TUB DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1868. 8 CITY LN TELLTGEHOE. lVB ADBITIOHAL KfOAIj ITB IkTSIDB IAOM. Prm-STROKR. James Rily, who keep a cake siaid at Eittutci-nth and Whluiit streets wat overcome by heat, and removed to bis ene. An unknown man was picked np at O'ay's TVrry Koari iind fcbtppen streets, and removed to the Ho-pital. Barah Orecn, who work. In a factor on Opt mantown Komi, was flkn to her home, NO. 162 Master street, suil'eriuff from the hear. William Bell was taken to nls home, Ualloway Had (jemae hired. . ... , Caioliue Demer, employed at Ilummeil s Morocco Factory, at Third and Beaver streets, ad to be taken Home. ... William Lancaster wa picked up at German town Koad. below Second street, struck. The pcrsou reported as Margaret Milter, who died oa Wednesday evening of the heat, stioiil I have been Margaret McM'llti; her hmbaol Jsoes McYlilku died lust Light iroin the same luonias EUIp, worklne at the Lnznrott.i, w ou-p'rurk yeirterduy anl removed to h' home, Mo. 2:110 Ashbunon tt-ect, where he died. Tbe Corut.er whs uo'itfed to hold an inqncst 0 the hdv of Mwarrl Cavan uicrh, who die 1 very suddenly at bis hou-e, northwest corner of Fourth and ltedwood streets, supiioird to nave bu caused by the heat. A I?RionT(?) PBOPrycT. The strike among the workmen at the (iaiWoik ! about to plarre us ir a rather dark situation. Tue eas meu-ra are almost empty, and no izas Is buioa etne rated, lbfi nieu siill rclusc to work till the 25 5rr cent, advance in salary U areei to by the 'rust. The Board of Trustees pav It 1 he v accede to the Jeuiaud it will cos', them $12:,0G0 extra per yesr, and th y citnnot affjrd to do so, unless tnet iaie the price rn tte consumer. They will in Id a meeiiue some time this afternoon, to decide on a course of action. It Isfaidthtt some ot the iruste 'S have trated they would rill the works with men at $175 per day. Noffis their opportunly. It is doubttul whether we will hive ris to nlcht or not, even should the men resume work, an all the apparatus tor penern'ion of tne fns Is cold and It wt I require some time to hent t prfperlj; we will be compelled to lall back OD kerosene oil arid candles. The (las iruht should do something soon to satisfy both consumers and workmen. Chief KnR'nrcr Mrowu, of the Gai Trust, al vWs the citizens to supply thcQieelve with limps and candles for a few day, till the gas lilliculiy can be settled. Tin Sea-View House at Atlantio City la one f the most pleasant of resorts lor visitor. It is a Uree and airy structure, eh gantly QUed np, well manaatd, and altogether guests will find in it cverythinr tor comtori ami satibfac tion. It is oue of the nearest hotels to the beach, thus makinir it a desirabl" stopping tUcf. Mr. floury Kelly, the oroprtetor, iimncs II the one object ol ois every-day li'e to see that all hie patrons are well supplied, and are enjoy, in their periodic visits to the City of the Sea. It is a quiet location, wltrie those wNhinjr nr re;t cau amply Bud t'. It i near enough to the places of enteitainment to make it de iranle tor pleasure cetker?. lu all things it Is an excellent ioiue. The Last Rites. This mining, at 10 "clock, the fuufral ol the la'c .lohn F. Mo Peviti, Km,., took place at No. 417 S. 8ixieentn street. There was jraibre.l t;n re a isree a im blase of mourninti tripnds, ronststmc of r"a t.vea, memters of the Bar, newspaper p'-ofps-siods I. and thr metnlvrs ol the t'htlopa'rian Literary Society in a body. The tuncrai pro. c- tsioa Wit the rei-ideuce for St, Ta r rtN Church, wbtre bolemu and impres-ive services were reuored. Thee beini conclude 1, the - carritd to Cathedral Ceme'ery, Ttrxain - 1 'cordLDg to tac rites vitcre ttey t-re it'errew 1 tte Catholic Caurcb. A 1? akbow Ejcafe. A young ladynamel yaon. refidinein the southwestern portion of the city, ftarted on a p'enic jesUrday at naU Tat six o'clock in the inomins. Whenstep- e cn tbe puiik rf tlie rteamer San, at Arch itret wbarf. the board turned and precipitated ir :s to tbe nver. A jcune TLan namd Jtmes 6ripcn (-taudite on toe wb irf i:h a chill s lie acr dpn'. aL1 p acing the cbnd in a ste ymc. fenced in and brouebt the lady sa'e1) tint of ter rvb. Tte olIv inconveuience ex ptntLced m tte vret clothes. Iiath cf a Pr.' KT5ErT Cm7EK. It is a sal :t :o ttrcMc.t- vie oeu".b ol a Hide cut down it 'L tr; Win t ol li'e a d iL ibe lull tide o; iit..'k'.j iifoFpr y. M'. LJt)CKH Mcl'.mald wm h an f pr-at lL-iiaet uenrv and hue dis fTifc iiiU.ioi Itat could sot Out ensure him iiMit. E.!tiQ asd tru-btuned to all nruud A iu.. se vat jus'lv looKed up to he a eood citiz'-u, ac vat rnt-fiiifti audtiuuond tor bit upngut ltvut uiia honorable Crrirtiai' pnuciplt. TUHID EDITION WASHINGTON. Collapso of the Third Party Movomont. rctition for Governmental Subsi dies to Complete Western Railroads. Ktt UM KtM mt:, Mi:, Mt. FROM WASHINGTON THIS P. Al. Aocteft. At twelve o'clock, yesterday, iscr frry, who norkt ut Cab-euS Irou tart, Ieibare jtvjouf JtuU JotW.- wis j-a-M through a lumj'-r jard, o, jin'se. krt a svilO'T of colored uieu were woikns?. Ti,t clock unklLtr twelve, ttey torewdou ivr jtjt; tte ta cti"i of one of them ttruck Kr. ferry on tbe btad iollvciiog a ktvere wgund. Jt u xtiLtvtd vo bit home. Bighwat Eobeebt. Neal MuLougUln, mho livn in the lehborbood of Meet tvn, fciW a Jit'le Kirl tth a ten dollar note in her band, which abe had been sent to ?et cbanped, aud th Lking he could use it belter thau sbe, he, eeized the child by the neck and took It from her. Ue was arrebted, and held by Al Jerui m Good Is $1500 bail to ans wer. For Atlabtic Citt and Capb Mat. B ref- thm to nur advei tlMini; columns it wl.l bi sen that the Katuidav klteruoou trm for Atlantic IJnv va Camden & Atlantic Hailroad. leaves at twa o'clock. T'ae Lid! of itie Luke, a beauitlul and commodious vessel, and tbe West Jersey llailroad will convey vi'ttors to Cape May, to morrow afternoon, as per advertisement. Amoko TnE many candidates for District At torney whohe names will be presented before tbe couveut'on for nomination is that ol Wiilia n II. Kuddiman, bbq. Mr. U. is a lawyer of con aldrable ability and bis position at the bar is among the that. He is a hue scholar and an ex eelint gentleman. To Mb. A. 'Wikcii, of No. 505 Cheanut utreet we ate indeb'ed for the latest number f ih. 7Amn linr Magazine, and J'uncii, an. and Reynolds'1 Misceiiany, all ol wmch may oe Obtained at m emuuuu-ui. Cbesitablk. The Northern Liharty Engine rirmnxni nvvih lr ambulance readv, with the oises attached, to remove people surterug fiom the etlecis of tho beat, to tbe Hospital or the r homes. Kffkctb of the Heat. Deputy Marshal Wll.iam K. Sharkey was tuken ill on Weduesl ly eveninr liom tbe excessive beat an i has r"en roufined to his bed ml the present. We are happy to state that he is recovering. Cabbies Fined. llich Constable Clark has arrested seventeen cabmen for non-payment of their licenses, ana Alderman Ueitler bai nuea each in tbe turn of nve dollars. w Trk Stock Uotatlo l p. H Received by telegraph from utendlnnlug a Tta via. Hto!k Brokers. No 48 . Third at reu N. Y.Cent. K li' i Cnl. nd K. I. K 1084 vi v -mi K. K bs ' FitU. K.W.andCUl. Fn. and Ua M'4i K. K..M.. ui. m anrf N I. K. U-'i?!Palflo M. H. Co Ml Vie. and Pttt.R W)''h Weau Union Tel..- tjru. tun r. w. ooiu.B7a,w'vi vh Wit. and N.W.pref...hll Market alrong. F IKE STATIONERY. CAhD ENGRAVING aad Card Plate Filatlng In avery variety, DREKA, Railroad Project. Special Despatch to The Kvenuw Te ejrnpK Washinotok, July 17. The Senate Paciflo Railroad Committee had under consideration to-day a hill to build the railroad from Cairo. Illinois, to the Rio Orande, through Arkansas and Texas. The bill calls for Government aid in the shape of a guarantee or endorsement of the United States upon the Company's bondi. The Committee have also considered a bill for bmldiDg a road twe hundred miles long, throngh the lowlands of Mississippi; and, also, for building levees along the same section. Both bills were postponed nntil the next ses sion. It is understood that General Fremont is at the head of the proposed road between Cairo and the Rio Orande. Thi VblrJ Party movement seems to have fizzled out. Several of the leaders who were supposed to be inte rested in it have abandoned it, and have writ ten letters informing their followers that the thing is inexpedient and nowise. It is now proposed to make a square fight between the New York and Chicago candidates and the platforms. Th Flaaaca Committee' of the Senate regard the action of the Ways and Means Committee, in reporting a substi tute for the funding bill, as an evidence that the House will not adopt this financial policy at this session. The Senate will not consent to Scheuok's bill, and owing to a diversity of views on the subject, the matter is likely to fail. Tb S.-t Foralffia Affaire Committee Us agreed to report the Alaska Appropriation hill without the House amendment, and to recommend that the Senate insist upon a sim ple appropriation bill without any proviso.' This will throw the bill into the conference committee. It is probable that tfee House will recede from its amend meut, so as to allow the bill to pass. imported Mercha-dlzt. The bill to facilitate the transportation of imported merchandize from ports of entry oti the seaboard to ports of entry iu tbe interior was reported from the finance Committee of the Senate yesterday. It was the understand ing that no action is to be had ou it this session. The Tariff Bill. The House, by a vote of 59 to 5S, has post poned the Tariff bill, to take up Sherman's Funding till. . Duty on I m porta, ZV .yaA to tht Aisoeialtd Preti. Washisotos, July 17. There is a proposi tion lfore the Committee on Ways and Means to admit free of duty the products of Prince Edward's Inland, including fish, providing the Islanders will permit Americans to fish along their coast free. The proposition comes from Mr. taller, of Massachusetts, and is being fa vorably considered. TUE EUROPEAN MARKETS. To-Day Uuotatioos. hy Atlantic (Xtbie. Lokijok, July 17 A. M. Consols for money, 'A; for account, 0 l;i94; United States Five-Twenties, 72t; Urie llailroad, 41: Illi nois Central, 'J4 . Fbaukpokt. July 17 A. M. United States Bonds, 767b'jj. l'ABiH, July 17 A. M.Tue Bourse is dull. Rentes 70f. 12 centimes. The Bourse ot Franee expects a decrease of bullion amounting to 600,(00 francs. Livxhpool, July 17 A. M. Cotton quiet. The sales to-day are estimated at 8000 bales. The sales of the week have been 47,000 bales, for export '.'000 bales, and speculation 2000. Tbe stock on hand is 55:1,000 bales, including 32'.), (KiO American. Mess l'ork. 7Gs. Cheese, 57s. Cd. Bacon, 47s. Cd. Qokknhtoww, July 17. The steamer Scotia, from New York, Jnly H, arrived this morning, Canadian Affairs. Ottawa, July 17. The Council of the Do minion Rifle Association is in session uere arranging the prize list for the meiting iu Montreal next September. Prizes amounting to 110,000 are to be competed for. New rolls are being used lu the organization of new volunteers, by which volunteers are r quired to enlist for three years. The volun teer force now in extstenoe will be asked to re-enlist after October 1, when the new militia organization goes into operation. If a suffi cient force is not obtained by volunteering, recourse will be had to drafting. Ship News New York, July 17. Arrived, Steamer Aleppo, from Liverpool. "Weatber Keport-Julr IT, O A. IX. It'md. Weatlur. Thnr. . 8. . V. . N. K .. N. 13, .. 10. v. .. N. Cloudy.., .. H. W. Clear.., .. H. Clear.., .. H. W. Clear.. . N. Clear.., .. H. E. (Hear.., .. M. Cletr .. ts. t.lear.......M...... ,.. Clear, ...,. ....... .. Cloudy ,. N. K. Clear ,.. N. K. Clear ,.. K, Clew , Pedefttrianitim Milwacker, Jnly 17 F. M. Simons, of La Crosse, completed hiswalk of 1100 miles in 12J days at neon on the 16th inst. He com mences to walk to Chloago on Saturday at 4 P. M. Markets by Telegraph Bbw York, July 17. tork active. Ctalektoaad Rous islaim. in1; Hearting, ',; Caotoa. (Jooipany, 4h.; Krl. H). Cleveland aud Toledo WX Cleveland ed PUmburg. SK: Pltuburc and Fort Wayne, ins Mlohlno Ce,.tral. HAS: Mic h gun rtoutiieri. '; (tew York Central, VH; Illinois Central, lit: Ooin nerland preferred. S3; Virginia M, 6S: utmiourl Vi; Hudson Klver, 137, U. a S-iw, last. 114; d i, ". do. IH, lis, new Isine. lOtf'i; 10 4iw. Ms. Oold HtiJi, Mnner unchanKni. KzohaiiKe. 1WV Pw Yonk, July 17 Cot'ou steady at siXISMo. Flour de'linloii; lairs, 7ift i,di at ymiterd4y'a pric. Whmt naoy; ealea ne.nce busiia'a prlni at ls; ember Km at 2-o. Orn heavy and rti-cllnet in: H'OU buehfla sold at fl itfriOI'Ofl. Oals heavy; M Hi bnsheia told at Si3H2n. M-ef quiet, fork dull a. I a-d tin li t l7Mil7'tC Baltimork. July 17 Cotton steady at ?n. Floor iu n hui s end, and In lair d.njand and un"hand wiieat dn ann low tr; jood to prime red 22irtJ'i: very rbnlre, finwjMl. White tiorn firm a'. IT'S, '"'" aud unchanged, frovlaluua quiet and un changed, ... ew Terk Stock Uaiotatlo-a, 8 p. SI. Received by teleerapti rrom Olendlnnln. A Davit. Hiock Brokers, No. 48 8. Third street: N. Y. cent. 11. 13.T Ohl.4 N. W. R. prf.. Hl7 N. Y. and Eile R... 6K chL and R. I. R 108 Ph. and Uea. R m Pltta.K. W. and Chi. Mich. B. and M.I. R. R. R lOS :ie.ani Pitt. R. myA Pae. Mall Btea. Co.Utl' Cht N.W R.com. TUiUold...... ...U2;2 Aiarketflrin FHILADFIPBTA STOCK EXCllAMiB HAtKS, JTLT 17 Reported by De Baveu A Bro.. No. 40 B, Tulrd street BKTWHKW BOARD Port Hood .......M.... Portland HoMon New York.... Wilmington, Del.. WBHlllllglOl) Kortteas Monroe.. Klrhmond Ofweiro ., Buflalo Plitnliurg Cbloettn , New OrleaLa Mobllf Key West ilavarja pbllaUeltlila Atlantio City tape May cioar Clear H t'lenr Clear Clear............... 11100 Pa Ss. I serles..H'4 timHi rtKIm bb.........Io .v (Ki l aci, lird rw do. nm 24im City 6h, ew...clll2V taiH) do.Ncw,..c.l(iJ,i 90(t doNew.lui!i I mkiCA Ani6n'RD....... t8 t'20Ul N Cent K bs..... Si lliDK) do HI 47 sb Pen n a K....rec. 62'; It'l dn.......rte. M' iwsh Cata l'l. b6- 83'4 HO do 8:i'j 200 Bh Phil A K.. 24 8ECOKD BOARD. HHi.h Kead R C 47 I Hio do..b.Ua. 17 HI do..... 0.47-91 do.......... 47 91 do Is. 17 91 do.....H.C47 91 do n6n. 47 HI do .slcl lUl 47 Ji do.regtiuU 4H do c. 44 do blO.IUt.48M do .trf. 4S b6Q. 2 H no ItlU S"0 8 0 lim too KkI 100 1110 tel loo ah Leh Nav. 1V0 do.. ItOffli-siiB 'S8.Jy.rp....iia' V II1KI I d. lu-4M.cp C. 107,'-, 9 v ii i-a ii x ill ok Mnu luxe (to.lm 6.1,6 I O 7( IH) Leh t.iold 87 7M Hit KorrlHl'n lift. 68 UmirIi Phil A K....t)6U 26 t sh Kead K...... 4bS S sh Keadlne 4'i s do.Mouar 4-'t 4S do .trr. 48 i UK) do.m 4' lot! do.. 4H1; KiO do ........ i8u.. 4i 'i 1U0 do.......bo. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. Court of Quarter Sessions Judeo Pierce. J uOge Pierce charged the Jury In the Fiokeu WllllniDS nuisance to tbe tOect that among other thlDKH the question was whether tbe persons oci'iipylng tue bouses in that neigh borhood are so annoyed, disturbed, and in terrupted In tbe enjoyment of their rebldenres as to amount to a common or public nulMince. They wonld bave to 11 iid not that, a few persons bave been so annoyed and disturbed, but that the auuoyance has been of so general a onaraoter as to fleet the peace, corulort, and reasonable enjoymentot the persons resident in the nelb boibnod in the use of their bouses. It was lor Ihetu to say whether the matters complained of were of so eeneral a charucu-r as to constitute a public nuisance. Tbe Jury returned a ver dict of not guilty after an absence of twenty minutes. i'rlsou easee were next in order. Pblllp Madden was charged wttb committing nn ai-feult aud tinttery, with lnteut toklil.ou Gilbert I'aul. Paul test 1 (led that Mr, Madden told htm to pli k some mouey oil the pavement; he did so, wben Madden knocked him down; be rose, aDd whs knocked down again; be started to run, when Madden shot at lilrtl ai'l struck him in the hip. Paul has been iu the Uospital three weeks. A witness testified that he heard the disturb ance, and tbe pistol shot, and when Madden came In hi Immediate nelghoornood, he over heard him say, "I shot that boy." Tbeottlcer who arrested Madden says that PhuI identified Madden when taken before bin). Madden had no counsel and no witness. Ver dict guilty. Ueorge Scott was convicted for stealing a sil ver walcb, tbe properlyof K. Praties. A witness swore that be vaw Wcoit take tne watch, and remonstrated with blm for "koIok back on bis own color." He replied, h had lost three dol lars, and Komebody must sutler. Found guilty. Louis Pbillls, charged with assault aud bt teiy, and assault and bat'.ery wltn intent to ravisb Catharine Boweis, a little girl twelve yeais old. Cai bar! ne swore that Pbe was sitting on the lota plBvlrig, wben be came frtn a whisky ebop. Ue knocked her ovur, and tried to raUo ber cloth's, and threatened to kill ber if she nmri ft b DOlb0 A witness testified to having seen Pbillls with bis arm" arouud Cathiriue's neck. Tne prisoner produced no witnesses. Verdict, guilty of assault and battery, Henry Black, wbo bad been confined for lar ceny, uled yesterday in prison. Bill submitted. John A. Carr was acquitted of the charge of comuiittliiR an assault aud battery on his wife, ilsnnab C Carr. He tauuted her with unfalth fultw KR, and she denied it. He then struck and bea her. The parties were married only on the 1st Ojr April Issl. The witness appears to be very ltdy like in her manners, and it is hardly to bo supposed could provoke such an assault. A number of bills were submitted, the parties not answering to their names. 4 ma .rMAll.oncnnitaf1 An tllA PhllarlAl. pbla and Reading Railroad during the week euuing Xhurbda , J uly 10, 1803: From Ht.. Clair rorvuHioou Poltsville 1 Schuylkill Haven ' Auburn Port Clinton Harriabui g and Dauphin , IRS 11 6KI 18 570 13 6,3113 16 l,w: 02 R.SI 10 2,021 16 Anthracite ooal forweek 11,510 00 Bituminous coal iromiiarnsuurgauu uuupuiu lor wee.... "i ' Total for week paying freight., Coal lor Company's use .. Total all kinds for week Previously this year Total To Thursday, July 18. 1807 17.062 10 500 17 .... 18.52 07 1.883.078 W ,.l.n,2ll 10 .1,000,682 13 DIED. FOURTH EDITION FB0H THE CAPITAL. I Jbr addilUmal Death Kutirct tee the fifth Page J KK.KLKR on thel7lh lusiant, ANNIB V., wife of rteorKe w, Feeler, ai d only daushter Ol captain Isaac L,. and I ntnaru e viifiiera. Due notice will be given of the funeral. Y o THE PUBLIC. Passage of an Important Fi nancial Bill-lho South Carolina Senators Sworn In. Ete. Kte.i Kte.i Ete4 Bto.t Etc. LATER FROM WASHINGTON. .. A Flaaaelal Heasare. BjieeW Detpatch to The Evening Teleiraph. Wapuinotok, Jaly 17. The Senate has passed the three per cent $23,000,000 bill for the redemption of the compound interest notes. It passed in the shape it iras first re potted without amendment. South Caroll-a Seaatora. Two Senators from South Carolina, Messrs. Poole and Abbott have been sworn in and have taken their seats. THE EUROPEAN MARKETS. By Atlantic Cable. Later Qnotatloae. London, July 17 P. M. United States Five-twenties, 72 a 72J; Erie, Illinois Central, 94. Liverpool, July 17 P. M. Cotton Up lands, 11 a 11; Orleans, 11. Lokdon, July 17 P. M. Petroleum firmer. Linseed Oil, 31 15s. AKTWBBr, July 17 P. M .Petroleum, 51f. Accident to the' Steamer Providence. fecial Derpttteh to The Evening Telegraph. New York, July 17. A despatch from Bris tol, R. I., says the steamer Providence, from New York, burst her supply-pipe at 2 o'clock this morning, off Watch Hill light, causing the water to rush in, and she heeled over three streaks. The captain ran her ashore a Watch Hill, pumped her out, backed out, and arrived at Bristol at 7 o'clock this morning. There was a great deal of excitement on board. No lives were lost, and the passengers al' arrived in Boston at noon to-day. THE MARKETS. FORTIETH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION. THE KbGINKEa OF THE rillLADELrillA GAS works Beepectlnlly requests tbe citizens to supply them selves for A FEW M j UTS, with candles or other arttQoIal light, as the strike among the workmen still continue, and the supply of OAS HAS BEEN EX HAU8TED. It THOMAS B. BBOWN Enflnw. JAMES & LEE, HO. 11 MOUTH SECOND BTBEBT, IIUS or TUB OOLDEH liABf Bf AltK KOW BECIITINO AN ESTIBE HEW kTot'K or Spring and Summer Coatings, TO WHICH THEY IHTITE TUB ATTEBf TION Or TUB IBADK AND OTUEBM, The following ate the latest quotations for tne various article designated' ASHES-DVTTS K4 V ct Vol. 1st -t )00 MMSSW Tearl, 1 i run WUM lu X7 VAfi VLhM Duty: 2a y in. F.rm. V T. 45 f$ lH.plLl"(l o (( 1 'O ' JoJ 'OA y M to Adam'iieClty 21 if-2i Aotm'l Plate W lOAL-liUT: 40c. II 44 ion. LI .tjrr'lVton r-llneyH. ut Plclou.. (ft) Antn. i.iiiiV. S CO a 'f0 CtHDA- Inn Yi t o, tyi V. Marac'n gialuDO a Uuayaq'll ' " 11 all)k Far. a H. IKim'O " ' 7a S'i Calcutta Bait (d Do, Klpufpoe 14 (-n Do, (rwne. ii (41 t'ahtomla II ( 19' Urerti HWrnl ! (JiiyMlHiinli'i'r l'l i.v 13 H'NKV Doty: aio.Tgal. Cuba, (jh gal., duty paid. HO U -81 Cuba In bnnd gci64 ( aurs-wtri ft cents IKn7... -...IS i two s Havariaue aft 11 ihms Iutx; lucenl. Of, B. A. A a., AO fOOtT'OO INDK4U Duty; rait 4. ueniiai. r m...i 1(1 a 'i US f!l -40 (g-l (JFlr P rrTY; fto lh iaUr go i.-hj a HH) Jaa,wire,KOil -24 Ma l'ia.oi(1-7u a fi JkDiaira 15 a Ids Uarcc-s go Id-Ho a 1 of La tuayra , I5'a 1 iitecuU.mdl l 1 45 Uarfcaibu 15', h In ,IUN-1 I'Ty; Br Si7, R Beaate. Washinoton, July 17. Mr. Sherman (Ohio) rose to a personal explanation, and readmcc Irotn a recent article in tbe htrald, pronouncing hie lucclinp bill a mous'rous job in tbe lutcreit of tbe Iteaaury ring and his frienJo, Jay Cooke and oiherx. He said thHt the bill frave no piwcr to tne secreiary 01 tne iieasurv dcjouu what he alreadj iiocscpsps, and that every section of tne hill is rfs rictive upon bis power; that nobody from the Tieasury was directly or in directly for tbe pa-satfe of the hill; that Jay (Jnoko & Co. bad never alluded to tbe subject in bis presence, but on the contrary all bankers aod brokers were or posed to tne bill as euatne to t'estroy tbeir vocation; that so far as he (Sherman) Vucw he bai never doue any ibinu to jroinotc tte ioteiet of Jy Cooke, thuueh a personal friend. wt,o, if he had m idc toitune, bad doue it bv honorable means, and not uUoirether from Government pecaniiei, boneh eniploied by three successive secre taries of tbe Treasury lu tbe sale ol bonds; tliat Jay Cooke & Co. were not respon sible for this measure. He repelled this assertion ot the article that the bill bad been shoved through In an undurhaod manner without cull in u tbe eai and nays, eay- inpr the Stnatewas aware that he had never called it up except alter fall notice, and it was lassed alter tbe most mature consideration. Hie attack v. as siniplv a device to cieieat import ant measures be'ore Congress. By tbe terns of tbt b.il nobody could bave a job, but all mast be doue by voluntary action in ouvug and sell id?. In Ufiice to the Senate, to Jay Cooke & Co., and tchinitelf. he bad made bis statement, and let me tay, he continued, "Tbat no fears of im nntatioiib of thu kind fball prevent me from pursuine the even tenor of my way, which is to corupel a reduction of the burdens of tbe puol c debt, and to lighten tue oar a en 8 which now rest on tbe pet ple." Mr. Tru nun prefeuten a resolution ot tne Louisiana Leuhlature, ratilying the Fourteenth ComtUutioniil Anirndment; and aUo the cre dential of WUliaro l'ltt Keiioeg. senator elect lor the lous term, and John r Harris, Senator ekct for the short term, who were sworn in. Ilease of Rapresamtallvea. Mr. Grlswold (N. Y.) from the Committee of Watshud Means, reported the bill autUnnalng the" Wcretary ot the Tr asury to refund duties paid on a chime of i-iu ani a riocic, imponea lor 6t. Joseph's Cathedral at Buffalo, New York. Passed. Mr. Schenck (Ohio) from tbe committee or Wavs and Means, reported .back the Senate iuiidir,i bill with amendment!, and asked tor its' consideration. Mr. Randall ( Pa.) objected to ltsconsiaeraum ?p tbe House. The bul Hnd amen tments were yWerred to the Committee of the Whole ou the blate ot the Union. Mr. Scbenr k moved to postpone all orders in Committee of tbe Whole, and turn to the fund mar bill, saying that he regarded tbe vote a a test question whether the land bill or the fund itic bill should have the preference. Mr. O'Neill (Pa.) suggested to bave an evening resRtoii lor the tariff bill unless the friends of the funding bill should choose to give the tariff bill the preference. , Objection was made, and Mr. Scbenck's mo tion was aereed tc yeas C9; nays, 68. On motion of Mr. Dawes tbe credentials of four persons claiming to be Representatives from Alabama were referred to the Committee on Elections. . , ,, Mr. Brooks (N. Y.) susgested that the Com mittee Inquire whether these persons were ehocen at a regular election or at a mere primary meeting. Tbe House then went into Committee of the Wboie on tbe luudiug bill. Mr. 1'ouieroy iu tbe Cbklr. 1 be bill bavin? been road, the amendments proposed by tbe Committee of Ways and Means weie considered. Mr. fchenck suggested that the debate on this bill ohoubl beconbned to a mere hve miuatcs' business discussion. Mr. Hrooks (N. Y.) thought the debate should not be restricted, except to keep it within ttio scope of the subject, adding that thi bill was one of the moat important that could come before Cougress. Mr. Bchtnclf moved to close debate in two hours. Several members suggested that tbe time whs too long, suggesting ouc hour, halt an hour, aud five minutes. Mr. tjvens (Pa.) moved to cl03e debate in half an hour. New York Itock Uuotatloaa -3 F.K. Received by telegraph from Glendlnnlng A Da via. Block Brokera. N o. 48 8. Third strel. N. Y. Cent. B ..IWtumi. and K.I. K 107JJ N. Y. and E. It OH-i Pitta. f'.W.audChl. Ph. aad lUta. K WV K. R... 108U Mlob.W. and N.I. K tu Z! Pacific M. H Co....IUl'i Clev. Plttab'g K.. 8 Oold 13 Cbl. and N.W. eom Wrket firm. Chl.aaUN.W,pref. mii t lon. caHh. .4a IS tOFl'KK (Kt'l-'KR -DriYiPif andllir ?'jc. and Kneaiulug, oc t K Aru can liikni 22Ha 23 baibeli''g new It-one)) !... 83 a ftiealli'g 1 In. a Mieall.' yel. 28 a Pia ( blit...... a Bi.lin . a 33 DKLU- AM) DYK8- Alcolini a A lues, 4 .... 21 a Alonbic'irlne 75 a 85 Alum . s(a 8 Ani'yirg. gid 11;, -rgolft ret. gld 21), a-2 Arftnic,o'r.g 8 a AfsaieiUla a 4u balrmCalva M a 95 UuUam 1 0I11... 1 80 a Beitbui F ru.. a3S0 Hf mes.I'ers gK27 a 81 Brrrlee, Turk. a bl-rarb r-rxla id 4,,a 4', Hoi ax, lefintd 82;, a 83, Mr mtttoue.r il a 8'4 lirlnin i e llor a 6'. Brini'e.f m.iri3T00 a.HSTU C'emrli'rIt nto.g a Onmhi r, tef. I'lo a reMlisr'dts... alts t'ar.Amuionla 17 a rd uionin. a s IS Cam or OH B-aoJi Ibanioiulle Fl. 15 a W Cblmaie l'ut- Bfh. gold -84 a 35 Coclilnral Hs gd a SO tucrj Mex.fold ;s a 76 t'oi peree Am. l?,a m Cri-anj 1 a. g d a 2n 4 uhebs. K. I... a 8u Cuicb , is KpKini Bvlts.. 8 1 4 (niboi;e ...... 2-00 Uuni Arabic, e'le 31 a85 bum Arabic, Ikd 45 a-75 Unm B-iizou 80 a 85 Uum Wynh, k.. I a Uum Sayirli, 1y -55 a Uuuj 1 rag.,et 8i a 40 Um '1 tag., ll.gdio a loo Hyd. Pota Kiig. aod Kr..g 'Ul 8 C0 aS'SO Iprracuaiiba, Br 3f0 a3'75 Jaixplnbdgld f5 a 90 Lac Dje is a 65 i.lcorlre Pmi 24 a 40 h adder, Lmicli gold 12ia 14 M. ddr, Frencb go d... a Uttitik, small fluke 95a Manna, large flBke.. ..l70a 115 Koigal a. bl. Alp... ,, 85 a OU Beig'l 6S7.a 7'tO till Cstti a .150 Oil Lmiuion... ,875a 8 80 Oil l'e, iierni't a 6 60 Oil Or a ti ne a Opluu'ly.g'd a7-l2' a a a a a so - 14 a a 28 a Phipihnru8. a lot) Prus. Foiahb. 88ia- 85 Quii khllver,. 7h a 80 Ktmbarb. Chi 2 25 a3ad Kaleraius.r.b 20 a ti. Ani'lac g d 8 a Si H. hoda, gold. Iti5 a 1 Hit, taa'lla. lion In bd gold - 25 8arta'ilia M ex. lu bd gold... Penua. K I. 20 Hl-. Alt X 25 (shellac I7)ifc 60 K.Mia AhS txi c gold....... a??. 6. Lend. ga a -Li isiil.h. Qolu a 2 6 Tai. Acid, g. a 60 VerOlnrlH, g 51 a 62 Vitriol Blue... IU I II FKATHfclW uuty: aoftn PrimeWesrn BU a us Teiintpet-e.... 80 t 86 F 1 hH iii'i Y! Mackerel 12: HfrrlDk8.il: r almon. K O b-r 1 irk led, 1 1 W? Dbi. I'liier isn, bit aiea 1'iled, or smoked In sa alter packager , 60 cts, HHillM, I)ry odcwt.SOO a 7 00 Plik I'd scale a Pick ltd too. 8 25 a 8 60 WBik.i'i:;r)1.23tO VU-lh llarkerel No. 1. small 22'M lacko2.M.lt'''0 Uack No.aM. 7 75 fra wTPic N.J8 00 Bul Pie V ice. V ht. bb)...- Btr'nPKk'd Htr'gwet'ti'i. llsrilnir. Nn I 2(1 HA.-1TTV: lor "n. orlb Riv.lr.-1 a-24 FIOVU AND MKAli Dt iv; 10 ' een 8our.....fiT5 Hinlr i-ui-er... 75 r-ta e ext. do. 7 5 K f;o lt: B tiler and riaie, i.'c. t id: Bind. Hoop, and ncrnll, r4r(S; lc. V ft. Pig, j $ uu huooi, 8c. It. PI. , KlIKl Kb, fe ?c 1 tcb 4 too, St 00 a 4K0 Pig. Am'Call. SH iO a m IK) BurKtig ref. 9SOI aim) 00 ear Kn 'm... 84 i a so-uo fetneel, H'lenlit. IMqn'. V lb 18 a 19,'i Hdeei. Kngliab A American 5 a t LKAU-Ditty: Pig. fi'tiTR itri lbs. j Pm aud Bbeet, 2 76 $ 100 tbs. Oaiena . a Kpanlnb, gold. S''6 a J7'i Bar, ne'. u oj a fbeetttPIe,iit alStio tKATHKK Duty: Sole, 85 UPDrr. ' W v.. art ml. Oak (HlLt. tt.-88 a 42 Oak middle... 8 a 48 "K. havy 40 a 44 Onk crop 11 a 41 nflll'icn.ilglll a 29 Hemlock, uud 27 a v9 Heuit'k,)eav 24 a-2K'J Uenilock.dani 19 a 26'a l.IMK' Duty: 10 V ceui, ad val. Kocklaod.com a 1-25 1 uuip. - a 2-25 LUMBKK-Dorv: 2oWct. ad val. Wholesale Prices, Timber, W. P. " cuDlo root Timber Oak, uo - Tlmber-aY P (bvcar)ycrt a Eaat'D etpruce perM 12 00 B23 00 Ph'lfies. V b.h a Do.nbavetl. f bill. M.).. roH'dfil. qual., x M.. a D". I'ypiesbo, 8 'oot. a Lai lis K t M a 8oo Slav's iV.Ope 110'. 0 a275'0 ' W.Ohd ltKi-OO B2.(.VII0 " W.O bbl. 60 110 alfHIOO Head'g W. O allooii MOLASSKd DrjTY:8o.DBl N.O.Vga a 1."' Porto Itlco 48 a 72 1; Cuba M USI.-UV...48 a 65 C uba l.layed..45 a 47 Barbadoes 60 a 67 a I Ls IjUTY: 47ut. i'i- Wrought ih: Uoiseshoe! f ceo's Vi lb. ' CtU.46d.t 10olb4 87'JallDO Cilncli 5iia7s NAVA U 1 OKKS Ul't y P's.Turpeuilue, 81 cut' ? gal.; other kinds, 20 V, ct. ad val. ' Turpet. r-f . N. uoty.tzsn bs-.- ftP50 Tar Wll- u.ltulon 6 00 s Tar, V bbl is U 3 75 al 00 Pitch. 861 a KfHlM.com. oldi 87Sa Do. No. 2(4 280 b 3 2i3 60 SolrltM 'lur... 45 a irf OIL duty: Palm 10 Olive 11 i.uiNfea, t Unseed, It seed, 23 ceniJt; Sperm noreiga Uslierle ) and Whale or other lisb (lor elgu) 20 cent, ad valorem. OHe,l2bb,tl: a 1'12' Ollve.piC g 2 60 r-a m, in.... ll,'ia nv Lltmed, city din 1.10 T.tngeed KDg wnae 82 Bel. Win 87 Iiet. 8'g Jpcrm, crnae 2 1 0 ' W. I 'blVn. 15 Bed. city ins tilled . so L'd Oil Wet v', KeroHeue.l'u OIL-CAKK Durv: 2oeict. ad val. Tbloobton.67 00 s PKrKOLKO M-uuTf. Crufe. 20c. R... 400. Crnde,40 tl garlly figai.... . 21 a 21i Reot.ed free L.S. to white (Ui 175 text) .... 35 Betined io boud a 112 a . a a-o a a a 220 a a a .in a Bl 50 BlH'S1' a 900 B27 O0 a x. An b-r) Id.. Oblo. f A kllcl.j a-25 a 800 a 7 35 a sou t-60 all 70 , (M5tesi) 31 a 32 Bell nf d in b'd. white (115 120 test 81 a Naptna retiutd I 18063 ga- I rtty. .. a 15 .PKOVI8 10 ns Doty: Cheese. 4c J lb; Beel and Pork.lc; llauas. Baoou, ana Lam zo f'. 10. a 82.5 00 a a Oblo ex. bds. 60 alS0 (injunte co. II 75 al4 Ou lausda up. 1 andaexia Irn'lyaine. OfOtgHown . a lalUora Jtin2fi a270 a a BeelMs.obVb " " city... " Meat ex 20 M Prune cy Prime c " MSMICI510 aA -to jFork.Ms fi?b27 75 a-5Mli 1 Prime... a I " ' Mesa. a " " Clear a Iardprniatm I6t is,' H.ms. salt.... a .should, sa. 1... a ' Beei bam. In pl-kle.-f-hln a I Reeremo.ytt a uutter, oraug 32 a 85 H.f4lrtopr 80 a 34 " Ohio - a Cheeee i alj KIoe-Dt-TY: 20, lb Paddy, l,S,o. V S, Caroliua. gjod, to prime 10 fin all-so Rangoon dressed gd 6-25 87-00 HALT Duty: Macks, 2ln. tl'0 Bs; bulk. IS els um mi. ' . nn. shelled: ijther Turk's IsUnd, Nuia. Vo.: Pates. 2c: "ar . V bush ...... 41 a flints 6'. GraptS 26. and tit verpiol, Ur., Fruit lu Sugar, syrup and B a dy. f& cent. Rats.f h Hck6-5ii 8 Bai.btbiyr'S95 a- 1 nr'ms,l b ll,a ll' (luoii.. -27 a 28 Air. ouili P Ici ly otlKhfll.. 14 a A !, l,ell d 411 a 45 t V KB AN D SKINS Furs Timothy f bui2 51) a2 iio drtaied or uudreesed, nn , Flex Am rgi....2o a2 8. f-klns. 11) ceut aa vai.i fnu 1 im'ty; xto, d a a Grre AleiHiidrlK... - it el 1. II nw'dn' Bye Hour Bfo aieao Com Meal 8 60 a- do. llraiidy'e,8-2j a 6 30 do. Punch ..! 00 a 9 60 FRUIT Dutv: Dried, 5c.: Almonds 6iliK shelled jt vtrp'itJi, jrr., Si k ..175 81 80 Higgles'. ...2 1-5 82 90 V Asbuin'n ct 0 Hh:h.Dr Duty: Mnseed. H',. Hemn J-0 VI lb Oa. nary 41 44 bttaa o(nu lbs , a id Grass Seed 30 44 ct. ad vat. Clover V ft 10 e.-10'f Beaver, jNoriii f it a 4 00 a Hio a 8 00 a 7i( a tio a I 60 a a-'4H a 1 00 820 00 a-4S a a '47.', a a 2 95 a a 2-ng a 1-20 a 1 i2 re: n150 " btiuiberu 1 10 v esit-ru. 111O OttPrNo'll-pceSOO ' Wee' em. 6-oO Bed Kc x iN'th '75 Raccoon B'tn 10 " WrBi.com "10 Nr rib 60 Mirk North' D 100 lim Western. 8 00 a 7 00 Marten. N'lh t 0 Ui'Bl 4 ura - '36 Mex ft Deer slHalVlb -46 s. Juan,... -4a oRAIN-Puty: loa2octs. WbeaGbu270 a 2 mi " Cal8... 2 o a 2 8 ' Ohio. M It'll., w. 2 0 Cbli agu No t, 2 2o dt . N2, S10 do. No v. 2-i Mllwa'lr.No. 12 20 do. No. 2-l0 do. No. 8 2f0 Rye Norto n, 2-05 Cora, So. w.y, l is el low l-io Wtem Barley a ha ley Malt. 2 40 a 2-S Oa-ta, Htle.M xs'ia S8'4 " Oblo,... -8V48 83 ,', Jersv a Peas b'e tfitiu a OVK POWDER Duty: 4 cents '44 g, and 20 ct. ad val. BlaHtlnr,V26tb a 4 00 hlilnplijg. 8 4 60 Rifle S'60 a y. ay KRlu bisivv-7 " FIFTH EDITION IMPORTANT FROM EUROPE. Tho British Govornmont Ac cepts tho Amcrioan View of Allegiance. Btc, Ktc, Etc., Kte., Kte., Ktc, By Atlnn'ie Onble. LoRDoif, Jnly 17. In tbe House of Commons last evenirjg Lord Stanley, Secretary of Fo reign Affairs, made an important statement, In answer to a question asking for information. A reply, lie said, had already been sent to the United States Government in tbe matter ot naturalization, tbe substance of wbioh was tba tbe British Ministry were made to accept the American view of the question, and he, there fore, thought a misunderstanding between the two nations was impossible. Lord Stanley also states in this reply that he has declined to make a reply at present, as the royal commission was still considering the general snbjeot, and for tbe additional reason that a bill would be presented at the present session of Parliament. -- SB-BBaa MM Sun-Strokes. Baltimore, July 17 The American pub lishes a list of thirty-two oases of sun strokes yesterday; twenty-one fatal. w Tor- Itock quo tat Urns, 4 P. m. Received by telegrapU from Ulendlnnlns A PavlB, Htock Brokers. J o. 48 8. Third street.:-. V. Ceul.lt, 134 lejniaand N. W. prt 8IJ. audi I' K. S?B CM. and R. I. K....1U7 Phil, and Bea. H.... Ho IPItta. F.W.andCM. Mien. es.ana w. l. k. vpm R. B..........iori, uie. SDnriit, PWUoia...... ...113' bia iiud.w.eom. bu i Market steady. DRY GOODS QUOTATIONS. l)pjtl)lc(c)glb-alla Biickoonriuicl 12.a BOAT Duty: 26 U cent, ad val. Can l'e -I8V t7 SFKL I K, K-iZinn)- iuty: u riKs, uam, aud t' a e, f rw ft iim ins. Plates ...ito'd n'J- BPIOKS ICTYiOaaOAU). cassia in mats '416. Bid.... 51 -52 lius'rHceldi(il,tt ii MHce. to ii.... y2.ta W MuimeKS, N J. 1, gold P8 a -89 Peppwi . Bold.. 'Wi i4 Fltuento. Jauilca io) (cold ... I9a 30 Clnvei id KM 2ttti a 27 BUOA KH Duty 2ax;'flb new uniD-- a Cuba.Mrlado ti7 tt P 'rio HI v.... ll'i 14 Ilav'uawlil c-14 15J Haw. BAY. a Manilla 11 ll) Lour. a f'.ll.t.Uit (1 t',V Yellow J"'." a- 15 White a '4 T1LIX1W-Duty. I o Am.priuie.f4 m 12 a 1 tkab ijoty: at fi o v tinnpowder.' iw ii yon. ......... w Y.uys o.io. " Htsoii Kklu tl Twaiikay 5 a S3 N. A Uoions i m mt oraoaa P.o 70 a l uo Jiunu . 8 a 1-24 tin 4Zinni Duty: Pin, Kars. ami tsinca. it it o. ad eal.; Plates and Blieeta 8S V oi ad val. Bauca.cu.fl t 110.27827 Verrlmack, BD-rrlT ack, D...... ., C'OCtlFCO, Ii r-prce I'BCltiC Anieniau.... Dunnells Aliens atanclieHter. Frecmans... lirlKKS......... Nassau PKINT", 15 lAmoskeaa, iHivvei' ll.V ..ii:'; -i?ii ..12Si Waiutit.a lcor WaureKao, Arnold Hamilton 124 ; Hlcliuinntl ..IIS I8lt !4lo ireHier 114 t Mnnrnlnv H'i Lanras.er.., ,.i2'-i iUilenlaU I.encBf t(r...... IS ! Hartford, iierkHhlre. 18. Koannke Caledonia...... .18 Ibskow...... BROWN KIIFKTIa. ...........12S 1".".".'.'.". ZlO in) nriY 12 . 1 " '"" i en? V.'.T.Viiii'-i82 ........14 -tt -14S17 Amoske,g A 4-4 17 Lawrence, .i7 r.....4 4.. ,.4U U..7-8 14 in 4 14 B 8-3 12 I Paciac. Kxlra 4-4.-17 4-4, ......4-4.. 8 4.. Ii... Atlantic, A " H " L " V i Puperlnr, 1XL...4-4 t-hm mnt, C . 4. ARBWam, F.....4-4. Stark. A Uavaciius.il'' ...4 1., JIB..4 4., " 7-S., Indian Head 4 4., -17 16 -4-4 17S .4 4 17 .4-4 10 If 4 14 111 ..144 ..in'. ..14 ..17 ..18 ..'5. ..'3'. ..I7.'i S-4 14 V Exeter, A 4.4 is'. b.. 7-s 12't Medtord.- 4-4...... 6 ngttsla 4-4 18 7 IK Ollnoe.... ...4-4 Ufi ntlelleld, A .4 4.,..I8 Kenuebec 4-4 10 Kveieit. AA 4 4 is Hhannnn .4-4 M' Beoford. K 8 4 lit Coneiio Oa., B....S-4...... 'i Pocaet... Pepnerell, -K- R., BO"t, 8... , v " H Appletou. A laooala, H ' B. Lyman, K..... 4-'-. " o. Utlca... rreoionl.. o .......4-4....lT)4; If 11 InL :..r.ij O .-.. 14 N ......1214J 7-4. 3'2 9 4 .4Z Ilk. A k-VIv se4esaa sea eaatft "Xlt 1717 Me4V4.s4se 175 4-4..-..17 4-4 IH 4-4 12 4-4. 24 4-4 IV inai.u Urchard, A...lf " J...l '' " B8....I8 Oreat yalls, H....9 S.'li? '' J 4-4. IH m ft "j-a . . . - MWIS Cabot, A ......4 4......IS W 4 4. .....15 Dw'fQt, A 44 IS .m.m .....44..mm11 SLBACHKD MDBMN8, KewYo'lc MlUs.4 4 28 Wanisulia -- 2 f......A .4 4 22 i .4 4 22 ..4-4 IS .4-4...... lH 4.4......U ..12S .14 -.16 .IS ..18 ..IS 18 ...19 ,..21 .20 Tuscarora WlHlniusvliie Kates A btie hwk,. X III rpii .,rMH.t"i Indian Kiver. X. XX.. At'awBDgan, X ., Mssonvllls ...,4m B'aekstone. .4 4.. Hone 4-4.... Langdoo ...4-4.. 4.'-tncn. 46-Inch wauregan I'eppeiell.. ,.6-4.. ..8-4., .4i Dwlstit Ball U fcroi. " ....4.-..6il4' " .-I0-4......57H TJtlea .....7 8 22 " ..4-4.-..25 , " s-4.-. tr: ' ..l(4...7Sj Boot, R ...S-4. lw' B 4-' V S W .641 ArdroscoggluM.K4-4....18 Canot 4... tS . Ml I 1 '5 20 ; - , , T Amoskeag- York Blue 11 III... NnrlMlld.. Oakland..... Worklug Man's., union-. Amoskeag .. York , Vnosville...., American Hanjlltou...... Evtreit. ...4 4 IS ...4-4......1U " 7 8.. 12 Lonsdale 4-4.. is " Cambria...- -74 HMI . 1-4. l .74-elS Bartlett 8-4. .17 ' Rs-lncb.. 14(4; " Si-lncb.. 18S James 81' m Mil's. ..4-4.lH " ' 8l-lnobllri " kl-lo:ti...la. Great FalU, J ....7-s 14 K....4-4 ib . Q 17 Wed Bank ...,4-4. .11 Waltham. X -, I4 42 lucn . . Mi ae.S 4.m4A " ..8-4 ."2 " - i,.i'-4 7i2 Franklin Ulg eo4 4.. lX By Kills ...., A.i .80 Putnam. A 11 13 r 7 s nu: Oreen, O.. 4-4 is Amoskeag, A ..4-4 16 ' Z.7I. -It WhltensvUle 4-4 14 . 7-8 liX OUs Compaoy, "n BB 77 AA M) Warren Brown . ..27W Lewlsioa. Brown uC wiuiuuiau.MM., STB1PEO SHIBTIVeS. Wblitsnton, A... . .m " B B....M..MMW " V 14 Kagle Tliorndiae..... .. ,,2&.i York , 80-lncb.. York. K-t sen , Amoskeag, A.U A ' A. ...... B. " 4 Coneetoco 4 4 " 3) ztra Bwt't RlTtr........ ..."4 28 ....2A .....14', 2 16 TICKS. 15 iThomdlkt 8' Metbuen, ..86 ..IS .82 HamlHoa lingular m Willow Brook . ,sl Everett.. ..) " A. Ki ra. S'l Hampden. XJ 98 IPea-l Ktver 83 Pilladeia. . 80 ..th 22 -.20 .28 S8 18 COllSET JEAN". Avflf keat . .M l.wcnia. 14 N.umeng r-alteus 174 Saw Market . 14 Pepperell. . Haies .... Innlan Oro lard Kverett ee4)ei M BROWN LRILL3. Am oak sag Pet perell.. Lactinla . blalk.A, .174 ITS .t7V 1H Pacific Hamilton......... BDcUtster... , Anplet.m... Treiaooi.. nsuata Winlbiop. I(Ki.AINKH. IS I Lowell. ....S 4prat"M ... 16 lArmarea U .IS -is .14 I6 . - P R I Ti C I P A a. DEPOT roB thi -ui or United States Revenue Stamps, UO. t04t CMKSBUJT kTBXEIs CENTRAL DKPOT, mo. ia south fifth wtuMwrr tone door balow Uiesaol street). NO. 1033 CILEenUT Blreet. AT WUOJLESA-E AND JBETAIL. I Unt