THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 18G3. OUR RELIGIOUS COLUMN'. "Bide yoor Time." "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord;" and he often discovers that he would have missed the right path, If God had not "led him by a way that he knew not," and made even reverses and disappointments the means of success. Let a yonng man resolutely fulfil the duty of the day that passes orer him, acquire knowledge and skill to the ntmost of his power, be trustworthy, conscientious, tip right, unspotted he will have a character, and that will expand into a reputation a re putation which, in spite -of trials and reverses, should they be allotted to him, will reaoh some one, will come to be known, remembered, and mentioned, and, at the lowest ebb of his for tunes, it may possibly occur to him, that, like Joseph, he may be sent for to be told "I have heard of thee" here is a position to be filled, service to be undertaken requiring Intelligence, experience, ability "Thou art the man." The really competent and accom plished will not always go unrecognized; and even if they should, their habits and charaoter re a posse ssion and a reward. It is not wrong, however, to expect recognition. Have couti dence in yourselves, and faith in Clod; be pains taking and patient, and "bide your time." "lie that believeth shall not make haste." Don't take any rash step, because wearied by long delay, or stung by some trying disap- E ointment. "It is good for a man not only to ope, but quietly to wait for the salvation of God.'- iwii ticreiitcen to 'Ihlrty. (Jood Advice. Never shirk your duties, however low and mean tLey way seem to you. Remember that you do as well as ever you can what happens to be the only thiDg within your power to do, Is the befct aud surest preparation for higher service. Should things go against you, never give way to debilitating depression; but be hopeful, brave, courageous, careful not to waste in vain and unavailing regret the power you will need for endurance and endeavor. Learn well your business, whatever it may be; make the best of every opportunity for acquiring any sort of knowledge that may enlarge your acquaintance with business in general, and enable you to take advantage of any offr or opening that may come. Above all things, re member that character is essential to success In life; and that that character is the best which is real and thorough true and genuine to the core which has nothing underlying it of the consciousness of secret sin; which is as pure and unspotted as it is thought to be, and the moral aud manly virtues of which are based upon and inspired by a religious faith by that leve and fear of Qod which at once preserve from "great transgressions," and prompt to the cultivation of every personal and social virtue. From Sewtnleen to l'hirttj. Dr. Wfljlitnd and his ltible. In Dr. Wayland's correspondence with his friend, Rev. Dr. Uoby, of England, after allud ing to the fact of failing health, and the conse quent necessity of desisting from intellectual labor, he says: "I have, however, read the Bible more than ever in my life, in the same apace of time; and at every new reading I find more to love and admire. Oh 1 how much have I lost by not reading it more I I have reason to thank God for setting me aside, as on a side bench at school, alone, to read 11 is Word and call upon His name." And again: "Blessed be God, I am able to read llis Word with increasing interest, and to en tertain a more constant hope of eternal life. Sometimes I think how much better I might have lived, how much more good I might have done, if, eschewing everything but Christ, I had lived above the world, aud laid my own self a living sacrifice on llis altar, neither thinking nor knowing anything of the notions or habits of professing Christians." EPISCOPAL. We quite believe that the English Church Union is troublesome to the Bishop of London, and we may venture to promise him that, so long as he adheres to his present course in Church matters, it will continue to bo trouble tome, and that iucreusingly. lie may pretend to despise it, but it will be an awkward sham, and an affectation which must damage his own credit both as a theologian aud a a man of Intelligence aud foresight. It would be more sensible, and tar more true, to acknowledge that its principles are diamelncally opposed to his own, and to proclaim a?aiust it, so far as thoje principles are concerned, a war without inter mission and without quxrter. This is what he means, aud we all know it as well as his lord ship. We are sorry that it should be so; but, undoubtedly, the Catholic laith and discipline are more precious than the alliance of the Bishop of London, and if the English Church Union must make its choice between the two it will be a choice that it has made long ago, and it must bear the coutcquences as it may. Church Peview. As a peneral rule, churches who observe a distinct nationality do not prosper. The French Episcopal church in New York city, with a handful of worshippers, had a valuable down town property which was sold. The body moved up to Twenty-second street, near Fifth aveuue, and in an aristocratic locality put up one of the finest church edifices ia New York. With, su perb sinjing and other tnking appointments, the church dwindled till the name of public worship became almost a burlesque. The French lt out their fine house to a Spanish Episcopal Church, and they are doing bat little better. On the 7th Sunday after Trinity, in St. Paul's Church, Petersburg, Ya., the Kight Rev. Pr. Beckwith (with the consent of Bishop Johns) ordained to the order of Deacons, Wil liam Jones Boone, A. M. (son of the late Mis aionsry Bishop to China). The Bishnp was assisted in the services by the Rev. Dr. Gibson, rector ol Grace Church, the Hev. Mr. Wmi-oeld, reotor of 8t. Paul's, and the Rev. Mr. Walker, rector of St. John's Church. Halifai C. H. In the afternoon the Kev. Mr. Boone preached in Grace Church, and at night in St. Paul's. He left the next dnv for Athens, (Js., where he is to assist Dr. lleoder.on, rector of Emmanael Church. A charming exhibition of Christian nnitvwas yitnessed in the chapel at Clifton "printr, N. Y., a Jew days since. Tho Rev. Mr. ttinlng. Episco palian, conducted the morning service, inviting the Rev. Mr. Goodman, a Bitptist clergyman, to asbist in the preliminary exercises. At the evening service this Cbristaiu was reciprocated by Mr. Goodman. Is is needless to say that our Bpiscopul brother has no High Church pro clivities. A silver bar was received about two months aince at the rooms of the American Church Mis alonsry 8ociety in New York, from the 8t. John's Snnday School, Goid Dill, Nevada; and still later, a "silver brick" was rscelved, weigh ing sixteen poui di, irom bt. Paul's Suuday School, Virginia City, Nevada. This is a noblo eilt from what was but a little while ago, a mis sionary station. A tew days (luce it was sold i.r $445 in preeDbacss. Bishop Forbes is in trouble eoncernlngsome Ritualistic practices that have been introduced into one of tho KpUcopaliau churches in Dun dee, llis authority was invoked in the matter. The decision he has given ha plsased neither side. The Low Churchmei have Held a meet ing to authorize steps lor procuring a separate place of worship. The Uev. C. n. Albert, rector of the Protei tant Episcopal church, Batesville, Ark., while returning from the place ot preaching, July IS, was thrown from his buggy, and so badly in jured that he died soon utter. The handsome building known as St. At drew's Kpiscopal Church, located at Bacou Castle, Burry county, Vs., was destroyed by tiro lately. 'iho Rev. Charles W. Puane, of Tlridgeton, N. J., has keen called to ion church, in thia ity, and bus accepted the Rectorship. Il is s'fcUd thut iiisbop Tutlle has formally declined tbe Episcopate or Missouri, and that the choice o' a Bishop will not bo Bade until after the session of tbe General Convention. rRnsnrriRiAif. Another Pre-bvterT has been formed in the Sooth, in connection witn the General Asu'tnblf ol our Church, as will be seen by the puoiica tii of the actieu of the Piesbjtery of n. We heartily welcsme these brethren to our fei-lowi-hip, and would bs glad it the entire Soath em Church were with us in sentioieat and feeling, as they are with us in the acceptance or the sme rnuciplei of laiih and aolity. This nlou will doubtless come in its time, bat Just now every vemcnt we make seems fated to be misunderstood or misrepresented. Mean while we are ready to greet kimJIy all who are seeking entrauce to the old fold, aud are williag to walk wiih us in all things Presbyterian. The congregation of Canal Street Presbyte rian Church, New York city, have resolved upon taking steps to establish a daily noon prayer meeting in their church. It is expected that this meeting will be commenced esrly in Sep tember. The district in which this church is built is becoming every year more and more a busiriess one. Dwelling houses are being turned into stores. The re.ioent population is being slriveu out by the superior claims of commerce. It is believed, therefore, that a aiceting ia this district will be successful, and that many, en glossed with the cares aud toils of business, will bail tbe epportunity of spending a lew minutes in the house of God in meditauon and prajor. The First Church of Chicago, 111. (formerly Dr. Humphrey's), have unanimously ca led the Bev. Arthur Mitchell, ol Morristown, N. J., at a salary of $5000, with expenses of removal. 1 his congregation dec I ncd to invite any candi dates to preach bc:ore tbcm, but appointed a comniitleo to tnit clurjfc ot tbe matter of in quiry lor a suitable minister, and report to the conurrgation. Members of this committee Visited the East, ounsalted with the leading clergymen, heard Mr. Mitchell, united upon him, aud reported in his lavor to ths congregation, when he was called as above staled. The Presbytery of Keokuk, of the Unite Presbyterian Church, resolved that tbe mini mum contribution of each member of the chorcb tlionld be one-tenth of his yearly iu come, and lew should limit them-elvo to that amount in view of the abundant blessings witu which the laud is favored. The Eeeond Presbyterian Clinrcn, Indian apolis, Ind. (Henry Ward lieecher'sold church), is bui.hisg a beautiiul stone edifice, while the old white church, once painted by Mr. Beecher's own hands, is being altered to suit other pur poses. Tho North Church, Buffalo. New York, have commenced the erect b. a of a chapel, to embrace lecture-room, Sabbath School-rooms, church parlor, church library, pastor's study, aud par sonape, all under one roof. The lisv. Dr. Joel Parker, of Newark, N. J., at a late meeting of the Newark Presbyter, piesented his rebigi'atiou of the cuurch under bis charge. The Hev. Dr. Parker re. ires iu ecu sequence of ill health. BirTIST. Tbe First Baptist Mariners' church in New York city, under the pas'oial care of the Rev, Dr. Hodge, worshipping in ('liver street, corner oi rieury, is a ateiui christian organiza tion It kscps three converted seamen m the fleld aiding the ptistor in his work; tbe member ship of the body is between live and six hundred, more than hall of wnom are seamen. The Rev. A D. Williams receutly baptized the kev. Carlos Smith, a Methodist preacher, at Blooming Prairie, Minn. The Rev. Mr. Okerson auo baptized the Rev. trick Johnson, a Norwe gian Ptdobaptist preacher. About OLeoishth of the Baptist ministry of Minnesota came to them irom oiber denominations. Ihe Rev. Dr. Bailey writes concerning tne ineoiosicai seminary at umcago: "Our Seiniaary building is rapidly progressing in its constiuction. It will be 2U feet long. 8 feet wide, and four stories hih. Gst jeuo.ouu." Tho Rev. Charles Keyser, of Binchamton, New xorif, nas Deeu unanimously invited to tbe pastorate of the Eleventh Baptist Church, IBIS OUT. ihe Kev. w. 1. xrouahton, for fourteen years a Congregational minister, was publicly recognized as a Baptist minister, at idctupbii, July 4. Open oommumon has a strong holl on the Baptists of Cali'ornia. Several of mere invite to tiie sacrament taole all wuo love our Lotd Jtius. WESLEYAW. The rewly elected officers of tho Wesleyan Conieience iu Great Britain aro men well known and deservedly botiored by their brethren. The Rev. S. Romiliy Hall, the newly elected Presi dent, has held, we believe, no eonterence office before, though last year he received a consider able number ol voles tor tne .Presidency. He has been in the pastorate for more than thirty years, and is dis'.inguibhed for zeal, ability, and manly independence, lie is represented as powerful and convincing debater. The Rav, John Farrar is elected Secretary of tho Confer ence, alter having had his fitness for the position lull v proven, tie was secretary or toe uouter- euce irom 1851 to 1853, and attain from 185!) to 1867. this mak ing the thirteenth session at which he nas acted in ttat capacity. At the meeting ot the Missionary Commit tee of the British Wejleyan Conference, the Rev. W. Wett, a missionary from the Gold Coast, stated that the son of one of their native missionaries, a pure rami, whose ancestors only a lew years ago, were in the daikest heathenism, had just passed his matriculation examination with honors at the Loudon Uni vetsity. Tho Rev. J. D. Geden wished to ask Mr. West if the Fantis wero a branch of the true negro race, because it so. the fact that he had takia honors at the London University was worth the attention of the Anthropologicul Society. Mr. West said there could be no doubt about tbe purity ot bis blood; at which reply mere was ioua appiause. METUODIST. The nricic seminary Duiiding at the sme place, used as a boaraing-house lor the young ladies connected with Cornell College, will be thoroughly repaired and telurnished during the present vacation. Mr. Hagao, of Anamo-a, wil bll the office of steward, commencing with the fall term. The Adelphian Society Hall is under poicg a thorough proces of renovation, and will be tilted p in a manner no way inferior to the other society balls. The corps of instruction at tbe College this fall will consist ot ten ladies and pentlcmeD, tilling nositioas as professors, teachers, or tutors, all ot them edioient in the several departments, A pew professorship that of mathematics will be created and filled by vote of tbe Board of Trustees before the opening Ol the fall term. Everything promises auspiciously for tho new collegiute year, which opeas August 27. The Rev. Dr. Jahn Seys, Commissioner aud Consul-General of the United States to the Re public, of Liberia, arrived safe and woll irom the African coast several dajs since. He hopes to return in autumn to resuu.e the duties of the honerable position assigned him by the Govern ment. The German and Swiss Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church commeuced Its session in the George street chapel. Bremen, on July 2d, Dr. Jacoby presidinj. Members, 4810; Sunday school, 148; teachers, C16; aid scholar, GDW). Berlin was fixed upon as the place for tho next meeting. The aewand beautiful M. 1?. Church, located on Warren street. Beverly, N. J., will be dedi cated to tbe worship of Almighty tiod, ou Sun day. 23d inst. Preaching at 10J A. 41., bv Rev. T. Btevens, and at 34 P. M., by Rev. Dr. Miller. Children's services at 2 P. M. The old Jobn street Methodist Fpiscopal Church, m New lork, orgauized a century ago, bad, as one of its original members, a colored man, and the society irom that day to the pre sent, has not been without lis colored members. TbeTrinily Independent Methodist Church of tbe city of Baltimore has formally adhered to tbe Methodist Fpiscopal Church South; and tho Rev. Charles II. Hall will, for tho present, con tinue to serve as its pastor. The UrstMitbodistchurch of Mount Vernon Is being repaired, renovated, au l tastelully fres coed. Five hundred dollars will be expended iu tie work (a good investment) and the house will be reopened iu August. CONflBBGAlIONAL. The Rev. John Msrsh. D. D.. did In Brook lyn, New York, on Tuesday, the 4'.h Instant. Dr. siarsn was an earnest and devoted Christian minister. He was lor many years tbe Secretary of the New York State Tenipirancs Society, and editor of Its publications. He retired a lew years ago Irom that position, and has since de voted his time to the promotion ot tbe cause ot temoerasce and religion in such ways as his health sad strength permitted. Tboueh it is now two years and a half since Dr. Stone left Park Street Church, Boston, that society fs still destitute of a pastor. The eatiro batnientof tbe church is now being recon structed, and finely arranged lor charch par lors, a pastor's study, and a better conference room, at an expense of six or eight thousand dollars. The ConnrcnaUonal Ouaritrlv elves the fol lowing totals of graduates fro.n the various (loricri cation al theological seminaries at their ate conimeucemeuts: Hanuor, 43; Andover. 115; Yale, 32; Uarttord, 21; Obcrlio, 11; Chicago, 4G. Total, 271. TwcDtv-eieht ladies, members of the Con- greratioual church of E'.mwood, have seceded, because dunied tue right of taking part iu church meetings. The totcrcfauonailsts nave six Theoiogi- cal Seminaries Baniror, Andover. Yale, Hart- rord, ooerlin, and Chicago with 28 proussors, 11 lecturers, and 271 students. The Pacific states that the ConsrreTattonal- Ists of the Pacific coast are expecting to esta blish a theological seminary soon. RAILROAD LINES NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.- HIK MIUDt K KUL'TIC Shorten and niont 01 reel tine to Bethlehem, Euwii, AIIouOTwd, Maucti Unlink. Haileum, Whltfl Haven, W llxmbarre, Ma banoy City. Monet Carniel, Pit is ton. Hcranton, Carbon dale, and all tbe points In tbe .Lehigh and Wyoming Coal Kt-aion. ranneiiKer Depot in rnua'ieifnia, rf, W. corner 01 BKKKw and AMbKlUAN Hireeia. SUMM KR AHliNltKM KNT KLEVF.N DAILY TRAINS On and after M UN DAY, May 2ii. lhSS. ranapnger Trains leave tbe New Pwpot, corner of eiMiio ana a sa r.niisA.a atreeta. aaiLr louuaaviox cepted). as follows: At tt A. m. Aocommoaation ror jrors TV ald ington. At 7- A. M. Morning Express for Bethlehem ana Principal stations on Norta Pennsylvania oallroiul, connecting at Bt-thluneui wlla Lehigh Vailej aud .Leblgb ana uiqutnanna nnnroaoa ror K&aton, Al lenuiwn, Catanauqua, Hlaliugton, JMaach Ohnnk w earner ly, jeaiieavine. n&zieton, wnite iaven, Wllteebarre. Klnaoton, Plttsion, aud all point in Lx biab and Wyoming Vailey.;also in connection wltb LehiKb and Mahnnoy hall road for Hananov Cltv: and wlibCataniMa Ballroao for Kupert, Danville Milton, and w llliamspiTt Arrive at Maucb Chunk at la-ns A.M : at Wliaetoaire at 8 P. M.; at Mananov City al ! P. M. Passeuger by this train can take tbe Leiilgn Valley Train, pausing Metblebetn at 11-66 A M. for Eantoa, aud point on Hem Jersey Central ilallroad 10 fiew York. At 8-45 A. M. Accommodation for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate (stations, PaiiHeugera for Willow throve, iiatuoro' ana iiartavllie, by this train take Htage at Old York Koad. At 10?u A. m Accouimoaaiion ror jron warning ton, slopping at In termed Into euailons. At 145 P. M. Lehigh Valley Kxprees for Bethle hem, Allentown, Mancb Chunk, White Haveu, w iikfHDarre, imzieion, jnnnuuoy uuy, iKiiirana, bbecanduab, Mt. Caruiel, Plttatou and Hcranlon, and an roiPM in uanauoy ana vvyoming uoui Kegioua. At 2X5 P. M. Accommodation for Uuyittown, Stopping at all Intermediate stations. At S -is P.M. Lehigh aud NuBquenanua Express for Bethlehem, Eantou, Alientown, Mancb Chunk, WHkesbarre, and bcrauton. Passenger for nrei.n vllle'taae this train to Quakertowu, aud for rtumney town to North wales. At 4 15 P. M. Accommodation for Doylostowa. stopping at all Intermediate stations. Pansengers for Willow Urove. Hathoro. and Hartsvllie take tageat Ablngtori; for New Hope at Doylestown, AlDUU r. M. inrougn accomnjouauou lor Belli le beni and all stations ou main line ol North Pennsyl vania Kallroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Le blgh Valley Leblgh and (Susquehanna Evening Train for Kefl on. llenlown Mauch Chunk. At 6 20 P. M. Accommooatiou for Lanadale, stop plogai all Intermediate stations. At 11-80 P. M. Accommodation for Fort Washing- ' TRAINS ARRIVE IJf PHILADELPHIA. From Bethlehem at S ou aud 11-06 A. M., s oo and 8'80 P, M. ll'lJS A.M. and 2'00 P.M. Trains makes direct connec tion with Lehigh Valley uud Loblgh aud Huaqunhauna trains from baatou, bcrauton, Wukesbarre, Mahony Clur. and Hazleton, Passengers leaving Wllkenbarre at 1-4 P. ir . con nect at Beth leh em at 6 05 P. M., and arrive la Phila delphia at 8 30 P. M. From Doylestown at 8'25 A. M., t-00 and T'OO P. M. From Lansdale at 780 A. M. From fort Washington at 9-80, 10'16 A. M. and '1 P M ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem alS'SO A.M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2-00 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7'i0 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4-iiOP. M. Fifth and Hlxih btreeu Passenger Cars eonvey pa sen tiers to and from the new depot. White Cars of Bew nd and Third Streets Line and Colon Line ran within a short distance of the depot. . Tickets mnnt be procured at the Ticket office, In order U secure tbe lowest rates of fare. ELLItS CLARK, Agent. Tickets sold and Baggage checked through to prln clpal points, at Jd sun's North Pennsylvania BaggagS Kxpress Ollice, No. Iu5 M. FIFTH btrvet. WEST CIIES1LB AND PHILADELPHIA. ItAlLltUAD. bC MM UK AKKANUKKUNT, -On and after MONDAY, April 13, lm, Tralus wlU leave as follows: Leave Philadelphia from tbe Depot, THIRTY FIKbT and CHfctsNUT (Streets. 715 A. M., 11 A, M 1 80 P. M., 4'16 P. M., 4-50 P. M 7 P. M., 11 P. M. Leave West Chester lor Philadelphia, from Depot on east Market Blreet, at 15 A. M., 716 A, SI , 7 'SO A. M 10-46 A. M , 1 66 P. M., 4-f9 P, M., 656 P. M. On and after Monday, June 15, au additional Train will leave Philadelphia for Media and Intermediate Points at 5-80 P. M. t Trains leaving West Chester at 7-80 A. M and leaving Philadelphia at4 6u P.M., will slop at B.C. Junction aud Media only. Passengers to or Irom station between West Chester aud B. C. Junction, going Kant, will take train leaving West Chester at 716 A M.. aud going West will take train leaving Philadelphia at 4 60 P, M and transfer at B. O. Juno. "Tiie Depot In Philadelphia Is reached directly by tbe Cheenut and a V a.uul "Street cars. These of the Market blreet line run within oue square. The cars of both line connect with each train npon lu rrlY1" ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at s oo A. M, and 1-00 P. M. Leave West Chester at 7'45 A.M. and S'OO P. M. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 716 A. M. and 4' 50 P. hi., and leaving West Chester at 780 A. M, and 4 60 P. M., connect at B, O. Junction with Trains on P. & B. C. K. K., for Ox lord aud intermediate points. Passengers are allowed to take Wearing Apparel only, as Baggage, aud the Company will not In any case be renpouBible for an amount exceeding oue hundred dollars niles a special contract is made for the same. U JtNKY WOOD, Uenerai ttup't, Philadelphia, April 1st. IMS. iu FOR CAPE MAY VIA WEST JERaEY RAIL KOAD. From loot 01 MARK ET (Street ( Uou J-erry). Commencing bATCRDA Y , July is lses, Tralus leave as follow for (Jape May: 5 ou A. M Cape May Express, due at 12-23 (noon), g-16 P. M Cape May Passenger, due at 7 IS P. M 4 00 P. M. Fast Express, due at S'oS P. M. RETtltNINU LEAVE CAPE 1st, AND. 8 80 A. M., Morning Mall, due at 1U-0S A, M. US A. M. FaHt Exprens, due at 12'7 P. M. 6 00 P. M.. Cape May Express, due at '22 P. M. Sunday wall aud Passenger train leaves Philadel phia at VJ6 A, M. Returning leaves Cape Ulaud at b'lo P. M. Excursion Tickets, i Cape May Freight tralus leave Camden dally at 70 A. M and Cape Island at 8 45 A. M. Commulallon 'lick et between Philadelphia and Annual Tlckeis, lu; Quarterly Ticket, $50, for sale at the ollice oi the Company In Camden, N. J. -I'll r.tiiL' ii Tl(!kta rtu ha nrucured at No. S28 Cbesnutstrett (under the Or aUumital Hotel), where orders can also be left for Baggage, which will be called lor and checked at reslaeucea by the Union Transler (vmipany WKHT JEltSKY RAILROAD LINES. ForBrldgeiou.baleu, Mlilvllle, Vlueiaad. and In termed ate stations, t s ou A. M. aud s no p. M. For Cape May, s ou A. M., 3 16 P. M.. and 11', M, W luxinurv Aocoiijmodaliun train at S'UO P. M. Bndgeion and Halem Freight Train leave Camden daily, at IK (noon ) tiuiniutailou checks between Philadelphia and all gUllOiiS at reduced rates. " wriii.xAJu. J. w juuxj, lauperiuteuueoi, July 2, lbOS. TTiIlILADELPllIA AND BALTIMORE CEN JL TRAL RAILROAD HUMMER AKUANUE. At J",i 1 JU aUU Ml LCI 1 , Bf III lO, iCHW, LraiUS will leave the Depot, TiilRT Y-FIJWT aud CHEO N UT Streets, West Philadelphia, as follows: Al 7'16 A. M. and 460 P. M and leave Hlalng Bnn at 6-15 A. M, and Oxford at t A, M.. and leave Oxford at a w.irot Train, with Passenger Cars attached Will ruusou TUFDAVB aud MUDAYtt. leaving the Rising bun at 1106 A. M.i Oxford, 1145 A. M.j and Kenuett, 1 f, 11.; connecting at West Chester Junc tion with a train for Philadelphia, on uiLiiKiHii-VH and HATURDAY8 Train leave PhUadelpUl at 'tu F. M.i run through to 0S'l. ...i- i.ln. nhHai-fllnhla at T.15 A. M. Con nect at Oxford with daily olage lor Peach Bottom , In Lancaster county. Returning, leave Peach Bottom to connect at Oxford with Afternoon IVul n it.r Vl.ll&riMli.lilik- The Strain leaving Philadelphia at 4'60 P, M. rnn ,to wearing apprel nnlvaa ham-aue. and the Company. will uollu any iiua be rtwuunslble for an auiounl eiceeaiug oue hundred dollan, unleu spec! al contract be mads IIITMUV -.'win lor mesajua, UOf General buperlnleadoat. RAILROAD LINESs RBAPINQ KA1LROAD. GREAT TRDNK t.. , " . "?? Phllad-ipbla to toe Interior of lenniylTanla, the Schuylkill, Biuquebanna, Cnm berland, and Wyoming Valleys, she North, Nerth wet, and the Cajadas. Hum war Arrangemeat of Passenger Trains, Monday, August I. I8M, leavlag the I,nT5nrr !.1'p.0.,t aad CaliowhlU streeu, Philadelphia, at the following hours: MOKN1NH ACCOMMODATION'S. At A. SC. mr Reading and all Intecmedlate stations, ana Allen town. Retnrnlng, leaves Reading at I SO P, M arriving In Philadelphia at S IS P. M. uiusiou ai s-15 a. M., for Readlag Ttl MtiniH'l. .1 IJ . I 1 1 V. K Tul Pennsylvania Railroad trains tor Alientown, etc, and the 8-iS A. M. connect with the Lebanon Valley train tor JHarrl-bnrg, etc; at Port Clinton with Cata Wlssa Railroad trains for Williamsport, Lock Haven, Eimlra. etc.: at Harrlsbnrg with Northern Central, CDmbr.andValley, and Hcbnylklll and Bosquehanna trains lor Nortnnmberland, WiUlamsport, York, Cbanihereburg. Plnegrove, etc. afternoon X PR hks. Leave Philadelphia at 8-80 P. M, for Reading, Pottsville. Harrlsburg. eto.. connextlng with Beading and Columbia Railroad tri-lns lor colmiibla. eic. POTT8TOWN Ai COM MODATION. Leave PotU town at 8'4i A, M stopping at Intermediate stations: arrive In Philadelphia at S 06A. M. Returning leavre PbHadelpbla at 4 3o P. M.i arrive In Potts town at 6 40 RKAPINQ ACCOMMOPATION Leaves Reading fA.7,,3".-, "t..P.,',L'"t .l-fcl1 w"0 station; arrive In Philadelphia at 10 16 A. M. Betornlng. leaves Philadelphia at S'15 P. M.: arrive In Reading at S OS P. M. Trains lor Philadelphia leave Harrlsbnrg at S-10 A. M,, and Pottvllle at 846 A.M., arriving In Philadel phia at 1 P. M, Afternoon trains leave Harrlsburg at ii P. M.. and Pottsville at P, M,: arriving at Philadelphia at 6-46 P. M Harrlsbnrg accomm datlon leave Reading at 7-18 A. M and Harrlsburg at 4'10 P. M. Connecting at Reading with Aiterunon Accommodation south at '3U p. M.. arriving In Philadelphia at 'l P. M. Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leave HhlladelphlH at It 45 t oon fer Pottsville and ail Way Stations; leaves Pottsville at 7 A. M, for Philadelphia and ail other Way stations. Ail the above trains run dally, gnndays excepted. hundav train leave foitsvllle at s-tm A. M and Philadelphia I 8 is P.M.; leave Pl.ilaoelphla for Reading a; S Su A, M-i returning from Road lug at 4 25 CHESTER VALLEY R A 1 LRO AD. Passenger for i'ownii gtown and Intern edlate point take the mi A. Ai., iz'4S and 4-:te P. M. trains irom Philadel phia, returning from Dowolngtown al S'SO A, M.a P08, and 6'4" P. M. lEKElOMEN RAiLKUAD, passengers ror ool- legevllle take 7'o A. M. and 4 8i P. M. trains from Philadelphia, returning fromCollegovllleat S"7 A. M. nd l 4 p. M. btate line lor various point in Per- lomen Valley connect with tralus at Collegevllle. MtW lOXH hirKKM tUH rilTSBUKU ANIJ HE WEMT. Leave New York al 9 A M.. B 00 aud 8'00 P. M passing Reading at 1 A M., I SO and 10-10 P. M.. and connect at Harrlsburg with Pennsylvania and Northern CentrallRaliroad Exnres Trains for Pitts- iteiurning. e.xiiresa i rain leaves il arrisourar. on arrival of Penns Ivanla Express from PUtsburg, al 8 aud b in A. M., 9 86 P. M. passing Reading at 4-4S and 706 A. M and 11-40 P. M.. arriving at New ork, 10-10 and 11-46 A. M , and 6 on P. M. bleeping Cars ancom- any leg these trains through between Jersey City and ltmoiirt:. wiinout cnarce. M all train lor New York leave Harrlsbnrg at B'10 . M. and 2-05 P. M. Mall train lor Harrlsbum leave new l or s at iz isoo-i. (SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains 11 ... . .11.. .. . . . T A W m.Al. D If u turning irom Taniaqna at s 36 A. M. and 2 15 and 4 88 f-( 1ICYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL ROAD. Trains leave Auburn al7",S6 A.M. for Pine- grove and Harrtuburg, and at irib p. M. lor Plue gruve and Treruout; returning Irom Harrlsburg at a-sr P. M., and from Tremont at 7'40 A, M., aud 6 '86 P. M. ticket. rnrongn nrst-ciaR ticketa ana emi grant tickets to all the principal point In the North and West aud Canada. Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and intermediate Biatlons, good lor day only, ute sold by 11 on, lug Accommodation, Market Train, Reading and Pottstown!AccouimodatIou Train, at reduced raies. Excursion Ticketa to Philadelphia, good for day amy. are sold at Reading and Intermediate biatlons by Reading and Potustown Accommodation Train at reduced rates. 'ihe following ticxet are ODtainaoie oniy at the OOiceof H Bradiord, Treasurer. No. t.ilH. Fonrth street, Phllndelphla, or U, A. N lcholls, Ueneral Hnper- mtenoent, neauing. Uomuiutaiioii 1 ICKet ai, to per ueut, uiscount, BB- twetn any points desired, lor lamnies and lirms. Mileage Tickets, good for 2oo0 miles, between al points, at Vi'i'bU each, for families aud tirina. oeasoii Tickets, tor tnree, six, nine, or twelve months, for bolder only, to all point at reduced rul uu Clergymen residing on the line of the road will be furnished with cardu, entitling themselves and wives Excursion llckeis irom rnuaaeipnia to principal sta:lona. sood for balu'day, Sunday, aud Monday, at reduced re, to be had oulv at the Ticket Ollice, at Thirteentn ana -;aiiowuui streets, FKhloHT. G.-ods of all description forwarded to all the above points from tbe Company New Freight Iwaiot, Bread ana willow streets. VrZiuht i piiik lemvo Phlladeiuhla daily at 4'39 A, m . 1'? jr. noon, ieiii' and 8 P. M.. for Reading. Lebanon. idariisuurg, pottsviue, x-or uiiutuu, uu-u rumii Mailsciose at 'the Philadelphia Post OtticoforaU places on the road ard lis branches al 6 A, iu.., and lor the prlncipul biailons only at ivia Jr. m. tfaua ftr an trains leaviuu ruuauetiJiiia jHuut, Oruers can be leit at No. 2U6 ts. Fourth street, or at Ihe Depot, Thirteentn ana tjauowuiii streeu. rJENliSLANlA CENTRAL RAILROAD. rTiMMER TIME. TAKING F'FFEOT MAY 11. 1888. 1 ue trains ui ipuihjiui j.-iu u.u . ... . .. . .,nu,iiOiv..l uiiT nn w ir . . ... LJ .. n . 1 . , - . . . . ia.,t,u T - 1 1 -. .. .4 fcireets. wblcu is r ached directly by the Market blreet cars, tne last car connecting with each train leaving Jrxont ana jvarset street mirij iuiuuiw De ferens departure. The CheMiul and Walnut blreet cars run wlinin one equal e oi tuex-eput. On bundajs The Market blreet cars leave Front and Market streets ihlriy-tlve minutes before the de- v kio. ninir far Tickets can be had on application at tbe Ticket ollice N. W. corner Ninth aud Chesuut .ireeis, and al the .depot. . Aireuis oi tue union - .-"" - r. . . ,..r....iiiuiDi,iiat tne depot. Orders leit at No. sol Chesuut sueet, or No. 118 Market street, will receive LKAVK DEPOT. VIZ:- MftU TrlD. v e. ....... .. 800 A, M, Pkvoll AcconiiAioUi.tioi, Wo. i. ht'oo A, M, Fui " "V Is riA KlDieS JU- Paoll Accom. Nes. 2, 2, and 41 00, 6 00 and lu 80 P. M. DarrlHOurg Accommodailon..... 2 J0 P. M. LAUcabter jiccoujiii - w , uu.Luilinrf Train o'iO P. M. Cluclnnil Express ",!.'ui! S S' Erie Man -- ; "j- Pbllaoelpbla Express 11 15 P. U. Accommpdal on........... vi.iiaoelubia Express leaves dally. All otber train "'''y'f.r.Serfrnmodatlon Train rnn dally, ex. ri,t Sunday. For this train ticket must be pro cured aud baggage delivered oytvur. ai., at no. iia Market streets. .T'nirpn'p xriv . TBilSS AiuutA. . . ., l. nrAhM .....I OO A. Ja. piiiiufieii Lla Express m.....m..m.................i iu a. m. PaolT AcLommoaatlon. no. i.... s a. m. Erie Mal'...... --Z." f-Vj- Li""" 1' A. mJ iVi-Vw Tra u .......12-80 P. M. trrrrvn;i ----- p. m. Paoll AcctTmmodatlon, Nos. a and a,a 40aud7-lo P. M 6 00 P. M. HrrtTAccommod M '60 P. M. Ticket Agent. No. Sol CHEbN UT btreeL FRANCIS FUNK. Ticket Agent, No. lis MARKET frtreet. BAMUEL H. WALLACE. Ticket Agent at the Depot, -rv, oannairlvanla Railroad Comoauy will nut a sume any rlek for Baggage, except for Wearing Ap 0...1 n.iilL their rL-eoouHlbliity to One Hundred Dollar In value. All Baggage exceeding that amount m value will be al me rib or tne owner, unless laken bv special contract. EDWARD IL WILLIAMb, 4 2W PHILADELPHIA, GEBMANT0WN, AND KOaKlBTOWN RAILROAD -TIME TABLE. Leave Philadelphia 6, 7, 8, 0-05. In, 11, U A, M, 1. 1. 8V; 4. 6, b, 610, 7. 8 , 10, 11, 12 P. M. Ttave Cleimai. town 6,7. 74, 8, 8 'A), 9, W, 11, U A 1 e x 4 4, 6, 64. 7, 8, 9, lu, 11 P. M. The 82U DoUn i-raln, and 8?, and t Up Train will not too on the Oermautowu Branoh, nol Slop un " uiikiniVK r7t .too on the Oermautowu nranci ot slop on u ON y-jNDAVb. Leave Philadelphia A. M. 2, 7, iAtave Gerniantown SV A. M. 1, 6, VH EbTN UT HILL RAII Leavs Philadelphia S, 8, 10, 12, A. Leave Philadelphia M A.M. 2. 7, in P. M. railroad. Al., 2, a,t-,7, nLeave Chestnnt Hill T'M. 8, 940, and 1P10 A. M., PiO 8-40, 6 40, S 40. s rr VArYB. Leave Philadelphia 3 A. M. 2 and T P. M. ave Chestnut Hhl 7 60 A.M, 1240. 5 40 and 86 P.M. "t1- Li TUi.rr.mtOW 4H.6X. and a. btjuda Ya. ,., Philadelphia 9 A. M., 2 80 aad lib P. K. H?'t Norrwwn 7 A. M.. 6 o and 9 P. M. jave woriM-, manAyune. la Philadelphia 8. 7J': . and 1106 A. X, 8, M., ...S. 6. tx, " on" 8UNDA YH. "I ET the Ttu-HT THE HOLY BIBLE HARD I Ing' Edition ramny, a-uii". auu - w.101 oiun , k..u..i uni -Htvlea OI lux.w muriAw miu miuuvi hln ifhnirtL A new edllin, arranged for photographic pclrail Of lhmili. . - VvM. T nAnuinv, rnui-niiar. wo, m ch e- r iw ifou-ut feuauou, xiarrisonri, i-oimvuie, J'lneorove, lama qua, bunbnry, Williamsport, Kluilra Rochester, Niagara ali, Buffalo, Wllkesbarre, PltUton. York, Carlisle, Chan bersborg. Hauerstown. ui. . nnnar-nnOCKSN AND NnRRlRTOWN. leave Philadelphia ,8, Ik, . and li t A. M, !.. S, 4i?ajI sk si and ll P. M. 4H bJ$Lf. .rtaiown 6'4o. 7. 7'tW. . and U A. K.. IU. I. J-. Philadelphia A. M. 2H ana tm. ave" ""r'vui ijsON, Oeneral Superintendent. Depot. N InTH and GREEN btreet. RAILROAD LINES. IflfiQ ''OB NKW YORK. THIS CAMDrtW AeOO.AND A M BOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY LINKS. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK, AND WAY Pr.illliJ iuiiu U'l I.NIIT hTHicit WHARF. A16 8S A.M.,vla Oamden and Amkoy Aoooasmo datlon M jtiM At s A.M., via Camden and Jersey City Ex -r?"lII - -00 At i p. M., via Oamden and Ambov Kidi-mm... I'M At ISO P. M.. Via l!ui'n inH linn 11,1. ir. rea,...... ' M At p. M.. for Ambov and IntermixllaUi atatinns. At J 80 and S A. M.,2 end 8S0 P. M., for Freehold. I !.f.Vd 10 Au 'm nd "80 ! M. for Trenton. P i. V ' ' V. Is. O O 9, IMU A I OW lOr iOruenLnwn. RnpllTtavlAn Qfrl w sinrl for FSnci10 M- 1 . n . Mm At 6 80 and in A. M.. l, t, 4 S0. t. and ll-sn P. M. for j.agewaier, riverside, Rlverton.and Palmyra, I P.M. for Rlverton and 8 80 P. M. tor Palmyra. Flh House. ' ' 180,8na UWP. M. for The 1 ana uto p- m. lanes laava ham u.v.. Street Ferry (upper side). -.-- j tlOM annsif-UTOrl DEPOT. At 11 A. M.. via Kenslnirtnn and .lnmu Wa York ;xpress Line FareH. ' At 7 and II A. M., 2 so, 8 S0, and I P. M, far Trenton and Bristol. And at lii'l A. M. for Bristol. Al 7 and 11 A.M.. 1 80. and 6 P. M. for MorrlsvlUa andTtillytown. At 7 and m is A, M., I'SO, and 5 P. M. for Schencks aud KdilltiKlon A 1 7 ana lo-is a. a-... mi, i, . ana r. m. mr oorn- wells, Torrlfidale, Holmesburg, Tacony, Wlsilno mlng, Brldesburg. and Fraukford, and al S P, M, for Holmesburg and Intermediate stations. VBOM WKST PHI LADkIj! H 1 A DKPOT, via Connecting Unllwav. press Lines, via Jersey City, Fare 13-25, -ii ', a., Kmigrani L.nn, i-are, Si Thal'in i m ..A A'Hii p Vf i inM rnn dallr. An others, Sundays excepted. a-) a.m., ran, s si, and iz r. ai. ror t reuwu. At B'8o A, M 8 SO and 12 P, M. for Bristol. At. in I) -vr iti , i. . m . .. i 1 1 1 -T-11otmn Scliensk's.Eddlnrton.Cornwells.Torrlsdale.Holnies yurg. laconv. w issinomine. liriaesourg, auaxraua- For lines leavlntr Kenalncrton Denot take the car on T hird or Fifth streets, at Chesnntstreel, HS minutes before departure. The cars on Market street Hallway run direct to West Philadelphia Depot: unesnni ana Walnut within one square. On Mondays tbe Market treet cars will run to connect with the S'30 A.M. and 80 1 M. lines. BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES. .From Kensington Depot. At 700 A. M. for Niagara Falls. Buffalo, Dunkirk, Eimlra, Ithaca, Oweu. Rochester, Blnghamtou, Os wego, bi racuse, Ureat Bend. Montrose. Vt llkesbarre, bchooley's Mountain, etc Ai 7 oo A.M aud 8'b.i P.M. for Bcranton, Strond. burg. Water Oap, Belvldere, Ens ton, Lambertvlile, j lemmgion, eic i ne a so i. m.. Aiine conn--t:i uirt-c with the Train leaving Easton tor Mauch Chunk, Alientown, Bethlehem. etc. At 6 P. M. for Lambertvlile and Intermediate Sta tions. CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON CO., AND PEM- . l.-l I1K1 a ,Tl ,11.1 Ifltlum, 111, T . . T T I . 1 From Market bt. Ferry (UDoer side.) At 8 A.M.. 1.4. and 6-15 P.M.. lor Mercbantsvllle. Moorestown Hartford, Mason vllle, Halosoort, Mount lio'ly. bmltbvllle. EwanavUle. Vlncentown. xtir- lulngbam, and Pemberton. At 1 and 4 P.M., for Lewis town, Wright-down, f'ookstown. New Egypt, Hornerstown, Cream Ridge, imiaystown, bharon, ana xiiguuiiown. Fifty pounds of baggage only are allowed each passenger. Passengers are probtnitea irom taging hvj thing as bagKage but tbefr wearing apparel. All baitgage ever lifiy pound to bs paid for extra. Tbe Company limit their responsibility for baggage to oue dollar per pound, and will not ba liable for any amount beyond ioo, except by special contract. Tickets sold aud bagKage checked direct through to Boston, Worcester, bprlugrleld, H artford, New Haven, Providence, Newport, Albany, Ttoy, Saratoga, Ctlca, Rome, (Syracuse. Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Fails, and busnenslon Bridge. An artditlonal Ticket OHlce 1 located at No. 828 Chesnnt street, where Ticket to New York aud all important points Norm ana nt-i may oe procureu. Persons purchasing Ticket at this Ollice can have tbelr baggage checked from residence or hotel to destination by Union Transfer Baggage Express, LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA, Will leave foot ot Court I and street at 7 A. M., 1 aud 4 P. M.j and 12 night via Jertey oily and Cam sn; at 6-3o P. M. via Jersey City aud Kensington; at m A. il., n M., and 5 P. M. via Jersey City and West Philadelphia. From Pier No. 1 North River at 830 A, M. Aoccom modjtlon. and 2 P. M. Express, via Amboy and Camden, WILLIAM L UATOKK. S lof atnnii liillbAUELrniA, VVlLiUlIUlUr4 ADD DAL. JT T1MORK RAILROAD. TIMETABLE. commencing MONDAY. April 18. 1888. Train will leave xiepoi corner oi x-kuau a treet ana WAsa INoTON Aveuue as follows; Way-Mall Train at 8'80 A. M. (Snnday excepted) for Baltimore, slopping at all Regular btations, con necting with Delaware Railroad al WllmiJUgloa for Crlstleld and Intermediate btations. Expresa Train at 12 00 M, (bunday excepted) far Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryvllle, aud Havre-de-Orace. Conneci at Wil mlngton with train for New Castle. jixpress Train at a 3ii r. m.. icuuu-j- baubpm-u- tur r-:alLlnmre and Wanhlnirton. stopping at Chester. Thnrlow, Liu wood, Claymont.Wllmington, Newport, Bianton, Newark, Elklou, Northeast, Charlestown, perryvuie, xiavre-ue-uraoe, auwuctil, rmrjuinu i, Edgewood, Magnolia, Chase's and Btemmer's Ran, N Ight Express at ll'OO P.M. (Dally) tor Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Perryvllle and Havre- de-Urace. Connects at Wilmington inaturaays ex- cepted) with Delaware Railroad Line, slopping at, new -jasiie, iuiuuwwu, imjwu. miver. i i i.. ... 1....,.. Lj.. 1 d,.ii rn 1 nmiu. AnnA connecting at Crisdeld with Boat for Fortress Mon roe, Norioik, i-ortsmonto, anu iubouuw, PaHsengers for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk via Baltimore will lake tne 12.00 M. Train, Via Url&fieid wlU take the llxo P. M. train. Rtopplng at all. station between Philadelphia and Wilmington. .... t . lAMfcV pniiaaeipum io-ia,ih,i -w. v w, m..,r. ,i-.-iirdallv) P. M. The 6 00 P. M. Train connect with Delaware Railroad for Harrington and lnter- "Leave Wlmlngton 700 and 810 A. M. (dally), pao -16, and 7-ao (daily) P. M. Tbes-le A.. M. Train will net stop between t. nesier uu ' . it t ditt a U tivM. rJAiii iaoruip iu a hiiui Leave Baltimore 725 A. M., Way-Mai 1: '40 A. M.. Express; 276 P. M., Express; 6 35 P. M., Express; 8 bt BUNDAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE, Leaves Baltimore at 8 66 P. M., stopping at Havre-da. Oiace, Perryvllle, and Wilmington, auo stop at Norlh-Easl, jukton, auu -o " ' vu for Philadelphia and leave passenger from Washing ton or Baltimore, and at Chester to leave passenger from Washington or Baltimore. nr.;...Tr , o. t, i mull nulnts West. South. booth- . .,-.nui at ihe Ticket Office. No. 828 CHKbNUT btreet, onder tbe Continental Hotel, where, aiso, state-room and berths in sleeping car can be secured during the day. Person purchnsing ticket at this office can have their baggage checked at their residence by the Union Insw Company 48 & m AaU1i4-ia-ii Hu-ioiiu-s-uurui- C110RTEST ROOTS TO THE SEA-SUOttEI CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. BUMMER ARRANQKMENT. riVB train o daily to atlan no city. nn anil after SATURDAY. July 4, trains wlU leave VINE blreei rerry ma iuuu,- Bpeclai Kxcursiuu, ...615 A. M. ....7 SO A. M. ... 15 A. M, .-2 06 P. M. 4'lb P. M. ,M.B18 P. M. Aiau il Freight, wltb passenger car attacu-Hi. Express -turouguiu iwo uuuuj,. 11UU0 Terrnllifeve AtiaBLlo" Special Excursion... Man. ..4 20 P.M. l. ...iiit with nuMseuuer car.. ...11-40 A. M. Express (through In two boar).. ,....7-10 A. M. ...J5-WA.M. AcooinuAuuanuu . junction Accommodation to Areo and in lei mediate siatlous, leave Vine street......5 SO P. M. Returning, leave Arco.. .... ................. 20 A. M. HV?ne.tflreei AmZSvWZ& 2-00 P. M. l2msSHtouiMi. 100 F. M. and 16 P. M. Hnndav Mall Train to Atlantic, . ta...a 1Iiim street ...........---------.. " A M. jeave Atlanilo...w ,4-20 P, M, a tiantin. 7. Ttnnnd trip ticket, good only lor tbe day aud train on which they are Issued, f s. ts Philadelphia Local Express Company, No. 621 CH EbN U 1 btreet, will call lor baggage In any part of the city ana suuuros, ana cue-", -w-- - at AUautlo City. . KM in h. Reading Room of the Continental Hotel, and ai No. 626 uUEbNUT Bireen. D. H. MTJNDY, Agent. 78U -PHILADELPHIA AND ElUE BAILUOAD.- SITMMEB TIMU TABLB. ... .,,1 direct route between Philadelphia. "7., Harrlsburg, Williamsport, to the North SfLtSailw Great jTf Region oiFennsylvaula. we"-."1! itiS ur iTb-h 1 nu OA RH on all NUrtil Train. Sdalter MONDA TyT May. 11, 1888,- the train. on the Philadelphia and Erie iuuuoaa will ran a follow: -antsTwami). .lu rr-mi leaves Philadelphia 1T1 A. M Mau Train leave, r, M " arrive at Erle...........-.......... 8 60 P. M. v-nrela leave Phlladelphla.....MMM..12'O0 noon Erie Expres Muy,mmmBpoti, ,. 8-60 P. M. u arrive at Erie.. JO 06 A. M, " uaU leaves Philadelphia............- 8 00 A.M. Eimlra au v)) -u1iiimsport....-. 8'28 P. M. ' Mi arrive at Lock Haven . 7'46 P. M. KAtlWAXUl Man Train leaves Erie M ,.""-eave Wllllamsport.......---.10,15 P. M, 1 arrives at Philadelphia. . 7 10 A. M, rla Express leave Frle ---u . 7'40 P. M. jcrie jwvmm -AllllamsBorl...-.... 8'16 A. M. a a arrive at Philadelphia.. 6'00 P. M, Mall and Express connect with OU Creek aud Alia. gheny tuv- yDi;-TYLKfc7 tjeueral buper Intend ant, AUCTION SALES; BONTINO, DDRBOBOW ft CO., AUCTIOH ' KERB, No. 22 and IM MARKET Htreet aer of Bank street. Baoeemorsto John Myir A cj . FTITRT LABOK PKRFM PTORV flirv . im5Hrotfx.fl'f&, EUROPEAN DRY A On Monday Morning, August 24. at iu ,,ik .1.., about UMI loUof Preuch. India. Oarman. and Hrlil.h ry goons. ' r.iir We will Include 1 In , our ;.l. on MONDA Yj 1 SO PlECKtt PARI- MERINO EV Krabrtlng the newest shades of aruMne violet. the Importation vi Au-r-nntsj, j. XI JLA Ai AL4 v; A 1I d, VJIJ, s zi zt LARGE PEREMPTORY KALE OF mn ni. BOOTS, BilUKi, TRAVELLING BAus Erd Ou Tuesday morning, ' Ang. 28, at 10 o'clock, on 4 months' credit. Sltst I,ARfJLPI,,!TIVF ST" OF BRITIRH, FRENCH. . ... On Thursday ornlni, Ag. 27, at 10 o'clock, oa four months credit. 18 21 St LARGE POSITIVE SLK OF OiRPKTINaa. 1M PIECAO FLOOR OIL CLOTH, ETC, On Friday Morning,) shin? i..!Bt 11 o'clock, on (our nionths' crsdlt, cou.t. Knr.,cft of '"Sialn, Veietlan. H,t, betnp c lotbf ' nd r" carpetlngs; also. 2d0 pleoee oil - 22 61 t JVl . h FiiTikT-i ' NOS. 139 AND U vvvS. aJ C7T7 MB-il'oNAl,-i7,- Thirteenth stree. SOME WALNUT fAKLOH ANU tllNfrn. jf Ft) H MTU HE, EL KUAN? FRKNOI? IE PIER MlllhOR, LA E CUKTAINs SeiKT.''. ni i) or ra X-?. HANDSOM ROOM PI. ATI BhUbbELb, AMD OTH KR CA RPE M, ETC. EI'u! On Monday, August 24 Atlrj o clock, will be sold, by catalogue, the entire household furniture, - House ror rent. 3 o. I). MrULKES A Co. No. 60S MAiKET btreet. AUCTKNEER S HI SALE OF 1600 CAMS BOO rs. SHOEb, BROGAN. Ou Monday morning, Angtist i4, commencing at 10 o'clock, we will sell by catalogue, lor cash, l,',oo caei Men's, Boys' and louibs' Boots, bhors. Brogans Balmorals, etc. .w,'1!0 ,llPerlor assonmentot Woden's, Misses' and Children's City-made Good. ' 2m 8AXB OF 1600 CASES BOOTH, SHOES, BRO. GANS, BA LMORAIJS, ETO. On Thursday morning, Angnst 27, at.lo o'clock, we will sell by Catalogne. fht rash, 160S cases Min's, Boys', and Vouth s Boot, fehoee. Brogans, Balmorals, etc. -w-t . .'??..,. "I'erlor astorunent of Women's. Mlsse. and Cblidrea's wear. Js 22 41 MARTIX imOl'IIEKS, AUCTIONEERS. lLaiely Pn:een,eu for M. Tbemas A bona.) No .621) CUEbNUT bk, rear entrance from Minor. NOTICE. Our Regular Weekly Sal cf Household Fnrnliure, eic , at Ihe Auction Rooms, will be heidoa WEDNEbDAY, Instead of Monday, as heretofore. Sale at Oibunn's Point. BARREL-) IIIK1NHI PETROLEUM. On Mouday Morning, 24th Inst., at 10 o'clock precisely, at Dllworlh's warehouse, Olnst.n's Point, lor account ot whom It may concern, 4S barrels (more or less) refined petro leum, g j2 2t ..0..B,e No 1,11 swk'n street. HANDSOME OILKU WALNUT FURNITURH. FINE ENULIbU BUUbSELb AND VENETIAN CARPETb, Etc. On Tuesday Morning, ?Fth instant, at 10 o' No. 1511 Swain street (north of C'oa'es street, above Flfteenm street), Dy cutaiogue, the eutire Furniture, Including very hand some olied walnut and hair Cloth Parlor Furniture, superior oak dining-room Furniture, three suit handsome oiled walnut chamber Furniture, tine hair Mattrefses, spring Beds, Hue China aud Ulas-ware walnut Centre Tables, Venetian Blinds, handsome Eugllsh Brussels, Ingrain aud Venetian Carpet, kitchen utensils, etc. 'J he furniture was made to order, and Is equal new In every respect. ij gt May be examined early on tbe morning ot sals. Sale at No. 62s Cbesnnt strest. HANDSOME WALNUT FURNITURE. ROSE WOOD PIANO. THREE HANDSOME BOOK CAbEb, FINS', BRUrbELS CAKPKIb. FRENCH PLATE Mi RROK-i, eto. On Wednesday M irnlng, August 26th, at 10 o'clock, at the Auction Rooms,' No, 6:'9 Cbtsout street, by ca'alogue, very superior Furniture, Including walnut and green reps parlor suit, walnut and haircloth parlor mrnlture, S hand some walnut boik-cases, 2 suits handsome walnut chamber furniture, nluln(--rooiu lurnlture, line French plate pier mirrors, handsome centre tables, extension dlaing tables, tine Brussels and other carpets, lounges. China and a'ass ware, mattresses suoeriur rf;lsra. itois.cottagerhamber furniture, rosewood piano-forte. Use double antl single haroe-s. 8 22 8S LIPP1NC0TT, BON & CO., AUCTIONEERS Asburst BaUdlng, No 240 MARKET blreet. FIRST LA ROE POSITIVE SALE OF UYiti AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOOIiH, LINEN AND HOSIERY UOODd. NO' HONS, HOOP SKIKTM, ETC. ' By Catalogue, on Four Months' Credit. Ou Wednesday, Argnst 26. 1R6H. commencing at 10 o'clock Included will be found a full assortment of seasonable good worthy the attention of buyers. 8 2041 THOMAS BIRCH A BON, AUCTIONEERS AND OOMMIbblON MERCHANTS, No. 1U CHEbNCT Street; rear entrance No. 1107 bansom as- RAILROAD LINES; BALTIMORH AND OHIO RAILROAD Trains between WASHINGTON AND BALTI. MORE, aud WASHINGTON AND THE WEbT are now run as follows, viz.: FOR BALTIMORE. Leave dally, except Sunday, at 700, 7'45. and 12-80 P. M., and 2'00, aud 4 i and 8 46 P. M. ' OR ALL WAY STATIONS. Leave dally, exceut Sundav. at 7-u0 A. M.. and a-nn and S-4K..P. M. FOR W AY BTATION SOUTH OF ANNAPOLIS J UNCI ION. Leave at 6 15 and 7-00 A. M., and at S'OO and pffl P' FOR ANNAPOLIS. Leave at 7 'CO A. M. and 4'30 P. M. No tcalnglto 01 from Annapolis on Sunday. ON b UN DAY. FOR BALTIMORE, Leave at 745 A. M.. aud 4'30 aud 8-46 P. M. FOR WAY bTATIONS. Leave at 7-45 A. M., and 4-wi and 8'45 P. M. FOR ALL PARTS OF THE WEST. Leave dally, except Saturday and bunday, at 7'15 JL M.. 4 80 and 8' 15 P. M. On Saturday at 7 46 A. M.. and 180 P. M. On Sunuay at 4-su aud s'46 P. M. ouly, connecting at Relay btatlon with train trem Baltimore to Wheel lug. Parkersburg, etc. Through Ticket to tbe West can be had at the Washington btatlon Ticket Ollice. at all hours In the day. as well as al the new ollice of the Bankers' and Brokers' Teleg-aph Line, No. 848 Pennsylvania aveuue, between blxtb and beventh street. For New York. Philadelphia, and Boston, see ad verllsemeut of "Through Line." J. L. WILSON, Master of Transportation. L. M. COLE, General Tloket Agent, list GEORGE b. HUONTZ, Agent, Washington. FREIGHT LINES FOR NEW YORK AND ALL POINTS NORTH and EAST, and for all biatlons on Canideu and Amboy and Connecting Kallroad, from Walunt street wharf. INCREASED DESPATCH. Freight for all way poluia on the Oamden and Amboy. Freehold and Jamesburg, and Burlington County Railroads, forwarded at 12 o'clock Noon. For Trenton, Princeton, Kingston. Rocky Hill, and all points on the New Jersey and Belvideia BaU roads, lorwarded at IX P. M. For New York,l 12. 2. and 6 P. M. Freight received from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. A slip memorandum, specifying the mark, and numbers, shippers and consignees, mnst In every In stance he .ant wit b each U ad of gowds. tam.. WALTER FREEMAN, Agent, No, 226 a Delaware Avenue, PhlladelA-hla, HKOUGH LlxNfc. BETWEEN WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA, AND NEW YORK. Trains between Washington and New York are now run as follows, via.-. FOR NEW YORK, without Change Of cars, Leave dally (except Sunday) at 7 6 A. M 12'SO and 7F,M FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave dally (exoepi bunday) at 7 '46 and 11-15 P. M., and 480 and 7 P. M. anu x. m ON grjuDAY. Leave for New York aud Philadelphia at 7 P. M. "bLEEPINa CARS for New York on 7 P.M. train i Through Ticket to Philadelphia, New York, or Boston, can be bad al the blation Office at all hour lu the day, as well as al tbe newoOioe la the Banker4 and Broker1 Telegraph Line, No. 848 Pennsylvania avenue, between blxth and Seventh street. See Baltimore and Ohle Railroad advertisement and schedule between Washington, "Baltimore, Anr napoll. jfYjSoN. Master of Transportation. L. M. COLE, General Ticket Agent, 828tl GEO 8. KOONTZ. Agent, Washington. F" aTt Freight line, via noktu PENNSYLVANIA RalLROAD, te Wllkes barre. Mabauoy City, Monnt Carmel. Centralla. aud all polul on Lehigh Valley RAllroad aud list brByuew'arrangemenU. perfected mis day. thu road I eliabled to give Increased despatch to merchaudl4 consigned to Ihe above named P'','u';,r.t r-enot Goods delivered at tbe 1 hrougli J relgbt Depot. SahXo, aYy.r'd MhSr .latl-N.. (ln Malusnoy anJ Wyoming valley, before 11 u' r- mUR APAM9 EXPRESS COMPANY, OFF1CB iiiiiri . .IT,,, f, wards Parcel. Pa"ck age, Merchandise, Bank Note-, and bpeole. luher bv ts own lines or lu connection with othaf Kipni cSonipanle. to all the principal towns and eitM U the Uui0Mui'5lQHAM. Bnperlntendwul.