THE DAILY EVENING TELBGRAPB-f HlLAftELPHIA, TUESDAY, JtTLlT U. 1808. NEW YORKISMS. tTrom our ovn Grrespondcnt. Nnw York, July IS, 18W. Ifone can make upblKtnlad to bearthecrowrt with tbe patience of a prtotioI philosopher, a walk down the Bowery of a Saturday night li Hot without Us algnlflcuno. The am, Indeed, U Dot cod n nod to the Bowery, bat commences little below Cooper Institute, and only begins to blacken off towards Sweeney' Hotel, within two block! of the Sun office. Between those ter mini ebbi and flows the tide of working peop'e Intent on spendlrjg, In as short a spnce of time M well can be, all the money they have re ceived an hur or two previous. Toe sidewalks are brighter than Broadway even U at night, for calcium lights Hire out unexpectedly at every turn, And Viri ons patent reflectors give to the shop-windows an alluring radiance, beneath which the purse-strings seem to open of their own accord. The Third and the Fourth Avenue crs alter nately passing and repassing, keep np an In terminable Jingle, and are eternally crowded both In their upward and downward trips Crowds are surging around the Innumerable drlnklng-saloons whtoh line the length of tboee converging aveoues, and sweltering; masses are pouring Into Tony Pastor's Opera bona, a dirty, greasy, Ill-smelling, but ex tremely popular resort. Mothers with bare footed children are hurrying Into chetpsrjoe stores, and clerks who ape their betters and sun themselves In the parks of a Suadar, bang flround fifth-rate gentlemen's fur niBbiDg stores where everything Is sold at a 'bargain and below cost ! As you procee 1 lower down, you become sensible of a mora com plex entanglement In this Bawery sknln of life, and when a row of tall white pillars, seen from afar by aid of the extensive gas lights be. nlnd tbera, looms up before you, a sort of pea nut magnetism Informs you that you are in the Immediate vicinity of the notorious B iwery Theatre, where Miss Fanny Herring Is thrill lng aplt and four tiers with her protean suscep tlbllities in Fast Women of Mtdern Timet. The front of the theatre Is bung with meloJrma',l9 transp treacles representing virtue and vice lu different stages of triumph and dlnoomfliure and from a wide saloon on the northern side of the theatre, roll mingled susptratlons of to bacco and lager-beer. This saloon Is the At lantlo Garden, and there the crowd la thickest from sunset until midnight. Imagine hall rs large as your National Hall in Market street, though not by any means s lofty, with a dais ascended by balf a dozen steps at the furthest end, and a gallery over the doors of entrance. These doors are approaotied by a sort of low square vestibule, which answers for a bar and restaurant for those who do not care to take longer draughts of enjoy ment Inside. Over I lie vestibule, on a Hn9 with the gallery Just mentioned, extends a dining room, where refreshments can be ordered more composite In nature than those attainable Id the great saloon. Imagine this vast hall rudely frescoed In crimson and gold, planted with immovable benches and tables, painted red and bung with chandeliers, each showering light from sixteen glass-globed burners. Etch table Is capable of accommodating six guests. In the centre of the south side of the "garden' ' stands the bar, over which Is ranged the orchestra. Immediately opposite these, in the centre of the north side, is a small square alcove, in which a fountain, some bird-cages, and unhealthy foliage, are grouped together, as the synecdoche of the word "garden.' The figure of speech Is helped by an occasional suspension of bird cages throughout the rest of the ball, although they might as well be empty for any songs that Issue from them. But per baps the canaries, brought up from infancy in an atmosphere of Llmburgerand VVel8 beer grown old before their time, have learnt lu suf fering what they refuse to teach in uong, and Ore callow and callous at once. Almost every table is full, and of a Saturday night there Is difficulty lu obtatnlcg a seat. The orchestra leaves little time for the buzz of chad and chatter to be beard. The tunes, all of them popular, follow one another quickly, and when the orchestra Is not playing a wheezy old in strument, called an orohes'rlon, lifts up Its voice In vain. Evidently this orchestrion ha tubercles, tor it spits and coughs all through its scarcely audible performances, to the great admiration of the public, who regard the effort much as they would that of a favorite artiste, who contagiously insists upon sluglag notwithstanding his cold. Few people come in alone. Men enter In groups of twos and threes very few women enter unattended. At rre intervals, a woman alone, not Ill-dressed, but With a sofllclfcntly assured air tht indicates she knows perfectly well what she is about' quietly takes a prominent seat, and Bucks her claret punch up through a straw. The mass of the men are laborers, who will spend the mor row at Harlem or lloboken, and the mass o the women are laborers' wives, with buggered countenances and scrawny babies. It is to see these weary-looking females, their hair uncombid, their persons unoleauly and una domed, their dresses unhooked, draggling and slatternly, it is dismal to behold these bard-featured women gulp down beer, and then bold the half-emptied glasses to the lips of their bow-legged babies. That dissipated looking two-year old, who Is looking at me so eerishiy.and patting its head In time to the music, has swxllowed one glass of laser already, and la hankering after another. When the mothers don't have any babies they distribute their attention between pet paroquets and pet dogs. One wretohed-looklng drab, soon after being seated opened the bosom of her shredded bombazine dress, and taking out a paroquet, green-and-crlmson as au autumn leaf, fed It ou pretzels, and bought a spouge cuke for it labelled "Harab." Another It must have been the same I watched at llo boken fed ber terrier on the loe cream she left, and gave him half a glass of beer to wash it down with. The orchestra Is princi pally remarkable for the amount of drum it manages to ring ln'o the music. Briareus with bis hundred bands, would have made a good waiter here, for the supply of wal' era in net at all in proportlou to the demand. Thai eight Augers ar.d two thumbs should be capa ble Of bearing twenty glasses, without spilling a very material quantity of their corneals, Is miracle enough; aud if August, which seems as promiscuous a Cnristlan name in Usrnian as John Is In English, sometimes forgets whether you ordered a half schoppen or a full one, he U to be forgiven In bavlng erred ou the right side in bringing you a tall glass of the amber et hllnrant. The class of people here is very different from that at Broadway Pavilion, Here are more coarse and fewer effeminate faoes; there is a more even diffusion of hearty sensual enjoy ment and a less display of stuuulug apparel and chameleon neck ties, The people are grosser and perhaps better, In the sense that gross vice is less alluring than debauchery clad in refinements. Fewer heavy men with tanta llelDg diamonds arrive, and budding thieves are not so sleek and smart-looking as in the mailer and more exclusive saloon. A row would be the easiest thing in the world to orl. slnate. and a single word or gesture or uisap probation U often enough to attract the attea- Hon ot roughs wbo are on the watch for Just such an occasion. Meanwhile the hands of the clock are on the quarter to twelve; the weary wsl'ers drag their pet after them; the women who have been alternately feeding their babies from their bosoms and from their beer, giuber their tag-rag shawls about them, and walk off: very S'ton the bar will be boarded up aud pa l lors ed In submission to the excise law, and 9at urdHy nlgnt at Atlantic Garden will be over for another week. As for other amusements, much that Is new is spoken of, though little that Is new Is occur ring at present. A Ally-cent "promenade saorod conoHt" was given last night at Tammany Hall. I was not there, but a careful examina tion of the programme failed to Impress me with the sacred cu tractor of the entertainment. Miss Fanny Stockton sar g "He Was Despised," and a Miss Lilly . Eldridge sang "Fine to Heaven." Thi re was, to be sure, a religious quickstep from the oratorio of "Crispeoo e Comate," a pious can can from the psalmody of the painted "Grand Duchess," and a holy waltz sacred to the memory of "La Belle Helene." Even the ornaments were sanctlfled; for those ustd by the Democratic Convention remained Intact! The White Faun was played for the on9 hun dred and eightieth and last time on Balurd.iy night. Mr. Wheatley's fartwell benefit has been postponed until August 31. To-night Mr. Bnteman recommences Opera Boutfe, at N I bio's, with Burbc Hlcne, find Mad'lle Irint. Max HtrakOKCh sailed fur Europe nu Hluil ty to nrrBLue for La Grange's next season. Foul J'toy will be produced at the New York III. ulre, August 3, Mixa Mary Weils bt-ing nmong thote employed; and I believe this is all the amusement news at present. Ali Bah . COLOGNE. Its Bfagalficaatt Cathedral Its Odors, Good a od Bad. From our own Oorresponden t. Coloomc, June 29, 1808 lam satlsQed that I have at last encountered the place where those who have sinned In this world receive their primary punishment. If you will take the trouble to look on the map you will find that it Is on Ihe Khlne and has a Cathedral, whloh are its only rt commendations. You may spell it Kobln.or Koln.or Coeln, or Cologne, or lu almost any other manner without being lncor. reel; but if you do anythlug else correct while you are here, your experience will be unlike that of all others who have been so unfortunate as to make it even a temporary stopping- plaoe Arriving from Brussels, after a weary, dus'y, snd disagreeable ride of seven hours, the traveller is immediately besieged by custom house officers, guides, hackmen, hotel-keepers, porters, and vendors of the "only true original Farina Cologne Water," all speaking a lan guage of which his knowledge, probably, ex tends like mine, in buch limited lines as "zwel lager" and "Llmburger kase." JIo Is shown to Lis room by an exceedingly polite attendant, wbo takes the opportunity to leave him four boxes of Cologne Water and a very interesting pamphlet. In Dutch, of a lawsuit between and among four Jean Maria Farina's, wbo were, without exception, all the original Jean's, aud rnanu aotured and sold the only original Co logne. I thought, perhaps, the readiest man ner to evade all further lmporluultles on IhU point was to buy a bux, I did so for" a lot of dirty s'uff called " grosohen, Hmountlng in the aggregate to well, to con siderable, pieoisely bow much, I defy any man to say. But you will find that you oan't rid yourself of these people in that way. You must buy Cologne, buy ot everybody and at all times. You are obliged to believe that the last man you meet is the only original Jean Maria Fa rina, and your only relief is to return to the hotel, lock the door, and remain insensible to the muttering ot volies and rattling of bottles outside. If it were possible for a traveller to escape the Cologne nuisance, he cannot evade the ever restless vigilance of his five hundred aud.seventy-twu couriers, whose single mission on eurtb Is to show blm the Cathedral. It can not, denied that the Cathedral is well worth a visit. It Is really, even In Its prettnt unfinished Mute, the largest and best specimen of pure Gothic in the woild. Ap proaching Cologne from any direction, it is the first object that strikes the eye, and the remem biance of It the only pleasant souvenir. Com menced about toe middle ol the thirteenth century, a hundred years to come will scarcely Kee it Auibbed. The legend says that Conrad of Ilockbtaden, then Arcoblshop of Cologne, se lected the architect, who, being unable to sketch a plan of kulHelent size aud sublimity of stj le, splendor, and ornament, unaided, called the ai-slstance of the devil (wao, by-the-way, seems, if we believe tradition, to have been as liibliumeiital in building most of the ancieut chuicbes of Europe as he Is now lu peopling them), the compact being, as usual, the soul of the architect. The work was commenced and the Bishop ordered that the master's name should be engraved on a frozen plate and walled In. But the master icfuscd to keep bis contract, and was abfcclved from lis conditions by the pious bishop. The Devil, upon his part, determined that the Cutbedrul should never be completed. Bfcortiy the master died, aud the Maine night the tabltt containing his name disap peared, and the Cathedral remains uudulsuei. .some portions of Hare so old that It is almost impossible to distinguish the carved tlgurts. uud by the time tue new porilou Is completed, the old will not d restoring. Tue streets of the city are dirty, c Jked, aud narrow, aud the build lutts high, cllnyy, crampeJ, an i old; the beds are too short at both ends; Ihe victuals ara pnncipxliy oil una cucuilieis, and It liiki-s a wheel-bairow load of money to muke a doll ir iid a huif. it ou wisti to visit, V .loijue, lue njofct auvisnble wiiy U to rtu'l its legend", buy a . Iioti grrti.h of iiih Cathedral aud a liuido-booK. uud stay ul home. H, U. !',. UNI J 'ERSAL AMNESTY. Views of Gov. Braiuleite, of Kentucky. L"lilhViLl,K June 11, lSiiS. Hon. T. C. McCreery, M'unuiiytuii, D. O.: DfAitBlh: X iuueive.1 your ex cellent K t-tch, and coum nluliitd ou upon your vt r hble and ununt-wrable vindication of riiii pi ii.cipies. uud your U t-strucllve onslaught upou the ninous iuUic1ikiu of rec nnuo' lou. I am proud to acknowledge you us a KentUi ky boua lor, wormy of our mate. 1 tLiiHt fencer you my sincere thanks for the romp iruiiithry iums in whicii ou i t-lt-i'.to tlu-t "Ibte Governor of" our fcSlate. Though 1 was fr u time bitterly HhKullt-d for t be policy udop: ed by tueol phruonintr all Soldiers of either army who were indicted lor aom committed by them while lu the onuise of war, yei I tiuva tue gratl tlcHtlouot knowing that it Is now hlinoxi uut-vt-ri-ally cotmueudi d, even by thoe who at the time opposed it. It was my earnest and tho rough conviction, uu.l upou itiacied, ttiat a gent-ral condona lou of all war Mrlevnii, public and private, should Immediately follow li'e termination of thenlvll wir. Universal aintit-H'y. with no exceptions what ever, was t lie po'ley i advocated, aud our expe rience lu Kentucky fully uUchIb tue correctors of i he principle. Wo have now in Kentucky belter (nil kiudlier relullons mnoug our people tiiiiu exists in any Htaie North or Houth of us, and it Is attributable to toe policy inaugurated by me, and carried out by the Legislature upon my ugeul recommendation Had toe same pel ley been adopted by tbe Federal authorillen, our prtsnnt dangerous condition would have been averted, and this day, instead of having an opprettKeri, down-trodden aud rumed people in the Kou hern HIhIhh, we would be the best united, most prosperous and happy nation ou earth. Yours truly, Tiiojias e, Braulettb, B VS1NESSN0T1 CE3. fJCMME CLOTiriiro. All kiBds, styles, aad stzss,. MenV, Youths', Boys', and Children's, rsady made, equsl to custom work In rtyle, 111. aod mke; a'so, a on assortment of asleoted styles of plaoe goods, to be aad u . iO order In the b st and moat faahloaable innnr. it II price1 guafanteed lower than the lowest else wture, and full satliiacMon guaranteed every pur chaser, or the sale cancelled and money refunds 1. Stiff w"v bfhoem ") BiitTT A Oo., iVlAond V TaK Hall, IHxtft itretU.) No. SIS Market BT., Phiuadlphi, AWP NO. "S BuillBwtT NBW YOBK 9 Wartid-Two Boys tn a rip, and one to connt and park. Apply at Cigar Store, No. Ac. Tina "adver" at nek as as one ibat win Id bring any number of applicants, even If It Included evenbidy a we 1 brja; for whu w uld not be giad f aohaic here ne would get paid fur "stripping" auoh wea thf r a this? and Inatead rf ' two buys wanW f atrip," anr nam ber of men and boys could be bad for tb.t nrpoae, on tbe very arra'ieat of wages. Tbe next bet thing, howeve-, la to always wear the new thin Sumirer Clothing sold at CBas. Htokeh fc Oo.'s, ui.dei ibe Continental. Jswklrt. Mr William W. Caaaldy. No. 12 South Second atreet, has tbe largMt and moat attractive assortment of fine Jewelry and silverware In tbe olty. Purchasers can rely upon obtaining a real, pure arti cle furbished at a price wblch cnnot be eiualled Be also bas a large stock ol American watches In all varieties atd at all price. A vtalt to hu store is sure to result in pleasure and pro He Fink Custom Mam Boots and; Shobs for Oen tlemen. Bart.ett, No 83 Bomb, blxth street, above C'beatiDU JfonciiTiTO Kbts and Canoplej, at Pattrs's, Na. 141 8 Cbeanut atrt ef. Lack Curtains and Window Shades, at Paitbn's, Ho. 14 8 ( hesnut atreet. Old M Alt r sues made over at Pattbn's, No Mos Cbeanut street. rrifoLSTRBiNO prlcisare reduced at Pattbn's No. H08 cbeauut street. New Cakpitr made up and old ones laid ,at Pat tm's No. 140a Chesnnt street. Gbovbb A Bakbb's Highest Premium Sewing Machines, No. 7W Cheanut mrw-t If you wish tor fine reading matter, pay a visit to No. Itff H. '1 bird at'eet; yuu cau tberecUoime trum a lame and varied stork. All tntuncr of pictorials, niaitar.mes. news Jumn-ls, fanUton platfn. sul-nion.hiit-, noveietiea, nlca naxs. ana light or stand ard wot k a wld be tuuud upon the shelve. Mr. Trail wllb, the proprietor, has effected an rrauertinnl hereby lie furnishes Ms pntron with the Ne York lournala several hours berure the regular mails ar rive. Oua Stock of Bpbino 1'Lothinu i ilrrliUdl the Cheaprit and bcU People will nit brlicvt it mttl they come ami examine, Wanamakkk A Bk wn. The LarytM ClDlhlny House. Oak H.l.L " The Corner of tjixlh and Market ttreeli, ODB fOYS' and Youths' HutTS for Dreu or Schonl are the clua)t, )rrtiirt ami bt.l. Wanamakku A Bhown, The Largut CO thing Uhuss, 'Oak Hai.l." The comer of Hixlh and Market streets, Ona CrftTOM Dkpabtmknt is the largest ami best hi 1'hUadilphia. Mas hunii r.ds of tlijjerent styles of ijO'Uls. WanamaKkk A Hkown, Tlu Clothing House ' Oak Hall," The corner of blxth and Market streets. Oua Custom Cuttkms are. men of taste and ability. Wanamakkk & UaoWN. The Largest CUtthlng House, "Oak Hall." The corner of Sixth ana Market streets. Oua Pbicks are 28 per cent below other houses pro during same, goods. Wanamak K A Khown, 37ie Lartiesl Clothing House, "oak Hall." The. corner ot Sixth and Atarktl streets. MAHEIED. DAILEV PKPPER. On the llih of Jn'y, bv the Ke. lltlaui C. Mo"rc, M . HAlttlY H. O Alf.fc; Y 10 MIhs I.AU11A R. PKc PKH, bum of Duwniugiuwii, loriueily ot f hllailelphia. OltAKFF STKKt.MANT. January 0 14IIR. Mr. JA IliU UHAKKF.ot Phllt-delphlM, to Mm. HANNAH M. hl KHJIAN, dauhter of Nalhauiul VV. Mjrau, ul Norrldgewuck, Maiue. DIED. CAPHIDY.-On the 12th Instant, CATHiRINiC, wile ol Patrick (JhhkIUv, ugfd 44 years. The relatlvetf aud irle.'iDn ot iiih miul'.y are rosnec' fuliy luvneo to attend ihe funeral, from lue residence ot her hUHhaiid, Mo. HUH teuoral atreet, uu WeJiitw (lay n ornlng ai 8 o'clock. ( BUBU.OU the :u h instant, SAMUEL CIIUBB. In the 4t n year ot bin age. The relatives and male friends are respectfully lu vlted to attend tbe fnnoral, troni h's late resKleura, No. 123 . Hl'lh ptreet, ou Ti.ursday aliernoou at H o'clock. Funeral services to he held In the Kleventh K'r' et M. k. Church. Julurmenl la the eruuud ad- Jolnlnif. DK U ROOT. On thel;ith Instant. Mrs. SUSAN DK OKUO f. relict ol the late tjaplaiu James Da llruot, in ti. - 7 j' u year oi ner age. Tbe relative.- aud irieuds are Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her son, Iu iihi i).- l.rtK t. No 0:t n. Kijlun street, OU h'r day, th- 17 h ill s' ant, at 4 o'clock. Xtuermeut at St. Pain '3 M. K Church. HlisH.-On theevenincr of the tnth Instant. KI.KO- TKa UiLb, beloved lle f Klittha -vl. Heia.aed Gt4 years. J he relatives aua rnena or me lauiuy are reapesi fnllv Invited to attend the luneral, fmui the resldeuce ot ber line hat d. No Uh Oeruiantuwu avenuo. on W en iiesday afternoon, the lstb Intiant, ni 3 0 clock P. M. To proceed tolllenwoiid Cemetery, KKSTKK.-Ou the mil Instant. KLRANOR B. K K8'l KR, widow of the late Joliu W. Kesier. i he relative and irieuim 01 me launiy aie respect- ft'llv invited to attend tbe funeral, trow the rent dence of her brriher-ln law, W 'Ilium Kills, No. 2nl4 Fri-i'ktnrd road ou Thuroday. the 16U1 lustaat. at 4 O'clock P. W. NIXON. On the 13th Instant. CORA. duahterof William IX. and Clara B. NUou, aged T moulhs aud 12 (lays. The relatives and friend are respectfully Invited m attend th funeral, from her father's rettl 1nnRn. No 5ofi N. rlxiet n'h s reet. Weunesday, the 1'ith lostaut a o'clock. To proceed lu X.everiiigion Ceiuetery , Ro t btriiith. WKST.-Od tbe morning of the lHh Instant. CO VINA M.. only vlillo r Jauies M. aud At.uie J. West. aged 8 mouths aud W days. AmebioaN e Life Insurance Company, Of Philmlelphia S. E. Corner FourtU and Walnut Streets. JTfThui Institution has no tuperiorin the United attuee olO HOLLO WAY'S COXCEXIRATr.1) JESSE VCK or JAMAICAGIITGER. A rillE ESSENCE 0E THE TRUE JAMAICA ULNUER. Free from Cayenne Pepper or ear itber sdtulxture, poasetslng All the Carminative anil diffusively nliiiiu latlug iroiM'itIe Whlrh are so potent In lbs Jamaica Qlngnr aline, and which are so etllcaclt us In all cases ol Chills from K.Obure to Cold or XUmpuess, Colic, Cbuiera Mor bus, I Urrhwa, etc. OBBKhVK-A half teaspoonful of nolloway's Qlu. gerls stronger and more effective than a fuUlea- sptODlul tit any other lu tbe market. PREPARED BY JOHNSTON, H0L10WAY & COWDEN, 0. COiJ ARCH STREET, 7 S PHILADELPHIA. FINANCIAL. lITUlnirnfiTDUg. uiii.iAUHuirn"j a. 1 v JBaA ML A U. - BUY COUrONS OP GOVERNMENT BONDS AT SAME PRICE AS GOLD. AGFJSTS FOR THE SALE OF THE POPU LAR L0AKS Central and Union Pacific Rail road First Mortgage Bonds, Principal and Interest rAjablo In Gold. COUPONS OF IHEK BONDS CASHED AT OUR OFriCK. Dealers in all Government Securities. SMITH, RANDOLPH &s CO., No. 16 South THIRD Street, 710 PfTILs DKLPHTA. C O U P O N 8 OP TBH FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF The Union Pacific Railroad Co, AND Central Pacific Railroad Co,, Paid at the Ranking House or WM. PAINTER & CO., No. SG S. THIRD Street, 1U PHILADELPHIA, WI10 have the Pacific Ronds on hand for ininicdiutc deliver'. Kcw Iicscriittivc Pamphlets, with Map, furnished without charge, on application. L E H I C H VALLEY KA1LIIOAD COMI'ANY'S JlOHTGACil BONDS, DUE IX 1893. 5,000,000, Vith Interet-t at Six Per Cent., Pajable on tue First Day of June and Decem ber of each year, FREE FROM STATE AND UNITED STATES TAXES. Triesn Bonds are s"Ctired by morigsgq on the fol lowing Ttal.riudit bulonghiK to t'.w Cum party, namely, ilie rusiu lln t lroru PUl)'i(.8biirg. New Jumey, itiroua Match Cbunlc to vikeshrre, Ph intyiranla. lul nilleft ibe Bearer Meadow branch, IT.i miles and tue Lei Igb uod Mabauoy brancn. S2,'i mllei, uiaklng a lutal of 1G1 rullet) of road, iDClurlluir 78 lu'les double track, equal, with sidings, to 309 miles ol single track trgelhtr with all laLds, brluges, woik-nbops, ma- oblueiy, depots, engine bouses, and bulidlags tbere- onto belooglDg, and all rolling sIork, tools, I mole ments, and maierlala bt longing totals u.on tbe said Mailruads. Tils mortgage Is a Urst lien on all or tbs above I'duus. except 41 mil's, from Eantnn to MaucbCbunK r n wblch It Is preceded by a inorigt far il.Soii.Ouu dui' In 187, the Bi nds of which arv ezcnangloK. as last as piehenied, fur tbe pieneut Issues; tnooe not presented unlit maturity are to be paid out ot tbe pre sent loan, making lc a flrd mortgage on tbe aoov- meutioDed property. $1,000,000 OF 1I1ESE PONDS, Either Coupon or KegiHlcrcd, Are offered at ninety five per centum, with Interest i mm the day of sale, free irom Htate and UaUed biaits' tuxes. ITIAltLES C.EOXJSTltETU, Treasurer, OfUce of tbe Lehtgb Va ley Kallroal O m jan, 7 1 tin Ho. Sua WALMJT Kir el. Pniladelulils. COLD BOUCHT. BE HAVEN BR0., No. 40 SOUTH THIRD ST. 22 I 111 s EYES PElt CENT. MOKTtSAUE BONDS Of the Tenusylvanla and New York Canal and Ballroad Company, Guaranteed, Principal and Interest, by tbe Lehigh Valley Railroad Company. For Sale ut 95, and Interest from Juno 1. C. & II. P.0RIE, No, 8 MERCHANTS' EXCHANQB. BOW EN & FOX, fMlmrp NO. 18 MERCHANTS EXOHANQg. Q1TY OF FITTSBURa WATES W0EK BEVEN PER CENT. BONDS, FOtt BALE BY lYUFXEiN BKOTIIERS, do, W BottUl T&IBJ) BUvd Kt? HNANCIAL. Oeeu&Br.o. POPULAR LOANS. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS At 102, And Accrued Interest CENTRALPACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS At 103, And Accrued Interest. Bonds on hand for immediate delivery. Full Reports, Maps, Etc., furnished upon application. De Haven & 13no., No. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 8 28 PHILADELPHIA. QANKINC HOUSE OP JayCooke&G). Nos. 112 and 114 South Till HI) Street, PHILADELPHIA, Dealers In all Government Securities. Old 5-20s Wanted in Exchange for New. A Liberal Difference allowed. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. Interest Allowed on Deposits. COL1 ECTION9 MADE. STOCKS bought and sold on Cummlablcn. Special business accommodations reserved for ladles. 7 3 8m QLENDINNING & DAVIS. RO, S nOQITH THIBD 8TBEET1 Stock and Gold Brokers QUOTATIONS OP NEW YORK STOCKS ALWA PS ON HAND. 1 ti 8, B. BLKWDISKINO. JB. JOHJT H. DA VII TO RENTi F R RENT, PEEMISES, So. CHESSUT St., FOll STOKE OK OFFICE. ALSO, OFFICES AND hXHQK ROOUA sultabl for a Commercial Oo'l 'Kft m 3 at 6 Mtf BANK If T8E REPUBLIC, HATS AND CAPS. JONES, TEMPI, B & CO., 7ASUIUNAULK HATTERS, First door Bbovrt Cuesnul street. 4 0 WATIBURTDN'S IMl'ROVED. VEtT lateo.fLO eaiy-tlttln( Dreas Hsu (patented). In all tbe Improved 1- iiiOuh ol the seiuou. CHK ;IT Htreet. net Poor to tlie Post Office. II IB Jop ' PERSONAL. " g O U N I 1 E S, PE.V8 10N8, PRIZE MONEY, and all clafrus against tbeNatlonal and State Govern ments promptly collected. Call on or address OMORUtC W. FORD, No. 11 DOCK Ht'eet, 6stQth2U One door below Third. REFRIGERATORS. REFRIGERATORS AT 8HVE I OLI.4R3 AND UPWAHD1, WATtRCOOLERt ,rLOTUE.H.WRiNUhKl AKJD WAbHERH, and a general variety of HOCUE-F0B-N18ILU1U UOODS. B. A. WILDMAN & BRO., (ZOtnthalin Depot. In. mi SPRING GARDEN Rt PARASOLS. 1 PTfASfT 5 ITil T.tKirn 1.r.n ,2; bilk, bun UujbrellHs. l f 1 25. aud uuwarils. At DIXON'rt, PATENT E D. PANTS SCOURED AND STRETCHED From 1 to 5 inches, AT 5I0TTET, FRENCH STE.1M DYELNU AND SCOUKIMU No. 20 SOUTH NINTH STREET, AND No. 730 RACE STREET, 7St PHILADELPHIA. -pvEAFSESS. EVEUY INSTRUMENT THAT f J auienoH aud skin bave luveutea to asalai iu bearing In eve'y degree ol deafneaa; also. HmpIraUMTj. also, GraBdall'a paieni Crutobea, superior to ' n others In use, at P. MADKIKA't,yo, lit .B. TW.l A tllioetibelOWCUwauia CLOTHING. '4NK CRANELLO. F " JAILOR, No. 921 OIESNirr PTKEET. (PENK MTJTV1- BUILDINGS), HAVING SECURED Tn.B 8ERVICB9 OF TUB FOLIWINO EMINENT ARTISTS, J0SETH TACKET, 0k Coats, ERNEST L. MUELLER, ,n rants ail Vests ENTIRE 8 ATI BF ACTION AS TO ST YL3 ANB FIT IB FULIY OTJARA.N t EKD. SUITS HADE TO ORDER IM TWEW IT-TOUB HQPRB' NOTIi R UU CLOTHING! CLOTHIIICT EVANS & LEACH, No. 628 MARKET STREET, Reepeetrally Invlt the public generally Ut call Ml examine their EXTENSIVE STOCK OF SUMMER CLOTHING. Parties requiring a Good Fit at LOW PRICES, srfl And It to their advantage to call on ns. U thafcaMa JEWELRY, StLVCRWARE, ETC7 yaV;' No. 810 CHE8NUT STREET, Hare just finished a large Tarlety OP SILVER ARTICLES, Especially Suitable for BRIDAL PRESENTS. AH of entire! j new and beatlftil designs. No. 819 CHESNUT 8TREET. 1 Itnthsl PHILADBLPHIA) CE PIT CHER 8, WAITERS, GOBLETS. We are now 0 Bering a very large stock 0 PLATED WARE AT MANUFACTURERS' TRICES. WE TRIPLE PLATE OUH GOODS, and OMU' tee lnU weight of SILVER on each article. CLARK A DIDDLE. No. 712 CHESNUT Street, 2 tnthrp PHILADELPHIA. C. & A. PEQUICNOT. Manufacturers of WATCH CA8ES, and Deal em la American and Imported WATCHES, No, IS South SIXTH Htreet. OJrptntns Manufactory, Ao. 12 & tLTTH atraav GROCERIES, ETa M N. THE FIRST NEW ST. JOHN'S SMOKED SALMON Offered For Sale, this Season. S1310N C0LT0N CLARKE, GROCERS, S. W. Corner BROAD and WALNUT SfcV 6 16 tuths PHILADELPHIA, 40 (.'NTH.-TIIH REST ROiSTEK COr. H.K evrr coiu in Phuadeluhia. a WlustKN'M old esiaoilthed Tta Warehouse, Ho. 13 VHHaJUJT bireeU 30 CF.tTNr-UOOD MTUSSNO H44.lTEJfc iollct: at WILsunx No. 2.16 CH K.-i s Ui B, teet. fffT CENTS.-JAVA COFFEE, 1ST LABttf sJO Oovernu'ent sai-ks at V I ! STW. I7NVI.1NII tllHUOKV, FOB Si AMI J (JuOVe ricn aud siruuK For sale at WlLstt. old esikhllshed Tea Wa.ehouse, o. i viiMatt (jt street. 80 csktn ieb pBJin,-ynsTi W4 VI.AOA No. CH KeiS If at r'eit. OBAK E PEKOK AN l liNULIWII Mr ,EtK. No iMCHKHNPr HUeet CIWISIBOJIIIIIIBttrTKy t IWXIIH flnn. lorsale to-rtav a' ttlLWHI's .IS iKnatn,tt PIANOS. C rgm srtTK ft co.'s, anD uaines OALIW a UAJUNJiT OKUANtk. U iX J. K. GOUL' VH Kr.u.n.. 417 8m OC HKIS lN UT btreet. ffifffi ALBRKCHT, R1K.K3 & SCHMIDT, MAMDVAOTDBJ ;K Of FIBST-CLAS8 PI A.NO-FOBTE3. Full tnarautee, and mod rate prloes. Wsrsroouii, sto. io AUUU Itreat, U 3ni4p FUZIDKLJ-iCIA. ROBGERS'AND YOSTEN HOLM'S POCKET ,. . kK u.yiM?i-i?l " Handles ob-auUfuI P'Ba1.! ud WADK A BUTUHKB'8 "JSli. -"e celebrated LEOOULTHE HAJiOU K1;,'- a nlves. He la nrs. and Table Ontlery Oronnd a P" ,t,hed. at P. MADEI&A'U. No, lis H. TENTH helnw ha.nnt T fMTtD STATE 8 REViSNUK STAMPS lj Pruiolpttl I epoi, No. 4 HEWVT mreei. Central Depot. No. Mitt. FIFTH Htreet. Oae door Feiow I besnul. t'siabllsbed IH2. Revenue Siamps of every desorlptlun cuuslantlv on hund lu anf aun'unu IS 17 1 Otdvrs It wall 01 &pret prgmptl mended. W &