THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 18G8. RECAPTURED, Herat dow, the Marderer aa;al In Daresi. The Lcorrespondent of the Ricbmoid TVAt.7, writing Mom Orange Court Home, Ya,, Jul 6, ays: xestcrday tnorntn?, about 7 o'clock, Ilerndon was caught asleep at the boue of Mr. Grady, a relative of hla, who lives thro or lo ir miles from Trevillian's Depot, lie hid mi-taken tbe bouse of a negro for Mr. Grady's, and this negra gave the Information to Mr. John WoolfnU. a justice of the peace, who, wl h three friend, made the rapture easilr and without resistance. Herndon, indeed, declared that he wa on the war to deliver hitnielf up and r turn to jail. lie was put into a bun? aud brought directly liere, arriving botween three aod four o'clock. P. M. On the wav he talked bat UUlo, anl did not commit biimelf. Liu Hrnval cuu-ed a degree vl excitement very nnu-rjal in our villa??, which In remarkable lor Its coolness and polf poiHcsfion, not to say apatuv. A- he walked to the jail wi'h his hands tied. hs form bj.ed, bis leet ehoeless and swollen, bis fac ashv pale, and bis whole nature as it were bioten, hi excited the lively pity of th crowd wmch had qaicklv asembled. Many followed hin Into the jail, bat he beeged to be left alne with a few, to whom he began to narr.tte tbe particu lars of his escape, and would have completed it it bad he not been reminded that he would im plicate others. He was chained to the floor of bis cell by a chain Inst Ions enough to enable him to reich bis bed, and the lrou door, newly repaired, ooorj closed upon bim, leaving bim t tbe rust which he so gteatly needed, bavin? wandered a bo 'it in tbe ram tor ten daje, aud eating only Qve meal in ail that time. Last night be rested well, and this morning U cheerful enouph to order the jal'or to tlx uu bl room as If be wf re at a hotel. He protests bt Innocence still; rava ba pos-ed the first o! bis escape In the woods, about a mile irom to vo: read bis confession 84 publiBbed in the papers which In justice ought to have been printed entire and called "an explanation:" Hffiruia tha the neeroes assisted bim by their uoie to nmke bis escape; also denies thir; tells two or torne etories; says he was cool and collected whea he made his escape, bavins read his Bible aod praved long be lore doing so etc. He looks wretchedly, so ranch so thaforae predict he will cot liv a montb. Otberi think he will now act the deranged man, and others again think be is not guilty of runnier, but tba'. the woman came to her death in thf attempt to procure abortion, in which attempt sh may have been aided not only bv Herndon, but bv aome Ignorant black or white woman of tbe neighborhood and so on. The myttery which hangs over the affair has cot been in the least li'ted, Mnd may not be until tbe trial comes off In October next r?belton F. Leak-, the chief counsel of tbe prisoner, will probably be sent for at once. In the interim, Herndon relies upon bis assistant -counsel. Mr. W. It. Sao lord His wife, who has been here looking after tbe publication of bis Hie, is reported to have said that she never wants to lay ejea on him again. So the matter teste. THE SEA-BIRD DISASTER. Xlacorarj of tba HmMii of Os or tba Victim. The Chicago Tribune of Aug. 7 says: Tbe remains of a woman, supposed to have been one of the victims of the terrible Sea Bird catastrophe, were found at 7 o'clock, yesterday morning, outside the breakwater, at the foot of Randolph street. A bov. while ba'hinsr in the lake, first discovered the corpse floating in the water, and notified Officer Clark wa i secured it by a rope. The Coroner af'erwards had the body removed to the dead .house, wheie he minutely examined it. It was almost entirely nude, tbe remnants of a chemise and a figured alpaca dress only clinciug to the shoul ders and waist. Fiom appearances it seemed to have been in the water for fome months, which gives rise to the belief that decea-ei was on board the ill fated vessel, aod met ber death at tbe time of the calamity. Tbe feet and hands were nearly goue, having been food for fishes, and the hair, oi a dark brown tine?, was also partly gone, lhe body was greatly swollen, and the features were so blackened and otherwise disfigured as to renoer immediate identification by (ueau? of descrtpiion almost an impossibility. A gold-plated rim, with corru gated top or cap, was taken from the fourth fluaer of her left hand, and attached to her dress was found part of a small round brea-t-pin with gold binding and lmitat oo jet back ground. Deceased was probubly forty years of age, as near as could be judged. The re nisi us will be retained by the Coroner until lriends or relatives shall call ana identify tbem. Tbe propeller O. J. Truesdell, on last Sunday, went to tbe scene of disaster, off Waukegau. Soundings were made, and tbe vessel was dis covered w'uote she had sunk. A diver went down, and discovered tbe safe, which was taken upon deck and optned. It bore evidence of having been expod to intense heat, and upon being opened tbe contents were lound to have been reduced to abes. Further explorations will be made from time to time, an l hopes are entertained that more bodies will be recovered. The body of the woman found yesterday is tbe fourth of the victims jet recovered. THE CATTLE PLAGUE. Vkt Peatlleace tm Pittsburg sad Alla Jeew. The Pittsburg Commereial of Saturday says: In this city prompt and efficient means were taken to dispatch the diseased animals as soon us the symptoms were sufficiently developed, aud also to prevent tbe spread of the contagion to other herds. Yesterday Mr. Hosack, tbe Meat Inspector, visited toe titock Yards at East Liberty, and killed the remainder ot the eighteen car-loads which bad become diseased. Thirty-eight head were killed yesterday, aud last evening the yards were eutirely cleared and renovated. Cxe hundred aud forty head were shipped East to Communioaw, near Jersey City, to a crease and bone boiler at that place, who paid $38 per bead, while the price paid here was only $8 per head, lhese were shipped in separate cars, aud the cars will not be used again for shipping cattle until thoroughly reno vated, and until a sufficient time has elapsed to warrant their safe use for that purpose. Of tbe entire lot of eighteen cars, Mr. Horat owneJ forty-one head, of which eleven died, and one was killed, the balance bi-ing sent Est. Of the lot belonging to Mr. Alexander, two hundred and twenty three were con doomed, and but one huadred and lorty sent East, the remainder either having died or been killed by order of tbe Meat Inspec tor. One lot. belonaiua to Mr. D. Grolf, passed on directly East, not having been teshipped at East Liberty, and tbe number is unknown, but it is reported that several bad died bel re TuutBinir lust of tbe Central Stock Yards. The lot of one hundred and forty head shipped to Comniuuipaw, went by special train, ana tele graphic advices and orders were sent ahead to all iiointa. and to tbe vards at Jersey City. Tbe Mayor has stationed policemen at the East Liberty yards to see mat none of the carcases are disposed of lor any other purpose than that of con version into crease, etc.. and a special police man Is Ftationtd at the establishments where the rpnderine Drocess is carried on. The disease. thus far, bas not been developed among our native cattle; and it is safe to conclude that, unless we have Iresn importations of affected stnfir thA dancer of contacrion bas been averted. Wa An tint pnt.pfl ain for one moment the idea that a single particle of the flesh of these animals cau, eitner purp'seij ur wnuounn, n .1 4ta uow in thA Ti pat market. There ii an extremely limited demand for cattle, and tbe beat and most neauny stoca is pureu-cu r xoniiniiuiv unit Bpruttnizinirlv bvour bu'cn- 1i,n nnnLiimntlnn nt meat hai fallen Otf la a marked degree, not from any well-grounded apprehensions that diseased meat ni'gbt be offered in the market, but simply because tbe more fastidious of our flesh eater become dis puted at the slmnle readlue of the accounts in the papers. It was so with the consumption of park, when the panic in regard to the trichena prevailed. Tbe gorge rises at tbe bare thought of the possibility o: eating unwholesome flesh, and the appetite for the most tempting roans is cone. Numerous instances have been related to nu illustrative of this lart. One eenileinan rebidiug lu Allegheny, euV down, to breakfunt tuo other morning, and before him im a fine ilece of steak, nicely oooked. Bat he bad been reading tha accounts la the paper descriptive of the Texas fever, and was ten pu d to ask bis wi'e Irom whom the meat had been purchased, bhe replied that It was bourht from their regular butcher. He begHi to nerve It, as usual but one attcr another heraa to make excueei didn't feel well, didn't care about meat, etc., until not a single one woo id partake. Even he, who had confidence enough to otter it to others, declined to eat any himself, and the steak remained untouched. The Bame abstemiousnetf was no Iced at tbe retautants, aud the proprietor of one of oar olDiiig-juloons was heard to remark tnat he had served twenty pounds per day less beef since tho panic commpneed. Confidence will soon be restored, ho "ever, and the saorv roasts and juicy steaks will be in demand as before. Considerable excitement was occasioned in Allegheny yesterday morning by the report that a me cattle 'mm the Eat Liberty 8ock Yards bxd been shipped to that city, and would be offered tor rale tn the market. Coon inquiry It was ascertained that a number of bead had been htpped to Allegheny, and that they were in the Second ward yards. Tbo cattle reshipped were from Kentucky, and were said to be In prime condition. Borne pprsons seem to fear that they may have become infecied with riiease, having been with those which died at the East Liberty yards. Tbe effect of the panic caused by the breaking out of the d sense at tbe Eat Liberty Stock Yards, was observable in the Allegheny market yet-terriav. A reliable butcher states that not one-third tho quantity of beef was sold. Tne bmebprs were not prepared for the panio, and tbe aee-ieea'e los will be considerable. At a meeline of Butchers it wa resolved not to buy any cattle coming from the Eat Liberty Yards of Chicago MISSISSIPPI. Rot Wholly Reooaetrnctad How tba Boaihwa Splits ta kopt Iaflauaad. The Vicksburg (Miss.) Times of August 2, not jet wholly reconstructed, bas the following: Tho capital of Mississippi was on Thursday evening the scene of a military outrage an out race as brutal, wanton and unprovoked, as any we have recently had occasion to chroulcle. The parties to this outrage were Col. Biddle, the dt Duty satrap commanding tbe post of Jackson, and a drunnen subordinate named ltodgers, a Lieutenant of Cavalry. The circumstances of thi latest diabolical outrage, as we learn them from gentlemen who were on the eround, were about as follows: The Democracy of Jackson that is, all the decent people, white and black de ermined to have a great Seymour and Blair ratibcation meeting and torchlight procession on Thursday night. Some of the young men prepaied an effigy of General Grant, a caricature which was very true to nature, inas much as tbe great butcher was rooresented with a long rigar in his mouth and a bittlo of whisky in his baud. Hearing of this cari cature, that officious aud impertinent satrao, Colonel Biddle, wrote a note to the Hon. John D. Freeman, forbidding tbe exhibition of the caricature referred to, because Grant is the General-iu Chief of tbe Army of the United States. In deference to the wishes of this super sensitive shoulder-strap wearer, the effigy was changed to represent Beast Butler, and a stolen spoon, instead of a cigar was placed in hia mou b. While the proces.Mon was passing, a drui ken ruffian. Lieutenant Rod iters, made a gHllant charge, with drawn sabre, upon the barmclss effigy, and Boon brought it, maimed and mutilated, to the ground. In his desperate encoun'er with a thtpg like himself the mere efliev of a man we understand tbat this gal lant cavalry officer wounded one of his relations by cutting off an ear from the mule which bore the offensive effigy I As the demonstration was purely political and peaceful as every oue was ir a eood humor the pallant representative of th army was tbe onlv person preseut who was armed, a fact to which Lieutenant Bodgers owes nis escape witu a euuau sain. B USWESSNOTl CES. Basoaiki orTdred In Summer Clothing and In Bummer Goods made to order, to cloia out stock, Assottment still good, bat being rapidly closed oat. All prices guaranteed lower tban tbe lowest else where, and mil satisfaction aaaranteed every par. chaser, or the sale cancelled and money refunded. Half vny between ") Bxnnbtt A Co., Fifth and - Tow KB Hall, tivclh itreett,) No. US Uabkkt St., Philadelphia, and No. sod Broadway. Nkw Yobk, Ehattkbeo Contitutions. Our constitutions are elastic Tbey are not easily shattered, In foot, strictly speaking, Death alone can shatter them, for they represent thelreserve of vitality, which enables tbe enfeebled system to react, when the sressare of disease Is removed from It. Bat It Is the fashion, when tba body Is weak, tba circulation languid, the nerves tremulous and tha mind depressed, to say that tbe constitution la mined, or broken down, or shat tered. In cases of tbe kind described administer HOSTKITKB'8 STOMACH BlTTKBS, ad It WlllSOOD be seen how little ground there Is for this stereotyped note of alarm. Tha tonic and alterative properties of the specific, rapidly diffused through tbe whole r ganlzatlon by the stimulant which forms Its basis, will Immediately ereate a favorable reaction, and this reanimating process will go on as tha medicine Is continued, until strength, health, and mental activity are completely restored. Bvery day cures of this kind are accomplished. Let tha debilitated Invalid, when told by his condoling friends that "his consti tution Is shattered " bava recourse at onoe to this strength-recruiting preparation, In which tha finest stomachics and alteratives of tha vegetable kingdom are represented, and ha will soon be able to meet ibelr gloomy forebodings with a confident smile, and to announce that he has taken a new lease of lift under Us vitalising operation. English Walking coat, Nbw Bttlb). No. szi Cbesnut street, Philadelphia. French Back Coat, Mew Btjle. No. 821 Cbesnut street, Philadelphia, French Back Overcoat, entirely New. No. 824 Chesnat street, Philadelphia, English Paletot Overcoat, Latest Biyle, No. 824 Oaeinut street. Chablks Stokks & Co., Under Continental Hotel, Philadelphia. JwaLBT.-Mr. William W. Oaastdy, No. 12 Sooth Second street, has tha largest and moat attractive assortment of fine Jewelry and silverware In tha olty. Purchasers can rely npon obtaining a real, pare artl cle furnished at a price which cannot be equalled Ha also bas a large stock oi American watches In all varieties and at all prices. A visit to bis store is sura to result In pleasure and profit. It is wbll to get clear of a Cold the first week, bat it Is much better and safer to rid yourself of It tbe first forty-elfUt hours, the proper remedy for the purpose being Dr. jATMa'sFxrccTOBAMT. Bold by aUDrngglsta. Tons Yotjb Btmtkm. Tbe tonlo properties of Speet's "Standard Wine Bitters" are such that none can ue tbem without receiving essential benefit Tba effect will bs to maintain lha usual stamina and vigor ol tha system. Bold by Johnston, Holloway s Co., Fred. Brown, and other Druggists. Fma Custom Madb boots abtd Hhos for Gen tlemen. Barttett.No. u Booth ftlxlh street, above cnemai. Tkbkwith has every thins; that thereadereould wish for In tba literary line, his tavorlte Lwpot at No. 1UT H. Third street is completely stuoaed wlih Marines, periodicals. Illustrated Weeklies of all kinds. News Journals of laler dales. Fashion Plates, Kunu? Month lies, eio. Be furnishes to his patrons the New York uyiri of the dav Ions befoie tlie arrival of lha rxiru- lar mails. He la euergello, and merits the success ba is auuevintt. Dwnrx tha fa owi Arotlo Bod a Water, and read Tn KvBHiite TU-Bk""" Hliiraan'a New Btaad, at North Pennsylvan 'a Prt. MM v AJJ-ACA BAci, Unm lAiC of lhe Ofcolnt tlntn Hack, holt of WW Clmrvlolt VuUer; JjoU e " Haeki, JxXtal WhiU Vrtf, lxi of U-nm PunU aid Vtot. . jtu rem find very mot, mrtpnentffom to it. mg-LUunt from l ftt to 14. etf. f WAHAMAwaa A Bsowsr, Oak Hall, A JT. (torner of Birth and Mark, WA owkI fo of Ctrrpymeri Long Back. MABHIED. CHAMBERS BUCK. On the Stb Instant, at tha residence nt tbe bride's pareats, br the He. Heber ivewion. D. WII-ON OHAMUKKlJ to Mlas ANNUS W. BECK, all of this city. OF8SLF.R NAOLB. On Wednesday averting. Jn'y S.1S68. bv Rev. A iixaonr Heed, I. I)., Mr. KDfflN M. GHOHLRR.OI Philadelphia, to JXlasBALLIH A. NA ULuE, ol Lower Merlon. Pa. DIED. BAXTER On tbe Stb Instant, REBECCA EON-Tl- K, wile of isaao a. Baxter, Jr. Tbe relatives and irlpnas are Invited to attend tha funeral, from the residence of hr busnad, No. t.'S Pine street, on Wednesday morning at It) o'clock. To proceed to Woodlands Cemetery. BEfSON. On the 7th instant, from a lingering Ill new, Hannah bkswon. aged M years, w we . if tha lata George Beeson. Ill aMBERLAIN. On theSth Instant, ANTHONY W. CUAMUa.ia.AlN, aged K6 years. itw reiauvea anu rrieuas oi tne lamuy, aiso m, AuaustlueB Arch CUntraternltv. are rHuci.(iillv In- vno to attend tbe tunvral, from the reslJnnoe o4 bis roomer, rvo.ssi IN. renin street, on Wednesday mom Ing, tbe 12tn instant, a, t'i o'clock, bervlcas and In terment at Bt. Augustine's Cbnrch. IIAMVt RI.K-In Tivrep Mertnn. on the Sth Instant. THOMAS HAM WKt.L, lu tbe7stb year of bis aga i ne reiaitves ana rrieuas Ol ma laiuuy are reipect fnlly Invited to attnd the fnneral. from tbe residence ol ('barle C. Jarkaon.on Tuesday morntnR, tbelltn Instant, at S o'clock, without further notice Inter ment at BU Davld'a Church, Baa nor, Delaware county. KOHI EB.-On the 8th Inst.. Mr. JOHN EOHLKB Br , In thesttb year of bis age. ins lunerai will lane place irom nis late restaenoe, No. 646 kranklln street, on Wednesday afternoon at I o'clock. MAKTIN. On the avenlns of the 7th Instant. BCPAN, wife of Abraham Martin, In the 7 1st j ear o oer age. Her relatives ana friends are rmpeotrauy invitea to attend her funeral, from tbe residence of ber bus band, No 61 Fl bert street, on Tuesday afternoon, tbe ll lb Instant, at 4 o'clock. 11 MOORE. On tba 9lh Instant. WILLIAM MOOR1I. In tbe Soth year of bis age. iue relatives ana rr lends ouneramuy are respect foltv Invited to attend the fnneral. from his late rent- deuce. Upper Darby, Delaware county, Fourth-day, tne run instant, at 2 o'clock r. m. MOULDER On tbe Sth Instant. JOSEPH MOrJL. DBK. sou of Mary and tha late Joseph Moulder, aged SI) years. The relatives ana menas or tne ramiiy are respect ftillv Invited to attend t e raneral. from tbe tesldence of bis mother. No. 438 WiHsr street, on Wednesday afternoon at. i o'clock. To proceed to Union Come tery. RUnsTRKAKK On the 8th Instant. LAURA B&LLU. Infant dauEhierof Amor H. aod Isabul Y. Beitreale. aged is months. The rrinu or the family are respectfully Invited to attend tbe fnneral, from tne residence of her parents. iso. 40SUerman street, on I ueaay annrauwi, tne inn nstant. at I o clock, interment at iHbenezer Church Vault. THOMAS. This mornlnir. August 7. MART GRAF TON, wife of Henry E. Thomas. a"d daughter ot the la'e 1 nonius u. Atiaisno, oi marytana. Her relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend the fnneral, from her la'e residence, No. IM N. Ftiteentb street, on Monday afternoon, tne lorn in stant, at 8 o'clock. AmebioaN Life Insurance Company, Of Philadelphia- S. E. Comer Fourth and TYalnnt Streets. 49T7tCi Institution hat no superior in tht United State. 610 O L LO WAY'S CONCENTRATED ESSE.YCE or JAMAICAjGfIHGEE. A PURE ESSENCE OF THE TRUE JAMAICA tilXUER. Free from Cayenne Pepper or any other admixture, possessing All the Carminative and diffusively stimu lating properties Which are so potent In tbe Jamaica Ginger alone, and which are so efUaacIoas In all cases ot Chills from Exposure to Cold or Dampness, Colic, Cholera Mor bus, Diarrhoea, etc. OBSEBVE A baU teaspoonfol ot HoUoway's Gin- ger Is stronger and more effective than a full tea spoonfol of any other In tbe market. PREP ABED BT JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & COWDEN. NO. COS ARCH STREET, T 8 PHI LADELPHI A- FOR SALE AND TO RENT. TO rillLADELFIIIA PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR TO RENT. The Handsome Brown Btone RESIDENCES, Noa. 410K, 4110, 11, 41lli and 4116 BPRUCB Street, O. 3. FELL A BRO., 7 IS wfmlmSp No. 120 Booth FRONT Street. COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM FORfi BALK. Ml or 100 acrvs. iirlstol Dike, above lulls stone, and near Iscony. Mansion house, coauu shops, and dwellings to let. Apply on the premises nr to R. WUXTXAKKa, AO. 61 I.OCUdT. 8 8 U p O R RENT. TREMISES, No. 8C9 CIIESNUT SU, FOB 8TOBE OR OFFICE. ALSO, OFFICES AND LABQK ROOMS sultabl for a Commercial College. p "7 at Mtf BANK JF THE REPUBLIC SOAP. AUBEN OF ENGLAND 80AP cJ QUEEN OF ENUL4ND HO A P. OUEKN OF KNULAND HO A P. For doing a family washing la the east and cheap est wanner. Guaranteed tuual to anv in the world! Has all the streusth ot tbeold rosin soap, with tha mild ana lamt-ring qnaime oi geuuiua uaauie. ir il,( .nlvndld Huau. HOLD BY TUB ALDEN CHEMICAL WORKS. NQ 48 NORTH FRONT BT.. PHILADELPHIA. rS8Sm4p HATS AND CAPS. a JONES. TEMPLE A CO. FASHIONABLE HATTKRB, No. 26 B. NINTH Street, First door above Chesnat street. f St srsy WARBDRTON'S IMPROVED TENT! 4 lated.snd easy-fitting Dress Hau (patented). In all tha unproved fashions of the season. OifKe. NUT Btraet, next aoor to tne ron umoa u is 0p U R n e, CONCENTRATED INDIGO, For the Lauidry. Free from Oxivllo Acid, See Cbeintat's Cattldcata A Patent Pocket Plnnu.hlon or Emery Rag to each For sale by all respectable Grocers aud Druggist,, FINANCIAL. nr. is POPULAR LOANS. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAI FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS At 102, And Accrued Interest CEITRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS At 103, And Accrued Interest. Bonds on band for Imntcdiato dcllrcry. Fall Reports, Maps, Etc, famished npon application. De Haven & Bro., No. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, II PHILADELPHIA. u NDER SPECIAL STATE CHARTER. THE UftSIOM BANKING COMPANY, N.E. Cor. FOURTH and CIIESJiUT Sts., PHILADELPHIA, Solicits the accounts of Business Firms, Manufacturers, Dealers, and others. Collections made and Checks on Country Banks received. Certificates bearing interest at 4 per oent. will be issued for special deposit, to remain 30 days or longer. N. C. MUSSELMAN, President. E. F. MOODY, CISniEB. 8 8 Imrp LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD COMPANY'S MORTGAGE BONDS, DUE IN 1898. $5,000,000, With Interest at Six Per Cent., Payable 00 tbe First Day of Juno and Decern ber of each year, FREE FROM STATE AND UJflTED STATES TAXES. $1,000,000 OF THESE BONDS, Either Coupon or Registered, Ara offered at nloely-flTe per centnm, with Interval from tbe day of sale, frea Irom Btata and Dulled blaies' lazes. For luriher latorniatlou, fcpply to CHARLES CLONGSTRETH, Treasurer, Office of tne Leblgu Valley Railroad Oompany, 8 8 lmrp Ho. SOS WALK DT Btraet, Philadelphia, QLENDINNINQ & DAVIS. KO. 4S BOVTH TTTIBD BTBJORl Stock and Gold Brokers, QUOTATIONS OF NBW YORK STOCKS ALWAYS OS BAtTD, la . tmjuuiaie. nu lesar h. sath CIGARS. REAL HAVANA CIGARS. MsrlBDS Klta" brand (copy-righted) ol Vaelta Absjo Lraf. eullrely pur, qual to best Imported cigars, and cheaper- Tiy tbeiu. Qo to rellablu deal trs ane gt genuine. Kacb box bears our trada-mark-d label. Weiuske twenty varlatiea or "Marl ana Blta," all of same n eierlal of wblcti several cbolre grafts are now retailed at (s, sk-60, , t9 tut, and l per bundrd. We wl il on application clroi cr nsumers to tbuse dealers who retail cheapest. We use this brand "Msrlana Blta" onlv lor real highest grade Havana dwarf). Lnwer grades we brand T,fra IIto1o " "Louis d'Or," Flenr de Lys," etc Tbe lollowluR olty retailers keep regularly our Mariana Bltarcla's: Ooltou t Clarke, grocers. Bread and Walnnt David L. Keller dealer. ros. 60 and tl Houth Fnnrlb Street, above C'besnnt. Cbarle Q Arut, dealer, No. sis Mouth Fourth Btreet, below Waluut. ('rlpplo A Madd t k, grocers. No. US Bouth Third Btreet. Mctilmlre, dealer. No. 43 Hou'h Eleventh street, above Cheinut Maunlrg, dealer. No. 41 BoiHh Third street. Keeney, druiiiilM. rliiteenthand Arch. 8plllln. grocer, Klghth and arch. Mitchell Fie oher, grocers, No. 124 :heenut Bradley, grocer, Ixth and hpruoe. Stead, dealer. No. loll Cbesnut- Douoell A Hon, grocers, No. SIM Walnut Btreet. Kppelsbeluier, grocer, TeotU and Hpnng Garden WrlKbt. grocer, Frauklln aud Bprlng Garden. Wellf, druaglsl, Nluth and Spring Garden. Wblteroan. grocer, btventeeuth and Area. Hllchlnu, grocer, Fifteonth and Master. Ambrose rmlih driiKKl.t, Broad a"d ObMsnut, Frea& Neller, grocers, Cbesnut lilll- Kollock, Druggist, Mo. Uul illdge avenuo,HTEpHEN j-tjqdKT A BONS. Uanufaoturers and Importers of Cigars, jubu u er 0. aa Uoulh If BO NT eireet. j i6t6p Phlladelphla. RODGERS' AND WOSTENHOLM'3 POCKET KMvm Pearl and Hiag Handles, ot beautiful Bulah. lvOIxTilttf and WADK A BOTOUK1VU and tha oelebrated LJOUODLTAK &AZOB BuiHnujui or tne non quwvj Ki and Raaors, Knives. Bolsrors, and Table Ontlery Ground atrt. balow lbaanaS SHSO DEAFNESS. EVEBY INSTRUMENT THAT science and skill bava li.veuted to assist the bearing lu every degree ol deafness; also. Respirators; also, Oraadall's Patent superior to any others In use, at P. MADttUlA'U.Sio. 11 8. TKN TH btrvet.beiuw UieautU. W FINANCIAL, Dealers In all UoTf rnment SccurlUes. GOLD. HTOOKS AD BONDS, bought and sold on commission. CODPON8 OF QOVKRN at KN T BONDS booghl at same prloe as Gold. GOLD LOANED for from one to six months. DEPOSITS OF GOLD AND ODItRBNOT noelvsd, and Interest allowed. AGXNTS IN PHILADELPHIA FOR THH SALB or First Mortgage Central Taciflc Railroad Bonds, First Mortgage Union FacIQo Railroad t Bonds. COUPONS OF THESIS BONDS PAID AT ODR OFFIOK. S3UTII, RANDOLPH & CO., No. 16 South THIRD Street, no PHILADELPHIA. WH. PAIHTER & CO., BANKERS AND DEALERS IN G0YERX MEJiT SECURITIES, No. 36 8outh THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA, AGENTS FOR The Union Pacific Railroad Co., AND Central Pacific Railroad Co. We ImTC on hand THE FIRST MORT GAGE SIX PER CENT. GOLD INTEREST BONDS of both Companies, for sale or Exchange for Government Securities. Famphlets, with. Maps, Reports, and full Information furnished on application, e 1 tr A VERY DESIRABLE FIRST-CLASS INVESTMENT. A LIMITED AMOUNT OP THK First Mortgage Seven Per Cent. Bonds OP TUB ROCHESTER WATER WORKS CO. FOR SALE BELOW PAR, Bearing Interest from JULY 1, 1808, PAYABLE ftKHI-ANHfJALLT. FOB FUBTHIB PARTIOULAKS APPLY TO CLENDINNING & DAYIS, No. 48 South THIRD Street, 1 20 tot ' PHILADELPHIA. QANKINC HOUSE ot Nob. 112 and 111 South THIRD Street PHILADELPHIA. Dealers In all Gorernment Securities Old 5-20s Wanted In Exchange for New A Liberal Difference allowed. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. Interest Allowed on Deposits. COLLECTIONS HASH. BTOOKB bouaht and sold an eommlsslon. Special basin ess aooom m odatlons reserved tor ladles. It lea PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, TREASURER'S D BPARTHENT, rHii.aoET.PHiA, Aacost 1, 1S6S Notice to Shareholders. Persons boldldf reoelpts for subscription to HKW STOCK, dated PBIOB to July 28, ara hereby notified that Certificates will be ready for dellTery on and alter 4th Instant, Certificates for receipts dated Jnly 21 to SO lnoloslr will he ready for delivery oa and altar 14th Instant. TH0S T. F1RT1I, not TREASURER. QITY OP PITTSBURG. "WATER WORK EEYEN PER CENT. BONDS, FOB BALK BT W1IELEH BROTHERS, Ko. w Boatb TUIBj) Btmi, FIFTfl EDITION THE LATEST HEWS. The Military- Departments fin the Southwest -General . Butler Acoide ntally Injured. t Bta Cta.. SXte., ' Bts LATEST FROM WASHMQJ'ON, Dtrpatch to tht Auociated iYea. Military Affairs la tha oiltw St. Washuotots, Aaat. 10. Gewral Orrs' .No. 1, from the Department of LowlBtana, rlsiteJ Kew Orleans, August , tssued by General Boctin.n. aanouncirifr that tho command of ttve INf.ta Militsrjr District, to consist of the Btate a f Tf xs, is traosferred to- Brevet Major General J J. EcjDoldB, coramtDding tho Divrlct of THca The records pcnainliw tathe Dl&rrlcto( Tfexa,. will be tratisferred to the headg&Ttcri of th Fifth Military District. The States ol Loultisna and Arkona?, in prjrj susnce of orders from Army Ilealquarters, ace organized luto the Department of Louisiana, with headquarters at New Orleans. 1 be. sub-district of Arlrnosas, untU further orders, will be Vuoffn as tie District ol Arkan sas, and will be commanderr by tbe senior officer servirjfr tbeieln, headquarters at Littls Eock. The cocrimsuding BeDeral terviniz thoreiii wil imniedlatt'ly ruuke tbe necessary return of troop ferving in bis district to the Headquarters of the Department o Louisiana. FROM BOSTON'. Gemeral Butler Iajarad Ass Editor As a tutted. Boston, Ausj. 10. General Butler was thrown from his carriage In Gloucester last nii;ht, aod severely bruised. The Rev. Joseph C. Lovejoy, a well-know Democratic orator, asulted George Fisher, editor of the Cambridge Vhronic'e, to-day, ia consequence of failing to extort an Immediate anoloey (or tome sarcastic com meats on one of Lovcjoy's speeches. Only three- or four blows were struck, as Fisher made no- resistance, and retreated as soon as possible.. The Fite in the Canadian. Woods. Statmeb, Cr.nada, Aug, 10. The fire which has been raging In the woods iu this- neighbor hood for tbe past week reached this place on Saturday, and des'royed eleven bouse, tba railroad station, and all the Northern Railroad buildings. The track is badly damaged, and a large qunutity of lumber destroyed. No traina are running regularly to-day. Fire and Accident in Ohio. Ci.etela.nd, Aug. 10 Tbe Continental Flotel, at Crestline, tiok. fire yesterday frim gas ignlt" Ing at a furnace, seriously Injuring three per sons and dainaztnn the bouse and furniture to the amount of $luuo before it wai extinguished. The boarders lost considerable by theft. A Bank Robbery in Vermont. Toot, Aug. 10. The First National Btnk of East Warrinston, Vermont, was robbed on Saturday nisht. The lock of the vault was picked by burglars, and an unknown amount of bonds, belonging to individuals, was stolen. Kot much money was obtained. Fatal Railroad Accident. Buffalo, Aug. 10. Charles Beozens, a brakesman on the Cen'ral Railroad, waj killed to-day. lie leaves a wife and child. He lor merly belonged to the 21st New York Regiment. w Torav Stock (iuotatlous, P. Keceived by teienrpn iruiu Uleadlualng st Davis, Btook Brone. a. No. 48 8. Tblrd street: jn. x.ueut. k l2Njfiifitt8.F.W.andOiu. M.Y.and E. 8 Ml R. K 108" Phil, and Kea. K.... 91 Mlob, 8.and N. I. K. Ho'A Vl. and PilU K 87 Obi. and N.W.oom. bi Ohlo aod N. W. prt 81 Cbi. sodK. I. K..... 111 Paclflo M. 8. Oo 104 Western U. Tel mill Toledo A Wabash.. WZ Mil. & Si.Paul com. 75 Adams Express Co 62 We I In. Fargo A Co. 2tiJ U. 8. ExprttMS Oo.... 4VZ Tennessee (is new.. 621 Oold... .146 Market dulL WINES, ETC. QHARLE3 BOTTLER'S DITERIAL SPAfiKIING CATAWBA. BOLE AGENTS. H. & A. C. VAN BEIL, No. 1310 CHEONUT Street. U fmwSmrp PHILADELPHIA. WOOD HANGINGS. rpUB M AQNIFICBNT NJSW EJ0M3 ct tub WOOD BANGING? COMPANY, No. 1111 CIIESJiUT STliEET, Are now open, where they are prepared to respond to all ordeis at tbe shortest notice The public ara Invited to call and examine the beaallfui effects of WOOD HAKUINQ la WALL DECORATIONS, And get correct and reliable Information til referenea te Ha adaptation, cost, au4 all particulars leapeailng fce same - s l mwismrp fHE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. For Kaeplmaj of Valvaklea, aamrlv tlea,ateauad Ueaitliasx of Bafaa. , DIRECTORS n. b. Brown., a U. Clarke, I J. OUliniUatu .U,1 Al.K. ' O., B. A. Cat IS. 'W.Oiark. I Geo. F. TylV. toau wewa, i& w.Uiark. lUeo. Tr. Ti N. B, BKOWSK. Preaiaxuk C H. OI.AHK, Vloe-Viw.laont