r jy in. M.. I i TnE DAILY "EVENING TELEGI1AFII PIHTiADELPHIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 18G8. CITY INTELLIGENCE. . TOB ADDITIOBrAtLOOAt. ITCMfl OUTBIDS PAOES. Cajtjai.tieb. On Saturday afternoon last as the Philadelphia and ilipthtatown four P. M. train was leaving IlaLnreport. a man named Jobn Forman, 81 veais of age, Jnmpud from one of the earn to the platform of the depot. In doing po he fell down tbe eteps of the platform of the depot, injuring himself in the aide. Andrew l.vfjn, aged 86 years, bad his Bhouldor dislocated yesterday, by falling from a ladder at Mr. Uotrds new hall, at Fiankiord. lie was removed to his home, at No. 4448 Paul street. Veppklb "Wrack. The schooner El Do rndo, Cnptnin Guslcv, which sailed from this city with coal, foi kiebmond, foundered during n storm on tbeniebtot thf 5th Instant, about two miles eastward from Smith's Point light hip. in about ten fathoms water. Her crew r( ached the light ship, (rem which tbey were tukeu on tbc day lolluwing and sent to Balti more. A Campaign Clob. The Berry Campaign Club of the Firt Congressional District met list evening at the House of Industry, and organized by the election of Major J. T. Pratt as President, and Colonel William Mckles as commander of the Club then on parade. Several addresses were made, and the meetiug adjourned with cheers for Grant, Colfax, and the nominee! of the party. Co-operation. The monthly meeting of the Bhocnipkers' Co-operntivo Association was held last night, at tbe Washington Hose House, Md tli street, above Filbert, and alter the trans action of the usual routine, of business, a reso lution was adopted cbanain, the nltrht of meet ing from the second Monday of each mouth, to tho first Tuesday. Legislative Nomination. Mr. FrancU Logo Ins breu nomina'e i as a candidate forllepro sensitive by the Union Hepublican Convention of the Ninth Representative District. ' Mr. Charles Conger presided at the Convention, and Mr. O. K Berkeley acted us Secretary. The action of the Convention was unanimous. A Good Appointment. James J. Brooks Las been nppointed examiner of distilleries in the Eastern Judicial Distiirt of Pennsylvania, and detective ollicer in tho revnue service for the same. Mr. Brooks was among tbe most active ot the revenue inspectors under the old law. F PitowNrD. The Coroner was sent for laat evening to hold an inq'irM oil tbe body of Peter Simons, drowced near child's parent's ttrect. agea eignt years, who was Poplar Btreet wharf. The resided at No. 054 Bt. John Military Parade. Baxter's Fire Zonaves made a street (.aradu yesterday afternoon. Thry turned out largely, and presented a very hand suine appeal ance. El'kned. Thomas Lcughlin, residing at Frunkford road nnd Otis tstrpet, was slightly burned jetlerday by the explosion ol a coal oil lamp. POLITICAL. The Dayton Ledjr declares that Lewis D. Campbell will btipport Seymour, aud is not at all oiepnsted with the action of the New lork Convention, as has been represented. A coi respondent of the Jell'erson (Texas) Ku-K.vx (bluir and Seymour) writes: 'The nigcer and the white man aie i:ot likely to aeree, unless the merger yields to the white man's view, which he can do, or die. lie has not the intellect, and the white men, who out number htm rive to one, .will never, no 1 never, consent to be his bondimtn or inferior in any seii'C. On this tbe Ku-Klux is all level. No nipper in tbe Ku-Klns." Hon. Beverly A. D ivis is urjprl as the Demo cratic candidate iur Coherers in the Virginia Fourth District, Juli?e George II. Gilmer having declined because the ncro men are largely in the majority. it is stated in Indianapolis that General Lee will sDend tils month at. French Lie it Hining-j, Orange county, as tho giust of Dr. Wiliiain Bowles, the leader of the Sous ol Liberty in Indiana. General R. Kirby Fmlth lnt'.-nds next month to open u military ucudemy at ew Castle,. Ky. Lie will bo assisted bv "a corps of prolessors whose qualifications are of tbe highest order." The object undoubtedly is to prepare candidates lor participation in Frank Blair's foreshadowed revolution. The Oneida (N. Y.) Dispatch says: "A Democratic exchange before us says: 'Tho public acts of lierutio Seymour are as pure as heaven.' If the writer allulPsi to that portion of heaven which incited the fust rebellion, there 1b no doubt of it." In 1800 Dun Voorhec? called Blair the "prince of blackguards." Blair responded that Voornees was a hellhound." The "prince of black guards" and the ' hell-hound" are now cuddling under the same dirty bed-clotUea. The Detroit Adctrliaer says: "The original enrpct-baggers were tbe Democratic patriots, Vho with a small roll of clothing under their arms, ran away to Canada to escape the draft." Vallandigham declares in his papur, the Dayton Ledger, that the announcement of him Felt aa a Congressional candidate is tutirely "without authonty." Tbe Kichinoud Examiner heads an editorial rejoinder to some Bcpublicau papers, "A lieply to the Whole Pack." The Democrats say that the recoastrucled fovcrnments cannot be sustained except by the ayonet. To whose discredit is this t The law ot sell-defense does net justify any mOe force than tbe character ot the attack renders abso lutely necessary. The SpiingGelJ Republican says: "The Cop perbend sheet at Moutpelier, the only one in he State, comes out with a caricature of Sum ner embracing the first ueero Congresmau who arrives at Washington, it is a comfort to know that there will be a score of negroes sent to Coneress before a Democrat toes trom; Ver mont." It is said that Edward A. Pollard has been engaged by the Democrats to write the history tit their "I odt Cause." next November. Tbe friends of Andrew John-on are pressing Lis name for Governor ot Tennessee, inesiate election there does not take place for a year. Representative Poland will soon take the etump in Vermont for Grant aud Co;ax. The VY-Uebel Admiral Frauklin Buchanan, ot Talbot county, Md., who commanded the Itebel ram Merrtmac in the engagement with the Monitor, has been elected Presideut of tbe Maryland Agricultural College by the trustees Of the institution. i?n...rt. iinnclass. eldest eon of Frederick Douglass, and now the private secretary of Gov ' crnor Holden, of North Curolina, is spoken ef as a young gentlemen of distinguisnea aoiiuy, and hti nrdent Kenutilican. Pendleton is to make Ave or six speeches io Illinois. An increase of the Republican ma jority In that btate may be looked tor 3 a cou sequence. Iuiliioiiee of Marriage on Longevity. Tbe Journal det Connaiasancet Medicates pnb lh-bes soire statistics, lately communicate 1 to the Koya! Society of Edinburgh by Dr. Stark, on ho ,.n,.f.ta rr murriaao on longevity. It an- Tin.ro mat. k. tween tho ases of 20 and 25, ttie number of deaths among bachelors is double of thoi-e that occur ainoog married men. IhU tn nnnuiin nf nmrtiilitv dimlninhes during t'io subsequent aees. but the advantage always re tho aido if the votaries ot Ilvmeu. Thus, from the aeo of 20 to the termination of hie, the average attainea oy murncu iuu ui vears. while that of bachelors is only 40. In other words, after the ae of 20, the former are likely to live 10 years longer than the latter. Alter the ace of "26. the average lile of married men is Fomewhat more than to, while it is not ouite 48 for bachelor. This curious fact shows that the chances of life vary with every age, aud that the mere fuel of our having a'tained a cer tain period is a sort of earnest of sutlicient vital powers to carry us io a later age. "Aboat one-half of a bachelor tribe die fcefore thirty, while on the contrary the immue inn Inritv nf married me a live to between CO and 80. Regarding fcnulci, the diucrence la the dura Hon of life between married and nnmarried women is not so great as among the other sci, ncverthelcfg, it is still considerably In favor of tbe former. In wedlock, it Is true, females are more fetibject to premature death than other wise during three qninquennial periods, via., from 16 to 20, from 20 to 25. and from 25 to 30; but they find ample compensation between the aees of 30 and 40, when spinsters in their turn die in much greater numbers. The latter gtt ahead again between the ages of 40 and 60; but beyond that period the advantage constantly remains with mairled women." rrajing for a Verdict. In a recont important trial in Boston the ease had been argued and given to tbe Jury, but after long deliberation those honest men were not able, upon their oaths, to agree npon a verdict. The law and the evidence plainly demanded conviction, nnd a majority so decided, but a minority long held out for acquittal, and after many hours of deliberation and argument the diBssreement seemed as pronounced and radical as at Bret. But it so happened that the forcmau of tbe jury was a pious minister from a country town, and at this juncture, after argemonts and appeals had been exhausted, ho astonished his associates with the well-known pulpit formula, "Let us pray." And pray he did, long and fer vently, that the jury might aeree and that their decision might be in accordance with right aud justice. Tbe cllect was magical. A unanimous verdict for conviction was roon agreed upou, and the praying foreman delivered it to the Court. tSfirmcrlield Hepublican. Uohcinlan Life In and Out of Society. A "Piccadilly Paper" in London Society say9 of the Bohemian inside and outside of Euglish society : "As a Peiipatetic, I myself am somewhat ln-tcrei-ted in the liohemian. I am, therefore. dcsTous that the obscurity about the phra?e fcbouid be cleared up. There Is no very favoraolo meaning about it, but there is a Ices anfavorablo and n more unfavorable meaning. Neither does a 'liohemian' always denote a wanderer. You have Bohemians st ttionary as well as B ihemians peripatetic. You hce a erorccoiis carriage aud pair sweeping through tbecouutiy. The ser vants and liveries are pel fect ou ; so are the trim ledges, the well-kept parks, the nob e conserva tories. The wines are ol the best, and tbat house is perhaps the only one in that division of the county where a man cook is kept. Aud jet no one goes to that home. "The moot ambitious squireen of an old conn try family will hardly be seen ' there. The reason is, tbat there is a very ugly character attached to the housf. It was the dower-house ol u noble lady, but she rau away with her fo it nihil, and she and the footmau arc residing there in guilty s-pUnrior. Or the ugliest of all uirly divorce cases Is connected with the master or nilstrrss ot tht statsly ball. All the spbmdor they possess cannot dihjui-e tbat hostile public opinion whicli is indicated by the public conspiracy to itrnoie them. Tiiey would set belore us the most gorgeous dinner wo ever beheld, my friendly reader, if only we would condescend to partake ot it. Theirs is n Bjbe iitia.ii lite, on its most unfortunate and dis-is trous tide. "There is also sueh a thing as a Bohemian crowd as well as a Bohemian solitude. I do not n.eun houses where, after a certain hour, there nre luxurious 6upperi, and the cards and the dice- probably loaded dice are produced. Tnero are such houses, I believe. 'I snow nothing about them myself',1 knowingly inter rupts my iriend, Captniu de Spuis, 'but 1 know a man who has got a coiuiu whose brother says he has been to such.' '.Never rnind, de .SpirV 1 r'jf iu. I will discuss a more nio.nded Bohe niiauism than that. We went to that evenii g party in btuccoaia, the other night. It wis very gf.od ol you to take me there, for I ha 1 never lit aid ol the people before, and beins in tl.e neighborhood next dav, I tried to 'spot' it ueai n, but was utterly utable. But my inmiuct taught me it whs a Uohominn house. There was f c liietliiuir, too deco.'u'le about tku whole ot it too much range nud siiirc and slang and falsity. I am used to some veiy queer things now. In the best society tl.e creat lady wiil wear the tii ecl ot the Palais Royal as well as 1 lie old iMiniiy lewels; and 1 cannot be as tonished by any audacity of phrase which 'the girl of the period' may employ, btill 1 knew the iiiuerence uetween a true ijomion nousc ana a Bohemian mansion. Ihcre were too tnauy for eign titles ut the lut, and of tho only two English noblcu.cn present, one hud no fortune aud the otber had no ciuiraetvr. I was not biirprised to hear that there was fomethiug wrong about the opulent owner ot tbe bouse, and that he was Ihe man that great Stock i-xchauge scandal was ail about. But vour Bohemian is gonerally a rover, and does not olten inhabit a mausion of his o n. He cannot coutiue himself to a single spot. Hi is impatient oi restraint. He cannot keep money in his rocket, lie cannot keep up nis DtilHuce at his banker's. He cha'cs against everything in the shape of a tie. One of them told me tbat his mind became utteriv paralysed when auv thing presented itself to him in the shape ot a duty. Anotner man reiusea a very nanasoino appointment because he would have nothing to do with anything tbnt looked line a moral obli gation. I was going along a great London street one day, aud 1 was told tbat a celebrated author, of Bohemian propensities, was in a statu of honorable captivity at an oyster shop. It ap reared that he had plentifully partaken ol ovtters. mitigated by appropriate beverages. and was in such a state that the people of the shop thought it would be an act ot common Humanity to maue mm tase a oea mere, ine notion pleased the illustrious Bohemian, who remained in bed. eating bread and batter and oysters, tor several days, and 'washing them down,' until some friends, to whom his services were essential, setiiea me score ana carried nun oif by force ot arm and violence, against his Win. lie certainly was a regular uouemian. Tbe artist and tbe literary man lorm the most favorable specimens ot Bohemians. And to long as they have no domestic ties, and they niav allece. with some show of reason, that their pro'es-ioual avoeations call them away, thrre is nothing to be said against their liotie iniunisro. Boih of them urge that it is their business to etudv nature aud human nature. The artUt declares that it is an absolute neces sity that he should study at Munich or Koine: and he will wander into every region where he may 'lealize' natute and obtain pictorial effects. Ihe literary man docs much of- the same thins; but. as a rule, nis ntart oeats true to lionaou, w hich he recognizes as the world's centre. He may be captivated by the gay society of foreign capitals; he may wanaer amia tno remote seclu sion ot mountain aud forest; but he owns In bis heart of hearts that there is only oue Piccadilly after all. Other men there are who, without an excuse, or the affectation ol an ecuse, feel upon them the Bohemian restlessness ot travel ' 'I bui become a name Foralwnytruamlug with hungry heart; l-oi nil ex ietleno Is an arch where through Gleams tbx uu'iavellect future.' "The worst thar cau be said against then is tbat these are avowed absentees, ana do not spend their aioney where they get it. I called iiDon oue of these mea some time azo. 'is air. Jones at hoiae?1 I iuquired of the flunkey who answered aiv rius at the door-Dell ot Jones' town house. 'No, sir, answered Jeames, rub bii r his hands aad grinninc 'Mr. Jones is not ut bm.n inst now. sir: it vou please, feir, Mr, Jones has tror.0 to China ' The tluukey spoke ust as If JoLes had gone into the next street, or hud irnnii Intn R-xeY. I t tlSllil ht Of tbat liohe rsiHU Jones, who hud pone oir to Chins, Just as wmkee mtMi tta off to Baden-Badeu. Then there is my illustrious friend, Lady , who hns Tv.nl toiieh nf Hoheaiiahism. Wbeu she travels slie travels for fomethiug. Tho flunkey will tell you tbat she has goue t Bombay, or to California. r to Terra del Fueao. And so It is. "The popular notion of a Bohemian is too ntrrow aud limited a notion. It is the man who 'loafs about aimlessly;1 who has no stake in the country; who Is uncertain in his income, and still more uncertain in his payrasnts; who only lives on the outskirts of society; who never goes to a solid diuner psrty, and never gives one; who, according to an act of Parliauieut, is a mere vagabond, aa he does not work, aud bus no visible means of getting a living. Well, doubtlets there is a flavor of Bohemiunism about all tbat. Bu. the true notiou of a Bohemian is one ou whose presence you can never surely count at any time, aud who wanders on the face ot the earth without auy permanent settled abode. It 1b perfectly conceivable that this Is the case for no very credhablo reasons. And In every case society looks upon this as some ihlop abnormal, unsatisfactory, an 1 unconstitu tional; and society is in the right; for if every body acted fter this fashion, there would be no society at all." . Certain success is predicted for the Cana dian Railway loan which is now on the London market. , . . Why Charles Maokay was at the Longfel low dinner in London puzzles one who respects the fitneBB of things. MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Marine Newt see First Page, ALMANAC FOB PHILADELPHIA THIS DAT. o moom niiw.M..ii si ....'ISlHigg Wathh. 7-20 Bun Rtrm... Bum beta. PHILADELPHIA BOAKD OF TRADE, jam eat. youn8, C'oatks Walton, Monthly Committibl Thomas Pi,ttj, j MOVKMKNTS OF OCKAS STEAMERS. AtalBnta..,MUM..Iiondon-...MMr York, Julv Helvetia... Iilvcrpool...New York. Mentor ln ..L1verpool...Wuetxo. ...... H I lit- r i I Olansuw Now York ...July ..July July Clmbrla KouUiamptouNew York. Vlllede i'rl...Hrt-Kt. ..New York., Al(. jtnnBia.............i,jvenoil...rew York Aug. .Aug, lLtua....m......lJlTerionl...New York., FOR k'.IIHjlPkL V. ol N.Tork-.M.New York...Llverpool. Holnatla New YorkHanibiirg. Mf brBKa.. New York...I.ivernii,il .. .Aur. n ...Aug. 11 ..Aug. 12 Aug U -.An. U Aug. U ...Auk. is Auif. in ...Aug. 16 Bflotla .New York...blveri)0()l.. ralrayra..MM.. New York...Llveriuul .. Ileriuann New York.Bremn Krln.. ...Nw YorkLlrerniMil.. Brllnnla..New York.C41a.sKnw C oIBultiniore.New YorK...LIverpool. v ny ui Ausuiu...iew 1 urn. ..Liverpool. AU4. Aug. V) Aug. 2U J".ina iew vorit...l.lverpool Col Aniwerp...New York... Liverpool Kaefe New v IXJAn l W INK. IHIMh T 1.1 ITTn Tuiiuwanda. lhllaila...,...Hiivaniiali...,-....Auiii IS 'onVOT Irillada Wllralngion...M -Aug. 2) Ouldlng Hiar New Ynrk...Anplnwall Anit. Zil ftlallN am Ijirw&rdMd liv .i.un... in .... i Th. steamers ror or from Liverpool call at Uoeenstown, except the Canadian line, whlnh call at j-KMiuo.iu.-rry. i r.e Bt-amers lor or rrora the Conti nent call at rtmittiaui pton. CLEARED VSSTiunAV Bohr Pbllanihrupisi, Warreu, Bosiou, l. Aadenrled k Srlir Billow. Orosi, Boston, a0 Wt'r Cluster. JcmeB. New ork. W. P. nivdn ir Bt'r ninmnnd State. Webb, Baltimore, a Uruvea Jr Hi'r F. Franklin 1'leinon. Balllnmrtj. A. Oroves, jr ' Tug C'hf Rnneakn, MeiBbon, lor Havre de Grace, with a low ol ImrgeB. W. p. Clyde ixt. , Tim Lockout. Alexander, lor Baltimore, with a tow Of ABRIVlEt) YKSTERDAY. BRbr H. A Ki nd. Am ,ld. from Purlljinfl with to HtrutUers Bon. . Hctr Controller. Evan. 6 days from AcROmao Va. ,llb lumber io Mi ore. Wheailev dm t.i.ht.,., ' 8cbr Wm. Townseod, McNIci, 1 day from Frederics Del., wlib grain to J as L. Bew.ey Alio "Je"ea. -Clir ,iiim Hall. Maxon. 1 dav from k'nularlm n.i Wllb grtn to Jbb. L. Hewloy 4 Co. '' ciriirviuviB, r ox, i ay iroDi uaessa, Del , wllb Bruin to Jn. L. Bn ley ft Co. BCLrbarab Warren. Dracn. I dav from v.nnii. tel., vt lcn uraln to J as. L. Bewley A Co. Pchr Zmiave, ohort. 1 day from Fieaerlca, Del., with grain io Jbs. L Bewley & Co. ocnr riniow. uross. lrom tccKlana. witb Htnnn tn captain. richr western mar. crowen, irom Boston. Bchr Jouatbnn May. Nenl. froia Ha I em. (Steamer D. Utley. DavlB, 24 bourB from New York. With mdse. to W. M BalrdACo. ISU'aiuer E. C. Blddle. filoCll i. 21 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. 1. Clyde fc Co. Steamer rlarnli. Jones. Hours from New York. With milne. to W. M. Balrd A Co. Tug LiHikout. Alexander, from Baltimore, with a tow ol barxes to W. P. Clyde fe Co. Tnir Chtsapeake. Merciinn. from Havre-de-Urace. T. ith a tow ot barges to W. P. Clyde & Co. . ... BI Ell ORAND A. pniD COrCella. Klnif. fmm l.lvnrnml 9 if Vt Tnn. A, Plilladeipbla. was spoken titti IdbU ut 4 84 hiu. 61 811. fcblp Pawnee Auker, for Philadelphia, entered out at l Iverpool 25ib ult BMP r.Xtioumler. Wlmmorfi. from T.lvnrnnnl vrhfnh was ashore at Welltle-1, Cape Cod, was got o vesier. day and lowed to Boston. Bhe does not leak and hua received tout little Injury, steamship Uuuter, Itogers, henca, at Providence otli lust. hieamnhin propontid, lliKKlnsoD. at Liverpool 2sth rill., from New York. HteauibhlD Koiiian. Baker, hence, at iiosiou vaster- dav. rtarque l.BKPmiiB nooa, neDce ror Bremen, salledr riom ruriHUJUiiiu uiu Hanue Mbellleiu. J ay lor. nence via New York for lallko. wHSBpoKen Z7in june, lai. hi iN., long 4(1 w. Beraue J. L. J niermaun. rsornennuiut, iroujllremen for Nt w vorn. was spoaen -aim un. lai, 43 u. ion. 4 I... riaraue jNasnwanit, uikiao, ciearea a', fortiaud 7lii lnHi. lor utienos ay res- not. i ir fiiuaaeipum. Baraue HeevoKei. i.Busnearicas. iieuce. cleared at nibruliar ltitli lilt, ror Venice. BaiQtin Terpiiicliore, peiiersen, nence ror crousladt. in ine aouua. tLiHinure, .hi uii. Rtiir i ilia. iixv. Menne. at Hoston etn msi. HcbrR t-UBBii McDevllt. and Beading BR. No . hence, at New London Nth Inst. Kchra A. H. Mavsev. B Eza'd. ana wm. joua street. bei.ee. at wesmngion. J. c , xm innt. Bcbr Daniel Holmes, liuywara, nence. at Alexan dria f. h lllkt t-rhr wm Dontieiiy, uuuter. iorrnnaao,puia saaea from Alexandria 7ih.lnHU Bohr El zabeih. JJoruer. nence, at rawiucset aiu UiMiani. hp it Fecnra. nence at Aiexanuria yesteraay. hchrlsellle Potter, Burners, hence, at Daavers Sd Bcbr Abbot Devereux. Rich, from Leghorn for Phi- l.r aW.IiIa itbHhed iHUrHu.r ll.th Ult. Bcbr W. B. Thomas. Wlnsmore, hence for Charles ton wblcb put Into NorfolK In distress, resumed her voyage (ith Inst., having repaired. . Hchr uienwood. Lawteuce. beuca for New Bedford. at New York sin inst. rcbr Harau ciarK. urnnii, iruui ranui iur ror l.H nini.i. o t Naw Vrtrtar hi h ITiBt . . . . . . . , ...... tmm Tlnatnn . n n Bn.lih. Barrett hence lor Lynn, at New York nth lost. Mftn.a HnniwL siih. u)i it, u.uuc iu, .i,,. . Pcbr Ann Karroo nence, at nicoruonu sio insi. Bcbrs faniuel Castrer, Jr.. Robinson; Unas, P. Stlok- n M.ihia- J. P. Cake. KpdicoU: and W. P. Phillips. Pomers, cleared at Boston sth Inst., for Georgetown, B. C. . , Bchr J. A. crawioru, suuaiejr, uii, av uaaveis il!v,'I v at. Clair Edward. Colfax, cleared at Tina. ton Sin InsL lor wumiugtuo, ss, u. KOTtra TO MARINERS The Harding's Ledge Bullboat will be taken from tier Kiatlnn for a lew dava on or about the 12th Inst.. fur necessary repairs. er place win oe buppuhu oy a 2d class Nun Buoy paintea Diaca, Bcsion. August b, ieo. AMUSEMENTS. TXTALNUT STREET THEATRE, N. E. COU VV per Ninth and Walnut streets. Begins at 8. .T W; McDONOUOHM BLACK CROOK. And Irlumphaut success ot the uhInii VARialKSNK BALLET TROUPE. TilE GKKATKST COMBINATION OF ARTISTS MAD'LI.ES HORLACCHI. DIANI. LEAH. WIN- Tin.. Al.f XANDKENA. ALBERTINE. BARUEP- TA. AND PANZKIA. ' ,i'iiLi,uliilNll. 'PHFTjriI f!AH.f!AN. Introduced aid arranged by . GRAND TABLEAUX ANimiA RTLING EPFEOTS, ANDTHE1K1PLE IKAWocUKasiivH rauewjii, lOX'S AMERICAN VARIETY TI1EATRK.- A KT H1RNOON. HRFAT COMBINATION TROUPE. In Grand Ballets, Ethiopian Burlesques, Bonga Dan w. PanUimlmes. Oymnast aqm. to. TT OBTICULTURAL HALL. LJ JlNOltLKK'H PllOMKNADK CONCJiKTtJ. ' iVEBY MA'I'UHUAV , Vrim I to P. U. TlckeU. 25 cents. Six for l. Forty for3. 8 6tuths3 DYEING, SCOURING, ETC tTRCNCH STEAM fj C O U It I N G. no, is south eubvehtu stbbbt AVD O. Sl BACK ll'BBBIi 810 m COAL. T MIDDLFTON A CO., DEALBR3 IN HS V jU r rutriH and KAULH VKIN (XJAL. Kept dry under VAb1iljffiTu!i fur lamllT nse. Yurd. NO. 12?8 WABtLLNU 1 Vtm, Nn. ai. WALNUT Htreas. 11 1 o H N CRUMP. CARPENTER AND BUILDER, ma. SIS ItODtiB ITBEETi All HO. 17S ClIftMMUT TBJEKT, aa PHJI.aDELPIIIA. DRY GOODS. LADIES ABOUT TO LEAVE THE city for their oonntry house or tht sea-shore will And it greatly to their advantage, before pur ehaslnc elsewhere, to azaialne The Extcnshe Stock, at Greatly Reduced Prices, of ' B. M. No. HOI NEEDLCQ & CO., STREET OIIESNUT GIRARD ROW, Comprising a complete assortment for personal or boost bold use, of LACES, EMBROrDERIEft HANDKERCHIEFS PUFFED, REVKBED AND TUCKED MOS LIN3, CAMBRICS, JAOONKTS, . . PIQUES, and WRITE GOUDS, In every variety, VEILS AND VEIL MATERIALS of every dencrlp. tlon, together with an extensive assortment of HOUSEHOLD LLNEAS, A-T TEMPTING PRICES In every width and quality, BHrRTING.PILLOW-OASE, SHEETING, ATABLB LINENS, NAPKINS, DOYLIES, FLANNELS, DIMITIES FOR kPREADS, AND FTJHNI. TUBE COVERS, MARSEILLES, HO NEYCOMB, AND OTHER HPRKADS, TOWELS AND TOWELLING IN DAMAHK ANDHUCKABACK, BOM MKR BLANKETS, TA BLE COVERS, ETC ALSO, SHIBTINO. PILLOW-CASE AND SHEET ING MUSLINS. S. (VS. fiEEDLCQ & CO., No. HOI OHE8NUT STREET, . ! GIRARD ROW- LEGAL NOTICES. TN THE JUSTKICT COURT 07 TniC JL UNITED STATK.S FOR TUHi JtASTERN Dl. IN BANKRUPTCY, 2th Day of July, 1868 at Phlla de Dlilu. The uuoeislgned hereby gives notice of his appoint' meut as ABKlgiieeol JLOevJ-:N.0 PaI ItltA N ks m pi.i. iHdelphla.ln tliecountyot Philadelphia. and tbe State oi r nmyivauiB, wnuiu saiu District, who hat been arjudgen a bankrupt open bis own petlilou, by THOHA W. PRICR", . - j.. . No. BWI MINOR Street. To the Creditors o bI1 BinkrnDt. 1 7 ZtiiRSL ESTATE OF JOHN K. BHISGIIUliST, Deceased. i pliers testamentary on the estate ot said decedent mi v in neen grauien to ine uniitirs'guea. an persons li debleo Ilieieto will make payment, and tlioao nuviLg cittiui atiamsi s.i m estate pr-seut li em to ELJZHKTK BRIN-1IOKST, Kx?cutrlx. Uo-Oiuit W.WAaittLH iCxeO'tor. 7 7 ta 6t No. 8 m FRANKLIN Street. "IT STATE OF ANNA CATHARINE AMOS, JJj Deaasea. l.fciicis tesiuuientary having been granted to the uudersigned lip jii ihu above J.ilnte. all persons lu- ueoieu iiicreio wi i uae pa uiuut sua tuose Having i;iuiiuo picatrui uivi m JACOB el i hLMAH, K.xeciltor, 7 21 tu6t No. 21CU VIAii direct. PRCFOSALS. "PROPOSALS FOH FORAGE AND STRAW. j uki'ot wcahi KKM48TKH S Office. 1 WaHHIMiTIIN l 1 .Iillv It I r PiUPOS LH AiwJl. INVll'EO. lrom resnouslnln l-oriie , mini la ai. AUKUt 17, liiUt. Kir lliriil-lilug all the LOHN, OAT?, HA V Bud RYE bTHAW(to boot lirsi-olKSR unrchHUtable quaniy,) required at thlh iiepin uuring ine jear commencing October 1, lsiii. imruge auu bitiaw io be delivered moutbly, anywheru lntou and Oeorgetuwn, aud a sma.l quautlty at co uiern j-ii iiie. uu'i iu sutu quantities ana at suu times as order-d lJ tno (Juartermaster la charge, loin lo be delivered in good sacks, of about two Dutneis eacn. uity six nonnds iu tne nun irm hi iu like ssuks, ol ROi ut three bu.ibels each, ot not less i nun ir niy-vnotwi poiinos io me ouiliel; Jluy and biraw baled, and to welfb two thousand ( uo) pouuds pt r ton. Bids will also be received for Hay uubaled. Bidders wlil aia'e price ot sacks se parate, ol oatB and corn per busbel, and of hav and straw ner ton. We now use ahout eight ihou iund (' 00) bushels of grain, one iiuuureu ana eigniy Kim)) ions or hay, and thirty eighths) tons ol straw per month; but we re fcerve the right lo iucieane or diminish that quantity .'j uLic iuiiu, u.i ini jjw uuiiue, anu me cuu tractor will be required to keep at lenst two months' miimiv oflorsge and straw on haLd, aud to have apluveof DOSlUtrbb IU illlS City. uuaraoiees win ie nirnisnea witn each bid. In the bvuiul , en thounaiid aoliars, signed by two responsi ble tsureties, that the bidder win, if successful, within ten dyi, altir his acceptance, execute a contract in accordance with above requirements. The contractor win oe requirea io exnioRon or ueiore tue 15th dav of bepiember next satisfactory evidence that hn u urepared to commence luitilllug contract. i-ayaieiiis win uo maue mommy ior quantity or rurage auu straw ueuveren ir id iiinns, or as soou theiealter as funds are furnished for the None to be paid for exct pt on receipt of tilo parties to whom delivery bas been ordered. A boLd In ttie sum or twenty thousand ($20,000) dol lars, signed by hlmsell and two accepted sureties. Will re required of tue successful bidder for the faun lulfulhlmeutot Ids contract. btionid me contractor fall to rurn sh tbe kind and quauiliy if loragu a d s raw required. It will ue pur thastd In open uiarketi aud ihe excess of cost charged to him. Ail bids will be anhml ted to the Quartermaster General belore awardlus contract. Proposals will be add rested to the nnderstcrnnd marked "Proposals for Forage," and bidders are lu- Vlea to De prekeut at me opening oi mut. kv oruer ut tuc uuaiteruiltnier.ueuerai, J. C McFERRAN, a H 12t Deoutv Uuarieruiaster-UanMral. Bvt. Brig -Pen U. a A., and Depot tjoaiteimaster. u. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, NO. 27 WEST HOUSTON STREET, Sealed Proposals will be received at ihls ollloenutli UKW 1 OltK.. AUUllHt D. ItnS. I 12 noon Ol bATURDA Y, Bepiember 5, Una, for the removal oi tue wracn or tne steamer Scotland, situ-, med In the bouth Channel, near baudv llook. N. J. Tne wiecg auu an material pertaining to tne vessel most be removed to a dtpui or at least Ziy, leet mean low water, and uo portion sbtll again be deposited, after rtriu'ivt", n r u,8u nniri tuni The work must oe compietea oy December l, I8G9. The wreck will be divided Into three sections bv dividing tue space from the bow to tbe stem Into three t) cquai portions, wuenme met section, be ginning at the trw, has been removed to 'the pre-x-riheu deolh. and according to tba foresalnv oondl tli ns, one-quarter oi tue supuiatea price ror tne re moval will be paid: when the second section bas heen removed, ODe-quarier of the price, as above, will be paid, and Wnen the th'rd section has been removed, the balar.ee ol the stipulated sum will be paid: pro vided that the werk bait be prosecuted and tinlshed in rhi nrner auove aivtn. Proposals must state the snm In full for which the parlies propose to do Ibe entire wo k; and must be eccpiupauita vy iuriruidh ui iww cvojoutiium per miH that the bidder will duly execnte a coutracL Tbe proposals aud guarantee will be of the term to be out ui neo at mm uiuce. No bids exceeding one hundred thousand dollars vi.1 he tutenalued. JOHN NKVV ION, LlrDteuant-Coioutl of Kait nuera. LirDteuant-Coloutl of Kngineers. 86 Ot Brevtt Major -Ueueral U. B. A. ETITLER. WEAVER & CO., MANUFACTURERS Of MANILLA AND TARRED CORDAGE, C0RD3 TWINES, ETC., jSo. 23 fortn WATKR street, and No. U North DKLA WAJAK Avenue, Sfaiiunnt.PHiA. KdWiw E. yrrLBBi Miobabl Wxavu, Cow bad y. utat hi ita. 1 144 w won IRE GUARDS, TOBB FBONTi, ASYIiUMS, TA.C- lOBIIUS, ETC. Patent Wire Ratling, Iron Bedsteada, Ornament Wire Work, Paper Makerg' Wire, and every variety Of WU Work, manuraotureo of n. nAiiHt.11 a ion, mwtl No 11 Nortn HIXTH HUrant 1-FNNSVLVAMA HOSPITAL. X PHii.ADKi.r'mA, January t8,188. 1 ne attenmng wt .10. B. Morris Wain. H". 148 Mouth Delaware avenue. a,i..i.,i. u Hiirie. No. 158 Douk BLreeL. Attending phjslciau Dr. J. M. Da Costa, No, luol Bpruce strteU . ... . , . .1 a Munfiinir Hnrreons Dr. Addlnell Hewson. No. 138 fJoulb Fliieeoih sueet; Dr. D, Hayes Aguew, No l North Kleventb street. The Phslclana aud Murgeous attend at the Hospi tal every day (nuuu mu'iikuj, hj rauniva appii- null..ri L.w ,inilHllUU. 1 Persons seriously tujnred by aooldeut are always admitted U brui'g'" w ue xiuepiuu lumwuinwi; Utareawx. XT insurance companies, FirE Insurance. LlTcrpooL and LondoN &d GlobE InsurancE CompanYi A8HETS SEVENTEEN MILLIONS. Short Term, Terpelual, Floating, and Rent rollclcs Issned on faver&blo terms. Offlce, No. C MERCHANTS' EXCHASUE. AT WOOD SMITH. , IB m GENERAL AGENT. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY" IN'STJU A NCE COMPANY . IacorporaUtd by the Legit, lure of Pennsylvania, itsSA, Offlce, Bontheast corner THIRD and WALNUT MARINlfi INHUHiisURfl On Vessels, Cargo, ud Freight, to ail partaot tl . World. INUANJU INSURANCES On Goods, by river, canal, lake, and laud carriages to ail parte of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On merchandise geuerally. Ou Btorea, swelling nuura.Dio, ASSETS OF TUB COM PAST NornniHir 1. Ir67. MO,C0O United htatee Five Per Cent. Loan. lu-4un, 201,000'00 lMi.OtH) United biates live Per Ceut. . Ioan, 1HH1 BO.OUO United 8tata7-io Per Cent. Loan Treasurr Notes r!.000 State of Pennsylvania blx Per Cent. Loan 129,000 City ofPhlladtlphlablx Percent. Loan (exempt Irom tax) 59,000 Btate ol New Jersey Bix Per Cent Lrf.an SO 000 Pennsylvania Kaliroad First Moitgage tilx Per Cent. Bondx. 25,000. Pennsylvania Railroad, Hetond Mortgagnr-lx Percent. Bonds. 25,000 Western Pennsylvania Railioad blx Pert out. Bonds ( Pennsyl vania Rallroal guaranteed)... 80,000 Mate ot Tenntsase Five per Ceut. Loans.... 7000 Btate of Teuneaaae blx Percent. IiOan...H 5,000,800 shares stock of Oermantovn Oas Company (principal aud Interest enarnuteed by tbe oliy of Pblladeli'hlaj....- M 7C0 160 bhares block or Pennsylva nia Kaliroad Company. 8,000 lCOHhareebtiicltof North Penn sylvania Kaliroad Company 20,000 80 Bhares Stock Philadelphia and Southern Mall bteamshlp Company - 201,900 Loans on Bonds and Horrgage, first Ileus on City Property 184.400U0 52.S62'50 210 070 00 125,0 00 61.000'00 19,800t)0 23.87S0O 20,00000 18.000-00 4270-00 15.000-00 7,800-00 8,000 "00 lS.OOO'M) 20l,!0f,00 (l,101,lu0 ar. Market value, l,ti'2,8W60 P.eal Estate. M 86.000-00 jiim neceivaoie lor iuhuruuee niKde..... S18.138 87 Aairnes due ut Ageue ei rVe mliinis ou Murine Policies Arnrnnd .nri.i4.wt. m.d i.t.lir debts dun the Cinjpany lo.''tW ti.-& uuur-cripnr suuury iosM- .v. t m r "o u; estimateu vame o.ui uu t-ash la Diawer..M aits'6. ti &o7,ti03'ld DIItEtORS-. Thomp C. Hard. Jl.hu C. lbLVln Jhium CI. TT An ttatuuel K, btohos, James Traquatr, WlllUm O. Ludwig, Jitoob P. Joiu m, James B. McFarlund, Joshua P. Kyro, John D. la lor, fcpeucer Wcllvalne, Henry C. Dallett, Jr., George W. Bornardou, EOmnnd A. Souder. Joseph II. Beal, j iieopnuiis Paulding -11 n . v, ni( 7..dn-ftri1 liuillni.inM John H, Penrose, H. Jones Brooke, Henry (-loan, (JeorKeO. Leiper, w niiMiu o. Bonnon, i. v. aiotgau, Pittsburg. J, B heuiple, ' n !... u jaooo itiegel, TirOMAS t 11.1 n 'ci...tn... JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice-President. HENRY LYL1UJKN. Hecrelary. e x ceoiuuuti HitNRY BALL. Asxlstaut becretary. 12 80 I5r)""1IAllT1SK rKitrET UAL. IniuKEin Fire Insurance Co. OF rillltADEttPsiIA. OFFICK: fios. 435 aud 437 CUESNUT, STREET. ON JANCABV 1. 1888, CAPITAL... 9100,00000 A CCli L ED H UltrL I S i.01,S3'8) i.tst.sio-ao INCOME FOR 1868 rSEUJ VMS. UNSETTLED C'LiIMIS. 93e,uoo-Otf. itjsiiE rAin since isao ov;n 5 500,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms. DIRKCnOR'i. CVarles N. Bancker, George Fales, Alfrwi Filler. Tobias wagnet, baiuiiel (Jraut, Ueorge W. Richards, Francis W. 1,9 wis. M,D rbomaa Sparks, Isaac XAa, William H. urant. CHARLES N. BANOXER. Pirnlrtnnl. OfcOlldtM FaLKw, Vloe-Preuldent. JAB. W. McALLlbfilt, tleoielary pro leiu. Kiceol at Lexington. Kentnckv. this Comnanv h.a UO Agewtiiea rvs 01 fitutuurg. Izl N8URE AT HOME IN TUB renn Mutual Llfo - Insurance COMPANY, No. D21 CUESNUT St., Philadelphia. AS&ETb), S,0O0,OOr. CHARTERED BY OUR OWN STATE. MANAGED BT OUB WM CITIZENS. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. POLICIES ISSUED ON TABIOITS PEAKS. Applications may be made at the Home Offlce, and at the Agencies tnrouguoui tne mate, ; i luj J AMT.fi TBA41CAIB. PRESIDENT SJA91VE1. E. MTU14EM .VJCIiPRE'-IDaNT jHff. W. HOBNOB A. V. P. and ACTUARY 1IOBATIO M. KlcrUEHI,.,., BIlCRBTARY I t-1 H I liUVlDEST LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY " HV PHILADELPHIA.! A Mo. in a Fourth ntreel 1KOOKPORATKD o MONTH, , 185. , CAPITAL, i6u,U0U r AID In. lYisnrance on Lives, by Yearly Premiums; I in or tu year 1 remlums, Non-forteliure. Wrnullles grauled on favorable terms. T.rm Poiiules. Children's Kndowmeuts. This Corupany.whlle giving thelnBured the security ot a paid-up Capital, will divide the entire prouu.oJ the jl le UUHIUIWD iiuuui kuo pviii.jr uuiuoih Monevs received at luterest and paid on demand. Authorized by the charter to execute Trusts, and to act an executor or Auminiairaior, Jtssignee, or Unardlan.aud In othenndaciary capacities, under ap Dolutuientol any Court of this Commonwealth, or n A. nurti.nl. If hniM nr.ll.ln rw. rrvi. - . any vmwu u ""'- rwuv w wirwim itrnv4nui. BAMUKLB.SHIPLKV. IIKNRY HAINR8, T. WH4TAR BROrVN, W. O. LONUHTM K I'H, WILLIAM UiillfllR. ltlt'HAKDWOOD. CUAKLltB It. COFFIN. oAMUKLB.blllPLKY. ROWLAND PARRY. President. Actuary, W1LL1A M J. AAJJwoiitJl.i a. v lun-i-rmiuent. THOM AH W 1HTAK. M. !.. J. B. TOWNbKMD. 7 27 Medical Kxamlner, Legal Adviser, DHCENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OP iNOORPOKATKD 1SO CHARTER PERPETUAL, NoT 'HA W AIJn UT Btreet, opposite the Kxoh snga. This Company Insures from loaa or damage by Fl I Hi. nn liberal terms on bnlldlugs, merchandise, furnltnr etc" for limited periods, aud permaueully on build, tin' by deposit of preiuluuis. The Ctinirany has been In active operation for more tba" B1XT Y YfcKS, during which ail loase have "ten "uiiIui.cT6Ka . v ml.. I I lav 1,1 1 John L. Hodge, Itvll r.wk M. B Mahooy, . John T. Lewis, William b. Uranl, Robert W. Learning, Buujamlu Kiting, Thomas H. Power. A. H. Mclleury, d r lullllnn. D. Clark wnarw-u tUi Is. Jr bamuel Wilcox, Lawrence Lew wis. jr. i j r.ia u. rnorria. iiiuM TL. v rifiu irub.u. VmalrlenL INSURANCE COMPANIES. TILLiriGHAST & HILT'8 IKSUBAKCE ROOMS, No. 409 WALNUT St. AGENTS AND ATTORNEYS OR Home Fire Insurance Company, NEW HAVEN, CONN. SprlngHcltl Fire and Marino Ins. Co., BPRINUFIELD, MASS, Tonkcrs and Kcw York Insurance Co., NEW YORK reoples' Fire Insurance Company, . WORCESTER, MASS., Atlantic FIro and Marine Insnrance Co., PROVIDENCE. R. T. Gnardian Fire Insurance Company, . NEWTOBK Limibcrnian's Fire Insurance Co., T CHICAGO, ILL Insnrance effected at LOWEST RATE), AH losses promptly and liberally adjusted at their Odec, No. 409 WALNUT Street, t9i PHILADELPHIA, INSURE AT HOME. GUARDIAN FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COiLPANr, ' Uo. 420 WALNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA. . CHARTERED CAPITAL, - - $500,000 TAIl) IN CAPITAL, - . . ,3100,000 NO LOSSES OK DEBTS. Insure against loss or damage by Fire on sminm.. Merchandise, Honcenold Fnrnlture, and aU other Insurable property, and also take Marine, Canal aud Inland Navigation Risks at the lowest rate. ooa'. ".stent witn security, W. E. O-tffcNa. Preeldenl. KATHAN HAINEB. Bocrotary. . 8i8ln, JJEAJ. B. O BRYON, Surrey , DliiKi-TOlUi. Wm. K. Owens: Arthur Maglnnla, lion. Geo, V, Lawrence, L.on. Stephen T. w llson, tv mm. n.iouuur. Di. M. McKTven, Na.han Haines, l bomas Wlnlams, ' Howard A. Mickle, I. rfeujp Bartlett. Ciuaa. K. McDonald. j.iues v. -ft.ira, it. O. Worthlneton. Wm. K t'reasaui .onn BD'ica. Iialnaid iS. orattan, JKBOBANCE QOMPA ii-Y NORTH AMERICA, No. 232 WALNUT STREET, PHILaDa. INCORPORATED 1794. CHARTER PERPETUAt, lZarlno, Is-laad, and Fire iB ASSETS JANUARY 1. 1868. . Mnmo,. $20,000,000 Loesea Paid In Cash Sbioa ill Vlk(UUaHMVU DiRtcroRa Arihnr U. rinftln HKiuuel W. Jouue, John A. Brown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, Wllllum Welsh, Richard D. Wood, W. Morris Wain, oeorgeL. Harrison. fr anr.it u i ..... vu Kdward H. Trotter, .tdward (s. Clarke. T. Chariton Henry. ' Alfred D. JessupT' John P. U'i,ii." Louis C Madeira. Ch4rl Precry: " IN' auajaaah. mmaiiiw, xiarrisnnrsr. pi. rumrt-a Agent lor the Hiateoi Pennsylvania. ' iS" FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. TH E PUJtNBY.VANIa fikk insurance OUM. PAHY-Inoorpjrated lZ6-Chartr PeToMn-Nrt 6111 WALNUT Btreet, opposite Independence rtouES This Oomoauy. favorably Ir n , 5?."a.r! for over forty years, continues to Insure against loaa uruuiuaao ujr u, on ruoiio or Private Rulldlngs. either permanently or tor a limits .-i"J Purnlture, blocks of Goods, and Merchandise Kena. rally, on liberal terms. " U,B en Their Capital, together with a large Snnjlna FnnnV is investea in tne most carerui manner, which ana. blee them to offer to tne Insured an nndonbSsd S rltv 1" Uie case of losa, wa DlBIWlUtti. Daniel 8m 1th, Jr., John Devernnr. Alexander Bensoa, I Thomas BmltuT Isaac Hasleburst, Henry Lewis, ' Thomas Bobbins., I I, Ullllngham FelL , Daniel Haddock, Jr. DANiitL smith, Ja Prealdent; JW nxiAit B. Cbowxxx. Becretary. to FURNISHING GOODS, SHIRTS.&O H. S. K. C. Harris' Seamless Kid Gloves. EVEBT PAIB W ABB ANTED. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR GENTS' GLOYEs! J. W. SCOTT t CO., : 627rp NO. 814 CHEN HUT STBEET, J3 ATENT SIIOULDEK-BEAll xsxxsx nianiiiat;ivni AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISBINO ST0BB. PFHPEOT FITTING BHIRT8 AND DRAWERS made Irom measurement at very short notice. , All other articles ot U&NTLJUMEN'ti DREa GCOiBlnlnll variety- . No. 7oaCHi24NUT Btreet. GAS FIXTURES. JOHN J. WXJlVIB. J. BELLKB8 PBNNOCK, W EAVEK & PEN NOCK, PLUMBERS, GAB AND STEAM FITTERS, No. 87 NORTH SEVENTH STREET, , Philadelphia, Country Beats fitted np with Gas and Water. In first claas style. An assortment ol Brass and Iron LIU and Force Pumps constantly on hand , LKAD BURNING AND CHEMICAL PLUMBING. N. B. Wa er Wheels supplied to the trade and others at reasonable prlutj. 7 SI lm A B F I i T V K B 8, uiaSSCr, MBRRILL A THAC1LABA, No. VlS OHKHNUT Street. manufaotnren of Gas fixtures. Lamps, etc., ato. would call the attention of the public to their large and elegant assortment ol Oas Chandeliers, Pendants, Br tu seta, etc. Tbey also Introduce gaa-plpea Into dwellings and pnbllo buildings, and alkmd to ex tends lug, altering, and repairing gas-pipe.. All , I work warranted. Ull GROCERIES, ETC. T 0 FAMILIES RESIDING IN TUB RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply families at their eonntr residences witn every description of FINK GROCERIES, TEAS, ETC., Aa.BF.BT Oi BVBEBW, . Dealer In Fine Grooerlea; U71r Center xucyXNTB and VUis btsil '