The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 23, 1868, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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x-o. 19.
Xatcr News l)y Cable and Steamer.
Blow Progress of tho Revolu
tion in Panama -Tho
Troubles In Vene
zuela. ptH Bta., BtH
By the arrival at New York of the steamer
J r' ion a we hava advices Iron. Aspinwall to
Yba Paaaina llevaluttosw
Tne Pannroa iforcmlue Chronicle of July 10
Bays: "Ab undtdxl qutct prevails tu Panama
noiwi hsianuiun the city has been declared m a
tateo' war.' B'isin si is dull, incited tna he
txprestivelv described tit 'stagnant.' This
condition of th ms is not continel to any pir
ticmar class ot per-ons. nor to ny p irticular
fcrgTxh of trade, but Is eerier.-'. Tbe g'reeti are
nlnn bi de-erit'o; and. iu concealment, the
natives seek to escape the perils 01 cootrripti o,
laving tio extia-irdmary thtr.t lor military
plory. Tbe Provi-ioiai President, auion? otber
ceciees, bas or. I ere I a l,rgc antruientatioa of
the militia, ntid recruiting is going on itr
alarming aiacniv. Men canu t pjr-ue th-ir
oidman daily avocaiiovs wi b ut ihe-dreai of
Leine pressed into tbe service, and the iucon
vi niei.ces an tug Irom their seelatiou uiay welt
fcc comprehended."
lhe Chronicle, of the 12th, contains the fol
lowing t'ems:
The dra t has ceased by nfficUl proclamation,
much to the relief ot those ho dreaded the
res rctions of vinip life, or the terrors of the
jrarch. The battalion require 1 r the Presi
dtnt has been lormtd. IVaceiul pei.ufls1n thi
community ma? now resume tneir ordinary
orcupanoi e witoout the feur ol encountering
the reciuinne otlicer.
Ymter.tay General Ponce, the Provisional
Trt-f tdent, issm d a circular mvninc the bea W of
cisht of tie principal turns ot tm c ty to meet
at 4 o'clock in the atternoou, at, the Government
Louse, on the suojtctot ouolic iutere-t. Toe
biccttt the mee ins was not specially Btaed
in the cirvuKr, b it it ha been ascertained that
Ji war- to induce the advance ot contributions to
the n'ent ot $j00ii lor the p urposes of Goveru
jbi n. The invi a iit. were not, we underbtan 1,
In any a c rdiallv responded to; le. it any,
Of those invited atteud n.
The following appears well authenticated:
Gei.eral Uom, the appointed Governor of
the Department o Los Snos, bas bpen tnkeu
imoueraud "placed in ibe n ock-." AH the
i flicer of the old Government had been rua
itated, and. it is said, that the lionps under
ct id nan i of Uoiti hai gone over to the Coustl
tniicnaliets. PUHornui Stateof Affairs othIithmui
T i-day the Iri-uds of the legitimate Govern
ment aie frei'ly talking ot auuexa.ion to the
United Mat' b as the only wav of saving the
country; and no that the tiulk ot the troop
we ivuh'ira n Irom thU city it will Dot be sur
pniiig if e have an uin-isL;; here as well ai in
the Ifc .Prior.
to impoverenea nas tne atare pecome oy
the coiftsuttioubies tbaiiis treasury is wore
thHn biiikropt. Every cent thai could be ralaed
Jor jeatf pat titUf-r by laxes, f irce I 1 mps. rr
Balf ot oropeny tia beeu "P'-ut io aid ct-rtnin
politcl cliques and keep up a larpe standing
arui, lit- oulv use ot wb'ca ib lo ai-t In over
tbrtw'na the Goveran ent. TLp ca'tie estates
turouch the inteif r arp Leai Iv 11 ruind. an ! it
if rv doub'iul whether, w thin to earg irom
thi time, tiuflicient stoclt will remain to uupply
Ihn wans ot the inhabitants. The result ot
the e polit cl 1-q.uhboiesis that the commerce of
Pai ama, almosi exclusively in the tands of
foieiBiJ-rs, is over axed to a ruin ins extent,
buu-sB is coui antlj ois'urbed, aa I Uebrg dua
by ihe people of tne interior are unpaid. Tae
Whole sta'e of tte coun rv Is teudu? towards
auurrbtaud ruiu, and unless tome chanso fr
the better tak's ulace sooa the Goverunieat
cannvt xi'. bnch a cbanre is eareelv lively
to occjr urd' r it Dreteut rulers, and ilia mpre
xeplui'ine ot one political party br aoo'hcr only
ca l- forex'ra iaxa inn to commeuce fn-sh ope
raiioLB itb. S.cb is the condition of Panama,
and such it mi-t remain so long as it is under
tut-guidance of the txiuing raoe.
Tie UiraUVa correspondent of July 14 savs:
'Yet)tetday autrni ou a oeero named SecuU'io
met a colored brother taoied I'ruol in tun
ri'heural, lev lied a inu-net at btin and hct
lim tr ronnh the bead, ulline him on the spjt.
1 be dect-ased s the tbud man B-nuodu bad
shot ai within an hour. JJi deliberately loaded
up hi gun ater the nturder and went oil in
tearclioi iresh earue: but the weapon wa finally
taku irofu him juit as he was in the act of
leveling it at auo h"r victim. I he murderer
-was one of the individuals promoted o the rank
of cap'ain the onv previously in the But rIioq
Panama and the uuriiered wa a st-rireaut
in the pame corps. The iiroceediae cinseJ very
lii If etciiement, particularly rood thmr
brother otlicers. Auo: her mxu was fhot do vn
by asDldura couple of da.s ago because he
tried to ao d being made a volun'eer o'. These
volunteers are generally loped iu o th rauks
ivith the aidot a latso, or at th point ot the
Vurtber Particular of lb Captur of
y Steamer.
Writing trom Pner'o Cubello, July 7, the N. Y.
Beta d's correBjiondent tays:
BiiCf ma 1 tor tire United States events
of ercat tn't ii s have iraiispTec1 iu toil republic.
General Jote Taoca, late Pres dent,
api roMchi d tb c-ip ttu with an arinv of 2 jUU
men; trom the Eas.ern aiaifsot Barct'loca and
C'ua ana the revolution ry troopi in and in the
neighborhood o! Curaccus, wi ti 'Jen. Meudoza
at their head, join hitu, and new teeotia uos
lor pcare arc in tried into bet eeu Monaas aud
On ibe 21tt the lorcei of Monugas, encamped
at t hacao, ubout ih ee oiiipb trom ; he city, aud
tliun uhn,it as 'O (.t.-nnu. tvere nt a. if I. hut r.liH
1 were bravely repulsed aud toilowed iu p inuit
10TUeCllV in riU'HS, vlli;u uu urru ul
Jolly or iicd bv ail the sifill ot llfiuu'l'i bet
ehit ie, wrh artillery mo inted uoon the best
eduaied potnts ol the ci'y, lnclud.ns tie Uov
enin ent hnui-e. Archbishop's palace, the
arsenal, and burro 'kp. an I the catte irl itself,
alter atr sunn ba Archbibhop lor reiubiug to
dri ver u, ibe kevs.
The revolu touarv army entered the city from
theeast. up by one, nd wnb travery drove
liriiiii ui'a truoi'B tioin every position.
Petore a"Bck'De the Cathedral, Uene'al Jose
Cegoria Wouatas, the immetliafe commander
of the army, anl uephe ot rbe comuiauder
in chit f, iu'imated to the otlicer in lontnand
the iaipropriety of bairwading them.eWeg in
euchauilv place, and hoei his uojvlllins
nets to make it the t-cene of a bloody coutrr,
TbeGinerl in comrannd aereeine wl'b biu,
fnt word to General lirozual to bavt him re-
placed by ano' er officer, a he as unviiliutr
tu make bim-eir t oe ins'ruoieoi or sucn eacrnage
y dt lend na th p a"e.
Brntiiai put an omer named Lara to eiarge
and or was opeued aeain br 'he revol itiomu.
wko Lad, in the un autime, lean paininv gi-ouad
in otter quartets ot the city. A breach was
jcuiie through the rear of the Cathedral by
General Pnlgsr, and the allar serving t'nem ni
a barricade, they drove Uiuzuaf tro'jps Inch
b inch inftde the bmldlus In o the bteeples of
the chutcb. Unable to ascend the stairs. r
conrse wa- bad to a f lmigation of euiph ir, ail
thus tbey were hro ebt aradua',y diwu. ThJ
ofllcerLaia ascending with two rr three nien
on the outside of the stecpl?, he hlruselt clung
to the B'a:tie of Kai'h surru muting th dome,
and awote lo perish brlore sarrendennir. Nj
persuasions weie ol any e.vail until order were
tianemifed to him irom General Brazaalto
The other forttflod places surromdlpg the
square wet e taken In like manner, and General
Uruual fled alone through the roof of the Gov
ernment HoUhP.
During the tcrrlfle fight at Caraccas which
la-ted uom the 21ft to the 23d ultimo, t.vo
thousand men were placed hors de condial.
The freets were covered witii dead an'l
wonDflcd, and every binl line which wa fnrti
tied has been nenrly demolished . In ibe Gov
erument House the lurul'ure and orna nen of
every k n1 vetc cnriipletely lestroed, aid,
much to the satisfaction ot Kalcou's ptr y, not
a vestlee has been lclt of governmental records
of any ort.
The titur Ooviramtat goklag ld Tha
Koriaiii t-iaawisa Aiuertcan
By Vuba Vable.
Havana, Julv 21. There arrived at?t. Thomns
on tne lGtli ii stant tioin the repuhl c of Vene
zuela, bet or Valeuiiner Miui'er Plenip neu
tiaiy, ccmm'siiifiLed by General Mommas, the
newly pioclaimed President, to p ircliase
sibooners, animunttion and oilier raa' ot
war to be t mplojed iu the detcube of the ne
older of afatrs.
C'n the same vesel wt'h Senr Va'entiner
comes the UDited Slates Mioiter resi lent at
Caiac(a, Hot'. Mr. Wtillweli, who embiiks tor
Wafhingto- by way of Colon, ddoaib . T'ip
American Minister quit ca his post at Ca'accis
on'acrount of tl e lacttha. bislitc was really not
sa'e in the place.
There was also on board Senor Lifout, a
wealthy merchant of Jacmel, II ivti, wno i to
en. iloy himself in sol'CittLg foreiga protec ion
tor the iubahitan's of the islaud, vuh q 1 to a
nun b rot 'e-titute Hnvtien, who are almost
without clothing and verging on a pauperized
Actloat or th 0(ivrsmt o
m tb KXa-
zallan OiOtcwIiy.
On the 5ih of July president Juarez trans
n itted Irom the City of to Gencril
C'jcna, the enn mandrr of the Uazntlan dis
trict, a lone document r-viiwini the rttcent
rouble with the Enhoh naval otlicer, Bridge.
It closed as follow.-:
.-. TU'i Government cannot consen to any lrreffn
lar exaction, but at the same time it will examiue
tleacs, in onler that it there ha been ny
of ense it may be amended a jus ice demands.
To this end the citizen Prcsloeut hasdet-roimed
that the ie-pec1ive orders npjn the two lollow
lr.g points fchall be issued by the Minister of the
1. Ihat the money taken from the paymister
of the frigate ClmuMcleer shall b? put in deposit
until the Government receive the informa'ion
from tie Custom House, in order that npou l s
review the liovtrnment shall resolve whetner it
will return the money, or, it the c rcu'iiHCnnee
demand, it shall submit the matter to a judicial
2. The CuMora House officers who intervened
in the occurrence of June 16 and 18 last, in
repard to tbe comnauder anl otlicer of the
Chanticleer, as also tbe otlicers whoeuvPthe
ordir tor toe executio'1 ot tae acts, shall be
t'laced at tbe di-poMtiou o! the Juoge of tne
d'sirict ot Mnz:itlai). in order that he may
prcceeii according to la w, lutormioe tue uov
erument eveiy eieht dajs of the sta e ot ihe
tral, durinp wnicu tima tucse odicers snail be
suspenicd, ul tit, upon the result ot t lie. ir al,
the Governmeut bhall decide whD sua'l be re
turned to service.
The citizen Pre-ldent bai likewise determined,
to commis-ion you to act in ih's matter accord
ing to ih- tollowu g ins rucious:
1. The decis on coutaired in this comaumlca-
ticn shall be null ajd void, provi led fiat at th?
tiuejou shall receive it. a satislactory se'-tl"
nient ha been alrealy made of the aoove men
tioned ditlicultics which have occurred iu the
2 In the cou'rary case you will direct a not
to the ccnimauder ot the tnsa'e Chanticleer,
triciosii g a copy oi inis communication.
3. If aiter weipiiine th-oeciBion of ibe gov
ernment, ihe commander of ihe Cnant'c ee
insists pon continuing the blockade, an I if
then be proposer 10 bombard Mazailaa. yoa il
proceed iu one or ih-j muer case accordinsto
tbe ins'ruciinrs wuicn 1 uae coum to
jou separately (private instructions.)
lluuiui of imropaan Coalttioa Agalaist
n Itapubiie.
The followinp appeared in the Revista Uni
tersat, and has been generally quo el by the
pi ess of this city, taken from the Trai
Porre lime since a new European coalition
apamst Uex co was piedicted. We do not
know the oripic of this report so universlly
circulated, bat, aosurd as it may seem, there
must be some cause for its origin, tor where
mere is smoke there must be tire. We await
an explanatio n ot the lolloniut; iniornmiou,
vbcb have received trom Sn Kraunsc ,
and wb'.rh we eive to our reader: "We have
b cn luiornjed in a rrivatu ceium l'icttiotis that
Fiance, Span. Austria, and Eueland are
discussing a new coalition Iu accord wuh
the Unded Mafia for the purpo-eof onraiiz
nip a senoiiB and decisive campiicn aeainst
Jtex'co. The Sropen nttions will divide up
M xn o among tboruselves, after wtiich each one
will sell Its jortion to the United Stttes, which
la'ter ration sball bave previously received for
it si are the 6'ates ot Lo er Calitonia Siuora.
Chihuahua, ai d Duraneo. Kacuot theteleasued
nations will tunltb a coittnaencv ot tbiriy-tjve
iLoufnd men, and each wnl operate iud-p-nd-ent
of the o'lier iu the parlor' tae country
agreed ni t n in the pen -nil plan of tbe cam
paimi." We lo not ask tha Government to
creoit or heed tbi rumor; but If it bii.'Uts tbo
warning, it in tbe mture anythioe ierious
hni Id turn up, tho Government alone can be
binn ed. We hardlv think tbe tievs can be
credited, but tbat there is something in it n
certsiu, aud th warning should be heeded
he'ere too late. It is in v opinion tnat a ft iro
pean coalition is under discu.-Biou, but t.iat it is
pacific iu us object.
Reaction In favor of Sal a are TUa t-
in-W oa Jtcuiil,
Aflvicen from Port au-Priiiee to July 10 say:
The Bri'i-h tepreseimitive hai demanded c vsh
to pay lor dainiue douo to one of her Britauuic
Majesty's war vesel s d irina tue recent revolu
t oiiary movcuicut. A rcacttoi.ary movement
hs set Iu at Jacmel auaiust the Governmeui.
I'.iubiv ot tho luiialiiian s requeued ar.ns o'
President 8lnave. Some of the people. urclareJ
talnave Kuiperorof llayti, but lie declined 'he
t tie. Giiertil T"U-aint, ihub'e.t man, pro
bablv, in tbe place, accepted the comnin l a'
Cajero, w here tne rebels captured two hutid.-eJ
neu. The picos, or mount an. er-, attacked
Jacmel. The inhabitants rprHied tbe assault until
Gemrai KpIipcc arrived. A deHpcrte tt?ut
ei.sued, in which General Hebocca vas w luiulc l.
The citizen, however, mcceeded iu repulsing
tbe n.ountaiuecrt, wto lost one hundred auj
thirty men. (iem ral T dho was misiin; alter
the b'Hile. GeLeial Pointjo ir was shot without
trial. General Louis pillaged the town ot
l.ousepetre aud a sasHinated tbe commamlaut,
Toissaut His two s ns have gone io p iramt of
the murderer, kt Jicwl the respectable lo
habl'anl bail Boiuave as only co upetent to
restore order. The Un tod t-ites sta ner
Penobsc t came into this btrbor, a'ter crutsmir
around the i Und of Sr. Domini,'", on tne 9'h
msiai.t. The United giatet eUauier CuutoocotiK
k aUo in port.
Forty Puioai runu4 by Drlaklac
lafott Milk.
A case of wholesale poisoning occurred at
Owensboro. Ceniucky. on lat M'urday nieht.
Tne paiticulars, as lurniitiel to tbe Nt Albany
Lcdtjtr by the otlicers of the suamer Taea-con,
and Mr. W ley Hrownln-, who came up as a
pasen!cr irom Rockprr. are as folUw
Jt ai pears that tio of the bo els-Planters'
and National eresupoltet wi b miK :y tbe
sme man, who lives oppoite O vensboro, in
ihi- htate. This milk, it appear-t, was dlspae l
or poisoned in soie n, prbaps by some
weeds the cows had eaten, ann the re-ult was
tbat every guest who partoj of it was taken
violt mly iii with lever aud vomiting, shonly
alier supper. Up to the time tho boat left,
about tony riersciis were reported sick, and
tome weie very danut rou ly ill.
Arnopg the gut st- at ibe Plauters' IIo'cl that
evenlijr were hr. e crizcn.t ot this citv, Lafay
ette Fredeiick, ot the firm ot Frvlenck A
Sh Ipt'r, Geome l one, travelling agent tor the
drnf noie id s-enbi er & Mar nue s, aud Mil
dieton Ilntch'tips. ot the pr.cerv house ot K-mt
A bro. Mr. Fn-der ck h-r'ui ately did not pir
tike ot the milk, aud e CHncd the fi e ol his
iileiuts, who were tnkcu violently ill it,h vo a t
lns and fever. Mr. Hutch. nus was leported very
ill, he baviniz vounted blond at intervals during
tbe ntfbt. Mr. Lone, and h rn.iner froii I'm
cinraii naned Davis, were not bo Didlv aircie i
a Mr. Huich', but were not out of dai e-r at
1 st accounts, jet siruug hupes were enterta ned
ol ihpir rt'eovprv.
We also understand that Mr. Thomas 8. Pettit.
eni'or of the Gwen-boro Moni or, and a G n-r!
Murray wre among tho-e d nirer iuly affec ed,
slieht hopes being entertained for their recov
er!. tM'tne of the phv-ieians were of the
opinion that arseuic had b-eu pat in the milk
cats by ome one, but as the ina.ter had not
been invej ieated they were untblw to detcr-mli-e.
The attair cea ed c ni lerable excite
inert and conateroaii.'U anions the peo;d'! of
Owonsboro, who vied with each othpr in render
np every asfi-tance to the uutortuoate persons.
A Katbaraad Soa BurTtcwtad la a Wall
The Dubuque 7t7nesof July 1!) says:
A terrible acciden1, result. n in tbe death of a
prosperous aud re.-pecta'de farmer ramed
Kreallv, who resided on tbe o'd military road,
about fourteen miles nor hwest ot tbia cty, aud
bis son, a jonnir man 2:1 yeara of as;e, occurre t
jestciriay torenoon. It seems tnat a well upon
ihe prn ise-. between twm:Jve and thirty
feet in depth hid become tilled up, ao1 in eiforr
wamadPto cleaj it out. The hired man de
scended hrt. and had nearly reached thp hot
ton, whin he became lamt and ctguilled to the
part'es above to draw him out. When he
cached ihe surface ho win much exbaiel,
aud declared triat the well was tilied with foul
air to sdeh an extent that, it wa unsaie to eo
down, lio'b ta'her and son ridiculed th s idea
nno prepared to perform the work theinelves,
tbe jotinc man p'i,ie down He had no
sooi er reached the bottom thnu he dropped for
ward on his ta"e In the wa'er, tpparentl t liie-1p-i.
Alarmed for tho safe-ty of his son
the faiher hastened down, only to fall n second
victim, both n;eu beinir sudoca ed to death by
the carbonic acid chs w tu winch the welt wa
fj'led. lhp fritfh'ened tamilv at, ouc" nolitied
tte neighbors, who reoaired iu numbers to
the spot, but bef re elthprof the untortonate
men could be rescued life wa-j perfectly eitiEet.
Fattlculara of tha Kcceat Riot ; at
Fromthe Houston Telegraph. JulyQ,
Yesterday evening, about four o'clock, about
forty ueuroes wen', to the Louse ot Mr. Holli tav,
ih the Brazos Bottom, to hane him tor s ime
unkunwn reuon. Th 'y were m-t by Dputy
SrieriU Pa'illo. with ubout tweniy-rlve or thirty
whites, who oroeivd ihcm to d sperso, which
they refused to oo. Patilto wi h tu- fo'ce thn
moved agiu!it tbem to disperse them, wheu
the reeices commenced brinp. Tne tight now
becanm general aud Itiiied abiut tifieen
m nines, the whites killin five negr tes
aid two hor-ea and the negroes dl-persing.
The passenger tra'n soon arrived from
Brian, but was Bent buck for re:nforc
nienis. returnins in a very suort time wi h one
huudred voluueers under com maud o' SheritT
Neil!. The train halted, however, at Wellborn,
where th nen were or can zed iuto ihr e c jiu
panes, commanded by Capiains Faulkner,
buiher'apd, and Erwin. Toe reproe were
eimped in the rear ot MilUcnn, and refused o
do un t tiinc but Ueht. Sherid Ne.ll informed
Xlero that he had come to make peace aud pot
to tht, but that he would arrest the leader,
Cebt or not. JIatreis were in this c mdinon
when the Central tratu left Cats morning. TU"
rjpgroes ob ained a trace to bury their dad
which were killed vesterda, and aUo one np?ro
who was killed bv one of the nleitets lait night.
There were flats of truce paiiigr betwe-n the
camps of the whites and the, ami a
regular line of ba'tle was cs'anlished. Tbre
are 150 whites encamped and 401) blacks, the
latter under command of a negro, Panon
Brooks. Tb fi losing is the oteanzation f
( ap'tin Faulkner's roiuparjy:-FauUner, Cap
tain; Wyatt, K.rsi LleuienMnt; George Has veil,
ArMv.tani; John O-'f. Cominisbarv.
Tae D nton kloti'ior leai us ihat Jude Htrdin
Hart on bis wav home from Austin sprea I the
cewstbat tho Convention in ended to di-arrn
the whites and arm tne negroci. and force
nepro equality noun ihe people at the election,
and ihat iu c nseiiueuca somebody ailltd, him
near Grtcnville.
Gaveraor Bullnca'a Iasaural Adda.
At his itiaugaration yesterday, Governor Bul
lock, of Georgia. dclive:ed an address, in the
course of winch be sal i:
We ate assembled here to-day under thq foi
tetiaer care and protec ion of our General Gjv-
eminent. XLrouen its ciemcucy we are per
n, i. ted to iraugurate a civil eoverument for cir
Sia'e, that wdl supercedu the an iiary power
which has been supr. me iu our midst since the
failure ot an attempt to eatubdshthesoveretgnty
ol separa'e Htntes, in oppos.tion to ihe Cotisri
tuttoii aud Union irmud by the people of the
Dniied sj'Htpn, lhe uii-for'ui es that have fol
lowed a iu i e h pieaensioii ol tne nllcgmuce due by
the iu'tiv.dnal citi.i n have beco nn a psrt of our
history, and need only io bo referred to when
there inay be daneer ot its repeti ion. We h tve
toed rea-on to C'lncratulnte ouiselves that we
l ine ec laptCly abandoned our erronec vis opi
nions, ard ihat under the ben go iniluence ot
the I beral laws of Coneres we have prosres e 1
Ftieceusiuilv toward a ip-ioia ion loonr proper
l luce In the Union, aid especially should we
njoice tbat thi has been a'C'iQiplished not
wnhstaiidiiig tha'. m the piramtof a proper
rol'Cy we have beeu distructcd and divided
among our-elves by ibe failcre of the National
Fxecutiveta act in harmony with the will of
thp people constitutionally expressed.
Wr.h a teunorv ot maeniticent proportions,
uusnrpas-cd in r'chuess ot natural retonrces,
we bave but to applv ourselves to its dveinp.
m'uttoreHp a bouiKeous reward. Byuin'el
efi rts in the enforcement o' civil law, ecurim
to every ot e the lawful expression ot their poll
tical opinion aud the enioyment of tb resul's
of their labor, we will invite wi Inn our borders
an increa-ed oopul'Uiou tn share with us ih
rnrntorts ot our climat. and the wealth of our
agricultural aud mineral productions.
Jlilliarda Democratic Nomination.
Cukago, July 23. Iu the match earae ot
billiards bet w een Pro cssor Carme and Joseph
Vtrmulin last night, 1600 points for 500 wv
won by the lormer, Vtruiulin aiakiutr bat 335
General J. W. Ringleton wna nominate for
CoDtfregM by the Fourth Congreagioual Couven
Uob at Moutjucutb yttttrUi'.y.j
European Market Heports.
Financial and Commoroinl
tai Kta.f Ktt.i aGta.i Eta
To-Day ' Huotatloag.
Bv Atlantic OuM.
London, July 23 A. M. Consols, 04 for both,
rxoney and account, American ecuritie'i quiet
ar.dstendy; Uuited b'20s, 72j; Illinois
Cnfral, 06; Erie, 43.
FaANiroBf, July 23 A. M. United States
6 20s, 77.
LivEKPOot, July 23 A. M. Ctfon heavy
and decline ); aksof probably 9000 bles. up
lands, 101; Orleans, lojlftlld. The shipmeu's
ol cotton from Boaibay to the 21st were 9000
bales. Flour, 29j. Cd. Other articles un.
Lonfon, July 23 fternooD. Consols, OIJ
Ji94i for account and for money.
Pabib, July 23. The Bourbe id dull; Rentes,
f. 7015r.
LiTEiiroot, July 23 Afternoon. Cotton
stetdy aud unchanged, Tbe day's sales are no v
estimated at 10,000 bale. Bread -tufTj heavy.
California wheat declined to 12s. Cd ; No, 2 red
Western declined to lis. Corn dull, bat un
changed. Laid advanced to Cis. 6d.
London, July 23 attetnoon. Stgar quiet
and steady. Lin-ecd oil advanced to 31 15s.
Tha Piavlgatloa of tha Mlaaourl Rlvar
CoavlctioA of a llmdtrir-ISmbuzxlc-meat
aad Braavb of PioibIm Uaaa.
Special Drtjmich to The Evening Telerrnpti.
fcT. Louis, July 23. Montiua papers stats the
steamt r Guidon is to be taken bodily overland
around the Great tails above Bentjn, and is
hereafter to ply as a regutar picket in wa'ers
heri tofore uudi-itutbe 1 by a steamer's wheel,
adding many more ni bs to tbe navigation of
the Missouri river. The boat will be placed on
skids, aud snake i overland.
Paiks, anero, ha- been convicted of murder
in the first decree lor shooting Charlotte Den
cau last August.
William L. Nelson, President of the Mdttini
Inuiance Company, ha been arretted for em
b'zzling $9 i0 from Mr. Frezen.
Relecca Bradford has sued II. G. Cady for
$10 000, for bret-h ol promise ant! seduction.
The thermometer h':rc je-terdiy was n'nety-
eight degree;. Three fatal cases of sun-stroke
Tyarh Liw la Mmylcl-(Jnve.Boi
tswaaa'a faiiilval ASpiratioaa.
Special JJtsputcti to Tht h'vxiUny U'e'-sra.X
BiLTiMOftt, July 23, 1RC9.
At Brlair, in Hartcrd county, jeeterdny after
noon, a colored man, named Isaac Moore, was
rescued Iron tbe magistrate aud other otliec-.--wture
be was undergoing an examiuadoj upon
tbe charge of attempting rape npou a highly
respectable girl, and was hung by a number ot
citizens until dead. Great cxciteuient pre
vailed. Governor Swanu Is flglttlng desperately forth
nomination of the Third Conere8'oual District,
but tbe Democrats say tbey sea no reason why
he should hope tor support for them wheu they
have plenty unadul eratcd men in their raukj
entitled to consideration.
A Fatal Stabbing Atliay ia Louisville.
ffpeciat Despatch lo Th Evening Telegraph.
Louisvillb, Ky., July 23. Thomas Salle wot
fatally stabbed by John Lowler yesterday moru
la?. Lowler, last evening, m.errogated a little
girl iu the employ of Salle, in resard to ill-treatment
reported to have been received by her at
the bands of Salle. The girl in'ormed Salle's
wi eof tha conversation, who thereupon visited
Lowler. i:e gave her some abue. Salle went
ta I. owlet's blacksmith shop tbia morning aud
deroauded an apoloey, when a 6ght ensued, in
which Salle was stabbed four times in the right
Bide, killing hint Ustantly. Lowler surrendered
From Chicago.
Special Pespntch to The Svenxng Telegraph.
Chicago, July 23 During the last week the
mortality ol Chicago was 2o3, an increase of 133
over the previous week.
The work on the Washington street tannel
prcsretses steadily, aud tbe whole will probably
be con pletcd by December. Tho cost is e.i
aatcd ut 400,000.
Sbipmeut of Specie.
Special Desp 'tch to the Keening Telegraph.
Nkw Yobc, July 23. The Jrcusu
to-day takes out $139,000 in specie.
Affair in China.
Tho PbwRhae -Veics htttvr, May 25, contains
the lolloping news:
The coal and iron mines a Chaltnnrr, six'y.avc
milts west non hwest id t'ekn are now in a fair
way ot being fully developed. The lending into-)et-
ure novtng'in the mailer, aud iher- n an
evid. i,i duposwiou on ibe nart ol the uutwe an
tinomies to further the project.
The rebels (bowed themselves hereabout
timing the latter putt of April and the 1st mat.
to the number, it was estimated, ot 30,000
men. led fv a Tartitr brave, only about nine
teen ears old. Toe usual scenes of burning
villages and slaughter ot the country pg ipld
wi re enacti d very near her-. Tue grain junks
in the paiho river appeared to be the object
lor aroroachlng Tientsin, as the plica was not
a'tacked. On tbe 17th lust., rumors of reboU
being at Pou-Ting-Foo were again Circ iluted.
Tbe want of an American vi ssel-o'-war b s
iieen for some time teit here, and as th' Crnte I
HtateB Hquadron is kuown to be on ui very
active service eith-riu Japan or Sjmh China,
it appears somewhat etrauge that Adtuiru1
Rowan should not have sent a "double-euder,"
at leat to tbt quarter long ere this, fhi
H euandi ah i not expecteJ here even Uer
retuiu iroui tue lorea.
The Noithern trade ia prostrated by the eon
btaitt Jncnrkions of tbe rtbtls, aad tlia Gulj
steamers are trvinr to make alivlngbycirrying
pulse and beancake at ship rates.
Tsen Kwo-Fan ba. it appears, really advised,
in an tifiicial despa'ch to the Government af
lekin, the immed a e opening of tome rJve
coal uiiaeg or pna near and tn tha region aojut
Nankin, subject to treaty action, in so tar as
fore gnerg aie concerned, but practically for the
faiore beneot of Chiue-e alone. As tae Viceroy
hm already started lor bhanghue via Soochow,
tbeprtofof his Intention, good or otherwise,
way shortly beco rut officially aud puDhclj
During the first quarter of 1868 there were
impor ed 34,238 pieo s tottoo piece goods. valued
at lis. t6 191, and 6072 pieces woolen piece good,
vslued at Us. 66,763, being a very treat Increase
of the trade ol the o rt over any previous quar
ter. Tbe city is b dng rebuilt very rapidly to
accommodate tbe ero vir.g population.
notto KONG.
A proclamation has been isnied no'tfying the
dh armament of all Chive e flsli ng j mkt I trading
at thai. poit. Tim measure bss beeu a loptej
in order to suppress piraty tn tho o water, it
having been lottu i that under cover of trnJiag
Tiunieioui jiinkniea yet rontin'ie their old prac
tice as tre. bnoters. Sir II. Kepoel, commanding
the British navnl forces iu the East, hat arrmred
the ii at er to h;s own satisfaction andtfiuef
tre Clime e otCcials at Can'ou, an I the British
guubra'B are not I'kelv again tj be called out
ot harbor, without knowing what work they
have to do.
Court of Quartbr Bass owg-Jada Rrowv
t r. (Jeoiije Idaek, indicted on two counts on
one, of i tie theft, of a Mwonic mark, and on tun
oll,er, of receiving stolen g vids wan c ia vlctad
I, t. tie ft rat couni aud acquitted ou Iheaecoad.
Tnejury wer out ml nlgbt. Toe eouusel moved
lor h new I rial. Net granted. 8autueed to
three years Iu the Eastern Penitentiary, to bugln
at, the expiration of bis present farm of Impri
sonment, n, part of fffilcU waaatill unserved by
ressou of li s having esoapwl trom Imprison
nient gome time ago. lie whs led from Court
between two dicer, wttti the nlnpers on.
CbHrleg Hocbnboy and Joha Itoi-kabor, and
John Dunn, arraigned on eroas td g lor ussmilt
and battery, were botu acquitted. Costa divided
Between the parties.
Jobn Marian, a little hoy about eleven yeirg
old, was convicted of stealing tti In pennies
fruin lhe mineral water wagon of Mr. Alfred
Nelson. Mr. NeUon left tits wagon f.,r a while.
Hiid win n he returned to it a carpenter working
lr. the neighborhood, told him that a boy riI
climbed up l he wxuon and taken a bundle ont
of i tie box. The oftleer who arrested him, told
htm there wan elabl dollars taken; hedente t It,
hi d suld there was only four dollars and gome
cell's, ttniH crlmlnnttng hlmse f.
Marv Leecd plead guilty to the eharga of
inrc ny of clothing, tue properly ot Mary
Cuthartne Bhavely and other were Indtnfed
for tirating the little child of Mrs. McUuoken,
and Meg. McGncken was mied bv these parties
for assault a d battery, ciosa hlllq. Mr. Ma
GucKen attempted to defend berehlld whos'io
sutd wusattacaed by Mrs. Hhavely.oi her onrlleg
jedned In auel tt goon became a free right, be
tween Mrs. Rhavelv, Mrs. McGuokeu, Mra.
Marltr, Mig. Rnphall. Master Ranball and Mini
WeGuehen Hair wan torn, sticks wera usei,
to., etc. Jnrv found all tbe parties guilty. The
Judge discharged them all ou payment of
Charles Rife and son were acquitted of asstnlt
mid hatlery. I'roaeoutor failed to appear. Bill
Oeotge Flaber and wife were tried for asMwnlt
and ba terv'in Rinbel McDowell and her hm
tiHnd Rachel McDowell, who lived la thesi'tie
tionse, went to ty and make peace betweeu
Usher and his wlfo, when Fisher nt.titntred her
w ltU a tawe-ball club and broke tier nose.
From Vie N. Y. Tribune of to day.
"Money ts abundant at 34 per cent., with es.
cepliomil transactions ut 5 per cea Tho
i.moiiuts offered eoo 1 bouses continue to be in
cmvsb of their needs, aud larne amounts were
t' x-ed at 3 pur ceu:. on miscellaucous secu-
"Sterling Fxchanee continues dull and heavy
at q'io;a'ioiiH: London. 60 dars, 110; Lou iou,
s eht, llllj; Pans, long, E"13ja5 12); Par s, short,
6'lt'i; Antwerp, 5'16i6'16; Swish, 6-164 to'15;
liauiburt, 3Uia364; Amsterdam, 4Uu41J; F' auk
tort, 41a41;, 7Jia80; berllu, 71Ja72.
"Xr-j; truiisact'ODs at the otCcc o' tho issiatant
Treasurer w re: For cus'oms $433,000; tor gold
notes, $103,000; total receipts, $4,151,306 56; t Dial
pan enis, $4 078.842; bnlance, $81,989 l0'54.
"In Fre;ghts To Liverp iol, by steiuiir, 7600
bufh. w heat on private term. To Loudon 7500
bush, pens at Gd., and to Glasgow, 600 bbls.
Hour on priva e terms, and 15,0"0 bush, wneut at
Cd. A scoooner was chartered with staves to
Mnluea and buea on pnvit'e terms."
The London Economist giva the following
Btatemi nt relative to the reorganization of tbe
Atlantic and Great Western Railway:
"Tnroueh endeavors which are bcin made to
reorganize the Atlantic and lieat Wes'.ern Ui'l
way, a ceneral improvement In tbe prces of th
bonds and debeutores has takes pi aw. The
n ore important proposals appear to be as fol
lows and tbe alteration) are cbierly iu tne mode
of deal ng with the certincates of debenture,
Tbe interest ou income b mils issued for co tpous
is increased, ai d the bonds ma le equal to a
n origage by deposit lor their protection of te
couoovh in trust. The propo-ed capitalization
i-t to be into mcorae bonds beariuc seven per
cent, annuiil interest from the 15tk ot next
Noven.ber, with semi-Mnuual coapons attached.
It ia lurther propo-ed to cancel anl
convert th ceit flcatet of debenture
tn tte undermentioned terms, viz.: First. By
oeliverv of ihe divisional bonds nr held in
trust, $5,236,000. Second. By the issue of in
come iHind" f ir coaoout due up to the lGti
Julv, 1H68, $1,171,000. Third. By cash payment.
5!2.400. Fourth. By issue of coui jlnlared
second mortgage bond, bearing 5 percent, in
lerest in gold, from the 15 b N eveaioer, 1870,
$7,0,0,000 com pi ting the capital amount of
debentures $14 900,000. F'fta. It.como bonds
lor the iuterest on this espi al until the bond
Usueil comriieuce to carry in'erest (s ateinent
B), 1, .24,653. And it is propo-ed to reiuuis
rash pa men's ot in'erest tccru uj on the tirt
m rtgi ce diviionul bonds tr ia 1st Uutoher,
18t,8; second o origape dlvinional bond-", from
1st October. 1869; and coui olnlatsd mortgage
bonds, lvi in 15' h January, 1871, tuudiug the
previous coupons."
Tbe same iourwal says, rela'ive to th effect
of the Demot ra ic Convtnuou on Five-t weutic-:
"In tht matket for American secdrines the
United Stales Government bond have main
tained an improving teudenc.y until intelligence
was received ihit at a recent meting of
Peiuociat c National Convention at Ne Yik
taxation of the bonds was tavored, and likewise
piiMiirpt In currency of the bonds of all D'iblic
debts, except where payment in cola it expre-edy
t tipul'Ued. ThH proposal bas beeu already so
frequently n lvnnced. and a-t ol'en disco inte
canccd, that no eit'vet of importanco was pri
duced, at.d towards tbeclo.eof the week the
Five-twenty bonds were inquired for, and re
covered i."
Orvicao ia EvttDirfoTai.HoPH
Taurailay. July a, ssg.
The Money Mirke, as we bave nottca I for
some time past, contieues easy. Call loant rule
at 4(6 per cent.: Brt clast mercantile paper
ruijges trom 6&7 per cent, per annum. Tue
Stca Market opened very dull tan morn
irg. but pricea were without any material change.
Government securities were firmly held. 1151
was bid for 6s or 1881; 108J tor 10 40s; 108,
lor Julv 7'SO; 1111 for '64 6-20-; 112for'0S
5-20s; 109 lor Julv 65 6 ?0s; 109 for '67 6-20a;
and 109 j. lor '68 6-20. City loaua wur uu
chtnged. Kailroad shares were tnactlve. Pennylvana
Railroad told at 621. no change; Lgbigu Valley
at f4j,i0 caeBBtj CRUwUea preleirtd at32i8l
82 J; a rlecllnn.oU: an4 Xor'hern Onrat at tgf.t
an advance 'of ft47J wa b d for Reading; 36 tot
Philadelphia and r'e; 33tr North Penneylva-'
ait; 125 for Camden aid Amboy; 43 i Litllg
City Pa-senrer Railroad thtret wera dull.
P0 was bid l.r Second and Ta r . 66 for ri ntt
and Eleventh: io for Ue-tooyille; 24forGirar4
College; and 43 lor Union.
bank tbH-es wete tlmly hell at full ariOPf,
but wa bear of ro giP,. was bid for Coal,
n-erc al; 106 l 8u arlr; 604 for Uirard; 81
lor Mtnu'aeturfra'; aad 60 or Common weakl,
In Canal shatfg therg m very little move
nieot. Morns Cgoal preferred told at 76, no
(bang. 11 wat bid for Soguylltiil Vavlgg ioa
commnn; 2U f r pre errei d.; 15 tor Susquo
bannaCauai; and 2 1 f tor Lebigb. Navigation.
rblLiltKLfHU 8TOt)k IlDUAnaa gALKS TO-U1Z
Reported by Ig Bavea tfc Bro., No. ta a, TtaU-diuraafi
WiMT Buta
fiooC A an ts'70....... 7H, lit ik Jerjna R....ree. tl'
tliwu Kag to. '4t-su.. tl
17 do.........reo. tl'i
fltot (IO...'41t-8t.... M
It do.....uck. SJ4
SM dt.......rre. ii'i
dq....lB. it'i
a ah Leh V A.M.nla. Mi(
run t n,n,M. ,
.Hi L.-U w. 'M 82i,
Ktsfe Unr O lf....l. 7
lutaa Uala Pf....b. tiS I
Tl loilowing are tma morning's gold an 4
foreign quotations, renor ed ny Whuien Bro
tner, Gold, --tock, and Kichauee Brokers, No.
run a. inira etreei:
9 SO t. M.
1433 11 10 A.M.
10-00 .
10-15 " .
10- 39 " .
11- ni " .
. 1431 H'3J " . .
1433,11-40 " . .
. 1434 12 00 P. II. .
143! 12-30 " .
11 ul
Kx-hanee on London: 3 days, 110J
1101; wdayg, liO'ailOl. Ou Parm: jo
61. U(tb 13: 3 days. 6t. 131fd5(. 121.
Metsia. Jay Cooaa a Co. qote GoverH
raetit securities, etc.. as f nos: U. f. 6s. of
IsM, 116tl5i; old 5 2i-, lltjra 141; tvw 6 20s.
184 HUtaiUj: lo..ls6'i,ll2lWU2t; V2fls. July,
lU9Ki'09i: do., l-fi7, l09Jfr6l()9V: do.. 1869 1091
(ftlWIi P'40s, 108i3108J; 7'30s, July, 1U8 r '.$ 191,
Gold. l4,!j.
Messrs. William Painter k Co., bankers,"
No. 36 H. Tn rd street, report the ml ojvtng
rates uf exclmuge to-day at 12 o'cioca:
United 8ta'es 6 lbl, IrSi'ttltSJ; U. S. 6 20t,
18ii2 1141144ido. 1804, llllallli; do., 18.5,
1121fcll2: do. Jul', 1805, 109(109,; do J ily,
lt7 10i4'(1091- 1808. I09lu9i; S ,10-4Ub, 108f
Cl( 8j:U. S. 7-30, 3d -enes, t084l.8i; Coai
poiino IntercBt Nutes. n-cennbei, 1-64. 119; Ma,
H(i5, 119: A' gust, ls65, H8)U83: S-ptemb-r,
1665, 118 n 1184; October. 1365, H'-i'tJlUl. Gold.
Messrs. De Haven A Hro-her, No. 40 8ontl
Third etreei, report tbe fonowng raes ot ex
charge todav at 3 P. M.: U.S. 6.-ot 1881 115
1154; do. ihp.2, lit J jjilij; do. ishi, UljCi
ill J; do., ISH'., 11211123; 10. 1806. new. WHM
109-!; do., 1867. ae, ItiUjalOBJ; do., 1868, 109J
1095; do., fts, 10 40s, 108 3B1083, do. 7H0s,
Ju'V. 1J8'(8 109; Due Compound lutercst Votes,
1191; August, 1865 1181.4 118 di. Hoptembar,
1805, 117it3!H8i; do. October, 1865, 1174117i.
Gold, 143jgll434. Stiver, 136 ai33.
Haw Tork luck iauina, 1 P. aT.
Received oy lelearapa trom Uieudianlng A
Davla, rtlock Broaerg, No. 48 K. Third street:
N. Y. t ent. R 131 iCbt. and . 1. K 1075 d E.R BS Pttt.F.W.aodChL
Phil, and Kea. K.... K H. R 109
Mich. Band N.I. R. M :Polfio M.S. Co 100?
Cla. and Pitt. R Mii', vVem. UuloaTel.... avi
Chi and N. W. 00m. 8tU Oold mU3!4
Chlo and i. w. prf 8t; M irket arm.
riilludelpUia Trade Keporta
Thursday, July 33 Tne quietude noted
from day to day In tbe F.our Market still pre
vails, and notwithstanding the llgut receipts'
and stocks, pricea favor buyers. The damaad
la legitimate, and confined to tbe wants of tha
local trade, who purchased a few hundred bar.
relaat $7 60418 2.5 for guperflne; $3 259 25 for
extra; t9 50ll5 for Spring Wheat extra
family; 1 1012 for Pennsylvania and Oaio do ;
and J12fel4 fur fancy brands, aeeordlng to
quality; a sale of 400 barrels Spring Wheat wag
made at 810 87. Rye Flour omuaaalg 19 25
9-60 per barrel. Nothing doing la Corn Mel.
There la do (-bang to chronicle In t be Wheat
market, and we continue yea erday'a quota-,
tlons: sales of red at $2-0 a a 25. Rye my bo
quoted u l bOral 6 Corn lequUt ttlfu'l oi'loes
suleM of 2500 busoeli prime Western mixed at
11 isai 19; and 2 00ouheli com moo and do.
et $1 l.'il 16 are titeadv, witn sales of
2100 tjushfiB al 85,880. for Western and Penn
b lvaula. Nolhiua doing In Bri.-v or Malt.
beetlg Cloverseed la wanted at t7 75 50-759
bushels sold at, tbe latter rule. Tluim by i'ny
be quoted at 2 75. Flaxaeed la wauled oy ma
ci ushers at (2-50.
W blsky Is nominal.
"latest suutlnu ltelliooceT
For additional Mirine News see Inside Pages.
FORI OF f tf LLADELf H X A . jrj U Y S3,
suaph omca.
7 A. M........-...79.11 A. M M..88,' P. M...........,.t2
Brig Mary U Comery, Ouuiery, uibraliar for orders.
Ji. A eunier A Co.
fenr itaKauuca. Keuoard, Portland Pen o Q ai Co IOo.
BctarM. UHiuicaoBS Uaudy, Jtuawo. Caamer.
uy 4 Welllugtuu.
Br scbr W. K. Coapman, Long, St. John, N. B I. K
B-Ely Co. '
Bcbr Minnie orlfllng. QrlfQag. Hartford, Westmorg
land Coal Co.
Bcbr K. Jj. Kudlcott, KndloJlt. Boston, TJ. 3. Qamer.
Bcbr K. Pe'ersin. English, BKitoo, Geo H i.eppl er
bcbr P. A. Baudara, Carroll, Bontuo, Borda, iii er'de
Bohr P. Boice. Adams. Btlem, Lehigh CoaI and Nyl
gail,,D Co.
Bi br J. Tuomson. End'cott, Prjvtdence, Jj, AoJea-
rled 4 Co. . ,
Bcbr J. Klenile, Bteelman. Cambrldgg,
BchrE B. fuller Hearaa. I5dv rroin Sfgtgngu'
Wltb ei)Kr and ujelasse. l I-aao Hnugh A Murria.
Pcbr Uioule UrdUug. (iriffiiiK, irnu naUuui.
tcbr K. U Kud'c -tt. t Ddicuii, Irocu B wioa,
hear W. WaliuD KunvrR Iroui ejoelua.
Hcb- P. Bone Adaiiix. frnru BirnUiu
Hcbr P. A. Haudarn Carroll, rrum Boston,'
BchrH L SJInimen- Uoidy from humIoo.
S kir K Peler-ou Kng Isn. rreiu B wiou.
t-chr Wlntur Bnrub, Uowu ho. irjui Mmirtcs Vlyer.
bcbr lsaballa Taoaipauu. E 'dicuit,irouiPruvidguua
Oorretpondave of the PhllndrlitUta Xttttumo.
Lkwhh, lei July 72-tt a M snlo Auica'te, for
Bremen and baique Maro i Polo lor dn.. o.ilu rroog
Pblladaidila wai,i 10 iu yen'er'laf Mliera ioD.
scnrJ. M FlHnaau, from K nird - na- b-nn or
deied to Pblladelpnla, JO-hPU LA-FEIHA
Barqne Argus, LaiiKninrlcus, tor Philadelphia,'
Cleared al Beinjuda Kiu timt.
HhiMua'lhonius, Woneudyke, hence, at Cardenas
13lh lnsi.
br In James B. Klrby, Godfrer, hence, at Clentuegos
l4firlg t!rce Barling. Martin, for Philadelphia, galled
from lalilu-g-s ia"i Inst.
Brig (jeorga bui ubaui, tjlmoutoD, hence, at Matan
zsk 12m lust. , . , , .
br Komalnn. Card, tor Clgbtuegog, galled frong
1 ruiitisa sin lust. . .
Brig Kiien P. Htewart, Holland, for Philadelphia
B' eT iroui Trlnldrtd ib lust.
Bntc Waitr,am. Lewis, fur Pblladelphlg, galled front
B';",.,1r. T W.' h" Wblte. Cranmer; alvle Davis. John
nu; and K. A sj. Corauu, Coruu. buuee, at Boaioa
Ji-hr'cha'UsH. Wnjier, Brown, for Phllar:e,ph,
cleared at B"lo -is ...
Hcbr J J . Bpencsr. F eralng.for PLiiftdelphla, galled
frnnj Camera" I -IS iokI.
Kchr Aoii'."i P aniin CWllus, for Phlladg'phta,'
Bal ed from Trinidad It h Inst.
br Klia M . Peuuell, M icuull, hsaco. at 0'alg itl
,nMcrlTernesee, Creed, tor Phlladalpbla, olArada6
CalalH ISih ID' I. .. .
Hcbr M. K Carille. Potter, for Philadelphia, galled
from Fa 1 itlver ISlh liisi.
Hcbr John Urock'Oid, Brlggs. hence at Fall River
2lnt mnt
Hcbr Ulndora, Biggins, benca, at Gloucester totfe
,DMcrUN. A H Onuid. Crowgll, hence tor Bogton, at '
aTiilmaal U itl al It I 1 U tit.
Bcbr John H.Perry. Rally, for Phlladelpbla, galltd
tooBNw BeUeidZlat luaj.
waW YoaK. July ti Arrived, atearathta pgon;
.l.nta. Bad. from Jjlvarp
Hteaoiabla arlaooa. aaary. from Aaolnwalt,
BtaniiDli Vlfgo. neo. fum Vra Uru
hieamanlpColuiabl, Vaobtee, (ram Ha '-Da.'
Bblp Pertaverance, Rob-rla tn, 'rem L y pnul,'
Jjarit luduKirlv, Tvuuwso, tiw Avidtatud