8 1?HB DAILY EVENING TEZ5QHAPII PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1868. CHINA AM) THE UMTEU STATES. Perms of the New Teajr w Paudlag The Washington correspondent of the Boston Journal guvs the following synopsis of tbe smiciesof treaty negotiated by the Chinese Embassy and Secretary Seward: "it new understood that tbe negotiations rere ecnrerntug additional articles of the treaty t J tw.e 18, 1B08, and that tliose article were 'jjp'ti ou in,. 4tn mB'aiit by William U. sewa-d he part of tbe United tstawB, aad by Anson I.rlwiiaap, Envoy KatrRordluary, and Chi Fnng and Bun Cdla-Kua, Assocla'ed Hntti fcn Tois ot tbe Emperor 01 China. Inere are nine additional articles which have thus been agreed pon, and which are now before the Bcnuteof Ike United States for tatttJcaMon. Ar Me ore declares that the Emperor of Cbina in making conecssluiis ti the subjects of Somen powers ol the privilege ot re6i ling on eeria n tracts of land, or resorting to cettain lva'ers ol that Km pin- for the purpocs ot trade, ha not relinquished bis riuhtot eminent do Bain over said land ana water, and will not Seruut ho'tilitica or surrender his right of jurij icnou over persoa or properly thereon. Article two stipulates that any privilege or Immunity in respect to trade or navigation, within the Chinese Dominions, which w,ty not hive been stipuluted by treaty. stiall he sub Jeci d to the discretion of the Cnluese. (Joverr. mi ut. and may be reguhited by it accordingly, but not in a manner or spirit incompatible with the treaty MinulailoLS. , Anlcle three provides that the Emperor of China shall have the rWbtto appoint Counils ut posts ot the Uui ed rMatcs, abo thiil' injjy the name privileges and immunities as tle wliieu ate enjoyed by tbe public Uw an J treiity In the United States by the Consuls of Great Britain and Russia. , ..... r .x. Article four provides that citizens or the United States in Clnui, of every rcliuious per-uas-ion, and Chinese subjects in the United States, shall tnjoy liberty ot conscience, and h'ti; Dc exempt fiom all dl-abiluy or pcrsecu- ... i..-n.n.l nf ihiir rplivtmm fulth or wor ship In either country. Cemeteries of whatever ua louaiity bail bo held in rvspect and lrce 41 111 uiriuiuauvM Article live recocnizes the right of man to Cbmige hiH home and allegiance, nut condemns any o'ber than an entirely voluntary cinigrainu Article six provides that citizens of the two na'ions shall enloy In tne otner inn same privi leges, immunities, or exemptions in respect to travel or residence as may there be enjoed by ine CUiKcIls Ol lilt: uiusi uwv.w. . i..iIa Divnn rnnnrr li tana th np.rPSftlt.T for TO re cntative coins having a common value, and also a common etaudurd of weight and measures lor all count ries. ninhl nrnvi.toa IVint CllinPHP. BllblOCtS ehail be admitted to all school and colleges of 41,.. I lnilo.l Sltatoa without. hlMllfr HllllieCt tO lltl V religious or political test, and also authorizes Citizens or tne uunen o hicb tu iiiuiuimu m;huuii In those Dluces in Clina where loreisners are permitted to resiae. Anicle nine sets forth that the United States, alwais olselainiing and disavowing all interven tion by one n 11011 in the affairs of another, do- disclaim and disavow any intention or nlit to intern re in the domestic admiuistratiou of China In regard lothe construction of railroads, telegraph, or other material internal iinprjve meuts. On the o'her hand, his M'ljesty, the Umpcror of Cnina rei-crves to himself the rigut to decidetbetin e and manner and circumstances f introducing such improvements within his dominions. With this muiual understanding, it is agreed tb it if ibe Kini eror of Cniua sha'l, at any nine determine to construct such worKs. end shall apply to the United States, or any o ber Wes.ern power, lor facilities to carry out that policy, eueineers shall be designated who ebali be pa d by tbe Chinese Government. Tbe above t-ketch of the nine articles now before tbe Sena'e is substantially correct. II the are ratided the United 8iates will vir tually become tbe protector ot China asainst any progressive demands of the European gowers. Should tbey consent, China will ecome neutral ground, under its own officials and laws. Nor can toreign powers, as hereto fore, enforce civuui.'on ut the cannon's mouth. CHASE. A BcattolBIC Rtbukt for Ills Apoatasy. The Cincinnati Gaze'ie, w hich whs long tne rsan ol Chief Justice Chase, taiJ receiuly: Sucu pre'erment as Mr. ' base, bas received from the Republican party migut satnly an ambliou which was not luaiiable. be wa elected Gov ernor ot tbe S'dte lor two terms; then a Senator of ih United States, from which office b3 passed to that of Secretary ot the Treasury. He re eipned that in the hone ot receiving the uo-ni-uaiion in place of Mr- Lmcoin. Disappointed in that, he covertly made overtures to sone et the Democrats tor nomination by the Democratic party. He then made an osteu tatious electionrcriug canvass lor Mr. Lin coln, whose election was a foiegoue conclusion. Then Mr. Lincoln, with remarkable per-ouul magnanimity, nominated him to the office of Chiel Justice, whi jh has been made honorable by tome of the mast illustrious names in our history, which is a place of high honor, and of respectable emolument for lite, aud whii:h mi.ht Fatixfy the amoition of evtn a great man, or at the least, might create in him some sentiments of gratitude and fidelity. Uut.no such emotion cntt-rs the busoiu of Salmon P. Chase. Ih iiish pledged to those whose per.-oual influence be aked to persuade Mr. Lincoln to appoint hin, that this would satUi.v his ambition, a a t that he ould give up the pursuit ot the Presidency, no BoOLtr wa be settled in his seat on tbe Bench tban be made it his secure base of operatious lor a Piesideutlal nomination: and, at his neu de feat In this, a base of operation aiuinst tbe tiariy to whom he owed it. From the lime that Le the last ot all to believe it became con vinced tuut the nomination of Grant by the Chicago Convention was certain, his judicial nice became corrupted by his desire to destroy the Ucpubiieun puny, and to procure a nomina tion Irooi the Democratic party. Collapse of the Third Parly. The Wobhingluii corretpondent of the New York Tribune telegraphed lat night as fol. lows: "There is very little speculation to-night con cerning the third pany, and the whole thiiiir, it it ever hud any strength, has utterly collapsed. Chief Justice Cba-e j:ives it no countenance wha'ever, and is not a party to the movemeut. Tlie Pen.ocia's daily become more aud more thoroughly demoralized and Uisausted a, the notnluHtio'us whicu were uimle in ew Yorif. Thev do rot objec; to Mr. Seymour so much as to Mr. Uluir, whose selertiou mauy of them reg:ird as very injudicious limnur has it fiat Mr. Seymour, while the Cou ei)'icu wa-i in ses-ion, consul el his pliy-i-cians upon the aJv'n-abiliiy ot his accepting the noMiu.ai'on in ctise it tbould be tendered to h m, and tnat tbey unaui-nously protected aetinst it and advised htm to decline. Tbey thought that the caies and auxieues iiicideulnl to the campnliti and to til's Presidential office, in the event of hi- election, must b extremely dangerous to bi beul'h, and aight posinly result family. The iLiru puny men are sore lie:td.- from bo'h parens, whose only aim is oflioe audrcll advancement. They Le ni future pain In either Grantor Seymour. No'hiug is definitely known ot the views of the Chief Jus tice ou the subjeet of a third candidate, The Times' conespondent nays: The third party luoveiueut'ttlrfed of in some of the pupets; ha9 no foundation save in tue wlBbeKO'aPW of the disaopoiuted friends of Mr. Chase and Hr- Jobn-.cn. home corresron tleme in that lutere-t are givins: currency to rum' rs on the subject as so many tacts. Gcno xal Thomas fcwinL', Jr.. whose nanie has been mentioned in connection with the movement, authorizes the sta'en.'eut that he supports the regular Democratic nominees cordially. Chief Justice Chas; ts not a Methodist, as lias been sometimes said'- but baa long bi-en connected with the Fotestant Episcopal Church. Biiboo Cbase, ot' Ohio, is his nucle; Jiisbop Chase, ot New Hampshire, a cousin; and a stern chase for the Presidency has been liia Hole occunatiou lor years pasi. DOMESTIC LIFE, ' Tki Ntwctt Bra( aTti Framk I.iUt M;vrM om. Prom tte y. J, Tribune of thU mominff. , In ioe Common Tleas, ptcial term, yster dy, a motion lor alimony wm made in the suit biouitht by Fmuk Uilie agaiutt hit wife, by the delendant. The complaint says that in 18jU Wr. Let-lie ian away with on Thomas K. (roxon, lroni Now York to ht. Thomas, and ir m there to Toronto; lLat Mr. Leslie pursue 1 them to Toronto, but ultimately foniave his wife and live with her; but thai her intimacy with Cfoxon wa coutiuued in Uoton without hit knowledge. 11 also ctiBiRea more recent adulteries with various prrnons. Tbe know ledge of a 1 the adulicrie? eicept that which he forgave in 1861, was, ho sayi, unknown to Mta till quite recently. Her answer aentes all the adultenet but that with Croxo. maket a special arermeut that herhusbod purpoi-ely thiew her in ma way and then aban ooiieii her, to that nhe might he dependent on 1 im lor trcuuiaty and other aid, aud might be, or tt least appear o be, guilty with bun. Sua lunher rhaiges ndnltery on him with a nutnDfr ol won.en. The affidavits produced by ber on this motion are much fuller. They aver that they were u anen tn Knvlaud by hit, tht-u, name of Htnry Carter; thni ou oneo cts ou ha took irotn ber all their furniture; that when sbott to Wvw Enplaud, lie sold all ot the iurnt ture and a great part ot ber clothes, aud left her with but i20 to support herself and hr three children ir six luui.th-t; that after they bad been here a snort time, ner husband Im can. e estranged lroni her, aud on his repeating the aviriin Lts as to Cioxou, she becaoie by bia csiraugement and abu d, nan-lit deraniied m heaKtt and mind, and went the knew not where, but wi'.n out actual crime. Tout her husoaud subse quently sought ber oui of bis own will, aud she consented, oh bis entreaties, to reside again with fnru. That afterward, she had conti.iu.il reason to suspect his fidelity, and at length Iclt hun and enured mio negotiations lor a separa tion. That she has sinie dlscovcrod proof ot'm fidelity by bun s'nee the scpa'-.r.nu. As to one ot tbe pcrVous with hnni she is accused, she savs tiidt she dois not knoy his nu nc. Tiie alhdav.ts of the others ocnying the charge are appended. Thatoione o. these. Jesse V. H-ne-d ct, her counsel, adus a f ill uc. ouut ot the negotiations entered in'o hy bim with Mr. Leslie fur a sepaia'iun, mid satsthat atone time Mr. Leslie was desirous of having an abso lute divorce procured against uitn. That even the amount ef the aiimonv was afrreed on. but tbe negotia ion went off trough tlie failure of Mr. Leslie to give a sutliceui security lor the pay- mil, tot such alimony. He denies indignantly tue cbaiaeof adubery.and sa.ys luat he oeli? ves Mr. Leslie only preters these charges to fnghieu Mrs. Leslie'6 liiend-, ai.d muKe mem atd hi in iu de, nving Mrs. Leslie of her rights. Au affi Javit ol Mr. Fortune is added thut he is tue pioprie- tor of Frank tes'ie's fiiustratrd, luusiratt Zm tung, fr ustration. lasUion Magazine, Boys' and Or'in's liewv, and was, under his Droihers name, owner of 2'e Last Hensa'ton, tr which Tlie Days1 JJotnqs has been sjb-tituted. That he owes lour ur Uve pnn'.imt es,aolish ments, whose lurniinre io worih at lust $160,0(0, and that his iucome is worih mora tout) $1011,000. Mr. L-.ii,-'.-, allidavit is qnte lent iuv. He bus, he says, b -eu restrained Dy telt-rcspect and a rga -u lor the leidms of h.s ch ldren from amwet lag the attacks wade on h'ni by Mrs. Leslie, but a time has now arrived Ur him to break sileuce. He was born at fi s- wich, Kuplaud in lb21. At nineteen years of age r.e became acquainted vitn Sarah Anu vvcl Lam, whom he mirn-d wh' n he was twenty one, the then beiutf sixteen. By bis marriage he alienated hii fa.her'i lumii.y. He demoted bi msel t to wood cnuravim, uiul, by laboring sixteen hours a day, procured a livelioood lor his fani!y. His name was Henry drier, but havirg ustd he uaiue ot f- ran k Lesl.e an an tug raver's naue, or nom dc y ume, and having; used it also in tue pubde. .iiou oi his i;e.-pi-pers, thuB gaining lor li, a kind of trade-mark value, he caused his rami to be changed iu 1857. As to his selling the turui uie before leaving Knglaud, he s-us that iu his struggle! t) pet ah nu lie gave a kind ot chattel tnortg-ig,e on bis furniture which was foreclosed one day ciuiing his absence, bin, on his return -u n gut, he at once proc eded to make his family com fortable, aud ihe luruituro a returned wituia ale days, rinding the long credits of Ens laid latal to bim, he resnlvtd to corn-! to this country, i nd sol t off his furuiiuie, but not her clothes, and made, us be suppused, an equal oivihinu ot tbe proceeds, piving her 20 c.isii and about 100 in lo cs. When he lul led iu New York, in 1818, his cap'tal was about i0. Tbe no es w r. liot promptly paid, aud Mr. Lei-lie sufJeveu seme h couvcQienee. Mr. Leslie thi n gives b's acsount o the e.opemeut in 1850. He entered into a i nblish.ng specul itiiiu m connection with Jeuuy Lmd's concerts, wh eh necessi nted his travelling with tbe troupe. Th.e hi did with his wife's knowledge aud cmsent. He left ber in a well-fiiriit-hed bouse and gave her moucy for hou-thold expenses. Just, before slaving he sent ber a $300 piano. As soon as be realized anuhiug in Philadelphia he sent her S25, aud similar sums Irotn otbt r cities. He received a i letins in replv. On his re' urn in May, 1851, he found hie houi-e occupied by strangers, ao I all nis leiu-rs but oue unop. ned. Sue ha t eloped with Thomas F. Croxon, tamug hei youngest cb Id. H e other two, after B.iine didicuhy, he found wi'.h a poor woinao, Bartlett by n ioip. He tound that they had gone to Toron o, and p rauedtheu.1 tbevs, but ..boy bad heeu wroe l, aDd bad m-ue iu diHVreul directions a fe hours before, Mrs. Leslie tor New York. He tele graphed in the liHineot Croxon to a hotel-ireeper a albauy, aud thus stepped ber. On ber en treaties and peu'teuee he loruave ber, and they weut to Bos'cu. she refusing to go utiywbere on account of her shame, but he says that within one wet k aittrarus she renewed her conuec tin wiih Croxon, tailig advbntage of her kLOwledge. f f hi busiui-ss uours. or this he says he knew i othing till November, 1807. Allr a year's p-Biuei-ru in ttoston they leiurued to New Vork, and io 1854 went io hous- keepiiig. Here, be sa:s, she annoyed him by demands for mo ney, bj ber dihcourapenieut oi his exertions, by'ber ebiitious oi a inoro e disp jsttlou, by ber it 8 its to the fricuJs he iuvited borne, aud by her aciuba ious ot iutriuruct with every woumn with whom be coBvrred. He tuen accuses hei of mosi gro-s neglect and inat.en tion during a danger ms illuess, resulting tr im a severe a "enient, in Dceinner, 180. He says ttiat the idea ot his permuting a divorce was 'Uegested b li' i louu.-el, but tne demands for alimouN wer- rai-ed coii'inuallv, aui he ulti niau ly foi n 1 mpossible tom ike anyarnne men'. Th s w i- aiu-r a si paraiien which took lHce in 18ol. AMer tuis separation he alioveil her 20 a week, uni.il a he savs, ha louid Hist fcb was cireuating Itijirous ieuor:s concerning him, and stopped it; tuat she has comiuued tbesd unuuyauces down to Ibe pieient time. He denies the charge ol adultery, and svs that it is an elTrt to drr into this controversy the names of re-pectable marred lad ws, t stir up enemies aaaiu-t bim, and to prevent h senjoMiix respectable sooiett. A nuu ber 0' bllnlavii s ure auueved, supporting the inolvidml uvenneuts oi Mr. L-sih-M affi davit, ftlr. Hoa'dniau, on behall of tue de fendant, urged i ha all these affidavits were bat avernieuts of matt rs den e I by the defendiut; that the purpose of tne alimony was to enable her to teat l lie tiutb ol 'hese avermeDis, aud that he sl oiild le allowed such ulmony aud counsel fee as would plae. hur ou an equality with I it hu-band tie'ore tbe Court. Mr. McKeon and Mr. Campbell for the plain tiff urged tbit tbe brt adukery was not even denied, aud that her posl iOTj was not one ciu niending Psrlf io the lasor of the Court. The Court should either give no alimony whatever, or, it any, the smallest po,ible aruouut. Tho Court took tbe papers aud reserved its decision. NOVELTIES IN WEDDING AND PARTY INVITATIONS. flneaoorimenlof FHKNCH PA.PKB. CROQCKT of every variety. PAPER AMD lLNVELoPlM atamped In color graila. JOHN LINEBD, Ko. U BPKINU OA.HDKN aireet, llSbnw2m Corner o JUitdeu tirtet. qiTY INTELLIQENOE. j TH I K l Ej'liTION tOR ADWItOWAt. IWAt. KWID FA9:-. i - X JL JL V l CITY CRIMINAL CALENDAR. Bwrftlara Ceptwred A CMckta Thief Vnmg tbe Klfel'rcejr Another Arreet A Violeat Veilvw A VlU-(,ppr Charged 'with Ircajr. Almut 8 o'clock yeait-rdav afternoon three huspicloiiH locking ohar-Hcleia wure aeeu la the jaia Htucbvd to ine tiouae nf J. M. Marls, Na m 1'iue street, ana inn ponce were notiaea or i tip fact. 1'olloeruen hrowo and Uienu.oflQu Fifth District, rep.ired to tbe place, and Jump ing over tne fence, discovered ibe wormier, wnn attempted to escape, nut t ley were pre vtnted hy innoBlolalsdrawtuu their revolvers. Assistance was culled In, aud ihe bum Urn were ( ououcttd to ihe Ulatlon. Au examin wiou ol the premises waa made, aud H wait found that nurubt r of tne sh niters and doom bad be-u loiced open wltu Jimnilea. whlcn lnsltuia'jnta, It tsBui pootd. were thrown Inu lhj oes..pool. The piUrnerH gave tbe names of tiarry Crroi, William JobbHon, and Frank I,ewl. Carrol Is wen known to tbe pollen, aut. aoout a munta since whb at the Antral (Siv ion ou ttieour l tuterlUK Ihe honae 4 Mr. Hobober, oa Clin ton Mrett, i ne Sunday Vuornln. He waa Ibt-re found by Ibr oervMiil, Who ave tbe alarm. Ue Dtd from ibe premises, bat ran into tbe arms of a patiolman. H la pie I hen waa druukenuesa. The oi her two lieve been in tbe hamia of trie ix.iice b lore. All will Uave a hearing tbla afternoon at tbe Central. A policeman of tne Tenth District, at sic o'clock this morning, toot Hamuel B trkxr, 1.5 yt ara of age Into cumody, at Second aud uxlord tieeia, while eudeavoilUK to dispose of some ctileUeua which be la auupecied of havluif stolen. Alderman Egtflesion has held hlia for a Mother bearing. Tbe charge of stabbing a man at Nloetown hns iiei-n piett rred agaiiiai one AdamWooirl -h. Alcermau Thomas bound bun over iu f:500 ball. Ueoige Ford waa Arreated last evening at Fi a nnfoid Itoud aud Huntingdon street, on me charge of stealing some mouey and trlukeis from a bouse In the lielgnbiruaod. He waa tolo lollt-d bv Alderinnu uteulz. The police of the Elghleeutb District yes terday ( Heeled ibe capture or James Call, wno is chHiged wltb being implicated iu tbe aasauit and bsl tery committed ibe day previous ou herutant Hanse. Alderman Nelll seutulm to prison. Hugh M Hugh has been bound over In $100 J tall to answer ibo double charge of oominUuu an assault aud battery upou a citizen and a policeman. Last night Hugu and auoumr uaa went Into tbe luger-bcer saloon at Tweuiy tlilril and Callowblll stre-ts, and oolalued liquor, for whlcu tbey refused to pav. An atiempt being made io eject them, Hugo, as- sauueu me iHiner oi ine proprietor, farK fo lieeman Calllgban was called In, and he re ceived several blows from the hat of tbe violent Individual. John Wooding (colored) was captured yes terday while In Ibe act of extracting mouey from tbe till of a more at Seven k and U itUarlna Heels. Alderman llousall com mil ted bicn. Policeman tiuinn.of ibe Heveuteentu Uls trici, laKt t venliirf arrested a man at Heveutu anil tiarter alt eels for being druuk. Wblie ou his way to tne tstatiou House he was set up in by a patty ol negreea, who succeeded In resou ti gtie prisoper. Qnltiu then seized Charles Davis ne of the attui Knig crowd, aud nurcio 1 bim before Alderman liouaall, who Bout him below lo anaw er. Louisa Wilson wnscharged before Alderman Joues wltu ine larceny ot a bracelet, a set of ear-rings, and a breasipln, from Janus HoDIn son. the pioprtetor of tue Uraol House, and also ef a Jewelry stote on Market street. Louisa dDles tlie accusation, aud states that the ci n plalrisnt brought the articles to tier, and placed the bracelet on ber arm. The Alderman held the fair cne lor trial. The Weather. To-day is a very, very hot one, though the thermometer at eieveu o'clock: old not mark by Uve itegr. es. as high n figure as at the tamo time yesterday, still tbe beat Is ho oppressive an to reader any out-door exercise almost intolerable. Tbe btree s present rat ber a strenge con'rast vth ihelr appearance a month since. Then business men were hurry li g to and iro, bu lo-day tbe same people may be seen moving along slowly, with tan In baud, and tblnblug of not bins but of some way to keep themselves from retting over-healed. All laborti g work came to a stand still at an early hour in me day, Tbe passenger railway ears are well patron -lzed, thounh tbe poor horses don't seem fit to pull the empty car. Men are stationed along the lines with water buckets and spouge.for the purpose of rinsing out the mouths of tue Jaded beasts Tlie Coroner has been extreni'ly busy in hold Irg Inqut sts on the bodies nt the unfortunate, who have UKd from the ellVcts of the het. Coronkr's Cases. Coroner Daniels received notice this morning to attend tne following cases: At. 1 10 this morning an unkuown man was (on i o lying at Dupouceau and Ioeust streets, snflerlug, as 11 was supposed, from lnbiiilug too much liquor. He was taken to the Fifth, Dls ii K i ISiatlon, where he died in the course of an hour. A day or two ago a man engaged boarding at No. 404 Adams street, N lneteenth Ward. List i nuiag he partook of his supper, remarking thai be fell badly. Alter the meal, be repaired to his mom, aud iu a few moments tbe occu pants ot the house were al trmed by tbe noise of a heavy fall. On goln to bis room they found bim lying dead on tne floor, The Thermometer. The following table shows bow tbe thermometer has sloxf during the day ou each Hih day of July for ten years past, including yesterduy: '". iA.Jf. 12 Af. ZP.M- I KM) 77 80 ) lKlttl BS 84 Si lMil 05 60 i lKti2 72 87 9(1 1S3 71 79 M isi 74 oa 80 1MJ5 64 73 75 18t 6 8,f 95 9 1SH7 OU 70 70 1868 85 96 97 Heariks Bbfr8 tub United States Com- Hussion ekS The case ef Win. Oven, charged with aldluir and abetting In tbe removal of distilled spirits was continned hetore United Htates Commissioner Aubrey H.dmitb, at noon to-day. joepn Eteuuons lesiiueu mai ne saw tne ue lendxut pump whisky irotn the cistern room, Mr. Sklllman, Ihe stockbolder.aud ibe working men weie present. In the lat'er part of MareU he nfcblsied in pumping. A Untied iStntes As- sssor was presi at, at the time. All furlUer tes timony was substantially the same as was ad duced yesterday. Held In tlBPO to answer. A Scicidb. The police of the Eleventh Dis trict, at 4 o'clock this morning, found a nicely dressed unknown Uerman ly lug dead at Fruut, street t.uu LehiKh avenue. The ctuse of his death was soon made manifest, as a pistol shot wound was found lu his forehead. Tne weapon itself was lyinu bi side the body. Its only nam ! being empty. Iu bis pneketa were found au mo rons caxls ot business Arms lu Cincinnati, Ohio, to w bieh cUy i- is supposed the deceaaed beluugs. Theiewfie also a number ot letters written lu Ueimaii The body was taken to the Mine tetnih Ward Station House, where the Coroner held an luquesu Overcome. Chas. Campbell was overcome Willi the lit at at Fourth and Chesuut streets, at eleven o'clock this morning. Reserve Wils vi eonuueted him to the Central Htallon, where the proper jestorullves were applied. At 1 1 30 Ibis morning, Oeort;o Bwttzer, fl'tv j cars of age, reslblng at No. lK.i8 4priug si rear, ft II in tl e street, and was taken to the Frank, lord Station. William Menally was sun-struck at 1230, at Front and Dauphin streets. He was taken lo his residence In Kiebmond. Balk op Rkal Estate. James A. Freeman, auctioneer, sold to -day at noon, at the x. change, I he following: CitUM A NTOWH-Dwelling, Jeflerson street, nebr Malu. 1700 00 Bill Pel-N 8TRKKT, Mo. 1017 I'tiree-alury hrlrk liwelllev - 1 1 5.590 MIDtuW bTKh.a;r, Ko 40IS-'fwo-aiory rintuue f:8(f) til TW1.M Y-TIIIRI WA RD Frame Bouse and Xiru at Baker aud Nlue etrewts... 1)1058 00 Cabcaltt. Charles Goodwin, an employe of the Water Deparlmen, while working ou a derrick at Falrmount, fell to tbe ground, al V o'clock Ibla morning, and sustained severe In juries. He wss taken to his home on West street, aDove uoaies. Meetino of the Press Cldd. The regular stated meeting of the Press Olnb takes place inis aiiernoon. avuuii win on laeen wiiu reier enre to the death of John F. MoDevl't, Lq. A I ull atteudanoe of mem bora la desired. WASH I NQ-TON. Sherman's Funding Bill Bo fcro t;fl0 nouso -Tho Alaska Appropriation. Election Frauds in ilio Southern States-Petition for a Con gressional InTCS ligation. Bta. Kta., Eta. Bta., Kta. Kta. FR OU WASHINGTON THIS P. M. Special Detpmtch lo The Mvenina Telegraph, Jditcttom Fiauelalm the gsuihua atates. Washington, Jul 15. Delegations frora Georaia and Mississippi wets bef re tbe Ri-constrticliun Committee to-dsy, askint some legislation whereby loyal people of tkose States may secure control of tbe Etate Legislatures which have ben elected. The j all at lee that immense frauds have been perpetrated, ai,d that through a reign of terror tee. disloyal elemeLt bas siicc ceded in carrying tLcse States. After bearing tbetn the Commit tee pes'poned action until to-morrow. It is tha opinitn ol tbe members of the Co-nmlttet that it is teo late In tbe session to introduce any new reconstructs n measures. A leleation Irom Virginia was also before ihe Committee, asking that the election of that Sta'e ni ght be allowed to take place under tbe first registration. Ko action was taken in their case, nor is there much prospect that any will be taken. ghirmts'i Fuadlff BUI, which passed the Senate last night, will meet with siroD! opposition in tbe House. It is tbe intention of Air. Bout well to move bis bill pro vidii f lor tbe reduction of tbe interest on tbe public debt to 3.J and 4 per cent., as a substitute lor Bheiman's bill. rh Alaska Appropriation. It Is understood that the Senate Committee on foieij;n relations will strike out the amendment pissed by the House yesterday to the Alaska Appropriation bill. They regard it not only as irrelevant to the bill but asserting the authority on the part of Congress not berctofose exercised, and calcula'cd to eoibariass the eiecutive aui tbe Senate in concluding treaties with foreign governmi ate. Au Conference Commute en tbe tax bill was in session early this morn, inp, and v. ben Congress hud assembled had cturly finished the consideration ot the amend ments in coutiovusj between tbe two House.. As soon as tbe amendments can be arrange 1 in proper otder and ihe bill can be engrossed it will be reported to the Senate. The report will prcbably be made to-rtit.v. THE SANDWICH ISLANDS. Close of the Eelelatuco Hoaore to Ami. llCl-JnjauM Kiuiigraacs. Sak Francisco, July II. -Dcipatcbes from Honolulu, dated June 25, say tho K ng pro rogued tbe Legislature June 24, altera tifty elpbt days' scst-iou, ibankinir the members lor their liberality towirds bis family, aud the zeal anlfestcd lor the best interests of the Govern ment. Ihe General Appropriation bill prants $1,060,000 tor can ying ou tbe Government tvvo j ears eadins March, 1870. $30,000 were appro priated to eucourage emigration, and $30,0u0 to proniote inter-island fleam communication. Tbe American Charge D'Aifaires had un inter view wi.h the King, aud presented Captain Simpson of the United Slates steamer Mohongo. The audience lasted au hour. Tie official organ of the Government, the Gazetie, speaks in complimentary terms of tbe officers and men of the Mobougo. The Bntuli sh p Sciota arrived at Honolulu, on tbe Htb, with Japanese emlerrans, coustened io tbe Hawaiian Government, which is regarded as a preat event. A few hours after the arrival of tbe vessel the Hoard of Immigration had applicators 'or ull the laborers. In the f ort oi Honolulu. United States steamer llohorgo, britisb ship- Scioiaaud Robert Laue. FROM PANAMA. The I.ate Election Veaeral Ponce Aot img as ProTlsloaal Govsfeor-Oiairel Ilaz a Pxieoer Ad vleea front the South American Republics. ftsw York, July 15. Tbe steamship R'slnrr etar, from Aspinwall on tha 9th, brius-s $Ti 721 In treasure from California. 0iug to tbe late election In Tanaroa bavmg roulted In favor ot tie Conservatives, Pre-ident D az handed over the Government onbe5lh to General Ponce, who is now acting as Provisional President. Diaz being considered a prisoner. No blood was shed on this election. The State is declared lu a state of war uu,il pt.bltc order is restored. Tho Fourth of July was duly celebrated by tbe Americans at Panama. The frigates Pow batun, Cyane, ana Bolivar are at Panama. A shipment ol 53G barrels of oil is to be made from Appinwall to New Bedford, by steamer, being the cargo of the ship Grej hqunJ. Tho revolution coutinucs in the Argentine Itepublic. There is nothing important from Chili. Tbe steanier Janan, from Neff York, put into Valparabo, May 28, for coals. From Peru we learn that the yellow fever Is disappearing lrom Lima aad Callao, but is raging don tbe coast. No new battles are reported between the Paraguayans and the all'es. The Australasian's dates are to June 1, but contain nothing of importance. Destructive fire iu Concord, S. II. Special Despatch to The Kvenlng Telegraph. Bosion, July 15. A destructive fire occurrel in Concord last ulbt, des'roying Palmer, Wade & Co.'s spring manufactory, J. L. Webster's machine shop, Charles B. Austin's mcloJeon manufactory, and Secomb & Pillsbury's reed manufactory. Tbe loss is very heavy, and par tially covered by insurance. The Heated Term. Cleveland, July 15. Reports from all points renresent the beat as being greater and of 1 longer duration than ever before known. Coses of t un-etroke are viry numerous. Th MiMlMipr'. 'Election. Vetpatch to the AinxHted prett. Wasiiihoo;, July 16. Fifteen Mississippi radicals, including Fgg leston, the defeated eaa- didaHiforGbvernor, appeared before the Recon atruction Committee, this momtnf, aad de manded the cic'ution from the count of the votes on the Constitution of the counties of Rankin, Chickasaw, Marshall, Carroll, DeSota, La'ajette, and others. By this means they x pectto carry the Cootliutien, and elect ra Ileal wtate officers and Congressmen. The reason they allege li, that terror reigned in thosi counties, and they ask Conxreefcto declare Mis sissippi reconnected and entitled to readmis sion lo Congress. Among the fifteen several were Northern and Western men. The general understanding Is, that Congress will adjourn next Monday or Tuesday. Fire Death from Sun-stroke. Rochester, July 15. There were four cases of sun-stroke in this city yesterday of whioh two proved fatal. Preston's bene factory, on North Cllnt30 street, was burned last niht. The loss is considerable. The thermometer Indicated 98 degrees in th shade yesterday afternoon. Harvard College Commencement. Special Despatch to The Evening Telegrapft. Boston, July 15. To-day in this city is bing observed by many as a half holi iay, in conse quence of the beginning of the Harvard College Commencement. The Custom House and in tuiance offices are cloeed, snd tbere is very little business being transacted. The wca.her is very warts; the thermometer now at this hour (1 P. M.), stands at 90 degrees iu the shade. FORTIETH CONGRESS-SECOND SESSION. Senate. Washington, July 15. Mr. Drake called op tbe House bill to amend certain acts la relailou to tbe .Navy end Marine corps. Trie amend ments of the Commitite on Naval Affitre were agreed lo, and tbe hill was pasted and glveu to tne Hf nue for concur rence, Mr. Wl'son (Mass ) introduced a bill to reduce tbe Military Peace t atabllshmeut of tbe LTulted Stales. Keleried to tbe Committee on Hillary A flairs. Mr. Cole (Cal.), Introduced a Joint resolution Id relation to theSouthern Central Paclfte Rill road. Keleried to tne Couimliteeou l'ie factflo Railroad. Mr. Howe Introduced a bill legrtllzingcreatlon of Agricultural College scrip therein desig nated. Mr. Pomeroy called up the bill for tbe est v blmhtneul ot a line nf steamers from New York to vsrlous poi ts ol Europe, under a company to tie styled Ihe Commercial Htearu Navigation Company. Mr. Point ry urged, as on a f inner occasion, tbe ndvlhablltiy ol having tne rnalla earned on Aroertcan vessels as provided by the bill. He said tbe tdll rs passed bv tbe House gives the company no subsidy, alraplv allowing ibem postagH on the loners tiiey anall otrry to the aruoual of four hundred thousand d illars f i ear for twenty yeara. and that bevond Ibvit there Is no liability upon tbe Government Mr. I onnet-s Vv ntlo in favor of havlog no ceseful competition on the ocean by American lines, he was opposed to its principle, wUien would prevent any future reduction In the t ut en oi postage; at an events, wituout compeu ssilon io tbecotnpauy. Mr. FielniBUuyben (N.J.) adrocated and ex plained the bill. floaeaof Repreeatt!ve. Mr, Waabburne (III.). rom the Commlttfis on Appnipriatloi s. reported a bill for tbe relief of m. xi an, ox ctiioago, retunding tounage lux. I'assen Mr. Washburiie (lud.) oflered a resolution for tne appointment oi u corumlitee of nve tu la vesilgate the clisbnraemeut of the Contingent Kunn of 1VU7 and 18. wllb power to send for rerrons and paper. .when tbe same can be done without expense. Adopted. Mr. Gai field iOI)lo. from the Committee on Military Affairs, asked leave to report boK the t-ei aleblil for t he sale of I he Oovernmeul pro pel ty at Harprr'a Kerry. 0J noted to. Mr, Wasbburne (111 ), from ibe Committee on Commerce, repor eu bebi the bill lniroiUicd by Mr. Cburchtll, giving tbe assent of the United Btalea lo tbe continuation of certain wharves In the r-arbor of Nbw York. Passed. Mr. I'lse (Maine), from tbe Committee on Naval Aflalrn, reported a bill for thereat oration oi Commanders Orenleaf. Colley. and Aaron K HuMhiB, of Ihe United States N.ivv, to the active list from tho retired list easaed. Air. StevenstPa.) Introduced a Joint resolution tn admit, free of duty, tne tuaroln figure of "Victory" Intended losurmount ibe mouuineut In Hairlshure lu memory of tne Penusvl vuala soldiers who fell in tbe American war. Passed. Mr. Miller (Fa), from tbe Committee on Penslops, repoited a bill dueo'inn evidenoe to be taaen as lo tue riunt to a pern-ion of ttit father of Sirgennt, W, H. Cox, 2d Pennsylva nia Artillery, Passed. on motion oi tvir Dawes tAiass) ineerert an nuls of James H. Goss, member elect from tbe Founh District of H in' h Carolina, was referred to tbe I nmmittee on Elec.ioria. Tbe Houbo resumed the consideration of tbe bill making an appropriation for the Dnf and Aumb liistiiuiion of the District of Columbia. Mr, ebauRs (Hid.) moved lo reoonauier tne voie of ytsterdtiy rtlectlrif Mr. Wasbbume'a Amendment to contract wltn an Instliuiiou iu one of tbe Btalea lor instruction of ibe deaf ami dumb. Mr. Maynara (Tenn.) moveJ to lay the motion cn the table. Agret d in yeas, 07; uays, 4). Shipment or Specie. New Tokk, July 15 The al earner China sailed for Kurope to-day with D505.000 in specie Hew York Stock Haotatloae, 9 P. K, Keeelved. by teleurapb iroia UleudianluK a Davis, Block Brokers, No. iS H. Third snri: N. Y. Cent. R. 131''Cht.4 N. W. R. prf.. Wi N. Y. and Bile K... 07''4 CbL and K. I. K 107JI l n. ana ilea. it. im ritia.r . w . ana uui Mlcb.H.andN.I. K. lu. and Pitt. K. ...... K44 CUl.&N.W.K.com. 7SS IU R 100'i Gold. 142)4 Market Irregular. A Meeting of tub Bar. A meeting of the Bar wll. I e beld to-morrow, to tatieaolion upoj tbe dealb f John J. MeDevlit. E-q. FINE STATION EUY, CAHD ENGrXvING and Card Plate Frlutlng la every variety, DItKKA, No. inns CHr.8NUT Mlreet, A rEISriKAT10- SOAU. The perKplratlon trickles down, Tbls sultry summer day, And la tbe burning noont de anu, We puff, aad groan, and pant like fun. And almost melt away, Tbe f arm sets on oor suffering backs Are saturated through; We feel like mkirg era-shore tracks; We melt awy like healed wax; We don't kiiow ni tu do. And more and more we wag our fans. And quarts or water drink; The wicked old thermou.eter UaUe. us to hot, too hot io at r. We'll smash tbe tbtng, we think. We'll make tbe best orsumver woes, And groan and pant do more; We'll wear none but loe tblnues. clothes, Uoed. chren. and sp endl.l, such aa tbone AT TBS BIG llhOWN STOKE 9 TORE. Tbe folks at No. 608 and 60S CHE8NUT Street, have made abundant provision lor the hottest ot tue hot weather. Coals, psnis. and vesta, or tue iQinnesi eon cell able thinness and th.i strongest possible streogib Admirably adapted io fit everybody, both aa toper son and as to parse. COME AND EXAMINE THE GOODS. ROCKHILL A WILSON, GREAT BBON CLOTHING STORE, Nos. 603 and COS CHESJiUT STKEET, t u laxio PHILADELPHIA, FOURTH EDITION FROH WASHINGTON. Senator Wilson's Scheme for the Reorganization of the Army. Etc.. Ktc, Etc, Kte, Kt.M LATER FROM WASHINGTON. Special Dcwpo'eh to the Evening Telegraph. Asiothev gcbeme far Keduclatr tbe Army,. Wasdinoiom, July 15. Scna'or Wilson intro duced in the 8enste hl new bill to-day to reduce the military peace establishment 0f the United 8fates. It provides that the line of tbe army shall be reduced to thirty rerrlnents of infantry eirbt of cavalry, and foar of artillery, tbercduc tioo to be effected by a consolidation of regi ments. Tbe enlisted men noffin tbe service are to be mustered out until the number of all arms shall reach 28,000 men. Tho Secretary of War Is circcted to appoint a hoard of competent officers whote duty Usball he to prepare and sub net a plan fcr carryinfr into effect the provi sions of tbe act, specifying in detail the manner of consolidating t he regiments, and designating fiom tbe officers of the several grades now lu the service those to be returoe l, those to be wholly d scharged fiom tbe service, and those to be placed on half pay. The Secretary of War is to submit the plan, when perfected, to Congress. Mr. Wileon does not expect this or any other bill looking; to a reduction and reor ganization of the army to pass at this session, though he will make aa effort to have his bill put through, so as to allow the Secretary of War a chance to have his plan ready by the next session of Congress. THE EUROPEAN MARKETS. Afteooei 4,uta.tloae. Ut Atlantic Cable. London. July 15 P. II. Consols for money, 94J&94, and for account, 91J94J; Erie, 43s U. S. 6 20s, 72J; Iiliuois Central, 91. I.rvERrooi,, July IS P. M.Coitou sales of 10,(00 bales. Lohdow, July 15. P. M Turpentine, 27s. ed.. Antwsfp, July 15. P. M. Petroleum qniet at 9f. Vagaries of tho Weather. BAi.TiifOitE,'July 15.-E!ghtcascsof sun-stroke were reported yesterday. None fatal. The thermometer reached 100 at 1 P. M., yesterday, . at the American office. At 12 o'elock, to-day, it stood at 102. Worcbbteb, July 15. Ilueh Keaov, aged 45, and Tbomas Wbalen, aged 35, died In this city, yeste; day, from tbe effects of snn-stroke Several esses of prostration are reported. For fcur davs tbe mercury has remained at about 98 In the shade, and falling only a few degrees Qurme the n'ght. GkboKfieli, Mass., July 15. H. B. Stevens, . a ho has been for many years proprietor of the Mansion House, in tbls city, died in a fit, last right. Thomas Mahon died from sunstroke, . yesterday. The Narragansett Races. Special Despatch to 27m Evening Telegraph. I'ltoviDENCE. July 15. Tbe Narraganseit Park races to-day are for, Orst, a pure of $300; and ' second, for a purse of $1500. There are four entries tor tbe first prize, and the same number tor tbe second. Tbe beat 1s intense, and the attendance both ' jesterdav and to-diy was small. Four persons have died from tbe effects of the extreme heat in this city, and two o hi rs were sun-struck, but . are expected to recover. Serious Troubles in Fottsville. Pottsville, July 15-2 P. M. The striker arrived in town ju'. dot, and marchei to Potts Orchard works, and stopped the foundry. The bell was rang, but the workmen struck, A large croud of people, and about one hundred -strikers are now forming in line to march to , Palo Alto and Atkins' furnace. Commencement Day. Boston, July 15. Tbe custom-house, banks.-, lnsuiance offices, and office In tbe City Hall were closed to-day on account of the com mencement at Harvard College. Governor Bul lock, escorted by tbe Lancers, proceeded to Cambridge this forenoon lo witness the exer cises. Prize-fight. Boktoj, July 15. It Unreported thataprlse flfitat took place at Farmlngbam lo-day for 1250 between Duncan and xf 'irpav, of New Vork. Mew York Btavkt tlaotatloMS 3 P.MC. hecelved by telegraph from Ulendlunlng ft Daviu. block Broker. No. 4. ri. Third street. 181: Chi. and N.W. pref. 804 . - 'ni. ana k. u k unii , Plus, K-.W.andCbl. K. 107 N. V Ceui. K. . x. iu mm. xv viy Kh. and Kea. K WA Mlch.h. and M l. K si Clev. A Fltrsb'g R.. 8i'4 CM. and N. W . eom 764 Gold. Market dull. .112 Markets by Telegraph. New YesK.Joly is. Hiocas heavy. Oblcacoaadi Ko,k Isiaiid, Wi; he.dliiK, ui J; Can'oa Ooiupauy, IV i Krl.6S; Cleveieml anu I'oUdo lu'ZV: lievelaod and euiHburg Pintur and Kurt Wayne. 1U74; . Mlvbien ce trul. 11C. ; Mich gun 8(iutu.ra, 9i; ' tw York fVniral l, Illinois C'euiral. 114: Ouin nerlaed iireferred. St V'rjrinis, s. bH'i: Isiourl Si. Si; lludnou Fiver S7',1T. 8 s-20s. Itmi 118.',: dn. UA4. I an. lftfts. lilh,' lasue. li: l4ue, I"', J,: 7-se.. loss,', ooij, m;,-. Money, 4(5 per ceuW . i zi-fiauue. le aw Yos K.July 15. fot'on doll t32o. Flour dull, nd -lmi-o 6(a,lii cenie, 7m'i no a solil; ( e S 45tq) . 9 ib; Weleni f-4 li S : 8 uthern, i'4 IVS I; Dull. 10. i la, i"M 12 M'. vVibi.1 dull, end r2 ceo-s lower. nn MKcurms, $2 so. l rn Urmer: l Olid b-isliels trn d: nilxto v tst-rn. $ 'eiivi' erloat. Oets bevy Hn mwr; sales of (it 'i 0 b cuo'n; Western, 81 In s'Ore; . h6S,lkt Beef ontai poi k Sweadyi new mess 2S(i$ t. l.td b'y,17iC(ill8 Hali imorc July i& --Cotton quiet bnt stnadr; mla dlli is 8V(2,'iO. Pl.mr 'utiv miiWe at loer raies; H ru hireM superfine, tiftt9; do. extra. Imojl i'6o;. do. tai-Uv t 2'U City Mill" stipe-flee 8S75:do extra. tllifr.: ii'. family ig 5eriis 5' : Nortoweeiero BiiieUne W75I47-6I'; do. exlra, srji9. Wnl null aad uThinsd. Corn du t and nnmlnally unoba'd bi- firm una uiirlia.nd Ke dull at II floOfSV Piovlsluns firm aud iiBcbnged. raiLADKLrmi btuok kxuhangk bales, jclt is- Benoried by Xe Baveu fc Bro., No. 40 B, Tulrd street BKTWEKff BOARD 0li C& At CD. 11 H'Osk rtau K....J. 62 1H) do.,.:dAinU H1, Di0 do ...M....ud Mi UK) do 4ud. SIM 1(10 do,... 6!, 1U0 do....... ilfi 100 du bSU. t-H 100 sb Fbll K.. , 3IWHI t-'SS..Cp CM V i sw fa . ni m. ........ i( o li oo do. loo r'i (Ittv Sa, ev...lH.U'23t ttifiOHCliM A Wal ua... St W0 Leb N ts, 'S4 S2 ll'UKie do s. S'l tH0iC AuiSn'SU..... sg It sb Meeh Bt....... St 18 do SI lossk Leu Kav...r liJt BOUND BOARD. 2M sb N Ceulral.M iii0 City ss, New hn SMte oo.maw loi'-t l.ttM eo-New.lirV e rb sa.f old 1 SS tin oo N Pa ss In. so Ssb faiu 4 Ani....olM N sk lsiiieliUl,..UH..H MX i 17S sk Peana R.....lt. f!?f t do....bS.reo. Hi loe h th . sosli Mori init.n (lata 1 ilWsnaoadR. . tl do....bS.reo. Hi i N-..bM. tli. r tn W.l- 78 . l'U bi. 8i;i