ir- - THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHI LA DELPHI A, SATURDAY, JVtY 18. 1868. 1 . . . - COLU'AW. IfqMiilatirf. Bin cannot be torn oil" without drawing blood from our gouU; but if wo let it remain, on lik the poisoned robe, it kills na. Tlmnj for we must tear it off, without shrinking or flinching from the iaia it may oost as to do so. V must escape to the luououiu, be) use are fleeing ironi Sodom, aud bnoaage wo cannot tarry in Solum without being ooo entnvd by its fire. It id impossible to press ihii point too strongly; to I will try to eo(orn what I have said by another parable. Uu lb Beahbore, many of you must kuow, thre tie often rooks. Now, Bupuof-e a tuau walk ing among these rooka, and liudiug the atones painful to bia feet, tbiukti lie. shall walk more easily and pleasantly in tli- smooth sand below, lie qui ta the rocks aud goes down to tbe Bands. The tide is out; the sea in calm; tbe waves are a long way olf: there cau be no danger: so be walks on. Presently the wind begins to rise. Still there cau be, u danger: it is only rounding that jutting olitl": there i-j plenty of time; and tbu be, will be safe. Meanwhile tbe sea comes, on, gralually, gradually, wave after wave, like so mauy lines of horsemen in battle array riliu on after the other, livery moment they ad vance a (step or two; ami before tbe man bas got to the jutting dill', he see a them, dask- Ire against bid leet. What id he to do I Uj one tide of bim is a Bteep aud rugged ledge of rocks; on the other side the sea, winch the wind is lasbing into a stonu, id nulling to wards bim with all its uiii'lit aud fury. 'Would a man in such a plight ihiuk of lo.stug another moment f ould he stop to coupler whether be should not hurt his bauds by lay ing bold of the bharp btouea ? Would not he Strain every nerve to reaiiU a place of safety, before tbe waves could overtake bim f If bis blotblulness whispered to him, "It is of no uee; tbe ledge is Very bteep; you may fall Lack wbeu you bave got ball way; stay wutre you are; perhaps tbe wind may drop, or the waves may stop short; and so you will be safe here;" if bis -slothfuluess prompted such thoughts as these, would he linteu to them if Would be not reply, "Hard ad the task may Ve, it must be tried, or I am a deal man. God will not work a miracle in my behalf. He will not change tbe course of the tides, aud put a new and strange bridle ou the sea to eave nie from tbe eileots of my own laziness. I bave still a few minuted left; let me make tbe most of them and 1 may be safe; if they slip away, I must be drowued." This picture is not a mere piece of fancy. M-tuy stories are told of the risks people have run by tbe coming in of tbe tide, when they were (straying heedlessly along the saudd. Home by great efforts, aided by God's good Provi deuce, have escaped. O.hers have perished miserably. Now the sinner is just in the situa tion of the man I bave been Kpeakiug of. Ou one Bide of him is the steep lede of rep-ntauce; ou tbe other the iiery waves of the bottomless pit are eveiy moment rolling on toward him. Could bis eyes be opened, as the eyes of Elit-ba's Eervant were, be would set those fiery waves already begiuuing to surrouud hitr. Is this a situation lor a mau to stop m f Will any one in such a plight talk about the diili culty of repentance ? Let passion ory out, It is baid to deny one's self: ' faith must make answer, "It is harder to dwell amid end less burnings." Jiev. m. Augustus Hare. SUMMARY OF RELIGIOUS NEWS. EPISCOPAL. The puerilities that are is some Episcopal churches of England and of America begiuutug I to attacn to me cr it oration oi me tor i's I Supper, are worse than ridiculous they are yitiocious. A book called "Directorium Augli anum" bas been issued in Euglaud iu superb style for the direction of clergymen of the Church of England in the celebration of the Communion. - Some of the instructions there ;iven rival the absurdest Tulmudio preoeptd. i'he priest is told that before "mass" he must not wash his teeth, but only his lips, for fear of mingling water with his saliva; (and that "after mass he should beware of expectorations until he shall have eaten and drunken," lest by any change he should spit out any atom of the "body" which "shall bave remained between his teeth I" The wriest is alno minutely directed what to do if a I'lv nr Kinder Rhall liavn IaIIhii Into thft blood," and what penance be shall do it any pf the "blood" shall have dropped upon tbe table or on the linen cloth; how the blood is to be sucked up, and the wood scraped and the 'shavings burned, or the linen washed three (times over the chalice, and the ashes or the ablution preserved with the relics. Even Rome would be ashamed of these disgusting uetails, tome oi winch we suppress lor de- ency 8 Bake. Independent. Dr. Dyer, now travelling in Jiurope, writes iO the Protestant Churchman his opinion of the reachers of tbe Church of England whom e has beard. Having paid a high oompli- Lent to the Bishop of London, whom he calls he best speaker whom he has heard in Eag- land, he Bays: "After all the preaching I have heard in England, I am led to the conclusion hat in the Establishment, at leas', tbe ser mons will not compare favorably with the ermons of our clergy in Auierioi. A ,-ery prominent clergyman of the Church f England called my attention to the natter by asking plainly what my impres sions were. I told him what I thought, and he at once remarked that I had formed a cor rect opinion, and that the reason of their defl- lency was in tneir lacx oi tneoiogicai scuoais. t)f one thing I am certain, Evangelical princi ples bave made wonderful, progress in the JJhnrch of England since my last visit sixteen lyears ago. It Is no longer a despised party. lAnd one reason for it is to be found in the oldness and deoision of its leaders, lhey Lvow their sentiments without fear or favor. A trimmer is no where. A compromiser 18 bext to no where." Bibhop Odenheimer recently visited fat. Raul's, Trenton, aud confirmed eight, making, ,vith a previous confirmation of four in Mired, ;welve. This Church was orgauized in 1850, Lnd after struggling along for ten years, was osed for a period of lour or nve years, in bt to tbe amouut of 51000, and .uually was 'lfered at SneriiTa Bale. It was bought in by hree energetlo laymen of the denomination, eorgauized, the services of a clergyman pro cured, aud now numbers about one nuuarea families, and a funaay-oonooi oi iuiee uuu lired and fifty children. Tbe Kev. U. JN. Bisnop, U. v., rector ui JSt. John's church, Chicago, nas aocepteu a lali to tbe rectorship of bt. John a ouurcu, MiK-lnnati. and expects to enter upoo the lutiea of tbe latter parish early in October 'jt. . . -B sbon Mol vaine. in Uts annual aaaress, reports the transfer of eight ministers to the 'Jhio Piooese during the past year, ana me banfifer of thirteen from it to other Dioceses. COOREOATIONAIi. The laree and important Congregational church at Homer, N. Y., Kev. Dr. llolhroolc pastor, voted ou the "Jtn lnst., ro tu i. to "perfect its organization' uy wnunrw.uS from Cortland Prenbytery, t Join its on de nomination. It bas been connected with the i'rebbyterian Church on the plan of union liuoe lbOb. It voted at the Banie tiiua lo "; OVIl RELIGIOUS vlte twenty neighboring cbnrchea to meet with It in conveLtiou to form a new Congregational .nrw,,wn. ine Otsego Presbytery, on the Dm of June, on receiving notice that the Con gitgatipnal Chnrch of Richfield Sprio had become l'recbyterian, adopted the following minute, showing that promptitude of action is highly praiseworthy when in the right direc tion, in reference to the recommendation of tbe General At-seuillies to complete "imperfect organizations": Jirtvlvtd, l'liai we rejoice at It prompt notion tn lb is direction, and recommend to all our churches In like relntlons and circumstances to toilow lln-lr wotlhy example. It is announced that the Rev. Dr. P. Suhaff bas leceived ft unanimous call to the Pjofessort-hfp of Church History in the Con giegational Theological Seminary at Hartford, Connecticut, which bas recently received iage additions to its funds. It id not stated what disposition be lias made of tbe call. Lev. A. 15. linllions was installed pastor of the Congrtgatiooal Church in Sharon, Ct., on tbe 2Sih of June. A fine parsonage has just been completed at an expense of of about fUtOO. L'ev. J. H. Gulliver, D. P., pastor of tbe New England Church in Chicago, has been elected 1'rebident of Knox College, Galosburg, 111., vice Dr. Curtis resigned. Forty-two persona uuited with the Con gregational church in North Cornwall, Con necticut, on the Oth instant, forty-one on profession of their faith. BAPTIST. Since tbe year the American Baptist Mit-sbn Board have Sent sixty missionaries to Dm mab, who have reduced three Karen dia lects to writing, bave translated the Bible, prej ared and punted dictionaries, grammars, and si bool books, created a religious literature, rai-ed up and educated native teachers, or ganized u-bools, aud built churches. Ao coidmg to the minutes of tbe Burmese Baptist Convention lor 1MJ8, there are now 287 cbuicbes, G3 ordained, and 301) unordaiued native preachers, 15,'.iS3 communicants, and 4015 pupils in schools. The tit. Louis Record says: "During the absence of Dr. Osborne (Baptist) from the city, his pulpit bas been bupplied, not by clergymen tioui abroad, but by laymen of bis own congregation E. W. Pattison, J. P. Colby, E. D. Jones, and lr. Ives, have all held forth. Once only, did the oniumittee go out of the congregation for a supply, and then they went for a layman, Jonathan Jones, Esq., of tbe Commercial College, who gave an instruc tive and interesting discourse." The Madbon Avenue Church, New York, bave acted promptly and cordially in selecting a successor to Dr. Weston. They have in vited the Kev. J. F. Elder, of Orange, N. J., to become their pastor, arid bave accompanied the call by the oiler of $0000 as tbe salary. Ou the Oih of Juue the Kev. James J. Kane, of Brooklyn, a graduate of Lewisburg University, was commissioned a chaplain in tbe navy, to fill a vacancy. rEF.SBYTERIAJf. According to the yearly summary of the Btatistics of the United Presbyterian Church, compared with the returns of 1SG7, the re ports of this year show an increase in nu merical i-trength and in contributions. The estimate of salaries te ministers, though defec tive, shows that the average salary of pastors is ?bS3C9, which, inclnding the amount paid for supplies, will make the actaal average nearly eijiht hundred dollars per annum. Tbe Congregational Church in Richland, N. Y., one of those churches which in 1801 were united with Presbyteries according to tbe plan of nnion, has accepted the ad rice of tbe General Assemblies that such churche3 "should perfect their organization," and has become thoroughly Presbyterian. MKTHOniST. Tbe Methodist papers contain now and then a piotet-t, from some lover of the olden times, against tbe taste for magnificence and fashion that is growing in that denomination, as a result of its growth in numbers, popularity, and wealth. There seems to be not a little occasion lor fear. Notice the official appeal in be half of the Metropolitan Church to be built in Washington as a centenary memorial. It will rival the cathedrals of Europe in its relics and its splendor. "KverytijlUK cobuected therewith will be sacrtd In 1U Mbfcociiiilon. The vcslloules will be patrol with matble from tbe temple ou Mnrlah; the pulpit anil altar made of cedar from Leba iioi ; aijd all tbe windows dedicated to me mtmorj of prominent members of our Church who bvA none to their reward sucn an As bury, Heddiug, McKeudree, Koberls, Waugh, HtianKe. Hper. Bmelow, Olln, Flsk, RaogN, 1, Judge McLean, Governor WrlKUt, ano 11 j uily 01 hers. In each of these windows will be a l eauttful scripture design aud Inscrip tion, but no likeness of any person, living or dtad " The Rev. A. N. Fisher, of the Nevada Confeience, on his way home from General Conference, of which be was a member, stopped at Bait Lake City, and at the reqnest of the Prophet, preached in the great temple, lie bad an audience of some six thousand per sons, to whom he preached a sound Methodist seimon, very much to their gratification, and, it is to be hoped, to their edilication. Amended Centenary returns thus far give t8.G77,f'cl'38 as the total Centenary con tiibntions of tbe Church in lSUli. No report bas jet been made by tbe Central Illinois Conference. The Philadelphia Conferenoe also has yet a supplementary report to make. VKSLEYAN. The Weeleyan General Conference of the United States has decided to allow women to vote: also, to drop from their communion all churches tolerating members connected with Masonry or other seoret societies. CS1VERSALISTS. The Ambassador, an organ of the Univer salists, estimates the church property of that denomination at ten, if not twenty times what it was a quarter of a century ago; and calls attention to the faot that they now have fchools for tbe education of their uiiul.-ttry, and a higher tone exists among its member ship. CATHOLIC. A well-informed correspondent of the ils saytr J-ranco-Americam, of this city, writing from Ottawa, cives the cause of the "social iuteiiority" of the conquered, despised, poor, and morally weak French Canadians." The main caupe, he says, is "the systematic igno rance in which the clergy has kept the popu lation." He adds: There Is no lnsi ruction to any degree in this count) y; tbe public scbools me tin enigma, a fcliiuoelei-H luicn. If, perchance, children lonru brw 10 rend, they scarcely ever see any other look tm the In tie caiechinm end a HHoed his tory, l hey l.uve, it is true, for tbe Hke of savin a I pi a 1 a. 1 ex. a urtnmur and u volume ol Fi encli eNeuit't s", but they leain neither m. KPOtfrapliy; ol blt-tory not a woid; of natural philosophy, or inatl.emaliL'B, or uilibineilo, not inn aliKbleet copci p ion. In some immense puilsbeu only ne m l.ooi Is found, where children come some times f.oni Iouk dlHiHtiiMS, and where they spu d a lew houi a iu looking at their teacher, who ! pelting perplexed anion- tho four rules ol arithmetic. villnge priori 1h near, care fully watching to prevent the surreplltloui In tiodntolin ol any elementary works of uuy (.(leutlflo chHineier. A wealthy genUeinan Inid fiin.ey.a s aeodlHtrlbu'ed to the ucuomIs in nie fMlrtury a Miiull lieatlse upon A-fiioullural t'bunihtrvj when llie cure discovered H, aud, IihtIuk eiamlntU the work, ordered Its ttume dli teezpuitilou.MH'hei-ad not. fo'jud.'aatd he. 'a i-lnnle vo-ii upi-n Hie Vliglu M'ry lu the whole I'OOk. What grieves me If, that Ihe French Caio dlana are uu lntelligeo',,, a very Intelligent people, and that they U14V4 become bucU a llock of aUcep.". RAILROAD LINES, NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. I Hit, btlltu. K KUUTfc. HtiOUe-U u initHl Oirerl Initio Hpihletiem, Fiinn. Aneniowo, Munch I bunk, H7.lfum, vthlUt Haven, Wllwbrr, M hnoy City, M imni 'nrnel. Plitolon ncranin,)rbin die, anil U the polo In tha Leblga aud WyomUii Cob Hfion f-BKeimer bepot In Ph1lrtfllphla, ff, W. Corner Ol BfKhr itnd AM ItKloAN Rirepia. el M:KK 1KHANI4HHKNI-BLKVFN DAIfjT THAIN- on i.d mtu-r WKUNKSU V. U7 l 186S Pfu.dw.ger '1 rln i-v ihti New I)pot, corner ot HKm arrt a M t- RIuan atreeta, dally (Uandnrse cei. led) u follows: At '4a A. M.Aocommoo.tion for Fort Wash ington. At74i a M. Morning Rxpremfor Betblebem and Prlncip1 Bttlni on Nortu tiin"V'vni n.ailrol, oom.ertlng at H-uilnem wltn Leb'gh Viler and Lehlgn and Misiu'bKuuik Rliron ror Kuion, Al leniown, t'tB-.ii(iifi, cllitliiKtou. ftttttirb (JiinnK Weiherl, Je fsvin.e. HHZiewm. Wblle Jlnven, WIlneiitiHrre Kltigntn, Flimmu, 8orDion, Crhou orI, , iti.d all p.'lnu. lb 1 eli it h und youilag Valleys; Iho id con nation Willi nnd Mahony Kail road for Mauanoy I lly; and with I'atawliwa Kaliroad lor JUu 'en Imi.vllle, Mllwm, and Wllllaiumiort Arrive at Mannii Clunik at Ifni A. M ; at W likeniarr at 8 f. M i fliauuin 4'(5 F. M . at Mananov Cliy at If M. Pfnen(eii by tt'li train can take tbe Leulgb Valley Tralu lading wetlilehem at H-M A M for h.AfioH, aim poluta on New Jemey Outral Ball road to New ork. At 8-4 A, M. Accommodation lor DnylMWwa t PPlng at all Intermediate. Htatlons, PaaneiiKers tKt vvliiow iruve, Jiaitioro' and tlartsvlile, by tnlt trlt tBke BiHe at Old York Itoad. At lino A. M Arcomru .Oh'Ioii lor Fort Waahlng toti,eioping at Interim dint" flutions. At 1-4j P. Si l, Valley Kxpriw lor Bethle hem, AlUntonrn, Manch I'linnk. White Ilavnu, W ilkenharre, Maliauoy City, Omralla, Hhenandoali, Mt. ('arii.el, I'litMUin and Hcraiuoii, and all poluts In Mabanoy and W otiilng tVml Regions, At IBS P. M. AecminiodHilon for IX.yleitowr n, Btopiniig at all liilernifiilate niatloiis. Pusnengera take HtbKe at DoyifHtown for Mew Hope, aud at frortb Bleu lor fiininey town. At 8 1 P.M. Lehigh and Huiquebanna Kxprats lor Betlilehiui Raaion. Alieniown, Alauch Clinna, WbkeH'iarre, and Horantou. PadHeDgers for Oreen vllle take Ihlx train to tiUKkertoWD. At 4 is P. M . airconimodntlon for Doytextown, stopping at all I utermedlnte stations. Paxinnners for Willow -rove., and Uaruvil.e take eiage at A til moon. At6iKi P. M, Through accommodation for Bntlile hem and all ntallotiM on main line nl North Pur.imyl. VBiila Kullroari, contiei IP g lit lU'thlehem with tj& lilkh Va'l-y 1 venlug Train lor Kaston, Allentown, tuaucli C'hunk. At 6 20 P. M, Accommodation for Lansdale, stop ping ai all InieruieClute atailons. At ll'aii P. M. Acuoia Jiodatiou for Fort Washing ton. TRAINS ARRIVE IM PHILADELPHIA. From Jlelhleheu at tH) A. M., U uUxNoou, 2 00 aud 8'3n P. M. 11-6(1 A. M. and 2IK'I'.M. Trains maken direct connec tion wl'h LehlKh Val.ey and 11. 1h aud Himqnnhanua trains from Kumiou, Scraulon, WUkesharre, Mahouy Cliy.and ilar.leton. PaHwiigerS leaving Wllkesbarre at pan P. M. con nect at Bethlehem utOuS P. M , aud arrive la Pblla- aeipnia at s no r. J. . From JMyleitown at S'V A. M.. 5'00 and 700 P. M. From Laundale at 7mii A. M. From Fort WashiuKlon Bt 9'30. 1045 A. M. and S1K P. M. ON SUINJJAYB. Philadelphia for Bethlehem b19'80 A.M. Philadelphia for Duy lernown at 2'ini P. M. I)o lentowu for PhllHitelphia at 7'i.n A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4-3U P. M. Fifth and Sixth (street paNsenger Cars convey pa sengert to and from the new dnpnt. Wblle Cars or beet nd and Third mrems Line ano Union Line run within a snort distance of Ibe depot. Tickets mnst be procured at the Ticket office, In Order to secure tbe IowchI rates ol fare. j'.L.jji.t ci.AKtt, Atreni. Tickets sold and BaKeat'e cbwked throuirb 10 prin Clpal poinltt, at Aiauii'a iNorlli IV uusylvania Bagyagt J.x press t mire. ro. inti nrin -Hirei. 7 KST CUhSlER AND PUILADELPHU VV KAlLROAlJ.-HLMWJilt AKRAAOKMKJS T, On ai Q alter AlOJNUAY, April la, law, Trains Will ove ao 101 .own: Leave Philadelphia from the Depot. THIRTY- FIRST and OilKhMJT Htreets, 7'i4 A M , 11 A, M., I -HO P. M., 415 P. Da., 4 50 P. M 7 P. M., 11 P. M. Leave Went Ctieuier lor Plillaueiubla. from Oepot ou east Market street, at bis a. ai., 715 a. ai.TA A. W.. 10-45 A. M .Itsr, M.,4iOP. M., 665 P, M. On and after Monday. June 15 au additional 1 rain will leave Philadelphia lor Wbula and. Intermedials points aio3u r. ai. Trains leaving West Chester at 7-80 A. M and leavniE PhlladelDbia at 4 lai P.M.. will ston at B. U. Junction and Media only. Passengers to or from station between West Chester aud B O. Junction, going Kant, will take train leaving West Ohenter at 7'lft A M.. and going West will take train leaving Philadelphia at 4 au p. u aDa irauBer at u. o. Juno tion. The Depot In Philadelphia is reacbed directly by the Chesuut ann a Wa.nul Street ca's. Those of t!ic ilarket btreet line run wlibin one boo a re. The cm sot botn liuea (-ounocv witu eauii train upon lta arrival. Ieave Philadelphia at M oo A. la . aud Z'OO P. M, Leave Wl CbeHier at 7'4 A.M. and 6'ullP, M. Trains leaving Puiladeipnla at 7 15 A. M.. and 450 P. M.. and leavink West. Chester at 730 A. M. and 4 611 P. M., connect at B. O. Junction with Trunin on P. & li. (J. il. K., I.r uxlora anl luteruieuiaie points. PttMBuniff r are allowed to take Wearlnc Annarol only, aa baKHiaKe. and tbe Company will not lu any cane be responsible lor au amount exceeding one hundred dollars unies" a nneciai contract is uiaae ror thessme. HRMKY WOOD, Oeueral bup't, Phlladeipnia, April ist. isa. ui poli CAI't. A1AY VIA WEST JEKSEY RalL- JTerry). Cou.menclng f ATUKUAY. July la, ist8. '1 ralUB leave as nuiuws lor lui.b may: l 141 A.M.. Cape May Ki press, due at 12-25 (noon). li-15 P M., Cape May Pass-ut-er, uue at 7 16 P. M. 4 00 P. W. i'Sl Kxpiees (lu- al tr-5 P. M. RETiRNINU LKAVK (JAflt laLAND. 6-80 A. M . Murniug Mall, due al iwti . M. 9 1. A. M. 1' usi Kxpiess, due at LTu7 P. M. 6 IU P. M ., Cape M ay Jtx press, due al 8 22 P. M. Kuuday all and Passenger train leaves Philadel phia at '.15 A. at. Rtluri.iug leaves Cape Ituuud at 6lu P.M. Excurslou Tickets . Cape May freight trains leave Camden dally at 9 "in A. 11.. and Cape Isiaud at 45 A. M. Comii uiailon 'ikkeis between Puiladelphia and Cape May. at tbe following rates: Annual 1 lcke s, lii; Quarterly Tickets, I 0. for sale at tbe uUice o- the Cou.paiiy lu Camoeu, N. i. Tbrougb Tickets can be procured at No. 828 Chesiiut airett (under tbe C nllnnntal Hotel, where t loers cn also be leit lor Baggage, wblcb whl oe ra led lor and checked at reslueuces oy tbe Union 1 runnier Company. , WldsT JtltSEY RAILROAD LINKS. For Bndgetoii, talem. ft Ulvllie, Vlneiaud, and ln turned ae stations. t 8'OU A. M. and 8 30 P M. lor cape May , trou A. M..8 15 P. M.. and 4 P. M. S oodtiuo Aucou.mool on tralu at sou P. 61. Bnogeion ana iSalem freight Train lea tree Camden daily, av Vi (noon It mmutailou Checks between Pbtladolphla and all stklloi.s at reduced rates. WILLIAM J. HEWELL, Buperlntendent. July 2. 18B8. PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CEN 1 KAL RAILROAD tU MtK ARKANUIfi-UF.NT.-On aud alter MOiNDAY. aprll l.lstis, trains Kill leave the Depot, HilRTY-FIH-VT aud CUKt. UT Streets, West Philadelphia, as follows: Al 716 A, M. and 45o P. M., aud leave Rising Bun at o15 A. M, and Oxlord al 8 A. M.. and leave Oxford at A Market Train, with Passenger Oars attached, will ruusou TlltDA VB aud P1UDA YS, leaving the RiHlug bun at 111)5 A.M.: Ox tor. i, 1145 A. M..; and Eennett, 1 P. M.i connecting at Weat Chanter Juuo- Uon wlib a tralu for Puiladeipnla. On WEDNKbDAYB and (SATURDAYS Train leaves Philadelphia at iW F, M.; ruus through to 0Tlje train leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. con nects at Oxford wlib dally line of stages tor Peaob bottom, lu Lancaster county. Returning leaves Peach Bottom to connect at Oxford wun Afleruooo Train lor Philadelphia. The ttraiu leaving Philadelphia at 460 P, M. rum to Risiuk hun, Maryland. PanheuVrs are allowed to tBKe wearing apparel only as baggane, and the Company will uot lu any case be responsible for auioin l exceeding one hundred dollars, nnless a apectal co ntrart be made for tbe same. ujoi woun, General Minerlineiiilont. T H ROUGH LINE BKrWK KN WASH! NGTON PHILADKLPRIA. AND NEW YOUK. Trains between Washington aud New York are now run as follows. vl.: 1-OK NEW YORK , without change of cars. I,i ave dally (except uuuday) at 7'45 A. al., 12'30 and 71,W- FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave daily (except buuday) al 7'4 and 1215 P. M., aud4i)Uand7P.M.oN BUNDAYi Leave for New York aud Philadelphia at 7 P.M. hf.EKPINQ CARS for New York on 7 P. M. train d,T trough Tickets to Philadelphia. New York, or B'uiu, tan be had at tbe bilioo O'Uce at all hours lu the liny, an well as al the new office la l ho auker' aud Brokers' Telegraph Line, No. 844 Peuusylvanla avenue, between (Sixth and bevenln streets Hee Baltimore aud Ohio Rsilrod advertisement and schedule between Washington, -.Baltimore, An nu.noUB, and the West, 1 J. L. WU t-ON, Master of Transi ortatloa. L. M, COLE, Oeneral Ticket Ag. nU 1 2M1 GEO f. hoON'l'Z. A gent, amilngtnn. TrAT IRKKIHT LINE, Vli NORTH 11 pKKKi.vl.VANI K lt II. ROAD tit Wilkes- harre. Mahauuy City. Mount Carun-l, Ceutralla. aud all points ou Lthifch Valley lUhroad aud Its by )iew' arrangements, perfected this day this road )h vpableit to give lucres ed despatch, to merchaudise coiUKi.t o to me anove i.atueu poinui. Uocds delivered at tl-e I hrough Ere'gbt Depot, 1. k mrnvr i.l kMlllVT Nl I ii L K ntfUtltS. Pef're6 P. M III reaeli WllseHbrre M ouutiJuruiel, Mulisnoy t'ily.anu I lie other bib'Ihi.s in uanauoy aim V j omiuk valleys belore 11 A M. of th Hucceeilliig day. 7 1 ELL 1 8 1 LtKK. Ageut. rPHE ADAM! EXIJUKS9 COMPANY. OFFICE J. No. tan CHKhlSU'l Hiret-t, fmwards ParnnN, packages, Merchandise, Hauk Note , an, hjiecle, euhr by Its own Hues or In connection vith other Express tttnipauliB, to ail tbe prluciprji towns aud it tea tn the Culled Klatea. i"t -HAJiupeiiatwdeiiW RAILROAD Llf7!?ES. . . TDEApixo railroad. g reat trDkk. Phliaiieipbla u the Interior O il.iJ V-D, w-buylkHl, Huxqnehanna, cum berland, ,,d w yonilng Valleys, Ihe North, N'ortlf S.r.. . the l:aiiada. Hiinmier ArranRement of i w, l.if.V1""' Womlitr. My . IH8. leaylni; Vlt piVi t HHSL!.,lH',oit "''Heenth and Oaliowblll streets, ik nS'V "i lt fnllowh g hours: n.rt;?.JNO A'X)MMODrTlONtJ.-At 730 A, M hlwn End " 'nUumedlate stations, and Allen. rxrT?z7lo?$D' '' p.m..'i i f1 KX lK1 At A. Itf., for Reading Lebanon. HarrisMirg, potts villa, PlneOrove, lama Vl?L.fn?h,"ry biaiiinpor Kluilra. Rochester, pJ;?.J N T'JIf El'"."10' w'"""". I'lttstou. Yorg, tr)ii, ( l an borsburg, Hagerstown, etc. Ibe 7-40 train .cot. neots at Hmwting with the East Pennsylvania Railroad trains lor Allentown, etc., and il6ft'i A. 1S( ronnects wlib the Lebanon Valley train f ir Harrl burg, etc.: at Port Clinton with ( ata wiSNa luiin art trsh.s for Williamnport. Lork Haveu, K nnra. etoj at Harrlshnrg with Northern tientral, t nniber.and Valley, and e-choylklll and Hitsqtiehanna .ZlfiJ f tiriniiniberlanu, WllJIamsport, York, t banibvrnburg pini-trrove etc. .t.1 Ji.NVON APKfs. Leaves Philadelphia BtSJtnP M. for Reading. Potts ville llarrishnrK. eto., tx.uiie.-Hng with Heading and Columbia Railroad trams for l -olnnibta. e'C, POT1HTOWN A COMMODATION.-LeavtFS PotU town at lis A. M stoiiplntf at Intermedinte stations: arrives In Pblladelpl-laat 05 A. M. Returning leaven n.hadelphla at 4 Uu P, M.i arrives In Poltatowu at llFADmo ACtOMMOnATION-Iaves Reading at 7 3o A. M sU'pi'lng i all way stailoud: arrlvaa In Philadelphia at Hi is a. M. .etiu leaves 1'hllKrielnhl at s-its P t arrtiraa In Kea'llng at H oil p. M. Trains lor Phliadi-lpbla lesve Harrlihnrg at 810 A. At., aud PnllHVllle al 8 4 A.M.. arrlvlnir In Phlladel- at 1 P. M. A iter noon trains leave IJarrlHburg at 05 P. M. and PotlKVIlie at S-4S P. M.t arriving .1 PnllHrit li.hla at 84h P. M HRTiNiiuri accoinuiodaiion leaves Kraomg at 715 A.M., and Harrlshurg at 410 P.M. Conneailng at Heading with A ileruoon Accommodation south at p. Al.. arriving lo PblladHlphia at 0 lu P. M. Marke train with a Paiweiiunr car rttarbed, leave f hllaiielpbi-t at M 45 toon for Poitsvllln and a l Wav 8taii(.i.t: leaves Puttevllie at 7 A. M fur Philadelphia ano all W ay Stations A ii the above trains run dat'y, ttnnoays excepted. mhkIkn trains limvii eniuiville at 8mi A. M.. and Philadelphia at 8 iff P. M i leave Pnllauclpbla for HPHumg at it w A. returuing ir..m Knading at 4 & OHKBTKR VALLKY BAILROAD Pasnengers tor 1 owtm gtown and Intermediate points take the 7'Vt) A. M., lit'4a aud 4 o P. M. trains Iroin Philadel phia, urn ing from Dowulngtowu at t)-y A, M 100, and r45 P. M. fcLKlOMms RAILROAD. Passengers for Col Icti ville lake 7' A. M, and 4 a" P. M. trains from Philadelphia, returning from Collogevllleat 7-(il A, M. and 1 an P ill. blase hues for various points In Per kiomeu Vallev connect with trains at CoileKevllle. NKW YORK KXPRK6WS FUK Pl'lTSMUHti AND 1 Pi K Wto 1'. Leave New York at A M., 5 00 aud Viai P. M passing Heading at 1 A M., 1 aoaud 1U-1U H, M, and connect at Marrlsourg with Pennsylvania aud Northern leutrallRaliroad i-iprens Trains for Pitts burfi, Chicago, Wllllaun port, Klmlra. Baltimore, etc Reluming, zpresa Train leaves HarrlHOurg, on arrlVHl of Penus Ivania Jlxpress from PI tsburg, at 8 and 6-25 A. M , (t 85 P. M. panning Reading at 4 49 and 7-1 6 A M and 11 '40 P, M., arriving al New ork, 1010 aud 11-45 A. M ., ai d 6 on P. M. bleeping Cars accom panying ih-se trains through between Jersey City and Pllisburg, without change. Mall tralu tor New ork leaves TlarrlRhnrgat 810 A.M. and 205 P. M. Mall tralu lor Uarrlaburg leaves New York at 12 Noon. M.HUYLKILL VALLEY RA ILROA D. Trains leave Potlsville at 6'30 lrneA. M., and 7-15 P. M. , re turning lrom Tamaqua at 7 a5 A. M. and 140 aud 4 35 P. M. fc-lHUYLKILL AND PUBQITF.HANNA RAIL ROAD. Iri. Ins leave Auburn at 7f5 A. ii. for Pine grove and H arrlNburg, and al 1-45 P. M. lor Plue groye and Treuioul; returning lrom Harrlitburg al S'M P. M , and from Tremoul at 7'40 A. M., aud 6-35 TICKETS. Through first-class tickets and emi grant tickets to all the principal points In tbe Norlb aud W ttt and Canada-. JvxouiHlon Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and iuiernjedlnte stations, good for day only, are sold by Morning Accommodation, Market Tralu, Reading aud PotUstowuiAccomuiodaliou Trains, at reduced rates. bxcurflon Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day oniy, are sold at Reading and IuieruieUmte stations by Meaning and PutuUuvs a Accuuimodatiou Trains at reduced rales. '1 he lo. lowing tickets are obtainable only at the Ofl.ceof 8 Braoiord, Treasurer, No. 217 K. Fourth street. Philadelphia, or (A, A.N Icholla, General Uuper lntenuent, Reaulng. Commutailon '1 lcket at 26 per cent, discount, be lt e, n an noliits desired, lor families aud firms. Mileage Tickets, good for 2ou0 nil cs. between al points, at f "25u each, for families and II r oih, beanos TicketH, for three, six, nine, or twelve months. lor holdeis only. to all poluta at reduced Clergymen residing on the line of the road will be turiiinhto with cardb, eulliiiug tuemseiven aud wives to uikoui at hal fare. . . . . , , Excurtlon liukeis from Phlladrtpcla to principal stations, good tor batu'day, bunday, and Monday, at reduceu are, to be bad only at the Ticket Olilce, at Thirteenth and CallowbtM streets, ERe lOIlT. Ooods of all descriptions forwarded to ail the above points lioni tbe Company's New Fietgbt Di pot, Broad and Willow streets. FreiKbt Trains leave Pniiadeipbia daily at S'30 A. M ia45 noon, and P. M., tor Reading. Lebanon, ii an isburg, Potlsville, Port Clinton, and all points bM a'l'ls'ciose at the Philadelphia Post Otlice for all pluces on tbe road and lis branches at 5 A. M., and tor the prluopul dial Ions only at 2 15 P. M. BAOtfAOE. Dungau's Express will collect Bag gage for all trains leavlug Philadelphia Depjt. (n tiers ean be lert at No. tih a. Fonrib street, or al the Depot, 1 hlrteemb and Cullowhlll sm-eis, DEMISYLVAN1A CKNTHAL ItAlLUOAD. bUMMER TIME, TAK1NU EFFFJOTMAY 11,1868. The trains of tie Pennny Ivania Ceutral Railroad leave the J tpol, at THlRTY-el KbT aua MaixKttT btreets, ticu is ri-acbed directly by the Mark-t buteicars lue last car connecting with each train leaving front ana irarset streets tinny minutes oe fiir its '1 he Ciiemul and Walnut btreets cars run whbln one squa e of the Depot. On buudas The Market btreet cars leave Front and Market streets thirty-live mluules before tbe de parture oi eacn iiain Mm nine Car Tickets can be bad on anpllcatlon at tbe 1 lcket olilce N. W, corner Ninth aud Chesuut airee.a. and at the depot. ,.,. AkeUlS Ol toe UUIOU iinno.r, uuuii'nu will Mthll for aufl deliver baggage at tbe depot. Orders lefi at N'. Bui Ct'esnul slieei, or No. 116 Market b.root, will recf ive ,j.'it.n. leave DEpoTi VJZ. Mall Train " " 80 A, M. paoll Atcommouatiou. j.u. -i" mi a. iu., Fasl 1 ine ff JJJ M- l I 16 jfr.I IU tHH ..i.) iiL Paoll Accom. Nos. 2, 3, and 4-1 00. 6 00 aud IU ao P. M. p, atrlftouig Accom modai Ion 2 80 P. M. Lancaster ACeommodatlon - 4 00 P. M. Parkesuurg iraii........-.. . jj. ( luclnneil Express 8 On P. M. P.rl" Mail - ' 18 P. M- pi.ilauelHila Express JJ 15 P. M. Acconimooallou ......11 80 P. M. E rie Man leaves uany, r.uri'v oiui..j, piiliauelnhla h x press leaves daily. All other trains d The V?eBi,einUAccuyniniodatU.n Train runs dally, ex cent huiday. For train tickets must he pro cured atiit Dxgfcage aenveri-u m u uv x . u., u. iio alaiket Ktreeia. .,,,, ir'nifpnT: vit: TRA1IM5 - Clnelm ail 1-xprem- 135 A. M. Phlladeli Ma Express.......... ...7 10 A. M. ,...8 20 A. M. ,.7 10 A. M. ...U'lO A. M. ...U'JtB A. M. ..Vl-XO P. M. ....son p. al. Paoli Accommouauoii i.". Eile Mai Parket-hurg Tralu Laal Line - Lancahier Tralu L . Ii. L. w nrLaa . . .. n Paul! ACi uiuio'dBilou, Nos. 2 aud 8.3 4uaud 710 P. M Ijmv .:Kt.rehS " DairiBi urg Accou.uioOHiioii-.. auo r. m. t or ftiriner "y -' H'L'eN. Ticket Agent. JUU am UHKSNUT street. FRaNCI4 FUNK. Ticket Agent, No. 118 MARKET nreet. SAMUEL H. WALLACE, 1'ickei Aupnt at the Dooot. Tho Pennsylvania Railroad O mpanywlll not as- SiniiH anv ilbk lor liaukaue. eiceui lor Wearing Ai t Hrnl ana I lint tne-r lebUOiiKioiiity to one riuiiureu Dollars In value All Bagkage exceeding that amouut in value w ill he at the riHk of the owner, uuI-hi taken by special contract, 1-L.NV a KL 11. WILLIAMS, 4 2tf General Buperlntendent, Allooua, Pa, PHILAllELPIJIA, GEHMANT0WN, AND NOaRIbTOWN RAILROaij TIME TABLa. FOR wKRMAMTUWN. LeaveFblldelpua6. 7. 8, 905, In, 11, 12 A, M.. 1, 1, 84. S. 4, 5. Ki, B it", 7 8 9, 10, 11. 12 P. M- Ltave Geimai town 6.7, 7,'i. 8, 8 io, 9, 10, 11, 12 A, M 1 2, 8 4. 4?4 6, '4 , 7, 8, 9, 1", 1 1 P. M . The 8 2u 1 ow ii Train, aud 3, h TJp Trains will Dot Hup on Iht Oern aiio.wu branch, Leave Pbilsdeiplila n, A. M. 2, 7, tlIJi f. M. 1. 6 U P. M. Leave OernianlowuH'4 A. M. cd em n i it mill railroad. I.eav. Philadelphia 8, 8, 10,12, A. M-, 2, Z, 5?i,7, 9 and il P. M. I eave Chestnut Hill 711 , 8, 940, and 1114 A. M 140, 8'40, li4tl, 8 40. 8 40 Bi.U 10 40 P M ON bUMDAYS. Leave PhtladelpbU A. M. 2 and 7 P. M. Leave Chesiuut Hl.l 7 '5(1 A. M, ltt'40, 5 40 and 025 lVoK rONBHOB-Ot KEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philndvlpbia 6, I1-,, 9, and 11 05 A. M. 1, 8, 41-. , 8,'i "Js, s i ana HH P. M. Leave Norrisiown 6 40, 7, 7 50, f, and 11 ATM., 1, 8, 4;..4.audP.M.N6CNDAm Iave Pnladelpbia9 . M 2 3n and 7-1 P. M. Ltave oiribiown 7 A. M., 5Ki and 9 P. M. FOKMANAYUNK. Lravf piillndelphae.7H aud 1105 A. .,1,8, rAWiittV&k?. ".wait., 2..6.05.BaF.W.puNDAYB, 1 eave Philadelphia A. M.i sftf and TV P. M. lllvl Mausj link 7Ji A. M 6 and 9! V. M. W. b. W I ul-ON. Henera, buperlntendent, Deiiot NIN'l H and UREEN btreela. E'l 'i n E Bl-Kl-'lHK HOLY B1BLK HARD j lug's Editions Family, r-uipii ano pocket itiDls lu bt-autlhil 'style ot t uraey MoriKxx) ana antiqas bindings. A new edition, arranged for photograpai p.Mtrs rail 01 1mmi. Win. VT , llAltUlu, ruuil-MUfr, OSOa UtCJi.lUlKU'i' Um WW ITwaxi RAILROAD LINES. J jPHR. A N?HAY TSMn anCEMpDH,I IUM PHILADELPHIA X0 NKvV YORK AND V'a VJ,LACEH. FROM. W A LIS UT n r nu-rS u sr. At. M.,vfa Camden and Amboy Acoommo. f!atlon-.H '" A2'2H At 8 a. M. Via Camden and Jersey Cliy Jlx- prMsMalL .. -.; -, n 8no All f, M Vt-1 O-ruden and Amboy Express... Iiio At $ to P. M,. Via Camden aud Jersey U ty Ex press -, ,. - - . 8 00 At 8 P. M.. for Atuboy nd Intermediate stations. AtMWand 8 A. M 2 ni." 8-i P M., lor Freehold. At 8 and 19 A. M , 1 8'W bl d 4 sn P, M for Trenlon, Al 6-8,1. 8, ml 10 A. M;. 1. 2. 8 8 -.IU. 4-SO. and II 80 P. M. for Bordeulwn, Bur'lngton, Beverly, and Delanco. At VBOand 10 Aj M,. 1, S, 8,8 30, J , 6, and 11 80 P. M ror Florence. At 6 a, and in A. M., 1. , 480. . anl ll3n P. M. for Fdgewnr, Rlveim )e, Illverti-n.and Palmyra. 2 P.M. for Rlverton and 8'H0 P. M. tor Palmyra. At 8.10 and 10 A.M.., 1, 8, 4 30, 6, aud 1180 P. M. for FlHh House The i and 11 80 P.M. Lines leave from Market Street Ferry (upper side,. FKOM KEWSI.HtVTOr? DEPOT. At 11 A. M., via Keiisiiik Viii. and Jersey City, New Y'ork Expiews Line Fare f t. At 7 and U A. M.. 2 8 3n, and 8 P. M. for Trenton and Bristol. And at lirlft A. M. 'or Urisuil. At 7 and 11 A.M., 2 80, aud 6 P. M, foe Morrlsvllla and Tullyinwn. At 7 nud pi-16 A, M t'30, and G P, M, for Bchencks and Eiht'ngion A 1 7 and lo-lK A. M., 2'Sll. 4,5. and 9 P. M. tor Oorn wells, 1 orrl-ilale, ltolnnviinig Tai-ony, Wisslno mlng. BrldcHburg, and Fiuokford, aid al 8 P, M, for HolnieslmrK and IniHmiedlain st iilous. VaOM WKMT PHILAOItl-l-llIA L KlOT, via t-'onncllrg K'llwav. At -no A. M., 1 an. no, and 12 P. M. New Yorlr Ex press Llns, via Jorsev Cliy, Pure :fi. At 1 A. M., Euilgrant Line Pure, Tbe9 se A. M.. and P. M. Llues wlU rr.n dally. All others, bunuays excepted At 9-3,1 A. M pan, 8 an, aivt 12 P. M. forTrenton. At 9 -80 A M.. 8 M and 12 P. M, tor B Istul. At 12 P. M. (Mkht) lor lorrl-vlll, Tullytown, Pchenitk B.Eddlngton. Corn ells, Torrlsdale, Holmes burg, Tacony, Wlaulnomlng, Brldtsburg, and Frank lord, Fortlnes leaving KenMng'on Depot ttre the cars on Thiru or Kilih tueets at i l.-inutnreet.3u luliuiies before del aritire. 'lhei.ason MurKt-t slfel llailvy run direct to Wmt Plnlu'lelpb n Hepot: Chesuut and W n I n lit wiihlu one square, on 'uinlas tho Market Bire t cars will ruu to connect witu lue 9 80 A. M. aud 8 30 P. M. lines. , BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES. From Kensington Deisit. At700A. M. for Niagara Falls, Bnllalo, Dunkirk, Klmlra, lihaca, Owe ti. Koche-,ter. Blughamlon, Os wego, b raouse, Great Bend, Montrose, Wllkesbarre, bchooiey'B Mountain etc. At 7 On A. M and 3-3H P.M. for Bcranton, Strouds burg. Water Gap, Helvlilere, E.oiton, Laiubertvliln, I-lemlugioii, etc Tn 8 8" P. V . Liue couuects direct with tbe Train leaving Eas'.on tor Mauch Cuunk, Allentown, Beth'eheni. eti. At 6 P. iX, fur Latubertvllle aud Intermediate (Sta tions. CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON CO., AND P EM BER'! ON AND HlGHtiiTOWN RAlLUOADsl, Frum Market Bt. Ferry (upner side.) At8 A.M., 1,4, Hin o-lfi P.M., lor Mercbautsvllle, Mooreslowu Haillord.Masonville. Halns'.ort, Mount Ho ly, bujllbvllle, Ewausviile, Vlucentowu. Blr mli gtiam. aud Peraberton. , . At 1 and 4 P.M.. for Lew stown, WrUbtstown, Cookstown, New Egypt, Iloruerstowu, Cream Ridge, lmlaystown. bharou, and Highuitown, Fifty pounds of bagj,ge only are allowed each pasxeegei. Passengern are pr ihlbned from taking anj thing SB batrgsge but their wearing apparel. All bskgane ver lilty pounds to I)- pall tor ex fa. The Compuuy limn their lenponnlbliity for OAggage to o.V) dollar per jm.uh I. and mil not be liable for auy BDiouni beyond li.O, except by special contract. Tickets sold aud baggage chi-cked direct tliroagb to Boston, Worcester, bpringtelil, H rtford, Ne Haven, Providence. Newport, Albany, Tioy.Baratoga, U lea, Rome, (Syracuse Kncnesler, liudmo, iNlugara Fails, ano buspeimion utiuge. An 'lIHoDai Ticket Office is located Bt No. 828 Cbannt street, where Tickets to New York and all important points North aud iast. may ne procured. Persons purchasing llcee.s a', tills officecanbave their hagguge checked troin residence or Hotel to destination by Union Trausier Baggage Express. Ll N ES FROM N K.W YOl'.KI'OBPIIILADELPHIA, Wlil leave Ir. m loot ol Coiirtland street at 7 A M., 1 and 4 P. M., nd 12 night via Jer ey City and Ca-n-deu; at 6'8ii P. M via Jeri-ey City and Kenslugtou: al 10 A M., 12 M., aud 5 P. M. via Jeraey Cliy and West Pnlluneli bia. .. . . . . rem Pier NO. 1 NO'in Jtiver uts bu &. ev-vww modatlon. and 2 P.M. Express, via Arahiy aud Can.den. WlLblAil U. UATZilKl. 11 "" i Till LA DELPHI A, WILMINGTON AND BAL TIM ORB RAILROAD. II ME TABLTC, commencing MONDAY, A pro 13, 188S. Trains will leave Depot corner of BROAD btreet and WASH IN'jTON Aveuue as toliows: Way-Mall Tralu al 8.10 A. jvi tauuoays excepteai for Baltimore, suipplng at all Ri-gular (Stations, con. n.ctinirwith Delaware Rallroitd at Wilmington fur C'rlKfceld aud lutermedlaie btatlons. j.xpree( 'train aliztx. ul. -,-uuuays excepted- ror Baltimore and Waxliluglou, stopping at Wliuilugtou, Perrvvllie. aud Havre-de-Ui ace. Counecia at Wll- mlii.tou with train for N-w HXpress I rain bl .hi it, hi. (ouumv" vjlwwj iur Baltimore and WaxbtiiKton, suipplng at Chester, Tburlow, Lin wood. Clay moot, vv llmington, Mewpavt, btauton, Newark, Elkton, NorUieast, Charlestown, Perryvllte, iavre-ue-uruce, iioerue-u, rcirjuinu , Edgewood, Magnolia. Chitse's and btemmer's Run. Night Express at 110 F M. (Lailyl lor Baltimore aud Washington, stopping at Perry vIIIh and Havra- de-Grace. Ctinnecui at wnmngton isaturaays ex cepted) with Delaware itauroau uiue, stupoiug at New Cattle, Mlddletown, Clayton, Dover. Harrington, beatoru, nansnnry, i-riuueoo fliim, uio counecllng at Crinneia witu tioat ror rortress oiou- roe, Nonoik, rorismontn, auu me aouvu. Passengers lor Forties" Monroe and Norfolk via Baltimore will lake tne 12.00 M. Train. Via Cxlaiield will take the mo P, M. train. WILMINGTON TRAINS. tttopplng at all stations between Philadelphia ana wunuiuktou. Leav Philadelphia at 1100 A. M., f80, 500, 708, and 11 t-M dally) P. M. The 6 0 P. M. Tralu connects with Delaware Railroad lor Uarrlngtou aud Inter leave wimnlgton 70 and 810 A. M. (dally), i-ao 416 and 780 (.dally) P. M. Tne 8-lnA. M. Train will net stop between Chester and Philadelphia. FROM BALTIMORE IO PHILADELPHIA. Lea a Baltimore 726 A. M., Way-Mall: 9-40 A. M.. Express; 2 26 P. M., Express; 36 P. M., Express; S o6 P- buNDAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE, Leaves Baltimore at -56 P M.,Btopplug at Uavre-d-Grace perryvtlle, and WUnitngtou. Also slops at North-East. Elkion, aud Newaik to take passenger for Puiladelphia aud leave p:.oe,igers troin Washing ton or Baltimore, and at Cheotvr to leave passenger! lrom Washington or Baltimore. lbrouVh tickets to all points West, Bonth, Booth wi,i, maKy be procured at tho Ticket Office, f o.828 CHEbNUT Hireet. under lUo Couttueuial Hotel, where also, state-rooms and bertha lo sleeping cars cau be secured during the day. Persons purch.slu tickets at this office can bive their baggage checked at their residence by the Cntuu iraunier Compauy b H. F- K EN I-1 K Y, buperlntendent. CUOKTES1 KG DTK ItTllllii SA-SU0tiE! CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. M'MUEU ARrt-V'3ttMENT. FIVE TRAINo DaILY TO aThAMTO CITY. On and after BATrRDAY, July 4, trains will leave VINE btreei Ferry as lol uws:- tip. cla.1 Exourslou - . M. Mall -7 SO A. M. Fieigbl, with paisenger car au.oueu Express (through In iwo houi") Atlantic Account odallou 9 16 A. M. 2-00 P. M. ....4 lo P. M. Bpeclal Bxcurslon ) P- M. JJtt)l .MMH..HHH..I l tT. M. Freight, wlib pawengr cai lP4e A. M. FxpKsa (tbrougb lu two houis) - 7-10 A. M. Accouimodallou " M. Junction Accommodation lo Ar-o and In- temiedlatesiailons. leaves Vine street & Jt P. M. Returulug, leaves Arco..- "28 A. M. Haddonaeld Accommodation Train leaves vine street ....M IS A. M. and 2n0 P. M, JeVve Haduouid I do P. M. and 815 V. M. Sunday Mall Train to Atlatlo, Leaves Vine street - Leavea Atlantic...... .7 80 A. M. ...4'20 P. M. Fare to Atlantic, 82. Round trip tickets, goad only lor the day an 1 tralu ou which lhey are Issued. .. lo5 r.jiriT...iit.hiu 1 .....i v mem Company, Nj. 825 CHFbNU i bireet. will call lor baggage in auy part of lh-city and suburbs, and check to hotel or collage "'AVioVnhVrcket offices have been located at No. m cHKeNUT btreet, p h. MUNDY. Agent. OH1LAUELPU1A AND LRIK KAILROAD.- bxtmMEK TIME TABLE. Thronrh and direct route Philadelphia, r,7,.?,;.v larrlHburk. Wllllatuspori. to the NortU- ?"'. .rt Oil Heklou oi Penusylvanla. Ik Lva ANT bLEKPI NO CA t-JS on all (sight Trains. n.Tlnd alter MONDAY. May 11, 1888, toe trains " uiJt r.-.',",.Vi i.,d Kna Railroad will run as Oil til O f UUPUOlf UtM follow -wiwTwaan. . . ui i ....... UUM.D ts r. m. MU Tftn . 8-20 A, M. i. leaves mmiuo ..- aw, p m leav . ua ui. Ii.rlu. l.i-vMi Pulladelpilla.. ...11 to noon .rm wll,BU1B1,ori-.. . 8'bO f. M .10 06 A. M a m arrives at Erie.. Elmira Mall leaves rh edelphta.... . 8 00 A. M '2 P. M, : b MrlveaatLiickllaven TV p. at, noo A. M M ail Train leaves Erie. . u leaves VV lill anuioort.. lo'is r. n .,,Tv- at Philadelphia., 7 10 A. M. 7 40 P. M. Erie Express leaj VimUu'.Vi:::. ' ...j t Phliadelnliia.. 8 15 A. M 6 ,4 P. M .nd Exi-resH conuect with Oil Creek and Alia. gbeiy iuverUJUoad. fiVD iTTYLhlC Uonwai buparluteoabai, saAA"' AUCTION SALES. HllMQ Unn ... . . . ... AV-A B. FOURTH tnrZ ' ls 11 KEAT JlbuUKHOLD TtmNfTTrnir " t. CARPKTM. ATri UJBUi tur. 7 18 81 VAltl'AVV'W H AND OTltKH J nly 21. at l0of).?.Ji,w"r Moroln Cat I ldn mm """"""iu iiiriiiinre, com wdi, cedar sy amore. and .,th. rt he, bed -Kan nr.). hiia .iJ5. "r'tt cMdar ward oil er c.rpe-s; ne Cr'milwr',,n Brimels. ana rtrlgei ators. aiicaea refr'geraujr. ti. . 7" T IBn, tore, eto. kllonen fu ni. 7 IS 2d BALK OF PKL FhtaTK. RTnev. On Tuesday ajpxt ' ""- ch,,?V- " 12 'C'l "' n00D' M th -PWIadolphla Ex. deedT' Pa'e K?tfttS of ,AME3 OALBKAITH. lol KTSnX nr'Ck T,T6rn ftnd OweUlng. No. $ Cal- t amp l.atat Lot, Second street, soulii of Hunting. don. wmo Ksiat Ot. Lthlffll IT.nn. HireiM.. below M .U,h. ! IS. Tl'.h'I," I'"''"' Brick Dsrelllnf . No. 530 aouttx Tenth stree, l.elow mha-d ' Modern I hree-story Bnc Dwelling and liable N. I8luMt. Vernon street atlleelfrnkt, Mrdern l i reestorj Brick Reddeoce, No. 2UuOreej ireet, 40 ln ri nt. 2 nl, tw Ki i.siugton Natl mal Bank 7 seares o,isoiloHon Natl.xml Kink. s share F.r ers' and Mocttanlci' N til nal Bank 2" sha'es Nnhern LlnertleV G ,s Oo. lC'Shsres Cnliid Mlnlrg an bmelllng Co. N O. H shares Green aud Coalej biroets Panseuge' It u. Catalogues ro rr arty. TVTAKTIN r.ROl'H EKS, AUCTI0NEEK8. n l. r M Thnniaii .t. noiik i XX. (1 aii'ly Pa-esmeu lit (M No. all) tllibMI bt., rear entrance from Minor, Pstp nt. No. 52') Cne-tntU strpe. vefv ft f khiok walnut kurvitcrh, FKKVCII pltE Miliums. FISE BUUdsELi CARPE'lb, Bi'OK CAoE-t. ETO On .M nirtny M .ruing. At 10 o'clock, at the Auuilon Rooms bv camlotrno . Very supeilor parlor f rnluire. bandsnmn walnut chamber luiniiure; walnut and oak extenhloo lleii; slcebot.rds; tiandsome ecreiary buok-ca-e: large tna hogauy l k-t-afe-; two trench plate pier mirrorar large counter lab e-; walnut and oak coiiiuln.-iionia at.u flic furnliure: Hun Brusseli a d otaer eroeu; (anion ma'; oil palotlnta and .ngravtngi; six very superior sewing rnachlues, made by exce leut makers: n beus etc. CANE t-EAT ANO WINDSOR CHAIRS. 12 dozen walnut caue seat dining and siltlug roonx and rbsnit er cha.rH. 8, doteu Wlnrsor chairs, ppw. 7 17 gt D. BIcCLFES & CO. fSTJCCESSORS TO J- Mc' leliaud &, Co., Auctioneers, No. bob MAR KET btreeL it 8 ALU OF 900 CAPHH BOtyiS, BHOES, BRO HA.NtS, ETC On Thursday morning, July 73, at in o'clock we will Bell by Catalogue, for rash, boo cases lun's, B ys and Yuuili's Boots, dhoes. KriUBiii, Balmorals, etc. Also, a general ashorlmeut ot Wouieu's, Misses, aud oht'dreaa war. 7 18 it THOMAS lilBCII to r-ON, AUCTIONEERS AND CON'MlbblON t KltcUANTs, No. lllg OHtuNOT Htret; rear entrance No. 1107 Hkosqiti t. IPPlNCdTr. SMN & CO., AUCTIONEERS, Ashnrst Binding. No 240 MaRKKT Mwi BUNTING, DURBOROW & CO.. AuOriuDU EIRb, Nos. 22 and 284 MARKET Htrxet. cot I ner of Btnk street, buccessors to John B, Myers A- ) AMUSEMENTS. HOOLEY'S OPERA DOUSE, SEVENTH Bireei. below rcn. LAfS'P WEE1C OF THE BUMMER bKASON. TP E BE-if BILL IfiVlK OFFERED, R. M, Carroll In his Ori-al bpectaih les. Ureal Hit of the Li gard Burle-qne. W 1- HM.MIAY, JULY 15. BENEFIT OK AKtHY HnoHES. Tbe FALL and WINTER heaHON win onmmeqoa Moi da ,bepleu.ber 7. witu Huoley'a Mlunrels.7 list i03'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATVB. EVERY EVENINU AND HA 1 URDA Y AF'l aRNOON. GREAT COMBINATION TROUPE, In Grand Bnlle's, Ethiopian Burle-que. Bongl' Danms. Pantomtniee. UymriMt Aors. eui HORT1CILTUKAL HALL. EXGELKE'S Promei.a te Cn"eerti every iSAl UKU Y from 4 to 8 P.M. FIsCHKKH Ice-cream served In tha Fiye-. Admis-i jn 25u i licken, i: 4n ticket", tS. 710 St STOVES, RANGES, ETC NOTICE. TUB UNDERSIGNED Wou o cull attention of the puunc tu b.a NKW OOLDEN FAULK FUeN ACS. This 's au entirely new beater. It is boo in structed as to command Itselt togeueral tavir, ben g a Ci.n biuBtlon ol wrought aud cast fou. It la very simple In Its construction, and Is rerirctiy a'r llgbi; sell ileaul g, having no pipes or drums te be taken out and cleaned. It Is so arranged witu a.Mgtt flues bs to prentice a larger amount or neat iro u iu Same we'ght of uoal than any furnace uow iu nse, Tbe by grou.etrlc condition ot the air as product-d by my new arrangement ot evaporation will aioicedo monstrate tbat It Is tbe only Hot Air Furnace that Wi'l produce B peirecuy neaimy a-munpiiera. Ibose lu wsutot a complete Heating apoaratna would do well to call aud examine the Golden Eagle, iw r rii.iLo v i ij ij i a .i Nos. 1132 and 1134 MARK E r 8ir-et, Philadelphia. A laree assortment of Cooking Ran nee. fire-board Ftoves, Low Dcwn Urates, Ven.ilaiors, etc, al way a on baud, ...... ... K, 11. jonn ng or at, Kinns prompny ooun. o if . TUOMPSON'B LUNDON KITCHENER. Efi OK KlittO-EAN KANUE, lor Faminas, JHo'els. tir Public Institutions, im-TWENTr Di FFEti ENT elZEb- Also. Pblladelpbla Ratges.llot Air Furnaces, ii.-aieis, L iw- down Orates, Fireboara moves, uatn Boners, mew- bole Plates. Hollers, O os ing niuves, evu., wuoiHaaisj and retail, by tbe mauuiaciurerti nrin in au ut i iium 3v 127 Bin thfim No IS. SECOND Hlrftet. RAILROAD LINES. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. Trains t.itweu WASHINGTON ANU 11 a l,TI MORE, and WA-iHINOfON AND THE WEdT arc now ruu as follows, vis:- T.av. 6 all v. exceul (Su nday , at 7 OU. Vi and 12 '30 F. M., and 200, atid 4 an and 8 45 P. M, Leave dally, except Buuday, at 700 A. M., and IU0 BIKl 8HS P. M. t,.. .nnmnrra FOR W AY brAil'ii nj u I n je AHiiaivuui Leava at 616 and 7 oo A. M.,'and at 200 andfst vnn ikm poi.tb. T at 700 A.M. and 4 '80 P. M. No trains to OT from Anuupoiis on biinday. J 1 FOR BALI IMORK. Leave at 748 A. M., aud 430 aud 8-45 P. M. FOB WAY BTAUONM. Leave at 745 A. M , and 4-an a d 8 45 P. m. i OR ALL PARIS OF THE W-isr. Leave datlv, except baturduy aud buuuay, '" M.. 8 4IS P. M. .. .u r. M On baiurday at 7 46 A. M;. end 8 ( P. M. M On buu.,y at aud 8 45 P. W. o nly. n "f0 Relay btation with trains trom aaiwiuu." lug Pars eri-burg, etc. the West can be had at tha -1 niuiiEU i icat-ko J. L. WII.e.ON Master ot TranRportallon. VI M. t O Jl-E, Oeneral Tlcnei Aifent. J 2St 77EOROE b. KOUMi, Ageut, w asoiogvou. TiRKIfiUT LINES FOR NEW YORK AND H ALL POIMB KOKTu a d EAbT. aud for all Nations Camdeu aud Amboy and Oonneotlmi afunlada trorv Walnut street wharf. kaskd UEbPATCH. . ... u nnii tM on tha Oftroopn ana jTriKU. , "K.r -and Wnrlinirum AmmRal7roa;r.:.orwarded at 12 o'clock V. r T. n, tin. rrlncep n, Klnuston, Rocky Hill ana alf Jnt. on"he New Jersey aud B-ilvldeia Balfe fTIPni) MUU jBluroutiiai . -- rosds, loraarctea Btx-4 r. m. For New York, at ll H. and 8 P M Frelubt received from 7 A. M . to row.ka MJ A slip menioranoum, speclM g JM nnmbers, shipper. sn.l.onslue, must la every m- siauce be 8ent " nl WiJ 5 IA Delaware Avenue, No, iJ . uiuidelbl. I7T pCORCC p LOW M A CARPENTER AND BUILDKi, REMOVED To fo. 134 DOCK pillLADKLPUlAi Jutvn at to ,',n,MV.1,1"J' w,,r"'". t roe, and n . n..,. p7, I0:!" ' ?? tort bliuta. r ang, lUS Kllchnn wVshn.gVnHtatloncke broke ieiHKij'h d HMVe,,t, streets. 'i nrtiiiiifi i itLv r to T tJ a twv .llnail,fil I III ''