6 I .WEW YORK GOSSIP Tbe Hot Ruioa-Urttt Mortality l the City Am Exciting lcil-I" Mor- Nbw York. Julj 16. UoIpm tlio meteorologi cal ulen at the presoot wiitim are deceptive, the oitizeiB of Ke i'ork will be uljlo to con gratulate tbcimclves this raorniisr tht tn; "heated terru" h had Us run, and tbey may rcaeouably Indu pa the hope thnt It will not have It rlvnl aa'n this cphs n. ltlDow pmt the middle of .Tily, add the records of the thermometer for t!ie pa-t forty jcars show that the hottest dao aUnys precede the pr-a:nt date. It has been a 1' ear hcei. and its sail rH'oct have hicn wHmfed in tie uuprci-denleil number of victim' whose oVntbs hve bfu recorded in our ne.1-papers tluriuz the liit ten dnjs; but it is nomi!. nn'.t rof conpritulaiion thnt the hot cpcll thronili wl ich w. have pii-i'd has not been accompinifd by anj ppidemic, an 1 that, excnptini; the nmr'ai ty and s iUcnni; immedm'ely resulting ficui the he'., tio public iheallh bus been pood. Altbouiib the temperature of the atmobere this summer exceed- thai ol 18f.C, vvbeti the city was vifcltcd by t oradtc can 's of cbol' i a, mv jet without any epideu.io that can be icsritried of a contaeious or n iil'muant typ". In ihi reppect we arc fortnna e; but, on the other hand, never have we hart i.cc-islon to record so many deaths, candid cl her directly or .mil rectly by heat. In ro previous jeir In l!i -MetropolllHU dUtricl can su:h a ftafnient bi found as this. From noon of Saturd is, Jaly 11, to Doon or 8un Jay, July 12, 02 deru. were recorded; fiomuom ot Sunday to noon of Monday 1,13th), 113; trom Monday to TuesJay noon, 131; from Tueoday to Welncfday nou 230, and fioin Wednesday to Thurslnv noon. 174. Thus in five dass we have a total of 740 deaths trom the effects, more or less, of heat. But even these returns do not include the deaths in the fublic institutions, such as hospitals, nurseries, alwobou-es, etc. Of the 71G, inq iests were held on 84. The total of deaths during tho week ptecedine, commencing Ju'y 6 mid endiusr July 12, waft G14; and ou the week opening with June 28 and closing with July 4 (includitB those at the public institutions) the returns vera 413. The Norwegian barque Nordcap arrive 1 iu port recently, when Simon Paul Farsaa'jd Liver Iseilson, seamen, deserted from hir. Ne.'son was arrested in this city und Far.- in PUlladul' phla, both men tnakvuir. a desperate resistance when overhauh d. Yesterday morning Deputy Marshal McCoy and Dartre started for the vsssel with their prisoner!", the barque then being an chored aratd-stream preparatory to sailiitL'. When the row boat coutainii i; the officers and the deseiters cleared the vtlmrf, thesa lois made a frantic etlort to overturn the boat, aud 83 escape. They were overpowered, however, and shipped in ta'ety". It Is s-iid that the pmouers Will be compelled, to work out the expenses attendir.e their capture. The co-operative bricklayers of this city have a dec-ideal j practical movement in i peniu their officii in Demilt street and inviting orders for contracts and joba It is a movement that willoblieo tbem to exhibit, nil the good sense .and judgment taat is amonj them, aud so inspire the public with confidence in their plans and purpose. It If an ordeal calculated to do them s-ervice in more ways than one; for they must act under a certain lorm of discipline, which will tend to make them sober and re. fiectlve in their bnbi'.s, and keep them from many of tho-e ludulgences they now consider indispensable. As n body, they must huve tho9e qualities by which tho individual master " maeon succeeds in the world qualities ot pru deLce, care, forethought, thntt. The opera tives have entered ou a hard out praiseworthy trial. The Mormons who ariived In this city a few days ago, passed through Schenectady on Wed nesday afternoon, en route lor Utah; the Sche nectady papers say there did not seem to be much eatntlinebS about them, and thai they were a rough-looking ciowd. The heat was affecting them considerably, one woman haviog died just before arriving .iu that city, aud several more being at the point of death when the train left. The males were rugged-iookin?, and there was but little b. auty among the females. All ages and conditions were represented. CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILWAY. Piotrm of ttaa Work From Oesaa to Oeraa toy July 4, 1860. The Sau Francisco Bulletin says: 'One of the ironnuent executive oflic ts of the Centtal Pac.Bc Itailroad has declared within the last ten days, that iheioad will be himbci to Salt Lnge, and pasenuers ill he transportej over its ontire lens' h, by the Fourth ol July. 18C9. It is pretty ceitaiu, now, that there will be very little difference ot ttme In the comple tion of the tworoaiis. The prediction nmounts to this iu ellect that ou the Fourtn ot July, '09, passeupers will be able to travel by continuous rail across the continent, from tau rraucisoo to lSew !fork. Stranue as hi propo itlon seems, we art. not piepaied to controvert it. Tue two greut countries have surmouuted the preatest obstacles which are lo be encoun'ered on their respective lines. Each has pa-scdhe summit of the highest lnterveuinn; inoii' tain ihn?es and is now ou the nome stretch.' The comina winter weather will not interltre, as heretofore, with the progress ot the work. Onlv a limited force could be used iu the deep mountain cuts; but tipou the plains and more open country pantrs ol meu cau De distributed at various poiuts. Hiicbatu Youn?, it appears, has not only contracted to build a Bpcuon ol the road irom Bait Luke eastward, but is hkelv to undertake quite us large a Job for the Central Pacific Kail road, west ot S lit Lake, President Hianford was at the latter point some days aeo. and there is little doubt that arrange ments win De cioea w un i ouuf? ior aueu avail able help as he can. furnish. .A Uri! shipment of railway iron, said to auount to five thousand tr,i. is to be tent across the Isthmus, and a dozen ships are under charter to bring rails by wav of Cape Horn. 'The nioneeri who were poled up tho Chaares river in '49 and 'fill haialy dieuniid that in a few years thereafter cargoes of railroad irou would be transported across tbe I.-thaius to lay a rail road track homeward across the continent. Until recently the prediction that the wholo line would be Unshed and opened for truvel by Julv. 1870. has been sravelv Questioned. Bit now another tear hits beeu taken od'. and as eood evidence remains to show the probability of computing the road by July, '(i'J, as there was eighteen months nero to show that it could be completed in ld70. To powerful companies are under the stimulus of the s.trongst interests to complete tHeir respective roaus in tue siiorteb nnsKihle time. There is protvibly a bandsoiw marpln of profits on tbe construction of every mi e Ot load inroupu uie iuuio icvei cunurv The sink ps are net well ahead; and an arm ,.crii. frnm 12.000 to 18 000 men, we are toll tn miMnTnient OD the Central FacltJc liu this summer. There nmt be, on both roudu, an aiffrrepate of 25,000 to SO.uuu men, an army wuu shovels, plk, aad other construction tools, movintr towai ds a common centre and battling only aftalust the mountains aud hlHJ. "A correspondent ot the Bulletin has recently pone ovpr the entire roa'e, noting epclfllly the pn grpM of the work on the Union Pucilie loo. llis testin ony corroi"ra'es the renor'i wblb have been current ot la e. that the work on the Ln on Pact He is ml done it so thor.itiph a man ner as that on the Ottinl Pacific, butihn tnrk once dcn. so that supj l en 3in be takeu aheal for distribution, the work of levcl'inn no, hallaot nir. und replacing poor t'c would follow ss a mat er of Deci ssl'y. No doubt tnor are fonic evirWire of 'ibbon' woik on the Union Pacific This re'nlts fiom a desire to reach out aiti r the subsidies Hut nnv railroad across Mich a cnun rv involves Huili.v a nol d, su'e trnclnre. If lirldes are too trail, or culverts are of rcrtshable wood, tbev must gjve plse to conieihinp more permanent. rad which nnwers lor cons'rucUon trains, miv prcent quite Hiu ther apnesranee heu dedicated to through passed and freight, tratlic. We kno of no good ienon why the Union I'a.siflc o ight not to he as thoiouchly cnntrucled iu Wis outset t s Is the Central I'neidc. "If th's treat work should be completed as soon as now priolrted, th! 4'h of July. lftG.t, will be h memorable Oai for Satr Franciac . A rient historic even., the created of modern tin r?, would he fitly ns-ocia'cd wi'h th cmnd tnct of nntional In tepend nee by thpgra'. nTil tiui( congregated that nay iu the metropolis of the I'aeilic. BUSINESS NOT I CES. Ai.r( a and llropd'Kte Sick Coats. I.li.eD aud Dm k Hock Coats, whi'p and colored. Clo'li, CasRloierp, Drap o'Kle, and Lluen Venn. C'Hiiluiere and Lloen Panta, large assirtmont. I.lneu OiiBters, all sliuden. I'.very variety ot ClxthliiR, Biiitod to tlie season for Men't, Youths', Boys', and Children's, new, fresa toid (BHliloDHble, replenished dlly, and s'lln(t rap Idly at rrlres Ruaranterd lower than the lowest else where, and lull aaiK'actlon guaranteed erery pur chaser, or the mile cancelli d and money refunded. Half ", betii'rtn ") Bunnitt A Co., ir'thwl y ToarrHalc bucth ilrrett ) No. 618 Habk kt Ht Fhiudhi.hhia, AND No. COO ItUOADWAY, iNlW YOBIC. PTBKMiTiiKN tiik Dkfknhks ! Mala'la, the nioit deadly rnetuy of health, Is evry where ao Iva In July und Auguxt. The blazlrg Sun Is decomposing and fermenting every species of vegetable and animal abomination, and poisonous gas;s that depress and Infect tbe cystem are universally present. On the pralrlea, In the- swamp--, In the woods, and In tbe midst of crowded cities, tbls develop fln' of tbi ele ments of disease Is Dow going on. Id short, the hu man body Is In a sta'e of (lege, aud reason and com mon sense suggest that Its defenses be strengthened, A stlnjulant, a toulc. a corrective, and an altera Ive are required to put It In perfect trim, and these four grand rtqulsitei are comb'ned ln Hointrrnu'ti feT0UA ii lli ttkus. A man must bs mads ot steal not to he ailerted by the morbid matter set afloat In tbe atmosphere .by the rayiofan almost vertical Run. Nite- entbs of the community are premon's ied at this seaion by debility, lndlgestlnn, hradacbe want ol appttlte. Indisposition for exertion, nervous nep, etc., that tbey need souietblng to bul'd them up and reiulate tbelr animal machinery. Do ttiey want to "fight It out on that line all Lummer." i rt achieve an Immediate vljtory over their nnpleaiaut symptoms, aud secure that first of Heaven's bless Inge, "a sound mind la as-und body?" If the latter In theli desire let tbem resort to the Bitt ebs with )u t delay. 1 bat agreeable and potent vegetable regene" rative will soon resiote the system to Us balance' regnlatlcg tbe liver, strengtneulng the stomncn' rntly relieving the bowels and giving vigr, elasti city, and energy to the whnle frame. These are provn facts. No man who reads the testimony on wbt'.b tbey are founded can for a moment doub' thtm. Caici'I.I'S or Stosk in tbi Blaudhh. This most paluiul, aud varl. ua other diseases, are caused by the excess of Uric and Lltblc Aolds In the system, and often result 'n producing Bbeumatlo and (Jouty con ditions, which become chronic unless tbe acid luflj ences are In some way prevented by timely and pro per treatment. Tbe Octtysburg Katalyslne Wa'.er possesses tbe elements required to solve Incipient gouty, rheumatic, and calculous formations and pre vent ' heir furtt er development. Printed statements of remarkable cures gratis at any of tbe Druggists' mores wbeie tbe Water Is for sale. Ko Oas1 Mobe Light Wanted. The .laboring men at Point Bretze, whose business it Is toen-fipiten the city, by keeping op the supply of gas at tbe works, are on a "son-stroke" for more wages, and tbe stroke came very near to being fatal last night to therpy lamps. If tbe company wi,l uoi accede to the demand for increased wages, let tbem present to each one of tbetmpiojes a cool summer suit ot ciothlag from Charles Stokes & Oo.'s, under the Continental At y thing to pacify tne men ot gas, and keep gross darkness from coverlr g the city. Jewelry.-Mr. William W. Cassldy, No. 12 South Becond street, has the largest and most attractive assortment of tine Jewelry and silverware ln theolty. Purchasers can rely upon obtaining a real, pure arti cle furnished at a price which cannot be equalled He also has a large stock ot American watohes in all varieties and at all prices. A visit to his store Is sure to result In pleasure and profit. Lung Complaints, Bbonc.mitis, Asthma, etc., are snetdlly relieved, and, If taken In time, permanently cured by Jaynr's Expkctorant. You will find In it also a certain remedy for Coughs aud Colds, bold everywhere. Duty. It Is a duty we owe to ourselves, as well ai o those who are oepeLdeot upon us lo preserve ur health and strength, peer's "Standard Wine Bit ters'' are fonnd lo be an unfailing and valuable assis tant In maintaining tbe vigor of the svstm, aud la kteplng It in trne. told by Druggists and Growers. ron CateJUayon Batubday. The splendid new steamer Ltdy of the Lake leaves Her No. 19. above V'restr-et.'on Batnrday (to-morrow), at SUA. M.. and returning, leaves Cape May on Monday. Excur sion II kets, 3, Includlrg cairlsge hue; each way S"25, lccludlpg carriage litre. Fink Custom Mack Boots and Bbors for Oan lemen. Bart.ett, Ko 83 Houth blxth street, above Chen nut, iohni'iTo Nets and Canopies, at Pattb.v s, No, 1418 Cbesnut street. Lack Curtains and Window Shades, at Patten's, 'o. H 8 t hesnut street. Or. I) Mattresses made over at Fattbn'h, No. 1403 Cbeannt street. UrnoisTKRiNO prices are reduced at Pattkn s. No. 1408 Cbeauut street; NewCabi-bts made up and old ones laid at Fat- tin's, No. 1408 Chesnnt street. Tbbnwith basalt mai nerof Interesting Journals, pictorials, luuuy pumphlt is, uiagaxiues, e.c, e.miuh to supply every citizen, sr. at -r surall, In our city, lie ban a knack, uo.of luruluhlng his patrons wkb II e New York paper" before the malls arnve. that in (Bpeeinily couimeiKlable. His emporium, at No, 107 b. Third street, is completely stocked. Lots or ALi''A Backs. jMt of Linen Sarl t, J.utt n( the L'ltufohit Linen Sickt. jMlt tif the Chitctdute Duller, J.ott Jjnek : Narki. l.ot of Wliite. Vat, J.tittof l.lntn J'anti anil Ten'i, AH fietn unit very nice, fpAlptfa I'runi 12', to 8. ma'Lii'ti li tin H 50 (o f etc etc.. WanamaKBB A Bhown, .- Unit, H. P. Corner of 8'Tth mut Murki.t iti erts. jSg-.l pood tut or Vltrpymi n's Long .SdfAj. PARASOLS. PAKASJ)T AT $1, fl'25; LINED, $1'60, ; bilk Bun Umbrellas. II. tl ad. aud upwards. AtlllXoN'rt, No. 21H JtlUlJTU Btreet, f7 t 2m ROIXJERS' AND WOSTEKHOLM'S POCKET KMVKH. fearl aud Biag Handles ol beauillin Uiiiab. ROUtiKIW and WADrt HUTCHKK'f KJ itQKM, and .lie celebrated LKOOULTHK HAZOV bC'lsmu5 ol the fluent quality. Razors. Knives, hclw ors. and Table Ontlery Oronnil and Polished, at P. UADUJUL'tt. Nu, UO H. THNTb Btrttet, belQW fjLetnot, Wi4 MARRIED. KOHN-KIRK. June 29 at the -residence of the hrhles parents, bv the Rp. V. A. Morrell. f, llrNhY KOKN. Jr. of tblsolty, to Miss ASMB K'XK.ot W'ldireton. N. I. NFWBrOHlN niVFLU On the 4th of J ine. hi Hpt. M K. Dicki TKun, Mr. KnWA KO O. S Hi V PK.G1N to Miss MARY K. KIVKLL, all of fnllaJel phla. DIED. COPK -On the I4lh Instant, FHILIP COPS. In tbe 741 h yrar nl his age. The relatives and friends of the family, the We?ra rep H'eam fire Knilna Company o I'J. and tlie S ! Iters ol the War of 1812 are runpecifully Invited to at li nd the funeral, from tils late residnnce, No, lit Chr silHn reet on -unlav atternoou at 4 o'clock. To preceed to Machpt-lah Cemetery. KIiWaKIH-Ou (be IS h instant. NARtH KO W A Klih, wile if the late-Tbouias Kdwards, In the wh yeer ol her ace. 1 he relatives and friends of the family are respect full v Invited to a'tent the funeral, trum her Ive rtKiri'ore, No. 1477 Hanover street, on euuday after noon a ft n'np rk. FFflOTJB N, On the tilth Instant, ANN, dangti let ot rmuciH aud Mary K, ITergusot', aged 9 moultis an) V8 ft ays. Thf reia.ive? and friends are repcl tally Invited to at end the funeral, from her parents' residence. Me riin,rnve Fhty'oufib street, iielouvllle, un duu day afternoi n al Sn'ciork. JON KM.-On the 15th Initant, WLTR T1KNRY, Ii iHi.tBon of William It aid Klla M. Jjnes. 1 lie retail see and irieudnoi tne famliy are respect fully Invlied to at end th funeral, from his ptrentV resirit-nc, No 204 Haines sirent, (lermautowii, no baturday. the tan Inuant. at 2 1'oiock, " K KoWN.-On the lfith Instant. KL1ZA, wife of John K own, aKed 8 years. 1 he reiat'vea and friends of the family are respect fully Invlied to auend th-i funeral, trom ibe real fence t her hiiHtiand. No. 1;4Z frlirtiard street below Kll worlb sire, t, on rune ay tbe 19 h limani at 9 o'clock A. Ir. Interment at Monnt Morlab Cemetery. I. I'DI OW.un Wednesday. Julv IB, KATItLEKN V. f., lellct of the late Kev. John I.mnow, 1) U. The friends ol tne family are Invited to utte'id the funeral from her late residence. Nn. ST M Walnut iree', Weia Flilladelpbla, ou Saturday afternoon at Hi o'clork ) M CDONAI.D. Suddenly, on the evenlnir of the 14th In-iai.i, at the rmiJ-.-ncB ot his Orotln-r In law, Dr. J. t lurk, tower M rum, Monig i nery county, DUN IAN MAI lhi.4 1.1). k if Ait So tfara. His relatives and trieun are reepectnilly Invited f attend ris funeral from his leildence No. 6HI N. Vron, street, on Haturday mornliix ' 9 I'elnok. Fu neral lo prnreed Ui Laurel Hill. (Nt.TkDrldge, (nun , reanctu Hter. Mass., and Uraud Kaplds, Uluu., pnners please copy.) MATH E Wf , On the loth Initant, WILLIAM E , son oi William H and S-trah M.tue rs, aged S years. The relative and friends of tne laojuy are impeci fully invited to attend the funeral, from the resilience of his t arenls No. Hi hoil h s reet. on Monday tir "inn at 4 o'clock. To proceed to Wharton Street Vault MCRI'HT.-On the t h Instant, CL.VHEMCK BIMt'H A M, Infai t sou of James aud Hujau B. Mur.. phy. sged 9 months. POTTJtNUER. On the 16th Instant, Alderman CHAKLK B FO IT EMU KB. The male relatives and friends of decased are re spectfully Invlied to attend the funeral, trom his late resldei ce. No. 2i4 Christian street, on Saturday after noon at o'c.ock. btJH A KFFR. Suddenly, on the 11th Instant. Mr. OK' 'KhK ht It i i H, In me DS h vear of uls age. The relatives and friends ol tue lanilly are respect fully tuvlted to attend r lie funeral, Irom b s late resi dence. No l'"27 s. beveni h street, on Sunday tne imii inaiani. at (o'clock F. M, To proceed to tbe Union Ceneter". KIDNEY. On the lfith Initant. FLORENCE, daugh ter of J, C. and Kuima blduey, aged o years aud 6 months. The friends of the family are resnec'f illy Invited to attend the funeral, from her parent' residence, N.i. I.'ni9 tllrard avenue, on ba urduy. tne 18.h instant, a. 8 o'clock. Interment ln Lau el 11.111, jTrS-MAPONIO NOTICK-THB MEMBERS OF Pi iKMX LOIKJK, No. l:t J, A. Y. M . the members or the 44 duo Loilg-or Fentiay Ivania. and theO der in general, are irlernn Iv in vli 1 to met at'h M BOinc Hull CH hSNU T Street, on Minriay. the lith m sianr, a1 2li o'clock P. M.. to a tend tne tuneial ot our late B.- ilu r r Warden MOrtKll HAXaHlLL. rorder0flbeW-M-E,P.LE3CURK. Secretary. AmericaN Life Insurance Company, Of Philatiilv)hia. v S. E. Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. 4rg-77im Itistituticm has no superxorin the United Htate 10 OLLO WAY'S COXC EXTR ATED KSSE VCE OF JAMAICAGINGER. A TIKE ESSENCE OF THE TRUE JAMAICA lilM-LK. Free from Cayenne Pepper or any other admixture, possessing All tlie Carminative and diffusively stimu lating properties Which a-e so potent ln tbe Jamaica Ginger alone, and which are so ettlcach us In all cases ot Chills trom Exposure to Gold or Dampness, Collo, Cholera Mor bus, I Urrboea, etc OBSERVE A bait teaspoonfut ot Holloway's Gin. ger Is strongf r and more effective than a full tea- spionful of any other ln tbe market. PREPARED B7 JOHNSTON, KOLLOWAY & COWO, So. G02 AIICII STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 78 FOR SALE AND TO RENT. Mil pdTladelpiili properties I OR SALE OR TO RENT. Tbe Handsome Brown Stone RESIDENLFS. Nos. 4l4i, 411V, 41ia, 4I1, ud 4110 SPRUCE street, C J. JfJiLlj A UK .. 7 IS wfmlmSp No. 1?0 Sonttt FRNT Street. FOR SALE. A FIUST-CLA?3 SIT.VER plated Ware Manuf.ctjry irade established. Address I. 8., at this oilloe. 7 is p O R RENT, TBEMLSES Xo W C11ESNUT St., FOR BTORE OR OFFtCK. A 10, OFFICES AND LA BOB ROOMS sultabt for a Commercial College. yt ' ' eMtf BANK!1 TBE RKPCBLIC, HATS AND CAPS. Ii JONES, TEMPLE & CO., FASHIONABLE H A T T & R B , No. 26 b. NINTH fctreel. - , Flnu door above Cbesnut street. 9j rm wtunnnrnva 1MPROVPD VETI IS lated.rna eay-tiltlng Dress Hau (patented), lc 111 UIB IDilirOVra UHI1IUUB Ul iub Dnwuu. -j NTJT Htreet. neitooor to the Post Olhce. tl 1 op A T N T E D. PANTS SCOURED AND STRETCHED From 1 to 5 inclicH, . AT M0TTET, FRE'CII STEAM DVEINU AM) SC0U1UNU, tio. 205) ftOUTU KLNT1I STREET, AMD 0. 73C XSACE STItEET, 7 18 Ct fUILADF.LrHIA, FINANCIAL. ztmkUw. POPULAR LOANS. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE RONDS At 102, And Accrued Interest. CENTRALPACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE R0XDS At 103, And Accrued Interest. Bonds on Land for Immediate delivery. Full Reports, Maps, Etc., furnished, upon application. De Haven & Bro., No. 40 S0TJT1I THIRD STREET, a 25 PHILADELPHIA. 660 MILES OF TUI UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Are cow flnliihed and In active operation. One hun dred d twenty mi lea have been built In tbe lan hiee months. More than twenty thousand men are employed, and this average of forty ml ej per mouth will be continued throughout the season, m tklng NINE HUNDKKD COMPLETfaD MILE b Jan- nary I. and It Is now probable that the Kf PIKE MRAND LlrJR TO THE PaCIFjC WILL Btfi OPKN Ft R BU-INESS IX 186. . No otuer t ret-ciass railroad Id the world bat ben ouilt and equipped su rapidly ai tue Union PaclUo ' which runs eat irom Qui aha ACROSS THE C0TLNET. The United Ptatrs Government makes of this rail road a GREAT NATIONAL WOKK, and aids lis construction by very liberal grants of money aud oi landB. To further Insure tue speedy completion ot tne Road, tne Company are authorised to lasue their own FIRST MORTGAGE B0DS, Having thirty lears to run, and having Interest cou pons payable semi-annually al the r of six per rnt. lngold. The principal, as weil as Interest, Is made PAYABLE IX GOLD. Tbe Mortgage Bonds of nearly all o'ber railroads ln tbls country, are payable, principal and Interest, In currency, and It ts asserted, wjhout fear of contra diction, that no other railroad cjmpany ln tbe world bulldltg so great ao extent of road. Issue bonds of equal value with tbe First Mortgage Roods now of fered lot sale by the Union PaclUo Railroad Co. Tbe pi ice of these Bonds Is no IMS. aadaocrned Interest trom July 1, lu currency. Tbe Company be Hove ttifK at this price tbelr onds are tue Safest and mobi Profitable Investment In tbe market, and tbey confidently expect that they will shortly command a higher premium than any similar security. Tbe Company reserve tbe right to advance the price at any time and will not fill any orders or receive am subscriptions on which the money bns not been actually paid at tbe Company's office before tbe time of surb advance. Bubso, lptloni will be received In Philadelphia by DE HAVEN & BROTHER, No, 111 S. THI&D Street, W. PAINTER & CO., No. 86 b. THIKD Btreet, SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., no. to a. tuikii btreet. AND IN NEW YORK AT TUB tOMFAKys OFFICE, No. 20 NASHAC Btreet, AMD fir JOHN J. CISCO A SOn, n.tNKEBS, No. 69 WALL Btreet, And by tbe Company's advertised Agents throughon the United bUtes, Remittances sbould be made ln drafts or other funds par ln New York, aud tbe bonds will be sent free of charge by return express. Parties subscrib ing through local agents will look to them for their sate delivery. A PAMPHLET AND AP FOR 1868 has Jnat been published by tbe Company, glvlug fuller Information than Is possible ln an advertisement, respecting the Progress of tbe Work, the Resources of tbe Country traversed by tbe Road, tbe Means for Construction and tbe Value of the BohCs, which will be sent free on "application at tbe Company's omces or to Any oi tbe advertised Acenta. JOHN J. CISCO, TBEAMUREB, July 8. 1888. 161 tow til New Tors-, COPARTNERSHIPS. -KTOTICE IS UEPK1JY CilVEN TI1AT TUB JN limited partnership heretofore ei luting niween i he uiidnal ued under. lie name of KMIL oCHALlt, U this day dissolved by mutual omseut. KMII, H JlIALK. CUAULJ-iLKNNIQ. riillada., July 1.A.D- WSi UUMt FINANCIAL, :MITHBAHDOLPH&j BUY COUrONS OP GOVERNMENT BONDS AT SAME PRICE A3 GOLD. AG EATS FOR THE SALE OF THE jPOFU LAIt LOAJiS Central and Union Pacific Rail road First Mortgage Bonds. Principal and Interest Payable In (Jolil. CU7FON8 OF T IIK -K BONDS CASHKD AT OUR OFFICE. Dealers in all government Securities. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., No. 16 South THIRD Street, 710 PITIL A DELPHI A. Coup N 8 of rnn FIRST MOTH GAGE BONDS OF The Union Pacific Railroad Co., ND Central Pacific Railroad Co,, Paid at the Banking House oi WM. PAIZTTER & CO., No. 36 S. THIRD Street, 6 1 tf PIIILADELPIIIA, Who hare the Paclilc Bonds on hand for immediate deliver-. Kevf Bescrlptlve Pamphlets, with Map, furnished without charge, on application. L E H I C II VALLEY RAILROAD COJU'ANY'H M0HTGAGE liOXDS, DUE IN 1898. 5,000,000, "With Interest at Six Per Cent., Payable on the First Bay of Juno and Decem ber of each year, jYEEE from state and umted states taxes. These Bonds are secured by mortgage on the fol lowing Ral.rcads belonging to tbte Company, namely, ibe main line trom Fhll Usburg.New Jersey, tnrongh Maucb Chunk to WUkf aharre, Feunsyi vanla, lul miles: tbe Beaver Meadow branch, 7!i miles and tbe Let Igh and Mabanoy branch, VL)i miles, making a total of 161 miles of road, Including 78 miles double track, equal, with sidings, to 09 miles of single track, together with all lauds, bridges, work-shops, ma chinery, depots, eng'ne houses, and buildings there unto belonging, and all rolling stock, tools. Imple ments, and material, bf laugiug to tuls Company, la ure on the said Railroad. Tils mortgage Is a h.-tt lien on all or the above Boads. except 46 mlls, from Easton to MaucbCbunk, cn which It la preceded uy a mortgage tor $l,WO,ooo due In 1676, tbe Bonds or which ar. exctianglng. as last as present ed, for ilo present Issues; those not presented until maturltv are to be paid ont of the pre sent loan, making It a flr.t mortgage on the above mentioned property. $1,000,000 OF 1BJSE BONDS, Either Coupon or Registered, Are offered at nlnely-l.e per centum, with luterest from tbe day of sa'e. litie from titate and United Btates' taxes. CHARLES C. I.O.N (JSTRETJI, Treasurer, Office of tbe Lehigh Va . i-r Rallroal U'raiiini, 71 Ira KO.MIWA1 VT Ktret'l. Philadelnhla. COLD D OUGHT. DE HAVEN & BR0., No. 40 SOU1 R THIRD ST. 6 a lm S EVEN PER CENT. MORTUAtiE BONDS Of tbe Pennsylvania ai d New York Canal and Railroad Company, Ooaranteed, Principal And Int rest, by tbe Lehigh Valley Railroad Companv, For Sale at 95, and Interest from Juno 1. C. & II. B0RIE, NO, 8 HEKCn ANTS' EXCHANGE, B0 WEN & FOX, C2B imrp No. IU MKItCHAKTb' EXOHANQg. QITY OF PITTSBUKQ WATER WORK SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS, FOB BALE BY WHELEN BROTHERS, FINANCIAL. 3 A H K I h' G HOU8C or JayCoqkeSi(p. Nob. 112 and 114 South THIRD Street PHILADELPHIA. Dealers in all Government Securities. Old 5-203 Wanted ln Exchange for New. A Liberal Difference allowed. Compound Interest Noteg Wanted. Iutcrcst Allowed on Deposits. COLLECTIONS MADE. STOCK 8 bought and sold on Comnilaf ten. Special business accommodations reserved for ladles. 76 Sm QLENDINNINQ & DAVIC. HO. S SOUTH TI1IBD STBKKTI Stock and Gold Brokers, QUOTATIONS OP NEW YORK STOCKS ALWA rs OS BAND, t6 St. SLINUmHIKS. Mb TOKBT H. DAV'Sl -J-HE 8AFC DEPOSIT CO. ror Bare Keeplaff of Valaabl.s, mrt. tlee,etnBl U.iatlstsi of (laraa, DIRECTX) R8 N. B. Browne, I J. Ollllngham Fell.lAlek. Henry, C. U. Clarke, C. Macai.-ater, B. A. Ca'dwWL John Welsh, . I&W. dark. I Oea r, ivTer OFFICE, HO. 491 CUES HPT STRRKT ' N. B. BKOWMC Frealdenk . a H. CLARK, Vice-President, B. PATTKRBON. Bee, and Treasures. 1 1n wfml SUMMER RESORTS. s U M M E R RESORTS OJf LINE OF PHIL A DELPHI A ANT) READIN MH.AUAU AO U UKA.itJtl ItO. MANSION UO USE, HT. CARD ON, Mrs. Caroline Wander, Pottsvllle P. O., BobuylkUl O I UHC A ROR A HOTEL, Mrs. M. L. M liter, Tuscarora P.O Schuylkill 00 MANSION HOUSE, W. F 8mlth, Mahanoy City P, O., BcbnylklU 0 WHITE HOUSE, K. A. Moss, Beading ANDALUSIA, Henry Weaver, Reading P.o LIVING SPRINGS HOTEL, Dr. A. Hmith, Werneravllle P. O., Backs Oo, COLD SPRINGS HOTEL, Lebanon Co., Char. Kodearmel, Box H0. Haxrlabarg P, O, D 0 JER TO WN S EM IN A R Y, L. M. Koons, Boyertown P. O., Berks Co LITIZ SPRINGS, George T. Orider, Litis P. O., Lanohster Oo. PERKIOMEN BRIDGE HOTEL, Davis Longaker, Freeland P. O., Montgomery Oo PROSPECT TERRACE: Dr. James Palmer, Freeland P. O., Montgomery County. 5 21 am HYCENIA HOUSE, COLLINbV ltFACH, DELAWARE, Is new open for the reception of gatsts. This fave rite place of resort Is bevutltnlly si nated at a point on tbe Delaware Bar , a fe w milt a from tbe Cap.s, It bas a beantllul lawn Iu front, well eba'ed, good sal water bathing, sailing, etc Take steamer Perry Arcb street wharf. 7 10 lm FRANK COLLINS, Proprietor. Post Ofllce address. Peaky nevllle, Del. JIJ1E CATS KILL MOUNTAIN HOUSE. This favorite SUMMER RESORT, situated on tb CAR-BILL MOUNTAINS, fit ate of New York, and. commanding the finest view In America, having been recently enlarged, wUl be open from JUNK 10 lo OCTOBER 1. Terms, $450 per day, or $28-00 per week. S'ages connect at Catklil lth all of tbe Hudson River Kailr- ad trains, and tbe day koala trow. New York or Albany. A iBowltn the steamhoate Tbomas Powell and New Champion,, leaving Pttr 65, foot of PRANKLIii btreet. New York, daily, at 5 P. M. Saturdays at P.M.6 9 2mJ CHAKLK8 L. BEAOH.Propnetor, C OLLMBIA HOUSE, CAPE MAT. THE COLUMBIA IIOCIC, At Cape I.lad,N. J., was opened on the 251 h of June. Situated but a few rods from the beach, with three handled good bathing-rooms standing directly at the surf, and with flue shade trees upon tbe lawn, this house must surpass any other at tbe Capes, as well fo Its ouulde attractions and conveniences as for lis ex tensive and well regulated Interior. Tbe COLUMBIA baa long been sustained by a sub. stantlal and select patronage from all parts of the country, and Its appointments mar be depended upoa as strictly nret-claas. For rooms, etc., address OKOllGK J. BOLTON. Proprietor, CAPE ISLAND, N. J.,1 BULTOR'N HOTEL, 612fmwtf HARRISliBUU.Pa. UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY. FIRST GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT AND HOP, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 18. MU8IO UNPER THE BIRKCTION SIMON P AfcSLKB, OF MR. 7 18 St THE NEPTUNE HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITT, W, J., Has been enlarged, repainted, refurnished with new furniture and spring beds, and la now open lor tbe reception ot visitors. It is within FIFTY YARIS of Ibe beach. JOUN OMIOK, Proprietor. KOBKBT L. FURY T H lm JJNITED STATES IOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, 1ST. J W Ulbe Opened for the reception of gnents on kATIHUItT, JUNK 87. iiui under the dhection of Simon Hassler Persons wishing to eugage rooms can do so by ap plying to DROWN & WOELPPER, Propriutora, ATLANT O OTTY. or JNu. Si7 RlcHMOiMD Street. e 2 Hm PHILADELPHIA IIOUsiB, CAl'Ifi ISLAND, N. J., la now ui eo lor the Suiuuit-r aeaaou. Fami nes dealring a quiet hum. al ice a shore at a mode rate pr re. will call on or aildrw. K. UitlFFIl'Il, No. lout I J1ISN t'T stieel. Attached lo the r.talillabment Is a Hue of coaches, for the acconimoUailon ol' aneawi. 8 tl lui THE TUP WONT HOUSE, UAPK MAT", IS uyw open for these aun Tern,.- W per "'-iuan Wt 8 28 1m Proprietor. BEAFSEBb.-EVEUY lNtUKDMENT THAT science and skill have Invented lo ai.t tue 1 1, .vev deurea ol deafuea: also. R-wuiratora: alaii. Crandall's Patent Crulclies. superior to any S.'T.'iV. li ma Tat P. MADEIKA'B.NO. lb B. TKNTli l. . . . hu!uv i Jiaajiaa. It ttaM. S4W.n r ,