.1 ir-Mi-a. NUMBER CLXXX. A MCT FOB MltNTAt. DTSPltrTICS. AK A CffM FOB BY-roCHONPRTA. HY-roCRIST, OB AWT COWPIAIKT OF A HY OBOEB. TTiT axd wisdom or man ANOzowoaDitif GATHERED BY TUB MLEIKS KDITOB. From "Punch." ItuBiCAt Problem. Why do players on the Yioliocello always tk Biiufl? I JVol Printer's Devil. Nobody Nose ! Aitbb et Idem. Some cute Yankee impor ter" have been cheating tb.ir own oantotn honoe by getting ttaesir lead sent from Spain, rnn into monlda representing tbe heids of eia jnent American statesmen, and invoioed as worV of art," whlnb. come in free of doty. If the United States have to com plain of lead being Bniuggled in on them under the form of statesmen's he-da, enr complaint on this side the water is that have to pa heavily for "states men's hadg," which should properly be en tered as "lead." "IlBADTirilL FOREVER!" A reputation tuny be stained, With ainlrcb of foulest filth engrained, But atlll the motto on sustained, Of "Beautiful Forever 1" Bt ill o'er Ibe door the Royal Arm. lsy turn, wlihln our Circe's arms, Ttie tonls wlioM bv osmetic) cliuruis He ' Beautiful Forever I" Rt 111 battered belles. In triple veils, Thrniijjh real aches ami b irroweJ alls 'Will wade, In hones to lure the mains Wbeu "Heautltul Forever!" Btlll dropping character and cash, Ko'iln win Hsk p Ny, pimple, rasii. In hopes to rise from pste nail wash As "Beaulliul Forever 1" Would runch could have a mirror raised Before these loola, cosmetlc-crzed, To Hhow I he f.ire I hey'd hear beprained As "Beaullful Foieverl" For nature's rose, red rouge's wear, For nature's crown, r coi psu's hulr, For nature's white, inn enamel's glare. There's "Beaullful Forever!" But foully as such faces show, 1st ill foil I lor hum rs lurk nulow, Aud more than lu ali hs to wreck may go, lu "Beaullful Forever!" Boon, seamed without and soiled within, Ho n I in ny kiow hideous as skill, A whllecl sepuloure of slu Uiibeualiful Forever! From 'Tun." To Perpoks of Neglected Education. It U Incorrect to assume that a President of ilayti is necessarily a potentate of four-s'core years of age. We are aware that a notion prevails to the contrary, but is, we believe, chiell con fined to the metropolis." "LIMITED 1IA11II.ITV.'1 on frt nrn-o iTtnuO . - - , .j . . i. r . a ... ... , Bo tnn v companies aaek liquidation, Wtilcli "iiiuiteu" libit to lutlv shareholdeis liable "What is ttio meaning of "Co-operation ?" KrK'lhh. you see is a. language, so plmulo. WliHt, Is the ditrerenoe, kI dly I'd know, 'Iwixt Co operation and Limited Co ? A AVEI.COM K TO LONOFKHOff, Here's a welcome to you. Professor, Arrived on the English strand; For your songs across the AtlanMo In the toi gueof the molher-Und. Your lyrics are loved of the household, Thai knows no Academy 's law: One hand's warm pressure Is better Than a whole world's distant awe. It's cold In tuo clear blue ether, That the blue of the eagles aohleves: But the (.wallows tiave endless su.nmer, ' And build close uuder our eaves. And the voices t hat bid ynu welcome Are many, and tender, and true They'd rut shout f ir toe bust of the P36ts A& loud as they're hailing you ! Come to the homes of the people, Where your household words are dear; There's seldom a poe has auug them, fc-uch lyrics of courage aud cueer. The poet who taught "Resignation," Who sang us lhe"tsalm of Life" You are dear to them all, Professor, Child, parent, husbaud, uud wile! Aye, let Universities seat you In Temples of Honors aud Arts: The people of England. Hlr, greet you, Ana opeu the doors of their hearts. A Blissful Time for Tories. When "all's line." Their Old (Jamb. The Americans have a happy knack of adopting old ideas, aud bring ing them out as original. They have just "invented" a wine made from apples, which they call Vin de Pomme. In Worcestershire and Devonshire this will be considered a de jder'd novelty 1 From "Judy." THE TWO POETS. An Imaginary Scene. That Henry Wads worth Longfellow, the Urst poet in America, will visit Alfred Tenny son, the first poet iu England, is a thing of conrse; and, although Judy is neither a spirit medium nor Dr. Camming, she foresees the Scene, as follows: Mr. Longiellow goeth on a visit to the Poet Laureate. lie is met at the station by his Lost. Mr. Tennyson (loq.): Bhonld you ask me II. V. L., It lual I am glad to see you. If t hat In my humhlu wigwam We will Binoke iuh fragrant peace-pipe; I tdiouid answer, I snould lull you Fioiu Ihe great, lakes of the Norm Land, Where once dwelt the grim OJ loways (Not to mention the Daonlabs), Where the pumpkin kijuaan aud greenbacks Apple sass and woudeu uuunegs, ' Flourish in their wild profusion, Lo! I bid thee hearty welcome, O musician and sweet siuger 1 The reply of Longfellow mu3t inevitably be as follows: 1 bold it truth with those who say (idou't exactly know their names,) That poe la who have equal fames Phould meet tuus lu a iiiuudly way. I ho' oceau waves they rise aud fll, (And 1 was HI when tempest tossed), i'ls better to 've been 111 and cr issei Than never to have crossed at all ! Mr. Tennyson (loq ) ; i.'nlH isu't the forest primeval; the murmuring trees and the hemlocks lnaibe iUwulghtare UL ne,e: nr lmU,tlact Do tu3rt "rufdibf old stand; nor with wlno 080 Iffiil Ui'ver" her6' 8 U Br0W8 y the Bea BBt SryanYbuL3;0" Srv,0e 1 P'. SSE&'S SSS be yoars: Rnd no" The poet will then atne. At noh moments meaner mortals, like Jadr And hC readers, must not intrude upon them at an' rate until the cloth is withdrawn, when Mr. Longfellow will thus address his host: 'Comrade, I ha7. ned extremely well; and as since early d.wn I have tasted nought save beer, and of that only cne small hum, Tfflj DAILY TgvEglNG a that I erjoyed it; and Ihli truth i FINANCIAL, Ton may bums that I erjoyed it; and Ihli truth Tbat, no natter how ethereal, poets suffer hnn If pefbBpstbaiyoa'll excuse tno, I should like And In slumber steep my sense", also rest my weary head." It hereupon Mr. Tennyson will rinff for candles aud t tcort his guesl to his room I Arrived at the bedroom door, it is perfectly u.liln V, nr 111 then AV. It you're waking, call me early, call me early I find1 'it.6 aiur'tondon, really very plea.t And alfawalk ere breakft 1 atore, If Sue the Let us go' to-morrow morning yes, I only hope we may. At this point the American bard retires to his couch, shutting his door. Ills host, how ever, gives a final vent to his Longfollownian feelings in these words. r Stars of the summer night, 11 1Kb iu your azure deeps, Not too much golden light lie sleeps, My William sleeps, Sleeps. Preams of Ihe summer night; Don't, pleime, with nightmare keep lllm broad awake to night; But sleep Yes, lei him Bleep, Sleep. The scene will here close. From the "Tomahawk." WOMAN'S WORD-BOOK. Testament An aot which proves the value of a husband. Theatre A place of exhibition where the only serious comedy is played in front of the house. Thin A quality which, in woman's vintage only, recommends a good whine. Thought A bird which flies too rapidly for woman to put any salt on its tail. Time Woman's rival: for no tight-lacing can compare with tlw waist of Time. Tinsel The patent of stage nobility ut all the world is a stage. Tobacco A pleasaut weed before marriage, a foul habit after. K. 15. Widows' weeds are the only ones which dou't end in htnoke. Tombstone The stamp on death's little bill. Tongue The unruly member for I'ly-mouth. Tooth, Teeth Singular, a tusk, l'erfeot plnral, a set of pearls. Treasure The husl.-.nd who ka3 left yon a widow. Truth An invisible girl condemned in hatred of chignons and faLje charms to remain at the bottom of a well. Perils of Alpine Kailrontl Travel. A conespondent ot tlio London Tim?a, de scribing Ihe BuuncY l ail way over the Alps, saj?: "As to the rt cent acridrnt on tlio Imp, it na been much esiiupc ra cd, and hud nolhmi; to do with the construction of the line it-elf. 1c oc curred beiweeu Mutpi (iikI I'atM li, titter pasin the Brenner, in the direction ot JIiiQicli. A pin ol the tuonntuiu called Knct til l'nu-cu give way, and lor a t nie ofo-drtic'eit all proare-s. The eu (lneer told n:e it hnd bceu toreseen, and prepara tion were bnnirinade lr brinsrinc t- do vn wneu tbc acc. (h ut occurred, but ctht hundred men were v il od. aud iu turce hours h purtion of the pioumi was clcau'd, vL.lc, ncjoidiiig to him, iu tlirce diiy.", accoiding to oiht rs, in live das, toe trains were runtiiug a;:am. TlnU tUcre arc slips in ft rue of the tunnels is perlcctl.v true. 1 p is-cd tlirotipb two w) ich were f-up.ioili d by n mtri ca'e tramewotk of wood and t.ttoun poles ta deed, the engineer a imiitcd that as many were uuder repair, on the lo vpr part ot the road, too, 1 observed tuatibere. had been tevcx.il other luulip, which seeiiicd to hive nnpuirud the outer boundaries of the road, an I poodiioiis wooden machinery was raised on tbose sitet. They wcie .not, however, oi biich a character as to obtftrnot ihe working ot I e line, fcneb aceuleuta as tUee oa a road to exposed to the wiuer suoivs must needs be expected, but the experience of evvry year will di-covcr the most dangerous spot, and provide precautious. It is, hoA-ever, a road tb it will ie quire constant and strict surveillaucc. To the ec nothinf.' can be more h'lished or boau'.iful ttau the construction of this wondcrlul work, especially on the Jialo-Ausiriau side'; wlicru there ore ouj apparent Uefe'uts or cravbudrs, they are all ou the Aus ro-Li iv.iriau tide. Tbete the engineer had to contend with the gieaieft dilliculue-, and his science is evident at evety step. "lo the uninitiated the rrsults were surprising. Wo lonLed down tevetul niiu lred feet ou a road we had paf-scd overtcu iniuutus before, aud one part esiieriHlly struck us. It was us it tbe arm was doubled over the hfeat aud we "entered a tunnel by the hand, coming out at the most dis tant shoulder, enough to sIidvv tb? narrow space in biiih the engineer bad to work au 1 the srreat difficulties which his skill has overcome. Every one is now speaking of the creat duuger of traveling by the Fell Uaiiway over Mont C-nis, oat utter passing tue lirenner, and examining Mr. Fell's line, I see little or no dillicultv iu the danger atteuding the transit, which I should put dowu at seio. It is true that ou the Ceuis line oue ap peals at times to be etiarein? at au acute angle at tbe precipice, but on the Brenner a consider able extent of the lino is at tue very eJg; whereas for the niot part tho Ceuis line is coa ttructed at a distance Iroui it. Ou the Breuuer, too, there are not, as yet, any of tho.-ie barri cades of wall, which, if they do not oiler auy safeguard, at all events save the nerves of timid people. You look out ot vour window down to a depth ol several hundred feet, and have not the guaranty ot Mr. Fell's central wheel. On the Cenis hue you may occa'ioually look down several hundred leet deeper, but It' it caine to a eniauh it is not the duTercuceof u hundred feet or so that would sire you. Oa the extreme e;lpps of tbe lirenner 1 observed also that tho geological formation was at times of conglome rate; but, thoueh this line was constructed in a wouderiully short time, doub'less the engi neers have taken every precaution to make a solid basi., 1 must couiess, however, that when I looked out of my window to the valleys tar below, tbe loose conglomerate and often slaty particles made one desire that it had been gram te Instead." Tub Way the Maidens do in Chicago. The maidens of Chicago have learned a trick or two from the married women as to the power of the Courts. Ons of them kept her betrothed on his good behavior by threats of a suit for breach of promise. If he was absent from her for two days there came a note: "Darling If I do not see you iu two hours I shall com mence the suit. Thy adoring Marion." Naturally he wnt. If be wished to go to a concert, and he did not profess a willingness to Bcort her, there came a note: "My own Thornley The papers are in the hands of a lawyer. Faithfully yours." The youth en dured all this until the insisted on his taking a class in an infant Kuuday School and cut oil his imperial. Then he had her arrested for disorderly conduct. JOHN CRUMP. CARFENTER AND BUILDER, suors: no. am lodub dtbeet, an KO, 17 IllLNA VT NIUEET, M PnTXATrELPfTIA. CO K N EXCHANGE K AG MANUACrOKY. J O II IN T. IIAUKY A CO., KKUliVKl) TO N, E. corner ot M a tiKha' aud WATER BtroeU, DEALERS INau.'Sd BAGQING Oram, Flour. HMtVJ&Wjf't Um9, Bone T. BAIUdf, jAMm CaBCADBM. BUY COUPONS OF GOVERNMENT BONDS AT SAME PRICE A3 GOLD. J AG EMS FOR THE SALE OF THE rOFU LAR LOAJNS Central and Union Pacific Rail road First Mortgage Bonds, rrlncipnl and Interest Tayablo In Gold. COUPONS OF 1HE3E BONDS CASHED AT OUR OFFICE. Dealers in all Government Securities. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., No. 16 South THIRD Street, 710 PHILADELPHIA. Q O U P N 8 CP THE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OP The Union Pacific Railroad Co., AND Central Pacific Railroad Co,, Fuid at the Banking House 01 WE PAINTER & CO., Ho. 30 S. THIRD Street, eiU PHILADELPHIA, "Who have the Facific Honds on hand for Immediate delivery. Sew Descriptive Famplilels, with Map, furnished without charge, on application BEHIGH VALLEY COMPANY'S XORTGAdE RONDS, DUE IX 1S0S. a,ooo9ooo, IVitli Interest at Six Per Cent., Payable ou the First Day of June and Decern, her of each year, FREE FROM STATE AND UMTED STATES' TAXES. These Bonds are secured by mortgage on the fol lowing Balj-nads belonging to this Company, namely, llie main Hue irom PM)'libburg,New Jursey, ttiroagti Uabch Chunk to Wllkesbarre, Pennsyi van la, lul miles; the Beaver Meadow braueh, 17,'i miles, and toe Leilghand Mahanoy branch. 42i miles, making a total of 1G1 miles of road, inclndlug 78 miles double track, equal, with sidings, to 809 miles of single track, tcgnuer with all lauds, bridges, work-shops, ma chinery, depots, engine hnusrs, and buildings there onto belonging, and all rolling stock, toolH, imple ments, and materials belonging to tnls Company, la uie on the said Bailroads. This mortgage Is a first lien on all of the above Beads, except 46 miles, from Easton to Mancn Chunk, on which It Is preceded by a mortgage for l.Suo.ouo due In 1878, the Bonds of which are exchanging, as last as presented, for the present Issues; those not presented until matmtty are to be paid out of tbe pre sent loan, making It a first mortgage on the aoove meutloned property. $1,000,000 OF THESE F.0SDS, Eitiier Coupon or llegistered, Are offered at ninety-five per centum, with Interest Irom the day of sale, free lrom State and United Slates' taxes. CHARLES C.LOSGSTBETH, Treasurer, Ofllce of the Lehigh Va ley Railroad Jnnpauy, 7 1 liu Ho. 308 WALSUT btrset, Phlladblphla. GOLD BOUGHT. DE HAVEN & BED., No. 40 SOUTH THIRD ST. 6 K lm S EVES TErt CEM. MORTOAKE B0XDS Of the Pennsylvania and New York Canal and Eallroad Company, .Guaranteed, Principal and Interest, by the Lehigh VallevRailroadCompanv. For Sale at 5, and Interest from Juno 1. C. & II. DOR IE, No. S MEROIIANTB' EXCHANGE. D0WEN & FOX, CM lmrp No. la MEHCHANTb' EXCHANGE. QITY OP FITTSBUKQ WATER WORK BEVEN PER CENT. BONDS, TOR BALE BY WHELEN BROTHERS, Wo. 100 BoutU TILLED Street, CiKiAMhiai : i iiinii vir POPULAR LOANS. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAI FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS At 102, And Accrued Interest. CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS At 103, And Accrued Interest. Bonds on hand for immediate delivery. Full Reports, Maps, Etc., furnished upon application. De Haven & Bro., No. 10 S0UTII THIRD STREET, 6 28 PHILADELPHIA, RANKING HOUSE OP JayCoqee&G). Xos. 112 and Hi South THIRD Street PHILADELPHIA. Dealers In all Government Securities. Old 5-20s Wanted in Exchange for Xcw. A Liberal Difference allowed. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. Interest Allowed on Deposits. COLIEUTIONS MADE. STOCKS boufc'ht and told on C'cmmlBtlcn, Special business accommodations reserved for ladles. I?8aL QLEHDINN I HQ & DAV13. HO. 48 SOUTH inini) STKEETi Stock and Gold Brokers, QUOTATIONS OF NEW YORK STOCKS ALWAYS 02? SAND. i H Hp . elKNDINNINa. JBa JOTDH 3. SAVII LUMBER. 1868. SPRUCE JOI.-ST. tU-KUVK JUldf, H KM LOC K. H1CMLOCK. 1868. 1 UCiQ BEAtiONED CLEAR PINK. 1 Qf0 lOOO. SfcA.SUKEI) CLE iK PltiK. lOUO. CHOICE PATTERN PINE. 6PAK1WU CEDAK, FOH PA'ITEBNS, KEi CKUAK. , 1 0Q FLORIDA FLOORING. 1 Oi'O lOUO. FLORIDA FLOORING. lOOO. CAKOL1NA FLfJOKlNU, VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORINGl ABH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. KAIL, rijAiNH., 1 CQ WALNUT BD8. AND PLANK. 1 QCQ lOUO. WALNUT BDH AND PLANK. XOUCJ. WALNUT BOARDS, WALNUT PLANK. 1 Q(Q ' UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER, T QOQ lOUO. UNDEit 1'AKtKS' LUAU.KR. lOUO. RuD CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINK. lCltQ SEASONED POPLAR. TQOO lOUO. SEAJSONED CilEilUlfi lOOO. Ariii. WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. lfiftQ CIGAR BOX MA KERa' T Q'Q lOOO. CIGAR BOX MAKERS' lOOO. bPAKWn CEDAR box liOARDH. FOR BALE LOW. lftQ CAROLINA SCANTLING. 1 Qf'Q lODO. CAROLINA 11, T. BILLS. lOUO. NORWAY SCANTLING. lQltQ CEDAR BHINGLEH. lOfO lOUO. OYPREMSBH INGLES. lOOO. AtAULE, BROTHER A CO., 1 U No. 'I rA) SOU TU Street. T. P. GALVIN & CO., LUMBER CCraSSIOM MERCHANTS, ISIIACKAMAXOX STREET VIIARF, BELOW SLOArS MILLS, (FtoCALLl-i)), PHILADELPHIA, AGENTS FOR SOUTHERN AND EAMTEKN Munn fuelurcritof KLiAW PiNE and BPRUCETIMBEH BOA RDn, nc, Blmll be liiii py lo luriil-,u orders at wuuleNkie ral. cleliverahle hi any acce bible port. CoiiaiMiilly rrceiviiiK uud ou liuud at our wtiitrl BOL'IIIKKN FLOODING, BUNlLINO. SKIN GI,FATKRN LATHS, PlcKEI'B BKU-SLATsi, fcPRUCE, HEMLOCK. "ELKtri" MICHIGAN A.D CANADA PLANK AND BOARDS, AND H AO MA'R'C bHlr-KNEHH, 1 81 BtuthJ AIL OF WHICH WII.K. UK VEUVKUGU ArAMYPABTlrTHIiHTri'KOillTl.r, UNITED STATES BOILDEKS' MILL. NOQ, ti, lis. and as S. FIFTEENTH btreet. , ESLERjr BRO., PROPRIETORS. Always on band, made ot the But Seasoned Lumbal at low prices, . Wr?ii KVDU,0ti' "JACKETS, BALU8TEIUJ Newel, Balnatfra, Brock eta, and Wood Monldlnn WOCD MOULDINGS, BRACKETS. BALUSTERS AND ftKWKl Walnut aud Aeh Hand Railing, a, IX, and 4 Inane. BUTTERNUT, CHESMUT, AND WALNU1 MOULDINGS to ordei. " elij COTTON AND FiAX, - I SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, Of nil number, aud brands. Tent. Awning, Trunk, aud Wukoq Cover Duck. Also Paper Manufacturers' Drlur Felia from one to evt)al loel Wide; 1'aulli g. Belling Hall Twine, eta JOiLN W. E VERM AN A CO., M X0,M JUJSEtf AUeJ XJLg. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROO FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOFSAFES LUII AND DRY rL.jSTJ2R AGAIN SUCCESSFUL. Bboofu.tw, May 18, IMS. Veura. Marvin New fork Gentlemen: Oar PlanlDf MUI. wita FIFTY 1 HoUSAND teet ol lum ber, was dmtroyed by fire last night, and are bappy to sT your ALUM AND DRY PLA8TEH BAFE prMerrad our books, papers, and money. In xcelleot Older. We waiit another and larger one, aud will call on yon as soon as we have time. Yours truly, SHEARMAN BROS. This Sale was Red hot tor several hours, aud lb. cast-iron feet were actually mohed. It can be seen at onr store. No. 285 BRO AD WAT, A PERFECT SAFE. MAEVIN'S CHROME IRON SFIIERICAL BURGLAR SAFE, lYIll resist all bnrglars Implements Tor any length of time. FLEASE SEND FO ft DE3CRI eTI VH CIRCULAR. MARVIN & CO., FRLNClFALj 1721 C1IESTMJT ST., WAREHOUSES, ) (Masonic Hall), Fliila., BROADWAY, SKW VOKK, 10S BANK HlBt T, CLi.VF.LA.VD, O., And for sale by onr Agents In the principal cities broutbont the Unlwd stairs. 6 2ituiL3m C. L. MAI8ER, kAHHriCTDBtl 0 FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES LOO II ITH, BELL- HANOER, AND DEALEi IN BUILDINO HARDWARE. No. t RACK Mtreat A LA HUE ASSORTMENT OP K1BB and BurElar-iroof ba Eo uu nana, wlin lomo doors, DwolUag-bonse bales, fret from damsnes Pr's low. C. HANNGNFOHltEK, 6 5 Nf IM VINU Mtrei. SHIPPING. I poll IiOSTON-VIA NEWPORT AND FALL 1 RIVER. The ROalONand NEWPORT LINE, hv thespMu dirt and minMrlor Hifaruers NEWPORT, METRO tOl.lfi, OL1) COLON V, uni EKlK". STATE, ol great hlreuK' h and speed. o -nQ'rnoiHd expresti. lor Uih uavlKuiInn of Lour Inland Sound, rnnriliii; In ronneciion with tue OLD CO LOW AND NEW PORT RAILROAD. Leave PIER at. NORTH RIVER, foot of MUR RA Y Bireet. Tbe Hieumer NEWPORT. Cftptaln Brown. Ipavws Mo' day, Wedui'sday, aud Friday, at i P. M., lauding at Newport. 1 he Bt. airer OLD COLONY. Captain Slmmonn, leaveH '1 iicHdHy. Thursday, aud Saturday, at 4 P. M.. IniiiUng al Newporu These sieaniers ae fitted np with commodious tiue-rnonis water-light comparinieutn and everv arranKenii nt tor (lie Heimri'y uil roiufort ot paneu e ri. w ho are allonied by nils ronti a iMkih's rxi on board, and on arr'val at NESV OR T pruoeed per rKll roa Hgitm, reaching Ronton eurly ou the following morning. A liuKjfage matter Is attached to parh steamer, wo receive and t'cki-tt the buKgane, and accoui-panles the fame to Its dei-tinatlon. A Htearner rutiH In connection with this llnu between NEWPORT aud PROVIDENCE dully, bunaya ox cep ed. Krel. ht to Boston Is taken at the same rates as by any other rexulur ll' e, aud forwarded with the Kret eHi ejti edltlou bv uu express train, which leaves NEW PORT every morning (Sundays excepted), t 7 o'cieck. lor Rostou and New Bediord, arriving at tui de tlnat lot- about 11 a. M. Ft r irelt.'tt or t asxaKe, apply on board, or at the office, on P1KR2A. NOR'i H RIVER. Kor s'ate-rooms and berths app'y on board, or II U Is desirable to so cure ihem in advance, TTLEFIFLD, Aent. iZ7 Hr.72HHOlWAV New York. Q A F R T Y, SPEED, AND COMFORT. O KOKTilEK REDUCTION IN PaSoaUh RATES. Favorite passenger steamers ot the ANCHOR LINK Ball every hAT I'Rl'AY with pas engers tor LIVE POO l.. ULA-OOW, ANI DERRY, Iron. Pier No 2o Nor' h itlvur Rates of pasmge, pa able In currency. To Liverpool, Ola. now aud Derry, cabins $90 and 76, according to location. J- iciirKli.il tickets, good for twelve months, f 160, IniermeOiate, Steerage Prepaid caniiictte irom lliese ports, Passengers booked to and irom Hamburg, Rotter dam, Antwerp, Havre, etc. at verv low ratxa t-oriuither ti tormailon appiy at the Compauy's Oillce, No. 8BOWLINO OkJiKN. Vew York. HKNDKR-ON BROTHKRS. lo avoid Imposition, paNseugr will please come direct to the olUce, as this Oumpany does not employ runners. 2 2tf LONDON AND NEW YORK 8TEAMSUIP LINK Pasr age to London direct. $110, 7S, and $.10 currency. Exclusion tickets at reduced rates available for t months. A 'I A I. A NT A. BKILONA. CiLL. W M. PENN. Freight wll be tnken and through bills ot lading given lo Havre, Autwerp, Rotieru ara, Avmnterlam and Dunkirk, Forp ssave apply to ROBERT N QLARS.No. 28 BROADWAY, New ork. For freight apply at o. M BOUTW stret, H. Y. i2tl HOW LAND .t ISPINWALL. Agnnts. CTJNARD LINK OF EXTRA STEAMERS, BE1WEEN NEW YORK AND L. VaKfUUL CAI LING AT QUEENS TOWN. FROM NEW YORK EVER WEDNESDAY. TRIPOLI. ALEPPO, RATES OF PABliAUii Cabin 80 Gold. bteerage tA Currency, Hteerage tickets from Liverpool or Queeustown at lowest rates. For Freitrht and Cabin Passage, apply at No. i Bowling Green. For bteerage Passage, apply at No. 89 Broadway. 2 2t E. C UNA RD. o NLY DIRECT LINE TO FRANCE. IllEOEFRALTnANSATI ANTIO COMPANY'S MAIL KT E A Mb HI PS BETWEEN NEW-YORK AND HAVRE. CAT LIN AT BaK'IT. 1 he upleiidid new vessels on this favorite rout, for the Conilutiit will sail from Pier No. 60 NORTd River: N A l'Ol.FON m Lemarle P KEIKI"' ...Hiu'hesiie VILLE IE 1 hlH Siirmont b'l , LAUREN T - B, icaude PRICE OF PASHAOE IN t,OLD (Including wine), TO HHiT OR 11 A V E. First Cablu. 16 or fl4; ecoud Cabin, 155. TO PARIH, Including Hallway Tickets, furnished on hoard, First Cabin, litis or I4 ; Second Cabin, fn. Thme tUunwri do nut enrry ttri-ratK Kitt,enyei t. Meoli al attendance freuof charge American travelers gotnetoor re.urntng from the f'oniiijeiit of F.urope, by taking the s earners of this line, avoid unnecessary risks from transit hv English railways and crossing the channel, beside saving time, trouble, and ex p-ne. . . bEO. MACKENZIE. Agent. 2 26f Nu.6S BROADWAY. LIVERPOOL AND GREAT WESIERN STEAM tOW PAN . 1 he following FIRST-CLASH IRONSTEAMniPS built expresel lortlieNew Yuik trade, are Intended loeall ie!Ulaily between NEW YORK aud LIVER POOL, calling at QUEENttiOWN, viz !- IIAMIA'ITAU, MINNESOTA, COLORADO, NEURASKA, with other lirsl-clars steamers hnllillng. From Pier No. XI East River. IT.Wu accommodaiioiis being equal to any At lmii K) steamer), iK gold; reiuru.tlukeis, (isi'.gold; lu bleta. g, fib cmreucy. 'jh kecs to bring out passengers from Europe caa be obtained ou reasonable terms. For freight or pas sage apply to VV 1 LM A MS A OUION, No. 71 WALL Street. f or steerage passage to . -ZW WILLIAMS & OUION, NO. 29 BRO A I im rw . pTITLER, WEAVER & CO., ALANUFAOTPBKB8 09 AIAKLLLA AND TARRED CORDAGE, C0RDB TWINES, ETC., No. 23 Norm WATER 8t reel, and HO. 22 North DELAWARE Avenus, IraiLAPBLLPHIA. Xowim S. Tivm, Michaxl WrivrJt, SHIPPING. --rfrT?TbkM TO LIVKRPO0L, CALLIS8 V'nr vl UlEaiSat OW N. h i liiui.n l.lne, uun.r contract with the United Ma es aud British t.ov.ruaieiils, fur oarrjlag th CiTy'oi' BO im............Batdrnay, Jaly is I I I T OF A ' WKuP -lnrU, J.'y 1 ( Hi Ol- NKW VURa(i Halifax) T.tC'lay, Jaly M (11V UK PAHs ......Sturiay. Aar.i.t 1 I'll t (IK Iiili01 .irdv, A avail Sj CITY Or RAt.ilMOtF...... (Saturday, A. (an la and e cb sue. eel. a Saiualay and alternate Monday, at noon Irom Pier No. 4S NORTH River. aiea of ssage bv tbe Mll steamer 8AILINCJ EV R V SATURDAY; Payaole lu Ooid. I Parable In Onrraacy. First Cabin. lon Steerage to London 1091 " to London. tm ; " to Parts.... llftl U) Paria. stl PBfssgehy i ne Monday stamew-Oabiu, Joe, go 1 4; Steerage, fun, enrrencv. hates ot pa-s.ge from Nenr J ork to Hal lax Cabin, fiir, Hurag, (It), lo gol(L Pn avrgpr also forwarded to Havre, Iatuurg. Hre men, oic , at moderate rate., exeerege pnsaage Irons t.lvt rpnoi or Queenstown. 4" currency. Tlck-ie caa, be hougnt here by persons aenuing niMbeir rrleaaai ter further inlormatlon. apply at the Company' flice. JOHNtt DAf.R. Agent. No. IS BROADWAY, Naw York. Or, O'DONNEl.L A FAULK, Managers, 12 ! No. 411 CHESUr 8t,reH, Phila, ffft NORTH AMKUICAN STEAMSaip &4aa-JW. COM Pa N Y. Katlroad. NEW AKUNUKMKNT. ' Patl'rj from New Yo. k On te sth and Joth ot F. KK1 MoN Iu, or the Cay belure wueu tiieaedateai lal' ' r-uunay, P sagH b wer than by any other line. . For lulorui.tlon adilr.ss D. N.CARRINOTON, Agnnt. Pier No. 48 NORTH RIVER New York. Or tllOMAM K. SKA RLE, No. 217 WA l.NU T t-treet. Phlladel,.hU fa. W. TT.WKBH. fres'den-, vll S. DANA, VlcPre Ontce-84 FXCHANOE Hlso . I.-w Yoric. 889iu PaSfAGii. TO AND FROM GREAT oRl'.iUS AND IliULtMIi BV TEaMtiH IP aNI SiilL,INt4 PACKET. AT HKnl OD KAIh4 DRAFTS AVAILABLE THRlUOIIOUT FNQ I.AN I . IREt AND. MOTlAMj, AND WALEH. Fur particulars apply In TAP-COlTf. BROTHERS & CO., No. 86 60U1H fcttreet. and No 2 BKOAi.W A Y, Or to I'll. M'S T SEARLB, 11 N . 217 WALNUT street. NKW EX PRESS LINE TO ALES- andrta. Oti-rkeiown. and W,l,.,.u t,.n D. . via Cbes. L.eake and I)Hi.t i . .i ntctlOD.at A exaudria troui the most d'reut rout lor L nchnurg. briatoi, Eojxvli;e, Nashville. Daltogr and ihe fi uilj;si. bu amers leavt regulai ly from tbe fln t wharf abo-a MBikel ttreel. Freight received dally. WM. P. CLYDB A CO., No. 14 Norm and s mth Waarvea. J. B. DAVIDSON. Agent at Oeorgetown. M. ELDR1DUA. A Co.. Agents at Alexandria, VIr E UJ a. 81 fTtt'U 0nCE--F01i NEW YORK, lk WawU aii DS.I.A W ARh. AMI RARITAN UaNaL. nAl'KhMS MtaMBOAT COMPANY, ll ebtiaiu Propellers of this line will commenoA KuJl0" SA1 URDAY.aoih luslaut, leaviug dally THROUGH IN 21 HOURS. Goods lorwarded by all the Hues going out of New Yi rk. Ncrih. East, and W eal. Tree Ol commission, c ielghis received at our usual low rates. WILLIAM P. Oi YDK & CO., Agents, TirQ . 14 WiiARVEtJ, Philadelphia. JAMF8 HAND, Agent. so No. im WALL si reel, corner of South, New York. 4tiTT PIHLaDbXPHIA, RlCflMOND nuu. ANl IS'.KHlLK Slls.AMr.llIp L1NF3, 'AAiROLOH FREIO it K AIR LliiE TO TUB Mil I H AND WEST. EVH.RY S iTURDAY, At noon, from FIRST WHARF above MARKIT hlrteu U h ROUGH RATES sod THROUGH RECEIPTS to all pom's lu Iorih sua Sou h I aroltna. vU feea buaro All Line Rai.roa.l, connecting at Portsmouth, Hurt to Lyi.ihhii'g. Va .Tennessee aud the We-.t, via, Virginia and Tennessee Air Line and Rlcumond aud Danville Rallrosa FrelMtit HANDLED RUT O'CE, and taken at lOV Kh RaTi-sTHaN ANY OTHKR Ltn'it. The regulantv safely, and cheapness of this ront c nmie. o u to tl e i uoiiu as tun most desirable m dum lor cariylna eve-y riBcrlptlou ot Irelght. o charge lor comuiiaslon, arayage. or any expense) oi trai.Hler. bteanihhlps Insured at lowest rates. Fn Ight received daliy. ' ' WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., No. 14 Norm and hou h WHARVES. W. p. PORTER Ageut at Richmond and City roint T. P CROWKU- A CO.. Agents at Norfolk. 8 H rAdr.,'" FOR v EW YOHK-SWIFr-SURta aidciiicimti. Trans ortallou Compuuy Despite U u w cal l sine Lines, via Delaware and Rartlaa Canal, ou and atier Hie 'Dili ol March, leaving dally at 12 4i. and 6 P. M., connecting with all Northern and Eastern Lues, For Irel. In. which will he taken on flcnnm-nodatlns terms, app.y to Wli.LlA A M. RA1RD A CO , 1 13 Fo. 112 8. DELAWARE Avenue. LORILLARD'S OUTSIDE LI KB. irS roR NEW YORK. InifcAi REDUCTION IN FREIGHTS. OouUs oy well ht. ceuis per 10') His , gross. Measurement goods, 4 ceuis per cub.c loot. Freights re'ceivrd al uli times, and luaurauoe guar BiiUetl ut tnree-elghihs per cent. F'or further Information, apply to t . JOUN P. OHL, 7 2 I let 19 North Whur Ve. - STEA1V.BOAT LINES. .ESga BRISTOL LINE UJL1HEO SEW T0IIK AXD BOSTON, ' VIA BRISTOL. . For PROVILENCE, TAUNTON NEW BEDFORD CAPE COD, ano ail poiuis of railway communica tion East and Norm. 'Ihe u w ana splendid steamers BRISTOL and PAtoVlDEN) E. leave Pier Nu. 4u NORtH RIVER, loot of vaiiai Hreet, atljolnlug Debrasses street Ferry, New urk. at 6 P. fti.. dallv, Sundays excepted, con netting with sitamboat train at Bristol at 4 Uu A. M.( arriving in Boaiou at 8 A M . In time lo connect with) all the iiioruliig trains irom tbat city The moat de Biraole aud pleasant roil e to the Wbl'e Mouutalus. travel ers tor tnat point rau m.ke direct ojoaeow tloLs by way ol Provideuue and Worce.ier or Boston biate-rooms and Ticket aeca.ed at olhce on Pier la New org. 816m H. O. BRiaS. General Manager. FOB CAPE MAY. On TUESDAY'S. THURSDAYS, anil bit LnDA b. 1 he iplei old new steamer LADY OF THR LAKB, Capiaiu INGRAM, leaving Pinr 19 above Vine street, every luesuay, Thursday, and Saturday at f'K A. M., atjd returning lrom Cape May on Monday,. Wednesday, and Friday. FAeE 12-23. luc.udiug Carriage Hire, Serva, ls....-5j, " " Children .. l' 6, " " beasuu 'tickets, (la Carriaze Hire extra. The Lady of the Lake Is a tine sea-boat, has ha4 some state-room accommodations, aud Is fitted up. with everything necessaiy lor the safety and oomfort Of passengers, O H. HUDDELL. CALVIN T AUG ART. Ofllce No. 8 N. DELAWA RE Avenue, f 8 isilf ftCJS Ful4 CHE8TBR, HOOK, AND MmttrTAm Wilmington At a so and uso a. m, ana a w f. M. The steamer S, M. FELTON and ARIEL leave CBEbNUT btreet Wharf (Sundays exceped) at 8 aft ano 9-60 A. M aud 8-to P. M., returning leave Wll nilngum at H'W a. M.. u-nt, aud 8-oo P, M. Blcpplngal Cheeier and Hook each way. Fare, lo cents betweeu all points. F xcurslon tickets, 16 cents, good to return by either boat. 8 tf r.xnrN PHILADELPHIA AND TEEN. rJ.mn bieausboat Line. The steamboat Eij-.iN FORREST leave ARCH Street Wnarf, for '1 Teuton, Slopping al Tacouy, Tor read ale. Beverly, , Burlington, Bristol, Florence Robbing' Wharf, and White 11111. . Leaves Arch Street Wharf! Leaves South Trenton, baiunlay, JuljIS, IU A.M j Saturday, July 18, 2 P. ML Sunday July IV. to Burilugiuu Bristol, aud Inter mediate landluts, leave Arch street wbart at 8 A. M, and 2 P. a .: leaves Ur.stol al KiH A. M. and 4!-4 P. Mi Mot day, July 20. 12 M. Monday, July 10, 4 P.Wt Tuesday, 21, 1 P. M Tuesday, ' 21, S P.M Wed'Oay, "VI, Hi P.M i Wed day, " 22, 6hi P.M Thursday, " 2 iU P. M iThuraday, " P Mt Friday. "21, V, P.M lrulay, " 21, 8'. P.M Fare to Treuion, 4u cents each way; Intermedial places, 26 cents. U m F. OPPOSITION TO THE COM- aftirTi TiTT 1? " ' " " RAILROAD AND RI Eft a. . urui. . H'.aoer JOHN SYLVESTER will make dally eiiuisloni" to Wilmingt u (in n clays excepted), touch ing at hes'er and siaicus Hook, leaving ARUHC Street hai f at lo A. M. and 4 P. h.; returulug, leav W I rr llie . i ai 7 A M. aud 1 P, M. Light frslghis taken. L. W. BURNS. 28 tf Captain. -ja DAILY EXCUR8I0N9.-TH MzLa splendid e team bout JOHN A. WAR- . fsl.i. i.aves CHH.SNCT Street Wnarf. Phllada.. at o'clock and 8 o'clock P. M., flir Rurlingion and Bristol, touching at Rlverton. Torredai, Andalnsla, aud Beverly. Returulng, leaves Bristol at T o'clock. A. M.and IP. M. Fare. 86 cent each wayi HLxonralou jO eta, all tf -r-j. SDN DAY EXCURSIONS. THB .Fjfryi-.,,!. uw Hteauslilp TWILIGHT. wo. irv. Cuesuut street wbarr, rnuaueipnia. at I o'clock A. M., and 2'. P. M.. lor Burllntfou aud Bris tol, ouchlug at Megargea's wiiaff, Taoony, Rlverton, Andalusia, and Beteriy. Returning leaves Bristol al ll a. M.. aud 8 P. M. Fare, aS aauU each way. Excursion, 40 cent. . 1 30 slf Captain H. CRAWFORD,