The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 15, 1868, FIFTH EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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It was the cool of Ibo evening of a summer's
day as vr$ approached the grim outworks of the
huge city priBon at tlolloway. Close beside it
is the residence of the governor of the jail, and
there inquiring, we were informed that he was
t that moment busy in his garden. There we
discovered him the dreaded cnlorccr of the
law's just sentence, the responsible custodian
of as much of brute ruffianism and vicious cun
ning and daring villainy as suddenly let loose
would merge the town in horror and dismay
the mighty potentate ut whoo girdle, meta
phorically speaking, hung the master-key of
five hundred last tloois, be), lml wlrich captive
men and women sally pined or defiantly
scowled there ho was, serene and at his eae,
Villi the cuffs of his Bojer-prey garden jacket
turned back, pott "ring about a rose-bush, and
With noth ug lu his appearatico to detuv.e hiiu
any other than a prosperous elderly gentleaian
With a taste tor flower culture.
Our vifcit was not altogether unexpected, an 1
alter a cheerful greeting and a btief chat cju
ccrmug chiefly the favorable weather and the
lavages of hlus, and similar gurtlen post, the
governor courteously invitoil us to follow him.
l'aiiiutt his privuie g:iia-ii irom tiie prison is a
tall uud rnussive pair ut guts, wuu.u whieh a
Wi'der Hits constantly. These ofiPuett to u,
anil theu was revealed a trim gravelled court
yard, and at the end ol it a second pair of gates,
entailer, but more loimiriabiolonKing than the
lirst. More tcrnhli', too, to conteuipltte, H;i
every luckle s wivlch must, who, tor a period
brii l or prolonged, H doomed to lodge here. It
is a frightful gate. We were informed that it,
was modelled alter that which guards the en
trance to v urwu'k: Casl.e; but it win lit have beru
the porta) of the castlu of tho eeleorated m in
cating old giant Klutiderbore, for, stand
ing bolt upright acalut eiJier doorpost, was a
drtigon, not cut in dml cold stone, but carvocl m
wood, aud paiutert by a man who knew, at
least, how a dragon should aiiimar, with tinry
eyes and litry tonuup, and denies like plates of
blue steel, and claws the like of which were
never seen. ach oiagon clutched a great black
key, mid grinned as ho glared do vu on whoiu
soevt'i" might be entering in at the gate in a
manner calculated to strike direst terror to tho
beait of those new to criniLlul wa.vs, thoasih
tlierf probably urn those to hardened in him,
and so familiar wi'h the gated llo'llowny Jail,
tuat tlie guart'ian may have no terrors
for tliciu, and they may return the threatening
glare of the monsters' e3os with tho most cool
and scif-iiosspagcd of wmks.
H is in at tin? door that every prisoner must
pas-. jt within is a caoaciuiis stone-pave J
lo'.iny, ae inort con-picuous luruiiure of rtliieii
is a I'latent wciehmg machine and a standard
menHurc. Here it, is that every nn-oncr is
f-'rippid, aud exuniined, nnd weiurhed, ajd
measureil, the full particulars luiug entered in
an enormous recorn-bonk that rpuscs in a ctip
tieanl luiii ut lutiid. I hi the bonk, and some
of the most, t ecu!, entries. Therein is written
i,ol only the particular cnine and t tie adjudged
lci'iiily oi it that oa tins la-t ocetiiioi
consigned tae uniortuiiale to limbo, but
also all known previous couvicjtious against
lnni. These rantred Irom one to tor!;), but
we were informed that t!i? average oi pre
viously co.ivieied ca-es did not'.'ed live per
cent., winch was an item oi intelligence that
anil e ibly surpri-e.1 u'. We were luevise told
that vi hen winter's lio-t-b;t; ma le it-elt felt,
the number of pri-oneis uicieised troinudt
utel.v; which win siguiticuut of wliat want may
diive an houest man to. further, the record
bi.oK i( veal' d to us an I the (ioernor endorsed
its evidi nee that the ii.o-t numerous cla-s of
crimitidls were c the. hived known as "c mkney
lush." the oe-ci noants ot Irish i cople who set
tleu in Loudon two or three generations back.
On a ciiuiimil coloring llollo.vay Jail, the
examination uud weighing and ineusuriui; at an
end, the newly cpptured jail-bird is taken to a
room wlieie tlieie u deep and capacious lia'.h.
nud a rack containing feint' ol prison el 'tilling of
vaiious s es. Nj matter what a prisoner's
condition in life, whether he be an outcast,
gutter-bred boy, whose only home is a, prison,
or a lithe and iight-hau.led "prig" by pi"olesloii,
or t lie Wiiig-wliiskercd city svell ot elegant
eiterior and handsome tiros, brought to ar.ef,
perhaps, by the discovery of his first aud
only tespernte forgery here is an ead to
Lis worldly guise. Here are the baths, and
all coiners cuter them, nnd the water
they contain is iuj water of oblivion. It is
ail over with the fallen swell. Up tj this mo
ment he may have cluug to bis black of
respectable cut as a la-t poor somcihinir that
buoyed hiiv, at le .V;t in aUKiiranee, above the
Lerd of low tuieves In greasy fustian; now ho
must abaudon it, aud lake uut htni-ulf the
plumage ot the com nun jail-b.rd. It is not a
Dice-looking plumage, Ii ronsi'-U of a coarse
shirt, and a tight-tittlug suit of slate-colored
woollen, of the style vulgarly known as the
"ckeleton," a'id from the shoulder to the elbow
of the right B'ecve of it is exhibited, in a shoy
border, the initial aud uuo.ber of tho ward in
which the eaid jail-bird's particular cae may
be found.
Petore entering the bath-room, tho prisoner
scrips, and leaves his clothes ol the outer world
ot i he door, aud they are ga hered up and thrust
into a string net, and to they are baked and
purified, after which inventory ot them is taken,
and they are ticketed, and stowed away uniil
the expiration of the prisoner's sentence shall
legalize his claim lo them.
On the same llcor with the ba'h-room are a set
of cells called "raceptiou-celJs," for the use of
pnsoner who may be brought in at a time
loi'onvenient for their medical examination,
indispensable before they may be admitted to
the body of the piison. There were two such
casts on the evening ot our visit. Just outside
the doors of the reception-cells were two bun
dles enveloped in a net, nud, reposing ou each, a
pa tJ of iinr.y, dilapidated sboe, the property
of the mdiviouas who hal couio in late. On
cell number oue being unlocked, there was dis
closed, suspended in a hammock blunut from wall
to wall, a quick-eyed, bJilel-Ucadcd youth of
the true tniei iype.
He appeared perfectly comfortable and at his
case. The cell, beiug for temporary usaue only,
was unlumibhed except tor I ho hammock; but
that was provided with a nice clean woollen
rug, which theioung tu;et nai pulled up as
hieh as his ears, still hhinlner aud Inflamed
through recent aeij jaintauco with hot water
and ullowf-oap. Tue ceil was arched, and as
Well as my memory serves, about seven feet wid
ami ten ki'.t in depth. The walis were whitened,
and at the end, by the wall, was a narrow
windew, hatred with, iron bars. Neverthe
less, with tho niello sunlight streaming in.
the place ultoue tlier appeared such h cWu and
sweet tit le tiPdroom, iua', as-uniiiiir ino hrory
fcuageted ov the uetted bundle u:id the slipshod
tattered boots outside the uoir to be true a
story iusolving lln? hi leous sij'ialor of a ''blind
all 5 " at Cow Cress or Seven Dials, nut the un
Fpcaka' l': U'rrori o: a twopenny lo !ging-Uouse,
it seemed tha-, the jomui Kiiitlcuan iu the
hammock, ut pre-en1, at any rate, ha I not much
reason to bewail hir hard fate. Quite kindly the
governor tp -ke to bun:
"Weil, lad, har aie ou here f .r?"
"Hit o' beef, air.1' t-ie lad coitly replied, at the
same time dueugaing u h a ud l. eiu the (olds of
the blanket, 10 re-peetlulJ.v tu' at, a lorelock ot
sliorn h' uck stubble.
"Ste ding a piece of beef, do jou mean?''
"Ves. sir. I ''
".Silence. G-itotdeop." And the young thief
was left to ins repute.
Thf dour of tM next cell was unlocked, and
on a ptecocly similar hauimoec reclined u pre
clfel.v similar lad, exc 'pi that he nail carroty
stubble on ins head inieau ot iiiuck.
'a ell. bid, what are you here lor"
"Bit of inent, please sir."
"You and another lad did It between yon?"
"Tlnit's it. sir. He-'1
"ileuce." And the door wa? closed, aud the
key turned In tho heavy lock.
'Is iliii loeir lirst nhVine should you im
neii e we iniiiiire of the governor as wo tra
verse a pas-aL'e ng towards another part of
the building. But the governor slirugs his
"A'ot by any means; nor their l:wt, I'm afraid.
There i? not much chance of us seeing the lsst
ol Ihem nntil they are sent away,"
"Sent where f"
TtDP.! servitude. That's tho common
"Weil, it is not very surprising that it shout i
be so. It is one thing to mske a man forget his
nil-deeds, at d another to place at bia
infant- b which be may preserve himself airalnst
a icpetit on ot them. As you say, otl'euse asrninst
otlensc if recorded against him. each onendd ng
an additional cleg to his unlucky feet, that pos
nbly, if they had a reasonable chance, would
glaoly tt rn to honest paths."
lint at this the governor made a primace that
stood us representative for tho laugh ho would
have uttered had he not felt the restraint of
that lutxoriible rule of his own imnosing
silence. "There you arc mistaken," he whis
pered softly; "we are much more bumano
than vou Imagine. The prisoner who tho?
an earnest disposition towards aoien Iment
is nevrr turned penniless and helpless out of
this jail. It he proves to us his diseint for
dishonest cour-es, and bis willingness to work,
we are nble, thanks to a certain i uud, to place
the means ot doing so in bis hands. 8ametimes
a lew shillings Is sulllclent lor the purp.ise.
sometimes we are induced so to invest several
pounds. A large number of the youneer prison
ers have a fancy for uoiug to sea. A young man
came to see me only Inst week. Tie came here
jiift one of the.-e loueb'ss outcn-t bovs, wuo
thieve that they may not starve, of whom the'e
arc thousands la London, and ho expressed a
wish to be sent to sea, out of harm's w.iy. He
proved himself a eood lad, having worked his
way up to the condition of fecund mate, with a
fail ppectof becoming something still belter,
lie dinid at, my table last Tuesday.''
"Have you many bovs here at present!"
''i,:nguinrly few. We have cell accommoda
tion for sixty; and our average nu ruber, lor some
tunc pajt, hu9 been only tixtten. Uome this
way, aiid you shall 6ce them."
Aud, wondering alt the while, we did as
invited. Ilow was it that tho percentage of
juvenile ci iminals lodged iu lloiloway l'rison
wus so small? When we nsked the governor
the pioporiion his boy-lodgers bore to the
whole, it was in foil expectation of receiving
an answer that fhould warrant the natural
Hlatnihtthe rapid increase of crime amongst
lads of tender years. Where were the scores
ot humble imitators of Ciaude Duvul and Dick
Turpin, who, having perused the veracious
records of tho exploits of these nnd
similar heroes of the gibbet, mike des
perate efforts to emulate them by murderously
assaultiig crippled old women, or running oil'
With errand money eonti led to their care by too
trusting maBters? We referred to the governor
for an explanation. "It is easily ncjouuted
for,' said he. "They find that they h ive to
work when they are litre.'' We were about to
follow our last question with another as to the
way in which a joung thief contrived to
choose his pri.-on, but thiJ was rendered unuc-ces.-ary
by the sudden recurrence to our memory
ot n conversation bcaiu.g on the same subject,
that recently had taken place between a boy
thief and a prison conrnissioiier. "How Is it,"
the iat'cr nsked, "that out ot nine convictions
neainst yon, ciirht are returned from one pri
son ?'" ''Co-, please, sir, I always pricrsin ll il
born," was the candid rejoinder. Wheu that
salutary law for wh ch tr.e render's humble
servant has for so long a time beeu asking h
p..ssed, and conies iuto operation, and the
jrovei nor of lloiloway Jail counts amongst his
minutes one or two of those dirty sco.iudrols
who uaiu their bread by the sweat of juvenile
morality by means of the penny weekly num
ber system a proper punishment would be to
make them the drudges of the boy criminal
wind to compel the in to wa5li their victims'
shirts and socks, aud scrub their cell lloori,
nnd be generally ie-potiBiblo for their nonsaual
The cells In wlvch the boy prisoners nre cop-
nni n me piecie:y bimiiur 10 more or in? audits;
and, it being now niter woilc hours, the greater
part of the sixteen lodgers were "at home
1 hose we spoke with did not seem very much
hardened iu crime, which, by tho way, is a loug
way from meaning that taey were not couver-
sant w ith crime. Uo.y.s aie not lnse men, they
nre less reflective, anil in nine cases out ot ten cure or responsibility beyond whit is
strictly personal; consequently they are less
imprc-seu witu tae nardsuip ot tueir con lit on,
bujodinir ou wmcii is as likely to produce i
hardening as a soitening effect. As (
rule, the condition of the boy-thie
while at liberty Is a most miM-rablu con
dition. nLd. utter (he lirst "'recklessness'
lias worn oi), he linds that it is more comforta
ble to be iu prison thau out a frame of mind
scarcely calculated lo uring ubjut penitence
nnd reformation.
There is one point, however, on which the
boy-thiel is, or pretends to be, especially tender.
and that is concerning his lather. To be suro
there is no getting over the stern, sad fact, that
nobody is so perfect a muster in the art ot dis
sembling as the intelligent, low cunning little
London thief. Let his jailor assume never so
severe a manner m his douiinifs with him
before he has talked with him three times he
will have discovered his weakest feature (and
even piison governors are not fiee Irom them)
and shape nts maimer and c inversatiou accord
Ingly. Thus, with all due respect to liovernor
Weatberhead, aud his admirable system or
mansgement, he undoubtedly has a uatural
tenderness lor boys, aud bis prisouers know it.
Like a sensible man, he knows that, until a
boy has grown utterly abaudonel, be will no.
forget "mother;" and it is certain that, iu very
many cases, it is a sacred chord that may be
played on with charming aud even miraculous
effect; at the same time it is not impossible
that his amiable weapon may be turned against
him, and he may bo imposed on.
Every boy we examined cried at once when
his mother's name was mentioned, and tho
creditable exhibition of emotion was almjst
invariably rewarded, by an encouraging put on
the head with the (iovernor's benevoleut hand.
There was one case that came under our notice
In ihe boy way that was somewhat peculiar.
He was an incoirigible young rufliuii, we were
informed, and had been iu prison very many
times, lie had only arrived at Hollo wiy that
morning, and, being set to work in the brick
held, before he was there an hour was
guilty of foul lnfiguuge towards tho officer
in command, and was condemned to the
"dark cell." There we found him, A
more hideous place as a habitation for
bureau being with a guilty conscience cannot
casih be imagined. Ihirk Is much too feeble a
word to describe the black deusity that hrouded
its interior. It is a cell within u cell, and even
the outer one Is so dark that only by the clicks
ol the key in the lock were we awar i that the
interior dcor had beeu opened. "Cosie out
here, lad!" And, emerging from the impene
trable density, there gra lually loomed to vie-v
th de-peiate incoriigiblr. He was not a
very formidable rulbun to contemplate,
beiutr a slim built boy, with a narrow
white fjee, which was teiiriul, nnd had
on it an expression hiigsrestivo of a horror
of "bogies." llu hud cwduiiily arrived at the
dismal .oi elusion that id was doomed to pa-s
th long, long night iu th itiiwt'ul place, nnd h id
made c rta'n eccputn.j end umiccoua'abl'! ar
rangements to that end. The collars of his gJie
jacket ere pulled up b'uh above his ears,
mailing u fantastic betting for 1 is grimy, tear
bt sirtauied countenance, while, possibly with a
view to t coiioujiziii1: all the comtott lo bgot
out of upairtif trousers, be had loosened the
fastening ot tbo-'c articles of raiment so that they
were all slouched about his tcet, the briefs ot
them trailing Lehind h'm like a pair of white
"Well, lad? what has brought you to this?
How many times have you been iu this prison?"
"Thiee, sir!" (with a tremendous ou'b ust of
gtie', uud such a acre viUL' ot both his lists into
his eyes, thai every leutute of his face, except
his wl le inontii, was rendered in visibl'.
"SpraK the Iruti), lad."
"Four, nr."
"Ay, ut leu -t four. Why wero yoa put in the
dark cell V
"1'or gwearin', s:r. I ci-twajs, b said n9 ho v
I swore, sir; hut I kno v he was loo far vil to
hnvp hei rd me."
"Who heard you i nothing to tho purpose;
you have mciii I'fd tho penalty, tnnl you lUJst
pay it. How long aru jou hem lor?"
"Six months, sii."
"Wbat lor?"
"Ste titrating, sir."
"Hove you a mother?"
"0 yes. sir 10 ye o s, sir I" (with a fit of
sobbing that caused tho white walls to vibrate
ttraneely. )
"Where does soe live v
"Manchester, sir. Ow w W J I Was just
thinkin' on her when jou came, sir."
Governor, evidently uttectcd: '"Ann you ran t
do better than thluk of her, If she is good
mother. Just picture To your mind what she
would think of von ould she see you In this
disgrocetul position 1"
( " W 1 W 1
"Will you promise never to swear again as
lonp as you are here, if I let you go back to
jour cell ?"
Ot course the tearf'il penitent promised most
solemnly, and presently, too eager iu his anxiety
to cbauee the dark cell lor a comparatively
light one to adjust his bnbibiinont, came slotich
Irg behind its sbp'hod over tho asphaltc floor,
with the collar oi his ncKetsuii snrou uug nis
curs, and his trousers clutched up on either sile
by ibe waistband.
The Atitt-iobacco o lciy mignt discover
amongst the inmates of jails many aot illustra
tions ot tho trutri ot their peculiar Hrgirnenis.
Koihmg is more common, when a youth
ful captive is questioned us to the ori
gin ot his fulling away from the path of
rectitude, than tor him (o attribute it to
the short P'pe," or to "bud company aud
smoking and that," or to "going out ol evenings
nnd btijlrg cigars." One lad at present incarce
rated iu lloiloway Prison was possessed ot such
a ravenii g mania for tho pernicious weed, that,
a'ded by auotln r boy, he stole live hundred and
cny clears. I'nsoners will run almost any risk
lor a chew or a whitr of tobacco. It is known
tbat at 1'ortland the convicts, having obtained
through the ugenoy of a "free laborer"
in the stoue quarries, a piece of tobacco
and a pipe, had a method of disooitu
of it as iiitTfiiioiis almost as it was dis
gusting. As must be meutioned, smoking was
strictly prohibited, serious penalties being in
store lornny oue wno assisted a prisoner to the
coveted luxury, ino only tiino when the peni
ous oelight may be indulged in was when in the
course of the day's work asuddcu shower came
on, and the convicts "knocking off" for the
time, huddled tu a shed out of the ram. Then
the envied snureiioiaers in tne louriu ot a
quarter of an ounce ot cavendish sat in a cir
cle, the "buck" or head man, with tho ptoo in
one corner ot his mouth, and lu the other a
straw, the other end of which was Rrasped
wilh'ti the lips of tho next niau of the circle,
who likewise had a second straw iu bis
mouth, the further end of which the third man
sucked at, and bo on until the number was com
plete. The pipe alight, the "buck" took
a draft of smoke through it at oue
coimr of Ins in jiith, cnjoycl it tor a
moment, nnd then blew it through the
straw at the other corner ol his mouh iuto that
of his next neighbor, uud so it passed through,
the last niau having the envied privilege of
swalbwing the mouthful iu consideration of bis
being ut so great a loss in consequence of the
detericratiou iu the flavor of the smoke in the
coursp of its ttnnsit. At the llou-e of Detention,
the liieini? ol prisoners have conveyed ttietn a
pire and a pine-light and tobacco iu the interior
of n loat (on one occas on a cigar and a luciler
natch wire found ikuiUv wiupncd together in
the interior ,f a roast fol),Hinl the desperate
smokt r has been discovered i top of a pla'brm
eotsi'liug of his table, and his Bible, iiu I his
panniuin, clinging tiptoe to the bars of a ven'i
lftror by the ceiling and blowing a difficult
clou I through Its narrow interstices.
It is n it so easy, however, to couvoy tobacco
to a pi isouer in a clo-e prison such as that at
lloiloway. Cut it his been attempted. At
stated t:ines a prisoner's lilen Js may pay umu a
visit. The Interview, however, is hampered by
certain icsf fictions. On either side of u pussare
abont live icet in width is a ca'e ot open wire
work, and conveniently dt'p-.ised between tho
cares are screens behind which a warder may
be iukint', listening to the conversation thai is
going on, so as to check it at once should it take
a vrtoue or improper turn. Ojie day iu the course
of innocent discourse between a prisoner
and a male fri'-nd, the warder's watchful
eye doticud a feather lloaiing over from
one ci.i'e to the other, and, arres inir it
midway, found at ih stem of it a length ot tine
silk, and at the end oi the thread iu the visitor's
hand a nice little ping of pigtail for "chawing,"
Had the lea' her se'tled in the compartment
where the prisoner was, nothing would be easier
than for linn to give a dexterous jerk at the
silk, and land ttie plug on his OA-n side. The
misenrraae of Ihe neat little plot meant severe
puuishmtut lor the would-be receiver, nnd a
month's hard labor for the obliging supplier;
nnd the fact ot its being about fifty to oue
neainst the trick successfully parsing, shows
how terrible must lie the penalty of deriva
tion from tobacco to au old btnoker. Lun Jon
Funeral of the Late Rev. Thomas G.
Alien Ves'erday afternoon, the funeral of
Kcv. I nomas G. Allen took place from his la'e
residence, No. DUG Lombard street. Previous to
the removal of the body, it was viewed by a
large number of persons. Among those present
weie many who had been baptized by Jlr. Allen.
At the hour named, tho luneral proceeded to
the Church of the Ascension, Lombard street,
above Elevcuth, where tho funeral berviefs were
performed. Tue ofliciating clergymen were:
lie v. George A. Durborow, Rev. Di. Suldti'ds,
aid Rev. Pr. Cooper. At the close of the ser
vices, tho body wai taken from the church to
Ronaldson's Cemetery, followed by Rev. Messrs.
Urownson, Rowers. Parvin. Hurst, Krbeu. Ed
wards, Meade, Fischer, Weld, Newton, ant
many others. Alter r?JigiouB exercises, the
body was committea to the grave by Iiev. Mr.
casi'altieb. 'i ne Toiiowing persona were
admitted yesterday to tho Pennsylvania lios
Phil 'p Yo"t, aged 33 years, leg brnkon by
barrel of tbb rolling on him, while engaged in
loading & boat Pino street wharf.
James II. Murray, aged 22 years, residing in
Eighteenth street, below Carpenter, thumb
niashed at the Baltimore Depot, by being cuu6ht
net w ecu two Dumpers.
Edard Tiauey, aged 30 years, severely In
iu red by falling off a building at Thirtieth and
inniiiton strcpis.
Harry llirckcti, 12 years old, son of Captain
E. J. Hir.cken, of the Sunday D spnlch. fell irom
a trrc iu front ot the residence ot his father, on
Yioi i irard nvenue, and hud Ins skull fractured
and collarbone broker. His injuries are of
such n character as to cause apprehensions of
ms recovery.
Lavino ok a Co km! k-Stone. The corner
stone of the Filih Reformed Prebv terian
Church, Rev. Dr. McAulev, patur, is 1 1 be lu d
on Mouoay altermou. Rev. Urs. W lie, fit r-
ictr, Kvn, rici lure, i.e.irge ii. stuurt, hsq , an 1
othtr speakers are expected to take part in
llit: exeicisi's.
FnRVKTTm General Siwell, Superintendent
of the West Jersey IiU'.Iroa l, mn pist rpoeived
commission as Drcet Mujor-Gcneral, to dale
irtm niaici!, lino.
Fncxti to tub liiiKEe. A splendid Grant
dti, I ft I fax flag-pole WU9 ru'sod jes'eriliy n'ter
noon, at the eormr ol Plum uud Fourth streets,
Camden; iu picseuee ot a largo audience.
Inspection of Flock akd Meal for the week
peeing Aug. 13. lMiH. Parrels of sunenlno,
OM; do. ol, Ud; do. of enrn meal, 3d!); do.
oi loiukinned, 73. Total, 72UU.
A WiEoonein lady came to New York, by
direction of the spirits, to find a mining eon,
and brought up in a lunatio asylum.
E'ght thousand tons of steel rail have
been ordered by the New York and Erie
Rai road.
Masi-ett's new lecture has made a Lit in
A Farls banker paid $20 for a fifty-pound
As usual the favorites are in every ease
beaten at the Saratoga raues.
Rergh advocates a vegetable diet.
For additional Marine Newt tee Firtl Page,
.B 10 Moon RtK..-. 2 OS
Bow Rism.M
Bus 8kt. ...-.
5s,Hiea Watbr...
. 1118
Bteanmhtp Tuiniwanii, Jeunings, nnab, JPUlla-
dolphin nd Htaiilicrn Ma.l etieainstilp Co.
Bitrqiie Jobu i.1118, MolVlu, Antwerp, 1'etor .V light A
Bhrqi.e Svnnh, Ames, Nvls. Mora Phillips.
Jr. brig Lrfo. Wilson MraniD, U J. Vn Hiiro,
hthr si. JU. Crccner, Prettbrey. I uiinlou. (Jtt n.
ist'r niBmnnrt HiBtf. Wbb, Brtltlmnre. A Uroves, it.
bt'r I". i"ruklln. Picrson. Haliuuoro. A. Orovt. J.
Br. ntftnhip land Loveii, Jones. 6 days rr m H
VRiia, nun iHKr aud uioIkibm lo A. Merino
Sttt-auiHlup Hunter, ltiKtrs,Kn hours (roui I'rovlaence,
Willi uiUse. lo D. Si. atuiBua tt Co.
brttr Keallty, Lonu, S1 from Oaklngton. Ma.,
Willi pine boHrds lo 1'. P. Ualvlti A Co. .
tscbr Vai.daila, Hnvln, l aay Irom LelpMo, DoL, wIVQ
crblii in J. K Painirr. ...
tchr K. V. Ulovpr, InKflrnoll, from Providence.
felir s I CKicker. Hrftbrey, trouj rannnin.
S-te mer Novelty, Tutu IM duura Irom WeW x org,
Wlih niune. lo W. M. Balnl A no, . ,
bteamer J.H. Shriver, it lnnson.13 hours from Bal
tireore. with niilne. lo A. Uroven, Jr.
r-t an pr Laoy ol the l.akf, liigraham. S hour rrom
C e May, wim t'f senKm tor.lBiu. OITtue Brown,
i,i,m(l h mile, at-fply ladfii. bound up; oir ma Syur
iff tt Foul nnnlt, a Inn rlea Huht nng; oil "Mian
HIhuII," to liBiqnrs and ln lu,l ringed orlet. neiey
lanen; en the W ,odlM. iitilp Hermann, from Btilluiore,
CMiiing nis "tr Bonihny Hook, a schooner, l.mtled
wlili Itti tan; nlT Duett Creelt l,lht. brig Mgie; oil
Kt-ea; Iniittit, hrlg 4roige Harrin and a Imuoer laden
si heel er; al Uuaraiilluo, Blenujiihlp Lord Jj jVeil,iruui
PMp Thcmaii 'Mrwkrti, eirlckland, benne via R.
Jiliu. W. H tor Liverpool, wa apttkeu Za.u uli. Ii.
4.1. , HIE. M 41.
Kill Miiwankl", Brown, hence for Boston, at
H, llui h Hole VI h InttU
BiIkP M Tinker, Karnanl. at Port 8 pat a 171b. ult
for rnilhflplnlilK In 4 Hat h. via Huinhrero.
Brig Clyoe. TliorupHoii, lienoo via Mayn?nez for
Potiee. nxit rren iV unlen in Ii ewttrd of Ou,iy nullitt, oy
the hiftrtled Kami, Kt Mew York.
Brlir Wm Jnlin, bireet, milieu trora Wathlntton, I).
C luib liibl. lor AloxuLUria, lo load coal lor fulladen
Bciir Mirhlgan, Plekerlnir. cleared at BoBtou l.'Hh
tt.kt. mi 1'i,)k h. to liiMd for i'Mtiideii. N J
Sjchr l,'r.leA Bennett, Moi.kikIihi ir.iiu Newtlaven
fr,r Philiiuli h'a. Kt New Vnm l.llh lusL
Kolir Jhs. Young. Wllaon, lienee, al Halem 12lh Init.
Sil'iitH '1. T. 1 ser. Allen, and Olheilo, iUdrldge,
for Phllade phla. Balien from Halem 12 6 mil.
r-chr K. TtieninR. frntu 1'oillaud tor Pbliailelpnla,
a, Mi m t finrlfKi 1 A It l,IHt.
SjchrKt.rnh I'urves, Junes, of and from Philadelphia
for Brlftol. n lil'eat anchor In Newport oilier haroor
on mshtof 121 h Inn t. wag run into bv an unknown
scMKiiier, aud It m Jlubooui. Tlie a P. arrived al B.-ls-
"isrnrs'CBrollno Young. Yonng: Wm. Phelp", Karl:
I.eea Hutner. cheppiird: and ivlary Hrtctt 0U,rLsjn,
I.T .U It, Atnii. at, Holmes' Hole l.'ILh lust.
Kehrs Hut Rll. 'elit and (llenwooil, l.nwrence. for
Thiii.iili,hlK. sal ed 'roui New lledrord l ull Inst.
K. i,i liHtriet H Unit ks L"rd nnd KeU'lii'keag,
Brant, nenre l'ir It wttiit; and Mary Wever, Weaver,
irom Po-tnn lor Phllniloliilila, al Hoi me' Hole 12 h
Iibi llieK sailed eg am.
Htmu er Thooxs h. cnb'll. Maltb, beuce, at Ueorge
,A tt r. v-fth 1nt.
S', hti tug (Joliitin front PoitlRnd for Plillftrtelphta,
f.t Humes' Hole 13tU li"
frhr John IT. Frenri'. Ifiu flillsilelotJlit for Pom
hn ke Me., vlni li n ushure on II nc Island, Hurt
KtibstiU"i,' Iv i ,l oil an 1 arrived t W.vei.rt. h.ts ills
ti:.iLni her cimn ul cjal, una will go on too utiiriiiu
ral,vi by lor re hits.
Stei uitr in solute Capt. Stoddard, left Norfolk 12lh
ir,ot ti. titin knur S ,iii, U't Irom Pnll.iileliiriia I
Bttlilit ore. wllh coal, wlnrn wan stink ntu luti.. tilt
au.lih'3 Point, enmupeake Buy, lu VZ lalhoius water.
Information lias Iteen reeelved hra Hint a threi
imslttl schnoner lies sunk lu CheaueihKM Biiy. In
ttitee lullinliis water. Willi Cape Charles Llilitu.iiisH
tt-brlnK K by N, li N., distant sev, u nines, Ca;it
Henry Lighthouse hearing st. by iC. 11., diniant big .it
Norlolk, Va.. August II. !Sf8.
NI1EI) STATES KNi;i(Si:ttS OFl-'iCR,
.O. 27 Went llot'STU; d.ree1. New Vurs,
A IHIt'.T l. IsBl.
Semed hroiit'iiiilu I r the reinuvul or Hie r.i.'ks
known is "Fr mi; l'an" nnd "l'til Ilnck," sluiteil ,i
Jltll Ouie, I'.uht liver. Will he rtct-ivea at lu B OU1 'o
ui.lil neon oi frpptcniuer t. ihiis.
'Uiebe rocks uiust he removeil to a depth oftwentv-
tlve itet mum low witter utiil the debris UtpUilloil
v l.i it Hie Jiigiueer may dlrecl.
The eHilinttivit cuo.c contents of Frying Pan" to he
reu.ovt d are null S cuolt: ynrdi. over ku area of
Kpiui'" Jiin v, Tlio eslima't d cipile ci'iinns ot "i'ut
l u:ii" lo He , t inoveii artt 67 8 1 cublu yurdJ, over uu
at ut ot nii2'2 sriuarb yaitlu. itiusi stio Bepbriiteiy t tie sums aKeu tor uie
nui.vitl, I Jjiy ng I'u" and ' Cot Hook," and pay-
u fcuts wl l bo Ii atle wlitn one entire rock shall btt re
in ovt d ami u nt lug lo H e enure i-uiii nitret d upon Inr
li, at r ck, less n uinvailou oi ten (,U) per cuui., to be
paid wheu ti e em ire w,,ik is tim e.
as ut-w auo iut,te tit-taii-.m surveys win oe nitiue. ot
ll,ese n cks, Hie aecepieti bios may he luoreased or
eliu inlt-lieti In uaii uni acoori.lng a ihe uuahIiiv o
wo.'kHht.wn hy Ihe new surveys sha 1 bo grea er or Iban that deduced lr,nu ni u surveys; and
Hiesit-ouiil it W0'k lu I lie reiuovul ol rncis
will he lit Id to he proportional lo the product of tne
hur'uee into the cub c cou enlH.
All ralcuianetis "t erea and cubic contents will bi
laken I roui the ullii Im luaps of this ollico. aud will u.'
act t 'ti 0 as oi re i hy Lo u p i in s.
Ktivh b'ti runs' he acc' tnpitnted by a guarantee of
two rt spout lble peiuous thai tho bidder will execute
a ctnitracu
Feru.B of proposals and of guaranties can be ob
tained hi Hi a t.lliof.
The L'ul'ed Sjiales restrves to Itself tho right ot con
tiuc lug lor the removal of one ouly ol liiese rocks
Slit'iiltl this he dt need atlvsttble.
Propi,sals Bhould be ludorst-d upon the envelope
"Jr'r' ptvals for lieuiovlni; Keeks al Hell (late."
lirawli gt ol these rocks cuu be luepected at this
Pioprsalt Bhould state likewise the time asked for
the ttmovat ol lbe ..cks. jonjj NFWTOV
LleulenaDt Colunt 1 Knglueers,
g aflt Brevet MttJor-CJeneml 11,8. A.
CxrnT Quahi khmhtbk'h Offick.
WAhUiisuToN, L. u. July 8i, ietfs.
PEOrORALS Aht; INVlTh-U, iroui respoualole
pertles, until 12 M. August 17, lsBS. lor tnrnl-lilni; all
the tON, OATs, Ua V aud KVK b'l'UA tV (lo bo ul
flrbl-clttfta nitrcuttuiuble quaaiy,) temi red at thu
I ie.ol during the year eeiiiiiienclng Oulober I, lsas
'orkge aud tstraw to be delivered niouthly, anywhere
wllhiuiue unieof the limits ol the cities nl Wash
lu.iuu aud Utorgetown, aud a sma.l qiiAUiity at
soldiers' Heine, and In such quantities and al sui-u
times as ordered by tlie Uuarlermasier lo charge.
Coin lo te delivered In good sacks; of about, two
butbelB (ucb, lllly sn (Ml) pnuuds to the husbet; Oats
In like sucks, ol about three bushels each, ol not less
than iMrty-tHOCKj pouudB lo the nusbei; Hay and
8iruw baled, and to weltiU two thousand ,U tioj pounds
pt r ton. Jlitla will also be received lor Hay unbaled.
Binders !,, uia e price of sacks be arale, ol oals
and corn per bunbel, and of bay and straw tier ton.
W e now use ahoiii eight iliouitand (S.oo) oushels of
kiain, one hundred and eighty t IHii) 'oi s of hay, and
ihliiy eight irH) ions of straw per month; bill we re
seive the tlkhl lo lucieaae or dlmluisb that quantity
by cne-thlrd, on pnper notice, aud the cuuir, toi
w l'l be isuuired to keen at least two ninntus' sunulv
ol itrsgt and straw ou bat d, aud lo have apUueof
hlinntfb iu tins ciiy.
ijuuruiiiets will be furnished with esoh bid, In the
si in ot , en tlioiisBtitl dollars, signed by t wo responsi
ble sureties, that the bidder will, If suecesslul, tvlililu
lei, oy elur tils acceptuttne, exe'inte a o ititrae.l lu wilh above rqiilretusius. 'I hecooiritonir
unii h ri nulled lo exhllill on or before the 161 Ii dav
tfstptujljtr next sailsist'iory evitlnnce lliut belt
i r.iittrf d loctminience lullllling cntraii'
I'uyu-ien b will be made mnuihly lor quantity of
lorieantl straw oneren ir in niritis, or as soiiu
. 1. nntilt r as 'in, lis are furnished lur t h't purpose.
f l'elo be paid for except on teclpi of ISo parlies
t.t u i.i,ni delivery has l,eeu ordered
A hoi U lu li e suu. of twenty tunU 'and (t W.00O) dol-
Isih, bigitd by oin sell suu two ntvpiu i sur-iitu
wllter quired olio successful bidder lor tne fa tu
ii,. ritl I, ill li!S CtiUll not.
h' ouid Hie in in.rafior ali to furn Bh the Wind and
tiutiiiitiv 1 1 n,:Lr a' d s raw reqiernu It will we p-
1 1 1. bio In oj en ui - rket, and tneexo.ssuf coatchaig -d
t.t t ii.i.
y. ii hltls will ha sill ml tid to ibe Quarter qi as r
(lei ial lietnrr- m,:Iii tmoe.
I'.tut.fais will be adfres'eu to the nndeistgned
ii-nled i ri'isls ler roiag.s" ami nniuers are in
vito It, he put flit, si Hit opeulog ol bids.
Ii, ore. U ll.e '-'XTkURA V.
I,a j2t I.'i puty U inrti riii' ter-Henertl.
ti I. Hr'g -flfli V A , ai d Um:oI liua. te, Ui.tbt jr
Z U R V. U E,
For the Lautdrv. Pree from Ox.tllu Acid, Bee
Chemist's Cetliaote
a rktu t rocket vinciisblnn er Kmery Hsi la ea'Mi
Twenty Cent Box. 77nti3in
Fur sale hy nil respenianlp Wrnners ano ! iaslt s.
To Ku. 184 Street, .
Of all niiuihers and brands.
Tent, Awning, Trunk, and Wugon Cover Duck,
A Iso Pmiii r Mi'iiii'seliireis' Iir'.or Fel' Irom one to
. . , .... It .. u,.l,l.... tj,l ri,...l....
ieveial met Wiuej ra'iu . di'imhj nan ii",
JOli-M W. r,Vi.KMAIs A CO.,
leg No,losJO)WAlieir
FmE Insurance.
LlrcrpooL and LoudoN and GlobE
LisnrantE GompanYi
Short Tonn, Prrpptnal, Floatlntj, and Kent
1 oliclcs Issued on u rorable terms.
ANlfcl'UMi'ANI. incorporated By thd iegu.
mre ut rtniiiHf itKuitt, to,
Ollice, Boutheast corner THIRD and WALVL'T
8 reeB, Phllatlelplila,
OnVtssels, Cargo, ai dSrght. to all parts tt He
Or Onods. by river, canal, lake, and land carriages to
all parts ol the Hi Ion. rw.r
v F1KK IN80uNCK8
On metcnandlse guuerai'y.
Ou bloiea Dwelling Houses, etp.
overuuei I. n67.
XiOfiX) rnlted Male Five Per CeuU
' Loan llMiw - 2Ol,000DO
i, mm 1'iiiitil sttaiea Five Per Ceul.
Loan. IShI - 134.400-00
mi nno United Htats7ii-10 ferCeul. Loan
Treasurv Notes -- 62.&62 60
10.1100 (slate of PeuiiBylvaula 81X Per
Cent. 210 070 00
im mm Cltv nf PhilHd, lohlaHix PerCeut.
Loan (exempt from tax) .- 129,629 00
KQ tmn (Stale ol New Jersey Sjix Per Ceul
on nut I'emist IvmhIh ltulirttad first
Mo'tgakenix Pi r Cent. Koi.dS- 19,80000
ss ntiO. Peiiiisvivaula Railroad. He ond
Motlgag-r-ix Percent. Uonds. 23.373 00
25,000 Western Pennsylvania Kallioad
Klx Prt'ent. HiiniU I P. utisvU
vaula Kallroa I gtiurapleed).... 20.000 00
Sfl.OOO State ol Teunmsee Five Per
Cent. Loans 18,000"00
7000 Hlaie of Ten nest. Je bix Percent.
Loan 4270"0O
5,000,300 shares slock of tser uaniowii
Oas Coinpatiy (principal aud
liupreitt iriiMruiitetl bv Llia
cliy of Phlladeli hlit) 15 000 00
1&N 160 Hhares Sltick of Pennsylva
nia Kallroail couioany. 7,800 00
5,000 10 (share ht.u k of NorihPenn-
sylvanla )llroitd Uomoanv. 8,000 00
ai.uoo so Shares Htnc Phr.adelphla
Attft St., lit ttant Tl SL 1 1 Ml kiiimIiI n
,ionit.ny - 15.000-00
201.900 LnniiMftn Rn.wlM nnr MurttAcre.
first ileus on Cltv PropeHy ...... 2ol,90fOO
(1,111,410 ar.
Vtirket value,
rVnt. llnsu nis 211.
Pea' fHial.
isllib l ece.vahie lor lusii'ante
EaI' n, es due al Agtie et P.e
nilunis on Mar, i,e Pol'clts
Accrued 'tileie.t and other
oehe. iht the t on puny
stoclt and'cripnt siintlty Insit
raree alio oilier itmipauica
. , T, t ITS'! 0: es I'liaVed value
Cm h !. I's:;L ,.,. -1,1
, 86,00000
218.1S5 f!7
3,0,7 00
m.oc, li&07,605 15
TboirtM C. Hand,
HI Hi'. I vito,
, Juaurt C. Hand.
Jwi'i. t. I'ttVill,
Juuinnd A. tlouder.
Jus, i It 11. steal.
1 1
.-tiullol siLoe.t.
James Truqunir,
W llllitlil C. Ludtvlg,
Jacob p. J inee,
J.iiues n. Mos'rtrland,
Jeshua P. Kyre,
Juhu 1). I a lot,
.-spencer ifcllvalno,
lieury C Lalleil, Jr.,
Oeorge W. liernardtiii,
. I'. Moigau, Pittsburg,
i neopiiiuis s-aulillng,
jititi i,fniK
Kdward Hitrllnelrm
John 11,
XT, jtinrn ciuuuq,
Hemy Moan.
George (l Lelrer,
W llllHUl S. Hi, U. too.
Jdhrrt Latourcode
Jacob JtUegut,
I -.7,"l'-,
' a. is. xserger,
TITOM4S c. HAl). President.
JUHtN c. lj.vvis, Vice-President.
FKNltY LYLlll. US. tseeretary.
H S.iMtY JJALL. Assistant Heerelary, 12 30
jr, v
FraiiMiu Fire Insisraiscc Co.
'cs. -135 and
,00a,740 OO,
A(Xlil"l till: I'LL a. I , u I H , il s h
riiKMlVjiS...n 1,18 t,Kld-w
fciitt.uOlfSe 933e,UOO-OV.
Perpemal and Tempoiary Policies on Liberal Terms.
Cbarlcs N. Bancker,
Ueorge Fales,
Altreu Filler,
iriai cis v. Lswls. M, D.
I homas Sharks,
ArllliauiB UrauU
Tt.bias W ukuel,
sau.t.el Ottttit,
oeorge V . itiobardi
Isaac Lea,
CU aRLH: 1. JJANCiKlt. Prtsldent.
OtOIWB FaLKs, Vlce-Preoident.
JAB. W. WiALi-lal't 1 setuelary protein.
Kxcepl al Lexington, beniucsy, tbla Company bis
no Agencies Wtsi of Pi.tbOuig. g uj
rciin Mutual Life Insurance
o. 5)21 CUESXUT St., Philadelphia.
AHS IJTBl, $ll00,000.
Applications may be made at .be Home Office, and at
the Agtuclt s throughout tne Sjute. i xtij
J A 51 t.H T U A t T A I K . iRKSIDEST
I.ABH :. .f ll.N V CK-PHE-IUasU'
JH. W. JliI A. V. x aud AC'rUAKY
Vlt. ItllUsOII
.No. HI e. iVUltlil tnteel,
LNOOKi'OKA 1 Kli &u JtOiS 1 'H, lii, 1845.
CAPt lAL l.uo.iiou rAlUlX.
ii,Mii'auce on Lives, by Vearly premiums; or On B
ie. or ,yar i remiuiu. Atou-torlaltuie. '
,x unities gran ttl on fjvorao.e terms.
itrnj Pollciea, Cuiloreit'a Kndowmeuia.
'Hi I' Couipauy.w hi;e glviuz the Insured the Security
.1 pa o-up t.fci Ual, win ulvue ibe, enilrtj pruuta ol
u,e l.iie t)Ul.if" aiin ug th. intilcy holders.
Vim es r.celved at Imerem and paid uu demand,
Auiluriurd by Hit: cimrter to execute Tr s a, and
,o at'i a. h-itcnur or Ad nlnia.ra.or, Assignee, or
v--uaidlan. and lu uluer titlutiary oapacltns, uudnrap
milium ml til ai.y (inirl if tins c.ioiuiottwealth, or
I,,, y perbfti or persons orlndiea pollllo or corporate.
ts M CKL K.S.H1P1 h V, ilifcKY UAINKH,
jos-HCA 11. AiUitrtlis IT. Wl Vl'arl BKU ,vN,
KiiH tl'liWOoU. W.C LOfiUril'KKPH,
SuCiiAMJ l.AMit KY, AlLLlAil liACKltB,
Preslt'ent. Aotuary.
WILLI AM C. LOMStsThKTH. Vice-Pi wlneul.
THCMAIs Wis I All, M. It., J. B. TOWNtsKND,
IW Medical S.xamiuer Legal Adviser,
I Pr. lLADKI PxilA.
AO tUH t ALttU'l bueel Oppoaile the KXobsuKe,
TbisCompauy lusurea trttni loss or damage by
on liberal terms on buildings, merchandise, furniture
etc. for niiineu penona, aim inuiuaueuuy oa ouila-
Ingx by deposit ol premiums.
'1 be Coii'J
npai.y has la en in active operation for mora
ii... kivlv S S. k-s. during WIUcU all loases
hsen promptly adjusted and paid.
John L. Podge,
David Lewis.
M li W aiitit y,
John '1. Lewfa,
Willlaui B (Irani,
ltolv rt W . LeauilDB.
n. ( lark W bart 'B,
hcnlauiin Klllng,
Thotuaa H. Powon,
A. It. Alciienry,
pd mil nd Casllllou,
siamiiel Wl'cox,
Lawrence Lewis Jr.
i n wis t '. rsnrris.
JOHN R. WUCHJtRHltt. President.
Bamv X, Wlixxii. bocieiajry, feuf
insurance companies.
1 Pl!
No. 409 WALNDT St.
Home Fire Insurance Company,
Springfield Fire nnd Marine Ins. Co.,
Tonkcrs and Acw York Insurance Co.,
new YOBK
Fcoples' Fire Insurance Company,
Atlantic Fire aud Jlariue Insurance Co.,
Guardian Fire Insurance Company,
Lumberman's Fire Insurance Co.,
Insurance effected at LO west BATJt'8.
All losses promptly and liberally adjusted at thetx
Office, o. 40'J VALKUT Street,
Ko. 420 WALNUT Stroot.
f0 LCSSi y 01i DEBTS.
Injure against loes 01 damago oy Plie oa tuiilinngs,
MtrchauttlBe, Hnu eno'd ?aroliure, and an ,tber nrab'e property, and als t lake Marlue, 0 nal
nnd Inland Kavlnatiou R ubs at the lowest rates coo
Bit.tent with security,
W. 15. O.VEXM, p.t.j.a.
FA THAN HAIKP-b bec.-etary. f5 Ls
BKs J . F. OBKVOJf, Sorvow
IlitKt.TOWS. '
"Wm. K. Owens;
Hun lto. V, Lawrence,
l-oii Mttplicu T. Wilson,
Arthur Maginnis,
Wm. W. 1'uuiinr,
u,. M, M,;i!. .eu,
Mi lwii Halnea,
homas WMiams,
Howard A. Micgle
I. . enip Rartlrti, '
JttA. K. Mcijoaai J.
jauies v. ji.ira,
K. C W oriuli'gion.
Wm. K Lressan,
Johu s,n.lck,
Kdward ft. Urattan,
X or
Marlaia, lalaatd, isd Fir littm sacs,
ASSETS JANUARY 1, 18G8, . $2,001, 2tib"-72
$110,000,000 Loariba raid in CaaU binr-e ita'
Fiaucls K.
Juna A. Brow u,
Charles lay lor,
Atuhrnse White.
Wlillam Welsh.
Kichard L. wood,
St. Morns Wain,
John Mhuib.
Kdward H. Trotier.
toward b. Clarke,
i'.fc,,?riFou fe-ry,
Alfred D. Jessup,
John P. White,
Louis O. Madeira.
f ... . i .... o . -. . .
J J , L K COFFIN, President.
w J t.1.1 Am, Harrlsbarg. Pa. Centra
Ageut lor the Blate ol Pennsylvania. 1 a&i
PhlN&b Y J VANls Ultli LNSURANoa COM.
PANY Incorporated lir&-cbarter Perpetual No.
610 WALNUT Htreet. opposite Independence sjqnare!
This Company, lavorably known to the community
forever Ions years, couiluues to Insure against loss
or damage by Hie ou Public or Private Buildings,
either permanent y or lor a limited time. Also oa
iuroiture. blocks of Goods, and Merchaudlse gene
rally, on liberal terms. ,'"r
Their Capital, together with a large SJo -pins Fnnti.
Is invested In the most careful manner, which eua.
blee them to Oder to ibe Insured an audoubied laon
niy la ibe case of loss,.
Daniel Hnilth, Jr..
John HeTerem,
Thomas sjmltb
Heurv Latvia
Alexander Benson,
Isaac Haslebursl,
Thomas koddids.
J. Ulllluirham FelL
Daulel HaJdock. Jr.
DAN It-L SMITH, Ja President.
Wh.liam O. Cbowbljl. aecreiary. t gn
H. S. K. C.
Harris' Seamless Kid Gloves.
J. W. SCOTT & CO.,
trjtp MO. H CH KM MITT eJTllEeT.
biiibt n&NvrmoBT,
made irom mranureoieut at very short nonce.
All other articles ol UhNXLitAHCN H DKKia
Ocoiblu full variety. . ,
11 1 No. 706 CUiii v UT blreet.
No. a7. NUH1U tSi.VliA'ril KTKltEr,
Cout try Beats fltud op with Oas ud Wa'er, lu first
claas aiyle. Anansortuieni ot B-asj and IroJ LUl and
Force Pumi s ct nttantlv ou hand
N. H Wa er Wheels su, piled lo the trails an!
oil.t rs at rei snushle p i''is 7 m im
n 1 8 V I X T U H K a
No. 71S Oil KM MIT Htreet,
ajauuiai'tareni of (ia. tUturns. Lair t,., n(U ttc
wnuid call the aitenli, a tit the putillcui th. tr laif e aua
rtlel'Bi.l aaaurtmetl ol liaa tjuaudnliera, PendAUui,
llraL'l eis, etc. ll.ey also liiir.idiit-.e gas pipes Iuto
dwi'ilint-s aud public b i :,:!!,( ., ud ait,j,1 1 -, s tuu.
aileilng. and re). at, lux leas nine.
11 work warranted
3 II
We are prt pared, as hereto!" , to supply ramtlle
Mlbeircouuir refidenoes wllb every description ol
A1J1E1IT c. Hotuiurn,
Dealer In Flue Urooerlea;
HTirp Corner KUSVKNTU aud vXMJtbM