENT TONIC, WITllOUT ALCOHOL. HEALTH FOR THE SICK. STKEXGT11 TO TIIE WEAK. VIGOR FOR THE FEEBLE. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP, a Protected Holif lion of the Protoxide of Iron, strikes at the root of disease by supplying the blood with, its VITAL PRINCIPLE OR LIFE ELEMENT , IRON, giving Strength, Vigor, and Mew Lift to the whole system. rERUYIAN siiiur Is a Protoxide of Iron. riaiUYiAN siRur Makes the AV'eak Strong. rLTiLYIAN SYKUP Contains no Alcohol, PEKUYIAN SYIIUP Hullds up the Broke a-down. PLIiUYIAN SYRUP Cures the Dyspepsia. rERUYIAN SYRUP Invigorates the Hralu. PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Female Weaknesses. PERUYIAN SYRUP Cares Spring Debility. PERUYIAN SYRUP Vitalizes and Purifies the Blood. PERUYIAN SYRUP Restores the Vigor of Youth. PERUYIAN SYRUP Is Pleasant to take. Being free from Alcohol In anv form, Us ener gizing effects are not followed by correspond lug reaction, but are permanent. Btimulants only afford temporary relief, and have the same effect as giving a tired horse the whip instead of oate. The true way is to invigo rate the debilitated system by supplying the blood with its Llfo Element IRON, thereby Infusing strength, vigor and new life into al parts of the system, and building np an IRON CONbTITUTION. Thousands have been changed by the use o this remedy, from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women, and invalids cannot reasonably hesi tate to give it a triaL PRICE. Large Bottles, (2i oz.) $2 00, or 3 for J5-00. Small Bottles, (10 oz). 1 00, or 0 for to 00. If your Druggist does not keep it, send direct to me, and it will be forwarded promptly by exprees. A 82 page pamphlet sentree to any address. nftTTTTHTJ 1 purchasing the PERU tiiU llUr-J VIAN particular to get the Genuine, and uot one of the many Alooiiollo Elixirs of Peruvian Kurk, or Bark and Iron. Bee that Pe ruvian Hyrup is blown la IU9 glass. J, P. BINSRTORE, Proprietor, No. 30 DEY Street, New York. For Sale iti Philadelphia ly J0IISST0X, K0LL0WAY & COWDEX, No. C02 AKC1I Street, rRLWCU, EICIIARDS & CO., AND BY DRUGC'ISTd GENERALLY. 7 1 3m