I THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUIY 13, 1868. The -NcttMiots and Newsdealers of London. ' IIOW TBS LONDON JOUBNAIfl ARB CIRCULATED. . The London correspondent of the Chicago Tribune writes: "One of the rennlta of the penny daily news papers in England has been the creation of ft sew street trade. - IMore the dutj on paper was take-off, and when it was certain loss to eil a paper far a penny, no suoh thing was known as the sale ot journals in the streets. Yon could only obiaiu one at tlie pUoe at Trblch it was published, or at the newsdealers' shops, whioh were comparatively few. When papers were brought out at a penny, the Lon ion boy conceived the idea that his time was come, and began to cry out the new wares. The opposition was great. The Kuglinh are in all BlioU things conservative, and hate with all their hearts any novelty about which they are not formally consulted. J'ursy old gentleman tiled to flop the trade, and cotnplaiued to the magistrates tl at the boys were a nniuance. The police were called upon to interfere, and -at one time it seemed as if the shopkeepers would have all the trade to themselves. Jlat .the publio want was imperative, and every thing had to give way to it. , . TUB HKWSBOYS. "At the present monieut the proportion of the circulation of a penny daily paper which is in the hands of tbe koys is large. Some of them commence with half-a-dozrn copies, 11 ud out a good ttaudiig place, and Boon increase their business. I have known some to get a 'good-will' at a particular corner, which in a year's time they have sold for twenty pounds. These boys fetoh tbe papers from the various offices themselves. lu tbe busiest parts of the metropolis members of the 'News Brigade,' as they are termed, are daily at work. These youngsters wear red jackets and carry a brass badge on their caps. They are provided with .the needlul capital by a body of benevolent gentlemen, who have opened premises at which they can board and sleep at the charge of one chilling a week. The custom is to allow the boys threepence on the first four dozen sold, and one pepny on every dozen afterwards; They get in addition the other advantages I have named, and some good schooling besides. When the thirst for news Is exhausted, they often take to selling cigar lights. "In the suburbs boys who have become a little known establish a house-to-house con nection and leave the higher priced papers at the doors from day to day; but the great bulk of their dealings is with the penny press. The profit allowed them is tbi?: for every dozen Belling at a penny each they pay eightpenoe. They are not allowed to return any, so that when the stock is slow in getting off the boys get frantic and almost force the passers-by to purchase. They hang on the door steps of the omnibuses and shout the names of the papers, together with the latest bit of sensational in telligence. 'Evening Mart' 'Second edition of the Express I Frightful colliery explosion t Bursting of a balloon in the air I' In some casesnot many I am glad to say the papara are cried in this way by women. The expe rience is a bad one for them. I have seen women take to it to keep their children, and Lave noticed a deterioiation going on from Week to week, until they become as slangy and coarpe as the boys. "Each of the lads taking a certain number of copies has the right to a handbill setting forth the leading contents. This he either carries in his hand, or lays in the gutter, or hangs from a recess of the window. But too frequently the stand is at a publio house, and the boy in that case is allowed to use any rect 88 that may be there. What an ungov ernable race ! The oilice of a penny paper between the hours of live and six o'clock in the morning, and three and four o'clock in the afternoon, is a pandemonium. It is im possible, they tell me, to keep anything like order among them. And yet they are as Shrewd as any beings that live. I went lately through an oilice lull of them. There had a Litoli with fha mnrtiinA nnrl tliuv veara ...... , v passiug the time in sporting, jumping over each other's backs and other similar horse play. I was amongst tbem unexpectedly and could not retreat. With a humor which moved me to burst out laughing despite an attempt to look preternatural ly grave, they male a path for me and offered mock bows in a score of ways. One of them preceded rae like a master of the ceremonies. 'Now you young wild Arabs,' said he, 'where are your man ners ?' Yet the publishers tell me they are honest. They manage somehow to read, the Eapers, and know the characteristics. They ave learned, too, the peculiarities of the publio taste, and can tell to a nicety what amount of extra sale a particular piece of ex ceptional intelligence will give. It is a curious Study. They estimate the publio just as the caterers at entertainments do, and know when ices will be in demand, and when the sherry and eoda water. They are sharpened by their life, and when they grow up the early training thows itself. NEWSPAPERS AT THE RAILWAY STATIONS. "The blight of monopoly is on many branches Of trade in England, and it is especially so with the newspaper trade at the railway sta tions. To save themselves trouble the various railways running out of London let out tbe news stalls at the railway stations all aloug their line to one firm, Messrs. W. II. Smith & Son. Consequently, this firm are all-powerful. They can almost dictate their own terms. Their profits are higher than those of any other agents. You uiunt pay them to sell your paper at a penny, or they wi 1 ask three Lalf-petjce for it. For the 'J'imes they always ask a half-penny extra. . I can hardly describe to you the position this gigantic firm occupy in. the metropolis. There is an immense Bale . of ' newspapers at the railway sta tions, where people waiting for a train are almost certain to become purchasers. Thus the smaller newspapers court the Messrs. Smith. Every new journal goes bat iu hand to them and offers specially advantageous terms, in oider that the new prints my ba duly ported. Smith, Sr.. who was a plain, hfcrd-woikiug man, is dead. Smith, Jr., who re;giiB, is a etuart, ambitious mau, who gos in for politics. A tew je.ar.-i ugo he was a Liberal: but, on being black-balled at the Ue foim Club, he went over to the Tories. At the last election he opposed Mr. J. Stuait Mill as the candidate of the Tories at Westminster, and he intends, I understand, try ii g b fate again. All this time he keeps in the business and management of the de tails. No wonder his firm are fcu.-.peoted of' favor itism. The Tory papers, by some strange coin cidence, are always uppermost at his stalls, and the difficulty in the way of getting the others is never interposed in gettiog them. Thus the Standard is believed to be a pet paper, while the Ttlnjrajh is kept in the background. Such t the common talk. "Another side of the monopoly is in the printing trade which this firm has lately com menced. The large placards which it is now the fashion to une can b printed by Messrs. Smith, the journals are informed, and some how or other, the papers nearly all consider it wise to get them n where else. THE NEWS-VKNDORH. "The news-vendors' shop in London is a popular gossip place. Very often it is the post cflice of the district, and besides news papers, periodicals, and stationery are sold. The street boys do not hurt them, which is due, I take it, to the large inoreaie in the number of buyers. The news-vendors for a long while set their faces like flint against the low prior, and declared that their glory was departed; but they are now reooniled to tbe new state of things. They Bend in the morning to the various offices, or to a large central fhop in their own trade, for the ooples they wa'tit; bat the evening papers Bend to tbem in flying oarts. So far as I know them, the news-vendors are a respectable body. At their annual dinner, some of the leading lite rary men are almost sure to be present, and to rpeak. Charles Dickens is the chairman of their society. rtJiir.isniKa. "Every inch of spare brjck wall or boarding, even an old gate jost or iron pillar, in London, is hired. Men of briefness have discovered that notbiDg cai be done on a large soale with out advertising, but they are not contented with the newspapers alone. The theory is, that the eye is at last so wearied by perpetual seeing certain huge words before it, that at last the mind logins to act and the object of the Brobdiguagian announcement Is answered. But this, too, is all in one or two hands. Rail way arches, the insides of omnibuses, the cabins of the river Bteamers, all boardings where building works are going on, and the thousand and one surfaces which a great city like this possesses, are contracted for aud let ont again in feet or inches to advertisers. America certainly has nothing to learn from England in this. The best bills I have ever Been on the London walls were printed, I found on inquiry, in America. They depicted some 'thrilling' scenes in a circus, and the flight of the imagination and the proportions of the figures, lar exceeded the achievements of the English printers. The newspapers now ex pend large Bums in this crusade, the Timts being the only one which despises it. THE CIRCULATION OF TUB LONDON FRIS4. "The Times is believed to still circulate about sixty thouaud copies daily, selling them to the trade at twopence-halfpenny each. The Daily 1'cligraph announces in blue letters, five feet long, on the walls, that it has 'the largest circnlation in the world.' The actual sale is Irini one hundred and twenty thousand to one hundred and forty thousand daily. The Stand ard, which advertises each week above its leading article, its average daily circulation during the previous week, shows a total of about one hundred and twenty thousand, but tLis includes the Evening Standard and the Horning iltrald, and of these totals a vast number are returned on their hands. The numbers given are the numbers printed, which is a very different thing from the num bers sold. The Daily A'ews, which started at a penny on Monday last, and which has not got all its machinery in perfect gear, has sold about 50,000 each day, and its proprietors are sanguine that it wfll be at the head before many months have passed. The Morning and Evening Star sell together about 25,000 daily. The Morning Post (high priced) scarcely reaches 4000 a day; the Morning Advertiser, 5000; the Express, evening paper (the property of the Daily Aews), is about 15,000; the Vail Mall Gazette, 12,000; and the Globe, 500. "There is no really well-written weekly paper in London selling at a penny. All the papers of that price are of an inferior charac ter, and are sold exclusively amongst the ar tisans and mechanics. They reach, however, large nnmbers in the amount of their sales. Papers which you have never heard of in Chicago Bell some 200,000 weekly. The pa pers which are read by the ruling classes (for the want of a better phrase) are all fivepenoe or sixpence each. Of the number, the richest is the Saturday Review. I doubt, however, if the Saturday iiuvitw ever reaches a Bale of 10,000 copies. The Spectator averages pro bably 7000." GOVERNMENT SALES. SALE OF CONDEMNED SUBSISTENCE STORES. cnrica- Chief Commissary op Scbsistencb, ") Distkict Indian Tkuhitorv, lOMT OlHSON, C. N.. JUue 11, lHli'.J At public auction, at Fort OibtOD, Cherokee Na ion, 00 tbe 1Mb day ol July, 1868, at 8 O'clock, A. M., con sisting ol: l!i4 barrels of Flour. oopounos of Soda Crackers. 16 gallonB Cucumber Pickles 470 gallons Cabbage and Ouion Plcklea, ltia gallons Mixed .fickle. 860 gallons Onions. BIS gallons fcauer Kraut, ' The above stores to be sold without reserve, to tha highest b dder. Terms-Cash, In Government funds, on day of sale. The suecesstul bidders to remove stores within twenty-lour hours. By order ot Mbjor-General Sheridan. A. F. ROCKWELL, Brevet Lieut-Col. A. Q M., U. M. A., 6 28 fit Clilef Q. M. and U. IS., Ulst. Ind. Ter, Q ALE OP COXPEMNED QUARTERMAS TER'8 FHOrfchTY. OFFICM CHIK.F QrTARTKBMASTER, DlSTHicT OF thk Indian Tkkkitokv. J 1'OHT GIUHON. C. N.. JuUH 11. 18(13. At Public Auction, at Fort Gibson. Cherokee Na tion conslMiug ol Hospital and other Tents, Clothing, Blankets, Harness, Army Wagons, Vagon Covers t'oiking TJleriHils, Flags, and numerous other arti cles, ail to be sold without reserve to the highest binder. Male to take Place at Fort Gibson. O.N.. on tha lBch day of July, 108 at s o'clock A. M. Terms Cash, lu Government lunds, to be paid on day ol sale. huccesslul bidders to remove stores within twenty lour hours. , By oider ot Major-General Sheridan. A F. ROCKWELL; Brevet Llf Dtenant-Colnnel, A. Q. M., U. s. A., 2ti 6t Chlel U. M.. 1-Mstrlct Iudiau Territory. RAILROAD LINES. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD Tialus hetwmu WASHINGTON AND 13 V L.TI. MOHK. and WASHINGTON AND Tiltt WJ&tr are now run aalollows, viz : FOR RALTIMOnE. Leave dally, except (Sunday, at 7 uo, 7'4S. and 12-30 P. M., aod 2'00. aud 4 an and 8 45 P. M, OK ALL WAY STATION?. Lehve dally, except teuuday, at 7D0 A. M., and 2(0 anu tj'HS P. M, toil WAY STATION SOUTH OF ANNAPOLIS JUNCTION. Leave at 615 and 7 oo A. M., aid at '00 and 4'3S P, M. OR ANNAPOLIS. Leave at 7'0A A. M. ami 4 iw P. M. So trains to or from Auuupolis ou Monday. ON HUN DAY. FOH BALI IMUKE. Leave at 7-45 A. hi., and 4'3u ami s-4" P. M. FOK WAY STATIONS. Leave at 7 45 A. if., and 4-m a-d 8 15 P. M. tOK ALL PA HTM OF THK WKST. Lave uailv, except Saturday and Suudtty, at 7 43 A, M.. 4 8.I ami 8 45 P. M. Ou Saturday at 7 45 A. M.. and 2-:W P. M. On buimay at 4m aud b -li P. M. only, connecting at Itelay Station with trulus lrom Baltimore to V heel Iuk Parkerxbtirg, to. Through Tickets to the est can be had at the W'aiilili'Klor. station Ticket OUice at ail honrs lu the nay. an well as at the new olllcii ol the lluiikera' uud Brokers' Teleg anil Line, No, 848 Pennsylvania avenu", belweeu sixth aud Seveuth streets. Fur New Yoik, Pnlladelphla, uud Botitou, see ad vertisement of "Tun null Line." J. L. WII.MON. Mauler of Transportation, L. M. COLK, General Thibet Aent. 8 grf J GFOKOK b. hUoNT., Ageut, Washington. "Li'RKlCillT LINES FOR NEW. YORK AND J? ALL POIN'ls NOhTM a d KAT, aud lor all blatloua on Camden and Amboy aud Couneoilnc Railroads, frorv Walnut sirmi wharf. INCt KASKD JJKSPA1CH. Freight for all way poll ts ou the Oamrten and Amboy, Freehold and Janieaburg, and l:urilugtQH Couiuy Kallruads, 'orwarded at 12 o'clock Noon For Trentou, .rrlneefu. K illusion. Hooky HIU and all points on the New Jersoy and BelTlduie Juil. roBdh. rr arrd at t P. M. w tor New York, at 12, 2X. and s P M. Freight received from 7 A. W. to 6 P. M, A slip nieniorauuuui, specifI' g tna marks and noilllmrH, Sllllipers HUU CllllMlf ue.en, uionw ui eioij IU stance be sent wl'h each V art o' (tds. WAJl KK FHK.klM AN, Agenl, No. 'Ut b. ilelaware Avenue, I7t Phluuieluhla. UNITED STATES REVKVCH PTAMP?. pjluclpal llepot, No i4 ( II KtiSOT Street. Central Lei ol. No lu' H. Fl F I'll Sn eet. one dour be low ( hexnut. Kt nl 1 1 Ih it 'il jmi-j. Pevenue hiaiiios ol every 0orlplloU constantly cn lmiiil in any aniounl. Orders by Mall or FJipreeu promptly attcuded',). RAILROAD LINES, VTORTII PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD JJl 1 H K WIDIH K KOCTK, Shortest and most O I rect Hue to Hmhlebem, Buton, Allentown, Mancb I hunk, Haileton, White Haven, Wllkrabarre, Ma riano? City, Mount Caruiel, Pitts ton. Hcranton.Carhon. dale, and ail the polnuj la the Lehigh and Wyoming Coai Kesion Passenser Repot In Philadelphia, N, W. oorner ol HUMWHt AhRANUH MKNi-KLKVUN DAILY TRA INf oo and after WKONKSDaY, May 13. lsfis, PaMHTfrer Trains leave the New Depot, cornerof HKKKs and A M PK1CAN streets, dally (Hund ay ex cepted). as follows: , At A. M. Accommodation for Fort Wash ington. At 7'45 A M, -Morning Kxprees for Bethlehem and Principal Stations on Nortb Petinsy: vanla Kallroad, connecting at Brthlebem wltb Lehigh Valler and Lehigh and Husquehauna Rallroada tor Kaaton, Al lentown, Catasauqua, Hlatingtnn, Mannb Chunk Weaiherly, Jeaneovllle, Haileton. White Haven, Wllkesoarre. Kingston. Pittsion, Hcran Ion. Carbon daltf, and all points in Lehigh and Wyoming Valleys; also in connection wltb Lehigh and Mahauoy Hall mad for Mauanoy City; and with Calawiasa Kallroari for Hupert lianville, Milton, aud Wllllacnsport. Arrive at Manon Chunk at 1205 A. M : at Whkeeoarre at 8 P. M i soranton at 4i'R P. M.. at Mahanov City al IP. M. PassHiigeis by this train can take the Leulgli Valley Train, i anting Bethlehem at li-M A. M fur fiaston, aud points on New Jersey Central Railroad to New York. At 8'45 A, M. Accommodation for Dnylmtown stopping at all Intermediate Stations, Passenger for Willow Grove, Hatooro' and Harisvllle. br tula train take Blage at Old York Hoad. A 1 1""!0 A. M Accommodation tot Fort Washing ton, stopping at Intermediate stations. At P45 P. Al .Lehigh Valley Kx press for Bethle hem, Ailemtown, Mancb Chunk, White Haven, Wilkesbarre, Mahanoy City, Cenlralla, bhenauiloah, Ml. Carmel, Pltlston and Scranton, and all points In Mahanoy and Wyoming Ooal Reclons. At 2 86 P. M. Accommodation for Doyleitown, stopping at all Interrueolate stations. Pboueuger take stage at Loylestown for New Hope, and al Nortb v alee for sumneycwn. At 8 lit P.M. Lehigh and Susquehanna Express for Bethlehem, Ebb ton, Alientown, Maach Chunk, Wlikesharre, and Scranton. Passengers for Green ville lane this train to Quakertown. At 4-l6 P. M. Accnmmoilatlon for Doylestown, stopping at all Intermediate stations. Passengers for Willow Grove. Hatooro. and Hariavtlla lake Stage at Ablngton. Al 6oo p, M. Through accommodation for Bethle hem and all stations on main Hoe ol North Pennsyl vania Kallroud, connecting at Bethlehem wltb Le high Valley Kvenlug Train lor Kaaton, Alientown, Mauc.b chunk. At (20 P. M. Accommodation for Lansdale, stop ping at all Intermediate stations. At IPSO P, M. Accommodation for Fort Washing. "'TRAINS ARRIVK IS PHILADKLPHIA. From Bethlehem at 9 00 A.M., IPSO Noon, 2 00 and 8 3U P. M. 1P50 A. M. and 200 P.M. Trains makes direct connec tion wltb Lehigh Valley and Lehigh and Susi-unhanna trains from Kaston, Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Mahony City, and Hazleton. Passengers leaving Wilkesbarre at P30 P. M. con nect at Bethlehem at 605 P. M., and arrive In Phila delphia al 8 80 P. M, From Doylestown at 8'2S A. M., 6 00 and 7'00 P. M. From Lansdale at 7'80 A. M. From Fort Washington at S'SO, 10 '46 A. M. and i ll P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 W1 A.M. Philadelphia for Loyleslowu al 2'UO P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7'00 A. M.. Bethlehem fur Philadelphia at 4'80 P. M. Filth and Sixth Streets Passenger Cars convoy pa sengerstoand from the new depot. White Cars of Second aud Third Streets Line and Union Line run within a short distance of the denot. Tickets mast be procured at the Ticket oilice, in order to secure the lowest rates ol lare, KLLI4 CLARK, Agent. Tickets sold aud Baggage checked through to prln Clpal points, at Xuanu's North Pennsylvania Baggagt Express Olface. No. lifts. FIFTH street. WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA KAILKOAD. bl'MMJiH ARRANGEMENT, ou and alter iluJSDAY, April 13, lbtts, Trains will leave as follows: Leave Philadelphia from the Depot, THIRTY FlRbT and CHESNUT Streets, 7'lfi A. M., 11 A. M., 2 80 P. M 4-15 P. M., 4-50 P. M., 7 P. M.. 11 P. M. Leave West Chester lor PhlluOelphia, from Depot on east Market street, at 816 A. M,. 7'1S a, M , 7'8C A. M.. Ui-4A A. M , 1 65 P. M., 4'50 P. M., 6'55 P, M. On and after Monday, June 15, an additional Train will leave Philadelphia tot Media and Intermediate Points at 6 '3ti P.M. Trains leaving West Chester at 7-80 A. M.. and leaving Philadelphia at 4 60 P. M., will slop al B. O, Junction and Media only. Passengers to or from station between West Chester and B, O. Junction, going Kaiit, will take train leaving West Chester at 715 A M.. aud going West will lake train leaving Philadelphia al 4 60 P, M and transfer at B. 0. Juno, tlon. The Depot In Philadelphia Is reached directly by tbe Chesuut and a Wa.nut Street cars. Those of tbt Market street line run within one square. Tbe cars of both Hue connect with each train upon lia arrival, ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at ft oo A, M, and S'OO P. M. Leave Weal Chester at 7'4 A. M.. aud S-Oti P. M. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 715 A. M. and 4'50 P. M.i and leaving West Chester at 7-8U A. M. and 4 60 P. M., connect at B, O. Junction with Trains on P. 4 B. C. R, K., lor Ox lord and Intermediate points. PasseDgers are allowed to take Wearing Apparel only, as Baggage, aud the Company will not lo any case be responsible for an amount exceeding one hundred dollars anless a special contract Is made for the same. UAWitr WOOD, General Sun t, Philadelphia, April 1st, 1888. 41 110 170R CAI'E MAY VIA WEbT JERSEY RAIL JJ ROAD. From loot of MARKET streettUppar ierry). Commeuclng 'IHCRSDA Y. July 2, lbw, 1 rains leave as follows lor Cape May: y i.ii A. M., Cape May Eipress. due at 12-23 (noon), a-16 P M., Cape May Pass'-ntrer, due at 7 16 P M. RETURNING LEAVE CAPE ISLAND. 6 80 A. M., Morning Jlall, due at i0'08 A.M. 6 10 P. M ., Cape May Express, due at 8-22 P. M. Sunday Mall aud Passuger train leaves Philadel phia at VI 5 A, Al. Returning leaves Cape Island at 6lo P. M. Excursion Tickets, Cape May Freignt trains leave camoen aauy at A. M., and Cape Jslatul at ti'46 A. M. Commutation 'llckets between Philadelphia and Cape May, at the following rates: Annual Tlcke s, f Quarterly Ticket, tot said at the oilice ot the Company lu Camden, N. J. Through Tickets can oe procured at No. 828 Chesuut stret t (uuder the C ntluental Hotel), where orders can also he left for Baggage, which will oe ca led lor and checked at residences by the Union Trausler Company. W FAT JERSEY" RAILROAD LINES. For Brldgelou, balem. lllvllie, iueiaiid, and ln U rmed ate stations, at 8'U0 A. M. and 8 80 P. M. Fur Cape May, f'00 A. M. aud 8 16 P. M. W ooduu'y Accummoaal on train at 6 vO P. M. - Bndgeton aud Salem Freight Tralu leaves Camden dally, at 12 (noon ) tjcnimutailon checks between Philadelphia and all stallousat reduced rates. WILLIAM J, SXWELL, Superintendent. Jnly 2. lbW. PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CES i hal railroad summer arrange ment. on and alter MONDAY. April 18, 1068, tralus ill leave the Depot. TH1RT Y-FlRrtT aud CUES N L'T Mreets, Weal Philadelphia, as follows: At 7-16 a. M. and 4'5o P. M.. aud leave Rising son at 6-16 A. M, and Oxlord. at 6 A. M.. and leave Oxford at 8-25 P. M. A Market Train, with Passenger Cars attached, will ronton TVDA S and FRIDAYS, leaving the Rising Sun al 11 "6 A. M.; Oxlord, II 45 A. M.; and Ken net I, 1 P. M.t connenilug at West Chester Junc tion with a train for Philadelphia. On WEDNESDAYS aud SATURDAYS Train l.av.s Philadelphia at 2-ao P.M.; run through to The train leaving Philadelphia at 7.18 A. M. con nects al Oxford with daily line of stages tor Peach Hottom, lu Lancaster coiiuiy. Relurulug. leave Peach Bottom to connect al Oxford with Afternoon Triiln lor Philadelphia. ..... The tlraiu leaving Philadelphia at 4'60 P. M, runt to Rising sun, Maryland. ... Pa-sen ers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as baggBge, and the Company will uot in any case be responsible for an amount excueding one hundred dollars, unless a P?c"l;JL bf1U)d for 1 he same. hen ry wood, 410 Beneral huperlnteudont. THROUGH I-1NE BETWEEN WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA. AND NEW YORK. Tralus between Washington aud New York are now run as follows, via.: FOR NEW YORK, without change of cars. Leave dally (except Sunday) at 7'4o A. M 12'80 and 7P,M FOR PHILADELPHIA.. Leave dally (except Sunday) al7'4S aud 12 Iff P. M., I ami 4-80 anu 7 1-. a. bN VNDAVi Leave for New York aud Philadelphia at 7 P. M. Cs' EKPING CARS for New York on 7 P. M. train d Through Tickets to Philadelphia, New York, or Boston, can he hud at the Station Othce at all lfou'-s In the day, as well as at the new oilice Ii the llankurs' and lirokers' Telegraph Line, No. 844 Peunsylvaula avenue, between Sixth and Sevonth streets See Baltimore and Ohio Railrod advertisement and echedule bet weeu Washington, ;Bulmore, An napolis, and fie West. 1 J. L. Wll-SON. Master of Transportation. i L. W. COLK, General Ticket Agent. j t?r,tl G FO KQONTZ. Arent. Wasolngton. FAST IRK1GHT LINE, VIA. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA It a I L ROAD, 13 WlHrtl hurre. .Mahanoy City, Monul Caruiel, Centralla, and rll polnis on Lehigh Valley Railroad aud lu branciies. By rew arranpe nients, perlecled this day, this road Is enabled to give lucreaied duspuich to uerchaudise cilfct'd to the above named points. Goods delivered at tl e '1 hrough Freight Depot, S. F. corner of FRONT and NOitl.K Streets, 1 Before 8 P. M.. w 111 reach Wilkesbarre MouutCarmel, Mahauoyt Ity. and the other stations .u Mahanoy and V yomlug valleys heiore 11 A. M. of the succeedlug i day. 17 iU ELLia CLARK, Aijeut. rVUF. ADAMS EXPRESS COMl'ANY, OFFICE J No. Mio I'lItsaUT Street, foiwarils Parcels, PackK-i Mercliaudise, Bank Note , and bpecio, o ilier by Its own Hues or lu connection with other F'xpreas LV.u pauliH, lo all the principal tonus and clt es iu the L'niied Stale. JOIiJi JJlKaUAJI.Bupeilutonrtent, RAILROAD LINES. TREArj BA1LR0AD. GREAT TRUNK fc5L.ii . ttota Philadelphia to the Interior of h.ri2?.VTnLath" Bchuylklil, Susquehanna, Com lit Wyoniliif Valleys, the Nortb, North- fle tanadas. Summer Arrangement of omnint..,,,,,' Monday, Mayf, 188. leaving the rMiSSZitJZt1? Thlrieenth and Caliowhlll street, wo Jr kS- ! tne '""'"wing honrs: IbFRpadli,.0 AtX)M MODATIONSV-At 10 A. MH town. g ADd " tetmedlale stations, and Allen- Retnrnlng, leave Readlnc at i-an p M arrlvlna In Milladxiphla at y Id P m 1. M., arriving LSrn.1 Mi1C,Xe.PRM At '' A M-i ' RJin at KV.h,?tr",r '"""VlHe, Pine Grove, i arai Sl a ? !Lri,JZ , '""'"I'ort. 'Klmlra. RocheeWr, ca?f,?rr rr?,BnnK ' vv'1',""e. PHUton. York, VUl fil J'1? bersbnrg, Hagerslown, etc iJ..TJL, "a'n.oonDects at Heading wltb the Fast V ri'J.'i'L' trains lor Alientown, eio.. ii J . u A,.Jf!1, onnecU with the lbanon Valley iuRa u."".""' M p"rt Clinton with t'abv ! , Railroad trains for Wlllli.msport. Ix-k Haven, .eUy,.,Urrl"nl,,'f ''n Northern Central, r; L'd k,"1 '!." onoylklll and Susquehanna rhinlTV,nn,brl"na' Wlliiamsport, York, tnapiiiersburK. Plnegrnve. etc. mtAJJlii'C'NJ,Xt'Rtt aves Philadelphia S?,Jf.?l .iJf1' ''V' R'oIng, Potlsviile Harrlsbur. etc.. Sa3.nrf;!rnonU)l,;!.H;?0rtlH nd lulub' ul72 11!??' N ACCOMMODATION. Leaves PotU- '.e'4f,.A.; M'.'oppliig at intermediate stations: l ii yT1,".1 ,"'1elphfaat.WA. M. Ketnrutng leaves Ph Wadelphla at 4 So P, M A arrive. In PotUlown at 8 'rKADINO AC!COMMOT)ATION-Taves Readlna at 7 80 A. M.. stopping al all way stai lit', ,r fvea "5 Philadelphia at lu 15 A.M. . arrive in Returning, leaves Philadelphia at ITS P. M.i arrives In Reading at 8 00 P. M. arrives Trains tor Philadelphia leave Harrlshnrgat g-ln M.. and Potleville at 8 45 A.M., arriving In Philadel phia at 1 P. M. Afternoon trains leave llarrlsbiirg at 2 06 1 P. M.. ard pottsviile al 2 4u P. M.; arriving at PiillHdelphla at 6'46 P. M. HarrlttlmrK accommodation leave Reading at 7-TB A.M.. anil FiarriHiiiirg al 4-1(1 P.M. iXuuecilng ar Beading with Aiternoon Accommoilatk.n south at 6 P. M arriving In Philadelphia at 10 P. M. Markei train, with a Pansenger car altatbed, leave Philadelphia ar 12 48 i.oou for Poitnvllte and a I Way Stations: leaves Pottsviile at 7 A. M. for Philadelphia and ail other Way stations. All I tie above trains run dally, Sundays excepted. fcutiriay trains leave foitavllle at 8niu A, M.t and Philadelphia at 8 16 P, Ml leave Philadelphia for Residing at 8 Mi A, M.. returning from Reading at 4 20 CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. Passenger for l ow uli glow ii and Intern ed late pom la take the 7'20 A.M., 12-46 and 4-80 P. M. trains from Philadel phia, reiurniug from Lownlugtown at A. M.. 100, and 6'4S P. M. KKKIOMEN RAILROAD, Passengers for Ool legtvlile lake 70 A. M. aud 4 an P. M. trains from Philadelphia, returning rromCollegevlIleat 7-01 A. M. aud 1 8V P. M. iase lines fur various points In Per kion en Valley connect wltb trains ai Collegevllle. NEW YORK KXPRkSg FOR PI1TSBURG AND THE WEST. Leaves New York al 8 A M., 5 00 aud 8 (io P. M., passing Heading at 1 A. M., l'SOaud lU'10 P. M., and connect al Hairlsburg wilb Pennsylvania and Northern Centrai;Kaliroad Express Trains for Puts burg.CblcagM, Williamrport, Eimlra, Bsltimore, etc, Returning, Express Train leaves Harrlsbnrg, ou arrival of Penus. Ivanla Express from PI tsburg, at 8 and 5-2S A.M .,V86P. M, passing Reading at 4 48 and 7i A. M., and 1P40 P. M., arriving al New ork, 10-10 and 11-45 A. M., and 6'Uti P. M. bleeping Cars accom panying ihese trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburg, without change. Mall train lor New York leaves Harrlshurgat 8-1(1 A. M. aud 2-06 P. M. Mall train tor Harrlsburg leaves New York at 12 Noon. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAII.ROAD.-Tralns .leave Poiteville at 6'8U. in A. M and 710 P. M. , re tnriiing Irom Tamaqua at 7 36 A. M, aud 1'40 aud 4 36 WilUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL HOAD, Trains leave Auburn at 7V5 A.M. for Piue grove and llarrlsbiirg, and at l."45 P. M. for Pine grove and Tremont; returulng Irom Harrlsbnrg at 8-SP. M., and from Tremoni al 7'40 A. M., aud 6'U6 TICKETS. Through flrst-class tickets and emi grant tickets lo all the principal points In the North and West and Canada.-. Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and Intermediate stations, good lor day only, are sold by Morning Accommodation, Market Train, Reading and PotUtowDlAccommodatlon Trains, al reduced rates. F.xcnrslon Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day oniy, are sold at Heading aud lntermeulHte statlous by Heading and Potiutown Accommouuuon Trains at reduced rales, 1 be following ticket are obtainable only at the OUice of 8 Bradford, Treasurer, No. 2:I7S. Four ili street. Philadelphia, or U, A. Nlcholls, General Super intendent, Reading. commutation nonet at zn per cent, discount, ee- twe. n env noints desired, tor families aud firms. Ji lieage 1 li-neiH, goou ior tmm mres, netween tl points, at (52-60 each, for families and llrms. Season Tickets, for three, six, niue. or twelve months, for holders only, to all points at reduced '"clergymen residing on the line of the road will be furnished with cards, entitling themselves aud wives to tickets al hal fare. Exi union tickets Irom Philadelphia to principal stations, good lor Saturday, Sunday, aud Monday, al reduced 'are, to be had only al the Ticket Oilice, at Thirteenth and CalluwhlU streets, FRMGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above polnis Irom the Company's New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. Freight Trains leave Pnlladelphla daily at B'30 A, M., 1245 noon, and 6 P. M., lor Reading. Lebanon, Harrlsbnrg, Pottsviile, Port Clinton, aud all points beyond. Mails close at the Philadelphia Post OUice for all pieces on the road and lis branches al 6 A. M., aud lor the prlncipui stations only al 216 P. M. BAGGAGE, Duugan's Ex pi ess will collect Bag gaye for all tralus leaving Philadelphia Depot, Orders can be left at No. 226 s. Fourth street, or at the Depot, Thirteenth and Caliowhlll streets. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. SUMMER TIME, TAKING EFFECT MAY 11,1868 The trains of tie Pennsylvania Central Railroad have the Lt pot, at TH IRTY- I RST aud MakKkT sit eels, whicu Is reached dltectly by the Markrt bin el cars, the last car connecting with each train leaving Front aud Market streets tulrly mluutes be fore lis Departure, 'lhe Ciieniut aud Walnut streets cars run whhin one suuaie of the Denot. On Sundays The Market Sireel cars leave Front and Market Btreets thirty-live minutes before the de parture of each lialu. sleeping Car Tickets can be bad on application at the Ticket oilice N. W. corner Nlmh and chesuut eireeis. and al the depot. Agents ot the Union Transfer Company will call for aud deliver bagKage at the depot. Orders Jell al No. IS'1 Cl'esuul si, eet, or No. 116 Market sireel, will rectlve attention. VIZ; MbII Train 8-00 A, M. Paoll Accommodation, No. 1 In'Oi) A.M., Fast l ine - 12 00 M. F.ne Express ..Uoo Al Paoll Accom. Nob. 2, 8, and 4 1 00, 6 00 aud lu 80 P. M. Parrlsourg Accommodation 2 m P. U. 1 ancarler Accommodation... - 4 00 P. M. Parkesburg Traln.......... 6 ;i0 P, M. Cluclnukil Express 8 00 P. M. Erie Mail - H'I5 P. M. Philadelphia Express 11 15 P. M. Acconimudutloi ..11'80 P.M. F.rie Mall leaves dally, except Saturday. Philadelphia e x press leaves dally. Ail other tralus dally, except Sunday. The W estein Accommodatli n Train runs dally, ex Km itki. K,,r this tralu tickets must be 11 ro- cured and baggage delivered by 6ot P. M., at No. 116 M"KTRA1NS ARRIVE AT DEPOT, V IZ.: Cluclui-atl Exprese 1-35 A. M. 1'hliadelt bla Fxpress 7 10 A. M. Paoll AccoDjniouailou io. 1 8 iu A. Al, Kile Mar 7 Jo A . M. parkesburg Train ...v10 A. JV1. Fasl Line ;,'8 A. M. Laucasler 'lialu.. 1- 0 r". iL Fine Express , 5onP. M. l'aoli Ace mmodatlou, Nou. 2 and 2.3 40aud7'10 P. M- Day F:xprew s (,u P. M. Harrlsi iirj; Accommodation 8 60 P. M. For further Into niatlon apply to ior ruriuer iu Qui AJjlji,jN, Ticket Agent, Nc. Dili C a ES N ITT street. FRANCIS FUNK. Ticket Agent, No. 116 MARKET Mreet. 8AM1EL 11. Wallace. Ticket ARent al the Depot, Tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as sume any 1 It-k lor lindane, except lor Wearlug Ap parel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred lioliars In value All Ravage exceedlug that amount in value will he al the risk ol the owner, unless taken by hpeciai contract. HiWAlU'll. WILLIAMS, 4 2D General Superintendent, Altooua, Pa. PHILADELPHIA, GEhMANTOWN AND NOhRloTGVSN RAILROAD -Tlilui TABLa. FOR UERMAN TOWN. Leave Phllsdelpuia 6, 7, 8. 8n6. in, II, 12 A, M.. 1, S, 8)4. a?.-,, 4, 5, 6'!, 610, 7. 8 0, 10, 11, 12 P. M. Leave Get mar town 6, 7, Ih. 8, 8-20,8. 10, 11, 12 A, M 1 2, 8 4. 4?. 6, 7. 8, , In, 11 P. M. ni.Ab (.. I 1 ...... . ' I ,, 1, J. n .. ., . ' rr.. IP.uU. ..Ill UC7 a 1 .. " ti . ,u,i, wuu 11,4 uu ' J Y niua will not stop on Iht Gem aniiiwu Branch, ON SUNDAYS. Leave PMItdelphla H'i A. M. 2, 7, in'i P. M. Leave Germantown 8'4 A. M. 1. 8 'i P. M. CHEST Nr'T HILL RAILROAD, Leavf Philadelphia 8, 8, 10, 12, A. M., 2, 3. 6.7, and 11 P. M. J eave Chestnut Hlimc, 8. 9-40, andll'LO A. M., 1-40, 3-40, 6'40, 6 4 0, 8 40 and 10 40 P. M. ON SUSDAY8. Leave Philadelphia U A. M. 2 and 7 P. M. Leave Chestnut li hi 7 60 A. M, 12 4o, 6 40 and 9-25 'foR CONSHOHOt KEN AND NORRIHTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6, 7,', 8, and 11 04 A. M. 1, 8, 4.'- , 6'i 8 t'6 and 11'. P. M. Leave Norrlstow n 6 40, 7, 7 60, 9, and 11 A. M., 1, 8, I.rave Philadelphia 8 A. M 2 1 and 710 P. M. Leave Norrlstow u 7 A, M., 6-xo aud V P. M. FOR MANAYUNK. Leav Philadelphia 6 .7J..B. aud 1105 . AI., 1, 8, 44 , 6),. BVii 8 05. and lli P. M. J eave M anaj unk 810, 74, 8-20, 94, and A. M.. 2, 8,', 6, 0V, and 9 P. M. ' ' " ' ' ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A.M., and 7M P. M. Leave Mauayuuk 7,', A. M.,0and P. M. W. b. WIiON. General Snperlutendent, Depot. NINTH and GREEN Streets. 1 ET THE BF.BT THE HOLY BIBLE HARD I J Ing's Editions Family, Pulpit aud Pocket Hible In heautllul fstyles ot Turkey Morocco aud antlaae bindings. A new edition, arranged for pbotographlr VH'ialui Of famlllea, WM. W. HARDING, PuhlMiar. 030, lilCilEhNLX Uroet bale FotrUt RAILROAD LINES. lPfift T?? vkw York. the 'pamdss fiT.ni?,ANI AMBOY AND PH I LA DELPHI A ANI TRENWN RAILROAD (X)lsPA V LINK PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WHRf m' fKOM WA1J!'DT BrRKKT Al 80 A. it., via Camden and Amboy Aoooromrv oat Ion M A2-ai Al 8 A, Mn via Camden aud Jersey Uly Ex pT?,.M0lly 'J 1 8-no AtJ P. M..ylaOmden and Amboy Express... tHO At 8 80 P. ii., via Camden aud Jersey City Ex- press.. .....- 8-80 At 8 P. M., for Amboy and Intermediate stations. At 6 8(1 and 8 A. M., I --nda-HOP. M., tor Freehold. At 8 and lo A. M 2, 8-80 and 4-80 P. M. for Trenton. At 6-80. 8, and 10 A.M., 1.2. 8 8-80, 4i. 8 and II 80 Pa Ma fit hnttlAntilBrn UnvllnorlAn Dannpl tv mwA Delanro. ' " A t rv-80 and 10 A. M. 1, 2. 8. 8 SO, 4'8n, 8, and IPSO P. M for Florence. At 8 so and 10 A. M.. 1. 8, 4 8ft, , and 11-30 P. M. for Edi:ewater. Riverside. Rlvertun and Paimn.. m u t for Rlverton and -0 P. M. lor I'.lmvra - At 6 JKI and lt A. M.,1, 8, 4 80, 8, aud 1P80P. M. for Flfh Honse The 1 and 1180 P.M. Llnea ta.va fmm u..kai Street Ferry (upper side). iKUJJ KMl.HTO!l DEPOT. At 11 A. M.. Via KensitiL'tnn And .luniuv Cllv Ma York Express Line F'aret l. At 7 and 11 a. M 2 . 8 2o, and 5 P. M. for Trenton and Bristol, And at ln-lS A. M. for Bristol. At 7 and 11 A, M.. X WI. aud & P. M. fur M-nrrUvtlla and Tuhytowu, Al 7 and lu-16 A. M., 2-30, and B P. M. for Bchencks and EdduiKlon a 1 7 ana 111-10 a. m., i 1, o, ann r. M, lor uorn wells, Torrlsdale, Ilolinesourg. Tacony, Wlsilno mlng, Brldeshurg. and Frank ford, and al 8 P, M, for UoUuesburK aud Intermediate stations. rUim W KMT PHILADELPHIA DSFOT, viaConnecll r Hmiwav. A t -S0 A. M., 1 80. e ao. and 12 P. M. New York Ex press Lines, via Jersey City, Fare At 1 A. M., Kmigrant Line Fare, Ii The 8 81 A. M.. and n P. M. Lines will run dally. All others, Hundsys excepted. At 9'Hii A. M !.. A an, arid 12 P. M. for Trenton, At -:sn A, M., 6 80 and 12 P. M. for Bristol. At 12 P. M. (M(hi). lor Morrl-vlile. Tullytown, Pcnenak s. Kddlnguin, Crnff ells, Torrlsdale.Holmes purg, Tacony, Wlsslnomlng, Brldeeburg, and F'rauk fortf. For lines leaving Kensington Depot take the cars on Third or Filth streets, at,i:hesniilsireel,30mlnutes before devariure. T heua'sou Market street Railway run dliect to West Ptnladelpb a Depot: Chesuut and Walnut within one square, tin Sundays the Market street cars will run to connect wiiu tue 9'30 A. aud 6 80 P. M. lines. BELVIDERK DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES. From Kenalugton DeMt. At 700 A. M. lor Niagara Falls, Hnffftlo, Dunkirk, F.lmlra, Ithaca, Owevu. Rochester, Rlngbaratoii, Os we0, sjracose. Great Bend, Montrose, Wilkesbarre, Schooley's Mountain etc At 7 On A. M and 8'80 P.M. for Scranton, Btronds bnrg. Water Gap, Belvldere, Ksston, LatnbertvHe, HeraiiiK'on, etc Tne 8 8n P. M. Line connects direct w lib the Train leaving Easlon ior Mauch Cuuuk, Alientown, Bethlehem, etc. At 6 P. M. lor Lambertvllle and Intermediate Sta tions. CAMDEN AND BURLlGTON CO., AND PEM BERION AND HIGH I STOWN RAILROADS. From Market St. Ferrv (.upoer side.) At 8 A. M 1,4, and 'I5 P.M.. lor Mercbantsvtlle, Mooreslow u Harllord, Mason vllle. Haiusnurt, Mount Ho'ly, Sniithvllle, Ewausvllle, Vluceutown. Bir mingham, and Pembertnu. At 1 and 4 P. M.. for Lew'stown, Wrlnhtstown, Cookstown. New Egypt, Horuerstown, Cream Ridge, lmlajstown, Sharon, and 11 ghtstown. Fifty ponnds of bag only are allowed each pasfceegei. Passengers are prohibited from taking any thing as bagKBge but tuelr wearlug apparel. All baggage ver Ulty pnuuds to b paid for ex I 'a. The Company limit their lesponslblllty for oagKage to one dollar per pounl, and will not be liable for auy an iiini beyond (nil, except by special ouniraoL Tickets sold and bSKnage cliecked direct through to Bos'on, Worcester. SoraiK' eld, H trtford, New Haven, Providence, Newpori, Alhnny, Tioy.baraUig, LMca, Rome, Syracuse Kocnesler, Huflaio, Niagara Fails, and Suspension Bridge. An edlilonat Ticket Oilice Is located at No. 828 ChMsnnt siren, where Tickets to New York and all important pnluts Nortb and East may ne procured. Persons purchasing ilcke.s a', ibis Olbceoan have their burgage checked from residence or hotel to destination by Union Transfer Baggage Express. LINKS FROM NEW YOB K FOB PHILADELPHIA, Will leave Ir. in toot nt t.unlaiid sireetal7 A. M., 1 and 4 P. M., and 12 night via Jer. eytnty and Cam den; at 6-80 P, M via Jersey Chy and Kenslngtou; at 10 A. 11. , 12 M., and 6 P. M. via Jersey City aud West Philadelphia. F rum Pier No. 1 No'th F.lver at S'80 A. M. Accoom modallou. and 2 P. Al. Express, via Amb ly and Camden. .WILLI Ail IL GATZM.UK. 6 lfj Agent, PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BAL TIMORE RAILROAD. TIME TABLE, commencing MONDAY, April 13, 1868. Trains will leave Depot corner ol BROAD Street and WASH IN (TON Aveuue as follows: Way-Mail Train at 8 30 A.M. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore, suippiug at all Regular Stations, con. nectlug wltb Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for Crislield and Intermediate stations. Express Train all2 0o 6L (Sundays excepted) for uaiuniore ana wasuiiigtou, stopping at w umington, Pei ry vllle, and Havre-de-Grace. Connects at Wil mington with train for New Castle. Express Train at3'3n P. M. (Soudays excepted) for Baltimore aud WashiuKt'iu, stopping al Chester, Thurlow, Lluwood, Claymoiil. Wllminglou, Newport, Stanton, Newark, Elktou. Northeasl, Chtrlesiown, Perryvllle, Havre-de-Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, FJdgewood, Magnolia. Chase's aud stemmer's Run. Nlchl Expreoa at U'OO P M. (Dally) lor Rallimore and Washington, stopping t Perryvllle and Havre. de-Grace. Connects at Wilmington (Saturdays ex cepted) with Delaware Railroad Llue, slopping at New Castle, Mlddletowu, Clayton, Dover, Harrington, Seaford, Salisbury, Princess Anne, and connecting at Crislield wi h Boat for Fortress Mon roe, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and the South. i Bfiseugers tor Forues- Monroe aud Norfolk via Baltimore will lake tne 12.0 M. Train. Via (Jrlaneld will take the llio P. M. train. WILMINGTON TRAINS. Stopping at an, Btailons between Philadelphia and Wilmington. Leav , Philadelphia at 11 '00 A. M., 2-80, 6'00, 700, and ll-tO(dally) P. M. The 6 00 P. M. Train connects wltb Delaware Railroad ior Harrington and Inter mediate stations. . Leave Wilmington 7'00 and 8-10 A. M. (dally), 1-80 4-15 and 7-80 (dally) P. M. The 8'ltf A, M. Train will not stop between Chester aud Philadelphia. FROM BALTIMORE IO PHILADELPHIA. Leate Baltimore 7-6 A M., Way-Mall; -4u A. M., 1-1 press, 2 26 P. M., Express; 8 35 P. M Express; 8'6S H'M'bliN,DAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE, Leaves Baltimore al 8-56 P hi., slopping at Uavre-de-Grace, Perryvllle, aud Wilmington. Also stops at Nortn-East. Klkton, and Newark to take passengers lor Pnlladelphla and leave passengers from Washing ton or Baltimore, and al CimUir to leave passengers, from Washington or Paiti'iiore. Through , tickets 10 ati points West, Booth, Sooth west, may be procured at he Ticket Ouice, No. 828 CHKsNUT Street, under the Coutluental Hotel, where, a so, state-rooms and berths In sleeping cars can be secured during the day. Persons purchasing tickets at this othce cu h.-vt their baggage checked at th elr residence by the Cniou Xraiisier Company 4 8 , H. g K) lNiNKY. Superintendent, s HOhTEST KOUTE TO THE SiJA-SIIOKE! CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. SUMMER AKiONOFMRST, 1 FIVE TRAINb DaILV IO AT LAN I'lO CITY. ' On and after SATCRDA V, July 4. trains will leave VINE street Ferry aa lol.o; , . Special Excursion - 8 15 A.. M, llall ..7'S0 A, M, Freight, with paseuger car muched .9 16 A. M. J X press (through lu two iioUib) .2'0i P. M, Atlantic Accoiuii-Odailou 4 16 P. M, Returulng, le:kve Allan .lc Fpeclal Excursion - '18 P. M. tlail .................4 '2o P. M. kn-U'bt. with tiasaeiiKer car ..U'40 A. 61. F xpi.es (through lu iwo h iurs) 7i0 A. M. Accommodatlou w 6'60 A. M. Junction Accommodation 10 Ar.to and In- leimeuiaie aiailUUBi iryra T luo owcoi v ' m. tl. Relurulug, leaves Arco 65 A, M. Eaddonfleld Accommodation Train leaves Vine street Itii5 A. M. and 2 00 P. M. Leave ILaddouiield luo P. M, aud 816 P. M. Sunday Mall Train to Atlantic, Leaves Vine sirel............ ,7 80 A. M. ,.4-20 P. M. Leaves Atlantic... a a ti.ii. av-i . . ri twin ttnlraxtfi orri nnlv or the clay ui truiu on wii icli i" r ibsuedjfa. CH KH1NU 1 HtrtHt, will call lor bagaKe lo auy part nf tl.o riitv a. nd feuburna. auJ clieck to liutol or COtLage at Atlaiaiccity. , 626 oHEsNUT street. 7 8 It xj. n, iinjii , pHlLADELPHlAANU Lit IE KA1LK0AD.- SUMMER TIME TABLE, Through aud direct rouie beiw.eu Philadelphia, Baltimore, Harrlsburg. Wlliiamsport, to the Norm west, and he Great Oil Higiou ol Pennsy van la. X LEtiANTSLFFPINGilA KWou all wight Trains. On an J alWr MONDAY. Mav 11, 108. tue lrlu on"be PbUadelph and Erie Railroad will un as follows:- wlilIWAtlii .,. M Mall Train leaves PhUadolpuia.... -". V. m ii o leaves Y llllauiopori...M - -zr -5 if- arrives at Erie .. J'' Erie Express leaves Pmladi iphla . Ji o noon Erie Express lBHVe)i wlllBU1HPort 8ao P. 11 h arrives at Kri....... , ull luutiia Phllade lplila.... m, bw. M . Eimlra Mall eaves pi au,i,,ort i ti P. M. 6 vesatLklaven 7 5 P. M, wuVfa;n;oo:::zri f. S .. .. Jlrrlves at Philadelphia 7 1 A. M. I inlMa leaves Frle 7 40 c. M, fi t,?Pre" eav WllllumP"rl b 16 A. M. h arrives at Phi. adelphia 811OP. M, Mall and Express oonuert with Oil Creek aud A lie- tbenr wv ivauruau. r :HVh rTVUK."' 111 General boperluteudoat. AUCTION SALES. M. ViZAu "o w m PALE OF REAL EBTATD, PTOOKl. KTa. ' eh'.-' ml " 0 clock I'OD ' li mil i. t", !FJ!.f,SM,tJ Ko , BHckr Dwelling. kn nV0xvAWhl" Fram, welllSgn. RIDOE A V LNUE, Farm 40 acres. PFJtlND (North), No. 626. Htore and" Dwelling; iiti'.V.KftYl;iK.yKi No- ' Dwelling; I'HODND RKN1', iifl a year GHOUeiD BHNT.8IIS .0 a vear flrreleemsble). MN?.'.V,.l.!.lll",,"h' Hr,rt fillings. ' fxixJ MA"N, Valuabi Whsrf. nerfvaRoref:NTH Ud 8. . Cor- " of rortleh- B'own Stone BeI- HMWIUnd CAMAiVhilI. H VV Jor Rtnre WA I.NUT. No. 84 8, Modern Hlano? ' DwVthn.10 AVKNUi' oi and 4t4, Molern PINE, e'sst of Twenfy-thlrd. Large Lot. BROAD, north of Nonls, Lar.e Lots with fronta Park avenue and I'hlrieenth Stre-1 FRONT. Not. 408 aud 4IU (North), Distillery, Ett glnes, etc. G KOI'ND RKNT8. fW-80, t40-2j a year OHUl'Nu K E T, a ear. GROUND Rl" NT. flH a year. 8 Shares Philadelphia aud southern Mall Steam Bhip Company, too Shares Shamokln Coal Company. 1 Share Academy of Flue Aroj. 6 Shares Academy ot Music. j riiare roint ieer.e parr. 627 Sharrs Conttvr Copper Company. 8 .1. Shares Venango OH Conu.any. 6 nMisres su ry Farm Oil Company. Catalogues now rtady. 710 61 Fxeontor's fI. at Camden, New Jersey. HOUSEHOLD F U KNITURK, PIANO. FINH PHUrSI; l, INGRAIN, AND OTHER CAKPEI'3, ET c. etc On Wednesday Morning, Jn'y 15, at loo clock, at No.2i7 N, SIXTH, above f'noper street, Camden, N. J.. by cailoue, the Household Furniture. May be examined on tha mtrnlngol sale, at 8 o'clock. 7 1131 CI I). McCLFE9 & CO. (SUCCESSORS TO nNc"u"nd Co.l, Auctioneers, No. 608 MAR. KET Street. 18 BALE OE 1600 CAPES BOOTS, BHOES. BBO GANS, BALMORALS. ETC, ' On Thursday morning, Jnly 18, at 10 o'clock, we will Bell by Catalogue, for rash, I600 cases Men's, B. ys', and Youth's Boots. B .oee. Brogans, Balmorals, etc. Also, asuporlur asKOMineut of Women's, Misses , and Uniniren'a yt. 7 a 4 THOMAS lilRCH A t-ON, AUCTIONEERS AND tOMMlSSION MERCHANTS, No, 1118 U UEsJN CT Street; rear entrance No. 1107 Sausom si, Sale at N' 1128 Green street. SUPFRIOR WALNUT FURNITURE, BRUELS AND OTHStt CAlU'ETd, FRAM.HD ENGRAV 1NGB, EiC. On Wednesday Morning At M o'clock, at No H28Greeu street, will btiold the Furnliure ot a family removing, oomprlslug wal nut parlor liimltiire. made by Henkels; ninlntc-room and B'tilini-rooui furniture, chamber furniture, B us se s and tuber carpels, glassware, China, stoves. kitchen utensils, etc. 7 18 21 LIPPlNCOTr, RON & CO., AUCTIONEERS. Asburst Bnlldiug, No. 40 MARKET street. BDNTINO, DURB0R0V7 & CO., AUCTIONi EERS, Nos. 242 and 284 MARKET Strvet, coil aw of Hunr street. Hnnreasnrs tn John B. sf vers ( M ARTIN BROTH EKS, AUCTIONEERS. tl alely Pa esuieu for M Thomas & sons ) No. 628 CHESN L'T St., rear entrance from Minor, AMUSEMENTS. HOOLEY'S OPERA HOUSE, SEVENTH Street, below Arch. LAST WEEK. OF THE RUMMER SEASON. THE BEST BILL KVHK OsFBHED, R M. Carroll In his Great Specialities. Great Hll of the L'r gard Uurle-qne. WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, BENEFIT OF ARL'HY HUGHES. Tbe FALL and WINTER Hhi-t HON win cnmmenc4 M01 day.septeo ber7. wltu Hooley'e Minstrels. 7 1561 FOX'S AMERICAN VAR1ET1' THEATRE.-. EVERY EVENING AND SATURDAY AFTERNOON. GREAT COMBINATION TROUPE, In Grand Ballets, Ethiopian Burlesqasa, Bents DaocAs, Pantomimes. Gymnast Acts. eto. CARRIAGES. Jfc GARDNER & FLEMING' CARRIAGE BUILDKRS, Ro. 214 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, BELOW WALNUT. An assortment of NEW AND SECOND-HAND CARRIAGES always on band at REASONABLE PRICE tfifmwsin DYEING, SCOURING, ETC. TRENCH STEAM 8 C;0 UBIMG. ALBEDYLL, MARX A CO.: ho. iaa hoijth klbtewtii btbeet AND WO. BIO BACH TBECT. 110 m INSTRUCTION. gTEVEH8U ALE INSTITUTE. BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, Terms Board, Tuition , etc. per scholastic year,60Q NO EXTRAS. Circulars at Messrs. Fairbanks A Ewlnf's, No, 71f CHEBNTJT btieet; also at Messrs. T. B. Peterson A Brothers', No. 80s CHE8NCT Street. Address, personally or by note, N FOBTER BROWNE, Prlnolpal, 10 I thmU South Amboy, N. J. TRUSSES. -U "bEELEY'8 HARD RUBBER TRUHS,' VawAMk No. 1.14? cilEaNCT Blreel. This Truss cur rei tiy applied will cure and retain with ease lhe moat dlftlculi rupture: always clean, ltR-hl, easy. sale, and com tortubifc, used iu bathing, tilled to form, never rusts, breaks, sol's, become Umher, or move runs plat-e. No siraui lug. Hard Rubber Abdominal Hup. porter, by which the .V. others, C01 puleul, and Ladle suUerlug with Female weakness, will dud relief and perievt support; very Upht, ueal, and eil'eottial. Pile lustrunjf nis bhoulder Braces, Elastic Htockliigs for weak limbs BnspeusloHt, etc. Also, large slock best Leatnei Trusses, ball usual price. Lady In unri. iiuw. wiwrna GAS FIXTURES. GAS F I X T U R E a MlbKEY, MERRILL 4 T H ACK AliA, jjo, Vl CXI EH NOT Sireel, m.nnraptnrers of Gas Fixtures. Lamps, etc., etc.; would call the alteution of the public to their large and Hleaanl assortmeul ot Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets etc. They also Introduce fas-pipes Into dA-eliiims aud public buildings, aud attend to extendi Ink. altering, ana repairing -iii. Ill work warrauted. UU i O B X EXCHANGE ( j BAG MANUFACrOKY. , JOHN T. B A 1 L E V Jk 0 O., Kmi'VKU TO x-. e. oorner of M HKET and WATER Street. . Philadelphia. DEALEPH IN PAGB AND BAGGING Of every di snrlptlon, for Grain, Flour, Hail, buiwr Phosphate of Lime, Bona Dul, Etc . . . Lartre and small GUNN Y BAGS constantly on band. ZiC: Also, WOOL bACK. Jl UN T. BAII.IiY JtMSW CAWOAniCN. J O H N CRUMP. CAUFENTER AND BUILDER, KIIOI'Sl HO. 1 WII1CB STBEETi AM NO. 17a tlIl BNVT aVTBEKT, (1 PHILADEfiPHTA.' ttt I L L I A M S. GRANT, VV lOMKlHHIoS M K ROM ANT. N.8B. FELaWAHE Avenue, Philadelphia, AO K NT Hilt , , Piipoiil's Onnpowder, Hetlned Nitre, Chsrrial, KM, VV. linker t'o.'s Chooolate C.ioo. a id hrouia, ( rrrker, llros, i& Co.'s YeliOW M.0tl but-wlliji'fc Bolts aud NalU. -