THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPHPHILADELPHIA? WEDNESDAY, 22, 1863. CARDINAL D' ANDREA. A curlou paper on the cne of the 1a'.e Car dinal D' Andrea, sirnet 'Henry Wrctnrd," ap pears in the new number ot Macmil a' Uiga vm. The writer savs: 'For noma reaeou or other D'Andrea never piBTed auy remarkable part In public, though lie repiescntei the Papal Court, I believe, in 8w1t7.eilaiid, and tilled various other office. But I) it Eminence was a man ot liberal and culti vated vlows. and that at, as it was a bur to all progress in the lator timet of Pius IX, Insured hira the suspicion, opposition, and haired of tbe Lltrainoiit.ine elemeut iu the Court of Uouie. The bUtor auiuiwa whl h was enter. allied toward him displaced iwelf in a series ot an noyances, but niatii'e ted itself more nttonlj when, in declining health, he requested pcruae. slon in 1R64 to leave Hoi.e, and seek the benefit ot his native air in Nsples. It was the fashion among come to rcpi-tent the Cardinal as a tuad man. "E. Phz.o." saui Aloii'ltrnore , then a trusted minister of Pius IX, to mo one. day. Jdone'tftiore - w, I believe. n houer.t us the sun, but bcinp at the bead ol the UltramouUne rnrty. he could imagine no o'.her solution of the bethli'in of His f mineDec. Others ot a more xnulk'itaijt, mid perhaps ot a leu houeit tvpe, painted him iu jut oa'kerhuraeter-, Bud lust no opportunity of thwartim an J niiuoyuu Imn. Until, therefore, he lett Home in lHb5 with out the permibsion of the l'ope, the treatment which he received c iu1.Mcd ol little arm yauces, rather than ot oflicinl and pull:c hostile net-". Erjojii p a I dI J for a low? tim-j tbe iti'.lajacy ami ti lerdshlp of Cardinal D' Andrea, I will note some ot these cireumsiuuces, nrst, novever, piMiiL' a report of hit visit to Niiple-i, and hn manner ot liluin thai citv. It win iu the year lbCn ti nt under medical advice he left Rome, tor h s native place, contrary. Indeed, to the wishes hi d direction of the l'ope, who, a tin is infallible 1n nil piiitual ma'ters, assumed that be Is equally fo in ail nieeical questions. Much was stud at tbe time of his linvinir lelt liome clandestinely; his depaituie wus ippreeuted by hi;- enemies as a night, jet he always muimained that uotliinir could have been done more openly, arid indeed most people would consider that the FuOlicity ot a railway lelt nothing to dcslte. mniediiitely after his arrival he consulted the most eminent phjsinans ot the place, both Ita'.isu aiid English, and as i have. seen the certificates which tuey drew up, I can't be:ir testimony to the tart that they coutirmed the opinion of other medical men as to the in 'ir ruity of hia health, and the n.cesMty ot a change of air. "I have resolvee,' he often said to me, 'lhat my lite chuH be to open as to be above suspicion;' ttnd again, 'though I ueknotfledae tbe duty ot obedience to the font ill iu all spirit ual malu is, yet as regards my health I think it my duty to follow the of my meilicul man.' Notwithstanding thet-e pri cautions, low ever, he was Btibjeet to continual persecutions and niiHrepreseutations on the part of his enemies iu Home, uinon whom Cardinal Caterini was tbe mot luveterate. He was chttrECd with a disposition to separate himself lrom, cr to crea.c a truism iu the Church ol Home. He was ticcued, too, of dis avowing the temporal supreinicy of Pint IX. liuisQHifh ns he pull bis respects to the Prince of piedmont, the b-rpditary Prince of Italy. As ieqards the rim charge, I can assert lhat it had no foundation. True, it is that men of all classes uu l opiuiofls courte 1 his acquain tance, aud many indulged in dreads which were never encouraged, and never destined to be realized. 'Liberal' prints who were disposed to tacrihcethe temporal power, and Protestants who were anxious to destroy the asserted spi ritual supremacy of the Pope, continually sur rouided him, as did also the true eons of his Chuich. .All were received by him with cour tesy, but to none did he' give the right to say, what so many desired, that ho was prepared to leave home and place himself at t fie head of a Free Italiau Chnicb. Undoubtedly he desired to cut oil many excrescence which he regarded as inju rious. His gieat wish was to restore that purity of doctrine an 1 discipline which exitied in primitive times, but I never heard him ex press a eeniniuit ot hostility to the spiritual supremacy of the Pope. I believe that his own private conviction was that the true Cburca needed not the support ot a temporal power, though he never gave the slightest aid to b'-i'icr about such a result. All that he ever ventured to suggest to me was the Uet,irablenest of c iu- Btitunng a muuie pal and lay coverumont lor the rontifleal States, under tne nominal supre macy ot the Pope; and bo certainly foresaw tbe time when even this must ceae, and all Italy be united tinder one head. Thia he b'-lieved to be the inevitable ooer-e of things; ttioush, a-i a Cardinal of the Church of Koine, bound by his vows to support the Pepo Kma, he never raised his voice, nor m any way pave his aid to accomplish such an objeer. H often, how ever, declare 1 to me iu eejeral terms tnat 'he had always been a friend ot a united Italy.' Yet, despite the precautions which he had taken, bis prolouced absence from Rome, and his rtsiueiicb iu a country the Government of which v. as hostile to that of the Pope, awak ened the bitterest leelmas against him, and suggested coutiuiial and irritaiinit attacks. He was first deprived of his allowance a a Cardi nal, aniouuuug to 00 mull (about 12)0) a jear. lie was then prohibited from exercising his functions as liishop of Snbina and Abbot of fcnbiaco, while the lunds of his Bishopric aud Abbacy were placed in commisiou. Such treatment awakened ureat counter-irrittition on the part of the Cardinal, who, it must be ada milted, was ot an extremely sensitive tempera- nient.bcveral letters were addressed by htm to iho Pope, and published, couched certsiuly iu strous' terms. As time passed, and the injustice and cruelty with which he was treated became inoro niandcM, his laueuaue assumed a severer cha laeier; btill, iu all his writings there was an tvidnt strut-pie between a sentiment of respect for the Pouiitl, aud of reseutaieut nr injuries whicn cannot De uenouneea too etrom:iy. un eeveial occasions ho expressed his willinenesg to return on condition of his whole conduct being subjected to the test ot a leal aud eecle siistirul examiuatiou. He did fo shortly before the lete ot St. Peter, in wlieu, on the oc a Biou ot the oinonii ition of to many saints, the Church ol Rome made one of those gorgeous displays ol maanificence which h who witnessed It, as t aid, can never orgm. Tj thia and all Other suoh demanos, Ciud'ual D' Andrea assured me he had never received any otliciai answer. 'I could uot go. therefore,' he added, 'tor some such au in ple'isnnt sceng at that which occurred between his Holiness and Cardinal Pi ntiin would have taken place, aud I niiebt bave lorcoiteu mjself, and expivs-ed myselt iu too Etruug terms. I abstained, tucrc Joie, ironjiresenting myself at the Peas; of Wt. Peter.' 'foe period of nix monihs assianed for his te'.uru aud uncoudiiional submi-siou would expire in Lnci mber, lbti7, aud e had now ar rived at thp month ot November. Fresh cerli licalc. dravin no by Dr. IUniinaelin. phvsieiun to the es Rojal family of Naphs, and by other eminent men, were bhown to me, recommend lujr another winter in his na'ive place as essen tial to his health. The eworJ of Lhimoeleg hung su-peuded above him. Toward the latter eon of November I received an iuiimatinu from u a tiuftwottny tource iu noma mat tue I'aoal 1 ....:.-.. ......1.1 I,.. . i decree huuius'. ine lueiiuui wuuiu uo buoiiiy rublished, and 1 wni uiued to comainnieate -this tact to bun without delay. I did so on the same morning. 'What rlo you counsel me to do V he a-led. 'Yoar Brulriojce is a far better judue of the position than I can bj,' I replied; but if jou still acknowledge the autho rity ol the Pope, and mean to continue your relations wiih the Church of Home, taking into consideration your vos i f oielieiice, and the ditatrous consequence of dihObedience, I think no other coune is open to you thau that of re turniiiu.' He lmmediutely decided on doinf so. and taking a cheet of paper, wrote to the Pope in my presence, mviue me me leiter to reud atterwarOs. I cannot quote it now word for vord, bat the sense of It was this, that 'hi-had retolved to return linntediately in proof ot his disposition to obey his Holiness, unless the pub licution of the-decree should render it impo-'ui-ide for him to do so,' 'Will you uudertaKe to have this letter placed iu th bands of the Pope! aked the Caidlnal, who feared that it initiht not otherwise arrive at Its destination. "I think 1 can," I replied; 'I will do my b'st,' and it was dir uteheil on the same evening to a egLtidentihl friend in Home, witb a request that he would communicate to m? its sale mrival and presentation bv teleeruph. This he did. and the Cardinal was iuiu!cd:auly inforuieJ of ii. At the same time, he told me that, not satUflcd with wrltiun to the Pope, he bad also sent a trleeran to hit His Holiin as expressing hit resolution. Thit he did iu order to anticipate tbe publication ot the decree. On the following day a letter from my friend Informed me that the Cardinal's letK r had been sent through a forcip otlitial rocdlttm to the Vatican, thoimh I think no lhat tt passed through the handt of Cardinal Ai tonelli. and that the decree bad been pub lished two or three hours alter the arrival; that is to say, the letter was presented at 23 J P. M.. and the decree appe ared in tbe oflicial ?azotte thussn.e evening; lanlame trap, etc. The case assumes even a worte aspect whpn it is remem bered tbat the submission of the Cardinal by tclegtaph mutt have been received twenty four Lours eurlivr; time entugu existed for delibera tion, and this interval, instead of giviug birth to f entiiiicu's oi Christian charity aud forgive ness, was occupied, on the contrary, in com pleting that ty stern of persecution which, had ben so lonv practiced against his Eminence. The publication of the decree, notwlthstand ing his declaratiou to the Pope that it might rentier his return impossible, did not, however, ultimately allect the resolution of the Cardinal, thonch, tor a lew day, it gave rie to eone hesitation. 'What shall I do! What is in re serve tor me!' were question which he fre quently nhked. 'Do you think they will pro ceed to extremities wiih me, or shut me up!' Jsvitlently great apprehension existed iu his mind at to the reception he would meet with, and the conduct that would be observed towards him ; aud such was bis dominant feeling up to the l.'ti moment before he lelt lor Rome. Us dieaded also the pca-ibilHy of his being com pelled to sign some form ol recantation which Ins conscience would not approve. 'I will never do to.' ho otten and eneraetically said to mo; besides, i nave no'ning loreeaut-l nave never paid or done anything against the Church; if 1 have anything to ley let it is the havtug exf resed myself in atrong terms in writing to his Holiness, but my provocation was great. I was justited in doing so. No, 1 will never sign any recantation.' 'Your Eminence,' 1 ventured to interpose, 'will no longer be Cardiaal D'Audre.-a wben you arrive in Home. You will then be surrounded by inlluoices which you will not haTe lb strength to resist.' Thus much I havo written from my own knowledge; as to thnl which belrll hii h mint-lice on bis return to Rome 1 can sneak only on the authority of others well-intornied and trusty persons, how ever, be it said. One ot the tn st eiTorta ol his enemies was to procure his signal are to a recanta tion of nil he hud written, but this he indignantly rejected. Another person was emplojei to effect the object, and a more nioditied torui of recantation was presented to him, which he Clh:Iv Hpucd, it being uuderstood that as a condition he shonlu be restored to his bishopric und abbacy. This was never done. I will not dwell on statements which I have not the means ol verifying bs to how Cardinal D-Andrea was conbned to his bouse tor some time alter his arrival iu Rome watched by spies iu bis ante chamber and for a long intirval refused an audience ot the Pope; these things were gener ally alleged; but it is undoubtedly true that the system of treatment adopted towards him was one of otlensive and vexatious ciuelty. Under such iiiliuences, and removed from tho restora tive a,r at the Mediterranean, it it not surprising that he gradually sickened more and more. Ilia physicians recommended change, and that to Naples; but the tcli-constituted physician of body as well as of the soul would not permit it. 'I am dying.' said the Cardinal to his friends. '1 want iresh air, the air of Naples, but they will uot let me have it.' And eo he lingered on, week after week, until the public leelimr was itritaied by the inhumanity wnicn was practiced towards mm. 10 counteract this recline, 1 was informed by one who was in a position to know. a conxmuhique bad been sent to, I believe, tho uiornaieat tanna. raying mat the Liberals bad been spreading false report as to the state of Cardinal D'Andrea's health, that he was well, and hud been seen by many taking bis drive. This articla was never published, for death stepped in to contradict its assertions, aud there was only time to withdraw it. 1 wa iu Home while this victim of a heartless persecution lav vet un buried, and from those who were copmizaut of tiiem. i revived tne tollowimr doia Is: On the P'th ol iJnv he soi'cht and obfaiutd au au dience ot the Pope; the interview was described to n.e as Having oeen or a most excited charac ter, so much so as to produce evidently alurui it er etlecis on the Cardinal. At the clo-e of the audience, his Kminence returned to his own house m a ttate of intense excitement, nud passrd a great portion of the niuht in writing to the l'ope. 01 tho drtuils of that letter I heard nothiLg, but it is proba'jlo that a subject which lcrn ed a part ol the conversation ot the pre ceding day, the withholding from him his episcopal lights, was Introduced; bo that as it nay, the letter was reported to have been most severe in its character, and such as Popes rarely receive. It was sent to the Vatican ou the niornn.u of the 11th ot May, slid at midday the Caidinal went out for a drive. The. carriage was proceeding by that longiosd which leads from St. ilaria Jlapgioro to 8. (.iovanni di Laterano, wbeu the coachmau lelt the cheekstring palled, and turning round, Le peiceived that his master was ill. "Rapidly he drove him home; physicians were sent for immediately, but it was evident that tho last iceue of the melancholy tragedy was about to be enacted. A confessor was called in, and belore the day hud closed, while performing the rei gious ouiees presented Dy the lMruuu Church, Cardinal li'Andrea ceased to breathe. In Koine, as elswhero in Italy, reports were rite of 'poison.' Such modes of accounting for sudden death in that country are by no mcuns uncommou, but in tho pra stnt iustatice there is lo necessity for having recourse to sech a solution of an appaient mys tery, when another and a much easier one is retidy at hand, In the same chamber iu which the body lay was found a passport or permit to visit (sorrento, and afterwards Aix. Alas, it came too late. A cruel policy withheld it until it was useless, and until he was summoned he fore the high power iu the presence of which regu! und papal crowns are humbled in the oust. A post-mortem examination ot the body of the victim has certified that the Ca-diual died of tubeicular phthisis anu atu'ina pec oris, thus in a few words summing up mid certifying a long irie& ot cruelties. His Eminence lelt be liii d him a quantity of valuable old plate, a library of 11,000 volume, aud a mass of marm tcripts, wh.cb have ail been seized. What his opinions wire on teUgiou and political matters the world will, therelore, never know." PROPOSALS. IMPHOVFMIKT OF OdDEXSliUUG 1UU- liOh. M-.W VORki 1-ebleU I n potala In dnpllckte, will bereetlred at thin t llice i.nto 12 M.. MONUAY, Augu'-l In, ihSS for Ceepei lug by dredtslng the liatbor of Ok1'-u-bur', w York at Ba to give twelve leet of waier a. tuo lowest stage, in the lollowing pmces, viz.: lection l.i n the ouwr bur across the channel 'nto I he nnt er htrbor. northeasterly from the l'mit'iouse. v. la re abnu lll.lmit cubic yard of hard Baud lst'oti'i io require removal. st ci Ion j i. Between the bridge, the erry wharf and the R 'Hie Railroad depot, where, It Is e.iil ii at (I, thout ii.ixti ruble yurrts ol very hard bird pan," gravel and suiaU boulders, must be Uken cot. All the rraterlal (whleh will he meisured tn the pciiwf) must be dumped at least ball a mile lieltiw the Ptiler bur. In deep waier, at a point lo be maried. '1 he work rntisl be roujuienot'd as soon at mslhle, and no later ihan bept. )j I sis. conMiitied as long m I ossible ibis teunou, and completed by iheii'JtU ol Mo v inlir. lstitf Bidders ninst propose f r eaeh seellnn separately, ami bi paraie rontritcis will be inline .r each. liii ii i. l be n upon prin t d hlaiiks, a nli'li ran be i roenrnl at Una ulllre lor Blmllur wrilten ones), whlrli iinpt be pn.pi rly tilled up and signed ai lndi cutid. All the information p .sseed til tnU o'Hce n 111 lie given to bidders, but ult wtxlil hi In rtmtrurl tire ,ttrtirttirlp rtiui sliU to iJLamine ul Otiili nliurn Injure saitlti V in thth OiiU. C. h.. RL.Ui.NT, f.leitl.-Col. Fnglnefrs and Brevet-Col. U. W. A. U. h. 1 noinkkk oi tire, l OMiiuo, K. Y., July II. Ibiit 712lt PL'MsfcYLVAMA HOSPITAL. l'lui.ADi i.eHiA, January !R, 18' Tbe attending Managers are: b. Murria V aln. No. lSiuuth Delaware avoime. Adoliib 1C, Borle. No. hi Dck Blreei. Auetidii.g Physician Dr. J. M. la Costa, No, 1005 fcn inert n el. . Aiu-uding SMtrgeous Dr. Addlnell H'-wion. No. l is Hi. nth Ir liteanil. si reel; Dr. D, JJajea AgueW, Iv). 16 Norili Kleveiuu Blreei. 'Ihe ehjHli lans and Wurkeons attend at the Hospi tal every day (r-undaya excepted), lo receive bPp.t Cntll'U lor aOUilnslou, 1 eisoiis NeriotiKly figured hy arr-'de'it are alwavt arin.litedlf hrui(bl to lUa Uosplial luiuieiat"ly thorebflei, w RAILROAD LINES, NOKTII PENN3T LVASIA RAILROAD.-. 'I Hit. MlI'lnK noLTK. HhorUwl uU most Direct line to Rftiiienpia, Imiiid, Allntown, Msuob fhuok, lUr.lnlnn, Wi.uo lren, Wllambsrre, Jtfa hnoy City, MiuidI Caruiel rituiton Mcrnntoii,'a'lMn 6le, and ail the point la tbe IjeblKh and Wyoming Ooal Region. faanenapr Dopot Iu Philadelphia, N, W. corner Cl PKKKH and AM IPKI N strwia. HUM M KU AKRANHKMKN1-ELKVKN DAIf.T TKAItsi un onl ru-r MoMlAY, May 2. W. I'Kiuiiig(r Trains leave the New Depot, Cornarof BH.RKH and AMhRIBA N atreeta, dally (Sundays cepied). as fuilowi: At S'4ft A. U, Accommodation for Fort Waat Ingtnn. At 7 48 A. W. Morning Rxprnsa for Bethlehem and Principal BlatlOT,t on NortU eiriiH7'vanl vllroRl, eonnecilng at floihleheiii wltn Iehigb Vallet and Lehigh aud tsuagaebauna RAllroaaa lor Kwiion, Al lenlowii, Calasaiiqua, bltliiKt')n. Maucb OnnnK Wemherly, JeaMeNVllte. Hasiemn. White Haven, W'llkrabarre. Rlnanton. Pliuiuin, and all oolat in high aud Wyouiiu Vaileya .to id o moection with llilgh and MHlouny JmI road for Mabauny Oily; and wlih mK Ralircao lot Rupert, Invllle, MIUou and W:iln spcrl Arrive at Mainn DlmnK at );()(, A. M ; Ht, V Ukesnarr at a P. M.; at Manaoo" Cllty at P. U. tns8'iii;erR dy th'S train can take tba Lelilgn Valley Train, issuing lei liiiliHiu at ll-M A M. lor KaRtoN, atid polula on New Joisey Oeutral Railroad to New Von, At 8'45 A. M. Accommodation for Dnyleatnwn, (topping at all Intermediate stations, Pad-ipgera for Willow Urtive. llBitioro' and llnnavllle, by I lilt train take mage at Did York Road. At KK'O A. M Aco.'iiim .tiHUou lor Fort Waahlng ton, (lopping at lniHrmt-diao- staiiou. Ai l'4S f. ui . L,eniKii valley r.xpre-w tor rninie hem, Alleatown, Maucb Chunk, White Haven, Wilkenlmrre. llB7.'i't)n. Malianov C'llv. Oentralla. r-bt'iiandoau, Mi. Caroiel, I'lllnum and Sicratuou. and all roll I In Mabanoy and Wvonihitr Oonl Heglona. At K 3S f. Ai. Aociinimonaiion ror luoyitivown, Stopping at all Intermediate stations. . . 1 " . r . . . . L. h .... . a l 3'lb jr.iU..-i.eiiign anu nnntuiiuiii nprnro ms Itethlehera, KatUin, Alientown, Mancli ('buna, WlikeHhurre, anil cerantoii. Paasengere for ren vllle' taae tloi train to Quakertowu, and for dumucy town to NerLh aal'i, At 4 IS P. M. Accommodation for Doyiestnwn, stopping at all Intermediate stations. PasnenitBts for Willow Urove. Faihoro. and TTarUviPe take atage at Ablnior ; lor New Hope at Doy IfHtown. At o nn P. M. I hrotKh -iiotiiiiiuuaiiou fur riHtnie heui and all statlonn on main line ot North Pennsyl vania KullroHil, conutH'tli'g at ll'-llileliem with Le blh Va'ley Leblgii and Mi -quelianea Evening Train lor Kni i. iipiim kii Maueb 1'btink. At SHO P. M. Aceoniaiooailoa fui Lansdale, stop. plugai all InieriuedlKle stations, Al U'jjO P. M . Accom moUation for Fort Wasblng- Un" TRAINS ARRIVE IM PHILADELPHIA. From Bethlehem at ruo and Uuj A., iit., 2 uO aud 8'3U P. M. e A. M.and 2-no P.M. Trains maVea direct connec tion with Lahlgh Valley and Leh'Kt and SiiHqiihanna tralus lrom Kantou, bcrantun, Wlikeabarre, Mahouy C'il,and Hftleton. PaBsenpiers leaving Wllkesbarre at Pf5 P.'M. con nect al licthleb em at6U5P. M., aud arrive In Pulla delphla at K 30 P. M. t iom Doylentown at 8'2S A. M., B UO and 700 P. M. lrom Ivanndale at 7'4fl A. M. From Fort Washington at 9' 30, 1045 A. M. aa C 31 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem al30 A.M. Philadelphia tor lJoyleslown al 2-nd P. M. Doyltstown for Philadelphia al 7-0 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at P, M. Fifth and Hlxtb Ht reels Passenger Curt convey pa Bengerstoand from the new depot. hire CarB of tieet.nd aud Third Streets Line and Union .Line run within a abort dlatuuco of tue depot. . Tleketa mnst be proenred at the Ticket office, In Order to secure the lowest rates ol tare. kLLlsi CI ARK. Agent. Tickets sold and I?r.jKRe cheeked throngh to pnn r'i nl points, at Mann's-iNorth Pennsylvania Bagam tAprens (Utice. JN'o. Ins . KJ KTH Mreet. TXT EST CIltKlLR AND PHILADELPHIA VV HA RAILROAD. bUM Alii tt AKRAWUEMliiJN T. Ou anu alter MoiS DAY, April 13, IbHa, Xralua will leave a fouows: Leave Philadelphia from the Depot, THIRTY FIRST aud Clii.hM UT fstreeis, 7'lo A. M.,11A, ti I'M) P. Ai., 4'15 P. M., 4'6U P. M., i P.M.. 11 P.M. Leave West Chester tor PullaUelphla, from Depot on east Market street, al 616 A. ii., 7"16 A. M , 7 aC A. M., 1II-4S A. M , 1 6o P. M., 4' ) P. M., H-fo P. M. On and after Monday, June 15. an additional Train will leave Philadelphia lor Aledla and. Inler mediate points alD'M P. M. Trains leaving West Chester at 7-30 A. M and leaving Philadelphia al 4 bo P.M., will atop ai Ji. U. Junction and Media only. PassenKers lo or lrom station between West Chester and B U. Junction, going Kast, will take train leaving West Ctiwuer at 7'1A A M.. and going Weal will take train leaving Philadelphia at 4 bit P. M and trausier at B. U. Juno- "xlle Depot Jn Philadelphia Is reached directly by tbe Chesntit and a W a.nui Street curs. Those of tha Market Kreet line run wlibio one square. Toe cars of both lines connect with each train npou It arrival. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at s ue A. M. and 2C0 P. M. Leae Webt Chester al 7'4 A.M. and 6-GtlP. M. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 715 A. at. aud 4'EO P, !i una leaving V esi ClieMter al V'M A. M. and 4 6ii P. M., connect at H. V. Junction with Trains on P. B. C. R. K., for Oxford and liitermedlule poiuia. Passengers are allowed to take Wearing Apnarol only, aa Buiikaae, aud tbe Company will not In any t8e be rosponslble lor an amount exceeding one hundred dollars unless a Bpeclal contraol 1b made lor tbeasme. J1KNKY WOOD, Oeneral bup't. Philadelphia, April lsi, 1868. 4 1U Tpoli CAl't A1AY VIA WEbT JERSEY RAIL- Jj ROAD. 1 rom loot ol M AHKKi' Blreei ( Uuiirir ...... w a i i - lj i . i i v X errj . luwuiculiuii oi a u iviu i . uijr lo. 1003, '1 rams leave loltov, a lor Cape May : fc lKi A. M., Cape May Kx press, due at 12"J5 (noon). 8-15 P M., Cape May PaBsener, due at 7 15 P. Al, .4 oo J', fil. J-asi Kxpress due at kvs P. M. RKTCRNINU I.1CAVK (JAPK ISLAND. 6-80 A. M., Morning .Mall, due at liros . Al, OU A. M. l'ast, due al 1-2-07 P. M. 6 til P. M., Cupe May h.x press, due ut H"22 P. M. bttuday all and Passenger train leaves Philadel phia at VJ5 A, M. Rriun.lLg leaves Cape Isiuad at 6-10 P. M. Kxcurslon Tlckeia, ix Cape May freight trains leave Camden dully at Bio A. M., aud Cape Island at b15A. M. Conimutallon llikeis between PuiUdolphia and Cape May, ai the lollowing tales: Annual llcke b, (K.O; utiarierly Tickets, 10. for sule at the t Itlue ot the Company In Camden, N. J. Througb Tickets can be procured ai No. 828 Chesnut Birei t lunder tne C ntlnental Hotel), where i roers csu also be lelt for Baggage, whloli will be ca led lor and checked at reaiueuces Dy ibe Union Trausier C mpany, W K1 J KRSKY RA T LRO A D LIN K9. For BrlOgeiou, ealuiu, lalilvilie, Viueiaud, and Iu tt rined s-uo A. M. and 3 M) P M, lor Cape May, u oo A. M., a Id P. M.. and 4 P. M. Woodmiry Accoumiodnt'OU train at 6 oo P. M.. BudKeton aLd Baluiu freight Train leases Camden daily, a- 112 (noon ) cxmmui ailou checks bclweeu Philadelphia and all st lion at reduced rales. WILLIAM J. KEWELL, Buperlntendent. July 2, lbtib. PI1ILADELP111A ASP BALTIMORE CEN TRAL RAILROAD HUiUMWt ARKANuia HKNT.- On aud alter M OA DAY, April 1.4, low, trains will leave the Depot, 'i 1UKT Y-i'lRaT and CliKd JS LT Streets, W eel Philadelphia, as iollows: Al 7"16 A. M. and 4WJ P. 41., aud leave Rising Hun at 8-15 A. M . und Oxlord al 6 A. M., and leave Oxiord al 8-5 P. M. A Market Train, with Passenger Oars attached, will run son TtKs-DA VN anu PKIDAYs, leaving the Rising bun at ll'tiSA. M.i Oxford, U 4S A. M ; aud Kenuult, 1 P. M.; connecting at West Cheater Junc tion with a train lor Pnliadelphla. On WKDNKbDAYB and teATORDAYa Train leaves Pblladelphla at a-iJU P, ii.l runs througn to Tbe train leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. con nects at Oxlord wltb daily line of atags lor Peaeb Bottom, In Laucasler couoiy. R'-iuiulug. leave Peach Bottom to connect at, Oxford with Afteruouu T,uln fi.v PlillM.llellilila. The ttrain leaving Philadelphia at 4 50 P, M, runt to Rising (-un, Maryland. ,.. Passengers are allowed to take wearing appurel only as baggaKe, aud tne Company will uot iu au, rase be responsible for an amount exceeding one hundred dollars, unl: a special -control be WaUe fortbesamav xijwnivx w uiu, jlUl Ueneral buperluuiudtiriL 11R0UG II LE BETWEEN WASHINGTON PH1LADKLPH I A, AND NKW YOKK. Trulns between Washington and New York are now run as follows, viz.: i-OH KKW YtUtK, without cbaruro of cars, Leave dally (except buuday) at 7-46 A. ill., Wan and 7-U FOR PHILADFLPITIA. 1 eave dally (except holiday) at 7-45 and 1215 P. M., aud4-ooaud7P.Ja.ON huNI)AYi I.euve for New York aud Pulladelphla at 7 P.M. !r-'fKKPING CAI13 lor New York ou 7 P. II. truln fl T'Trotigh Tickets o Phliadelpbla, New York, or lio-lon cau be had al the bit-lion Od'ce alall hours In tbe day, as well as at. the newolllee Ii the Bankuirs' and Blotters' Telegraph Line, No. Si!) Peuuuylvaula avenue between bmth and Heveutb sireeid See Baltin'ore and Ohio Raltrosd advertisement ! pud "cneclule beiweeu Woshniglon, ;Ballimiru, An- i liatiollb. and fie Wi-st. ijapuop, j w j , oM, Vaster of Tratisrortatlou. i L. M. tuLK, l-ii nei-ul Ticket Agent. 5" 2."t 1 Hs( -. ht)ON IV. A tent, y aauit,'! m i TrA'-T IRI-IG'IT LINE, VI i NilRTII I XS I'KNNoVIA'AM A lull, ROAD to Wnkos- burre. JVl uhalioy t'll) , Aimnu i arm'!, i.-einritiia. aim ail points ou Lehigh ViHey Railroad aud lu brAiireea. Uy pew arratiKenipnls, perfected tills day. this road Id i i.blilei to give Incn a. i-d despaich lo merclmiiUisd lonsiiiiied tn llie above named points. Oot.ds delivered at H e 'i h rough Pre'ght Depot, b. coiner ol FRONT and NOilLHl btreets, Before 5 P. M.. w 111 reach Wll kesbarre. M ou ut Cariuel, Miilmnov City. and theoHo-r siaitous in Mahanoy and Wyoming valleys belore 11 A. M. ot lh succeeding day. 7 V?l KLLIS CL A HK, Agent. mill? APAWS EX1 -RESS COMPANY, OFFICE X No. W" CilKsiUT hlreel, loiwanU Parcels, Packages. Men-haiidiso, ltank Note', and bpecle, either by Its ow u lines or In coniiHrtion with other pn so tv.u panli , to ail the principal towns aud Cllles 111 llib L'ulted Miatea. l JOHN BINGHAM. Bupeiluteudentt RAILROAD LINES, READINO RAILROAD. GREAT TRUNK LINK from Philadelphia Ut the Interior of Pennsylyaula, the Kchuylklil, Mnsqnehanna, Cum berland, and Wyoming Valleys, the North, Nortn aesl, and the Canada. Hummer Arrangement of Paasenger 1 rains, Monday, May 4, 1SH8, leaving tha Ijoiripany'a Depot. Thirteenth and CallowbUl atreeta, Philadelphia, al the following hours: NORKINt A(X)MM0DAT10N(4,-.At TtOA.M lor Reading and all lnteimedlale atallona, and Allen town. Retnrnlng, leavea Reading at (to P. M.. arriving In Philadelphia at 10 p. M. WORMM4 ltXPRKMH.-At i A.M.. for Reading Lebanon, Harriahtirg, Potts vllle, PlneGrove, lama qua, Hunbtiry, Wiliianisport, Kluilra. Rochester, Magara lalla, Buflalo, Wllkeabarre. Plttaton, York, Carlisle, Chaaibersborg, Hagerstown, eto. '1 be 7'fl train connec ts at Reading with the Fast PennnyivaMa Railroad trains lor Alientown, etc., and tbe 8"i6 A. M. connect wlih tbe l-ebanon Valley train for Harrl burg, elcj at Port Clinton wllh Cal wtssa Railroad tralus for Wllllanispnrt, Lock Haven, Kiolra. etc.: at Jlarrlsbnrg with Northern Central, Ctiniher and Valley, and hcbnylklll and btiaqnehanna trains lor Morttininberlaud, W Ullamsport, Kork, Iban.tiershnrg. Plnegrove. eio. AHKRMiON JiAPRKM Leavea Philadelphia at a P. M. for Reading, Pottsvhle Harrisbnrg, etc.. conneeitng wltb Iteadlng and Columbia Railroad tiali's for Oolnmhla, eic. POTTBTO W N A COM MODATTON. T.eave Pntla town at S 46 A. M., stopping at Intermediate stations: airivealn Philadelphia at S iw A.M. Returning leaves IbHadclphla at 4 K P. M.i arrives in Polls to wu at t'dfi RFAD1WQ AtrOMMOnATION-Iavea Reading nl 7 an A. to., stopping at ail way sta.lyuo; arrives In Philadelphia al le If. a. M. 1-etiirnhiK. leaves Philadelphia at 5'15 P. M.i arrives In Beading at B HI P. M. Trains lor Philadelphia leave Harrisbnrg at 8-10 A. M.. and l'olisvllle at 8 4ii A.M., mrlvlng In Philadel phia at 1 P. M. Alter noon trains leave ilarrlsbnrg at i Mb P. M.. and Pi.ttsvilie at 4n P. M.i arriving at Phllndi-lt bia at SMi P, M llarrishurk a:eouimodatlon leavea Reading at 70S A.M., and Xlarrlslnirg at 4-10 P. M. Connecting at Reuiilng wltli Aiternoou Aeeommodatlon south at 6'M" P. 5l , arriving In Philadelphia al 9 lo P. M, fclarke' train with a PnM-eupercar httacbed, leavea Fhlladelphla at 11 4S noon for Poituville and a l Way Sinuons; it aves PuttvlUe al 7 A. M. lor Philadelphia and ail omer Wav Htnilons. Ail the above trains rnu dftl'y, Sundays excepted, t-iihla trains leave roitiville at S'eil A. M and Pl.iied-'i lua al 8 IS P.M.; leave Piiilauelphla for Pes ding ai Ou A, M-. returning from Reading at 4 Ji Ciiihwi h.k vallky iiai i.HUAn,-fassengers for 1 ownii glnu n and Intern ediate points lake the 7'2(i A. M., U'4.ri and P. M. trains lrom Philadel phia, returning from DOWuIngtown at 6 '60 A. M l'W, and 6-4S P. M. iWCKlOMKfl aickcajj, iassengers ror uoi leg vllle lake 7'uti A. M. and 4 un P. M. trains from Philadelphia, returning iromCollegevIlleat 7ul A. M, and 1 80 P M. blae lints for various points In Per- kion en Valley connect with trains al ooiiegevine. M(W YOKK fcXPRhsti FOR nriablHO AND 1HK W l I .Leaves New York at A M.,50nand Sou P. M ., passing Heading at 1 A M.,l'Siiand 10'IU P. M., and connect at 11 a.ristiurg with Pennsylvania ana Northern Central'Haliroad i.x press Trains for Pitts burg, Chicago, W illiam, port, iiudra, K.iltlmore, elo. Returning, Kxpresg Iraln leavea ilarrlsbnrg, on srrlvxl of Peuus. Ivania Kxpross from PI tsburg, at 8 and 5-25 A. M , B 5 P. M. passing Reading at 4'4 and 7-t6 A. M and 11-40 P. M., arriving at New ork, 10-10 and 11-45 A. M ., and S on P. M. bleeping Cars accom- iianylng these trains through between Jersey city ana I'HtHburg, without change. Mall train ler New 1 ork leaves Harrlsrtnrg at '10 A. M. and rub P. M. Mali train lor HarriBburg leaves New York al 12 Noon. HCHTJYLK1LL VALLEY leave Pottsvtlle at 6'8o line A. M., and 7-1S.P. JI., re turning lrom Tamauua al l"6o A. M. aud I'iO aud 4 35 P. M. SCHUYLKILL AND RUPQUEHANNA RATIj ROAl,'l tains leave Auburn at 7"u6 A.M. for Pine grove and Harrisbnrg, and at lv-45 P. M. lor Pine grt ve and Tremont; returning from Harrlsliurg al 3-55 p. it, and lrom. Treuioni at 7'lu A, M., aud 6'i5 P M. TICKETS. Through first-clans tickets and emi grant tickets to ail the principal points In tue North and W eht and Canadas, xenrslon Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and loterniedlate stations, good fur day only, are sold by Morning Aornmmodiitlon, Market Train, Reading aud Pottttown JAccommodaliou Trnius, at reduced rtes. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day oniy, are sold at Reading aud iuieriaediatertatlous by Rending aud Pollbtown Accommodation Trains at reduced rales. Ibe following tickets are obtainable only at tbe Otliceof St Bratiiord, Treasurer, No. V7 b. Fourth hi reet. Philadelphia, or O, A. NlcUullu, UbUeral buper lntendent, Reading. Conimutailou Ticket at 25 per cent, tl'tcount, bo twei n any points desired, lor families and limis, M lleae '1 ickets, good for oou mi ea. netween al points, at (.rii-50 each, for tamllles and lirma. beason Tickets, for tnrea, six, nino, or twelve niot ths, for noldeis only, to all points at reduced '"clergymen residing on the line of tbe rpdwlllbe furoishtd wltb cards, eutluiug lUemueivea and wived to tickets at hal 1 fare. Kxcurbiou HckeLS lrom Philadelphia to principal stallonB, good for batu'day, bunday, and Monday, at reduced 'are, lo be bad oulv at lUa Tikaot OJlce, at 'Ihirieentn aud Callowhl1) streets, i RHU11T. Oooda of all descriptions forwarded to all the above polbta noiu the Company's New Fieight Depot, Bn ad aed Willow streets. Freight Trail b leave Philadelphia dally at 830 A. M 12-46 noon, aud P. M., for Reading, L banou, llariisburg, Potlaville, Port Clinton, and all points beMaVi8C'oseBt the Philadelphia Post OlUeeforall places on the road and ha brauohubat 6 A, id.., aud for Ibe piincipui eiatioiis only al 2 15 P. M. EAtltiAOK. Duugau'a Kxp.ess will collect Ilag l..r all trains leavlllK 1 blladell'hiil Detul. Oi tiers cau be lelt at No. Z b. Fourth si net, or at the Depot, 1 blrteeutb aud Callowhill streets. ptMISYLVANIA CLKTRAL 1UILU0AD. tTClMlViKR TIME, TAK1NO KFFlfCTMAY 11,1808. The trams of tt e Pennsylvania Central Railroad like tbe 1 HJUi.atllJllt'IY-riKsT nuu il.A.nKh;r btieetu, wLlcu is reached dlteclly by the Market birtel cars, llie last car connecting Willi each train leaving lrom and market streets tulriy minutes be fore lib lieparture. i ue cnej nui anu vyuiuui rairteui -uru run u ii bin one p.uiiam nl' tne Deoot. On Sundays The Market bireet cars leave Front aud Maiket streets thirty -live mluulos Ik lore the de parture Ol eacli train. , , .... bletplng Car Tickets can be had on application at tlie'llcket olHce K. W. corner Kmihand cueauut BireetB, aud at the depot, . a . i ot the Ui.iuu Transfer Company v. 1 call for aud deliver baggage at the depot, orders left at No. nol Ol.esuul buoei, or JS'u. Htt Market Sireet, will receive Mellon. DEPOT, VIZ: Xfotl Train S1KJ A, M Paoll Accommoduliou, No. 1 1"-0ii A. M, Fasi J lue.... ' i le Kx pi ess l- yu -t Baoii Accom. NoH.2,8,and 4-1 ou, 0 00 aud lo so P. M, Arcommodaiiou 2(0 P, hi. I unrai-ter Aceommodatiou - 4-iK) P. M. larkesburL' Train- P. M. i.., Kxnress Silo V. H Pile Mail P. if Pi llaotli hia F xpress 11-15 P. M. Accommodation HMO P. M. l vi Tviuti iuuvim dullv. cxnpiiL ealttrduv. v'liiiaiieinhlti express leaves daily. All other trains dS uTimoflatlon Train runs dally, ex. ..t.. t me i.'.ir this iralu tickets must oe pro cmeO and bgc,age delivered by 5 ut P. 11., at Ho. He Maiket st;ee.. ArmIVB at'dEPOT. V IX Mt.r.1... b.l l.Ttiresl l'3ii A. M. 1'lilladeli Ida Express 710 A. M. Paoli Accouimooailou No. 1 A.. M. Vile Mai " "'A- M Purkesourg l.alu B;lU A. II. ti.ML I. llie - u " A. M. r w....u,l.r 'i i.i,i 12:J V. M Ki le Kllinis ..6 P. M. Paoll Acci li.modailou, Nos. 2 aud t..S 40 aud 7 ln r. M iv.... v...,. o no P. M, I..H ii'si urn Ae'coiiimedatlon UbO P. M. for lurtw 2pa. Ticket Agent. 11', mil t nr.n..'Ji onvui, F'RiNCTH FLUNK. 'llcket Agi:ut, No. IIS MAKK.KT street. bAMLKL II. WALLaCU, 'l lckei Aueul al llie Dopot, Tbe Peiaixylviinla Rullroad Company will not as sumo an ii'-It lor l;i.tiKe, except lor Wearing Ap narei and iiinii Hie1- r'-BootislOiiity to One Hundred lioliars In vuiue. All Rakuage exceeding lhat umount in value will be al the risK ol the owner, linlm laken by Kpeciai coetracl. 1 DWAKli 11. WILLIAMS, 4 2u Oeneral Bujei'iiiiendent, Allooua, Pi PlIlLADELl'HIA, (J EKMANTOYN, AND NO-KibToWN RAILltOAD TlAl TABLjIi, FOR SKKMAM I'OWN. IieavePbllndelpulat), 7, 8, U-o.i. lo, 11, 12 A, U 1, J, il'l. 4, ft, ft. 4, 8 10. 7 8 , III, 11, 12 P. M. l.tavt Ouimai town ti,7, 7. S, b'Zo, ,1U, 11,12 a, M 1 K, 8 4, 4'-4' . !a. 7, S, tf, In, 11 P. M, The S 2o Down Train, and 3V and b'-i Ui Tialas Will not slop cn the Oern uniowu Rrauch, ON hUNDAVH. I eave rhlh'deiphia l"4 A. M. 2, 7, 10' P. If, Leave Uermaiilowus.4 A. M. 1. , S' P. M. t'hrSTM'l IIIIL RaIL1HAD. J.eav. Phiiudelpbla 8, b, 10, 12, A. M-, 2, 5.V.7, B and jl P. ii. 1 eave Chestnut Tf 111 7'If, 8, 9-40, andlPK) A. hi., VV), 8-40, l-40, 6 4 0, 8 40 and 10 10 P. W. ON SUNDAYS. Lenva Vlilladelphla H)i A. M. 2 aud 7 P. M. Iave Chestnut lii.l 7 50 A.M. 12 4o, 5 id aud 925 1 'iu'li l ONSHOHOl KEN AND NORRI8TOWN. Leava Phlladt Ipbla 0, Ii,. , aud 11 05 A. M. l, 8, 4J tl.., i ), b to and lli P. M. Leave Norrlslowii 5 40, 7, 7 60, ( aud 11 A. M., li, 8, 4li;,.audb.P.MoN SUNDAYS. I ave Philadelphia V a. M., 2 and 7-'b P. II, Leave Noriulou 7 A, M., 5 :to and U p, M. Y FUlt MA NAY UN K. Leavr riillBdel'liiaii.7', H, aud IPCS A. .,1,8, tSj, b iw, aud H), P. M. l!eave Mai aMink 8-lu,7,, t'10, X, and 11,!,' A, ti,, 2.8..6..andVP.M.t)rNDAyB l eave Philadelphia A. M., Hi aud 7 P. M, Leave Mtniayunk 7', A- 'i M W. b. WIlON, Oeneral Wnperlnienrtetlt, Depot, N I NTH and ORRKN blreeUI. "KT '1 II RF-bT THK HOLY B1BLB-1IARD yj lug's F.dltlouH Faiuliy, Puliilt and Pocket Bible In lieaullfui fslylea ol Turkey Morocco and antlnna blmi.ns'H. A new edition, arranged let photograpkl notHuiU ui families. K WM.W, FARDTSO, Pnbilslier. S O. mCUFCX KUtM b'.aw Fourl RAILROAD LINES. IPfiR -fOHRIW TOHK.-THK CAMDKIf iri)O.AND AM BOY ANU PH ILADFLPHIA AND TRK.NTMN RAILROA f COMPANY LINK, H'M PlIILADKLPHIA TO NKW YOKK. AND WAY PLAC1U4. FROM. WALNUT brRi-KT WHARF, AI680A. Mvla Camden and Amboy Accom mo datlon m. ti'ii At s A.M., via Camden aud Jersey City Kx pree Mall tno At I P.M., via Oauiden and Amboy F;xpress... ItiO A 1 8 80 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City Kx- -press .,. ....... l OO Al 8 P. M for Amboy and Intermediate aiaiiona. AtS'SOand S A. M ., 2 And i0 P. M.. tor Freehold. All and lo A. M 2, 8'Wl and 4-mi P. M. for Trenton. A I 6'3n. 8, and 10 A.M., 1,2. S 8-S0. 4-n, S. and II no P. M. for Bordentowu, Burlington, Beverly, and Delanro, A t 5-sii and 10 A. M,. 1,2,8,8 30, 4'30, 8, and 11 80 P. M for Florence. At 6 an and in A. M., 1, 1, f, 6, and Hl P. M. for Edlfewater, Riverside, Rlverton. und Palmyra, I P.M. for Rlverton and 3'XO P. M. lor l aliuvra. Alo-MiaiidloA, M.,1, 8, 4-30, 6, and 1180 P, M. for Fish House. The 1 and li nn P. M. Lines leave from Market Bireet Ferry (upper side). FROM KKNiMISfOTOS DEPOT. At 11 A. M.. via Kensington aud Jersey City, New York Kxpress Llue Fare!. Al 7 and 11 A. M 2 8 1 1, and 5 P. M. for Trenton and Bristol. And at lu-15 A. M. lor Bristol. At 7 and 11 A.M., 2 80, aud 6 P, M. lor Morrto vllle and Tullytown. Al 7 and M'lS A. M., 2'30, and 5 P. M. for Schencks and I ddiiigtoii At; and lu-15 A. M., 2'30, 4, fi. aud 6 P. M. tor Corn wells, Torrthdale, Holniertiiurg, Tacony, Wlsslno mlng, Brldesbiirg. and Franktord, and al 8 P, M. for lioliiiesburg and Intermediate station. yiiuv we st en 1 lamki.i'ii 1 a mci'OT, Via Connecting Railway. At -nn A. M., 1 sn.6 so. and U P. M. New York Ex press Lines, via Jersey City, Fare t'l-25. At 1 A. M., Rinigrant Line, Fare, (2. TheH'Si A. M.. and tmi P, M. Lluea will run dally, All others, Sundays excepted. At 9-H A, M ,, pun, 6 ., and 12 P. M. for Trenton. AID Wi A, ftl 6 -ID and 12 P. M. for B Istol. At 12 P. M. (Nlghi), tor Morrlvllle, Tullytown, Pchenek's.Kddlngton.CornwellB.Torrlsdale.U' ilmes burg, Tacony, W lawLuouiiug.BridoaOurg, aud Frank lord. For lines leaving Kensington Depot take the cars en Third or Filth streets, aie'liesiiitt street. 80 minutes belore dei an ore, 1 he .as 011 Market street Railway run dliecl to Weht Plnlailt-lpb a Depot: uuesuui. uu Wnliint within one square, on Htindajs tue Market si reet ears will ruu to connect witu tne V'80 A.1L, aud 8 80 P. M. lluoa. BELVIDKRE PELAWAttK RAILROAD LINES. F rom KeusluKton Depot. . . At 7M10 A. M. for Niagara Falls, Buifalo, Dnnklrk, Clnilra, Ithaca, Oweso, Roehexter, Bluglmmlon, Oe- eno, b racuse, Ureal Bend, Moulrose, WUkesbarre, bchonley's Mountain, etc . . At 7 On A. M and :! P.M. for Scranton, troiids burg. Water Oap, Belvldere, Eastou, Lambertvlile, Hi mingion, etc. The s an P. M. Line connects direct with tbe Train leaving n for MaucU Cuuuk, A lla.iti.u-n llntlllulllim Dili. At 6 P. M. lor iianabettVilie auu luiermeuiaro na tions, CAMDEN AND BURLINdTOT? CO., AND PEM- LtRIOJN AJND HIUlllSlOWPI KA1 LttUAJOO, F'rom Market bt. Ferry lupuer side,) At ft A. M.. 1.4. and s-is P.M.. lor Merchantsvllle, Moorestown Harliord, Masnuvllle, Halusoort, Mount Ho ly, buiithviiio, F:wausvllie, Viuceutowu, Blr- ruli gham. and Pemberton. .... At 1 and 4 P. M., for Lew'stown, Wrkhtstown, Conkatown, New Kgypt, Hornerstown, Cteani Ridge, loilaystowu, bharou, ana iignuitown. Fifty pounds of baggage only are allowed each passeugei. I'Hs.sengers are pr.mtnitea iroin laaoia auy thing as baggage but tbefr wearing apparel. All . tier intv nouiids Lo ha oald for extra. Tue Coiupauy limit their leHpoiislniilty for'ge to oue dollar per pouni, ana win nor. dp naoie ior aujr an t.uDt lie oud itH, except by special contract., 'i ickets sold aud hBLTui'ii ctieckeil direct mruugn to Bosion.Worcester. Hpriugdeld, Hrlford, New Haven, Providence, Newport, Albany, Troy, Saratoga, Ujioa, Rome, bjracuse. nocuesier, jiuuaiu, iiagaia mmi . ...1 L..;...r.ul,,., R.i.liru An oAili Innal Ticket OQMce Is located at No. 828 Chesnnt atreat, where Tickeis to New Yok and all important poluta iNortu uu n my m piuwiiru. vunmia tinrshiulne l lckeis at ibis ouiceuanuave their liamnie checked Irout residence or hotel to destination by Union Transfer Baggage H-xpress, LINES FROM NEW YO It K FOR PIIILADELPH I A., will I..UH iv. n. funt i.f f nnriiatid street at 7 A. M. 1 mill i v iu inn u nii'iii. cl Jer evCitv and Cam .1... . u il. ir.uv fir valid Weimi iii?t.Oll! at " . 1. 1 V u . .1. 1 , m I .. ,iu,J 1 r. -- - - IP A. M".. 12 M.. and 5 P. M. Via J ersey City auu Y en. x-iiiiauei,iiiia. h ifini i .r rvo. 1 rsnrin itiver ai D-311 a. m.. ai wiui' niodalion. and 'i P.M. Kxpresn. via Amboy aud Can.deu. WILLIAM. H. UAT4M.UK. fi loj Allll. OHH-iAnKLPaiA, W1LAIIJNUT0N AND DAL, 1 HMORJli AtAiLltOAO. iJlv' TIMK TABLE. nomroenclnir MONDA Y. Aura 18. 188. Trains will leave Depot corner ot BROla bireet aud W'AbH.-IWc-TON Avenue as Iollows: W ay-Mall Train al SdOA.M. or-nuaayn excepted) for i-.ultimore. bIoiiiuuk at ail Regular Hlattons. con- ui cling with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for Ci Is l. eld aud lnlerniediaie btaiioua. Exp. ens Train atl2 0o M. (buudays excepted) for iiaitimore ana wasuinijMin, svppimc av vr nmingioii, eeirj vllle, auu navre-ue-urace. uonneaia at WU nitiiiLini u-ltli train or New Canlle. i.xpren8 t rain ai -au r. m. iduuubjh citiu-u, Raltimore and Washington, suipping at Chester, Thurlow, Lluwood, Claymont.W ilmiugton, Newport, biaulon, Newark, Elkton, Northeast, Charlestown, "erryvllie, Havre-de-Orace, Auerueen, Ferryman's, i.;dgewood. Magnolia, Cbaito'a and btemmer's Run, Niwbl F-xpress at 1100 P M. tDally) lor Raltimore and Washington, stopping at Perryvllle and Havre-de.Ora'-e. Conuecta at Wilmington (Saturdays ex cepletl) with Delaware Railroad Lino, atupplug at New Cattle, Mlddletowu, Clayton, Dover, Harrington, beaiord, balisbnry, Princess Anne, ana connecting at Crihlleld with Boat for For trees Mon roe, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and ihe bouth. rat-sengera lor Fortrest. Monroe aud Norfollt via Baltimore will take the 12.00 M. Train. VI Crib held will take the 11 -to P. M. train. WILMINGTON TRAINS. Htopplng at all. stations between Philadelphia and W Ilmiugton. Leav Philadelphia at 1100 A.M., 280, 5 00, 700, and llMi'M dally) P. M. Tbe 5'W P. M. Train connects with Delaware Railroad lor Harrington aud Inter, mediate stations. Leave W ilmiugton 700 and 810 A. M. (dally), lao 4-15 aud 7-80 (dally) P. M. Tbe t-10 A. M. Train will uutBtop betw een Chester and Philadelphia. FROM BALTIMORE TO FHILADFXPHIA. Leave Ballimore 7'H.i A. M Way-Mall; l-4 A. M., Express; 2 a P. M... Exprws; 8H5 P. M., Expreanj 8 54 M'kliN'DAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE, Leaves Baltimore at 8-65 P M., stopping at Havre-de-Orace. Perryvllle, and WtlmuigLou. AlBO slope al North-FJaat, Elkton, aud Newaia. to take paasengert lor Pnliadelphla aud leave paenger8 from W aahiug. ton or Baltimore, and at Cheaior to leave pasug.jra from Waaulugton orBaltimoru. Tbrongb tickets 10 all points West, South, Bouth w.w" ma" be procured at the Ticket Oillce. o. an CHEbNtfT bireel, under the Couttoeutal Uo el, where, aiso, Blate-rooiuB and berths In sleeping cart can besecured during the day. Persons purch sing tickets at this olUce can have their baggage checked at their residence by the t'e Ion Trausier Oompa-iy 4 8 le,M h. F. KEKN KV, buperlntendent, QUOitlST BOUT11 T0 '-'U StiA-SUOltE! CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. RUMMER ARtt Xfl'M ENT. FIVE TRAINo DaILV IO aTuJNITO CITY. On and after SATCKDAY, July 4, trains will leave VINE btreel Ferry as follows:- bpeclal Excursion ... 1 Tt Jilu ' SUA. M, Fieli'hl. Willi pa-euger car atl .cllcU 9 16 A. At. Fxprtaa (through in two liouui --oo P. M. AlluutlO Acconi" odallou .4Td P. M, Returning, leave bpec'al Excursion 8''8 P. M. MmI ' P" M. Freight, with paHseuger car 11-40 A. M. K,,io (througU lu two Uour.i) 7-10 A. M. AccouiiuoUallou 'o0 M., Junction Accommodation to Ar-o and In- lein.edlate stations, leavea V mo street 6 " P. M. Returulug, leaves Arcu b" A. M. BartdonBeld Accommodation Train loaves Vine street ....lo lfi A. M. and 2-00 P. M. Leave Haddoulleld i0j P. At. aul 31o P. M. . . xrntl -Train tn A Mivntln. Leaves Vinean-eat M. Leavea Allauilc ,4'.0 P, M, Fare to Atlantic, 2. Round trip tickets, good only lor the day and train on which ihey are ii.Bued.ts. Tiie Philadelphia Local txprei. Company, No. 825 CHKbNUl bireet, will call lr baggage n auy part of Ihe city ant buhuros, and check lo hotel or collage RtAlt!'t'cketomces have been located at No. 026 CHESNUT btreet. p R MTJWOT Ag.nt H1LADELPU1A AND L1UE ilAlLltOAD.- KUMMER TIME TABLE. Throurh and dlre:t rnuio between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Harrisbnrg, Wllllamwpurt, to the Nonh ieMt. and Hie Ureal Oil Region oi Pennsylvania. V llli ANT bLEFPl NO CA H-4 on all Mgbl Trains. On an alter MONDAY. May 1. I-w. the trains on the Philadelphia aud Erie BauroadwUl run aa r..ll,.....f a -WlWTWAnO, MaU Train leaves Phii'eil1:-' ,11-IS P. M u.l.. A T.t ,. .. iwiin . ihih.".'i arrives at Erie... ......... Erie Ext rtdB leaves Pliiladeipbla t. ii leave WliHauibporl ii arrives at Erie....... Plmlra Ma!! leaves Fhlladelphla. JMUlira jvia.. Jvw( William"!'"'-"- ZZZ s so p! m! .-.12'Uuoon ..... 8 W P. al. 10 05 A. M. S'lm A. M. v P. M. 7'tu r. At, D arrives ai-- ixs? w v.? ian;PorT.::::::::::::::r au-jS : u Hle iv'eS wii iiamMM"Vi:r.3v::v. a: m: .. irvee al Phl aiinlphla... 5 .J P. M. uall and Express connect with Oil Creek aud Alia. Mall na chu-ked tl.rongu, gheuy Livoiuuiroau. , f. K Kl) L- tYI.RR. m yeueral btiperliitauauul. . AUCTION SALES. C Mr'-H3, C0 (SUCCFSP0R3 TO KET blreJt! Anotloueera, Wo, 6u8 MA a. RET bireet. ill . BHOKP, BBO BALE 07 POO Bnryr. OA NM. tTn ' r . . f,n Thursday morning, Jnly .at10o'cloek we will sell by riaUtrrna. fr rash, von rasea B.,y.'. and YoulhTBoouT. fboea, Brogaus, Balmorals, etc Also, a geueral asKorlireni ot Women', Missel', and Cblidraa'a ' 17 IS 4ft IVT THOMAS SONS, .AOS, 139 AND 141 8, FOURTH Street. P 1, 1 0 B I Mm BM - T- , . "A. .'.'MK FllllNI TURK. PIANO POni-Htt. FHFNCH PLA1M MIRRORS. HA N liSOMK tiiii'wuLia " . " ininnurv-i, iiA.nnoAA BRLtbF.L8 ANI) oril KK CARPKTd, HilO. JutT It. at 0 -TwSir .. - . . lnnT v ineanoiion rooms, ny r'a- chauiber lurnlm.ts French piate n,r "nT wiwiid sideboards, exleiislon table, beds and oeddlng, Una l.alr niatirrsies, China and glassware, desk! and Ofllce fiirnlmre. refrigerators, liandaam. it..i. and other carpet, etc. 17 22 It rpiioaiAs umcii .v 80N. AUCTIO XEEKfl X AND COMMlbblOS K.F.RlHAN'lX. Nn ma CHLbNCT btreel; rear entrauce No. 1107 banaom at. Pala nt Nn. Ilin r-hnnt strpat. SrPFPIOR HOlMtHOI.D F'U HXIl'l' UE. I WO'Ti". vt tit ll) flANOb. F RANCH PLATE M A NTK.h AND PI Kit (ILA.SSH..S. BrtUssKI.S TAI'Eil'RY AJSD INCiRAiN I'Atil'KlN, t HINA, ETO. ETU, . On Frldi.y Mornlnt. July Sti. at the Auction hmre. No. 1110 Chesnut street, will be sold, a lai ge assortment of Huper or rew ant beeind-bai d 1-ousebold Furniture, rum. prbdng parlor, r number, and dining room suits In oil ami varninn, wuo wardrobes lo match; also, olIlcSJ tables, book -t an, s, etc. etc. 7 21 it MAKT1N r.P.OniEKS, ADCTIONEEK3. (l ately Salesmen for M. Thomas Hons.) jno. VM CHFbN Ul bt., rear entrance from Minor, LIPP1NCOTT, SON & CO., AUCT10NEEH8. Ashurst Building. No. ?40 MARKET bireet T20NTIN0, DURBOKOW .c CO., AUCTIOH ner of bank street, bucceasora lo John B. Myera m"( STOVES, RANGES, ETC. NOTICE. TUB UNDERSIGNED would call attention of tbe public tn his NbW UOLDKN EAOLE FUKNACtC. This 'B an entirely new healer. It Is so con structed as to at once command llsellvo general favor, belt g a comotnaiiou oi wrotigut anu cast iron, it ui very simple lu its couslruciiou, aud la perieetly alr tlghiiselt cleanl' g, having no pipes or drums to bs taken out and cleaned. Jtlt so arranged wltn upright flues aa lo produce a larger amount of heat from the same weight of coal than any furnace now In use. The bygrometrlc condition of the air as produced by my new arrangement of evaporation will atouce de monstrate that It Is the only Hot Air Furnace that win produce a perfectly healthy a'.mosphere. Those In waniof a complete Heating Apparatus would do v ell to call and examine the Oolden Eagle, CHARLES WILLIAMS. Nos. 1132 and 113-1 MARKET bireet, Philadelphia. A larga assortment of Conking Ranges, Plre-board Ftoves, Low Down Orates, VeutUators, etc.. alwaya on baud. N. B. Jobbing of all kinds promptly done. 5 ln THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, OR EURoeEAN RANOK, for Families. Hotels, or Public Institutions, In TvVKNrr D1FFEKEN 1 blZKd. Also. PblladelDbls Barges, Hot Air Furnaces, Portfolio Healers, Law down Orates. Fireboard btoves, Bath Boilers, blew hole Plates, Boilers, Cooking btoyes, etc., wholosala and retail, by the mauulacturers bHAKPE A THOMSON. 1 27 Stu th 6m No. 2s N. bECOND Bireet. RAILROAD LINES. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD Trains hptwei-n WABHINO'l'ON AND BALTI MORE, and WArilllNUloN AND TUE WEST are now run as Iollows. viz.: FOR RALTIMORE. Leave dally, except buuday, at Voo, 715. and 12-30 P. M and 2'oO, and 4 un and 8 45 P. M, FOR ALL WAY STATIONS. Leave dally, except buuday, at 700 A. M., and 2-00 and b'-:5 P. M. IOR WAY STATION POCTH OF ANNAPOLIS J UNCI ION. Leave at 6 IS aud 7 uo A. M., aad at 200 and 415 r' M FOR ANNAPOLIS. Leave at 7-00 A. M. and 4 '8o P, M.. No trains , to or from Auuupolis on bunday. ON b UN DAY. FOR BAD II MO HE. Leave at 7'4S A. M., and 4'3o and 845 P. M. FOR WAY bTATlONtt. Leave 7-45 A. M., and 4-ao atul 8 45 P. M. FOR ALL PA RT8 OF THE WE-VT. Leave dally, ex cent Saturday and bunday, at 745 A. ll.. 4-ao anu 8-46 P. Al, on Saturday at 7 45 A, M.. and l3n p. M. On buuoay at 4su and 8 43 P, M, only, connecting at Relay btution wltb trulns from Baltimore to Wheel, lug. I'arkerbbnrg, etc, Tbrongb Tickets to tbe West can be had at the Washington btalion Ticket OlUce. at ail hours In tba day. as well as at tbe new otlice of the Bunkers' and, Brokers' Teleg apb Line, No, 818 Pennsylvania avenue, between blxth aud beveutb streets. F'or New York, Philadelphia, and Boston, see ad vertisement of "Through Line." i. L. WILSON, Master of Transportation. 1 M. COLE, Oeneral Ticnei Agent. 1 2.'t HEOBOE b. KOONTZ, Agent, Washington. F HEIGHT LINES FOR NEW YORK AND ALL POINT'S NORTH a' d JiAHT, and for all biatlnns ou Camden aud Amboy and Connecting Railroads, lrom Walnut street wharf. increasf:d despatch. Freight for all way points on tbe Camden and Amboy, Freehold aud Jamesburg, and Burlington County Railroads, forwarded at 12 o'clock Noon. Pot Trenton, Princeton, Kingston. Rocky Hill, and all points on the New Jersey and Belvldere B,U rontls, forwarded at 2 P. M. For New York, .at 12, 2H. and 5 P. M. Freight received from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M, A slip memorandum, specifying tbe marks and . numbers, shippers and conalgneea, mnst In every la aianue be teut with each 1 ad of got,ds. YVAJ-.IE.R r Af, in-n, No, b. Delaware Avenns, PhlladeluhUu m INTERNAL REVENUE. PRINCIPAL DEPOT yon tub sale or IMUd Btttfs Revenue Stamps, GO, 8Ca CilF-SJ.XCT STBEirX. CENTRAL DEPOT, ftO. 108 HOV'TU riFTII TBCETi CCye door below Chesnut street). KBTABLISIIKD 186S. Onr stock eomprises all the denominations prints by thedovaruuiat ATI. ORDFRC! EILLJT) ANE FORWARDED BT MalL OR bXl-BKhM 1M U KDIATKLY UPO RJtr Civil T. a matter t)l great importance, Drafts on Philadelphia Post Olloe Orders, Greea hai kH anuNailuual Buuk Notes, received In pay e'iii 'lb lollowu g rales of coainils. Ion are allowed: nn iii " - TWO PICK OKNT. Vroii tJo o i FOUR PKU OH NT. t ilui IliAi apw-Oh...l OUR A-ND A HALF PER fJI The Commission Is payable In stamp. All orders, etc., should be addreased Is STAMP AOENUYi Vi. 04 ITIENNDT HTBEKT, ftflLAPKLenlA. Orders rooelved for Htamped Checks, DrafU. Rs ceTtJ; BlUlTiall-. c, aud lLa it rat ol oouiuiU. slen allowed. . W e have constantly on hand TTKITKD BTAT1J4 POSTAOK HTAMPU O? ALU KIND". AND BTAMPiiD ENVEtAJPhS.