THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JULP 24. 1368. A MOUSING AMONG AUTOUIUPlISi tIT WILLIAM TOPKO. Before citing any further extraots from Mr Old's collection, a few more words may ha fitly bestowed upon it as a whole. The auto graphs, then, set apart in groups, illustrated vj extremely choice portraits, and chrouolo logioally arranged, number one thousand. Two or three hundred besides that may be termed miscellaneous, though possessing iu Borne instancies a rare interest await the ac quisition ot the requisite engravings, and have not yet lallen into their places. The col lection, properly so called, is contained in twelve large portfolios. Light of these are devoted to the .British series; two to the In-nth, from the period of Louis XI to that Of Lonis XVIII; one to the German, bwtween the reigns ut Maximilian. 1 aud Joseph II inclu sive; and one to the Italian and bpanidh, the latter of which coiuinnuoes with Charles V and comes down Oolv to the era of Ferdiuaul VI. This covers, however, the Spanish occu pation of the Low Countries, and oilers there fore a rich Held for gleaning. The Lritish Series, filling, as I have said, eight portfolio, is thus subdivided and grouped; five portfolios are given up to the sovereigns, states men, military, and naval commauders, and other personages usually designated as histo rical; two to celebrities in Literature, Science, and the Arts; one to priet3 and divines, a numerous aud important class. With very few exceptions aud these generally of the most remote date the letters are holograph, that is to fay, written entirely by the baud of the signer. One cannot expect, indeed, to find manuscripts at length from the p-n of Henry VII, or Louis XI, or Charles V; but mere signatures, as a rule, would be but lightly eeteenied by your genuine col lector of autographs. lutleed, I came to the conclusion that Mr. Old, in exercising his Judgment, had been very much inlluenoed by the character, so to say, of the letter or docu ment that he acquired. Light is thrown in some cases, upon doubtful points iu history; in others upon the motives that hare influ enced men ot mark in their doings at critical moments, or on occasions that have linen Tuioubly interpreted by commentators. This Will be shown, I cannot but think, in a few more citations; and to these I hasten back for the reader's entertainment, seeing that genealilivs Boon tend to be wearisome. A bill ot fare is "no criterion of the excellence of a restaurant. You may be struck with the brilliant air ot an evening assembly; but how Boon does the eye settle down npou individual attraction 1 You care not to speculate on the height or breadth of the saloons; you won ler rather, or inquire, who may be the tall blonde promenading round the room who the hand some little woman seated apart in a corner, With lily complexion and expressive features, With classic head faultlessly posed on faultless Bhoulders, wearing a perfect costume as though cone other would tit her, aud carrying a wealth of ornament as though gems were made for her, and not .lie for them. But now comes in reality what the French, call the embarrassment of riches. The intel lectual treat is of so high an order, that one is fairly puzzled which way to turn. In compli ment, nevertheless, to the scholarly tone of i'utnuin's Magazine, let us turn at the outset to Alexander 1'ope. Thus does he conclude a letter to Dr. Oliver, dated Stb August, 1743, the year before his death his courtly faith, in medical science not exonerating him from the common lot of morta'ay: Pray make nay .-...upiltnents to Dr. Hartley, as I shall yours to l)r. Aloud. I liavohal such. obllgalloiiH to ttie iH-nt l your Faculty UuiiuK ley whole life, turn J v. mix ml oilier, ooth my im-ntis pit u tny ene.ui. s, wi re ititsir pnueuls, In which. 1 hhow that 1 wish well to my frleutlH. and not ill to ray eitciules. That every physical and moral evil nitty do far Iroiu you la the piiUOboi hicfU prayer of, " Hear sir. Your very obliged and very affectionate ser vant, A. l'Ol'K. Jonathan Swift's character has been exten sively discussed, of late. Here is a strong testimonial in his favor, given in a letter from Sir uliam Temple to bir Kobert bouihwell, dated 2iHh March, lti'.R). It seems to have served as an introduction and recommendation of Swift to the care and patronage of Sir Kobert. Hee bbs lived In my house, rend to me, wrltt for me, anil kepi all account, as far asi.vninull occasions inquired, flee bus La Hue auu UreeH, writes a very good aud current baud, Is very honest and diligent, und has good frlenuu, though tney have lor the present lost their tor tune in Ireland; and Ills whole family having been Iouk kuowu to me, obliged uaee thus fair fo take care of him. If you pleaae to accept film Into your aervlce, either as a to wait on you, or as Clerk to write under ynu, and either to use him so, If you like his service, or upon any EMabllHh merit of the Colledge to re commend lilni to a Fellowship there, wnlch he has a Just pretense to, I shall acknowledge It as a great obligation. Here is a bit from David Garrick, that al most rivals Ivlinund Kean's expression, "The pit rose at me." Writing to his brother, George Garrick, on the 1-ih April, 1776, he Bays: "Last night I played Drnger' for the last time. The Morning i'vtt will tell you the whole of that night. 1 luougiit me audience were mad, and they almost turned my brain." In an age when lordly patronage was con sidered, by authors and artists, an essential passport to public favor, it ia curious to find ' Hogarth thus satirizing the sybtem that pre vailed. What follows is a copy of au undated paper in his handwriting, headed "The No Dedication": Not dedicated to any TMnce in Christendom, for leer It should bo thought uu idle piece of arroKunre. Not dedicated to any man of quality, for fear It might be though I too assuming. Not dedicated to any learned body of men, as either of the Universities, or the Koyal Society, for fear it might be thought an uncommon piece of vanity. Not dedicated to any one particular friend, for fearof ofleiidlng anoihor. Xherelore dedicated to Nobody, Bui. If, for once, we may auppo.e Nobody to be Everybody, as Kvei j body la olien suit) to be No body, II tn is this work dedicated to Everybody, by their most humole and devoted. I might have made copies of holograph epistles from John Evelyn, Jeremy Taylor, Abraham Cowley, Jsduiond Waller, Lady Dorothy Sunderland, known as Waller's "Sachaiiesa," John Dryden, John Locke, Sir Isaao Newton, Matthew Trior, Joseph Addison, Eir Iliohard Steele, Henry Fielding, Lawrence Sterne, Samuel Johnson, James lioswell, Oli ver Goldsmith, Sir Joshua Iteynolds, David Hume, Edward Gibbon, Thomas Gray, Wil liam Cowper, William Wordsworth, or Samuel Taylor Coleridge I might, I say, . have trhnbferred to my note-book, for use In these pages, the whole or parts of letters penned by these notable persons, and by others who are naturally grouped with them. But I bore this fact in mind, with reference to thofce whom literature has made famous; we are familiar with their style, and with an infinity of their thoughts. One does not, therefore, in regarding their corres pondence, feel the same sense of gratified curi osity, as in being brought face o fane, as it were, with those whose actions have tended to the making of hihtory, but whose npoken or written words are comparatively unknown or scarce. Thus I confess to looking with pro foundest interest at letters from Sir Philip bidney aud Sir Walter Raleigh, treannres that few private collections can boast. One from the Joimer I quote at length, as a sample of phraseology that appears quaint in these days. The peal is broken, whereas generally in these j antique missives the seal remains intaot, while the silk that was secured by it has been cut. The writing, on foolsoap paper, is in a fine clerkly baud; and the signa ture is low down on the page, connected with the main body by a line such as one sees ia aocount-books, when the entered items on either fide do not correppond In number. This peculiarly was common before this period, and was continued for very many years. The letter itself runs thus: To the rlcht honorable my very aood Lords the Lorde lSurghley J,oide Hy Treimorer of 1 :utjUod. ltlxhie bonwaule my smulnr K"od Lortle ; Mir Nlrliolna l-f-igunll (In the reijuente my hum ble letters to toot L. for theiom of to-nii ti.lrnd pounile out of the tre-'Btire, wnh ho for hi-t ne cessities dot lie deny re to rec"ve here aud to pay at Ids cominge Into Irelumlo i I do tke it thai there in us tnuche iln-i unto bltn, au-1 lie sydts I know the creddtt my father bathe lu blm, dot he stretche ti a matter of .rea'e.r Importance, R Hint thus furr these fowlvnes shell only serve, humbly to advertise yotir li. that 1 home It, lor assured iny fat tier will b very well miUMled withe It li fun I re I can not prnceede, but referrloge It holy to your L inle tdilpH poodm-H humbly leave your li. to the protect ion of the Allrnlsjhile. Kiome Ley six-mouse this Mth of Februarlo 1070 ! . Your Lys most e humbly at commandmfnt. PlllittlTK fc3IlNKY, The remarkable letter that I next proceed to cite, has indeed been published but only in the Arcb.rologia of the Society of Anti quaries, having been read atone of their meet ings while it was in possession of the Tyrr family, of Shotover, in Oxlordfhire. It was written probably in 1U10, to Sir Walter Cope, Governor of the Tower, while Sir Walter Kaleigh was a prisoner therein. It is on a foolscap sheet, much frayed and very dirty. The writing is neat. The superscription is: "To my very worthy friend Sir Walter Cope Knight." The following is a copy: Mr Walter Cope. You tire of my old Acqnayn-tani-e, and weie my lHinlltvr friend for iiiuuy Ji trtH, in woh time I hope you cannot any th:it ever I ustd auy unkind ollice lowards you. Uul our fortuiKH are now changed, and It may be lu your power greatly to bynrie me uuto you, if the byudlug of a mau in my estate be worth auyining. My de sire unto you is, tliHt you will be pleased to move my Lord Treasurer in my behalf, that by his grace my wife might agnyne be made a prisoner with me, bs hue hath blue lor six yetres lust past. Hue being now di vided from me, and thereby, to my great impoverltblog, I am driven to kelp two bowses. A mlHeraole fate it is, and yet great to me, who, in this wretched ei-tate, can hope fur no other thing than penctble sorrow. li is now, and I call the Lord of all power to witness, yt 1 have ever bine, aud am resolved, IhHt it was never lu the worthy hart of er iUihert C'tcyll (whatsoever a coum-eler of Htate end a loid trenhoier of Inghuid must do) to iiilUr me to fall, much less to perrtsh. For halsoevt r teiiues 11 until pleased his Lordship to uhe towards mee, wen inighl utitriy despuue aij bodle else, yell know yt he spake them as u coiuici ler, silling In councell, uud iu com pany of hui h hb would not otherwise have bine satisfied hut, as Uod hveth, I would have bought his presence all a fnrr dearer rate Unix those sharp worUP, and these three moneltis close Imprisonment; lor it is In his Lordship's luce und countenance that I behold all yt re to me ol comiort, aud all the hopo I have, and from wch X Hhull never be beateu,tlll 1 kta the last of evillH, and the dlspaire wch bath lio heal p. Theobiekaiuga ot Ood canuol make blm cruell that was never so, nor pros peritie teach any man ot so great worth to de light In the eiidies adversiiie of auenemle, mucu iets oi mm wno in nis very souie ana na ture cun never be such a one towards blm. tsr, the matter is of no great Importance (though a ciuc-11 desllnie bath made it so to mi.'). to desire that iny wile may live with me in in Is unsavory place. If by your mediation I may outayue li.iw'iu ucKnowteog it in ine nigoest (leiiteetif thankfullness, and rest reddy iu Irew iayin to oe corniuaautu oy you. October the U. W. RALECm, Come we down to a later period in English history, and to an incident that is famous. Iler is a letter from James Stanley, Hrl of Derby, to Prince Rupert, dated 23d March, 1043, but without uauntioa of plkca, praying the Prince to send sui-or to the relief of Lalham House, then beleaguered by the Par li anient forces. A former attempt at aiding the Garrison had failed; and the Earl stales that "the time for electing It by that means hns piisttd, lor me enemy is soe cioho uuio too borne that It Is impossible for that deslgne to lake t fleet, which might have been some reviv ing of a distressed woman, whose only hope next the aimightyes is in y ur nignnesa neip, for double reasons, soe she hath tolde me in bur Last Letter. 1 praise Jod blesij and pro-oier j or highness, what ever becomes of mo, bucu Bhatl ne tne prayer oi Your highness Most unfortunate numble servant Dehtiy." The "distresfed woman" in the foregeiug extiaot was the heroic Charlotte da la ire nioille, Countess of Derby, who also directly implored assistance from the same quarter. This her touching appeal never published, I believe, heretotoie is written in a large bold hand on note paper. It has been folded up in long and narrow form, to be the more easily secreted on the person of its bearer. The two black wax seals are broken; nor are there, as is usual, any vestiges of the silk fastening that was once bound by them. The copy is exact; and the reader cannot fail to notice the cui ions mixture of correct and inoorrecst ren derirg. For "wigain," one may read "Wi can;" and for "devent," "avant;" but the woid "fiaytn" is a puzzle. Can it have been hastily wiitteu for "pray en," and can her Ladjbhip have thus conjugated the verb pren diti i J he whole runs thus: Monselgneur tome aiu-ure Je veins de reslvolr lea mtu valsse nouvtlles de la perte de wiguln a 6 mllle re saiie plHsse ello na teneu que deux heurea etaesie frayen mou maiyeiott a I'i milleel Otvtnluuil pen I eslre piesl de la seoourlril te font itmeuH au uomdedieu Monselneu l-iencH ptile de nous et sy vous aparessez vous pou ves reconquerlr blen aysenient el aveo bleu de i'hoeneur pour vuslre altesse je ne say ce que Je dia mes ayes pltie de mou miry mes enienstt moy qui nomtnes perdues pour tout jRiiiHis by dun na pitio ue nous ot vosir altesse a qui Je suls Monselgneur trtb humble et trcs obeyenle servente X DE L, THK.tlOJLLE. A lndhoru ce 1 davrll 1043. For a youthful etudent of French it would le a pleasant exercise, to put this letter into coriect terms, and to punctuate It in accord ante with custom. jytnum sJagaine. LEGAL NOTICES. TN THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS FOR J. 1 1I FCll AiNDCOCN 1 YOU fH I i. 1IKLPH I A Is the mallei ol the Ahsigned J-Hlule ot UtIlVliV b. iCJihLl. a d r-KAbjl Ub iilLLV, lludlug ai J-CDF1 I. A K h 1.1. Y. '1 he Audi oi appuinted by the Court to audit, settle, and uojubl the ai count of ur N J AM I N L. TK1 PLHJ, Ai-slgue of Fald FOUhLL it KKLLY, ami tu repoit distribution ol the bulanoe iu the hands of the arooiiiiluin, will meet tlio parlies Interested tor the l lirpope of Ills appointment, ou 'I IJK-DAY, July 2M. A. I). lHib, at 11 o'cloek A. M.. ut hit ollloe, No. 406 WA I.Nin btreet, In ol Philadelphia. 7 17 Iruwbi M'JLLIAM D. BAKtK, Auditor. "XT' STATE OF KLIZAUElil R.IilRD, Ucceaocl. Jlli Pllli.AOKl.eui June 2ft. ItstlK. Letters Teslampulary upon the ustaieof 1-:LI. A BF111 11. B1P.D having lieeu granted to the uudt-r-sit ned, all persons having clam s against raid Kxtutft are rtipiihied lo i-rtseni them, aud those iuduhted totnake payment -riV?TIAN BIRO, IS 08. 06 and v7 aHCH bireet. 8 26 flit t,l i 0 el p til GAS FIXTURES. A 8 FIXTURE B. Mlh'KFY, MBKR1LL A THAC-AHA, PHO. 71 CHrNNU bireet, Uianulat toi-trs of (las Fixtures. Lamps, 6U3 etc , would cah the attention of the nuhllo to their large ana eiegaut assoruiieut ot Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Biuckeia, etc. 'ihey also Introdui gas pipes into dwellings aud putilio buildings, and klUuJd to extend ing, altering and repairing gas pipes, U work warrauiud. v v ' U U RAILROAD LINES, NORTU PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.- lliK WIUDI K KODTK Hhorteit and mom direct line to Rethpm, Fft'ton, A II on town, Msuch Chunk, Hr.lei)D, Whlt Xaren, Wll.hrre, Mk Iiriioj City, Wi iiiiK rnipl, MMnMm tscrnnM)n.t-rliin-dale, Rnr) nil the point in the liehlgh and Wyomlni Onal KeKlon. FfuHerfer lppni in Fhllknetphla, IT, W. corner CI BtRKH und A &l f KH'AN Ntri-eM. HUM M 1- K A KRAKH RM KNT KtiRVKW DAI'tT TRAIN- Un and Kri-r Mo.NUAY, May 2n. lnH. fti't-iigor Irainn leve the New Dopot, oornarof BUKhs and All" RIt'A N treeti, dally (andy e wpteil) hr foilowi: At ti-43 A. M, Aocomiaodatlon for Port Wash ington. a 1 7'4S A K. Morulng Kxprew for Bethlehem and lrlti(sipl HttloM on North J'ennnyi vnla iKilroatl, tr nneoiliiK itt Ht-uili-liciui wlti LehiKh Valler ana ItflilgQ Mini KuKqu-liuuiia R'tllroua (or KahUiii, Al lenioun, t luiiiit blallDKtou, Mnnh (lliunk Vnniherly, Je iwivlllp. iUtieVuD White Haven, Wiih eeOHrre Kfnuiou. lMitnuin. and all nnltM tn L- hikli auii Wyoniiuv Vailnyn ;aiio in c inunction wltb leMHh and Mah-Doy lial'ruad for Mananiy titty; md l h CfciBAlMa Ka.lroao (or Rupert, Danville Mllien. and WMIao iuk'U Arrlv- at Ma'ioti Uhnnk at 12-im A. M ; at VillkPi-rtarr a' . M.j at Maxano" Olty ai I F, M HHaHoiiKvis by this train can taka the Lehigh vnney iraiu. i-anslna Mcmieneiu at lii A. m. " FrpHih. and nolnta on Nh Jersey Central Hallroad if) New York, Ai tr A. M. accommodation, for Doyteatown, Ktiliplnir at all Intermediate H; alio tin, Panno..i;prfi for willow Orove, llatdoro' a.iil Harisvlhe. by till Iretn lake iKe at Old. York Koail. At KK'O A. M Aeciiiiiii-dUon for Fort TrVaihlnj ton.a'.oiipinK nt Interinedlnto Matlons, Ai l'4o y, ai. Leliluh Valley Kxoresa for Hetlile liem, Allentown, Ma'ich ( liuuk. While Hf.ven, WilkeRbarre, H nn'ppiii. Mahanoy Uw, Ceniralta, Mieitkndoali. Ml. Uaruini, PiilsMm and iserauloa, and al) i (ili t.-. ir Mahanoy and Wyoming Coal UKglona. At tm 1 . oi . Aer.ommonation for llXiyiesuwn, Btoi'pmg at all Intern, i-.llKte aiatlom. a i 8 if- tr.M. wnifen anu ruHi4ueiauua Azprena ioi R'-lliiehpni. Eaatou. Alientown, Manoli Cliiink, W liketiharre, bud Hcrunlon. Pauseitgora for Urepn villt ihkp ti le train to Quiikertowo, and for Humuey. ton ti tn North M al a. At 4 15 F. M. Acoonimodatlnn for Doylentown, Miiiiug at nil lutein, edmte (taiioua. PaosenKers for Willo'v Urovp. T'aoitirfi. and TTnrinvM take tage at Ablngtoi ; tor NewTloreat Doylestown. At blm f. Ill . I liruugii acuittiiuiutiHint'i lur bniuie hpm and all "tatlena on main line ot North Ppnnsyl- vnnltt l'allrond. ninneclt! g at. Bethleheru with Ite hlh Valley .Lehigh and fctiqiieliani'u Kveulng Train tor Kurtnn. tlpnieirr Maticli Clmntc. AtSZO P. It . Accomuiooailuu ftr Lan-dale, Slop- plDgai all Intermediate slailous. A t irsn P. M. Accommodation for Fort Wuihtne- ton. . lltlIVM AUKM I') IK I'll I IjdntW tllA, Prmi Bethlehem at 9 (Hi aud 1105 A. M.. 2 00 and 8 3t P. M. Ili6 A. li. and 2 lie P.M. Trains makoe direct oonueo tion IHi l.el.i, h Valley and Lehigh and SunijiiPliuuija trains Irom h.itnion, Sarauton, Wllkeabarre, Mahony Cliy,aud Hh.IiHiu. fosheiixPio leaving wtikpsnarre at r5 f. m. con nect at lit-' lil. ti cm ate-osP. M. and arrive In Phllar deliihlu at 8 an P. M. .. i. , .. . u.nt . m r i j m n . r-j . n J Htm wivifiumij O t1 A. IU . . D VU UU I V.V M. -x From I.nnHdale a! T'in A, M. From iron WaxlilnuUjn at 9-30. 10'4S A. At. and 8'1 P. W. . PhllttCelplila for Bethlehem al30 A.M. PhllhOPjphlfi lor lioy leaiiiwD at 2-no P. M. Io) limow n for Philadelphia at 700 A. M. Keilileliem for Pluladelphlu at I'HP, AI. Fifth anobljiili Streets Panengpr cars convey pa siiKer to and from ine new depot. White Care of Kea nd and Third wtreels Line and Union Line run whhlD a short dlxtaace of tbe depot 'tickets n.tiHt be procured at toe Ticket ollice, Id ordor to fcecure the rstes of fare. H.1.LI1 CI. A KK. Agent. Ticket-, sold and baggage checked ihroi.toi tu prin c'lal ) nl!iln,itl .aui.l' H ivonb 1'euimyivauia BaKgrtgg nnvretf. i 'inrp. io. i'i.i n i-1 r j r-xrwei.. -X7 rT CHKSltR AND PHILADELPHIA VV KiLKOAl -hCMMHK AliKAMtiiMKMT, on ftbd ltei MONIlAY.ApiU lit, ISnS, Trains wUl Rave amonows: Xeave fOJianeipnia irom tne xiepot, xiiiitt x. F 1 KMT mid CllKSNtli fcitreets, 7-lii A. lu , II A, il t M) P. m rt f. w., VbO e. M 7 f. . M..11 P.M. Leave WtJ-t Clientei lor Phllauelphia. lioill jU..pol j etml Market street, at S'lfi A. W., 716 a. M , 7'UC . ttl 11-4.1 A. M , I 06 P. M.,4" J P. Al S SbP. M. (jn and alter Lloi.duv. June 15. D a.lintlcinal 1'ratn will leave Philadelphia for Media aud Irtlnrmedlate Pol r If at o Wi P. M. Iritliib leaving west t neHier at 7-mj ai. ju ana Ipaving la at4 oil P.M., will atop ai B.C. Junction and Media only. Passengers to ur from station between V. rbt Chester and B U. Junction, going hat-t, will take train leaving Wert Chester al 7 l.i A ill, ana going w eo. mil uk brain leaving Phllndelphla at 4 so P, M and transfer at B. O. June ' llie Depot In Philadelphia Is reached directly by tin- Cliesnut alii a Wa.iiut tstreet cars. Thtpe of tht, tiarkel hiruol line run wHhln one t-qnarrt. Hie cars ol both lines connect with, each train upon It rr,V1, ON bUNDATB, l.eave Philadelphia al uO A. lu. aud S'UO 1. M. Leave W est ChtNter at 7'4 i A.M. fiuob-OOP. M. l iuli.n Iukviuh li.liiullpl at l ib A . M. and 4'fiiJ P H and ln.ving Wfu. Chester at 7-30 A. M. aud 4 50 P, M., connei I at B.C. Junction with Trams on P. A 1'.. C. K R., lortixtord and Intermediate points raaneukers are allowed 10 take Werlii Apuarel only, ItKuna'-'e, and the Ct.uipany will not lu any caue he rerpouNihie lor au amount cxceoalng cue tiutidrtd dollars nr les". a special coutraci Is made for the mine. HKNKY W'OOIi, tieaeral tfnp't. PI lladelphU, April 1st. 1868. 41ii yrvu cm, way via west jeksev rail- i i i.oAU-lTuuiiuul ol MAHKtT tstreei tUppur 1 eir.v) Con meiiclng bA'i UKUAY . July is, I8tb, 'j iaii. leave as loliowa for Cape May: ti m v. Cape May Kx press, due at 12-29 (noon). 3-16 P W Cape May Pessenger, one at 7 15 P. M, 4 0U P. M. i'tHt K.ipress due at tV8 P. M. lih'l t'KMNU LKAVK UAPb; IsLAND. ti liii A. 21.. Muiulug Mali, due at ilrdti . M.. U (.0 A. M. Fast F.xpiexs, due at 12-07 P. M. 6 iu P. M.,t'ape May Hxprt'89, due at 8'22 P. M. buuday Vail and Passduger train leaves Philadel phia at VMS A, at. lit turning leaves Cape iaiuud ut 5-iu P. M. F.xcnrilou Tickets, is. Cape May freight naius leave Camden d.dly at 970 a, M.. und Cape Isiaud at 0 4ft A. M. Confutation 'tlikeis between Philadelphia and Ope May, at the following rates: Annunl 'llckeis, floo; Uuurterly Tickets, "0. for sale at the thee oi the Compuuy iu Camden, N. J. Through Tickets can oe procured at No. 828 Cliesnui sirei t (under tbe C nliuenlal Hotel), where troerb cii also be lett for Baggage, which whl be ca led lor aud checked at reaiueuces by the Union Tianbler d inpnny. Wl-bl JtlWEV BAILROAD LINKS. For Brldgeiou, ttalem, Ailllvilie, Vlneiaud, and In. Km. in a e sialions, at 800 A. M. aud 3 au P. US, For Cape Way , i w A. M., 3 lu P. M.. and 4 P. M. Wondbu-y Accoinmodatiou train atrjuu P. M. Bi idgeton und .ukui Freight Train leaven Camden V' mmuiaVl'on'checVs between Philadelphia and all stalioi s at leductd rales. WILLIAM J. BBWEIXt, Superintendent. July 2, 1868. PUlLADi-LPillA AND BALTIMORE CEN TKAlt- KAILKUAU Hli.VMKK AltltANUoV MK.N'l. On and alter MONDAY, April 13, lain, trains will leave the Depot, 1H1K1' Y-FlKoT aud CUKU. N L I streets, W est Plillaaelphla, as iollo ah: Ai 7'16 A. M. and 4'fit P. M and leave Rising Hon at fib A. M, and Oxford at 6 A, M., and leave Oxford at 8'26 P. M. A Market Train, with Passenger Oars attached, will ruukOuTLlu-DAYriahd FKlDAYs, leaving the Rising buual 11 Ob A.M.: Oxtord, 1145 A.M.; and Keunelt, 1 P. M.i connecting at West Chester Junc tion with a train for Puhadelphla. On WKDNDAYB and BATUKDAY8 Train leaves Philadelphia at '30 Pi M.i runs through to xVe,ljaln leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. oon necis at Oxtord wlih daily Hue of stages tor Peach bottom, lu Lancaster county. Koiurnlng. leave Peacb Boiioru to connect at Oxford with Afternoon Train lor Philadelphia. The f train leaving Philadelphia at i'60 P, M, rang to Ktsing bun, Maiviauu. 01 case for the sanaa. HH.MKY WOOD. 10 General HuperlnlendcnL THROUGH I-1NE BETWEEN WASniSGTON PlllLADKLPBIA, AND NKW YOHif. Tralus between Washington aud New York are now run bs follows, vis.: unu Nvw YiiitK. without change of csrs. Leave dally (except bunday) at Via A. Al.., '30 and ' 7f,M FOR PHILADELPHIA. Lpave dally (except bunday) al 7 '46 aud H 15 P. M., and4-ooandJP.M.oN 8UNT)AY Leave for New York aud Philadelphia at 7 P.M. 0IbLEKPINU CARS for New Y ork on 7 P. M. train 6 Tilrough Tickets to Philadelphia, New York, or Bohuiu, can be had at the bla lion Office at all hours lu the day, as well as al the new ollice in the Bankers' aud Brokers' Telegraph Line, No, an Pennsylvania avenue, between blxth and beventh streets. Hee Baltimore aud Ohio Railroad advertisement and schedule between Washington, Baltimore, An iiacollB, and the West. v j. L. WI Lb ON, Master of Transportation, L. M. COLK, Heueral Ticket Agi ut. IJRtl flWl ft. kOUNTZ. Airent. Wasalngton. FAST FREIGHT LINE, VIA NORTH IKNNbYLVANIA it 1LROAD, 10 Wilkes hurre Mahanoy City, Mount Carmel, Ceulralla. and all points uu Lchi.h Valley lUiiruad aud It branches. ......... . By new arrangpinents, pertecled this day, this road Is tuahled to give liicreaned despatch lo merchandise consigned to the above named points, (ioods delivered at ti e 1 hrough Freight Depot, h. u i-nnier,r WHllNT and NUilLK blieet. Before P. M.. will reth h Wllkesbarre, MouulCarmel. Ml.litnoyCity.aiidihe other stations in oiaiianity anu Wyoming valleys betore 11 A. M. of the succeeding day. (7 ''21 FLL1H CLARK, Agent. npilE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY. OFFICE PackagHR. Merchandise, Bank Note-, and bpecle, either hy Its o u lines or lu connection with other Fxpress t u.t anus, to an tne principal towns ana Ia-serkPrs are anowwi w , , . -i'i'rei ilyas baggage, ana im u"te" wmuui. iu uy ae be rehpoiiHible for an auionut exceed-ng one indred dolinre. unless a apecia contraet bemad miles iu til a tiuiti-ii r-ii gt JOILN synAM,Bupexlut8ndeni, RAILROAD LINES. T?EApiNQ RAILROAD. GREAT TRUNK L,1MJC rroni lhlladetplila to the Interior of h.iS "y'vanla, the Hchuylklil, Husqiiphanna, l!nra Zll fa wyomln Valleys, the North, North- WW. Ann I lift ranart.. (J.. A ........... n A 3 u n ..... . .. r-ittiiuir-i niiitiiinu.ii, Monday, May 4, leaving the vift ?iy ? ilM',,nti Thlrt.nth and Caliowhill street, 'B;'rlr;hl. at the roili.n-li.g hours:- NUKNIN'ti . . . . . . . r toll n ing Dd " hiUumedlate stations, ana Allen Ketnrntng, Iprvps Kpadlng at 1 80 P. M., arrlTlng In i l-hilaueiphiaatVlop.M. hxrKKtw.-AU' is A.M., forKeadlnf Lebanon, Harris On nr. PotUvllla l'lnanmi. rama. qi a, Minliiiry. Willmn.nnori. Fluitra. KochesW-r, Niagara Jails, Bunaio, wilkeMiarre, Plttston, York, t arlisle, ( ban b'rstiurtr. Haeprntown. tv 1 b 7'3ii train connects ai Rpatilng with the Fast feiim yl aula Jtallroad trains lor Allenu wD. etc., and llie 8'l6 A. M. nimnttt with lh. I uh.,.n Vlltv train -.r Unrtl IritK, elo.; at Pon Clinton with t.'aia wlBsa Railroad trains for WlllKniporl. Ijtxk llavpu, .-. ..... n nc; ii arrisnn rg 1 1 h Northern central, t tin Orr.nild Vallev. anil Krlintrl.ltl u.i.nili.hunn trains lor NorLi'.ut.iiri,..i uiiti. it tri- ( haniberHhurg l-lnerrove. etc. ji'iriirnuii h xrutji, I.pav PbltRdelphia at UMl P. M lor Kentllnir I'nrtnrllln llmrUlinr HI,' connecting with heading and Columbia Hallroad trains in r c imoma. pip. POTT HTOVt N At (IIMMODATinrV. I.ukvaii Pr,lt. town at 4fi A. M siop(.inti at Intermediate stKtlons: ariivesln Philadelphia at US A. M. liptnrning leaven Phlladpli Ma at 4 3(, P,' M .! arrives In Pottatowu ai 8 3t P. M. KPAiiMu AanjiaoPATmN-i.iK.. Ho(ttn at 7 3 A. M stopping al all way sta Ions; arrives lu Philadelphia at IU la A.M. lipltimihk. leaves I'lillnrh-Inlila al K-1f, P. r arrlva. In Heading ut 8m P. W, irainn tor riiiiBaeipnia leave Ilarrlshnrg at 8T(l A. M.. and PntlfVllleai 8 4n A.M., arriving in Philadel phia fit 1 P. M. a III rooon trill'. H Ihuvk llat r!-tiiiii t l (5 P. M.. and PnttdviliM at 2 4b p. M,: arrivtua- al PltliHdelf.Mit at 6'4 P. M iiarnsoiir accouimodatior, leave Kcadlng at 71S A.M., and Herrlsunrg at 410 P. M CuuuecUng at Reading l!b Aiurnnoo Aoron.mor'atlrn ninth at S'Xii P. Si., arriving lu Pnllud'dplila at lu P. M. Market Irtin. with a PaM)ui.ker ear atiarhiyl, letives Pblltttirlphi.. at U 45 t oon foi Poitsvilie p.nd a I Way Htation: lent i-i P. itwvlilp ut 7 A. M for Philadelphia aui an otner way nianoiiw All the nhr.vp trains run dnt' V. HDtinavn ex.ented. t-iimlay trains leave -oitsvlllfl at 8-ou A. M., and Phllmieiphla . 8lfi P. M i leave P- llaoelphlA f-r Kpadlng IT, S'Su A. M-. returning from Beading at 4 2G CltKblKK 'VAI.ltK.Y KAILROAD.Pasientrs for 1 (i un gtown and InK-ru ediale noiuu tuLe the 7 ill A. M., 1 45 and 4 Xn P M. trains Irom Ph.ladel- pliia. ri-iiirning from Dowuluglown al6:(l A. M l'OO, aud ,V4S P. M. IKUKlOMhJSI RAILROAD, Passengers for Col letvnle mke TM A. M, and 4 an P. M. trains from Philadelphia, returning ircmCoilegevilleai 7'0l A. M. audi an F M. btate lines lor vanou pomti in Per kiou en Vallev connect, with traiux at ColieKevliie, NF.W YORK KXl llHi- (OK Pi ITtaUKO ASV I B K VW1 . l.eav. s New York at n A M , 6 un and ti'tiO P. It' ., passing Keailnn: al 1 A M., I V aud ln-ic I' M , and connect at Harrlshurg with Pennsylvania and Northern ceutiai rtailroud Fulness Trains lor PllUs bnrg, Chicago, Williami port, F.luilra, Baltimore, etc. Kelurniiig, Fxpress 'lraiu leaves llarrlsrii rg, or, artiVKl of Peuns Ivaula Fxpress from PhtHburg. at 8 end 6-25 A. M , F. M. pussing Heading al 4 island 7i. A. M., and 1P4H P. M., arrlliiR at New ork, 10TO and 11'4S A. M., and ft lHi P. M. bleeping Cars accom panying ihese tralnf through nmwtou Jersey City aud Pittsburg, without change. Mall train li r New York leavpg Harrlshurg at 111 A. M. and 2'tift P. M. Mall traiu lorUairiaburg leavea New York fit 12 Noon. SClf UYLK ILL VALLKY KA I I.ROA D Trains leave Fcitsville at 6-s i 11 ' A.M., and 716 P. M. , re turning irom Tamauua at T"'f A. M. and 1'4Q aud 4 3d P. hi. t-tHUYLKIIL AND NPHO.FKH ANNA KAIL PtAl, Trains leave Auburn at 7"i6 A.M. lor lMie urove and llanlsborg. and at 1 '.45 P. M. tor P ne- gn ve and Tren oni; roll. ruing Ir.nn llai i ihlmrg at .t'Dft P. M , and from Tremont at 7'4n A. U , aud 6'tP P M. IK KKTS. Through hrst-rliu.s tickets and eml gi ant tickets to all the principal poluis la the North and W eel and Canada'. FMUislon Tickets from Phlladnlpbta to Reading and Intermediate staitnus, good lot day only, ui-esoid hy Morning Accommodation, Maiket Train, Reading aud PotUitowulAccomuioaatiun Trains, at roducud rates, K.xcuri Ion iicKois to Philadelphia, good for (Uy ouiy, are sold ai Heading aud I n'ei mpIli.f Mai Ions bv ieHiiing aud Puiiniown accuiu i&ioualiou 'I rains al reduced raits. '1 be lo.lov. nig tickets are olitalnable only at tbe ClhcVof biaoiord, Treusuier, No. 2:17 S. Fourth street, 1 hlluUi i( Ll;t, or l,. Nlcholls, General r-ilper-lntenileiil, Knot I ok. Comutiita.ion '1 icket al 25 per cent, discount, be twe. n any points de-.iied, :oi- lamhles ami huni Mileage llckeis, good fur ic.-uO nil is. between ai points, al faViii' encli, fur tatu'liea and urmB. beasou Tickets, lor thri.-, elx, nine, or twelve months, for holdeis only. To all points al r !duo:o rates. Clergymen residing on the line ot the road will Do furi.u-.hed wlih cards, entlt, lug thernseive. r.ud wives to llckeLs ai iare. Kx i union llckeis ironi r-nimue.j nia to princips: stations, good for iralU'Uuy , buuUay , auu .Monday, ii recuced are, to he had oulv a tho liokei OlUte, at Thirteenth and Callowhl'l Bireeis. rai-iunT.-oiii.iiB t.r an tin.crivions lorwarnea t'i all the above poiuta in.ui ine loo pony's ievv freight Depot, Bn ad ai d W II low stri-ets. x reigni I ran a it-u. f i'iii.Hf!.iii. -i.j. ...... u. M 12'4& noon, and 6 P. M., lor Ht:duig. Leuuuun, Ilariisuurg, Pottsvllle, Port ClluUm, and all points bl,y'u.u- p..i iim.. i in ai IM C unu it, tun ,,-,-w. . ,r ,w n. piwets on l"e t oad ard lis brsuches at ft A, M., aud lor the principui Msiiuut uinj ' r. m, HAni..!!1!.. itllllKa' " 11" r.- nui VWlirvi. gage for all trains leaving i iinuuioom usu., Oiders can lie letl at Ku. " s. Foiinh stioet, or a ihe Deimt, Thlrteenm anu caiiownni sweeis "em:"sylvakia ckktwal railroad. pE tX'MMKK T1MF, TAKINU KKFiiCV MAY 11, 18U8 l lie trains Ul t t r t-uui-y ivau.n vrutim i.uiiri.uti leave the 1 pot. at THiKT Y-e I KbT anil MisKrJl' bireelB, llcn is reached dlieolly by the Mark-t bineicars ine lust car connecting wlm tac.itrulu h avtiiK tout anu tr arset sireem i-nny miuuies ne- tore lib te ai toie. 1 he CneMiul and Walnut t Ircela cars run wl.hiu one sgua-e of lue I'eooi. On bunday 8 The Market btreei cars leave F.ont and Maiket streets ihiriy-Uve minutes before the da- uariure in eacu traiu. , ble ping Car Tickets can be hsd on application at thelleket tll.c N. W. coruer Nluih aud Chesuut Bireeis. and at, the depot. ,. . AKPhls oi tne UIIIOU imo'c J" ' t J win for aud deliver baggage at lue depot. Oraers letl at Ku. u.,1 ciieMiul m.eet. or No. 118 Market a.reet, will rectlve attentlofl. .PP(1T Vi7- 1 XtAilXO ' Mall Trait ,8W A M. Paoli Accommodauou, No. 1 h-'on A. M, Fast Line M. l'rie KxuifflB itw ill Paoli Acconi. Nos. , 8, and 4-1 00, 8 00 and in 80 P. M. Harrlhourg Accnuiuiodailou 2 to P. M. lamatti r ACPommodallou - 0.1 P. Id. Farketburg Train B 30 P, M. CiucinuKil JCxpresa....... - 8 on P. M. Frle Mall. ' J P- M. Philadelphia Fxpress Jl I a 1. M. Acciiuiinodailon ..trl P.M. Frle Mall leaves dally, except Haturday. Phllaoelphia K x press leavea daily. All other trains dallv. except bund y. . ,, The Western Accommodation Traiu runs dally, er cent bunday. For this tialu llckeis meat he pro cured and baggage delivered by 6 ou P. M., at No. 116 m,TKAINb ARRIVE AT'DEPOT. VIZ.! tlnclni'atl Fxpres A. M. Phllrdeh Ma KxireBs.......... 7 lu A. M. Paoli Accommouailon, .o. 1 8 A. M. Kile Mai 2-lu A.' M 1'arkesuurg Train...- J" Jji. last Line Hi' ? Lancaster '1 rain lgJ P. JJ. PaJdlAcc'T-OdaVio ar,tonurtrAT.-o'mm For further 'o mUu T,tket fir. Hoi CHEbiL'T bireet. FRANC'Irt FUiNKllcket Ageut, No. 118 MAKa Ki bireet, BAMLFL U. WALLACE. Ticket All-lit al the DupoU The Pennsylvania Kallroud c inpany will not as sume any rink for Baggage, except tor Wearing Ap T.arel. and limit ll.i ' L'buoUHinility to One Uuudi td boiiari iu value. All Baguage exceeding that aoiouiil In value will oe at tue risa oi me owner, uuiess laveu hy bpeclal contract. FDW aKI-11. WILLIAMS, 4 2 Oeueral btiperintendeut, Altoona, Pa, PHILADELPHIA, UEUMANTOWN. AND UU KlbTO WN KAILKOA J TIME TALL h. run u&njiA.iiufVii, Lf ave Pliln dolpnla , 7, 8, 8 06, In, 11, 12 A, M 1, 1, m...4.ft.6. 6 10.7.8 9, 10.11. IIP. M. Ltavt Oei mau town 6, 7, 7, 8, 87o, 9, 10, 11, 12 A, M., 1 2, 8 4, 4-4 6, 6ii, 7, 8 9. In, 1 1 P. M. The 8 -Ai Down Train, and 3'j and t Up Tralhg will not ttop on the uerniauiowu urancu, ON SUKDAV8, Leave rhlUdelphla '4 A. M. 2, 7, H'?i P.M. Leave Oeruiantown84 A. M. 1.6 9 '4 P. M. ClUMM"! IIII.I. TlAlLKOAD. Leave Philadelphia 8, 8, 10, 12, A. M., 2, JH. C.V.7, S aim 11 r. aim 1 eave Chestnut 11111 7T(. 8, 9'40, andlPIO A. M P4Q, 8-40, 0"4(l, 6 40, 8 40 an" 1" w r- ON bUNDAYS. T.eave VhlladelPhla (,. a. M. a and 7 P. M. Leave Chesluut Jihl 7'fH) A.M. 12 10, 6 40 and 925 r'hu'& rONSHOHOi'KKN AND NORRIRTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6, 7X, 9, and 11 05 A. M, 1, 8, Ti ave Nt rnstown 6 lo, 7, 7'W, , and 11 A. M 1H, 8, 1SCi.anae r. BTJNOAy8t Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 2 3u and 7 1ft P. If, Lsave Norristowu 7 A, M.. 6-h0 and 9 P. M. IOK - ANAYUNK, Leave Philadelphia 6. ?. 9, and 1105 A. .,1, 8, i. ft. 6, 8 IK), and lia P. M . TeaveManayui -20, Hi, and lli A. M. 2.8,,6.6J.aua.r.)S.f.UNDAya Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., itn and 7 P. M. Leave Manayunk )!1 A. M., 6 aud 9) P. M. W. b. WlU -ON, Oeneral buperlntendent, Depot. MKTH aud OKFF.N btreei. riKT THll HlLbl-TilK HOLY filBLK-HARD j lug's Minions ramiiy, ruipit ana ns-kel mine In beatitllul siylea 01 Turkey Mororoo aud aniloos bindings. A new edition, arranged for photographic portrait 01 lamin-. WW. W. TIARDtNQ, Pntjltaher, 0)0. attCJUO-NUT bu belawiauria I If't'JR -FOB NBW YOIIK. THg PAMDKJf A Ml 1 KKNl'filN KA I LKOA 1 1 fjoi IP A N Y bit KH. f."" VktVU'r"1 NK i V YORK, A NO Y ANI PHILAHKLPHf A way ilaukh. FROM WALNUT BfRKET H AKP. A t an A. M., via Camden and Amboy Accommo- nation. 1221 At H A.M., via Camdeu and Jersey cYiy'Sx- prpnsMsil . gn At 2 P. M via Camden and Amboy F.x press ., i-no At 80 P. M Via Camdeu aud Jersey Cay Kx- prpw : 00 At 6 P. N., for Amboy and Intermediate sts'ions. A I S'xnand A, M ., 2 nd m P. M.. tor Freehold. A t ft and lu A. M 2, 8Mn and 4'ftO P. M. for Trenton. Atft'an, 6, and in A. M., 1, a. ami, 4 ,ho, S. and It HO P. M. for Bordentown, Biinlngwin, Beverly, and Dplanio. At o-xoand 10 A. M, 1, 2, 3, 8 30, 4 30, 6, audll'SilP. M., ftir Florence. At ft ho aud in A. M.. 1, 8, 4 8n, 6, and IPSO P. M. for F.dnewaier, lilveisrl". Kl veriou.aod falmyra, 8 P.M. for Itiverton and 8'.0 P. M. It r Palmyra. Al ft'.v and lu A, M,, 1, g, 4 30, 6, and XI '80 P. M. for Fish bouse. Ihe l and II DO P.M. Line leave from Market Street Fn iy topper side). FI.OM KfcN'-ltfttTON I'KPOT. At 11 A. V.. via Kensington aud Jersey City. New t ork xpi e,s Liee Fare i. A t 7 and 11 A. M., 1 3.i, and S P. M. for 1 ronton and Bristol. And at In lft A. Jl. tor Bristol. At 7 and 11 A.M., 2 30, and 6 P. M. for Moli'.BVllle rjd Tuny town. At7 kuiI 1U-1S A. M., 2'30, aud B P. M, for Bcheucks and Kildiiit-loii A I ; atitt in-ift A. H , 2'3". 4, 5, aud 6 P. M. for Corn-W'-lls, I orrl-ilale, llolmhurg, Tacony, Wl'luo niiuv. llrllosbiir, ami Frxnkfi.rd, and at 8 P, M. lor Holuieannri a:to intermedline slttlons. ITIIOM Wr.'-T Pilll.AIiKM'HIA DKJ'OT, Via Conritclh g K- il way. At 9-srrA. M., l a. 6 si, ami 12 P. M. New York Ex- piesa Lines, via Jersey C"v, Fere $t 2). At 1 A. M., FuiU-ant Line. Fare. i The VI A. M.. and B'.di P. SI, Lines will ran dally, A II ( tl.ers, SutiCay 1 ( x.Tnted. At te:'.r A. M 1T". i, anil 12 P. M. foiTredton, At ;;t- A. M., 6 ;;n and u P, M. for BMstoi At il p Ut. tnrhi), hr Morrl-viile, Tniiytown, tcheuek's. dd ngton Oornwpils.Torrlsdale.Holmes hu a - T kriiiiv. W itutltmni I its r.rldenhnrir. and Frauk- H lord. For 1'tifB Ipuvlntr Kenslng'on Dpot ttke the ears ( n I tilru or Filth streets, an liesnutsireei. HO mliitiies before ilei iiriiue. The ca's on Market street Hallway rm: (liitot lo Woat I'o n Depot; CUesnut and Vt ulnnl Mitl.ln ine snio.ri'. i in ennchtv a theMarket ire-t c re- u ill tuu to i .-n li i'.i wilu tuu It'itt) A. M and 6 301'. M. I in oa, BKLV1 UifiKK DKLAWAHK BATLUO AD LINES. From Kensington Depot. At VM. A. Jf. lor Nieitara Falls, JltitTalo, Dunkirk, l.lmlra,l.u.ia,Oue.u. Hocht-jter. Btughamlou, Oa v. eo, bj i-r.iiip. Ureal Buid, Moutros", Wllkesbarre, bchonioy's Mountain. eti At7uiA.M a.d :!:' P.M. fr Pcranton. strouds btiri;, Water Oup. BelvlderP. Esston, Larubertvlile, HeminKlon eta Top 8 Sn P35 . Line connects direct won li e Train leaving Kaston lor Mauch Cuuuk, Alleutoun, IleihlPhem.eic. A l 6 P. M. for Laiuherlvllle aud Intermediate Bt Hons. CAMDKN iNB BCKLirJOTON CO., AND PKM Li It 1 ON AND Jl lUii Ts TOWN RAILKOADS, From Market t. Ferry (upper side.) At 8 A. M., 1,4, and rj-lft P.M., lor Merchanwvllle, Moorestow u Harlicrd, Mason v-llle. H-insnort, Mo'iut l-.oily, bu.iihvllle, i..vansvHle, Vlnceutown. Blr uilrgham. and Pembertou. At 1 and 4 P. M., for Low!stown, Wrluhtstown, Cooketow n. New Kgypt, Ito-nerstown, Cream Kltige, lmlaystowu, bhatou, aud II ignlslown. Fltty pounds of bagegp only are allowed each pasrei'Kti. I'-Sfeiikem are pronioaeu iroiu ta-iiia an v i h i nit as huifCRke hot 't lueirweaiiug wiMrri. .n hKtsse ' vi-r liny pounds to b 1 pant for extra. The onit'i i i lluill li eu le-ipoiinioiniy ior u.Kuge tu 11110 per pou 11 1, anu wilt hoi he iiah.e ror auy n.oi:nl h(j ond f loo, except hy spenal eouiraoi. llckeis sold and bsgxage checked direct through to LL-.ioi .Vt or, ester. bnriiiK'!eld, ii rlford. New Haven, Provloeiice. Ivewuert. A Ihtuy. T10y.barat.1gft, U'tca, Rome, byrai use. Kociitster, Bullaio, JSiugara Fails, aim bn! eiiMoa Biiug.'. AV r.ndltlnnai I lokel umt-e is inoaieu at nil. Chestnut street, where Tickets to JNetV ora auu an mrii riant points onu auu rmiiuiiv un prut;nrBU, ermns i.nrch 11114, iioxeis tins uuiracnn umti i.ttvnire r.hpckeit Irom residence or hotel to destination by Lulou Transfer Baggage Express, ! liNFM FROMNFAV Ol:K FOB PHILADELPHIA, M l.i It avo trim loot i t Courtia-u street al 7 A. ai., and 4 p. M.. end 12 ulaht via Jer ey City and Cain- 'lo- n finn p M via .iftn'V 1 Itv and Kenslimlou: at 10 A M., 12 Al., and 6 P. M, via Jeraoy City aud West 1'i.iit.ioi. hia. . ...... i 11 in 1'ier AO. 1 isonu uiver at van a. ai. aixjctira- niodntion. and 2 P. M. Kxpress, via Aninoy aud Can thu. WlLlAil 11. li ATZiM KR, ti iff aieiit. "Tllll"r7TFrpmA W I I M INI jTl IN AMI! HlF I""' HMOHJt HA1LKOAU . II.VIm t ABLtilt. 1 tu"-,-ni'inK Ml'NDAY, Airll 13, VW. Trains will itavenepot corunr ot BiwUAD Bin et au-1 WAbH- 1 .iiTU Avenue as luliowa: .jj A:aii 'iraiuRt s ioa.m. inunuays excenteei n.r JtlllLl ititiru. C.t.t.t.ll. L ll ttuk.r twLt.tuu.uun ct:nk vti'.n Utiluuuri Xll:ro...i a; Wlluilugion for rji-irii e.o and lnti rtut dlaie btatlous. Kii. wt Train at 12 no L louudayg e.ceotwl) for Ha.tilnor;; aiul W .,hliitou, stopping -t VMuuington, f.-i (. vitJf, and Mvn-Je uritce. .onuects at wil- wl Hi tialu lor New Oastle. ivxi rci Train at -Jn I', M. ibunuays excepleaj ror ''..Ai iiiiuiu ru.. Wai hluton, Biopplug at Chester, (tciO'v, Lin wood. C'aymout .Wilmington, Newport, j:Miil(ih. Wpwark, Kiktou. iNortueo-t, i;nnpsiown, Perryvh e, iavre-de-Ur.4do, Aourdeeu. Perrymau's, c.dewooa, utaguoiin, t,;nae s uu ottiiiiuii.r ituu. Niiilii KxDress at 11M0 P M. (Dally) lor ttailtuiuie ana A usi.i.iguiii, Htoppiug at J'errvvll'B and Havre-de-orace Connects at Wilmington (.Saturdays ex cept(U) with Delaware Kaliroad Blue, slopiilug at ISew ca-tle, MlUdieiowu, Clay ion, Dovei, Harrington bestord, Hulisoury, rrincess Anno, ana counei'ilng at. ;ri-ii'ld witu Boat ior e or tress Mon roe, Morloili, Forismoutu, auu tneboutn. ja.-tei.geis for Ftn-uess Monroe and Norfolk via Sa'.ltn.ore will take the 12.00 M. Train. Via Orislltild ill take the 1 rt 0 v . M . tra.n, WlIMi lltlM I IUIUTO btopi lug at all Btatlous between Philadelphia and wiimiuatoh. r iiA l.euv 1't.iiaueipEiB at ii w.. m., u ou, aud IP i.i(dally) P. M. The 6 00 P. M. Train connect with Delaware Railroad for Harrington ana inusr rcediate Btattons. Leave W limington 7H0 ana b io a. ra. lumijij, j-au 4-1& aud 7'3 (daily) P. M. The 8'lrl A, M. 1 rain will net '.lop between l liesierano t nuitumiiiiis, FKO-1 aAlt'l l-UKJI; - JTlllim ur.rm. Leate BRlumore 7'2h A. M Way-Mall: 9-4d A. M., xprees, 270 P. M., Express; 8 85 P. M., Express; 865 ' M 1 v 1 BAIN FROM BALTIMORE. Leaves Baltimore at 8 66 P. tl., slopping at Uavre-de-Uraco Perryvihe, and llmington. Also stops at North-East. Elktou, aud Newark tj take passeuger for Pllu-elphla and leave passengers hroui Washiug ton or Baltimore, aud at Chester to leave pasaeugeia trom Washlnglou or Ba.timore. ,. ,. Ihroi.Lii tickets 10 all points 'Vest, Bonth, Bonth- wt-al, maybe proi-ureu at tue im uiii,wy, CDiisNUT bireet, under the Coittloeutai Hotel, wheie, aiso, state-rooms and berths In sleeping cars Cbu b( secured during the day. Persous puruhsing t'ckets at this olhce can have their baggage checked ... . ... l. i-.n T'. it Truiiafiiv Pnntiaii bi E. JC JD- LE-NNKY, buperlnteudent. OUOUTEBT K0UTKTO THE SKA-SHOUE! CAMDKN AND ATLANTIC RILROAD. BUMMER ABHANHKMEST. FIVE TRAIN o D-tlLY TO ATLANTIC CITS'. (tn and after BATrRDAY. July 4, trains will leave VIM . bueet Ferry as follows: bpeclal Fxcutslon ' ?! Mall TWA. M, L'lelglll, WHO pa-seuger oar avta-utsu 10 v. ai. l ,,r. iihrouah in two liuuis) 2'i0 P, A'tlautlC Accoiuu.odailon -ITS P. M, Jtelurulng, leave Allan. io Pppclal Excursion 8TB P. M. Mail f M. 1-relgiil. with passeuger rar i a., m. fcxpii-ss (ihrongh lu two hnnrs) 7-lu A. M. Accummi-datiou M .... Jl'oO A. M, Junction Accommodation to A mo and In- tetmedlaie siailons, leaves Viue street 6 P. M. leavtB Arco .6. a A. M. Hnddoiifli'ld Accommodation Train leav Vine street - .,..10 16 A. 51, and 2-dO P. M. Leave Jiaddoulieid lno P. M. aud iT5 P. M. Bunday Mall Train to Atlantic, Leaves Viue si reel.................... 7Sil A. M. Leavea Atlhiillc,M, 4'20 P, M. Fare to Atlantic, f2. Round trip tlckeU. good only for the day aud trulu on which ihey are issued, w. The Philadelphia I ocal tx press Ct mpauy, No. 6i8 t il KbN U 1 btreei, w ill call lor hag gaga lu any pari of th cttr aud suburbs, aud chuck lu hotel or cottage lAi'ri"niial'lcket offices have bPen located In the Reading Boom ol'ih Coutluonlal Hotel, aud al No, OOlKbN OT bireet. p g MCNDY, Agent. pElLALELl'HIA AN1 Ellll- KAILP.OAD.- B.HM-E T1MK TABLE, Throcigh anil diretl route belwteu PUIiaJelphla, Ballimore, Harrlshurg, Wllllamptnt, to the North iest, and the Oreat Oil R'glou of Pennnylvanla. li lVxjANT HLKKP1NH OA Kf on all Night '1'ralns. -. .,a -tt., miiMuv. Mv 11. 18M. the tralus on the Philadelphia and Erie lUUruad will rua a rouow- Ml bt w a aD, Mail Train leave Philadelphia - ......ll'lo j jj t" .1 leaves Wllllamsport............M.. 8'20 A. M. " arrives at trie......... ..... Su P. M. vt i-r.Mi leaves Philadelphia .-...12 00 noon Erie ft,w"1JJM1 willtamport........... 8-6.1 P. u. m m arrives at trie 10 (16 A. M, Elmlra MU !!tf,o?t mm p1 m it o leaves Wllllamsjiorl...,,,,,, 6 i p, M, h mi arrive at Lock f lavcu,, 7 V. U. Mail Train leave Erie w'u ti1 ivea W lhlamsnori.. .11 -00 A, ' ulilg U MlM arrives at j-iiiiaueipui 7 10 A. M, 7 40 P. M. Erla ExDrea leaves ne - 7 40 J jU-ie axprw VM nHa-mpurt ... 8 16 ; m h arrives at Philadelphia 6 t . A. M, P.M. mall and Fxpress connect with Oil Creek aud Alls. .hiiuv River Railroad. Alagageche4'kedtliroutih. . ALrHttU 1 TV JjKH HX Oeueral bux.erluliulv-h RAILROAD LINES. AUCTION SALES. M. B?r?.ilK?HBtltNS' M03 139 ANI) Prirmnlnrti..,U4i.. . 12t VERY Is(KBI.K l:U; "a Is ri rip. MAY. KW JtiC-EV. Jdly 2,. iMg. st II o.'!,!:.r,,I!,J'. .., w... 1. ' -as me oxioca a. M. tram, Market street wharf. P5 In tn flia Ppamliaa PiA!fM)MK CO IT AO K AMCSIDKNCK AND FOR. LA VuK i (i-r Alih COACUUOUblfi ANU ( 01 1 ottate and houi'i strpnln.Ospe Isiaud, N. J-i o pinna Congress Hall. f."t PO by 20j ftet. cn thepreuiiFn. ' v 7 .4 u MAYV? .OniEUS, Al'C No. UltbM l bt , roar enirauc CTI0NKEU3. as r bons ) nee trout Minor. Help at No. "1m Chpnnt s VF.I.T f-TfKKIMK U , L N r e reel. ii D.-t.M k w a ln m i,. i(,K.r. i . tiiil 1 .. .'rnMTwntiw iM-'-HM VkLVkf (' iitpit:-i'tt lull i-iwiMi machinVmVk-itj K (lo M' itidav Mnrnititf feUl'Hl- A I in o'clock, ai the Auction Rooms, bv rataloiiiA very dpstratile K'nrnliilre, Inclntllng bnparlnr walnut parlor lurniinre. handsoinn walnut ona.iilmr Inrnl tnrc, sujiprlor ilpn room ftirnhnre, elegant wa'..nk ecitv.ary aud book-uitnes. handsome velvet and hrns selt cbi iets, Riiprrlor sewing machines, two Hue show cesrs, latere counter-tab e. wali'.it oIUop tallies, supe rior pxtein-lnn table, china spring mattresses, large r)uiiMity snpp'tor wmniit and oak cane-seat diulug ro ni aud chauioer chairs, eir. riMioiAS riKcn & JL AND OOMMIsnlON SUN, AITTI0XEER8 IrKliOHAKIs, No. ill (JHVSMT K'.rpet: rear entrant- No. 1107 Hansom M O I. McCLEES & CO. fbUCCFSSOKS TO V. Mt Ipln.u.l Co.), Auctioneers, No, 606 MAR. HI KF.T bireet LIPl'lNCdlT, SON A: CO., AI7(TIONEEK8s Ashnrsl Bnlldliif. No. 240 MAKKFT bireet "DUNT1NG, PL'RDOhtiW A; CO., AUCTION! ucr Of Banvk streei- HucceatiOf to Joiin B.Myif m STOVES, R ANGES, ETC. VnTIPP TIT IT TTVnt'TJCinvpn a-' v a v a , jl aa ti j Al XJ lu A O 1. I ,t( MU U -vii"i vnii cai.v iittirii ui hiic (itltllltj VU II IB NKW ttULliKN EAliLK FUHNACEL This 's all eutlretr Betv beier. It, la anmit. fciructed as to ai oncecommaud I well to general tavor, belt g a Couihluatlou ol wrought uud cast irou. It la very simple In its coiinruciiou. and is perieotly alr tlgbi;seli ileatili g, having uu ploei or drums to he taken out and cleaned. It 11 so arranged wlt.i nprtght Hue as to produce a larger amount of heal from the same weight ot oal than auy lurnace now In lists. The hygrometrlc condition of the air as produced by my new arrangement of evapnra'loii will atoucede-mon-traie tuai it ts I u only Hot Air Ftirnase that will produce a peifec-ly healthy atmosphere. Th me In wantoi a comnteie lleallog Apparatnl would do well to call and examine the Uolden Eagle. l!HHLto WILLIAMS, IS OS. 1132 aud 11.11 M AKK.KT bireot, Philadelphia. A larga asBOrtinent of Cooking Ranges, tire-board Roves, Low Down Orates, Veu llators, etc., always on hand. N. B. Jobbing of all kinds promptly done. 6 lOf .t TllOMI'SON'S LONDON KITCHENER, i?, OR FLKOeKAN RANOK, tor Families. 5rl Hotels, or Public rnstltutious, In TWENTY l5iir- Dl F EKKNT MZlvS. Also, Philadelphia Rarges.Hot Air Kurnacei, Poriatile Heatets, Low dowu Urates, Pinboard stoves, Bath Boilers, blew hole Plates, Boilers, Cooking btoves, etc., wholesale and retail, by the manufacturers bllARPE & THOMSON. 1 27 Bin th 6m No. 2i9 N. UKCOND Street.' RAILROAD LINES. BALTIM0KE AND OHIO RAILROAD Iraius hetwef n WASlflNU TON AND BALTI MORE, and WASH I Ml ION AND TUE YVEoT are, now run a follows, viz : FOR BALTIMORE. Leave dally, except Sunday, al T oo, 7'IS. and l-'JO P. M., and 2XO. and 4 :tn and 8 45 P. M, t-OK ALL WAY bTATIONS. Lenve daily, except bunday, at J '00 A. M., aud 2-00 and s'4i P. M. FOR WAY bTATION bOCTH. OF ANNAPOLIS JUNCTION. Leave at 6 .'5 and 7 on A. it., aad at 2'00 audl'M P, M. TOR ANNAPOLIS. Leave at 7 00 A. 51. and 4-80 P. M. No trains '.to Ot from AunupollB ou bunday. ON bUN DAY. FOR B A I. ITMORFi Leave at 7-45 A. M., and 4-30 and H'45 P. M, FOR WAY bTATIONS. Leave at 7-45 A.M., and 4-iMi and 845 P. M. A-Olt A lit, 1-AK'lb Otf THE WEUr, Leave ually, exceiit Saturday aud ouuday, at 745 A. M., 4'8i Ai d 8' 46 P. M. On baturday at 7'4a A, M.. and z'30 P. M. On buntiay at 4'3'i aud 8'45 P. M. only, connecting At Relay btation wlili trulns from Ballimore to Wheel-In-. Pitrkersburg. etc. Thron-h Tickets in tbe West can be bad attha Washington btation Ticket (nllce. al all hours la toa day. as well as at tbe new 'tliee of the Baakers' and Brokers' Teleg aph Line, No, 818 Pennsylvania avenue, between blxth uud beveutb streets. For New Y ork, Philadelphia, and Boston, see ad vertisement ol "Through Ltue." 1. Jj, WILSON, Master or Transportation. L. M. COLE, General Ticket Agent. 2 2t OEOROE b. KOONTZ, Agent, Washington.' F1 R EI GUT LINES FOR NEW YORK AND ALL POIN'lb NORTH ard EAST, aud for all Blatlou on Oamden aud Amboy and Connecting Railroads, iroiu wuinui street wnan. mi riftAbrJU UKHrA iuat Freight for all way point ou the Camden and A muwj ,,.,, u nuinu.uii u ...u , County Railroads, forwarded at li o'clock Noon For Trenton, rriuceton. Kingston. Rocky Hill, and all points on the New Jersey aud Bolvldeia KaUta I r 1 , . . I .. .. n A I .. ... ... w n nrf U, roads, lorwaroea at r. ax. For New York,;at l, --H.anao r. m. Freight rpcplved from 7 A. M . to 6 P. IC A lln niflniiinnlllini. anHT.lrVIll- the markfl AUd nnmbsrs, shippers and const nees, must In every In-; atauce ue sent wi'neat n n an o' n-i. WALTER FREEMAN, Agent, No, iS fa, Delaware A venue, 17t Philadelphia; INTERNAL REVENUE. PRINCIPAL DEPOT, FOB TUB 8ALB 01 Lulled Slates Keienuc Stamps; HO. 801 CUSNVX STB-XTi CEKTRAIi DEPOT. :ko. ios -oim Firru htbet (One door below chesnnt street).' E8TABL.ISIIID 186C Onr stock comprises all the deuomlaatlons prlatd by theCJoveruiueut, ALL ORDERS FILLFD ANK FORWARrED BY MAIL OR EX PR Ebb 1MM KIM ATELY UPON Rl-i tflPT. a matter ol great importance. Jjrafta on Philadelphia Post Office Orders, Green backs, and National Bank Notes, received In pay. went. The following rates of commls-lon are .allowed! (in tJ. From t'-ti to f 10).... FOUR PER OWN Vtom tlW) upward...EOU; AND A. UALJfPlta The commlsBlon is payable In stamp. All orders, etc., should be addressed to BTAMP AOXUHCTZ KO. 04 VUEMTIVT STBEBTt rHILAOELFai-, Onlers received for Blamped Checks, Draft, R cels, lh Heads, etc, aud Ihe bast rate of oouiml- W 'have coustantly on baud UNITSJ BTATFB POSTAGE STAMPS Of A UB' K1NIN, AND STAMPED ENVELOPES.