THE DAILY urv&tflNG TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1868. G NUMBER (XXX XI. A DIOT FOB V RNTAL DTSrgPTfCS. AMD A CITM MB BYPOfnoNDRU. HT-POCBIST, OB AMT flOMPLAIK OF A HT OBDEH. mrmAl'jnAh'T MAYISGS OF SUNDRY Win. wiTllOVT UMMKST OK JlXPLA.HA. TlOlf, BY 47 CM 6IiHIM SOUGH. From "runt-h." ACCORDING TO A CLERICAL COSTEMrOBABT. The Reverened Mr. Ram lias resigned the living of Ham. Canoe or Milkmen. The Can-Can. WIDDI.KS FOB WALLFLOWERS. Widdle When la a young lady, who oan't sound ber "r'a," like, by her own showing, a resplendent angel I Answer When she tells you she wears a pair of gold wings. Abbatt, Now 1 Whist ! An enthnstaatlo whist-player, an Irishman, says that as on Sunday in London he is debarred from his whist, the nearest approach he can make to It 1b attending the servioe in IfVu'sf-mlnster Abbey. Design fpr a Monument over a Teatotaller's Temb. An Urn. A BEAUTIFIED BEING. (Old Lady ttng$ ) Only look at me. Fair in every feature; Don't you tbluk you nee A fascinating creature? Veuus, Heauty's lineeii, Looked ho lovely never. XiO now, I have been Made Beautiful fur Ever! Here are bunt and brow, Wblte as alabaster; Don't you tell me, now. That I am caattit In planter. Hero's a cheek, whose rose Time shall never pluck Oil Do not say It glows Wltn nought but painted staooo! Ob. forbear to chuff, Haylntf, Art doth trammel Feai ureH, wnlcb a lauu Would cause to crack, enamel. Freckles o'er tbin fnce Where did Time's nand sprinkle? Point me ant the pliice. Or show mo any wrluklo. I have undergone Itenovailou iborougb, Loveliness laid on, Has Ullod up every furrow. Bo, to win my hand. Now, boys, who'll endeavor T Take me as 1 Btaud, Made lieauUlul tor Ever. Ekales' IIat. Thank destiny I The Em pire has been saved from a crime and shame. It was announced, to the dismay of millions, in the report of the Liberal meeting at Guild hall, against the Irish Church, that in a fight between Sir W. Rose and Mr. Beales, the hat Of the latter had been orushed. We were stunned and shocked for two days. But on the third Mr. Baalos wrote a letter to the papers, and it contained these "words of sunshine:" "It Is not true that My Hat was crushed." That was not all. Anxious completely to allay our feelings, and restore us with the noney of comfort to the balm of blisa, Mr. lieales, as kind as he is great, added. It was not even Damaged." EDgland has sustained many a trial, and not unfrecjuently has come to grief. Hut history Ehail not say of her that she crushed the LUt oi iieaies I DISRAELI'S DISPENSATION. O Dizzy, my darling, when next a libation You pour with the Taylors, so gladsome and free, Don't prate, If you love me, about Dispensa tion, For that's not a word for yourself or for me. When a gentleman spouts for hU own recrea tion, One wouldn't be hard on a firework phrase, Hut the canting and Jtecordlatx word Luspeusu tlou Is that fitting stuff for these cynical days? If you meant it in fun it's a mere deseoration. If earnest, my boy but you're not suolt a loot; What certain religionists call Dispensation Is something that never was taught lu your school. You want to set going a Church agitation, Well, pixy out your game with each weapon But the humbug that calls lobby votes Dlspen cation, Old J?unch, the great Umpire, 's unable to bear. Assert, if you like, that a dread tribulation Will follow the full of John Manners and you; But don't call a vote a divine Dispensation, Because you 're aware that the thing is untrue. Juneh likes your smart books for your keen detestation Of hypocrite howl that you christened a Oru, But Taper and Tadpole ne'er roared Dispensa tion When Proteslaut votes were the daarest to buy. I'll end with a hint this unpleasant Jobation; If oft you display suoli au absence of Nous, You'll get what the Catholics call Dispensation From paying the penance of leading a House. From "Fuii." Medal asd Maodala. The authorities of the Horse Guards do not mean to give a rib bon for the Abyssinian Campaign. They fear, Should they do so, that it would be chris tened the "Medal and Muddle" Campaign the medal typifying the gallantry of our troops; the muddle standing for the usual breakdown of the Commissariat and other de partments. Shooting Niagara. A Yankee is going to shoot Niagara iu an air-tight iudia-rubber boat, within which he will be inclosed with twenty minutes' worth of air bo says an American paper; but we know the Yankee press to be so toud of the long bow that this shooting business may be merely a little of usual archery. BARD HIT. Don't bother me about iusilou or oolltv. Your lUneluKli, IUouhI; or KImic Allah Bsy sway wuu buuu iripperv, iun, gun irivoiuy, Let's calmly consider the gune of croquet. BuppoBe, now, the neatest and nloest lawns, noon Whloh yon could wish a lady to play Next, one of the fairest glrU Sol ever dawns upon Gould you say nay to a game of croquet ? I'm hit l and my passion, I know no control iu it, UdJ. bs, in her pity, dear Nellie will stoop. I declare thai my heart it has auouabtghole In It. I'll seud her what's left to stick up for a noon. Notbs on Novels. A cynlo of our acquaint ance declares that there Is such a glut of new novels nowadays that it would be as well to . aew the sheets together with skipping-rope. Thi Latest Abt Exuibition. There may be Seen every day, between five and seven, in the park a picture of a cab, drawn by a clever Lt rse. ISrtteb n avb debit left to bloom pitbebn. The Desert Air. The camels are coming. Oh dear I oh dear I nrOBATITDta IS TBK DAUQHTKH Of I'HIDE. Farmer C7iatifaro "Tell 'ee wot I Canon Girdlestnn's a popgun 1. Our workfolk are Oferpaid ! Nine Bhutan' a week makes 'em annoy . Ye'll hardly b'lieve It, but I'd a sheep die yes'day of Inflammation, and I tol' one o' my beggars be might ha' It If a liked 'steal of being thankful for the bit o' mutton, darned il he didn't say as 'twere fitter for th' old sheepdog I Yew'd hardly believe ui out ne didlu What to "back a bill" with. An aocom modatiBg pen-holder. Seasonable Exercise fob Voluntbbr Artil lebt Companies SheliiDg Teas. Advicb to the Student ih tub Akt op Scdlp- tcbb Go to Jerichau I Am I Right ? ob, IIobki-(otiieb)-man f Thb Best Tea Float. The first clipper home from China. A Cut Afteb Dinkeb. Gent.: "Now then, Mary, how much for my calves-head f " Alary: " Your calves-head 1 I should be torry to give muoh for that I" Doh't Yon WiHn Yoo Mat Get It f Reflect ing on the immense amount of specie in the cellars of the Bank of England one cannot help thinking that "stumping Great Britain" must be about the most proiitable branoh of oratory going. From the "Tomahawk." WOMAN'S WORD DOOR', ron Tna csb of our ttouno friends. Lace. A needle's epigram; all the more valuable for the beauty ot its point. Lady. An indefinite word used to define any one of the feminine gender. Lamb. Much admired as a husband, with plenty of mint sauce. Landlady. A person who is often wrongly called a lady, and has no right to what eke lands. v Langnage. A torrent from woman's tongue; a current from her eyes. Laugh. The bell which announces a pretty set of teeth. Legacy. The spice which embalms your memory. Letters (Love). The tombstones of the past, with the epitaph, "Here lies " Liberty. What woman feels inclined to take if refused. Llfegnard. Two yards or more of household oloth, much sought after by nursery maids. Lion. The animal of all others she prefers to tame. Liqueur The feminine of cognac. Lock (of hair). A cutting which carries a train of thought back to a past junction. Lordship. A ship which few women would refnse to steer to the United citates. Lottery Ticket. A marriage certificate. Love. The deuce of hearts. Lover. A servant who is never a3ked for a character from his last plaoe. Luggage. The gage of a woman s philoao- pYu luxury, A mistress in whose lap one for gets the lapse of time and the slapj of con science. From Several Sources. An old and weather-worn trapper was re cently seen sauntering along the main street of one of our Western villages. Pausing in front of a meeting-house for a moment, he went in and took his seat among the congrega tion. The preacher was discoursing on the text of "the sheep and the wolves," and had evi dently been drawing a contrast between the two subjects. Says he: "We who assemble here from week to week and do our duty and perform our part are the sheep; now who are the wolves?" A pause, and our friend the trapper rone to Lis feet: "Wa'al, stranger, rather than see the play stopped I will be the wolves 1" The preacher was vanquished. "How much to insert this death f " asked a person at a newspaper-office. "One dollar." "Why, I paid but fifty cents the last time I inserted one." "That a common death," said the pub lisher, "but this is 'sincerely regretted.' " "I'll tell you what," said the applioant, "your executors will not be put to that ex pense." In a certain family a pair of twins made their appearance, and were shown to their little sister o four years. It happened that whenever a rather prolific cat of the house had kittens the prettiest were saved and the rest drowned. When the twins were shown the child by their happy father, she looked at them earnestly, and at length, putting her little finger tip on the cheek of one of them, looked up, and said, with all the seriousness possible, "Papa, I think we'll save this one." Two French aotresses recently engaged in a violent alteroation, in the course of whioh the question of age was broached. The younger was just getting the better of her adversary when she suddenly paused, aul pathetically exclaimed: "Oh, Ciei c what have 1 done r Abused ber called her such names I I never knew who waa my mother, and she might be 1" A Candid Bankbupt. At a recent examina tion of a bankrupt, it was observed that he kept a great number of bauking accounts. "I see," said the learned Judge, "that you have had six or seven bankers; what could you want so many for ?" "To overdraw them, to be sure," was the frank and candid reply. Lord Dundreary has given his opinion in regard to that muoh vexed question marriage with a deceased wife's sister: "I think," he says, "marriage with a detheathed wife's thithter is very proper and economical, be cause wheu a fellah marrieth his detheathed wife's thithter he he hath only one mother-in-law." "I'm afraid yon don't like babies when they cry," said a matron to a gentleman, as she tried to soothe the darling in her arms. "Oh yes," said he, "I like them best when they cry, because I've always observed that then they aro invariably carried out of the room." A New Reading of Keats (Dedicated to the Young Ladies of the 1' resent Age). A thiug of beauty is a toy for ever. In a bookseller's catalogue lately appeared the following article: "Memoirs of Charles the First with a head capitally executed." A Connecticut editor gives an account of a man who "blew out his brains after bidding bis wife good -by with a shot-gun." Lord Brougham's longevity is now attri buted to his having been preserved in Cannes. A lock of hair from a young woman's head is often a key to a young man's heart. The wicked-eat man in New York mus be a tallow-chandler. The-odorus ought to have a fragrant memory. Bhift-ing the "responsibility" dressing the baby. . There is a man in Cincinnati 400 years eld. who loaned Shakespeare five dollars which he sever got back, presented a bosom pin to Columbus just before his first voyage to America, and was on intimate terms with Queen Elizabeth, whom he oalls "Lib." Lie Is la the insane asIam. ' CABARET HALLS IN TAIUS. Description ef Carloaa Bcsa.s.. A writer : the rlt Ma't Gcttcl'e, describing "Night Rambles In Paris," ajt "ihe 'Cite Tournirr,' as it is magnilnquen'ly tjlro, occuplf e lone, narrow strip ol piotind lu tbc Rue de Baudri'jcurt, and conotAin of a row of eeventrrn huts, each cornprli-ine a tingle apartment, with a tmall square prtch of earth in iroBt ot it. These are M. Tournier's chateaux and purka, as he cal's them. At the cl e eatei are thn e or tour chltlonnier. male and t(!ial.',all with lighted pipes In their mouth, lanterns and hooks In their baiids, and tbeir baskets, which they jocosely nye cabriolets' or cschPmircs d'osier, accordinna; the bearers of them belong to the iiiaf-cnline or feminine gender, already swung on tbelr back', about to sally forth on tbeir mehtly routds. These arc the early birds ot the ci'e, tor most of Its inhabitant are still snoring on their uue'enn couches, sleeping otf the efl'ecta of the day's customary debauch. we drove to the Hue National, by far the worst atnoua the principal streets of the quarter. It abounds with low wine shop', and bristles with fcoldiers and policemen. For tbe accommodation ot the former there i a guard house, with a eeutry always pacing up and down, and several soldiers lounging in front. MakinB our way with difficulty throuurh a crowd of hali-drucken men and women, we euter s low cabsret, called the 'Brasvrle Alfacleune,' where we pay five sous each at a small piacou-hoic, aud receive tickets good tor that amount of drink, and ndmittinir us to the ball-room, a low. dinzy aportincnt in the rear, with an orchextra ot live prrlormere, all verging towards Intoxication aud all in their shirt sleeves. Tue propriety of rais ing the orchestra several feet from the ground has obliecd the proprietor to make an opeolng In the low ceiling of the ball-room tor tbe heuos of tbe musicians, which, in consequence, aie tip on the first floor whlie their legs rest below. Some twenty or thirty couple aro daucingT and as many more are seated at narrow wooden tables, smoking and driuktnir. The men are nenriy all jounir, and their part ners are ior the most part girls, who have about them a certain slovenliness not common to French girls even of the very poorest cla!. On remarking upon this, our guides expl itn that the company are almost exclusively Al?a ctans employed in the neltfhboniitf sugar fac tories; aud that this purt'cular cabaret, where, as may be supposed, beer is the staple drink, is their fuvcriie haunt. Tbe din is some.htrjg tearful, and 'rows' are continually occurring in fpitc of the presence of the customary couple ot ooldiers posted at places of this descriptun to p; esprve order. "One of the police atrents pointed oit to us a brutal-looking jouna; tcilo who hnl recently uudeisi ne six months' imprisonment for bitinsr one ot the soldiers on dy here in a savao manner holding on with his teeth with such, tenacity that they were obliged to beat hlru over the head with their seaboards to force him to relinquish his hold. At tbc same moment a difi ute arose between a co'iple of men, who after expending all the expletives they wt-re acquainted with, fell to blows, theu drew their knives, and thereupon were immediately ejected into the street by tbe guard. They were quickly followed by several of the.r partizaiis, and ere lout; the melee be came general. Iu another instant blood would have been drawn, but a couple of ser-gents-de-ville made their appearance. Instantly voices are subdued and kuivcs concealed, tor every man amont; the crowd kuowsthat in a couple of minutes, It necessary, a picket of sol diers would be on the spot to march them all of to tbe neighbonug guard-house, where the pun ishment would be toinethins severer than a tine ot five shillings. The imperial government represses with a strong hand anything Lu the shape of a street disturbance. "Mearly opposite the Alsiciun sugar bakers' boll is the bill-room ot the Auvcrgnits or porters d'eau the water-carriers of Paris. The eutrance to tbe ball-room is through a low, dirty, wine shop, with a counter at one side, and a kitchen railed oil at the other, where red herrluss aud other dalntiss are temptingly displayed, and acainst the walls of which a number of rabbit skins are hanging, first, as a sort of guaranty of the nature of the viands vended at the eitaulibh ment; and secondly, in the hope ot inducing some speculative customer to make a bid lor them. Tbe latdlord is engaged in serving out drams as lust us be cun fur tne company in the ball-room, which Is of the very worst descrip. tion. 1 be men are en blouse sale, or grimy shirt sleeves, while such of the women as do not ' wear white caps have their heads bound up with fpotted red or yellow handkerchiefs. Perched up in a little rniled pulpit, with a couple of dintiy toy tricolor llaes waving over his head, is a stout red faced musician punipiiig with more than tiaelic energy at a bagpipe, and giving time to tbe dance with, his heavy wooden sabots. The dancers dance with diabolic fury, but still with elephantine movements, raising their feet as though th'jy were i-hod with lead. This was not merely the esse with the Auverpnats, who danced in sabot", which, ot course, have neither tbe ligntoefs, the flexibility, nor the noiaelesencis ot the dancing pump, but was common to the entire company, male aud female alike. Pinned up against tbe wall ot the ball-room I uoticed a copy ot the Auvergnat newspaper, a small fiheet started by three or lour Parisian journalists, natives of Anverrne, no doubt, and proud of being thoupbt so, for they sauntered aloug the Boulevards in bats like those invariably wo:n by the Par s porters d'eau. These water carrie s, are not so clean as their constant contact with the purifying element ought to make them. It is commonly understood that one cannot touch pitch without being defiled; Auvcrgnats cannot touch even water without a similar result, appa rently. "Tbe origin of tbe Cite Pore, the mo9t noto rions cbiflonniers' baunt in all Paris, is some what curious. It occupies a long, narrow strip of pround which formed part Of the domain of the old chateau of Uellevue, converted many years since into an Euglish brewery, of which a certain ndraira' of the Red was proprietor. The enterprise f .lied, everything was sold off, and &I. Pore became tbe owner of tbe ground, a fiortion of which he desired cither to sell or to et on bulldln ' leases. One day, to his surprise, a cbitfonuicr called ou bim, basket ou back and hook in hand, and informed him that he desired i to rent a piece ot laud. On beiug asiced tor 1 what purpose, he reolied to bulla a country bouse toi his wife and family. Tne luter view ' ended in a leane being drawn up lor to many square jards of ground at aoout four and a half pence per lard per annum. M. Dore's chitlonnlcr was laborious, in telligent, and courageous. At daybreak next day be and his numerous family were at work. Tin v du out the foundations of the hcuse, and at ten sous the canload purchased anv ouantitv ot materials from the demolitions goin forward under the auspices of the prelect of iheSeine. With this material they commenced to build; but all their tktll and labor could not keep pace with the inten e anxiety they felt 10 occupy tne house; so without wultmg to con struct it alter t ny recular fashion, they put up the outer walls in the beet way they could, thiew a piece of tarpaulin over the top. covered this with earth, In which they sowed nastur tiums aiid couvolvuli, and to made a flower garden on tbe r o. Their friends came to visit lliem; n I rs cMtlonnter like to herd together, and there Is much in the force of example, the whole ot M. Dore's laud was lented, aud a cite, such ax it is. suddenlv appeared there. "On the side of the Boulevard d'ltalie the Cite TJore is bounded by a belt of low cabarets, at wtiicti a fiery kln1 of brandy known as 'c.uuphre,' or when duly seasoned with Cayenne rtep icr, as catepolilne, Is the staple drink. There are at least twenty of these dunkiug shoos to one baker's. At this hour, however, the guests are far from numerous; as it is tbe rule of the c'ltf lonuttr to woik by n eht, it I by day that he gets drunk. The proprietor of one ot the caba rets Jocosely notifies iu largo letters over his doorway that 'entrance is tree.' Another ex hibits a comical picture of a pig in h's win dow, with au inscription setting forth that poik can be had at all hours,' in proof of which 'here is tbe pip.' Tbe cite can be entered on the side of the boulevard up several dark narrow pasages conducilug to fliuhts of break-neck stepe. 'Veils la Chaussee d'Antiu et les bonle vurdo,' exclaimed a chiffonier to ub, as with heavily laden baeket on bis back be mada the ascent. We did not think it prudent to follow JlllP, Ivl (Ave? vantages hayg au infamous repu tation. According to onr gni.les,' even the policemen on the boats are in structed to avoid them. The Supper of the rilgrlniB. Mrs. Jalia Ward Howe, in her entertaining book, "From the Oak to tbe Olive," thus de scribes "The Supper of the Pilgtluas," as prac tised in Borne: Faster goes tbee shows than one can de scribe them. On Oood Friday evening we at tempted only to see the supper of the leniala p.liinit nt the 'irinila det felegrini. This, atrain, I undertook for the neophytes' ike hav ing injeell once witnessed the august ceremony, llrrc, as everywhere at this time, we found a crowd of black dresses, with aud without vails, wbtch, on this occasion, ae optional. Another mob of women, small but energetic; another rush to see what, under oilier clicuniHtnee-, we should bold to be but asorry tight. Tbe uilerlms are waited upon bv an astocia'.ion of ladies, who wear a sort of femin'ne overall in ;car!et cotton, nearly concealing aoress, usually black, of ordi nary wear. Tbcy are abo distinguished br a pic torial badye, rapierentlng, I think, th Ka,ter Lamb in some connection. Some ot these ladies are of princely lamily, others of rsuk merely civic. Princess Massimo, ot 6rst-ratc pretentions, keeps tbe inner entrance to tbe rites, aud accords it only to a limited number in turn. We tumbled down the dividing stiira in the usual Indecorous manner, and walk through two rooms, in each ot which tbe pilgrims sit with their feet lu tubsot water, the aticndaut Indies being employed either in scrubbing them clean or in wiping tbetn dry. AU were work ing women from the couutry, their laces moslly empty ot thought and ruae with toll. Some ot ihe heads were not without character, and would casilv have made, with their folded bea 1- dretses. a ucnie picture. In general, they and their attire were as rough and uniutcrcstiug as women and tbelr belongings can De. A num ber ot them carried lniants, who?e appearance also invited the cleansing ministratiou, which did not include them, lu either room an eccle siastic recited prayers lu Latin, and a pretty vouBg lady at intervals ra'tica a box, the signal for the participants to make the sign of tbe crofs, which they did in a business-like manner. From thts lavanaa we pass to otber room, la which tbe supper tables were iu proccas of preparation, Ihe materials for the meal were divided into portion". To each one was allottod a plate of salad and sardines, one of bacala, or fried Ealt fibh, two small leaves of bread, aud a little pitcher of wine, together with figs and oranges. The red-irowned mlnistrants bestirred them selvis in dividing and arranging these poriious with much apparent good nature. Many of thm wore diamond car-rings, and one young lady whom we did not see at work was adorned as to tbe neck with a rich collar of jeweled lockets, an article of the latest fashion. All of these Indies are supposed to be princesses, but several ol them talked house gosMp in homely Italian. To us the time teemed long, but at length arrived tbe minesira lu a huge kettle. This universal Italian dii-h is a watery soap, containing a paste akin to inuccaroni. And now the pilgrims, having bad all the washing they could endure, cme in to tuke possession of the goods prepared for them. Thore of the same family tiled to sit toeeiher, but did not always manage to do so. For every babe a double portion Is allowed, and the coin (ten cents) re ceived at departure is also doubled. We bad feared lest the pilgrims might have found tbe presence of numbers a source of em barrassment. But it did not prove so. They attacked their victuals with the most practical and evident enjoyment. The babies were ted with minestra, flth, salad, and wine. Ot these one was two weeks old, and its mother had walked four days to get to Rome. Each pili-rim carried cither a bottle or a tin cantceu, into which tbe superior waitiug woman de canted the wine allowed, that they might carry it bon e with them. A Latin grace was re hearsed before they fell to. Cardinal aud monsignori were seen, here and there, talking with triends among the spectators. Observing that pilgrims eat much like other people, we lett them still at table, and came away, to find the Prince Mass-imo, in pink cotton, at the bottom of the staircase, aud a stupid Swiss, with ill-managsd bayonet, guarding the outer entrance. SEWING MACHINES. THE GREAT AMERICAN COMBINATION BUTTOJf-HOLE OYEESEAMDiQ AND SEWING MACHINE, Its wonderful Topnlarlty Conclusive Trooi of its Great Merit. The Increase In the demand for this valuable Machine has been TENFOuD during the last seven months of Its first year before the public This Brand and surprising success 1 unprecedented In tbe history oi Bewlog- Machines, and we feel fully warranted In claiming that IT HAS NO EQUAL, Being absolutely the best FAMILY MACHINE IN THB WOBLD, Aud Intrinsically the cheapest, for lt Is really two Machines combined In one. Bold at the S. TV. Cor. of ELEVENTH and CIIESXUT, PHILA DELPHI A. 8 801 tuthlf FURNISHING GOODS, SHIRTS,&C Ha 8a Ka Ga Harris' Seamless Kid Glovca. EVEBT PA IB W ABB ANTE, KXCLTJBrVK AGJLNTS FOB GENTS' GLOVlOs. J. W. 8COTT a CO. i irp HO. 814 CHKSHUT TKfcE. jjATENT SHOULDER-SEA IUIBT MANUFACTORY. AH DVEMTLEHEiia EJTBNISHIN SIOUI PEBFKOT FITTING BHIRrB AND DRAWEEk made from measurement at very short notlou. All olber artlcln Of OBLNTLKMJiN'ti DBB GOODS in full variety. WINCHESTER Jk COn 119 NO. 7U6CBKUNUT HtTML GROCERIES, ETC. rpo FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, heretofore, to supply famine, at their couDtry renldeoces with every description ot FINB GROCERIES, TEAS, ETC., ALBERT C. BOKKBTH, Dealer In Flue Groceries, 117jrp Corner ELEVENTH aud VINK HU. GAS FIXTURES. G AS FIXT URES. MIBKKY, M<RILL A THAGUAJU No. 716 CHiJSUT Btruel, manufacturers of tiu Fixture., Lamp, etc., eio. would vail tbe attention of the public to tbelr lares an elegkitt aesortiueiil of Gua Chandelier., Peinaauu, Brackets, eto. They also Introduce gas-pipes luU dwellings aud public buildings, and attend to extend lag, altering, and repairing gae-plpea. Ail work warranted. U II TTT I L L I A M 8. GRANT, N.S B. DELaWAKE Aveuue, Philadelphia, AQKNT VltH Dnpont's Gunpowder, Kenned Nitre, Charcoal, Etc, w . c co. 'a Chocolate Uooo.. am uronia. t-rocker. Bros. (A Co.'g If allow Mutai bueathtng, Bolts and Naiii t, J- DRUGS, PAINTS", ETC. JOIJEIIT SHOEMAKER. & CO, N.E. Corner of FOURTH and RACE ists., miLADKLPHTA, ' WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. IMPORIER8 AND MANUFACTURER'S OF TYliIto Load pnd Colored Paints, TuUy, Varnishes, Etc AGFNT3 FOR THB CELEBR1TED FREJ.CH ZINC TAINTS. DEX LERH AND CONSUMERS 6UPPUED liOWHHT PRICE FOR CASH. ! SHIPPING. FUR E08T0a-VIA N KWPOKT AND FALL RiVKK. The BOb'l ON and NEWPORT 1.1 NR, by thesplen. diil and .njierlor Rt miner. NEWPORT, M K I'1U POLlrt, OLD COLONY, an 1 EM PI KS! HTAVA of great nlrpniith and apred, cu8'ruoi"d exprenl for the navigation of Long Inland Mound, running In connection with tbe OLD COLONY AND NEW. POHT RA ILKOAD. Leave PIER 28. NORTH RIVER, foot of HUR RA Y btreet. Tlie st siner NKWPOHT, CHptnln Brown, leave Vonc.y, Wednesday, and Friday, at 4 P. M.. landing at Newiiort. Tbe oteamer OLD COLONY. Captain Simmons, leaves Tuesday. Thursday, aud Saturday, at i V, M., landing at Newport. Thene sieamers are fitted up with commodious state-rooms waier-tinht compartments, and every arrangement tor the seourl'y and comfort of pmhcd ft n, who are afforded by this route a nlKht's rest on board, and on arrival at NKWtOH'f proceed per rail road again, reaching Boston early on tbe following morning. A baffita master Is attached to each steamer, who recolve. and tickets the baggage, aud accompanies tbe Faroe to Its deMinailon. A Blenmer runs In connection with this line between NEWPORT aud PROVIDENCE da!ly, Sundays ex F'reit'ht to Boston Is taken at the same rates as by any other regular llee, and forwarder! with the great est expedition bv au express train, which leaves NEWPORT every morning (Htindays excepted), at7 o'clock, tor Boston and New Bedford, arriving at Its destination about 11 A. M. F'or frelcht or rassaire.appiy on bonrd, or at the Office, on PIER 23. NORT li RIVF;R. F"or state-rooms and berths apply on board, or if It is desirable to se cure them in advance, apply to t!,r.Tll,T , Tj. JjI 1 A Ur.t AIUAs Agt-UtJ, J27 No. 72 BROADWAY New York. SAFETY, RPBEP, AND COMFORT. FURTHER REDUCTION IN rASSAUa RATES. Favorite passenger steamers of the ANCHOR LINE sail every r-A'l UHDAY with pas.engeis lor LIVERPOOL, tlf.AK.JOW, AN LI DERRY, From Pier No 20 North River. Rates of pa able In currency. To Liverpool, Glasgow, and Derry, cabins 90 and 7f, according to location. F.xcurslon tickets, good tor twelve months, f 180. Intermediate, !to; fcleerKe fli. Prepaid certiuctes f-om these ports, ttt. Pasi.eng"rs booked to and iroui Hamburg, Rotter dam, Antwerp, Havre, etc. at very low ratw For further li formation apply at the Company's Office, No. S BOWL1NO OKFFON, New York. HKNDLRON BKDl'UKRi, Toavrtd Imposition, passeng-rs will please come direct to the office, as this Company does not employ runners. i t LOXUON AND NEW YORK STEAMSHIP ftE Passage to London direct, ti 10, 175. and tso currency. Excursion tickets at reduced rates available for t ruouibs. AT A LANTA. BKLLONA. CELLA. WM. PKNN. Freight will be taken and through bills ot lading given to navre, uiwerp, jrvuntru ui, uteruaui and Dnnklrk. Forp'ssage apply to ROBERT N CLARJC.No, 28 XJ.rlUA.LWA l , ktsw x ui iv. F'or frelKbt apply at No. 64 BOUT H street, W. T. S26tl HOW LAND & AMPIN WALL. A gen to. rUNARD LINK OP EXTRA STEAMERS. BETWEEN KFOW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, FROM NEW YORK EVERY WKDNE8DAT. TRIPOLI, ALKPPO. RATES OF PAbSAUE: Cabin IS9 Gold. bteTBEe.. .. $ Currency. Hteeruge t lckets from Liverpool or Queeustown at lowest rates. For Freight and Cabin, apply at No. 4 jjowung tireen. For (steerage Passage, apply at No. 6 Broadway. 22t E. CUNARD. Q NLY DIRECT LINE TO FRANCE. TiiEOE'VFRALTRANsJATI ANTfO COMPANrs MAIL MKAMBHirS BK1'W rfl,W-10ilit A Nil 1IAVKK. CAI I.IMJ AT Brt.fcir. The splendid new vessels on this favorite ront for the Continent will sail from Pier No. fid NOR id River: N A l'oLFON... -, Lemarle PFHK1HF,...... Dlichusne VILLE DE 1'AKld iSurmont bT. LAURANT - - Bocauda PRICE OF PASSAGE in tOLT (Including wine), First Cabin, 16o or l4i; Hecoud CabIn,tS& TO PARIS, Including Railway Tickets, furnished on board, First Cabin, tl(U or (145; Hecond Cahlu, flu. These tUamert do not carry MUeragepaiseHueri, Medlt al attendance free of chitrift). American travelers eolmrtoor returning from the Continent of Europe, by taking the sieamers of this line, avoid unnecessary risks from transit ay jungnsn railways and. crossing the chauuel, besides saving lime, trouoie, ana expanse. 2 26t No. 6S BROAD WAT. T 1VER POOL AND G REAT WESTERN STEAM l COMPANi. j .11. iiiiin . . u 4 t.v.i . uaiunu 1 I 1. built expressl) lor the New York trade, are lnteuded to sail regularly between NFAV YORK aud LIVER POOL, caning anjU-BiHriBTOWN, vis : JUAOUA) 1AJ1. aimniuiuiA, mT.ORADO. - NKnRAKk'A. with other tirsi-class steamers building. t roui ner no. 37 .asL Kiver. Cabin (the accommodauons being equal te any At- lannc steamer), vt. goiu; return tickets, goiu; iu ateertoire. 45 currencv. 'Jh keis to bring out passengers from Europe can ne ooiainea on reasonaoie terms, rot ireigut ur pas sage apply to W1LI.IAMS 4 GUION, No. 71 WALL Streeu For steerage passage to 2 24 1 WILLIAMW A GUION, No. 29 BROADWAY. PROPOSALS. IMPROVEMENT OF OGDENSBCRG UAH L HOH.NtW VORk. r-ealed Pr. porais In duplicate, will be received at this onice uutu 12 as., sua ija i , August iu, ins ior deerjetilmr bv dreUtli.K the barbur of Oadeusburg. Ntw York si as to give twelve leet of water at tue Jowe.t stage, in ine lonowiug place", viz.: Section J. Ou tbe outer bur across the channel Into Ihe upper harhor, northeasterly from the lighthouse. Where aoout i.i,uuk cuuio yara. 01 nara sauu 1. esti niRlen in reonlre removal. Heel Ion it. Between the bridge, the ferry wharf and the Rome Railroad depot, where, lt Is e.itl n atd, about 2r,cxu i ahlo jards ol very hard "hard pau," witii gravel and small boulders, must be taken out. All the rraterlal (which will be meaaured In the scowr) must be dumped at least half a mile below the outer bar. In deep water, at a point 10 be marked. T be work must be comuieuced as soon a. p ..nlble, and no later 1 ban kept. 16 iss. continued as long as possible lb Is t eason, and completed by the SUth ot No vember. IMS. Bidders must propose ror earn section erparateiy, and separate contracts w ill he made for each. Bt s must be made upon printed blauks, wbloh can be procured at this otllce. for similar written ones), w hich mut-t be properly tilled up and signed as Indi cated. Ail the Information p- ssesed at tnls elUce will be given to bidders. Out all wLshi'Hi to amtrart tire partieulurly reuumltd lotxamine ttt Oideultri brfure tindUWinttulrUtU. M C. E. BLUNT, Llenl.-l 01. engineers ana iirevet-coi. u. a. JL, U. H. FNOlNtUB OFKICB, 1 Owuo, N. Y., July 14 1SS8.J 1 18 0t piTLER, WEAVER & CO., MANUFACTUREHB OP ; MANILLA AND TARRED CORDAGE, CORDS TWINES, ETC., NO. 23 North WATER Bireet, and No. 22 North DB LA WARE Avenue, jpaii.iriKi.PHiA. Kdwim H, Fitlkb, Michakl WAva, ConaAD W. CixiTHiia- 1 14J OODLAKD CEMETERY COMPANT The following Managers aud CQiera Itavs been e'fccled l r tbe year lsiis; ELI J. PRICE, President. Wd, H. Woois. I Wm W. Keen, pamucl K aloon. . 1 I Ferdlnanc! J. i'rr, Ol'lie. Ftallelt, 1 George L Busby, FlwInGr.ble, I B. A-Knlght- n r-ecretaiy aud Treasurer-JOJ. B. T0W?9"T,i7in TheMaJasers have f'assed a resoluJun requiring both Lotbolders and VUltors to Pi0' ,?v "lcku euirauce for admls.lon to the i8'-- V'o iS may be had at the omce of tbe Oou'Pauy, o. Si A Rt H HlreeS. or ot any of the Managers. 7 t TTHITED ATEB HESAm CtIibS"o fchieaul. EMallhed 1SS2. Bevetwebtami- of every deaurlpUon oonstantlyol SHIPPING. ff htTs bTEAM TU LIVhttfUUL, CAX.LLSC, .iiwiinwai AT UUMi.noiunn. 1 1 I t I .. o n.,(vUffc wttK IK. TT . m.M states aud Brlli.h ttoverumsnts, for carrjlng Lbe Mans. CI I V OF AN1 WFRP Ratnrday, Jn'y M tITY OK NKW YORK (Via Halifax) Tuesday, July M CITY OF PA RIW Hatnrday. August 1 CUT OF LONDON .. ....M.ierSay, August t CITY OK W AetFi iN'J'NfvIa Halifax) l'uasd'y.Asg. 1 CITY OF HALTIMO".E....raiorday. Aoirot is tITY OK hub I UiN. ......nainraay, auku.i ' aud sucieedlng Hatmday and alternate Monday, at noon, from Pier Ne. 4 NOHTH River. Kates or p.ssnge by (he Mall Bieamer BAlIUNtl EVEKY baTURDAYi . . Payaoie In Gold. I Parable In Currency. First Cabm f1S 8teer(vge.. fn " to London 1 to Iondoo., 4 " toParls. lift! ' to Parts.... at Passage by tbe Monday stamers: Cabin, M goldj Bteerage, : currency. Fiat, nt passage from New )ork to Halifax Cabin, 2u; Hteeragn, 1 10. In gold. Pasengers also forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Bra moderate rates, bteerage psssage frons Liverpool or Queenstown, Its currency. Tickets caa be bongnt bere by persons .ending ior tbelr friends. -For further Information, apply at tne company Ifflce. JOHN (J DALE. Ag.nC . No. 15 RROA UWAV, N.W York, Or. O'DONNEI.L FAULK, Managers, 12H No. ll CHKdNUT StreetTphlla, Vbroagh 1.1b to Valtferla via PsusmisMs Kallrwad. NEW AH-tANOEMENT, Balling from New Y'o.k on the Mb and loth nf FA 1,K V UuNTuiOr lh uay before wii.u tneae dates tali on Wuui'ay. P si-age lower than by any otber line. For information address i.tliDTVnTnw A . Pier No. 46 NORTH RIVER New York. Or 1 HUM AS K SKA RLE. No. 117 WA I.N UTbt reel, Philadelphia i-a. W. H.WF:KH. Presiden'. H4. DA N A, vlcv Prefl OOlce 84 K.VCHAMIK fan . New York, t 8 aa PaSs AG fc, TO AND FKOM GRfiAT nHir.Alr AM ikkland BY fi'iJAHnll IP aNii maIliNU PACKET. A 1. I J L' . . ,1.1, ... . . . DRAFTS AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT ENCS. LAND, IRFXaND, N OTUNIJ, AND WALE xur particular ai w TAP-COITt-, BROI HEK8 A X No. M SOUTH Hlreei. antl N. t fillO A I'W A Y, OrtO TU MH T.HEARLE, 11 N . 217 WALNUT Street, ' K L 1X7 k-VUT?ITwlj I U'r rry t. ...-w .andrla. dtniiriown. and W. D c, via Cbes.peake auu Delaware ca ial. with oon nectlonsat Alexandria Irom the moat direct route ior L) nebburg, fc-iatoi, Kuoxville, NashvUle, Dal ion and the fetouihwesl. Steamers leave regularly every Satnrday at noon trom the hrt wkari a - Market street. Freight received daily. . WM. P. CLYDE A CO., No, 14 Norm and ti mill Wuarvea, J. B. DAVIDSON, Agent at Georgetown. M. ELDHIDGE A Co., Agents at Alexaudrla, Vb git, la. i ftttU 01ICE.-FOR NEW YORK, VIA JLlrUDli.LAWARE AADHARITAN CaNa! AXPREm MTEAMBOAT COMPANY. The Steam Propellers of this Hue jeave DAILT from first wharf beiow Maraet street, THKOUUH IfN 24 HOUHS. Goods forwarded by all the Hues going out of New York. North. East, and West, free of cominuulon. Freights received at our usual low rates. WILLIAM P. Ci.YDK & CO., Agents. , . . Jo. 14 ts WHARVES, Philadelphia, JAMFS HAND, Ageuu not No. 119 WALLMtreet. corner of South, New York' lM TI . . TIL', i Dull rt in nitrvwr AND NuRFOLE Hl'alAMnMIP link THROLUU FKF.IGHT A I K LINE TO TUB SOUTH AND WEM1, EVFiRY SATURDAY, Street0011' J?1BHT WHARF above MARKET T HROUGH RATES and THROUGH REOKIPTS to all points In North anu Sou.b Carolina, via bea board Air Line Railroad, conceding at Portsmouth aud to Lyucbbnrg, Va., Tennessee and the West, via ; V Irglnia and Tennessee Air Line and Richmond and Danville Railroad, Freight HANDLED BUT OfCE, and taken at LOU ERRATFB THAN ANY OTUEKLImX. The regularity, safety, and cheapness of this rontc commeudltto tbe publlo as toe most desirable me dium for carrying every description ot freight. No charge for commission, drayage. or any expense Ot transfer. Steamships Insnred at lowest rates. Frtlght received dally. WILLIAM P. CLTDTS h CO.. No. 14 North and Bomh WHARVEa W. P. PORTER, Ageut at Rtchmoud and City Point. T. P CROW ELL A CO.. Agents at Norfolk, a lj irfCr:!" FOR NEW YORK SWIFI-SUBI ii Hi t mi 1i't't" " -Company Despatck a u ewiil-Biire Lines, via Delaware and Raman Canal, on and after me ISth ol March, leAvIng dally at 12 M, and s P. M connecting with all Northern and Eastern lines, F'or lrelehl, which will be taken on accommodating terma, appiv to WJLLUji Af. HAIIID ft CO., 1 1 No. 132 H. DELAWARE Avenue, LORILLARD'S OUTSIDE LIHl. Goods oy welt hi. 10 cents aer 100 lbs , gross. Measurement goods, 4 cents per cub,o toot. ' Freights received at all times, and insurance guax anteed at tbree-elgbtbs percent. For further Information, apply to t. JOITTgr F OHt 72 Her 19 North Wharves STEAMBOAT LINES. .' a. n D I B "V f IISUM asaswgw BETWEEN KEW YOKE AXD BOSTOITi VIA BRISTOL. Vol PROVIDENCE, TAUNTON, NEW BEDFORD , CAPE COD, and ail point of railway cou.muulca . tion. East and North. The new aud splendid steamers BRISTOL and PROVIDFJSCE, leave Pier No. 40 NOR I H RIVER, foot Of canal street, adjoining Debi asses Street Ferry, New Y ork, at 6 P. M.. daily, bondaya excepted, con necting with steamboat train at Bristol at 4 Su A. M., arrlvlug In Boston at A M. . In tliue to connect with all the morning trains irom that city The most d Biraule and pleanant route to the White Mountains, Travellers for that point can direct tlons by way of Provideuoe aud Worcester, or Boston, hiaie-rooms and Tickets seemed at omce ea pier la New ork. 815m H. O. BRIQGS. General Manager. , F II K d A P E KIT. ;tesK:r on Tuesdays. Thursdays. at bA t CltDA 1 B. The .plendld new steamer LADY OF THB LA KM, Captain INGRAM, leaving Pier IS above Vine i street, every Tuesday, T hursday, and Saturday at 8Tf 1 A.M., and reluming trom Cape May on Mondaj. W edue&day, and Friday, FAE t2'25, luo.udlog Carriage Hire,'6U, " Children .. SI-.6. " Beasou Tickets, lia Carriage Hire extra. Tbe Lady of Ihe Lake Is a flue sea-boal, has haw some stale-room accommodailous. aud la lilted uf with everything necessary tor the .alety sad comfort Of passengers, U U. 11 fJUDELL. CALVIN T AUG ART. Office No. 88N.DELA WAKE aveuue. BHUtf fur chestbr, hook, and aaa 3S WILMINGTON At 8 3U aud V 60 A. M Hua S ou P. il. The steamer B, M. FELTON and ARIBL leave CHEt-NUT Htreet V harf (Sundays excep ed) at IN auo S-60 A. M and tl P. M., returning leave W1F nilngtou at 'A0 A.M.. 1260, and I'oO P, M, Stepping a Cheater and Hook each way, , Fare, 10 cents between all polntr. Excursion tickets, 16 cents, good to return by either boat. U i-fiT N PHILADELPHIA AND- TEEN. afiatiiTi i i'sTii '1 . " '" bteaiBOoat Line. The steamooak Ejj n utRF;ST leaves AKCH Htreet Wnart, tec Treuum, slopping at Tacony, T orre id le, Beverly. Burilugtou, Bristol, Florence Rabbins' Wharf, aa4 White Kill. . Leaves Arch Btreet Wharfj Leaves South Treaten. Balurday, July 26 5 A. M laturday, July 24, 0 A.1C bunday July 26. u Burilugtou. Bristol, aud Inters tneuiale landluts, leaves Arch street wbart at 8 A. M. , and 2 P. .: leaves Bristol at W A. M. and 4i P. M, Monday, July 27. 6i, A.M; Monday, July V7.1U1, A.M Tuesday, 21, 7 A.MiTuiwday, " 2H.ll A.M Wed'd.y. "89,8 A MlWed'day, ' S 18 M. Thursday, " Ski. 10 A.M IT'hursday, "SO, P Jf Friday, "81.10 AMlFrUay, SI 8 P.Mt Fare to Trenton, 40 cat. each way; Inter inedlaue places, 86 cents. I arfErs oprosnioN to tub com. BIN ED RAILROAD AND RI EE Bita'uJOHN BTLVTER will make daily excuislon. to Wilmingfoa (-udays excepted 1, loach lag at I besier aud Marou. Uoak, leavlog A Roll fUreet wbaif at IV A. 61. aud 4 P. ll returning, leave u i irlir" at A M. ad 1 P. M, .,htrx.IghUUk... Jj, W. BURNS, 28 If ; Captailk r.AVJZS "AIL, A.iT, snleodio Mb. leaves CH F.HN O' DAILY EXCDBSI0S8. THI bAVUnOIUil i3. A iA IS 1 JOHN A. WAR" J Street W harf, Phltada at 8 f . M., for Burlington and 1 rtou. Torre1ale, Andalusia, I o'clock and 8 o'clock P. Bristol. toucliltiK at Rlvertou. and Beverly. Returning, leaves Bristol at I o'oloek Ai M, anu r. m. Fare. 86 cents each way; Ex portion sBcte. Ill If - . iyrTB CKDAY IXCDRsfoNS. TW1 JispleiJdid new Steaa.sbip TWILIUBP u. ivo ctisauut atreet wbarf, PallaS.lpa.a. at o'clock A. M., and 2. P. M for Burllaglou .ad Briar tol. 'oncalug at Mesarg.e's wharf, Taeeay, Hlvertoa, Andalusia, and Butrily. fletaralug leave Brl.tol at US A. M.. and 8 P. M. Fare, 86 e.ats each way. Excanluu, iu ceala. M.lX CaptaiB a. CRAWFORD,