The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 01, 1868, FOURTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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9rClr f rU fey Worn, amd
Ob u Bust.
The Davenport (Iowa) Gazette, of July 28, says
A brave German lady in ibis city gar a bur
glar, who w prowling about her premises be
iwscn 1 and 3 o'clock, yesterday morning, a
taste of lad boi from revolver, and Injured
him badly, if, Indeed, she did not mortally
wound kin. . .
Tbe lady alluded to Is Mrs. H. Bestorlff, who
resides on Harrison street, between Seventh
aid Klghtn. lbs slrcumsiances were as fol
lows: , .
Mr. Res tor Iff carries on a cooperage business.
On batarday be received $200 from parties who
were owing him, and in too svening be started
for Chicago, bis wife aooompanyiog him to tbe
depot. During her absence ber oulldren, two
boys aDd two girls, went to a neighbor's. On
ner rstnra sbe iound plenty of evidence that
somebody had been in her bouse, rummaging
the drawers and displacing tblngs generally,
On Bunday sue borrowed a revolver or a
friend, determined to give the prowling gentry
tb benefits of lis contents, should they disturb
her sgaln. There was no sleep for her Sunday
nlttht. After tbe elock had struct one, her
wakefulness was rewarded by hearing tbe
south- of attempts to open a wlndowagaln. Willi
Arm nerves and brave determination, she re
aolved upon shooting tbe burglar, and laid a
nice plan to carry ner resolution into effect.
Hhe aroused one of ber daughters, a miss in her
teens, and told her to go down to the front door
and fumble with the knob and key, as if sbe
were trying to open lt.ibe noise belug designed
to attract the burglar' attention. Tlie child did
so, with what feeling of dread no one eau de
scribe. Tbe mother then went to a raised
window, noiselessly rolled up tbe curtain, and
With revolver In hand, looked out. Tuere, right
ntidar the window, sbe saw tbe crouoblng form
Of a roan, lie had a revolver la one hand,
which seemed to be pointed towards the door
where the child was. Mrs. U. took: a deliberate
aim at him and fired. The man rollel over like
a log, and seemed motionless for a minute. Tho
woman, overcome with the reaction that en
Bued, almost swooned away. Hhe went to tbe
Blalrwaj and called her daughter back. Then
She peered out of the window, but the burglar
was goue. bbe closed tbe window, and did not
dare to go near it or to leave tier room again.
In tbe morning, after hours of darkness and
-wretched anxiety, she went out to where tbe
burglar was stooping, when she shot him. A
couple of pieces of board Were there, with large
clots of blood upon them. The soil ab Hit the
place for some distance was covered with loose
sand, upon which no blood could be seen. The
bloou upon tbe board is all that can be found,
but It is proof enough that the burglar was
wounded in some part of his body, aud man
aged to prevent the blood from betraying his
line of retreat.
Wnat Ha Vhlski of Gsmaral Grant aad
tbe Hspnbllca Party.
The Democrats of the city of Dayton, Ohio,
mustered in full force on tue evening of the
2Klh nit., in liecket Hall, the occasion being the
presence of tbe Hon.O. li. Vallandigham, who
spoke npon the political Issues of the day. iu
the coarse of his speech be said:
I have no word of personal denunciation for
the Republican candidates. I would not de
tract oue jot or tittle from the fullest measure
of military glory to which General Grant miy
be Justly entitled. I have not a syllable to
otter as to bis personal habits. I care not what
bis name is or may have been by baptism or
nsage. I know Ulysses S. Grant only as the
candidate of the revolutionary Republican
party, and as the representative of its princi
ples. Us policies, and Us purposes. We are not
choosing the ring master of a circus, nor the
xnaglster of a feast, nor the keeper of the royal
homes or hounds, nor even the Commanding
General of our armies to wage war;
but tbe Chief Executive officer of a
great Republic, to restore peace and prosperity
through the arts of statesmanship; and I know
Ulysses S. Grant only as the symbol of negro
supremacy, debt, hard times, high prices, low
wage?, gold without taxation for the bond
bolder, rugs and taxes for the people, and an
Imperial military despotism, instead or the
simple but benellcent Federal Republic or our
lathers. Beyond these General Grant repre
sents nothing except the cold lava of the burnt,
out volcano of civil war. Yon hear from
every quarter, through tbe Republican prens,
tbe alarm that It is the purpose of the
Democratic party to Inaugurate revolution
and civil war. Let no man be In the least
concerned. Unquestionably, It is the fixed pur
pose of 3,000,00" of Democratic voters, with all
the intensity which can fire the hearts of men
born freemen and tcorulng to die slaves, if we
shall fairly, constitutionally and legally eleot a
President, to see that he is Inaugurated at every
hazard. It is onr right, and our duty, too; as
also It is the amy and right of tbe Republican
party, if they shall legally, constitutionally,
and fairly elect General Grant. But no man
meditates ot enly or covertly, anything beyond.
No, gentlemen, it is tbe Republican leaders who
are tbe revolutionists. It 1st hey who resolved by
all means and at every sacrifice of .the rights of
the (States, tbe lbeities or the people, and the
peace of the country, to perpetuate their power
would again plunge us into both civil and
social war wltb all its horrors. Hut to the bal
lot and not to tbe bullet, we now appeal. The
people are wearied of tho Republican party,
and of its wrongs and Its perfidies, or its debts
and its tar 1 flu and its taxations, or Its negro
governments and Us military despotisms, of a
dishonored Constitution and a broken Union,
Which four years of war and three years of
peace under its condnct and legislation have
failed to restore; and they demand and will
bave a change.
TItal Statistics of tlio British 5avy.
The statistical report of the health of the Bri
tish Navy )ust Issued gives a very favorable
View of the sanitary condition or the force
afloat in 18B5. The total force was 52,210 men;
the eases on tbe sick list numbered 6i).3l5, which
is In the proportion of 1363 per 1000 of mean
force, being slightly below tbe ratio of tbe pre
vious year. The total number invalided was
101, or 32 9 per 1000, a reduotlon as comparad
with the previous year of 2 5 per 1000.
1 those Invalided 181 were for wound
and Injuries. There were 680 deaths,
JO belnr tlio result or disease, and 101 of
wounds, "injuries, and drowning. The total
death rata was 11'3 per 1000 of mean fsree, which
Is a reduction, as compared with the preceding
year, of 2 7 per 1000. The mortality from disease
alone was 8 1 per 1000. The lowest sick rate was
on the Mediterranean station, 33 4, and the
blsbeBton the China station. 80 4. On the west
coast of Africa yellow fever was epidemio, aud
In China small-pox prevailed In the squ .dron
at Japan. At tbe lornier station fever increased
the mortality to the extent of 28 4 per 1000.
Cholera appeared in the Mediterranean, and
occasioned great mortality among the elvil and
military population of Malta.
The loss annually suslalued by the navy from
Smallpox has caused Dr. Mackay to suggest tbe
propriety of considering whether it may not be
advisable to introduce a system of periodical re
Vaccination loto the service. Tbe death-rate on
the home station from disease was 5 8 per 1000,
and from violence 1-3; on the Mediterranean
Station, lrom disease 6'2. from violence 2; North
America and the West Indies, from disease 77,
from violence 8 8; Southeast const of America,
from disease 7-6. from violence 3 8: Pacific, from
disease 8 8, from violence 3 8; West Coast of
Africa, from disease 38 2, from vlolenoe 10; Cape
of Good Hope and East Indies, from disease 9 4,
from vlolenoe 5 5; China, from disease 17'7, from
Violenee 5-5; Australia, from disease 4-4, rrom
Violence 6 2; aud in the Irregular force, from
disease 2 5, from violence 4 4.
Ei'lcl rums Couvi'rleu into Ice Drogers.
A few days ago we noticed the arrival of the
late Rebel ram Columbia, from the Keunebeo,
in tow of tbe steamer Jersey Blue, laden with
Ice, We have now to announce that the Jersey
Blue, captain Cummiskey, sailed hence last
evening flu Fortress Monroe, to low thenoe to
iuv jveuueiKw another Keoei ram, tue Texas,
Which Will bfc them luilen with Ice. and t.oweil
to this port. Tue Texas, when captured at Ktcti-
wuuu, n many nr piaung wiiii iron, auu in
this unfinished ooiiriitiou was sold by the Gov
ernment. BU'Wt 210 tuut ionK.35 feet wide, 12
detp. aod is very strong. These two vessels will
be lowed alternately between una nnrt ami
the Kennebeo, laden. Willi ice. on ucouunt of
Llu,.r. It u LVrtutift. Xi f .r t I .
uw-jw,u,k.. ..nuv Y" fuia Oily, WOO
own them, and who are liow actively tovased
In developing tbe Ice trade. They can briu ice
much cheaper and in better oondltlon on board
of their vessels, than it could be transported i.o-
railroad. The late Rebel rain Columbia Is also
a new vessel. Hhe was built at the expense of
" isaiet or soutn uarouna, wno lniouued lier
as a present to tbe Rebel Government. What
m change! Uere are two war-like vessels which
were originally designed to sink. burn, or de
stroy Yankee ship., now nsed b the Yankees
as Ice drogers, aud some of the ice transported
in them will probably be sent to cool the sto
WAchs of those who produced them. After tula
peaceful exhibition we may take oourattoand
hope that tbe good time predicted by Isaiah 1
not lar oil tbe time when people "shall beat
their swords Into ploughshares, and their spears
Into pruning hooks; nation shall not Hit np
sword againBt nation, neither shall they learn
war any more." Uoiton Journal.
Espartero, tbe Dak of Vltterla, Again
la Power.
The cable this morning announces that Es
partero. tbe dlBtlngulshedllberal statesman, bas
been summoned to form a new Cabinet, and
bas gene to Madrid for that purpose.
Ills now eleven years since JOaqnln Baldo
mero Espartero, Duke of Vlttorla, retired from
publlo life, In consequence of one of those
changes which have been i-o common in Spain
during this century. All believed then that he
tend retired finally from the arena of politics,
but as will be seen he has again been called on
to preserve a tottering throne, which he more
than any other has helped to erect, and has
before now preserved by the firmness of
his policy. Born early iu 1702, his career
has been that of a soldier of fortune as
adventurous and as varied as that of Napoleon
III. In early lire, of a aeltcate phvsiiue, unable
to follow the trade of his fathor, a carpenter in
the village of Graualula, tbe future general and
Ufgentof Spain was educated at Almagro for
tbe church. In 1808, yielding to an inclination
of patriotism and a desire for a life of adventure
heeullBtedas a private in one of the guerilla
regiments raised to fight the French. After
wards he bad the advautage of education la a
military school, from which at the age of
tweutj -three he reoelved tbe commission or
sub-lieutenant, bllll fond of adventure he
Joined Morlllo in his (South Amerloan cam
paign. Having served with much success he
was sent back to Bpiiln in 1821 on a secnl-dl-
Elomatic mission. Returning to South America
e found Bolivar triumphant, and a prison
awaiting him. Thence he escaped to Madrid,
where, with a fortune of JtSOOO acquired by gam
bling, he found little dWllculty iu gaining too
hand of an accomplished, beautiful, aud
wealthy woman. The death of Ferdinand, in
lKI.'i, involving ilia question of succession to tho
throne, produced universal contusion. Don
Carlos claimed the crown under the Suite law.
Maria Christina maintained the right, of her
daughter Isabella. To the latter party Espnrtero
lent the powerful assistance of his sword and
iron will, lie strongly advocated the regency
ol tbeUueen mother. In the desperate struggle
that ensued between tlielarllsts and Chrlstinos
beheld distinguished positions with varying
success. Eventually buying defeated the gal
lant Zumallacarregnl and the ablest Carl 1st lieu
tenants, he restored Isabella to her throne In
1840. Don Carlos In the meantime reMrinu to
France. Internecine war had ceased, but peace
was not restored Political divisions Btlli pre
vailed, and in subserving these to his purpose,
Espartero showed the same indomitable cour
age and wonderful power which he exercised in
tbe field. In October, 1840, the Queen mother
resigning ber regency, its duties were assumed
by Espartero. Insurrections under O'Donnell
and other chiefs were temporarily suppressed,
but in 1813 the majority of Isabella having been
declared by the Junta of Barcelona he was de
posed. He fled to England, leaving an open
field to his successful rival, Narvaez.
There he resided until created a Spanish
Senator and recalled iu 1817. Politically he
was inert until 1851. when on the retirement of
Christina and Narvae. from the country he
again was placed In charse of the Hnoreme
Council. To strengthen his government he
called to a participation in Its cares his old
protege and subsequent rival Marshal O'Don
nel, but was unsuccessful in preserving bis
power. After a short-lived and unsuccessful
tenure, be retired into private life, resigning
his Henatorshlp In 1857. Whether at the aire of
seventy-six tbe skill and strength which un
doubtedly were his characteristics, stll I remain
to carry him through the stormy career on
which he has again entered, the coming six
months will amply show.
The End of a Notorions Danseuse.
The tug-boat Valid I aft the Clav street wharf.
Louisville, Ky on Wednesday nisht. with an
excursion party, composed mainly of the in-
"" oi v vo'wn onimioB. up i tie return or the
vanu, sue lanaeu at me loot oi uiay aucoi,
auout 4 o ciocn a. m., ana trie nignt's carousing
wound up by the drowning of a young girl
named Flora Read, late of the Academy of
Music, where she was known on the programme
as Millie Flora, Recently Bhe took np her abode
at the bouse of Jennie Laws, at which place she
held forth up to the fatal occurrence.
From the evidence elicited before the Coro
ner's Jnry, It appears that Flora had been
drinking to excets during the night, and was
intoxicated. As the boat was nearlng the
wharf, having a covered barge in tow for
dancing, sbe attempted to Jump from it to the
boat, and fell between the two. sinking to rise
no more. She was following some man, abat
ing him, and she was launched into eternity
with a dreadful oath escaping her lips. She
was small In stature, and about eighteen years
old. She had led a very dissipated life for
several years past, aud had fallen to the very
lowest depths of depravity and vice. The river
at the foot of Clay street was dragged, and the
body was recovered. It is due to tho keeper of
the house at which she was boarding Jennie
Laws to state that the remains of tbe unfortu
nate were taken In charge by her and given
decent sepulture. Coroner Moore held an
Inquest, and tbe jury rendered a verdict of
"accidental drowning."
rrofpccls of
an liitoruiilioiial Aquatic
Epitor or Bell's Life, London, England:
The Ward brothers, desirous of testing the
relative merits of the oarsmanship of Great
Britain and the United Stales, will make a
match wit h any four men for ft.iCOO a side.
Distance five or six miles straight away. Tbe
race to be rowed in either country, on waters to
be mutually agreed upon. We will give $1000
to any crew willing to visit the United States,
for expenses, or will take that amount and row
in England, Communications by steamer or
telegraph addressed to care of editor New York
HeraUl will receive immediate attention.
Joan. Ward,
Hknhy Wabo,
Charlks Ward,
Giluekt Ward.
New York, July 27, 1RR.
Firib. This morning at 2 o'clock a slight
fire occurred at a itnbl8 in tbe rear of Slaulcy
street, above Third. It Is supposed to have
been the work ot an iucendiary.
At 4 o'clock this niorulncr. au alarm of Ore was
caused by the burning of a portion of Apple
gate's photographic buildintr, No. 704 Arch
Hreet. The operating room, the kyligbt, aud
a portion of the roof were destroyed. Tbe re
miviinler of the structure suffered from water.
The lower floor was occupied by John Bowman,
a dealer in silver ware. His ot, which is light,
Is by water. At 8 o'clock the lire in the rums
rekindled, but tho tit emeu prevented ouy
further destruction of property.
Sir. Applegate has uu Insurance of $1500,
which will hardly cover tbe loss. It is impos
sible loe-tituate the loss of Mr. Bowman, but
his imurance. $13,500, will be amply sufficient
to coyer it. The buildlne is insured for $10,000
in the Fire Association and tbe Frankliu.
A stationery store, tit No. 322 8. Third street,
occupied by Mrs. Oiileii, win slightly damaged
by liie at 10 o'clock this morning. Sergeant
Bioomall put it out by a patent fireextin
guiabtr. The Result op Dkcnkennesb. Thomns
Harvey, yesterday, while working ut a beer
brewery on the Schuylkill, imbibed pretty freely
ot lap,er, and became intoxicated. buriDjf this
state ot iuebriation he appropriated a number
of revenue stamps to his own us. He was sub
sequently, aud held for a further hear
ing by Alderman IlooJ.
Assaulting an Officer. Polioeman Soran
ton, of the Fourth District, yesterday arretted
John Fitzpatrlck, at Second and Market
streets, for being drunk aud Uiorderly. On
the way to tbe Station-Houso the aecased
assaulted th official. Recorder Given com
mitted him in default of f 1000 bail.
A Haul of Youtii. The polise of the Fifth
District, last night, took iuto custody a number
r lads while l-epirg in tbe alleys In the vicinity
ot Ninth and Walnut streets. Aldeiuiuu Hwift
sent tktm all to prison.
Thk Doo-Catchrrs. -The dog-catchers dar
ing the week have captured 108 cauliies, of
which but 27 were redeemed, tlie remainder
bcihg lamihtcrea'.
Thb Profkrtt of thk late Joseph Attdrapk.
The following Inventory oi tbe estate of tbe
late Joneph Andrade will doubtless Interest our
MAkharoa Camf n and Amboy B, B. Co.
lixsbarea Mlnelilll H. K. .
JW shares Buffalo Water Works.
16 staarf s (ff Ua works.
5T shares Pf.-.niylanla R. R, Co.......
ui9 soaras uernunigwi uaa jo..,
-Ill, en
. Si"
. 8 7M
.. t '7
lt 0M bonds Pennsylvania Railroad O. (first
mortgage)........... .. .. t,7l
l0,t bauds Philadelphia sad Heading Rail
road Co., pafanle Jan. 1, 1M6 10,3t
It MO boDfla Unaware IilTlscn Caual C, f
Penmjlvaala (II rat aaoriKa). ...... "
$11. Km bands Leblgli mo (Jo ......... 11 ou
t2,0 bonds 8 ale of Kentucky B 0M
liu.uoo bonds Chesapeake and Delaware Canal
O 0.100
lll,ouobtids bebuylklll navigation Co. vsecona
mortgage) - ., 10,(30
PM bonua Philadelphia and Huutiury Kail road
Co . 7 per cent, (flrat mortgage) - (,R0
110 uno bonds Runbory aud Kris Railroad Co.
(first morigRge) - 10.SM
$60 v bonds jpsuunrlvanU Bull Manufacturing
Co., payable May I. lw 6,109
$lo,(ie bonds ublo and Pennsylvania, Railroad
Co. 7 per cent. AU gbeny Co )0,000
$10.c0 bouos Pl'tnlmrg. Fort Wayne, and Chi
rr gr Kullroad Co 7 per cent. (Mm mortgage). 10.300
f?eon bonds city of 8t, lya i,ne' cent. l,"o
iMHi bonds city ot Lonlsvllle. f per cent. 1"'f
00 bonds city of Cincinnati I pur cent. 7,200
20.000 loan cby of Philadelphia, 6 per oent , free
from lax 20,tu0
$k o loan city of Philadelphia. 8 percent., Ua
Loau mm, m 4,00
Pennsylvania luilroad to................
J atues rerol.... u,
Ls five per cent
,f R 004
m 40.IKIS
$70 0X0
.. 8,000
Pallet ftrns., due June 10. 18 - tW
I), N, Wei.ler fc Co., due June H4lso. 6,4i4
J O, Carson & Co., due June 2, loss. t 00-1
John Mshoii ft Co., due Augut i, la.8 1,57
Ruck nor, McCummon & Co., due August
IT mn 8,418
Coffin, Altfinns & Co., due August 21, IMS. 8, MS
Bucknor, McCauimon & Co., due August
HI. 1S6K S 411
Harrison. Haveiuuyer fc Co., due beptem-
hir2, l8.. 5,001
John 'i'lert A Co.. due tieptember It. 1888... 2 SI
uavia, JM.cK.ean & Co,, due ept.Z4, 160S QM O
P. aicHrtdi it Co ,
John Uiliior., hon A Co..
Canibloss fc Co
K. W.Clark A Co
C. U.Invllller'
John Maion cfc Co
. C. Knight & Co
MM... (.(lOO
m.. uuo
12 000
m 8 0D0
m. 6 0 0
Palanco In Commercial National Bank... $.5 733
Balance In Farmers' and Mechanics' JSa-
r tlocal Hank tool
Bank notes and currency found In drawers 120
I16K0 In gold sold lor 2,22
1 6i la Buyer auiu lor Ui
Claim agnluit United States far amount.,
Gold welch
Kress pin
Furniture In ulmmber aud olllce
Oold chain m m
The Thermomktbr.
hlbils tho etate of tbe
month as compared
period of last year:
The following table ex
thormometer for the past
with the corresponding
1868. 1807.
A. M. 12 1. 8 P. M. 6A. M. 12 m7P. m
78 84 87 76 81) 00
77 91 04 74 83 86
79 1 1)4 77 W) 92
80 91 04 78 00 92
80 94 98 80 91 83
70 88 89 71 84 89
76 87 91 76 87 90
7 87 89 75 76 81
78 88 88 6!) 7 83
78 82 82 0 78 79
72 85 87 T.i 82 81
79 91 95 75 82 82
85 95 OS 6S 76 77
8a 90 B7 b'9 75 79
80 II m fill ??
78 87 1)0 tVS 77 80
75 86 !H CO 77 80
78 90 94 6 1 7 1 75
79 87 87 65 72 74
75 88 77 70 82 7S
70 85 83 70 84 85
76 85 88 70 85 87
74 79 79 71 87 8!)
72 8:1 80 75 00 93
73 81 83 76 81 79
75 77 72 78 88 8
70 82 84 77 89 92
71 85 87 7!) 72 77
73 86 83 03 76 78
75 86 85 70 81 80
Building Pekmits. The following table ex
hibits tbe number of buildim; permits issued
during tbe mouth of July lust parsed, as com
pared with the corresponding month in 1867:
18t8 1667 1 868 1107
Four-story 13
Three-story 282
Two-story 181
Total Dwelling8,477
Churches and
chapels 1
Factories 1
Foauderles 2
Greenhouse 1
11 alls 2
Hotel 1
Laundry.. 1
Offices 4
iBheds 4
2 Shops 0
191 School-honses.M 1
I houses 1
278 Stables 16
Stores 10
Tavern 1
Warehouses 3
Total 534
Additions and
alterations 118
Grand Totals 052 4S7
Folich Statistics. The'poliee arrests during
the month of July were as follows:
Dili, Diat.
1 l"2jH ... 54
2 ... 214! 15 ... 40
3 . . . 315 16 , , . 1G6
4 170 17 , . . 292
5 ... 232 18 18i
0 . . . 99 Reserve . . 138
7 ... 138 Pay ttcrgt. . . 11
S . . 111 Park ... 40
9 ... 176 Harbor . . 43
10 . . , 192 Cbcsnut Hill . 17
11 . . 112 Beggar . . 43
12 . . . 1811
13 . . 65 1 Total arrests . 3419
A Striieb ik Thoublb. Thomas Goldin la a
brickniaker, and while working in a yard at
Fisher's avenue and Market street, struck for
higher wages. In the same place was a neero,
who beiuj: requested to join it, refused. Goldin,
it is alleged, then struck tho negro with a shovel,
inflicting quite a serious wound. The accuned
was taken into custody, and having been triven
shearing before Alderman Maule, waa sent be
low to await trial.
Coboner's Inqcbst. Coroner Daniels last
evening held an inquest on the body of Samuel
Webb, the fireman on the Penn9jlvaoia Railroad
who wsb killed by a briclee. H was ascertained
that at the time' of tho accident the deceased
was standing on the head-light, cleaning tbe
iruoke-f-tuck, aud being struck by the bridge
was knocked into the fuunel. A verdict of acci
dental death was rendered.
Rkcordir'h Case. Thomas Chew was
arraictied before Recorder Given, charged with
an asBuult und battery on Daniel Redman, at
Arch btreet whsrf. They are both colored men,
aged about ilxty ve ars. They had an altcrcatiou
on the wharf, and Chew alleeres lledruau Btruck
him, whereupon be proceeded to thrash him.
He was held in $500 bail to answer.
Death of a Well-known Citizek. This
morning Anthony Ilonjl'T, a well-known and
wealthy citizen of the Kleventh Ward, was
found dead in b''d at his realdeuce, No. 612 St.
John street. The deceased has been engaged
iu the coppcrsumhlug business lor many years
Another Arrest. Charles Harper alias
"Slippery," has been arrested on tlie charge of
bfhifc implicated in the robbery of the house of
lr. Farley, No. 1630 Arch street. Alderman
Jones has held him for a further hearing.
Drownib Man. The body of an unknown
white man waa fouud in the Delaware at Coutes
street whsrf this morning. Coroner Daniels
was notified to hold an tuqueet.
Squatter rights again agitate Sao Francisco.
Advices from Europe.
Ett Kte Kto-t KtOf Kt.s KU.
This Aftsrnoem's Quotations.
Bu Atlantic Cable.
London, August 1 P. M. Consols olosed at
94ja94J for both money and account. Ameri
can securities closed dull; 5-20's, 72; Illinois
Central, 94J; Erie, 43; Atlantio and Great
Western, 42J.
Liverpool, August 1 r. M. Cotton olosed
steady bat unchanged. Breadstnll's unchanged
Lard firm at 65s. 3d. Cheese firm at 57s. Cd'
Karal stores firm; common Rosin, Cs. 3d; fine
Rosin, 13s. Gd.; Turpentine, 27s. Other arti
cles unchanged.
London, August 1 P. M. Sugar firm.
Sperm Oil, 93s. on the spot, and 94s. to arrive.
Other articles unchanged.
Southampton, August 1. The steamship
ISorussia arrived at 10-30 this morning.
Latest Markets by Telegraph.
New York, Anuust 1. (Jotton firmer at 80,vj3nXo.
Fluor advanced 6(d 10c: units ot U.'iUU Ijuis. Mtatn, 7t
10; Ohio. tH'!Hi(al3; VV'eierD, 7ia-l;t,H0; Unulhern Uriiiei;
sali s ot 860 bills, at (8'9(oi5: C Ifornla firmer; sales of
Bus bbls. at tin sotfiia-so. Wlipat unlet, and advanced
N4Zc; sales of 18,001 ousiieis xwo. -1 at f I'M iNo. 1
cliolce m f2M: wblie Michigan ai I2-7U. Corn heavy;
KftltH of 76,000 bushels at $l'iri(q)l.I2. Oats declining:
Bales or 28,000 bushels nr. Rl',y "'laC. Pork; unlet at
ivs 4. Lard firm at lH(uilR'ac. for steam ruudered.
Whisky firm and scarce ai COc.
Baltimobk. Ars. 1. Cettna firm. Middlings, so.
flour vrry firm and active. There Is very little or no
stock, ar d If thtre was any In market It would nro
bably bring higher ra es. The Oraln market Is firm
at yesterday's qnoiatlons. Mess Pork hrm at .
J'.Rcon, rib sides. 17; clehr sides 17,'.,(ilTc.: shoulders,
H,,i(,14,',; llams, 21 Lard quiul at ls18.c.
Hsw Tork Stock (luotatlOMS 3 P.M.
Received by telegraph from Olendinning A
Davis, Stock Bickers, No. 48 8. Third street:
N.Y.Cent. H 1821 Chi. and K. I. K 110?i
N.Y. and E. K....... Tol. & Wabash 11... 51
Ph. and Kca.R Ol Afll. and 8t. P. com 75'
Mlch.H.and N. L R..SS'i Adams Express fyl
Cle. and Pltt.R HK! Wells' Forgo
Cbi. aod N. W. coni.82: U. H. Express 40
Cbi.aod iTonnossee Cs, new.. tl'JJd
Pitts. F.W.ond Chi. iCiold UU
It. R......... HUV Market dull.
Reported by De Haven Bro., No. 40 8, Third stree(
foo Fa es. 1 series.
iioo do wH
ion City e, Iew ln.Vu
5ooo Vest Pa It bds.M 2
1150 Bel Del 2 m as.... M
60 sh Cent Nat Bit. ..121
100 sh Blc Mt b6o. f?i
100 sh Reading 47 44
Z0S do...bSAlnt.47'44
200 sh Cata Pf....bso K
10 sh Leh Nav.. 22
Sh Leh V K.b5wn . 65
14 sh Peuna K...reR 6'i'i
so do S45. ii
50 do crec MX
100 do S45.. 62 L.
lHO do......845 62',
25 do.....rec 62 S
62 do -...145. 62'i
80 do crec bZli
$100,000 LIBEL SUIT.
Bscrstary Rodmaa vs. tb Missouri Re-
Tho Democrat bas had more than Its share of
are taking their turn. The Dispatch waautfd
mo oilier uay lor stannic tnat a man stole a
quantity of plR lead, and yesterday. July
30, a petition wan filed in the Circuit Court
by Francis Rodman. Secretary of State, aealnst
the Me publican. The following is an extract of
the petition:
State of Missouri, county of SU I-ouis. Fran
cis Rodman, plaintiff, vs. Oeorge Knapp, John
Krmpo. and Henry U. Paschal), defendants.
The plalutifT tates that tbe defendants are
ana we. e at tho lime hereinafter mentioned,
engaged in the publication, and are and wore
then tne iiiaiiuuine directors or a uallvnews
aper printed and published In the city "of St.
iouIs, in the county aforesaid, styled the liuily
Missouri Hcpublican," that said newspaper has
a laree oircuianon inrouunout t ne state or Mis
somlund the adjoining States; that on the luih
day of July, ISliS, the defendants and their
agents ana servants did falsely, wickedly, and
maliciously compose and publish, and cause
and procure to be composed and puollshed in
FHld "Daily Missouri Republican" of the date
aforesaid, a certain false, scandalous, malicious
deiamatory, ana noeious article of and concern
iric tbe said plalntllf, as follows, to wit:
"A short time since the Presbyterian congre
gation at Jelierson City held their Sacramental
Htbbatb,when tbe adrainlstrationof the Lord's
8"prer took place. Subsequently, as we are
credibly Informed, one Francis Rodman, mean
in me plaintiff! now Secretary of State, fund
tbe rad ical nom lnee for re-election to that oflioe,)
aud a cabal of his followers in Jefferson City,
were cn a big drunk in that city, baring their
oruies tbe party I meaning the plalnt llf and
others) went through the mock ceremony of
pnna&ing or me iioiy pacrament n a puono
saloon, this Rodman meaning the plaintiff'
performing the ministerial fuuctlous on that
occHsion, the emblems being lauer beer and
Whereby the defendants, with the Intent to
injure and defame the plainllir, did falsely and
n auciousiy accuse mm oi impious ana sacrl
Impious conduct, which accusation is wholly
false, malicious, and nntrue, to tbe great dam
age oi tue piainun, to wit, in tue sum of SdO.OOO.
for which sum, with the costs, etc., he prays
The second count In tho complaint recites tbe
name articles, and It is alleged that tbe plalntifl
is Injured as a publlo ofllcei and as a candidate
xor re election, ana prays judmneni id the add!
tional sum of S.jO.OuO. Harding & Crane, and
iv rum, ueoaerot ivruui are attorneys lor plain
ua.JUisiouri Democrat.
King Theodore's Primo Minister.
A Paris letter Bays: "A piece of news, for
which I do not make myself responsible, but
whleh I extract from the Ilord, is the arrival in
Paris of tbe Prime Miuister of Theodore, a
French gentleman who visited Abyssinia for
commercial purposes, and whose Intelligence
attracted the King's notice, who enlisted him in
his service. His fate, however, rosembled that
of tbe chief baker in Pharaoh's houseluld. No
sooner hHd he found favor in the African mon
arch's household than the latter felt a stroug in
clination to tske oft' his bead and hang him nn a
tree. As a preparatory move, be cast him is'o a
dungeon and loaded him with chains. A fi'W
days before the landing of tbe English expedi
tion it struck the fancy of Theodore to send for
his former favorite, reappoint him Premier, put
on him a royal robe, and present him R'l h seve
ral wives (I translate). Contrary to European
precedent, this First Ijord of tbe Treasury
fought by the side of his sovereign, whom he de
clares to have been killed in action by English
soldiers. Furthermore, this personage, who
ought to be well up In the Theodorian dynasty,
abxertB that the King had an elder son, who Is
yet alive, and who, during the siege, fouirht at
the head of a tribe against his lather's adversa
ries. The iVord is usually well informed, and
stales tlie above as authealio, but does not tlve
the name of the gentleman."
Saoramento la amused by a "one-legged
Hercules probably the original of the remark,
ex pede llzrcuUm,
and Card riate Printing in every variety,
' 1033 CHESNUT BtreeC
2J science and skill have luveuted to assist lbs
hearing In every degree ol deafuesa; also, Respirators;
also, Craudall's Pauiut Oruuilies, aniwrtor to any
others In lue, at P. MADEIRA'S. Mo. lis B, TJCNTR
tstrttet. below (JheanuL Mot
Tb following we tb tf t quottOM rot
various artloies designated:
Pot. m st loom rmminn
CADLll Don: tHc
Pperm. V ... 4 -47
Do,itI.P&tX IS (j
UODOJ'dAtly 6
Adam'neltty-21 U
AOlm'sHlsIS fib
COAL-Dutx: 40C, IP2S OronK.
V ion.
Llv.Orr'lTton (?o
hldney fctt
Anth. "2,0(HiV. 'M a 7 50
tUCUA-UUTi; so, ti
Marao'o sldlnbd a
Unayaq'U " " a 10
Para. ' " a
H, Jiom'o " " a
CH'FFfcE TrTY: 60
Java.wh'e,'d .21 a2S
Jamaica ,-ie,i-iM
Luay ra. ...... I6',a l't
ftlssal, (old
Manilla, .
gold M -ta
Jute, gold Sia t
mr. ona a "u
IK. 1rywed...r7i W'X 00
lIIDICrt OOTTi 10 V oent,
ad valorem, gld
GnoitOiW 11 a 11
Hn rin rr.sltd... 2la 22
(roiiKX)., 1 av
an Jusn. IS a 17
8avanlll. etc .12 a 12'
MaiacalDosAd 11
Maranh oxeto-11
M atmoras-.... is
P. Cabello.... It
Vera Oros -14
Dry Hontd g'd.-ll
I'aiuornia m
. I 0-11X
no, jaipsfipce l
no green
Oreen HaW'esI
a i2X
a 17
a is
a 15
a is
e 14 ((416
..11 fci-ia
it $-H
Miruiilxi lf- 17 t:nvSlsiiHh(er 12 18 VSa 9Ji ! HONK Y Duty: Unequal.
CUl'l'KM (tttipeuB luuoa, (t$gai.,auiy paia.
a 28
a 40
a 3'50
al 65
a 8 25
a w
a bo
1)UTY; Pis and 11 r. 2 'to,
and Htieituiins. c ir.
Am'iau IntiOt 23i 24.'i
bheAiiii E new
f suits) V lt. 38
Bheath'g.old. 1H
Hheath'g yel. 26
Pig, hilt......
Bolls......... 83
Alcohol.. a
Aloes, lb.... 21
AioesHcc'tnne 75 a 85
Alum 8a 3a
Ant'yreg. sld ll' Hi,
Argols ref. gld 2l',a 21
Arneiuc, i o r. g a-
Assaletlda 2
KalsaniUaptvl 5
Hal-am loin... 180
Baitum Peru..
Merries. Turk.
lil-rart) HoOtt. gd I ,- 4',
liorax, lefiiied 84,'aa 3t.,'
Br.nistone.r' il a
luinis ore tlur a SJ.
Ur'iu'e,1ftii.gd8!i,il0 a-
I'amph'r f'lti'nbil.g a
iuiiui(ir, rei. no
Car.Ammnnla 17
t ardsmoms.
CHHior OI'
CbamomlleFl. is
Chlorate Pot
ash, gold 84
Cochineal Hs gd
L'och Mex. sold 78
Copperas. Am. l.a 1)
Cream j a. g a a
t nbebs, K. I... a SO
Cutch . lfi4 18
Hpsorn Suits.. i
Uamboge 1'75 a2'00
Otum Arabic,
s'ts . 81 a-86
Gum Arabic,
Ikd 45
Gum Benzoin 80
Uura Myrrh,
K. I
Cjnm Mvrrh.
Ty 85
nnm Trag.,st 8r
Clm 'I rac, to
jUyd. Pola .ng
and Pr..gld8'02aR8'85
Br 8 to
Jalnpln bdgld b5
Lac Dye . 2
Licorice Paste 24
Ji adder, imicn
gold 12ia 13
11. dder, French
gold 15a
Manna, small
nuke. 95a
ltfnnniL. laree
I'.ua i u
85 a
Oil Berg't 6 S74a 8 87
Oil CttbblB a 3 511
Oil I.emon...8,25 a 4.50
Oil Pepperm'i
Oil Orange -a
Oplum.Ty.g'd 4-87Ha7 50
Ox.Aciolb- 8 a-
Phofphorus. fi!4a 95
Prus.Pota.h.-88)ia 85i
Quicksilver,. 76 a 77
Khubarb, Chi- 2 25 a 3"25
Paleratus.c.h 20 a -
ir'a . s a .n"
5 CuOlS
a 85
.. a
a 40
a 100
a 90
a 65
a 40
a 45-(0
a 40 uo
a 46
a S9
a 26
a 22
t cent
a 80
a 14
a 28
' ' API
AND $4000 TO IN-
only to A. PITLER.
S. t-oila. ko
bariia ina. xiuu
In bd gold. 15
ara'llla Mex.
In bd gold...
Henna. K, I. 20
..ra. Alex 25
Shellac 8 7&a 60
Boda Asa 80 . .
c. gold...... 2 85 a S B0
ft. Lead, a 25
hulph. Quln. 2 20 a 2 25
Tar. Acid, g. 4)a 62
Verdigris, g.. i.0 a 60
Vitriol Blue... 10 U
FKATHKBh octy: 30c
PrimeWesi'n S5 a B
TeuiHfsee.... 75 80
jti KB Duty! Mackerel,
12: Herrings.fl; r almoii.
s; Oiber Ickled, f I 60
bbl. Other Pish, pickled,
Irled, or smoked In
smaller packages, 60 cts.
V llKilhs,
DryCod cwt.6 7Ka 7 00
PIckl'dKcale. 6 00 a62o
Pickled cou. 6-25 a eou
Mackerel JNO.
1, small I8'50
Mack. No 8M. 8 6u
Bal.PlcV tee.
bhad Ci.No.l,
W tf. hbl....
iler'gHeVh'x 30
llerrlilL' No 1 25
vi. ax IniTY:l6i!Un
North Kiv.'t'tt) 16 a 24
Duty; XO V- cent.
Bour 0-60 a 8-60
h.x. AniU-r) .
In.. Ohio. - 8-60 all 40
& Mich ..J
KblvPln I 8-60 a -80
Ohio ex. bds. 9-60 aia eo
OenfSHee do..ll'T5 a!3-t5
Canada blip.
Prsndywine- -Georgetown.
Calllor a s i 9 85 B,2 26
Oregon J mm
Bye Hour 7 00
Corn Meal 6 UO
do. Brandy'e,6'10
rt Pniirli. ..27 (10
t ltUl X UUTIi ineu,ov.,
Almnnrin (inLlIK'. shelleil
and not shelled: other!
Nuts, 2c: l atee. 2c: -at
dlns 60, urapes w, auu
a!9 00
ail 00
a 41
a- 26
a 5 85
a 6.16
cnn nonniigdbt dd M
nuru iUTY
Ilh7 20
I WW Ill
llavarlaus 25
HJKlNt Outy; 10 A cent,
ad val.
Ox, a. .t a.,
( AO B-ona700
INDlUo 1'wrv: rates.
Bengal. h...l 10 a 2 05
Madras go il. 95 a l 10
Ma.IHa.koid. 70 a 95 Pol
(4uatemala,gld--(ia 1 45
IbON-hCTYi Bars I7; R.
K (70 UKi: Boiler and
Plaie. Uio. V tt : Bind,
Hoop, and Mcrull, 1'4(VA
IHo-V . Pig, ton
Hneel, 8o. V It.
Pi . Kunl sli A
o tch ton, 42'00
Pig, Ani Cnll. 8 IK)
lUr.Kng ref. 9SO0
Par Knit 'm... sa'UO
bheel, K iHl
1st anal, i Ci 17!.a la
Sheet, Eng llKh
ft American a
LKAD Duty: Pig ii-no-p
imi ids.; i-'pe anu eueet,
12 76 100 lbs.
Galena a
HpanWb, gold. ('80 a 6 40
Bar, net 10 (hi a
tsheei&Pire.ut a!200
LK4THK8- DUTY: dole,
86 Unner. 10 Ci. ad val.
uk (B Lit. m ss a 42
uaK iu in i lie.... as
Oak, bavy 40
Oak crop 42
nemuicic, ight 28
Hemlock, mid 27
Heuil'k,heav 25
Hem Iocs, dam 19
link DUTy; 10
ad val. sl'10
l ump - a, .iHi
LUMBEK Doty; 2nWct,
ad vaU Wholesale Prices,
Timber, W, P.
llcuhlofoot a
limner uaK,
Kast'n eprace
ner M 18-00 vnn
Ph'gles.TP bch a
llo. shaved.
bdl. Oi M.) a
roBa'd'(r(M, a
qual M. a
D i. Cypresss,
8 toot. a
Lai lis K.& M. 2 75 a 2-90
Hiav'nW.OpellO'. 0 a27.voo
" W.Ohd .. loo-oo affls oo
' W.O bbl. 60 00 ai&u oo
Head'g W. O aHo uo
N.O..f ga a--
Porto Klco 48 a 70
I'uba Musuov.,.46 a 53
Cuba Hayed. a 39
Barbndoes...... 64 a 55
.NAIL8 Iiuti: Cut. ix-
Wrought Vi; HoisesUoe,
( cems W lb.
T?llt.4ud.9i tooib4T9 alfOO
Clliieb 6'37ia50
Hpts.Turpeutlue, 811 cts.
8c,ulAvaB.!tW,Mta' W
Turpet. Hft. N.
coty,'280ihs a3'87';
Tar Wll-
mlnston 8 25 Kn
Tar, 4 bbl NO. 8 23 as 60
Pitch. S'6o a
Keslu-com. old2 70 a 275
Do. No. 2W 280. b 8-2Am: so
Knlrlis 1 ur. 44 a
ujl-uuiv; Palm 10. Olive
I. Linseed, Flaxseed.
K. need, 28 cents; Hperm
(foreign Usherle.) and
Whale or other Ush (for
elgn). 20 V cent, ad valorem.
Oiive,l2bb,tbr4,00 a 410
OI!ve,lno.?'s.-35 a 2 48
raim, f 10.... J2a
Linseed, city
gal.... 1.03 a 1-05
uiuneeu.Aog. a
W uaie b2
" Kef. Win
Ket. H'g.
Sperm, crude roo
"W. D'bl'ch. 215
Bed, city dis
tilled 80
L'dOllSA W.
Kerosene I 1;. .
OIL-CAKi-DOTY; 20"t4ct,
Thliiobiiton.55 00 a
risriiunsu M Dlttv
Crude. o. Rei. o 1,(
V, ' ariLjr
!' Sl -
ReOned free L.8
to wnne (no
1?5 lHt .17
Rett ned In bond
L b, to white
(115 test! 84
Iteilued In b'd.
white (115120
test) H4
nainua, reuued
(bo a ga
my .-... 20 a
PKUVI81ON H 1)oti;
Cheese, 4o If lb; Beet and
Pork, 10.: flams, Bacon,
u uwu. u. mfi io,
a 85
a- w
a 2 20
7- a 21
" " city...
" Mesi ex.20'50
" Primecy
" Prime cy
'! " MsMiis,n
Pork, Ms Wu28 00
rrime.,.. .
" Mess
" Clear
a 4'00
a to
a 8 00
a 710
a sto
a 160
a -48
a 1 00
a 8 (io
a 7 00
S20 00
a -47J,
Fruits iu bugar, byrup Lard prmstm 17ia 174;
.I....,.., o u , . , , , ..... a
bhniild. salt... a
Beet bams, Iu
plrkle.Tttibl a
Beef Bino.'rilli a
Butter, orang 80 a 85
' B'.fAlrlojir 26 a-30
" Ohio a-
heese g a-15
aicii-urtv; z'io. lb
Baddv. itn. at
Carolina, good.
toprluie W50 all'25
Ruugooo. dressed
fi1--: 65 al-62
lA.L,IjI'UTi': ""Cks, 21o.
Turk's Island,
w biish....A.-4J a-45
Liverpool, Or,,
1? arno
Higgins'... a
A8hton's 20
BHiKls Duty: T.lnseed.
16c, Hemp Ho. "jrt lb, (la
nary (1 ?t buna, of no 0a ,
and Grass Meed 80 cU
ad val. '
Clover B... los; II
1 iiooiuy f ou'i Ml aito
FlKxAm.ririi 2-85 avTn
BHOT-ftCTVj 2S,'0. S)
Buckcomoicl 'U's
BOAP-Duiy: 25 4 oent-
ad val,
Cas'lle -16V -IT
iniTv: m rigs. Hum, aud
Plates sold 6-r7i. Sim
HPICK6 DuTYiaaooo. m.
CaMsia In mats
Vi lb. gld.... a -5!l
Gliig'r,lUcold-ll a ll'i
aiace, goiu.,.. 'vu a 95
NutmeKS, No,
1. lO 87 a '88
Peppei . gold.. -23a -4
Plmuuto, Jamaica
(cl sold a 21
Cloves (c) gld 2Hla -27
HUG A RH-DliTYi'Sia-k!"
New Orleans a
Cuba it rlado o7a 08S
Porto Kloo.... -ira -ill
Hav'nawhlle -lia 154
Hav. B,4Y, a
Manilla 104a ll'i
Ioaf. a
Crushed a 16
lYeUW,.a Sr- 14s
and Brandy. 2,i cent.
Ruis.t-h.'i!'!ick8-6ii a
Bam.hch Alyr"895 a
Cur'uis,Zt.VID ll.Va 11,'i
Citron .27 a 28
Alrronds Bid-
ly soil shell.. 15 a 14
Aim's shell d. a 45
dressed or uudreaed, on
Bklns. hi Cbiit ad val.;
ite&ver. -rt noe-
" NorthVIb 1'60
" Houihern 10
" Werner 11. 1'iKl
" Western, k'00
Red Fox jN'th -76
Baccoou B'th 10
' "10
North 50
MlnkNurth'n I 00
14 Western. 8 00
Marten. N'lu 6'H0
Goat, Curacoa- '36
' Mex. B
Deer.HlHalVlb '46
B. Jua -'40
"RA IN Duty: 10a2octs.
WheatwGF'bu2'85 a 245
Cala... 2-65
" Ohio
" Mich., w. i-40
Chlcago.No.l. 1 95
do. No.2, 1 1-3
do. No 8. 178
Mllwa'k.No. 1 P95
do. No. 2 1 83
do. No. 8P76
Rye Mate 1-88
Corn, Bo. w.y. 1-15
" yenow i-is
mixed ,.,n
a 2 70
a 1 85
a 1-78
a 1 F5
a 178
a 1 25
a 1-12
a 2'85
a 84
a 84.
" Western
Barley Malt. 2-80
Oats, Hi ale...
" Ohio ...
cents lb, and 20) cl. ad
BlatlneP25Ib a 400
Hhlpplug.M.. a 4 60
Rilie 6 60 a
NRInblsHlflOU 70 76
H Us P Duty: Russia 4(;
Manllla4V6i Jute 415: Ita
lian 440; bun aud Bluai.
16 v ton.
BuiwiacltH'n.goU aSiB-og
ExtODsion of a Paper Patent.'
Denial of a Malicions Report by
Grant's Brother.
Kte., Kte, Kte.. Kte., Ktv
The Extension or a Paper Patent.
Dispatch to the Associated V.
Wahiiikotok, Aug. 1. The patent of A. C.
Melller for making paper from wood and straw
has been extended for seven years from August
7, 1808, by the Commissioner of Patents.
This is the patent that has oansed so mnoh
litigation among the various paper-makers
throughout the country.
Am tafsmoni Falsehood Nallsd.
Haetkord, August 1. A few days ago tha
Hartford Times professed authority to an
nounce that Orrille L. Grant, brother of Gene
ral Grant, had deolared his intention to vote
for Seymour and Blair. The Evening Post of
this oity publishes to-day extracts from a letter
ef O. L. Grant, pronouncing the statement
false in every particular. Mr. Grant says he
is Btiorjg in the Republican faith, always has
been, and always intends to be.
New York, Aug. 1. The Republican Na
tional Executive Committee, and Republican
State Central Committee, are now in session.
The Republican soldiers' and sailors' organi
sation sits at the Astor House. The latter two
organized yesterday, but nothing of conse
quence was -done. They will all complete
their work by the close of next week.
w Tork Stock 4,aotatlos 3 P. V.
Received, by telegraph from Glendinnlng A
Davis, Block Brokers, N o. 48 8. Third street.
N. If. cent. K 1324,ChL and N.w. oref. 82
N. Y. and E. K.. ...... 07 ;ChL and K. X. R lOOXi
Pb. and Kea. K
Mich. . and H.LK, h,S
Clev. & PltiHb'g K.. 8H
CaL and N.W. com X2
Pitta. -.W.aiidClil.
(Jold li&ii
Mrket duU.
Moetalitt op the City. The number of
dcatns In tbe city for the week ending at noon
to-daj were 406, belug an increase of 49 over
tbe corresponding period of last year. Of these,
126 were ad alts, 279 were minors; males, 205;
lemales. 200; boys, 146; girls, 133. Of the num
ber, 323 were born in tbe United States, 69 were
foieign, 13 wtre unknown, 22 were people Of
color, and 19 from tbe country. Congestion of
tne bram is credited with 12, cholera infantum
92, consumption ot the luags 26, convulsions
24. diarrboua 12, dysentery 11, inflammation of
tbi brain 10, marasmus 2.).
Tbe deaibs Iu the various wards were as fol
lows: l.t, 13; 2.1, 2S: 3d. 11; 4th, 22; 5th, 11;
6th, 9: 7th. 25; 8'h, 12;9ih, 11; 10th, 8; 11th, 7:
12tb, 7: 13tb, 9; 14'h, 8; 15th, 18; 16th, 13; 17tb,
21; 18th, 11; 19th, 23; 20tb, 36; 21st, 8; 22d, 13;
23d, 9; 24th, 11; 25tn, 8; 26th, 12; 27th, 22:
28ih, 4.
Hearing at tub Central Station. James
Mr Creddcn was charged with larceny of money.
Margaret Ackerniie testibed that the prisoner
entered her hous, No. 1340 Wood street, last
eveninp, and went to ber room, opened her
bureau drawer, and took about $500 out, and
left. Held in $1500 bail for a further hearing
on Monday.
William Payne, livinc; at No. 1109 Rose street,
was charged with steaiiug from a house on Are.
Cbiet McCusker testified that this morning,
when he came down lrom tbe roof of tbe house
that was burned on Arch street, above Seventh,
he found the boy rifling a trunk. Held in $609
bail to answer.
Dr. H. R. Llnderman, Director of the Mint,"
furnlsbes tbe followiUR statement of Deposits
and Coinage at tho Alint during the mouth of
July, 1SC6:
Gold Deposits ;, $153,223 01
Silver Deposits and Purcnases lSOS-Ol)
Total Deposit $103,431-84
Denomination. Ho. of Pieces. Valut.
Fine Burs 12 8,5tt4 Oft
Dollars 21.400 $21,40000
Half Dollars 61,800 3U,lKW(Xi
Quarter Dollars 100 25 00
Dimes 43,164 4.310-00
Half Dimes, 100 6-00
Three Cent Pieces 100 8 00
l ine Bars M 4 B05 69
Total u 126,604 f50,818'6a
Five oent pieces .2 544,000 9127,200 00
Three oent pieces 130.000 8.900OO
Total I2.H74-000 1151.100 Cd'
One cent pieces 1,042,600 S10.425-00
Two sent pleoes 847.500 6,950 04
Total 1,390,000 17,375 00
Gold coinage 12 f8,594'93
Bilver coinage 128.A04 56,818'6
Nickel and Copper 4,061,000 148,475 00
Total No. pieces 4,190,616 3213,918-63
lulled States Eevenne Etampg,
o. ios iocth mm htukbt
ion door below Obesnnt itreell.
Onr stock comprises all tne denominations prlntM
by the tioveruueal,
UkUiI, a uaitei ot great Uuponanos,